from ..vfuncsdir import vfuncs
from scipy.spatial import kdtree
import numpy as np
import copy
import math
__all__ = [
_num_chunks = 128
_min_chunk_size = 1000
_max_chunk_size = 5000
def MEAN(operand, axis=None):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._mean, {'axis': axis})
def SUM(operand, axis=None):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._sum, {'axis': axis})
def PROD(operand, axis=None):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._prod, {'axis': axis})
def ALL(operand, axis=None):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._all, {'axis': axis})
def ANY(operand, axis=None):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._any, {'axis': axis})
def MIN(operand, axis=None):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._min, {'axis': axis})
def MAX(operand, axis=None):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._max, {'axis': axis})
def ARGMIN(operand, axis=None):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._argmin, {'axis': axis})
def ARGMAX(operand, axis=None):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._argmax, {'axis': axis})
def EIGH(operand):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._eigh)
def DOT(left, right):
return binary_op(left, right, vfuncs._dot)
def TRANSPOSE(operand):
return unary_op(operand, vfuncs._transpose)
class expression(object):
# interface enforcing methods
def __init__(self):
raise RuntimeError('expression class not meant for instantiation')
def __len__(self):
raise RuntimeError('attempting to take len()' +
'of non-instantiable expression object')
def _check_operands():
raise RuntimeError('method meant for overriding in subclass')
def _evaluate_chunk(self, index, size):
raise RuntimeError('method meant for overriding in subclass')
# arithmetic operators
def __add__(self, other):
return binary_op(self, other, vfuncs._add)
def __sub__(self, other):
return binary_op(self, other, vfuncs._sub)
def __mul__(self, other):
return binary_op(self, other, vfuncs._mul)
def __div__(self, other):
return binary_op(self, other, vfuncs._div)
# reflected arithmetic operators
def __radd__(self, other):
return binary_op(other, self, vfuncs._add)
def __rsub__(self, other):
return binary_op(other, self, vfuncs._sub)
def __rmul__(self, other):
return binary_op(other, self, vfuncs._mul)
def __rdiv__(self, other):
return binary_op(other, self, vfuncs._div)
# other magic methods
def __repr__(self):
num_items = len(self)
if num_items > 10:
# evaluate first and last 3 items in expression
# todo: handle stateful expressions
results_beg = self._evaluate_chunk(0, 3)
results_end = self._evaluate_chunk(num_items-3, 3)
return '[\n' + ',\n'.join([repr(r) for r in results_beg]) + \
',\n...\n' + ',\n'.join([repr(r) for r in results_end]) + '\n]'
# evaluate all items in expression
results = self._evaluate_chunk(0, num_items)
return '[\n' + ',\n'.join([repr(r) for r in results])+'\n]'
def __iter__(self):
# todo: check efficiency
num_items = len(self)
chunk_size = max(_min_chunk_size,
int(math.ceil(float(num_items) / _num_chunks))))
for i in range(0, num_items, chunk_size):
results = self._evaluate_chunk(i, chunk_size)
for r in results:
yield r
def __getitem__(self, key):
# todo: hard to understand, needs some comments
if isinstance(key, expression):
return index_op(self, key, slice(None, None, None))
elif isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2 and (
isinstance(key[0], expression) and isinstance(key[1], slice) or
isinstance(key[0], slice) and isinstance(key[1], expression) or
isinstance(key[0], slice) and isinstance(key[1], slice)):
return index_op(self, key[0], key[1])
elif isinstance(key, int):
if key >= len(self):
raise IndexError('list index out of range')
return self._evaluate_chunk(key, 1)[0]
raise TypeError('unrecognized index key type %s' % type(key))
def __setitem__(self, key):
raise RuntimeError('not implemented')
def __getattribute__(self, name):
if name == 'T':
return TRANSPOSE(self)
return super(expression, self).__getattribute__(name)
def _evaluate_chunk(self, index, size, use_cache=False):
if type(self) == 'expression':
raise RuntimeError('not meant to be called on expression')
if not use_cache:
return self._evaluate_chunk(index, size, use_cache)
if hasattr(self, '_cache_index') and \
self._cache_index == (index, size):
return self._cache_value
self._cache_index = (index, size)
self._cache_value = self._evaluate_chunk(index, size, use_cache)
return self._cache_value
# call this method to convert expression to list of results
def evaluate(self, num_chunks=_num_chunks, use_cache=True):
num_items = len(self)
chunk_size = max(_min_chunk_size,
int(math.ceil(float(num_items) / num_chunks))))
results = []
for i in range(0, num_items, chunk_size):
s = min(num_items, i + chunk_size) - i
results.extend(self._evaluate_chunk(i, s, use_cache))
return results
# call this method to split a list of tuples into a tuple of list
def unzip(self):
if len(self) == 0:
return ()
first_item = self._evaluate_chunk(0, 1)[0]
if not isinstance(first_item, tuple):
raise TypeError('Can only unzip list of tuples')
tuple_size = len(first_item)
results = ()
for i in xrange(tuple_size):
results += (select_op(self, i), )
return results
class unary_op(expression):
def __init__(self, operand, op, kwargs={}):
operand = _make_expression(operand)
self.operand = operand
self.op = op
self.kwargs = kwargs
def __len__(self):
return len(self.operand)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Expression %s %s (%d elements)' % \
(self.op, type(self), len(self)) + expression.__repr__(self)
def _check_operands(operand):
def _evaluate_chunk(self, index, size, use_cache=False):
operandlist = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.operand,
index, size, use_cache)
return self.op(operandlist, **self.kwargs)
class binary_op(expression):
def __init__(self, left, right, op):
self.left = _make_expression(left)
self.right = _make_expression(right)
binary_op._check_operands(self.left, self.right)
self.op = op
def __len__(self):
return max(len(self.left), len(self.right))
def __repr__(self):
return 'Expression %s %s (%d elements)' % \
(self.op, type(self), len(self)) + expression.__repr__(self)
def _check_operands(left, right):
# Assumes both left and right are instances of expressions
# At least one of the following must be true
# 1. both operands has same length
# 2. left has length 1
# 3. right has length 1
if len(left) != len(right) and len(left) != 1 and len(right) != 1:
raise ValueError('attempting to operate on incompatible lengths' +
'%d and %d' % (len(left), len(right)))
def _evaluate_chunk(self, index, size, use_cache=False):
leftlist = []
if len(self.left) == 1:
leftlist = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.left,
0, 1, use_cache)
leftlist = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.left,
index, size, use_cache)
rightlist = []
if len(self.right) == 1:
rightlist = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.right,
0, 1, use_cache)
rightlist = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.right,
index, size, use_cache)
return self.op(leftlist, rightlist)
class ternary_op(expression):
class list_expression(expression):
def __init__(self, x):
if isinstance(x, list):
self.items = copy.copy(x)
