Source code for wolfhece.hydrology.plot_hydrology

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DayLocator, HourLocator, DateFormatter, drange, MicrosecondLocator, num2date
from matplotlib import gridspec
import csv
import math
import datetime
import sys
import logging
from numpy.core.arrayprint import set_string_function

from numpy.core.defchararray import index

from ..PyTranslate import _

if not '_' in __builtins__:
    import gettext
[docs] _=gettext.gettext
## This function plots a graph with # @var nbElements The number of plots asked or the number of y elements to compare with # @var writeDir The directory where the figure will be saved # @var x The element on the x axis. The elements on the y axis will be compared with them. # @var y The elements on the y axis will be compared with them. It is composed of nbElements number of columns. # @var titles The title to write in the legend # @var beginDate datetime object that indicates the time of the first element to plot. # @var endDate datetime object that indicates the time of the last element to plot. # @var dt time steps of the data to plot [sec] # @var dataRange list of datetime objects representing the first time in the data and the last one
[docs] def compare_plot(nbElements, writeDir, x, y, x_title, y_titles, graph_title='', y_title='Flow in the legend', \ beginDate=None, endDate=None, dt=None, dateRange=[], markersize=5, ax=None): # Verification of the coherence bewteen the arguments if(nbElements!=np.shape(y)[1] or nbElements!=len(y_titles)): print("ERROR: 'nbElements' does not coincide with the number of rows of 'y' and 'titles'") sys.exit() if(len(x)!=len(y)): print("ERROR: the length of 'x' and 'y' are different!") if beginDate is not None and endDate is not None and dt is not None and dateRange!=[]: if dateRange[0]>beginDate or dateRange[1]<endDate: print("ERROR: the first or last date to plot must be within the range of available data!") sys.exit() index1 = math.ceil((datetime.datetime.timestamp(beginDate)-datetime.datetime.timestamp(dateRange[0]))/dt) index2 = len(x)-math.ceil((datetime.datetime.timestamp(dateRange[1])-datetime.datetime.timestamp(endDate))/dt) x_plot = [] y_plot = [] x_plot = x[index1:index2] y_plot = y[index1:index2,:] else : x_plot = x y_plot = y # Plot ot the graph and loop on all the elements to plot if(ax is None): plt.figure() plt.grid() plt.xlabel(x_title) plt.ylabel(y_title) for i in range(nbElements): plt.plot(x_plot,y_plot[:,i],'*',markersize=markersize,label=y_titles[i]) plt.plot(x_plot,x_plot, label='Bissectrice', color='k') plt.title(graph_title) plt.legend() plt.savefig(writeDir) else: # ax = plt.subplot(gs) ax.set_xlabel(x_title) ax.set_ylabel(y_title) ax.grid() for i in range(nbElements): ax.plot(x_plot,y_plot[:,i],'*',markersize=markersize,label=y_titles[i]) ax.plot(x_plot,x_plot, label='Bissectrice', color='k') ax.set_title(graph_title)
## This procedure plots the complete information about the hydrographs # @var nbElements The number of plots asked or the number of y elements to compare with # @var y The elements on the y axis will be compared with them. It is composed of "nbElements" number of columns. # @var x_title The title to write on the x axis # @var y_title The title to write on the y axis # @var time array composed of timetamps of the different times # @var beginDate datetime object of the first date # @var endDate datetime object of the last date # @var dt time