Source code for wolfhece.math_parser

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: AxiaCore S.A.S.
# Based on js-expression-eval, by Matthew Crumley (,
# Ported to Python and modified by Vera Mazhuga (,
# You are free to use and modify this code in anyway you find useful. Please leave this comment in the code
# to acknowledge its original source. If you feel like it, I enjoy hearing about projects that use my code,
# but don't feel like you have to let me know or ask permission.

import math
import random
import re

[docs] TNUMBER = 0
[docs] TOP1 = 1
[docs] TOP2 = 2
[docs] TVAR = 3
[docs] TFUNCALL = 4
[docs] class Token(): def __init__(self, type_, index_, prio_, number_): self.type_ = type_ self.index_ = index_ or 0 self.prio_ = prio_ or 0 self.number_ = number_ if number_ != None else 0
[docs] def toString(self): if self.type_ == TNUMBER: return self.number_ if self.type_ == TOP1 or self.type_ == TOP2 or self.type_ == TVAR: return self.index_ elif self.type_ == TFUNCALL: return 'CALL' else: return 'Invalid Token'
[docs] class Expression(): def __init__(self, tokens, ops1, ops2, functions): self.tokens = tokens self.ops1 = ops1 self.ops2 = ops2 self.functions = functions
[docs] def simplify(self, values): values = values or {} nstack = [] newexpression = [] L = len(self.tokens) for i in range(0, L): item = self.tokens[i] type_ = item.type_ if type_ == TNUMBER: nstack.append(item) elif type_ == TVAR and item.index_ in values: item = Token(TNUMBER, 0, 0, values[item.index_]) nstack.append(item) elif type_ == TOP2 and len(nstack) > 1: n2 = nstack.pop() n1 = nstack.pop() f = self.ops2[item.index_] item = Token(TNUMBER, 0, 0, f(n1.number_, n2.number_)) nstack.append(item) elif type_ == TOP1 and nstack: n1 = nstack.pop() f = self.ops1[item.index_] item = Token(TNUMBER, 0, 0, f(n1.number_)) nstack.append(item) else: while len(nstack) > 0: newexpression.append(nstack.pop(0)) newexpression.append(item) while nstack: newexpression.append(nstack.pop(0)) return Expression(newexpression, self.ops1, self.ops2, self.functions)
[docs] def substitute(self, variable, expr): if not isinstance(expr, Expression): expr = Parser().parse(str(expr)) newexpression = [] L = len(self.tokens) for i in range(0, L): item = self.tokens[i] type_ = item.type_ if type_ == TVAR and item.index_ == variable: for j in range(0, len(expr.tokens)): expritem = expr.tokens[j] replitem = Token( expritem.type_, expritem.index_, expritem.prio_, expritem.number_, ) newexpression.append(replitem) else: newexpression.append(item) ret = Expression(newexpression, self.ops1, self.ops2, self.functions) return ret
[docs] def evaluate(self, values): values = values or {} nstack = [] L = len(self.tokens) for item in self.tokens: type_ = item.type_ if type_ == TNUMBER: nstack.append(item.number_) elif type_ == TOP2: n2 = nstack.pop() n1 = nstack.pop() f = self.ops2[item.index_] nstack.append(f(n1, n2)) elif type_ == TVAR: if item.index_ in values: nstack.append(values[item.index_]) elif item.index_ in self.functions: nstack.append(self.functions[item.index_]) else: raise Exception('undefined variable: ' + item.index_) elif type_ == TOP1: n1 = nstack.pop() f = self.ops1[item.index_] nstack.append(f(n1)) elif type_ == TFUNCALL: n1 = nstack.pop() f = nstack.pop() if callable(f): if type(n1) is list: nstack.append(f(*n1)) else: nstack.append(f(n1)) else: raise Exception(f + ' is not a function') else: raise Exception('invalid Expression') if len(nstack) > 1: raise Exception('invalid Expression (parity)') return nstack[0]
