Source code for wolfhece.Model1D

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Utashi Ciraane Docile
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

# --- Librairies ---
# __________________

import copy
import enum
import logging
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import multiprocessing
import numpy as np

import os, warnings
import pandas as pd
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import typing
import wx

from decimal import Decimal
from IPython.display import  HTML
from matplotlib import animation ,rcParams
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.ticker import MultipleLocator
from shapely.ops import substring, split, LineString, Point
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from tqdm import tqdm
from typing import Literal,Union
from wx.dataview import TreeListCtrl

from .GraphProfile import PlotCSAll
from .PyCrosssections import crosssections, profile, postype, INTERSEC
from .PyHydrographs import Hydrograph
from .pylogging import create_wxlogwindow
from .PyParams import Wolf_Param
from .PyTranslate import _
from .PyVertexvectors import Zones, zone, vector, wolfvertex
from .wolf_array import WolfArray
from .wolf_vrt import crop_vrt

# --- Constants ---
# __________________

[docs] class Constants(enum.Enum): """Constants used in this module."""
[docs] BANK_WIDTH = 1
[docs] DPI = 60
[docs] FRAMESIZE = (960,540)
[docs] GENERAL_FONTSIZE = 'small'
[docs] GRAVITATION = 9.81
[docs] NULL = -99999
[docs] PRECISION = ':#.20F'
[docs] SEPARATOR = '\t'
# PRECISION = ':#.20F' FIXME # --- Titles and labels --- # __________________________
[docs] class Titles(enum.Enum): """Titles used in this module."""
[docs] BRANCH = _('')
[docs] WX = _('WOLF - Create 1D model from 2D data')
# --- Colors --- # ______________
[docs] class Colors(enum.Enum): """Colors used in this module. """
[docs] BED = 'black'
[docs] FLOODED_ALL = 'red'
[docs] FLOODED_LEFT = 'green'
[docs] FLOODED_RIGHT ='yellow'
[docs] LEFT_BANK = 'red'
[docs] MATPLOTLIB_CYCLE = rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]()
[docs] PROPOSED = wx.BLUE
[docs] RIGHT_BANK = 'blue'
[docs] RIVER_COLOR = 'cyan'
[docs] TQDM = 'cyan'
[docs] WX = 'white'
# --- File extensions --- # _______________________
[docs] class fileExtensions(enum.Enum): """File extensions used in this module."""
[docs] AINI = '.aini'
[docs] BANKS = '.banks'
[docs] BREADTH = '.breadth'
[docs] CL = '.cl' # Boundary conditions
[docs] CVG = '.cvg'
[docs] DEPTH ='.depth'
[docs] DIAM = '.diam'
[docs] GTV = '.gtv'
[docs] HELP = '.help'
[docs] HINI = '.hini'
[docs] INF = '.inf'
[docs] INFIL ='.infil'
[docs] LENGHTSVECZ = '_lengths.vecz'
[docs] LENGTHS = '.lengths'
[docs] PARAMETERS = '.param'
[docs] PTV = '.ptv'
[docs] QINI ='.qini'
[docs] ROUGHNESS = '.rough'
[docs] TOP = '.top'
[docs] VECTOR2D = '.vec'
[docs] VECTOR3D = '.vecz'
[docs] WIDTH = ''
[docs] ZINI = '.zini'
# --- Creator of 1D models --- # ____________________________
[docs] class Creator_1D: """Class for the creation of 1D modelS. This object contains the methods operations performed in the creation of 1D models. They consist of the following operations: - Concatenation of information in 1 and 2 dimensions, - Extraction of information from 2D data if provided, - Creation of a 1D model (simulation). .. todo:: 1) FIXME Create unittests for methods in this class, .. todo:: 2) FIXME Fasten the methods in this class using multiprocess. """ def __init__(self): # Test whether an interface exists self.wx_exists = wx.App.Get() # Simulation directory self.directory_name = '' # Riverbed of the current model self.banksbed = None # --- Vectors operation (Wolf vectors)--- # ________________________________________ # FIXME Check whether this methods could not fit better in the module
[docs] def match_ends_2vectors(self, zones1: Zones, zones2: Zones, id1:int = 0, id2:int = 0) -> Zones: """Aligns the vertices of 2 successive zone containing each 3 vectors (1 vector and its 2 parallels). The idea is to match the end of each vector with the beginning of its corresponding in the other zone. :param zones1: First vector, :type zones1: Zones :param zones2: Second vector, :type zones2: Zones :param id1: Position in `.myzones` of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0 :type id1: int, optional :param id2: Position in `.myzones` of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0 :type id2: int, optional :return: The 2 zones with the aligned vertices. :rtype: Zones """ znes1 = zones1 znes2 = zones2 vecs1 = znes1.myzones[id1].myvectors vecs2 = znes2.myzones[id1].myvectors # selection of vectors and parallels based on their indexes for n in range(3): vector1_1 = vecs1[n] vector2_1 = vecs2[n] i = vector1_1.myvertices j = vector2_1.myvertices # Computation of all possible distances between the first and the last point distance1 = math.sqrt(((i[-1].x - j[0].x)**2) + ((i[-1].y - j[0].y)**2)) #last point - first point distance2 = math.sqrt(((i[-1].x - j[-1].x)**2) + ((i[-1].y - j[-1].y)**2)) #last point - last point distance1_r = math.sqrt(((i[0].x - j[0].x)**2) + ((i[0].y - j[0].y)**2)) # first point - first point distance2_r = math.sqrt(((i[0].x - j[-1].x)**2) + ((i[0].y - j[-1].y)**2)) #first point - last point all = [distance1, distance2, distance1_r, distance2_r] # Selection of the scenario based on a test of the least value if min(all) == distance2: vector2_1.myvertices.reverse() elif min(all) == distance1_r: vector1_1.myvertices.reverse() elif min(all) ==distance2_r: vector1_1.myvertices.reverse() vector2_1.myvertices.reverse() return znes1, znes2
[docs] def delete_overlaps_2vectors(self, zones1: Zones, zones2: Zones, id1:int = 0, id2:int = 0, buffer:int = None ) -> Zones: """Delete overlapping vertices of 2 successive Vectors, containng each 3 vectors (1 vector and its 2 parallels). :param zones1: First vector, :type zones1: Zones :param zones2: second vector, :type zones2: Zones :param id1: Position in `.myzones` of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0 :type id1: int, optional :param id2: Position in `.myzones` of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0 :type id2: int, optional :param buffer: number of vertices to process on each vector starting from the end of the vector (None means all vertices are processed), defaults to None :type buffer: int, optional :return: The vectors with the deleted overlaps. :rtype: Zones .. todo:: 1) FIXME Generalize the method to work with any number of vectors. .. todo:: 2) FIXME iS there a way to perform this operation geometrically with shapely line string? .. todo:: 3) FIXME Create unittests for this method. """ znes1 = zones1 znes2 = zones2 vector1_1 = znes1.myzones[id1].myvectors[0] vector1_2 = znes1.myzones[id1].myvectors[1] vector1_3 = znes1.myzones[id1].myvectors[2] vector2_1 = znes2.myzones[id2].myvectors[0] vector2_2 = znes2.myzones[id2].myvectors[1] vector2_3 = znes2.myzones[id2].myvectors[2] if buffer != None: buffer1 = buffer2 = buffer3 =buffer else: buffer1 = len(vector2_1.myvertices) buffer2 = len(vector2_2.myvertices) buffer3 = len(vector2_3.myvertices) distance1 = [] distance2 = [] distance_bed = [] distance1_b = [] distance2_b = [] for i in vector1_1.myvertices[-buffer1:]: for j in vector2_1.myvertices[:buffer1]: distance = math.sqrt(((i.x - j.x)**2) + ((i.y - j.y)**2)) distance1.append(distance) for i in vector1_3.myvertices[-buffer1:]: for j in vector2_1.myvertices[:buffer1]: distance = math.sqrt(((i.x - j.x)**2) + ((i.y - j.y)**2)) distance2.append(distance) for i in vector1_2.myvertices[-buffer2:]: for j in vector2_2.myvertices[:buffer2]: distance = math.sqrt(((i.x - j.x)**2) + ((i.y - j.y)**2)) distance_bed.append(distance) for i in vector1_1.myvertices[-buffer3:]: for j in vector2_3.myvertices[:buffer3]: distance = math.sqrt(((i.x - j.x)**2) + ((i.y - j.y)**2)) distance1_b.append(distance) for i in vector1_3.myvertices[-buffer3:]: for j in vector2_3.myvertices[:buffer3]: distance = math.sqrt(((i.x - j.x)**2) + ((i.y - j.y)**2)) distance2_b.append(distance) min1 = min(distance1) min2 = min(distance2) minbed = min(distance_bed) min1b = min(distance1_b) min2b = min(distance2_b) ind_bed = distance_bed.index(minbed) modulus_bed = ind_bed % buffer2 vector2_2.myvertices = vector2_2.myvertices[modulus_bed +1: ] if min(distance1) <= min(distance2): ind1 =distance1.index(min1) modulus = ind1 % buffer1 vector2_1.myvertices = vector2_1.myvertices[modulus +1: ] elif min(distance1) > min(distance2): ind2 = distance2.index(min2) modulus = ind2 % buffer1 vector2_1.myvertices = vector2_1.myvertices[modulus +1: ] #FIXME if min(distance1_b) <= min(distance2_b): ind =distance1_b.index(min1b) modulus = ind % buffer3 vector2_3.myvertices = vector2_3.myvertices[modulus +1: ] # vector2_3.nbvertices = len(vector2_3.myvertices) elif min(distance1_b) > min(distance2_b): ind =distance2_b.index(min2b) modulus = ind % buffer3 vector2_3.myvertices = vector2_3.myvertices[modulus +1: ] # vector2_3.nbvertices = len(vector2_3.myvertices) return znes1, znes2
[docs] def connect_2vectors(self, zones1: Zones, zones2: Zones, id1:int = 0, id2:int = 0) -> Zones: """Connect (link) 2 vectors extremity of 2 successive zones containing each 3 vectors (1 vectors and its 2 parallels) and, return a new zone with the concatenations. :param zones1: First vector :type zones1: Zones :param zones2: Second :type zones2: Zones :param id1: Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0 :type id1: int, optional :param id2: Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0 :type id2: int, optional :return: return a new vector which is the concatenation of the 2 first ones. :rtype: Zones """ znes1 = zones1 znes2 = zones2 zone1 = znes1.myzones[id1] zone2 = znes2.myzones[id2] if len(zone1.myvectors) == len(zone2.myvectors): vector_1 = zone1.myvectors[0] vector_bed_1 = zone1.myvectors[1] vector_1_2 = zone1.myvectors[2] vector2_1 =zone2.myvectors[0] vector_bed_2 = zone2.myvectors[1] v2_2 =zone2.myvectors[2] d1 =math.sqrt(((vector_1.myvertices[-1].x - vector2_1.myvertices[0].x)**2) + ((vector_1.myvertices[-1].y - vector2_1.myvertices[0].y)**2)) d2 =math.sqrt(((vector_1.myvertices[-1].x - v2_2.myvertices[0].x)**2) + ((vector_1.myvertices[-1].y - v2_2.myvertices[0].y)**2)) new_zone= Zones() zone_vect = zone(name='Concatenated', parent=new_zone) new_zone.add_zone(zone_vect) vbed = vector(name='bed', parentzone= new_zone.myzones[0]) vbed.myvertices = vector_bed_1.myvertices + vector_bed_2.myvertices # vbed.nbvertices = vector_bed_1.nbvertices + vector_bed_2.nbvertices if d1 > d2: new_vector1 = vector(name='bank1', parentzone= new_zone.myzones[0]) new_vector1.myvertices = vector_1.myvertices + v2_2.myvertices # new_vector1.nbvertices = vector_1.nbvertices + v2_2.nbvertices new_vector1_2 = vector(name='bank2', parentzone= new_zone.myzones[0]) new_vector1_2.myvertices = vector_1_2.myvertices + vector2_1.myvertices # new_vector1_2.nbvertices = vector_1_2.nbvertices + vector2_1.nbvertices else: new_vector1 = vector(name='bank1', parentzone= new_zone.myzones[0]) new_vector1.myvertices = vector_1.myvertices + vector2_1.myvertices # new_vector1.nbvertices = vector_1.nbvertices + vector2_1.nbvertices new_vector1_2 = vector(name='bank2', parentzone= new_zone.myzones[0]) new_vector1_2.myvertices = vector_1_2.myvertices + v2_2.myvertices # new_vector1_2.nbvertices = vector_1_2.nbvertices + v2_2.nbvertices zone_vect.add_vector(new_vector1) zone_vect.add_vector(vbed) zone_vect.add_vector(new_vector1_2) new_zone.find_minmax(True) return new_zone
[docs] def concatenate_2_zones(self, zones1: Zones, zones2: Zones, id1:int = 0, id2: int = 0, buffer: int = None, save_as:str = None) -> Zones: """ Return the concatenation of 2 vectors file (Zones) containing each 3 vectors (1 vector and its 2 parallels) after: - matching their ends, - deleting the overlaps and, - connecting the vectors. :param zones1: first vector :type zones1: Zones :param zones2: second vector :type zones2: Zones :param id1: Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0 :type id1: int, optional :param id2: Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0 :type id2: int, optional :param buffer: While deleting overlaps, this is the number of vertices to process on each vector starting from the end of the vector (None means all vertices are processed),defaults to None, defaults to None :type buffer: int, defaults to None :param save_as: File path of the new vector, defaults to None :type save_as: str, optional :return: _description_ :rtype: the vector containing the concatenation of the 2 first ones. """ znes1a,znes2a = self.match_ends_2vectors(zones1, zones2, id1, id2) znes1b,znes2b = self.delete_overlaps_2vectors(znes1a, znes2a, id1, id2, buffer) zones = self.connect_2vectors(znes1b,znes2b,id1,id2) if save_as: zones.saveas(save_as) return zones
[docs] def read_zones_paths(self, file_list: list[str]) -> list[Zones]: """Return a list of vectors(`Zones`) objects, from a list of given file paths of vectors(`Zones`). :param file_list: List of file paths of vectors, :type file_list: list[str] :return: the list of vectors(`Zones`) objects. :rtype: list[Zones] """ return [Zones(file) for file in file_list]
[docs] def concatenate_listof_zones(self, file_list:list[str]= None, zones_list: list[Zones] = None, id1:int = 0, id2: int = 0, buffer: int = None, save_as:str = None) -> Zones: """Return a zones which is the concatenation of a sorted list of zones containing each 3 vectors (1 vector and its 2 parallels) after: - matching their ends, - deleting the overlaps and, - connecting the vectors. :param file_list: list of given file paths, defaults to None :type file_list: list[str], optional :param zones_list: vectors(`Zones`) objects, defaults to None :type zones_list: list[Zones], optional :param id1: Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0 :type id1: int, optional :param id2: Position in .myzones of the zone containing the vectors, defaults to 0 :type id2: int, optional :param buffer: _description_, defaults to None :type buffer: While deleting overlaps, this is the number of vertices to process on each vector starting from the end of the vector (None means all vertices are processed),defaults to None :param save_as: _description_, defaults to None :type save_as: File path of the new vector, optional :raises Exception: With a GUI, to warn the user that the list of zones is missing. :raises Exception: Without GUI, to warn the user that the list of zones is missing. :return: A vector (Zones) containing the concatenation of all the vectors. :rtype: Zones """ if file_list: working_list = self.read_zones_paths(file_list) elif zones_list: working_list = zones_list else: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception("The list of Zones is missing."))) else: raise Exception(_("The list of Zones is missing.")) concatenated = [working_list[0]] for i in range(len(working_list)-1): zones = self.concatenate_2_zones(concatenated[i],working_list[i+1],id1, id2) concatenated.append(zones) new_zones = concatenated[-1] if save_as: if self.directory_name != '': branches_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, "_branches.vec") else: branches_file = save_as new_zones.saveas(branches_file) # new_zones.saveas(save_as) return new_zones
[docs] def create_Zonesfromzones(self, zone_list: list[zone], save_as: str = '') -> Zones: """Return a vector (`Zones`) from a list of zones (`Zone`). :param zone_list: list of zones :type zone_list: list[zone] :param save_as: File path to the vector file, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: The vector (`Zones`) containing the list of zones. :rtype: Zones """ znes= Zones() znes.myzones = zone_list znes.find_minmax() if save_as!= '': znes.saveas(save_as) return znes
[docs] def create_branches(self, zones_group: list[list[Zones]], save_as:str = '') -> Zones: #FIXME implement unique zone case """Create branches(`Zone`) from a list of vectors('Zones'). FIXME: This method is not used in the current version of the software. FIXME: It could be implemented in the future but with a dictionary instead of a list. :param zones_group: list of list of vectors per branch :type zones_group: list[list[Zones]] :param save_as: File path to the folder where the new information is saved, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: Concatenation of all the branches(List of `Zones`) :rtype: Zones """ groups = zones_group all_zone = [] k=1 for group in tqdm(groups): concatenation = self.concatenate_listof_zones(zones_list = group) concatenation.myzones[0].myname = Titles.BRANCH.value +f'{k}' all_zone.append(concatenation.myzones[0]) k+=1 branches = self.create_Zonesfromzones(all_zone,save_as) branches.find_minmax(True) return branches
[docs] def create_branches_from_list_of_zones(self, zones_list: list[Zones], id = 1, save_as:str = '',) -> Zones: """Generate branches from a list of vectors (`Zones`). The concept here is to loop on all vectors and then to add each zone contained in those vectors to a new zone that will be returned. FIXME: Remove Id from all methods and delete the parameter from the method signature. :param zones_list: List of vectors (`Zones`). :type zones_list: list[Zones] :param id: Depreciated, defaults to 1 :type id: int, optional :param save_as: File path to the new vector(`Vector`), defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: The new vector (`Zones`) containing all zones. :rtype: Zones """ new_zones = Zones(is2D=False) k=1 for znes in zones_list: for zne in znes.myzones: new_zone = zne.deepcopy_zone() new_zones.add_zone(new_zone) new_zones.find_minmax(True) if save_as: path = self.initialize_file(save_as,fileExtensions.VECTOR3D.value) new_zones.saveas(path) return new_zones
[docs] def create_polygons(self, zones: Zones, discretization: float=1, howmanypoly:int=1, save_as: str ='') -> Zones: """Return polygons created from parallels and vectors. :param zones: The vector ('Zones'), :type zones: Zones :param discretization: discretization steps between profiles, defaults to 1 :type discretization: float, optional :param howmanypoly: Number of polygons, defaults to 1 :type howmanypoly: int, optional :param save_as: Path to the new vector(`Vector`) file, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: _description_ :rtype: Zones """ znes= zones.deepcopy_zones() for i in tqdm(range(len(zones.myzones)), desc= "Creating polygons:", unit='zone', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): # znes.myzones[i].create_polygon_from_parallel(ds = discretization, howmanypoly = 1, fill_structure=False) # FIXME check why this was working previuosly znes.myzones[i].create_polygon_from_parallel(ds = discretization, howmanypoly = 1) for i in range(len(zones.myzones)): znes.myzones.pop(0) znes.find_minmax(True) if save_as != '': poly_file = os.path.join(save_as, 'polygons.vec') znes.saveas(poly_file) return znes
[docs] def create_branches_sections(self, zones: Zones, discretization: float = 1, save_as = '') -> Zones: """ Create sections on model skeleton (river branches) and return a Zones containing all sections per zone. :param zones: `Zones` containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param discretization: Distance between sections, defaults to 1 :type discretization: float, optional :param save_as: File path where the new section are saved as vector, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: `Zones` containing all sections. :rtype: Zones """ znes = zones all_zone= [] k = 1 for zne in tqdm(znes.myzones, desc='Creating sections', colour= Colors.TQDM.value, unit='zone'): id = k-1 new_znes = self.create_river_sections(znes,id,discretization) new_zne = new_znes.myzones[0] new_zne.myname = Titles.BRANCH.value + f'{k}' all_zone.append(new_zne) k+=1 # FIXME add the save option in case the user does not want the file. branches = self.create_Zonesfromzones(all_zone,save_as) return branches
[docs] def create_river_sections(self, zones: Zones, id:int = 0, discretization: float = 1, save_as: str ='', plot_check = False) -> Zones: """From 2 parallels (river banks), a vector (river bed) and a discretization step this method generates and returns the corresponding profiles (river sections) as a Zones object. @The paralles and vectors shoulb stored in the same Zone and their index should follow this format: - 0: Left bank - 1: River bed - 2: Right bank :param zones: `Zones` containing the parallels :type zones: Zones :param id: index of the object `Zone` containing `vectors`, defaults to 0 :type id: int, optional :param discretization: Distance between sections, defaults to 1 :type discretization: float, optional :param save_as: File path of the new Zones , defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param plot_check: if the results should be plotted or not, defaults to False :type plot_check: bool, optional :return: The new Zones containing the profiles (sections). :rtype: Zones .. todo:: 1) FIXME create a test for this method .. todo:: 2) FIXME Think about a faster way to create the profiles .. todo:: 3) FIXME Break this method into smaller methods """ # Vectors selection znes = zones zne = znes.myzones[id] bank1 = zne.myvectors[0] bed = zne.myvectors[1] bank2 = zne.myvectors[2] # Shapely Linestring lsl = bank1.asshapely_ls() lsc = bed.asshapely_ls() lsr = bank2.asshapely_ls() # Number of points (Discretization) nb = int(np.ceil(lsc.length/discretization)) # Adimensional distances along center vector sloc = np.linspace(0.,1.,nb,endpoint=True) # Points along center vector ptsc = [lsc.interpolate(curs,True) for curs in sloc] # Real distances along left, right and center vector sl = [lsl.project(curs) for curs in ptsc] sr = [lsr.project(curs) for curs in ptsc] sc = [lsc.project(curs) for curs in ptsc] # Creation of profiles name = 'Section - ' new_znes = Zones() vec_zone = zone(name='Trace cross sections', parent=zones) new_znes.add_zone(vec_zone) # for i in tqdm(range(len(sl)-1), desc='Creation of polygons: ', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): for i in range(len(sl)-1): # FIXME Check this indexation #mean distance along center will be stored as Z value of each vertex smean =(sc[i]+sc[i+1])/2. curvec1=vector(name='poly'+str(i+1)) curvec2=vector(name='poly'+str(i+1)) # Shapely substrings (Length between 2 points) sublsl= substring(lsl,sl[i],sl[i+1]) sublsr= substring(lsr,sr[i],sr[i+1]) #Test wether the substring result is Point or LineString and then add the substring points as wolf vertices to a new vector if sublsl.geom_type=='Point': curvec1.add_vertex(wolfvertex(sublsl.x,sublsl.y,smean)) elif sublsl.geom_type=='LineString': xy=np.asarray(sublsl.coords) for a in xy: curvec1.add_vertex(wolfvertex(a[0], a[1], smean)) if sublsr.geom_type=='Point': curvec2.add_vertex(wolfvertex(sublsr.x,sublsr.y,smean)) elif sublsr.geom_type=='LineString': xy=np.asarray(sublsr.coords) for a in xy: curvec2.add_vertex(wolfvertex(a[0], a[1], smean)) new_vector= vector(name= name + '%s'%(i), parentzone=vec_zone) vert1 = curvec1.myvertices[0] vert2 = curvec2.myvertices[0] new_vector.add_vertex(vert1) new_vector.add_vertex(vert2) vec_zone.add_vector(new_vector) new_znes.find_minmax(update=True) if plot_check: plt.figure('Check profiles',figsize=(20,5)) for vec in vec_zone.myvectors: plt.plot([vec.myvertices[0].x, vec.myvertices[-1].x],[vec.myvertices[0].y,vec.myvertices[-1].y ],color ='blue', lw= 1, ls ='--') if save_as !='': new_znes.saveas(save_as) return new_znes
[docs] def create_support_from_sections(self, sections: Zones, save_as: str) -> Zones: """Create supports from sections (midline). The supports are the midpoints of the sections. :param sections: `Zones` containing the sections :type sections: Zones :param save_as: File path of the new Zones, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: The new Zones containing the supports. :rtype: Zones .. todo:: 1) FIXME create a test for this method .. todo:: 2) FIXME Think about a faster way to create the supports .. todo:: 3) FIXME could it replace the current method for the cration of bed in wolfpy? """ # Create supports from sections. new_zones = Zones() id = 1 for zne in tqdm(sections.myzones, desc = 'Creating vector files:', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): # id = 1 # Changing the sections name vec_id = 1 new_zone = zone(name= f'{id}', parent= new_zones) new_zones.add_zone(new_zone) new_vec = vector(name = f'{vec_id}', parentzone=new_zone) new_zone.add_vector(new_vec) for vec in zne.myvectors: vert1 = vec.myvertices[0] vert2 = vec.myvertices[-1] mid_vertx = (vert1.x + vert2.x)/2 mid_verty = (vert1.y + vert2.y)/2 mid_vert = wolfvertex(mid_vertx, mid_verty) new_vec.add_vertex(mid_vert) id += 1 new_zones.find_minmax(update=True) if save_as: if self.directory_name != '': vec_file = self.initialize_file(save_as,'.vec') else: vec_file = save_as new_zones.saveas(vec_file) return new_zones
[docs] def save_only_vec(self, zones: Zones, id: int = 1, id_vec:int = 1, save_as: str='', format: str='') -> Zones: """Save only one vector from a Zones object. :param zones: `Zones` containing the vector :type zones: Zones :param id: Index of the zone containing the vector, defaults to 1 :type id: int, optional :param id_vec: Index of the vector in the zone, defaults to 1 :type id_vec: int, optional :param save_as: File path of the new vector, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param format: Format of the new vector, defaults to '' :type format: str, optional :return: The new Zones containing the vector. :rtype: Zones """ znes = zones if format =='vec': znes.force3D = False kept_zone = znes.myzones[id] kept_zone.myname = 'Zone' kept_vector = kept_zone.myvectors[id_vec] kept_vector.myname = 'trace' znes.myzones = [] kept_zone.myvectors = [] kept_zone.add_vector(kept_vector) znes.add_zone(kept_zone) znes.find_minmax(True) if save_as != '': if format == '' : znes.saveas(filename = save_as +'.vec') znes.saveas(filename = save_as+'.vecz') elif format=='vecz': znes.saveas(filename = save_as +'.vecz') elif format == 'vec': znes.saveas(filename = save_as +'.vec') else: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception('This Vector format is not available.')) else: raise Exception('This Vector format is not available.') return znes
[docs] def refine_vector_from_2D(self, vect: vector, discretization = 1) -> list: """ Refine a vector based on a given discretization step. Returns a python list. :param vect: Vector to refine :type vect: vector :param discretization: Discret :type discretization: float :return: List of points :rtype: list """ myls = vect.asshapely_ls() length = myls.length nb = int(np.ceil(length/discretization*2)) alls = np.linspace(0,int(length),nb) pts = [myls.interpolate(curs) for curs in alls] return pts
[docs] def remove_zone(self, zones: Zones, id: int = 0) -> Zones: """Remove a zone from a Zones object. :param zones: `Zones` containing the zone to remove :type zones: Zones :param id: Index of the zone to remove, defaults to 0 :type id: int, optional :return: The new Zones without the removed zone. :rtype: Zones """ znes = zones znes.myzones.pop(id) return znes
[docs] def place_minimum_altitude(self, zones: Zones, filename: str, save_as: str = '') -> Zones: """Return a Zones object in which all altitudes below a defined treshold for specific vectors (sections specified in a csv file) are raised to the new altitudes. :param zones: Zones object containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param filename: .csv file containing the sections and their minimum altitudes, first column is the section name and second column is the minimum altitude. :type filename: str :param save_as: path to the the file where the modified Zones will be saved if no path is given the results is not saved but only returned , defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: New Zones object with the modified altitudes :rtype: Zones """ # Read the csv file as a pandas dataframe # df_sections = self.read_csv_as_dataframe(filename, column_names=['section', 'altitude']) df_sections = pd.read_csv(filename, names=['section', 'altitude']) df_sections['section'] = df_sections['section'].astype(str) # Replace the minimum altitude by comparing the altitude of each vertex to the minimum altitude for zne in zones.myzones: for vec in tqdm(zne.myvectors, desc='Replacing minimum altitude', colour= Colors.TQDM.value, unit='vector'): if vec.myname in df_sections['section'].values: index = df_sections.index[df_sections['section'] == vec.myname][0] test = df_sections['altitude'][index] for vert in vec.myvertices: if vert.z < test: vert.z = test if self.wx_exists:"Minimum altitude for {vec.myname} is now {test}") else: print(f"Minimum altitude for {vec.myname} is now {test}") # Save the new Zones zones.find_minmax(update=True) if save_as: zones.saveas(save_as) return zones
[docs] def change_minimum_altitude(self, zones: Zones,filename: str, save_as: str = '') -> Zones: """Return a Zones object in which all altitudes below a defined treshold for specific vectors (sections specified in a csv file) are raised to the new altitudes. :param zones: Zones object containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param filename: .csv file containing the sections and their minimum altitudes, first column is the section name and second column is the minimum altitude. :type filename: str :param save_as: path to the the file where the modified Zones will be saved if no path is given the results is not saved but only returned , defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: New Zones object with the modified altitudes :rtype: Zones """ # Read the csv file as a pandas dataframe # df_sections = self.read_csv_as_dataframe(filename, column_names=['section', 'altitude']) df_sections = pd.read_csv(filename, names=['section', 'altitude', 'new_altitude']) df_sections['section'] = df_sections['section'].astype(str) # Replace the minimum altitude by comparing the altitude of each vertex to the minimum altitude for zne in zones.myzones: for vec in tqdm(zne.myvectors, desc='Replacing minimum altitude', colour= Colors.TQDM.value, unit='vector'): if vec.myname in df_sections['section'].values: index = df_sections.index[df_sections['section'] == vec.myname][0] test = df_sections['altitude'][index] new_value = df_sections['new_altitude'][index] for vert in vec.myvertices: if vert.z < test: vert.z =new_value if self.wx_exists:"Minimum altitude for {vec.myname} has been changed to {new_value}.") else: print(f"Minimum altitude for {vec.myname} has been changed to {new_value}.") # Save the new Zones zones.find_minmax(update=True) if save_as: zones.saveas(save_as) return zones
[docs] def __change_minimum_altitude(self, zones: Zones,filename: str, save_as: str = '') -> Zones: """Return a Zones object in which all altitudes below a defined treshold for specific vectors (sections specified in a csv file) are raised to the new altitudes. :param zones: Zones object containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param filename: .csv file containing the sections and their minimum altitudes, first column is the section name and second column is the minimum altitude. :type filename: str :param save_as: path to the the file where the modified Zones will be saved if no path is given the results is not saved but only returned , defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: New Zones object with the modified altitudes :rtype: Zones """ # Read the csv file as a pandas dataframe # df_sections = self.read_csv_as_dataframe(filename, column_names=['section', 'altitude']) df_sections = pd.read_csv(filename, names=['section', 'altitude', 'new_altitude']) # Replace the minimum altitude by comparing the altitude of each vertex to the minimum altitude for zne in zones.myzones: for vec in tqdm(zne.myvectors, desc='Replacing minimum altitude', colour= Colors.TQDM.value, unit='vector'): if vec.myname in df_sections['section'].values or int(vec.myname) in df_sections['section'].values: try: index = df_sections.index[df_sections['section'] == vec.myname][0] except IndexError: index = df_sections.index[df_sections['section'] == int(vec.myname)][0] test = df_sections['altitude'][index] new_value = df_sections['new_altitude'][index] for vert in vec.myvertices: if vert.z < test: vert.z =new_value if self.wx_exists:"Minimum altitude for {vec.myname} has been changed to {new_value}.") else: print(f"Minimum altitude for {vec.myname} has been changed to {new_value}.") # Save the new Zones zones.find_minmax(update=True) if save_as: zones.saveas(save_as) return zones
[docs] def reverse_sense_zones(self, zones: Zones, save_as: str = '') -> Zones: """Reverse the sense of the vectors in a Zones object. :param zones: Zones object containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param save_as: path to the the file where the modified Zones will be saved if no path is given the results is not saved but only returned , defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: New Zones object with the reversed vectors :rtype: Zones """ znes = zones.deepcopy_zones() for zne in znes.myzones: for vec in zne.myvectors: vec.myvertices.reverse() znes.find_minmax(update=True) if save_as: znes.saveas(save_as) return znes
[docs] def v_shape_cross_section(self, cross_sections: crosssections, profile_name: str, increment:float = None, zmax:float = None, save_as:str ='') -> crosssections: """Create a V shape profile from a given profile in a cross section object and return the new cross section object. """ prof = cross_sections.get_profile(profile_name) self.v_shape(prof, increment, zmax) cross_sections.find_minmax(update=True) if save_as: cross_sections.saveas(save_as) return cross_sections
[docs] def v_shape(self, prof: profile, increment = None, zmax = None) -> profile: sz = prof.get_sz() # If the max height is not provided. if zmax is None: zmax = max(sz[1]) zmin = min(sz[1]) # Distance between point height = zmax - zmin # To check if the number of vertices is odd or even modulus = len(sz[0]) % 2 # Odd case if modulus != 0: start = round(len(sz[0])/2) coords_mid = prof.myvertices[start -1] coords_mid.z = zmin # Even case elif modulus == 0: start = int(len(sz[0])/2) coords_mid = prof.myvertices[start - 1] coords_mid.z = zmin coords_mid_1 = prof.myvertices[start] coords_mid_1.z = zmin # in case the increment is not given,the height is divided equally if increment is None: number_of_increment = start increment = height/number_of_increment for i in range(1, start): z = zmin + (increment*i) vert_1 = prof.myvertices[(start - 1) - i] if modulus == 0: vert_2 = prof.myvertices[(start ) + i] elif modulus != 0: vert_2 = prof.myvertices [(start - 1) + i] vert_1.z = z vert_2.z = z prof.find_minmax()
[docs] def transform_to_rectangular_shape(self, prof: profile, nb_vertices: int, zmin: float = None, zmax: float = None): sz = prof.get_sz() if zmin is None: zmin = min(sz[1]) if zmax is None: zmax = max(sz[1]) modulus = len(sz[0]) % 2 if modulus != 0: start = round(len(sz[0])/2) coords_mid = prof.myvertices[start -1] coords_mid.z = zmin elif modulus == 0: start = int(len(sz[0])/2) coords_mid = prof.myvertices[start - 1] coords_mid.z = zmin coords_mid_1 = prof.myvertices[start] coords_mid_1.z = zmin for i in range(1,start): vert_1 = prof.myvertices[(start - 1) - i] if modulus == 0: vert_2 = prof.myvertices[(start ) + i] elif modulus != 0: vert_2 = prof.myvertices [(start - 1) + i] if i < nb_vertices: vert_1.z = zmin vert_2.z = zmin else: vert_1.z = zmax vert_2.z = zmax prof.find_minmax()
[docs] def rectangular_shape_cross_section(self, cross_sections: crosssections, profile_name: str, nb_vertices: int, zmin: float = None, zmax: float = None, save_as: str = '') -> crosssections: """Create a rectangular shape profile from a given profile in a cross section object and return the new cross section object. """ prof = cross_sections.get_profile(profile_name) self.transform_to_rectangular_shape(prof, nb_vertices, zmin, zmax) cross_sections.find_minmax(update=True) if save_as: cross_sections.saveas(save_as) return cross_sections
[docs] def v_shape_vector(self, prof: vector, increment = None, zmax = None) -> vector: sz = prof.get_sz() if zmax is None: zmax = max(sz[1]) zmin = min(sz[1]) # Distance between point height = zmax - zmin # To check if the number of vertices is odd or even modulus = len(sz[0]) % 2 # Odd case if modulus != 0: start = round(len(sz[0])/2) sz[1][start] = zmin # Even case elif modulus == 0: start = int(len(sz[0])/2) sz[1][start] = zmin sz[1][start+1] = zmin # in case the increment is not given,the height is divided equally if increment is None: number_of_increment = len(range(start)) increment = height/number_of_increment
[docs] def _v_shape(self, prof: profile, increment = None, zmax = None) -> profile: sz = prof.get_sz() # If the max height is not provided. if zmax is None: zmax = max(sz[1]) zmin = min(sz[1]) # Distance between point height = zmax - zmin # Reshaping the profile origin = prof.get_xy_from_s(sz[0][0]) end = prof.get_xy_from_s(sz[0][-1]) sz[1] = 0 trace = [[origin.x, origin.y], [end.x, end.y]] prof.set_sz(np.array([sz[0], sz[1]]), trace) # To check if the number of vertices is odd or even modulus = len(sz[0]) % 2 # Odd case if modulus != 0: start = round(len(sz[0])/2) sz[1][start] = zmin # Even case else: start = int(len(sz[0])/2) sz[1][start] = zmin sz[1][start+1] = zmin # in case the increment is not given,the height is divided equally if increment is None: number_of_increment = len(range(start)) increment = height/number_of_increment for i in range(start): sz[1][i] = zmax - increment*i sz[1][-i] = sz[1][i] origin = prof.get_xy_from_s(sz[0][0]) end = prof.get_xy_from_s(sz[0][-1]) # origin = prof.myvertices[0] # end = prof.myvertices[-1] trace = [[origin.x, origin.y], [end.x, end.y]] prof.set_sz(np.array([sz[0], sz[1]]), trace)
# --- Vectors - plotting methods --- #____________________________________
[docs] def plot_zones(self, zones_list: list[Zones], id: int = 0) -> None: """Plot the `vector` objecs in a list of `Zones` on a matplotlib figure. :param zones_list: List of vector files (`Zones`) :type zones_list: list[Zones] :param id: Index of the zone containing the vector object in all `Zones`, defaults to 0 :type id: int, optional .. todo:: 1) FIXME Add detailed information (legends, title, an so on) to the plot. .. todo:: 2) FIXME Think about a test for this method. could it be used in GUI? """ zone_list = [i.myzones[id] for i in zones_list] for j in zone_list: x1 = [i.x for i in j.myvectors[0].myvertices] y1 = [i.y for i in j.myvectors[0].myvertices] x2 = [i.x for i in j.myvectors[1].myvertices] y2 = [i.y for i in j.myvectors[1].myvertices] x3 = [i.x for i in j.myvectors[2].myvertices] y3 = [i.y for i in j.myvectors[2].myvertices] plt.plot(x1, y1, color = Colors.LEFT_BANK, lw =Constants.BANK_WIDTH, label =_('Left bank')) plt.plot(x2, y2, color = Colors.BED, lw =Constants.BANK_WIDTH, label =_('Bed')) plt.plot(x3, y3, color = Colors.RIGHT_BANK, lw =Constants.BANK_WIDTH, label =_('Right bank')) plt.grid() plt.close()
[docs] def plot_separated_zones(self, zones_list: list[Zones], id: int = 0) -> None: """Plot each `vector`object ina list of `Zones` on a specific graph of a matplotlib figure. :param zones_list: _description_ :type zones_list: list[Zones] :param id: _description_, defaults to 0 :type id: int, optional .. todo:: 1) FIXME Add detailed information (legends, title, an so on) to the plot. .. todo:: 2) FIXME Think about a test for this method. could it be used in GUI? """ # Plot the zones vector on separeted matplotlib figure. zone_list = [i.myzones[id] for i in zones_list] fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(zone_list)) for j in zone_list: x1 = [i.x for i in j.myvectors[0].myvertices] y1 = [i.y for i in j.myvectors[0].myvertices] x2 = [i.x for i in j.myvectors[1].myvertices] y2 = [i.y for i in j.myvectors[1].myvertices] x3 = [i.x for i in j.myvectors[2].myvertices] y3 = [i.y for i in j.myvectors[2].myvertices] n = zone_list.index(j) axs[n].plot(x1, y1, color = Colors.LEFT_BANK, lw =Constants.BANK_WIDTH, label =_('Left bank')) axs[n].plot(x2, y2, color = Colors.BED, lw =Constants.BANK_WIDTH, label =_('Bed')) axs[n].plot(x3, y3, color = Colors.RIGHT_BANK, lw =Constants.BANK_WIDTH, label =_('Right bank')) axs[n].legend(fontsize= 'xx-small', loc='upper right') axs[n].grid() plt.grid() plt.close()
[docs] def plot_parallels_width(self, zones: Zones, id:int = 0, discretization: float = 1, Figure_title:str='Width between vectors', ticks_spacing: int = 1000, fig_width = 30, fig_height = 10, color = 'red', linewidth = 2, x_unit = '$m$', y_unit = '$m$') -> None: """Plot the distance between 2 parallels (for instance river width) as a function of their mid-vector length. - Id : zone index - The discretization step is chosen by the user. .. note:: The procedure is the following: - From the 3 vectors of the zone, the center vector is discretized based on the discretization step provided by the user (1 length unit by default). - The number of points is calculated as the length of the center vector divided by the discretization step. - The number of points selected is the smallest integer greater than the division result. - The newpoints are then projected on the left and right vectors. - The distance between the left and right vectors is then calculated, and plotted as a function of the distance along the center vector, after a postprocessing check using subtrings and vectors. :param zones: `Zones` object containing the vectors, :type zones: Zones :param id: Zones in which the vectors are stored, defaults to 0 :type id: int, optional :param discretization: After how many unit a disctance should be sampled, defaults to 1 :type discretization: float, optional :param Figure_title: Title to be displayed on the figure, defaults to '' :type Figure_title: str, optional :param ticks_spacing: Discretization of the x axis, defaults to 1000 :type ticks_spacing: int, optional .. note:: FIXME Should be an option in GUI and check whether the substring step is necessary. .. todo:: 1) FIXME Add detailed information (legends, title, an so on) to the plot. .. todo:: 2) FIXME Think about a test for this method. could it be used in GUI? """ znes = zones zne = znes.myzones[id] # Vectors vec1 = zne.myvectors[0] vec2 = zne.myvectors[1] vec3 = zne.myvectors[2] # Vectors as shapely Linestrings lsl = vec1.asshapely_ls() lsc = vec2.asshapely_ls() lsr = vec3.asshapely_ls() lss= [lsl,lsc,lsr] # FIXME # Visual idea of the river as linestrings # lsl _________________________ # lsc ------------------------- # lsr _________________________ #Number of points nb = int(np.ceil(lsc.length/discretization)) #Adimensional distances along center vector sloc = np.linspace(0.,1.,nb,endpoint=True) # Visual idea of the adimendsional riverbed rediscretized with equidistant points # 0|-----|-----|-----|-----|1 #Points along center vector ptsc = [lsc.interpolate(curs,True) for curs in sloc] # Visual idea of the riverbed rediscretized with equidistant points # lsc0|-----|-----|-----|-----|lscf #Real distances along left, right and center vector sl = [lsl.project(curs) for curs in ptsc] sr = [lsr.project(curs) for curs in ptsc] sc = [lsc.project(curs) for curs in ptsc] # Visual idea of the river rediscretized with equidistant points (projection of those points on banks) # lsl0|_____|_____|_____|_____|lslf # lsc0|-----|-----|-----|-----|lscf # lsr0|_____|_____|_____|_____|lsrf # Zones of polygones zonepoly1 = zone(name='polygons_1') zonepoly2 = zone(name='polygons_2') left = [] right = [] # For consistency reasons, the distance between 2 successive points is converted # to substring and then each point of the substring is stored as a vertex. # The operation is done at both banks at the same time, # therefore, each vertex has it corresponding point on the other bank. # The point are then stored in 2 vectors from which the distance is computed since the number of vertex is the same. for i in range(len(sl)-1): #mean distance along center will be stored as Z value of each vertex smean =(sc[i]+sc[i+1])/2. curvec1=vector(name='poly'+str(i+1),parentzone=zonepoly1) curvec2=vector(name='poly'+str(i+1),parentzone=zonepoly2) sublsl= substring(lsl,sl[i],sl[i+1]) sublsr= substring(lsr,sr[i],sr[i+1]) #Test if the substring result is Point or LineString if sublsl.geom_type=='Point': curvec1.add_vertex(wolfvertex(sublsl.x,sublsl.y,smean)) elif sublsl.geom_type=='LineString': xy=np.asarray(sublsl.coords) for a in xy: curvec1.add_vertex(wolfvertex(a[0], a[1], smean)) if sublsr.geom_type=='Point': curvec2.add_vertex(wolfvertex(sublsr.x,sublsr.y,smean)) elif sublsr.geom_type=='LineString': xy=np.asarray(sublsr.coords) for a in xy: curvec2.add_vertex(wolfvertex(a[0], a[1], smean)) left.append(curvec1) right.append(curvec2) zonepoly1.add_vector(curvec1) zonepoly2.add_vector(curvec2) #force to update minmax in the zone --> mandatory to plot zonepoly1.find_minmax(True) zonepoly2.find_minmax(True) x01 = zonepoly1.myvectors[0].myvertices[0].x y01 = zonepoly1.myvectors[0].myvertices[0].y x02 = zonepoly2.myvectors[0].myvertices[0].x y02 = zonepoly2.myvectors[0].myvertices[0].y d0 = math.sqrt(((x02-x01)**2) + ((y02-y01)**2)) width = [d0] for i in range(len(zonepoly1.myvectors)): x1 = zonepoly1.myvectors[i].myvertices[-1].x y1 = zonepoly1.myvectors[i].myvertices[-1].y x2 = zonepoly2.myvectors[i].myvertices[-1].x y2 = zonepoly2.myvectors[i].myvertices[-1].y d = math.sqrt(((x2-x1)**2) + ((y2-y1)**2)) width.append(d) fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_size_inches(fig_width, fig_height) ax.plot(sc, width, color=color, lw=linewidth, label='Width') ax.set_ylim(min(width)-0.5, max(width)+0.5) ax.set_xlim(0,max(sc)) ax.set_ylabel(f'Width [{y_unit}]', fontsize='large' ) ax.set_xlabel(f'Length [{x_unit}]', fontsize='large') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(ticks_spacing)) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter('{x:.0f}') ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(ticks_spacing/5)) ax.grid() plt.suptitle('%s'%(Figure_title), fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') plt.close()
# --- Arrays (Wolf Arrays) --- #_____________________________ # FIXME : This part of the code should be moved to # FIXME : The methods should be refactored and tested.
