
Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Utashi Ciraane Docile Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

Module Contents

class wolfhece.Model1D.Constants[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Inheritance diagram of wolfhece.Model1D.Constants

Constants used in this module.

BANK_WIDTH = 1[source]
DPI = 60[source]
FRAMESIZE = (960, 540)[source]
GENERAL_FONTSIZE = 'small'[source]
GRAVITATION = 9.81[source]
PRECISION = ':#.20F'[source]
SEPARATOR = '\t'[source]
class wolfhece.Model1D.Titles[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Inheritance diagram of wolfhece.Model1D.Titles

Titles used in this module.

class wolfhece.Model1D.Colors[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Inheritance diagram of wolfhece.Model1D.Colors

Colors used in this module.

BED = 'black'[source]
FLOODED_ALL = 'red'[source]
FLOODED_LEFT = 'green'[source]
FLOODED_RIGHT = 'yellow'[source]
LEFT_BANK = 'red'[source]
RIGHT_BANK = 'blue'[source]
RIVER_COLOR = 'cyan'[source]
TQDM = 'cyan'[source]
WX = 'white'[source]
class wolfhece.Model1D.fileExtensions[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

Inheritance diagram of wolfhece.Model1D.fileExtensions

File extensions used in this module.

AINI = '.aini'[source]
BANKS = '.banks'[source]
BREADTH = '.breadth'[source]
CL = '.cl'[source]
CVG = '.cvg'[source]
DEPTH = '.depth'[source]
DIAM = '.diam'[source]
GTV = '.gtv'[source]
HELP = '.help'[source]
HINI = '.hini'[source]
INF = '.inf'[source]
INFIL = '.infil'[source]
LENGHTSVECZ = '_lengths.vecz'[source]
LENGTHS = '.lengths'[source]
PARAMETERS = '.param'[source]
PTV = '.ptv'[source]
QINI = '.qini'[source]
ROUGHNESS = '.rough'[source]
TOP = '.top'[source]
VECTOR2D = '.vec'[source]
VECTOR3D = '.vecz'[source]
WIDTH = ''[source]
ZINI = '.zini'[source]
class wolfhece.Model1D.Creator_1D[source]

Class for the creation of 1D modelS. This object contains the methods operations performed in the creation of 1D models. They consist of the following operations:

  • Concatenation of information in 1 and 2 dimensions,

  • Extraction of information from 2D data if provided,

  • Creation of a 1D model (simulation).

match_ends_2vectors(zones1: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, zones2: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id1: int = 0, id2: int = 0) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Aligns the vertices of 2 successive zone containing each 3 vectors (1 vector and its 2 parallels). The idea is to match the end of each vector with the beginning of its corresponding in the other zone.

  • zones1 (Zones) – First vector,

  • zones2 (Zones) – Second vector,

  • id1 – Position in .myzones of the zone

containing the vectors, defaults to 0


id2 – Position in .myzones of the zone

containing the vectors, defaults to 0


The 2 zones with the aligned vertices.

Return type:


delete_overlaps_2vectors(zones1: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, zones2: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id1: int = 0, id2: int = 0, buffer: int = None) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Delete overlapping vertices of 2 successive Vectors, containng each 3 vectors (1 vector and its 2 parallels).

  • zones1 (Zones) – First vector,

  • zones2 (Zones) – second vector,

  • id1 – Position in .myzones of the zone

containing the vectors, defaults to 0


id2 – Position in .myzones of the zone

containing the vectors, defaults to 0


buffer – number of vertices to process on each vector

starting from the end of the vector (None means all vertices are processed), defaults to None


The vectors with the deleted overlaps.

Return type:


connect_2vectors(zones1: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, zones2: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id1: int = 0, id2: int = 0) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Connect (link) 2 vectors extremity of 2 successive zones containing each 3 vectors (1 vectors and its 2 parallels) and, return a new zone with the concatenations.

  • zones1 (Zones) – First vector

  • zones2 (Zones) – Second

  • id1 (int, optional) – Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0

  • id2 (int, optional) – Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0


return a new vector which is the concatenation of the 2 first ones.

Return type:


concatenate_2_zones(zones1: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, zones2: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id1: int = 0, id2: int = 0, buffer: int = None, save_as: str = None) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Return the concatenation of 2 vectors file (Zones) containing each 3 vectors (1 vector and its 2 parallels) after:

  • matching their ends,

  • deleting the overlaps and,

  • connecting the vectors.

  • zones1 (Zones) – first vector

  • zones2 (Zones) – second vector

  • id1 (int, optional) – Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0

  • id2 (int, optional) – Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0

  • buffer – While deleting overlaps,

this is the number of vertices to process on each vector starting from the end of the vector (None means all vertices are processed),defaults to None, defaults to None


save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new vector, defaults to None



Return type:

the vector containing the concatenation of the 2 first ones.

read_zones_paths(file_list: list[str]) list[wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones][source]

Return a list of vectors(Zones) objects, from a list of given file paths of vectors(Zones).


file_list (list[str]) – List of file paths of vectors,


the list of vectors(Zones) objects.

Return type:


concatenate_listof_zones(file_list: list[str] = None, zones_list: list[wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = None, id1: int = 0, id2: int = 0, buffer: int = None, save_as: str = None) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Return a zones which is the concatenation of a sorted list of zones containing each 3 vectors (1 vector and its 2 parallels) after:

  • matching their ends,

  • deleting the overlaps and,

  • connecting the vectors.

  • file_list (list[str], optional) – list of given file paths, defaults to None

  • zones_list (list[Zones], optional) – vectors(Zones) objects, defaults to None

  • id1 (int, optional) – Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0

  • id2 (int, optional) – Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0

  • buffer (While deleting overlaps, this is the number of vertices) – _description_, defaults to None

to process on each vector starting from the end of the vector (None means all vertices are processed),defaults to None


save_as (File path of the new vector, optional) – _description_, defaults to None

  • Exception – With a GUI, to warn the user that the list of zones is missing.

  • Exception – Without GUI, to warn the user that the list of zones is missing.


A vector (Zones) containing the concatenation of all the vectors.

Return type:


create_Zonesfromzones(zone_list: list[wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.zone], save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Return a vector (Zones) from a list of zones (Zone).

  • zone_list (list[zone]) – list of zones

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path to the vector file, defaults to ‘’


The vector (Zones) containing the list of zones.

Return type:


create_branches(zones_group: list[list[wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones]], save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Create branches(Zone) from a list of vectors(‘Zones’). FIXME: This method is not used in the current version of the software. FIXME: It could be implemented in the future but with a dictionary instead of a list.

  • zones_group (list[list[Zones]]) – list of list of vectors per branch

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path to the folder where the new information is saved, defaults to ‘’


Concatenation of all the branches(List of Zones)

Return type:


create_branches_from_list_of_zones(zones_list: list[wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones], id=1, save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Generate branches from a list of vectors (Zones). The concept here is to loop on all vectors and then to add each zone contained in those vectors to a new zone that will be returned. FIXME: Remove Id from all methods and delete the parameter from the method signature.

  • zones_list (list[Zones]) – List of vectors (Zones).

  • id (int, optional) – Depreciated, defaults to 1

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path to the new vector(Vector), defaults to ‘’


The new vector (Zones) containing all zones.

Return type:


create_polygons(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, discretization: float = 1, howmanypoly: int = 1, save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Return polygons created from parallels and vectors.

  • zones (Zones) – The vector (‘Zones’),

  • discretization (float, optional) – discretization steps between profiles, defaults to 1

  • howmanypoly (int, optional) – Number of polygons, defaults to 1

  • save_as (str, optional) – Path to the new vector(Vector) file, defaults to ‘’



Return type:


create_branches_sections(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, discretization: float = 1, save_as='') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Create sections on model skeleton (river branches) and return a Zones containing all sections per zone.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the vectors

  • discretization (float, optional) – Distance between sections, defaults to 1

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path where the new section are saved as vector, defaults to ‘’


Zones containing all sections.

Return type:


create_river_sections(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id: int = 0, discretization: float = 1, save_as: str = '', plot_check=False) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

From 2 parallels (river banks), a vector (river bed) and a discretization step this method generates and returns the corresponding profiles (river sections) as a Zones object. @The paralles and vectors shoulb stored in the same Zone and their index should follow this format:

  • 0: Left bank

  • 1: River bed

  • 2: Right bank

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the parallels

  • id (int, optional) – index of the object Zone containing vectors, defaults to 0

  • discretization (float, optional) – Distance between sections, defaults to 1

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new Zones , defaults to ‘’

  • plot_check (bool, optional) – if the results should be plotted or not, defaults to False


The new Zones containing the profiles (sections).

Return type:


create_support_from_sections(sections: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, save_as: str) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Create supports from sections (midline). The supports are the midpoints of the sections.

  • sections (Zones) – Zones containing the sections

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new Zones, defaults to ‘’


The new Zones containing the supports.

Return type:


save_only_vec(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id: int = 1, id_vec: int = 1, save_as: str = '', format: str = '') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Save only one vector from a Zones object.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the vector

  • id (int, optional) – Index of the zone containing the vector, defaults to 1

  • id_vec (int, optional) – Index of the vector in the zone, defaults to 1

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new vector, defaults to ‘’

  • format (str, optional) – Format of the new vector, defaults to ‘’


The new Zones containing the vector.

Return type:


refine_vector_from_2D(vect: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.vector, discretization=1) list[source]

Refine a vector based on a given discretization step. Returns a python list.

  • vect (vector) – Vector to refine

  • discretization (float) – Discret


List of points

Return type:


remove_zone(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id: int = 0) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Remove a zone from a Zones object.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the zone to remove

  • id (int, optional) – Index of the zone to remove, defaults to 0


The new Zones without the removed zone.

