Source code for wolfhece.rem.RasterViz

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import osr
import requests
import subprocess
import seaborn as sn
import numpy as np
import time
[docs] start = time.time() # track time for script to finish
[docs] usage = """ Python script for OpenTopography Raster Derivative/Visualization products. This script can be called from Python using its class/methods or as a CLI utility. CLI Usage: "python viz_type [-z (default=1)] [-alt (default=45)] [-azim (default=315)] [-multidirectional] [-cmap (default=terrain)] [-out_ext tif | img (default=tif)] [-make_png] [-make_kmz] [-docker] [-shell] /path/to/dem" Options: viz_type: string corresponding to raster product to be produced, one of the following strings: ["hillshade", "slope", "aspect", "roughness", "color-relief", "hillshade-color"] -z: only if using "hillshade" or "hillshade-color" viz_type, factor to scale/exaggerate vertical topographic differences. Default 1 (no rescale). -alt: only if using "hillshade" or "hillshade-color" viz_type, altitude of light source in degrees [0-90]. Default 45. -azim: only if using "hillshade" or "hillshade-color" viz_type, azimuth of light source in degrees [0-360]. Default 315. -multidirectional: only if using "hillshade" or "hillshade-color" viz_type. Makes multidirectional hillshade, overriding alt and azim args. -cmap: only if using "color-relief" viz_type, name of a matplotlib or seaborn colormap. Default "terrain". (see -out_ext: the extension/file format to use for geodata outputs (tif or img). Default "tif". -make_png: output a png version (EPSG:3857) of the viz_type in addition to the viz raster in source projection. -make_kmz: output a kmz version of the viz_type in addition to the viz raster in source projection. -docker: run GDAL commands from within the osgeo/gdal docker container. This makes it run slightly slower but will be needed to run all features if gdal install is on a version <2.2. If using docker, input path must be within the working directory path or a subdirectory. -shell: call GDAL functions (gdaldem, gdal_translate, gdalwarp) as shell commands instead of using Python bindings. This may be faster than using pure Python but requires additional environment configuration. /path/to/dem.tif: path to input DEM, currently assumed to be in GeoTIFF format. Notes: Output file naming convention uses the DEM basename as a prefix, then viz_type and file extension. E.g. output.tin.tif --> output_hillshade.tif, output_hillshade.png, output_hillshade.kmz. Outputs are saved to the working directory. Dependencies: - Python >=3.6 - GDAL >=2.2 (or run with lower version in environment using -docker flag) """
[docs] class RasterViz(object): """Handler to produce DEM derivatives/visualizations. :param dem: path to input DEM, either in GeoTIFF (.tif), ASCII (.asc), or IMG (.img) format. :type dem: str :param out_dir: output file directory. Defaults to current working directory. :type out_dir: str :param out_ext: extension for output georaster files. :type out_ext: str, '.tif' or '.img' :param make_png: output a png image of visualizations (EPSG:3857) in addition to a raster in source projection. :type make_png: bool :param make_kmz: output a kmz file (e.g. Google Earth) of visualizations in addition to a raster in source projection. :type make_kmz: bool :param docker_run: only if shell=True as well, calls gdal utilities from shell with docker container. Must have the osgeo/gdal docker container configured locally to use this option. :type docker_run: bool :param shell: call gdal utilities from a shell instead of using the Python bindings. May run faster for large files but can be more difficult to configure GDAL environment outside conda. :type shell: bool :param cache_dir: cache directory :type cache_dir: str """ def __init__(self, dem, out_dir='./', out_ext=".tif", make_png=False, make_kmz=False, docker_run=False, shell=False, cache_dir='./.cache', *args, **kwargs): # set output and cache directories self.out_dir = out_dir self.cache_dir = cache_dir # call gdal from shell (faster) or Python bindings (easier install) = shell # ref working directory in windows or linux pwd = "%cd%" if sys.platform == "win32" else "$(pwd)" if docker_run and shell: # docker run string to call a command in the osgeo/gdal container self.drun = f"docker run -v {pwd}:/data osgeo/gdal " # docker path for mounted pwd volume self.dp = "/data/" else: self.drun = "" self.dp = "" # file extension to use for outputs self.ext = out_ext # dict mapping file extension name to gdal format shortname self.format_dict = {".tif": "GTiff", ".img": "HFA", ".asc": "AAIGrid", ".png": "PNG", ".kmz": "KMLOVERLAY"} # format to use for output files self.out_format = self.format_dict[self.ext] # the input DEM path self.dem = dem # used as prefix for all output filenames self.dem_name = os.path.basename(dem).split('.')[0] # get projection, horizontal units of DEM self.proj, self.h_unit = self.get_projection() # scale horizontal units from lat/long --> meters when calculating hillshade, slope (assumes near equator) self.scale = 111120 if self.h_unit == "degree" else 1 # coordinate system to use for non-geodata visualization (i.e. PNG) self.viz_srs = "EPSG:3857" # determine if we will make png/kmz files after making GeoTIFF self.make_png = make_png self.make_kmz = make_kmz # dict mapping CLI input viz_type strings to corresponding method self.viz_types = {"hillshade": self.make_hillshade, "slope": self.make_slope, "aspect": self.make_aspect, "roughness": self.make_roughness, "color-relief": self.make_color_relief, "hillshade-color": self.make_hillshade_color} # names for intermediate and output rasters self.intermediate_rasters = {viz: os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"intermediate_{viz}{self.ext}") for viz in self.viz_types.keys()} self.out_rasters = {viz: os.path.join(self.out_dir, f"{self.dem_name}_{viz}{self.ext}") for viz in self.viz_types.keys()} # for hillshade-color, keep track of hillshade and color-relief self.hillshade_ras = self.out_rasters["hillshade"] self.color_relief_ras = self.out_rasters["color-relief"] @property
[docs] def dem(self): return self._dem
[docs] def valid_input(dem): valid_path = os.path.exists(dem) valid_url = False try: valid_url = requests.head(dem).status_code < 400 except: pass return valid_path or valid_url
@dem.setter def dem(self, dem): # make sure the given DEM exists if not self.valid_input(dem): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot find input DEM: {dem}") self._dem = dem # if given DEM is in ASCII, convert to GeoTIFF if dem.lower().endswith('.asc'): print("Given DEM was in ASCII format, converting to GeoTIFF.") self._dem = self._asc_to_tif(dem) # if given DEM doesn't have NoData value, assume it is zero self._check_dem_nodata() return @property
[docs] def out_dir(self): return self._out_dir
@out_dir.setter def out_dir(self, out_dir): if not os.path.exists(out_dir): raise IOError(f"The output directory does not exist: {out_dir}") self._out_dir = out_dir return @property
[docs] def cache_dir(self): return self._cache_dir
@cache_dir.setter def cache_dir(self, cache_dir): if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.mkdir(cache_dir) self._cache_dir = cache_dir return
[docs] def _asc_to_tif(self, asc): """Convert ascii grid to geotiff""" tif_name = os.path.basename(asc).split('.')[0] + ".tif" if cmd = f"{self.drun}gdal_translate -of GTiff {self.dp}{asc} {self.dp}{tif_name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: gdal.Translate(f"{self.dp}{tif_name}", f"{self.dp}{asc}", format="GTiff") return tif_name