step in [sec] # @var graph_title list of string containing the legend labels of each 'y' # @var range array of datetime objects # @var myColors list of string containing the colors desired. If the string is '' then we let the automatic choice. # @var typeOfTraits list of string defining the type of trait desired in the plot. (e.g. '-','--', etc) # @var upperPlot add a small additional plot just above the hydro (e.g. temperature, evapotranspiration) # @var nbAddPlot number of additional graph to give (the hydro and hyeto not included) # @var z array of additional data to plot. Its size is given by 'nbAddPlot' # @var y_labelAddPlot the labels to write on the y-axis of each additional graph # @var factor_RH factor between the hydro and the hyeto graph disposition # @var allSurfaces list containing all the surfaces in [km²] to consider for outflow conversion in mm/h # TO DO: REVOIR la facon de calculer "factor_RH"!!!! # If y is an array : each element is by column [][here] # elif y is a list : each element is located [here][] # TO DO : Maybe change this rationale for y -> Too complicated
[docs] def plot_hydro(nbElements:int, y, rain=[], x_title="Dates", y_titles=_("Discharge [m³/s]"), time=None, beginDate:datetime.datetime=None, endDate:datetime.datetime=None, dt:float=None, \ graph_title:str=None, y_labels:str=None, rangeData:list[datetime.datetime] = [], myColors:list=None, typeOfTraits:list=None, \ measures=[], beginDateMeasure=None, endDateMeasure=None, dtMeasure=None, surfaceMeasure=-1.0, addMeasfInTab:bool=False, \ upperPlot:bool=False, nbAddPlot:int=1, z=[], y_labelAddPlot=[], factor_RH:float=1.5, y_rain_range=[], y_data_range=[], figSize = [10.4,6.25],\ writeFile:str = '', deltaMajorTicks=-1, deltaMinorTicks=-1, \ y_envelop=[], envelopID=0, textInGraph={}, addTable=False, allSurfaces=[], figure=None): summaryTab = [] # @var summaryTab will be composed of the following charcteristics for each element: [Qpeak(0), tpeak(1), Qcumul(2), Raincumul(3), Coeff ruissellement moyen(4)]. If no rain provided only the 3 first elements are considered # Check the input data if(nbElements==1): if(len(np.shape(y))!=1): if(np.shape(y)[0]!=1): if(np.shape(y)[1]!=1): # y = list(map(list, zip(*y))) print("ERROR: the number of element and the dimension of 'y' does not coincide") sys.exit() elif(type(y)==np.ndarray): if(nbElements!=np.shape(y)[1]): print("ERROR: the number of element and the dimension of 'y' does not coincide") sys.exit() elif(type(y)==list): if(nbElements!=np.shape(y)[0]): print("ERROR: the number of element and the dimension of 'y' does not coincide") sys.exit() if(time is not None): beginDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time[0], tz=datetime.timezone.utc) endDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time[-1], tz=datetime.timezone.utc) dt = time[1]-time[0] tmpBeginDate = beginDate tmpEndDate = endDate tmpDt = dt time_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt) # Check the regularity of the time steps for i in range(1,len(time)): if(time[i]-time[i-1] != dt): print("ERROR: this procedure cannot take into account irregular time steps") sys.exit() break if(beginDate is not None and endDate is not None and dt is not None): if(tmpBeginDate!=beginDate or tmpEndDate!=endDate or tmpDt!