Source code for wolfhece.hydrometry.kiwis

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
import requests
import pandas as pd
import logging
from os.path import join,exists
from os import mkdir
# from osgeo import ogr
# from osgeo import osr
import json
import numpy as np
from enum import Enum
from typing import Literal
import urllib.parse
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

KIWIS WebServices command :
    getrequestinfo retrieves all available commands

    getGroupList	retrieves a list of object groups
    getSiteList	retrieves a list of sites with metadata
    getStationList	retrieves a list of stations with metadata
    getParameterList	retrieves a list of parameters available at sites and/or stations
    getParameterTypeList	retrieves the system defined parameter type list
    getCatchmentList	retrieves a list of catchments with metadata
    getCatchmentHierarchy	retrieves a hierarchical list of catchments with metadata and parent catchments
    getRiverList	retrieves a list of rivers and water objects with metadata
    getStandardRemarkTypeList	retrieves a hierarchical list of standard remark types
    getRatingCurveList	retrieves a list of rating curves
    getTimeseriesList	retrieves a list of timeseries with metadata
    getTimeseriesTypeList	retrieves a timeseries type list
    getTimeseriesValues	retrieves timeseries data
    getTimeseriesValueLayer	retrieves timeseries data as layer
    getGraphTemplateList	retrieves a list of available graph templates
    getGraph	retrieves a graph image of timeseries data
    getStationGraph	retrieves a graph image of timeseries data based on stations
    getColorClassifications	retrieves a list of WISKI color classifications
    getQualityCodes	retrieves the list of WISKI quality codes
    getReleaseStateClasses	retrieves the list of WISKI release state classes
    getTimeseriesReleaseStateList	retrieves a list of timeseries release states
    getTimeseriesEnsembleValues	retrieves a list of timeseries ensembles with values for one or more timeseries
    getTimeseriesChanges	retrieves a list of changes for a timeseries
    getTimeseriesComments	retrieves object comments/remarks
    checkValueLimit	checks value limitations for time range value requests

[docs] URL_SERVICE = ''
[docs] URL_TOKEN = URL_SERVICE + '/auth/token/'
# See :
[docs] class HICWS_GroupID(Enum):
[docs] FlowRate_daily = ('Afvoer_dag', 156169)
[docs] FlowRate_hig_res = ('Afvoer_hoge resolutie', 156170)
[docs] FlowRate_hourly = ('Afvoer_uur', 156171)
[docs] Astronomic_predictions_Scheldt_and_coastal_area = ('Astronomische voorspellingen reeksen Schelde en kust (LAT)', 512458)
[docs] Astronomic_predictions_Scheldt_and_coastal_area_high_res = ('AstroAstronomische voorspellingen reeksen Schelde en kust (mTAW)', 354718)
[docs] Astronomic_predictions_Scheldt_and_coastal_area_high_low = ('Astronomische voorspellingen Hoog-en laagwaters Schelde en kust (LAT)', 515316)
[docs] Astronomic_predictions_Scheldt_and_coastal_area_high_low_highres = ('Astronomische voorspellingen Hoog-en laagwaters Schelde en kust (mTAW)', 350099)
[docs] Calculated_Discharge_important = ('Berekende afvoeren sleutellocaties waterwegen', 260592)
[docs] Calculated_Area_Precipitation = ('Berekende gebiedsneerslagen belangrijke meetlocaties HIC', 156159)
[docs] Chlorophyl_high_res = ('Chlorofyl_hoge resolutie', 156172)
[docs] Conductivity_high_res = ('Conductiviteit_hoge resolutie', 156173)
[docs] Precipitation_daily = ('Neerslag_dag', 156166)
[docs] Precipitation_high_res = ('Neerslag_hoge resolutie', 156167)
[docs] Precipitation_yearly = ('Neerslag_jaar', 156191)
[docs] Precipitation_monthly = ('Neerslag_maand', 156190)
[docs] Precipitation_hourly = ('Neerslag_uur', 156168)
