Source code for wolfhece.rain_SPWMI

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

from os.path import join,exists,normpath
import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from calendar import month, monthrange
import pandas as pd
import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sympy import lowergamma
import time
import re

from .PyTranslate import _

[docs] STATIONS_MI_RAIN="""92150015 PETIGNY Barrage 92880015 CUL-DES-SARTS 91370015 BOUSSU-EN-FAGNE 10430015 WAVRE 10810015 BOUSVAL 60480015 RACHAMPS-NOVILLE 61280015 ORTHO 61680015 SAINT-HUBERT aéro 68580015 TAILLES 70030015 SART-TILMAN 70160015 OUFFET 70180015 MEAN 70480015 EREZEE 70870015 MARCHE 10570015 LOUVAIN LA NEUVE 15790015 PERWEZ 15840015 HELECINE 18980015 UCCLE 19540015 TUBIZE 19970015 SOIGNIES 23480015 LILLOIS 23880015 SENEFFE 24590015 DERGNEAU 28920015 ENGHIEN 29930015 CHIEVRES 32770015 KAIN 34760015 MOUSCRON 35340015 WASMUEL 35720015 TRIVIERES 36280015 ROISIN 36470015 ROUVEROY 36490015 BLAREGNIES 37170015 PERUWELZ 38850015 COMINES Barrage-Ecl 52840015 GEMMENICH 55780015 WAREMME 55960015 AWANS 56490015 BATTICE 57570015 LANAYE 64970015 TERNELL 65290015 MONT-RIGI 65380015 SPA aerodrome 65500015 JALHAY 66570015 LOUVEIGNE 67120015 COO INF. 67120115 COO INF. 67180015 COO SUP. 67180115 COO SUP. 68480015 VIELSALM 69580015 ROBERTVILLE 69670015 BUTGENBACH 69670115 BUTGENBACH 71680015 LANDENNE 72280015 MODAVE 72960015 VEDRIN 73350015 MORNIMONT Bar-Ecluse 73690015 CHATELET 73950015 MONCEAU Bar-Ecluse 74850015 SOLRE S/S Bar-Ecluse 75770015 MOMIGNIES 76290015 LIGNY 76780015 GERPINNES 78650015 PLATE TAILLE 78880015 SENZEILLES 79670015 SIVRY 80630015 ANSEREMME 81280015 SAINT-GERARD 81380015 CRUPET 81570015 CINEY 81890015 FLORENNES 83480015 DAVERDISSE 83880015 LIBIN 84680015 BEAURAING 85180015 ROCHEFORT 85380015 NASSOGNE 86770015 GEDINNE 86870015 CROIX-SCAILLE 94360015 VRESSE 94690015 BOUILLON 95740015 FRATIN 95880015 MEIX-LE-TIGE 95960015 ARLON 95960115 ARLON 96170015 SUGNY 96320015 BERTRIX 96520015 STRAIMONT 96980015 NAMOUSSART 97430015 TORGNY 97810015 ATHUS 97940015 AUBANGE 97970015 SELANGE 98160015 ORVAL 99150015 STEFFESHAUSEN 99220015 SANKT-VITH 99480015 BASTOGNE """
[docs] STATS_HOURS_IRM=np.asarray([1,2,3,6,12,24,2*24,3*24,4*24,5*24,7*24,10*24,15*24,20*24,25*24,30*24],dtype=np.int32)
[docs] class SPW_MI_pluvioraphs(): """ Gestion des données pluviographiques du SPW-MI au travers de l'ancien site web "" """ def __init__(self) -> None: #Création de 2 dictionnaires de recherche sur base de la chaîne self.code2name={} self.name2code={} self.db_rains = None for mypluvio in STATIONS_MI_RAIN.splitlines(): mycode,myname=mypluvio.split("\t") self.code2name[mycode]=myname self.name2code[myname.lower()]=mycode
[docs] def get_names(self): return list(self.name2code.keys())
[docs] def get_codes(self): return list(self.code2name.keys())
[docs] def get_rain_fromweb(self,fromyear,toyear,code='',name='',filterna=True): rain=[] for curyear in range(fromyear,toyear+1): rain.append(self.get_yearrain_fromweb(curyear,code,name,filterna)) print(curyear) try: return pd.concat(rain) except: return None
[docs] def get_yearrain_fromweb(self,year=2021,code='',name='',filterna=True): rain=[] for curmonth in range(1,13): rain.append(self.get_monthrain_fromweb(curmonth,year,code,name)) try: rain = pd.concat(rain) if filterna: rain[rain.isna()]=0. return rain except: return None
