
Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

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Module Contents

wolfhece.pyshields.RHO_PUREWATER = 1000.0[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.RHO_SEAWATER = 1025.0[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.KIN_VISCOSITY = 1e-06[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.GRAVITY = 9.81[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.BED_LOAD = 1[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.SUSPENDED_LOAD_50 = 2[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.SUSPENDED_LOAD_100 = 3[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.WASH_LOAD = 4[source]

Pierre Archambeau @date : 2022

Chezy : u = C (RJ)**.5 Strickler : C = K R**(1/6)

–> u = K R**(2/3) J**.5

en 2D : R = h

—> u = K h**(2/3) J**.5

J = u**2 / K**2 / h**(4/3)

mais aussi

J = f/D * u**2 /2 /g

avec D = 4h

—> J = f/(4h) *u**2 /2 /g –> tau = J * rho * h * g

Shields :

Theta = tau / ((rhom-rho) * g * d) Theta = tau / rho / ((s-1) * g * d) avec s = rhom/rho

Theta = J * h / ((s-1) * d)

Strickler :

J = u**2 / K**2 / h**(4/3) tau = J * rho * h * g

tau = (q/K)**2 / h**(7/3) * rho * g

Autres :

J = f/(4h) *u**2 /2 /g tau = J * rho * h * g

tau = f/8 * (q/h)**2 * rho


Telemac-Mascaret, https://gitlab.pam-retd.fr/otm/telemac-mascaret/-/blob/main/sources/gaia/shields.f

Yalin, Ferraira da Silva (2001), Fluvial Processes, IAHR Monograph

Fredsoe, Jorgen and Deigaard Rolf. (1992). Mechanics of Coastal Sediment.

Sediment Transport. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol. 3. World Scientific. Singapure.

Madsen, Ole S., Wood, William. (2002). Sediment Transport Outside the

Surf Zone. In: Vincent, L., and Demirbilek, Z. (editors), Coastal Engineering Manual, Part III, Combined wave and current bottom boundary layer flow, Chapter III-6, Engineer Manual 1110-2-1100, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC.

Nielsen, Peter. (1992). Coastal Bottom Boundary Layers and

Sediment Transport. Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering - Vol. 4. World Scientific. Singapure.



wolfhece.pyshields.get_sadim(d: float, rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER) float[source]

s_adim = d**(3/2) * ((s-1) * g)**.5 / (4 * nu)

[-] = [m^1.5 ] * [m^.5 s^-1] / [m^2 s^-1]

wolfhece.pyshields.get_dstar(d: float, rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER) float[source]

compute d*

wolfhece.pyshields.sadim2dstar(sadim: float) float[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.dstar2sadim(dstar: float) float[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.get_d_from_sadim(sadim: float, rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER) float[source]

s_adim = d**(3/2) * ((s-1) * g)**.5 / (4 * nu)

[-] = [m^1.5 ] * [m^.5 s^-1] / [m^2 s^-1]

wolfhece.pyshields.get_d_from_dstar(dstar: float, rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER) float[source]

d_star = d * (g * (s-1) / nu**2)**(1/3)

[-] = [m] * ([m s^-2] / [m^4 s^-2])^(1/3)

wolfhece.pyshields.get_psi_cr(s_adim: float) float[source]


wolfhece.pyshields.get_psi_cr2(dstar: float) float[source]


wolfhece.pyshields.get_psi_cr3(dstar: float) float[source]

Fluvial Processes, IAHR 2001, pp 6-9

wolfhece.pyshields._poly(x: float) float[source]
wolfhece.pyshields._dpolydx(x: float) float[source]

derivative of _poly

wolfhece.pyshields.get_sadim_min() float[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.get_tau_from_psiadim(psiadim, d: float, rhom: float = 2650, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER) float[source]
wolfhece.pyshields.get_d_min(rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER) float[source]
wolfhece.pyshields._d_cr(x: float, tau_obj: float, rhom: float, rho: float, xadim: float, yadim: float) float[source]

Equation to solve to get d_cr

wolfhece.pyshields.get_d_cr(q: float, h: float, K: float, rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER, method='brenth', which=2) list[float][source]
Diamètre critique d’emportement par :
  • Shields

  • Izbach

:param q : discharge [m3/s] :param h : water depth [m] :param K : Strickler friction coefficient [m1/3/s] :param rhom : sediment density [kg/m3] :param rho : water density [kg/m3] :param method : method to solve the equation (default ‘brenth’) :param which : which formula to use (default 2) – see funcs = [(get_sadim,get_psi_cr),(get_dstar,get_psi_cr2),(get_dstar,get_psi_cr3)]

wolfhece.pyshields.get_settling_vel(d: float, rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER) float[source]

