Source code for wolfhece.rem.REMMaker

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
#import _add_path
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
from osgeo import osr
from osgeo import ogr
from shapely.geometry import box  # for cropping centerlines to extent of DEM
import geopandas as gpd
from geopandas import clip, read_file
import logging

import requests
from scipy.spatial import KDTree as KDTree  # for finding nearest neighbors/interpolating
from itertools import combinations
import time
from .RasterViz import RasterViz

[docs] level = logging.INFO
[docs] fmt = '[%(levelname)s] %(asctime)s - %(message)s'
logging.basicConfig(level=level, format=fmt)
[docs] start = time.time()
[docs] usage = """ Script to make river relative elevation model (REM) given a DEM raster as input. This script can be called from Python using its class/methods or as a CLI utility. CLI Usage: "python [-centerline_shp (default=None)] [-cmap (default=mako_r)] [-z (default=4)] [-blend_percent (default=25)] [-interp_pts (default=1000)] [-k (default=auto)] [-eps (default=0.1)] [-workers (default=4)] /path/to/dem" Options: -centerline_shp: Path to user-provided river centerline shapefile. If used, overrides OpenStreetMap centerline. -cmap: Name of a matplotlib or seaborn colormap. Default "mako_r". (see - z: Vertical exaggeration scale factor for visualization. Default 4. - blend_percent: Percent of hillshade to blend in with color-relief REM. REM takes opposite weight. Default 25. -interp_pts: Max number of points to use for interpolation. Actual number of points is limited by number of DEM pixels along centerline, so less points than this will be used for lower resolution DEMs. Default is 1,000. -k: Number of nearest neighbor pixels to use for interpolation of river centerline elevations across DEM. If no value is supplied, the value of k is automatically estiamted. Higher values make smoother looking REMs at the expense of increased computation time. -eps: Error tolerance in nearest neighbor matching for approximate KD tree query interpolation. Higher values make the interpolation faster at the expense of accuracy. Approximate kth nearest neighbors are guaranteed to be no further than (1 + eps) times the distance to the true kth nearest neighbor. -workers: Number of CPU threads to use when making KD tree query/interpolation. Default is 4. -1 uses all threads. /path/to/dem: The path to the DEM raster used to make a derived REM. Notes: River centerlines used to create REMs are retrieved from OpenStreetMap (OSM). If a desired river segment is not listed on OSM, a new river centerline can be created/edited at: (clear the ./.osm_cache folder after using the OSM editor to get the updated centerline). For large/high resolution DEMs, the interpolation can take a long time. Additionally, it may be necessary to increase the value of k if interpolation artefacts (discrete linear breaks in REM coloring) are present. """
[docs] def clear_osm_cache(): """Clear the OSM cache folder (./.osm_cache). This is useful if the OSM Editor has been used to update river centerlines.""" print('Clearing OSM cache.') try: for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk('./.osm_cache'): for f in files: filepath = os.path.join(dir, f) os.remove(filepath) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Could not clear ./.osm_cache.", e) return
[docs] class REMMaker(object): """ Handler to automatically make a river REM from an input DEM. :param dem: path to input DEM raster. :type dem: str :param centerline_shp: (optional) river centerline shapefile to use. If given, overrides OpenStreetMap centerline. :type centerline_shp: str :param out_dir: output file directory. Defaults to current working directory. :type out_dir: str :param bounds: (optional) [x_min,y_min,x_max,y_max] represents the extent wanted that has to be computed et plotted. :type bounds : list :param count : (optional) geometry number in centerline_shp given that has to be computed and plotted. :type count : int :param pres : (optional) new resolution of the pixels DEM (length and width are the same). :type pres : float :param interp_pts: maximum number of points to use for interpolation of river centerline elevation. Actual number of points is limited by number of DEM pixels along centerline, so less points may