import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from typing import Union, Literal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ..wolf_array import WolfArray, header_wolf
from ..PyTranslate import _
from ..PyVertexvectors import vector, zone, Zones
# from wolfgpu.simple_simulation import SimpleSimulation
class infiltration_GPU():
def __init__(self, parent:"Sim_2D_GPU") -> None:
self.parent:"Sim_2D_GPU" = parent
def infiltrations_chronology(self) -> list[float]:
chronos = self.parent.sim.infiltrations_chronology
if len(chronos) == 0:
return []
return [[cur[0]]+cur[1] for cur in chronos]
def infiltrations_chronology(self, value:np.ndarray) -> None:
simple_chronology = [(cur[0], list(cur[1:])) for cur in value]
self.parent.sim.infiltrations_chronology = simple_chronology
def nb_steps(self) -> int:
chronos = self.parent.sim.infiltrations_chronology
if len(chronos) == 0:
return 0
return len(chronos)
def nb_zones(self) -> Zones:
chronos = self.parent.sim.infiltrations_chronology
if len(chronos) == 0:
return 0
if len(chronos[0]) == 0:
return 0
return len(chronos[0][1])
def plot_plt(self, figax=None, show=True):
""" Plot the infiltration data """
if figax is None:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1)
fig,ax = figax
chronos = self.parent.sim.infiltrations_chronology
times = [cur[0] for cur in chronos]
for zone in range(self.nb_zones):
ax.plot(times, [cur[1][zone] for cur in chronos], label=f'Zone {zone+1}')
ax.set_xlabel(_('Time [s]'))
ax.set_ylabel(_('Infiltration [$m^3/s$]'))
if show:
return fig,ax
class Sim_2D_GPU():
""" Simulation 2D GPU -- Interface """
def __init__(self, directory:Union[str,Path] = '') -> None:
from wolfgpu.simple_simulation import SimpleSimulation
logging.error(_("Unable to import wolfgpu.simple_simulation.SimpleSimulation. Please install wolfgpu package or add a symlink to the wolfgpu package in the wolfhece directory"))
self.dir = Path(directory)
self._sim:SimpleSimulation = None
self._cached_arrays = {}
self.magnetic_grid:header_wolf = None
if (self.dir /'parameters.json').exists():
self._sim = SimpleSimulation.load(self.dir)
self.infiltration = infiltration_GPU(self)
# Fine arrays with type
('nap','Mask [-]',WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_UINTEGER8),
('bathymetry','Bed Elevation [m]',WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_SINGLE),
('manning','Roughness coefficient [law dependent]',WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_SINGLE),
('infiltration_zones','Infiltration zone [-]',WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER),
('h','Initial water depth [m]',WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_SINGLE),
('qx','Initial discharge along X [m^2/s]',WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_SINGLE),
('qy','Initial discharge along Y [m^2/s]',WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_SINGLE),
('bridge_roof','Bridge/Culvert (roof el.) [m]',WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_SINGLE),
self.files_ic=['Initial water depth [m]','Initial discharge along X [m^2/s]','Initial discharge along Y [m^2/s]']
# Files for the simulation
self.files_others={'Generic file':[
('parameters.json','Parametric file'),
def boundary_condition(self):
return self.sim.boundary_condition
def is_loaded(self) -> bool:
return self.sim is not None
def unload(self) -> None:
""" Unload the simulation """
if self.is_loaded:
del self._sim
self._sim = None
def sim(self):
return self._sim
def sim(self, value) -> None:
self._sim = value
def __str__(self) -> str:
ret = f"Simulation 2D GPU: {}\n"
if self.is_loaded:
ret += str(self.sim)
return ret
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__()
def _get_name_arrays(self) -> list[str]:
""" Get the name of the arrays """
return [cur[0] for cur in self.files_array['Characteristics']]
def _get_description_arrays(self) -> list[str]:
""" Get the description of the arrays """
return [cur[1] for cur in self.files_array['Characteristics']]
def __getitem__(self, key:Literal['nap', 'bathymetry', 'manning', 'infiltration_zones', 'h', 'qx', 'qy', 'bridge_roof']) -> WolfArray:
""" Get an array from the simulation """
if self.is_loaded:
if key in self._get_name_arrays():
descr = self._get_description_arrays()[self._get_name_arrays().index(key)]
if key not in self._cached_arrays:
locarray = WolfArray(srcheader=self.get_header(),
idx= descr,
locarray.loaded = True
locarray.filename = str(self.dir / f"{key}.npy")
self._cached_arrays[key] = locarray
return locarray
return self._cached_arrays[key]
return None
return None
def get_arraysasdict(self) -> dict[str,WolfArray]:
""" Get all the arrays from the simulation """
ret= {key:self[key] for key in self._get_name_arrays()}
self.mimic_mask(ret['nap'], [cur for key,cur in ret.items() if key != 'nap'])
return ret
def mimic_mask(self, source:WolfArray, dest:list[WolfArray]):
""" Mimic the mask """
for cur in dest:
cur.array.mask[:,:] = source.array.mask[:,:]
def create_arrays_from(self, source:WolfArray):
""" Create arrays from a source """
from wolfgpu.simple_simulation import SimpleSimulation
logging.error(_("Unable to import wolfgpu.simple_simulation.SimpleSimulation. Please install wolfgpu package or add a symlink to the wolfgpu package in the wolfhece directory"))
if self.is_loaded:
logging.error(_("Simulation exists, cannot create arrays from source or delete simulation first !"))