Return type:


place_minimum_altitude(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, filename: str, save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Return a Zones object in which all altitudes below a defined treshold for specific vectors (sections specified in a csv file) are raised to the new altitudes.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones object containing the vectors

  • filename – .csv file containing the sections and their minimum altitudes,

first column is the section name and second column is the minimum altitude.


save_as – path to the the file where the modified Zones will be saved

if no path is given the results is not saved but only returned , defaults to ‘’


New Zones object with the modified altitudes

Return type:


change_minimum_altitude(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, filename: str, save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Return a Zones object in which all altitudes below a defined treshold for specific vectors (sections specified in a csv file) are raised to the new altitudes.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones object containing the vectors

  • filename – .csv file containing the sections and their minimum altitudes,

first column is the section name and second column is the minimum altitude.


save_as – path to the the file where the modified Zones will be saved

if no path is given the results is not saved but only returned , defaults to ‘’


New Zones object with the modified altitudes

Return type:


__change_minimum_altitude(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, filename: str, save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Return a Zones object in which all altitudes below a defined treshold for specific vectors (sections specified in a csv file) are raised to the new altitudes.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones object containing the vectors

  • filename – .csv file containing the sections and their minimum altitudes,

first column is the section name and second column is the minimum altitude.


save_as – path to the the file where the modified Zones will be saved

if no path is given the results is not saved but only returned , defaults to ‘’


New Zones object with the modified altitudes

Return type:


reverse_sense_zones(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Reverse the sense of the vectors in a Zones object.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones object containing the vectors

  • save_as – path to the the file where the modified Zones will be saved

if no path is given the results is not saved but only returned , defaults to ‘’


New Zones object with the reversed vectors

Return type:


v_shape_cross_section(cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, profile_name: str, increment: float = None, zmax: float = None, save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections[source]

Create a V shape profile from a given profile in a cross section object and return the new cross section object.

v_shape(prof: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile, increment=None, zmax=None) wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile[source]
transform_to_rectangular_shape(prof: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile, nb_vertices: int, zmin: float = None, zmax: float = None)[source]
rectangular_shape_cross_section(cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, profile_name: str, nb_vertices: int, zmin: float = None, zmax: float = None, save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections[source]

Create a rectangular shape profile from a given profile in a cross section object and return the new cross section object.

v_shape_vector(prof: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.vector, increment=None, zmax=None) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.vector[source]
_v_shape(prof: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile, increment=None, zmax=None) wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile[source]
plot_zones(zones_list: list[wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones], id: int = 0) None[source]

Plot the vector objecs in a list of Zones on a matplotlib figure.

  • zones_list (list[Zones]) – List of vector files (Zones)

  • id – Index of the zone containing the vector object

in all Zones, defaults to 0

plot_separated_zones(zones_list: list[wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones], id: int = 0) None[source]

Plot each vector`object ina list of `Zones on a specific graph of a matplotlib figure.

  • zones_list (list[Zones]) – _description_

  • id (int, optional) – _description_, defaults to 0

plot_parallels_width(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id: int = 0, discretization: float = 1, Figure_title: str = 'Width between vectors', ticks_spacing: int = 1000, fig_width=30, fig_height=10, color='red', linewidth=2, x_unit='$m$', y_unit='$m$') None[source]

Plot the distance between 2 parallels (for instance river width) as a function of their mid-vector length.

  • Id : zone index

  • The discretization step is chosen by the user.


The procedure is the following: - From the 3 vectors of the zone, the center vector is discretized based on the discretization step provided by the user (1 length unit by default). - The number of points is calculated as the length of the center vector divided by the discretization step. - The number of points selected is the smallest integer greater than the division result. - The newpoints are then projected on the left and right vectors. - The distance between the left and right vectors is then calculated, and plotted as a function of the distance along the center vector, after a postprocessing check using subtrings and vectors.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones object containing the vectors,

  • id (int, optional) – Zones in which the vectors are stored, defaults to 0

  • discretization (float, optional) – After how many unit a disctance should be sampled, defaults to 1

  • Figure_title (str, optional) – Title to be displayed on the figure, defaults to ‘’

  • ticks_spacing (int, optional) – Discretization of the x axis, defaults to 1000


FIXME Should be an option in GUI and check whether the substring step is necessary.

refine_array_by_2(array: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray) wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray[source]

Return a remeshed WolfArray in which the cells size is divided by 2. :param array: WolfArray to refine :type array: WolfArray :return: Remeshed WolfArray :rtype: WolfArray

refine_array(array: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray, discretize: int = 2) wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray[source]

Refine (divide) the cell size of a Wolfarray and return the new array. - @ The logarithm of discretize in base 2 must be an integer.

  • array (WolfArray) – WolfArray to refine

  • discretize (int, optional) – Discretization step, defaults to 2


New WolfArray

Return type:


concatenate_2_wolfarrays(array1: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray, array2: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray) wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray[source]

Return the concatenation of 2 WolfArrays.


Concatenated WolfArray

Return type:


merge_wolfarrays(arrays: list[wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray], save_as: str = '') wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray[source]

” Return a wolfArray which is the concatenation of the given list of WolfArrays.

  • arrays (list[WolfArray]) – List of WolfArrays

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new WolfArray, defaults to ‘’


Concatenated WolfArray

Return type:


new_array_from_vrt(array: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray, vrt_file: str, file_out: str = '', wolfarray_not_tif=True, save: bool = True) wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray[source]
Return a new WolfArray extracted from a VRT file.
  • The new array is extracted based on the bounds of the given WolfArray.

  • the new array is either saved on .tif or bin .format.

  • array (WolfArray) – WolfArray from which the bounds are copied (mask)

  • vrt_file (str) – file path to the VRT file from which the new array is extracted

  • file_out – File path of the new WolfArray, file_out is provided (’’ by default)

a folder of the mask (given array) is used to store the output under the same name as the previous but with a prefix new_ added, defaults to ‘’

  • load (bool, optional) – If the new WolfArray should be loaded or not, defaults to True

  • wolfarray_not_tif (bool, optional) – If the new WolfArray should be saved as a .bin file or .tif file, defaults to True


New WolfArray

Return type:


get_arrays_from_vrt(arrays: list[wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray], vrt_file: str, wolfarray_not_tif=True, save=True) list[wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray][source]

Return a list of WolfArrays extracted from a VRT file. - The new arrays are extracted based on the bounds of the given WolfArrays. - The new arrays are either saved on .tif or bin .format.

! The new arrays are saved in the same folder as the previous one.

  • arrays (list[WolfArray]) – List of WolfArrays from which the bounds are copied (masks)

  • vrt_file (str) – file path to the VRT file from which the new arrays are extracted

  • wolfarray_not_tif – If the new WolfArrays should be saved as a .bin file or .tif file,

defaults to True


List of new WolfArrays

Return type:


get_values_from_array(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, array: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray, save_as: str, filter_null=False, selection=True, tif=False) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Get the values from an array based on a given Zones (vectors), - In each zone, the vector are first refined based on the array cells size. - a new Zones with its vectors value filled is returned.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the vectors

  • array (WolfArray) – WolfArray containing the values

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new Zones, defaults to ‘’

  • filter_null (bool, optional) – If the null values should be filtered or not, defaults to False

  • selection (bool, optional) – If the values should be selected or not, defaults to True

  • tif (bool, optional) – If the array is a tif file or not, defaults to False


The new Zones with its vectors value filled.

Return type:


update_z_value(znes: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, array: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray, save_as: str) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Update the z value of the vertices in a Zones object based on the values of a WolfArray.

  • znes (Zones) – Zones containing the vectors

  • array (WolfArray) – WolfArray containing the values

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new Zones, defaults to ‘’


The new Zones with updated z values.

Return type:


save_as_1D_crossections(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, format='zones', save_as: str = '', return_list=True) list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections][source]

Save each Zone in Zones as a cross sections file and, return a list of cross sections.

/!The Zones should contain the river sections to be transformed into cross sections.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the vectors

  • format (str, optional) – Format of the new cross sections file, defaults to ‘zones’

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path where the new cross sections are saved, defaults to ‘’

  • return_list (bool, optional) – If the method should return a list of cross sections or not, defaults to True


List of cross sections

Return type:


create_profiles(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, topo: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray, discretization: int = 1, save_as: str = '', tif=False) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Create profiles from river sections and topography. - The method creates the river sections from the Zones and discretization step. - It then creates the supports (midline vectors) from the sections. - It updates the z value of the supports based on the topography. - The method returns the profiles as a Zones. - The profiles are saved as a .vecz file. - The method also returns the profiles as a list of cross sections.

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the vectors

  • topo (WolfArray) – WolfArray containing the topography

  • discretization (int, optional) – Distance between sections, defaults to 1

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new Zones, defaults to ‘’

  • tif (bool, optional) – If the array is a tif file or not, defaults to False


The profiles as a Zones

Return type:


sort_crossections_list(crosses: list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections], zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, vector_id: int = 1) list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]][source]

This methods sort cross sections. - The method returns a list of list of profiles. - The profiles are sorted based on the given vectors in the Zones.

  • crosses (list[crosssections]) – List of cross sections

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the vectors

  • vector_id (int, optional) – Index of the vector in the zone, defaults to 1


List of list of profiles

Return type:


sort_all_cross_section_in_one_list(mycross: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id: int = 1) list[source]

Return all sorted profiles based on the given vectors in only one list.

  • mycross (crosssections) – crosssections containing the profiles

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the vectors

  • id (int, optional) – Index of the vector in the zone, defaults to 1


List of all profiles sorted based on the given vector

Return type:


get_sorted_cross_sections_name(mycross: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id: int = 1) list[source]

Return a list of names of all profiles sorted based on the given vector.

  • mycross (crosssections) – crosssections containing the profiles

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the vectors

  • id (int, optional) – Index of the vector in the zone, defaults to 1


List of all profiles names sorted based on the given vector

Return type:


get_sorted_cells_name(mycross: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id: int = 1) list[source]

Return a list of names of all profiles sorted based on the given vector.

  • mycross (crosssections) – crosssections containing the profiles

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the vectors

  • id (int, optional) – Index of the vector in the zone, defaults to 1


List of all profiles names sorted based on the given vector

Return type:


crossection_from_list(profiles: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections[source]

Create and return a cross section object crosssections from a list of profiles.

  • profiles (list[list[profile]]) – List of profiles

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section object, defaults to ‘’


New cross section

Return type:


add_2_crossections(crosssections1: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, crosssections2: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, prefixes: list[str, str] = ['1', '2'], save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections[source]

Concatenate 2 cross sections and return the concatenation as a new cross section file.

  • crosssections1 (crosssections) – First cross section

  • crosssections2 (crosssections) – Second cross section

  • prefixes (list[str,str], optional) – Prefixes for the cross sections, defaults to [“1”,”2”]

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’


New cross section

Return type:


create_Zones_from_vectors(vectors: list[wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.vector]) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Return a Zones from a list of vectors.


vectors (list[vector]) – List of vectors


New Zones

Return type:


create_cross_sections_from_vectors(profiles: list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]) wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections[source]

Create and Return a cross section object (crosssections) from a list of profiles.


profiles (list[profile]) – List of profiles


New cross section

Return type:


extrapolate_extremities(crossections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, added_height: float = 0, save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections[source]

Return a new cross section with the extremities of each profile extrapolated.

