Module Contents
- wolfgpu.loaders.wolf_loader.load_sim_to_gpu(model: pathlib.Path | wolfhece.mesh2d.wolf2dprev.prev_sim2D, init_gl=True, glsim: None | wolfgpu.glsimulation.GLSimulation = None, tile_size=16, interp_infiltration: wolfgpu.simple_simulation.InfiltrationInterpolation = InfiltrationInterpolation.NONE, shader_log_path=None, interpret_freq_type_as_wolf: bool = False, tiles_packing_mode: wolfgpu.tile_packer.TilePackingMode = TilePackingMode.REGULAR, optimize_indirection: bool = False, fail_if_invalid_sim: bool = True) wolfgpu.glsimulation.GLSimulation [source]
model: You can pass either a directory to a model (a Path) or a Wolf2DModel.
glsim: If provided, the model will be loaded into the given simulation. If not provided, a brand new simulation will be created.
interpret_freq_type_as_wolf: If true and unit of report frequency is seconds (instead of steps), then we interpret the duration of the simulation as a number of seconds (instead of a number of steps). This param was introduced because in our test/debug, “npas” is always expected to be a number of steps (and not seconds).