be used for lower resolution DEMs. :type interp_pts: int :param k: number of nearest neighbors to use for IDW interpolation. If None, an appropriate value is estimated. The estimation routine uses k between 5-100 points (0.5-10% of the river length) depending on the sinuosity of the river of interest. Greater values of k are used for more sinuous rivers. :type k: int :param eps: fractional error tolerance for finding nearest neighbors in KD tree query. Higher values allow faster interpolation at the expense of accuracy. :type eps: float :param workers: number of CPU threads to use for interpolation. -1 uses all threads. :type workers: int :param cache_dir: cache directory :type cache_dir: str """ def __init__(self, dem, centerline_shp=None, out_dir='./', bounds=None, count=None, pres=None, kd = True, interp_pts=1000, k=None, eps=0.1, workers=4, cache_dir='./.cache'): self.dem = dem self.dem_name = os.path.basename(dem).split('.')[0] self.centerline_shp = centerline_shp self.bounds = list(bounds) if bounds is not None else None self.count = count if count is not None else None self.pres = pres if pres is not None else None self.kd = kd self.out_dir = out_dir self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.get_spatial_metadata() self.interp_pts = int(interp_pts) self.k = int(k) if k else None self.eps = float(eps) self.workers = int(workers) self.rem_ras = None @property
[docs] def dem(self): return self._dem
[docs] def valid_input(dem): valid_path = os.path.exists(dem) valid_url = False try: valid_url = requests.head(dem).status_code < 400 except: pass return valid_path or valid_url
@dem.setter def dem(self, dem): if not self.valid_input(dem): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot find input DEM: {dem}") self._dem = dem return @property
[docs] def centerline_shp(self): return self._centerline_shp
@centerline_shp.setter def centerline_shp(self, centerline_shp): if centerline_shp is not None: if not self.valid_input(centerline_shp): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Cannot find input river centerline shapefile: {centerline_shp}") self._centerline_shp = centerline_shp @property
[docs] def bounds(self): return self._bounds
@bounds.setter def bounds(self, bounds): self._bounds = bounds @property
[docs] def out_dir(self): return self._out_dir
@out_dir.setter def out_dir(self, out_dir): if not os.path.exists(out_dir): raise IOError(f"The output directory does not exist: {out_dir}") self._out_dir = out_dir return @property
[docs] def cache_dir(self): return self._cache_dir
@cache_dir.setter def cache_dir(self, cache_dir): if not os.path.exists(cache_dir): os.mkdir(cache_dir) self._cache_dir = cache_dir return
[docs] def get_spatial_metadata(self): """ Get various spatial metadata from DEM to use for processing: projection, EPSG code, DEM array, NoData Value, cell size, extent/bbox, function mapping array indices to x,y coordinates. """ # get EPSG code for DEM raster projection"Getting DEM projection.") r:gdal.Dataset r = gdal.Open(self.dem, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) upper_left_x, x_size, x_rot, upper_left_y, y_rot, y_size = r.GetGeoTransform() if self.pres is not None and (self.pres < x_size or self.pres%x_size != 0): raise ValueError(f"La résolution doit être supérieure à celle de base et multiple de celle-ci. Résolution initiale : {x_size}m") if self.bounds is not None and self.count is not None: raise ValueError(f'Soit count ou bounds doit être fourni.') if self.count is not None and self.centerline_shp is None: raise ValueError(f'Obligation de donner un shapefile pour en sélectionner une géométrie.') if self.pres is not None: gdal.Warp(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_warp.tif'), self.dem, xRes=self.pres, yRes=self.pres) r = gdal.Open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_warp.tif'), gdal.GA_ReadOnly) if self.bounds is not None: band = r.GetRasterBand(1) self.dem_array = band.ReadAsArray() self.nodata_val = band.GetNoDataValue() if self.nodata_val: self.dem_array = np.where(self.dem_array == self.nodata_val, np.nan, self.dem_array) rows, cols = self.dem_array.shape min_x, max_x = sorted([upper_left_x, upper_left_x + x_size * cols]) min_y, max_y = sorted([upper_left_y, upper_left_y + y_size * rows]) if self.bounds[0] > min_x and self.bounds[1] > min_y