Vitesse de chute

:param d : grain diameter [m] :param rhom : sediment density [kg/m3] :param rho : water density [kg/m3]

wolfhece.pyshields.get_Rouse(d: float, q: float, h: float, K: float, rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER) float[source]

Vitesse de chute

:param d : grain diameter [m] :param q : discharge [m3/s] :param h : water depth [m] :param K : Strickler friction coefficient [m1/3/s] :param rhom : sediment density [kg/m3] :param rho : water density [kg/m3]

wolfhece.pyshields._get_Rouse(d: float, q: float, h: float, K: float, rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER, frac: float = 50) float[source]

Settling velocity function – used in root_scalar

:param d : grain diameter [m] :param q : discharge [m3/s] :param h : water depth [m] :param K : Strickler friction coefficient [m1/3/s] :param rhom : sediment density [kg/m3] :param rho : water density [kg/m3]

wolfhece.pyshields.get_transport_mode(d: float, q: float, h: float, K: float, rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER)[source]

Transport mode


:param d : grain diameter [m] :param q : discharge [m3/s] :param h : water depth [m] :param K : Strickler friction coefficient [m1/3/s] :param rhom : sediment density [kg/m3] :param rho : water density [kg/m3]

wolfhece.pyshields.get_d_cr_susp(q: float, h: float, K: float, rhom: float = 2650.0, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER, method='brenth', which=50) float[source]

Diamètre critique d’emportement par suspension à 50% –> cf Rouse 1.2

:param q : discharge [m3/s] :param h : water depth [m] :param K : Strickler friction coefficient [m1/3/s] :param rhom : sediment density [kg/m3] :param rho : water density [kg/m3]

wolfhece.pyshields.shieldsdia_sadim(s_psicr=None, dstar_psicr=None, rhom=2650.0, rho=RHO_PUREWATER, figax=None) tuple[matplotlib.pyplot.Figure, matplotlib.pyplot.Axes][source]

Plot Shields diagram with sadim

wolfhece.pyshields.shieldsdia_dstar(s_psicr=None, dstar_psicr=None, rhom=2650.0, rho=RHO_PUREWATER, figax=None) tuple[matplotlib.pyplot.Figure, matplotlib.pyplot.Axes][source]

Plot Shields diagram with dstar

wolfhece.pyshields.shieldsdia_dim(figax=None) tuple[matplotlib.pyplot.Figure, matplotlib.pyplot.Axes][source]

Plot Shields diagram with dimensional values

wolfhece.pyshields.get_friction_slope_2D_Manning(q: float, h: float, n: float) float[source]

Compute friction slope j for 2D flow with Manning/Strickler friction law

:param q : discharge [m3/s] :param h : water depth [m] :param n : Manning friction coefficient [m-1/3.s]

wolfhece.pyshields.get_shear_velocity_2D_Manning(q: float, h: float, n: float) float[source]

Compute shear velocity u_* for 2D flow with Manning/Strickler friction law

:param j : friction slope [-] :param h : water depth [m] :param q : discharge [m3/s] :param n : Manning friction coefficient [m-1/3.s]

wolfhece.pyshields.get_Shields_2D_Manning(s: float, d: float, q: float, h: float, n: float) float[source]

Compute Shields dimensionless parameter for 2D flow with Manning/Strickler friction law

:param s : sediment density / water density [-] :param d : sediment diameter [m] :param q : discharge [m3/s] :param h : water depth [m] :param n : Manning friction coefficient [m-1/3.s]

See also get_Shields_2D_Strickler

wolfhece.pyshields.get_Shields_2D_Strickler(s: float, d: float, q: float, h: float, K: float) float[source]

Compute Shields dimensionless parameter for 2D flow with Manning/Strickler friction law

:param s : sediment density / water density [-] :param d : sediment diameter [m] :param q : discharge [m3/s] :param h : water depth [m] :param K : Strickler friction coefficient [m1/3/s]

See also get_Shields_2D_Manning

wolfhece.pyshields.izbach_d_cr(q: float, h: float, rhom: float = 2650, rho: float = RHO_PUREWATER, method='ridder') float[source]


u_c/ ((s-1) * g * d)**.5 = 1.7

avec :

(s-1) = (rho_m - rho) / rho u_c = 85% u_moyen)

–> d = u_c**2 / (s * g) / 1.7**2

–> d = (0.85 * q/h)**2 / (s * g) / 1.7**2

:param q : discharge [m3/s] :param h : water depth [m] :param rhom : sediment density [kg/m3] :param rho : water density [kg/m3] :param method : method to solve the equation (default ‘ridder’)