Source code for wolfhece.Lidar2002

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
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from os.path import normpath,exists,join,basename
from os import listdir,scandir
import numpy as np
import as ma
import laspy

from .wolf_array import WolfArray

[docs] class Lidar2002(WolfArray):
[docs] def test_bounds(self,bounds): x1=bounds[0][0] x2=bounds[0][1] y1=bounds[1][0] y2=bounds[1][1] mybounds = self.get_bounds() test = not(x2 < mybounds[0][0] or x1 > mybounds[0][1] or y2 < mybounds[1][0] or y1 > mybounds[1][1]) return test
[docs] class ASC_file(Lidar2002): def __init__(self, fname=None, mold=None, masknull=True): super().__init__(None, mold, masknull) basefile = basename(fname) self.origx = float(basefile[0:3])*1000. self.origy = float(basefile[3:6])*1000. self.nbx = 2000 self.nby = 2000 self.dx = 1. self.dy = 1. self.filename = fname
[docs] def read_data_XYZ(self): with open(self.filename,'r') as f:,dtype=np.float32) return
[docs] def get_xyz(self,which='all'): if which=='first': return[:,:3] elif which=='second': return np.column_stack([[:,:2],[:,3]]) else: return np.concatenate((self.get_xyz('first'),self.get_xyz('second')),axis=0)
[docs] class BSQ_file(Lidar2002): def __init__(self, fname=None, mold=None, masknull=True): super().__init__(None, mold, masknull) basefile = basename(fname) self.origx = float(basefile[0:3])*1000. self.origy = float(basefile[3:6])*1000. self.nbx = 2000 self.nby = 2000 self.dx = 1. self.dy = 1. self.filename = fname
[docs] def read_data(self): with open(self.filename,'rb') as f: locarray = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.uint16) self.array = ma.masked_array(np.float32(locarray)/100., dtype=np.float32) self.array = np.flip(self.array.reshape(self.nbx, self.nby),axis=0) self.mask_data(0.) return
[docs] def lidar_scandir(mydir,bounds): first=[] second=[] for curfile in listdir(mydir): if curfile.endswith('.asc'): mydata = ASC_file(join(mydir,curfile)) if mydata.test_bounds(bounds): print(curfile) mydata.read_data_XYZ() first.append(mydata.get_xyz()) second.append(mydata.get_xyz('second')) elif curfile.endswith('.bsq'): mydata = BSQ_file(join(mydir,curfile)) if mydata.test_bounds(bounds): print(curfile) mydata.read_data() if curfile.endswith('fp.bsq'): first.append(mydata.get_xyz()) elif curfile.endswith('lp.bsq'): second.append(mydata.get_xyz()) for entry in scandir(mydir): if entry.is_dir(): locf,locs=lidar_scandir(entry,bounds) if len(locf)>0: first.append(locf) if len(locs)>0: second.append(locs) retfirst=[] retsecond=[] if len(first)>0 or len(second)>0: if len(first)>0: retfirst=find_points(np.concatenate(first),bounds) if len(second)>0: retsecond=find_points(np.concatenate(second),bounds) return retfirst,retsecond
[docs] def create_laz(mydirs,bounds,fnout=''): first=[] second=[] for mydir in mydirs: if exists(mydir): myfirst,mysecond=lidar_scandir(mydir,bounds) if len(myfirst)>0: first.append(myfirst) if len(mysecond)>0: second.append(mysecond) first=np.concatenate(first) second=np.concatenate(second) mydata=np.vstack([first,second]) #Create a new header header = laspy.LasHeader(point_format=3, version="1.2") header.offsets = np.min(first, axis=0) header.scales = np.array([0.1, 0.1, 0.1]) header.point_count = len(mydata) #Create a Las las = laspy.LasData(header) #Classification clas = np.ones(len(mydata),dtype=np.uint8) clas[:len(first)]=4 # clas[len(first):]=1 las.x = mydata[:, 0] las.y = mydata[:, 1] las.z = mydata[:, 2] las.classification = clas if fnout!='': las.write(fnout) return first,second
[docs] def find_points(xyz,bounds): xb=bounds[0] yb=bounds[1] # Get arrays which indicate invalid X, Y, or Z values. X_valid = (xb[0] <= xyz[:,0]) & (xb[1] >= xyz[:,0]) Y_valid = (yb[0] <= xyz[:,1]) & (yb[1] >= xyz[:,1]) good_indices = np.where(X_valid & Y_valid)[0] return xyz[good_indices]
[docs] def create_wolfarray(myxyz,fn_out='',bounds=None): if bounds is None: return myarray = WolfArray() myarray.dx=1. myarray.dy=1. myarray.origx = bounds[0][0] myarray.origy = bounds[1][0] myarray.nbx = int(bounds[0][1]-bounds[0][0]) myarray.nby = int(bounds[1][1]-bounds[1][0])[myarray.nbx,myarray.nby],dtype=np.float32) locarray[myarray.get_ij_from_xy(myxyz[:,0],myxyz[:,1])]=np.float32(myxyz[:,2]) myarray.array = locarray myarray.mask_data(0.) if fn_out!='': myarray.filename = fn_out myarray.write_all() return myarray