=dt): print("ERROR: the data does not coincide!") sys.exit() elif(beginDate is not None and endDate is not None and dt is not None): if(np.shape(dt)==()): time_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt) else: time_delta = [] for i in range(nbElements): time_delta.append(datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt[i])) else: print("ERROR: This case is not considered or it lacks data!") print("Reminder: this procedure need at least the time array or the [beginDate,endDate,dt] information!") sys.exit() # if(y_labelsis not None): # if(len(y_labels)!=nbElements): # print("ERROR: this relation is not verified 'ylabels=nbElements'!") # sys.exit() if(rangeData==[]): if(np.shape(time_delta)==()): rangeData = [beginDate,endDate] else: rangeData = [beginDate[0],endDate[0]] else: print("TO DO: chek if the dates are valid.") if(myColors is None): myColors=[] for i in range(nbElements): myColors.append('') if(typeOfTraits is None): typeOfTraits = [] for i in range(nbElements): typeOfTraits.append('-') if(measures!=[]): time_delta_measure = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dtMeasure) if(factor_RH!=1.5 and y_rain_range!=[]): print("WARNING: factor_RH and y_rain_range cannot be given at the same time! Only factor_RH will be taken into account.") y_rain_range=[] if(factor_RH!=1.5 and y_data_range!=[]): print("WARNING: factor_RH and y_data_range cannot be given at the same time! Only factor_RH will be taken into account.") y_data_range=[] # Command to be sure the title does not overlap the graph if(nbAddPlot==0): nbAddPlot=1 # ============== # ============== if(np.shape(time_delta)==()): x_date = drange(beginDate, endDate+time_delta, time_delta) else: x_date = [] for i in range(nbElements): x_date.append(drange(beginDate[i], endDate[i]+time_delta[i], time_delta[i])) if(measures!=[]): x_date_measure = drange(beginDateMeasure, endDateMeasure+time_delta_measure, time_delta_measure) if figure is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figSize[0],figSize[1])) else: fig = figure fig.set_size_inches(figSize[0], figSize[1]) fig.suptitle(graph_title) if(addTable): tableElement = 3 else: tableElement = 0 gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nbAddPlot*3+5+tableElement, 5) # Subdivision of the main window in a grid of several subplots # ============== # --- Main plot --- : # a) Hydro: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:5,:]) ax1.set_xlabel(x_title) ax1.set_ylabel(y_titles, color='k') #Color express in %RGB: (1,1,1) # ax1.set_ylabel('Coefficient de ruissellement [-]',color='k') #Color express in %RGB: (1,1,1) max_= 0 if(y_labels is not None): title = y_labels # Plot hydro if(nbElements==1): if(len(np.shape(y))==1): y1 = y xdatePlot = x_date xdatePlotGen = x_date time_deltaGen = time_delta dt_Gen = dt dt_Plot = dt elif(type(y)==list): y1 = y[0] xdatePlot = x_date[0] xdatePlotGen = x_date[0] time_deltaGen = time_delta[0] dt_Gen = dt[0] dt_Plot = dt[0] else: y1 = y[:,0] # Could contain time data of the envelopp if(y_envelop!=[]): xdatePlot = x_date[envelopID] xdatePlotGen = x_date[0] time_deltaGen = time_delta[0] dt_Gen = dt[0] dt_Plot = dt[0] else: xdatePlot = x_date xdatePlotGen = x_date time_deltaGen = time_delta dt_Gen = dt dt_Plot = dt # complete summary table summaryTab.append([]) # summaryTab[0].append("%.3f"%(y1.max())) summaryTab[0].append(str(int(round(np.nanmax(y1))))) indexMax = np.nanargmax(y1) timeMax = num2date(xdatePlot[indexMax]) # summaryTab[0].append(timeMax.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")) summaryTab[0].append(timeMax.