  • crossections (crosssections) – crosssections containing the profiles

  • added_height (float, optional) – Height to add to the extremities, defaults to 0

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’


New cross section with the extremities extrapolated

Return type:


delete_profile(mycross: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, profile_keys: list, save_as: str = '')[source]
Return a new cross section file were the given profiles have been removed.
  • The profile keys are the names of the profiles to remove.

  • mycross (crosssections) – crosssections containing the profiles

  • profile_keys (list) – List of profiles keys to remove

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’


New cross section with the given profiles removed

Return type:


roughness_from_polygons(array: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray, zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, mode: Literal[mean, median, min, max, Creator_1D.roughness_from_polygons.value] = 'mean', value: float = 0.04) list[list[float]][source]

Associate a roughness (friction) value to each cross section.

The value is selected from the 2D cells in between the cross section of interest and the next one, according to the chosen mode and the polygon file Zones.

The different modes are:
  • mean,

  • median,

  • min,

  • max,

  • value.

If value is selected, the given value is forced on all crossections.

  • array (WolfArray) – WolfArray containing the values

  • zones (Zones) – Zones containing the vectors

  • mode (Literal['mean', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'value'], optional) – Mode to select the roughness value, defaults to ‘mean’

  • value (float, optional) – Value to force, defaults to 0.04


List of lists of roughnesses value

Return type:


roughness_from_profiles(array: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray, crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], mode: Literal[mean, median, min, max, Creator_1D.roughness_from_profiles.value] = 'mean', value: float = 0.04) list[list[float]][source]

Associate a roughness (friction) value to each cross section.

The value is selected from the cells under the cross section of interest according to the chosen mode.

The different modes are:
  • mean,

  • median,

  • min,

  • max,

  • value.

If value is selected, the given value is forced on all crossections.

  • array (WolfArray) – WolfArray containing the values

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • mode (Literal['mean', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'value'], optional) – Mode to select the roughness value, defaults to ‘mean’

  • value (float, optional) – Value to force, defaults to 0.04


List of lists of roughnesses value

Return type:


roughness_from_value(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], value: float = 0.04) list[list[float]][source]

Return a list of lists of roughnesses value.

The method forces the given value on all crossections.

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • value (float, optional) – Value to force, defaults to 0.04


List of lists of roughnesses value

Return type:


ic_relations_hspw(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], h: float = None, zval: float = None) numpy.ndarray[source]

Return the HSPW relations (Initial Conditions) of all profiles as a numpy arrray for a given water depth or a given altitude. np.array

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • h (float, optional) – Water depth, defaults to None

  • zval (float, optional) – Altitude, defaults to None


HSPW relations (Initial Conditions) of all profiles

Return type:


plot_graph_crossections(mycross: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, vect: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.vector = None, profile_name=1, width=30, height=15)[source]

Return a graph on the GraphNotebook format. The graph contains the profile characteristics (Spatial location, sections, discharges relations, HSPW relations, etc.).

  • mycross (crosssections) – crosssections containing the profiles

  • vectvector containing the profiles

in case the profiles should be sorted, defaults to None


profile_name (int, optional) – Index of the profile, defaults to 1


Figure containing a plot of the profile charactersitics.

Return type:


create_directory(save_as: str, directory_name: str) str[source]
Creates and return a directory based on the inputs:
  • save_as: a computer path and,

  • directory_name: a desired directory name.

  • save_as (str) – Computer path

  • directory_name (str) – Desired directory name


Directory path

Return type:


create_simulation_directory(save_as: str, directory_name: str = 'simul') str[source]

Create and return a simulation directory.

  • save_as (str) – Computer path

  • directory_name (str) – Desired directory name


Simulation directory

Return type:


initialize_file(save_as: str, format: str, directory_name: str = 'simul') str[source]
Create a new file based on:
  • The provided directory or self.directory and,

  • the given extension.

  • save_as (str) – Computer path

  • format (str) – File extension

  • directory_name (str, optional) – Desired directory name, defaults to ‘simul’


File path

Return type:


count_lists_in_list(lst: list[list], nodes_1D=False) int[source]
Return the sum of lengths of lists in a list.
  • /!Attention for 1D nodes (nodes_1D),

the number of nodes is the number of crossections minus one.

  • lst (list[list]) – List of lists

  • nodes_1D (bool, optional) – If the nodes are 1D, defaults to False


Sum of lengths of lists in a list

Return type:


write_file_from_listof_profiles(file: str, data: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], index: list[int], force_last=False) None[source]

Writer of a file from a list of profiles. Wolf Template for writing file based on a list of profiles.

#FIXME ackward method :param file: File path :type file: str :param data: List of profiles :type data: list[list[profile]] :param index: Index of the profiles :type index: list[int] :param force_last: If the last profile should be forced, defaults to False :type force_last: bool, optional :return: None :rtype: None

_write_relations_profiles(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], save_as: str) None[source]

/!Has been deprecated.

  • Write the HSPW (Heigh, wetted Section, wetted Perimeter, top Width)relations

of each profile in each cross section as a file; - Write one corresponding .ptv file (matches profile index to the corresponding profile number); - Write one corresponding .gtv file (maches profile number to the correponding relation files).

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

__write_relations_profiles(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], save_as: str) None[source]

/!Has been deprecated.

  • Write the HSPW (Height, wetted Section, wetted Perimeter, top Width)relations

of each profile in each cross section as a file; - Write one corresponding .ptv file (matches profile index to the corresponding profile number); - Write one corresponding .gtv file (maches profile number to the correponding relation files).

write_relations_profiles(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], save_as: str) None[source]
  • Write the HSPW (Heigh, wetted Section, wetted Perimeter, top Width)relations

of each profile in each cross section as a file; - Write one corresponding .ptv file (matches profile index to the corresponding profile number); - Write one corresponding .gtv file (maches profile number to the correponding relation files).

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’



Return type:


write_banks_file(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], save_as: str) list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]][source]
write banks (.banks) file in the given directory.
  • if a directory is not provided, a file named simul.banks is created.

param crosses:

List of cross sections

type crosses:


param save_as:

File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

type save_as:

str, optional


List of cross sections



write_file_from_np_array(file: str, data: numpy.ndarray, index: list[int], desc='Writing:', force_last=False, q: float = 0.0, nb_updates: int = 0) None[source]

Write a file from a numpy array. Wolf Template for writing file based on a numpy array.

  • file (str) – File path

  • data (np.ndarray) – Numpy array

  • index (list[int]) – Index of the array

  • desc (str, optional) – Description, defaults to ‘Writing:’

  • force_last (bool, optional) – If the last value should be forced, defaults to False

  • q (float, optional) – Discharge, defaults to 0.

  • nb_updates (int, optional) – Number of updates, defaults to 0



Return type:


write_ini_files(ic: numpy.ndarray, save_as: str, q: float = None, nb_updates: int = 0, file_choice: list[str] = ['.hini', '.zini', '.aini']) None[source]
Write all the intial condition files (.aini, .zini, .hini),
  • if a discharge (q) is provided, .qini is also writen.

  • ic (np.ndarray) – Initial conditions

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

  • q (float, optional) – Discharge, defaults to None

  • nb_updates (int, optional) – Number of updates, defaults to 0

  • file_choice (list[str], optional) – List of file extensions, defaults to [‘.hini’, ‘.zini’, ‘.aini’]



Return type:


write_lengthsvecz_file(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], discretization: float, save_as: str) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Write the length vecz file. The file is mainly use for plotting purposes.

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • discretization (float) – Discret

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’



Return type:


delete_line_in_txt_file(file_path: str, line_to_delete: str)[source]

Delete a known line in a text file.

  • file_path (str) – File path

  • line_to_delete (str) – Line to delete

write_line_in_txt_file(file_path: str, line_to_write: str)[source]

Write a line in a text file.

  • file_path (str) – File path

  • line_to_write (str) – Line to write

correct_parameters(directory='', from_steady=False)[source]

Correct the parameters files by deleting the line ‘Limiteur 7’ in the .param file and ‘Limiteur 7 Type de limitation des reconstruction en lineaire (integer1)’ in the .param.default file.


directory (str, optional) – Directory path, defaults to ‘’


FIXME delete from_steady arguments wherever it’s still implemented in this module.

write_parameters(save_as: str, max_iter: int = 100000000, max_time: float = 255600.0, round_time: float = 0.0, local_time_step: int = 0, start_time: float = 0.0, write_freq: int = 3600, write_type: int = 2, reconstruction: int = 1, rk_model: int = 2, rk_coeff: float = 0.5, courant_number: float = 0.25, froude_max: float = 20, friction_law: int = 3, Verbosity: int = 1) None[source]

Write the file containing the simulation parameters of a wolf 1D model.


with the implementation of Pyparams object in the Wolf module, this method is deprecating.

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

  • max_iter (int, optional) – Maximum iteration, defaults to 100000000

  • max_time (float, optional) – Maximum time, defaults to 255600.0

  • round_time (float, optional) – Round time, defaults to 0.00000000000000000000e-02

  • local_time_step (int, optional) – Local time step, defaults to 0

  • start_time (float, optional) – Start time, defaults to 0.00000000000000000000e-02

  • write_freq (int, optional) – Write frequency, defaults to 3600

  • write_type (int, optional) – Write type, defaults to 2

  • reconstruction (int, optional) – Reconstruction, defaults to 1

  • rk_model (int, optional) – RK model, defaults to 2

  • rk_coeff (float, optional) – RK coefficient, defaults to 0.5

  • courant_number (float, optional) – Courant number, defaults to 0.25

  • froude_max (float, optional) – Froude max, defaults to 20

  • friction_law (int, optional) – Friction law, defaults to 3

  • Verbosity (int, optional) – Verbosity, defaults to 1

_read_hydrograph_from_textfile(file: str) list[list[list, list]][source]

Read a hydrograph from a text file.


file (str) – File path



Return type:


_write_infiltrations(selected_profiles: list[str], crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], hydrographs: list[list[list, list]], save_as: str, writing_method: Literal[continuous, stepwise] = 'continuous', epsilon: float = 0.01)[source]

Write the infiltration files (.inf, .infil, .tv). - if a writing method is not provided, the default is continuous.


FIXME a dict combining hydrographs and selected profiles could be more useful.

  • selected_profiles (list[str]) – Selected profiles

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • hydrographs (list[list[list,list]]) – Hydrographs

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

  • writing_method (Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional) – Writing method, defaults to ‘continuous’

  • epsilon (float, optional) – Epsilon, defaults to 0.01

read_hydrograph_from_textfile(file: str) list[list[list, list]][source]

Return a hydrograph from a text file. /!The file should be on the wolf hydrograph format.


file (str) – File path



Return type:


write_infiltrations_from_dict(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], hydrographs: dict[str, wolfhece.PyHydrographs.Hydrograph | list | tuple], save_as: str, writing_method: Literal[continuous, stepwise] = 'continuous', epsilon: float = 0.01)[source]

Write the infiltration files (.inf, .infil, .tv).