[docs] Salinity_high_res = ('Saliniteit_hoge resolutie', 421208)
[docs] Sediment_Concentration = ('Sedimentconcentratie_hoge resolutie', 156188)
[docs] Flow_Direction_high_res = ('Stroomrichting_hoge resolutie', 156158)
[docs] Flow_Velocity = ('Stroomsnelheid_hoge resolutie', 156199)
[docs] Turbidity = ('Turbiditeit_hoge resolutie', 156202)
[docs] Tidal_Previsions_Scheldt_ensemble = ('Verwachtingen Tijgebied Schelde (HWLW)', 432821)
[docs] Forecast_Discharge_shortterm_48h = ('Voorspellingen afvoer korte termijn (48u)', 506057)
[docs] Forecast_Discharge_longterm_10d = ('Voorspellingen afvoer lange termijn (10 dagen)', 506059)
[docs] Forecast_area_48h = ('Voorspellingen berekende gebiedsneerslagen belangrijke meetlocaties HIC korte termijn (48u)', 506060)
[docs] Forecast_area_10d = ('Voorspellingen berekende gebiedsneerslagen belangrijke meetlocaties HIC lange termijn (10 dagen)', 506061)
[docs] Forecast_waterlevel_48h = ('Voorspellingen waterstand korte termijn (48u)', 506056)
[docs] Forecast_waterlevel_10d = ('Voorspellingen waterstand lange termijn (10 dagen)', 506058)
[docs] Water_Level_daily = ('Waterstand_dag', 156162)
[docs] Water_Level_high_res = ('Waterstand_hoge resolutie', 156163)
[docs] High_Low_water_Scheldt = ('Waterstand_Hoog-en laagwaters tijgebied Schelde', 156165)
[docs] Scheldt_High_Water = ('Waterstand_Hoogwaters tijgebied', 510205)
[docs] Scheldt_Low_Water = ('Waterstand_Laagwaters tijgebied', 510207)
[docs] Water_Level_hourly = ('Waterstand_uur', 156164)
[docs] Water_Temperature = ('Watertemperatuur_hoge resolutie', 156200)
[docs] Oxygen_Concentration = ('Zuurstofgehalte_hoge resolutie', 156207)
[docs] Oxygen_Saturation = ('Zuurstofverzadiging_hoge resolutie', 156208)
[docs] pH = ('Zuurtegraad_hoge resolutie', 156197)
#See :
[docs] class WaterInfo_GroupdID(Enum):
[docs] Flowrate_15m = ('Afvoer_15m', 192786)
[docs] Flowrate_daily = ('Afvoer_dag', 192893)
[docs] Flowrate_yearly = ('Afvoer_jaar', 192895)
[docs] Flowrate_monthly = ('Afvoer_maand', 192894)
[docs] Flowrate_hourly = ('Afvoer_uur', 192892)
[docs] Ground_Saturation = ('Bodemverzadiging_15m', 192929)
[docs] Ground_Humidity = ('Bodemvocht_15m', 192928)
[docs] Dew_Point_Temparature = ('Dauwpunttemperatuur_15m', 192923)
[docs] Salinity = ('EC verziltingsmeetnet', 383065)
[docs] projectmetingen = ('EC projectmetingen', 381863)
[docs] Ground_Temperature = ('Grondtemperatuur_15m', 192924)
[docs] Ground_Heat = ('Grondwarmte_15m', 192916)
[docs] Radiation = ('Instraling_15m', 192920)
[docs] Atmospheric_Pressure = ('Luchtdruk_15m', 192918)
[docs] Atmospheric_Temperature = ('Luchttemperatuur175cm_15m', 192922)
[docs] Rain_15m = ('Neerslag_15m', 192896)
[docs] Rain_1m = ('Neerslag_1m', 199792)
[docs] Rain_daily = ('Neerslag_dag', 192898)
[docs] Rain_yearly = ('Neerslag_jaar', 192900)
[docs] Rain_monthly = ('Neerslag_maand', 192899)
[docs] Rain_hourly = ('Neerslag_uur', 192897)
[docs] Relative_Humidity = ('RelatVocht_15m', 192919)
[docs] Evaporation_Monteih_15m = ('VerdampingMonteith_15m', 192927)
[docs] Evaporation_Monteih_daily = ('VerdampingMonteith_dag', 295480)
[docs] Evaporation_Monteih_yearly = ('VerdampingMonteith_jaar', 295483)
[docs] Evaporation_Monteih_monthly = ('VerdampingMonteith_maand', 295482)
[docs] Evaporation_Penman_15m = ('VerdampingPenman_15m', 204341)
[docs] Evaporation_Penman_daily = ('VerdampingPenman_dag', 295474)
[docs] Evaporation_Penman_yearly = ('VerdampingPenman_jaar', 295479)
[docs] Evaporation_Penman_monthly = ('VerdampingPenman_maand', 295475)
[docs] Water_speed_15m = ('Watersnelheid_15m', 192901)
[docs] Water_speed_daily = ('Watersnelheid_dag', 192903)
[docs] Water_speed_yearly = ('Watersnelheid_jaar', 192905)
[docs] Water_speed_monthly = ('Watersnelheid_maand', 192904)
