
Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

Module Contents

class wolfhece.hydrology.Comparison.Comparison(workingDir, dictCatchment, dictToCompar)[source]

This class contains several Catchment objects and all the procedures to produce plots that can compare different results of these Catchments.

hyetos(catchColors=[], rangeRain=[], writeFile='', myTraits=None, beginDate=None, endDate=None, dt=None, yrangeData=[], addData=[], dt_addData=[], beginDates_addData=[], endDates_addData=[], label_addData=[], color_addData=[], typeOfTraits_addData=[], cumulOrigin_addData=[])[source]

TO DO : A Généraliser dans le cas où les sous-bassins n’ont pas le même nom et topologie !!!!!

outlet_all_basins_same_topo(plotDict={}, show=True, envelop=False, refModuleName='')[source]
outlet_all_RB_height_same_topo(plotDict={}, show=True, envelop=False, displayMax=False)[source]

Plot the heights of all rentention basin. The measures given should also be heights in [m]. This function considers that the topology in all the catchments is the same.

outlet_all_RB_hydro_same_topo(plotDict={}, show=True, envelop=False, refModuleName='')[source]
plot_ind_subBasins(withEvap=False, withCt=False, selection_by_iD=[], writeDir='')[source]

Plot subbasins selected by id from all catchment on individual graphs. Not regrouped yet on a sigle graph.

plot_all_diff_cumulRain_with_lagtime(interval, selection_by_iD=[], writeDir='')[source]
add_stations_to_plotDict(stationKeys: list = [], stationNames: list = [], measures: list = [])[source]
add_station_to_plotDict(stationKey: str, stationName: str = '', measure=None, xRange=None, yRange=None)[source]
add_data_in_station(stationKey: str, data: list = [], datesBegin: list = [], datesEnd: list = [], deltaT: list = [], labels: list = [], colors: list = [], typeOfTraits: list = [], addDataObj: list = [], addDataUnits: str = 'm3/s')[source]
add_data_in_station_from_Subbasin(stationKey: str, myAddDataObj: list, addDataUnits: str = 'm3/s')[source]
set_general_plot(xRange=None, yRange=None, timeZone=None, sameRain=None, displayRain=None, addTable=None, addMeasureTable=None, refName=None, writingDir='')[source]
set_station_plot(stationKey, xRange=None, yRange=None, measure=None)[source]
reset_addData(stationKey, backupAddData=None)[source]
plot_Nash_and_peak(stationKey: list[str, int], measures: list[wolfhece.hydrology.Catchment.SubBasin], intervals: list = [])[source]