[docs] def refine_array_by_2(self, array: WolfArray) -> WolfArray: """ Return a remeshed WolfArray in which the cells size is divided by 2. :param array: WolfArray to refine :type array: WolfArray :return: Remeshed WolfArray :rtype: WolfArray """ wolfarray = array curarray = array.array shp = curarray.shape shp0 = shp[0]*2 shp1 = shp[1]*2 index = np.zeros((shp0,), dtype = int) index2 = np.zeros((shp1,), dtype = int) for i in range(0,shp0,2): val1 = int(i/2) index[i] = val1 index[i+1] = val1 for i in range(0,shp1,2): val2 = int(i/2) index2[i] = val2 index2[i+1] = val2 buffer = curarray[index] final: np.ndarray final = buffer[:, index2] wolfarray.array= final wolfarray.nbx = final.shape[0] wolfarray.nby = final.shape[1] wolfarray.dx = array.dx/2 wolfarray.dy = array.dy/2 return wolfarray
[docs] def refine_array(self,array: WolfArray, discretize: int=2) -> WolfArray: """ Refine (divide) the cell size of a Wolfarray and return the new array. - @ The logarithm of discretize in base 2 must be an integer. :param array: WolfArray to refine :type array: WolfArray :param discretize: Discretization step, defaults to 2 :type discretize: int, optional :return: New WolfArray :rtype: WolfArray """ curarray = array if discretize == 2: final = self.refine_array_by_2(curarray) elif discretize > 2: nb = int(math.log(discretize,2)) for i in range(nb): final = self.refine_array_by_2(curarray) else: final = curarray if self.wx_exists: raise Exception("Couldn't refine the WolfArray due to the discretization")) else: raise Exception("Couldn't refine the WolfArray due to the discretization") return final
[docs] def concatenate_2_wolfarrays(self, array1: WolfArray, array2: WolfArray) -> WolfArray: """ Return the concatenation of 2 WolfArrays. :param array1: First WolfArray :type array1: WolfArray :param array2: Second WolfArray :type array2: WolfArray :return: Concatenated WolfArray :rtype: WolfArray """ xbounds, ybounds = array1.find_union(array2) x = int(round(xbounds[1] - xbounds[0])) y = int(round(ybounds[1] - ybounds[0])) if array1.dx == array2.dx: dx = array1.dx nbx = int(round(x/dx)) else: if array1.dx > array2.dx: ds = (array1.dx/array2.dx) array1 = self.refine_array(array1,ds) dx = array1.dx nbx = int(round(x/dx)) else: ds =(array2.dx/array1.dx) array2 = self.refine_array(array2,ds) dx = array2.dx nbx = int(round(x/dx)) if array1.dy == array2.dy : dy = array1.dy nby = int(round(y/dy)) else: array1.dy= array2.dy = dx if == dz= else: = dx new_array = WolfArray() new_array.origx = min(array1.origx, array2.origx) new_array.origy = min(array1.origy, array2.origy) new_array.origx = 0 new_array.origy = 0 new_array.translx = xbounds[0] new_array.transly = ybounds[0] new_array.dx = dx new_array.dy = dy = dz #FIXME probabbly deleted from wolfarray methods # new_array.nb_blocks = 1 # new_array.nb_blocks = array1.nb_blocks new_array.head_blocks= array1.head_blocks.copy() new_array.nbx = nbx new_array.nby = nby new_array.array =,nby), order = 'F', dtype = np.float32)) # FIXME find a way to fill the new arrays origx_glob = new_array.origx + new_array.translx origy_glob = new_array.origy + new_array.transly origx1_glob = array1.translx + array1.origx origy1_glob = array1.transly + array1.origy origx2_glob = array2.translx + array2.origx origy2_glob = array2.transly + array2.origy a1x = int(round((origx1_glob - origx_glob)/array1.dx)) a1y = int(round((origy1_glob - origy_glob)/array1.dx)) a2x = int(round((origx2_glob - origx_glob)/array2.dx)) a2y = int(round((origy2_glob - origy_glob)/array2.dx)) lim_a1x = a1x + array1.nbx lim_a1y = a1y + array1.nby lim_a2x = a2x + array2.nbx lim_a2y = a2y + array2.nby array1.mask_reset() new_array.array[a2x: lim_a2x, a2y : lim_a2y][array2.array > 0]= array2.array[array2.array > 0] new_array.array[a1x: lim_a1x, a1y: lim_a1y][array1.array >0 ] = array1.array[array1.array > 0 ] new_array.mask_data(new_array.nullvalue) return new_array
[docs] def merge_wolfarrays(self, arrays:list[WolfArray], save_as:str='') -> WolfArray: """" Return a wolfArray which is the concatenation of the given list of WolfArrays. :param arrays: List of WolfArrays :type arrays: list[WolfArray] :param save_as: File path of the new WolfArray, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: Concatenated WolfArray :rtype: WolfArray """ concatenation = [arrays[0]] for i in tqdm(range(len(arrays)-1),desc='Merging WolfArrays', unit='WolfArray', colour=Colors.TQDM.value): new_array = self.concatenate_2_wolfarrays(concatenation[-1],arrays[i+1]) concatenation.append(new_array) concatenation.pop(0) if save_as!='': concatenation[-1].write_all(save_as) return concatenation[-1]
[docs] def new_array_from_vrt(self, array: WolfArray, vrt_file: str, file_out: str = '', wolfarray_not_tif = True, save: bool = True) -> WolfArray: """ Return a new WolfArray extracted from a VRT file. - The new array is extracted based on the bounds of the given WolfArray. - the new array is either saved on `.tif` or bin `.format`. :param array: WolfArray from which the bounds are copied (mask) :type array: WolfArray :param vrt_file: file path to the VRT file from which the new array is extracted :type vrt_file: str :param file_out: File path of the new WolfArray, file_out is provided ('' by default) a folder of the mask (given array) is used to store the output under the same name as the previous but with a prefix `new_` added, defaults to '' :type file_out: str, optional :param load: If the new WolfArray should be loaded or not, defaults to True :type load: bool, optional :param wolfarray_not_tif: If the new WolfArray should be saved as a `.bin` file or `.tif` file, defaults to True :type wolfarray_not_tif: bool, optional :return: New WolfArray :rtype: WolfArray """ # Get the bounds of the array bounds = array.get_bounds() # If the file_out is not provided, the new array is saved in the same folder as the previous one # Changing names if file_out == '': splitted_path = os.path.split(array.filename) new_name = f"new_{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(array.filename))[0]}.tif" file_out = os.path.join(splitted_path[0], new_name) # Croping the array extent from the VRT file crop_vrt(fn = vrt_file, crop = bounds, fout = file_out) # Reading the cropped array new_array = WolfArray(file_out) # if the new_array should be saved or only returned if save: # if the new array should be saved as a `.bin` file # We create the new name, save the `.bin` array and remove the `.tif` of. if wolfarray_not_tif: wolf_array_name = f"{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(array.filename))[0]}.bin" array_folder =os.path.split(new_array.filename)[0] new_file = os.path.join(array_folder, wolf_array_name) new_array.write_all(new_file) os.remove(file_out) return WolfArray(new_file) else: return new_array else: os.remove(file_out) return new_array
[docs] def get_arrays_from_vrt(self, arrays:list[WolfArray], vrt_file: str, wolfarray_not_tif = True, save = True) -> list[WolfArray]: """ Return a list of WolfArrays extracted from a VRT file. - The new arrays are extracted based on the bounds of the given WolfArrays. - The new arrays are either saved on `.tif` or bin `.format`. ! The new arrays are saved in the same folder as the previous one. :param arrays: List of WolfArrays from which the bounds are copied (masks) :type arrays: list[WolfArray] :param vrt_file: file path to the VRT file from which the new arrays are extracted :type vrt_file: str :param wolfarray_not_tif: If the new WolfArrays should be saved as a `.bin` file or `.tif` file, defaults to True :type wolfarray_not_tif: bool, optional :return: List of new WolfArrays :rtype: list[WolfArray] """ new_arrays = [] try: for array in tqdm(arrays): # new_array = self.new_array_from_vrt(array= array, # vrt_file=vrt_file, # wolfarray_not_tif=wolfarray_not_tif) # new_arrays.append(new_array.filename) new_arrays.append(self.new_array_from_vrt(array= array, vrt_file=vrt_file, wolfarray_not_tif=wolfarray_not_tif, save= save)) return new_arrays except: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception('An error occured while extracting the WolfArrays from the VRT file.')) else: raise Exception('An error occured while extracting the WolfArrays from the VRT file.')
# # --- Vector + Arrays Get values from array (Vector + Arrays) --- #__________________________________________________________________
[docs] def get_values_from_array(self, zones: Zones, array: WolfArray, save_as:str, filter_null = False, selection = True, tif = False) -> Zones: """ Get the values from an array based on a given Zones (vectors), - In each zone, the vector are first refined based on the array cells size. - a new Zones with its vectors value filled is returned. :param zones: `Zones` containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param array: `WolfArray` containing the values :type array: WolfArray :param save_as: File path of the new Zones, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param filter_null: If the null values should be filtered or not, defaults to False :type filter_null: bool, optional :param selection: If the values should be selected or not, defaults to True :type selection: bool, optional :param tif: If the array is a tif file or not, defaults to False :type tif: bool, optional :return: The new Zones with its vectors value filled. :rtype: Zones """ znes = zones new_znes = Zones(is2D=False) if tif: ds = 1 else: ds = min(array.dx, array.dy) for zne in tqdm(znes.myzones, desc=_('Getting values from array:'), unit= 'Zone', colour=Colors.TQDM.value): prof_zone = zone( name=zne.myname, parent=new_znes) new_znes.add_zone(prof_zone) k=1 for vec in zne.myvectors: prof = vector(name ='%s'%(k), parentzone = prof_zone, is2D = False) prof_zone.add_vector(prof) pts = self.refine_vector_from_2D(vec,ds) # Getting values values = [array.get_value(curpt.x, curpt.y, nullvalue = Constants.NULL.value) for curpt in pts] # Assigning values to the corresponding vertex if filter_null: for curpt, curvalue in zip(pts,values): if curvalue != Constants.NULL.value: prof.add_vertex(wolfvertex(curpt.x, curpt.y, curvalue)) else: for curpt, curvalue in zip(pts,values): prof.add_vertex(wolfvertex(curpt.x, curpt.y, curvalue)) k+=1 new_znes.find_minmax(update=True) if save_as !='': new_znes.saveas(save_as) return new_znes
[docs] def update_z_value(self, znes: Zones, array: WolfArray, save_as: str) -> Zones: """ Update the z value of the vertices in a Zones object based on the values of a WolfArray. :param znes: `Zones` containing the vectors :type znes: Zones :param array: `WolfArray` containing the values :type array: WolfArray :param save_as: File path of the new Zones, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: The new Zones with updated z values. :rtype: Zones """ new_zones = znes.deepcopy_zones() id = 1 for zne in tqdm (new_zones.myzones, desc='Writing the .vecz file:', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): zne.myname = f'{id}' vec_id = 1 for vec in zne.myvectors: vec.myname = f'{vec_id}' for vert in vec.myvertices: vert.z= array.get_value(vert.x, vert.y) vec_id += 1 id += 1 new_zones.find_minmax(update=True) if save_as: vecz_file = self.initialize_file(save_as,'.vecz') new_zones.saveas(vecz_file)
# --- Cross sections --- #_______________________ # FIXME: Reread the comments and refactor the methods.
[docs] def save_as_1D_crossections(self, zones: Zones, format ='zones', save_as: str='', return_list = True) -> list[crosssections]: # FIXME list of cross sections """ Save each `Zone` in `Zones` as a cross sections file and, return a list of cross sections. /!\ The `Zones` should contain the river sections to be transformed into cross sections. :param zones: `Zones` containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param format: Format of the new cross sections file, defaults to 'zones' :type format: str, optional :param save_as: File path where the new cross sections are saved, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param return_list: If the method should return a list of cross sections or not, defaults to True :type return_list: bool, optional :return: List of cross sections :rtype: list[crosssections] """ mycs = [] k=1 for zne in zones.myzones: new_zone = Zones() new_zone.add_zone(zne) new_zone.find_minmax() cross = crosssections(new_zone, format=format) mycs.append(cross) if save_as: directory_name= 'Profiles' directory = self.create_directory(save_as, directory_name) file_name =f'Crossection_{k}.vecz' directory = os.path.join(save_as,directory_name) path = os.path.join(directory,file_name) cross.saveas(path) k+=1 if return_list: return mycs else: return cross
[docs] def create_profiles(self, zones:Zones, topo:WolfArray, discretization:int = 1, save_as:str ='', tif = False) -> Zones: """ Create profiles from river sections and topography. - The method creates the river sections from the `Zones` and discretization step. - It then creates the supports (midline vectors) from the sections. - It updates the z value of the supports based on the topography. - The method returns the profiles as a `Zones`. - The profiles are saved as a .vecz file. - The method also returns the profiles as a list of cross sections. :param zones: `Zones` containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param topo: `WolfArray` containing the topography :type topo: WolfArray :param discretization: Distance between sections, defaults to 1 :type discretization: int, optional :param save_as: File path of the new Zones, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param tif: If the array is a tif file or not, defaults to False :type tif: bool, optional :return: The profiles as a Zones :rtype: Zones """ "Create profiles from river sections and topography." file_name = 'Profiles_vector.vecz' file_path = os.path.join(save_as, file_name) sections = self.create_branches_sections(zones, discretization) support = self.create_support_from_sections(sections, save_as) support_vecz = self.update_z_value(support, topo, save_as) # FIXME check the return value and where it's saved. profiles = self.get_values_from_array(sections, topo, file_path, tif=tif) return profiles
[docs] def sort_crossections_list(self, crosses:list[crosssections], zones:Zones, vector_id: int = 1) -> list[list[profile]]: """ This methods sort cross sections. - The method returns a list of list of profiles. - The profiles are sorted based on the given vectors in the `Zones`. :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[crosssections] :param zones: `Zones` containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param vector_id: Index of the vector in the zone, defaults to 1 :type vector_id: int, optional :return: List of list of profiles :rtype: list[list[profile]] """ sorted_cs: list prof: profile # List of all crossections per zones mycs = crosses # The list receiving the sorted profiles per zones. new_cs = [] # Iteration on the cross sections to sort the profiles per zones. for i in tqdm(range(len(mycs)), desc='Sorting cross sections:', unit='zone', colour=Colors.TQDM.value): # selection of the corresponding zone in the support Zones. zne = zones.myzones[i] # selection of the support vector in the Zone vec = zne.myvectors[vector_id] # Transformation into a shapely vector (linestring) support = vec.asshapely_ls() # Selection of the corresponding cross section (dictionary of profiles) cs = mycs[i] # Sorting the crossection under the name 'sorted' cs.sort_along(support,'sorted') sorted_prof = cs.sorted['sorted']['sorted'] unsorted_prof = list(cs.myprofiles.keys()) # checking if any profile was left out while sorting the crossection # FIXME respect the profile locations in case of more than one profile if len(sorted_prof) != len(unsorted_prof): sorted_names =[a.myname for a in sorted_prof] # In case a profile was left out, it's appended to the list. # This implementation was done this way because it was occuring only for the first profile for j in unsorted_prof: if j not in sorted_names: sorted_prof.append(cs.myprofiles.get(j)['cs']) # selection of the sorted profiles as a list sorted_cs = cs.sorted['sorted']['sorted'] # reversing the order of profile to match a 1D simulation sorted_cs.reverse() # Appending the new cross section as a list. new_cs.append(sorted_cs) # Renaming profiles counter = 1 for zne in tqdm(new_cs, desc='renaming profiles:', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): for prof in zne: prof.myname = f'{counter:d}' counter+=1 # FIXME find a way to return a list of list of list of crossections or a 3D numpy array return new_cs
[docs] def sort_all_cross_section_in_one_list(self, mycross: crosssections, zones: Zones, id:int=1) -> list: """ Return all sorted profiles based on the given vectors in only one list. :param mycross: `crosssections` containing the profiles :type mycross: crosssections :param zones: `Zones` containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param id: Index of the vector in the zone, defaults to 1 :type id: int, optional :return: List of all profiles sorted based on the given vector :rtype: list """ sorted_cross_sections = self.sort_crossections_list(mycross, zones, id) prof_list = [] for zone_list in sorted_cross_sections: prof_list += zone_list return prof_list
[docs] def get_sorted_cross_sections_name(self, mycross: crosssections, zones: Zones, id:int=1) -> list: """ Return a list of names of all profiles sorted based on the given vector. :param mycross: `crosssections` containing the profiles :type mycross: crosssections :param zones: `Zones` containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param id: Index of the vector in the zone, defaults to 1 :type id: int, optional :return: List of all profiles names sorted based on the given vector :rtype: list """ sorted_cross_sections = self.sort_crossections_list(mycross, zones, id) name_list = [] for zone_list in sorted_cross_sections: names = [prof.myname for prof in zone_list] name_list += names return name_list
[docs] def get_sorted_cells_name(self, mycross: crosssections, zones: Zones, id:int=1) -> list: """ Return a list of names of all profiles sorted based on the given vector. :param mycross: `crosssections` containing the profiles :type mycross: crosssections :param zones: `Zones` containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param id: Index of the vector in the zone, defaults to 1 :type id: int, optional :return: List of all profiles names sorted based on the given vector :rtype: list """ sorted_cross_sections = self.sort_crossections_list(mycross, zones, id) name_list = [] for zone_list in sorted_cross_sections: names = [prof.myname for prof in zone_list[:-1]] name_list += names return name_list
[docs] def crossection_from_list(self, profiles: list[list[profile]], save_as: str ='') -> crosssections: """ Create and return a cross section object `crosssections` from a list of profiles. :param profiles: List of profiles :type profiles: list[list[profile]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section object, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: New cross section :rtype: crosssections """ znes = Zones(is2D=False) zne= zone(is2D=False, parent= znes) znes.add_zone(zne) for lst in profiles: zne.myvectors += lst znes.find_minmax(True) mycross = crosssections(znes,'zones') if save_as!='': mycross.saveas(save_as) return mycross
[docs] def add_2_crossections(self, crosssections1: crosssections, crosssections2: crosssections, prefixes: list[str,str]= ["1","2"], save_as:str = '') -> crosssections: """ Concatenate 2 cross sections and return the concatenation as a new cross section file. :param crosssections1: First cross section :type crosssections1: crosssections :param crosssections2: Second cross section :type crosssections2: crosssections :param prefixes: Prefixes for the cross sections, defaults to ["1","2"] :type prefixes: list[str,str], optional :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: New cross section :rtype: crosssections """ if isinstance(prefixes[0], int) and isinstance(prefixes[1], int): prefixes = [str(prefixes[0]),str(prefixes[1])] dict_profile1 = crosssections1.myprofiles lst1 = list(dict_profile1.values()) dict_profile2 = crosssections2.myprofiles lst2 = list(dict_profile2.values()) vectors1 = [lst1[i]['cs'] for i in range(len(lst1))] vectors2 = [lst2[i]['cs'] for i in range(len(lst2))] vec: vector for vec in vectors1: vec.myname = f'{prefixes[0]}_{vec.myname}' for vec in vectors2: vec.myname = f'{prefixes[1]}_{vec.myname}' new_zones = Zones(is2D=False) new_zone = zone(is2D=False, parent=new_zones) new_zones.add_zone(new_zone) new_zone.myvectors = vectors1 + vectors2 new_zones.find_minmax(True) new_crossections = crosssections(new_zones, 'zones') if save_as != '': path = self.initialize_file(save_as, 'concatenated_crosssections.vecz') new_crossections.find_minmax(True) new_crossections.saveas(path) return new_crossections
[docs] def create_Zones_from_vectors(self, vectors: list[vector]) -> Zones: """ Return a Zones from a list of vectors. :param vectors: List of vectors :type vectors: list[vector] :return: New Zones :rtype: Zones """ new_zones = Zones() new_zone = zone(name = 'parallels', parent=new_zones) new_zones.add_zone(new_zone) for vec in vectors: new_zone.add_vector(vec) # new_zone.myvectors = vectors # new_zone.nbvectors = len(new_zone.myvectors) FIXME Not needed anymore new_zones.find_minmax(True) return new_zones
[docs] def create_cross_sections_from_vectors(self, profiles: list[profile]) -> crosssections: """ Create and Return a cross section object (`crosssections`) from a list of profiles. :param profiles: List of profiles :type profiles: list[profile] :return: New cross section :rtype: crosssections """ new_zones = Zones(is2D=False) new_zone = zone(is2D=False, parent=new_zones) new_zones.add_zone(new_zone) new_zone.myvectors = profiles new_zones.find_minmax(True) new_crossections = crosssections(new_zones, 'zones') return new_crossections
[docs] def extrapolate_extremities(self, crossections : crosssections, added_height: float = 0, save_as:str ='') -> crosssections: """ Return a new cross section with the extremities of each profile extrapolated. :param crossections: `crosssections` containing the profiles :type crossections: crosssections :param added_height: Height to add to the extremities, defaults to 0 :type added_height: float, optional :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: New cross section with the extremities extrapolated :rtype: crosssections """ lst = list(crossections.myprofiles.values()) profiles = [lst[i]['cs'] for i in range(len(lst))] vect: vector new_profiles = [] for vect in profiles: vert1 = vect.myvertices[0] vert2 = vect.myvertices[-1] vect.myvertices.insert(0, wolfvertex(vert1.x, vert1.y, (vert1.z + added_height))) vect.myvertices.append( wolfvertex(vert2.x, vert2.y, (vert2.z + added_height))) # vect.nbvertices = len(vect.myvertices) # vect.add_vertex(wolfvertex(vert1.x, vert1.y, (vert1.z + added_height))) # vect.add_vertex(wolfvertex(vert2.x, vert2.y, (vert2.z + added_height))) vect.find_minmax() new_profiles.append(vect) new_crossections = self.create_cross_sections_from_vectors(new_profiles) if save_as != '': path = self.initialize_file(save_as, '_extrapolated_cross_sections.vecz') new_crossections.find_minmax(True) new_crossections.saveas(path) return new_crossections
[docs] def delete_profile(self, mycross: crosssections, profile_keys: list, save_as: str = ''): """ Return a new cross section file were the given profiles have been removed. - The profile keys are the names of the profiles to remove. :param mycross: `crosssections` containing the profiles :type mycross: crosssections :param profile_keys: List of profiles keys to remove :type profile_keys: list :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: New cross section with the given profiles removed :rtype: crosssections """ for profile_key in profile_keys: if not isinstance(profile_key,str): profile_key = str(profile_key) try: del mycross.myprofiles[profile_key] except KeyError: warnings.warn(f"This profile's key ({profile_key}) was not found.") if save_as != '': mycross.saveas(save_as) return mycross
[docs] def roughness_from_polygons(self, array: WolfArray, zones: Zones, mode:typing.Literal['mean', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'value'] = 'mean', value: float = 0.04) -> list[list[float]]: """ Associate a roughness (friction) value to each cross section. The value is selected from the 2D cells in between the cross section of interest and the next one, according to the chosen mode and the polygon file `Zones`. The different modes are: - mean, - median, - min, - max, - value. If value is selected, the given value is forced on all crossections. :param array: WolfArray containing the values :type array: WolfArray :param zones: Zones containing the vectors :type zones: Zones :param mode: Mode to select the roughness value, defaults to 'mean' :type mode: typing.Literal['mean', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'value'], optional :param value: Value to force, defaults to 0.04 :type value: float, optional :return: List of lists of roughnesses value :rtype: list[list[float]] """ frictions = [] #FIXME Check wether a polygon is created or not. for zne in tqdm(zones.myzones, desc = 'Extracting roughnesses:', unit= 'Zones', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): roughnesses = [array.get_values_insidepoly(vec) for vec in zne.myvectors] if mode == 'mean': roughness = [np.average(i[0]) for i in roughnesses] elif mode =='median': roughness = [np.median(i[0]) for i in roughnesses] elif mode == 'min': roughness = [np.amin(i[0]) for i in roughnesses] elif mode == 'max': roughness = [np.amax(i[0]) for i in roughnesses] elif mode == 'value': roughness = [i if i== value else value for i in roughnesses] else: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception('This mode is not defined!')) else: raise Exception(_('This mode is not defined!')) frictions.append(roughness) return frictions
[docs] def roughness_from_profiles(self, array: WolfArray, crosses: list[list[profile]], mode:typing.Literal['mean', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'value'] = 'mean', value:float = 0.04) -> list[list[float]]: """ Associate a roughness (friction) value to each cross section. The value is selected from the cells under the cross section of interest according to the chosen mode. The different modes are: - mean, - median, - min, - max, - value. If value is selected, the given value is forced on all crossections. :param array: WolfArray containing the values :type array: WolfArray :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param mode: Mode to select the roughness value, defaults to 'mean' :type mode: typing.Literal['mean', 'median', 'min', 'max', 'value'], optional :param value: Value to force, defaults to 0.04 :type value: float, optional :return: List of lists of roughnesses value :rtype: list[list[float]] """ mycs = crosses frictions = [] for znes in tqdm(mycs, desc = 'Extracting roughnesses:', unit= 'Zones', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): roughnesses = [array.get_values_underpoly(prof) for prof in znes] # roughnesses = [array.get_values_underpoly(prof) for prof in tqdm(znes, desc = 'Extracting roughnesses:', unit= 'Zones', colour= Colors.TQDM.value)] if mode == 'mean': roughness = [np.average(i[0]) for i in roughnesses] elif mode =='median': roughness = [np.median(i[0]) for i in roughnesses] elif mode == 'min': roughness = [np.amin(i[0]) for i in roughnesses] elif mode == 'max': roughness = [np.amax(i[0]) for i in roughnesses] elif mode == 'value': roughness = [i if i== value else value for i in roughnesses] else: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception('This mode is not defined!'))) else: raise Exception(_('This mode is not defined!')) frictions.append(roughness) return frictions
[docs] def roughness_from_value(self, crosses: list[list[profile]], value:float = 0.04) -> list[list[float]]: """ Return a list of lists of roughnesses value. The method forces the given value on all crossections. :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param value: Value to force, defaults to 0.04 :type value: float, optional :return: List of lists of roughnesses value :rtype: list[list[float]] """ frictions = [] for zne in tqdm(crosses, desc = 'Forcing roughnesses:', unit= 'Zones', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): roughness = [value for prof in zne] frictions.append(roughness) return frictions
[docs] def ic_relations_hspw(self, crosses: list[list[profile]], h: float =None, zval:float = None) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the HSPW relations (Initial Conditions) of all profiles as a numpy arrray for a given water depth or a given altitude. np.array :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param h: Water depth, defaults to None :type h: float, optional :param zval: Altitude, defaults to None :type zval: float, optional :return: HSPW relations (Initial Conditions) of all profiles :rtype: np.ndarray """ prof: profile all_relations = [] mycs = crosses zne_id_skeleton = 1 for znes in tqdm(mycs, desc='Computing IC relations', colour='cyan', unit= 'profile'): # zne_id_skeleton = mycrosses.index(znes) + 1 vec_id_zne = 1 seg_id_vec = 1 for prof in znes[:-1]: s,z = prof.get_sz() zmin = min(z) if h: z_computed = h + zmin area, perimeter, width, radius = prof.relation_oneh(cury = z_computed) profile_relations = [zne_id_skeleton, vec_id_zne, seg_id_vec, area, perimeter, width, radius, h, z_computed] all_relations.append(profile_relations) else: if zval: h_computed = zval- zmin area, perimeter, width, radius = prof.relation_oneh(cury = zval) profile_relations = [zne_id_skeleton, vec_id_zne, seg_id_vec, area, perimeter, width, radius, h_computed, zval] all_relations.append(profile_relations) else: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception('Please enter a water depth (h) or a water surface (z) value!'))) seg_id_vec += 1 zne_id_skeleton += 1 relations = np.array(all_relations) return relations, (zne_id_skeleton - 1)
# --- Graph cross sections --- #______________________________
[docs] def plot_graph_crossections(self, mycross: crosssections, vect:vector= None, profile_name = 1, width = 30, height = 15): """ Return a graph on the GraphNotebook format. The graph contains the profile characteristics (Spatial location, sections, discharges relations, HSPW relations, etc.). :param mycross: `crosssections` containing the profiles :type mycross: crosssections :param vect: `vector` containing the profiles in case the profiles should be sorted, defaults to None :type vect: vector, optional :param profile_name: Index of the profile, defaults to 1 :type profile_name: int, optional :return: Figure containing a plot of the profile charactersitics. :rtype: Figure """ myplot = PlotCSAll(None) if vect: mycross.sort_along(vect.asshapely_ls(),'sorted', downfirst=False) myplot.cs_setter(mycross = mycross, active_profile = mycross.get_profile(profile_name-1, 'sorted')) else: active_profile = mycross.myprofiles[f'{profile_name}']['cs'] myplot.cs_setter(mycross = mycross, active_profile= active_profile) # myplot.cs_setter(mycross = mycross, active_profile= mycross.get_profile(1, 'cs')) myplot.figure.set_size_inches(width,height)
# --- Simulation (Writing simulation files) --- #______________________________________________
[docs] def create_directory(self, save_as: str, directory_name: str)-> str: ''' Creates and return a directory based on the inputs: - save_as: a computer path and, - directory_name: a desired directory name. :param save_as: Computer path :type save_as: str :param directory_name: Desired directory name :type directory_name: str :return: Directory path :rtype: str ''' directory = os.path.join(save_as, directory_name) try: os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok= True) except OSError as error: # print("Directory '%s' cannot be created" % directory_name) # FIXME wx.log message for wolfpy if self.wx_exists:"The directory {directory_name} cannot be created.") else: warnings.warn(f"The directory {directory_name} cannot be created.", UserWarning) return directory
[docs] def create_simulation_directory(self, save_as:str, directory_name:str ='simul') -> str: ''' Create and return a simulation directory. :param save_as: Computer path :type save_as: str :param directory_name: Desired directory name :type directory_name: str :return: Simulation directory :rtype: str ''' self.directory_name = directory_name simulation_directory = self.create_directory(save_as, self.directory_name) return simulation_directory
[docs] def initialize_file(self, save_as: str, format:str, directory_name:str ='simul') -> str: ''' Create a new file based on: - The provided directory or and, - the given extension. :param save_as: Computer path :type save_as: str :param format: File extension :type format: str :param directory_name: Desired directory name, defaults to 'simul' :type directory_name: str, optional :return: File path :rtype: str ''' if directory_name == '': file_path = os.path.join(save_as, format) else: if self.directory_name != '': filename = self.directory_name + format else: self.directory_name = self.create_simulation_directory(save_as, directory_name) filename =self.directory_name + format file_path = os.path.join(save_as,filename) return file_path
[docs] def count_lists_in_list(self, lst: list[list], nodes_1D = False) -> int: """ Return the sum of lengths of lists in a list. - /!\ Attention for 1D nodes (nodes_1D), the number of nodes is the number of crossections minus one. :param lst: List of lists :type lst: list[list] :param nodes_1D: If the nodes are 1D, defaults to False :type nodes_1D: bool, optional :return: Sum of lengths of lists in a list :rtype: int """ counter: int counter = 0 if nodes_1D: for i in lst: counter += (len(i) -1) else: for i in lst: counter += len(i) return counter