[docs] Water_speed_hourly = ('Watersnelheid_uur', 192902)
[docs] Water_Level_15m = ('Waterstand_15m', 192780)
[docs] Water_Level_daily = ('Waterstand_dag', 192782)
[docs] Water_Level_yearly = ('Waterstand_jaar', 192784)
[docs] Water_Level_monthly = ('Waterstand_maand', 192783)
[docs] Water_Level_hourly = ('Waterstand_uur', 192785)
[docs] Water_Temperature = ('Watertemperatuur_15m', 325066)
[docs] Wind_Direction = ('Windrichting_15m', 192926)
[docs] Wind_Speed = ('Windsnelheid_15m', 192925)
[docs] class kiwis_command(Enum):
[docs] getrequestinfo = "getrequestinfo"
[docs] getGroupList = "getGroupList"
[docs] getSiteList = "getSiteList"
[docs] getStationList = "getStationList"
[docs] getParameterList = "getParameterList"
[docs] getParameterTypeList = "getParameterTypeList"
[docs] getCatchmentList = "getCatchmentList"
[docs] getCatchmentHierarchy = "getCatchmentHierarchy"
[docs] getRiverList = "getRiverList"
[docs] getStandardRemarkTypeList = "getStandardRemarkTypeList"
[docs] getRatingCurveList = "getRatingCurveList"
[docs] getTimeseriesList = "getTimeseriesList"
[docs] getTimeseriesTypeList = "getTimeseriesTypeList"
[docs] getTimeseriesValues = "getTimeseriesValues"
[docs] getTimeseriesValueLayer = "getTimeseriesValueLayer"
[docs] getGraphTemplateList = "getGraphTemplateList"
[docs] getGraph = "getGraph"
[docs] getStationGraph = "getStationGraph"
[docs] getColorClassifications = "getColorClassifications"
[docs] getQualityCodes = "getQualityCodes"
[docs] getReleaseStateClasses = "getReleaseStateClasses"
[docs] getTimeseriesReleaseStateList = "getTimeseriesReleaseStateList"
[docs] getTimeseriesEnsembleValues = "getTimeseriesEnsembleValues"
[docs] getTimeseriesChanges = "getTimeseriesChanges"
[docs] getTimeseriesComments = "getTimeseriesComments"
[docs] checkValueLimit = "checkValueLimit"
[docs] class kiwis_request_info(Enum):
[docs] Request = "Request"
[docs] Description = "Description"
[docs] QueryFields = "QueryFields"
[docs] Formats = "Formats"
[docs] Returnfields = "Returnfields"
[docs] OptionalFields = "Optionalfields"
[docs] Subdescription = "Subdescription"
[docs] Dateformats = "Dateformats"
[docs] Transformations= "Transformations"
[docs] class kiwis_token(Enum):
[docs] ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY = 'access_token'
[docs] TOKEN_TYPE = 'token_type'
[docs] EXPIRES_IN = 'expires_in'
[docs] class kiwis_maintainers(Enum):
[docs] DGH = 'DGH'
[docs] DCENN = 'DCENN'
[docs] EUPEN = 'EUP'
[docs] class kiwis_site_fields(Enum):
[docs] site_no = 'site_no'
[docs] site_name = 'site_name'
[docs] site_id = 'site_id'
[docs] KIWIS_GROUP_TS = {'rain': \ {'highres': {'name': 'DGH-TS-Export-Pluie5min', 'id': 1332286 }, \ '5min': {'name': 'DGH-TS-Export-Pluie5min', 'id': 1332286 }, \ '1h': {'name': 'DGH-TS-Export-PluieHoraire', 'id': 5716546 }, \ '1d': {'name': 'DGH-TS-Export-PluieJourn', 'id': 5728245 }, \ '1m': {'name': 'DGH-TS-Export-PluieMensuelle', 'id': 7254396 }}, \ 'flowrate': \ {'highres': {'name': 'SPW-WS-DebitHR', 'id': 7256917 }, \ '5or10min': {'name': 'SPW-WS-DebitHR', 'id': 7256917 }, \ '1h': {'name': 'SPW-WS-DebitHoraire', 'id': 7256918 }, \ '1d': {'name': 'SPW-WS-DebitJourn', 'id': 7256919 }, \ '1m': {'name': 'SPW-WS-DebitMensuel', 'id': 7256920 }}, \ 'waterdepth': \ {'highres': {'name': 'SPW-WS-HauteurHR', 'id': 7255523 }, \ '5or10min': {'name': 'SPW-WS-HauteurHR', 'id': 7255523 }, \ '1h': {'name': 'SPW-WS-HauteurHoraire', 'id': 7255522 }, \ '1d': {'name': 'SPW-WS-HauteurJourn', 'id': 7255151 }, \ '1m': {'name': 'SPW-WS-HauteurMensuelle', 'id': 7255524 }} \ }
