import math
import numpy as np
from numba import jit
""" JIT is a decorator that tells Numba to compile this function using the Numba JIT compiler. """
def A_from_h(h:float, diameter:float):
""" Compute the area of a circular segment from its height """
d = diameter / 2.0 - h
theta = math.acos(1.0 - 2.0 * h / diameter)
chord = math.sqrt(h * (diameter - h))
area = theta * diameter**2 / 4.0 - chord * d
return area
def dichotomy_A2h(f, a:float, b:float, args, tol=1e-10, max_iter=1000):
""" Dichotomy algorithm to find the root of a function f between a and b.
The function f must be defined as f(x, *args) and must return a scalar.
The function must have a single root in the interval [a, b].
def cond_fun(val):
a, b, i = val
return (b - a) > tol
def body_fun(val):
a, b, i = val
c = (a + b) / 2.
diameter = args[0]
fa = f(a, diameter)
fc = f(c, diameter)
if fc == 0:
return (c, c, i + 1)
if fa * fc < 0:
return (a, c, i + 1)
return (c, b, i + 1)
while cond_fun((a, b, i)) and i < max_iter:
a, b, i = body_fun((a, b, 0))
return (a + b) / 2
def segment_of_circle(diameter:float, h:float=None, chord:float=None,
arc_length:float=None, area:float=None,
from_which:int=None, init_val:bool=None,
eps:float=1e-8) -> tuple:
""" Calcul des caractristiques d'un segment circulaire
plus d'infos sur
:param diameter: diamtre du cercle [m]
:param h: hauteur du segment [m]
:param chord: longueur de la corde [m]
:param arc_length: longueur de l'arc soutenu par la corde [m]
:param area: aire du sgment [m]
:param from_which: variable de calcul sur base de laquelle les autres grandeurs doivent tre values [index dans l'ordre des paramètres (h = 1, area = 4...)]
:param init_val: utilise h comme valeur initiale pour le calcul de h depuis A [booléen]
R = diameter / 2.0
if from_which == 1: # from h
# The solution is unique
d = diameter / 2.0 - h
theta = math.acos(1.0 - 2.0 * h / diameter)
arc_length = theta * diameter
chord = math.sqrt(h * (diameter - h))
area = theta * diameter**2 / 4.0 - chord * d
chord = 2.0 * chord
elif from_which == 2: # from chord
# The solution is not unique --> two possible values for h
# Conserve the value of h that is the closest to the previous value of h
# h1 as root of the quadratic equation
h1 = (diameter - math.sqrt(diameter**2 - chord**2)) / 2.0
if init_val is not None:
if init_val:
h2 = diameter - h1
dh1 = abs(h - h1)
dh2 = abs(h + h1 - diameter)
h = h1 if dh1 < dh2 else h2
# Conserve the lowest value of h
h = h1
h = h1
d = diameter / 2.0 - h
theta = math.acos(1.0 - 2.0 * h / diameter)
arc_length = theta * diameter
area = theta * diameter**2 / 4.0 - chord /2. * d
elif from_which == 3: # from arc_length
# The solution is unique
theta = arc_length / diameter
h = R * (1.0 - math.cos(theta))
d = R - h
chord = math.sqrt(h * (diameter - h))
area = theta * diameter**2 / 4.0 - chord * d
chord = 2.0 * chord
elif from_which in [4,41]: # from area using Newton's method
# The solution is unique BUT the calculation is iterative
cur_error = 1.0
d2by4 = diameter**2 / 4.0
area_max = math.pi * d2by4
if area == 0.0:
h = 0.0
chord = 0.0
arc_length = 0.0
elif area_max > area:
if init_val is not None:
if not init_val or h == 0.0:
h = R
h = R
while abs(cur_error) > eps:
d = R - h
theta = math.acos(1.0 - h / R)
chord = math.sqrt(h * (diameter - h))
area_loc = theta * d2by4 - chord * d
dAdh = chord - ((h - R)**2 - d2by4) / (chord + 1e-200)
cur_error = (area_loc - area) / dAdh
if h - cur_error < 0.0:
h = h / 2.0
elif h - cur_error > diameter:
h = (h + diameter) / 2.0
h = h - cur_error
chord = 2.0 * chord
arc_length = theta * diameter
h = diameter
chord = 0.0
arc_length = math.pi * diameter
elif from_which == 42: # from area but using dichotomy rather than Newton-Raphson
# The solution is unique BUT the calculation is iterative
cur_error = 1.0
d2by4 = diameter**2 / 4.0
area_max = math.pi * d2by4
if area == 0.0:
h = 0.0
chord = 0.0
arc_length = 0.0
elif area_max > area:
if init_val is not None:
if not init_val or h == 0.0:
h = R
h = R
h = dichotomy_A2h(f=A_from_h, a=0., b=diameter, args=(diameter,), tol=eps)
d = diameter / 2.0 - h
theta = math.acos(1.0 - 2.0 * h / diameter)
arc_length = theta * diameter
chord = math.sqrt(h * (diameter - h))
chord = 2.0 * chord
h = diameter
chord = 0.0
arc_length = math.pi * diameter
return diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area
if __name__ == '__main__':
h = 5.0
chord = -1.
