
OS Support

Currently, we support Windows. Some pyd files are not available for other platforms. We are working on it.

Python Version

We support Python 3.10.11.

Python 3.10.11 is recommended for the best performance and compatibility. For your information Blender 4.0 is also using Python 3.10.

VC++ Redistributable

You need to install the Visual C++ Redistributable to run the package.

Virtual environment

We strongly recommend to create a virtual environment for your installation. This will avoid conflicts with other packages that you may have installed on your machine:

python -m venv myenv

Then activate it:

myenv\Scripts\activate (Windows)

Then you can install the package as described above.

Via Pip

Once your Python environment is set up. You can install our package via pip:

pip install wolfhece or pip install wolfhece --user


user option is needed if you don’t have the right to install packages globally.

Dependencies will be installed automatically ** BUT**

Gdal and Graphviz are not installed automatically. You need to install them manually.

For wolfgpu, the wheel is not available at Pypi. Contact us to get the wheel.


Once installed, check the installation by typing:


If all is fine, you should see the following message:

check installation


To upgrade the package, you can use the following command:

pip install --upgrade wolfhece


You need to install GDAL to use the package.

GDAL is a library for geospatial data processing. It is used by many GIS (Geographic Information System) software to read and write geospatial data. It is also used by many satellite image processing software.


It is quite common to encounter difficulties in installing this package. Here are some tips for installing it on your machine.

To install the GDAL package, avoid to try pip install GDAL. If you are lucky, it will work. If not, you will have to install it manually. We recommended to install the GDAL package by downloading the desired version from this website and then install it using “pip install myfile.whl” where myfile.whl corresponds to the downloaded file.


For the hydrology part, you need to install Graphviz.

Graphviz is an open-source graph visualization software. It has several main graph layout programs. It is used by many software to visualize graphs.


Graphviz must be accessible from the command line. You can check this by typing “dot -V” in a command prompt. If it is not accessible, you need to add the path to the Graphviz bin folder to the PATH environment variable.


The package has several DLLs files that are needed to run the package. These files are mainly located in the package subfolder /libs.

If necessary, you can analyze the dependencies of the pyd with the “pyi-bindepend” tool from PyInstaller, or the “dumpbin” tool from VisualStudio.