[docs] def toString(self, toJS=False): nstack = [] L = len(self.tokens) for i in range(0, L): item = self.tokens[i] type_ = item.type_ if type_ == TNUMBER: if type(item.number_) == str: nstack.append("'"+item.number_+"'") else: nstack.append( item.number_) elif type_ == TOP2: n2 = nstack.pop() n1 = nstack.pop() f = item.index_ if toJS and f == '^': nstack.append('math.pow(' + n1 + ',' + n2 + ')') else: frm='({n1}{f}{n2})' if f == ',': frm = '{n1}{f}{n2}' nstack.append(frm.format( n1=n1, n2=n2, f=f, )) elif type_ == TVAR: nstack.append(item.index_) elif type_ == TOP1: n1 = nstack.pop() f = item.index_ if f == '-': nstack.append('(' + f + str(n1) + ')') else: nstack.append(f + '(' + str(n1) + ')') elif type_ == TFUNCALL: n1 = nstack.pop() f = nstack.pop() nstack.append(f + '(' + n1 + ')') else: raise Exception('invalid Expression') if len(nstack) > 1: raise Exception('invalid Expression (parity)') return nstack[0]
def __str__(self): return self.toString()
[docs] def symbols(self): vars = [] for i in range(0, len(self.tokens)): item = self.tokens[i] if item.type_ == TVAR and not item.index_ in vars: vars.append(item.index_) return vars
[docs] def variables(self): return [ sym for sym in self.symbols() if sym not in self.functions]
[docs] class Parser:
[docs] PRIMARY = 1
[docs] OPERATOR = 2
[docs] FUNCTION = 4
[docs] LPAREN = 8
[docs] RPAREN = 16
[docs] COMMA = 32
[docs] SIGN = 64
[docs] CALL = 128
[docs] NULLARY_CALL = 256
[docs] def add(self, a, b): return a + b
[docs] def norm(self, a, b): return math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
[docs] def Froude(self, a, b, c): return math.sqrt(a * a + b * b) / math.sqrt(9.81 * c)
[docs] def sto(self, a, b): return {a : b}
[docs] def sub(self, a, b): return a - b
[docs] def mul(self, a, b): return a * b
[docs] def div(self, a, b): return a / b
[docs] def pow(self, a, b): return a ** b
[docs] def mod(self, a, b): return a % b
[docs] def concat(self, a, b,*args): result=u'{0}{1}'.format(a, b) for arg in args: result=u'{0}{1}'.format(result, arg) return result
[docs] def equal (self, a, b ): return a == b
[docs] def notEqual (self, a, b ): return a != b
[docs] def greaterThan (self, a, b ): return a > b
[docs] def lessThan (self, a, b ): return a < b
[docs] def greaterThanEqual (self, a, b ): return a >= b
[docs] def lessThanEqual (self, a, b ): return a <= b
[docs] def andOperator (self, a, b ): return ( a and b )
[docs] def orOperator (self, a, b ): return ( a or b )
[docs] def xorOperator (self, a, b ): return ( a ^ b )
[docs] def inOperator(self, a, b): return a in b
[docs] def notOperator(self, a): return not a
[docs] def neg(self, a): return -a
[docs] def random(self, a): return random.random() * (a or 1)
[docs] def fac(self, a): # a! return math.factorial(a)
[docs] def pyt(self, a, b): return math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
[docs] def sind(self, a): return math.sin(math.radians(a))
[docs] def cosd(self, a): return math.cos(math.radians(a))
[docs] def tand(self, a): return math.tan(math.radians(a))
[docs] def asind(self, a): return math.degrees(math.asin(a))
[docs] def acosd(self, a): return math.degrees(math.acos(a))
[docs] def atand(self, a): return math.degrees(math.atan(a))
[docs] def roll(self, a, b): rolls = [] roll = 0 final = 0 for c in range(1, a): roll = random.randint(1, b) rolls.append(roll) return rolls
[docs] def ifFunction(self,a,b,c): return b if a else c
[docs] def append(self, a, b): if type(a) != list: return [a, b] a.append(b) return a