and self.bounds[2] < max_x and self.bounds[3] < max_y: gdal.Translate(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_crop.tif'), r, projWin=(self.bounds[0],self.bounds[3],self.bounds[2],self.bounds[1])) r = gdal.Open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_crop.tif'), gdal.GA_ReadOnly) else: raise ValueError(f"bounds choisi hors DEM. Redéfinir des limites contenues dans x={min_x,max_x:.3f} et y={min_y,max_y:.3f}") if self.count is not None: self.rivers:gpd.GeoDataFrame self.rivers = read_file(self.centerline_shp) upper_left_x, x_size, x_rot, upper_left_y, y_rot, y_size = r.GetGeoTransform() gdal.Translate(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_crop.tif'), r, projWin=(self.rivers.bounds.iloc[self.count].minx-50*x_size, self.rivers.bounds.iloc[self.count].maxy-50*y_size, self.rivers.bounds.iloc[self.count].maxx+50*x_size, self.rivers.bounds.iloc[self.count].miny+50*y_size)) r = gdal.Open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_crop.tif'), gdal.GA_ReadOnly) self.proj = osr.SpatialReference(wkt=r.GetProjection()) self.epsg_code = self.proj.GetAttrValue('AUTHORITY', 1) self.h_unit = self.proj.GetAttrValue('UNIT') if self.epsg_code is None or self.h_unit is None: raise IOError("ERROR: CRS metadata is missing from the input DEM.")"Reading DEM as array.") band = r.GetRasterBand(1) self.dem_array = band.ReadAsArray() # ensure that nodata values become np.nans in array self.nodata_val = band.GetNoDataValue() if self.nodata_val: self.dem_array = np.where(self.dem_array == self.nodata_val, np.nan, self.dem_array) rows, cols = self.dem_array.shape # get extent of DEM (used to crop/set extent for centerline shapefile/raster)"Getting DEM bounds.") upper_left_x, x_size, x_rot, upper_left_y, y_rot, y_size = r.GetGeoTransform() self.cell_w, self.cell_h = x_size, y_size min_x, max_x = sorted([upper_left_x, upper_left_x + x_size * cols]) min_y, max_y = sorted([upper_left_y, upper_left_y + y_size * rows]) self.extent = (min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y) # Get lat/long bounding box for DEM raster (used to get OSM features within area) lower_right_x = upper_left_x + (r.RasterXSize * x_size) lower_right_y = upper_left_y + (r.RasterYSize * y_size) source_crs = r.GetSpatialRef() target_crs = osr.SpatialReference() target_crs.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # WGS84 Geographic Coordinate System transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source_crs, target_crs) ul_lat, ul_long = transform.TransformPoint(upper_left_x, upper_left_y)[:2] lr_lat, lr_long = transform.TransformPoint(lower_right_x, lower_right_y)[:2] self.bbox = [ul_lat, lr_lat, lr_long, ul_long] # function for mapping indices to x, y coords"Mapping array indices to coordinates.") self.ix2coords = lambda t: np.column_stack(np.array([t[0] * x_size + upper_left_x + (x_size / 2), t[1] * y_size + upper_left_y + (y_size / 2)])) return
[docs] def get_river_centerline(self): """Find centerline of river(s) within DEM area using OSM Ways""" try: import osmnx # for querying OpenStreetMaps data to get river centerlines except ImportError: logging.error("osmnx not installed. Please install osmnx to use this script.") logging.error("Install with: 'pip install osmnx' but beware of dependencies especially Shapely, which may be forced to an older version.") raise ImportError("osmnx not installed. Please install osmnx to use this script.")"Finding river centerline.") # get OSM Ways within bbox of DEM (returns geopandas geodataframe) osmnx.settings.cache_folder = './.osm_cache' self.rivers = osmnx.geometries_from_bbox(*self.bbox, tags={'waterway': ['river', 'stream', 'tidal channel']}) if len(self.rivers) == 0: raise Exception("No rivers found within the DEM domain. Ensure the target river is on OpenStreetMap\n" "and contains \"waterway\" and \"name\" tags:") # read into geodataframe with same CRS as DEM self.rivers = self.rivers.to_crs(epsg=self.epsg_code) # crop to DEM extent self.rivers = clip(self.rivers, box(*self.extent)) # get river names (drop ones without a name) self.rivers = self.rivers.dropna(subset=['name']) names = # make name attribute more distinct to avoid conflict with geometry name attribute self.rivers['river_name'] = names # get unique names river_names = set(names) if len(river_names) == 0: raise Exception("Found