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M")) if(allSurfaces!=[]): summaryTab[0].append(np.sum(y1)*dt_Plot) xdatePlot = check_drange_bug(xdatePlot,y1) if(y1.max()>max_): max_ = y1.max() if(myColors[0]==''): ax1.plot_date(xdatePlot,y1,typeOfTraits[0],label=title[0]) else: ax1.plot_date(xdatePlot,y1,typeOfTraits[0],label=title[0],color=myColors[0]) # ax1.plot_date(xdatePlot,y1, typeOfTraits[0],label=title[0]) i = 0 else: for i in range(nbElements): if(np.shape(x_date[0])==()): xdatePlot = x_date xdatePlotGen = x_date time_deltaGen = time_delta time_deltaPlot = time_delta dt_Gen = dt dt_Plot = dt else: xdatePlot = x_date[i] xdatePlotGen = x_date[0] if(np.shape(time_delta)==()): time_deltaGen = time_delta time_deltaPlot = time_delta dt_Gen = dt dt_Plot = dt else: time_deltaGen = time_delta[0] time_deltaPlot = time_delta[i] dt_Gen = dt[0] dt_Plot = dt[i] if(type(y)==list): y1 = y[i] elif(type(y)==np.ndarray): y1 = y[:,i] # complete summary table summaryTab.append([]) # summaryTab[i].append("%.3f"%(y1.max())) summaryTab[i].append(str(int(round((np.nanmax(y1)))))) indexMax = np.nanargmax(y1) timeMax = num2date(xdatePlot[indexMax]) # summaryTab[i].append(timeMax.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")) summaryTab[i].append(timeMax.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M")) if(allSurfaces!=[]): summaryTab[i].append(np.nansum(y1)*dt_Plot) if(np.nanmax(y1)>max_): max_ = np.nanmax(y1) if(myColors[i]==''): if(len(xdatePlot)==len(y1)): ax1.plot_date(xdatePlot,y1,typeOfTraits[i],label=title[i]) elif(len(xdatePlot)-1==len(y1)): logging.error("ERROR: dimension of dates 1 elements greater than data! This could be a problem induced by drange() ... To investigate...") ax1.plot_date(xdatePlot[:-1],y1,typeOfTraits[i],label=title[i]) else: if(len(xdatePlot)==len(y1)): ax1.plot_date(xdatePlot,y1,typeOfTraits[i],label=title[i],color=myColors[i]) elif(len(xdatePlot)-1==len(y1)): logging.error("ERROR: dimension of dates 1 elements greater than data! This could be a problem induced by drange() ... To investigate...") ax1.plot_date(xdatePlot[:-1],y1,typeOfTraits[i],label=title[i],color=myColors[i]) # Plot envelop if(y_envelop!=[]): if(nbElements==1): if(len(np.shape(y))==1): y1 = y xdatePlot = x_date xdatePlotGen = x_date elif(type(y)==list): y1 = y[0] xdatePlot = x_date[0] else: y1 = y[:,0] xdatePlot = x_date[envelopID] if(y_envelop[1].max()>max_): max_ = y_envelop[1].max() ax1.fill_between(xdatePlotGen, y_envelop[1], y_envelop[0], color='c', alpha=0.4) # ax1.plot_date(xdatePlot,y1, typeOfTraits[0],label=title[0]) i = 0 else: for i in range(nbElements): if(np.shape(x_date[0])==()): xdatePlot = x_date else: xdatePlot = x_date[envelopID] if(y_envelop[1].max()>max_): max_ = y_envelop[1].max() ax1.fill_between(xdatePlotGen, y_envelop[0], y_envelop[1], color='c', alpha=0.5) # Plot measures if(measures!=[]): y1 = measures x_date_measure = check_drange_bug(x_date_measure,y1) if(np.nanmax(y1)>max_): max_ = np.nanmax(y1) if(myColors[nbElements]==''): ax1.plot_date(x_date_measure,y1, typeOfTraits[-1],label=title[nbElements]) else: ax1.plot_date(x_date_measure,y1, typeOfTraits[-1],label=title[nbElements],color=myColors[nbElements]) if(addMeasfInTab): summaryTab.append([]) i = len(summaryTab)-1 summaryTab[i].append(str(int(round((np.nanmax(y1)))))) indexMax = np.nanargmax(y1) timeMax = num2date(x_date_measure[indexMax]) # summaryTab[i].append(timeMax.