
Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

Module Contents

wolfhece.wolf_vrt.create_vrt(wdir: str, fout: str = 'out.vrt', format: str = 'tif')[source]

Agglomération de tous les fichiers .tif dans un layer virtuel .vrt

  • wdir (str) – working directory

  • fout (str) – output file

  • format (str) – format of the files to process

wolfhece.wolf_vrt._get_relative_path(path: pathlib.Path, base: pathlib.Path)[source]

Get relative path from base to path

  • path (Path) – path to get relative path

  • base (Path) – base path

wolfhece.wolf_vrt.create_vrt_from_files(files: list[pathlib.Path] = [], fout: pathlib.Path = 'assembly.vrt')[source]

Agglomération de tous les fichiers énumérés dans files dans un layer virtuel .vrt

  • files (list[Path]) – list of files to process

  • fout (Path) – output file

wolfhece.wolf_vrt.create_vrt_from_files_first_based(files: list[pathlib.Path] = [], fout: pathlib.Path = 'assembly.vrt', Nodata: float = 99999.0)[source]

Agglomération de tous les fichiers énumérés dans files dans un layer virtuel .vrt

Restreint l’emprise et force la résolution sur le premier fichier listé

wolfhece.wolf_vrt.translate_vrt2tif(fn: str, fout: str = None)[source]

Translate vrt file to tif file

  • fn – (str) ‘.vrt’ file to translate

  • fout – (str, optional) ‘.tif’ file out. Defaults to None –> fn+’.tif’

wolfhece.wolf_vrt.crop_vrt(fn: str, crop: list, fout: str = None)[source]

Crop vrt file

  • fn (str) – (str) ‘.vrt’ file to crop

  • crop (list) – (list) Bounds [[xmin, xmax], [ymin,ymax]] aka [[xLL, xUR], [yLL,yUR]]

  • fout (str) – (str, optional) ‘.tif’ file out. Defaults to None –> fn+’_crop.tif’

wolfhece.wolf_vrt.create_contours(files: list[pathlib.Path] = [], fout: pathlib.Path = 'assembly.vec', color_exterior: tuple = (255, 0, 0), color_interior: tuple = (0, 0, 255), width: int = 3, ignore_first: bool = True, create_extern: bool = True, create_intern: bool = True, force_mask_border: bool = True) wolfhece.PyVertexvectors.Zones[source]

Create contour/footprint from files

  • files (list[Path]) – list of files to process

  • fout (Path - if None, no output file) – output file

  • color_exterior (tuple) – RGB color for exterior contour

  • color_interior (tuple) – RGB color for interior contour

  • width (int) – width of the contour

  • ignore_first (bool) – ignore the first file in the list

  • create_extern (bool) – create exterior contour

  • create_intern (bool) – create interior contour

  • force_mask_border (bool) – force masked data along borders – [0,:], [-1,:], [:,0], [:,-1

wolfhece.wolf_vrt.dir = 'D:\\OneDrive\\OneDrive - Universite de Liege\\Crues\\2021-07 Vesdre\\CSC - Convention -...'[source]