FIXME a dict combining hydrographs and selected profiles could be more useful.

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • hydrographs (dict[str, Union[Hydrograph, list,tuple]]) – Hydrographs

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

  • writing_method (Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional) – Writing method, defaults to ‘continuous’

  • epsilon (float, optional) – Epsilon, defaults to 0.01

write_infiltrations(selected_profiles: list[str], crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], hydrographs: list[wolfhece.PyHydrographs.Hydrograph] | list[list[list, list]], save_as: str, writing_method: Literal[continuous, stepwise] = 'continuous', epsilon: float = 0.01)[source]
  • Write the infiltration files (.inf, .infil, .tv) and,

  • Apply the preprocessing mode to the hydrographs before writing them.

/! if a writing method is not provided, the default is continuous.

  • selected_profiles (list[str]) – Selected profiles

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • hydrographs (Union[list[Hydrograph], list[list[list,list]]]) – Hydrographs

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

  • writing_method (Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional) – Writing method, defaults to ‘continuous’

  • epsilon (float, optional) – Epsilon, defaults to 0.01

select_one_profile(profile_name: str, crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]]) list[int, int, int][source]

Return the selected profile. :raise: if the profile is not found, an exception is raised.

  • profile_name (str) – Profile name

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections


Selected profile

Return type:


select_profiles(profiles_names: list[str], crosses: list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]) list[list[int, int, int]][source]

Return a list of lists containing the respective indices of the selected profiles.

  • profiles_names (list[str]) – Profiles names

  • crosses (list[profile]) – List of cross sections


Selected profiles

Return type:

list[list[int, int,int]]

write_cvg_file(selected_profiles: list[str], crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], save_as: str) None[source]

Specify the node for the code verbosity in the shell (.cvg_file).


with the implementation of Pyparams object in the Wolf module, this method is deprecating.

  • selected_profiles (list[str]) – Selected profiles

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

write_cvgn_file(selected_profiles: list[str], crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], save_as: str)[source]

Write the file for Code verbosity on nodes (cvgn.file).


with the implementation of Pyparams object in the Wolf module, this method is deprecating.

  • selected_profiles (list[str]) – Selected profiles

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

write_vector_files(cross: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], save_as: str, banksbed: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = None, which_type: Literal[vec, vecz, both] = 'both')[source]
Write 3 vectors files.
  • A 3D vector connecting all profiles bed in each zone,

  • A 2D vector connecting all profiles bed in each zone,

  • A length file (for plotting purpose)

  • cross (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

  • banksbed (Zones, optional) – Banks and bed, defaults to None

  • which_type (Literal['vec','vecz','both'], optional) – Which type, defaults to ‘both’



Return type:


set_banksbed_vertex_from_ls(prof: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile, ls: tuple[shapely.ops.LineString])[source]

Set the banks and bed from a LineString.

  • prof (profile) – Profile

  • ls (tuple[LineString]) – LineString

set_banksbed_vectors(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones) tuple[shapely.ops.LineString][source]

Set the banks and bed from a Zones.


zones (Zones) – Zones



Return type:


find_banksbed(prof: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile, banks: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones)[source]

Find the banks and bed (vector) from a profile (profile) and a Zones. The banks and bed points are the intersection between the profile and the bed and banks .

write_lengths_file(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], discretization: float, save_as: str) None[source]

Write the lengths file .lengths of a 1D model.

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • discretization (float) – Discretization

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

write_roughnesses(roughnesses: list[list[float]], save_as) None[source]

Write the roughnesses file .rough of 1D model.

  • roughnesses (list[list[float]]) – Roughnesses

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

save_sorted_crosssesctions(sorted_cross: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], save_as: str)[source]

Save the sorted cross sections.

  • sorted_cross (list[list[profile]]) – Sorted cross sections

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

test_intersection_linestring_and_profile(ls: shapely.ops.LineString, prof: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile)[source]

Test the intersection between a LineString and a profile.

  • ls (LineString) – LineString

  • prof (profile) – Profile


True if there is no intersection, False otherwise

Return type:


delete_intesections_profile_vectors(cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, save_as: str = '', id_zone=0) wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections[source]

Delete the profiles in cross-sections file that are intersecting the vectors contained in a Zones.

  • cross_sections (crosssections) – Cross sections

  • zones (Zones) – Zones

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

  • id_zone (int, optional) – Id of the zone, defaults to 0

create_profile_from_vector(vect: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.vector, topo_array: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray) wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile[source]

Create a new profile from a vector and a topographic array.



Return type:


insert_profiles_from_2D_zones(cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, topo_array: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray, save_as='') wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections[source]

Concatenate a Zones of 2D vectors to a crosssections file and return a new crosssections file as the result of the concatenation.

  • cross_sections (crosssections) – Cross sections

  • zones (Zones) – Zones

  • topo_array (WolfArray) – Topography array

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’


Cross sections

Return type:


insert_cross_sections_from_zones(cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, topo_array: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray, save_as='') wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections[source]

Concatenate a Zones of 2D vectors to a crosssections file after deleting the profiles that are intersecting the vectors contained in the Zones. Return a new crosssections file which is the result of the concatenation.

  • cross_sections (crosssections) – Cross sections

  • zones (Zones) – Zones

  • topo_array (WolfArray) – Topography array

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’


Cross sections

Return type:


extend_parallels(vect: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.vector, left_distance: float, right_distance: float, save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Extend the distance between parallels of a vector and return a new Zones file.

  • vect (vector) – Vector (bed)

  • left_distance (float) – Left distance (left bank)

  • right_distance (float) – Right distance (right bank)

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’



Return type:



Write a generic file for the 1D model. The generic file is an essential pre-requiste for the Fortran code inorder to read the model files.


save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

convert_type_boundary_condition(type_bc: int | str)[source]

Convert the type of boundary conditions written as string into integer readable by the FORTRAN code (executable). - Type of BC, value

  • waterdepth -> 1

  • waterlevel -> 2

  • discharge -> 3

  • froude -> 4

  • free -> 5

  • impervious -> 99

  • junction -> 100

  • mobile_dam -> 127

write_cl_file(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], cl_value: dict[str:(str, str, float)], save_as: str)[source]

Write the file of boundary conditions (.cl file). cl value(profile name: (upstream or downstream, type of boundary condition , value of boundary condition))

  • Type of BC, value

  • waterdepth -> 1

  • waterlevel -> 2

  • discharge -> 3

  • froude -> 4

  • free -> 5

  • impervious -> 99

  • junction -> 100

  • mobile_dam -> 127

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • cl_value (dict[str:(str,str,float)]) – Boundary conditions values

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

write_width_file(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], width: float, save_as: str)[source]

Write the width file (.width file). - The width is constant for all the profiles

Only used for rectangular channels. /!The width is the same for all the profiles /!The width is the same for all the zones :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param width: Width :type width: float :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’ :type save_as: str, optional

write_top_file(crosses: list[list[wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile]], save_as: str)[source]

Write the topographic file (.top).

  • crosses (list[list[profile]]) – List of cross sections

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

write_batch_simulations(directory_of_executable: str, simulations_path: list[str], batch_name: str = 'batch_all_simuls', wetdry: Literal[fixed, evolutive] = 'evolutive', steady: Literal[no precomputation, precomputation, Creator_1D.write_batch_simulations.steady] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal[wolfcli, wolfclid] = 'wolfcli') str[source]

Write a bat file (.bat) for all simulations. A .bat file contains a small commmand used to call the executable and run the simulations.

  • directory_of_executable (str) – Directory of the executable

  • simulations_path (list[str]) – Simulations paths

  • batch_name (str, optional) – Batch name, defaults to ‘batch_all_simuls’

  • wetdry (Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional) – Wetdry, defaults to ‘evolutive’

  • steady (Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional) – Steady, defaults to ‘precomputation’

  • executable_type (Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional) – Executable type, defaults to ‘wolfcli’


Batch file

Return type:


write_batch_file(directory_of_executable: str, directory_simulation: str, simulation_name: str, wetdry: Literal[fixed, evolutive] = 'evolutive', steady: Literal[no precomputation, precomputation, Creator_1D.write_batch_file.steady] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal[wolfcli, wolfclid] = 'wolfcli', different_names=False, new_name: str = '') str[source]

Write a batch file (.bat file). A .bat file contains a small commmand used to call the executable and run the simulations.

  • directory_of_executable (str) – Directory of the executable

  • directory_simulation (str) – Directory of the simulation

  • simulation_name (str) – Simulation name

  • wetdry (Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional) – Wetdry, defaults to ‘evolutive’

  • steady (Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional) – Steady, defaults to ‘precomputation

  • executable_type (Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional) – Executable type, defaults to ‘wolfcli’

  • different_names (bool, optional) – Different names, defaults to False

  • new_name (str, optional) – New name, defaults to ‘’


Batch file

Return type:


run_bat_files(batch_file: str, communicate=False)[source]

Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation).

  • batch_file (str) – Batch file

  • communicate (bool, optional) – Communicate, defaults to False

_run_batch_file(batch_file: str, communicate=False)[source]

Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation).

  • batch_file (str) – Batch file

  • communicate (bool, optional) – Communicate, defaults to False

FIXME Deprecated.


Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation).

FIXME still not working. .. note:: Find a way to implement it.

  • batch_file (str) – Batch file

  • communicate (bool, optional) – Communicate, defaults to False

_run_batch_file(batch_file: str)[source]

Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation).


batch_file (str) – Batch file


Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation).


batch_file (str) – Batch file

_run_bat_files(bat_file, force_cwd=False, initial_condition=False)[source]

Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation).

