Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024
Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.
This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
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import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
from math import prod
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Joint model of independant variables
class JointModel():
Modèle statistique conjoint de variables indépendantes
L'indépendance permet de simplifier significativement les calculs en se résumant au produit des fonctions de base
def __init__(self,component_distributions) -> None:
component_distributions : Liste des distributions à joindre
self._components = component_distributions
# Return the function that is the pdf of the joint distribution
self.pdf = lambda x: prod(component_dist.pdf(x) for component_dist in component_distributions)
# Return the function that is the cdf of the joint distribution
self.cdf = lambda x: prod(component_dist.cdf(x) for component_dist in component_distributions)
# Return the function that is the nnlf of the joint distribution
self.nnlf = lambda x: -np.log(self.pdf(x))
def ppf(self,p):
Return the pth quantile of the joint distribution given by the component distributions
Recherche du quantile sur base de la résolution d'une fonction non linéaire
# We can probably be a bit smarter about how we pick the limits
lo = np.min([dist.ppf(.00001) for dist in self._components])
hi = np.max([dist.ppf(.99999) for dist in self._components])
# root_scalar must have opposite sign for function to bounds
while np.sign(p-self.cdf(lo)) * np.sign(p-self.cdf(hi))>0:
if lo is np.nan:
lo = -10000.
if hi is np.nan:
hi = 10000.
# find root "x" of the lambda function defined as "p-cdf(x)""
res = root_scalar(lambda x,p,f: p-f(x), args=(p,self.cdf), method='brenth', bracket=[lo,hi])
if res.converged:
return res.root
raise ValueError('Bad convergence of the root scalar function - Please debug !')
def plots(self,fig=None, axes=None, show=True):
Graphique de la cdf et de la pdf
if axes is None:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1)
p = np.arange(.1, 1.,.001)
q_all = []
for k, curdist in enumerate(self._components):
q = curdist.ppf(p)
ax.plot(q,p, label='component {}'.format(k+1))
q = [self.ppf(curp) for curp in p]
ax.plot(q,p, label='joint model')
ax.set_title('Cumulative probability function')
ax.set_ylabel('Cumulative probability')
q_all = np.asarray(sorted(q_all))
for k, curdist in enumerate(self._components):
p = curdist.pdf(q_all)
ax.plot(q_all,p, label='component {}'.format(k+1))
p = [self.pdf(curq) for curq in q_all]
ax.plot(q_all,p, label='joint model')
ax.set_title('Density probability function')
if show:
return fig,axes
def test_joint_gev():
# The two component distributions: 2 gev
component_dists = [stats.genextreme(c=0., loc=0., scale=1.), stats.genextreme(c=0.1, loc=1., scale=1.)]
# We want the 90th percentile of the mixture
p = 0.9
myjoint = JointModel(component_dists)
quantile = myjoint.ppf(p)
if abs(quantile - 3.337033672304296) > 1e-13:
raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify')
print("Computed quantile for p = 0.9: {}".format(quantile))
def test_joint_mixture():
Comparaison d'une approche de jointure et de mélange
from mixture_models import SeasonMixtureModel
# The two component distributions: 2 gev
component_dists = [stats.genextreme(c=0., loc=0., scale=1.), stats.genextreme(c=0.1, loc=1., scale=1.)]
# We want the 90th percentile of the mixture
p = 0.9
myjoint = JointModel(component_dists)
mymixt = SeasonMixtureModel(component_dists, [0.5,0.5])
quantile_j = myjoint.ppf(p)
quantile_m = mymixt.ppf(p)
quantile_m2 = mymixt.ppf(np.power(p,2.))
p_j = myjoint.cdf(quantile_j)
p_m = mymixt.cdf(quantile_m)
fig,ax = myjoint.plots(show=False)
if abs(quantile_j - 3.337033672304296) > 1e-13:
raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify')
if abs(quantile_m - 3.901156543126872) > 1e-13:
raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify')
if abs(p_j-p) > 1e-13:
raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify')
if abs(p_m-p) > 1e-13:
raise Exception('Bad result -- Verify')
print("Computed quantile for p = 0.9 - joint model: {}".format(quantile_j))
print("Computed quantile for p = 0.9 - mixture model: {}".format(quantile_m))
except :
raise Exception('Test de comparaison joint/mixture non calculé -- Verify')
if __name__ == '__main__':