Source code for wolfhece.lazviewer.laz_viewer

import numpy as np
import laspy
from laspy.compression import LazBackend
from PIL import Image
from os.path import exists,join
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from os import stat,remove,listdir,scandir, makedirs
import pathlib
import math
from time import sleep
from typing import Literal, Union
import zipfile
import logging
from enum import Enum
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point, CAP_STYLE, Polygon
from shapely.ops import prep
import wx

from . import viewer
from ..PyWMS import getWalonmap
from ..PyTranslate import _
from ..color_constants import Colors
from ..PyParams import Wolf_Param

Importation et visualisation de données LAS et LAZ

@author Pierre Archambeau
[docs] class Colors_Lazviewer(Enum):
[docs] ORTHO_2012_2013 = 2013
[docs] ORTHO_2015 = 2015
[docs] ORTHO_2021 = 2021
[docs] ORTHO_2023 = 2023
[docs] ORTHO_2006_2007 = 2006
[docs] CODE_2013 = 0
[docs] CODE_2023 = 2
[docs] FROM_FILE = 1
[docs] class Classification_LAZ(): def __init__(self) -> None: self.classification:dict[str,str,list[float,float,float,float]] = {} self.test_wx() self._choose_colors = None
[docs] def test_wx(self): self.wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None
[docs] def init_2013(self): self.classification={ 1 : ['Hors-sol', 'building, toits et autres', Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('white',.2),], 2 : ['Sol', 'y compris talus et digues', Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('brown',1.)], 4 : ['Végétation', 'y compris la végétation linéaire', Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('forestgreen',1.)], 9 : ['Eau', 'Eau',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('aqua',1.)], 10 : ['Ponts', 'Ponts',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('lightyellow1',1.)]}
[docs] def init_2023(self): self.classification={ 1 : ['Défaut', 'Voiture, câbles électrique, points de végétation diffus, Sursol non utile', Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('white',.2),], 2 : ['Sol', 'Tous les éléments du sol y compris les descentes de garage en sous-sol', Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('gray',1.)], 4 : ['Végétation', 'Végétation', Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('forestgreen',1.)], 6 : ['Bâtiments', 'Bâtiments',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('lightslategray',1.)], 9 : ['Eau', 'Points de la surface d\’eau brute mesurés par le scanner 2',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('royalblue',.3)], 10 : ['Ponts', 'Les ponts ont été classés à part pour améliorer la définition du MNT. Ils ont été ouverts grâce',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('lightyellow1',1.)], 11 : ['Mur de berges', 'Mur et muret en berge de la Vesdre dépassant le sol à des vocation de réaliser une modélisation 3D hydraulique avec ces obstacles.',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('red1',1.)], 15 : ['Tranche d\'eau', 'Echo intermédiaire dans l\’eau n\’appartenant ni à la surface d\’eau ni au fond du lit', Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('lightblue',.2)], 16 : ['Surface bathymétrique', 'Fond du lit de la Vesdre et de ses affluents et des autres surfaces d\’eau mesurées à partir du scanner 3 FWF discrétisé',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('sandybrown',1.)], 17 : ['Surface bathymétrique incertaine', 'Surface bathymétrique sur les zones peu profondes principalement sous végétation où les intensités des échos sont parfois trop faibles pour avoir la certitude qu\’ils représentent le fond de rivière. La classe 17 est néanmoins plus certaine que la classe 18. Elle est utilisée dans la génération des MNT par défaut.',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('rosybrown',.5)], 19 : ['Surface d\eau calculée', 'Points sous échantillonnés de la surface d\’eau ayant servis à faire les calculs de correction de réfraction bathymétrique',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('lightblue',.2)], 20 : ['Surface bathymétrique incertaine profonde', 'Surface