Notebook : Copie d’une simulation dans un nouvel objet
from wolfhece.mesh2d.wolf2dprev import prev_sim2D
from wolfhece.PyVertexvectors import zone, Zones, vector, wolfvertex
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from os import getcwd
Répertoire de la simulation à copier
indir = Path(r'../../../../tests\data\2d\simke')
indir = (getcwd() / indir).absolute()
Initialisation de la simulation à copier
oldsim = prev_sim2D(fname=str(indir / 'simul'))
old_header = oldsim.get_header()
m_grid = oldsim.magnetic_grid
Copie dans une nouvelle instance
with TemporaryDirectory() as outdir:
# Instanciation of the new simulation
# Set the filepath and file name
# Clear the directory if it already exists
newsim = prev_sim2D(fname=str(Path(outdir) / 'test'), clear=True)
# We want to keep the origin of the new simulation at the same place as the old one
# We don't want to translate the contour lower-left corner to zero
newsim.bloc_description.translate_origin2zero = False
# Get the extrenal contour
extern = oldsim.external_border
# Set the magnetic grid
newsim.set_magnetic_grid(dx=m_grid.dx, dy=m_grid.dy, origx=m_grid.origx, origy=m_grid.origy)
# Set the external border
# Set the mesh size
newsim.set_mesh_fine_size(dx=old_header.dx, dy=old_header.dy)
# Copy the blocks
# - contour
# - dx, dy
for curblock in oldsim.bloc_description.my_blocks:
newsim.add_block(curblock.contour, dx=curblock.dx, dy=curblock.dy)
# Mesh the new simulation
# Useful to check if the mesh is correct
if newsim.mesh():
# Create the fine arrays -- You can skip this step or just copy the old files
# Create the borders
# Transfer the parameters
# Check if the new simulation is the same as the old one
# Remark : the boundary conditions are not copied here
log, ret = newsim.is_like(oldsim)
print('Copy test:', log)
print('Return:', ret)
print('Error during mesh creation.')
WARNING:root:No infiltration file found
Copy test: False
Return: General parameters are different
Number of weak BC along X are different
Conditions aux limites
# Lecture des fichiers sux_suy
Récupération des listes d’indices sous forme de np.array
Ainsi il est possible de trier rapidement
bc_i, bc_j = np.asarray(oldsim.list_pot_bc_y())
# On ne garde que les bords dont j > 640
test = bc_j > 640
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