[docs] def write_file_from_listof_profiles(self, file:str, data:list[list[profile]], index:list[int], force_last = False) -> None: """ Writer of a file from a list of profiles. Wolf Template for writing file based on a list of profiles. #FIXME ackward method :param file: File path :type file: str :param data: List of profiles :type data: list[list[profile]] :param index: Index of the profiles :type index: list[int] :param force_last: If the last profile should be forced, defaults to False :type force_last: bool, optional :return: None :rtype: None """ lgth = self.count_lists_in_list(data, True) sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value with open(file,'w') as f: f.write(str(lgth)+'\n') zne_id_skeleton = 1 for znes in tqdm(data, dec='Writing files:', colour='Cyan'): vec_id_zne = 1 # FIXME Use it or clean it. seg_id_vec = 1 for prof in znes: val1 = int(index[0]) val2 = int(index[1]) if force_last: val3 = index[2] else: val3 = index[2] f.write(f'{zne_id_skeleton}{sep}{val1}{sep}{val2}{sep}{val3}' + '\n') seg_id_vec+=1 zne_id_skeleton += 1
# for zne in tqdm
[docs] def _write_relations_profiles(self, crosses:list[list[profile]], save_as:str) -> None: """ /!\ Has been deprecated. - Write the HSPW (Heigh, wetted Section, wetted Perimeter, top Width)relations of each profile in each cross section as a file; - Write one corresponding .ptv file (matches profile index to the corresponding profile number); - Write one corresponding .gtv file (maches profile number to the correponding relation files). :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional """ prof: profile # List of sorted cross sections mycs = crosses # Separator sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value # The directory name that will receive the tabulated relations. directory_name = 'cross_sections' # Creation of the directory cross_directory = self.create_directory(save_as,directory_name) # File that will receive the position of tabular values ptv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.PTV.value) # File that will receive the memory links to tabular values gtv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.GTV.value) # Relative position in the simulation directory targeted_file ='.\\' tartgeted_path = os.path.join(targeted_file, directory_name) # Number of segments in the simulation lgth = self.count_lists_in_list(mycs, nodes_1D= True) # Writing the files with open(gtv_file,'w', newline='\n')as gtv: gtv.write(f'{(lgth):12d}'+'\n') # ptv file with open(ptv_file,'w', newline='\n') as ptv: ptv.write(f'{lgth:12d}' +'\n') # Zone index in the skeleton (starts at one because Fortran count from one) zne_id_skeleton = 1 # Indice in the gtv and ptv files indice = 1 # iterations on cross sections for zne in tqdm (mycs, desc='Writing relations:', colour= Colors.TQDM.value, unit= 'zne'): # vector id in zone vec_id_zne = 1 # segment id in vector seg_id_vec = 1 for prof in zne: # Added # FIXME talk to Mr. Archambeau about the new calculations of relations, # discretization is richer than the vertices' method witch is faster # and not completely accurate for small values # All relations area,perimeter,radius,depth,width,critical_discharge = prof.relations() filename = f'tv_{zne_id_skeleton}_{vec_id_zne}_{indice}.tv' # FIXME Double zne_id_skeleton gtv_path = os.path.join(tartgeted_path, filename) ptv.write(f'{zne_id_skeleton:12d}{sep}{vec_id_zne:12d}{sep}{seg_id_vec:12d}{sep}{indice:12d}'+'\n') # FIXME Double zne_id_skeleton gtv.write(f'{indice:12d}{sep}{gtv_path}'+'\n') profile_file = os.path.join(cross_directory, filename) # FIXME check whether it is necessary to keep the last profile -> relation #Added with open(profile_file,'w', newline='\n') as pro: pro_lgth = len(area) # FIXME insert a check here pro.write(f'{pro_lgth:12}' + '\n') for i in range(len(area)): h = depth[i] s = area[i] p = perimeter[i] pro.write(f'{h:20.14f}{sep}{s:20.14f}{sep}{p:20.14f}' +'\n') indice += 1 seg_id_vec += 1 zne_id_skeleton += 1
[docs] def __write_relations_profiles(self, crosses:list[list[profile]], save_as:str) -> None: """ /!\ Has been deprecated. - Write the HSPW (Height, wetted Section, wetted Perimeter, top Width)relations of each profile in each cross section as a file; - Write one corresponding .ptv file (matches profile index to the corresponding profile number); - Write one corresponding .gtv file (maches profile number to the correponding relation files). """ # FIXME something is broken in the routine prof: profile # List of sorted cross sections mycs = crosses # Separator sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value # The directory name that will receive the tabulated relations. directory_name = 'cross_sections' # Creation of the directory cross_directory = self.create_directory(save_as,directory_name) # File that will receive the position of tabular values ptv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.PTV.value) # File that will receive the memory links to tabular values gtv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.GTV.value) # File that will receive the top width relations for each cross sections breadth_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.BREADTH.value) depth_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.DEPTH.value) # Relative position in the simulation directory targeted_file ='.\\' tartgeted_path = os.path.join(targeted_file, directory_name) # Number of segments in the simulation lgth = self.count_lists_in_list(mycs, nodes_1D= True) # Writing the files # gtv file with open(gtv_file,'w', newline='\n')as gtv: gtv.write(f'{(lgth):12d}'+'\n') # ptv file with open(ptv_file,'w', newline='\n') as ptv: ptv.write(f'{lgth:12d}' +'\n') with open(breadth_file,'w', newline='\n') as brdth: with open(depth_file,'w', newline='\n') as dpth: nb_crosses = self.count_lists_in_list(crosses) # brdth.write(f'{nb_crosses:12}' + '\n') # dpth.write(f'{nb_crosses:12}' + '\n') # Zone index in the skeleton (starts at one because Fortran count from one) zne_id_skeleton = 1 # Indice in the gtv and ptv files indice = 1 # # Collections of depths and breadths depths = [] breadths =[] # iterations on cross sections for zne in tqdm (mycs, desc='Writing relations:', colour= Colors.TQDM.value, unit= 'zne'): # vector id in zone vec_id_zne = 1 # segment id in vector seg_id_vec = 1 # for prof in zne[:-1]: for prof in zne: # Added # FIXME talk to Mr. Archambeau about the new calculations of relations, # discretization is richer than the vertices' method witch is faster # and not completely accurate for small values s,z = prof.get_sz() zmin = min(z) smax =max(s) z_array = np.array(z) z_array = np.unique(z_array) all_relations = [prof.relation_oneh(val) for val in z_array] prof_depths = [] prof_breadths =[] filename = f'tv_{zne_id_skeleton}_{vec_id_zne}_{indice}.tv' # FIXME Double zne_id_skeleton gtv_path = os.path.join(tartgeted_path, filename) ptv.write(f'{zne_id_skeleton:12d}{sep}{vec_id_zne:12d}{sep}{seg_id_vec:12d}{sep}{indice:12d}'+'\n') # FIXME Double zne_id_skeleton gtv.write(f'{indice:12d}{sep}{gtv_path}'+'\n') profile_file = os.path.join(cross_directory, filename) with open(profile_file,'w', newline='\n') as pro: assert len(all_relations) == len(z_array) pro_lgth = len(all_relations) # FIXME insert a check here pro.write(f'{pro_lgth:12}' + '\n') for i in range(pro_lgth): h = z_array[i ]- zmin s = all_relations[i][0] p = all_relations[i][1] w = all_relations[i][2] pro.write(f'{h:20.14f}{sep}{s:20.14f}{sep}{p:20.14f}' +'\n') prof_depths.append(h) prof_breadths.append(w) depths.append(prof_depths) breadths.append(prof_breadths) indice += 1 seg_id_vec += 1 zne_id_skeleton += 1
# FIXME find a clever way to save files #,np.array(breadths, dtype='object')) #,np.array(depths, dtype='object')) # np.savetxt(breadth_file, np.array(breadths,dtype='object'), delimiter='\t', fmt = '%s') # np.savetxt(depth_file, np.array(depths,dtype='object'), delimiter='\t', fmt = '%s') # Added # brdth.write(f'{depths}\n{breadths}') # depths_array = np.array(depths) # breadths_array = np.array(breadths) # np.savetxt(depth_file, depths_array, delimiter='\t',fmt=depths_array.dtype) # np.savetxt(breadth_file, breadths_array, delimiter='\t',fmt=breadths_array.dtype)
[docs] def write_relations_profiles(self, crosses:list[list[profile]], save_as:str) -> None: """ - Write the HSPW (Heigh, wetted Section, wetted Perimeter, top Width)relations of each profile in each cross section as a file; - Write one corresponding .ptv file (matches profile index to the corresponding profile number); - Write one corresponding .gtv file (maches profile number to the correponding relation files). :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: None :rtype: None .. todo:: FIXME make robust tests for all cases """ prof: profile # List of sorted cross sections mycs = crosses # Separator sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value # The directory name that will receive the tabulated relations. directory_name = 'cross_sections' directory_breadths = 'top_widths' # Creation of the directory cross_directory = self.create_directory(save_as,directory_name) breadth_directory = self.create_directory(save_as,directory_breadths ) # File that will receive the position of tabular values ptv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.PTV.value) # File that will receive the memory links to tabular values gtv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.GTV.value) # Relative position in the simulation directory targeted_file ='.\\' tartgeted_path = os.path.join(targeted_file, directory_name) # Number of segments in the simulation lgth = self.count_lists_in_list(mycs, nodes_1D= True) # Writing the files # gtv file with open(gtv_file,'w', newline='\n')as gtv: gtv.write(f'{(lgth):12d}'+'\n') # ptv file with open(ptv_file,'w', newline='\n') as ptv: ptv.write(f'{lgth:12d}' +'\n') # Zone index in the skeleton (starts at one because Fortran count from one) zne_id_skeleton = 1 # Indice in the gtv and ptv files indice = 1 # iterations on cross sections for zne in tqdm (mycs, desc='Writing relations:', colour= Colors.TQDM.value, unit= 'zne'): # vector id in zone vec_id_zne = 1 # segment id in vector seg_id_vec = 1 # for prof in zne[:-1]: for prof in zne: # Added # FIXME talk to Mr. Archambeau about the new calculations of relations, # discretization is richer than the vertices' method witch is faster # and not completely accurate for small values s,z = prof.get_sz() zmin = min(z) smax =max(s) z_array = np.array(z) z_array = np.unique(z_array) all_relations = [prof.relation_oneh(val) for val in z_array] filename = f'tv_{zne_id_skeleton}_{vec_id_zne}_{indice}.tv' # FIXME Double zne_id_skeleton gtv_path = os.path.join(tartgeted_path, filename) ptv.write(f'{zne_id_skeleton:12d}{sep}{vec_id_zne:12d}{sep}{seg_id_vec:12d}{sep}{indice:12d}'+'\n') # FIXME Double zne_id_skeleton gtv.write(f'{indice:12d}{sep}{gtv_path}'+'\n') profile_file = os.path.join(cross_directory, filename) fname_breadth = f'tv_{zne_id_skeleton}_{vec_id_zne}_{indice}.breadth' # FIXME Double zne_id_skeleton breadth_file = os.path.join(breadth_directory, fname_breadth) with open(breadth_file,'w', newline='\n') as brdth: with open(profile_file,'w', newline='\n') as pro: assert len(all_relations) == len(z_array) pro_lgth = len(all_relations) # FIXME insert a check here pro.write(f'{pro_lgth:12}' + '\n') brdth.write(f'{pro_lgth:12}'+ '\n') for i in range(pro_lgth): h = z_array[i ]- zmin s = all_relations[i][0] p = all_relations[i][1] w = all_relations[i][2] pro.write(f'{h:20.14f}{sep}{s:20.14f}{sep}{p:20.14f}' +'\n') brdth.write(f'{h:20.14f}{sep}{w:20.14f}'+'\n') indice += 1 seg_id_vec += 1 zne_id_skeleton += 1
[docs] def write_banks_file(self, crosses: list[list[profile]], save_as: str) -> list[list[profile]]: """ write banks (.banks) file in the given directory. - if a directory is not provided, a file named simul.banks is created. :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: List of cross sections :rtype: list[list[profile]] """ mycs = crosses sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value pre = Constants.PRECISION.value bank_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.BANKS.value) lgth = self.count_lists_in_list(mycs, True) with open(bank_file,'w') as f: f.write(str(lgth)+'\n') zne_id_skeleton = 1 for zne in tqdm(mycs, desc='Writing banks:', colour='cyan', unit='profile'): vec_id_zne = 1 seg_id_vec = 1 for prof in zne: s,z = prof.get_sz() if prof.bankleft == None: prof.bankleft = z[0] if prof.bankright == None: prof.bankright = z[-1] f.write(f'{zne_id_skeleton}{sep}{vec_id_zne}{sep}{seg_id_vec}{sep}{seg_id_vec}{sep}{prof.bankleft:#.20F}{sep}{prof.bankright:#.20F}'+'\n') seg_id_vec+=1 zne_id_skeleton+=1 return mycs
[docs] def write_file_from_np_array(self, file:str, data: np.ndarray, index: list[int], desc ='Writing:', force_last = False, q: float = 0., nb_updates: int = 0) -> None: """ Write a file from a numpy array. Wolf Template for writing file based on a numpy array. :param file: File path :type file: str :param data: Numpy array :type data: np.ndarray :param index: Index of the array :type index: list[int] :param desc: Description, defaults to 'Writing:' :type desc: str, optional :param force_last: If the last value should be forced, defaults to False :type force_last: bool, optional :param q: Discharge, defaults to 0. :type q: float, optional :param nb_updates: Number of updates, defaults to 0 :type nb_updates: int, optional :return: None :rtype: None """ sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value with open(file,'w') as f: f.write(str(data.shape[0]) + '\n') for i in tqdm(data,desc,colour=Colors.TQDM.value): val1 =int(i[index[0]]) val2 = int(i[index[1]]) val3 = int(i[index[2]]) if force_last: #FIXME What was this for? # val3 = index[2] f.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val2}{sep}{val3}{sep}{q:#20F}'+'\n') # Mainly for Qini # f.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val2}{sep}{val3}{sep}{q:d}'+'\n') # Mainly for Qini else: value =i[index[3]] f.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val2}{sep}{val3}{sep}{value:#20F}'+'\n') # 1 is still hard coded due to the current data format
[docs] def write_ini_files(self, ic: np.ndarray, save_as: str, q: float = None, nb_updates:int = 0, file_choice:list[str] = ['.hini', '.zini', '.aini'] )-> None: """ Write all the intial condition files (.aini, .zini, .hini), - if a discharge (q) is provided, .qini is also writen. :param ic: Initial conditions :type ic: np.ndarray :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param q: Discharge, defaults to None :type q: float, optional :param nb_updates: Number of updates, defaults to 0 :type nb_updates: int, optional :param file_choice: List of file extensions, defaults to ['.hini', '.zini', '.aini'] :type file_choice: list[str], optional :return: None :rtype: None """ # Files # Implemented to write only the qini file file_aini = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.AINI.value) file_zini = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.ZINI.value) file_hini = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.HINI.value) file_qini = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.QINI.value) if '.aini' in file_choice: self.write_file_from_np_array(file_aini, ic, [0, 1, 2, 3], nb_updates=nb_updates, desc= 'Writing aini:') if '.zini' in file_choice: self.write_file_from_np_array(file_zini, ic, [0, 1, 2, -1], nb_updates=nb_updates, desc ='Writing zini:') if '.hini' in file_choice: self.write_file_from_np_array(file_hini, ic, [0, 1, 2, -2], nb_updates=nb_updates, desc = 'Writing hini:') # qini self.write_file_from_np_array(file_qini, ic, [0, 1, 2], nb_updates=nb_updates, desc= 'Writing qini:', force_last=True, q=q)
[docs] def write_lengthsvecz_file(self, crosses:list[list[profile]], discretization: float, save_as: str) -> Zones: """ Write the length vecz file. The file is mainly use for plotting purposes. :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param discretization: Discret :type discretization: float :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: Zones :rtype: Zones """ mycs = crosses file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.LENGHTSVECZ.value) zones = Zones(is2D= False) index1 = 1 for znes in tqdm(mycs, desc = 'Writing length vecz:', colour = Colors.TQDM.value): zne = zone(is2D= False, parent = zones) zones.add_zone(zne) zne.myname = f'zone{index1}' vect = vector(is2D=False, parentzone = zne) vect.myname = 'bed_min' zne.add_vector(vect) val1 = 0 for prof in znes: s,z = prof.get_sz() val3 = min(z) val2 = 0. vert = wolfvertex(x= val1, y = val2, z = val3) vect.add_vertex(vert) val1 += discretization index1 += 1 zones.find_minmax(True) zones.saveas(file) return zones
[docs] def delete_line_in_txt_file(self, file_path:str, line_to_delete:str): """ Delete a known line in a text file. :param file_path: File path :type file_path: str :param line_to_delete: Line to delete :type line_to_delete: str """ with open(file_path,"r") as file: lines = file.readlines() with open(file_path,"w") as file: for line in lines: if line != line_to_delete: file.write(line)
[docs] def write_line_in_txt_file(self, file_path:str, line_to_write:str): """ Write a line in a text file. :param file_path: File path :type file_path: str :param line_to_write: Line to write :type line_to_write: str """ with open(file_path, "w") as file: file.write(line_to_write)
[docs] def correct_parameters(self, directory = '', from_steady = False): """ Correct the parameters files by deleting the line 'Limiteur\t7' in the .param file and 'Limiteur\t7\tType de limitation des reconstruction en lineaire (integer1)' in the .param.default file. :param directory: Directory path, defaults to '' :type directory: str, optional .. note:: FIXME delete from_steady arguments wherever it's still implemented in this module. """ if directory == '': directory = self.directory_name for file in os.listdir(directory): if file.endswith(".param"): param_file = os.path.join(directory, file) self.delete_line_in_txt_file(param_file, 'Limiteur\t7\n') elif file.endswith(".param.default"): default_file = os.path.join(directory, file) self.delete_line_in_txt_file(default_file, 'Limiteur\t7\tType de limitation des reconstruction en lineaire (integer1)\n')
[docs] def write_parameters(self, save_as:str, max_iter: int= 100000000, max_time: float = 255600.0, round_time: float= 0.00000000000000000000e-02, local_time_step: int = 0, start_time: float=0.00000000000000000000e-02, write_freq: int = 3600, write_type: int = 2, reconstruction: int =1, rk_model: int = 2, rk_coeff: float = 0.5, courant_number: float = 0.25, froude_max:float = 20, friction_law: int =3, Verbosity: int=1, ) -> None: """ Write the file containing the simulation parameters of a wolf 1D model. .. note:: with the implementation of Pyparams object in the Wolf module, this method is deprecating. :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param max_iter: Maximum iteration, defaults to 100000000 :type max_iter: int, optional :param max_time: Maximum time, defaults to 255600.0 :type max_time: float, optional :param round_time: Round time, defaults to 0.00000000000000000000e-02 :type round_time: float, optional :param local_time_step: Local time step, defaults to 0 :type local_time_step: int, optional :param start_time: Start time, defaults to 0.00000000000000000000e-02 :type start_time: float, optional :param write_freq: Write frequency, defaults to 3600 :type write_freq: int, optional :param write_type: Write type, defaults to 2 :type write_type: int, optional :param reconstruction: Reconstruction, defaults to 1 :type reconstruction: int, optional :param rk_model: RK model, defaults to 2 :type rk_model: int, optional :param rk_coeff: RK coefficient, defaults to 0.5 :type rk_coeff: float, optional :param courant_number: Courant number, defaults to 0.25 :type courant_number: float, optional :param froude_max: Froude max, defaults to 20 :type froude_max: float, optional :param friction_law: Friction law, defaults to 3 :type friction_law: int, optional :param Verbosity: Verbosity, defaults to 1 :type Verbosity: int, optional """ filename = self.initialize_file(save_as, '.param') with open(filename,'w') as f: f.write(' Time :'+'\n') f.write(f'Maximum iteration\t{max_iter:d}\tNumber of iterations (integer)'+ '\n') f.write(f'Maximum time\t{max_time:.1F}\tTime of simulation (double, seconds)'+ '\n') f.write(f'Round Time\t{round_time:#.20F}\tForced time interval (double)'+ '\n') f.write(f'Local time_stepping\t{local_time_step:d}\tLocal time stepping - 0 = .false., 1 = .true. (integer))'+ '\n') f.write(f'Start Time\t{start_time:#.20F}\tStarting time (double)'+ '\n') f.write(' Results :'+'\n') f.write(f'Write frequency\t{write_freq:#.20F}\tWriting interval (integer or double)' + '\n') f.write(f'Write type\t{write_type:d}\tTesting type - iterations = 1, time = 2 (integer)'+ '\n') f.write(' Spatial scheme :'+'\n') f.write(f'Reconstruction\t{reconstruction:d}\tReconstruction method - constant = 1, linear = 2 (integer)'+'\n') f.write(' Temporal scheme :'+'\n') f.write(f'RK model\t{rk_model:d}\tRunge-Kutta scheme - 1, 2 or 3 (integer) - (n-1) coefficients to provide'+'\n') f.write(f'RK Coeff (2)\t{rk_coeff:#.20F}\tSecond coefficient (double)' + '\n') f.write(f'Courant Number\t{courant_number:#.20F}\tLimitation of the time step through the Courant number (double)'+ '\n') f.write(' Limitations :'+'\n') f.write(f'Maximum Froude\t{froude_max:#.20F}\tLimitation of the results through the Froude number (double)'+ '\n') f.write(' Source Terms :'+'\n') f.write(f'Friction Law\t{friction_law:d}\tFriction law - Bazin = 1, Colebrook = 2, Manning = 3, Barr-Bathurst = 4'+ '\n') f.write(' Verbosity :'+'\n') f.write(f'Code Verbosity\t{Verbosity:d}\tVerbosity of the computation - 1 = .true. , 0 = .false. (integer)'+ '\n') if self.wx_exists : pass else: checker = Wolf_Param(filename=filename) checker.SavetoFile(event=None)
[docs] def _read_hydrograph_from_textfile(self, file:str)-> list[list[list,list]]: """ Read a hydrograph from a text file. :param file: File path :type file: str :return: Hydrograph :rtype: list[list[list,list]] """ data = pd.read_csv(file,header=0, delimiter='\t',names=['time','discharge']) hydrograph = [[list(data['time']), list(data['discharge'])]] return hydrograph
[docs] def _write_infiltrations(self, selected_profiles:list[str], crosses: list[list[profile]], hydrographs: list[list[list,list]], save_as: str, writing_method: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'] = 'continuous', epsilon:float = 0.01): """ Write the infiltration files (.inf, .infil, .tv). - if a writing method is not provided, the default is continuous. .. note:: FIXME a dict combining hydrographs and selected profiles could be more useful. :param selected_profiles: Selected profiles :type selected_profiles: list[str] :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param hydrographs: Hydrographs :type hydrographs: list[list[list,list]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param writing_method: Writing method, defaults to 'continuous' :type writing_method: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional :param epsilon: Epsilon, defaults to 0.01 :type epsilon: float, optional """ mycs = crosses sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value selection = self.select_profiles(selected_profiles, mycs) inf_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.INF.value) infil_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.INFIL.value) lgth = len(selection) target = '.\\' if writing_method == 'continuous': with open(inf_file, 'w') as inf: inf.write(str(lgth) + '\n') with open(infil_file, 'w') as infil: infil.write(str(lgth)+'\n') index = 1 for id in tqdm(selection, desc='Writing infiltrations', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): val1 = id[0] val2 =id[1] val3=id[2] inf.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val2}{sep}{val3}{sep}{index}' +'\n') tv_name =f'infil{index-1}.tv' tv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, tv_name, directory_name='') with open(tv_file,'w') as tv: table = hydrographs[index-1] # Hint: Python count from zero durations = table[0] infiltration = table[1] lgth_duration = len(durations) tv.write(str(lgth_duration) + '\n') for i in range(lgth_duration): tv.write(f'{durations[i]}{sep}{infiltration[i]}' + '\n') infil.write("'"+f'{target + tv_name}'+"'"+'\n') index += 1 elif writing_method == 'stepwise': with open(inf_file, 'w') as inf: inf.write(str(lgth) + '\n') with open(infil_file, 'w') as infil: infil.write(str(lgth)+'\n') index = 1 for id in tqdm(selection, desc='Writing infiltrations', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): val1 = id[0] val2 =id[1] val3=id[2] inf.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val2}{sep}{val3}{sep}{index}' +'\n') tv_name =f'infil{index-1}.tv' tv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, tv_name, directory_name='') with open(tv_file,'w') as tv: table = hydrographs[index-1] # Hint: Python count from zero durations = table[0] infiltration = table[1] lgth_duration = len(durations) tv.write(str(int(2*lgth_duration) - 1) + '\n') tv.write(f'{durations[0]}{sep}{infiltration[0]}' + '\n') for a in range(lgth_duration-1): i = a+1 tv.write(f'{durations[i] - epsilon}{sep}{infiltration[i-1]}' + '\n') tv.write(f'{durations[i]}{sep}{infiltration[i]}' + '\n') infil.write("'"+f'{target + tv_name}'+"'"+'\n') index += 1 else: raise Exception('Define a writing a method!')
[docs] def read_hydrograph_from_textfile(self, file:str)-> list[list[list,list]]: # FIXME nameread discharges from """ Return a hydrograph from a text file. /!\ The file should be on the wolf hydrograph format. :param file: File path :type file: str :return: Hydrograph :rtype: list[list[list,list]] """ hydrograph = Hydrograph(file) return hydrograph
[docs] def write_infiltrations_from_dict(self, crosses: list[list[profile]], hydrographs: dict[str, Union[Hydrograph, list,tuple]], save_as: str, writing_method: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'] = 'continuous', epsilon:float = 0.01 ): """ Write the infiltration files (.inf, .infil, .tv). .. note:: FIXME a dict combining hydrographs and selected profiles could be more useful. :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param hydrographs: Hydrographs :type hydrographs: dict[str, Union[Hydrograph, list,tuple]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param writing_method: Writing method, defaults to 'continuous' :type writing_method: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional :param epsilon: Epsilon, defaults to 0.01 :type epsilon: float, optional """ mycs = crosses sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value selected_profiles = [prof for prof in hydrographs] selection = self.select_profiles(selected_profiles, mycs) inf_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.INF.value) infil_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.INFIL.value) lgth = len(hydrographs) target = '.\\' if writing_method == 'continuous': with open(inf_file, 'w') as inf: inf.write(str(lgth) + '\n') with open(infil_file, 'w') as infil: infil.write(str(lgth)+'\n') index = 1 for n in tqdm(range(lgth), desc='Writing infiltrations', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): # for id in tqdm(selection, desc='Writing infiltrations', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): # index_id = selected node = selected_profiles[n] id = selection[n] val1 = id[0] val2 = id[1] val3= id[2] inf.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val2}{sep}{val3}{sep}{index}' +'\n') tv_name =f'infil{index-1}.tv' tv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, tv_name, directory_name='') if isinstance(hydrographs[node], Hydrograph): hydrographs[node].write_as_wolf_file(tv_file,writing_method='continuous') elif isinstance(hydrographs[node], (list,tuple)): with open(tv_file,'w') as tv: table = hydrographs[node] # Hint: Python count from zero durations = table[0] infiltration = table[1] lgth_duration = len(durations) tv.write(str(lgth_duration) + '\n') for i in range(lgth_duration): tv.write(f'{durations[i]}{sep}{infiltration[i]}' + '\n') infil.write("'"+f'{target + tv_name}'+"'"+'\n') index += 1 elif writing_method == 'stepwise': with open(inf_file, 'w') as inf: inf.write(str(lgth) + '\n') with open(infil_file, 'w') as infil: infil.write(str(lgth)+'\n') index = 1 for i in tqdm(range(lgth), desc='Writing infiltrations', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): node = selected_profiles[i] id = selection[i] val1 = id[0] val2 = id[1] val3= id[2] inf.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val2}{sep}{val3}{sep}{index}' +'\n') tv_name =f'infil{index-1}.tv' tv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, tv_name, directory_name='') # FIXME id issue if isinstance(hydrographs[node], Hydrograph): hydrographs[node].write_as_wolf_file(tv_file,writing_method='stepwise') elif isinstance(hydrographs[node], (list,tuple)): with open(tv_file,'w') as tv: table = hydrographs[node] # Hint: Python count from zero durations = table[0] infiltration = table[1] lgth_duration = len(durations) tv.write(str(int(2*lgth_duration) - 1) + '\n') tv.write(f'{durations[0]}{sep}{infiltration[0]}' + '\n') for a in range(lgth_duration-1): i = a+1 tv.write(f'{durations[i] - epsilon}{sep}{infiltration[i-1]}' + '\n') tv.write(f'{durations[i]}{sep}{infiltration[i]}' + '\n') infil.write("'"+f'{target + tv_name}'+"'"+'\n') index += 1 else: raise Exception('Define a writing a method!')
[docs] def write_infiltrations(self, selected_profiles:list[str], crosses: list[list[profile]], hydrographs: Union[list[Hydrograph], list[list[list,list]]], save_as: str, writing_method: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'] = 'continuous', epsilon:float = 0.01): """ - Write the infiltration files (.inf, .infil, .tv) and, - Apply the preprocessing mode to the hydrographs before writing them. /!\ if a writing method is not provided, the default is continuous. :param selected_profiles: Selected profiles :type selected_profiles: list[str] :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param hydrographs: Hydrographs :type hydrographs: Union[list[Hydrograph], list[list[list,list]]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param writing_method: Writing method, defaults to 'continuous' :type writing_method: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional :param epsilon: Epsilon, defaults to 0.01 :type epsilon: float, optional """ mycs = crosses sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value selection = self.select_profiles(selected_profiles, mycs) inf_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.INF.value) infil_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, fileExtensions.INFIL.value) lgth = len(selection) target = '.\\' if writing_method == 'continuous': with open(inf_file, 'w') as inf: inf.write(str(lgth) + '\n') with open(infil_file, 'w') as infil: infil.write(str(lgth)+'\n') index = 1 for id in tqdm(selection, desc='Writing infiltrations', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): val1 = id[0] val2 =id[1] val3=id[2] inf.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val2}{sep}{val3}{sep}{index}' +'\n') tv_name =f'infil{index-1}.tv' tv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, tv_name, directory_name='') if isinstance(hydrographs[index -1], Hydrograph): hydrographs[index -1].write_as_wolf_file(tv_file,writing_method='continuous') elif isinstance(hydrographs[index -1], list): with open(tv_file,'w') as tv: table = hydrographs[index-1] # Hint: Python count from zero durations = table[0] infiltration = table[1] lgth_duration = len(durations) tv.write(str(lgth_duration) + '\n') for i in range(lgth_duration): tv.write(f'{durations[i]}{sep}{infiltration[i]}' + '\n') infil.write("'"+f'{target + tv_name}'+"'"+'\n') index += 1 elif writing_method == 'stepwise': with open(inf_file, 'w') as inf: inf.write(str(lgth) + '\n') with open(infil_file, 'w') as infil: infil.write(str(lgth)+'\n') index = 1 for id in tqdm(selection, desc='Writing infiltrations', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): val1 = id[0] val2 =id[1] val3=id[2] inf.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val2}{sep}{val3}{sep}{index}' +'\n') tv_name =f'infil{index-1}.tv' tv_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, tv_name, directory_name='') if isinstance(hydrographs[index -1], Hydrograph): hydrographs[index -1].write_as_wolf_file(tv_file, writing_method='stepwise', epsilon=epsilon) elif isinstance(hydrographs[index -1], list): with open(tv_file,'w') as tv: table = hydrographs[index-1] # Hint: Python count from zero durations = table[0] infiltration = table[1] lgth_duration = len(durations) tv.write(str(int(2*lgth_duration) - 1) + '\n') tv.write(f'{durations[0]}{sep}{infiltration[0]}' + '\n') for a in range(lgth_duration-1): i = a+1 tv.write(f'{durations[i] - epsilon}{sep}{infiltration[i-1]}' + '\n') tv.write(f'{durations[i]}{sep}{infiltration[i]}' + '\n') infil.write("'"+f'{target + tv_name}'+"'"+'\n') index += 1 else: raise Exception('Define a writing a method!')
[docs] def select_one_profile(self, profile_name: str, crosses: list[list[profile]]) -> list[int,int,int]: """ Return the selected profile. :raise: if the profile is not found, an exception is raised. :param profile_name: Profile name :type profile_name: str :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :return: Selected profile :rtype: list[int,int,int] """ mycs = crosses indice = 1 zne_id_skeleton = 1 for znes in mycs: vec_id_zne = 1 seg_id_vec = 1 for prof in znes: if profile_name == prof.myname: selection = [zne_id_skeleton, vec_id_zne, seg_id_vec, indice] return selection else: seg_id_vec += 1 indice += 1 zne_id_skeleton += 1 if self.wx_exists: raise Exception('The Profile -> {profile_name} was not found.'))) else: raise Exception(_(f'The Profile -> {profile_name} was not found.'))