river, but it does not have a listed name. Ensure the target river segment(s) " "have a \"name\" tag: \n\t")"Found river(s): {', '.join(river_names)}") # find river with greatest length (sum of all segments with same name)"\nRiver lengths:") river_lengths = {} for river_name in river_names: river_segments = self.rivers[self.rivers.river_name == river_name] river_length = river_segments.length.sum()"\t{river_name}: {river_length:.4f} {self.h_unit}") river_lengths[river_name] = river_length longest_river = max(river_lengths, key=river_lengths.get) self.river_length = river_lengths[longest_river]"\nLongest river in domain: {longest_river}\n") # if river length is shorter than geometric mean of DEM dimensions, print warning x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = self.extent if self.river_length < np.sqrt((x_max - x_min) * (y_max - y_min)): print("WARNING: River length is shorter than DEM length. Ensure the target river is on OpenStreetMap\n" "and contains \"waterway\" and \"name\" tags:") # only keep longest river to make REM self.rivers = self.rivers[self.rivers.river_name == longest_river] # convert linestrings of river to points self.lines2pts() # make shapefile of points self.make_river_shp() return
[docs] def lines2pts(self): """Convert river centerline segment linestrings to a set of points to sample for interpolation.""" self.river_pts = [] self.river_endpts = [] self.river_curvi = [] self.line_string_length = [] if self.count is None: for way, river_segment in self.rivers.iterrows(): line_string = river_segment.geometry self.line_string_length.append(line_string.length) point_fraction = line_string.length / self.river_length point_num = int(point_fraction * self.interp_pts) distances = np.linspace(0, line_string.length, point_num) self.river_curvi.extend(list(distances)) self.river_pts.extend([line_string.interpolate(d) for d in distances]) self.river_endpts.extend([line_string.interpolate(0), line_string.interpolate(line_string.length)]) else: line_string = self.rivers.geometry point_fraction = line_string.length / self.river_length point_num = int(point_fraction * self.interp_pts) distances = np.linspace(0, line_string.length, point_num) self.river_curvi.extend(list(distances)) self.river_pts.extend([line_string.interpolate(d) for d in distances]) self.river_endpts.extend([line_string.interpolate(0), line_string.interpolate(line_string.length)]) return
[docs] def make_river_shp(self): """Make points along river centerline into a shapefile""" # create points shapefile"Making river points shapefile.") self.river_shp = os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_river_pts.shp') driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('Esri Shapefile') ds = driver.CreateDataSource(self.river_shp) # create empty multiline geometry layer layer = ds.CreateLayer('', self.proj, ogr.wkbPoint25D) # Add fields layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('id', ogr.OFTInteger)) defn = layer.GetLayerDefn() # populate layer with a feature for each natural waterway geometrye for p in self.river_pts: # Create a new feature (attribute and geometry) feat = ogr.Feature(defn) # set feature attributes feat.SetField('id', 1) # set feature geometry from Shapely object geom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(p.wkb) feat.SetGeometry(geom) # add feature to layer layer.CreateFeature(feat) feat = geom = None # destroy these # Save and close everything ds = layer = feat = geom = None return
[docs] def read_centerline_input(self): """Read user provided centerline shapefile instead of using OSM."""'Using input centerline shapefile.') self.rivers = read_file(self.centerline_shp) #.to_crs(epsg=self.epsg_code) if self.rivers.geom_type[0] == 'Polygon': self.rivers = self.rivers.boundary if self.count is None: self.rivers = clip(self.rivers, box(*self.extent)) self.river_length = self.rivers.length.sum() else: self.rivers = self.rivers.iloc[self.count] self.river_length = self.rivers.geometry.length self.lines2pts() self.make_river_shp()
