
Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

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Module Contents

wolfhece.hydrology.plot_hydrology.compare_plot(nbElements, writeDir, x, y, x_title, y_titles, graph_title='', y_title='Flow in the legend', beginDate=None, endDate=None, dt=None, dateRange=[], markersize=5, ax=None)[source]
wolfhece.hydrology.plot_hydrology.plot_hydro(nbElements: int, y, rain=[], x_title='Dates', y_titles=_('Discharge [m³/s]'), time=None, beginDate: datetime.datetime = None, endDate: datetime.datetime = None, dt: float = None, graph_title: str = None, y_labels: str = None, rangeData: list[datetime.datetime] = [], myColors: list = None, typeOfTraits: list = None, measures=[], beginDateMeasure=None, endDateMeasure=None, dtMeasure=None, surfaceMeasure=-1.0, addMeasfInTab: bool = False, upperPlot: bool = False, nbAddPlot: int = 1, z=[], y_labelAddPlot=[], factor_RH: float = 1.5, y_rain_range=[], y_data_range=[], figSize=[10.4, 6.25], writeFile: str = '', deltaMajorTicks=-1, deltaMinorTicks=-1, y_envelop=[], envelopID=0, textInGraph={}, addTable=False, allSurfaces=[], figure=None)[source]
wolfhece.hydrology.plot_hydrology.plot_multi_hydro(nbElements, writeDir, beginDate, endDate, dt, y, x_title, y_titles, graph_title=None, x_range=[], y_range=None, figSize=[10.4, 5.25], writeFile='')[source]
wolfhece.hydrology.plot_hydrology.compare_withRangeResults(beginDate, endDate, dty1, dty2, y1, y2_mean, y2_min, y2_max, title='', x_axis='', y_axis='', labely1='', labely2='', x_range=[], y_range=[], opacity=0.3)[source]

This graph is comparing data when with data depending on a range

wolfhece.hydrology.plot_hydrology.check_drange_bug(x, y)[source]
wolfhece.hydrology.plot_hydrology.plot_piechart(data: list, legend: list = [], colors: list = None, figSize: list = [10.4, 6.25], title: str = '', autopct: str = '%1.1f%%', explode: tuple = None, shadow: bool = True, startangle: int = 90, wp: dict = None, textprops: dict = None, figure: matplotlib.pyplot.figure = None, writeFile: str = '', toShow: bool = False)[source]
wolfhece.hydrology.plot_hydrology.bar_Nash_n_other(all_data: list[dict], all_colors: list[dict], nb_x, nb_data, nb_lines, y_titles: list[str] = [], x_titles: list[str] = [], nameModel: list[str] = [], line_names: list[str] = [], hatchs: list[str] = ['/', '.', '*', 'x', '|', '-', '+', 'o', '\\'], writeFile: str = '', toShow: bool = False)[source]
wolfhece.hydrology.plot_hydrology.table_Nash_n_other(data: numpy.ndarray, type_of_data: str = 'Nash', color_map: str = None, row_names: list[str] = [], column_names: list[str] = [], title: str = '', writeFile: str = '', toShow: bool = False, nan_color: str = 'white', nan_value: float = 0.0)[source]