[docs] KIWIS_GROUP_TS_WATERINFO = {'rain': \ {'highres': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Rain_1m.value[1] }, \ '1min': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Rain_1m.value[1] }, \ '15min': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Rain_15m.value[1] }, \ '1h': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Rain_hourly.value[1] }, \ '1d': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Rain_daily.value[1] }, \ '1m': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Rain_monthly.value[1] }}, \ 'flowrate': \ {'highres': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Flowrate_15m.value[1] }, \ '15min': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Flowrate_15m.value[1] }, \ '1h': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Flowrate_hourly.value[1] }, \ '1d': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Flowrate_daily.value[1] }, \ '1m': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Flowrate_monthly.value[1] }}, \ 'waterdepth': \ {'highres': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Water_Level_15m.value[1] }, \ '15min': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Water_Level_15m.value[1] }, \ '1h': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Water_Level_hourly.value[1] }, \ '1d': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Water_Level_daily.value[1] }, \ '1m': {'name':, 'id': WaterInfo_GroupdID.Water_Level_monthly.value[1] }} \ }
[docs] KIWIS_GROUP_TS_HIC = {'rain': \ {'highres': {'name':, 'id': HICWS_GroupID.Precipitation_high_res.value[1] }, \ '1h': {'name':, 'id': HICWS_GroupID.Precipitation_hourly.value[1] }, \ '1m': {'name':, 'id': HICWS_GroupID.Precipitation_monthly.value[1] }}, \ 'flowrate': \ {'highres': {'name':, 'id': HICWS_GroupID.FlowRate_hig_res.value[1] }, \ '1h': {'name':, 'id': HICWS_GroupID.FlowRate_hourly.value[1] }, \ '1d': {'name':, 'id': HICWS_GroupID.FlowRate_daily.value[1] }}, \ 'waterdepth': \ {'highres': {'name':, 'id': HICWS_GroupID.Water_Level_high_res.value[1] }, \ '1h': {'name':, 'id': HICWS_GroupID.Water_Level_hourly.value[1] }, \ '1d': {'name':, 'id': HICWS_GroupID.Water_Level_daily.value[1] }} \ }
[docs] class kiwis_keywords_horq(Enum):
[docs] V5_10MIN = 'complet'
[docs] V1H = '1h.moyen'
[docs] VDAY = 'jour.moyen'
[docs] VMONTH = 'mois.moyen'
[docs] VMAXAN = 'an.maximum'
[docs] VMAXANHYD = 'anHydro.maximum'
[docs] VMINANHYD = 'anHydro.minimum'
[docs] class kiwis_keywords_rain(Enum):
[docs] V5_10MIN = 'production'
[docs] V1H = ''
[docs] VDAY = ''
[docs] VMONTH = ''
[docs] VMAXAN = 'an.maximum'
[docs] VMAXANHYD = 'anHydro.maximum'
[docs] VMINANHYD = 'AnHydro.minimum'
[docs] class kiwis_default_q(Enum):
[docs] Q_FULL = '05-Debit.Complet'
[docs] Q_1H = '10-Debit.1h.Moyen'
[docs] Q_1H_Ultra = '10-Debit ultrason.1h.Moyen'
def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs] class kiwis_default_h(Enum):
[docs] H_FULL = '05-Hauteur.Complet'
[docs] H_1H = '10-Hauteur.1h.Moyen'
[docs] H_1J = '20-Hauteur.Jour.Moyen'
[docs] Z_1H = '10-Hauteur_absolue.1h.Moyen'
def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs] class kiwis_default_rain(Enum):
[docs] R_FULL = '05-Precipitation.Complete'
[docs] R_PROD = '02b-Precipitation.5min.Production'
[docs] R_1H = '10-Precipitation.1h.Total'
[docs] R_1J = '20-Precipitation.Jour.Total'
[docs] R_1M = '40-Precipitation.Mois.Total'
def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs] class kiwis_default_rain_Waterinfo(Enum):
[docs] R_FULL = 'P.1'
[docs] R_10 = 'P.10'
[docs] R_5 = 'P.5'
[docs] R_15 = 'P.15'
[docs] R_1H = 'P.60'
[docs] R_1J = 'DagTotaal'
[docs] R_1M = 'MaandTotaal'
def __str__(self): return self.value
[docs] class kiwis_default_rain_HIC(Enum):
[docs] R_FULL = 'Base'
[docs] R_15 = '15Tot'
[docs] R_1H = '60Tot'
[docs] R_1J = 'DagTot'
[docs] R_1M = 'MaandTot'
def __str__(self): return self.value