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M:%S")) summaryTab[i].append(timeMax.strftime("%m/%d/%Y, %H:%M")) if(allSurfaces!=[]): summaryTab[i].append(np.nansum(y1)*dtMeasure) # Set the axis parameters if(y_data_range==[]): ax1.set_ylim(0, max_*factor_RH) else: ax1.set_ylim(y_data_range[0], y_data_range[1]) ax1.set_xlim(rangeData[0],rangeData[1]-time_deltaGen) # for rotation of the dates on x axis for label in ax1.get_xticklabels(): label.set_rotation(30) label.set_horizontalalignment('right') ax1.tick_params(axis='y',labelcolor='k') # if(deltaMajorTicks>0): # majorTicks = HourLocator(interval=math.floor(deltaMajorTicks/3600)) # # majorTicks = drange(beginDate, endDate, deltaTimeMajorTicks) # # ax1.set_xticks(majorTicks) # ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorTicks) # ax1.grid(which='major', alpha=1.0) # if(deltaMinorTicks>0): # # deltaTimeMinorTicks = datetime.timedelta(seconds=deltaMinorTicks) # # minorTicks = drange(beginDate, endDate, deltaTimeMinorTicks) # # ax1.set_xticks(minorTicks, minor=True) # # ax1.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) # ax1.minorticks_on() # minorTicks = MicrosecondLocator(interval=deltaMinorTicks*1E6) # ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorTicks) # # plt.grid(which='minor', linestyle=':', linewidth='0.5', color='black') # ax1.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) # else: # ax1.grid() if(textInGraph!={}): for element in textInGraph: mytxt = textInGraph[element]["Text"] coordx = textInGraph[element]["X"] coordy = textInGraph[element]["Y"] ax1.text(coordx, coordy, mytxt) # b) Hyeto if(rain!=[]): y2 = rain[:] # CAUTION only if the rain is 1 element greater than hydro ax2=ax1.twinx() ax2.set_ylabel(_('Precipitations [mm/h]'),color='b') if(y_rain_range==[]): ax2.set_ylim(y2.max()*(1+(factor_RH-1)*3), 0) else: ax2.set_ylim(y_rain_range[1], y_rain_range[0]) xdatePlotGen = check_drange_bug(xdatePlotGen,y2) ax2.plot_date(xdatePlotGen,y2,'-',color='b') ax2.fill_between(xdatePlotGen, y2, 0, color='b') ax2.tick_params(axis='y',labelcolor='b') for i in range(nbElements): if(allSurfaces!=[]): summaryTab[i].append(np.sum(y2)*dt_Gen/3600.0) summaryTab[i][-2] = summaryTab[i][-2]*10**(-3)/allSurfaces[i] tmpRatio = summaryTab[i][-2]/summaryTab[i][-1] summaryTab[i].append(tmpRatio) # summaryTab[i].append("%.4f"%(np.sum(y2)*dt_Gen/3600.0)) # summaryTab[i][-2] = summaryTab[i][-2]*10**(-3)/allSurfaces[i] # tmpRatio = summaryTab[i][-2]/summaryTab[i][-1] # summaryTab[i].append("%.4f"%(tmpRatio)) summaryTab[i][-1] = "%.3f"%(summaryTab[i][-1]) summaryTab[i][-2] = "%.3f"%(summaryTab[i][-2]) summaryTab[i][-3] = "%.3f"%(summaryTab[i][-3]) if(measures!=[] and allSurfaces!=[] and surfaceMeasure>0.0 and addMeasfInTab): summaryTab[-1].append(np.sum(y2)*dt_Gen/3600.0) summaryTab[-1][-2] = summaryTab[-1][-2]*10**(-3)/surfaceMeasure tmpRatio = summaryTab[-1][-2]/summaryTab[-1][-1] summaryTab[-1].append(tmpRatio) # summaryTab[i].append("%.4f"%(np.sum(y2)*dt_Gen/3600.0)) # summaryTab[i][-2] = summaryTab[i][-2]*10**(-3)/allSurfaces[i] # tmpRatio = summaryTab[i][-2]/summaryTab[i][-1] # summaryTab[i].append("%.4f"%(tmpRatio)) summaryTab[-1][-1] = "%.3f"%(summaryTab[-1][-1]) summaryTab[-1][-2] = "%.3f"%(summaryTab[-1][-2]) summaryTab[-1][-3] = "%.3f"%(summaryTab[-1][-3]) elif(measures!=[] and allSurfaces!