
Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

Module Contents

class wolfhece.ui.wolf_multiselection_collapsiblepane.Wolf_TwoLists_Transfer(parent, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: wx.Panel

Inheritance diagram of wolfhece.ui.wolf_multiselection_collapsiblepane.Wolf_TwoLists_Transfer

Panel with 2 lists to select multiple items from 1 to 2 or from 2 to 1


Get values of the lists

set_max_selected_items(max_selected_items: int)[source]

set the maximum number of selected items that list1 can transfer to list2


Bind actions to buttons


Clear list 2


Clear list 2


Sort items of list 1


Sort items of list 2


Transfer selected items from list 1 to list 2


Transfer selected items from list 2 to list 1

class wolfhece.ui.wolf_multiselection_collapsiblepane.Wolf_MultipleSelection(parent, title, values_dict: dict, callback=None, info: str = '', cmdApply: bool = False, styles=wx.LB_EXTENDED, destroyOK=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: wx.Dialog

Inheritance diagram of wolfhece.ui.wolf_multiselection_collapsiblepane.Wolf_MultipleSelection

Dialog with multiple ‘collapsiblepanes’ containing 2 lists to select multiple items


Get values of the lists


Bind actions to buttons


