
Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

Module Contents

class wolfhece.PyGuiHydrology.selectpoint(parent=None, title='Default Title', w=500, h=200, SPWstations: wolfhece.RatingCurve.SPWMIGaugingStations = None, DCENNstations: wolfhece.RatingCurve.SPWDCENNGaugingStations = None)[source]

Bases: wx.Frame

Inheritance diagram of wolfhece.PyGuiHydrology.selectpoint
class wolfhece.PyGuiHydrology.GuiHydrology(parent=None, title='WOLF Hydrological model - viewer', w=500, h=500, treewidth=200, wolfparent=None, wxlogging=None)[source]

Bases: wolfhece.PyDraw.WolfMapViewer

Inheritance diagram of wolfhece.PyGuiHydrology.GuiHydrology

Mapviewer of the hydrology model – see HydrologyModel in PyGui.py

property watershed[source]

Event handler for the menubar

OnRightDown(e: wx.MouseEvent)[source]

Event when the right button of the mouse is pressed.

We use this event to manage “action” set by others objects.