[docs] def _check_dem_nodata(self): """Check that input DEM has a NoData value set. If not, set to zero.""" r = gdal.Open(self._dem, gdal.GA_Update) band = r.GetRasterBand(1) if band.GetNoDataValue() is None: print("WARNING: NoData value not found for input DEM. Assuming NoData value is 0.") # make a copy of the DEM dem_copy_name = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"dem_copy{self.ext}") driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(self.out_format) dem_copy = driver.CreateCopy(dem_copy_name, r, strict=0) # assign nodata value for copy dem_copy.GetRasterBand(1).SetNoDataValue(0) # if there are np.nans in raster, set those values to our newly assigned nodata value (0) if np.any(np.isnan(band.ReadAsArray())): print("Writing nans to assigned nodata value...") arr = dem_copy.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() arr = np.where(np.isnan(arr), 0, arr) band.WriteArray(arr) # use copy as input DEM self._dem = dem_copy_name return
[docs] def _png_kmz_checker(func): """Used as a wrapper for making viz products, making png and kmz after tif if selected""" def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: # call decorated method ras_path = func(self, *args, **kwargs) print(f"Saved {ras_path}.") # make png and kmz if applicable if self.make_png: png_path = self.raster_to_png(ras_path) print(f"Saved {png_path}.") if self.make_kmz: kmz_path = self.raster_to_kmz(ras_path) print(f"Saved {kmz_path}.") except Exception as e: raise Exception(e) finally: # clean up regardless of whether something failed self._clean_up() return ras_path return wrapper
[docs] def make_hillshade(self, z=1, alt=45, azim=315, multidirectional=False, *args, **kwargs): """Make hillshade raster from the input DEM. :param z: z factor for exaggerating vertical scale differences (default 1). :type z: float >1 :param alt: altitude of light source in degrees (default 45). :type alt: float [0-90] :param azim: azimuth for light source in degrees (default 315). :type azim: float [0-360] :param multidirectional: makes multidirectional hillshade if True, overriding alt and azim. :type multidirectional: bool :returns: path to output hillshade raster. :rtype: str """ if multidirectional: print("\nMaking multidirectional hillshade raster.") else: print(f"\nMaking hillshade raster with alt={alt}, azim={azim}.") temp_path = self.intermediate_rasters["hillshade"] out_path = self.hillshade_ras # create intermediate hillshade if z_fact = f"-z {z}" if z != 1 else "" scale = f"-s {self.scale}" if self.scale != 1 else "" light_source = "-multidirectional" if multidirectional else f"-az {azim} -alt {alt}" cmd = f"{self.drun}gdaldem hillshade {self.dp}{self.dem} {self.dp}{temp_path} " \ f"{z_fact} {scale} {light_source} -of {self.out_format}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: options = {"zFactor": z, "format": self.out_format} if self.scale != 1: options['scale'] = self.scale if multidirectional: options['multiDirectional'] = True else: options['altitude'] = alt options['azimuth'] = azim gdal.DEMProcessing(f"{self.dp}{temp_path}", f"{self.dp}{self.dem}", "hillshade", **options) self.tile_and_compress(temp_path, out_path) return out_path
[docs] def make_slope(self, *args, **kwargs): """Make slope map from DEM, with slope at each pixel in degrees [0-90]. :returns: path to output slope raster. :rtype: str """ print(f"\nMaking slope raster.") temp_path = self.intermediate_rasters["slope"] out_path = self.out_rasters["slope"] if scale = f"-s {self.scale}" if self.scale != 1 else "" cmd = f"{self.drun}gdaldem slope {self.dp}{self.dem} {self.dp}{temp_path} " \ f"{scale} -of {self.out_format}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: options = {"format": self.out_format} if self.scale != 1: options['scale'] = self.scale gdal.DEMProcessing(f"{self.dp}{temp_path}", f"{self.dp}{self.dem}", "slope", **options) self.tile_and_compress(temp_path, out_path) return out_path