[docs] def select_profiles(self, profiles_names:list[str], crosses: list[profile]) -> list[list[int, int,int]]: """ Return a list of lists containing the respective indices of the selected profiles. :param profiles_names: Profiles names :type profiles_names: list[str] :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[profile] :return: Selected profiles :rtype: list[list[int, int,int]] """ mycs = crosses selection = [] for name in tqdm(profiles_names, desc= 'selecting profiles', colour = Colors.TQDM.value): selected =self.select_one_profile(name, mycs) selection.append(selected) return selection
[docs] def write_cvg_file(self, selected_profiles:list[str], crosses: list[list[profile]], save_as:str) -> None: """ Specify the node for the code verbosity in the shell (.cvg_file). .. note:: with the implementation of Pyparams object in the Wolf module, this method is deprecating. :param selected_profiles: Selected profiles :type selected_profiles: list[str] :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional """ mycs = crosses sep= Constants.SEPARATOR.value selection = self.select_profiles(selected_profiles, mycs) cvg_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, '.cvg') lgth = len(selection) with open(cvg_file, 'w') as cvg: cvg.write(str(lgth)+'\n') for id in tqdm(selection, desc='Writing .cvg:',colour= Colors.TQDM.value): val1 = id[0] val2 = id[1] val3 = id[2] cvg.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val1}{sep}{val3}' + '\n') #FIXME modified for verificaton (val1 2 times)
[docs] def write_cvgn_file(self, selected_profiles:list[str], crosses: list[list[profile]], save_as:str): """ Write the file for Code verbosity on nodes (cvgn.file). .. note:: with the implementation of Pyparams object in the Wolf module, this method is deprecating. :param selected_profiles: Selected profiles :type selected_profiles: list[str] :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional """ mycs = crosses sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value selection = self.select_profiles(selected_profiles, mycs) cvgn_file = self.initialize_file(save_as,'.cvgn') lgth = len(selection) with open(cvgn_file, 'w') as cvgn: cvgn.write(str(lgth)+ '\n') index = 1 for id in tqdm(selection, desc='Writing .cvgn file', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): val1 =id[0] val2 = id[1] val3 = id[2] cvgn.write(f'{val1}{sep}{val1}{sep}{val3}{sep}{val1}') index += 1
[docs] def write_vector_files(self, cross:list[list[profile]], save_as: str, banksbed:Zones = None, which_type:Literal['vec','vecz','both'] = 'both'): """ Write 3 vectors files. - A 3D vector connecting all profiles bed in each zone, - A 2D vector connecting all profiles bed in each zone, - A length file (for plotting purpose) :param cross: List of cross sections :type cross: list[list[profile]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param banksbed: Banks and bed, defaults to None :type banksbed: Zones, optional :param which_type: Which type, defaults to 'both' :type which_type: Literal['vec','vecz','both'], optional :return: Zones :rtype: Zones """ # FIXME add an option to select the middle of the crossection instead of just the bottom. # FIXME delete discretization from all examples and from this method. It's not used # Creation of files vecz_file = self.initialize_file(save_as,'.vecz') vec_file = self.initialize_file(save_as,'.vec') # # length_file = self.initialize_file(save_as,'_length.vecz') #Not Useful here: inadequate format # Creation of Zones vecz_zones = Zones() vec_zones = Zones(is2D=True) banks_zones = Zones() # First index in the skeleton index1 = 1 # Iterations on the zones for znes in tqdm(cross, desc= 'Writing vectors:', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): # Creation of zones banks_zone = zone(is2D=False, parent= banks_zones) zne1 = zone(is2D=False, parent=vecz_zones) zne2 = zone(is2D=True, parent=vec_zones) zne1.myname= f'{index1}' zne2.myname= f'{index1}' banks_zone.myname= f'{index1}' # Adding the zone to the Zones vecz_zones.add_zone(zne1) vec_zones.add_zone(zne2) banks_zones.add_zone(banks_zone) # Creation of vectors vector_index = 1 vect1 = vector(is2D=False, name = f'{vector_index}', parentzone=zne1) vect2 = vector(is2D=True, name = f'{vector_index}', parentzone=zne2) left = vector(is2D=True, name = 'left', parentzone=banks_zone) bed = vector(is2D=True, name = 'bed', parentzone=banks_zone) right = vector(is2D=True, name = 'right', parentzone=banks_zone) # Adding the vectors to the zones zne1.add_vector(vect1) zne2.add_vector(vect2) banks_zone.add_vector(left) banks_zone.add_vector(bed) banks_zone.add_vector(right) # iterations on profiles check = [] # to delete if banksbed == None: if self.banksbed != None: bed_vectors = self.set_banksbed_vectors(self.banksbed) for prof in znes: # for vert in prof.myvertices: # check.append((min(vert.z), prof.myname)) #to delete # print(prof.myname, prof.myvertices[0], prof.myvertices[-1]) assert prof.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_VERTEX self.set_banksbed_vertex_from_ls(prof, bed_vectors) vect1.add_vertex(prof.bed) vect2.add_vertex(prof.bed) left.add_vertex(prof.bankleft) bed.add_vertex(prof.bed) right.add_vertex(prof.bankright) # print(min(check)) #to delete banks_zones.force3D = True banks_zones.find_minmax(True) banks_zones.saveas(vec_file[:-4] +'_banksbed.vecz') else: for prof in znes: assert prof.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_VERTEX vertex_bed = prof.bed_vertex vect1.add_vertex(vertex_bed) vect2.add_vertex(wolfvertex(vertex_bed.x, vertex_bed.y)) elif banksbed != None: bed_vectors = self.set_banksbed_vectors(banksbed) for prof in znes: # assert prof.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_VERTEX self.set_banksbed_vertex_from_ls(prof, bed_vectors) vertex_bed = prof.bed_vertex vect1.add_vertex(vertex_bed) vect2.add_vertex(wolfvertex(vertex_bed.x, vertex_bed.y)) banks_zones.force3D = True banks_zones.find_minmax(True) banks_zones.saveas(vec_file[:-4] +'_banksbed.vecz') vecz_zones.force3D = True vecz_zones.find_minmax(True) vec_zones.find_minmax(True) if which_type =='both': vecz_zones.saveas(vecz_file) vec_zones.saveas(vec_file) elif which_type =='vec': vec_zones.saveas(vec_file) elif which_type =='vecz': vecz_zones.saveas(vecz_file) return vecz_zones
[docs] def set_banksbed_vertex_from_ls(self, prof: profile, ls: tuple[LineString]): """ Set the banks and bed from a LineString. :param prof: Profile :type prof: profile :param ls: LineString :type ls: tuple[LineString] """ prof_ls = prof.asshapely_ls() left_inter = prof_ls.intersection(ls[0]) bed_inter =prof_ls.intersection(ls[1]) right_inter =prof_ls.intersection(ls[2]) # print(left_inter, bed_inter, right_inter) assert prof.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_VERTEX # FIXME insert a test checking the intersections between profiles and parallels. assert isinstance(left_inter, Point), f'The section: {prof.myname} - left intersection is not a Point but a {type(left_inter)}' prof.bankleft = wolfvertex(left_inter.x, left_inter.y, left_inter.z) prof.bed = wolfvertex(bed_inter.x, bed_inter.y, bed_inter.z) assert isinstance(right_inter, Point), f'The section: {prof.myname} - left intersection is not a Point but a {type(right_inter)}' prof.bankright = wolfvertex(right_inter.x, right_inter.y, right_inter.z) prof.find_minmax()
[docs] def set_banksbed_vectors(self, zones: Zones) -> tuple[LineString]: """ Set the banks and bed from a Zones. :param zones: Zones :type zones: Zones :return: tuple[LineString] :rtype: tuple[LineString] """ if isinstance(zones, str): try: znes = Zones(zones) except: raise Exception('Bad entry') else: znes = zones self.banksbed = znes left_bank = znes.myzones[0].myvectors[0] bed = znes.myzones[0].myvectors[1] right_bank = znes.myzones[0].myvectors[2] left_ls = left_bank.asshapely_ls() right_ls = right_bank.asshapely_ls() bed_ls = bed.asshapely_ls() return (left_ls, bed_ls, right_ls)
[docs] def find_banksbed(self, prof: profile, banks: Zones): """ Find the banks and bed (`vector`) from a profile (`profile`) and a Zones. The banks and bed points are the intersection between the profile and the bed and banks . :param prof: Profile :type prof: profile :param banks: Banks :type banks: Zones """ # river banks left_bank = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[0] bed_bank = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[1] right_bank = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[2] prof_ls = prof.asshapely_ls() left_ls = left_bank.asshapely_ls() prof_ls = prof.asshapely_ls() left_inter =prof_ls.intersection(left_ls) s_left = prof.get_s_from_xy(wolfvertex(left_inter.x, left_inter.y)) prof.update_banksbed_from_s3d('left', s_left) print(prof.bankleft_vertex.x, prof.bankleft_vertex.y)
[docs] def write_lengths_file(self, crosses: list[list[profile]], discretization: float, save_as: str)-> None: """ Write the lengths file `.lengths` of a 1D model. :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param discretization: Discretization :type discretization: float :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional """ mycs = crosses sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value length_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, '.lengths') lgth = self.count_lists_in_list(mycs, True) with open(length_file,'w',newline='\n') as f: f.write(f'{lgth:12d}'+'\n') # index0 = 1 #FIXME because there was only one vector per zone in the vesdre valley index1 = 1 for znes in tqdm(mycs, desc= 'Writing .lengths:', colour= Colors.TQDM.value): vector_id = 1 index2 = 1 for prof in znes: f.write(f'{index1:12d}{sep}{vector_id:12d}{sep}{index2:12d}{sep}{discretization:15.8f}'+'\n') index2 += 1 index1 += 1 f.close()
[docs] def write_roughnesses(self, roughnesses: list[list[float]], save_as) -> None: """ Write the roughnesses file `.rough` of 1D model. :param roughnesses: Roughnesses :type roughnesses: list[list[float]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional """ myroughnesses = roughnesses sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value # FIXME add an assert between the number of profiles and the number of roughnesses rough_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, '.rough') lgth = self.count_lists_in_list(myroughnesses,True) with open(rough_file,'w') as f: f.write(str(lgth)+'\n') index1 = 1 for zne in tqdm(myroughnesses, desc='Writing roughnesses:', colour= Colors.TQDM.value, unit='zone'): index2=1 for prof_rough in zne: f.write(f'{1}{sep}{index1}{sep}{index2}{sep}{prof_rough:#.20F}' + '\n') index2 += 1
# f.write(f'{1}{sep}{index1}{sep}{index2}{sep}{prof_rough:#.20F}') # Duplication of the last value because the approximation is made in between profiles.
[docs] def save_sorted_crosssesctions(self, sorted_cross:list[list[profile]], save_as:str): """ Save the sorted cross sections. :param sorted_cross: Sorted cross sections :type sorted_cross: list[list[profile]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional """ for profs in sorted_cross: new_zones = Zones(is2D=False) new_zone = zone(is2D=False,parent=new_zones) new_zones.add_zone(new_zone) new_zone.myvectors = profs new_zones.find_minmax(True) new_cross_sections = crosssections(new_zones, 'zones') cross_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, '_crosssections.vecz') new_cross_sections.saveas(cross_file)
[docs] def test_intersection_linestring_and_profile(self, ls: LineString, prof: profile): """ Test the intersection between a LineString and a profile. :param ls: LineString :type ls: LineString :param prof: Profile :type prof: profile :return: True if there is no intersection, False otherwise :rtype: bool """ profile_ls = prof.asshapely_ls() # intersection = ls.intersection(profile_ls) intersection = ls.intersects(profile_ls) if intersection: return False else: return True
[docs] def delete_intesections_profile_vectors(self, cross_sections: crosssections, zones: Zones, save_as:str ='', id_zone = 0) -> crosssections: ''' Delete the profiles in cross-sections file that are intersecting the vectors contained in a Zones. :param cross_sections: Cross sections :type cross_sections: crosssections :param zones: Zones :type zones: Zones :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param id_zone: Id of the zone, defaults to 0 :type id_zone: int, optional ''' mycs = cross_sections.myprofiles profiles =[] for curkey in mycs: profiles.append( mycs[curkey]['cs']) for zne in zones.myzones: for vec in zne.myvectors: vec_ls = vec.asshapely_ls() profiles = list(filter(lambda prof : self.test_intersection_linestring_and_profile(vec_ls, prof), profiles)) new_crossections = self.create_cross_sections_from_vectors(profiles) if save_as != '': new_crossections.saveas(save_as) return new_crossections
[docs] def create_profile_from_vector(self, vect: vector, topo_array: WolfArray) -> profile: """ Create a new profile from a vector and a topographic array. :param vect: Vector :type vect: vector :param topo_array: Topography array :type topo_array: WolfArray :return: Profile :rtype: profile """ ds = min(topo_array.dx, topo_array.dy) # Discretisation step pts = vect._refine2D(ds) values = [topo_array.get_value(curpt.x, curpt.y, nullvalue = -99999) for curpt in pts] if vect.myname == '': prof = vector(name = 'inserted', is2D = False) else: prof = vector(name = vect.myname, is2D = False) for curpt, curvalue in zip(pts,values): prof.add_vertex(wolfvertex(curpt.x, curpt.y, curvalue)) prof.find_minmax() new_profile = profile(prof.myname) new_profile.myvertices = copy.deepcopy(prof.myvertices) # new_profile.nbvertices = copy.deepcopy(prof.nbvertices) new_profile.find_minmax() return new_profile
[docs] def insert_profiles_from_2D_zones(self, cross_sections: crosssections, zones: Zones, topo_array: WolfArray, save_as = '') -> crosssections: """ Concatenate a `Zones` of 2D vectors to a `crosssections` file and return a new `crosssections` file as the result of the concatenation. :param cross_sections: Cross sections :type cross_sections: crosssections :param zones: Zones :type zones: Zones :param topo_array: Topography array :type topo_array: WolfArray :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: Cross sections :rtype: crosssections """ mycs = cross_sections.myprofiles profiles =[] for curkey in mycs: profiles.append( mycs[curkey]['cs']) # ds = min(topo_array.dx, topo_array.dy) for zne in zones.myzones: for vect in tqdm(zne.myvectors): new_profile = self.create_profile_from_vector(vect,topo_array) profiles.append(new_profile) new_crosssections = self.create_cross_sections_from_vectors(profiles) if save_as != '': new_crosssections.saveas(save_as) return new_crosssections
[docs] def insert_cross_sections_from_zones(self, cross_sections: crosssections, zones: Zones, topo_array: WolfArray, save_as = '') -> crosssections: """ Concatenate a `Zones` of 2D vectors to a `crosssections` file after deleting the profiles that are intersecting the vectors contained in the `Zones`. Return a new `crosssections` file which is the result of the concatenation. :param cross_sections: Cross sections :type cross_sections: crosssections :param zones: Zones :type zones: Zones :param topo_array: Topography array :type topo_array: WolfArray :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: Cross sections :rtype: crosssections """ cleaned_cross_sections = self.delete_intesections_profile_vectors(cross_sections,zones) new_cross_sections = self.insert_profiles_from_2D_zones(cleaned_cross_sections, zones,topo_array,save_as) return new_cross_sections
[docs] def extend_parallels(self, vect: vector, left_distance: float, right_distance: float, save_as:str='') -> Zones: """ Extend the distance between parallels of a vector and return a new `Zones` file. :param vect: Vector (bed) :type vect: vector :param left_distance: Left distance (left bank) :type left_distance: float :param right_distance: Right distance (right bank) :type right_distance: float :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: Zones :rtype: Zones """ left_parallels = vect.parallel_offset(left_distance, side='left') right_parallels = vect.parallel_offset(right_distance, side='right') vectors = [right_parallels,vect, left_parallels] new_zones = self.create_Zones_from_vectors(vectors) if save_as != '': new_zones.saveas(save_as) return new_zones
[docs] def write_generic_file(self, save_as): """ Write a generic file for the 1D model. The generic file is an essential pre-requiste for the Fortran code inorder to read the model files. :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional """ gen_file = self.initialize_file(save_as,"") with open(gen_file,'w') as f: return
# return gen_file
[docs] def convert_type_boundary_condition(self, type_bc: Union[int,str]): """ Convert the type of boundary conditions written as string into integer readable by the FORTRAN code (executable). - Type of BC, value\n -----------------\n - waterdepth -> 1\n - waterlevel -> 2\n - discharge -> 3\n - froude -> 4\n - free -> 5\n - impervious -> 99\n - junction -> 100\n - mobile_dam -> 127\n """ if isinstance(type_bc, int): if type_bc in (1,2,3,4,5,99,100,127): return type_bc else: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception('Bad type of boundary condition.'))) else: raise Exception(_('Bad type of boundary condition.')) elif isinstance(type_bc, str): if type_bc.lower() == 'water depth': return 1 elif type_bc.lower() == 'water level': return 2 elif type_bc.lower() == 'discharge': return 3 elif type_bc.lower() == 'froude': return 4 elif type_bc.lower() == 'free': return 5 elif type_bc.lower() == 'impervious': return 99 elif type_bc.lower() == 'junction': return 100 elif type_bc.lower() == 'mobile_dam': return 127 else: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception('Bad type of boundary condition.'))) else: raise Exception(_('Bad type of boundary condition.'))
[docs] def write_cl_file(self, crosses: list[list[profile]], cl_value: dict[str:(str,str,float)], save_as:str ): #selected_profiles:list[str], """ Write the file of boundary conditions (.cl file). cl value(`profile name`: (`upstream or downstream`, `type of boundary condition` , `value of boundary condition`)) - Type of BC, value\n -----------------\n - waterdepth -> 1\n - waterlevel -> 2\n - discharge -> 3\n - froude -> 4\n - free -> 5\n - impervious -> 99\n - junction -> 100\n - mobile_dam -> 127\n :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param cl_value: Boundary conditions values :type cl_value: dict[str:(str,str,float)] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional """ condition_loc: str # Cross sections mycs = crosses # Constant used as THE separator in the text file sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value # Names of selected profiles selected_profiles = list(cl_value.keys()) # Selection of profiles indices based on their names. selection = self.select_profiles(selected_profiles, mycs) # Creation of the boundary conditions file cl_file = self.initialize_file(save_as,'.cl') # File length -> The number of available profiles lgth = len(selected_profiles) # Available types of boundary conditions in WOLF1D sample = [1,2,3,4,5,99,100,127] # Writing the file with open(cl_file,'w', newline='\n') as cl: # First line the number of boundary conditions cl.write(f'{lgth:12d}' + '\n') # Iterations in the list of selected profiles for prof in tqdm(selected_profiles, desc= _('Writing boundary conditions'), colour = Colors.TQDM.value): # Extraction of the corresponding conditions from the dictionary values b_condition = cl_value.get(prof) # Location of the condition Upstream or Downstream condition_loc = b_condition[0] # Type of condition condition_type = self.convert_type_boundary_condition(b_condition[1]) # Value to be use as the condition condition_value = b_condition[2] #Testing the inputs # Checking the validity of the provided location if condition_loc.lower() == 'downstream': loc = -1 elif condition_loc.lower() == 'upstream': loc = 1 else: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception('Bad location of boundary condition.'))) else: raise Exception(_('Bad location of boundary condition.')) # Checking the validity of the provided type if condition_type in sample: id = selected_profiles.index(prof) prof_indices = selection[id] val1 = prof_indices[0] # FIXME check whether it should start from 0 or from 1 val2 = prof_indices[1] # Writing the condition. cl.write(f'{val1:12d}{sep}{val2:12d}{sep}{loc:12d}{sep}{condition_type:12d}{sep}{condition_value:20.14f}' +'\n') # Log messages else: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception('Bad type of boundary condition.'))) else: raise Exception(_('Bad type of boundary condition.'))
[docs] def write_width_file(self, crosses:list[list[profile]], width:float , save_as:str): ''' Write the width file (.width file). - The width is constant for all the profiles Only used for rectangular channels. /!\ The width is the same for all the profiles /!\ The width is the same for all the zones :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param width: Width :type width: float :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional ''' mycs = crosses sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value width_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, '`.width`') lgth = self.count_lists_in_list(mycs,True) with open(width_file,'w') as f: f.write(str(f'{lgth}' + '\n')) index1 = 1 for zne in tqdm(mycs,desc='Writing width:', colour=Colors.TQDM.value, unit='zone'): index2=1 vector_id = 1 for prof in zne: f.write(f'{index1}{sep}{vector_id}{sep}{index2}{sep}{width}' +'\n') index2 += 1 index1 += 1
[docs] def write_top_file(self, crosses:list[list[profile]], save_as: str): """ Write the topographic file (`.top`). :param crosses: List of cross sections :type crosses: list[list[profile]] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional """ mycs = crosses sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value topo_file = self.initialize_file(save_as, '.top') lgth = self.count_lists_in_list(mycs, True) with open(topo_file,'w') as f: f.write(f'{lgth}'+'\n') index1 = 1 for zne in tqdm(mycs,desc='Writing topo:', colour=Colors.TQDM.value, unit='zone'): index2 = 1 vector_id = 1 for prof in zne: assert prof.banksbed_postype == postype.BY_VERTEX value = prof.bed.z f.write(f'{index1}{sep}{vector_id}{sep}{index2}{sep}{value}' + "\n") index2 += 1 index1 += 1
[docs] def write_batch_simulations(self, directory_of_executable:str, simulations_path:list[str], batch_name: str = 'batch_all_simuls', wetdry:Literal['fixed', 'evolutive']='evolutive', steady:Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'] = 'wolfcli', ) -> str: """ Write a bat file (`.bat`) for all simulations. A .bat file contains a small commmand used to call the executable and run the simulations. :param directory_of_executable: Directory of the executable :type directory_of_executable: str :param simulations_path: Simulations paths :type simulations_path: list[str] :param batch_name: Batch name, defaults to 'batch_all_simuls' :type batch_name: str, optional :param wetdry: Wetdry, defaults to 'evolutive' :type wetdry: Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional :param steady: Steady, defaults to 'precomputation' :type steady: Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional :param executable_type: Executable type, defaults to 'wolfcli' :type executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional :return: Batch file :rtype: str """ # FIXME Execute parallel commands in cmd with .bat file, best option. directory_simulations = os.path.split(simulations_path[0])[0] batch_file = self.initialize_file(directory_simulations, f'{batch_name}.bat','') if wetdry == 'fixed': wtd = 0 elif wetdry == 'evolutive': wtd= 1 if steady== 'precomputation': std= 1 elif steady == 'no precomputation': std = 0 elif steady == 'steady': std=2 path_directory = os.path.abspath(directory_of_executable) with open(batch_file,'w') as bat: # Important step: The first line below set the computers space (root directory), # useful when the simulation and the executable are in different folders. bat.write(f'{path_directory[:2]}\n') bat.write(f'cd "{path_directory}"\n') for simulation in simulations_path: path_simulation = os.path.abspath(simulation) for file in os.listdir(path_simulation): generic_file_path = os.path.join(path_simulation,file) extension = os.path.splitext(generic_file_path)[-1] if os.path.isfile(generic_file_path): if extension == '': simulation_name = file # # bat.write(f'cd "{path_directory}"\n') # Added bat.write(f'{executable_type} run_wolf1d dirin="{path_simulation}" in="{simulation_name}" wetdry={wtd} steady={std}\n') return batch_file
[docs] def write_batch_file(self, directory_of_executable:str, directory_simulation:str, simulation_name:str, wetdry:Literal['fixed', 'evolutive']='evolutive', steady:Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'] = 'wolfcli', different_names=False, new_name:str ='' ) -> str: """ Write a batch file (.bat file). A .bat file contains a small commmand used to call the executable and run the simulations. :param directory_of_executable: Directory of the executable :type directory_of_executable: str :param directory_simulation: Directory of the simulation :type directory_simulation: str :param simulation_name: Simulation name :type simulation_name: str :param wetdry: Wetdry, defaults to 'evolutive' :type wetdry: Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional :param steady: Steady, defaults to 'precomputation :type steady: Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional :param executable_type: Executable type, defaults to 'wolfcli' :type executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional :param different_names: Different names, defaults to False :type different_names: bool, optional :param new_name: New name, defaults to '' :type new_name: str, optional :return: Batch file :rtype: str """ # batch_file = self.initialize_file(directory_simulation,) if different_names: batch_file =self.initialize_file(directory_simulation, f'{new_name}.bat','') # To avoid simul name FIXME make it clean else: batch_file =self.initialize_file(directory_simulation, f'{simulation_name}.bat', directory_name='') if wetdry == 'fixed': wtd = 0 elif wetdry == 'evolutive': wtd= 1 if steady== 'precomputation': std= 1 elif steady == 'no precomputation': std = 0 elif steady == 'steady': std=2 find_full_path ='%~dp0' path_directory = os.path.abspath(directory_of_executable) path_simulation = os.path.abspath(directory_simulation) for file in os.listdir(directory_simulation): generic_file_path = os.path.join(directory_simulation,file) extension = os.path.splitext(generic_file_path)[-1] if os.path.isfile(generic_file_path): if extension == '': simulation_name = file with open(batch_file,'w') as bat: bat.write(f'{path_directory[:2]}\n') bat.write(f'cd "{path_directory}"\n') bat.write(f'{executable_type} run_wolf1d dirin="{path_simulation}" in="{simulation_name}" wetdry={wtd} steady={std}') return batch_file
[docs] def run_bat_files(self, batch_file:str, communicate=False): """ Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation). :param batch_file: Batch file :type batch_file: str :param communicate: Communicate, defaults to False :type communicate: bool, optional """ splitted_path = os.path.split(batch_file) directory = splitted_path[0] command = f'start cmd.exe /k "{batch_file}"' subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) if self.wx_exists:'{directory} Check the new shell window.\nThe simulation is running...') else: logging.warn(f'{directory} Check the new shell window.\nThe simulation is running...')
[docs] def _run_batch_file(self, batch_file:str, communicate=False): """ Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation). :param batch_file: Batch file :type batch_file: str :param communicate: Communicate, defaults to False :type communicate: bool, optional FIXME Deprecated. """ splitted_path = os.path.split(batch_file) directory = splitted_path[0] # simulation_name = splitted_path[1] logging.warn(f'{directory} running... \nThe process may take time.') # The working directory has to be specified otherwise it does not work. directory = os.path.split(batch_file)[0] run = Popen(batch_file, stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE,cwd=directory) # run = Popen(batch_file, stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True) # run = Popen(batch_file, stdin=None,stdout=None,stderr=None, close_fds=True) # output, err = run.communicate() # run.returncode # run = Popen(batch_file,stdout=sys.stdout) if communicate: while True: l =run.stdout.readline() if not l: break print(l) else: output, err = run.communicate() logging.warn(f'{directory} completed.') run.returncode
[docs] def run_batch_file_multiprocess(batch_file:str, communicate=False): """ Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation). FIXME still not working. .. note:: Find a way to implement it. :param batch_file: Batch file :type batch_file: str :param communicate: Communicate, defaults to False :type communicate: bool, optional """ run = Popen(batch_file, stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) # output, err = run.communicate() # run.returncode # run = Popen(batch_file,stdout=sys.stdout) if communicate: while True: l =run.stdout.readline() if not l: break print(l) else: output, err = run.communicate() run.returncode
def _run_batch_file(self, batch_file:str): """ Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation). :param batch_file: Batch file :type batch_file: str """ # find_full_path ='%~dp0' run = Popen(batch_file, stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) # output, err = run.communicate() while True: l =run.stdout.readline() if not l: break print(l) run.returncode #'{batch_file}', shell=True)
[docs] def run_everything(self, batch_file): """ Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation). :param batch_file: Batch file :type batch_file: str """ all_runs = [Popen(batch_file, stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE) for i in range(5)] for i in range(5): while True: l =all_runs[i].stdout.readline() if not l: all_runs[i] = all_runs[i].returncode break print(l)
[docs] def _run_bat_files(self, bat_file, force_cwd = False, initial_condition = False): """ Run the .bat file in a windows shell to start the computations (simulation). :param batch_file: Batch file :type batch_file: str :param force_cwd: Force current working directory, defaults to False :type force_cwd: bool, optional """ splitted_path = os.path.split(bat_file) directory = splitted_path[0] simulation_name = splitted_path[1] if initial_condition: if self.wx_exists:'{simulation_name} running... \nComputing initial conditions.') else: logging.warn(f'{simulation_name} running... \nComputing initial conditions.') else: logging.warn(f'{simulation_name} running... \nThe process may take time.') if force_cwd: directory = os.path.split(bat_file)[0] run =, shell=True, capture_output= True, text=True,cwd=directory ) else: run =, shell=True, capture_output= True, text=True) logging.warn(f'{simulation_name} completed.') if self.wx_exists: else: print(run.stdout)
# while True: # l = run.stdout # if not l: # break
[docs] def write_help_file(self, save_as: str) -> None: """ Write the help file. Contains the list of mandatory and optional files to create a 1D model. :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional .. todo: FIXME implement a test before launching the model based on this list. """ help_file = self.initialize_file(save_as,'.help') sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value with open(help_file, 'w') as f: f.write(f'Mandatory files' + '\n') f.write(f'***************' + '\n' +'\n') f.write(f'Geometry :' + '\n') f.write(f' - Skeleton .vecz'+ '\n') f.write(f' - Cross sections'+ '\n') f.write(f' 1° rectangular .width'+ '\n') f.write(f' 2° real (tabulated values) .gtv .ptv'+ '\n') f.write(f'Initial conditions :'+'\n') f.write(f' - discharge .qini '+'\n') f.write(f' - one or several files of (read one after one with substitution)'+'\n') f.write(f' 1° wet area .aini '+'\n') f.write(f' 2° waterdepth .hini '+'\n') f.write(f' 3° waterlevel .zini '+'\n') f.write(f'Boundary conditions .cl'+'\n') f.write(f'Roughness .rough '+'\n'+'\n') f.write(f'Optional files'+'\n') f.write(f'**************'+'\n') f.write(f'Infiltration zones .infil .inf'+'\n') f.write(f'Convergence borders .cvg'+'\n') f.write(f'If not correctly defined by skeleton :'+'\n') f.write(f' - Topography (segment) .top'+'\n') f.write(f' - Lengths (segment) .lengths'+'\n') f.write(f'Parameters of the computation (only those different from default values) .param'+'\n')
[docs] def remove_directory(self,directory:str) -> None: """ Delete a directory (folder). :param directory: Directory path :type directory: str """ shutil.rmtree(directory)'{directory} removed.')
