Source code for wolfhece.eva.mixture_models

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

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import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar, minimize
from autograd import jacobian
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Refs :
    - Mixture Model in Python:
    - Expectation-Maximization :

[docs] class MixtureModel(): """ Modèle de mélange """ def __init__(self,component_distributions, ps) -> None: """ Liste des distributions à mélanger et liste de coefficients (dont la somme vaut 1.) """ self._components = component_distributions self.pond = ps # Return the function that is the pdf of the mixture distribution self.pdf = lambda x: sum(component_dist.pdf(x) * p for component_dist, p in zip(component_distributions, ps)) # Internal function that is the cdf of the mixture distribution self.cdf = lambda x: sum(component_dist.cdf(x) * p for component_dist, p in zip(component_distributions, ps)) # Return the function that is the nnlf of the mixture distribution self.nnlf = lambda x: -np.log(self.pdf(x))
[docs] def ppf(self,p): """ Return the pth quantile of the mixture distribution given by the component distributions and their probabilities Defined like function enabling overloading (ex.: SeasonMixtureModel) """ # We can probably be a bit smarter about how we pick the limits lo = np.min([dist.ppf(.00001) for dist in self._components]) hi = np.max([dist.ppf(.99999) for dist in self._components]) # root_scalar must have opposite sign for function to bounds while np.sign(p-self.cdf(lo)) * np.sign(p-self.cdf(hi))>0: lo/=2 hi*=2 if lo is np.nan: lo = -10000. if hi is np.nan: hi = 10000. res = root_scalar(lambda x,p,f: p-f(x), args=(p,self.cdf), method='brenth', bracket=[lo,hi], xtol=1e-5) if res.converged: return res.root else: print(res) raise ValueError('Bad convergence of the root scalar function - Please debug !')
[docs] def plots(self,fig=None, axes=None, show=True): """ Graphique de la cdf et de la pdf """ if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1) p = np.arange(.1, 1.,.001) q_all = [] ax=axes[0] for k, curdist in enumerate(self._components): q = curdist.ppf(p) q_all+=list(q) ax.plot(q,p, label='component {}'.format(k+1)) q = [self.ppf(curp) for curp in p] q_all+=q ax.plot(q,p, label='mixture model') ax.legend() ax.set_title('Cumulative probability function') ax.set_xlabel('Quantile') ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative probability') q_all = np.asarray(sorted(q_all)) ax=axes[1] for k, curdist in enumerate(self._components): p = curdist.pdf(q_all) ax.plot(q_all,p, label='component {}'.format(k+1)) p = [self.pdf(curq) for curq in q_all] ax.plot(q_all,p, label='mixture model') ax.legend() ax.set_title('Density probability function') ax.set_xlabel('Quantile') ax.set_ylabel('Probability') fig.tight_layout() if show: return fig,axes
[docs] class SeasonMixtureModel(MixtureModel): """ Extension d'un MixtureModel pour tenir compte directement de l'adaptation de la probabilité sur base de 2 saisons sur une année Les variables et résultats des fonctions cdf et ppf s'expriment en probabilité annuelle Liaison entre période de retour annuelle (T) et probabilité cumulée/de non-dépassement (F) $ T = 1/(1-F^2) $ """ def __init__(self, component_distributions, ps) -> None: super().__init__(component_distributions, ps) self.power = 2. # Nombre d'événements sélectionnés par année # Return the function that is the pdf of the mixture distribution self._pdf = lambda x: sum(component_dist.pdf(x) * p for component_dist, p in zip(component_distributions, ps)) self.pdf = lambda x: pow(sum(component_dist.pdf(x) * p for component_dist, p in zip(component_distributions, ps)),self.power) # Return the function that is the cdf of the mixture distribution self.cdf = lambda x: pow(sum(component_dist.cdf(x) * p for component_dist, p in zip(component_distributions, ps)),self.power) # Return the function that is the nnlf of the mixture distribution self.nnlf = lambda x: -np.log(self.pdf(x))