bathymétrique sur les zones plus profondes principalement au centre de la rivière où les intensités des échos sont parfois trop faibles pour avoir la certitude qu\’ils représentent le fond de rivière. Non utilisée dans la génération du MNT. + Surface proche bathy mais potentiellement émergée pour les scanner 1 à 3',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('lightblue',.5)], 29 : ['Surface d\'eau héliportée', 'La hauteur d\’eau du vol héliporté étant largement supérieure (de 30 à 40cm au vol Titan, les points matérialisant cette surface ont été reclassés dans cette classe séparée pour ne pas perturbé le reste du nuage de point.',Colors.rgb_withalpha_float('cyan',.3)]}
[docs] def callback_colors(self): """ Update from wx GUI """ for key, curclass in self.classification.items(): name, comment, col = curclass cur_color = [float(cur)/255. for cur in self._choose_colors[(_('Colors'), name)]] self.classification[key] = [name, comment, cur_color]
[docs] def callback_destroy(self): self.callback_colors() self._choose_colors = None
[docs] def interactive_update_colors(self): """ set GUI """ self.test_wx() if self._choose_colors is None and self.wx_exists: self._choose_colors = Wolf_Param(None, _('Colors of classification LAZ 2023'), w=600, h=800, to_read=False, withbuttons=True, toShow=False, force_even_if_same_default=True) self._choose_colors.callback = self.callback_colors self._choose_colors.callbackdestroy = self.callback_destroy self._choose_colors.hide_selected_buttons() for key, curclass in self.classification.items(): name, comment, color = curclass self._choose_colors.addparam(_('Colors'), name, [int(cur*255) for cur in color], 'Color', comment, whichdict='All') self._choose_colors.Populate() self._choose_colors.SetSize((600,500)) self._choose_colors.Show()
[docs] def choices_laz_colormap() -> list[str]: choices = [ for cur in Colors_Lazviewer] values = [cur.value for cur in Colors_Lazviewer] return choices, values
[docs] class xyz_laz(): """ Classe de gestion des fichiers XYZ+Class issus d'un gros fichier laz """ def __init__(self, fn:str='', format:Literal['las', 'numpy']='las', to_read:bool=True) -> None: # Emprise spatiale self.origx = -99999. self.origy = -99999. self.endx = -99999. self.endy = -99999. # format de fichier self.format = format self.dtype = np.float32 if fn !='': self.filename = fn if not (exists(self.filename) or exists(self.filename+'.zip')): = [] return last_part = pathlib.Path(fn).name parts = last_part.split('_') # L'origine est codée dans le nom de fichier self.origx = float(parts[2]) self.origy = float(parts[3]) dx = 2500. dy = 3500. # Récupération du lien vers le fichier GridInfo.txt gridinfo=join(pathlib.Path(fn).parent,'gridinfo.txt') if exists(gridinfo): with open(gridinfo,'r') as f: myinfos[0]=np.float32(myinfos[0].split(',')) # xmin, xmax myinfos[1]=np.float32(myinfos[1].split(',')) # ymin, ymax myinfos[2]=np.float32(myinfos[2].split(',')) # NbX, NbY # calcul du pas spatial de découpage selon X et Y dx = (myinfos[0][1]-myinfos[0][0])/myinfos[2][0] dy = (myinfos[1][1]-myinfos[1][0])/myinfos[2][1] if len(myinfos)==5: self.dtype = np.float64 if myinfos[4].lower()=='xy_float64' else np.float32 # extrêmité de fichier self.endx = self.origx + dx self.endy = self.origy + dy if to_read: self.read_bin_xyz() @property
[docs] def size(self): return len(
[docs] def split(self, dir_out:str, nbparts:int): """ Split file into 'nb' parts along X and Y""" xparts = np.linspace(self.origx,self.endx,nbparts+1) yparts = np.linspace(self.origy,self.endy,nbparts+1) dx = (self.endx-self.origx)/nbparts dy = (self.endy-self.origy)/nbparts for curx in xparts[:-1]: for cury in yparts[:-1]: with open(join(dir_out,'LIDAR_2013_2014_'+str(int(curx))+'_'+str(int(cury))+'_xyz.bin'),'wb') as f: curbounds = [[curx,curx+dx],[cury,cury+dy]] mypts = find_pointsXYZ(,curbounds) if len(mypts)>0: f.write(np.int32(mypts.shape[0])) f.write(np.float32(mypts[:,0]).tobytes()) f.write(np.float32(mypts[:,1]).tobytes()) f.write(np.float32(mypts[:,2]).tobytes()) f.write(np.int8(mypts[:,3]).tobytes())
