Source code for wolfhece.wolf_vrt

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

import os
import glob
from osgeo import osr, gdal
import logging
from pathlib import Path

from .PyVertexvectors import Zones

[docs] def create_vrt(wdir:str, fout:str='out.vrt', format:str='tif'): """ Agglomération de tous les fichiers .tif dans un layer virtuel .vrt :param wdir: working directory :type wdir: str :param fout: output file :type fout: str :param format: format of the files to process :type format: str """ curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(wdir) if not fout.endswith('.vrt'): fout+='.vrt' myvrt = gdal.BuildVRT(os.path.join(wdir,fout) , glob.glob(os.path.join(wdir,'*.'+format))) myvrt = None os.chdir(curdir)
[docs] def _get_relative_path(path:Path, base:Path): """ Get relative path from base to path :param path: path to get relative path :type path: Path :param base: base path :type base: Path """ if base in path.parents: return path.relative_to(base) elif path.parent in base.parents: pos='' for curpos in range(len(base.relative_to(path.parent).parents)): pos += '../' return Path(
[docs] def create_vrt_from_files(files:list[Path]=[], fout:Path='assembly.vrt'): """ Agglomération de tous les fichiers énumérés dans files dans un layer virtuel .vrt :param files: list of files to process :type files: list[Path] :param fout: output file :type fout: Path """ if isinstance(fout, str): fout = Path(fout) if isinstance(files[0], str): files = [Path(file) for file in files] # retain current working directory oldcwd = os.getcwd() # change working directory to the parent of the output file os.chdir(fout.parent) # work with relative paths myvrt = gdal.BuildVRT(str(fout.with_suffix('.vrt').name) , [str(_get_relative_path(file, fout.parent)) for file in files]) # close the dataset -- force to write on disk myvrt = None # restore working directory os.chdir(oldcwd)
[docs] def create_vrt_from_files_first_based(files:list[Path]=[], fout:Path='assembly.vrt', Nodata:float=99999.): """ Agglomération de tous les fichiers énumérés dans files dans un layer virtuel .vrt Restreint l'emprise et force la résolution sur le premier fichier listé """ if isinstance(fout, str): fout = Path(fout) if isinstance(files[0], str): files = [Path(file) for file in files] first = files[0] raster:gdal.Dataset raster = gdal.Open(str(first)) geotr = raster.GetGeoTransform() # Dimensions nbx = raster.RasterXSize nby = raster.RasterYSize xmin = geotr[0] xmax = geotr[0]+geotr[1]*float(nbx) if geotr[5]>0: ymin = geotr[3] ymax = geotr[3]+geotr[5]*float(nby) else: ymin = geotr[3]+geotr[5]*float(nby) ymax = geotr[3] locNoData = raster.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue() options = gdal.BuildVRTOptions(resolution='user', xRes=abs(geotr[1]), yRes=abs(geotr[5]), outputBounds=[xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax], resampleAlg='bilinear', srcNodata=Nodata) # retain current working directory oldcwd = os.getcwd() # change working directory to the parent of the output file os.chdir(fout.parent.absolute()) # work with relative paths myvrt = gdal.BuildVRT(str(fout.with_suffix('.vrt').name) , [str(_get_relative_path(file, fout.parent)) for file in files], options=options) # close the dataset -- force to write on disk myvrt = None # restore working directory os.chdir(oldcwd)
[docs] def translate_vrt2tif(fn:str, fout:str=None): """ Translate vrt file to tif file :param fn: (str) '.vrt' file to translate :param fout: (str, optional) '.tif' file out. Defaults to None --> fn+'.tif' """ if isinstance(fn,Path): fn = str(fn) if isinstance(fout,Path): fout = str(fout) if os.path.exists(fn): if not fn.endswith('.vrt'): logging.warning('Bad file -- not .vrt extension !') return if fout is None: fout = fn +'.tif' if not fout.endswith('.tif'): fout+='.tif' options = gdal.TranslateOptions(format='GTiff', creationOptions=['COMPRESS=LZW', 'TILED=YES', 'BIGTIFF=YES']) gdal.Translate(fout, fn, options=options) else: logging.warning('The file does not exist !')