arc_length = -1.
area = -1.
from_which = 1
init_val = None
res1 = segment_of_circle(diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area, from_which, init_val)
diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area = res1
print(f"diameter = {diameter}")
print(f"h = {h}")
print(f"chord = {chord}")
print(f"arc_length = {arc_length}")
print(f"area = {area}")
from_which = 2
res2 = segment_of_circle(diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area, from_which, init_val)
diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area = res2
print(f"diameter = {diameter}")
print(f"h = {h}")
print(f"chord = {chord}")
print(f"arc_length = {arc_length}")
print(f"area = {area}")
from_which = 2
res2 = segment_of_circle(diameter, h, chord/2., arc_length, area, from_which, False)
diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area = res2
print(f"diameter = {diameter}")
print(f"h = {h}")
print(f"chord = {chord}")
print(f"arc_length = {arc_length}")
print(f"area = {area}")
from_which = 3
res3 = segment_of_circle(diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area, from_which, init_val)
diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area = res3
print(f"diameter = {diameter}")
print(f"h = {h}")
print(f"chord = {chord}")
print(f"arc_length = {arc_length}")
print(f"area = {area}")
from_which = 2
res2 = segment_of_circle(diameter, h, chord/2., arc_length, area, from_which, init_val)
diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area = res2
print(f"diameter = {diameter}")
print(f"h = {h}")
print(f"chord = {chord}")
print(f"arc_length = {arc_length}")
print(f"area = {area}")
diameter = 10.0
h = 1.
chord = -1.
arc_length = -1.
area = 10.0
from_which = 4
init_val = True
res4 = segment_of_circle(diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area, from_which, init_val)
diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area = res4
print(f"diameter = {diameter}")
print(f"h = {h}")
print(f"chord = {chord}")
print(f"arc_length = {arc_length}")
print(f"area = {area}")
diameter = 10.0
h = -1.
chord = -1.
arc_length = -1.
area = 10.0
from_which = 4
init_val = False
res5 = segment_of_circle(diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area, from_which, init_val)
diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area = res5
print(f"diameter = {diameter}")
print(f"h = {h}")
print(f"chord = {chord}")
print(f"arc_length = {arc_length}")
print(f"area = {area}")
diameter = 10.0
h = 9.
chord = -1.
arc_length = -1.
area = 10.0
from_which = 4
init_val = True
res6 = segment_of_circle(diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area, from_which, init_val)
diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area = res6
print(f"diameter = {diameter}")
print(f"h = {h}")
print(f"chord = {chord}")
print(f"arc_length = {arc_length}")
print(f"area = {area}")
diameter = 10.0
h = 2.
chord = -1.
arc_length = -1.
area = 10.0
from_which = 4 # from area using Newton's method
init_val = True
res7 = segment_of_circle(diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area, from_which, init_val, eps= 1e-12)
diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area = res7
print(f"diameter = {diameter}")
print(f"h = {h}")
print(f"chord = {chord}")
print(f"arc_length = {arc_length}")
print(f"area = {area}")
diameter = 10.0
h = 2.
chord = -1.
arc_length = -1.
area = 10.0
from_which = 42 # from area using dichotomy
init_val = True
res8 = segment_of_circle(diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area, from_which, init_val, eps= 1e-12)
diameter, h, chord, arc_length, area = res7
print(f"diameter = {diameter}")
print(f"h = {h}")
print(f"chord = {chord}")
print(f"arc_length = {arc_length}")
print(f"area = {area}")