[docs] def get_river_elev(self): """Get DEM values along river centerline""""Getting river elevation at DEM pixels.") # gdal_rasterize centerline self.centerline_ras = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, f"{self.dem_name}_centerline.tif") extent = f"-te {' '.join(map(str, self.extent))}" res = f"-tr {self.cell_w} {self.cell_h}" gdal.Rasterize(self.centerline_ras, self.river_shp, options=f"-a id {extent} {res}") # raster to numpy array same shape as DEM r = gdal.Open(self.centerline_ras, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) self.centerline_array = r.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray() # remove cells where DEM is null self.centerline_array = np.where(np.isnan(self.dem_array), np.nan, self.centerline_array) if self.kd is True: # get coordinates and DEM elevation at river pixels self.river_indices = np.where(self.centerline_array == 1) self.river_coords = self.ix2coords(self.river_indices) self.river_wses = self.dem_array[self.river_indices] else: self.rivers = os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_river_pts.shp') self.rivers['curvi'] = self.river_curvi self.rivers.to_file(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_river_pts.shp'), driver='ESRI Shapefile') self.river_coords = np.array([curpt.xy for curpt in self.rivers.geometry]) self.river_wses = np.array([curpt.z for curpt in self.rivers.geometry]) return
[docs] def get_sinuosity(self): """Estimate sinuosity of the river using river centerline(s) length / distance between line endpoints""" straight_dist = max([p1.distance(p2) for p1, p2 in combinations(self.river_endpts, 2)]) sinuosity = self.river_length / straight_dist sinuosity = max(1, sinuosity) # ensure >= 1 return sinuosity
[docs] def estimate_k(self): """Determine the number of k nearest neighbors to use for interpolation""""Estimating k.") # get total number of river pixels, sinuosity river_pixels = len(self.river_wses) sinuosity = self.get_sinuosity() # scale factor goes from 1 (at sinuosity = 1), asymptotes to 5 for very sinuous river scale_factor = 1 + 4 * np.tanh(sinuosity - 1) # Use 2% of sampled river pixels times scale factor k = int(2 * river_pixels / 1e2 * scale_factor)"Guessing k = {k}") # make k be a minimum of 5, maximum of 10% of self.interp_pts k = min(int(self.interp_pts / 10), max(5, k)) return k
[docs] def interp_river_elev(self): """ Interpolate elevation at river centerline across DEM extent. Time for KDTree query scales with log(k). """"Interpolating river elevation across DEM extent.") if not self.k: self.k = self.estimate_k() self.rivers = read_file(self.river_shp) self.rivers['curvi'] = self.river_curvi self.rivers.to_file(self.river_shp, driver='ESRI Shapefile')"Using k = {self.k} nearest neighbors.") # coords to interpolate over (don't interpolate where DEM is null or on centerline where REM = 0) interp_indices = np.where(~(np.isnan(self.dem_array) | (self.centerline_array == 1)))"Getting coords of points to interpolate.") c_interpolate = self.ix2coords(interp_indices) # create 2D tree"Constructing tree.") if self.kd is True: tree = KDTree(self.river_coords) # find k nearest neighbors"Querying tree.")"Chunking query...") chunk_size = 1e6 # iterate over chunks chunk_count = c_interpolate.shape[0] // chunk_size + 1 interpolated_values = np.array([]) for i, chunk in enumerate(np.array_split(c_interpolate, chunk_count)):"{i / chunk_count * 100:.2f}%") if self.kd is True: distances, indices = tree.query(chunk, k=self.k, eps=self.eps, workers=self.workers) # interpolate (IDW with power = 3) weights = 1 / distances**3 # weight river elevations by 1 / distance**3 weights = weights / weights.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1, 1) # normalize weights interpolated_values = np.append(interpolated_values, (weights * self.river_wses[indices]).sum(axis=1)) else: distances, indices = tree.query(chunk, k=[1], eps=self.eps, workers=self.workers) if k%2 == 0: test_curvi = self.rivers.curvi # create interpolated WSE array as elevations along centerline, nans everywhere else"Created interpolated WSE array.") self.wse_interp_array = np.where(self.centerline_array == 1, self.dem_array, np.nan) # add the interpolated eleation values self.wse_interp_array[interp_indices] = interpolated_values return
