
Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

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Module Contents

wolfhece.bernoulli.losses._colebrook_white(f, k, diameter, reynolds)[source]

Colebrook-White equation for friction factor

@param f: float, friction factor [-] @param k: float, roughness of the pipe [m] @param diameter: float, diameter of the pipe [m] @param reynolds: float, Reynolds number [-]


Second derivative of the Colebrook-White equation

wolfhece.bernoulli.losses.f_colebrook_white(f, k, diameter, reynolds)[source]

Solve the Colebrook-White equation using Newton’s method

@param f: float, initial guess for the friction factor [-] @param k: float, roughness of the pipe [m] @param diameter: float, diameter of the pipe [m] @param reynolds: float, Reynolds number [-]


Test the Colebrook-White equation using Scipy fsolve


Test the Colebrook-White equation using Scipy root_scalar


Test the Colebrook-White equation using Scipy newton