# note: prefer copy.copy(x) over just storing reference to x.
# this way self.items is unaffected by modifications
# (append, insert, etc) to a separate reference of x
self.items = [x]
def __len__(self):
return len(self.items)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Expression %s (%d elements)' % (type(self), len(self)) \
+ expression.__repr__(self)
def _check_operands():
def _evaluate_chunk(self, index, size, use_cache=False):
return self.items[index:index + size]
class index_op(expression):
def __init__(self, src, row_sel, col_sel):
self.res_len = index_op._check_operands(src, row_sel, col_sel)
self.src = src
self.row_sel = row_sel
self.col_sel = col_sel
def __len__(self):
return self.res_len
def __repr__(self):
return 'Expression %s (%d elements)' % (type(self), len(self)) \
+ expression.__repr__(self)
def _check_operands(src, row_sel, col_sel):
if not isinstance(src, expression):
TypeError('Invalid source operand type %s' % type(src))
sel_len = None
if isinstance(row_sel, expression) and isinstance(col_sel, slice):
sel_len = len(row_sel)
elif isinstance(row_sel, slice) and isinstance(col_sel, expression):
sel_len = len(col_sel)
elif isinstance(row_sel, slice) and isinstance(col_sel, slice):
sel_len = 1
raise TypeError('Incompatible row + column selector types' +
'(%s, %s)' % (type(row_sel), type(col_sel)))
if len(src) != sel_len and len(src) != 1 and sel_len != 1:
raise ValueError('Incompatible source and selector lengths' +
'(%d and %d)' % (len(src), sel_len))
return max(sel_len, len(src))
def _evaluate_chunk(self, index, size, use_cache=False):
srclist = []
if len(self.src) == 1:
srclist = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.src,
0, 1, use_cache)
srclist = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.src,
index, size, use_cache)
selector = [None, None]
if isinstance(self.row_sel, slice):
selector[0] = self.row_sel
elif len(self.row_sel) == 1:
selector[0] = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.row_sel,
0, 1, use_cache)
selector[0] = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.row_sel,
index, size, use_cache)
if isinstance(self.col_sel, slice):
selector[1] = self.col_sel
elif len(self.col_sel) == 1:
selector[1] = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.col_sel,
0, 1, use_cache)
selector[1] = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.col_sel,
index, size, use_cache)
return vfuncs._idx(srclist, tuple(selector))
class select_op(expression):
def __init__(self, operand, index):
select_op._check_operands(operand, index)
self.operand = operand
self.index = index
def __len__(self):
return len(self.operand)
def __repr__(self):
return 'Expression %s (%d elements)' % (type(self), len(self)) \
+ expression.__repr__(self)
def _check_operands(operand, index):
if not isinstance(operand, expression):
raise TypeError('Invalid operand type %s' % type(opernad))
if not isinstance(index, (int, long)):
raise TypeError('Invalid index type %s' % type(index))
def _evaluate_chunk(self, index, size, use_cache=False):
operandlist = expression._evaluate_chunk(self.operand,
index, size, use_cache)
return [x[self.index] for x in operandlist]
def _make_expression(x):
if isinstance(x, expression):
return x
return list_expression(x)
class nbhds_op(expression):
def __init__(self, data, queries, k, r): = data
self.queries = queries
self.k = k
self.r = r
def __len__(self):
if self.queries is None:
return len(self.queries)
def __repr__(self):
# todo: should this be defined in parent class instead?
return 'Expression %s (%d elements)' % (type(self), len(self)) \
+ expression.__repr__(self)
def _evaluate_chunk(self, index, size, use_cache=False):
if self.queries is None:
indices = np.arange(index, index + size)
nhbrs = kdtree._query(, indices, self.k, self.r)
nhbrs = kdtree._query(,
self.queries[index:index + size],
self.k, self.r)
return nhbrs