[docs] def make_aspect(self, *args, **kwargs): """Make aspect map from DEM, with aspect at each pixel in degrees [0-360]. :returns: path to output aspect raster. :rtype: str """ print("\nMaking aspect raster.") temp_path = self.intermediate_rasters["aspect"] out_path = self.out_rasters["aspect"] if cmd = f"{self.drun}gdaldem aspect {self.dp}{self.dem} {self.dp}{temp_path} " \ f"-of {self.out_format}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: gdal.DEMProcessing(f"{self.dp}{temp_path}", f"{self.dp}{self.dem}", "aspect", format=self.out_format) self.tile_and_compress(temp_path, out_path) return out_path
[docs] def make_roughness(self, *args, **kwargs): """Make roughness map from DEM. :returns: path to output roughness raster. :rtype: str """ print("\nMaking roughness raster.") temp_path = self.intermediate_rasters["roughness"] out_path = self.out_rasters["roughness"] if cmd = f"{self.drun}gdaldem roughness {self.dp}{self.dem} {self.dp}{temp_path} " \ f"-of {self.out_format}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: gdal.DEMProcessing(f"{self.dp}{temp_path}", f"{self.dp}{self.dem}", "Roughness", format=self.out_format) self.tile_and_compress(temp_path, out_path) return out_path
[docs] def make_color_relief(self, cmap='terrain', log_scale=False, *args, **kwargs): """Make color relief map from DEM (3 band RGB raster). :param cmap: matplotlib or seaborn named colormap to use for making color relief map. (see :type cmap: str :param log_scale: bool, makes the colormap on a log scale from zero, so terrain closer to 0 elevation has greater color variation. Intended to be used for REMs or coastal datasets. :type log_scale: bool :returns: path to output color-relief raster. :rtype: str """ print(f"\nMaking color relief map with cmap={cmap}.") temp_path = self.intermediate_rasters["color-relief"] out_path = self.color_relief_ras cmap_txt = self.get_cmap_txt(cmap, log_scale=log_scale) if cmd = f"{self.drun}gdaldem color-relief {self.dp}{self.dem} {self.dp}{cmap_txt} {self.dp}{temp_path} " \ f"-of {self.out_format}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: gdal.DEMProcessing(f"{self.dp}{temp_path}", f"{self.dp}{self.dem}", "color-relief", colorFilename=cmap_txt, format=self.out_format) # set nodata value to 0 for color-relief r = gdal.Open(temp_path, gdal.GA_Update) [r.GetRasterBand(i+1).SetNoDataValue(0) for i in range(3)] r = None self.tile_and_compress(temp_path, out_path) return out_path
[docs] def make_hillshade_color(self, blend_percent=60, *args, **kwargs): """Make a pretty composite hillshade/color-relief image. :param blend_percent: Percent weight of hillshdae in blend, color-relief takes opposite weight. :type blend_percent: float [0-100] This method also accepts all arguments of `make_hillshade` and `make_color_relief` if the respective rasters have not yet been created. :returns: path to output hillshade-color raster. :rtype: str """ # make hillshade and/or color-relief if haven't already # temp variables to override make_png, make_kmz _make_png, _make_kmz = self.make_png, self.make_kmz self.make_png = self.make_kmz = False if not os.path.exists(self.hillshade_ras): self.make_hillshade(*args, **kwargs) if not os.path.exists(self.color_relief_ras): self.make_color_relief(*args, **kwargs) self.make_png, self.make_kmz = _make_png, _make_kmz print("\nMaking hillshade-color composite raster.") # blend images using GDAL and numpy to linearly interpolate RGB values temp_path = self.blend_images(blend_percent=blend_percent) out_path = self.out_rasters["hillshade-color"] # set nodata value to 0 for color-relief r = gdal.Open(temp_path, gdal.GA_Update) [r.GetRasterBand(i+1).SetNoDataValue(0) for i in range(3)] r = None self.tile_and_compress(temp_path, out_path) return out_path