def __init__(self, string_literal_quotes = ("'", "\"")): self.string_literal_quotes = string_literal_quotes self.success = False self.errormsg = '' self.expression = '' self.pos = 0 self.tokennumber = 0 self.tokenprio = 0 self.tokenindex = 0 self.tmpprio = 0 self.ops1 = { 'sin': math.sin, 'cos': math.cos, 'tan': math.tan, 'asin': math.asin, 'acos': math.acos, 'atan': math.atan, 'sind': self.sind, 'cosd': self.cosd, 'tand': self.tand, 'asind': self.asind, 'acosd': self.acosd, 'atand': self.atand, 'sqrt': math.sqrt, 'abs': abs, 'ceil': math.ceil, 'floor': math.floor, 'round': round, '-': self.neg, 'not': self.notOperator, 'exp': math.exp, } self.ops2 = { '+': self.add, '-': self.sub, '*': self.mul, '/': self.div, '%': self.mod, '^': self.pow, '**': self.pow, ',': self.append, '||': self.concat, "==": self.equal, "!=": self.notEqual, ">": self.greaterThan, "<": self.lessThan, ">=": self.greaterThanEqual, "<=": self.lessThanEqual, "and": self.andOperator, "or": self.orOperator, "xor": self.xorOperator, "in": self.inOperator, "D": self.roll, } self.functions = { 'random': self.random, 'fac': self.fac, 'log': math.log, 'min': min, 'max': max, 'pyt': self.pyt, 'pow': math.pow, 'atan2': math.atan2, 'concat':self.concat, 'if': self.ifFunction, 'norm': self.norm, 'Froude': self.Froude, 'sto': self.sto, } self.consts = { 'E': math.e, 'PI': math.pi, 'pi': math.pi, 'g':9.81 } self.values = { 'sin': math.sin, 'cos': math.cos, 'tan': math.tan, 'asin': math.asin, 'acos': math.acos, 'atan': math.atan, 'sqrt': math.sqrt, 'log': math.log, 'abs': abs, 'ceil': math.ceil, 'floor': math.floor, 'round': round, 'random': self.random, 'fac': self.fac, 'exp': math.exp, 'min': min, 'max': max, 'pyt': self.pyt, 'pow': math.pow, 'atan2': math.atan2, 'E': math.e, 'PI': math.pi, 'g': 9.81, 'pi':math.pi }
[docs] def parse(self, expr) -> Expression: self.errormsg = '' self.success = True operstack = [] tokenstack = [] self.tmpprio = 0 expected = self.PRIMARY | self.LPAREN | self.FUNCTION | self.SIGN noperators = 0 self.expression = expr self.pos = 0 while self.pos < len(self.expression): if self.isOperator(): if self.isSign() and expected & self.SIGN: if self.isNegativeSign(): self.tokenprio = 5 self.tokenindex = '-' noperators += 1 self.addfunc(tokenstack, operstack, TOP1) expected = \ self.PRIMARY | self.LPAREN | self.FUNCTION | self.SIGN elif self.isLogicalNot() and expected & self.SIGN: self.tokenprio = 2 self.tokenindex = 'not' noperators += 1 self.addfunc(tokenstack, operstack, TOP1) expected = \ self.PRIMARY | self.LPAREN | self.FUNCTION | self.SIGN elif self.isComment(): pass else: if expected and self.OPERATOR == 0: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unexpected operator') noperators += 2 self.addfunc(tokenstack, operstack, TOP2) expected = \ self.PRIMARY | self.LPAREN | self.FUNCTION | self.SIGN elif self.isNumber(): if expected and self.PRIMARY == 0: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unexpected number') token = Token(TNUMBER, 0, 0, self.tokennumber) tokenstack.append(token) expected = self.OPERATOR | self.RPAREN | self.COMMA elif self.isString(): if (expected & self.PRIMARY) == 0: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unexpected string') token = Token(TNUMBER, 0, 0, self.tokennumber) tokenstack.append(token) expected = self.OPERATOR | self.RPAREN | self.COMMA elif self.isLeftParenth(): if (expected & self.LPAREN) == 0: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unexpected \"(\"') if expected & self.CALL: noperators += 2 self.tokenprio = -2 self.tokenindex = -1 self.addfunc(tokenstack, operstack, TFUNCALL) expected = \ self.PRIMARY | self.LPAREN | self.FUNCTION | \ self.SIGN | self.NULLARY_CALL elif self.isRightParenth(): if expected & self.NULLARY_CALL: token = Token(TNUMBER, 0, 0, []) tokenstack.append(token) elif (expected & self.RPAREN) == 0: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unexpected \")\"') expected = \ self.OPERATOR | self.RPAREN | self.COMMA | \ self.LPAREN | self.CALL elif self.isComma(): if (expected & self.COMMA) == 0: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unexpected \",\"') self.addfunc(tokenstack, operstack, TOP2) noperators += 2 expected = \ self.PRIMARY | self.LPAREN | self.FUNCTION | self.SIGN elif self.isConst(): if (expected & self.PRIMARY) == 0: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unexpected constant') consttoken = Token(TNUMBER, 0, 0, self.tokennumber) tokenstack.append(consttoken) expected = self.OPERATOR | self.RPAREN | self.COMMA elif self.isOp2(): if (expected & self.FUNCTION) == 0: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unexpected function') self.addfunc(tokenstack, operstack, TOP2) noperators += 2 expected = self.LPAREN elif self.isOp1(): if (expected & self.FUNCTION) == 0: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unexpected function') self.addfunc(tokenstack, operstack, TOP1) noperators += 1 expected = self.LPAREN elif self.isVar(): if (expected & self.PRIMARY) == 0: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unexpected variable') vartoken = Token(TVAR, self.tokenindex, 0, 0) tokenstack.append(vartoken) expected = \ self.OPERATOR | self.RPAREN | \ self.COMMA | self.LPAREN | self.CALL elif self.isWhite(): pass else: if self.errormsg == '': self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unknown character') else: self.error_parsing(self.pos, self.errormsg) if self.tmpprio < 0 or self.tmpprio >= 10: self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'unmatched \"()\"') while len(operstack) > 0: tmp = operstack.pop() tokenstack.append(tmp) if (noperators + 1) != len(tokenstack): self.error_parsing(self.pos, 'parity') return Expression(tokenstack, self.ops1, self.ops2, self.functions)
[docs] def evaluate(self, expr, variables): return self.parse(expr).evaluate(variables)
[docs] def error_parsing(self, column, msg): self.success = False self.errormsg = 'parse error [column ' + str(column) + ']: ' + msg + ', expression: ' + self.expression raise Exception(self.errormsg)
[docs] def addfunc(self, tokenstack, operstack, type_): operator = Token( type_, self.tokenindex, self.tokenprio + self.tmpprio, 0, ) while len(operstack) > 0: if operator.prio_ <= operstack[len(operstack) - 1].prio_: tokenstack.append(operstack.pop()) else: break operstack.append(operator)
[docs] def isNumber(self): r = False if self.expression[self.pos] == 'E': return False # number in scientific notation pattern = r'([-+]?([0-9]*\.?[0-9]*)[eE][-+]?[0-9]+).*' match = re.match(pattern, self.expression[self.pos: ]) if match: self.pos += len( self.tokennumber = float( return True hex_pattern = r'(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)' match = re.match(hex_pattern, self.expression[self.pos: ]) if match: self.pos += len( self.tokennumber = int(, base=16) return True # number in decimal str = '' while self.pos < len(self.expression): code = self.expression[self.pos] if (code >= '0' and code <= '9') or code == '.': if (len(str) == 0 and code == '.' ): str = '0' str += code self.pos += 1 try: self.tokennumber = int(str) except ValueError: self.tokennumber = float(str) r = True else: break return r
[docs] def unescape(self, v, pos): buffer = [] escaping = False for i in range(0, len(v)): c = v[i] if escaping: if c == "'": buffer.append("'") break elif c == '\\': buffer.append('\\') break elif c == '/': buffer.append('/') break elif c == 'b': buffer.append('\b') break elif c == 'f': buffer.append('\f') break elif c == 'n': buffer.append('\n') break elif c == 'r': buffer.append('\r') break elif c == 't': buffer.append('\t') break elif c == 'u': # interpret the following 4 characters # as the hex of the unicode code point codePoint = int(v[i + 1, i + 5], 16) buffer.append(chr(codePoint)) i += 4 break else: raise self.error_parsing( pos + i, 'Illegal escape sequence: \'\\' + c + '\'', ) escaping = False else: if c == '\\': escaping = True else: buffer.append(c) return ''.join(buffer)