self._sim = SimpleSimulation(source.nbx, source.nby)
self._sim.param_dx = source.dx
self._sim.param_dy = source.dy
self._sim.param_base_coord_ll_x = source.origx
self._sim.param_base_coord_ll_y = source.origy
self.infiltration = infiltration_GPU(self)
except Exception as e:
logging.error(_("Unable to create simulation -- {e}"))
# Float32 arrays
loc_array = np.zeros((source.nbx, source.nby), dtype=np.float32)
self.sim.h = loc_array.copy()
self.sim.qx = loc_array.copy()
self.sim.qy = loc_array.copy()
self.sim.manning = loc_array.copy()
self.sim.manning[np.logical_not(source.array.mask)] = 0.04
loc_array[source.array.mask] = 99999.
self.sim.bathymetry = loc_array.copy()
# UInteger8 arrays
loc_array = np.ones((source.nbx, source.nby), dtype=np.uint8)
loc_array[source.array.mask] = 0
self.sim.nap = loc_array.copy()
# Integer arrays
loc_array = np.zeros((source.nbx, source.nby), dtype=np.int32)
self.sim.infiltration_zones = loc_array.copy()
def create_from_vector(self, vector:vector, dx:float, dy:float):
""" Create a simulation from a vector """
if vector is None:
logging.warning(_("Vector is None"))
return None
elif self.magnetic_grid is None:
logging.error(_("Magnetic grid not set"))
return None
xmin, ymin = vector.xmin, vector.ymin
xmax, ymax = vector.xmax, vector.ymax
xmin, ymin = self.align2grid(xmin, ymin)
xmax, ymax = self.align2grid(xmax, ymax)
xmin -= 2*dx
ymin -= 2*dy
xmax += 2*dx
ymax += 2*dy
src_header = header_wolf()
src_header.dx = dx
src_header.dy = dy
src_header.origx = xmin
src_header.origy = ymin
src_header.nbx = int((xmax-xmin)/src_header.dx)
src_header.nby = int((ymax-ymin)/src_header.dy)
tmp_array = WolfArray(srcheader=src_header)
ij = tmp_array.get_ij_inside_polygon(vector, usemask=False)
def create_from_array(self, array:WolfArray):
""" Create a simulation from an array """
if array is None:
logging.warning(_("Array is None"))
return None
def set_mesh_size(self, dx, dy):
""" Set the mesh size """
if self.is_loaded:
self.sim.param_dx = dx
self.sim.param_dy = dy
logging.error(_("Simulation not loaded"))
def set_magnetic_grid(self, dx:float, dy:float, origx:float, origy:float):
Définition de la grille magnétique
:param dx: taille de maille selon X
:type dx: float
:param dy: taille de maille selon Y
:type dy: float
:param origx: origine selon X (coordonnée du noeud d'intersection)
:type origx: float
:param origy: origine selon Y (coordonnée du noeud d'intersection)
:type origy: float
self.magnetic_grid = header_wolf()
self.magnetic_grid.dx = dx
self.magnetic_grid.dy = dy
self.magnetic_grid.origx = origx
self.magnetic_grid.origy = origy
def align2grid(self, x:float, y:float):
""" Alignement sur la grille magnétique """
if self.magnetic_grid is None:
return x,y
x, y = self.magnetic_grid.align2grid(x, y)
return x,y
def nullvalues(self) -> dict[str,int]:
""" Define null values for the arrays """
return {'nap':0, 'bathymetry':99999., 'manning':0, 'infiltration_zones':0, 'h':0., 'qx':0., 'qy':0., 'bridge_roof':99999.}
def verify_files(self):
""" Verify the files """
if self.is_loaded:
header = self.get_header()
ref_mask= self.sim.nap == 0
for cur in self.files_array['Characteristics']:
tmparray = self.sim.__getattribute__(cur[0])
if tmparray is None:
logging.error(_("Missing array: {0}".format(cur[0])))
return False
if tmparray.shape != (header.nbx, header.nby):
logging.error(_("Bad shape for array {0}".format(cur[0])))
return False
if np.any(tmparray[np.logical_not(ref_mask)] == self.nullvalues[cur[0]]):
logging.error(_("Null value found in array {0}".format(cur[0])))
return False
return True
return False
def get_wizard_text(self, lang:str = 'en') -> str:
""" Get the wizard text """
wizard_steps_page1 =[
_('Welcome to the wizard'),
_('This wizard will guide you through the creation\nof a new simple GPU WOLF2D model'),