[docs] def blend_images(self, blend_percent=60): """ Blend hillshade and color-relief rasters by linearly interpolating RGB values :param blend_percent: Percent weight of hillshdae in blend, color-relief takes opposite weight [0-100]. Default 60. """ b = blend_percent / 100 # read in hillshade and color relief rasters as arrays hs = gdal.Open(self.hillshade_ras, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) cr = gdal.Open(self.color_relief_ras, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) hs_array = hs.ReadAsArray() # singleband (m, n) cr_arrays = cr.ReadAsArray() # RGBA (4, m, n) # make a copy of color-relief raster driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(self.out_format) blend_ras_name = self.intermediate_rasters["hillshade-color"] blend_ras = driver.CreateCopy(blend_ras_name, cr, strict=0) # linearly interpolate between hillshade and color-relief RGB values (keeping alpha channel from color-relief) for i in range(3): blended_band = b * hs_array + (1 - b) * cr_arrays[i] blend_ras.GetRasterBand(i+1).WriteArray(blended_band) return blend_ras_name
[docs] def get_cmap_txt(self, cmap='terrain', log_scale=False): """Make a matplotlib named colormap into a gdaldem colormap text file for color-relief mapping. Format is "elevation R G B" where RGB are in [0-255] range. :param cmap: colormap to use for making color relief map. :param log_scale: bool, logarithmically scale colormap, showing greatest color variation at zero elevation. Intended to be used for REMs or coastal datasets. :return: .txt file containing colormap mapped to DEM """ min_elev, max_elev = self.get_elev_range() if log_scale: # sample 255 log-spaced elevation values from 0 to max elevation / 2 elevations = np.logspace(0, np.log10(0.5 * max_elev), 255) - 1 else: # sample 255 linearly spaced elevation values elevations = np.linspace(min_elev, max_elev, 255) # matplotlib cmap function maps [0-255] input to RGB values [0-1] cm_mpl = sn.color_palette(cmap, as_cmap=True) # convert output RGB colors on [0-1] range to [1-255] range used by gdaldem (reserving 0 for nodata) cm = lambda x: [val * 254 + 1 for val in cm_mpl(x)[:3]] # make cmap text file to be read by gdaldem color-relief cmap_txt = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_cmap.txt') with open(cmap_txt, 'w') as f: lines = [f'{elev} {" ".join(map(str, cm(i)))}\n' for i, elev in enumerate(elevations)] lines.append("nv 0 0 0\n") f.writelines(lines) return cmap_txt
[docs] def get_projection(self): """Get EPSG code for DEM raster projection.""" ras = gdal.Open(self.dem, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) proj = osr.SpatialReference(wkt=ras.GetProjection()) epsg_code = proj.GetAttrValue('AUTHORITY', 1) epsg_code = "EPSG:" + epsg_code if epsg_code is not None else None h_unit = proj.GetAttrValue('UNIT') if epsg_code is None or h_unit is None: print("WARNING: CRS metadata is missing for input DEM.") return epsg_code, h_unit
[docs] def get_elev_range(self): """Get range (min, max) of DEM elevation values.""" ras = gdal.Open(self.dem, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) elevband = ras.GetRasterBand(1) elevband.ComputeStatistics(0) min_elev = elevband.GetMinimum() max_elev = elevband.GetMaximum() return min_elev, max_elev
[docs] def tile_and_compress(self, in_path, out_path): """Used to turn intermediate raster viz products into final outputs.""" print("Tiling and compressing raster.") if cmd = f"{self.drun}gdal_translate {self.dp}{in_path} {self.dp}{out_path} " \ f"-co \"COMPRESS=LZW\" -co \"TILED=YES\" " \ f"-co \"blockxsize=256\" -co \"blockysize=256\" -co \"COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS=YES\"", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: gdal.Translate(f"{self.dp}{out_path}", f"{self.dp}{in_path}", options=f"-co \"COMPRESS=LZW\" -co \"TILED=YES\" " f"-co \"blockxsize=256\" -co \"blockysize=256\" -co \"COPY_SRC_OVERVIEWS=YES\"") return out_path