  • batch_file (str) – Batch file

  • force_cwd (bool, optional) – Force current working directory, defaults to False

write_help_file(save_as: str) None[source]

Write the help file. Contains the list of mandatory and optional files to create a 1D model.


save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

remove_directory(directory: str) None[source]

Delete a directory (folder).


directory (str) – Directory path

find_1D_binary_results(directory: str) tuple[str][source]

/!This method has been deprecated. Return a tuple containing the paths to the model:

  • Head file (binary file containing the necessary information to interpret the results -> number of time steps, coordinates, simulated times, real times);

  • Depth file (binary file containing the computed depths at each time step);

  • Discharge file (binary file containing the computed discharges at each time step);

  • Wetted sections file (binary file containing the wetted sections for each time step).


directory (str) – Directory


Paths to the model

Return type:


read_1D_binary_results(results: list[str]) tuple[numpy.ndarray][source]

/!This method has been deprecated. Check the the class` Wolfresults_1D` for the new implementation. Return a tuple containing the simulated results as numpy arrays in this order:

    1. Nodes coordinates (np.ndarray),

    1. Water depths (np.ndarray),

    1. Discharges (np.ndarray),

    1. Wetted sections (np.ndarray),

    1. real times

    1. Simulated times

plot_1D_results(results: tuple[numpy.ndarray], save_as: str = '', figure_size=(20, 10), first_time_step=1, animations=True, max_ylimits=(0.9, 0.9, 2.5, 1.5, 1, 1), landmark: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = None, banks: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = None, dpi: float = Constants.DPI.value) None[source]

/!This method has been deprecated. Check the the class` Wolfresults_1D` for the new implementation. Plot the results of 1D model either:

  • as a gif (evolution of all parameters)

Starting from a particular time step (firt_time_step) or, - As a picture (only the first time step).

@ The counting of time steps starts from 1, and negative counting (from the back) works too.

@ In case a bad time steps is passed, the last time step will be plotted.

@ max_ylimits allows the resizing of the maximum y limits of each of the 4 plots respectively.
  • For instance, the maximum ylim for discharges (third plot) =

max(discharges) + (2.5 * max(discharges))

  • results (tuple[np.ndarray]) – Results

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

  • figure_size (tuple, optional) – Figure size, defaults to (20,10)

  • first_time_step (int, optional) – First time step, defaults to 1

  • animations (bool, optional) – Animations, defaults to True

  • max_ylimits (tuple, optional) – Maximum y limits, defaults to (0.9, 0.9, 2.5, 1.5, 1, 1)

  • landmark (Zones, optional) – Landmark, defaults to None

  • banks (Zones, optional) – Banks, defaults to None

  • dpi (float, optional) – Dpi, defaults to Constants.DPI.value

plot_hydrograph_nodes(results: tuple[numpy.ndarray], which_nodes: list[int] = [0, -1], save_as: str = '', figure_size=(20, 10))[source]

/!This method has been deprecated. Check the the class` Wolfresults_1D` for the new implementation.

Plot the hydrographs of the nodes.

  • results (tuple[np.ndarray]) – Results

  • which_nodes (list[int], optional) – Which nodes, defaults to [0,-1]

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path of the new cross section, defaults to ‘’

  • figure_size (tuple, optional) – Figure size, defaults to (20,10)

write_simulation_files_from_crosssections(folder_path: str, cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, parallels: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, banks: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness: Union[float, wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray], hydrographs: list[list[list]], exe_file: str, topography: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray = None, initial_discharge: float = None, simulation_name: str = 'simul', discretisation: float = 10.0, extrapolation_of_extremities: float = 100.0, initial_depth: float = 1.0, write_in: Literal[iterations, Creator_1D.write_simulation_files_from_crosssections.times] = 'times', output_frequency: int = 900, polygon_number: int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time: int = None, roughness_option: Literal[under_profile, under_polygons] = 'under_profile', roughness_selection: Literal[min, mean, median, max] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal[.aini, .hini, .zini] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles: list = ['1'], wetdry: Literal[fixed, evolutive] = 'evolutive', steady: Literal[no precomputation, precomputation, Creator_1D.write_simulation_files_from_crosssections.steady] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal[wolfcli, wolfclid] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal[yes, no] = 'no', writing_type_infiltration: Literal[continuous, stepwise] = 'continuous', epsilon_infiltration: float = 0.01, new_directory='', force_steady=True) tuple[source]

Write the simulation files (the 1D model) from the cross sections and the other parameters with one line of code.

  • folder_path (str) – Folder path

  • cross_sections (crosssections) – Cross sections

  • parallels (Zones) – Parallels

  • banks (Zones) – Banks

  • boundary_conditions (dict) – Boundary conditions

  • roughness (Union[float,WolfArray]) – Roughness

  • hydrographs (list[list[list]]) – Hydrographs

  • exe_file (str) – Exe file

  • topography (WolfArray, optional) – Topography, defaults to None

  • initial_discharge (float, optional) – Initial discharge, defaults to None

  • simulation_name (str, optional) – Simulation name, defaults to ‘simul’

  • discretisation (float, optional) – Discretisation, defaults to 10.

  • extrapolation_of_extremities (float, optional) – Extrapolation of extremities, defaults to 100.

  • initial_depth (float, optional) – Initial depth, defaults to 1.

  • write_in (Literal['iterations', 'times'], optional) – Write in, defaults to ‘times’

  • output_frequency (int, optional) – Output frequency, defaults to 900

  • polygon_number (int, optional) – Polygon number, defaults to 1

  • code_verbosity_profile (list, optional) – Code verbosity profile, defaults to [1]

  • simulation_time (int, optional) – Simulation time, defaults to None

  • roughness_option (Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons'], optional) – Roughness option, defaults to ‘under_profile’

  • roughness_selection (Literal['min','mean','median','max'], optional) – Roughness selection, defaults to ‘mean’

  • file_type_initial_cond (Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'], optional) – File type initial cond, defaults to ‘.aini’

  • infiltration_profiles (list, optional) – Infiltration profiles, defaults to [‘1’]

  • wetdry (Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional) – Wetdry, defaults to ‘evolutive’

  • steady (Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional) – Steady, defaults to ‘precomputation’

  • executable_type (Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional) – Executable type, defaults to ‘wolfcli’

  • run_simulation (Literal['yes', 'no'], optional) – Run simulation, defaults to ‘no’

  • writing_type_infiltration (Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional) – Writing type infiltration, defaults to ‘continuous’

  • epsilon_infiltration (float, optional) – Epsilon infiltration, defaults to 0.01

  • new_directory (str, optional) – New directory, defaults to ‘’

  • force_steady (bool, optional) – Force steady, defaults to True



Return type:


find_file_from_extension(directory: str, file_extension: str) str[source]

Return a file in a directory based on its extension.

  • directory (str) – file path to the folder

  • file_extension (str) – file extension


file path

start_from_steady_state(directory: str, plot=True)[source]

Compute the steady state solution and update the initial conditions based on the results.

  • directory (str) – directory (simulation folder)

  • plot – wheter the process should open a matplotlib figure

containing the steady state solution or not, defaults to True

update_initial_conditions_from_results(directory: str, time_step: int = 1, plot: bool = True)[source]
log_message(message: str)[source]

Message for the user.


message (str) – message

create_multiple_simulations_from_csv(csv_filename: str, folder_path: str, cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, parallels: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, banks: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness: Union[float, wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray], hydrographs: list[list[list]], exe_file: str, topography: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray = None, initial_discharge: float = None, simulation_name: str = 'simul', discretisation: float = 10.0, extrapolation_of_extremities: float = 100.0, initial_depth: float = 1.0, write_in: Literal[iterations, times] = 'times', output_frequency: int = 900, polygon_number: int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time: int = None, roughness_option: Literal[under_profile, under_polygons] = 'under_profile', roughness_selection: Literal[min, mean, median, max] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal[.aini, .hini, .zini] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles: list = ['1'], wetdry: Literal[fixed, evolutive] = 'evolutive', steady: Literal[no precomputation, precomputation, Creator_1D.create_multiple_simulations_from_csv.steady] = 'steady', executable_type: Literal[wolfcli, wolfclid] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal[yes, no] = 'no', force_steady=True)[source]

Create multiple simulations from a csv file.

  • csv_filename (str) – Csv filename

  • folder_path (str) – Folder path

  • cross_sections (crosssections) – Cross sections

  • parallels (Zones) – Parallels

  • banks (Zones) – Banks

  • boundary_conditions (dict) – Boundary conditions

  • roughness (Union[float,WolfArray]) – Roughness

  • hydrographs (list[list[list]]) – Hydrographs

  • exe_file (str) – Exe file

  • topography (WolfArray, optional) – Topography, defaults to None

  • initial_discharge (float, optional) – Initial discharge, defaults to None

  • simulation_name (str, optional) – Simulation name, defaults to ‘simul’

  • discretisation (float, optional) – Discretisation, defaults to 10.

  • extrapolation_of_extremities (float, optional) – Extrapolation of extremities, defaults to 100.

  • initial_depth (float, optional) – Initial depth, defaults to 1.

  • write_in (Literal['iterations', 'times'], optional) – Write in, defaults to ‘times’

  • output_frequency (int, optional) – Output frequency, defaults to 900

  • polygon_number (int, optional) – Polygon number, defaults to 1

  • code_verbosity_profile (list, optional) – Code verbosity profile, defaults to [1]

  • simulation_time (int, optional) – Simulation time, defaults to None

  • roughness_option (Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons'], optional) – Roughness option, defaults to ‘under_profile’

  • roughness_selection (Literal['min','mean','median','max'], optional) – Roughness selection, defaults to ‘mean’

  • file_type_initial_cond (Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'], optional) – File type initial cond, defaults to ‘.aini’

  • infiltration_profiles (list, optional) – Infiltration profiles, defaults to [‘1’]

  • wetdry (Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional) – Wetdry, defaults to ‘evolutive’

  • steady (Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional) – Steady, defaults to ‘steady’

  • executable_type (Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional) – Executable type, defaults to ‘wolfcli’

  • run_simulation (Literal['yes', 'no'], optional) – Run simulation, defaults to ‘no’

  • force_steady (bool, optional) – Force steady, defaults to True

read_csv_as_dataframe(filename: str, column_names: list = None, sep=',', header: int = 0) pandas.DataFrame[source]

Read a csv file and return a pandas dataframe.

  • filename (str) – Filename

  • column_names (list, optional) – Column names, defaults to None

  • sep (str, optional) – Separator, defaults to ‘,’

  • header (int, optional) – Header, defaults to 0


Pandas dataframe

Return type:


read_csv_as_infiltrations(filename: str, sep=',', header: int = 0) list[dict][source]

Read a csv file and return a list containing the infiltrations(hydrographs and profiles).

  • filename (str) – Filename

  • sep (str, optional) – Separator, defaults to ‘,’

  • header (int, optional) – Header, defaults to 0


List of infiltrations

Return type:


create_simulations_from_csv(csv_filename: str, folder_path: str, cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, parallels: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, banks: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness: Union[float, wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray], exe_file: str, hydrographs: list[list[list]] = None, topography: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray = None, initial_discharge: float = None, simulation_name: str = 'simul', discretisation: float = 10.0, extrapolation_of_extremities: float = 100.0, initial_depth: float = 1.0, write_in: Literal[iterations, times] = 'times', output_frequency: int = 900, polygon_number: int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time: int = None, roughness_option: Literal[under_profile, under_polygons] = 'under_profile', roughness_selection: Literal[min, mean, median, max] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal[.aini, .hini, .zini] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles: list = ['1'], wetdry: Literal[fixed, evolutive] = 'evolutive', steady: Literal[no precomputation, precomputation, Creator_1D.create_simulations_from_csv.steady] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal[wolfcli, wolfclid] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal[yes, no] = 'no', writing_type_infiltration: Literal[continuous, stepwise] = 'continuous', epsilon_infiltration: float = 0.01, force_steady=True) None[source]

Create simulations from a csv file.