[docs] def find_1D_binary_results(self, directory:str) -> tuple[str]: #FIXME find why self is not working """ /!\ This method has been deprecated. Return a tuple containing the paths to the model: - Head file (binary file containing the necessary information to interpret the results -> number of time steps, coordinates, simulated times, real times); - Depth file (binary file containing the computed depths at each time step); - Discharge file (binary file containing the computed discharges at each time step); - Wetted sections file (binary file containing the wetted sections for each time step). :param directory: Directory :type directory: str :return: Paths to the model :rtype: tuple[str] """ for file in os.listdir(directory): if file.endswith(".HEAD"): head_file = os.path.join(directory,file) elif file.endswith(".RH"): results_depths = os.path.join(directory,file) elif file.endswith(".RQ"): results_discharges = os.path.join(directory,file) elif file.endswith(".RA"): results_wetted_sections = os.path.join(directory,file) return (head_file,results_depths, results_discharges, results_wetted_sections)
[docs] def read_1D_binary_results(self, results: list[str]) -> tuple[np.ndarray]: ''' /!\ This method has been deprecated. Check the the class` Wolfresults_1D` for the new implementation. Return a tuple containing the simulated results as numpy arrays in this order: - 0. Nodes coordinates (np.ndarray), - 1. Water depths (np.ndarray), - 2. Discharges (np.ndarray), - 3. Wetted sections (np.ndarray), - 5. real times - 6. Simulated times ''' path_head = results[0] path_depths = results[1] path_discharges = results[2] path_wetted_sections = results[3] file_size = os.path.getsize(path_head) # size of head file in bytes with open (path_head,"rb") as head_binary: # Necessary informations to extract coordinates head_in_bytes = cells_number = np.frombuffer(head_in_bytes, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0] nb_coordinates_data = 3 * cells_number time_steps_number = (file_size - 4 - (4 * nb_coordinates_data))/8 assert (time_steps_number).is_integer(),\ f'The number of results is not an integer {time_steps_number}' results_number = int(time_steps_number) # Extraction of cell coordinates head_data = np.frombuffer(head_in_bytes, dtype= np.float32) coordinates = head_data[1 : nb_coordinates_data + 1].reshape(cells_number,3) coordinates = np.roll(coordinates, 1, axis= 0) # coordinates: [0] == z | [1] == Y | [2] == X coordinates = np.flip(coordinates, axis=1) # Extraction of time steps all_times = head_data[nb_coordinates_data + 1::] simulated_times = all_times[1::2] real_times = all_times[::2] # print(real_times) # Extration of computed depths with open(path_depths,"rb") as depths_binary: depths_in_bytes = depths_data = np.frombuffer(depths_in_bytes, dtype= np.float32) depths = depths_data.reshape(cells_number, results_number, order='F') # The file is in fortran convention depths = np.roll(depths, 1, axis=0) # Extraction of computed discharges with open(path_discharges,"rb") as discharges_binary: discharges_in_bytes = discharges_data = np.frombuffer(discharges_in_bytes, dtype= np.float32) discharges = discharges_data.reshape(cells_number, results_number, order='F') # The file is in fortran convention discharges = np.roll(discharges, 1, axis=0) # Extraction of computed wetted sections with open(path_wetted_sections,"rb") as wetted_sections_binary: wetted_sections_in_bytes = wetted_sections_data = np.frombuffer(wetted_sections_in_bytes, dtype= np.float32) wetted_sections = wetted_sections_data.reshape(cells_number, results_number, order='F') # The file is in fortran convention wetted_sections = np.roll(wetted_sections, 1, axis=0) return (coordinates, depths, discharges, wetted_sections, real_times, simulated_times)
[docs] def plot_1D_results(self, results:tuple[np.ndarray], save_as:str ='', figure_size = (20,10), first_time_step= 1, animations = True, max_ylimits= (0.9, 0.9, 2.5, 1.5, 1, 1), landmark:Zones = None, banks: Zones = None, dpi: float = Constants.DPI.value ) -> None: """ /!\ This method has been deprecated. Check the the class` Wolfresults_1D` for the new implementation. Plot the results of 1D model either: - as a gif (evolution of all parameters) Starting from a particular time step (firt_time_step) or, - As a picture (only the first time step). @ The counting of time steps starts from 1, and negative counting (from the back) works too. @ In case a bad time steps is passed, the last time step will be plotted. @ max_ylimits allows the resizing of the maximum y limits of each of the 4 plots respectively. - For instance, the maximum ylim for discharges (third plot) = max(discharges) + (2.5 * max(discharges)) :param results: Results :type results: tuple[np.ndarray] :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figure_size: Figure size, defaults to (20,10) :type figure_size: tuple, optional :param first_time_step: First time step, defaults to 1 :type first_time_step: int, optional :param animations: Animations, defaults to True :type animations: bool, optional :param max_ylimits: Maximum y limits, defaults to (0.9, 0.9, 2.5, 1.5, 1, 1) :type max_ylimits: tuple, optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to None :type landmark: Zones, optional :param banks: Banks, defaults to None :type banks: Zones, optional :param dpi: Dpi, defaults to Constants.DPI.value :type dpi: float, optional """ # Splitting and naming the results coordinates = results[0] depths = results[1] discharges = results[2] wetted_sections = results[3] real_times = results[4] simulated_times = results[5] # x_axis = coordinates[:,2] topo = coordinates[:,0] coords = coordinates[-1] # Froude computations velocities = discharges/wetted_sections g = Constants.GRAVITATION.value froudes = velocities/np.sqrt(g*depths) #wolf vector file def vector_from_coordinates(coords: np.ndarray) -> vector: vector_coords = vector(is2D=False) for node in coordinates: vert = wolfvertex(node[2], node[1], node[0]) vector_coords.add_vertex(vert) vector_coords.find_minmax() return vector_coords vector_coords = vector_from_coordinates(coords) s_topo,z_topo= vector_coords.get_sz() x_axis = s_topo # topo = z_topo left_bank = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[0] bed_bank = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[1] right_bank = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[2] lsg = vector_coords.asshapely_ls() left_curvi = [lsg.project(Point(vert.x,vert.y)) for vert in left_bank.myvertices] right_curvi = [lsg.project(Point(vert.x,vert.y)) for vert in right_bank.myvertices] bed_curvi = [lsg.project(Point(vert.x,vert.y)) for vert in bed_bank.myvertices] bottom_curvi = [lsg.project(Point(vert.x, vert.y)) for vert in vector_coords.myvertices] s_left, z_left = left_bank.get_sz() s_right, z_right = right_bank.get_sz() s_bed, z_bed = bed_bank.get_sz() # x_axis = bottom_curvi # x_axis = s_bed[1:] # Plotting bank lines # vector_banks = vector_from_coordinates(banks) # vector_el # Testing the given first time step if first_time_step < 0 and (-first_time_step) <= depths.shape[1]: first_timestep = depths.shape[1] + first_time_step elif first_time_step > 0 and first_time_step <= depths.shape[1]: first_timestep= first_time_step - 1 # Python counts from 0. else: first_timestep = depths.shape[1] - 1 warnings.warn(f'The input first_time_step was not found, therefore, the last time step is plotted.', UserWarning) # Creation of figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figure_size, facecolor='white') # fig.suptitle('Results - 1D model\n', fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') fig.suptitle(f'Results - 1D model\n$Time: (step: {first_timestep + 1} - $simulated: {simulated_times[first_timestep]:#.1f}s$ - real: {real_times[first_timestep]:#.1e} s)$', fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') # Axes # Water level ax1 = fig.add_subplot(234) ax1.plot(x_axis, topo, color= 'black') water_level, = ax1.plot(x_axis, (topo+ depths[:,first_timestep]), color= 'cyan', ls='-.') ax1.fill_between(x_axis, topo, (topo+ depths[:,first_timestep]), where = topo <= (topo+ depths[:,first_timestep]),\ color ='cyan', alpha =0.3, interpolate=True, label = 'Water level') ax1.fill_between(x_axis, topo, y2= min(topo), color = 'black', alpha = 0.2, label = 'Bed',interpolate=True) ax1.set_xlim(min(x_axis), max(x_axis)) ax1.set_ylim(min(topo), max(topo+ depths[:,first_timestep]) + max_ylimits[0]* max(topo+ depths[:,first_timestep])) ax1.set_ylabel('Altitude [m]') ax1.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax1.grid() ax1.set_title(f'Water level', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # ax1.set_title(f'Water level: Time step - {first_timestep + 1}', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # ax1.set_title(f'Water level - Time: (simulated:{simulated_times[first_timestep]:#.1f}s - real: {real_times[first_timestep]:#.1f}s)', # fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # Water depth ax2 = fig.add_subplot(231) water_depth, = ax2.plot(x_axis, depths[:,first_timestep], color= 'cyan', ls='-.') ax2.fill_between(x_axis, depths[:,first_timestep], color ='cyan', alpha =0.3, interpolate=True, label = 'Water depth') ax2.set_xlim(min(x_axis), max(x_axis)) ax2.set_ylim(0, max(depths[:,first_timestep]) + max_ylimits[1]* max(depths[:,first_timestep])) ax2.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax2.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax2.grid() ax2.set_title(f'Water depth', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # ax2.set_title(f'Water depth: Time step - {first_timestep + 1}', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # Discharges ax3 = fig.add_subplot(235) discharge, = ax3.plot(x_axis, discharges[:,first_timestep], color= 'red', ls='-.') ax3.fill_between(x_axis, discharges[:,first_timestep], color ='red', alpha =0.3, interpolate=True, label = 'Discharge') ax3.set_xlim(min(x_axis), max(x_axis)) ax3.set_ylim(0, max(discharges[:,first_timestep]) + max_ylimits[2]* max(discharges[:,first_timestep])) ax3.set_ylabel('Discharge [$m^3/s$]') ax3.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax3.grid() ax3.set_title(f'Discharge', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # ax3.set_title(f'Discharge: Time step - {first_timestep + 1}', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # Wetted sections ax4 = fig.add_subplot(236) wetted_section, = ax4.plot(x_axis, wetted_sections[:,first_timestep], color= 'blue', ls='-.') ax4.fill_between(x_axis, wetted_sections[:,first_timestep], color ='blue', alpha =0.3, interpolate=True, label = 'Wetted sections') ax4.set_xlim(min(x_axis), max(x_axis)) ax4.set_ylim(0, max(wetted_sections[:,first_timestep]) + max_ylimits[3]* max(wetted_sections[:,first_timestep])) ax4.set_ylabel('Wetted sections [$m^2$]') ax4.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax4.grid() ax4.set_title(f'Wetted sections', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # ax4.set_title(f'Wetted sections: Time step - {first_timestep + 1}', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # Froude number ax5 = fig.add_subplot(233) froude, = ax5.plot(x_axis, froudes[:,first_timestep], color= 'blue', ls='-.') ax5.fill_between(x_axis, froudes[:,first_timestep], color ='blue', alpha =0.3, interpolate=True, label = 'Froude numbers') ax5.set_xlim(min(x_axis), max(x_axis)) ax5.set_ylim(0, max(froudes[:,first_timestep]) + max_ylimits[4]* max(froudes[:,first_timestep])) ax5.set_ylabel('Froude number') ax5.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax5.grid() ax5.set_title(f'Froude numbers', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # ax5.set_title(f'Wetted sections: Time step - {first_timestep + 1}', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # Velocities ax6 = fig.add_subplot(232) velocity, = ax6.plot(x_axis, velocities[:,first_timestep], color= 'red', ls='-.') ax6.fill_between(x_axis, velocities[:,first_timestep], color ='red', alpha =0.3, interpolate=True, label = 'Velocities') ax6.set_xlim(min(x_axis), max(x_axis)) ax6.set_ylim(0, max(velocities[:,first_timestep]) + max_ylimits[5] * max(velocities[:,first_timestep])) ax6.set_ylabel('Velocities [m/s]') ax6.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax6.grid() ax6.set_title(f'Velocities [m/s]', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # ax5.set_title(f'Wetted sections: Time step - {first_timestep + 1}', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # print(left_curvi) # def _project_vector(banks:Zones): # left_bank = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[0] # bed_bank = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[1] # right_bank = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[0] # lsg = vector_coords.asshapely_ls() # left_curvi = [lsg.project(Point(vert.x,vert.y)) for vert in left_bank.myvertices] # left_bank_x = [] # # for vert in left_bank.myvertices: # # lsg.project(Point(vert.x,vert.y)) def _landmark(landmark,index, texts = True): # landmark: Zones landmark_names = [curvec.myname for curvec in landmark.myzones[0].myvectors] lsg = vector_coords.asshapely_ls() curvi_landmarks =[lsg.project(Point((vect.myvertices[0].x + vect.myvertices[1].x)/2., (vect.myvertices[0].y + vect.myvertices[1].y)/2.)) for vect in landmark.myzones[0].myvectors] alpha = 0.7 for s_landmark, name_landmark in zip(curvi_landmarks, landmark_names): if texts: ax1.text(s_landmark, max(topo),name_landmark, rotation=30, alpha =alpha) ax2.text(s_landmark, (0.8 *max_ylimits[1]*max(depths[:,index])),name_landmark, rotation=30, alpha =alpha) ax3.text(s_landmark, (0.8 *max_ylimits[2]*max(discharges[:,index])),name_landmark, rotation=30, alpha =alpha) ax4.text(s_landmark, (0.8 *max_ylimits[3]*max(wetted_sections[:,index])),name_landmark, rotation=30, alpha =alpha) ax5.text(s_landmark, (0.8 *max_ylimits[4]*max(froudes[:,index])),name_landmark, rotation=30, alpha =alpha) ax6.text(s_landmark, (0.8 *max_ylimits[5]*max(velocities[:,index])),name_landmark, rotation=30, alpha =alpha) ax1.vlines(s_landmark, min(topo), max(topo), color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) ax2.vlines(s_landmark, 0, (0.8 *max_ylimits[1]*max(depths[:,index])), color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) ax3.vlines(s_landmark, 0, (0.8 *max_ylimits[2]*max(discharges[:,index])), color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) ax4.vlines(s_landmark, 0,(0.8 *max_ylimits[3]* max(wetted_sections[:,index])), color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) ax5.vlines(s_landmark, 0, (0.8 *max_ylimits[4]* max(froudes[:,index])), color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) ax6.vlines(s_landmark, 0, (0.8 *max_ylimits[5]* max(velocities[:,index])), color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) if landmark != None: _landmark(landmark, first_time_step) if banks != None: # bank_left = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[0] # bank_bed = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[1] # bank_right = banks.myzones[0].myvectors[2] # s_left, z_left = bank_left.get_sz() # s_right, z_right = bank_right.get_sz() # s_bed, z_bed = bank_bed.get_sz() # ax1.plot(s_left, z_left, color= 'green', ls ='--', label = 'Left bank', alpha = 0.2) # ax1.plot(s_right, z_right, color= 'blue', ls ='--', label = 'Right bank', alpha = 0.2) banks_alpha =0.3 ax1.plot(left_curvi, z_left, color= 'green', ls ='--', label = 'Left bank', alpha = banks_alpha) ax1.plot(right_curvi, z_right, color= 'blue', ls ='--', label = 'Right bank', alpha = banks_alpha) # FIXME the lengths are different. # ax2.plot(s_right, z_right - z_bed, color= 'blue', ls ='--', label = 'Right bank', alpha = banks_alpha) # ax2.plot(s_left, z_left - z_bed, color= 'green', ls ='--', label = 'Left bank', alpha = banks_alpha) # Legends ax1.legend() ax2.legend() ax3.legend() ax4.legend() ax5.legend() ax6.legend() def _animated1D_plots(i): ''' Animation of results for gif file. ''' index = i+ first_timestep wl = topo + depths[:, index] # Water level h = depths[:, index] # Water depth q = discharges[:, index] # Discharge a = wetted_sections[:, index] # Wetted sections v = q/a fr = v/np.sqrt(g*h) # Setting the data water_level.set_data(x_axis, wl) water_depth.set_data(x_axis, h) discharge.set_data(x_axis, q) wetted_section.set_data(x_axis, a) velocity.set_data(x_axis, v) froude.set_data(x_axis, fr) # Cleaning the axes and and new drawings ax1.collections.clear() ax1.fill_between(x_axis, topo, wl, where= topo <= wl,facecolor='cyan',alpha=0.3,interpolate=True) ax1.fill_between(x_axis, topo, y2= min(topo), color = 'black', label = 'topo', alpha = 0.3) ax2.collections.clear() ax2.fill_between(x_axis, h, facecolor='cyan',alpha=0.3,interpolate=True) ax3.collections.clear() ax3.fill_between(x_axis, q, facecolor='red',alpha=0.3,interpolate=True) ax4.collections.clear() ax4.fill_between(x_axis, a, facecolor='blue',alpha=0.3,interpolate=True) ax5.collections.clear() ax5.fill_between(x_axis, fr, facecolor='blue',alpha=0.3,interpolate=True) ax6.collections.clear() ax6.fill_between(x_axis, v, facecolor='red',alpha=0.3,interpolate=True) # ax1.set_title(f'Water level: Time step - {i + 1 + first_timestep}', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # ax2.set_title(f'Water depth: Time step - {i + 1 + first_timestep}', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # ax3.set_title(f'Discharge: Time step - {i + 1 + first_timestep}', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) # ax4.set_title(f'Wetted sections:Time step - {i + 1 + first_timestep}', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) fig.suptitle(f'Results - 1D model\n$Time: (step: {index} - $simulated: {simulated_times[index-1]:#.1f}s$ - real: {real_times[index-1]:#.1e} s)$', fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') if landmark != None: _landmark(landmark, first_time_step, texts=False) # Gif Outputs if animations: rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 2**128 # Final size ani = animation.FuncAnimation( fig, _animated1D_plots, interval = 200, blit = False, frames = depths.shape[1] - first_timestep, repeat_delay = 100) if save_as != '': writergif = animation.PillowWriter(fps=5), writer=writergif, dpi = dpi) return HTML(ani.to_jshtml()) # Picture as output else: if save_as !='': # plt.savefig(save_as, dpi= dpi) plt.savefig(save_as, dpi= dpi)
[docs] def plot_hydrograph_nodes(self, results:tuple[np.ndarray], which_nodes:list[int] = [0,-1], save_as:str ='', figure_size = (20,10)): """ /!\ This method has been deprecated. Check the the class` Wolfresults_1D` for the new implementation. Plot the hydrographs of the nodes. :param results: Results :type results: tuple[np.ndarray] :param which_nodes: Which nodes, defaults to [0,-1] :type which_nodes: list[int], optional :param save_as: File path of the new cross section, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figure_size: Figure size, defaults to (20,10) :type figure_size: tuple, optional """ discharges = results[2] times = results[-1] # 15 min n = discharges.shape[0] lgth = times.shape[0] # Creation of the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figure_size, facecolor='white') # Axes (2 graphs) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # List of information necessary for the axes property min_discharges = [] max_discharges = [] max_times = [] id_cells =[] # Refactorisation of the entry (positive or negative) for i in which_nodes: if i > 0: id_cell = i id = i - 1 elif i < 0: id_cell = n + i + 1 id = i elif i == 0: id_cell = i + 1 id = i # collecting the curve properties for the Axes min_discharges.append(np.amin(discharges[id,:])) max_discharges.append(np.amax(discharges[id,:])) discharge_max = np.argmax(discharges[id,:]) max_times.append(times[discharge_max]) id_cells.append(id_cell) # Plots ax1.plot(times, discharges[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}') ax2.plot((times - times[discharge_max]), discharges[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}') # Properties first axis ax1.set_xlim(np.min(times),np.max(times)) ax1.set_ylim(min(min_discharges), (max(max_discharges) + 0.1*max(max_discharges))) ax1.set_ylabel('Discharge [$m^3$]', fontsize= 'x-large') ax1.set_xlabel('Simulated times [$s$]', fontsize= 'x-large') ax1.legend() ax1.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(min(times),max(times),900)) ax1.grid() # Properties second axis tmax = np.max(times) - np.min(times) ax2.set_xlim((-tmax/2),(tmax/2)) ax2.text(-tmax/2, max(max_discharges) + 0.05* max(max_discharges), f'$Phase-shift: {max_times[0]-max_times[-1]:#.2f}s$', fontsize =14) ax2.set_ylim(min(min_discharges), (max(max_discharges) + 0.1*max(max_discharges))) ax2.set_xlabel('Time from maximum [s]', fontsize= 'x-large') ax2.legend() # ax2.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange((-tmax/2),(tmax/2),900)) ax2.grid() # figure title, save and display parameters fig.suptitle(f'Hydrographs nodes - {id_cells}', fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') if save_as != '': fig.savefig(save_as, dpi =300)
[docs] def write_simulation_files_from_crosssections(self, folder_path:str, cross_sections: crosssections, parallels: Zones, banks: Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness:Union[float,WolfArray], hydrographs: list[list[list]], exe_file:str, topography: WolfArray = None, initial_discharge:float = None, simulation_name:str = 'simul', discretisation:float = 10., extrapolation_of_extremities:float = 100., initial_depth:float = 1., write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'] = 'times', output_frequency:int = 900, polygon_number:int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time:int = None, roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons']= 'under_profile', roughness_selection:Literal['min','mean','median','max'] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles:list =['1'], wetdry:Literal['fixed', 'evolutive']='evolutive', steady:Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'] = 'no', writing_type_infiltration: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'] = 'continuous', epsilon_infiltration:float = 0.01, new_directory = '', force_steady = True ) -> tuple: """ Write the simulation files (the 1D model) from the cross sections and the other parameters with one line of code. :param folder_path: Folder path :type folder_path: str :param cross_sections: Cross sections :type cross_sections: crosssections :param parallels: Parallels :type parallels: Zones :param banks: Banks :type banks: Zones :param boundary_conditions: Boundary conditions :type boundary_conditions: dict :param roughness: Roughness :type roughness: Union[float,WolfArray] :param hydrographs: Hydrographs :type hydrographs: list[list[list]] :param exe_file: Exe file :type exe_file: str :param topography: Topography, defaults to None :type topography: WolfArray, optional :param initial_discharge: Initial discharge, defaults to None :type initial_discharge: float, optional :param simulation_name: Simulation name, defaults to 'simul' :type simulation_name: str, optional :param discretisation: Discretisation, defaults to 10. :type discretisation: float, optional :param extrapolation_of_extremities: Extrapolation of extremities, defaults to 100. :type extrapolation_of_extremities: float, optional :param initial_depth: Initial depth, defaults to 1. :type initial_depth: float, optional :param write_in: Write in, defaults to 'times' :type write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'], optional :param output_frequency: Output frequency, defaults to 900 :type output_frequency: int, optional :param polygon_number: Polygon number, defaults to 1 :type polygon_number: int, optional :param code_verbosity_profile: Code verbosity profile, defaults to [1] :type code_verbosity_profile: list, optional :param simulation_time: Simulation time, defaults to None :type simulation_time: int, optional :param roughness_option: Roughness option, defaults to 'under_profile' :type roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons'], optional :param roughness_selection: Roughness selection, defaults to 'mean' :type roughness_selection: Literal['min','mean','median','max'], optional :param file_type_initial_cond: File type initial cond, defaults to '.aini' :type file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'], optional :param infiltration_profiles: Infiltration profiles, defaults to ['1'] :type infiltration_profiles: list, optional :param wetdry: Wetdry, defaults to 'evolutive' :type wetdry: Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional :param steady: Steady, defaults to 'precomputation' :type steady: Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional :param executable_type: Executable type, defaults to 'wolfcli' :type executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional :param run_simulation: Run simulation, defaults to 'no' :type run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'], optional :param writing_type_infiltration: Writing type infiltration, defaults to 'continuous' :type writing_type_infiltration: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional :param epsilon_infiltration: Epsilon infiltration, defaults to 0.01 :type epsilon_infiltration: float, optional :param new_directory: New directory, defaults to '' :type new_directory: str, optional :param force_steady: Force steady, defaults to True :type force_steady: bool, optional :return: tuple :rtype: tuple """ # Simulation directory (contains all simulation files) if new_directory != '': directory = new_directory else: directory = self.create_simulation_directory(folder_path,simulation_name) # The extremities of each profile is extrapolated to avoid negative water depths in case of high discharges extrapolated_cross_sections = self.extrapolate_extremities(cross_sections, extrapolation_of_extremities, directory) # The crossection are sorted based on the river bed (middle parallel) sorted_crosssections = self.sort_crossections_list([extrapolated_cross_sections], banks) # if simulation_time: time = simulation_time else: # FIXME Multiple hydrographs if isinstance(hydrographs,dict): times = [] for hydro, prof in hydrographs.items(): if isinstance(prof, Hydrograph): times.append(max(prof.index)) elif isinstance(prof, list): latest_time = prof[0][-1] times.append(latest_time) time = max(times) else: if isinstance(hydrographs[0], Hydrograph): time = max(hydrographs[0].index) elif isinstance(hydrographs[0], list): time = hydrographs[0][0][-1] if initial_discharge: q_ini = initial_discharge else: if isinstance(hydrographs,dict): discharges = [] for hydro, prof in hydrographs.items(): if isinstance(prof, Hydrograph): first_discharge = prof.values[0] discharges.append(first_discharge) elif isinstance(prof, list): first_discharge = prof[0][0] discharges.append(first_discharge) q_ini = min(discharges) else: if isinstance(hydrographs[0], Hydrograph): q_ini = hydrographs[0].values[0] elif isinstance(hydrographs[0], list): q_ini = hydrographs[0][1][0] # Bank file if banks.is2D: bank_file = self.get_values_from_array(banks, topography, directory + '\\banks.vecz') else: bank_file = banks bank_file.saveas(directory + '\\banks.vecz') # FIXME is it necessery to have parallels (next round), is it only for cell size or a better used could be found? # Write the tabulated relations of each cross section (profile) write_relations = self.write_relations_profiles(sorted_crosssections, directory) # Write roughnesses if isinstance(roughness, float) or isinstance(roughness, int): roughnesses = self.roughness_from_value(sorted_crosssections, value = roughness) elif isinstance(roughness, WolfArray): if roughness_option == 'under_profile': roughnesses = self.roughness_from_profiles(roughness, sorted_crosssections, mode=roughness_selection) elif roughness_option == 'under_polygons': # FIXME to be verified issue with the extent of profiles # (the number of new polygons is different from the number of digitized profiles) # May be a test should be implemented on each profiles (probable solution). if isinstance(parallels, Zones): # Polygons polygons = self.create_polygons(parallels, discretisation, polygon_number, directory) roughnesses = self.roughness_from_polygons(roughness, polygons, mode=roughness_selection) roughness_file = self.write_roughnesses(roughnesses, directory) # Compute & write the intial conditions ic_relations, nb_updates = self.ic_relations_hspw(sorted_crosssections, initial_depth) # The simulation is initialized based on the wetted area (more practical) ini_files = self.write_ini_files(ic_relations, directory, q = q_ini, nb_updates= nb_updates, file_choice=[file_type_initial_cond]) # Write the boundary conditions cl_file = self.write_cl_file(sorted_crosssections, boundary_conditions, directory) # Write .top file (topography) top_file = self.write_top_file(sorted_crosssections,directory) # Write the .vec file (discretization file of the simulation topography - lowest riverbed point) vec_file1 = self.write_vector_files(sorted_crosssections, save_as=directory,which_type='vecz') # Sets the predefined river banks and bed on each cross sections set_bank = self.set_banksbed_vectors(bank_file) # Write the .vec file (discretization file of the simulation topography - midriver) vec_file2 = self.write_vector_files(sorted_crosssections, save_as=directory, which_type='vec') # Write the generic file genfile = self.write_generic_file(directory) #----------------------------------------------------------- # Write the infiltrations if isinstance(hydrographs, dict): infil = self.write_infiltrations_from_dict(sorted_crosssections, hydrographs, directory, writing_type_infiltration, epsilon_infiltration) elif isinstance(hydrographs,list): infil = self.write_infiltrations(infiltration_profiles, sorted_crosssections, hydrographs, directory, writing_type_infiltration, epsilon_infiltration) # Update the distribution of initial discharges from the infiltrations self.update_qini_file_from_infiltration_dict(hydrographs, directory) # 22. Compute a steady state solution #--------------------------------------------------------------- if steady == 'precomputation': # The first batch file is used to compute the steady state solution bat_file = self.write_batch_file(directory_of_executable = exe_file, directory_simulation= directory, simulation_name= simulation_name) self.start_from_steady_state(directory) batch_file = self.write_batch_file(directory_of_executable = exe_file, directory_simulation = directory, simulation_name = simulation_name, wetdry = wetdry, steady ='no precomputation', executable_type = executable_type) else: batch_file = self.write_batch_file(directory_of_executable = exe_file, directory_simulation = directory, simulation_name = simulation_name, wetdry = wetdry, steady = steady, executable_type = executable_type) #------------------------------ # write the simulation parameters if write_in == 'times': write_type = 2 elif write_in =='iterations': write_type = 1 if self.wx_exists == None: param = self.write_parameters(directory, write_freq= output_frequency, write_type= write_type, max_time=time) if run_simulation == 'yes': # logging.warn(f'{simulation_name} running... \nThe process may take time.') self.run_bat_files(batch_file) # logging.warn(f'{simulation_name} completed.') return (directory,simulation_name, sorted_crosssections, ic_relations, nb_updates)
[docs] def find_file_from_extension(self, directory:str, file_extension:str) -> str: """Return a file in a directory based on its extension. :param directory: file path to the folder :type directory: str :param file_extension: file extension :type file_extension: str :return: file path """ for file in os.listdir(directory): if file.endswith(file_extension): return os.path.join(directory, file) raise Exception(f'No file with the extension {file_extension} was found in the directory {directory}.')
[docs] def start_from_steady_state(self, directory:str, plot = True): """Compute the steady state solution and update the initial conditions based on the results. :param directory: directory (simulation folder) :type directory: str :param plot: wheter the process should open a matplotlib figure containing the steady state solution or not, defaults to True :type plot: bool, optional """ self.write_parameters(directory, write_type= 2, max_time=0) bat_file = self.find_file_from_extension(directory, '.bat') self._run_bat_files(bat_file, initial_condition= True) # self.run_bat_files(bat_file) self.update_initial_conditions_from_results(directory, time_step=1, plot=plot)
[docs] def update_initial_conditions_from_results(self, directory:str, time_step:int =1, plot:bool = True): results = Wolfresults_1D(directory) if plot: results.plot_variables(figures=['water level','discharge', 'froude','water depth','velocity','wetted section' ] ,time_step=time_step, grid_x_m= 1000) self.log_message('Proposed initial conditions plotted.') results.update_ic_from_time_steps(time_step) self.log_message('New initial conditions.')
[docs] def log_message(self, message:str): """Message for the user. :param message: message :type message: str """ if self.wx_exists: else: print(message)
[docs] def create_multiple_simulations_from_csv(self, csv_filename:str, folder_path:str, cross_sections: crosssections, parallels: Zones, banks: Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness:Union[float,WolfArray], hydrographs: list[list[list]], exe_file:str, topography: WolfArray = None, initial_discharge:float = None, simulation_name:str = 'simul', discretisation:float = 10., extrapolation_of_extremities:float = 100., initial_depth:float = 1., write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'] = 'times', output_frequency:int = 900, polygon_number:int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time:int = None, roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons']= 'under_profile', roughness_selection:Literal['min','mean','median','max'] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles:list =['1'], wetdry:Literal['fixed', 'evolutive']='evolutive', steady:Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'] = 'steady', executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'] = 'no', force_steady = True ): """ Create multiple simulations from a csv file. :param csv_filename: Csv filename :type csv_filename: str :param folder_path: Folder path :type folder_path: str :param cross_sections: Cross sections :type cross_sections: crosssections :param parallels: Parallels :type parallels: Zones :param banks: Banks :type banks: Zones :param boundary_conditions: Boundary conditions :type boundary_conditions: dict :param roughness: Roughness :type roughness: Union[float,WolfArray] :param hydrographs: Hydrographs :type hydrographs: list[list[list]] :param exe_file: Exe file :type exe_file: str :param topography: Topography, defaults to None :type topography: WolfArray, optional :param initial_discharge: Initial discharge, defaults to None :type initial_discharge: float, optional :param simulation_name: Simulation name, defaults to 'simul' :type simulation_name: str, optional :param discretisation: Discretisation, defaults to 10. :type discretisation: float, optional :param extrapolation_of_extremities: Extrapolation of extremities, defaults to 100. :type extrapolation_of_extremities: float, optional :param initial_depth: Initial depth, defaults to 1. :type initial_depth: float, optional :param write_in: Write in, defaults to 'times' :type write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'], optional :param output_frequency: Output frequency, defaults to 900 :type output_frequency: int, optional :param polygon_number: Polygon number, defaults to 1 :type polygon_number: int, optional :param code_verbosity_profile: Code verbosity profile, defaults to [1] :type code_verbosity_profile: list, optional :param simulation_time: Simulation time, defaults to None :type simulation_time: int, optional :param roughness_option: Roughness option, defaults to 'under_profile' :type roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons'], optional :param roughness_selection: Roughness selection, defaults to 'mean' :type roughness_selection: Literal['min','mean','median','max'], optional :param file_type_initial_cond: File type initial cond, defaults to '.aini' :type file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'], optional :param infiltration_profiles: Infiltration profiles, defaults to ['1'] :type infiltration_profiles: list, optional :param wetdry: Wetdry, defaults to 'evolutive' :type wetdry: Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional :param steady: Steady, defaults to 'steady' :type steady: Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional :param executable_type: Executable type, defaults to 'wolfcli' :type executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional :param run_simulation: Run simulation, defaults to 'no' :type run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'], optional :param force_steady: Force steady, defaults to True :type force_steady: bool, optional """ # df = pd.read_csv(csv_filename, header=0, names = ['discharge']) df = self.read_csv_as_dataframe(csv_filename,column_names=['discharge']) k=1 for discharge in list(df['discharge']): if force_steady: hydrographs =[[[0],[discharge]]] self.write_simulation_files_from_crosssections(folder_path, cross_sections, parallels, banks, boundary_conditions, roughness, hydrographs, exe_file, topography, discharge, simulation_name +f'{k}', discretisation, extrapolation_of_extremities, initial_depth, write_in, output_frequency, polygon_number, code_verbosity_profile, simulation_time, roughness_option, roughness_selection, file_type_initial_cond, infiltration_profiles, wetdry, steady, executable_type, run_simulation) k += 1
[docs] def read_csv_as_dataframe(self, filename:str, column_names:list = None, sep =',', header:int = 0, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Read a csv file and return a pandas dataframe. :param filename: Filename :type filename: str :param column_names: Column names, defaults to None :type column_names: list, optional :param sep: Separator, defaults to ',' :type sep: str, optional :param header: Header, defaults to 0 :type header: int, optional :return: Pandas dataframe :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ if column_names != None: return pd.read_csv(filename, sep=',', header=header, names=column_names) else: return pd.read_csv(filename, sep=',', header=header)
[docs] def read_csv_as_infiltrations(self, filename:str, sep =',', header:int = 0) -> list[dict]: """ Read a csv file and return a list containing the infiltrations(hydrographs and profiles). :param filename: Filename :type filename: str :param sep: Separator, defaults to ',' :type sep: str, optional :param header: Header, defaults to 0 :type header: int, optional :return: List of infiltrations :rtype: list[dict] """ df = pd.read_csv(filename, sep=',',header=header) profiles = df.columns.values infiltrations = [] for n in range(df.shape[0]): infiltration = {} for i in range(len(profiles)): infiltration[profiles[i]] = Hydrograph({0:df[profiles[i]][n]}) infiltrations.append(infiltration) return infiltrations
[docs] def create_simulations_from_csv(self, csv_filename:str, folder_path:str, cross_sections: crosssections, parallels: Zones, banks: Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness:Union[float,WolfArray], exe_file:str, hydrographs: list[list[list]] = None, topography: WolfArray = None, initial_discharge:float = None, simulation_name:str = 'simul', discretisation:float = 10., extrapolation_of_extremities:float = 100., initial_depth:float = 1., write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'] = 'times', output_frequency:int = 900, polygon_number:int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time:int = None, roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons']= 'under_profile', roughness_selection:Literal['min','mean','median','max'] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles:list =['1'], wetdry:Literal['fixed', 'evolutive']='evolutive', steady:Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'] = 'no', writing_type_infiltration: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'] = 'continuous', epsilon_infiltration:float = 0.01, force_steady = True) -> None: """ Create simulations from a csv file. :param csv_filename: Csv filename :type csv_filename: str :param folder_path: Folder path :type folder_path: str :param cross_sections: Cross sections :type cross_sections: crosssections :param parallels: Parallels :type parallels: Zones :param banks: Banks :type banks: Zones :param boundary_conditions: Boundary conditions :type boundary_conditions: dict :param roughness: Roughness :type roughness: Union[float,WolfArray] :param exe_file: Exe file :type exe_file: str :param hydrographs: Hydrographs, defaults to None :type hydrographs: list[list[list]], optional :param topography: Topography, defaults to None :type topography: WolfArray, optional :param initial_discharge: Initial discharge, defaults to None :type initial_discharge: float, optional :param simulation_name: Simulation name, defaults to 'simul' :type simulation_name: str, optional :param discretisation: Discretisation, defaults to 10. :type discretisation: float, optional :param extrapolation_of_extremities: Extrapolation of extremities, defaults to 100. :type extrapolation_of_extremities: float, optional :param initial_depth: Initial depth, defaults to 1. :type initial_depth: float, optional :param write_in: Write in, defaults to 'times' :type write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'], optional :param output_frequency: Output frequency, defaults to 900 :type output_frequency: int, optional :param polygon_number: Polygon number, defaults to 1 :type polygon_number: int, optional :param code_verbosity_profile: Code verbosity profile, defaults to [1] :type code_verbosity_profile: list, optional :param simulation_time: Simulation time, defaults to None :type simulation_time: int, optional :param roughness_option: Roughness option, defaults to 'under_profile' :type roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons'], optional :param roughness_selection: Roughness selection, defaults to 'mean' :type roughness_selection: Literal['min','mean','median','max'], optional :param file_type_initial_cond: File type initial cond, defaults to '.aini' :type file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'], optional :param infiltration_profiles: Infiltration profiles, defaults to ['1'] :type infiltration_profiles: list, optional :param wetdry: Wetdry, defaults to 'evolutive' :type wetdry: Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional :param steady: Steady, defaults to 'precomputation' :type steady: Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional :param executable_type: Executable type, defaults to 'wolfcli' :type executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional :param run_simulation: Run simulation, defaults to 'no' :type run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'], optional :param writing_type_infiltration: Writing type infiltration, defaults to 'continuous' :type writing_type_infiltration: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional :param epsilon_infiltration: Epsilon infiltration, defaults to 0.01 :type epsilon_infiltration: float, optional :param force_steady: Force steady, defaults to True :type force_steady: bool, optional """ df = self.read_csv_as_dataframe(csv_filename,column_names=['discharge']) discharge = df['discharge'][0] # hydrograph = Hydrograph({0:discharge}) if force_steady: # hydrographs = {} hydrographs =[[[0],[discharge]]] original_simulation =self.write_simulation_files_from_crosssections(folder_path, cross_sections, parallels, banks, boundary_conditions, roughness, hydrographs, exe_file, topography, discharge, simulation_name, discretisation, extrapolation_of_extremities, initial_depth, write_in, output_frequency, polygon_number, code_verbosity_profile, simulation_time, roughness_option, roughness_selection, file_type_initial_cond, infiltration_profiles, wetdry, steady, executable_type, run_simulation ='no', writing_type_infiltration = writing_type_infiltration, epsilon_infiltration = epsilon_infiltration) procedures =[] new_sims =[] for new_discharge in list(df['discharge']): hydrographs =[[[0],[new_discharge]]] extension =f'_Q{int(new_discharge)}' new_sim_name = original_simulation[0] + extension new_sim = self.copy_simulation_files(original_simulation[0],new_sim_name, ignore_filetype='*.bat') new_sims.append(new_sim) self.write_ini_files(original_simulation[3], new_sim, new_discharge, original_simulation[4], file_choice=file_type_initial_cond) self.write_infiltrations(infiltration_profiles,original_simulation[2],hydrographs,new_sim) new_batchfile = self.write_batch_file(directory_of_executable = exe_file, directory_simulation = new_sim, simulation_name = simulation_name, wetdry = wetdry, steady = steady, executable_type = executable_type, different_names= True, new_name=simulation_name + extension) procedures.append(new_batchfile) # # procedure = multiprocessing.Process(target= run_batch_file_multiprocess, args = (new_batchfile)) # # procedure.start() # procedures.append(new_batchfile) # if run_simulation == 'yes': # self.run_batch_file(new_batchfile) # # procedure.start() batch_file_group = self.write_batch_simulations(directory_of_executable = exe_file, simulations_path=new_sims, wetdry = wetdry, steady = steady, executable_type = executable_type) if run_simulation == 'yes': # runs=[self.run_batch_file(i) for i in tqdm(procedures,'Running simulations', colour= Colors.TQDM.value)] # run = self.run_batch_file(batch_file_group) run = self.run_bat_files(batch_file_group)
# # pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=len(procedures)) # runs=[multiprocessing.Process(run_batch_file_multiprocess, args=i) for i in tqdm(procedures)]
[docs] def copy_simulation_files(self, simulation:str, save_as:str, ignore_filetype: Literal['.*qini','*.aini', '*.zini','*.hini','*.cl', '*.rough', 'infil*','*.inf' '*.infil','*.param','*.top','*.ptv','*.gtv','.log', '.count' '*.HEAD','*.RA', '*.RB','*.RQ','*.RS','*.vecz','*.vec','*.txt', '*.bat'] = '') -> str: """ Copy simulation files. :param simulation: Simulation :type simulation: str :param save_as: Save as :type save_as: str :param ignore_filetype: Ignore filetype, defaults to '' :type ignore_filetype: str, optional :return: Copied directory :rtype: str """ if ignore_filetype != '': try: copied_directory = shutil.copytree(src = simulation, dst= save_as) except FileExistsError: # os.rmdir(save_as) # copied_directory = shutil.copytree(src = simulation, dst= save_as) raise Exception(f"The file named ({save_as}) exists already.\n Rename the new file or delete the existing file.") else: try: copied_directory = shutil.copytree(src = simulation, dst= save_as, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(ignore_filetype)) except FileExistsError: # os.rmdir(save_as) # copied_directory = shutil.copytree(src = simulation, dst= save_as, ignore=shutil.ignore_patterns(ignore_filetype)) raise Exception(f"The file named ({save_as}) exists already.\n Rename the new file or delete the existing file.") return copied_directory
[docs] def copy_multiple_simulations_from_csv(self, csv_filename:str, simulation:str) -> None: """ Copy multiple simulations from a csv file. :param csv_filename: Csv filename :type csv_filename: str :param simulation: Simulation :type simulation: str """ df = self.read_csv_as_dataframe(csv_filename,column_names=['discharge']) lgth = df.shape[0] for discharge in tqdm(df['discharge']): self.copy_simulation_files(simulation, simulation + f'_Q{discharge}')
[docs] def distribute_values_as_sum(self, array: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Return a 1D array were the 0 are filled with the previous value in the table, and the existing values are replaced by their summed with the previous value in the table. :param array: Array(1D) containing the vaalues of the initial discharge at specific profiles :type array: np.ndarray :return: Updated array :rtype: np.ndarray """ for i in range(len(array) - 1): j = i + 1 if array[j] == 0: array[j] = array[i] elif array[i] != 0: array[j] += array[i] return array
[docs] def find_qini_values_from_infiltration_dict(self, infiltration:dict) -> dict: """ Return a dictionnary containing the infiltration profiles and their initial discharge (first value). These dictionnary can be used :param infiltration: Infiltration :type infiltration: dict :return: Initial infiltrations :rtype: dict """ keys = [] values =[] initial_infiltrations = {} for key in infiltration: if isinstance(infiltration[key], Hydrograph): qini = infiltration[key].values[0] elif isinstance(infiltration[key], (list,tuple)): qini = infiltration[key][0] elif isinstance(infiltration[key], (float,int)): qini = infiltration[key] else: raise Exception('The initial discharge is not well defined.') initial_infiltrations[int(key)-1] = qini return initial_infiltrations
[docs] def compute_qini_values_from_infiltrations_dict(self, infiltrations: dict, nb_cells: int) -> np.ndarray: """Compute the initial discharge from a dictionary of infiltrations. The method returns an array of initial discharges. The array values are distributed from the distribution (linear sum) of the first infiltration values. :param infiltrations: Infiltrations (dictionnary of hydrographs) :type infiltrations: dict :param nb_cells: Number of cells :type nb_cells: int :return: Initial discharges :rtype: np.ndarray """ qini_values = np.zeros(nb_cells) initial_infiltrations = self.find_qini_values_from_infiltration_dict(infiltrations) for key in initial_infiltrations: qini_values[key] = initial_infiltrations[key] qini_values = self.distribute_values_as_sum(qini_values) # print(qini_values) return qini_values
[docs] def update_qini_file_from_infiltration_dict(self, infiltrations: dict, directory:str): """Upadte the qini file from a dictionary of infiltrations. :param infiltrations: Infiltrations :type infiltrations: dict :param directory: Directory (folder) :type directory: str """ # Find the qini file from the simulation directory qini_file = self.find_file_from_extension(directory, '.qini') # Read the qini file as a pandas dataframe qini_dataframe = self.read_ini_file_as_dataframe(qini_file) # Find the number of cells in the simulation number_of_cells = len(qini_dataframe['value']) # Compute the qini values from the infiltrations dictionary qini = self.compute_qini_values_from_infiltrations_dict(infiltrations, number_of_cells) # Update the qini file with the computed values self.update_ini_file(qini_file, qini)
[docs] def read_ini_file_as_dataframe(self, ini_file:str): """Read an ini file and return a pandas dataframe. :param ini_file: File of initial conditions :type ini_file: str :return: Pandas dataframe :rtype: pd.DataFrame """ dataframe = pd.read_csv(ini_file, sep= Constants.SEPARATOR.value, skiprows=1, names=['skeleton', 'zone', 'segment','value'] ) return dataframe
[docs] def update_ini_file(self, ini_file:str, new_values: np.ndarray)-> None: """Update the initial condition file with new values. The method reads the initial condition file as a pandas dataframe, then replace old the values by the new values. :param ini_file: File of initial condition :type ini_file: str :param new_values: New values :type new_values: np.ndarray """ df = self.read_ini_file_as_dataframe(ini_file) lgth_values = len(df['value']) lgth_new_values = len(new_values) assert lgth_values == lgth_new_values,\ f"The length of the new values - {lgth_new_values} is not consistent with the initial condition file - {lgth_values}." df['value'] = new_values sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value with open(ini_file, 'w') as f: f.write(f"{lgth_new_values}\n") for i in range(lgth_values): f.write(f"{df['skeleton'][i]}{sep}{df['zone'][i]}{sep}{df['segment'][i]}{sep}{str(df['value'][i])}\n")
# Implement a clever way of writing or updating this file from ic or existing files. # check wolfresults_1D update ini file or find another way to update the file. # --- Outdated methods --- #_________________________
[docs] def __write_batch_file(self, directory_of_executable:str, directory_simulation:str, simulation_name:str, wetdry:Literal['fixed', 'evolutive']='evolutive', steady:Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'] = 'wolfcli', different_names=False, new_name:str ='' ) -> str: if different_names: batch_file =self.initialize_file(directory_of_executable, f'{new_name}.bat','') # To avoid simul name FIXME make it clean else: batch_file =self.initialize_file(directory_of_executable, '.bat') if wetdry == 'fixed': wtd = 0 elif wetdry == 'evolutive': wtd= 1 if steady== 'precomputation': std= 1 elif steady == 'no precomputation': std = 0 elif steady == 'steady': std=2 find_full_path ='%~dp0' with open(batch_file,'w') as bat: bat.write(f'cd "{directory_of_executable}"\n') # bat.write(f'{executable_type} run_wolf1d dirin="%~dp0{simulation_name}" in="{simulation_name}" wetdry={wtd} steady={std}') if different_names: bat.write(f'{executable_type} run_wolf1d dirin="{find_full_path}{new_name}" in="{simulation_name}" wetdry={wtd} steady={std}') # if directory_simulation[0] =='.': # bat.write(f'{executable_type} run_wolf1d dirin="{find_full_path}{directory_simulation}" in="{simulation_name}" wetdry={wtd} steady={std}') # else: # bat.write(f'{executable_type} run_wolf1d dirin="{find_full_path}{directory_simulation}" in="{simulation_name}" wetdry={wtd} steady={std}') else: bat.write(f'{executable_type} run_wolf1d dirin="{find_full_path}{simulation_name}" in="{simulation_name}" wetdry={wtd} steady={std}') return batch_file
[docs] def match_ends_2vectors_outdated(self, zones1: Zones, zones2: Zones, id1:int = 0, id2:int = 0) -> Zones: """ Aligns the vertices of 2 successive zone containing each 3 vectors (1 vector and its 2 parallels), so that, the end of each vector matches the begining of its corresponding in the other zone. - id1: zone id in zones1.myzones, - id2: zone id in zones2.myzones. """ znes1 = zones1 znes2 = zones2 vector1_1 = znes1.myzones[id1].myvectors[0] vector1_2 = znes1.myzones[id1].myvectors[1] vector1_3 = znes1.myzones[id1].myvectors[2] vector2_1 = znes2.myzones[id2].myvectors[0] vector2_2 = znes2.myzones[id2].myvectors[1] vector2_3 = znes2.myzones[id2].myvectors[2] i = vector1_1.myvertices j = vector2_1.myvertices distance1 = math.sqrt(((i[-1].x - j[0].x)**2) + ((i[-1].y - j[0].y)**2)) #last point - first point distance2 = math.sqrt(((i[-1].x - j[-1].x)**2) + ((i[-1].y - j[-1].y)**2)) #last point - last point distance1_r = math.sqrt(((i[0].x - j[0].x)**2) + ((i[0].y - j[0].y)**2)) # first point - first point distance2_r = math.sqrt(((i[0].x - j[-1].x)**2) + ((i[0].y - j[-1].y)**2)) #first point - last point all = [distance1, distance2, distance1_r, distance2_r] if min(all) == distance2: vector2_1.myvertices.reverse() vector2_2.myvertices.reverse() vector2_3.myvertices.reverse() elif min(all) == distance1_r: vector1_1.myvertices.reverse() vector1_2.myvertices.reverse() vector1_3.myvertices.reverse() elif min(all) ==distance2_r: vector1_1.myvertices.reverse() vector1_2.myvertices.reverse() vector1_3.myvertices.reverse() vector2_1.myvertices.reverse() vector2_2.myvertices.reverse() vector2_3.myvertices.reverse() return znes1, znes2
[docs] def __save_as_1D_crossections(self, zones: Zones, format ='vecz', save_as: str='') -> crosssections: znes = zones path = save_as + 'profiles' + id +'.vecz' index = 1 for vec in znes.myzones[0].myvectors: vec.myname = '%s'%(index) index+=1 znes.find_minmax() znes.saveas(path) cross= crosssections(mydata= path,format='vecz') cross.format = format if save_as: cross.saveas(save_as) return cross
[docs] def __update_qini_file_from_infiltration_dict(self, infiltrations: dict, directory:str): """Deprecating due to the last for loop (it's obviously a code duplication).""" qini_file = self.find_file_from_extension(directory, '.qini') qini_dataframe = self.read_ini_file_as_dataframe(qini_file) number_of_cells = len(qini_dataframe['value']) qini = self.compute_qini_values_from_infiltrations_dict(infiltrations, number_of_cells) for file in os.listdir(directory): if file.endswith('.qini'): qini_file = os.path.join(directory, file) self.update_ini_file(qini_file, qini)
[docs] def _create_simulations_from_csv(self, csv_filename:str, folder_path:str, cross_sections: crosssections, parallels: Zones, banks: Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness:Union[float,WolfArray], hydrographs: list[list[list]], exe_file:str, topography: WolfArray = None, initial_discharge:float = None, simulation_name:str = 'simul', discretisation:float = 10., extrapolation_of_extremities:float = 100., initial_depth:float = 1., write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'] = 'times', output_frequency:int = 900, polygon_number:int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time:int = None, roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons']= 'under_profile', roughness_selection:Literal['min','mean','median','max'] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles:list =['1'], wetdry:Literal['fixed', 'evolutive']='evolutive', steady:Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'] = 'no', writing_type_infiltration: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'] = 'continuous', epsilon_infiltration:float = 0.01, force_steady = True) -> None: """Deprecated""" infiltrations = self.read_csv_as_infiltrations(csv_filename) names = self.read_csv_as_dataframe(csv_filename) # # df = self.read_csv_as_dataframe(csv_filename,column_names=['discharge']) # # discharge = df['discharge'][0] # hydrograph = Hydrograph({0:discharge}) if force_steady: hydrographs = infiltrations[0] # hydrographs = {} # hydrographs =[[[0],[discharge]]] original_simulation =self.write_simulation_files_from_crosssections(folder_path, cross_sections, parallels, banks, boundary_conditions, roughness, hydrographs, exe_file, topography, initial_discharge, simulation_name, discretisation, extrapolation_of_extremities, initial_depth, write_in, output_frequency, polygon_number, code_verbosity_profile, simulation_time, roughness_option, roughness_selection, file_type_initial_cond, infiltration_profiles, wetdry, steady, executable_type, run_simulation ='no', writing_type_infiltration = writing_type_infiltration, epsilon_infiltration = epsilon_infiltration) procedures =[] for new_infiltration in infiltrations: hydrographs = new_infiltration values = list(new_infiltration.values()) extension =f'_Q{int(values[0])}' # FIXME new_sim = self.copy_simulation_files(original_simulation[0],original_simulation[0] + extension) self.write_ini_files(original_simulation[3], new_sim, new_infiltration, original_simulation[4], file_choice=file_type_initial_cond) self.write_infiltrations(infiltration_profiles,original_simulation[2],hydrographs,new_sim) new_batchfile = self.write_batch_file(directory_of_executable = exe_file, directory_simulation = new_sim, simulation_name = simulation_name, wetdry = wetdry, steady = steady, executable_type = executable_type, different_names= True, new_name=simulation_name + extension) procedures.append(new_batchfile) # # procedure = multiprocessing.Process(target= run_batch_file_multiprocess, args = (new_batchfile)) # # procedure.start() # procedures.append(new_batchfile) # if run_simulation == 'yes': # self.run_batch_file(new_batchfile) # # procedure.start() if run_simulation == 'yes': runs=[self.run_batch_file(i) for i in tqdm(procedures,'Running simulations', colour= Colors.TQDM.value)]
# # pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=len(procedures)) # runs=[multiprocessing.Process(run_batch_file_multiprocess, args=i) for i in tqdm(procedures)]
[docs] def _start_from_steady_state(self, profile:str, infiltrations:dict, list_of_sorted_cross: list, directory, plot = True, ): qini = infiltrations[profile] if isinstance(qini, Hydrograph): qini = qini.values[0] elif isinstance(qini, (list,tuple)): # FIXME to be verified qini = qini[0] elif qini == float: qini = qini else: raise ValueError('The initial discharge is not well defined.') hydrograph = Hydrograph({0:qini}) new_infiltrations = {profile:hydrograph} self.write_infiltrations_from_dict(list_of_sorted_cross, new_infiltrations, directory) self.write_parameters(directory, write_type= 2, max_time=0) bat_file = self.find_file_from_extension(directory, '.bat') self._run_bat_files(bat_file, initial_condition= True) # self.run_bat_files(bat_file) self.update_initial_conditions_from_results(directory, time_step=1, plot=plot)
[docs] def __write_simulation_files_from_crosssections(self, folder_path:str, cross_sections: crosssections, parallels: Zones, banks: Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness:Union[float,WolfArray], hydrographs: list[list[list]], exe_file:str, topography: WolfArray = None, initial_discharge:float = None, simulation_name:str = 'simul', discretisation:float = 10., extrapolation_of_extremities:float = 100., initial_depth:float = 1., write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'] = 'times', output_frequency:int = 900, polygon_number:int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time:int = None, roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons']= 'under_profile', roughness_selection:Literal['min','mean','median','max'] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles:list =['1'], wetdry:Literal['fixed', 'evolutive']='evolutive', steady:Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'] = 'no', writing_type_infiltration: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'] = 'continuous', epsilon_infiltration:float = 0.01, new_directory = '', force_steady = True ) -> tuple: """ Write the simulation files (the 1D model) from the cross sections and the other parameters with one line of code. :param folder_path: Folder path :type folder_path: str :param cross_sections: Cross sections :type cross_sections: crosssections :param parallels: Parallels :type parallels: Zones :param banks: Banks :type banks: Zones :param boundary_conditions: Boundary conditions :type boundary_conditions: dict :param roughness: Roughness :type roughness: Union[float,WolfArray] :param hydrographs: Hydrographs :type hydrographs: list[list[list]] :param exe_file: Exe file :type exe_file: str :param topography: Topography, defaults to None :type topography: WolfArray, optional :param initial_discharge: Initial discharge, defaults to None :type initial_discharge: float, optional :param simulation_name: Simulation name, defaults to 'simul' :type simulation_name: str, optional :param discretisation: Discretisation, defaults to 10. :type discretisation: float, optional :param extrapolation_of_extremities: Extrapolation of extremities, defaults to 100. :type extrapolation_of_extremities: float, optional :param initial_depth: Initial depth, defaults to 1. :type initial_depth: float, optional :param write_in: Write in, defaults to 'times' :type write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'], optional :param output_frequency: Output frequency, defaults to 900 :type output_frequency: int, optional :param polygon_number: Polygon number, defaults to 1 :type polygon_number: int, optional :param code_verbosity_profile: Code verbosity profile, defaults to [1] :type code_verbosity_profile: list, optional :param simulation_time: Simulation time, defaults to None :type simulation_time: int, optional :param roughness_option: Roughness option, defaults to 'under_profile' :type roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons'], optional :param roughness_selection: Roughness selection, defaults to 'mean' :type roughness_selection: Literal['min','mean','median','max'], optional :param file_type_initial_cond: File type initial cond, defaults to '.aini' :type file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'], optional :param infiltration_profiles: Infiltration profiles, defaults to ['1'] :type infiltration_profiles: list, optional :param wetdry: Wetdry, defaults to 'evolutive' :type wetdry: Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional :param steady: Steady, defaults to 'precomputation' :type steady: Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional :param executable_type: Executable type, defaults to 'wolfcli' :type executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional :param run_simulation: Run simulation, defaults to 'no' :type run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'], optional :param writing_type_infiltration: Writing type infiltration, defaults to 'continuous' :type writing_type_infiltration: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional :param epsilon_infiltration: Epsilon infiltration, defaults to 0.01 :type epsilon_infiltration: float, optional :param new_directory: New directory, defaults to '' :type new_directory: str, optional :param force_steady: Force steady, defaults to True :type force_steady: bool, optional :return: tuple :rtype: tuple """ # Simulation directory (contains all simulation files) if new_directory != '': directory = new_directory else: directory = self.create_simulation_directory(folder_path,simulation_name) # The extremities of each profile is extrapolated to avoid negative water depths in case of high discharges extrapolated_cross_sections = self.extrapolate_extremities(cross_sections, extrapolation_of_extremities, directory) # The crossection are sorted based on the river bed (middle parallel) sorted_crosssections = self.sort_crossections_list([extrapolated_cross_sections], banks) # if simulation_time: time = simulation_time else: # FIXME Multiple hydrographs if isinstance(hydrographs,dict): times = [] for hydro, prof in hydrographs.items(): if isinstance(prof, Hydrograph): times.append(max(prof.index)) elif isinstance(prof, list): latest_time = prof[0][-1] times.append(latest_time) time = max(times) else: if isinstance(hydrographs[0], Hydrograph): time = max(hydrographs[0].index) elif isinstance(hydrographs[0], list): time = hydrographs[0][0][-1] if initial_discharge: q_ini = initial_discharge else: if isinstance(hydrographs,dict): discharges = [] for hydro, prof in hydrographs.items(): if isinstance(prof, Hydrograph): first_discharge = prof.values[0] discharges.append(first_discharge) elif isinstance(prof, list): first_discharge = prof[0][0] discharges.append(first_discharge) q_ini = min(discharges) else: if isinstance(hydrographs[0], Hydrograph): q_ini = hydrographs[0].values[0] elif isinstance(hydrographs[0], list): q_ini = hydrographs[0][1][0] # Bank file if banks.is2D: bank_file = self.get_values_from_array(banks, topography, directory + '\\banks.vecz') else: bank_file = banks bank_file.saveas(directory + '\\banks.vecz') # Polygons # FIXME is it necessery to have parallels (next round), is it only for cell size or a better used could be found? if isinstance(parallels, Zones): polygons = self.create_polygons(parallels, discretisation, polygon_number, directory) # Write the tabulated relations of each cross section (profile) write_relations = self.write_relations_profiles(sorted_crosssections, directory) # Write roughnesses if isinstance(roughness, float) or isinstance(roughness, int): roughnesses = self.roughness_from_value(sorted_crosssections, value = roughness) elif isinstance(roughness, WolfArray): if roughness_option == 'under_profile': roughnesses = self.roughness_from_profiles(roughness, sorted_crosssections, mode=roughness_selection) elif roughness_option == 'under_polygons': # FIXME to be verified issue with the extent of profiles # (the number of new polygons is different from the number of digitized profiles) # May be a test should be implemented on each profiles (probable solution). roughnesses = self.roughness_from_polygons(roughness, polygons, mode=roughness_selection) roughness_file = self.write_roughnesses(roughnesses, directory) # Compute & write the intial conditions ic_relations, nb_updates = self.ic_relations_hspw(sorted_crosssections, initial_depth) # The simulation is initialized based on the wetted area (more practical) ini_files = self.write_ini_files(ic_relations, directory, q = q_ini, nb_updates= nb_updates, file_choice=[file_type_initial_cond]) # Write the boundary conditions cl_file = self.write_cl_file(sorted_crosssections, boundary_conditions, directory) # Write .top file (topography) top_file = self.write_top_file(sorted_crosssections,directory) # Write the .vec file (discretization file of the simulation topography - lowest riverbed point) vec_file1 = self.write_vector_files(sorted_crosssections, save_as=directory,which_type='vecz') # Sets the predefined river banks and bed on each cross sections set_bank = self.set_banksbed_vectors(bank_file) # Write the .vec file (discretization file of the simulation topography - midriver) vec_file2 = self.write_vector_files(sorted_crosssections, save_as=directory, which_type='vec') # Write the infiltrations if isinstance(hydrographs, dict): infil = self.write_infiltrations_from_dict(sorted_crosssections, hydrographs, directory, writing_type_infiltration, epsilon_infiltration) elif isinstance(hydrographs,list): infil = self.write_infiltrations(infiltration_profiles, sorted_crosssections, hydrographs, directory, writing_type_infiltration, epsilon_infiltration) # write the simulation parameters if write_in == 'times': write_type = 2 elif write_in =='iterations': write_type = 1 if self.wx_exists == None: param = self.write_parameters(directory, write_freq= output_frequency, write_type= write_type, max_time=time) # # if steady == 'precomputation' or steady == 'steady': # # self.correct_parameters(directory, from_steady=True) # # else: # # self.correct_parameters(directory) # self.correct_parameters(directory) FIXME for other cases when the GUI is not used genfile = self.write_generic_file(directory) batch_file = self.write_batch_file(directory_of_executable = exe_file, directory_simulation = directory, simulation_name = simulation_name, wetdry = wetdry, steady = steady, executable_type = executable_type) if run_simulation == 'yes': # logging.warn(f'{simulation_name} running... \nThe process may take time.') self.run_bat_files(batch_file) # logging.warn(f'{simulation_name} completed.') return (directory,simulation_name, sorted_crosssections, ic_relations, nb_updates)
[docs] def ____write_simulation_files_from_crosssections(self, folder_path:str, cross_sections: crosssections, parallels: Zones, banks: Zones, boundary_conditions: dict, roughness:Union[float,WolfArray], hydrographs: list[list[list]], exe_file:str, topography: WolfArray = None, initial_discharge:float = None, simulation_name:str = 'simul', discretisation:float = 10., extrapolation_of_extremities:float = 100., initial_depth:float = 1., write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'] = 'times', output_frequency:int = 900, polygon_number:int = 1, code_verbosity_profile: list = [1], simulation_time:int = None, roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons']= 'under_profile', roughness_selection:Literal['min','mean','median','max'] = 'mean', file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'] = '.aini', infiltration_profiles:list =['1'], wetdry:Literal['fixed', 'evolutive']='evolutive', steady:Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'] = 'precomputation', executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'] = 'wolfcli', run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'] = 'no', writing_type_infiltration: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'] = 'continuous', epsilon_infiltration:float = 0.01, new_directory = '', steady_state_profile = '', force_steady = True, start_from_steady_state = False, plot_steady_state = True ) -> tuple: """ Write the simulation files (the 1D model) from the cross sections and the other parameters with one line of code. :param folder_path: Folder path :type folder_path: str :param cross_sections: Cross sections :type cross_sections: crosssections :param parallels: Parallels :type parallels: Zones :param banks: Banks :type banks: Zones :param boundary_conditions: Boundary conditions :type boundary_conditions: dict :param roughness: Roughness :type roughness: Union[float,WolfArray] :param hydrographs: Hydrographs :type hydrographs: list[list[list]] :param exe_file: Exe file :type exe_file: str :param topography: Topography, defaults to None :type topography: WolfArray, optional :param initial_discharge: Initial discharge, defaults to None :type initial_discharge: float, optional :param simulation_name: Simulation name, defaults to 'simul' :type simulation_name: str, optional :param discretisation: Discretisation, defaults to 10. :type discretisation: float, optional :param extrapolation_of_extremities: Extrapolation of extremities, defaults to 100. :type extrapolation_of_extremities: float, optional :param initial_depth: Initial depth, defaults to 1. :type initial_depth: float, optional :param write_in: Write in, defaults to 'times' :type write_in: Literal['iterations', 'times'], optional :param output_frequency: Output frequency, defaults to 900 :type output_frequency: int, optional :param polygon_number: Polygon number, defaults to 1 :type polygon_number: int, optional :param code_verbosity_profile: Code verbosity profile, defaults to [1] :type code_verbosity_profile: list, optional :param simulation_time: Simulation time, defaults to None :type simulation_time: int, optional :param roughness_option: Roughness option, defaults to 'under_profile' :type roughness_option: Literal['under_profile', 'under_polygons'], optional :param roughness_selection: Roughness selection, defaults to 'mean' :type roughness_selection: Literal['min','mean','median','max'], optional :param file_type_initial_cond: File type initial cond, defaults to '.aini' :type file_type_initial_cond: Literal['.aini','.hini','.zini'], optional :param infiltration_profiles: Infiltration profiles, defaults to ['1'] :type infiltration_profiles: list, optional :param wetdry: Wetdry, defaults to 'evolutive' :type wetdry: Literal['fixed', 'evolutive'], optional :param steady: Steady, defaults to 'precomputation' :type steady: Literal['no precomputation', 'precomputation', 'steady'], optional :param executable_type: Executable type, defaults to 'wolfcli' :type executable_type: Literal['wolfcli', 'wolfclid'], optional :param run_simulation: Run simulation, defaults to 'no' :type run_simulation: Literal['yes', 'no'], optional :param writing_type_infiltration: Writing type infiltration, defaults to 'continuous' :type writing_type_infiltration: Literal['continuous', 'stepwise'], optional :param epsilon_infiltration: Epsilon infiltration, defaults to 0.01 :type epsilon_infiltration: float, optional :param new_directory: New directory, defaults to '' :type new_directory: str, optional :param force_steady: Force steady, defaults to True :type force_steady: bool, optional :return: tuple :rtype: tuple """ # Simulation directory (contains all simulation files) if new_directory != '': directory = new_directory else: directory = self.create_simulation_directory(folder_path,simulation_name) # The extremities of each profile is extrapolated to avoid negative water depths in case of high discharges extrapolated_cross_sections = self.extrapolate_extremities(cross_sections, extrapolation_of_extremities, directory) # The crossection are sorted based on the river bed (middle parallel) sorted_crosssections = self.sort_crossections_list([extrapolated_cross_sections], banks) # if simulation_time: time = simulation_time else: # FIXME Multiple hydrographs if isinstance(hydrographs,dict): times = [] for hydro, prof in hydrographs.items(): if isinstance(prof, Hydrograph): times.append(max(prof.index)) elif isinstance(prof, list): latest_time = prof[0][-1] times.append(latest_time) time = max(times) else: if isinstance(hydrographs[0], Hydrograph): time = max(hydrographs[0].index) elif isinstance(hydrographs[0], list): time = hydrographs[0][0][-1] if initial_discharge: q_ini = initial_discharge else: if isinstance(hydrographs,dict): discharges = [] for hydro, prof in hydrographs.items(): if isinstance(prof, Hydrograph): first_discharge = prof.values[0] discharges.append(first_discharge) elif isinstance(prof, list): first_discharge = prof[0][0] discharges.append(first_discharge) q_ini = min(discharges) else: if isinstance(hydrographs[0], Hydrograph): q_ini = hydrographs[0].values[0] elif isinstance(hydrographs[0], list): q_ini = hydrographs[0][1][0] # Bank file if banks.is2D: bank_file = self.get_values_from_array(banks, topography, directory + '\\banks.vecz') else: bank_file = banks bank_file.saveas(directory + '\\banks.vecz') # Polygons # FIXME is it necessery to have parallels (next round), is it only for cell size or a better used could be found? if isinstance(parallels, Zones): polygons = self.create_polygons(parallels, discretisation, polygon_number, directory) # Write the tabulated relations of each cross section (profile) write_relations = self.write_relations_profiles(sorted_crosssections, directory) # Write roughnesses if isinstance(roughness, float) or isinstance(roughness, int): roughnesses = self.roughness_from_value(sorted_crosssections, value = roughness) elif isinstance(roughness, WolfArray): if roughness_option == 'under_profile': roughnesses = self.roughness_from_profiles(roughness, sorted_crosssections, mode=roughness_selection) elif roughness_option == 'under_polygons': # FIXME to be verified issue with the extent of profiles # (the number of new polygons is different from the number of digitized profiles) # May be a test should be implemented on each profiles (probable solution). roughnesses = self.roughness_from_polygons(roughness, polygons, mode=roughness_selection) roughness_file = self.write_roughnesses(roughnesses, directory) # Compute & write the intial conditions ic_relations, nb_updates = self.ic_relations_hspw(sorted_crosssections, initial_depth) # The simulation is initialized based on the wetted area (more practical) ini_files = self.write_ini_files(ic_relations, directory, q = q_ini, nb_updates= nb_updates, file_choice=[file_type_initial_cond]) # Write the boundary conditions cl_file = self.write_cl_file(sorted_crosssections, boundary_conditions, directory) # Write .top file (topography) top_file = self.write_top_file(sorted_crosssections,directory) # Write the .vec file (discretization file of the simulation topography - lowest riverbed point) vec_file1 = self.write_vector_files(sorted_crosssections, save_as=directory,which_type='vecz') # Sets the predefined river banks and bed on each cross sections set_bank = self.set_banksbed_vectors(bank_file) # Write the .vec file (discretization file of the simulation topography - midriver) vec_file2 = self.write_vector_files(sorted_crosssections, save_as=directory, which_type='vec') # write the generic file genfile = self.write_generic_file(directory) # Write the batch file batch_file = self.write_batch_file(directory_of_executable = exe_file, directory_simulation = directory, simulation_name = simulation_name, wetdry = wetdry, steady = steady, executable_type = executable_type) # Update initial conditions if start_from_steady_state: self.start_from_steady_state(directory, plot = plot_steady_state) # # if profile == '': # # profile = '1' # # self.start_from_steady_state(profile=steady_state_profile, # # infiltrations= hydrographs, # # list_of_sorted_cross= sorted_crosssections, # # directory= directory, # # plot= plot_steady_state) # Write the batch file batch_file = self.write_batch_file(directory_of_executable = exe_file, directory_simulation = directory, simulation_name = simulation_name, wetdry = wetdry, steady = 'no precomputation', executable_type = executable_type) # Write the infiltrations if isinstance(hydrographs, dict): infil = self.write_infiltrations_from_dict(sorted_crosssections, hydrographs, directory, writing_type_infiltration, epsilon_infiltration) elif isinstance(hydrographs,list): infil = self.write_infiltrations(infiltration_profiles, sorted_crosssections, hydrographs, directory, writing_type_infiltration, epsilon_infiltration) # write the simulation parameters if write_in == 'times': write_type = 2 elif write_in =='iterations': write_type = 1 if self.wx_exists == None: param = self.write_parameters(directory, write_freq= output_frequency, write_type= write_type, max_time=time) if run_simulation == 'yes': # logging.warn(f'{simulation_name} running... \nThe process may take time.') self.run_bat_files(batch_file) # logging.warn(f'{simulation_name} completed.') return (directory,simulation_name, sorted_crosssections, ic_relations, nb_updates)
# --- Wolf 1D results --- #________________________
[docs] class Wolfresults_1D: """ Read the results of a Wolf 1D model and enable the visualization (plots) of variables namely water level, water depth, discharge, wetted sections, velocity and Froude number. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. """ def __init__(self, simulation_directory:str = None)-> None: """ Constructor of the class Wolfresults :param simulation_directory: Computer path to the folder containing the results of the simulation :type simulation_directory: str .. todo:: FIXME Implement a consitency check of the files .. to do:: FIXME Use a multiprocess to speed up the creation of `.gif` files. """ # Useful properties for other methds = simulation_directory self.breath_file = None self.breath_directory = None self.bank_file = None self.support_file = None self.cross_sections_file = None self.simulation_name = os.path.split([1] # Files detection in the directory for file in os.listdir(simulation_directory): if file.endswith(".HEAD"): self.head_file = os.path.join(simulation_directory,file) elif file.endswith(".RH"): self.depths_file = os.path.join(simulation_directory,file) elif file.endswith(".RQ"): self.discharges_file = os.path.join(simulation_directory,file) elif file.endswith(".RA"): self.wetted_sections_file = os.path.join(simulation_directory,file) # Result from post_process elif file.endswith(".RWIDTH"): self.breath_file = os.path.join(simulation_directory,file) # Preprocess data to fasten the computation elif file.endswith('top_widths'): self.breath_directory = +f'\\{file}' # Data for the computation of width relationships elif file.endswith('sections.vecz'): self.cross_sections_file = os.path.join(simulation_directory,file) elif file.endswith(f'{self.simulation_name}.vec'): self.support_file = os.path.join(simulation_directory,file) elif file.endswith('banks.vecz'): self.bank_file = os.path.join(simulation_directory,file) # Reading the results # # head file file_size = os.path.getsize(self.head_file) # size of head file in bytes with open (self.head_file,"rb") as head_binary: # Necessary informations to extract coordinates head_in_bytes = cells_number = np.frombuffer(head_in_bytes, dtype=np.int32, count=1)[0] nb_coordinates_data = 3 * cells_number time_steps_number = (file_size - 4 - (4 * nb_coordinates_data))/8 assert (time_steps_number).is_integer(),\ f'The number of results is not an integer {time_steps_number}' results_number = int(time_steps_number) # Extraction of cell coordinates head_data = np.frombuffer(head_in_bytes, dtype= np.float32) coordinates = head_data[1 : nb_coordinates_data + 1].reshape(cells_number,3) coordinates = np.roll(coordinates, 1, axis= 0) # # @ coordinates: [0] == Z | [1] == Y | [2] == X self.coordinates = np.flip(coordinates, axis=1) self.topo = self.coordinates[:,0] self.xy = self.coordinates[-1] self.vector_coordinates = None self.s_curvi = None # Extraction of time steps all_times = head_data[nb_coordinates_data + 1::] self.simulated_times = all_times[1::2] self.real_times = all_times[::2] # Formula for available results available_results = int(time_steps_number*cells_number*4) file_size_depths = os.path.getsize(self.depths_file) file_size_discharges = os.path.getsize(self.discharges_file) file_size_wetted_sections = os.path.getsize(self.wetted_sections_file) assert available_results <= file_size_depths and available_results <= file_size_discharges and available_results <= file_size_discharges and available_results <= file_size_wetted_sections,\ f'The file sizes (.HEAD,.RH, .RQ, .RA) are not consistent.' # Extration of computed depths with open(self.depths_file,"rb") as depths_binary: depths_in_bytes = depths_data = np.frombuffer(depths_in_bytes, dtype= np.float32) depths = depths_data.reshape(cells_number, results_number, order='F') # The file is in fortran convention self.depths = np.roll(depths, 1, axis=0) # Extraction of computed discharges with open(self.discharges_file,"rb") as discharges_binary: discharges_in_bytes = discharges_data = np.frombuffer(discharges_in_bytes, dtype= np.float32) discharges = discharges_data.reshape(cells_number, results_number, order='F') # The file is in fortran convention self.discharges = np.roll(discharges, 1, axis=0) # Extraction of computed wetted sections with open(self.wetted_sections_file,"rb") as wetted_sections_binary: wetted_sections_in_bytes = wetted_sections_data = np.frombuffer(wetted_sections_in_bytes, dtype= np.float32) wetted_sections = wetted_sections_data.reshape(cells_number, results_number, order='F') # The file is in fortran convention self.wetted_sections = np.roll(wetted_sections, 1, axis=0) self.velocities = self.discharges/self.wetted_sections # To avoid nan values, copy false means the original array is modified and returned. self.velocities = np.nan_to_num(self.velocities, copy=False) if self.breath_file != None: self.widths = np.loadtxt(self.breath_file) if self.widths.shape == self.wetted_sections.shape: self.froudes = self.discharges / (self.wetted_sections*np.sqrt(Constants.GRAVITATION.value*(self.wetted_sections/self.widths))) # To avoid nan values, copy false means the original array is modified and returned. self.froudes = np.nan_to_num(self.froudes, copy=False, nan=0.0, posinf=0.0,neginf=0.0) # In case the model has written new results else: if self.breath_directory != None: self.breadth_list = os.listdir(self.breath_directory) self.compute_froude() else: if self.breath_directory != None: self.breadth_list = os.listdir(self.breath_directory) self.compute_froude() else: self.breadth_list = None if self.cross_sections_file != None and self.support_file != None: self.create_widths_and_froudes() else: self.froudes = None warnings.warn('Froude numbers will not be plotted due missing data.', UserWarning) # FIXME Implement an array for self.water_level using water depths and cordinates and use it in the code if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() self.water_levels = self.depths + np.array(self.z_coords)[:,None] assert self.depths.shape == self.discharges.shape == self.wetted_sections.shape == self.velocities.shape == self.water_levels.shape,\ f'The reshape of results in numpy failed (different shapes instead of a unique one).' self.results_length = self.depths.shape[1] self.depths_max = self.find_max(self.depths) self.discharges_max = self.find_max(self.discharges) self.wetted_sections_max = self.find_max(self.wetted_sections) self.velocities_max = self.find_max(self.velocities) # if self.froudes != None: self.froudes_max = self.find_max(self.froudes) self.water_level_ymax = self.depths_max + self.find_max(self.topo) # FIXME # print('done')
[docs] def update_ic_from_time_steps(self, time_step:int = -1) -> np.ndarray: """Return the simulated conditions (a,q,h, r) at a given time step as a `np.ndarray`. - a: Wetted section (index 0), - s: Wetted perimeter (index 1), - w: Top width (index 2), - r: Hydraulic radius (index 3). :param time_step: the desired time steps, defaults to -1 :type time_step: int, optional :return: the conditions at the specified time step :rtype: np.ndarray """ real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) for file in os.listdir( if file.endswith(".aini"): aini_file = os.path.join(,file) wetted_sections = self.wetted_sections[:,real_time_step] self.update_ini_file(aini_file, wetted_sections) elif file.endswith(".hini"): hini_file = os.path.join(,file) depths = self.depths[:,real_time_step] self.update_ini_file(hini_file, depths) elif file.endswith(".zini"): zini_file = os.path.join(,file) water_level = self.water_levels[:,real_time_step] self.update_ini_file(zini_file, water_level) elif file.endswith(".qini"): qini_file = os.path.join(,file) discharges = self.discharges[:,real_time_step] self.update_ini_file(qini_file, discharges)