[docs] def get_bounds(self): # Return geographic bounds of the file return ((self.origx,self.endx),(self.origy,self.endy))
[docs] def test_bounds(self, bounds:list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]): # Test current bounds relating to parameter bounds x1=bounds[0][0] x2=bounds[0][1] y1=bounds[1][0] y2=bounds[1][1] mybounds = self.get_bounds() test = not(x2 < mybounds[0][0] or x1 > mybounds[0][1] or y2 < mybounds[1][0] or y1 > mybounds[1][1]) return test
[docs] def read_bin_xyz(self): """ Lecture d'un fichier binaire de points XYZ+classification généré par la fonction sort_grid_np Le format est une succession de trame binaire de la forme : nbpoints (np.int32) X[nbpoints] (np.float32) ou (np.float64) Y[nbpoints] (np.float32) ou (np.float64) Z[nbpoints] (np.float32) Classif[nbpoints] (np.int8) Il est possible de récupérer une matrice numpy shape(nbtot,4) ou un objet laspy via l'argument 'out' (par défaut à 'las') """ fn=self.filename if exists(fn+'.zip'): with zipfile.ZipFile(fn+'.zip','r') as zip_file: fn = zip_file.namelist()[0] zip_file.extract(fn, path=pathlib.Path(fn).parent) fn = join(pathlib.Path(fn).parent, fn) elif not exists(fn): return fnsize=stat(fn).st_size nb=0 count=0 myret=[] with open(fn,'rb') as f: while count<fnsize: nbloc = np.frombuffer(,np.int32)[0] nb+=nbloc dtype_file = self.dtype blocsize = nbloc*4 if dtype_file == np.float32 else nbloc*8 x=np.frombuffer(,dtype_file) y=np.frombuffer(,dtype_file) z=np.frombuffer(*4),np.float32) classi=np.frombuffer(,np.int8) count+=4+(2*blocsize+nbloc*(4+1)) if classi.shape[0] != nbloc: logging.warning(_('Bad classification size - file {}'.format(fn))) else: if len(myret)==0: # dt=[('x',np.float32),('y',np.float32),('z',np.float32),('classification',np.int8)] myret=np.array([x,y,z,classi]).transpose() else: if len(x)>1: added = np.array([x,y,z,classi]).transpose() if myret.shape[1] == added.shape[1]: myret=np.concatenate((myret,added)) else: logging.warning(_('Incompatible shapes')) # Format Numpy = myret if self.format=='las': self.to_las() # suppressdion du fichier extrait if exists(self.filename+'.zip'): remove(fn)
[docs] def to_las(self): if self.format=='las': return else: # self.format='las'
[docs] class xyz_laz_grid(): """ Gestion d'un grid de données LAZ """ def __init__(self, mydir:str) -> None: # répertoire de stockage des données griddées, y compris fichier 'gridinfo.txt' self.mydir = mydir gridinfo=join(mydir,'gridinfo.txt') self.origx,self.endx, self.origy,self.endy, self.nbx,self.nby, self.genfile = self._read_gridinfo(gridinfo) if self.nbx>0 and self.nby>0: self.dx = (self.endx-self.origx)/float(self.nbx) self.dy = (self.endy-self.origy)/float(self.nby)
[docs] def _read_gridinfo(self, gridinfo:str) -> list: if exists(gridinfo): with open(gridinfo,'r') as f: origx, endx=np.float32(myinfos[0].split(',')) origy, endy=np.float32(myinfos[1].split(',')) nbx, nby=np.int32(myinfos[2].split(',')) genfile = myinfos[3] # nom à pister avec x1 et y1 comme paramètres return [origx, endx, origy, endy, nbx, nby, genfile] else: return [99999.,99999.,99999.,99999.,0,0,'']
[docs] def scan(self, bounds:Union[tuple[tuple[float,float],tuple[float,float]], list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]]): """ Find all points in bounds """ x1=bounds[0][0] x2=bounds[0][1] y1=bounds[1][0] y2=bounds[1][1] file1= self.genfile.split('x1')[0] file2= self.genfile.split('y1')[-1] data=[] for x in range(int(self.origx), int(self.endx), int(self.dx)): for y in range(int(self.origy), int(self.endy), int(self.dy)): locbounds=np.float64(((x,x+self.dx),(y,y+self.dy))) test = not(x2 < locbounds[0][0] or x1 > locbounds[0][1] or y2 < locbounds[1][0] or y1 > locbounds[1][1]) if test: fxyz = file1+str(int(x))+'_'+str(int(y))+file2 fn = join(self.mydir,fxyz) locxyz=xyz_laz(fn) if locxyz.size > 0: data.append( if len(data)>0: retdata=find_pointsXYZ(np.concatenate(data), bounds) else: retdata = np.asarray([]) return retdata
[docs] def _split_xyz(self, dirout:str, nbparts:int = 10): """ Split XYZ file into 'nb' parts along X and Y """ for entry in scandir(self.mydir): if entry.is_file(): if'.bin'): myxy = xyz_laz(entry.path) myxy.split(dirout, nbparts) print(
