Create a building maps from a DEM and a DSM


DEM: Digital Elevation Model DSM: Digital Surface Model from the 2D simulation (DEM + buildings + walls + piers + …)

  1. Load the DEM and DSM.

  2. Compute the difference between the DSM and the DEM using the calculator.

  3. Clean the difference to identify the buildings (apply a threshold on the difference, label and eliminate small patches, etc.).

  4. (Optional) Set unmasked values to 1 to create a binary image.

  5. Save the building map.


DSM array


DEM array


Compute the difference (DSM - DEM)


Analyzes the difference


Clean the difference


Result (before setting unmasked values to 1 if needed)


The result can be used in an inpainting algorithm to fill in the holes/gaps in the 2D results in order to compare flood inundations more easily.