[docs] def crop_vrt(fn:str, crop:list, fout:str=None): """ Crop vrt file :param fn: (str) '.vrt' file to crop :type fn: str :param crop: (list) Bounds [[xmin, xmax], [ymin,ymax]] aka [[xLL, xUR], [yLL,yUR]] :type crop: list :param fout: (str, optional) '.tif' file out. Defaults to None --> fn+'_crop.tif' :type fout: str """ if os.path.exists(fn): if not fn.endswith('.vrt'): logging.warning('Bad file -- not .vrt extension !') return [xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax] = crop if fout is None: fout = fn +'_crop.tif' if not fout.endswith('.tif'): fout+='.tif' gdal.Translate(fout, fn, projWin=[xmin, ymax, xmax, ymin]) else: logging.warning('The file does not exist !')
[docs] def create_contours(files:list[Path]=[], fout:Path = 'assembly.vec', color_exterior:tuple=(255,0,0), color_interior:tuple=(0,0,255), width:int=3, ignore_first:bool=True, create_extern:bool = True, create_intern:bool = True, force_mask_border:bool = True) -> Zones: """ Create contour/footprint from files :param files: list of files to process :type files: list[Path] :param fout: output file :type fout: Path - if None, no output file :param color_exterior: RGB color for exterior contour :type color_exterior: tuple :param color_interior: RGB color for interior contour :type color_interior: tuple :param width: width of the contour :type width: int :param ignore_first: ignore the first file in the list :type ignore_first: bool :param create_extern: create exterior contour :type create_extern: bool :param create_intern: create interior contour :type create_intern: bool :param force_mask_border: force masked data along borders -- [0,:], [-1,:], [:,0], [:,-1 :type force_mask_border: bool """ from tqdm import tqdm from .wolf_array import WolfArray from .PyVertexvectors import Zones, zone, vector, wolfvertex, getIfromRGB if isinstance(fout, str): fout = Path(fout) if not(create_extern or create_intern): logging.warning('No contour to create !') return None emprises = Zones() start = 1 if ignore_first else 0 for file in tqdm(files[start:]): curzone = zone(name = str( emprises.add_zone(curzone, forceparent=True) curarray = WolfArray(str(file)) if force_mask_border: curarray.array.mask[0,:] = True curarray.array.mask[-1,:] = True curarray.array.mask[:,0] = True curarray.array.mask[:,-1] = True else: print_name = False if (~curarray.array.mask[0,:]).any(): logging.warning('\nNon masked data along border -- [0,:]\n') print_name = True if (~curarray.array.mask[-1,:]).any(): pre = '' if print_name else '\n' logging.warning(pre+'Non masked data along border -- [-1,:]\n') print_name = True if (~curarray.array.mask[:,0]).any(): pre = '' if print_name else '\n' logging.warning(pre+'Non masked data along border -- [:,0]\n') print_name = True if (~curarray.array.mask[:,-1]).any(): pre = '' if print_name else '\n' logging.warning(pre+'Non masked data along border -- [:,-1]\n') print_name = True if print_name: logging.warning(f'File: {file}\n') if create_intern: ret = curarray.suxsuy_contour(abs = True) curvec = ret[2] curvec.myname = 'contour_utile' curzone.add_vector(curvec, forceparent=True) curvec.myprop.color = getIfromRGB(color_interior) curvec.myprop.width = width if create_extern: bounds = curarray.get_bounds(True) vecrect = vector(name = 'contour_externe') curzone.add_vector(vecrect, forceparent=True) vecrect.add_vertex((wolfvertex(bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0]))) vecrect.add_vertex((wolfvertex(bounds[0][1], bounds[1][0]))) vecrect.add_vertex((wolfvertex(bounds[0][1], bounds[1][1]))) vecrect.add_vertex((wolfvertex(bounds[0][0], bounds[1][1]))) vecrect.close_force() vecrect.myprop.color = getIfromRGB(color_exterior) vecrect.myprop.width = width vecrect.myprop.legendvisible = True vecrect.myprop.legendtext = sh = vecrect.asshapely_ls() vecrect.myprop.legendx = sh.centroid.x vecrect.myprop.legendy = sh.centroid.y if fout is not None: emprises.saveas(str(fout)) return emprises
if __name__=='__main__':
[docs] dir = r'D:\OneDrive\OneDrive - Universite de Liege\Crues\2021-07 Vesdre\CSC - Convention - ARNE\Data\2023\GeoTif\encours\MNT_Bati+Muret'
file_vrt = r'AllData_MNT_BatiMuret_50cm.vrt' create_vrt(dir, fout=file_vrt) crop_vrt(os.path.join(dir, file_vrt), [[251000,253400],[135500,141300]], os.path.join(dir, 'Theux-Pepinster.tif'))