[docs] def _sort_grid_np(self, fn_in:str, # laz file fn_out:str, # generic file name in dir out bounds:Union[tuple[tuple[float,float],tuple[float,float]], list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]], gridsize:list[int], chunksize:int=5000000, force_format = np.float64): """ Create .bin files from .laz """ xbounds=bounds[0] ybounds=bounds[1] xloc = np.linspace(xbounds[0], xbounds[1], gridsize[0]+1) yloc = np.linspace(ybounds[0], ybounds[1], gridsize[1]+1) dirout = pathlib.Path(fn_out).parent fn=join(dirout,'gridinfo.txt') if exists(fn): remove(fn) with open(fn,'w') as f: f.write(str(int(xbounds[0]))+','+str(int(xbounds[1]))+'\n') f.write(str(int(ybounds[0]))+','+str(int(ybounds[1]))+'\n') f.write(str(int(gridsize[0]))+','+str(int(gridsize[1]))+'\n') f.write(pathlib.Path(fn_out).name+'_'+'x1'+'_'+'y1'+'_xyz.bin'+'\n') if force_format == np.float64: f.write('xy_float64') else: f.write('xy_float32') k=0 with, laz_backend=LazBackend.Laszip) as f: nb = (f.header.point_count // chunksize) +1 print('Points from Header:', f.header.point_count) #création des objets d'écriture writers=[] for i in range(gridsize[0]): writers.append([]) for j in range(gridsize[1]): fn=fn_out+'_'+str(int(xloc[i]))+'_'+str(int(yloc[j]))+'_xyz.bin' if exists(fn): remove(fn) writers[i].append(open(fn, "wb")) for las in f.chunk_iterator(chunksize): print(k,' / ',nb) for i in range(gridsize[0]): for j in range(gridsize[1]): mypts=find_points(las,(xloc[i],xloc[i+1]),(yloc[j],yloc[j+1])) if mypts is not None: print(len(mypts)) print(int(xloc[i]),int(yloc[j])) writers[i][j].write(np.int32(len(mypts))) if force_format == np.float64: writers[i][j].write(np.float64(mypts.x).tobytes()) writers[i][j].write(np.float64(mypts.y).tobytes()) else: writers[i][j].write(np.float32(mypts.x).tobytes()) writers[i][j].write(np.float32(mypts.y).tobytes()) writers[i][j].write(np.float32(mypts.z).tobytes()) writers[i][j].write(np.int8(mypts.classification).tobytes()) k+=1 print('--') self.origx = xbounds[0] self.origy = ybounds[0] self.endx = xbounds[1] self.endy = ybounds[1] self.nbx = gridsize[0] self.nby = gridsize[1] self.dx = (self.endx-self.origx)/float(self.nbx) self.dy = (self.endy-self.origy)/float(self.nby) self.genfile=fn_out+'_'+'x1'+'_'+'y1'+'_xyz.bin' for curwriter in writers: for curfile in curwriter: curfile.close() for i in range(gridsize[0]): for j in range(gridsize[1]): fn = fn_out+'_'+str(int(xloc[i]))+'_'+str(int(yloc[j]))+'_xyz.bin' curstat = stat(fn) if curstat.st_size==0: remove(fn) else: if force_format == np.float64: fnzip = fn + '.zip' with zipfile.ZipFile(fnzip,'w',zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as zip_file: zip_file.write(fn, pathlib.Path(fn).name) remove(fn)
[docs] class xyz_laz_grids(): """ Ensemble de grids """ def __init__(self, dir_grids:str, create:bool=False) -> None: self.grids = [] self.colors = Classification_LAZ() self.colors.init_2023() if exists(dir_grids): self.dir = dir_grids self.read_dir(dir_grids) else: if create: makedirs(dir_grids, exist_ok=True) self.dir = dir_grids else: self.dir = None
[docs] def scan(self, bounds:Union[tuple[tuple[float,float],tuple[float,float]], list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]]) -> np.ndarray: """ Scan all LAZ to find used data :param bounds: [[xmin,xmax], [ymin,ymax]] :type bounds: Union[tuple[tuple[float,float],tuple[float,float]], list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]] :return: np.ndarray """ ret = [cur.scan(bounds) for cur in self.grids] ret = [cur for cur in ret if len(cur)>0] if len(ret)==0: return np.asarray([]) else: return np.concatenate(ret)
[docs] def read_dir(self, dir_grids): dirs = listdir(dir_grids) for curdir in dirs: self.grids.append(xyz_laz_grid(join(dir_grids,curdir)))
