Source code for wolfhece.bernoulli.losses

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
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import numpy as np
from math import pi
from scipy.optimize import fsolve, newton, root, root_scalar
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from jax import grad, jit, numpy as jnp
import timeit

[docs] def _colebrook_white(f, k, diameter, reynolds): """ Colebrook-White equation for friction factor @param f: float, friction factor [-] @param k: float, roughness of the pipe [m] @param diameter: float, diameter of the pipe [m] @param reynolds: float, Reynolds number [-] """ return 1. / jnp.sqrt(f) + 2. * jnp.log10(k / (3.7 * diameter) + 2.51 / (reynolds * jnp.sqrt(f)))
""" Gradient of the Colebrook-White equation """
[docs] grad_colebrook_white = jit(grad(_colebrook_white))
""" Second derivative of the Colebrook-White equation """
[docs] grad2_colebrook_white = jit(grad(grad(_colebrook_white)))
[docs] def f_colebrook_white(f, k, diameter, reynolds): """ Solve the Colebrook-White equation using Newton's method @param f: float, initial guess for the friction factor [-] @param k: float, roughness of the pipe [m] @param diameter: float, diameter of the pipe [m] @param reynolds: float, Reynolds number [-] """ f_sol = newton(_colebrook_white, f, grad_colebrook_white, args=(k, diameter, reynolds), rtol=1e-6) return f_sol.item()
# Test multiple solvers
[docs] def test_colebrook_fsolve(): """ Test the Colebrook-White equation using Scipy fsolve """ k= 1.e-4 diam = .5 viscosity = 1.e-6 area = pi * (diam/2.)**2. discharge = 1. velocity = discharge / area reynolds = velocity * diam / viscosity f_guess = 0.02 # Initial guess for the friction factor f_sol = fsolve(_colebrook_white, f_guess, args=(k, diam, reynolds), xtol=1e-14) return f_sol[0]
[docs] def test_colebrook_root_scalar(): """ Test the Colebrook-White equation using Scipy root_scalar """ k= 1.e-4 diam = .5 viscosity = 1.e-6 area = pi * (diam/2.)**2. discharge = 1. velocity = discharge / area reynolds = velocity * diam / viscosity f_guess = 0.02 # Initial guess for the friction factor f_sol = root_scalar(_colebrook_white, method='brentq', bracket=[0.,10.], x0 = f_guess, args=(k, diam, reynolds)) #, fprime = grad_colebrook_white, fprime2 = grad2_colebrook_white, xtol=1e-6) return f_sol.root
[docs] def test_colebrook_newton(): """ Test the Colebrook-White equation using Scipy newton """ k= 1.e-4 diam = .5 viscosity = 1.e-6 area = pi * (diam/2.)**2. discharge = 1. velocity = discharge / area reynolds = velocity * diam / viscosity f_guess = 0.02 # Initial guess for the friction factor f_sol = newton(_colebrook_white, f_guess, grad_colebrook_white, args=(k, diam, reynolds), rtol=1e-6) return f_sol.item()
if __name__ == '__main__':
[docs] trootscalar = timeit.timeit(test_colebrook_root_scalar, number = 1000)
tfsolve = timeit.timeit(test_colebrook_fsolve, number = 1000) tnewton = timeit.timeit(test_colebrook_newton, number = 1000) trootscalar = test_colebrook_root_scalar() tfsolve = test_colebrook_fsolve() tnewton = test_colebrook_newton() sol_newton = f_colebrook_white(.02, 1.e-4, .5, 1/(pi*(.5/2.)**2.)*.5/1.e-6) assert sol_newton == tnewton pass