wizard_steps_page2 = [
_('First of all, you need to define the model domain'),
_('You can create a new polygon or select an existing one'),
_('You can also create a polygon from a footprint by defining : \n - the origin (ox, oy)\n - the resolution (dx, dy)\n - the number of nodes along X and Y (nbx, nby)'),
_('Or you can use a mask from the active array (e.g. a topography array)'),
_('Remember that the extrnal contour cells will be forced as masked'),
wizard_steps_page3 = [
_('If you are working with a polygon, you must set the magnetic grid'),
_('The magnetic grid is a virtual grid on which the array bounds are aligned'),
_('The xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax of the polygon will be aligned on the magnetic grid'),
_('It could be useful to have consistent boundaries between different simulations\n(e.g. successive river reaches)'),
wizard_steps_page4 = [
_('Then the model will be meshed and the arrays will be created'),
_('Meshing is the process of creating the mesh of the model'),
_('The mesh is the grid of nodes and elements on which the model will be solved'),
_('Resulting mesh is stored in the NAP.npy file'),
_('1 is an active cell and 0 is an inactive cell'),
wizard_steps_page5 = [
_('Then you can modify the arrays'),
_('Arrays are the main data of the model'),
_('They are created from the meshing results (bathymetry, manning, h, qx, qy, infiltration_zones)'),
_('They are stored in the binary files\nExtensions .npy'),
_('Specific types are used for each array :'),
_(' - nap : Unsigned integer - 8 bits'),
_(' - bathymetry, manning, h, qx, qy : Float 32 bits (Single precision)'),
_(' - infiltration_zones : Signed integer - 16 bits'),
_('Arrays can be edited in the GUI'),
wizard_steps_page6 = [
_('Set the boundary conditions'),
_('You can set the boundary conditions for the model'),
_('Borders of the NAP array are identified as boundaries'),
_('By mouse, you can select borders one by one (right click), or by using dynamic rectangle (right click and drag)'),
_('Select type and values for the selected borders in the BC Manager associated to the simulation'),
wizard_steps_page7 = [
_('Set the infiltrations'),
_('Infiltrations must be defined spatially and temporally'),
_('Spatially, you must edit the infiltration zones array and set an index for the cells in each zone'),
_('Temporally, you must define the chronology of the infiltrations of each zone'),
_('The discharge is defined in m3/s'),
wizard_steps_page8 = [
_('Set the parameters'),
_('You can set the parameters for the model'),
wizard_steps_page9 = [
_('Check errors and write the files'),
_('The warnings and errors are displayed in the text area'),
_('You can write the files if no errors are found'),
wizard_steps_page10 = [
_('Run the code'),
_('You can run the code in a subprocess or manually (more flexible to choose cli options)'),
wizard_steps_page11 = [
_('View/Check the results'),
wizard_steps_page12 = [
_('That\'s all folks !'),
return [wizard_steps_page1, wizard_steps_page2, wizard_steps_page3, wizard_steps_page4, wizard_steps_page5, wizard_steps_page6, wizard_steps_page7, wizard_steps_page8, wizard_steps_page9, wizard_steps_page10, wizard_steps_page11, wizard_steps_page12]
def bc2txt(self) -> str:
"""" Get the text for the boundary conditions Manager """
txt = str(len(self.boundary_condition)) +"\n"
for curbc in self.boundary_condition:
txt += f"{curbc.i}\t{curbc.j}\t{curbc.direction.value}\t{curbc.ntype.value}\t{curbc.val}\n"
return txt
def check_infiltration(self) -> str:
Informations sur les zones d'infiltration :
- nombre de zones dans la simulation
- nombre de cellules de chaque zone
- première maille de chaque zone
- nombre de temps énumérés dans le fichier .fil
- Warning si le nombre de zones est différent entre les fichiers .inf et .fil
