Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024
Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.
This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.
Module Contents
class wolfhece.PyGui.GenMapManager(*args, **kw)[source]
Bases: wx.Frame
Default class for a Wolf Map Manager.
Will be overriden by the specific classes MapManager, GPU2DModel, HydrologyModel, Wolf2DModel.
It is not suitable for direct use.
setup_mapviewer(title: str, wolfparent)[source]
Setup of a WolfMapViewer
get_mapviewer() → wolfhece.PyDraw.WolfMapViewer[source]
Retourne une instance WolfMapViewer
get_configuration() → wolfhece.PyConfig.WolfConfiguration[source]
Retourne la configuration de Wolf
class wolfhece.PyGui.MapManager(*args, **kw)[source]
Bases: GenMapManager
Default class for a Wolf Map Manager.
Will be overriden by the specific classes MapManager, GPU2DModel, HydrologyModel, Wolf2DModel.
It is not suitable for direct use.
class wolfhece.PyGui.HydrologyModel(dir: str = '', splash=True, *args, **kw)[source]
Bases: GenMapManager
Default class for a Wolf Map Manager.
Will be overriden by the specific classes MapManager, GPU2DModel, HydrologyModel, Wolf2DModel.
It is not suitable for direct use.
mydir: str[source]
mydircharact: str[source]
mydirwhole: str[source]
files_hydrology_array: dict[source]
files_hydrology_vectors: dict[source]
mainparams: wolfhece.PyParams.Wolf_Param[source]
basinparams: wolfhece.PyParams.Wolf_Param[source]
SPWstations: wolfhece.RatingCurve.SPWMIGaugingStations[source]
DCENNstations: wolfhece.RatingCurve.SPWDCENNGaugingStations[source]
mycatchment: wolfhece.hydrology.Catchment.Catchment[source]
myexchanges: wolfhece.hydrology.forcedexchanges.forced_exchanges[source]
class wolfhece.PyGui.Wolf2DPartArrays(sim: wolfhece.mesh2d.wolf2dprev.prev_sim2D, mapviewer: wolfhece.PyDraw.WolfMapViewer)[source]
Create the GUI
A listbox in the upper part of the window will list the different part arrays.
When a part array is selected, the listbox on the left will list the files
associated with the selected part array. The listbox on the right will list
the blocks associated with the selected file.
Add the selected array to the mapviewer
When a part array is selected
When a file is selected
Add a file to the selected part array
Delete the selected file
class wolfhece.PyGui.Wolf2DInfiltration(sim: wolfhece.mesh2d.wolf2dprev.prev_sim2D = None)[source]
property number_of_infiltration[source]
Fill the CpGrid
Adjust the number of rows and columns of the CpGrid
Add a zone or steps
Remove a zone or steps
class wolfhece.PyGui.Wolf2DModel(*args, dir: str = '', **kw)[source]
Bases: GenMapManager
Default class for a Wolf Map Manager.
Will be overriden by the specific classes MapManager, GPU2DModel, HydrologyModel, Wolf2DModel.
It is not suitable for direct use.
property mymnap[source]
property xyzones[source]
property mysuxsuy[source]
property blocfile[source]
property writing_mode[source]
property writing_frequency[source]
property dx_fine[source]
property dy_fine[source]
property scheme_rk[source]
property is_multiblock[source]
Deprecated, use the property from the infiltration object
property nb_blocks[source]
Deprecated, use the property from the infiltration object
mydir: str[source]
sim: wolfhece.mesh2d.wolf2dprev.prev_sim2D[source]
filenamegen: str[source]
SPWstations: wolfhece.RatingCurve.SPWMIGaugingStations[source]
DCENNstations: wolfhece.RatingCurve.SPWDCENNGaugingStations[source]
Add arrays to the mapviewer
Add vectors to the mapviewer
mimic_mask(source: wolfhece.wolf_array.WolfArray)[source]
Copy the mask of the source array to all arrays in the model.