  • csv_filename (str) – Csv filename

  • folder_path (str) – Folder path

  • cross_sections (crosssections) – Cross sections

  • parallels (Zones) – Parallels

  • banks (Zones) – Banks

  • boundary_conditions (dict) – Boundary conditions

  • roughness (Union[float,WolfArray]) – Roughness

  • exe_file (str) – Exe file

  • hydrographs (list[list[list]], optional) – Hydrographs, defaults to None

  • topography (WolfArray, optional) – Topography, defaults to None

  • initial_discharge (float, optional) – Initial discharge, defaults to None

  • simulation_name (str, optional) – Simulation name, defaults to ‘simul’

  • discretisation (float, optional) – Discretisation, defaults to 10.

  • extrapolation_of_extremities (float, optional) – Extrapolation of extremities, defaults to 100.

  • initial_depth (float, optional) – Initial depth, defaults to 1.

  • write_in (Literal['iterations', 'times'], optional) – Write in, defaults to ‘times’

  • output_frequency (int, optional) – Output frequency, defaults to 900

  • polygon_number (int, optional) – Polygon number, defaults to 1

  • code_verbosity_profile (list, optional) – Code verbosity profile, defaults to [1]

  • simulation_time (int, optional) – Simulation time, defaults to None

  • roughness_option (Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons'], optional) – Roughness option, defaults to ‘under_profile’

  • roughness_selection (Literal['min','mean','median','max'], optional) – Roughness selection, defaults to ‘mean’

  • file_type_initial_cond (Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'], optional) – File type initial cond, defaults to ‘.aini’

  • infiltration_profiles (list, optional) – Infiltration profiles, defaults to [‘1’]

  • wetdry (Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional) – Wetdry, defaults to ‘evolutive’

  • steady (Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional) – Steady, defaults to ‘precomputation’

  • executable_type (Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional) – Executable type, defaults to ‘wolfcli’

  • run_simulation (Literal['yes', 'no'], optional) – Run simulation, defaults to ‘no’

  • writing_type_infiltration (Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional) – Writing type infiltration, defaults to ‘continuous’

  • epsilon_infiltration (float, optional) – Epsilon infiltration, defaults to 0.01

  • force_steady (bool, optional) – Force steady, defaults to True

copy_simulation_files(simulation: str, save_as: str, ignore_filetype: Literal[.*qini, *.aini, *.zini, *.hini, *.cl, *.rough, infil*, *.inf*.infil, *.param, *.top, *.ptv, *.gtv, .log, .count*.HEAD, *.RA, *.RB, *.RQ, *.RS, *.vecz, *.vec, *.txt, *.bat] = '') str[source]

Copy simulation files.

  • simulation (str) – Simulation

  • save_as (str) – Save as

  • ignore_filetype (str, optional) – Ignore filetype, defaults to ‘’


Copied directory

Return type:


copy_multiple_simulations_from_csv(csv_filename: str, simulation: str) None[source]

Copy multiple simulations from a csv file.

  • csv_filename (str) – Csv filename

  • simulation (str) – Simulation

distribute_values_as_sum(array: numpy.ndarray) numpy.ndarray[source]

Return a 1D array were the 0 are filled with the previous value in the table, and the existing values are replaced by their summed with the previous value in the table.


array (np.ndarray) – Array(1D) containing the vaalues of the initial discharge at specific profiles


Updated array

Return type:


find_qini_values_from_infiltration_dict(infiltration: dict) dict[source]

Return a dictionnary containing the infiltration profiles and their initial discharge (first value).

These dictionnary can be used


infiltration (dict) – Infiltration


Initial infiltrations

Return type:


compute_qini_values_from_infiltrations_dict(infiltrations: dict, nb_cells: int) numpy.ndarray[source]

Compute the initial discharge from a dictionary of infiltrations. The method returns an array of initial discharges. The array values are distributed from the distribution (linear sum) of the first infiltration values.

  • infiltrations (dict) – Infiltrations (dictionnary of hydrographs)

  • nb_cells (int) – Number of cells


Initial discharges

Return type:


update_qini_file_from_infiltration_dict(infiltrations: dict, directory: str)[source]

Upadte the qini file from a dictionary of infiltrations.

  • infiltrations (dict) – Infiltrations

  • directory (str) – Directory (folder)

read_ini_file_as_dataframe(ini_file: str)[source]

Read an ini file and return a pandas dataframe.


ini_file (str) – File of initial conditions


Pandas dataframe

Return type:


update_ini_file(ini_file: str, new_values: numpy.ndarray) None[source]

Update the initial condition file with new values. The method reads the initial condition file as a pandas dataframe, then replace old the values by the new values.

  • ini_file (str) – File of initial condition

  • new_values (np.ndarray) – New values

__write_batch_file(directory_of_executable: str, directory_simulation: str, simulation_name: str, wetdry: Literal[fixed, evolutive] = 'evolutive', steady: Literal[no precomputation, precomputation, Creator_1D.__write_batch_file.steady] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal[wolfcli, wolfclid] = 'wolfcli', different_names=False, new_name: str = '') str[source]
match_ends_2vectors_outdated(zones1: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, zones2: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, id1: int = 0, id2: int = 0) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Aligns the vertices of 2 successive zone containing each 3 vectors (1 vector and its 2 parallels), so that, the end of each vector matches the begining of its corresponding in the other zone.

  • id1: zone id in zones1.myzones,

  • id2: zone id in zones2.myzones.

__save_as_1D_crossections(zones: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, format='vecz', save_as: str = '') wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections[source]
__update_qini_file_from_infiltration_dict(infiltrations: dict, directory: str)[source]

Deprecating due to the last for loop (it’s obviously a code duplication).

_create_simulations_from_csv(csv_filename: str, folder_path: str, cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, parallels: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, banks: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness: Union[float, wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray], hydrographs: list[list[list]], exe_file: str, topography: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray = None, initial_discharge: float = None, simulation_name: str = 'simul', discretisation: float = 10.0, extrapolation_of_extremities: float = 100.0, initial_depth: float = 1.0, write_in: Literal[iterations, times] = 'times', output_frequency: int = 900, polygon_number: int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time: int = None, roughness_option: Literal[under_profile, under_polygons] = 'under_profile', roughness_selection: Literal[min, mean, median, max] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal[.aini, .hini, .zini] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles: list = ['1'], wetdry: Literal[fixed, evolutive] = 'evolutive', steady: Literal[no precomputation, precomputation, Creator_1D._create_simulations_from_csv.steady] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal[wolfcli, wolfclid] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal[yes, no] = 'no', writing_type_infiltration: Literal[continuous, stepwise] = 'continuous', epsilon_infiltration: float = 0.01, force_steady=True) None[source]


_start_from_steady_state(profile: str, infiltrations: dict, list_of_sorted_cross: list, directory, plot=True)[source]
__write_simulation_files_from_crosssections(folder_path: str, cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, parallels: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, banks: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness: Union[float, wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray], hydrographs: list[list[list]], exe_file: str, topography: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray = None, initial_discharge: float = None, simulation_name: str = 'simul', discretisation: float = 10.0, extrapolation_of_extremities: float = 100.0, initial_depth: float = 1.0, write_in: Literal[iterations, Creator_1D.__write_simulation_files_from_crosssections.times] = 'times', output_frequency: int = 900, polygon_number: int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time: int = None, roughness_option: Literal[under_profile, under_polygons] = 'under_profile', roughness_selection: Literal[min, mean, median, max] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal[.aini, .hini, .zini] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles: list = ['1'], wetdry: Literal[fixed, evolutive] = 'evolutive', steady: Literal[no precomputation, precomputation, Creator_1D.__write_simulation_files_from_crosssections.steady] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal[wolfcli, wolfclid] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal[yes, no] = 'no', writing_type_infiltration: Literal[continuous, stepwise] = 'continuous', epsilon_infiltration: float = 0.01, new_directory='', force_steady=True) tuple[source]

Write the simulation files (the 1D model) from the cross sections and the other parameters with one line of code.

  • folder_path (str) – Folder path

  • cross_sections (crosssections) – Cross sections

  • parallels (Zones) – Parallels

  • banks (Zones) – Banks

  • boundary_conditions (dict) – Boundary conditions

  • roughness (Union[float,WolfArray]) – Roughness

  • hydrographs (list[list[list]]) – Hydrographs

  • exe_file (str) – Exe file

  • topography (WolfArray, optional) – Topography, defaults to None

  • initial_discharge (float, optional) – Initial discharge, defaults to None

  • simulation_name (str, optional) – Simulation name, defaults to ‘simul’

  • discretisation (float, optional) – Discretisation, defaults to 10.

  • extrapolation_of_extremities (float, optional) – Extrapolation of extremities, defaults to 100.

  • initial_depth (float, optional) – Initial depth, defaults to 1.