[docs] def scan_around(self, xy:Union[LineString,list[list[float], list[float]]], length_buffer=5.): """ Récupération de points LAZ autour de la section """ if isinstance(xy, LineString): myls = xy else: myls = LineString([Point(x,y) for x,y in xy])'Create buffer around polyline')) # Création d'un buffer autour de la LineString mypoly:Polygon mypoly = myls.buffer(length_buffer,cap_style=CAP_STYLE.square)'Get bounding box')) # Récupération des bornes mybounds = ((mypoly.bounds[0],mypoly.bounds[2]),(mypoly.bounds[1],mypoly.bounds[3]))'Get LAZ points bounding box')) # scan sur base du rectangle myxyz = self.scan(mybounds)'Select interior points')) # Vérification des points intérieurs prep_poly = prep(mypoly) mytests = [prep_poly.contains(Point(cur[:3])) for cur in myxyz] usedlaz = np.asarray(myxyz[mytests])'Compute distance along polyline')) # Projection des points utiles le long du vecteur s = np.asarray([myls.project(Point(cur[:2])) for cur in usedlaz]) # smax = myls.length # usedlaz = usedlaz[np.logical_and((s !=0.),(s != smax))]'Compute colors')) # couleurs colors=np.ones((usedlaz.shape[0],4),dtype=np.float32) for key, val in self.colors.classification.items(): name, comment, color = val colors[usedlaz[:,3] == key] = color'Compute distance perpendicular to polyline')) # distance normale au vecteur --> alpha/transparence orig = np.asarray(myls.coords[0]) extr = np.asarray(myls.coords[-1]) a = extr-orig s_perp = np.asarray([float(np.cross(a, cur[:3] - orig)[2]) for cur in usedlaz]) smax = np.max(np.abs(s_perp))'Alpha blending')) colors[:,3] = 1.-np.abs(s_perp)/smax'Find up and Down points')) # recherche des points à l'amont up=np.where(s_perp[:]<0.)[0] # recherche des points à l'aval down=np.where(s_perp[:]>=0.)[0] up_s = s[up] down_s = s[down] up_z = usedlaz[up,2] down_z = usedlaz[down,2] up_colors = colors[up] down_colors = colors[down]'Number of points upstream : {}'.format(len(up_s))))'Number of points downstream : {}'.format(len(down_s)))) return (up_s, up_z, up_colors), (down_s, down_z, down_colors)
[docs] def plot_laz(self, xy:Union[LineString, list[list[float], list[float]]], length_buffer=5., figax:tuple[Figure, Axes]=None, show=False): """ Dessin des points LAZ sur un graphique Matplotlib """ (up_s, up_z, up_color), (down_s, down_z, down_color) = self.scan_around(xy, length_buffer) if figax is None: fig = plt.figure() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) else: fig,ax = figax'Plotting')) ax.scatter(up_s, up_z, c=up_color ,marker='.') ax.scatter(down_s, down_z,c=down_color,marker='+') if show: return fig,ax
[docs] def create_from_laz(self, dir_laz:str, shape:str, ds:float = 50, force_format = np.float64): try: from ..PyVertexvectors import Zones except: from wolfhece.PyVertexvectors import Zones vecs = Zones(shape) for entry in scandir(dir_laz): if entry.is_file(): if'.laz'): file_wo_suf ='.laz') dirname = join(self.dir, file_wo_suf) if not exists(dirname): makedirs(dirname, exist_ok=True) newlaz = xyz_laz_grid(mydir=dirname) vec = vecs.get_zone(file_wo_suf) bounds = vec.myvectors[0].get_bounds() dx = bounds[1][0] -bounds[0][0] dy = bounds[1][1] -bounds[0][1] nb = max(int(dx/ds), int(dy/ds)) self.grids.append(newlaz._sort_grid_np(entry.path, join(dirname, file_wo_suf), bounds=[[bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0]], [bounds[0][1], bounds[1][1]]], gridsize=[int(dx/ds), int(dy/ds)], force_format=force_format))
[docs] def find_pointsXYZ(xyz:np.ndarray, bounds:Union[tuple[tuple[float,float],tuple[float,float]], list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]]) -> np.ndarray: xb=bounds[0] yb=bounds[1] # Get arrays which indicate invalid X, Y, or Z values. X_valid = np.logical_and((xb[0] <= xyz[:,0]), (xb[1] >= xyz[:,0])) Y_valid = np.logical_and((yb[0] <= xyz[:,1]), (yb[1] >= xyz[:,1])) good_indices = np.where(X_valid & Y_valid)[0] return xyz[good_indices]
[docs] def find_points(las:laspy.LasData, xb:list[float, float], yb:list[float, float]) -> laspy.LasData: """Get arrays which indicate invalid X, Y, or Z values""" X_valid = (xb[0] <= las.x) & (xb[1] >= las.x) Y_valid = (yb[0] <= las.y) & (yb[1] >= las.y) good_indices = np.where(X_valid & Y_valid)[0] if len(good_indices)>0: return las[good_indices] else: return None