=[] and addMeasfInTab): summaryTab[-1].append("/") summaryTab[-1][-2] = "/" summaryTab[-1].append("/") if(deltaMajorTicks>0): majorTicks = HourLocator(interval=math.floor(deltaMajorTicks/3600)) # majorTicks = drange(beginDate, endDate, deltaTimeMajorTicks) # ax1.set_xticks(majorTicks) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorTicks) ax1.grid(which='major', alpha=1.0) if(deltaMinorTicks>0): # deltaTimeMinorTicks = datetime.timedelta(seconds=deltaMinorTicks) # minorTicks = drange(beginDate, endDate, deltaTimeMinorTicks) # ax1.set_xticks(minorTicks, minor=True) # ax1.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) ax1.minorticks_on() minorTicks = MicrosecondLocator(interval=deltaMinorTicks*1E6) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorTicks) # plt.grid(which='minor', linestyle=':', linewidth='0.5', color='black') ax1.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) else: ax1.grid() fig.tight_layout() handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() fig.legend(handles, labels) # ============== # --- Additional plots --- : if(upperPlot): ax3 = [] for i in range(nbAddPlot): # if(np.shape(x_date)==()): # xdatePlot = x_date # else: # xdatePlot = x_date[i] ax3.append(fig.add_subplot(gs[4+(i+1)*3,:])) y1 = z[i][:] ax3[i].set_xlabel('Date') if(y_labelAddPlot==[]): ax3[i].set_ylabel('Evapotranpiration [mm/h]',color='orange') else: ax3[i].set_ylabel(y_labelAddPlot[i],color='orange') xdatePlotGen = check_drange_bug(xdatePlotGen,y1) ax3[i].plot_date(xdatePlotGen,y1, '-', color='orange') ax3[i].set_xlim(rangeData[0],rangeData[1]-time_deltaGen) if(deltaMajorTicks>0): majorTicks = HourLocator(interval=math.floor(deltaMajorTicks/3600)) ax3[i].xaxis.set_major_locator(majorTicks) ax3[i].grid(which='major', alpha=1.0) if(deltaMinorTicks>0): ax3[i].minorticks_on() minorTicks = MicrosecondLocator(interval=deltaMinorTicks*1E6) ax3[i].xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorTicks) ax3[i].grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) else: ax3[i].grid() # ======================= # ---- Plots tables ---- : if(addTable): ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[-3:,1:5]) columnLabels = ["Q peak [m³/s]", "t peak"+x_title.replace("Dates","")] if(len(title)>1) and measures!=[]: if(addMeasfInTab): rowLabels = title[:] else: rowLabels = title[:-1] elif len(title)>0 and measures==[]: rowLabels = title[:] else: rowLabels = ["Hydrograph 1"] if(rain!=[]): if(allSurfaces!=[]): columnLabels.append("Q cumul [mm]") columnLabels.append("P cumul [mm]") columnLabels.append("Ratio [-]") ax4.axis('tight') ax4.axis('off') myTab = ax4.table(cellText=summaryTab,colLabels=columnLabels,rowLabels=rowLabels,loc="center",cellLoc='center') myTab.auto_set_font_size(False) myTab.set_fontsize(8) if(writeFile!=''): fig.savefig(writeFile, transparent=True) return fig
## This procedure can plot multiple hydrograph in the same window
[docs] def plot_multi_hydro(nbElements, writeDir, beginDate, endDate, dt, y, x_title, y_titles, \ graph_title=None, x_range = [], y_range = None, figSize = [10.4,5.25],\ writeFile=''): plt.figure(figsize=(figSize[0],figSize[1])) plt.grid() if(graph_title is not None): plt.title(graph_title) if(x_range==[]): x_range = [beginDate,endDate] else: print("TO DO: chek if the dates are valid.") for i in range(nbElements-1): if(dt[i]==3600): time_delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) elif(dt[i]==900): time_delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) else: print("ERROR: Problem in the dates") sys.exit() x_date = drange(beginDate, endDate, time_delta) x1 = x_date y1 = y[i] plt.plot_date(x1, y1, '--', label=y_titles[i]) if(dt[nbElements-1]==3600): time_delta = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) elif(dt[nbElements-1]==900): time_delta = datetime.timedelta(minutes=15) else: print("ERROR: Problem in the dates") sys.exit() x_date = drange(beginDate, endDate, time_delta) x1 = x_date y1 = y[nbElements-1] plt.plot_date(x_date, y1, '-', label=y_titles[nbElements-1], color='k') plt.xlim(x_range[0]-time_delta,x_range[1]) if(x_range is not None): plt.ylim(y_range) # Rotation of the axis graduation plt.xticks(rotation=30) plt.legend() if(writeFile!=''): plt.savefig(writeFile)
[docs] def compare_withRangeResults(beginDate, endDate, dty1, dty2, y1, y2_mean, y2_min, y2_max, title='', x_axis = '', y_axis = '', labely1='', labely2='', x_range=[], y_range=[], opacity=0.3): """ This graph is comparing data when with data depending on a range """ if(len(y2_mean)!=len(y2_max) or len(y2_mean)!=len(y2_min)): print("ERROR: The data lengths between data are not the same.") sys.exit() timeDelta1 = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dty1) timeDelta2 = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dty2) x_date1 = drange(beginDate, endDate+timeDelta1, timeDelta1) x_date2 = drange(beginDate, endDate+timeDelta2, timeDelta2) if(len(x_date1)!=len(y1) or len(x_date2)!=len(y2_mean)): print("ERROR: the date length is not the same size as the data") sys.exit() if(x_range==[]): x_range = [beginDate, endDate] # if(y_range==[]): # ymin = sys.float_info.max # ymax = sys.float_info.min # tmp = np.min(y1) # tmp fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.grid() x1 = x_date1 x2 = x_date2 ax1.plot_date(x1, y1, '--', label=labely1, color='g') ax1.plot_date(x2,y2_mean, '-', label=labely2, color='k') ax1.fill_between(x2, y2_max, y2_mean, facecolor='red', alpha=opacity) ax1.fill_between(x2, y2_min, y2_mean, facecolor='blue', alpha=opacity) plt.xlim(x_range[0],x_range[1]) if(y_range!=[]): plt.ylim(y_range[0],y_range[1]) if(title!=''): plt.title(title) plt.xticks(rotation=30) plt.legend()
[docs] def check_drange_bug(x, y ): if(len(x)==len(y)): return x elif(len(x)-1==len(y)): # print("ERROR: dimension of dates 1 elements greater than data! This could be a problem induced by drange() ... To investigate...") # toContinue = input("Do you still want to continue nonetheless? Y-[Yes] N-[No]: ") logging.error("ERROR: dimension of dates 1 elements greater than data! This could be a problem induced by drange() ... To investigate...") toContinue = True if(toContinue): return x[:-1] else: sys.exit()
[docs] def plot_piechart(data:list, legend:list=[], colors:list=None, figSize:list = [10.4,6.25], title:str="", \ autopct:str='%1.1f%%', explode:tuple=None, shadow:bool=True, startangle:int=90, wp:dict=None, textprops:dict=None, \ figure:plt.figure=None, writeFile:str='', toShow:bool=False): # textprops = dict(color ="magenta")) # Wedge properties # wp = { 'linewidth' : 1, 'edgecolor' : "green" } if figure == None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = figSize) else: fig = figure ax = fig.add_su wedges, texts, autotexts = ax.pie(data, autopct = autopct, explode = explode, labels = None, shadow = shadow, colors = colors, startangle = startangle, wedgeprops = wp, textprops = textprops) # Adding legend labels = [f'{l} ({s:0.1f}%)' for l, s in zip(legend, data/np.sum(data)*100)] curLegend = ax.legend(wedges, labels, title = "Landuses", loc ="center left", bbox_to_anchor =(1, 0, 0.5, 1)) for t in curLegend.get_texts(): t.set_ha('left') plt.setp(autotexts, size = 8, weight ="bold") ax.set_title(title) # Save image if(writeFile!=''): plt.savefig(writeFile) # Show plot if toShow: return fig
