
Module Contents

wolfhece.rem.RasterViz.usage = Multiline-String[source]
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Python script for OpenTopography Raster Derivative/Visualization products.
This script can be called from Python using its class/methods or as a CLI utility.

CLI Usage:

"python RasterViz.py viz_type [-z (default=1)] [-alt (default=45)] [-azim (default=315)] [-multidirectional]
    [-cmap (default=terrain)] [-out_ext tif | img (default=tif)] [-make_png] [-make_kmz] [-docker] [-shell]


    viz_type: string corresponding to raster product to be produced, one of the following strings:
        ["hillshade", "slope", "aspect", "roughness", "color-relief", "hillshade-color"]

    -z: only if using "hillshade" or "hillshade-color" viz_type,
        factor to scale/exaggerate vertical topographic differences. Default 1 (no rescale).

    -alt: only if using "hillshade" or "hillshade-color" viz_type,
          altitude of light source in degrees [0-90]. Default 45.

    -azim: only if using "hillshade" or "hillshade-color" viz_type,
           azimuth of light source in degrees [0-360]. Default 315.

    -multidirectional: only if using "hillshade" or "hillshade-color" viz_type.
                       Makes multidirectional hillshade, overriding alt and azim args.

    -cmap: only if using "color-relief" viz_type, name of a matplotlib or seaborn colormap. Default "terrain".
           (see https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/color/colormap_reference.html)

    -out_ext: the extension/file format to use for geodata outputs (tif or img). Default "tif".

    -make_png: output a png version (EPSG:3857) of the viz_type in addition to the viz raster in source projection.

    -make_kmz: output a kmz version of the viz_type in addition to the viz raster in source projection.

    -docker: run GDAL commands from within the osgeo/gdal docker container. This makes it run slightly slower but will
             be needed to run all features if gdal install is on a version <2.2. If using docker, input path must be
             within the working directory path or a subdirectory.

    -shell: call GDAL functions (gdaldem, gdal_translate, gdalwarp) as shell commands instead of using Python bindings.
            This may be faster than using pure Python but requires additional environment configuration.

    /path/to/dem.tif: path to input DEM, currently assumed to be in GeoTIFF format.

Notes: Output file naming convention uses the DEM basename as a prefix, then viz_type and file extension.
       E.g. output.tin.tif --> output_hillshade.tif, output_hillshade.png, output_hillshade.kmz.
       Outputs are saved to the working directory.

    - Python >=3.6
    - GDAL >=2.2 (or run with lower version in environment using -docker flag)
class wolfhece.rem.RasterViz.RasterViz(dem, out_dir='./', out_ext='.tif', make_png=False, make_kmz=False, docker_run=False, shell=False, cache_dir='./.cache', *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Handler to produce DEM derivatives/visualizations.

  • dem (str) – path to input DEM, either in GeoTIFF (.tif), ASCII (.asc), or IMG (.img) format.

  • out_dir (str) – output file directory. Defaults to current working directory.

  • out_ext (str, '.tif' or '.img') – extension for output georaster files.

  • make_png (bool) – output a png image of visualizations (EPSG:3857) in addition to a raster in source projection.

  • make_kmz (bool) – output a kmz file (e.g. Google Earth) of visualizations in addition to a raster in source projection.

  • docker_run (bool) – only if shell=True as well, calls gdal utilities from shell with docker container. Must have the osgeo/gdal docker container configured locally to use this option.

  • shell (bool) – call gdal utilities from a shell instead of using the Python bindings. May run faster for large files but can be more difficult to configure GDAL environment outside conda.

  • cache_dir (str) – cache directory

property dem[source]
property out_dir[source]
property cache_dir[source]
static valid_input(dem)[source]

Convert ascii grid to geotiff


Check that input DEM has a NoData value set. If not, set to zero.


Used as a wrapper for making viz products, making png and kmz after tif if selected

make_hillshade(z=1, alt=45, azim=315, multidirectional=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Make hillshade raster from the input DEM.

  • z (float >1) – z factor for exaggerating vertical scale differences (default 1).

  • alt (float [0-90]) – altitude of light source in degrees (default 45).

  • azim (float [0-360]) – azimuth for light source in degrees (default 315).

  • multidirectional (bool) – makes multidirectional hillshade if True, overriding alt and azim.


path to output hillshade raster.

Return type:


make_slope(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Make slope map from DEM, with slope at each pixel in degrees [0-90].


path to output slope raster.

Return type:


make_aspect(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Make aspect map from DEM, with aspect at each pixel in degrees [0-360].


path to output aspect raster.

Return type:


make_roughness(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Make roughness map from DEM.


path to output roughness raster.

Return type:


make_color_relief(cmap='terrain', log_scale=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Make color relief map from DEM (3 band RGB raster).

  • cmap (str) – matplotlib or seaborn named colormap to use for making color relief map. (see https://matplotlib.org/stable/gallery/color/colormap_reference.html)

  • log_scale (bool) – bool, makes the colormap on a log scale from zero, so terrain closer to 0 elevation has greater color variation. Intended to be used for REMs or coastal datasets.


path to output color-relief raster.

Return type:


make_hillshade_color(blend_percent=60, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Make a pretty composite hillshade/color-relief image.


blend_percent (float [0-100]) – Percent weight of hillshdae in blend, color-relief takes opposite weight.

This method also accepts all arguments of make_hillshade and make_color_relief if the respective rasters have not yet been created.


path to output hillshade-color raster.

Return type:



Blend hillshade and color-relief rasters by linearly interpolating RGB values


blend_percent – Percent weight of hillshdae in blend, color-relief takes opposite weight [0-100]. Default 60.

get_cmap_txt(cmap='terrain', log_scale=False)[source]

Make a matplotlib named colormap into a gdaldem colormap text file for color-relief mapping. Format is “elevation R G B” where RGB are in [0-255] range.

  • cmap – colormap to use for making color relief map.

  • log_scale – bool, logarithmically scale colormap, showing greatest color variation at zero elevation. Intended to be used for REMs or coastal datasets.


.txt file containing colormap mapped to DEM


Get EPSG code for DEM raster projection.


Get range (min, max) of DEM elevation values.

tile_and_compress(in_path, out_path)[source]

Used to turn intermediate raster viz products into final outputs.


Convert raster to .png file. Coerce to EPSG:3857 consistent with existing OT service.


Convert .tif raster to .kmz file

static get_scaling(ras_name)[source]

Get scaling string for gdal_translate call when converting to Byte array for png/kmz outputs


Delete all intermediate files. Called by _png_kmz_checker decorator at end of function calls.