""" Code qualité Validation Qualité 40 Oui Mesure ou calcul de qualité standard 80 Oui Données estimées / corrigées : données fausses ou manquantes qui ont pu être corrigées ou complétées de manière satisfaisante. 120 Oui Données estimées / corrigées : données fausses ou manquantes qui ont été corrigées ou complétées mais restent suspectes ou de faible qualité. 160 Oui Données suspectes ou de faible qualité mais non modifiées. 200 Non Données brutes 205/210 Non Données de qualité suspecte (contrôle automatique) ou en cours d'analyse à à ne pas utiliser 255 / -1 - Données manquantes """
[docs] class quality_code(Enum): # Validated
[docs] STANDARD = (40, 'blue', '')
[docs] ESTIMATED_OK = (80, 'green', '+')
[docs] ESTIMATED_DOUBT = (120, 'orange', '>')
# Not validated
[docs] DOUBT = (160, 'orange', '*')
[docs] RAW = (200, 'gray', '.')
[docs] BAD = (205, 'red', 'o')
[docs] BAD2 = (210, 'red', 'x')
[docs] VOID = (255, 'black', '.')
[docs] VOID2 = (-1, 'black', '.')
[docs] class station_fields(Enum):
[docs] STATION_ID = 'station_id'
[docs] STATION_NO = 'station_no'
[docs] STATION_NAME = 'station_name'
[docs] STATION_LOCAL_X = 'station_local_x'
[docs] STATION_LOCAL_Y = 'station_local_y'
[docs] STATION_LATITUDE = 'station_latitude'
[docs] STATION_LONGITUDE = 'station_longitude'
[docs] RIVER_NAME = 'river_name'
[docs] class timeseries_fields(Enum):
[docs] TS_ID = 'ts_id'
[docs] TS_NAME = 'ts_name'
[docs] TS_UNITNAME = 'ts_unitname'
[docs] TS_UNITSYMBOL ='ts_unitsymbol'
[docs] class hydrometry(): def __init__(self, url:str=URL_SPW, urltoken:str=URL_TOKEN, credential ='', dir='') -> None: """Initialisation sur base d'un URL de service KIWIS et recherche des sites et stations disponibles """ self.url = url self.urltoken = urltoken self.dir = dir self.credential = credential self.groups = None self.stations = None self.sites = None self.requests = None self.idx = 'hydrometry' self.plotted = False self.mystations = None # only for HECE if url=='': self.url=URL_SPW if urltoken=='': self.urltoken=URL_TOKEN try: self.daily_token() except Exception as e: logging.warning('No token available or Error in hydrometry init :', e) try: self.get_requests() self.get_sites() self.get_stations() self.get_groups() self.save_struct(self.dir) except Exception as e: print('Error in hydrometry init :', e) self.realstations = None pass def __str__(self) -> str: ret='Columns in stations :\n' for curcol in self.realstations.columns: ret+=curcol+'\n' return ret
[docs] def _get_commandstr(self, which:str, format='json'): """ Construction de la commande à envoyer au serveur KIWIS """ datasource = '' if self.url == URL_WATERINFO: datasource = '&datasource=1' elif self.url == URL_HICWS: datasource = '&datasource=4' return self.url+'?request='+which.value+'&format='+format + datasource
[docs] def daily_token(self): """ Get daily token to be identified on hydrometry website #FIXME: better manage error as response """ if self.credential == '': self._header = None return today = 'token_''%Y%m%d')+'.json' if exists(today): with open(today, 'r') as f: self.token = json.load(f) else: headers = {'Authorization' : 'Basic {}'.format(self.credential)} data = {'grant_type' :'client_credentials'} try: self.token =, data=data, headers=headers).json() if 'error' in self.token: self.token = None self._header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer '} return with open(today, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.token, f) except: self._header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer '} return self.token = None try: self._header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self.token['access_token'])} except Exception as e: logging.error('Error in daily_token :', e) self._header = None