[docs] def plots(self,fig=None, axes=None, show=True): """ Graphique de la cdf et de la pdf """ if axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1) p = np.arange(.1, 1.,.001) q_all = [] ax=axes[0] for k, curdist in enumerate(self._components): q = curdist.ppf(p) q_all+=list(q) ax.plot(q,p, label='component {}'.format(k+1)) q = [self.ppf(curp) for curp in p] q_all+=q ax.plot(q,p, label='mixture model') ax.legend() ax.set_title('Cumulative probability function') ax.set_xlabel('Quantile') ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative probability') q_all = np.asarray(sorted(q_all)) ax=axes[1] for k, curdist in enumerate(self._components): p = curdist.pdf(q_all) ax.plot(q_all,p, label='component {}'.format(k+1)) p = [self.pdf(curq) for curq in q_all] ax.plot(q_all,p, label='mixture model w expon') p = [self._pdf(curq) for curq in q_all] ax.plot(q_all,p, label='mixture model wo expon') ax.legend() ax.set_title('Density probability function') ax.set_xlabel('Quantile') ax.set_ylabel('Probability') fig.tight_layout() if show: return fig,axes
[docs] def _nnlf_wgen(x0, data, weights): shape,loc,scale=x0 # pdf = stats.genextreme.pdf(data,shape, loc=loc, scale=scale) # func = np.inner(weights[pdf>0.],-np.log(pdf[pdf>0.])) lpdf = stats.genextreme.logpdf(data,shape, loc=loc, scale=scale) func = np.inner(weights,-lpdf) return func
[docs] def _nnlf_wgum(x0, data, weights): loc,scale=x0 lpdf = stats.gumbel_r.logpdf(data, loc=loc, scale=scale) func = np.inner(weights,-lpdf) return func
[docs] def _nnlf_gen(x0, data): shape,loc,scale=x0 func = -np.sum(np.log(stats.genextreme.pdf(data,shape, loc=loc, scale=scale))) return func
[docs] def fit_wgev(data, weights, shape = None, loc = None, scale= None): """Fit d'une loi GEV avec des poids attachés aux données""" if shape is None: shape=0. loc, scale = res = minimize(_nnlf_wgum, (loc,scale), args=(data, weights)) loc, scale = res.x if loc<0: res = minimize(_nnlf_wgum, (1.,1.), args=(data, weights)) loc, scale = res.x res = minimize(_nnlf_wgen, (shape,loc,scale), args=(data, weights)) #, method='BFGS') newshape, newloc, newscale = res.x if abs(newshape)<1 and newloc>0.: return newshape, newloc, newscale else: return shape, loc, scale
[docs] def fit_mixture_gev(data, fig, ax, sols): """ Fit d'une loi de mélange sur base d'un algo "simple" d'Espérance-Maximisation """ A_shape=0. B_shape=0. A_loc, A_scale =[:int(len(data)/2)]) B_loc, B_scale =[int(len(data)/2):]) diff = 1. i=1 while diff>1.e-4: old = np.asarray([A_shape, A_loc, A_scale, B_shape, B_loc, B_scale]) # Pour chaque valeur de X, calculer la probabilité # sous l'hypothèse A et B p_A = stats.genextreme(A_shape, loc=A_loc, scale=A_scale).pdf(data) p_B = stats.genextreme(B_shape, loc=B_loc, scale=B_scale).pdf(data) # Calculer pour chaque valeur de X, un poids correspondant # à son degrès d'appartenance à la loi A ou B. p_total = p_A + p_B weight_A = p_A / p_total weight_B = p_B / p_total # weight_B = 1. - weight_A ax[1].clear() ax[1].plot(data, weight_A) ax[1].plot(data, weight_B) #Ajustement des paramètres A_shape, A_loc, A_scale = fit_wgev(data, weight_A, A_shape, A_loc, A_scale) B_shape, B_loc, B_scale = fit_wgev(data, weight_B, B_shape, B_loc, B_scale) ax[0].clear() ax[0].hist(data, bins=200, density=True) ax[0].plot(data, stats.genextreme(sols[0][0], loc = sols[0][1], scale = sols[0][2]).pdf(data), 'r--') ax[0].plot(data, stats.genextreme(sols[1][0], loc = sols[1][1], scale = sols[1][2]).pdf(data), 'b--') ax[0].plot(data,stats.genextreme(A_shape,loc=A_loc,scale=A_scale).pdf(data), 'r') ax[0].plot(data,stats.genextreme(B_shape,loc=B_loc,scale=B_scale).pdf(data), 'b') fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() diff = np.sum(np.abs(old - np.asarray([A_shape, A_loc, A_scale, B_shape, B_loc, B_scale]))) old = [A_shape, A_loc, A_scale, B_shape, B_loc, B_scale] print(i, diff) i+=1 return (A_shape, A_loc, A_scale), (B_shape, B_loc, B_scale), (weight_A, weight_B)
[docs] def example_em(): """ voir """ import seaborn as sns hommes = np.random.normal(190, 10, 1000) # hommes = [171,171,173,180,190,159 ...] femmes = np.random.normal(160,5, 1000) # femmes = [145,170,145,161,139,150 ...] # sns.distplot(femmes, label="Femmes") # sns.distplot(hommes, label="Hommes") X = np.sort(np.concatenate((femmes,hommes))) # sns.distplot(X, label="mixture", color="green",) # plt.legend() # Distribution des tailles X.. (voir plus haut ) # X = [159,158, 159, 179, 189 ....] # Générer un modèle aléatoire A A_mean = np.random.randint(100,300) A_sd = np.random.randint(10,30) # Générer un modèle aléatoire B B_mean = np.random.randint(100,300) B_sd = np.random.randint(10,30) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1) # Faite 50 itérations... ( ca suffira) for i in range(50): # Pour chaque valeur de X, calculer la probabilité # sous l'hypothèse A et B p_A = stats.norm(loc=A_mean, scale=A_sd).pdf(X) p_B = stats.norm(loc=B_mean, scale=B_sd).pdf(X) # Calculer pour chaque valeur de X, un poids correspondant # à son degrès d'appartenance à la loi A ou B. p_total = p_A + p_B weight_A = p_A / p_total weight_B = p_B / p_total # Exemple : Si la taille de 189cm appartient à la lois B # alors weight_B(189) sera grand et weight_A(189) sera petit. #Ajustement des paramètres (μA,σA) et (μB,σB) en fonction du poids. A_mean = np.sum(X * weight_A )/ np.sum(weight_A) B_mean = np.sum(X * weight_B )/ np.sum(weight_B) A_sd = np.sqrt(np.sum(weight_A * (X - A_mean)**2) / np.sum(weight_A)) B_sd = np.sqrt(np.sum(weight_B * (X - B_mean)**2) / np.sum(weight_B)) ax.clear() ax.step(X,weight_A) ax.step(X,weight_B) # On recommence jusqu'à convergence. Non testé ici, je m'arrête à 50 iterations. res = ax.plot(X,stats.genlogistic(res[0],loc=res[1],scale=res[2]).cdf(X)) pass
[docs] def example_one_gev(): data = [9.4, 38.0, 12.5, 35.3, 17.6, 12.9, 12.4, 19.6, 15.0, 13.2, 12.3, 16.9, 16.9, 29.4, 13.6, 11.1, 8.0, 16.6, 12.0, 13.1, 9.1, 9.7, 21.0, 11.2, 14.4, 18.8, 14.0, 19.9, 12.4, 10.8, 21.6, 15.4, 17.4, 14.8, 22.7, 11.5, 10.5, 11.8, 12.4, 16.6, 11.7, 12.9, 17.8] shape, loc, scale = # mle = -np.sum(stats.genextreme(shape, loc=loc, scale=scale).logpdf(data)) # mle1 = stats.genextreme.nnlf((shape, loc, scale), data) # mle2 = _nnlf_gen((shape, loc, scale), data) # mle3 = _nnlf_gen((shape, loc, scale), data, np.ones(len(data))) if not np.allclose([shape,loc,scale],[-0.21988720690114583, 12.749730029827154, 3.448963234019624]): raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify') shape, loc, scale = fit_wgev(data,np.ones(len(data))) if not np.allclose([shape,loc,scale],[-0.21989445389551832, 12.74974586825777, 3.4490271528260927]): raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify')
[docs] def example_mixture_gev(): A_sol = [-.15,1.,1.] B_sol = [-.2,2.,1.5] data1 = stats.genextreme.rvs(A_sol[0], loc = A_sol[1], scale = A_sol[2], size=100) data2 = stats.genextreme.rvs(B_sol[0], loc = B_sol[1], scale = B_sol[2], size=100) data1 = np.sort(data1) data2 = np.sort(data2) data_all = np.sort(np.hstack((data1, data2))) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1) ax[0].hist(data_all, bins=200, density=True) ax[0].hist(data1,bins=100, density=True) ax[0].hist(data2,bins=100, density=True) ax[0].plot(data1, stats.genextreme(A_sol[0], loc = A_sol[1], scale = A_sol[2]).pdf(data1)) ax[0].plot(data2, stats.genextreme(B_sol[0], loc = B_sol[1], scale = B_sol[2]).pdf(data2)) res = fit_mixture_gev(data_all, fig, ax, [A_sol, B_sol]) print('A : ',res[0]) print('B : ',res[1]) ax[0].plot(data_all,stats.genlogistic(res[0][0],loc=res[0][1],scale=res[0][2]).cdf(data_all)) ax[0].plot(data_all,stats.genlogistic(res[1][0],loc=res[1][1],scale=res[1][2]).cdf(data_all)) pass
[docs] def test_mixture(): # The two component distributions: a normal and an exponential distribution component_dists = [stats.norm(), stats.expon()] # Chosen by fair coin flip ps = [0.5, 0.5] # We want the 75th percentile of the mixture p = 0.75 mymixt = MixtureModel(component_dists,ps) quantile = mymixt.ppf(p) test_p = mymixt.cdf(quantile) if abs(quantile - 1.044491028438254)>1e-13: raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify') if abs(test_p-p) > 1e-13: raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify') print("Computed quantile for p = 0.75: {}".format(quantile))
[docs] def test_season_mixture(): # The two component distributions: a normal and an exponential distribution component_dists = [stats.norm(), stats.expon()] # Chosen by fair coin flip ps = [0.5, 0.5] # We want the 75th percentile of the mixture p = 0.75 mymixt = SeasonMixtureModel(component_dists,ps) quantile = mymixt.ppf(p) test_p = mymixt.cdf(quantile) if abs(quantile - 2.1092509198855587) > 1e-13: raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify') if abs(test_p-p) > 1e-13: raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify') print("Computed quantile for p = 0.75: {}".format(quantile))
if __name__ == '__main__': test_mixture() test_season_mixture() # example_mixture_gev() # example_one_gev() # example_em()