[docs] def read_laz(fn:str, bounds:Union[tuple[tuple[float,float],tuple[float,float]], list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]] = None) -> Union[np.ndarray,laspy.LasData]: """ Lecture d'un fichier LAZ, LAS ou NPZ """ if exists(fn): if fn.endswith('.npz'): return np.load(fn)['arr_0'] elif fn.endswith('.laz') or fn.endswith('.las'): if exists(fn): with,laz_backend=LazBackend.Laszip) as f: laz = if bounds is None: return laz else: return find_points(laz, bounds[0], bounds[1]) else: return None
[docs] def xyzlaz_scandir(mydir:str, bounds:Union[tuple[tuple[float,float],tuple[float,float]], list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]]): """ Scan for XYZ files """ first=[] for curfile in listdir(mydir): if curfile.endswith('.bin'): mydata = xyz_laz(join(mydir,curfile), format='numpy', to_read=False) if mydata.test_bounds(bounds): print(curfile) mydata.read_bin_xyz() first.append( for entry in scandir(mydir): if entry.is_dir(): locf=xyzlaz_scandir(entry,bounds) if len(locf)>0: first.append(locf) data=[] if len(first)>0: data=find_pointsXYZ(np.concatenate(first),bounds) return data
[docs] def laz_scandir(mydir:str, bounds:Union[tuple[tuple[float,float],tuple[float,float]], list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]]) -> list[laspy.LasData]: """ Scan directory and treat .laz files """ ret=[] for curfile in listdir(mydir): if curfile.endswith('.laz'): print(curfile) mydata = read_laz(join(mydir,curfile)) mydata = find_points(mydata, bounds[0], bounds[1]) if mydata is not None: if mydata.header.point_count>0: ret.append(mydata) return ret
[docs] def clip_data_xyz(dir_in:str, fn_out:str, bounds:Union[tuple[tuple[float,float],tuple[float,float]], list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]]): """ Get data and write zip numpy file """ myxyz = xyzlaz_scandir(dir_in, bounds) np.savez_compressed(fn_out,myxyz) return fn_out
[docs] def clip_data_laz(fn_in:str, fn_out:str, bounds:Union[tuple[tuple[float,float],tuple[float,float]], list[list[float, float],list[float, float]]], chunksize:int=5000000): pts=[] k=0 xbounds=bounds[0] ybounds=bounds[1] with,laz_backend=LazBackend.Laszip) as f: nb = (f.header.point_count // chunksize) +1 print('Points from Header:', f.header.point_count) with, mode="w", header=f.header) as writer: for las in f.chunk_iterator(chunksize): print(k,' / ',nb) mypts=find_points(las,xbounds,ybounds) if len(mypts)>0: pts.append(mypts) print(len(mypts)) writer.write_points(mypts) k+=1 print('--') pts=[]
[docs] def get_concat_h(im1:Image.Image, im2:Image.Image): """ Concatenate 2 images horizontally """ dst ='RGB', (im1.width + im2.width, im1.height)) dst.paste(im1, (0, 0)) dst.paste(im2, (im1.width, 0)) return dst
[docs] def get_concat_v(im1:Image.Image, im2:Image.Image): """ Concatenate 2 images vertically """ dst ='RGB', (im1.width, im1.height + im2.height)) dst.paste(im1, (0, 0)) dst.paste(im2, (0, im1.height)) return dst
[docs] def get_Orthos_Walonmap(bounds, fn, cat='IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2012_2013',size=3000): """ Récupération des orthos depuis Walonmap fn = filename sans extension --> .png sera ajouté automatiquement catégories possibles : - 'IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2012_2013' - 'IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2015' - 'IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2021' - 'IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2006_2007' """ resmin=.3 xbounds=bounds[0] ybounds=bounds[1] dx = xbounds[1]-xbounds[0] dy = ybounds[1]-ybounds[0] sizex=size sizey=size if dx>dy: sizey=math.ceil(float(size)*float(dy/dx)) elif dx<dy: sizex=math.ceil(float(size)*float(dx/dy)) resx = dx/float(size) resy = dy/float(size) if resx<=resmin and resy <=resmin: try: im =,xbounds[0],ybounds[0],xbounds[1],ybounds[1],sizex,sizey,tofile=False)) except: im =,xbounds[0],ybounds[0],xbounds[1],ybounds[1],sizex/2,sizey/2,tofile=False)) elif resx>resmin and resy <=resmin: nbx = math.ceil(resx/resmin) liste=[] x1=xbounds[0] dx = dx/float(nbx) for i in range(nbx): liste.append(,x1,ybounds[0],x1+dx,ybounds[1],sizex,sizey,tofile=False))) sleep(.5) x1+=dx im = liste[0] for i in range(1,nbx): im = get_concat_h(im,liste[i]) elif resx<=resmin and resy >resmin: nby= math.ceil(resy/resmin) liste=[] y1=ybounds[0] dy = dy/float(nby) for j in range(nby): liste.append(,xbounds[0],y1,xbounds[1],y1+dy,sizex,sizey,tofile=False))) sleep(.5) y1+=dy im = liste[0] for j in range(1,nby): im = get_concat_v(liste[j],im) elif resx>resmin and resy >resmin: nbx = math.ceil(resx/resmin) nby = math.ceil(resy/resmin) liste=[] x1=xbounds[0] y1=ybounds[0] dx = dx/float(nbx) dy = dy/float(nby) print('Awaiting image from Walonmap - be patient !') for i in range(nbx): liste.append([]) y1=ybounds[0] for j in range(nby): liste[i].append(,x1,y1,x1+dx,y1+dy,sizex,sizey,tofile=False))) y1+=dy print(str(i)+'/'+str(nbx-1)+' -- '+str(j)+'/'+str(nby-1)) sleep(.5) x1+=dx print('--') for i in range(nbx): im = liste[i][0] for j in range(1,nby): im = get_concat_v(liste[i][j],im) liste[i][0]=im im = liste[0][0] for i in range(1,nbx): im = get_concat_h(im,liste[i][0]),fn +'.png') with open(fn+'.png_bounds.txt','w') as f: f.write(str(xbounds[0])+','+str(xbounds[1])+'\n') f.write(str(ybounds[0])+','+str(ybounds[1]))
[docs] def get_colors(las:laspy.LasData, which_colors:Colors_Lazviewer, imsize=2000, fname='', palette_classif: Classification_LAZ = None): curlas:laspy.LasData if type(las) is laspy.LasData: nb = las.header.point_count elif type(las) is list: nb=0 for curlas in las: nb += curlas.header.point_count else: nb = len(las) colors=np.ones((nb,4),dtype=np.float32) if type(which_colors) == Colors_Lazviewer: which_colors = which_colors.value if which_colors==Colors_Lazviewer.CODE_2013.value: """ - Hors-sol (building, toits et autres) - Code 1; - Sol (y compris talus et digues) - Code 2; - Végétation haute (y compris la végétation linéaire) - Code 4; - Eau - Code 9; - Pont – Code 10. """ if type(las) is laspy.LasData: myclass = las.classification elif type(las) is list: myclass=[] for curlas in las: myclass.append(curlas.classification) myclass = np.concatenate(myclass) else: myclass = np.int8(las[:,3]) if palette_classif is None: palette_classif = Classification_LAZ() palette_classif.init_2013() for key, value in palette_classif.classification.items(): name, comment, color = value colors[myclass==int(key)] = color elif which_colors==Colors_Lazviewer.CODE_2023.value: if palette_classif is None: palette_classif = Classification_LAZ() palette_classif.init_2023() """ - Defaut - Code 1; Voiture, câbles électrique, points de végétation diffus, Sursol non utile… - Sol - Code 2; Tous les éléments du sol y compris les descentes de garage en sous-sol - Végétation - Code 4; Végétation - Bâtiments - Code 6; Bâtiments - Eau – Code 9; Points de la surface d’eau brute mesurés par le scanner 2 - Ponts – Code 10; Les ponts ont été classés à part pour améliorer la définition du MNT. Ils ont été ouverts grâce - Mur de berge – Code 11; Mur et muret en berge de la Vesdre dépassant le sol à des vocation de réaliser une modélisation 3D hydraulique avec ces obstacles. - Tranche d'eau – Code 15; Echo intermédiaire dans l’eau n’appartenant ni à la surface d’eau ni au fond du lit - Surface bathymétrique – Code 16; Fond du lit de la Vesdre et de ses affluents et des autres surfaces d’eau mesurées à partir du scanner 3 FWF discrétisé - Surface bathymétrique incertaine - Code 17 Surface bathymétrique sur les zones peu profondes principalement sous végétation où les intensités des échos sont parfois trop faibles pour avoir la certitude qu’ils représentent le fond de rivière. La classe 17 est néanmoins plus certaine que la classe 18. Elle est utilisée dans la génération des MNT par défaut. - Surface d'eau calculée - Code 19 Points sous échantillonnés de la surface d’eau ayant servis à faire les calculs de correction de réfraction bathymétrique - Surface bathymétrique incertaine profonde – Code 20; Surface bathymétrique sur les zones plus profondes principalement au centre de la rivière où les intensités des échos sont parfois trop faibles pour avoir la certitude qu’ils représentent le fond de rivière. Non utilisée dans la génération du MNT. + Surface proche bathy mais potentiellement émergée pour les scanner 1 à 3 - Surface d'eau héliportée – Code 29; La hauteur d’eau du vol héliporté étant largement supérieure (de 