[docs] def bar_Nash_n_other(all_data:list[dict], all_colors:list[dict], nb_x, nb_data, nb_lines, y_titles:list[str]=[], x_titles:list[str]=[], nameModel:list[str]=[], line_names:list[str]=[], hatchs:list[str]=["/", ".", "*", "x", "|", "-", "+", "o", "\\"], writeFile:str="", toShow:bool=False): assert len(hatchs) < 10 nb_models = nb_data nb_stations = nb_lines nb_intervals = nb_x type_of_data = y_titles type_of_model = nameModel if line_names == []: sorted_keys = all_data[0].keys() else: assert len(line_names) == len(all_data[0].keys()) sorted_keys = line_names all_names = x_titles fig, ax = plt.subplots(nb_stations*2, nb_data) x = np.arange(nb_intervals) step = 1.0/nb_intervals sub_x = np.arange(0, 1, step) for i_int in range(nb_intervals): for i_data in range(nb_data): i_station = 0 for k in sorted_keys: cur_ax = ax[i_station*2, i_data] ax[i_station*2+1, i_data].set_axis_off() cur_d = all_data[i_data][k] cur_c = all_colors[i_data][k] for i_model in range(nb_models): # y = [cur_d[i_model]] + sub_x[i_model], cur_d[i_model], color = cur_c[i_model], width = step, hatch = hatchs[i_model]) cur_ax.set_xticks(x) if i_station == len(sorted_keys)-1: cur_ax.set_xticklabels(labels=all_names, rotation=10) else: cur_ax.set_xticklabels(labels=[], rotation=10) if i_station == 0: cur_ax.set_ylabel(type_of_data[i_data]) # cur_ax.legend(labels=type_of_model) cur_ax.set_ylim([-1, 1]) cur_ax.set_title(" ".join(["", k])) i_station += 1 ax_legend = [[0], np.nan, color="w", hatch=hatchs[i], label=type_of_model[i], edgecolor="k") for i in range(len(type_of_model))] # fig.legend(ax_legend, labels=type_of_model) # plt.legend() fig.legend(handlelength=3, handleheight=2, borderpad=2) if toShow :
[docs] def table_Nash_n_other(data:np.ndarray, type_of_data:str="Nash", color_map:str=None, row_names:list[str]=[], column_names:list[str]=[], title:str="", writeFile:str="", toShow:bool=False, nan_color:str="white", nan_value:float=0.0): if nan_value is not None: data[data == nan_value] = np.nan # Heat map definition fig_tmp, ax_tmp = plt.subplots() if type_of_data == "Nash": heatmap = ax_tmp.imshow(data[:, 0:1], cmap='RdYlGn', aspect='auto', vmin=0, vmax=1) if type_of_data == "Exceedance": heatmap = ax_tmp.imshow(data[:, 1:2], cmap='bwr_r', aspect='auto', vmin=-1, vmax=1, origin='lower') heat_rgb = heatmap.to_rgba(data) plt.close(fig_tmp) vfunc = np.vectorize(lambda x: '' if np.isnan(x) else f'{x:.2f}') ndata = vfunc(data) # plot the table fig, ax = plt.subplots() table = ax.table(cellText=ndata, loc='center', cellColours= heat_rgb, colLabels=column_names, rowLabels=row_names, cellLoc='center', rowLoc='center', colLoc='center') # Make the column fit with around their name for i in range(len(row_names)): table.auto_set_column_width(i) # Change the text color based on the brightness of the cell color for i, cell in table.get_celld().items(): cell.set_edgecolor('black') if cell.get_facecolor()[0] < 0.5: # if the cell color is dark cell.get_text().set_color('white') else: cell.get_text().set_color('black') table.scale(1.0, 3.0) # # Hide axes ax.axis('off') # Set the title if title != "": ax.set_title(title) if writeFile != "": plt.savefig(writeFile, transparent=True, bbox_inches='tight') if toShow: