Source code for wolfhece.lagrangian.emitter

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point, MultiPolygon, LineString
from shapely.wkt import dumps, loads
from typing import Literal, Union
import logging
import json
from pathlib import Path

[docs] class Clock_Emitter(): def __init__(self, times:Union[list[float], np.ndarray]=None): """ Time manager for the emitter. :param times: list of time intervals during which the emitter is active -- [[t_start1, t_end1], [t_start2, t_end2], ...] """ if isinstance(times, np.ndarray): assert times.ndim == 2, "times must be a 2D array - first line contains t_start, second line contains t_end" assert times.dtype == np.float64, "times must be a 2D array of float64 - first line contains t_start, second line contains t_end" times = times.tolist() self.times = times
[docs] def is_active(self, t:float) -> bool: """ Check if the emitter is active at time t. """ for t_start, t_end in self.times: if t_start <= t < t_end: return True return False
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict: """ Serialize the object. """ return {'times':self.times}
[docs] def deserialize(self, data:dict) -> "Clock_Emitter": """ Deserialize the object. """ self.times = data['times'] return self
[docs] def to_str(self) -> list[str]: """ Return a list of string representing the time intervals. """ return ['[{}'.format(t_start) + '->{}'.format(t_end) + '[' for t_start, t_end in self.times]
[docs] def from_str(self, times:list[str]) -> None: """ Set the time intervals from a list of string. """ self.times = [[float(cur.split('->')[0][1:]), float(cur.split('->')[1][:-1])] for cur in times]
[docs] class Emitter(): def __init__(self, area:Union[Polygon, LineString, np.ndarray, list[int], tuple[int]] = None, how_many:int=0, every_seconds:float=0., clock:Clock_Emitter=None, header:tuple[float] = (0., 0., 1., 1.)) -> None: assert type(area) in [Polygon, MultiPolygon, LineString, np.ndarray, list, tuple, type(None)], "area must be a Polygon, MultiPolygon, LineString, a 2D array or a list/tuple of length 2" # header -> useful only if indices are used self.origx, self.origy, self.dx, self.dy, *rest = header if isinstance(area, np.ndarray): # check if area is a 2D array --> first line contains x indices, second line contains y indices assert area.ndim == 2, "area must be a 2D array - first line contains x indices, second line contains y indices" elif type(area) in [list,tuple]: # check if area is a list or tuple of length 2 --> first line contains x indices, second line contains y indices assert len(area) == 2 or len(area[0])==2, "area must be a list or tuple of length 2 - [i1, i2... in], [j1, j2... jn]" # convert to numpy array if len(area)==2: area = np.array(area) else: area = np.array([[cur[0] for cur in area], [cur[1] for cur in area]]) if isinstance(area, np.ndarray): # we are here if area is a 2D array --> first line contains x indices, second line contains y indices self._indices = area ox, oy, dx, dy = self.origx, self.origy, self.dx, self.dy # create a Multipolygon from indices --> used to check if a point is inside the area area = MultiPolygon([Polygon([(i*dx+ox, j*dy+oy), ((i+1)*dx+ox, j*dy+oy), ((i+1)*dx+ox, (j+1)*dy+oy), (i*dx+ox, (j+1)*dy+oy)]) for i,j in zip(area[0], area[1])]) else: # Set default value for indices self._indices = np.array([[],[]]) self.area = area # Polygon containing particles | converted arrays of indices (e.g. as returned by np.where) self.how_many = how_many # Numer of particles # Clock_Emitter object if clock is None: self.clock = Clock_Emitter([[0., np.inf]]) else: self.clock = clock self.every_seconds = every_seconds # Emit nb particles every seconds self._last_emit = 0. # Time [s] of last emission = True # If False, no more particles are emitted self.color_area = (0., 0., 0., 1.) # Color of the area self.color_particles = (0., 0., 0., 1.) # Color of the particles
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """ Reset the emitter. """ self._last_emit = 0.
[docs] def check(self) -> tuple[bool, str]: """ Check if the emitter is valid. """ check = True msg = '' if self.area is None: check = False msg += 'area is None\n' if self.how_many <= 0: check = False msg += 'how_many <= 0\n' if self.every_seconds <= 0.: check = False msg += 'every_seconds <= 0.\n' if self.dx <= 0.: check = False msg += 'dx <= 0.\n' if self.dy <= 0.: check = False msg += 'dy <= 0.\n' if not type(self.area) in [Polygon, MultiPolygon, LineString]: check = False msg += 'area must be a Polygon, MultiPolygon or a LineString\n' return check, msg
[docs] def set_clock(self, times:Union[list[float], np.ndarray]) -> None: """ Set the clock of the emitter. """ self.clock = Clock_Emitter(times)
[docs] def bounds(self) -> tuple[float]: """ Return the bounds of the emitter. """ if type(self.area) in [Polygon, MultiPolygon]: return self.area.bounds elif isinstance(self.area, np.ndarray): return (self.area[0].min() * self.dx + self.origx, self.area[1].min() * self.dy + self.origy, self.area[0].max() * self.dx + self.origx + self.dx, self.area[1].max() * self.dy + self.origy + self.dy) else: logging.error('Emitter: bounds not implemented for the type {}'.format(type(self.area)))
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict: """ Serialize the object. """ return {'active', 'area': self.area.wkt, 'how_many':self.how_many, 'every_seconds':self.every_seconds, 'color_area':self.color_area, 'color_particles':self.color_particles, 'clock':self.clock.serialize(), # Clock_Emitter object 'header':(self.origx, self.origy, self.dx, self.dy), 'indices_i':[int(cur) for cur in self._indices[0]], # if not force to int, list will be converted to int64 which is not json serializable 'indices_j':[int(cur) for cur in self._indices[0]], }
[docs] def deserialize(self, data:dict) -> None: """ Deserialize the object. """ = data['active'] self.area = loads(data['area']) self.how_many = data['how_many'] self.every_seconds = data['every_seconds'] try: self.color_area = data['color_area'] except: self.color_area = (0., 0., 0., 1.) try: self.color_particles = data['color_particles'] except: self.color_particles = (0., 0., 0., 1.) self.origx, self.origy, self.dx, self.dy = data['header'] self._indices = [np.array(data['indices_i']), np.array(data['indices_j'])] self.origx, self.origy, self.dx, self.dy = data['header'] try: self.clock = Clock_Emitter().deserialize(data['clock']) # Clock_Emitter object except: self.clock = Clock_Emitter([[0., np.inf]])
[docs] def save(self, f:str) -> str: """ Save the emitter to file. """ f = Path(f).with_suffix('.json') with open(f, 'w') as fp: json.dump(self.serialize(), fp, indent=2) return
[docs] def load(self, f:str) -> "Emitter": """ Load the emitter from file. """ f = Path(f).with_suffix('.json') with open(f, 'r') as fp: self.deserialize(json.load(fp)) return self
[docs] def _emit(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Emit particles. """ if not return np.array([]), np.array([]) unsatisfied = True factor = int(2) if isinstance(self.area, MultiPolygon): # As the area is a MultiPolygon, we need to emit particles in each polygon # To be more realistic and more rapid, we use a multinomial distribution to emit particles in each polygon # The number of particles to emit in each polygon is proportional to the area of the polygon nbpoly = self.area.geoms.__len__() area_tot = np.sum([cur.area for cur in self.area.geoms]) how_many_per_poly = np.random.multinomial(self.how_many, [cur.area/area_tot for cur in self.area.geoms]) x_all = np.array([]) y_all = np.array([]) for idx, curpoly in enumerate(self.area.geoms): unsatisfied = True while unsatisfied: x1, y1, x2, y2 = curpoly.bounds x = np.random.uniform(x1, x2, how_many_per_poly[idx]) y = np.random.uniform(y1, y2, how_many_per_poly[idx]) inside = np.asarray([curpoly.contains(Point(xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(x, y)]) useful = np.where(inside)[0][:how_many_per_poly[idx]] if len(useful) == how_many_per_poly[idx]: unsatisfied = False else: factor += 1 x_all = np.concatenate((x_all, x[useful])) y_all = np.concatenate((y_all, y[useful])) return np.require(x_all, requirements='F'), np.require(y_all, requirements='F') else: while unsatisfied: x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.bounds x = np.random.uniform(x1, x2, factor*self.how_many) y = np.random.uniform(y1, y2, factor*self.how_many) inside = np.asarray([self.area.contains(Point(xi, yi)) for xi, yi in zip(x, y)]) useful = np.where(inside)[0][:self.how_many] if len(useful) == self.how_many: unsatisfied = False else: factor += 1 return np.require(x[useful], requirements='F'), np.require(y[useful], requirements='F')
[docs] def emit(self, t:float) -> tuple[np.ndarray]: """ Emit particles at the given time. """ if self.clock.is_active(t): if t - self._last_emit >= self.every_seconds or t == 0.: self._last_emit = t return self._emit() else: return np.array([]), np.array([])