30 à 40cm au vol Titan, les points matérialisant cette surface ont été reclassés dans cette classe séparée pour ne pas perturbé le reste du nuage de point. """ if type(las) is laspy.LasData: myclass = las.classification elif type(las) is list: myclass=[] for curlas in las: myclass.append(curlas.classification) myclass = np.concatenate(myclass) else: myclass = np.int8(las[:,3]) for key, value in palette_classif.classification.items(): name, comment, color = value colors[myclass==int(key)] = color elif which_colors==Colors_Lazviewer.FROM_FILE.value and fname != '': width = im.width height = im.height if exists(fname+'_bounds.txt'): with open((fname+'_bounds.txt'),'r') as f: xb = np.float64(mylines[0].split(',')) yb = np.float64(mylines[1].split(',')) myPPNC = np.asarray(im) if type(las) is laspy.LasData: x = las.x y = las.y elif type(las) is list: xy=[] for mypts in las: xy.append(np.vstack((mypts.x,mypts.y)).transpose()) xy=np.concatenate(xy) x=xy[:,0] y=xy[:,1] else: x = las[:,0] y = las[:,1] i = np.int16((x-xb[0])/(xb[1]-xb[0])*(width-1)) j = np.int16((yb[1]-y)/(yb[1]-yb[0])*(height-1)) jmax,imax,_ = myPPNC.shape i[np.where(i<0)]=0 j[np.where(j<0)]=0 i[np.where(i>=imax)]=imax-1 j[np.where(j>=jmax)]=jmax-1 # print(np.max(i),np.max(j)) colors[:,:3]=myPPNC[j,i]/255. else: if which_colors==Colors_Lazviewer.ORTHO_2012_2013.value: mycat='IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2012_2013' elif which_colors==Colors_Lazviewer.ORTHO_2015.value: mycat='IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2015' elif which_colors==Colors_Lazviewer.ORTHO_2021.value or which_colors is None: mycat='IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2021' elif which_colors==Colors_Lazviewer.ORTHO_2006_2007.value: mycat='IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2006_2007' elif which_colors==Colors_Lazviewer.ORTHO_2023.value: mycat='IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2023_ETE' if type(las) is laspy.LasData: x = las.x y = las.y elif type(las) is list: xy=[] for mypts in las: xy.append(np.vstack((mypts.x,mypts.y)).transpose()) xy=np.concatenate(xy) x=xy[:,0] y=xy[:,1] else: x = las[:,0] y = las[:,1] mins = np.amin(np.vstack((x,y)).transpose(),axis=0) maxs = np.amax(np.vstack((x,y)).transpose(),axis=0) width = min(int((maxs[0]-mins[0])/.3),imsize) height = min(int((maxs[1]-mins[1])/.3),imsize) im =,mins[0],mins[1],maxs[0],maxs[1],width,height,tofile=False)) myPPNC = np.asarray(im) i = np.int16((x-mins[0])/(maxs[0]-mins[0])*float(width -1)) j = np.int16((maxs[1]-y)/(maxs[1]-mins[1])*float(height-1)) jmax,imax,_ = myPPNC.shape i[np.where(i<0)]=0 j[np.where(j<0)]=0 i[np.where(i>=imax)]=imax-1 j[np.where(j>=jmax)]=jmax-1 colors[:,:3]=myPPNC[j,i,:3]/255. return colors
[docs] def myviewer(las:Union[np.ndarray, list[laspy.LasData], laspy.LasData], which_colors:Colors_Lazviewer, fname='', palette_classif:Classification_LAZ = None): """ Get viewer for las data """ if type(las) is list: xyz=[] for mypts in las: xyz.append(np.vstack((mypts.x,mypts.y,mypts.z)).transpose()) xyz=np.concatenate(xyz) elif type(las) is laspy.LasData: xyz = np.vstack((las.x,las.y,las.z)).transpose() else: assert las.shape[1]>2 xyz=las[:,:3] colors = get_colors(las, which_colors, fname=fname, palette_classif= palette_classif) v=viewer(xyz,colors) v.set(point_size=.05) return v
if __name__ == '__main__': # # création des fichiers
[docs] grids = xyz_laz_grids(r'D:\OneDrive\OneDrive - Universite de Liege\Crues\2021-07 Vesdre\CSC - Convention - ARNE\Data\LAZ_Vesdre\2023\grids_flt32', True)
grids.create_from_laz(r'D:\OneDrive\OneDrive - Universite de Liege\Crues\2021-07 Vesdre\CSC - Convention - ARNE\Data\LAZ_Vesdre\2023\LAZ', shape=r'D:\OneDrive\OneDrive - Universite de Liege\Crues\2021-07 Vesdre\CSC - Convention - ARNE\Data\2023\Tableau_d_assemblage_v3\Vesdre_Tableau_d_Assemblage_L72.shp', force_format=np.float32) # mygrids = xyz_laz_grids(r'D:\OneDrive\OneDrive - Universite de Liege\Crues\2021-07 Vesdre\CSC - Convention - ARNE\Data\LAZ_Vesdre\2023\grids') # xyz = mygrids.scan([[252500, 252700],[136400,136500]]) # newview = myviewer(xyz,2021) pass