Show the properties of the model
_set_bc(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Set the boundary conditions
_set_infiltration(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
_set_part_arrays(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
add_boundary_condition(i: int, j: int, bc_type: wolfhece.mesh2d.cst_2D_boundary_conditions.BCType_2D, bc_value: float, border: wolfhece.mesh2d.cst_2D_boundary_conditions.Direction)[source]
Reset the boundary conditions
_check_errors(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Check the errors in the model
_write_files(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Write the files to disk
_run(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Run the simulation
_results(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Display the results
_results2ic(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Choose one result as initial conditions
_copy2gpu(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Click on the button to copy to the GPU
_wizard(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Launch the wizard
_mesher(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Call the mesher
_create_arrays(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Create the fine arrays
_add_blocks(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Add blocks to the model
_create_from_vector(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Create a simulation from a vector
_create_from_array(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Create a simulation from an array
Create a simulation from a footprint
_set_magnetic_grid(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Set the magnetic grid
_choose_fine_resolution(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Choose the fine resolution
_add_block(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Add a block to the model
_remove_block(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Remove a block from the model
_update_structure(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Update the structure of the model
_all_parameters(e: wx.EVT_CHECKBOX)[source]
Show all parameters
_force_update(e: wx.EVT_CHECKBOX)[source]
Force the update
Update the layout of the frame
Fill the buttons for the blocks
Get the toggle states of the buttons
Show the general properties
Set the default background
Set the color background
OnToggleGen(e: wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON)[source]
Toggle the global properties
OnToggleBlock(e: wx.EVT_TOGGLEBUTTON)[source]
Toggle the properties of a block
Append the magnetic grid to the properties
_append_geometry_block_to_prop(idx: int)[source]
Append the geometry of the block to the properties
_apply_changes(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Apply the changes to the parameters
Extension du modèle topographique
extend_freesurface_elevation(selection: list)[source]
Extension des Conditions Initiales
extend_roughness(selection: list)[source]
Extension du frottement
set_type_ic(which: wolfhece.mesh2d.wolf2dprev.Literal[1, 2, 3] = 2, dialog: bool = True)[source]
Définition du type de conditions initiales
replace_external_contour(newvec: wolfhece.mesh2d.wolf2dprev.vector, interior: bool)[source]
Remplacement du contour externe
Transfert de conditions initiales
Aide sur les fichiers
Deprecated, use the method from the infiltration object
Vérification des zones d’infiltration
Deprecated, use the method from the infiltration object
copy2gpu(dirout: str = '')[source]
Copie des matrices pour le code GPU
Deprecated, use the method from the simulation object
Mise à jour du fichier de blocs
Renvoi d’un header avec les infos multi-blocs
- Parameters:
abs (bool) – If True, the header will be absolute, if False, it will be relative
- Returns:
Renvoi d’un header de matrice “fine” non MB
- Parameters:
abs (bool) – If True, the header will be absolute, if False, it will be relative
- Returns:
read_fine_array(which: str = '')[source]
Lecture d’une matrice fine
- Parameters:
which (str) – suffixe du fichier
read_MB_array(which: str = '')[source]
Lecture d’une matrice MB
- Parameters:
which (str) – suffixe du fichier
read_fine_nap() →[source]
Lecture de la matrice nap sur le maillage fin
class wolfhece.PyGui.Wolf2DGPUModel(*args, dir: str = '', **kw)[source]
Bases: GenMapManager
Default class for a Wolf Map Manager.
Will be overriden by the specific classes MapManager, GPU2DModel, HydrologyModel, Wolf2DModel.
It is not suitable for direct use.
property sim[source]
_add_arrays_to_mapviewer(force_reload: bool = False)[source]
Add the arrays to the mapviewer
Add the vectors to the mapviewer
Show the properties of the model
Callback for wolfparam
Callback for wolfparam
_set_bc(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Set the boundary conditions
_set_infiltration(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
add_boundary_condition(i: int, j: int, bc_type: wolfhece.mesh2d.cst_2D_boundary_conditions.BCType_2D_GPU, bc_value: float, border: wolfhece.mesh2d.cst_2D_boundary_conditions.Direction)[source]
Reset the boundary conditions
_check_errors(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Check the errors in the model
_enable_disable_buttons(errors: bool = False)[source]
Enable or isable buttons
_write_files(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Write the files to disk
_run(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Run the simulation
_results(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Display the results
_results2ic(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Choose one result as initial conditions
_wizard(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Launch the wizard
_add_arrays2viewer(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Create the fine arrays
_apply_mask(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Apply the mask
_create_from_vector(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Create a simulation from a vector
_create_from_array(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Create a simulation from an array
Create a simulation from a footprint
_set_magnetic_grid(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Set the magnetic grid
_choose_resolution(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Choose the fine resolution
_copy2dir(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Copy the simulation to another directory
_apply_changes(e: wx.EVT_BUTTON)[source]
Apply the changes
Show the properties of the model
onclose(e: wx.EVT_CLOSE)[source]
Close the properties frame
Append the magnetic grid to the properties
Update the properties
Clear the information zone
Append text to the information zone