[docs] def detrend_dem(self): """Subtract interpolated river elevation from DEM elevation to get REM""""\nDetrending DEM.") self.rem_array = self.dem_array - self.wse_interp_array self.rem_ras = os.path.join(self.out_dir, f"{self.dem_name}_REM.tif") # set nans back to nodata value self.rem_array = np.where(np.isnan(self.rem_array), self.nodata_val, self.rem_array) # make copy of DEM raster if self.bounds is None and self.count is None: r = gdal.Open(self.dem, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) if self.bounds is not None or self.count is not None: r = gdal.Open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_crop.tif'), gdal.GA_ReadOnly) if self.pres is not None and self.bounds is None and self.count is None: r = gdal.Open(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_warp.tif'), gdal.GA_ReadOnly) driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") rem = driver.CreateCopy(self.rem_ras, r, strict=0) # fill with REM array rem.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(self.rem_array) return self.rem_ras
[docs] def make_rem(self): """Make a relative elevation model (REM). Note that this method creates a raw REM raster and doesn't apply color-relief/shading for visualization. :returns: path to output REM raster. :rtype: str """ if self.centerline_shp is None: self.get_river_centerline() else: self.read_centerline_input() self.get_river_elev() self.interp_river_elev() self.detrend_dem() self.clean_up() return self.rem_ras
[docs] def make_rem_viz(self, cmap='mako_r', z=4, blend_percent=25, make_png=True, make_kmz=False, *args, **kwargs): """Create REM visualization by blending the REM color-relief with a DEM hillshade to make a pretty finished product. :param cmap: name of matplotlib/seaborn named colormap to use for REM coloring (see Note the applied colormap is logarithmically scaled in order to emphasize elevations differences close to the river centerline. :type cmap: str :param z: z factor for exaggerating vertical scale differences of hillshade. :type z: float >1 :param blend_percent: Percent weight of hillshdae in blended image, color-relief takes opposite weight. :type blend_percent: float [0-100] :returns: path to output raster :rtype: str """ if not self.rem_ras:"No REM exists yet. Creating REM now.") self.make_rem()"\nBlending REM with hillshade.") # make hillshade of original DEM in cache dir if self.bounds is None and self.count is None: dem_viz = RasterViz(self.dem, out_dir=self.cache_dir, out_ext=".tif") if self.bounds is not None or self.count is not None: dem_viz = RasterViz(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_crop.tif'), out_dir=self.cache_dir, out_ext=".tif") if self.pres is not None and self.bounds is None and self.count is None: dem_viz = RasterViz(os.path.join(self.out_dir, f'{self.dem_name}_warp.tif'), out_dir=self.cache_dir, out_ext=".tif") dem_viz.make_hillshade(multidirectional=True, z=z) # make color-relief of REM in cache dir rem_viz = RasterViz(self.rem_ras, out_dir=self.cache_dir, out_ext=".tif", make_png=make_png, make_kmz=make_kmz, *args, **kwargs) rem_viz.make_color_relief(cmap=cmap, log_scale=True, *args, **kwargs) # switch output location from cache to output directory for hillshade-color raster/png rem_viz.out_rasters["hillshade-color"] = os.path.join(self.out_dir, f"{self.dem_name}_hillshade-color.tif") rem_viz.hillshade_ras = dem_viz.hillshade_ras # use hillshade of original DEM, color-relief of REM rem_viz.viz_srs = rem_viz.proj # make png visualization using source projection viz_ras = rem_viz.make_hillshade_color(blend_percent=blend_percent, *args, **kwargs) self.clean_up() return viz_ras
[docs] def clean_up(self): for dir, subdirs, files in os.walk(self.cache_dir): for f in files: try: filepath = os.path.join(dir, f) os.remove(filepath) except: logging.warning(f"Cannot delete cache file {filepath}.") return
if __name__ == "__main__": # CLI call parsing
[docs] argv = sys.argv
if (len(argv) < 2) or (("-h" in argv) or ("--help" in argv)): print_usage() else: dem = argv[-1] maker_kwargs = {} viz_kwargs = {} type_dict = {'centerline_shp': str, 'interp_pts': int, 'k': int, 'eps': float, 'workers': int, 'cmap': str, 'z': float, 'blend_percent': float} for i, arg in enumerate(argv): if arg in ['-centerline_shp', '-interp_pts', '-k', '-eps', '-workers']: k = arg.replace('-', '') maker_kwargs[k] = type_dict[k](argv[i+1]) if arg in ['-cmap', '-z', '-blend_percent']: k = arg.replace('-', '') viz_kwargs[k] = type_dict[k](argv[i+1]) rem_maker = REMMaker(dem=dem, **maker_kwargs) rem_maker.make_rem() rem_maker.make_rem_viz(**viz_kwargs) end = time.time()'\nDone.\nRan in {end - start:.0f} s.')