Source code for wolfhece.wolf_hist

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

from os.path import exists, join, dirname
import logging
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import sys

    from .PyTranslate import _
    from wolfhece.PyTranslate import _

    from .libs import wolfpy
except Exception as ex:

[docs] class Hist_file(): def __init__(self, fn:str = None) -> None: self._times = np.void(0) self._q = np.void(0) if fn is None: return
[docs] def readfile(self, fn): if not exists(fn): logging.warning(_('File {} does not exist'.format(fn))) return with open(fn) as f: array = nblines=len(array) array = np.asarray([float(val.strip()) for cur in array for val in cur.split('\t')[:-1]]) array = array.reshape(nblines, int(len(array)/nblines)) self._times = array[:,0] self._q = array[:,1:]
[docs] def create_from_sim(self, sim:str='', vec:str='', simtype:int=0, res:str='', cutcell:str=''): if not(exists(sim) and exists(vec)): logging.warning(_('Check your files')) return if simtype==2: if not exists(cutcell): logging.warning(_('Check your cutcell file')) return wolfpy.get_conv_border(sim.ljust(255).encode('ansi'), vec.ljust(255).encode('ansi'), simtype, res.ljust(255).encode('ansi'), cutcell.ljust(255).encode('ansi')) self.readfile(res)
[docs] def nb(self): return self._q.shape[1]
def __getitem__(self,id)-> np.ndarray: return self._times, self._q[:,id]
[docs] def plot(self, id=None, absolute=True, figax=None, toshow=False): if figax is None: fig,ax = plt.subplots() else: fig,ax =figax if id is None: for i in range(self.nb): t,q = self[i] if absolute: ax.plot(t,abs(q), label=_('Profile {}'.format(i+1))) else: ax.plot(t,q, label=_('Profile {}'.format(i+1))) elif isinstance(id,list) or isinstance(id, np.ndarray): for i in id: t,q = self[id] if absolute: ax.plot(t,abs(q), label=_('Profile {}'.format(i+1))) else: ax.plot(t,q, label=_('Profile {}'.format(i+1))) else: t,q = self[id] if absolute: ax.plot(t,abs(q), label=_('Profile {}'.format(id+1))) else: ax.plot(t,q, label=_('Profile {}'.format(id+1))) fig.legend() if toshow: return fig,ax
if __name__=='__main__':
[docs] wdir = r'data\sim_example\wolf_sim_ke'
myhist = Hist_file(join(wdir,"out.hist")) myhist.plot() myhist.plot([1,3,5]) myhist.plot(0) myhist.plot(np.arange(0,3)) pass