[docs] def isString(self): r = False str = '' startpos = self.pos if self.pos < len(self.expression) and self.expression[self.pos] in self.string_literal_quotes: quote_type = self.expression[self.pos] self.pos += 1 while self.pos < len(self.expression): code = self.expression[self.pos] if code != quote_type or (str != '' and str[-1] == '\\'): str += self.expression[self.pos] self.pos += 1 else: self.pos += 1 self.tokennumber = self.unescape(str, startpos) r = True break return r
[docs] def isConst(self): for i in self.consts: L = len(i) str = self.expression[self.pos:self.pos+L] if i == str: if len(self.expression) <= self.pos + L: self.tokennumber = self.consts[i] self.pos += L return True if not self.expression[self.pos + L].isalnum() and self.expression[self.pos + L] != "_": self.tokennumber = self.consts[i] self.pos += L return True return False
[docs] def isOperator(self): ops = ( ('**', 8, '**'), ('^', 8, '^'), ('%', 6, '%'), ('/', 6, '/'), (u'\u2219', 5, '*'), # bullet operator (u'\u2022', 5, '*'), # black small circle ('*', 5, '*'), ('+', 4, '+'), ('-', 4, '-'), ('||', 3, '||'), ('==', 3, '=='), ('!=', 3, '!='), ('<=', 3, '<='), ('>=', 3, '>='), ('<', 3, '<'), ('>', 3, '>'), ('in ', 3, 'in'), ('not ', 2, 'not'), ('and ', 1, 'and'), ('xor ', 0, 'xor'), ('or ', 0, 'or'), ) for token, priority, index in ops: if self.expression.startswith(token, self.pos): self.tokenprio = priority self.tokenindex = index self.pos += len(token) return True return False
[docs] def isSign(self): code = self.expression[self.pos - 1] return (code == '+') or (code == '-')
[docs] def isPositiveSign(self): code = self.expression[self.pos - 1] return code == '+'
[docs] def isNegativeSign(self): code = self.expression[self.pos - 1] return code == '-'
[docs] def isLogicalNot(self): code = self.expression[self.pos - 4: self.pos] return code == 'not '
[docs] def isLeftParenth(self): code = self.expression[self.pos] if code == '(': self.pos += 1 self.tmpprio += 10 return True return False
[docs] def isRightParenth(self): code = self.expression[self.pos] if code == ')': self.pos += 1 self.tmpprio -= 10 return True return False
[docs] def isComma(self): code = self.expression[self.pos] if code==',': self.pos+=1 self.tokenprio=-1 self.tokenindex="," return True return False
[docs] def isWhite(self): code = self.expression[self.pos] if code.isspace(): self.pos += 1 return True return False
[docs] def isOp1(self): str = '' for i in range(self.pos, len(self.expression)): c = self.expression[i] if c.upper() == c.lower(): if i == self.pos or (c != '_' and (c < '0' or c > '9')): break str += c if len(str) > 0 and str in self.ops1: self.tokenindex = str self.tokenprio = 9 self.pos += len(str) return True return False
[docs] def isOp2(self): str = '' for i in range(self.pos, len(self.expression)): c = self.expression[i] if c.upper() == c.lower(): if i == self.pos or (c != '_' and (c < '0' or c > '9')): break str += c if len(str) > 0 and (str in self.ops2): self.tokenindex = str self.tokenprio = 9 self.pos += len(str) return True return False
[docs] def isVar(self): str = '' inQuotes = False for i in range(self.pos, len(self.expression)): c = self.expression[i] if c.lower() == c.upper(): if ((i == self.pos and c != '"') or (not (c in '_."') and (c < '0' or c > '9'))) and not inQuotes : break if c == '"': inQuotes = not inQuotes str += c if str: self.tokenindex = str self.tokenprio = 6 self.pos += len(str) return True return False
[docs] def isComment(self): code = self.expression[self.pos - 1] if code == '/' and self.expression[self.pos] == '*': self.pos = self.expression.index('*/', self.pos) + 2 if self.pos == 1: self.pos = len(self.expression) return True return False