# wetted_sections = self.wetted_sections[:,real_time_step] # discharges = self.discharges[:,real_time_step] # depths = self.depths[:,real_time_step] # wetted_perimeters = self.wetted_sections[:,real_time_step] # FIXME not yet available # top_widths = self.widths[:,real_time_step] # FIXME not yet available
[docs] def update_ini_file(self, ini_file:str, new_values: np.ndarray)-> None: """Update the initial condition file with new values.""" df = pd.read_csv(ini_file, sep= Constants.SEPARATOR.value, skiprows=1, names=['skeleton', 'zone', 'segment','value'] ) lgth_values = len(df['value']) lgth_new_values = len(new_values) assert lgth_values == lgth_new_values,\ f"The length of the new values - {lgth_new_values} is not consistent with the initial condition file - {lgth_values}." df['value'] = new_values sep = Constants.SEPARATOR.value with open(ini_file, 'w') as f: f.write(f"{lgth_new_values}\n") for i in range(lgth_values): f.write(f"{df['skeleton'][i]}{sep}{df['zone'][i]}{sep}{df['segment'][i]}{sep}{str(df['value'][i])}\n")
[docs] def plot_water_level(self, figax:tuple = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = 10., convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, show = True): """ Plot the water level and return the information associated with the the figure's axis. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x_m: Grid x_m, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x_m: float, optional :param grid_y_m: Grid y_m, defaults to 10. :type grid_y_m: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Axe :rtype: Axes """ # If a figure does not exist a figure is created with one axe. if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Water level', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax # Convert the time step into a standardized version for other usages. if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step # Test whether the vector defining the lowest point of each vector is defined # if not, the vector is created if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # the left bank and the right bank of the river are provided. if banksbed != '': self._river_banksbed(banksbed) ax.plot(self.left_bank_curvi, self.z_bankleft, color= 'black', ls = 'dotted', lw = 0.5, alpha=1, label='Left bank') ax.plot(self.right_bank_curvi, self.z_bankright, color= 'black', ls = 'dashed', lw =0.5, alpha=1, label='Right bank') # Y data FIXME Change the addition with the indexation of the water level array avoid water depth in the methods depth =self.depths[:,real_time_step] # water_line = self.z_coords + depth water_line = self.water_levels[:,real_time_step] # In case the middle bed, # The graphs # Lowest points of the river bed ax.plot(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, color= 'black') water_level, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, water_line, color ='cyan', ls='-.', alpha=0.01) if banksbed != '': minimum_banks = np.minimum(self.z_bankleft,self.z_bankright) maximum_banks = np.maximum(self.z_bankleft,self.z_bankright) ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, water_line, where = minimum_banks[:-1] <= water_line, color = Colors.RIVER_COLOR.value, alpha = Constants.TRANSPARENCY_RIVER.value, interpolate=True, label='Below banks') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, water_line, where = water_line <= maximum_banks[:-1], color = Colors.RIVER_COLOR.value, alpha = Constants.TRANSPARENCY_RIVER.value, interpolate=True) ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_bankright[:-1], water_line, where = self.z_bankright[:-1] < water_line, color =Colors.FLOODED_RIGHT.value, alpha=Constants.TRANSPARENCY_FLOOD.value, interpolate=True, label='Right flooded') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_bankleft[:-1], water_line, where = self.z_bankleft[:-1] < water_line, color =Colors.FLOODED_LEFT.value, alpha=Constants.TRANSPARENCY_FLOOD.value, interpolate=True, label='Left flooded') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, maximum_banks[:-1], water_line, where = maximum_banks[:-1] <= water_line, color =Colors.FLOODED_ALL.value, alpha=Constants.TRANSPARENCY_FLOOD.value,interpolate=True, label='All flooded') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, y2=self.z_min, color = 'black', alpha =0.2, label ='Bed', interpolate= True) # axis parameters ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if banksbed != '': if steps_limit: y_max = max(max(self.z_bankleft) + self.depths_max, max(self.z_bankright)) + self.depths_max else: y_max = max(max(self.z_bankleft), max(self.z_bankright)) + max(depth) ax.set_ylim(self.z_min, y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(self.z_min, y_max, grid_y_m)) else: if steps_limit: y_max =max(water_line) + self.depths_max else: y_max =max(water_line) + max(depth) ax.set_ylim(self.z_min, y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(self.z_min, y_max, grid_y_m)) ax.set_ylabel('Altitude [m]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x_m)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Water level', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step) ax.legend() if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: plt.tight_layout() return water_level
[docs] def _plot_water_level(self, figax:tuple = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = 10., convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, show = True): """ Deprecated method """ if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Water level', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y data depth =self.depths[:,real_time_step] water_line = self.z_coords + depth # In case the middle bed, # the left bank and the right bank of the river are provided. if banksbed != '': self._river_banksbed(banksbed) ax.plot(self.left_bank_curvi, self.z_bankleft, color= 'black', ls = 'dotted', lw = 0.5, alpha=1, label='Left bank') ax.plot(self.right_bank_curvi, self.z_bankright, color= 'black', ls = 'dashed', lw =0.5, alpha=1, label='Right bank') # The graphs # Lowest points of the river bed ax.plot(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, color= 'black') water_level, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, water_line, color ='cyan', ls='-.', alpha=alpha) ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, water_line,where = self.z_coords <=water_line, color ='cyan', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Water level') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords,self.z_coords, y2=self.z_min, color = 'black', alpha =0.2, label ='Bed', interpolate= True) if banksbed != '': ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, water_line, self.z_bankleft[:-1], where = water_line >= self.z_bankleft[:-1], color ='red', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Left flooded') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, water_line, self.z_bankright[:-1], where = water_line >= self.z_bankright[:-1], color ='magenta', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Right flooded') # axis parameters ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if banksbed != '': if steps_limit: y_max = max(max(self.z_bankleft) + self.depths_max, max(self.z_bankright)) + self.depths_max else: y_max = max(max(self.z_bankleft), max(self.z_bankright)) + max(depth) ax.set_ylim(self.z_min, y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(self.z_min, y_max, grid_y_m)) else: if steps_limit: y_max =max(water_line) + self.depths_max else: y_max =max(water_line) + max(depth) ax.set_ylim(self.z_min, y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(self.z_min, y_max, grid_y_m)) ax.set_ylabel('Altitude [m]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x_m)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Water level', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step) ax.legend() if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: return water_level
[docs] def plot_line_water_level(self, figax:tuple[Figure, Axes] = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = 10., convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, label:str ='', color:str= 'blue', linestyle = 'solid', linewidth = 0.7, show = True): """ Plot the water level as a continous line and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x_m: Grid x_m, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x_m: float, optional :param grid_y_m: Grid y_m, defaults to 10. :type grid_y_m: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param label: Label, defaults to '' :type label: str, optional :param color: Color, defaults to 'blue' :type color: str, optional :param linestyle: Linestyle, defaults to 'solid' :type linestyle: str, optional :param linewidth: Linewidth, defaults to 0.7 :type linewidth: float, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Water level :rtype: Line2D """ if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Water level', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y data depth =self.depths[:,real_time_step] # water_line = self.z_coords + depth water_line = self.water_levels[:,real_time_step] # In case the middle bed, # the left bank and the right bank of the river are provided. if banksbed != '': self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # The graphs if label =='': label = self.simulation_name water_level, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, water_line, color = color, ls=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, label = label) ax.legend() # axis parameters if fig is None: ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if banksbed != '': if steps_limit: y_max = max(max(self.z_bankleft) + self.depths_max, max(self.z_bankright)) + self.depths_max else: y_max = max(max(self.z_bankleft), max(self.z_bankright)) + max(depth) ax.set_ylim(self.z_min, y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(self.z_min, y_max, grid_y_m)) else: if steps_limit: y_max =max(water_line) + self.depths_max else: y_max =max(water_line) + max(depth) ax.set_ylim(self.z_min, y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(self.z_min, y_max, grid_y_m)) ax.set_ylabel('Altitude [m]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x_m)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Water level', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step) # ax.legend() if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) # # if show: # return water_level
[docs] def plot_water_depth(self, figax:tuple = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = .5, convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, show = True ): """ Plot the water depth and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x_m: Grid x_m, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x_m: float, optional :param grid_y_m: Grid y_m, defaults to .5 :type grid_y_m: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Water depth :rtype: Line2D """ if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Water depth', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y-data depth =self.depths[:,real_time_step] # For plot harmony (curviline distances) if banksbed != '': if self.s_curvi == None: self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # plots water_depth, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, depth, color ='cyan', ls='-.') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, depth, color ='cyan', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Water Depth') # axis parameters ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if steps_limit: y_max = self.depths_max + 0.3* self.depths_max else: y_max = max(depth) + 0.3* max(depth) ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max, grid_x_m)) grid_y = self._yticks_update(y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, y_max,grid_y)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Water depth', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step, variable='water depth') ax.legend() if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: plt.tight_layout() return water_depth
[docs] def plot_line_water_depth(self, figax:tuple[Figure, Axes] = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = 10., convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, label:str ='', color:str= 'blue', linestyle = 'solid', linewidth = 0.7, show = True ): """ Plot the water depth as a line and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x_m: Grid x_m, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x_m: float, optional :param grid_y_m: Grid y_m, defaults to 10. :type grid_y_m: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param label: Label, defaults to '' :type label: str, optional :param color: Color, defaults to 'blue' :type color: str, optional :param linestyle: Linestyle, defaults to 'solid' :type linestyle: str, optional :param linewidth: Linewidth, defaults to 0.7 :type linewidth: float, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Water depth :rtype: Line2D """ if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Water depth', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y-data depth =self.depths[:,real_time_step] # For plot harmony (curviline distances) if banksbed != '': if self.s_curvi == None: self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # plots if label =='': label = self.simulation_name water_depth, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, depth, color =color, ls=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, label=label) # ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, depth, # color ='cyan', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Water Depth') # axis parameters ax.legend() if figax is None: ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if steps_limit: y_max = self.depths_max + 0.3* self.depths_max else: y_max = max(depth) + 0.3* max(depth) ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_ylabel('Depth [m]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x_m)) grid_y = self._yticks_update(y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, y_max,grid_y)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Water depth', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step, variable='water depth') if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) # if show: # return water_depth
[docs] def plot_discharges(self, figax:tuple = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = None, convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, show = True): """ Plot the discharges and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x_m: Grid x_m, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x_m: float, optional :param grid_y_m: Grid y_m, defaults to None :type grid_y_m: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Water discharge :rtype: Line2D """ if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Discharge', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y-data discharge =self.discharges[:,real_time_step] # For plot harmony (curviline distances) if banksbed != '': if self.s_curvi == None: self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # plots water_discharge, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, discharge, color ='red', ls='-.') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, discharge, color ='red', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Discharge') # axis parameters ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if steps_limit: y_max = self.discharges_max + 0.3*self.discharges_max else: y_max = max(discharge) + 0.3* max(discharge) ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_ylabel('Discharges [m$^3$/s]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x_m)) grid_y = self._yticks_update(y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, y_max,grid_y)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Discharge', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step, variable='discharge') ax.legend() if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: plt.tight_layout() return water_discharge
[docs] def plot_line_discharges(self, figax:tuple[Figure, Axes] = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = 10., convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, label:str ='', color:str= 'blue', linestyle = 'solid', linewidth = 0.7, show = True ): """ Plot the discharges as a line and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x_m: Grid x_m, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x_m: float, optional :param grid_y_m: Grid y_m, defaults to 10. :type grid_y_m: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param label: Label, defaults to '' :type label: str, optional :param color: Color, defaults to 'blue' :type color: str, optional :param linestyle: Linestyle, defaults to 'solid' :type linestyle: str, optional :param linewidth: Linewidth, defaults to 0.7 :type linewidth: float, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Water discharge :rtype: Line2D """ if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Discharge', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y-data discharge = self.discharges[:,real_time_step] # For plot harmony (curviline distances) if banksbed != '': if self.s_curvi == None: self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # plots if label =='': label = self.simulation_name water_discharge, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, discharge, color =color, ls=linestyle, linewidth=linewidth, label=label) # ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, discharge, # color ='red', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Discharge') # axis parameters ax.legend() if figax is None: ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if steps_limit: y_max = self.discharges_max + 0.3*self.discharges_max else: y_max = max(discharge) + 0.3* max(discharge) ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_ylabel('Discharges [m$^3$/s]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x_m)) grid_y = self._yticks_update(y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, y_max,grid_y)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Discharge', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step, variable='discharge') if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) # if show: # return water_discharge
[docs] def plot_wetted_sections(self, figax:tuple = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x:float= 1000., grid_y:float = None, convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, show = True): """ Plot the wetted sections and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x: Grid x, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x: float, optional :param grid_y: Grid y, defaults to None :type grid_y: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Wetted sections :rtype: Line2D """ if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Wetted Sections', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y-data wetted_setions =self.wetted_sections[:,real_time_step] # For plot harmony (curviline distances) if banksbed != '': if self.s_curvi == None: self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # plots wetted_setion, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, wetted_setions, color ='blue', ls='-.') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, wetted_setions, color ='blue', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Wetted sections') # axis parameters ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if steps_limit: y_max = self.wetted_sections_max + 0.3* self.wetted_sections_max else: y_max = max(wetted_setions) + 0.3* max(wetted_setions) ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_ylabel('Wetted sections [m$^2$]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x)) grid_y = self._yticks_update(y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, y_max,grid_y)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Wetted sections', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step, variable='wetted sections') ax.legend() if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: plt.tight_layout() return wetted_setion
[docs] def plot_line_wetted_sections(self, figax:tuple[Figure, Axes] = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = 10., convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, label:str ='', color:str= 'blue', linestyle = 'solid', linewidth = 0.7, show = True ): """ Plot the wetted sections as a line and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x_m: Grid x_m, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x_m: float, optional :param grid_y_m: Grid y_m, defaults to 10. :type grid_y_m: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param label: Label, defaults to '' :type label: str, optional :param color: Color, defaults to 'blue' :type color: str, optional :param linestyle: Linestyle, defaults to 'solid' :type linestyle: str, optional :param linewidth: Linewidth, defaults to 0.7 :type linewidth: float, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Wetted sections :rtype: Line2D """ if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Wetted Sections', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y-data wetted_setions =self.wetted_sections[:,real_time_step] # For plot harmony (curviline distances) if banksbed != '': if self.s_curvi == None: self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # plots if label =='': label = self.simulation_name wetted_setion, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, wetted_setions, color = color, ls = linestyle, lw = linewidth, label = label) # ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, wetted_setions, # color ='blue', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Wetted sections') ax.legend() if figax is None: # axis parameters ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if steps_limit: y_max = self.wetted_sections_max + 0.3* self.wetted_sections_max else: y_max = max(wetted_setions) + 0.3* max(wetted_setions) ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_ylabel('Wetted sections [m$^2$]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') # ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x)) # FIXME gri_x grid_y = self._yticks_update(y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, y_max,grid_y)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Wetted sections', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step, variable='wetted sections') if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: return wetted_setion
[docs] def plot_velocities(self, figax:tuple = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x:float= 1000., grid_y:float = None, convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, show = True): """ Plot the velocities and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x: Grid x, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x: float, optional :param grid_y: Grid y, defaults to None :type grid_y: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Velocity :rtype: Line2D """ if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Velocities', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y-data velocities = self.velocities[:,real_time_step] # For plot harmony (curviline distances) if banksbed != '': if self.s_curvi == None: self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # plots velocity, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, velocities, color ='red', ls='-.') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, velocities, color ='red', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Velocity') # axis parameters ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if steps_limit: y_max = self.velocities_max + 0.3* self.velocities_max else: y_max = max(velocities) + 0.3* max(velocities) ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_ylabel('Velocity [m/s]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x)) grid_y = self._yticks_update(y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, y_max,grid_y)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Velocity', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step, variable='velocity') ax.legend() if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: plt.tight_layout() return velocity
[docs] def plot_line_velocities(self, figax:tuple[Figure, Axes] = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = 10., convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, label:str ='', color:str= 'blue', linestyle = 'solid', linewidth = 0.7, show = True ): """ Plot the velocities as a line and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x_m: Grid x_m, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x_m: float, optional :param grid_y_m: Grid y_m, defaults to 10. :type grid_y_m: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param label: Label, defaults to '' :type label: str, optional :param color: Color, defaults to 'blue' :type color: str, optional :param linestyle: Linestyle, defaults to 'solid' :type linestyle: str, optional :param linewidth: Linewidth, defaults to 0.7 :type linewidth: float, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Velocity :rtype: Line2D """ if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Velocities', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y-data velocities = self.velocities[:,real_time_step] # For plot harmony (curviline distances) if banksbed != '': if self.s_curvi == None: self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # plots if label =='': label = self.simulation_name velocity, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, velocities, color =color, ls=linestyle, lw=linewidth, label= label) # ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, velocities, # color ='red', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Velocity') ax.legend() if figax is None: # axis parameters ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if steps_limit: y_max = self.velocities_max + 0.3* self.velocities_max else: y_max = max(velocities) + 0.3* max(velocities) ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_ylabel('Velocity [m/s]') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') # ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x)) FIXME grid_y = self._yticks_update(y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, y_max,grid_y)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Velocity', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step, variable='velocity') if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: return velocity
[docs] def plot_froudes(self, figax:tuple = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x:float= 1000., grid_y:float = None, convert_step =True, steps_limit = False, show = True): """ Plot the Froude numbers and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x: Grid x, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x: float, optional :param grid_y: Grid y, defaults to None :type grid_y: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Froude number :rtype: Line2D """ if self.froudes is None: warnings.warn(f"The Froude values are not available.\n\ Check the presence of a top width file in the simulation's repository.", UserWarning) return # self.compute_froude() # try: # self.compute_froude() # except: # warnings.warn(f"The Froude values are not available.\n\ # Check the presence of a top width file in the simulation's repository.", UserWarning) # return if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Froude', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y-data froudes = self.froudes[:,real_time_step] # For plot harmony (curviline distances) if banksbed != '': if self.s_curvi == None: self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # plots froude, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, froudes, color ='blue', ls='-.') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, froudes, color ='blue', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Subcritical') ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, froudes,y2 =1, where= 1<= froudes, color ='blue', alpha=1, interpolate=True, label='Supercritical') ax.hlines([1], 0, self.s_max, colors='red',linestyles= 'dotted') # axis parameters ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if steps_limit: y_max = self.froudes_max + 0.3* self.froudes_max else: y_max = max(froudes) + 0.3* max(froudes) ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_ylabel('Froude number') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x)) grid_y = self._yticks_update(y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, y_max,grid_y)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Froude number', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step, variable='froude') ax.legend() if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: return froude
[docs] def plot_line_froudes(self, figax:tuple[Figure, Axes] = None, time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = 10., convert_step = True, steps_limit = False, label:str ='', color:str= 'blue', linestyle = 'solid', linewidth = 0.7, show = True ): """ Plot the Froude numbers as a line and return the information associated with the axe. Landmarks: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param figax: Figure and axe :type figax: tuple, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x_m: Grid x_m, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x_m: float, optional :param grid_y_m: Grid y_m, defaults to 10. :type grid_y_m: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional :param label: Label, defaults to '' :type label: str, optional :param color: Color, defaults to 'blue' :type color: str, optional :param linestyle: Linestyle, defaults to 'solid' :type linestyle: str, optional :param linewidth: Linewidth, defaults to 0.7 :type linewidth: float, optional :param show: Show, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :return: Froude number :rtype: Line2D """ if self.froudes is None: warnings.warn(f"The Froude values are not available.\n\ Check the presence of a top width file in the simulation's repository.", UserWarning) return # self.compute_froude() # try: # self.compute_froude() # except: # warnings.warn(f"The Froude values are not available.\n\ # Check the presence of a top width file in the simulation's repository.", UserWarning) # return if figax is None: fig = plt.figure('Froude', figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax if convert_step == True: real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) else: real_time_step = time_step if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() # Y-data froudes = self.froudes[:,real_time_step] # For plot harmony (curviline distances) if banksbed != '': if self.s_curvi == None: self._river_banksbed(banksbed) # plots if label =='': label = self.simulation_name froude, = ax.plot(self.s_coords, froudes, color =color, ls=linestyle, lw= linewidth, label=label) # ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, froudes, # color ='blue', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Subcritical') # ax.fill_between(self.s_coords, froudes,y2 =1, where= 1<= froudes, # color ='blue', alpha=1, interpolate=True, label='Supercritical') # ax.hlines([1], 0, self.s_max, colors='red',linestyles= 'dotted') # axis parameters ax.legend() if figax is None: ax.set_xlim(0, self.s_max) if steps_limit: y_max = self.froudes_max + 0.3* self.froudes_max else: y_max = max(froudes) + 0.3* max(froudes) ax.set_ylim(0, y_max) ax.set_ylabel('Froude number') ax.set_xlabel('Length [m]') # ax.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, self.s_max,grid_x)) grid_y = self._yticks_update(y_max) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, y_max,grid_y)) ax.grid() ax.set_title(f'Froude number', fontdict={'fontsize': 'large', 'fontweight':'bold'}) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax,real_time_step, variable='froude') if figax is None: if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: return froude
[docs] def create_axis(self, figures: list): ''' Return the predefined matplolib index(es) used to create the figure's axes based on their number. :param figures: List of figures :type figures: list :return: List of axes :rtype: list ''' nb_figures = len(figures) if nb_figures == 1: axes =[111] elif nb_figures ==2: axes = [211, 212] elif nb_figures == 3: axes = [311,312,313] elif nb_figures == 4: axes = [221,222,223,224] else: axes = [231,232,233,234,235,236] return axes
[docs] def plot_variables(self, figures:list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']] =['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (30,10), alpha:float = 0.3, show = True, steps_limit = True, grid_x_m = 1000, grid_y_m =10) -> list[tuple[Line2D,Axes, Figure]]: """ Plot the selected variables in figures and return the information associated with their axes. :param figures: List of spefic figures to be plotted, defaults to ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'] :type figures: list :param time_step: Desired results (time step) to be plotted, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Bed and banks of the river, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Size of the figure, defaults to (30,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: figure transparency, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param show: Should the figure be shown, defaults to True :type show: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to True :type steps_limit: bool, optional :return: List of axes :rtype: list """ fig = plt.figure('Simulated variables', figsize=figsize, facecolor='white') real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) new_axes = self.create_axis(figures) axes_for_updates = copy.deepcopy(new_axes) # axes_for_updates = [] if 'water level' in figures: wl_id= figures.index('water level') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(new_axes[wl_id]) # id_water_level = figures.index('water level') # ax1 = fig.add_subplot(231) water_level = self.plot_water_level((fig, ax1), real_time_step, banksbed, landmark, save_as, grid_x_m = grid_x_m, grid_y_m = grid_y_m, convert_step = False, steps_limit = steps_limit) # axes_for_updates.append((water_level,ax1,fig)) axes_for_updates[wl_id] = (water_level,ax1,fig) # else: # axes_for_updates.append(False) if 'water depth' in figures: h_id= figures.index('water depth') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(new_axes[h_id]) # ax2 = fig.add_subplot(234) water_depth =self.plot_water_depth((fig, ax2), real_time_step, banksbed, landmark, save_as, grid_x_m = grid_x_m, grid_y_m = grid_y_m, convert_step=False, steps_limit=steps_limit) # axes_for_updates.append((water_depth,ax2,fig)) axes_for_updates[h_id] = (water_depth,ax2,fig) # else: # axes_for_updates.append(False) if 'discharge' in figures: q_id= figures.index('discharge') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(new_axes[q_id]) # ax3 = fig.add_subplot(232) discharge = self.plot_discharges((fig, ax3), real_time_step, banksbed, landmark, save_as, grid_x_m = grid_x_m, grid_y_m = grid_y_m, convert_step=False, steps_limit=steps_limit) # axes_for_updates.append((discharge,ax3,fig)) axes_for_updates[q_id]= (discharge,ax3,fig) # else: # axes_for_updates.append(False) if 'wetted section' in figures: a_id= figures.index('wetted section') ax4 = fig.add_subplot(new_axes[a_id]) # ax4 = fig.add_subplot(233) wetted_section = self.plot_wetted_sections((fig, ax4), real_time_step, banksbed, landmark, save_as, grid_x = grid_x_m, grid_y = grid_y_m, convert_step=False, steps_limit=steps_limit) # axes_for_updates.append((wetted_section,ax4,fig)) axes_for_updates[a_id] = (wetted_section,ax4,fig) # else: # axes_for_updates.append(False) if 'velocity' in figures: v_id= figures.index('velocity') ax5 = fig.add_subplot(new_axes[v_id]) # ax5 = fig.add_subplot(235) velocity = self.plot_velocities((fig, ax5), real_time_step, banksbed, landmark, save_as, grid_x = grid_x_m, grid_y= grid_y_m, convert_step=False, steps_limit=steps_limit) # axes_for_updates.append((velocity,ax5,fig)) axes_for_updates[v_id] = (velocity,ax5,fig) # else: # axes_for_updates.append(False) if 'froude' in figures: fr_id= figures.index('froude') ax6 = fig.add_subplot(new_axes[fr_id]) # ax6 = fig.add_subplot(236) froude = self.plot_froudes((fig, ax6), real_time_step, banksbed, landmark, save_as, grid_x = grid_x_m, grid_y = grid_y_m, convert_step=False, steps_limit=steps_limit) # axes_for_updates.append((froude,ax6,fig)) axes_for_updates[fr_id] = (froude, ax6, fig) # else: # axes_for_updates.append(False) fig.suptitle(f'Results - 1D model\n$Time: (step: {real_time_step+1} - $simulated: {self.simulated_times[real_time_step]:#.1f}s$ - real: {self.real_times[real_time_step]:#.1e} s)$', fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') plt.tight_layout() if save_as != '': plt.savefig(save_as) if show: # plt.tight_layout() return axes_for_updates
[docs] def animate_1D_plots(self, figures:list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']] =['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha:float = 0.3, save_as:str='', grid_x = 1000, grid_y = 10): """ Animate the selected variables in figures, save them as a file and return the information associated with their axes. FIXME: implement multiprocesses to speed up the process. :param figures: List of figures :type figures: list :param time_step: Time step, defaults to 1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param figsize: Figsize, defaults to (20,10) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :return: List of axes :rtype: list """ animation_axes = self.plot_variables(figures, time_step, banksbed, landmark= landmark, figsize=figsize, alpha=alpha, grid_x_m = grid_x, grid_y_m = grid_y, show=False) for charactetristic in animation_axes: if len(charactetristic) == 3: fig = charactetristic[2] break real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) new_axes = self.create_axis(figures) if banksbed != '': minimum_banks = np.minimum(self.z_bankleft,self.z_bankright) maximum_banks = np.maximum(self.z_bankleft,self.z_bankright) # animation_axes = figure_charateristics[0] # fig = figure_charateristics[-1] def _update_plots(i:int): index = i + real_time_step -1 h = self.depths[:, index] wl= self.z_coords + h q = self.discharges[:, index] a = self.wetted_sections[:, index] v = self.velocities[:, index] # if self.froudes != None: fr = self.froudes[:, index] if 'water level' in figures: wl_id= figures.index('water level') water_level = animation_axes[wl_id][0] ax_wl = animation_axes[wl_id][1] water_level.set_data(self.s_coords,wl) ax_wl.collections.clear() # ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, # self.z_coords, # wl, # where=self.z_coords <= wl, # facecolor='cyan', # alpha=0.3, # interpolate=True ) if banksbed != '': ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, wl, where = minimum_banks[:-1] <= wl, color = Colors.RIVER_COLOR.value, alpha = Constants.TRANSPARENCY_RIVER.value, interpolate=True, label='Below banks') ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, wl, where = wl <= maximum_banks[:-1], color = Colors.RIVER_COLOR.value, alpha = Constants.TRANSPARENCY_RIVER.value, interpolate=True) ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_bankright[:-1], wl, where = self.z_bankright[:-1] < wl, color =Colors.FLOODED_RIGHT.value, alpha=Constants.TRANSPARENCY_FLOOD.value, interpolate=True, label='Right flooded') ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_bankleft[:-1], wl, where = self.z_bankleft[:-1] < wl, color =Colors.FLOODED_LEFT.value, alpha=Constants.TRANSPARENCY_FLOOD.value, interpolate=True, label='left flooded') ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, maximum_banks[:-1], wl, where = maximum_banks[:-1] <= wl, color =Colors.FLOODED_ALL.value, alpha=Constants.TRANSPARENCY_FLOOD.value,interpolate=True, label='All flooded') ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, y2 = self.z_min, color='black', label ='topo', alpha =0.3 ) # # to be verified if banksbed != '': ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, wl, self.z_bankleft[:-1], where = wl >= self.z_bankleft[:-1], color ='red', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Left flooded') ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, wl, self.z_bankright[:-1], where = wl >= self.z_bankright[:-1], color ='magenta', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Right flooded') if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_wl,index, variable='water level', text= False) # ax_wl.grid() if 'water depth' in figures: h_id= figures.index('water depth') water_depth = animation_axes[h_id][0] ax_h = animation_axes[h_id][1] water_depth.set_data(self.s_coords, h) ax_h.collections.clear() ax_h.fill_between(self.s_coords, h, facecolor= 'cyan', alpha= 0.3, interpolate=True) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_h,index, variable='water depth', text= False) if 'discharge' in figures: q_id= figures.index('discharge') discharge = animation_axes[q_id][0] ax_q = animation_axes[q_id][1] discharge.set_data(self.s_coords,q) ax_q.collections.clear() ax_q.fill_between(self.s_coords, q, facecolor= 'red', alpha= 0.3, interpolate=True) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_q,index, variable='discharge', text= False) if 'wetted section' in figures: a_id= figures.index('wetted section') wetted_section= animation_axes[a_id][0] ax_a = animation_axes[a_id][1] wetted_section.set_data(self.s_coords, a) ax_a.collections.clear() ax_a.fill_between(self.s_coords, a, facecolor= 'blue', alpha= 0.3, interpolate=True) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_a,index, variable='wetted sections', text= False) if 'velocity' in figures: v_id= figures.index('velocity') velocity = animation_axes[v_id][0] ax_v = animation_axes[v_id][1] velocity.set_data(self.s_coords, v) ax_v.collections.clear() ax_v.fill_between(self.s_coords, v, facecolor= 'red', alpha= 0.3, interpolate=True) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_v,index, variable='velocity', text= False) if 'froude' in figures: fr_id= figures.index('froude') froude = animation_axes[fr_id][0] ax_fr = animation_axes[fr_id][1] froude.set_data(self.s_coords, fr) ax_fr.collections.clear() # ax_fr.fill_between(self.s_coords, fr, facecolor= 'blue', alpha= 0.3, interpolate=True) ax_fr.fill_between(self.s_coords, fr, color ='blue', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Subcritical') ax_fr.fill_between(self.s_coords, fr,y2 =1, where= 1<= fr, color ='blue', alpha=1, interpolate=True, label='Supercritical') ax_fr.hlines([1], 0, self.s_max, colors='red',linestyles= 'dotted') if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_fr,index, variable='froude', text= False) fig.suptitle(f'Results - 1D model\n$Time: (step: {index+1} - $simulated: {self.simulated_times[index+1]:#.1f}s$ - real: {self.real_times[index+1]:#.1e} s)$', fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 2**128 # Maximum size gif ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, _update_plots, interval = 200, blit = False, frames = self.simulated_times.shape[0] - real_time_step, repeat_delay = 100) if save_as != '': writergif = animation.PillowWriter(fps=5), writer=writergif) return HTML(ani.to_jshtml())