  • write_in (Literal['iterations', 'times'], optional) – Write in, defaults to ‘times’

  • output_frequency (int, optional) – Output frequency, defaults to 900

  • polygon_number (int, optional) – Polygon number, defaults to 1

  • code_verbosity_profile (list, optional) – Code verbosity profile, defaults to [1]

  • simulation_time (int, optional) – Simulation time, defaults to None

  • roughness_option (Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons'], optional) – Roughness option, defaults to ‘under_profile’

  • roughness_selection (Literal['min','mean','median','max'], optional) – Roughness selection, defaults to ‘mean’

  • file_type_initial_cond (Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'], optional) – File type initial cond, defaults to ‘.aini’

  • infiltration_profiles (list, optional) – Infiltration profiles, defaults to [‘1’]

  • wetdry (Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional) – Wetdry, defaults to ‘evolutive’

  • steady (Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional) – Steady, defaults to ‘precomputation’

  • executable_type (Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional) – Executable type, defaults to ‘wolfcli’

  • run_simulation (Literal['yes', 'no'], optional) – Run simulation, defaults to ‘no’

  • writing_type_infiltration (Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional) – Writing type infiltration, defaults to ‘continuous’

  • epsilon_infiltration (float, optional) – Epsilon infiltration, defaults to 0.01

  • new_directory (str, optional) – New directory, defaults to ‘’

  • force_steady (bool, optional) – Force steady, defaults to True



Return type:


____write_simulation_files_from_crosssections(folder_path: str, cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, parallels: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, banks: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness: Union[float, wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray], hydrographs: list[list[list]], exe_file: str, topography: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray = None, initial_discharge: float = None, simulation_name: str = 'simul', discretisation: float = 10.0, extrapolation_of_extremities: float = 100.0, initial_depth: float = 1.0, write_in: Literal[iterations, Creator_1D.____write_simulation_files_from_crosssections.times] = 'times', output_frequency: int = 900, polygon_number: int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time: int = None, roughness_option: Literal[under_profile, under_polygons] = 'under_profile', roughness_selection: Literal[min, mean, median, max] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal[.aini, .hini, .zini] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles: list = ['1'], wetdry: Literal[fixed, evolutive] = 'evolutive', steady: Literal[no precomputation, precomputation, Creator_1D.____write_simulation_files_from_crosssections.steady] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal[wolfcli, wolfclid] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal[yes, no] = 'no', writing_type_infiltration: Literal[continuous, stepwise] = 'continuous', epsilon_infiltration: float = 0.01, new_directory='', steady_state_profile='', force_steady=True, start_from_steady_state=False, plot_steady_state=True) tuple[source]

Write the simulation files (the 1D model) from the cross sections and the other parameters with one line of code.

  • folder_path (str) – Folder path

  • cross_sections (crosssections) – Cross sections

  • parallels (Zones) – Parallels

  • banks (Zones) – Banks

  • boundary_conditions (dict) – Boundary conditions

  • roughness (Union[float,WolfArray]) – Roughness

  • hydrographs (list[list[list]]) – Hydrographs

  • exe_file (str) – Exe file

  • topography (WolfArray, optional) – Topography, defaults to None

  • initial_discharge (float, optional) – Initial discharge, defaults to None

  • simulation_name (str, optional) – Simulation name, defaults to ‘simul’

  • discretisation (float, optional) – Discretisation, defaults to 10.

  • extrapolation_of_extremities (float, optional) – Extrapolation of extremities, defaults to 100.

  • initial_depth (float, optional) – Initial depth, defaults to 1.

  • write_in (Literal['iterations', 'times'], optional) – Write in, defaults to ‘times’

  • output_frequency (int, optional) – Output frequency, defaults to 900

  • polygon_number (int, optional) – Polygon number, defaults to 1

  • code_verbosity_profile (list, optional) – Code verbosity profile, defaults to [1]

  • simulation_time (int, optional) – Simulation time, defaults to None

  • roughness_option (Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons'], optional) – Roughness option, defaults to ‘under_profile’

  • roughness_selection (Literal['min','mean','median','max'], optional) – Roughness selection, defaults to ‘mean’

  • file_type_initial_cond (Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'], optional) – File type initial cond, defaults to ‘.aini’

  • infiltration_profiles (list, optional) – Infiltration profiles, defaults to [‘1’]

  • wetdry (Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional) – Wetdry, defaults to ‘evolutive’

  • steady (Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional) – Steady, defaults to ‘precomputation’

  • executable_type (Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional) – Executable type, defaults to ‘wolfcli’

  • run_simulation (Literal['yes', 'no'], optional) – Run simulation, defaults to ‘no’

  • writing_type_infiltration (Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional) – Writing type infiltration, defaults to ‘continuous’

  • epsilon_infiltration (float, optional) – Epsilon infiltration, defaults to 0.01

  • new_directory (str, optional) – New directory, defaults to ‘’

  • force_steady (bool, optional) – Force steady, defaults to True



Return type:


class wolfhece.Model1D.Wolfresults_1D(simulation_directory: str = None)[source]

Read the results of a Wolf 1D model and enable the visualization (plots) of variables namely water level, water depth, discharge, wetted sections, velocity and Froude number.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

update_ic_from_time_steps(time_step: int = -1) numpy.ndarray[source]
Return the simulated conditions (a,q,h, r) at a given time step as a np.ndarray.
  • a: Wetted section (index 0),

  • s: Wetted perimeter (index 1),

  • w: Top width (index 2),

  • r: Hydraulic radius (index 3).


time_step (int, optional) – the desired time steps, defaults to -1


the conditions at the specified time step

Return type:


update_ini_file(ini_file: str, new_values: numpy.ndarray) None[source]

Update the initial condition file with new values.

plot_water_level(figax: tuple = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = 10.0, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, show=True)[source]

Plot the water level and return the information associated with the the figure’s axis.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x_m (float, optional) – Grid x_m, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y_m (float, optional) – Grid y_m, defaults to 10.

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True



Return type:


_plot_water_level(figax: tuple = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = 10.0, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, show=True)[source]

Deprecated method

plot_line_water_level(figax: tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = 10.0, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, label: str = '', color: str = 'blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=0.7, show=True)[source]

Plot the water level as a continous line and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x_m (float, optional) – Grid x_m, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y_m (float, optional) – Grid y_m, defaults to 10.

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • label (str, optional) – Label, defaults to ‘’

  • color (str, optional) – Color, defaults to ‘blue’

  • linestyle (str, optional) – Linestyle, defaults to ‘solid’

  • linewidth (float, optional) – Linewidth, defaults to 0.7

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True


Water level

Return type:


plot_water_depth(figax: tuple = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = 0.5, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, show=True)[source]

Plot the water depth and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x_m (float, optional) – Grid x_m, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y_m (float, optional) – Grid y_m, defaults to .5

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True


Water depth

Return type:


plot_line_water_depth(figax: tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = 10.0, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, label: str = '', color: str = 'blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=0.7, show=True)[source]

Plot the water depth as a line and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x_m (float, optional) – Grid x_m, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y_m (float, optional) – Grid y_m, defaults to 10.

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • label (str, optional) – Label, defaults to ‘’

  • color (str, optional) – Color, defaults to ‘blue’

  • linestyle (str, optional) – Linestyle, defaults to ‘solid’

  • linewidth (float, optional) – Linewidth, defaults to 0.7

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True


Water depth

Return type:


plot_discharges(figax: tuple = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = None, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, show=True)[source]

Plot the discharges and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x_m (float, optional) – Grid x_m, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y_m (float, optional) – Grid y_m, defaults to None

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True


Water discharge

Return type:


plot_line_discharges(figax: tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = 10.0, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, label: str = '', color: str = 'blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=0.7, show=True)[source]

Plot the discharges as a line and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x_m (float, optional) – Grid x_m, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y_m (float, optional) – Grid y_m, defaults to 10.

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • label (str, optional) – Label, defaults to ‘’

  • color (str, optional) – Color, defaults to ‘blue’

  • linestyle (str, optional) – Linestyle, defaults to ‘solid’

  • linewidth (float, optional) – Linewidth, defaults to 0.7

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True


Water discharge

Return type:


plot_wetted_sections(figax: tuple = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x: float = 1000.0, grid_y: float = None, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, show=True)[source]

Plot the wetted sections and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x (float, optional) – Grid x, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y (float, optional) – Grid y, defaults to None

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True


Wetted sections

Return type:


plot_line_wetted_sections(figax: tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = 10.0, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, label: str = '', color: str = 'blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=0.7, show=True)[source]

Plot the wetted sections as a line and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x_m (float, optional) – Grid x_m, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y_m (float, optional) – Grid y_m, defaults to 10.

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • label (str, optional) – Label, defaults to ‘’

  • color (str, optional) – Color, defaults to ‘blue’

  • linestyle (str, optional) – Linestyle, defaults to ‘solid’

  • linewidth (float, optional) – Linewidth, defaults to 0.7

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True


Wetted sections

Return type:


plot_velocities(figax: tuple = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x: float = 1000.0, grid_y: float = None, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, show=True)[source]

Plot the velocities and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x (float, optional) – Grid x, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y (float, optional) – Grid y, defaults to None

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True



Return type:


plot_line_velocities(figax: tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = 10.0, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, label: str = '', color: str = 'blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=0.7, show=True)[source]

Plot the velocities as a line and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x_m (float, optional) – Grid x_m, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y_m (float, optional) – Grid y_m, defaults to 10.

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • label (str, optional) – Label, defaults to ‘’

  • color (str, optional) – Color, defaults to ‘blue’

  • linestyle (str, optional) – Linestyle, defaults to ‘solid’

  • linewidth (float, optional) – Linewidth, defaults to 0.7

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True



Return type:


plot_froudes(figax: tuple = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x: float = 1000.0, grid_y: float = None, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, show=True)[source]

Plot the Froude numbers and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x (float, optional) – Grid x, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y (float, optional) – Grid y, defaults to None

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True


Froude number

Return type:


plot_line_froudes(figax: tuple[matplotlib.figure.Figure, matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, time_step: int = 1, banksbed: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', landmark: str | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = 10.0, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False, label: str = '', color: str = 'blue', linestyle='solid', linewidth=0.7, show=True)[source]

Plot the Froude numbers as a line and return the information associated with the axe.

Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • figax (tuple, optional) – Figure and axe

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x_m (float, optional) – Grid x_m, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y_m (float, optional) – Grid y_m, defaults to 10.

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

  • label (str, optional) – Label, defaults to ‘’

  • color (str, optional) – Color, defaults to ‘blue’

  • linestyle (str, optional) – Linestyle, defaults to ‘solid’

  • linewidth (float, optional) – Linewidth, defaults to 0.7

  • show (bool, optional) – Show, defaults to True


Froude number

Return type:


create_axis(figures: list)[source]

Return the predefined matplolib index(es) used to create the figure’s axes based on their number.


figures (list) – List of figures


List of axes

Return type:


plot_variables(figures: list[Literal[water level, Wolfresults_1D.plot_variables.discharge, wetted section, water depth, Wolfresults_1D.plot_variables.velocity, Wolfresults_1D.plot_variables.froude]] = ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section', 'water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], time_step: int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str, wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (30, 10), alpha: float = 0.3, show=True, steps_limit=True, grid_x_m=1000, grid_y_m=10) list[tuple[matplotlib.lines.Line2D, matplotlib.axes.Axes, matplotlib.figure.Figure]][source]

Plot the selected variables in figures and return the information associated with their axes.


figures – List of spefic figures to be plotted,

defaults to [‘water level’, ‘discharge’, ‘wetted section’,’water depth’, ‘velocity’, ‘froude’] :type figures: list :param time_step: Desired results (time step) to be plotted, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Bed and banks of the river, defaults to ‘’ :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river, defaults to ‘’ :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to ‘’ :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Size of the figure, defaults to (30,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: figure transparency, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param show: Should the figure be shown, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to True :type steps_limit: bool, optional :return: List of axes :rtype: list

animate_1D_plots(figures: list[Literal[water level, discharge, wetted section, water depth, velocity, froude]] = ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section', 'water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], time_step: int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str, wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha: float = 0.3, save_as: str = '', grid_x=1000, grid_y=10)[source]

Animate the selected variables in figures, save them as a file and return the information associated with their axes.