ret = _('inside file') + '\n'
ret += ('-----------') + '\n'
inf = self.sim.infiltration_zones
maxinf = inf.max()
ret += _('Maximum infiltration zone : ') + str(maxinf) + '\n'
for i in range(1,maxinf+1):
nb = np.sum(inf == i)
if nb>0:
indices = np.where(inf == i)
ret += f"Zone {i} : {nb} cells -- Indices (i,j) of the zone's first cell ({indices[0][0]+1} ; {indices[1][0]+1}) (1-based)\n"
ret += f"Zone {i} : 0 cells\n"
ret += '\n'
ret += _('inside chronology') + '\n'
ret += ('-----------------') + '\n'
ret += f"Zones : {self.infiltration.nb_zones}" + '\n'
ret += f"Time steps : {self.infiltration.nb_steps}" + '\n'
if maxinf != self.infiltration.nb_zones:
ret += _('Warning : number of zones in chronology and array are different') + '\n'
return ret
def check_environment(self) -> list[str]:
# Info on Python Environment and wolfgpu Path and version
# -------------------------------------------------------
import sys
# Python Environment
ret = []
ret.append(' - Python version : {}'.format(sys.version))
ret.append(' - Python path : {}'.format(sys.executable))
ret.append(' - Python version info : {}'.format(sys.version_info))
# Test if wolfgpu.exe exists in script directory
# wolfgpu Path and version
PythonPath = Path(sys.executable)
site_packages = PythonPath.parent.parent / 'Lib' / 'site-packages'
wolfgpu_path = PythonPath.parent / 'wolfgpu.exe'
if wolfgpu_path.exists():
ret.append(' - Wolfgpu.exe found in : {}'.format(wolfgpu_path))
ret.append(' - Wolfgpu.exe not found !')
if (site_packages / 'wolfgpu').exists():
ret.append(' - Wolfgpu package found in : {}'.format(site_packages / 'wolfgpu'))
ret.append(' - Wolfgpu package not found in : {}!'.format(site_packages))
return ret
def run(self, limit_dryuploops:int= -1):
""" run the simulation in a subprocess """
from subprocess import run, Popen
if self.is_loaded:
if limit_dryuploops > 0:
Popen(['wolfgpu', '-quickrun', str(self.dir), '-limit_dryuploops', str(limit_dryuploops)], shell=False)
Popen(['wolfgpu', '-quickrun', str(self.dir)], shell=False)
logging.error(_("Simulation not loaded"))
def write_initial_condition_from_record(self, recpath:Path = None, id_rec:int = None, destpath:Path = None):
""" Write the initial condition from a record
:param recpath: the path to the records. if None, the default path is used and 'simul_gpu_results' as result directory.
:param id_rec: the index of the record you want to start from.
:param destpath: the path where to save the initial condition. If None, the current path is used.
if self.is_loaded:
self.sim.write_initial_condition_from_record(recpath, id_rec, destpath)
logging.error(_("Simulation not loaded"))
def copy2dir(self, destpath:Path):
""" Copy the simulation to a directory """
if self.is_loaded:
except Exception as e:
logging.error(_("Unable to copy simulation -- {e}"))
logging.error(_("Simulation not loaded"))
def reload_ic(self):
""" Reload the initial conditions from the disk and store ir in the same memory space. """
tmp = np.load(self.dir / "h.npy")
self.sim._h[:,:]= tmp[:,:]
tmp = np.load(self.dir / "qx.npy")
self.sim._qx[:,:]= tmp[:,:]
tmp = np.load(self.dir / "qy.npy")
self.sim._qy[:,:]= tmp[:,:]
def reload_all(self):
""" Reload all the data from the disk and store them in the same memory space. """
tmp = np.load(self.dir / "h.npy")
self.sim._h[:,:] = tmp[:,:]
tmp = np.load(self.dir / "qx.npy")
self.sim._qx[:,:] = tmp[:,:]
tmp = np.load(self.dir / "qy.npy")
self.sim._qy[:,:]= tmp[:,:]
tmp = np.load(self.dir / "bathymetry.npy")
self.sim._bathymetry[:,:]= tmp[:,:]
tmp = np.load(self.dir / "manning.npy")
self.sim._manning[:,:]= tmp[:,:]
tmp = np.load(self.dir / "infiltration_zones.npy")
self.sim._infiltration_zones[:,:]= tmp[:,:]
tmp = np.load(self.dir / "NAP.npy")
self.sim._nap[:,:]= tmp[:,:]