[docs] def get_monthrain_fromweb(self,month=7,year=2021,code='',name='',mysleep=.2): """Récupération des données au pas horaire depuis le site SPW-MI VH On lit les informations pour l'ensemble du mois """ station=code if name!="": station=self.name2code[name.lower()] #calcul du nombre de jours dans le mois souhaité nbdays = monthrange(year, month)[1] url=""+station+"&mois="+str(month)+"&annee="+str(year) res=requests.get(url) html_tables = pd.read_html(res.content, match='.+') startdate =,month,1) enddate = startdate+pd.DateOffset(months=1) try: #analyse du tableau HTML qui contient les données de pluie rain = html_tables[12].to_numpy()[0:24,1:nbdays+1].astype('float').reshape(24*nbdays,order='F') rain = pd.Series(rain,index=pd.date_range(startdate,enddate,inclusive='left',freq='1H')) except: rain=np.zeros(nbdays*24) rain = pd.Series(rain,index=pd.date_range(startdate,enddate,inclusive='left',freq='1H')) pass time.sleep(mysleep) return rain
[docs] def compute_stats_Q(self,rain,listhours): """ Calcul des stats des "cumul maximaux" par convolution sur base d'un vecteur de nombre d'heures Unité : mm """ mymaxQ=np.zeros(len(listhours),dtype=np.float64) k=0 for locstat in listhours: a = np.ones(locstat) mymaxQ[k]=np.max(np.convolve(rain,a,'same')) k+=1 return mymaxQ
[docs] def compute_stats_i(self,rain,listhours): """ Calcul des stats des "intensités moyennes maximales" par convolution sur base d'un vecteur de nombre d'heures Unité : mm/h """ mymeanQ=self.compute_stats_Q(rain,listhours)/np.asarray(listhours,dtype=np.float64) return mymeanQ
[docs] def plot(self,rain:pd.Series,toshow=False,xbounds=None,ticks='M',ExistingFig=None): if ExistingFig is None: fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,8)) else: fig=ExistingFig[0] ax=ExistingFig[1] x = rain.index if not xbounds is None: minyear = xbounds[0].year maxyear = xbounds[1].year+1 if ticks=='M': xticks = [xbounds[0]+pd.DateOffset(months=k) for k in range(int((xbounds[1]-xbounds[0]).days/30)+1)] elif ticks=='D': xticks = [xbounds[0]+pd.DateOffset(days=k) for k in range(int((xbounds[1]-xbounds[0]).days))] elif ticks=='2H': xticks = [xbounds[0]+pd.DateOffset(hours=k) for k in range(0,int((xbounds[1]-xbounds[0]).days*24),2)] elif ticks=='H': xticks = [xbounds[0]+pd.DateOffset(hours=k) for k in range(int((xbounds[1]-xbounds[0]).days*24))] else: minyear = x[0].year maxyear = x[-1].year+1 xticks = [dt.datetime(minyear,1,1)+pd.DateOffset(months=k) for k in range(0,(maxyear-minyear)*12+1,3)] ax.fill_between(rain.index,rain.values,step='pre',alpha=0.7) ax.step(rain.index,rain.values,where='pre', ax.set_xticks(xticks) if ticks=='M': ax.set_xticklabels([curtick.strftime('%b/%Y') for curtick in xticks],rotation=45, fontsize=8) elif ticks=='D': ax.set_xticklabels([curtick.strftime('%d/%m/%Y') for curtick in xticks],rotation=45, fontsize=8) elif ticks=='2H' or ticks=='H': ax.set_xticklabels([curtick.strftime('%d/%m %H:%M') for curtick in xticks],rotation=45, fontsize=8) ax.set_xlabel('Date') ax.set_ylabel('Précipitation moyenne horaire [mm/h]') ax.legend() if not xbounds is None: ax.set_xlim(xbounds) if toshow: return fig,ax
[docs] def plot_periodic(self,rain:pd.Series,origin:dt.datetime,offset_in_months,toshow=False): """Comparaison de plusieurs années sur un même horizon d'une snnée totale""" fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1,figsize=(15,8)) end = rain.index[-1] startdate=origin enddate = origin offset = pd.DateOffset(months=offset_in_months) while enddate<=end: enddate = startdate + offset locrain = rain[startdate:enddate] if len(locrain>0): i1=(locrain.index[0]-startdate).days*24 x = np.arange(i1,i1+len(locrain.values)) # ax.fill_between(x,locrain.values,step='pre',alpha=0.5) ax.step(x,locrain.values,where='pre') startdate=enddate xticks = [k*30*24 for k in range(offset_in_months+1)] ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_xticklabels([str(k*30) for k in range(offset_in_months+1)]) if toshow:
[docs] def saveas(self,rain:pd.Series,filename:str): rain.to_csv(filename,header=['Data'])
[docs] def fromcsv(self,stationame='',stationcode=0,filename:str='',fromdate:dt.datetime=None,todate:dt.datetime=None): myname=filename if stationame!='': myname=stationame filename = self.name2code[stationame.lower()]+'.csv' filename = join('spw',filename) elif stationcode>0: myname = self.code2name(stationcode) filename = str(stationcode)+'.csv' filename = join('spw',filename) if exists(filename): mydata= pd.read_csv(filename,header=0,index_col=0,parse_dates=True).squeeze("columns") else: return if fromdate is None and todate is None: return mydata elif fromdate is None: return mydata[:todate] elif todate is None: return mydata[fromdate:] else: return mydata[fromdate:todate]
[docs] def from_xlsx_SPW(self,dir='',stationame='',stationcode=0,fromdate:dt.datetime=None,todate:dt.datetime=None,create_db=False): """Lecture de plusieurs fichiers Excel en autant de séries de pluies Renvoi d'un dictionnaire avec la série""" from os import listdir if dir =='' and self.db_rains is None: return None def read_xls_rainSPW(dir,filename=''): """Lecture du fichier Excel""" if filename=='': return None myrains = pd.read_excel(join(dir,filename)) myrains = myrains.dropna(how='all').dropna(how='all', axis=1) myrains.columns=myrains.iloc[0] myrains=myrains.iloc[1:] myrains=myrains.set_index('Date') #On supprimme les espaces multiples pour avoir une en-tête de colonne correcte newnames = [re.sub(' +',' ',curstat) for curstat in myrains.keys()] myrains.columns=newnames return myrains def split_series(mydataframe:pd.DataFrame): """Split du dataframe général en séries pandas""" myseries={} for curcol in mydataframe.keys(): locser=mydataframe[curcol].squeeze() #on recherche la première valeur non NaN first = locser.first_valid_index() #on recherche la dernière valeur non NaN last = locser.last_valid_index() #on remplit les NaN avec 0. myseries[int(curcol.split()[0])] = locser[first:last].fillna(0.) return myseries if self.db_rains is None: filenames=[] for file in listdir(dir): if file.endswith(".xlsx"): filenames.append(file) myrains=pd.concat([read_xls_rainSPW(dir,filename) for filename in filenames],sort=True) myser =split_series(myrains) if create_db: self.db_rains = myser else: myser = self.db_rains if stationame!='' or stationcode!='': if stationame!='': stationcode = int(self.name2code[stationame.lower()]) if stationcode in myser.keys(): mydata = myser[stationcode] if fromdate is None and todate is None: return mydata elif fromdate is None: return mydata[:todate] elif todate is None: return mydata[fromdate:] else: return mydata[fromdate:todate] else: return None else: return myser
[docs] def import_all(self,dirout,fromyear=2002,toyear=2021): dirout=normpath(dirout) for curstation in self.code2name.keys(): myflow = self.get_rain_fromweb(fromyear,toyear,curstation) if not myflow is None: self.saveas(myflow,join(dirout,curstation+'.csv')) print(curstation)
if __name__=="__main__": #exemple
[docs] my = SPW_MI_pluvioraphs()
myrain=my.get_monthrain_fromweb(name="Jalhay") mystats=my.compute_stats_Q(myrain,STATS_HOURS_IRM) print(mystats)