[docs] def raster_to_png(self, ras_path): """Convert raster to .png file. Coerce to EPSG:3857 consistent with existing OT service.""" print("\nGenerating .png file.") png_name = ras_path.replace(self.ext, ".png") # translate from DEM srs to EPSG 3857 (if DEM is not in this srs) if (self.proj is not None) and (self.proj != self.viz_srs): tmp_path = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"tmp_3857{self.ext}") if cmd = f"{self.drun}gdalwarp " \ f"-t_srs {self.viz_srs} {self.dp}{ras_path} {self.dp}{tmp_path}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: gdal.Warp(f"{self.dp}{tmp_path}", f"{self.dp}{ras_path}", dstSRS=self.viz_srs) else: tmp_path = ras_path # convert to PNG scale = self.get_scaling(tmp_path) if cmd = f"{self.drun}gdal_translate -ot Byte{scale} -a_nodata 0 -of PNG " \ f"{self.dp}{tmp_path} {self.dp}{png_name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: gdal.Translate(f"{self.dp}{png_name}", f"{self.dp}{tmp_path}", options=f"-ot Byte{scale} -a_nodata 0 -of PNG") return png_name
[docs] def raster_to_kmz(self, ras_path): """Convert .tif raster to .kmz file""" print("\nGenerating .kmz file.") kmz_name = ras_path.replace(self.ext, ".kmz") scale = self.get_scaling(ras_path) if cmd = f"{self.drun}gdal_translate -ot Byte{scale} -a_nodata 0 -co format=png -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY " \ f"{self.dp}{ras_path} {self.dp}{kmz_name}", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: gdal.Translate(f"{self.dp}{kmz_name}", f"{self.dp}{ras_path}", options=f"-ot Byte{scale} -a_nodata 0 -co format=png -of KMLSUPEROVERLAY") return kmz_name
[docs] def get_scaling(ras_name): """Get scaling string for gdal_translate call when converting to Byte array for png/kmz outputs""" # color-relief and hillshade-color already have 0-255 color range, don't change if "color" in ras_name: scale = "" else: ras = gdal.Open(ras_name, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) band = ras.GetRasterBand(1) band.ComputeStatistics(0) min_val = band.GetMinimum() max_val = band.GetMaximum() # set output range to start at 1, so we don't erroneously set low values to nodata (0 for byte array) scale = f" -scale {min_val} {max_val} 1 255" return scale
[docs] def _clean_up(self): """Delete all intermediate files. Called by _png_kmz_checker decorator at end of function calls.""" int_files = [*self.intermediate_rasters.values(), os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"tmp_3857{self.ext}"), os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"{self.dem_name}_cmap.txt")] int_files += [f + ".aux.xml" for f in int_files] for f in int_files: if os.path.exists(f): os.remove(f)
if __name__ == "__main__": # CLI call parsing
[docs] argv = sys.argv
if (len(argv) < 2) or (("-h" in argv) or ("--help" in argv)): print_usage() else: # keep track of args/kwargs for the viz_type args = [] kwargs = {} # mandatory args viz_type = argv[1] dem = argv[-1] # optional args for RasterViz init for i, arg in enumerate(argv): if arg == "-out_ext": out_ext = ".img" if argv[i+1] == "img" else ".tif" make_png = True if ("-make_png" in argv) else False make_kmz = True if ("-make_kmz" in argv) else False docker_run = True if ("-docker" in argv) else False shell = True if ("-shell" in argv) else False # instantiate RasterViz object viz = RasterViz(dem=dem, out_ext=out_ext, make_png=make_png, make_kmz=make_kmz, docker_run=docker_run, shell=shell) # handle args/kwargs for hillshade if viz_type in ["hillshade", "hillshade-color"]: for i, arg in enumerate(argv): if arg in ["-z", "-alt", "-azim"]: k = arg.replace('-', '') kwargs[k] = float(argv[i+1]) if arg == '-multidirectional': k = arg.replace('-', '') kwargs[k] = True # handle args/kwargs for color-relief if viz_type in ["color-relief", "hillshade-color"]: for i, arg in enumerate(argv): if arg == "-cmap": k = arg.replace('-', '') kwargs[k] = argv[i+1] # call viz method viz.viz_types[viz_type](*args, **kwargs) end = time.time() print(f'Done.\nRan in {end - start:.0f} s.')