FIXME: implement multiprocesses to speed up the process.

  • figures (list) – List of figures

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to 1

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figsize, defaults to (20,10)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’


List of axes

Return type:


_animate_1D_plots(figures: list[Literal[water level, discharge, wetted section, water depth, velocity, froude]] = ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section', 'water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], time_step: int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str, wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = '', figsize: tuple = (20, 10), alpha: float = 0.3, save_as: str = '')[source]

/!Deprecating Animate the selected variables in figures, save them as a file and return the information associated with their axes.


Convert entry into a unique time step format usable by other methods. Return the real time step.


time_step (int) – Time step


Real time step

Return type:


__convert_time_step(time_step, results_array: numpy.array)[source]


_vector_from_coordinates() wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.vector[source]

Create a vector from the lowest points of each section (coordinates).



Return type:


_landmark(landmark: Union[wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones, str], ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, time_step: int, text=True, variable: Literal[water level, water depth, discharge, wetted sections, velocity, froude] = 'water level', alpha=0.7, rotation=30, ymax: float = None)[source]

Plot landmarks which are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river.

  • landmark (Union[Zones,str]) – Landmark

  • ax (Axes) – Axes

  • time_step (int) – Time step

  • text (bool, optional) – Text, defaults to True

  • variable (Literal['water level', 'water depth', 'discharge', 'wetted sections','velocity', 'froude'], optional) – Variable, defaults to ‘water level’

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.7

  • rotation (int, optional) – Rotation, defaults to 30

  • ymax (float, optional) – Ymax, defaults to None

_river_banksbed(bedbanks: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones | str, zone_id: int = 0)[source]

Set the river banks (left and right) and update the curviligne coordinates (self.s_coords) used for plotting (projections).

  • self.s_curvi = projections of lowest bed points on the mid-river bed vector (from _banksbed.vec),

  • self.left_bank_curvi = projections of left bank on the mid_river bed vector,

  • self.right_bank_curvi = projections of right bank on the mid_river bed vector.

  • bedbanks (Union[Zones,str]) – Bedbanks

  • zone_id (int, optional) – Zone id, defaults to 0


Update initial curviligne coordinates of the river bed (self.s_coords) projected curviligne coordinate (self.s_curvi).


Update the yticks of the graph.


y_max (float) – Y max


Grid y

Return type:



Update the xticks of the graph.


x_max (float) – x max


Grid x

Return type:



Update the xticks of the graph.


x_max (float) – X max


Grid x

Return type:


return_only_width(depth: float, prof: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.profile) float[source]

Return the width of the profile for a given depth.

  • depth (float) – Depth

  • prof (profile) – Profile



Return type:


find_width_from_sz(depth: float, s: list, z: list) float[source]

Find the width from the s and z coordinates.

  • depth (float) – Depth

  • s (list) – S

  • z (list) – Z



Return type:



Find the breadth file.


index (int) – Index



Return type:



Compute the Froude number.


Create the widths and Froudes. Write the .RWIDTH file which contains the simulated top widths by the model. This file is used to compute the Froude number.

_compute_froude(cross_sections: wolfhece.PyCrosssections.crosssections, riverbed: wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.vector | wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones | str = vector, zone_index: int = 0, vector_index: int = 0)[source]


find_max(array: numpy.ndarray) float[source]

Find the maximum value of an array.


array (np.ndarray) – Array



Return type:


update_yaxis(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, ymax: float, ymin=None)[source]

Update the y-axis.

  • ax (Axes) – Axes

  • ymax (float) – Y max

  • ymin (Union[float, None], optional) – Y min, defaults to None

find_figures_characteristics(axes_for_updates: list[tuple[matplotlib.lines.Line2D, matplotlib.axes.Axes, matplotlib.figure.Figure]], figures: list[Literal[water level, discharge, wetted section, water depth, velocity, froude]] = ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section', 'water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'])[source]

Return the right index of axes to be plotted.

  • axes_for_updates (list[tuple[Line2D, Axes,Figure]]) – Axes for updates

  • figures (list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']], optional) – Figures, defaults to [‘water level’, ‘discharge’, ‘wetted section’,’water depth’, ‘velocity’, ‘froude’]



Return type:


plot_nodes_evolution(which_nodes: list[int] = [0, -1], variable_name: Literal[water level, discharge, wetted section, water depth, velocity, froude] = 'discharge', save_as: str = '', figure_size=(25, 15), linewidth=2.0, plotting_style: Literal[scatter, line, combined] = 'line')[source]

Plot the evolution in time of specified nodes for a variable.

  • which_nodes (list[int], optional) – nodes for which the results will be displayed on the hydrograph,defaults to [0,-1]

  • variable_name (Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], optional) – the variable to plot , defaults to ‘discharge’

  • save_as (str, optional) – File path where the figure is saved, defaults to ‘’

  • figure_size (tuple, optional) – Figure size, defaults to (25,15)

  • linewidth (float, optional) – Linewidth on the graph (matplotlib format), defaults to 2.

  • plotting_style (Literal['scatter','line', 'combined'], optional) – Plotting style (matplotlib format), defaults to ‘line’

plot_hydrograph_nodes(which_nodes: list[int] = [0, -1], save_as: str = '', figure_size=(25, 15))[source]

This method is deprecating. Plot nodes evolution provides more flexibility Plot the evolution in time of the discharge.

  • which_nodes (list[int], optional) – _description_, defaults to [0,-1]

  • save_as (str, optional) – file path, defaults to ‘’

  • figure_size (tuple, optional) – Figure size, defaults to (25,15)

class wolfhece.Model1D.MultipleWolfresults_1D(simulations: list[str], model_index: int = 0, figures: list[Literal[water level, discharge, wetted section, water depth, velocity, froude]] = ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section', 'water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], time_step: int = -1, banksbed: Union[str, wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str, wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (25, 15), alpha=0.3, line_width=2.0, show=False)[source]

This class is used to plot multiple Wolf 1D results on the same figure.

It is a wrapper around Wolfresults_1D class.

The main goal is to plot the temporal and spatial evolution of the water level, discharge, wetted section, water depth, velocity and Froude Number for different simulations.


Create the initial figure on which other simulated results will be added.


show_landmarks (bool, optional) – Show landmarks, defaults to False


Add other simulated results as lines.

__plot_variable_lines(names: list[Literal[water level, discharge, wetted section, water depth, velocity, froude]] = ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section', 'water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'])[source]

Plot variable lines.


names (list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']], optional) – Names, defaults to [‘water level’, ‘discharge’, ‘wetted section’,’water depth’, ‘velocity’, ‘froude’]

_update_landmark(ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, name: str, ymax: float)[source]

Update the landmark.

  • ax (Axes) – Axes

  • name (str) – Name

  • ymax (float) – Y max


Deprecated Plot water levels.


Deprecated Plot water depths.


Deprecated Plot discharges.


Deprecated Plot wetted sections.


Deprecated Plot velocities.


Deprecated Plot froudes.

plot_one_results(model_index: int = 0, time_step: int = -1, figures: list[Literal[water level, discharge, wetted section, water depth, velocity, froude]] = ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section', 'water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], banksbed: Union[str, wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str, wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones] = '', save_as: str = '', figsize: tuple = (25, 15), alpha=0.3, grid_x_m: float = 1000.0, grid_y_m: float = 10.0, convert_step=True, steps_limit=False)[source]

Plot one results.

  • model_index (int, optional) – Model index, defaults to 0

  • time_step (int, optional) – Time step, defaults to -1

  • figures (list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']], optional) – Figures, defaults to [‘water level’, ‘discharge’, ‘wetted section’,’water depth’, ‘velocity’, ‘froude’]

  • banksbed (Union[str, Zones], optional) – Banksbed, defaults to ‘’

  • landmark (Union[str,Zones], optional) – Landmark, defaults to ‘’

  • save_as (str, optional) – Save as, defaults to ‘’

  • figsize (tuple, optional) – Figure size, defaults to (25,15)

  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha, defaults to 0.3

  • grid_x_m (float, optional) – Grid x m, defaults to 1000.

  • grid_y_m (float, optional) – Grid y m, defaults to 10.

  • convert_step (bool, optional) – Convert step, defaults to True

  • steps_limit (bool, optional) – Steps limit, defaults to False

class wolfhece.Model1D.ModifyParams(simulation_folder: str = '')[source]

Modify the parameters of an existing simulation using the Wolf_Param module.

find_simulation_file(file_extension: str, folder: str = '')[source]

Find a simulation file in a simulation folder based on the file extension.


FIXME: Insert a checking test for double files with the same extension.

  • file_extension (str) – File extension

  • folder (str, optional) – Folder, defaults to ‘’


File path

Return type:


modify_params_existing_simulation(simulation_folder: str = '', parent=None, w: int = 460, h: int = 560, ontop: bool = False, to_read: bool = True, withbuttons: bool = True, DestroyAtClosing: bool = True, toShow: bool = True, init_GUI: bool = True, force_even_if_same_default: bool = False)[source]

Modify the parameters of an existing simulation using the Wolf_Param module.

  • simulation_folder (str, optional) – Simulation folder, defaults to ‘’

  • parent (None, optional) – Parent, defaults to None

  • w (int, optional) – Width, defaults to 460

  • h (int, optional) – Height, defaults to 560

  • ontop (bool, optional) – Ontop, defaults to False

  • to_read (bool, optional) – To read, defaults to True

  • withbuttons (bool, optional) – Withbuttons, defaults to True

  • DestroyAtClosing (bool, optional) – DestroyAtClosing, defaults to True

  • toShow (bool, optional) – To show, defaults to True

  • init_GUI (bool, optional) – Init GUI, defaults to True

  • force_even_if_same_default (bool, optional) – Force even if same default, defaults to False

run_simulation(simulation_folder: str = '')[source]

Run a wolf model with the .bat file in the simulation folder.


simulation_folder (str, optional) – Simulation folder, defaults to ‘’

run_bat_files(bat_file: str)[source]

Run the .bat file in a Window’s shell to start the computations (simulation).


bat_file (str) – Bat file

get_last_name_of_path(path_string: str)[source]

Get the last folder or file of a path.


path_string (str) – Path string


Last folder

Return type:
