Source code for wolfhece.mesh2d.simple_2d

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from tqdm import tqdm
from numba import jit
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
from typing import Literal
from enum import Enum
import logging

Calcul des equations shallow water en 1D section rectangulaire avec frottement selon Manning

Continuity : dh/dt + d(q)/dx = 0
Momentum   : dq/dt + d(q^2/h + 1/2 g h^2)/dx + g h dz/dx = -g h J
Friction Slope : J = n^2 (q/h)^2 / h^(4/3)

Discretisation :

J = n^2 q_t2 q_t1 / h^(10/3)
ghJ = q_t2 (g n^2 q_t1 / h^(7/3))

h_t2 = h_t1 - dt/dx (q_t,r - q_t,l)
q_t2 = 1/(1 + dt g n^2 q_t1 / h^(7/3)) * (q_t1 - dt/dx (q_t,r^2/h_t,r - q_t,l^2/h_t,l + 1/2 g (h_t,r^2 - h_t,l^2) + g h_center_mean (z_t,r - z_t,l))


[docs] class Scenarios(Enum):
[docs] unsteady_downstream_bc = 0
[docs] hydrograph = 1
[docs] hydrograph_2steps = 2
[docs] Gauss = 3
[docs] water_lines = 4
[docs] def domain(length:float, dx:float, slope:float) -> np.ndarray: """ Create the domain :param length: Length of the domain :param dx: Space step :param slope: Slope of the domain """ nb = int(length/dx) dom = np.zeros(nb+2) x = [-dx/2.] + [(float(i)+.5)*dx for i in range(0,nb)] + [length + dx/2.] z = -slope * np.array(x) return dom, x, z
[docs] def _init_conditions(dom:np.ndarray, h0:float, q0:float) -> np.ndarray: """ Initial conditions :param dom: Domain :param h0: Initial water depth [m] :param q0: Initial discharge [m^2/s] """ h = np.zeros_like(dom) h[1:-1] = h0 q = np.zeros_like(dom) q[1:-1] = q0 return h, q
[docs] def get_friction_slope_2D_Manning(q:float, h:float, n:float) -> float: """ Friction slope based on Manning formula :param q: Discharge [m^2/s] :param h: Water depth [m] :param n: Manning coefficient [m^(1/3)/s] """ return n**2 * q**2 / h**(10/3)
[docs] def compute_dt(dx:float, h:np.ndarray, q:np.ndarray, CN:float) -> float: """ Compute the time step according to the Courant number anf the maximum velocity :param dx: Space step :param h: Water depth :param q: Discharge :param CN: Courant number """ h_pos = np.where(h > 0)[0] dt = CN * dx / (np.max(np.abs(q[h_pos]/h[h_pos]) + np.sqrt(h[h_pos]*9.81))) return dt
[docs] def all_unk_border(dom:np.ndarray, h0:float, q0:float) -> tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Initialize all arrays storing unknowns at center and borders :param dom: Domain :param h0: Initial water depth :param q0: Initial discharge """ h, q = _init_conditions(dom, h0, q0) h_pred = np.zeros_like(dom) h_corr = np.zeros_like(dom) q_pred = np.zeros_like(dom) q_corr = np.zeros_like(dom) q_border = np.zeros((len(dom), 2)) h_border = np.zeros((len(dom), 2)) z_border = np.zeros((len(dom), 2)) u_border = np.zeros(len(dom)) h_center = np.zeros(len(dom)-2) u_center = np.zeros(len(dom)-2) return h, q, h_pred, q_pred, h_corr, q_corr, q_border, h_border, z_border, u_border, h_center, u_center
[docs] def uniform_waterdepth(slope:float, q:float, n:float): """ Compute the uniform water depth for a given slope, discharge and Manning coefficient :param slope: Slope :param q: Discharge [m^2/s] :param n: Manning coefficient """ if n==0. or slope==0.: logging.error("Manning coefficient or slope cannot be null") logging.warning("Return 99999.") return 99999. return root_scalar(lambda h: slope - get_friction_slope_2D_Manning(q, h, n), bracket=[0.1, 100.]).root
# ----------------- # LOSS Coefficients # -----------------
[docs] def k_abrupt_enlargment(asmall:float, alarge:float) -> float: """ Compute the local head loss coefficient of the abrupt enlargment :params asmall: float, area of the section 1 -- smaller section :params alarge: float, area of the section 2 -- larger section """ return (1 - asmall/alarge)**2
[docs] def k_abrupt_contraction(alarge:float, asmall:float) -> float: """ Compute the local head loss coefficient of the abrupt contraction :params alarge: float, area of the section 1 -- larger section :params asmall: float, area of the section 2 -- smaller section """ return .5*(1 - asmall/alarge)
[docs] def head_loss_enlargment(q:float, asmall:float, alarge:float) -> float: """ Compute the head loss of the enlargment. Reference velocity is the velocity in the smaller section. :params q: float, discharge :params asmall: float, area of the section 1 -- smaller section :params alarge: float, area of the section 2 -- larger section """ return k_abrupt_enlargment(asmall, alarge) * (q/asmall)**2 / 2 / 9.81
[docs] def head_loss_contraction(q:float, alarge:float, asmall:float) -> float: """ Compute the head loss of the contraction. Reference velocity is the velocity in the smaller section. :params q: float, discharge :params alarge: float, area of the section 1 -- larger section :params asmall: float, area of the section 2 -- smaller section """ return k_abrupt_contraction(alarge, asmall) * (q/asmall)**2 / 2 / 9.81
[docs] def head_loss_contract_enlarge(q:float, a_up:float, asmall:float, a_down:float) -> float: """ Compute the head loss of the contraction/enlargment. Reference velocity is the velocity in the smaller section. :params q: float, discharge :params a_up: float, area of the section 1 -- larger section :params asmall: float, area of the section 2 -- smaller section :params a_down: float, area of the section 3 -- larger section """ return (k_abrupt_enlargment(asmall, a_down) + k_abrupt_contraction(a_up, asmall)) * (q/asmall)**2 / 2 / 9.81
# ---------------------------- # START JIT compiled functions # ---------------------------- @jit(nopython=True)
[docs] def get_friction_slope_2D_Manning_semi_implicit(u:np.ndarray, h:np.ndarray, n:float) -> np.ndarray: """ Friction slope based on Manning formula -- Only semi-implicit formulea for the friction slope :param u: Velocity [m/s] :param h: Water depth [m] :param n: Manning coefficient [m^(1/3)/s] """ return n**2 * np.abs(u) / h**(7/3)
[docs] def Euler_RK(h_t1:np.ndarray, h_t2:np.ndarray, q_t1:np.ndarray, q_t2:np.ndarray, h:np.ndarray, q:np.ndarray, h_border:np.ndarray, q_border:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, z_border:np.ndarray, dt:float, dx:float, CL_h:float, CL_q:float, n:float, u_border:np.ndarray, h_center:np.ndarray, u_center:np.ndarray) -> None: """ Solve the mass and momentum equations using a explicit Euler/Runge-Kutta scheme (only 1 step) :param h_t1: Water depth at time t :param h_t2: Water depth at time t+dt (or t_star or t_doublestar if RK) :param q_t1: Discharge at time t :param q_t2: Discharge at time t+dt (or t_star or t_doublestar if RK) :param h: Water depth at the mesh center :param q: Discharge at the mesh center :param h_border: Water depth at the mesh border :param q_border: Discharge at the mesh border :param z: Bed elevation :param z_border: Bed elevation at the mesh border :param dt: Time step :param dx: Space step :param CL_h: Downstream boudary condition for water depth :param CL_q: Upstream boundary condition for discharge :param n: Manning coefficient :param u_border: Velocity at the mesh border :param h_center: Water depth at the mesh center :param u_center: Velocity at the mesh center """ g = 9.81 slice_mesh = slice(1,-1) slice_right_border = slice(2,None) slice_left_border = slice(1,-1) up = 0 do = 1 # valeur à gauche du bord q_border[slice_right_border, up] = q[1:-1] q_border[1,up] = CL_q h_border[slice_right_border, up] = h[1:-1] h_border[1,up] = h[1] z_border[slice_right_border, up] = z[1:-1] z_border[1,up] = z[1] # valeur à droite du bord q_border[slice_left_border, do] = q[1:-1] q_border[-1,do] = q[-2] h_border[slice_left_border, do] = h[1:-1] h_border[-1,do] = CL_h z_border[slice_left_border, do] = z[1:-1] z_border[-1,do] = z[-2] u_border[1:] = q_border[1:,up]/h_border[1:,up] h_center = (h_border[slice_right_border,do] + h_border[slice_left_border,do])/2. u_center = q[slice_mesh]/h[slice_mesh] #Continuity h_t2[slice_mesh] = h_t1[slice_mesh] - dt/dx * (q_border[slice_right_border,up] - q_border[slice_left_border,up]) # Momentum J = get_friction_slope_2D_Manning_semi_implicit(u_center, h[slice_mesh], n) qm_right = u_border[slice_right_border]*q_border[slice_right_border,up] qm_left = u_border[slice_left_border]*q_border[slice_left_border,up] press_right = 0.5 * g * h_border[slice_right_border,do]**2 press_left = 0.5 * g * h_border[slice_left_border,do]**2 bed_right = g * h_center * z_border[slice_right_border,do] bed_left = g * h_center * z_border[slice_left_border,do] q_t2[slice_mesh] = 1./(1. + dt * g *h[slice_mesh] * J) * (q_t1[slice_mesh] - dt/dx * (qm_right - qm_left + press_right - press_left + bed_right - bed_left)) limit_h_q(h_t2, q_t2, hmin=1e-3, Froudemax=3.)
[docs] def Euler_RK_hedge(h_t1:np.ndarray, h_t2:np.ndarray, q_t1:np.ndarray, q_t2:np.ndarray, h:np.ndarray, q:np.ndarray, h_border:np.ndarray, q_border:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, z_border:np.ndarray, dt:float, dx:float, CL_h:float, CL_q:float, n:float, u_border:np.ndarray, h_center:np.ndarray, u_center:np.ndarray, theta:np.ndarray, theta_border:np.ndarray) -> None: """ Solve the mass and momentum equations using a explicit Euler/Runge-Kutta scheme (only 1 step) :param h_t1: Water depth at time t :param h_t2: Water depth at time t+dt (or t_star or t_doublestar if RK) :param q_t1: Discharge at time t :param q_t2: Discharge at time t+dt (or t_star or t_doublestar if RK) :param h: Water depth at the mesh center :param q: Discharge at the mesh center :param h_border: Water depth at the mesh border :param q_border: Discharge at the mesh border :param z: Bed elevation :param z_border: Bed elevation at the mesh border :param dt: Time step :param dx: Space step :param CL_h: Downstream boudary condition for water depth :param CL_q: Upstream boundary condition for discharge :param n: Manning coefficient :param u_border: Velocity at the mesh border :param h_center: Water depth at the mesh center :param u_center: Velocity at the mesh center """ g = 9.81 slice_mesh = slice(1,-1) slice_right_border = slice(2,None) slice_left_border = slice(1,-1) up = 0 do = 1 # valeur à gauche du bord q_border[slice_right_border, up] = q[1:-1] q_border[1,up] = CL_q h_border[slice_right_border, up] = h[1:-1] h_border[1,up] = h[1] z_border[slice_right_border, up] = z[1:-1] z_border[1,up] = z[1] theta_border[slice_right_border, up] = theta[1:-1] theta_border[1,up] = theta[1] # valeur à droite du bord q_border[slice_left_border, do] = q[1:-1] q_border[-1,do] = q[-2] h_border[slice_left_border, do] = h[1:-1] h_border[-1,do] = CL_h z_border[slice_left_border, do] = z[1:-1] z_border[-1,do] = z[-2] theta_border[slice_left_border, do] = theta[1:-1] theta_border[-1,do] = theta[-2] u_border[1:] = q_border[1:,up]/(h_border[1:,up] * theta_border[1:,up]) h_center = (theta_border[slice_right_border,do] * h_border[slice_right_border,do] + theta_border[slice_left_border,do] * h_border[slice_left_border,do])/2. u_center = q[slice_mesh]/(h[slice_mesh]*theta[slice_mesh]) #Continuity h_t2[slice_mesh] = h_t1[slice_mesh] - dt/dx * (q_border[slice_right_border,up] - q_border[slice_left_border,up]) # Momentum J = get_friction_slope_2D_Manning_semi_implicit(u_center, h[slice_mesh], n) qm_right = u_border[slice_right_border]*q_border[slice_right_border,up] qm_left = u_border[slice_left_border ]*q_border[slice_left_border,up] press_right = 0.5 * g * (theta_border[slice_right_border,do] * h_border[slice_right_border,do])**2 press_left = 0.5 * g * (theta_border[slice_left_border ,do] * h_border[slice_left_border ,do])**2 bed_right = g * h_center * (z_border[slice_right_border,do] + (1-theta_border[slice_right_border,do]) * h_border[slice_right_border,do]) bed_left = g * h_center * (z_border[slice_left_border,do] + (1-theta_border[slice_left_border,do]) * h_border[slice_left_border,do]) q_t2[slice_mesh] = 1./(1. + dt * g *h[slice_mesh] * J) * (q_t1[slice_mesh] - dt/dx * (qm_right - qm_left + press_right - press_left + bed_right - bed_left)) limit_h_q(h_t2, q_t2, hmin=1e-3, Froudemax=3.)
[docs] def splitting(q_left:np.float64, q_right:np.float64, h_left:np.float64, h_right:np.float64, z_left:np.float64, z_right:np.float64, z_bridge_left:np.float64, z_bridge_right:np.float64) -> np.ndarray: """ Splitting of the unknowns at border between two nodes -- Based on the WOLF HECE original scheme """ prod_q = q_left * q_right sum_q = q_left + q_right if prod_q > 0.: if q_left > 0.: return np.asarray([q_left, min(h_left, z_bridge_left-z_left), h_right, z_right, z_bridge_right], dtype=np.float64) else: return np.asarray([q_right, min(h_right, z_bridge_right-z_right), h_left, z_left, z_bridge_left], dtype=np.float64) elif prod_q < 0.: if sum_q > 0.: return np.asarray([q_left, min(h_left, z_bridge_left-z_left), h_right, z_right, z_bridge_right], dtype=np.float64) elif sum_q < 0.: return np.asarray([q_right, min(h_right, z_bridge_right-z_right), h_left, z_left, z_bridge_left], dtype=np.float64) else: return np.asarray([0., 1., (h_left + h_right) / 2., (z_left + z_right) / 2., (z_bridge_left + z_bridge_right) / 2.], dtype=np.float64) else: if q_left<0.: return np.asarray([np.float64(0.), np.float64(1.), h_left, z_left, z_bridge_left], dtype=np.float64) elif q_right<0.: return np.asarray([np.float64(0.), np.float64(1.), h_right, z_right, z_bridge_right], dtype=np.float64) else: return np.asarray([sum_q / 2., # q (min(h_left, z_bridge_left-z_left) + min(h_right, z_bridge_right-z_right)) / 2., # h_vel (h_left + h_right) / 2., # h (z_left + z_right) / 2., # z (z_bridge_left + z_bridge_right) / 2.], dtype=np.float64) # z_bridge
[docs] def Euler_RK_bridge(h_t1:np.ndarray, h_t2:np.ndarray, q_t1:np.ndarray, q_t2:np.ndarray, h:np.ndarray, q:np.ndarray, h_border:np.ndarray, q_border:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, z_border:np.ndarray, dt:float, dx:float, CL_h:float, CL_q:float, n:float, u_border:np.ndarray, h_center:np.ndarray, u_center:np.ndarray, z_bridge:np.ndarray, z_bridge_border:np.ndarray, press_mode:int=0, infil_exfil=None) -> None: """ Solve the mass and momentum equations using a explicit Euler/Runge-Kutta scheme (only 1 step) applying source terms for infiltration/exfiltration and pressure at the roof. """ g = 9.81 slice_mesh = slice(1,-1) slice_right_border = slice(2,None) slice_left_border = slice(1,-1) up = 0 do = 1 # valeur à gauche du bord z_border[slice_right_border, up] = z[1:-1] z_border[1,up] = z[1] z_bridge_copy = z_bridge.copy() fs_cells = np.where(h <= z_bridge - z)[0] press_cells = np.where(h > z_bridge - z)[0] z_bridge_copy[fs_cells] = z[fs_cells] + h[fs_cells] h_border[slice_right_border, up] = h[1:-1] h_border[1,up] = h[1] q_border[slice_right_border, up] = q[1:-1] q_border[1,up] = CL_q # valeur à droite du bord z_border[slice_left_border, do] = z[1:-1] z_border[-1,do] = z[-2] z_bridge_border[slice_right_border, up] = z_bridge_copy[1:-1] z_bridge_border[1,up] = z_bridge_copy[1] z_bridge_border[slice_left_border, do] = z_bridge_copy[1:-1] z_bridge_border[-1,do] = z_bridge_copy[-2] h_border[slice_left_border, do] = h[1:-1] h_border[-1,do] = CL_h q_border[slice_left_border, do] = q[1:-1] q_border[-1,do] = q[-2] for i in range(1, len(h)-1): qc_right, h4u_right, hc_right, zc_right, zbc_right = splitting(q_border[i+1,up], q_border[i+1, do], h_border[i+1,up], h_border[i+1,do], z_border[i+1,up], z_border[i+1,do], z_bridge_border[i+1,up], z_bridge_border[i+1,do]) qc_left, h4u_left, hc_left, zc_left, zbc_left = splitting(q_border[i,up], q_border[i, do], h_border[i,up], h_border[i,do], z_border[i,up], z_border[i,do], z_bridge_border[i,up], z_bridge_border[i,do]) # Continuity # ++++++++++ h_t2[i] = h_t1[i] - dt/dx * (qc_right - qc_left) # Momentum # ++++++++ # Limited section at the right border and at the left border -- decentred downstream d_right = zbc_right - zc_right d_left = zbc_left - zc_left # Pressure on the roof -- 0. if free surface press_roof_right = hc_right - d_right press_roof_left = hc_left - d_left # Pressure integral at the right border and at the left border press_right = 0.5 * g * (hc_right**2. - press_roof_right**2) press_left = 0.5 * g * (hc_left**2. - press_roof_left**2) # Friction slope based on center values u_center = q[i] / (z_bridge_copy[i] - z[i]) # Number of surfaces nb_frott = 2. if h[i] > z_bridge[i] - z[i] else 1. # Integration water depth h_frott = min(h[i], z_bridge[i] - z[i]) # Slope J = get_friction_slope_2D_Manning_semi_implicit(u_center, h_frott/nb_frott, n) # Velocity at the right border and at the left border -- decentred upstream u_right = qc_right / h4u_right u_left = qc_left / h4u_left # Momentum at the right border and at the left border qm_right = u_right * qc_right qm_left = u_left * qc_left # Mean pressure impacting bed reaction h_mean = (hc_right + hc_left)/2. bed_right = g * h_mean * zc_right bed_left = g * h_mean * zc_left # Mean pressure impacting roof reaction h_roof_right = max(hc_right + zc_right - zbc_right, 0.) h_roof_left = max(hc_left + zc_left - zbc_left , 0.) h_roof_mean = (h_roof_right + h_roof_left) / 2. roof_right = g * h_roof_mean * zbc_right roof_left = g * h_roof_mean * zbc_left rhs = (qm_right - qm_left + press_right - press_left + bed_right - bed_left - roof_right + roof_left) if rhs !=0.: pass q_t2[i] = 1./(1. + dt * g * h_frott * J) * (q_t1[i] - dt/dx * rhs) if infil_exfil is not None: idx_up, idx_do, q_infil_exfil, u_infil_exfil, pond, k = infil_exfil i = idx_up qc_right, h4u_right, hc_right, zc_right, zbc_right = splitting(q_border[i+1,up], q_border[i+1, do], h_border[i+1,up], h_border[i+1,do], z_border[i+1,up], z_border[i+1,do], z_bridge_border[i+1,up], z_bridge_border[i+1,do]) qc_left, h4u_left, hc_left, zc_left, zbc_left = splitting(q_border[i,up], q_border[i, do], h_border[i,up], h_border[i,do], z_border[i,up], z_border[i,do], z_bridge_border[i,up], z_bridge_border[i,do]) # Limited section at the right border and at the left border -- decentred downstream d_right = zbc_right - zc_right d_left = zbc_left - zc_left # Pressure on the roof -- 0. if free surface press_roof_right = hc_right - d_right press_roof_left = hc_left - d_left # Pressure integral at the right border and at the left border press_right = 0.5 * g * (hc_right**2. - press_roof_right**2) press_left = 0.5 * g * (hc_left**2. - press_roof_left**2) # Friction slope based on center values u_center = q[i] / (z_bridge_copy[i] - z[i]) # Number of surfaces nb_frott = 2. if h[i] > z_bridge[i] - z[i] else 1. # Integration water depth h_frott = min(h[i], z_bridge[i] - z[i]) # Slope J = get_friction_slope_2D_Manning_semi_implicit(u_center, h_frott/nb_frott, n) # Velocity at the right border and at the left border -- decentred upstream u_right = qc_right / h4u_right u_left = qc_left / h4u_left # Momentum at the right border and at the left border qm_right = u_right * qc_right qm_left = u_left * qc_left # Mean pressure impacting bed reaction h_mean = (hc_right + hc_left)/2. bed_right = g * h_mean * zc_right bed_left = g * h_mean * zc_left # Mean pressure impacting roof reaction h_roof_right = max(hc_right + zc_right - zbc_right, 0.) h_roof_left = max(hc_left + zc_left - zbc_left , 0.) h_roof_mean = (h_roof_right + h_roof_left) / 2. roof_right = g * h_roof_mean * zbc_right roof_left = g * h_roof_mean * zbc_left h_t2[i] = h_t1[i] - dt/dx * (qc_right - qc_left + q_infil_exfil) q_t2[i] = 1./(1. + dt * g * h_frott * J) * (q_t1[i] - dt/dx * (qm_right - qm_left + \ press_right - press_left + \ bed_right - bed_left - \ roof_right + roof_left + \ u_infil_exfil * q_infil_exfil)) i = idx_do qc_right, h4u_right, hc_right, zc_right, zbc_right = splitting(q_border[i+1,up], q_border[i+1, do], h_border[i+1,up], h_border[i+1,do], z_border[i+1,up], z_border[i+1,do], z_bridge_border[i+1,up], z_bridge_border[i+1,do]) qc_left, h4u_left, hc_left, zc_left, zbc_left = splitting(q_border[i,up], q_border[i, do], h_border[i,up], h_border[i,do], z_border[i,up], z_border[i,do], z_bridge_border[i,up], z_bridge_border[i,do]) # Limited section at the right border and at the left border -- decentred downstream d_right = zbc_right - zc_right d_left = zbc_left - zc_left # Pressure on the roof -- 0. if free surface press_roof_right = hc_right - d_right press_roof_left = hc_left - d_left # Pressure integral at the right border and at the left border press_right = 0.5 * g * (hc_right**2. - press_roof_right**2) press_left = 0.5 * g * (hc_left**2. - press_roof_left**2) # Friction slope based on center values u_center = q[i] / (z_bridge_copy[i] - z[i]) # Number of surfaces nb_frott = 2. if h[i] > z_bridge[i] - z[i] else 1. # Integration water depth h_frott = min(h[i], z_bridge[i] - z[i]) # Slope J = get_friction_slope_2D_Manning_semi_implicit(u_center, h_frott/nb_frott, n) # Velocity at the right border and at the left border -- decentred upstream u_right = qc_right / h4u_right u_left = qc_left / h4u_left # Momentum at the right border and at the left border qm_right = u_right * qc_right qm_left = u_left * qc_left # Mean pressure impacting bed reaction h_mean = (hc_right + hc_left)/2. bed_right = g * h_mean * zc_right bed_left = g * h_mean * zc_left # Mean pressure impacting roof reaction h_roof_right = max(hc_right + zc_right - zbc_right, 0.) h_roof_left = max(hc_left + zc_left - zbc_left , 0.) h_roof_mean = (h_roof_right + h_roof_left) / 2. roof_right = g * h_roof_mean * zbc_right roof_left = g * h_roof_mean * zbc_left h_t2[i] = h_t1[i] - dt/dx * (qc_right - qc_left - q_infil_exfil) q_t2[i] = 1./(1. + dt * g * h_frott * J) * (q_t1[i] - dt/dx * (qm_right - qm_left + \ press_right - press_left + \ bed_right - bed_left - \ roof_right + roof_left -\ u_infil_exfil * q_infil_exfil)) limit_h_q(h_t2, q_t2, hmin=1e-3, Froudemax=3.)
@ jit(nopython=True)
[docs] def limit_h_q(h:np.ndarray, q:np.ndarray, hmin:float = 0., Froudemax:float = 3.) -> None: """ Limit the water depth and the discharge :param h: Water depth [m] :param q: Discharge [m^2/s] :param hmin: Minimum water depth [m] :param Froudemax: Maximum Froude number [-] """ # retrieve positive and negative values hpos = np.where(h > hmin) hneg = np.where(h <= hmin) # limit water depth h[hneg] = hmin q[hneg] = 0. # limit discharge based on Froude number Fr = np.zeros_like(h) Fr[hpos] = np.abs(q[hpos]) / h[hpos] / np.sqrt(9.81 * h[hpos]) q[Fr > Froudemax] = Froudemax * np.sqrt(9.81 * h[Fr > Froudemax]) * h[Fr > Froudemax] * np.sign(q[Fr > Froudemax])
# -------------------------- # END JIT compiled functions # -------------------------- # ---------------------- # START Problems section # ----------------------
[docs] def problem(dom:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, h0:float, q0:float, dx:float, CN:float, n:float): """ Solve the mass and momentum equations using a explicit Runge-Kutta scheme (2 steps - 2nd order) **NO BRIDGE** """ h, q, h_pred, q_pred, h_corr, q_corr, q_border, h_border, z_border, u_border, h_center, u_center = all_unk_border(dom, h0, q0) totaltime = 4*3600 eps=1. with tqdm(total=totaltime) as pbar: t = 0. while eps > 1e-12: dt = compute_dt(dx, h, q, CN) # Predictor step Euler_RK(h, h_pred, q, q_pred, h, q, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h0, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center) # Corrector step Euler_RK(h, h_corr, q, q_corr, h_pred, q_pred, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h0, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center) # Update -- Mean for second order in time h = (h_pred + h_corr)/2. q = (q_pred + q_corr)/2. t+=dt eps = np.sum(np.abs(q - q_pred)) pbar.update(dt) print("Total time : ", t) print("Residual : ", eps) return h, q
[docs] def problem_hedge(dom:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, h0:float, q0:float, dx:float, CN:float, n:float): """ Solve the mass and momentum equations using a explicit Runge-Kutta scheme (2 steps - 2nd order) **NO BRIDGE bur HEDGE in the middle** """ h, q, h_pred, q_pred, h_corr, q_corr, q_border, h_border, z_border, u_border, h_center, u_center = all_unk_border(dom, h0, q0) theta = np.ones_like(h) theta_border = np.ones_like(h_border) slice_hedge = slice(len(h) // 2-1, len(h) // 2+2) theta_val = 0.5 theta[slice_hedge] = theta_val totaltime = 4*3600 eps=1. with tqdm(total=totaltime) as pbar: t = 0. while eps > 1e-12: dt = compute_dt(dx, h, q, CN) # Predictor step Euler_RK_hedge(h, h_pred, q, q_pred, h, q, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h0, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, theta, theta_border) # Corrector step Euler_RK_hedge(h, h_corr, q, q_corr, h_pred, q_pred, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h0, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, theta, theta_border) # Update -- Mean for second order in time h = (h_pred + h_corr)/2. q = (q_pred + q_corr)/2. t+=dt eps = np.sum(np.abs(q - q_pred)) pbar.update(dt) print("Total time : ", t) print("Residual : ", eps) return h, q, theta
[docs] def problem_bridge(dom:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, z_bridge:np.ndarray, h0:float, q0:float, dx:float, CN:float, n:float, press_mode:int = 4, h_ini:np.ndarray = None, q_ini:np.ndarray = None) -> tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Solve the mass and momentum equations using a explicit Rung-Kutta scheme (2 steps - 2nd order) **WITH BRIDGE and NO OVERFLOW** """ h, q, h_pred, q_pred, h_corr, q_corr, q_border, h_border, z_border, u_border, h_center, u_center = all_unk_border(dom, h0, q0) z_bridge_border = np.zeros_like(z_border) if h_ini is not None: h[:] = h_ini[:] if q_ini is not None: q[:] = q_ini[:] totaltime = 4*3600 eps=1. with tqdm(total=totaltime) as pbar: t = 0. while eps > 1e-7: dt = compute_dt(dx, h, q, CN) # Predictor step Euler_RK_bridge(h, h_pred, q, q_pred, h, q, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h0, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, z_bridge, z_bridge_border, press_mode) # Corrector step Euler_RK_bridge(h, h_corr, q, q_corr, h_pred, q_pred, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h0, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, z_bridge, z_bridge_border, press_mode) # Update -- Mean for second order in time h = (h_pred + h_corr)/2. q = (q_pred + q_corr)/2. t+=dt eps = np.sum(np.abs(q - q_pred)) pbar.update(dt) print("Total time : ", t) print("Residual : ", eps) return h, q
[docs] def problem_bridge_multiple_steadystates(dom:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, z_bridge:np.ndarray, h0:float, qmin:float, qmax:float, dx:float, CN:float, n:float, press_mode:int = 4) -> list[tuple[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]: """ Solve multiple steady states for a given discharge range """ all_q = np.arange(qmin, qmax+.1, (qmax-qmin)/10) ret = [] h = None for curq in all_q: h, q = problem_bridge(dom, z, z_bridge, h0, curq, dx, CN, n, press_mode, h_ini=h, q_ini=None) ret.append((0., h.copy(), q.copy())) return ret
[docs] def problem_bridge_unsteady(dom:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, z_bridge:np.ndarray, h0:float, q0:float, dx:float, CN:float, n:float, press_mode:int = 4): """ Solve the mass and momentum equations using a explicit Runge-Kutta scheme (2 steps - 2nd order). **WITH BRIDGE and NO OVERFLOW** The downstream boundary condition rises temporarily. Firstly, we stabilize the flow with a constant downstream boundary condition. Then, we increase the downstream boundary condition. """ h, q, h_pred, q_pred, h_corr, q_corr, q_border, h_border, z_border, u_border, h_center, u_center = all_unk_border(dom, h0, q0) z_bridge_border = np.zeros_like(z_border) totaltime = 4*3600 eps=1. # Compute steady state with tqdm(total=totaltime) as pbar: t = 0. while eps > 1e-7: dt = compute_dt(dx, h, q, CN) # Predictor step Euler_RK_bridge(h, h_pred, q, q_pred, h, q, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h0, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, z_bridge, z_bridge_border, press_mode) # Corrector step Euler_RK_bridge(h, h_corr, q, q_corr, h_pred, q_pred, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h0, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, z_bridge, z_bridge_border, press_mode) # Update -- Mean for second order in time h = (h_pred + h_corr)/2. q = (q_pred + q_corr)/2. t+=dt eps = np.sum(np.abs(q - q_pred)) pbar.update(dt) print("Total time : ", t) print("Residual : ", eps) res = [] totaltime = 2*3600 k=0 with tqdm(total=totaltime) as pbar: t = 0. while t < totaltime: dt = compute_dt(dx, h, q, CN) if t < totaltime/2: h_cl = h0 + 7. * t/totaltime*2 else: h_cl = h0 + 7. - 7. * (t - totaltime/2)/totaltime*2 # Predictor step Euler_RK_bridge(h, h_pred, q, q_pred, h, q, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h_cl, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, z_bridge, z_bridge_border, press_mode) # Corrector step Euler_RK_bridge(h, h_corr, q, q_corr, h_pred, q_pred, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h_cl, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, z_bridge, z_bridge_border, press_mode) # Update -- Mean for second order in time h = (h_pred + h_corr)/2. q = (q_pred + q_corr)/2. if t > 300*k: res.append((t, h.copy(), q.copy())) k+=1 t+=dt pbar.update(dt) return res
[docs] def problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, z_roof:np.ndarray, z_deck:np.ndarray, z_roof_null:float, h0:float, q0:float, dx:float, CN:float, n:float, press_mode:int = 0, motion_duration:float = 300., scenario_bc:Literal['unsteady_downstream_bc', 'hydrograph', 'hydrograph_2steps', 'Gauss'] = 'unsteady_downstream_bc', min_overflow:float = 0.05, updating_time_interval:float = 0. ): """ Solve the mass and momentum equations using a explicit Rung-Kutta scheme (2 steps - 2nd order). **WITH BRIDGE and OVERFLOW** """ h, q, h_pred, q_pred, h_corr, q_corr, q_border, h_border, z_border, u_border, h_center, u_center = all_unk_border(dom, h0, q0) z_roof_border = np.zeros_like(z_border) totaltime = 3600 #4*3600 eps=1. # Compute steady state with tqdm(total=totaltime) as pbar: t = 0. while eps > 1e-7: dt = compute_dt(dx, h, q, CN) # Predictor step Euler_RK_bridge(h, h_pred, q, q_pred, h, q, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h0, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, z_roof, z_roof_border, press_mode) # Corrector step Euler_RK_bridge(h, h_corr, q, q_corr, h_pred, q_pred, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h0, q0, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, z_roof, z_roof_border, press_mode) # Update -- Mean for second order in time h = (h_pred + h_corr)/2. q = (q_pred + q_corr)/2. t+=dt eps = np.sum(np.abs(q - q_pred)) pbar.update(dt) print("Total time : ", t) print("Residual : ", eps) g = 9.81 res = [] # Functions to evaluate the head and the local head loss coefficient def compute_head(z,h,q): return z+h+(q/h)**2/2/g def compute_delta_head(zup,hup,qup,zdo,hdo,qdo): return compute_head(zup,hup,qup) - compute_head(zdo,hdo,qdo) def compute_k_mean(zup,hup,qup,zdo,hdo,qdo,A_bridge): delta = compute_delta_head(zup,hup,qup,zdo,hdo,qdo) q_mean = (qup+qdo)/2 return delta/((q_mean/A_bridge)**2/2/g) def compute_losses(q, A_bridge, k): """ Compute the losses based on the flow rate and the local head loss coefficient :return: k * |Q| * Q / A^2 / 2 / g :unit: [m] """ return k * q * np.abs(q) / A_bridge**2. /2. / g def compute_losses_semi_implicit(q, A_bridge, k): """ Compute part of the losses based on the flow rate and the local head loss coefficient to use in the semi-implicit scheme. :return: k * |Q| / A / 2. :unit: [s/m²] """ return k * np.abs(q) / A_bridge /2. def compute_q_wo_inertia(zup,hup,qup,zdo,hdo,qdo,A_bridge,k): """ Compute the flow rate based on Bernoulli equation without inertia term """ delta = compute_delta_head(zup,hup,qup,zdo,hdo,qdo) return np.sqrt(2*g*np.abs(delta)/k)*A_bridge*np.sign(delta), delta def compute_q_w_inertia(zup:float, hup:float, qup:float, zdo:float, hdo:float, qdo:float, A_bridge:float, k:float, q_prev:float, dt:float, length:float): """ Compute the flow rate based on Bernoulli equation with inertia term $ \frac{\partial Q}{\partial t} + \frac {g A}{L} (Head_do - Head_up + Losses) = 0 $ $ Losses = k \frac {U^2}{2 g} = k \frac {Q |Q|}{A^2 2 g} $ """ # new_q, delta = compute_q_wo_inertia(zup,hup,qup,zdo,hdo,qdo,A_bridge,k) delta = compute_delta_head(zup,hup,qup,zdo,hdo,qdo) if delta > 1.: pass inv_dt = 1./ dt return (inv_dt * q_prev + g * A_bridge * delta / length) / (inv_dt + compute_losses_semi_implicit(q_prev, A_bridge, k) / length) def _update_top(z_start:np.ndarray, z_end:np.ndarray, move_time:float, move_totaltime:float, reverse:bool=False): if reverse: pond = (move_totaltime - move_time) / move_totaltime else: pond = move_time / move_totaltime loc_z = z_end * pond + z_start * (1.-pond) return pond, loc_z def update_top_q(z:np.ndarray, h:np.ndarray, q:np.ndarray, z_bridge:np.ndarray, idx_up:int, idx_do:int, survey_up:int, survey_do:int, A:float, k:float, q_prev:float, dt:float, move_time:float, move_totaltime:float, move_restore:bool, z_roof_start:np.ndarray, z_roof_end:np.ndarray, z_bath_start:np.ndarray, z_bath_end:np.ndarray, update_top:bool=True, stop_motion:bool = False): if stop_motion: move_time = move_totaltime zup = z[survey_up] zdo = z[survey_do] hup = h[survey_up] hdo = h[survey_do] qup = q[survey_up] qdo = q[survey_do] # Update the flow rate considering inertia (generalized Bernoulli) qtot_infil_exfil = compute_q_w_inertia(zup, hup, qup, zdo, hdo, qdo, A, k, q_prev, dt, length=dx *(idx_do-idx_up-1)) if update_top: pond, z_bridge[bridge] = _update_top(z_roof_start, z_roof_end, move_time, move_totaltime, move_restore) pond, z[bridge] = _update_top(z_bath_start, z_bath_end, move_time, move_totaltime, move_restore) # if move_restore: # zref_up = zup + hup - .15 # z[bridge] = np.minimum(z[bridge], zref_up) else: pond = 0. if move_restore else 1. if stop_motion and move_restore: infil_exfil = None else: # Applying the infiltration/exfiltration linearly according to the topo-bathymetry evolution q_infil_exfil = qtot_infil_exfil * pond infil_exfil = (idx_up, idx_do, q_infil_exfil, qup/hup, pond, k) return infil_exfil, z_bridge, z, qtot_infil_exfil bridge = np.where(z_roof != z_roof_null)[0] idx_up = bridge[0]-1 idx_do = bridge[-1]+1 survey_up = idx_up-1 survey_do = idx_do+1 z_overflow = z_deck[bridge].max() + min_overflow totaltime = 2*3600 total_compute = totaltime + 1800 + 2. infil_exfil = None bridge_in_motion = False filled_bridge = False emptying_bridge = False motion_completed = True local_motion_time = 0. total_motion_time = motion_duration q_infil_t_current = 0. delta_res_time_def = 30. if scenario_bc == 'unsteady_downstream_bc': dh_cl = 7. dq_cl = 0. elif scenario_bc == 'unsteady_downstream_bc_culvert': dh_cl = 2. dq_cl = 0.5 elif scenario_bc == 'hydrograph_culvert': dh_cl = 1. dq_cl = 3. elif scenario_bc == 'hydrograph': dh_cl = 2. dq_cl = 8. elif scenario_bc == 'hydrograph_2steps': dh_cl = 2. dq_cl = 8. elif scenario_bc == 'hydrograph_2steps_culvert': dh_cl = 1. dq_cl = 10. elif scenario_bc == 'Gauss': dh_cl = 2. dq_cl = 8. with tqdm(total=total_compute, desc=scenario_bc) as pbar: t = 0. res_time = 0. update_time = 0. delta_res_time = delta_res_time_def z_roof_start = None z_roof_end = None z_bath_start = None z_bath_end = None while t < total_compute: dt = compute_dt(dx, h, q, CN) if scenario_bc == 'unsteady_downstream_bc' or scenario_bc == 'unsteady_downstream_bc_culvert': # The downstream boundary condition evolves linearly # from h0 to h0 + dh_cl in totaltime/2 seconds # keeps the value h0 + dh_cl during 1000 seconds # and then from h0 + dh_cl to h0 in totaltime/2 seconds # # ____ # / \ # / \ # ------ / \ # _/ \____ if t < totaltime/2: h_cl = h0 + dh_cl * t/totaltime*2 q_cl = q0 + dq_cl * t/totaltime*2 else: if t < totaltime/2 + 1000.: h_cl = h0 + dh_cl q_cl = q0 + dq_cl else: h_cl = h0 + dh_cl - dh_cl * (t - (totaltime/2+1000.))/(totaltime/2 - 1000.) q_cl = q0 + dq_cl - dq_cl * (t - (totaltime/2+1000.))/(totaltime/2 - 1000.) elif scenario_bc == 'hydrograph' or scenario_bc == 'hydrograph_culvert': # The downstream boundary condition evolves linearly # from h0 to h0 + dh_cl in totaltime/2 seconds # keeps the value h0 + dh_cl during 1000 seconds # and then from h0 + dh_cl to h0 - dh_cl/2 in totaltime/2 seconds # # The upstream boundary condition evolves linearly # from q0 to q0 + dq_cl in totaltime/2 seconds # keeps the value q0 + dq_cl during 1000 seconds # and then from q0 + dq_cl to q0 - dq_cl/2 in totaltime/2 seconds # # _____ ____ # / \ / \ # / \ / \ # / \ / \ # _/ \ __/ \ # \ \ # \______ \____ if t < totaltime/2: h_cl = h0 + dh_cl * t/totaltime*2 q_cl = q0 + dq_cl * t/totaltime*2 else: if t < totaltime/2 + 1000.: h_cl = h0 + dh_cl q_cl = q0 + dq_cl elif t < totaltime: h_cl = h0 + dh_cl - dh_cl * (t - (totaltime/2+1000.))/(totaltime/2 - 1000.) * 1.5 q_cl = q0 + dq_cl - dq_cl * (t - (totaltime/2+1000.))/(totaltime/2 - 1000.) * 1.5 else: h_cl = h0 - dh_cl / 2. q_cl = q0 - dq_cl / 2. elif scenario_bc == 'hydrograph_2steps' or scenario_bc == 'hydrograph_2steps_culvert': # Same as hydrograph but the downstream boundary condition # evolves linearly a second time during peek flow if t < totaltime/2: h_cl = h0 + dh_cl * t/totaltime*2 q_cl = q0 + dq_cl * t/totaltime*2 else: if t < totaltime/2 + 500.: h_cl = h0 + dh_cl + dh_cl * (t - (totaltime/2))/(500.) q_cl = q0 + dq_cl elif t < totaltime/2 + 1000.: h_cl = h0 + 2* dh_cl - dh_cl * (t - (totaltime/2+500.))/(500.) q_cl = q0 + dq_cl elif t < totaltime: h_cl = h0 + dh_cl - dh_cl * (t - (totaltime/2+1000.))/(totaltime/2 - 1000.) * 1.5 q_cl = q0 + dq_cl - dq_cl * (t - (totaltime/2+1000.))/(totaltime/2 - 1000.) * 1.5 else: h_cl = h0 - dh_cl / 2. q_cl = q0 - dq_cl / 2. elif scenario_bc == 'Gauss': # The downstream and upstream boundary conditions evolve # according to a Gaussian function h_cl = h0 + dh_cl * np.exp(-((t-totaltime/2)**.5)/3600) q_cl = q0 + dq_cl * np.exp(-((t-totaltime/2)**.5)/3600) # Predictor step Euler_RK_bridge(h, h_pred, q, q_pred, h, q, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h_cl, q_cl, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, z_roof, z_roof_border, press_mode, infil_exfil) # Corrector step Euler_RK_bridge(h, h_corr, q, q_corr, h_pred, q_pred, h_border, q_border, z, z_border, dt, dx, h_cl, q_cl, n, u_border, h_center, u_center, z_roof, z_roof_border, press_mode, infil_exfil) # Update -- Mean for second order in time h = (h_pred + h_corr)/2. q = (q_pred + q_corr)/2. if t >= res_time: res.append((t, h.copy(), q.copy(), z.copy(), z_roof.copy(), infil_exfil if infil_exfil is not None else (idx_up, idx_do, 0., 0., 0., 0.))) res_time += delta_res_time if updating_time_interval == 0. or t> update_time: update_time += updating_time_interval if z[survey_up] + h[survey_up] > z_overflow: # Overflow # Convert Bridge into topography # add infiltration/exfiltration if not bridge_in_motion and motion_completed and not filled_bridge: # Movement must be initiated... # Decreasing the interval of time for the # saving to be more precise when plotting delta_res_time = delta_res_time_def / 5. bridge_in_motion = True emptying_bridge = False motion_completed = False local_motion_time = 0. starting_time = t # Keeping the old values -- Can be useful when restoring old_z_roof = z_roof.copy() old_z = z.copy() # Reference section of the bridge... # Keeping the minimum distance between the bridge and the floor A_bridge = np.min(z_roof[bridge] - z[bridge]) # Computing global head loss coefficient associated to the bridge and the reference section k_bridge = compute_k_mean(z[survey_up], h[survey_up], q[survey_up], z[survey_do], h[survey_do], q[survey_do], A_bridge) # Starting the motion... # - the bridge's roof is going up # - the bridge's floor is going up z_roof_start = old_z_roof[bridge] z_roof_end = z_roof_null z_bath_start = old_z[bridge] z_bath_end = z_deck[bridge] # Mean Flow rate under the bridge q_infil_t_current = np.mean(q[bridge]) infil_exfil, z_roof, z, q_infil_t_current = update_top_q(z, h, q, z_roof, idx_up, idx_do, survey_up, survey_do, A_bridge, k_bridge, q_infil_t_current, dt, local_motion_time, total_motion_time, emptying_bridge, z_roof_start, z_roof_end, z_bath_start, z_bath_end) else: if not motion_completed: # Movement is initiated but not finished... # Updating the local time # local_motion_time += dt local_motion_time = t - starting_time if local_motion_time > total_motion_time: # Total time is reached... # ... so terminate the movement delta_res_time = delta_res_time_def bridge_in_motion = False motion_completed = True filled_bridge = not filled_bridge infil_exfil, z_roof, z, q_infil_t_current = update_top_q(z, h, q, z_roof, idx_up, idx_do, survey_up, survey_do, A_bridge, k_bridge, q_infil_t_current, dt, local_motion_time, total_motion_time, emptying_bridge, z_roof_start, z_roof_end, z_bath_start, z_bath_end, stop_motion= True) local_motion_time = 0. else: # Total time is not reached... # ... so continue the movement infil_exfil, z_roof, z, q_infil_t_current = update_top_q(z, h, q, z_roof, idx_up, idx_do, survey_up, survey_do, A_bridge, k_bridge, q_infil_t_current, dt, local_motion_time, total_motion_time, emptying_bridge, z_roof_start, z_roof_end, z_bath_start, z_bath_end) else: # Movement is done... if infil_exfil is not None: # Updating the infiltration discharge according to head difference infil_exfil, z_roof, z, q_infil_t_current = update_top_q(z, h, q, z_roof, idx_up, idx_do, survey_up, survey_do, A_bridge, k_bridge, q_infil_t_current, dt, local_motion_time, total_motion_time, emptying_bridge, z_roof_start, z_roof_end, z_bath_start, z_bath_end, update_top=False) else: # No overflow if bridge_in_motion: # But movement is initiated... # local_motion_time += dt local_motion_time = t - starting_time if local_motion_time > total_motion_time: delta_res_time = delta_res_time_def # Total time is reached... # ... so terminate the movement bridge_in_motion = False motion_completed = True filled_bridge = not filled_bridge infil_exfil, z_roof, z, q_infil_t_current = update_top_q(z, h, q, z_roof, idx_up, idx_do, survey_up, survey_do, A_bridge, k_bridge, q_infil_t_current, dt, local_motion_time, total_motion_time, emptying_bridge, z_roof_start, z_roof_end, z_bath_start, z_bath_end, stop_motion= True) local_motion_time = 0. else: # Total time is not reached... # ... so continue the movement infil_exfil, z_roof, z, q_infil_t_current = update_top_q(z, h, q, z_roof, idx_up, idx_do, survey_up, survey_do, A_bridge, k_bridge, q_infil_t_current, dt, local_motion_time, total_motion_time, emptying_bridge, z_roof_start, z_roof_end, z_bath_start, z_bath_end) else: if infil_exfil is not None: if motion_completed: # The bridge is not moving and the infiltration/exfiltration exists # We can start to restore the bridge as it was before the overflow... delta_res_time = delta_res_time_def / 5. bridge_in_motion = True local_motion_time = 0. motion_completed = False emptying_bridge = True starting_time = t infil_exfil, z_roof, z, q_infil_t_current = update_top_q(z, h, q, z_roof, idx_up, idx_do, survey_up, survey_do, A_bridge, k_bridge, q_infil_t_current, dt, local_motion_time, total_motion_time, emptying_bridge, z_roof_start, z_roof_end, z_bath_start, z_bath_end, ) t+=dt pbar.update(dt) return res
# -------------------- # END Problems section # -------------------- # ---------------- # PLOTTING SECTION # ---------------- import matplotlib.animation as animation
[docs] def plot_bridge(ax:plt.Axes, x:np.ndarray, h1:np.ndarray, h2:np.ndarray, q1:np.ndarray, q2:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, z_bridge:np.ndarray, hu:float): u1=np.zeros_like(q1) u2=np.zeros_like(q1) u1[1:-1] = q1[1:-1]/h1[1:-1] u2[1:-1] = q2[1:-1]/np.minimum(h2[1:-1],z_bridge[1:-1]-z[1:-1]) ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1], label = 'z') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z_bridge[1:-1], label = 'bridge') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1] + h1[1:-1], label = 'z + h1') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1] + h2[1:-1], label = 'z + h2') ax.plot(x[1:-1], q1[1:-1], label = 'q') under_bridge = np.where(h2 > z_bridge - z)[0] free_surface = np.where(h2 <= z_bridge - z)[0] ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1] + h1[1:-1] + u1[1:-1]**2/2/9.81, label = 'head1') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1] + h2[1:-1] + u2[1:-1]**2/2/9.81, label = 'head2') # ax.plot(x[free_surface], (z[free_surface] + h2[free_surface] + u2[free_surface]**2/2/9.81) * h2[free_surface], label = 'head2 free surface') if hu != 99999.: ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1]+hu, linestyle='--', label = 'h uniform') ax.legend()
[docs] def plot_hedge(ax:plt.Axes, x:np.ndarray, h1:np.ndarray, h2:np.ndarray, q1:np.ndarray, q2:np.ndarray, z:np.ndarray, hu:float, theta:np.ndarray): u1=np.zeros_like(q1) u2=np.zeros_like(q1) u1[1:-1] = q1[1:-1]/h1[1:-1] u2[1:-1] = q2[1:-1]/(h2[1:-1]*theta[1:-1]) ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1], label = 'z') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1] + h1[1:-1], label = 'z + h1') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1] + h2[1:-1], label = 'z + h2') ax.plot(x[1:-1], u1[1:-1], label = 'u1') ax.plot(x[1:-1], u2[1:-1], label = 'u2') # ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1] + h1[1:-1] + u1[1:-1]**2/2/9.81, label = 'head1') # ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1] + h2[1:-1] + u2[1:-1]**2/2/9.81, label = 'head2') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1]+hu, linestyle='--', label = 'h uniform') ax.legend()
[docs] def animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, poly_bridge_x, poly_bridge_y, res:list[float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, tuple[int,int,float,float,float]], x:np.ndarray, z_ini:np.ndarray, hu:float, z_null:float, length:float, title:str= "Bridge", motion_duration=300.): fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1) all_q_middle = [cur[2][len(dom)//2] for cur in res] all_q_inf_ex = [cur[5][2] for cur in res] all_q_up = [cur[2][1] for cur in res] all_q_down = [cur[2][-2] for cur in res] all_times = [cur[0] for cur in res] idx_Froude = [int(len(dom)*cur) for cur in np.linspace(0,100,11,True)/100] idx_Froude[0] += 5 idx_Froude[-1] -= 5 x_Froude = x[idx_Froude] Froude = np.zeros_like(x_Froude) def update(frame): ax:plt.Axes ax = axes[0] ax.clear() z:np.ndarray t, h, q, z, z_roof, inf_ex = res[frame] for i, idx in enumerate(idx_Froude): if h[idx]==0.: Froude[i] = 0. else: Froude[i] = q[idx] / h[idx] /np.sqrt(9.81*h[idx]) ax.fill_between(x[1:-1], z[1:-1], z[1:-1] + h[1:-1], color='blue', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1] + h[1:-1], label='water level [m]', color='blue') ax.fill_between(x[1:-1], np.ones(z.shape)[1:-1] * z.min(), z[1:-1], color='brown', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1], label='bottom level [m]', color='brown') slice_roof = z_roof != z_null ax.fill_between(x[slice_roof], z_roof[slice_roof], np.ones(z.shape)[slice_roof] * z_null, color='grey', alpha=0.5) ax.plot(x[slice_roof], z_roof[slice_roof], label='roof level [m]', color='grey') # ax.plot(x[1:-1], z_ini[1:-1] + hu, linestyle='--', label='h uniform') ax.plot(x[1:-1], q[1:-1], linestyle='-', label='flow rate [$m^2/s$]', color='black', linewidth=1.5) ax.legend(loc='upper right') ax.fill(poly_bridge_x, poly_bridge_y, color='black', alpha=0.8) q_middle = q[len(dom)//2] q_inf_ex = inf_ex[2] txt = f'Total flow rate {q_middle+q_inf_ex:.2f} $m^2/s$' txt += f'\nOverflow = {q_middle:.2f} $m^2/s$ - {q_middle/(q_inf_ex+q_middle)*100:.2f} %' txt += f'\nUnderflow = {q_inf_ex:.2f} $m^2/s$ - {q_inf_ex/(q_inf_ex+q_middle)*100:.2f} %' in_txt = '$k_{loss}$ =' txt += f'\n\nMotion time = {motion_duration:.1f} s -- {in_txt} {inf_ex[-1]:.2f}' ax.text(x[len(dom)//2+8], 11., txt, fontsize=9) for posFroude, curFroude in zip(x_Froude, Froude): ax.text(posFroude, 8., f'Fr = {curFroude:.2f}', fontsize=9, horizontalalignment='center') ax.set_xlim(0, 500) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, 501, 50)) ax.grid(axis='x') ax.set_ylim(0, 20) ax.set_title(f'{title} - Length = {length:.1f} m - Time = {t:.1f} s') ax = axes[1] ax.clear() ax.plot(all_times[:frame], all_q_middle[:frame], label='Overflow', color='blue') ax.plot(all_times[:frame], all_q_inf_ex[:frame], label='Underflow', color='red') ax.plot(all_times[:frame], [qinf + qmiddle for qinf, qmiddle in zip(all_q_inf_ex[:frame], all_q_middle[:frame])], label='Total', color='black') ax.plot(all_times[:frame], all_q_up[:frame], label='Upstream', color='black', linestyle='--', linewidth=1.) ax.plot(all_times[:frame], all_q_down[:frame], label='Downstream', color='black', linestyle='-.', linewidth=1.) ax.legend(loc='upper right') ax.set_title('Flow rate') ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax.set_ylabel('Flow rate [$m^2/s$]') ax.set_ylim(0, 20) ax.set_xlim(0, all_times[-1]) ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, all_times[-1]+10, 900)) ax.grid() fig.set_size_inches(20,8) update(0) fig.tight_layout() ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=len(res), repeat=True) return ani
# ------------- # REAL PROBLEMS # -------------
[docs] def lake_at_rest(): """ Compute Lake at rest problem The problem is a simple steady state problem with a bridge in the middle of the domain. The bridge is a simple flat bridge with a height of 2 m. No discharge and no water movement is expected. """ length = 500. dx = 1. CN = 0.4 h0 = 4. # Initial water depth q0 = 0. # Initial discharge n = 0.025 slope = 0 #1e-4 press_mode = 4 hu = 0 dom, x, z = domain(length, dx, slope) x = np.array(x) # Bridge roof level is 10 m everywhere except in the middle of the domain z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * 10. z_bridge[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] = z[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] + 2. fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,1) # free surface flow h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0, q0, dx, CN, n) # partially pressurized flow h2, q2 = problem_bridge(dom, z, z_bridge, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) assert np.allclose(h1[1:-1], h0), 'Free surface flow is not steady state' assert np.allclose(q1[1:-1], q0), 'Free surface flow is not steady state' assert np.allclose(h2[1:-1], h0), 'Partially pressurized flow is not steady state' assert np.allclose(q2[1:-1], q0), 'Partially pressurized flow is not steady state' plot_bridge(axes[0], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, z_bridge, hu) # increasing water depth h0 += 1. # free surface flow h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0+1., q0, dx, CN, n) # partially pressurized flow h2, q2 = problem_bridge(dom, z, z_bridge, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) assert np.allclose(h1[1:-1], h0+1.), 'Free surface flow is not steady state' assert np.allclose(q1[1:-1], q0), 'Free surface flow is not steady state' assert np.allclose(h2[1:-1], h0), 'Partially pressurized flow is not steady state' assert np.allclose(q2[1:-1], q0), 'Partially pressurized flow is not steady state' plot_bridge(axes[1], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, z_bridge, hu) # increasing water depth h0 += 1. # free surface flow h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0+2., q0, dx, CN, n) # partially pressurized flow h2, q2 = problem_bridge(dom, z, z_bridge, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) assert np.allclose(h1[1:-1], h0+2.), 'Free surface flow is not steady state' assert np.allclose(q1[1:-1], q0), 'Free surface flow is not steady state' assert np.allclose(h2[1:-1], h0), 'Partially pressurized flow is not steady state' assert np.allclose(q2[1:-1], q0), 'Partially pressurized flow is not steady state' plot_bridge(axes[2], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, z_bridge, hu) fig.set_size_inches(15, 10) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes
[docs] def water_line(): """ Compute Water line problems Length = 500 m dx = 1 m CN = 0.4 h0 = 4 m q0 = 7 m^2/s n = 0.025 slope = 1e-4 """ length = 500. dx = 1. CN = 0.4 h0 = 4. q0 = 7. n = 0.025 slope = 1e-4 press_mode = 4 dom, x, z = domain(length, dx, slope) x = np.array(x) hu = uniform_waterdepth(slope, q0, n) # bridge roof level is 10 m everywhere except in the middle of the domain # where the bridge is located. # The bridge is a flat bridge with a height of 2 m. z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * 10. z_bridge[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] = z[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] + 2. fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,1) h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0, q0, dx, CN, n) h2, q2 = problem_bridge(dom, z, z_bridge, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) plot_bridge(axes[0], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, z_bridge, hu) h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0+1., q0, dx, CN, n) h2, q2 = problem_bridge(dom, z, z_bridge, h0+1., q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) plot_bridge(axes[1], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, z_bridge, hu) h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0+2., q0, dx, CN, n) h2, q2 = problem_bridge(dom, z, z_bridge, h0+2., q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) plot_bridge(axes[2], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, z_bridge, hu) fig.set_size_inches(20, 10) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes
[docs] def water_line_noloss_noslope(): """ Compute Water line problems Length = 500 m dx = 1 m CN = 0.4 h0 = 4 m q0 = 7 m^2/s n = 0.0 slope = 0.0 """ length = 500. dx = 1. CN = 0.4 h0 = 4. q0 = 7. n = 0. slope = 0. press_mode = 4 dom, x, z = domain(length, dx, slope) x = np.array(x) hu = uniform_waterdepth(slope, q0, n) # bridge roof level is 10 m everywhere except in the middle of the domain # where the bridge is located. # The bridge is a flat bridge with a height of 2 m. z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * 10. z_bridge[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] = z[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] + 2. fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,1) h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0, q0, dx, CN, n) h2, q2 = problem_bridge(dom, z, z_bridge, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) plot_bridge(axes[0], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, z_bridge, hu) h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0+1., q0, dx, CN, n) h2, q2 = problem_bridge(dom, z, z_bridge, h0+1., q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) plot_bridge(axes[1], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, z_bridge, hu) h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0+2., q0, dx, CN, n) h2, q2 = problem_bridge(dom, z, z_bridge, h0+2., q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) plot_bridge(axes[2], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, z_bridge, hu) fig.set_size_inches(20, 10) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes
[docs] def water_lines(): """ Compute multiple water lines problems. Evaluate the head loss due to the bridge and compare to theoretical fomula. """ length = 500. dx = 1. CN = 0.4 h0 = 4. q0 = 7. n = 0. #0.025 slope = 0 #1e-4 press_mode = 4 dom, x, z = domain(length, dx, slope) x = np.array(x) hu = 0. #uniform_waterdepth(slope, q0, n) b_bridge = 2. z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * 10. z_bridge[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] = z[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] + b_bridge idx_before_bridge = len(dom)//2-5 -2 idx_after_bridge = len(dom)//2+5 +2 idx_bridge = len(dom)//2 h0 = 4.5 res = problem_bridge_multiple_steadystates(dom, z, z_bridge, h0, 3.5, 20., dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1) ax:plt.Axes ax = axes[0] for cur in res: ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1]+cur[1][1:-1], label = f't = {cur[0]:.1f}') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1]+hu, linestyle='--', label = 'h uniform') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z_bridge[1:-1], label = 'bridge') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1], label = 'z') ax.legend() # Head losses # pressure before, after and at the bridge press_before = [cur[1][idx_before_bridge] for cur in res] press_after = [cur[1][idx_after_bridge] for cur in res] press_bridge = [cur[1][idx_bridge] for cur in res] h_bridge = np.minimum(press_bridge, z_bridge[idx_bridge] - z[idx_bridge]) # flow rate before, after and at the bridge q_before = [cur[2][idx_before_bridge] for cur in res] q_after = [cur[2][idx_after_bridge] for cur in res] q_bridge = [cur[2][idx_bridge] for cur in res] # velocity before, after and at the bridge u_before = [q/h for q,h in zip(q_before, press_before)] u_after = [q/h for q,h in zip(q_after, press_after)] u_bridge = [q/h for q,h in zip(q_bridge, h_bridge)] # head before, after and at the bridge head_before = [z[idx_before_bridge] + press_before[i] + u_before[i]**2/2/9.81 for i in range(len(res))] head_after = [z[idx_after_bridge] + press_after[i] + u_after[i]**2/2/9.81 for i in range(len(res))] head_bridge = [z[idx_bridge] + press_bridge[i] + u_bridge[i]**2/2/9.81 for i in range(len(res))] # head losses delta_head_total = [head_before[i] - head_after[i] for i in range(len(res))] delta_head_up = [head_before[i] - head_bridge[i] for i in range(len(res))] delta_head_do = [head_bridge[i] - head_after[i] for i in range(len(res))] ax = axes[1] ax.plot(delta_head_up, [head_loss_contraction(q, h1, h2) for q,h1,h2 in zip(q_bridge, press_before, h_bridge)], marker='*', label = 'Contraction Loss') ax.plot(delta_head_do, [head_loss_enlargment(q, h1, h2) for q,h1,h2 in zip(q_bridge, h_bridge, press_after)], marker='o', label = 'Enlargment Loss') ax.plot(delta_head_total, [head_loss_contract_enlarge(q,h1,h2,h3) for q,h1,h2,h3 in zip(q_bridge, press_before, h_bridge, press_after)], marker='x', label = 'Total Loss') ax.set_xlabel('Computed $\Delta H$ [m]') ax.set_ylabel('Theoretical $\Delta H$ [m]') ax.plot([0,1],[0,1], linestyle='-', linewidth=2, color='black') ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.legend() fig.set_size_inches(20, 10) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes
[docs] def unsteady_without_bedmotion(): """ Compute unsteady problem without bed motion. The downstream boundary condition rises and decreases. """ length = 500. dx = 1. CN = 0.4 h0 = 4. q0 = 7. n = 0. #0.025 slope = 0 #1e-4 press_mode = 4 dom, x, z = domain(length, dx, slope) x = np.array(x) hu = 0. #uniform_waterdepth(slope, q0, n) b_bridge = 2. z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * 10. z_bridge[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] = z[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] + b_bridge idx_before_bridge = len(dom)//2-5 -2 idx_after_bridge = len(dom)//2+5 +2 idx_bridge = len(dom)//2 h0 = 1.5 res = problem_bridge_unsteady(dom, z, z_bridge, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,1) ax:plt.Axes ax = axes[0] for cur in res: ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1]+cur[1][1:-1], label = f't = {cur[0]:.1f}') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1]+hu, linestyle='--', label = 'h uniform') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z_bridge[1:-1], label = 'bridge') ax.plot(x[1:-1], z[1:-1], label = 'z') ax.legend() press_before = [cur[1][idx_before_bridge] for cur in res] press_after = [cur[1][idx_after_bridge] for cur in res] press_bridge = [cur[1][idx_bridge] for cur in res] h_bridge = np.minimum(press_bridge, z_bridge[idx_bridge] - z[idx_bridge]) q_before = [cur[2][idx_before_bridge] for cur in res] q_after = [cur[2][idx_after_bridge] for cur in res] q_bridge = [cur[2][idx_bridge] for cur in res] u_before = [q/h for q,h in zip(q_before, press_before)] u_after = [q/h for q,h in zip(q_after, press_after)] u_bridge = [q/h for q,h in zip(q_bridge, h_bridge)] head_before = [z[idx_before_bridge] + press_before[i] + u_before[i]**2/2/9.81 for i in range(len(res))] head_after = [z[idx_after_bridge] + press_after[i] + u_after[i]**2/2/9.81 for i in range(len(res))] head_bridge = [z[idx_bridge] + press_bridge[i] + u_bridge[i]**2/2/9.81 for i in range(len(res))] delta_head_total = [head_before[i] - head_after[i] for i in range(len(res))] delta_head_up = [head_before[i] - head_bridge[i] for i in range(len(res))] delta_head_do = [head_bridge[i] - head_after[i] for i in range(len(res))] ax = axes[1] ax.plot(delta_head_up, [head_loss_contraction(q, h1, h2) for q,h1,h2 in zip(q_bridge, press_before, h_bridge)], marker='*', label = 'Contraction Loss') ax.plot(delta_head_do, [head_loss_enlargment(q, h1, h2) for q,h1,h2 in zip(q_bridge, h_bridge, press_after)], marker='o', label = 'Enlargment Loss') ax.plot(delta_head_total, [head_loss_contract_enlarge(q,h1,h2,h3) for q,h1,h2,h3 in zip(q_bridge, press_before, h_bridge, press_after)], marker='x', label = 'Total Loss') ax.set_xlabel('Computed $\Delta H$ [m]') ax.set_ylabel('Theoretical $\Delta H$ [m]') ax.plot([0,1],[0,1], linestyle='-', linewidth=2, color='black') ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.legend() fig.set_size_inches(20, 10) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes
[docs] def unsteady_with_bedmotion(problems:list[int], save_video:bool = False) -> list[animation.FuncAnimation]: """ Unsteady problem with bed motion if overflowing occurs. :param problems: list of problems to solve Problems : 2 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 20 m (will compute 21, 22 and 23) 6 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 60 m (will compute 61, 62 and 63) 7 - V-shape bridge - Length = 20 m (will compute 71, 72 and 73) 8 - U-shape bridge - Length = 20 m (will compute 81, 82 and 83) 9 - Culvert - Length = 100 m (will compute 91, 92 and 93) 21 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 20 m - Unsteady downstream bc 22 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 23 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 2 steps 61 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 60 m - Unsteady downstream bc 62 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 60 m - Hydrograph 63 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 60 m - Hydrograph 2 steps 71 - V-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Unsteady downstream bc 72 - V-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 73 - V-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 2 steps 81 - U-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Unsteady downstream bc 82 - U-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 83 - U-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 2 steps 91 - Culvert - Length = 100 m - Unsteady downstream bc 92 - Culvert - Length = 100 m - Hydrograph 93 - Culvert - Length = 100 m - Hydrograph 2 steps """ length = 500. dx = 1. CN = 0.4 h0 = 4. q0 = 7. n = 0.025 slope = 0 #1e-4 press_mode = 4 dom, x, z = domain(length, dx, slope) x = np.array(x) hu = uniform_waterdepth(slope, q0, n) anims=[] if 2 in problems or 21 in problems or 22 in problems or 23 in problems or 24 in problems: # Rectangular bridge - Lenght = 20 m CN = 0.4 if 2 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc', 'hydrograph', 'hydrograph_2steps', # 'Gauss', ] elif 21 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc'] elif 22 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph'] elif 23 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_2steps'] elif 24 in problems: scenarios = ['Gauss'] for scenario in scenarios: # UNSTEADY WITH TOPOGRAPHY ADAPTATION motion_duration = 300. len_bridge = 20 z_roof_null = 10. min_overflow = 0.25 h0 = 1.5 h_under_bridge = 3.5 h_deck_bridge = 0.75 slice_bridge = slice(int(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2),int(len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2)) slice_bridge_up = slice(int(len(dom)//2+(len_bridge//2-1)),int(len(dom)//2-(len_bridge//2+1)),-1) z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null z_deck = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null for idx in range(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2): z_bridge[idx] = z[idx] + h_under_bridge z_deck[idx] = z_bridge[idx] + h_deck_bridge poly_bridge_x = np.concatenate((x[slice_bridge], x[slice_bridge_up])) poly_bridge_y = np.concatenate((z_bridge[slice_bridge], z_deck[slice_bridge_up])) z_ini = z.copy() res = problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, z, z_bridge, z_deck, z_roof_null, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode= press_mode, motion_duration= motion_duration, scenario_bc= scenario, min_overflow= min_overflow) ani = animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, poly_bridge_x, poly_bridge_y, res, x, z_ini, hu, z_roof_null, len_bridge, motion_duration=motion_duration) if save_video: update_func = lambda _i, _n: progress_bar.update(1) with tqdm(total=len(res), desc='Saving video') as progress_bar:'bridge_L20_{scenario}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=5, progress_callback=update_func) anims.append(ani) if 6 in problems or 61 in problems or 62 in problems or 63 in problems or 64 in problems: # Rectangular bridge - Lenght = 60 m CN = 0.2 if 6 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc', 'hydrograph', 'hydrograph_2steps', # 'Gauss', ] elif 61 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc'] elif 62 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph'] elif 63 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_2steps'] elif 64 in problems: scenarios = ['Gauss'] for scenario in scenarios: # UNSTEADY WITH TOPOGRAPHY ADAPTATION motion_duration = 300. z_roof_null = 10. min_overflow = 0.25 h_under_bridge = 3.5 h_deck_bridge = 0.75 len_bridge = 60 q0 = 6. h0 = 1.5 slice_bridge = slice(int(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2),int(len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2)) slice_bridge_up = slice(int(len(dom)//2+(len_bridge//2-1)),int(len(dom)//2-(len_bridge//2+1)),-1) z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null z_deck = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null for idx in range(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2): z_bridge[idx] = z[idx] + h_under_bridge z_deck[idx] = z_bridge[idx] + h_deck_bridge poly_bridge_x = np.concatenate((x[slice_bridge], x[slice_bridge_up])) poly_bridge_y = np.concatenate((z_bridge[slice_bridge], z_deck[slice_bridge_up])) z_ini = z.copy() res = problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, z, z_bridge, z_deck, z_roof_null, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode, motion_duration=motion_duration, scenario_bc=scenario, min_overflow=min_overflow) ani = animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, res, x, z_ini, hu, z_roof_null, len_bridge, motion_duration=motion_duration) if save_video: update_func = lambda _i, _n: progress_bar.update(1) with tqdm(total=len(res), desc='Saving video') as progress_bar:'bridge_L60{scenario}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=5, progress_callback=update_func) anims.append(ani) if 9 in problems or 91 in problems or 92 in problems or 93 in problems or 94 in problems: # Culvert CN = 0.4 if 9 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc_culvert', 'hydrograph_culvert', 'hydrograph_2steps_culvert', # 'Gauss', ] elif 91 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc_culvert'] elif 92 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_culvert'] elif 93 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_2steps_culvert'] for scenario in scenarios: # UNSTEADY WITH TOPOGRAPHY ADAPTATION motion_duration = 300. z_roof_null = 10. min_overflow = 0.25 h_under_bridge = 1.5 h_deck_bridge = 4.0 len_bridge = 100 h0 = 0.8 q0 = 1. slice_bridge = slice(int(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2),int(len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2)) slice_bridge_up = slice(int(len(dom)//2+(len_bridge//2-1)),int(len(dom)//2-(len_bridge//2+1)),-1) z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null z_deck = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null for idx in range(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2): z_bridge[idx] = z[idx] + h_under_bridge z_deck[idx] = z_bridge[idx] + h_deck_bridge poly_bridge_x = np.concatenate((x[slice_bridge], x[slice_bridge_up])) poly_bridge_y = np.concatenate((z_bridge[slice_bridge], z_deck[slice_bridge_up])) z_ini = z.copy() res = problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, z, z_bridge, z_deck, z_roof_null, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode, motion_duration=motion_duration, scenario_bc=scenario, min_overflow=min_overflow) ani = animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, poly_bridge_x, poly_bridge_y, res, x, z_ini, hu, z_roof_null, len_bridge, title='Culvert', motion_duration=motion_duration) if save_video: update_func = lambda _i, _n: progress_bar.update(1) with tqdm(total=len(res), desc='Saving video') as progress_bar:'culvert_{scenario}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=5, progress_callback=update_func) anims.append(ani) if 7 in problems or 71 in problems or 72 in problems or 73 in problems or 74 in problems: # V-shape Bridge CN = 0.4 if 7 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc', 'hydrograph', 'hydrograph_2steps', # 'Gauss', ] elif 71 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc'] elif 72 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph'] elif 73 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_2steps'] elif 74 in problems: scenarios = ['Gauss'] for scenario in scenarios: # UNSTEADY WITH TOPOGRAPHY ADAPTATION motion_duration = 300. z_roof_null = 10. min_overflow = 0.25 h_under_bridge = 3.5 h_deck_bridge = 0.75 len_bridge = 20 h0 = 1.5 z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null z_deck = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null slice_bridge = slice(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2) slice_bridge_up = slice(len(dom)//2+(len_bridge//2-1),len(dom)//2-(len_bridge//2+1),-1) for idx in range(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2): decal = abs(idx - (len(dom)//2)) z_bridge[idx] = z[idx] + h_under_bridge + 0.05 * decal z_deck[idx] = h_under_bridge + h_deck_bridge poly_bridge_x = np.concatenate((x[slice_bridge], x[slice_bridge_up])) poly_bridge_y = np.concatenate((z_bridge[slice_bridge], z_deck[slice_bridge_up])) z_ini = z.copy() res = problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, z, z_bridge, z_deck, z_roof_null, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode, motion_duration=motion_duration, scenario_bc=scenario, min_overflow= min_overflow) ani = animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, poly_bridge_x, poly_bridge_y, res, x, z_ini, hu, z_roof_null, len_bridge, motion_duration=motion_duration) if save_video: update_func = lambda _i, _n: progress_bar.update(1) with tqdm(total=len(res), desc='Saving video') as progress_bar:'bridge_Vshape{scenario}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=5, progress_callback=update_func) anims.append(ani) if 8 in problems or 81 in problems or 82 in problems or 83 in problems or 84 in problems: # U-shape Bridge CN = 0.4 if 8 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc', 'hydrograph', 'hydrograph_2steps', # 'Gauss', ] elif 81 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc'] elif 82 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph'] elif 83 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_2steps'] elif 84 in problems: scenarios = ['Gauss'] for scenario in scenarios: # UNSTEADY WITH TOPOGRAPHY ADAPTATION motion_duration = 300. z_roof_null = 10. min_overflow = 0.25 h_under_bridge = 3.5 h_deck_bridge = 0.4 len_bridge = 20 h0 = 1.5 z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null z_deck = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null slice_bridge = slice(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2) slice_bridge_up = slice(len(dom)//2+(len_bridge//2-1),len(dom)//2-(len_bridge//2+1),-1) z_bridge[slice_bridge] = z[slice_bridge] + h_under_bridge z_deck[slice_bridge] = z_bridge[slice_bridge] + h_deck_bridge idx_up = len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2 idx_down = len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2-1 z_bridge[idx_up] -= .4 z_bridge[idx_up+1] -= .4 z_bridge[idx_down] -= .4 z_bridge[idx_down-1] -= .4 poly_bridge_x = np.concatenate((x[slice_bridge], x[slice_bridge_up])) poly_bridge_y = np.concatenate((z_bridge[slice_bridge], z_deck[slice_bridge_up])) z_ini = z.copy() res = problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, z, z_bridge, z_deck, z_roof_null, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode, motion_duration=motion_duration, scenario_bc=scenario, min_overflow= min_overflow) ani = animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, poly_bridge_x, poly_bridge_y, res, x, z_ini, hu, z_roof_null, len_bridge, motion_duration=motion_duration) if save_video: update_func = lambda _i, _n: progress_bar.update(1) with tqdm(total=len(res), desc='Saving video') as progress_bar:'bridge_Ushape{scenario}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=5, progress_callback=update_func) anims.append(ani) return anims
[docs] def unsteady_with_bedmotion_interval(problems:list[int], save_video:bool = False, update_interval:float = 0., motion_duration:float = 300.) -> list[animation.FuncAnimation]: """ Unsteady problem with bed motion if overflowing occurs. :param problems: list of problems to solve Problems : 2 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 20 m (will compute 21, 22 and 23) 6 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 60 m (will compute 61, 62 and 63) 7 - V-shape bridge - Length = 20 m (will compute 71, 72 and 73) 8 - U-shape bridge - Length = 20 m (will compute 81, 82 and 83) 9 - Culvert - Length = 100 m (will compute 91, 92 and 93) 21 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 20 m - Unsteady downstream bc 22 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 23 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 2 steps 61 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 60 m - Unsteady downstream bc 62 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 60 m - Hydrograph 63 - Rectangular bridge - Length = 60 m - Hydrograph 2 steps 71 - V-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Unsteady downstream bc 72 - V-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 73 - V-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 2 steps 81 - U-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Unsteady downstream bc 82 - U-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 83 - U-shape bridge - Length = 20 m - Hydrograph 2 steps 91 - Culvert - Length = 100 m - Unsteady downstream bc 92 - Culvert - Length = 100 m - Hydrograph 93 - Culvert - Length = 100 m - Hydrograph 2 steps """ length = 500. dx = 1. CN = 0.4 h0 = 4. q0 = 7. n = 0.025 slope = 0 #1e-4 press_mode = 4 dom, x, z = domain(length, dx, slope) x = np.array(x) hu = uniform_waterdepth(slope, q0, n) anims=[] if 2 in problems or 21 in problems or 22 in problems or 23 in problems or 24 in problems: # Rectangular bridge - Lenght = 20 m CN = 0.4 if 2 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc', 'hydrograph', 'hydrograph_2steps', # 'Gauss', ] elif 21 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc'] elif 22 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph'] elif 23 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_2steps'] elif 24 in problems: scenarios = ['Gauss'] for scenario in scenarios: # UNSTEADY WITH TOPOGRAPHY ADAPTATION len_bridge = 20 z_roof_null = 10. min_overflow = 0.25 h0 = 1.5 h_under_bridge = 3.5 h_deck_bridge = 0.75 slice_bridge = slice(int(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2),int(len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2)) slice_bridge_up = slice(int(len(dom)//2+(len_bridge//2-1)),int(len(dom)//2-(len_bridge//2+1)),-1) z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null z_deck = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null for idx in range(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2): z_bridge[idx] = z[idx] + h_under_bridge z_deck[idx] = z_bridge[idx] + h_deck_bridge poly_bridge_x = np.concatenate((x[slice_bridge], x[slice_bridge_up])) poly_bridge_y = np.concatenate((z_bridge[slice_bridge], z_deck[slice_bridge_up])) z_ini = z.copy() res = problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, z, z_bridge, z_deck, z_roof_null, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode= press_mode, motion_duration= motion_duration, scenario_bc= scenario, min_overflow= min_overflow, updating_time_interval=update_interval) ani = animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, poly_bridge_x, poly_bridge_y, res, x, z_ini, hu, z_roof_null, len_bridge, motion_duration=motion_duration) if save_video: update_func = lambda _i, _n: progress_bar.update(1) with tqdm(total=len(res), desc='Saving video') as progress_bar:'bridge_L20_{scenario}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=5, progress_callback=update_func) anims.append(ani) if 6 in problems or 61 in problems or 62 in problems or 63 in problems or 64 in problems: # Rectangular bridge - Lenght = 60 m CN = 0.2 if 6 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc', 'hydrograph', 'hydrograph_2steps', # 'Gauss', ] elif 61 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc'] elif 62 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph'] elif 63 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_2steps'] elif 64 in problems: scenarios = ['Gauss'] for scenario in scenarios: # UNSTEADY WITH TOPOGRAPHY ADAPTATION z_roof_null = 10. min_overflow = 0.25 h_under_bridge = 3.5 h_deck_bridge = 0.75 len_bridge = 60 q0 = 6. h0 = 1.5 slice_bridge = slice(int(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2),int(len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2)) slice_bridge_up = slice(int(len(dom)//2+(len_bridge//2-1)),int(len(dom)//2-(len_bridge//2+1)),-1) z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null z_deck = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null for idx in range(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2): z_bridge[idx] = z[idx] + h_under_bridge z_deck[idx] = z_bridge[idx] + h_deck_bridge poly_bridge_x = np.concatenate((x[slice_bridge], x[slice_bridge_up])) poly_bridge_y = np.concatenate((z_bridge[slice_bridge], z_deck[slice_bridge_up])) z_ini = z.copy() res = problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, z, z_bridge, z_deck, z_roof_null, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode, motion_duration=motion_duration, scenario_bc=scenario, min_overflow=min_overflow, updating_time_interval=update_interval) ani = animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, res, x, z_ini, hu, z_roof_null, len_bridge, motion_duration=motion_duration) if save_video: update_func = lambda _i, _n: progress_bar.update(1) with tqdm(total=len(res), desc='Saving video') as progress_bar:'bridge_L60{scenario}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=5, progress_callback=update_func) anims.append(ani) if 9 in problems or 91 in problems or 92 in problems or 93 in problems or 94 in problems: # Culvert CN = 0.4 if 9 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc_culvert', 'hydrograph_culvert', 'hydrograph_2steps_culvert', # 'Gauss', ] elif 91 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc_culvert'] elif 92 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_culvert'] elif 93 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_2steps_culvert'] for scenario in scenarios: # UNSTEADY WITH TOPOGRAPHY ADAPTATION z_roof_null = 10. min_overflow = 0.25 h_under_bridge = 1.5 h_deck_bridge = 4.0 len_bridge = 100 h0 = 0.8 q0 = 1. slice_bridge = slice(int(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2),int(len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2)) slice_bridge_up = slice(int(len(dom)//2+(len_bridge//2-1)),int(len(dom)//2-(len_bridge//2+1)),-1) z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null z_deck = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null for idx in range(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2): z_bridge[idx] = z[idx] + h_under_bridge z_deck[idx] = z_bridge[idx] + h_deck_bridge poly_bridge_x = np.concatenate((x[slice_bridge], x[slice_bridge_up])) poly_bridge_y = np.concatenate((z_bridge[slice_bridge], z_deck[slice_bridge_up])) z_ini = z.copy() res = problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, z, z_bridge, z_deck, z_roof_null, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode, motion_duration=motion_duration, scenario_bc=scenario, min_overflow=min_overflow, updating_time_interval=update_interval) ani = animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, poly_bridge_x, poly_bridge_y, res, x, z_ini, hu, z_roof_null, len_bridge, title='Culvert', motion_duration=motion_duration) if save_video: update_func = lambda _i, _n: progress_bar.update(1) with tqdm(total=len(res), desc='Saving video') as progress_bar:'culvert_{scenario}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=5, progress_callback=update_func) anims.append(ani) if 7 in problems or 71 in problems or 72 in problems or 73 in problems or 74 in problems: # V-shape Bridge CN = 0.4 if 7 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc', 'hydrograph', 'hydrograph_2steps', # 'Gauss', ] elif 71 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc'] elif 72 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph'] elif 73 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_2steps'] elif 74 in problems: scenarios = ['Gauss'] for scenario in scenarios: # UNSTEADY WITH TOPOGRAPHY ADAPTATION z_roof_null = 10. min_overflow = 0.25 h_under_bridge = 3.5 h_deck_bridge = 0.75 len_bridge = 20 h0 = 1.5 z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null z_deck = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null slice_bridge = slice(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2) slice_bridge_up = slice(len(dom)//2+(len_bridge//2-1),len(dom)//2-(len_bridge//2+1),-1) for idx in range(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2): decal = abs(idx - (len(dom)//2)) z_bridge[idx] = z[idx] + h_under_bridge + 0.05 * decal z_deck[idx] = h_under_bridge + h_deck_bridge poly_bridge_x = np.concatenate((x[slice_bridge], x[slice_bridge_up])) poly_bridge_y = np.concatenate((z_bridge[slice_bridge], z_deck[slice_bridge_up])) z_ini = z.copy() res = problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, z, z_bridge, z_deck, z_roof_null, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode, motion_duration=motion_duration, scenario_bc=scenario, min_overflow= min_overflow, updating_time_interval=update_interval) ani = animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, poly_bridge_x, poly_bridge_y, res, x, z_ini, hu, z_roof_null, len_bridge, motion_duration=motion_duration) if save_video: update_func = lambda _i, _n: progress_bar.update(1) with tqdm(total=len(res), desc='Saving video') as progress_bar:'bridge_Vshape{scenario}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=5, progress_callback=update_func) anims.append(ani) if 8 in problems or 81 in problems or 82 in problems or 83 in problems or 84 in problems: # U-shape Bridge CN = 0.4 if 8 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc', 'hydrograph', 'hydrograph_2steps', # 'Gauss', ] elif 81 in problems: scenarios = ['unsteady_downstream_bc'] elif 82 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph'] elif 83 in problems: scenarios = ['hydrograph_2steps'] elif 84 in problems: scenarios = ['Gauss'] for scenario in scenarios: # UNSTEADY WITH TOPOGRAPHY ADAPTATION z_roof_null = 10. min_overflow = 0.25 h_under_bridge = 3.5 h_deck_bridge = 0.4 len_bridge = 20 h0 = 1.5 z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null z_deck = np.ones_like(z) * z_roof_null slice_bridge = slice(len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2,len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2) slice_bridge_up = slice(len(dom)//2+(len_bridge//2-1),len(dom)//2-(len_bridge//2+1),-1) z_bridge[slice_bridge] = z[slice_bridge] + h_under_bridge z_deck[slice_bridge] = z_bridge[slice_bridge] + h_deck_bridge idx_up = len(dom)//2-len_bridge//2 idx_down = len(dom)//2+len_bridge//2-1 z_bridge[idx_up] -= .4 z_bridge[idx_up+1] -= .4 z_bridge[idx_down] -= .4 z_bridge[idx_down-1] -= .4 poly_bridge_x = np.concatenate((x[slice_bridge], x[slice_bridge_up])) poly_bridge_y = np.concatenate((z_bridge[slice_bridge], z_deck[slice_bridge_up])) z_ini = z.copy() res = problem_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, z, z_bridge, z_deck, z_roof_null, h0, q0, dx, CN, n, press_mode=press_mode, motion_duration=motion_duration, scenario_bc=scenario, min_overflow= min_overflow, updating_time_interval=update_interval) ani = animate_bridge_unsteady_topo(dom, poly_bridge_x, poly_bridge_y, res, x, z_ini, hu, z_roof_null, len_bridge, motion_duration=motion_duration) if save_video: update_func = lambda _i, _n: progress_bar.update(1) with tqdm(total=len(res), desc='Saving video') as progress_bar:'bridge_Ushape{scenario}.mp4', writer='ffmpeg', fps=5, progress_callback=update_func) anims.append(ani) return anims
[docs] def hedge(): """ Compute Water line problems with hedge Length = 500 m dx = 1 m CN = 0.4 h0 = 4 m q0 = 7 m^2/s n = 0.025 slope = 1e-4 """ length = 500. dx = 1. CN = 0.4 h0 = 4. q0 = 7. n = 0.025 slope = 1e-4 dom, x, z = domain(length, dx, slope) x = np.array(x) hu = uniform_waterdepth(slope, q0, n) # bridge roof level is 10 m everywhere except in the middle of the domain # where the bridge is located. # The bridge is a flat bridge with a height of 2 m. z_bridge = np.ones_like(z) * 10. z_bridge[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] = z[len(dom)//2-5:len(dom)//2+5] + 2. fig, axes = plt.subplots(3,1) h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0, q0, dx, CN, n) h2, q2, theta = problem_hedge(dom, z, h0, q0, dx, CN, n) plot_hedge(axes[0], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, hu, theta) h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0+1., q0, dx, CN, n) h2, q2, theta = problem_hedge(dom, z, h0+1., q0, dx, CN, n) plot_hedge(axes[1], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, hu, theta) h1, q1 = problem(dom, z, h0+2., q0, dx, CN, n) h2, q2, theta = problem_hedge(dom, z, h0+2., q0, dx, CN, n) plot_hedge(axes[2], x, h1, h2, q1, q2, z, hu, theta) fig.set_size_inches(20, 10) fig.tight_layout() return fig, axes
if __name__ == '__main__': # anim = steady() # anim = water_line() # anim = water_lines() # anim = unsteady_without_bedmotion() # anim = unteaady_with_bedmotion([2, 6, 7, 8, 9])
[docs] anim = hedge()
# anim = water_line_noloss_noslope() # anim1 = unsteady_with_bedmotion([2]) # anim2 = unsteady_with_bedmotion_interval([21], update_interval=2., motion_duration=300.) pass