[docs] def _animate_1D_plots(self, figures:list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']] =['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], time_step:int = 1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', figsize:tuple = (20,10), alpha:float = 0.3, save_as:str=''): """ /!\ Deprecating Animate the selected variables in figures, save them as a file and return the information associated with their axes. """ animation_axes = self.plot_variables(figures, time_step, banksbed, landmark= landmark, figsize=figsize, alpha=alpha, show=False) for charactetristic in animation_axes: if len(charactetristic) == 3: fig = charactetristic[2] break real_time_step = self.convert_time_step(time_step) new_axes = self.create_axis(figures) # animation_axes = figure_charateristics[0] # fig = figure_charateristics[-1] def _update_plots(i:int): index = i + real_time_step -1 h = self.depths[:, index] wl= self.z_coords + h q = self.discharges[:, index] a = self.wetted_sections[:, index] v = self.velocities[:, index] # if self.froudes != None: fr = self.froudes[:, index] if 'water level' in figures: wl_id= figures.index('water level') water_level = animation_axes[wl_id][0] ax_wl = animation_axes[wl_id][1] water_level.set_data(self.s_coords,wl) ax_wl.collections.clear() ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, wl, where=self.z_coords <= wl, facecolor='cyan', alpha=0.3, interpolate=True ) ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, self.z_coords, y2 = self.z_min, color='black', label ='topo', alpha =0.3 ) # # to be verified if banksbed != '': ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, wl, self.z_bankleft[:-1], where = wl >= self.z_bankleft[:-1], color ='red', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Left flooded') ax_wl.fill_between(self.s_coords, wl, self.z_bankright[:-1], where = wl >= self.z_bankright[:-1], color ='magenta', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Right flooded') if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_wl,index, variable='water level', text= False) # ax_wl.grid() if 'water depth' in figures: h_id= figures.index('water depth') water_depth = animation_axes[h_id][0] ax_h = animation_axes[h_id][1] water_depth.set_data(self.s_coords, h) ax_h.collections.clear() ax_h.fill_between(self.s_coords, h, facecolor= 'cyan', alpha= 0.3, interpolate=True) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_h,index, variable='water depth', text= False) if 'discharge' in figures: q_id= figures.index('discharge') discharge = animation_axes[q_id][0] ax_q = animation_axes[q_id][1] discharge.set_data(self.s_coords,q) ax_q.collections.clear() ax_q.fill_between(self.s_coords, q, facecolor= 'red', alpha= 0.3, interpolate=True) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_q,index, variable='discharge', text= False) if 'wetted section' in figures: a_id= figures.index('wetted section') wetted_section= animation_axes[a_id][0] ax_a = animation_axes[a_id][1] wetted_section.set_data(self.s_coords, a) ax_a.collections.clear() ax_a.fill_between(self.s_coords, a, facecolor= 'blue', alpha= 0.3, interpolate=True) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_a,index, variable='wetted sections', text= False) if 'velocity' in figures: v_id= figures.index('velocity') velocity = animation_axes[v_id][0] ax_v = animation_axes[v_id][1] velocity.set_data(self.s_coords, v) ax_v.collections.clear() ax_v.fill_between(self.s_coords, v, facecolor= 'red', alpha= 0.3, interpolate=True) if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_v,index, variable='velocity', text= False) if 'froude' in figures: fr_id= figures.index('froude') froude = animation_axes[fr_id][0] ax_fr = animation_axes[fr_id][1] froude.set_data(self.s_coords, fr) ax_fr.collections.clear() # ax_fr.fill_between(self.s_coords, fr, facecolor= 'blue', alpha= 0.3, interpolate=True) ax_fr.fill_between(self.s_coords, fr, color ='blue', alpha=alpha, interpolate=True, label='Subcritical') ax_fr.fill_between(self.s_coords, fr,y2 =1, where= 1<= fr, color ='blue', alpha=1, interpolate=True, label='Supercritical') ax_fr.hlines([1], 0, self.s_max, colors='red',linestyles= 'dotted') if landmark != '': self._landmark(landmark,ax_fr,index, variable='froude', text= False) fig.suptitle(f'Results - 1D model\n$Time: (step: {index+1} - $simulated: {self.simulated_times[index+1]:#.1f}s$ - real: {self.real_times[index+1]:#.1e} s)$', fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') rcParams['animation.embed_limit'] = 2**128 # Maximum size gif ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, _update_plots, interval = 200, blit = False, frames = self.simulated_times.shape[0] - real_time_step, repeat_delay = 100) if save_as != '': writergif = animation.PillowWriter(fps=5), writer=writergif) return HTML(ani.to_jshtml())
[docs] def convert_time_step(self, time_step): """ Convert entry into a unique time step format usable by other methods. Return the real time step. :param time_step: Time step :type time_step: int :return: Real time step :rtype: int """ # lgth = results_array.shape[1] if time_step < 0 and (-time_step) <= self.results_length: real_timestep = self.results_length + time_step elif time_step > 0 and time_step <= self.results_length: real_timestep= time_step - 1 # Python counts from 0. else: real_timestep = self.results_length - 1 warnings.warn(f'The input (time step) was not found; therefore, the last time step is plotted.', UserWarning) return real_timestep
[docs] def __convert_time_step(self, time_step, results_array: np.array): """Deprecated""" lgth = results_array.shape[1] if time_step < 0 and (-time_step) <= lgth: real_timestep = lgth + time_step elif time_step > 0 and time_step <= lgth: real_timestep= time_step - 1 # Python counts from 0. else: real_timestep = lgth - 1 warnings.warn(f'The input (time step) was not found; therefore, the last time step is plotted.', UserWarning) return real_timestep
[docs] def _vector_from_coordinates(self) -> vector: """ Create a vector from the lowest points of each section (coordinates). :return: Vector :rtype: vector """ self.vector_coordinates = vector(is2D=False) for node in self.coordinates: vert = wolfvertex(node[2], node[1], node[0]) self.vector_coordinates.add_vertex(vert) self.vector_coordinates.find_minmax() self.s_coords, self.z_coords = self.vector_coordinates.get_sz() self.s_min = min(self.s_coords) self.s_max =max(self.s_coords) self.z_min = min(self.z_coords) self.z_max =max(self.z_coords)
[docs] def _landmark(self, landmark: Union[Zones,str], ax:Axes, time_step: int, text = True, variable: Literal['water level', 'water depth', 'discharge', 'wetted sections','velocity', 'froude'] = 'water level', alpha = 0.7, rotation = 30, ymax:float = None): """ Plot landmarks which are hydraulic structures (bridges, culverts, weirs, etc.) or any other point of interest in the river. :param landmark: Landmark :type landmark: Union[Zones,str] :param ax: Axes :type ax: Axes :param time_step: Time step :type time_step: int :param text: Text, defaults to True :type text: bool, optional :param variable: Variable, defaults to 'water level' :type variable: Literal['water level', 'water depth', 'discharge', 'wetted sections','velocity', 'froude'], optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.7 :type alpha: float, optional :param rotation: Rotation, defaults to 30 :type rotation: int, optional :param ymax: Ymax, defaults to None :type ymax: float, optional """ if isinstance(landmark,str): landmark = Zones(landmark) landmark_names = [curvec.myname for curvec in landmark.myzones[0].myvectors] if self.s_curvi != None: lsg = self.mid_river_ls else: if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() lsg = self.vector_coordinates.asshapely_ls() curvi_landmarks =[lsg.project(Point((vect.myvertices[0].x + vect.myvertices[1].x)/2., (vect.myvertices[0].y + vect.myvertices[1].y)/2.)) for vect in landmark.myzones[0].myvectors] for s_landmark, name_landmark in zip(curvi_landmarks, landmark_names): if variable == 'water level': if ymax != None: zmax = ymax else: zmax = self.z_max ax.vlines(s_landmark, self.z_min, zmax, color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) if text: ax.text(s_landmark, zmax,name_landmark, rotation=rotation, alpha =alpha) elif variable == 'water depth': if ymax != None: max_depth = ymax else: depth = self.depths[:,time_step] #FIXME automate this procedure max_depth = max(depth) limit = max_depth+ 0.1*max_depth ax.vlines(s_landmark, 0, limit , color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) if text: ax.text(s_landmark, limit,name_landmark, rotation=rotation, alpha =alpha) elif variable == 'discharge': if ymax != None: max_discharge = ymax else: max_discharge = max(self.discharges[:,time_step]) limit = max_discharge+ 0.1*max_discharge ax.vlines(s_landmark, 0, limit, color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) if text: ax.text(s_landmark, limit,name_landmark, rotation=rotation, alpha =alpha) elif variable == 'wetted sections': if ymax != None: max_wetted_sections = ymax else: max_wetted_sections = max(self.wetted_sections[:,time_step]) limit = max_wetted_sections + 0.1*max_wetted_sections ax.vlines(s_landmark, 0,limit, color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) if text: ax.text(s_landmark, limit,name_landmark, rotation=rotation, alpha =alpha) elif variable == 'velocity': if ymax != None: max_velocities = ymax else: max_velocities = max(self.velocities[:,time_step]) limit = max_velocities + 0.1*max_velocities ax.vlines(s_landmark, 0, limit, color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) if text: ax.text(s_landmark, limit,name_landmark, rotation=rotation, alpha =alpha) elif variable == 'froude': if ymax != None: max_froudes = ymax else: max_froudes = max(self.froudes[:,time_step]) limit = max_froudes + 0.1*max_froudes ax.vlines(s_landmark, 0, limit, color='black', linestyles='--', alpha =alpha) if text: ax.text(s_landmark, limit,name_landmark, rotation=rotation, alpha =alpha)
[docs] def _river_banksbed(self, bedbanks: Union[Zones,str], zone_id:int = 0): """ Set the river banks (left and right) and update the curviligne coordinates (self.s_coords) used for plotting (projections). - self.s_curvi = projections of lowest bed points on the mid-river bed vector (from _banksbed.vec), - self.left_bank_curvi = projections of left bank on the mid_river bed vector, - self.right_bank_curvi = projections of right bank on the mid_river bed vector. :param bedbanks: Bedbanks :type bedbanks: Union[Zones,str] :param zone_id: Zone id, defaults to 0 :type zone_id: int, optional """ if isinstance(bedbanks, str): bedbanks = Zones(bedbanks) bedbanks: Zones curzone = bedbanks.myzones[zone_id] left_bank = curzone.myvectors[0] bed = curzone.myvectors[1] right_bank = curzone.myvectors[2] self.mid_river_ls = bed.asshapely_ls() if self.vector_coordinates is None: self._vector_from_coordinates() bed_river_ls = self.vector_coordinates.asshapely_ls() self.s_curvi = [self.mid_river_ls.project(Point(vert.x, vert.y, vert.z)) for vert in self.vector_coordinates.myvertices] self.left_bank_curvi = [self.mid_river_ls.project(Point(vert.x, vert.y, vert.z)) for vert in left_bank.myvertices] self.s_bankleft, self.z_bankleft = left_bank.get_sz() self.right_bank_curvi = [self.mid_river_ls.project(Point(vert.x, vert.y, vert.z)) for vert in left_bank.myvertices] self.s_bankright, self.z_bankright = right_bank.get_sz() self.Update_curviline_coordinates()
[docs] def Update_curviline_coordinates(self): """ Update initial curviligne coordinates of the river bed (self.s_coords) projected curviligne coordinate (self.s_curvi). """ if self.s_curvi != None: self.s_coords = self.s_curvi self.s_min = min(self.s_curvi) self.s_max = max(self.s_curvi)
[docs] def _yticks_update(self, y_max): """ Update the yticks of the graph. :param y_max: Y max :type y_max: float :return: Grid y :rtype: float """ if y_max < 1: grid_y = .1 elif y_max < 3: grid_y = .2 elif y_max < 5: grid_y = .5 elif y_max < 10: grid_y = 1 elif y_max < 20: grid_y = 2 elif y_max < 50: grid_y = 5 elif y_max < 100: grid_y = 10 elif y_max < 200: grid_y = 20 elif y_max < 1000: grid_y =50 elif y_max > 1000: grid_y = 100 return grid_y
[docs] def _xticks_update(self, x_max): """ Update the xticks of the graph. :param x_max: x max :type x_max: float :return: Grid x :rtype: float """ if x_max < 1: grid_x = .1 elif x_max >= 1 and x_max < 3: grid_x = .2 elif x_max >= 3 and x_max < 5: grid_x = .5 elif x_max >= 5 and x_max < 10: grid_x = 1 elif x_max >= 10 and x_max < 20: grid_x = 2 elif x_max >= 20 and x_max < 50: grid_x = 5 elif x_max >= 50 and x_max < 100: grid_x = 10 elif x_max >= 100 and x_max < 200: grid_x = 20 elif x_max >= 200 and x_max < 1000: grid_x =200 elif x_max >= 1000 and x_max < 10000: grid_x = 1000 elif x_max >= 10000 and x_max < 20000: grid_x = 2000 elif x_max >= 20000 and x_max < 50000: grid_x = 5000 elif x_max >= 50000 and x_max < 100000: grid_x = 10000 elif x_max >= 100000: grid_x = 20000 return grid_x
[docs] def _xticks_update_time(self, x_max): """ Update the xticks of the graph. :param x_max: X max :type x_max: float :return: Grid x :rtype: float """ if x_max < 1: grid_x = .1 elif x_max < 3: grid_x = .2 elif x_max < 5: grid_x = .5 elif x_max < 10: grid_x = 1 elif x_max < 20: grid_x = 2 elif x_max < 60: grid_x = 5 elif x_max < 120: grid_x = 10 elif x_max < 300: grid_x = 30 elif x_max < 900: grid_x = 90 elif x_max < 9000: grid_x = 900 elif x_max < 90000: grid_x = 3600 elif x_max < 900000: grid_x = 36000 elif x_max > 100000: grid_x = 360000 return grid_x
[docs] def return_only_width(self, depth: float, prof:profile)-> float: """ Return the width of the profile for a given depth. :param depth: Depth :type depth: float :param prof: Profile :type prof: profile :return: Width :rtype: float """ area,perimeter,width,radius = prof.relation_oneh(depth) return width
[docs] def find_width_from_sz(self, depth: float, s: list, z:list) -> float: """ Find the width from the s and z coordinates. :param depth: Depth :type depth: float :param s: S :type s: list :param z: Z :type z: list :return: Width :rtype: float """ width = 0.0 for i in range(0,len(s)-1): x1 = s[i] depth1= z[i] x2= s[i+1] depth2= z[i+1] delta_width = 0.0 if depth1 < depth and depth2 < depth: delta_width = (x2 - x1) else: xx = INTERSEC(x1,depth1,x2,depth2, depth) if x1<=xx and xx <= x2: if depth2 <= depth and depth <= depth1: delta_width= (x2-xx) if depth1 <= depth and depth <= depth2: delta_width = (xx-x1) width += delta_width return width
[docs] def find_breadth_file(self, index): """ Find the breadth file. :param index: Index :type index: int :return: Relations :rtype: np.array """ for file in self.breadth_list: if file.endswith(f'{index}.breadth'): breadth_file =self.breath_directory +f'\\{file}' relations = np.loadtxt(breadth_file, delimiter ='\t', skiprows=1) return relations
[docs] def compute_froude(self): """ Compute the Froude number. """ assert self.breadth_list != None,f'The top widths files are missing.' shape_mold = self.depths.shape self.widths = np.zeros(shape_mold) for i in range(shape_mold[0]): depths = self.depths[i,:] relations = self.find_breadth_file(i+1) smax= max(relations[:,1]) self.widths[i,:] = np.interp(self.depths[i,:], relations[:,0], relations[:,1], left=0, right=smax) np.savetxt( + f'\\{self.simulation_name}.RWIDTH',self.widths) self.froudes = self.discharges / (self.wetted_sections*np.sqrt(Constants.GRAVITATION.value*(self.wetted_sections/self.widths)))
[docs] def create_widths_and_froudes(self): """ Create the widths and Froudes. Write the `.RWIDTH` file which contains the simulated top widths by the model. This file is used to compute the Froude number. """ cross_sections = crosssections(self.cross_sections_file, 'vecz') if self.bank_file != None: riverbed_zones = Zones(self.bank_file) riverbed = riverbed_zones.myzones[0].myvectors[1] else: riverbed_zones = Zones(self.support_file) riverbed = riverbed_zones.myzones[0].myvectors[0] cross_sections.sort_along(riverbed.asshapely_ls(), 'sorted') sorted_crossections = np.array(cross_sections.sorted['sorted']['sorted'][:-1]) shape_mold = self.depths.shape assert sorted_crossections.shape[0] == shape_mold[0] self.widths = np.zeros(shape_mold) prof: profile for i in tqdm(range(len(sorted_crossections))): prof = sorted_crossections[i] s,z = prof.get_sz() zmin = min(z) smax =max(s) water_lines = self.depths[i,:] + zmin z_array = np.array(z) z_array = np.unique(z_array) possible_widths = np.array([self.find_width_from_sz(depth,s,z) for depth in z_array]) self.widths[i,:] = np.interp(water_lines, z_array, possible_widths, left=0, right=smax) np.savetxt( + f'\\{self.simulation_name}.RWIDTH',self.widths) self.froudes = self.discharges / (self.wetted_sections*np.sqrt(Constants.GRAVITATION.value*(self.wetted_sections/self.widths)))
[docs] def _compute_froude(self, cross_sections: crosssections, riverbed:Union[vector, Zones, str] = vector, zone_index:int=0, vector_index:int = 0): """Deprecated""" if isinstance(riverbed, Zones): riverbed = riverbed.myzones[zone_index].myvectors[vector_index] elif isinstance(riverbed, str): riverbed = Zones(riverbed) riverbed = riverbed.myzones[zone_index].myvectors[vector_index] cross_sections.sort_along(riverbed.asshapely_ls(), 'sorted') sorted_crossections = np.array(cross_sections.sorted['sorted']['sorted'][:-1]) shape_mold = self.depths.shape assert sorted_crossections.shape[0] == shape_mold [0] self.widths = np.zeros(shape_mold) prof: profile for i in tqdm(range(len(sorted_crossections))): # froude[i,:] = np.array([prof.relation_oneh()[2] for i in ) ]) prof = sorted_crossections[i] s,z = prof.get_sz() zmin = min(z) smax =max(s) water_lines = self.depths[i,:] + zmin z_array = np.array(z) z_array = np.unique(z_array) # width[i,:] = np.array([self.find_width_from_sz(depth,s,z) for depth in water_lines]) possible_widths = np.array([self.find_width_from_sz(depth,s,z) for depth in z_array]) self.widths[i,:] = np.interp(water_lines, z_array, possible_widths, left=0, right=smax) # print(np.count_nonzero(self.width)) # np.savetxt(r'.\Theux_1d_model\width.txt', self.widths, delimiter='\t') self.froudes = self.discharges / (self.wetted_sections*np.sqrt(Constants.GRAVITATION.value*(self.wetted_sections/self.widths)))
# np.savetxt(r'.\Theux_1d_model\froude.txt', self.froudes, delimiter='\t') # np.savetxt(r'.\Theux_1d_model\discharge.txt', self.discharges, delimiter='\t')
[docs] def find_max(self,array:np.ndarray) -> float: """ Find the maximum value of an array. :param array: Array :type array: np.ndarray :return: Maximum :rtype: float """ return np.max(array)
[docs] def update_yaxis(self, ax: Axes, ymax: float, ymin = None, ): """ Update the y-axis. :param ax: Axes :type ax: Axes :param ymax: Y max :type ymax: float :param ymin: Y min, defaults to None :type ymin: Union[float, None], optional """ grid_y = self._yticks_update(ymax) if ymin is None: ax.set_ylim(bottom = None, top =ymax) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, ymax, grid_y)) else: ax.set_ylim(bottom = ymin, top =ymax) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(ymin, ymax, grid_y))
[docs] def find_figures_characteristics(self, axes_for_updates:list[tuple[Line2D, Axes,Figure]], figures:list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']] =['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], ): """ Return the right index of axes to be plotted. :param axes_for_updates: Axes for updates :type axes_for_updates: list[tuple[Line2D, Axes,Figure]] :param figures: Figures, defaults to ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'] :type figures: list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']], optional :return: Indices :rtype: dict """ indices = {} # new_axis = self.create_axis(figures) if 'water level' in figures: indices['water level'] = axes_for_updates[figures.index('water level')] if 'water depth' in figures: indices['water depth'] = axes_for_updates[figures.index('water depth')] if 'discharge' in figures: indices['discharge'] = axes_for_updates[figures.index('discharge')] if 'velocity' in figures: indices['velocity'] = axes_for_updates[figures.index('velocity')] if 'wetted section' in figures: indices['wetted section'] = axes_for_updates[figures.index('wetted section')] if 'froude' in figures: indices['froude'] = axes_for_updates[figures.index('froude')] # indices = {'water level':wl_id, # 'water depth': h_id, # 'discharge': q_id, # 'velocity': v_id, # 'wetted section': a_id, # 'froude': fr_id} return indices
[docs] def plot_nodes_evolution(self, which_nodes:list[int] = [0,-1], variable_name:Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'] = 'discharge', save_as:str = '', figure_size = (25,15), linewidth = 2., plotting_style:Literal['scatter','line', 'combined'] = 'line' ): """ Plot the evolution in time of specified nodes for a variable. :param which_nodes: nodes for which the results will be displayed on the hydrograph,defaults to [0,-1] :type which_nodes: list[int], optional :param variable_name: the variable to plot , defaults to 'discharge' :type variable_name: Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], optional :param save_as: File path where the figure is saved, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figure_size: Figure size, defaults to (25,15) :type figure_size: tuple, optional :param linewidth: Linewidth on the graph (matplotlib format), defaults to 2. :type linewidth: float, optional :param plotting_style: Plotting style (matplotlib format), defaults to 'line' :type plotting_style: Literal['scatter','line', 'combined'], optional """ fig = plt.figure(figsize = figure_size, facecolor='white') ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # Define the variable if variable_name == 'discharge': variable = self.discharges ax1.set_ylabel('Discharge [$m^3$/s]', fontsize= 'x-large') elif variable_name == 'water depth': variable = self.depths ax1.set_ylabel('Water depth [m]', fontsize= 'x-large') elif variable_name == 'velocity': variable =self.velocities ax1.set_ylabel('Velocity [m/s]', fontsize= 'x-large') elif variable_name == 'wetted section': variable = self.wetted_sections ax1.set_ylabel('Wetted section[$m^2$]', fontsize= 'x-large') elif variable_name == 'froude': variable = self.froudes ax1.set_ylabel('Froude number', fontsize= 'x-large') elif variable_name =='water level': variable = self.water_levels ax1.set_ylabel('Water level [m]', fontsize= 'x-large') else: raise Exception('The variable name is incorrect') n = variable.shape[0] # lgth =self.simulated_times.shape[0] # List of information necessary for the axes property min_variable = [] max_variable = [] max_times = [] id_cells =[] # Refactorisation of the entry (positive or negative) for i in which_nodes: if i > 0: id_cell = i id = i - 1 elif i < 0: id_cell = n + i + 1 id = i elif i == 0: id_cell = i + 1 id = i # collecting the curve properties for the Axes min_variable.append(np.amin(variable[id,:])) max_variable.append(np.amax(variable[id,:])) variable_max = np.argmax(variable[id,:]) max_times.append(self.simulated_times[variable_max]) id_cells.append(id_cell) # Plots if plotting_style == 'line': ax1.plot(self.simulated_times, variable[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}', linewidth= linewidth) ax2.plot((self.simulated_times - self.simulated_times[variable_max]), variable[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}', linewidth= linewidth) elif plotting_style == 'scatter': ax1.scatter(self.simulated_times, variable[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}', linewidth= linewidth) ax2.scatter((self.simulated_times - self.simulated_times[variable_max]), variable[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}', linewidth= linewidth) elif plotting_style == 'combined': ax1.plot(self.simulated_times, variable[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}', linewidth= linewidth) ax1.scatter(self.simulated_times, variable[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}', linewidth= linewidth) ax2.plot((self.simulated_times - self.simulated_times[variable_max]), variable[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}', linewidth= linewidth) ax2.scatter((self.simulated_times - self.simulated_times[variable_max]), variable[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}', linewidth= linewidth) # Properties first axis ax1.set_xlim(np.min(self.simulated_times),np.max(self.simulated_times)) ax1.set_ylim(min(min_variable), (max(max_variable) + 0.1*max(max_variable))) # ax1.set_ylabel('Discharge [$m^3$]', fontsize= 'x-large') ax1.set_xlabel('Simulated times [$s$]', fontsize= 'x-large') ax1.legend() # ax1.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(min(times),max(times),900)) x_max = max(self.simulated_times) x_grid = self._xticks_update_time(x_max) ax1.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(min(self.simulated_times),x_max,x_grid)) ax1.grid() ax1.set_title(f"Normal", fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') # Properties second axis tmax = np.max(self.simulated_times) - np.min(self.simulated_times) ax2.set_xlim((-tmax/2),(tmax/2)) # ax2.text(-tmax/2, # max(max_variable) + 0.05* max(max_variable), # f'$Phase-shift: {max_times[0]-max_times[-1]:#.2f}s$', fontsize =14) ax2.set_ylim(min(min_variable), (max(max_variable) + 0.1*max(max_variable))) ax2.set_xlabel('Time from maximum [s]', fontsize= 'x-large') ax2.legend() # ax2.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange((-tmax/2),(tmax/2),900)) ax2.grid() ax2.set_title(f"With a phase shit of {max_times[0]-max_times[-1]:#.1f}s", fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') # figure title, save and display parameters fig.suptitle(f'Nodes: {id_cells} - evolution of {variable_name}', fontsize= 'xx-large', fontweight= 'bold') # fig.suptitle(f'Hydrographs nodes - {id_cells}', fontsize= 'xx-large', fontweight= 'bold') if save_as != '': fig.savefig(save_as)
[docs] def plot_hydrograph_nodes(self, which_nodes:list[int] = [0,-1], save_as:str ='', figure_size = (25,15)): """This method is deprecating. Plot nodes evolution provides more flexibility Plot the evolution in time of the discharge. :param which_nodes: _description_, defaults to [0,-1] :type which_nodes: list[int], optional :param save_as: file path, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figure_size: Figure size, defaults to (25,15) :type figure_size: tuple, optional """ discharges = self.discharges times = self.simulated_times n = discharges.shape[0] lgth = times.shape[0] # Creation of the figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figure_size, facecolor='white') # Axes (2 graphs) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122) # List of information necessary for the axes property min_discharges = [] max_discharges = [] max_times = [] id_cells =[] # Refactorisation of the entry (positive or negative) for i in which_nodes: if i > 0: id_cell = i id = i - 1 elif i < 0: id_cell = n + i + 1 id = i elif i == 0: id_cell = i + 1 id = i # collecting the curve properties for the Axes min_discharges.append(np.amin(discharges[id,:])) max_discharges.append(np.amax(discharges[id,:])) discharge_max = np.argmax(discharges[id,:]) max_times.append(times[discharge_max]) id_cells.append(id_cell) # Plots ax1.plot(times, discharges[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}') ax2.plot((times - times[discharge_max]), discharges[id,:], label=f'Node- {id_cell}') # Properties first axis ax1.set_xlim(np.min(times),np.max(times)) ax1.set_ylim(min(min_discharges), (max(max_discharges) + 0.1*max(max_discharges))) ax1.set_ylabel('Discharge [$m^3$]', fontsize= 'x-large') ax1.set_xlabel('Simulated times [$s$]', fontsize= 'x-large') ax1.legend() # ax1.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(min(times),max(times),900)) x_max = max(times) x_grid = self._xticks_update_time(x_max) ax1.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(min(times),x_max,x_grid)) ax1.grid() # Properties second axis tmax = np.max(times) - np.min(times) ax2.set_xlim((-tmax/2),(tmax/2)) ax2.text(-tmax/2, max(max_discharges) + 0.05* max(max_discharges), f'$Phase-shift: {max_times[0]-max_times[-1]:#.2f}s$', fontsize =14) ax2.set_ylim(min(min_discharges), (max(max_discharges) + 0.1*max(max_discharges))) ax2.set_xlabel('Time from maximum [s]', fontsize= 'x-large') ax2.legend() # ax2.xaxis.set_ticks(np.arange((-tmax/2),(tmax/2),900)) ax2.grid() # figure title, save and display parameters fig.suptitle(f'Hydrographs nodes - {id_cells}', fontsize= 'x-large', fontweight= 'bold') if save_as != '': fig.savefig(save_as, dpi =300)
# --- Multiple Wolf 1D results --- #_________________________________
[docs] class MultipleWolfresults_1D: """ This class is used to plot multiple Wolf 1D results on the same figure. It is a wrapper around Wolfresults_1D class. The main goal is to plot the temporal and spatial evolution of the water level, discharge, wetted section, water depth, velocity and Froude Number for different simulations. """ def __init__(self, simulations:list[str], model_index:int = 0, figures:list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']] =['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], time_step:int = -1, banksbed: Union[str, Zones] ='', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (25,15), alpha =0.3, line_width = 2., show = False ) -> None: """ Constructor of the class. :param simulations: Simulations :type simulations: [str] :param model_index: Model index, defaults to 0 :type model_index: int, optional :param figures: Figures, defaults to ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'] :type figures: list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']], optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to -1 :type time_step: int, optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figure size, defaults to (25,15) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param line_width: Line width, defaults to 2. :type line_width: float, optional :param show: Show, defaults to False :type show: bool, optional """ self.models = [Wolfresults_1D(simul) for simul in simulations] self.model_index = model_index self.figures = figures self.time_step = time_step self.banksbed = banksbed self.landmark = landmark self.save_as = save_as self.figsize = figsize self.alpha = alpha self.linewidth = line_width = show self.colors = Colors.MATPLOTLIB_CYCLE.value self.graph = None # self.ymax = max (self.models[0].find_max()) # To update ylimits self.max_depths = max([model.depths_max for model in self.models]) self.max_discharge = max([model.discharges_max for model in self.models]) self.max_wetted_section = max([model.wetted_sections_max for model in self.models]) self.max_velocity = max([model.velocities_max for model in self.models]) self.max_froude= max([model.froudes_max for model in self.models]) self.max_water_level = max([model.water_level_ymax for model in self.models])
[docs] def create_graph(self, show_landmarks = False): """ Create the initial figure on which other simulated results will be added. :param show_landmarks: Show landmarks, defaults to False :type show_landmarks: bool, optional """ if show_landmarks: self.graph = self.models[self.model_index].plot_variables(figures=self.figures, time_step=self.time_step, banksbed= self.banksbed, landmark= self.landmark, save_as= self.save_as, figsize= self.figsize, alpha=self.alpha, show=False) else: self.graph = self.models[self.model_index].plot_variables(figures=self.figures, time_step=self.time_step, banksbed= self.banksbed, save_as= self.save_as, figsize= self.figsize, alpha=self.alpha, show=False) # Dictionary containing each plot characteristics(plot for update, axis, figure) self.characteristics = self.models[self.model_index].find_figures_characteristics(self.graph,self.figures)
# self.fig = self.characteristics[0][-1]
[docs] def plot_variable_lines(self): """ Add other simulated results as lines. """ ax: Axes names = ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'] if self.graph is None: self.create_graph() for model in self.models: color=next(self.colors)['color'] for name in names: if name in self.characteristics : char = self.characteristics[name] fig = char[-1] ax = char[1] if name =='water level': ymax =self.max_water_level + 0.05*self.max_water_level ymin = self.models[self.model_index].z_min self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax,ymin) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_water_level) model.plot_line_water_level((fig,ax),color=color, linewidth=self.linewidth) elif name =='water depth': ymax = self.max_depths + 0.3*self.max_depths self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_depths) model.plot_line_water_depth((fig,ax),color=color, linewidth=self.linewidth) elif name =='discharge': ymax = self.max_discharge + 0.3*self.max_discharge self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_discharge) model.plot_line_discharges((fig,ax),color=color, linewidth=self.linewidth) elif name =='wetted section': ymax = self.max_wetted_section + 0.3*self.max_wetted_section self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_wetted_section) model.plot_line_wetted_sections((fig, ax), color=color, linewidth=self.linewidth) elif name =='velocity': ymax = self.max_velocity + 0.3*self.max_velocity self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_velocity) model.plot_line_velocities((fig,ax),color=color, linewidth=self.linewidth) elif name =='froude': ymax = self.max_froude + 0.3*self.max_froude self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_froude) model.plot_line_froudes((fig,ax),color=color, linewidth=self.linewidth)
[docs] def __plot_variable_lines(self, names:list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']]=['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']): """ Plot variable lines. :param names: Names, defaults to ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'] :type names: list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']], optional """ ax: Axes if self.graph is None: self.create_graph() for name in names: if name in self.characteristics : char = self.characteristics[name] fig = char[-1] ax = char[1] if name =='water level': ymax =self.max_water_level + 0.05*self.max_water_level ymin = self.models[self.model_index].z_min self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax,ymin) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_water_level) # if self.landmark != '': # self.models[self.model_index]._landmark(self.landmark, # ax, # self.time_step, # variable=name, # ymax= self.max_water_level) for model in self.models: # ax.set_ylim(top =self.max_water_level + 0.1*self.max_water_level) model.plot_line_water_level((fig, ax), color=next(self.colors)['color']) elif name =='water depth': ymax = self.max_depths + 0.3*self.max_depths self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_depths) # if self.landmark != '': # self.models[self.model_index]._landmark(self.landmark, # ax, # self.time_step, # variable= name, # ymax= self.max_depths) for model in self.models: # ax.set_ylim(top =self.max_depths + 0.3*self.max_depths) model.plot_line_water_depth((fig, ax), color=next(self.colors)['color']) elif name =='discharge': ymax = self.max_discharge + 0.3*self.max_discharge self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_discharge) for model in self.models: # ymax =self.max_discharge + 0.3*self.max_discharge # ax.set_ylim(top =ymax) # grid_y = model._yticks_update(ymax) # ax.yaxis.set_ticks(np.arange(0, ymax, grid_y)) model.plot_line_discharges((fig, ax), color=next(self.colors)['color']) elif name =='wetted section': ymax = self.max_wetted_section + 0.3*self.max_wetted_section self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_wetted_section) for model in self.models: # ax.set_ylim(top =self.max_wetted_section + 0.3*self.max_wetted_section) model.plot_line_wetted_sections((fig, ax), color=next(self.colors)['color']) elif name =='velocity': ymax = self.max_velocity + 0.3*self.max_velocity self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_velocity) for model in self.models: # ax.set_ylim(top =self.max_velocity + 0.3*self.max_velocity) model.plot_line_velocities((fig, ax), color=next(self.colors)['color']) elif name =='froude': ymax = self.max_froude + 0.3*self.max_froude self.models[self.model_index].update_yaxis(ax,ymax) self._update_landmark(ax,name, self.max_froude) for model in self.models: # ax.set_ylim(top =self.max_velocity + 0.3*self.max_velocity) model.plot_line_froudes((fig, ax), color=next(self.colors)['color'])
[docs] def _update_landmark(self, ax: Axes, name:str, ymax:float): """ Update the landmark. :param ax: Axes :type ax: Axes :param name: Name :type name: str :param ymax: Y max :type ymax: float """ if self.landmark != '': self.models[self.model_index]._landmark(self.landmark, ax, self.time_step, variable= name, ymax= ymax)
[docs] def plot_water_levels(self): """ Deprecated Plot water levels. """ if self.graph is None: self.create_graph() if 'water level' in self.characteristics : water_level_char = self.characteristics['water level'] for model in self.models: model.plot_line_water_level((water_level_char[-1], water_level_char[1]), color=next(self.colors)['color'])
[docs] def plot_water_depths(self): """ Deprecated Plot water depths. """ if self.graph is None: self.create_graph() if 'water depth' in self.characteristics : water_depth_char = self.characteristics['water depth'] for model in self.models: model.plot_line_water_depth((water_depth_char[-1], water_depth_char[1]), color=next(self.colors)['color'])
[docs] def plot_discharges(self): """ Deprecated Plot discharges. """ if self.graph is None: self.create_graph() discharge_char = self.characteristics['discharge'] for model in self.models: model.plot_line_discharges((discharge_char[-1], discharge_char[1]), color=next(self.colors)['color'])
[docs] def plot_wetted_sections(self): """ Deprecated Plot wetted sections. """ if self.graph is None: self.create_graph() wetted_section_char = self.characteristics['wetted section'] for model in self.models: model.plot_line_wetted_sections((wetted_section_char[-1], wetted_section_char[1]), color=next(self.colors)['color'])
[docs] def plot_velocities(self): """ Deprecated Plot velocities. """ if self.graph is None: self.create_graph() velocity_char = self.characteristics['velocity'] for model in self.models: model.plot_line_velocities((velocity_char[-1], velocity_char[1]), color=next(self.colors)['color'])
[docs] def plot_froudes(self): """ Deprecated Plot froudes. """ if self.graph is None: self.create_graph() froude_char = self.characteristics['froude'] for model in self.models: model.plot_line_froudes((froude_char[-1], froude_char[1]), color=next(self.colors)['color'])
[docs] def plot_one_results(self, model_index:int =0, time_step:int = -1, figures:list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']] =['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'], banksbed: Union[str, Zones] = '', landmark: Union[str,Zones]= '', save_as:str ='', figsize:tuple = (25,15), alpha =0.3, grid_x_m:float= 1000., grid_y_m:float = 10., convert_step = True, steps_limit = False): """ Plot one results. :param model_index: Model index, defaults to 0 :type model_index: int, optional :param time_step: Time step, defaults to -1 :type time_step: int, optional :param figures: Figures, defaults to ['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude'] :type figures: list[Literal['water level', 'discharge', 'wetted section','water depth', 'velocity', 'froude']], optional :param banksbed: Banksbed, defaults to '' :type banksbed: Union[str, Zones], optional :param landmark: Landmark, defaults to '' :type landmark: Union[str,Zones], optional :param save_as: Save as, defaults to '' :type save_as: str, optional :param figsize: Figure size, defaults to (25,15) :type figsize: tuple, optional :param alpha: Alpha, defaults to 0.3 :type alpha: float, optional :param grid_x_m: Grid x m, defaults to 1000. :type grid_x_m: float, optional :param grid_y_m: Grid y m, defaults to 10. :type grid_y_m: float, optional :param convert_step: Convert step, defaults to True :type convert_step: bool, optional :param steps_limit: Steps limit, defaults to False :type steps_limit: bool, optional """ if model_index!= 0: self.model_index = model_index self.figures = figures self.graph = self.models[self.model_index].plot_variables(figures=figures, time_step=time_step, banksbed= banksbed, landmark= landmark, save_as= save_as, figsize= figsize, alpha=alpha, show=False) characteristics = self.models[self.model_index].find_figures_characteristics(self.graph,figures) wl_char = characteristics['water level'] # wl_char[1].set_default_color_cycle # self.models[-1].plot_line_water_level((wl_char[-1], wl_char[1])) colors = rcParams["axes.prop_cycle"]() # colors = rcParams["axes.default_color_cycle"]() for model in self.models: model.plot_line_water_level((wl_char[-1], wl_char[1]), color=next(colors)['color'])
# --- Modify wolf 1D parameters --- #_________________________________
[docs] class ModifyParams: """Modify the parameters of an existing simulation using the Wolf_Param module. """ def __init__(self,simulation_folder:str = ''): """ Constructor of the class. :param simulation_folder: _description_, defaults to '' :type simulation_folder: str, optional """ self.simulation_folder = simulation_folder self.wx_exists = wx.GetApp()
[docs] def find_simulation_file(self, file_extension:str, folder:str = '' ): """Find a simulation file in a simulation folder based on the file extension. .. note:: FIXME: Insert a checking test for double files with the same extension. :param file_extension: File extension :type file_extension: str :param folder: Folder, defaults to '' :type folder: str, optional :return: File path :rtype: str """ if self.simulation_folder != "" and folder == '': folder = self.simulation_folder for filename in os.listdir(folder): if filename.endswith(file_extension): return os.path.abspath(os.path.join(folder, filename)) raise Exception("File not found.")
[docs] def modify_params_existing_simulation(self, simulation_folder: str='', parent = None, w: int = 460, h: int = 560, ontop: bool = False, to_read: bool = True, withbuttons: bool = True, DestroyAtClosing: bool = True, toShow: bool = True, init_GUI: bool = True, force_even_if_same_default: bool = False): """Modify the parameters of an existing simulation using the Wolf_Param module. :param simulation_folder: Simulation folder, defaults to '' :type simulation_folder: str, optional :param parent: Parent, defaults to None :type parent: None, optional :param w: Width, defaults to 460 :type w: int, optional :param h: Height, defaults to 560 :type h: int, optional :param ontop: Ontop, defaults to False :type ontop: bool, optional :param to_read: To read, defaults to True :type to_read: bool, optional :param withbuttons: Withbuttons, defaults to True :type withbuttons: bool, optional :param DestroyAtClosing: DestroyAtClosing, defaults to True :type DestroyAtClosing: bool, optional :param toShow: To show, defaults to True :type toShow: bool, optional :param init_GUI: Init GUI, defaults to True :type init_GUI: bool, optional :param force_even_if_same_default: Force even if same default, defaults to False :type force_even_if_same_default: bool, optional """ if self.simulation_folder != "" and simulation_folder == '': simulation_folder = self.simulation_folder param_file = self.find_simulation_file( ".param", simulation_folder) app = wx.App() grid_param = Wolf_Param(parent= parent, filename = param_file, title = f"Parameters: {self.get_last_name_of_path(simulation_folder)}", w = w, h = h, ontop = ontop, to_read = to_read, withbuttons = withbuttons, DestroyAtClosing = DestroyAtClosing, toShow = toShow, init_GUI = init_GUI, force_even_if_same_default = True ) app.MainLoop()
[docs] def run_simulation(self, simulation_folder:str =''): """Run a wolf model with the .bat file in the simulation folder. :param simulation_folder: Simulation folder, defaults to '' :type simulation_folder: str, optional """ if self.simulation_folder != "" and simulation_folder == '': simulation_folder = self.simulation_folder bat_file = self.find_simulation_file(".bat",simulation_folder) self.run_bat_files(bat_file)
[docs] def run_bat_files(self, bat_file:str): """ Run the .bat file in a Window's shell to start the computations (simulation). :param bat_file: Bat file :type bat_file: str """ splitted_path = os.path.split(bat_file) directory = splitted_path[0] command = f"start cmd.exe /k {bat_file}" shell_window = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)'{directory} Check the new shell window.\nThe simulation is running...') if self.wx_exists:'{self.get_last_name_of_path(splitted_path[1])} Check the new shell window.\nThe simulation is running...') else: logging.warn(f'{self.get_last_name_of_path(splitted_path[1])} -> Check the new shell window.\nThe simulation is running...')
[docs] def get_last_name_of_path(self, path_string:str): """Get the last folder or file of a path. :param path_string: Path string :type path_string: str :return: Last folder :rtype: str """ return os.path.split(path_string)[1]