[docs] def check_plot(self): """ Instance is checked in mapviewer """ self.plotted = True
[docs] def uncheck_plot(self): """ Instance is unchecked in mapviewer """ self.plotted = False
[docs] def get_path(self, dir:Path, filename:str): """ Get path of instance """ return Path(dir) / (self.url.replace('/','_').replace('https:','') + filename)
[docs] def save_struct(self, dir=''): """Sauvegarde des structures dans un répertoire :param dir: répertoire de sauvegarde """ if dir=='': return dir = Path(dir) dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self.sites.to_csv(self.get_path(dir, 'sites.csv')) self.stations.to_csv(self.get_path(dir, 'stations.csv')) self.groups.to_csv(self.get_path(dir, 'groups.csv')) self.requests.to_csv(self.get_path(dir, 'requests.csv'))
[docs] def _get_stations_pythonlist(self, site_no:str|int, onlyreal:bool= True, return_only_name:bool=False): """ Obtention des stations pour le site en liste python :param site_no: numéro du site :param onlyreal: ne prendre que les stations réelles, pas les calculées """ if onlyreal: stations = self.realstations[self.realstations[kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value]==site_no] else: stations = self.stations[self.stations[kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value]==site_no] if return_only_name: return [curname for curname in stations[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value].values] else: list_name_code = [curname+' --- '+curno for curname,curno in zip(stations[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value].values,stations[station_fields.STATION_NO.value].values)] list_code_name = [curno +' --- '+curname for curname,curno in zip(stations[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value].values,stations[station_fields.STATION_NO.value].values)] return list_name_code, list_code_name
[docs] def _get_sites_pythonlist(self): """ Obtention des sites en liste python """ list_name_code = [curname+' --- '+curno for curname,curno in zip(self.sites[kiwis_site_fields.site_name.value].values,self.sites[kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value].values)] return list_name_code
[docs] def get_stations(self): """Obtention des stations pour le serveur courant. Une requête sur le serveur KIWIS retourne les informations pour toutes les stations. Une séparation entre station réelle et station calculée est ensuite effectuée: - self.realstations - self.compstations Champs des stations : - site_no : numéro du site ; le site correspond au réseau de mesure : DGH pour les stations du SPW-MI et DCENN pour les stations du SPW-ARNE ; - station_no, station_name : code et nom de la station ; - station_local_x, station_local_y : coordonnées de la station en Lambert belge 1972 ; - station_latitude,station_longitude : coordonnées de la station en ETRS89 ; - river_name : nom de la rivière, cette information n’est disponible que pour les stations de mesure de hauteur d’eau et de débits, les pluviomètres ne sont pas installés sur une rivière – il n’y a donc pas de nom de rivière associé ; - parametertype_name : type de paramètre ; - ts_id, ts_name : code et nom de la chronique ; - ts_unitname, ts_unitsymbol : nom et symbole de l’unité de mesure ; - ca_sta&ca_sta_returnfields=BV_DCE : nom du bassin versant principal suivi de son abréviation (2 lettres) """ returnfields = f'{kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value},' returnfields += f'{station_fields.STATION_NO.value},{station_fields.STATION_NAME.value},{station_fields.STATION_ID.value},' returnfields += f'{station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_X.value},{station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_Y.value},' if self.url==URL_SPW else '' returnfields += f'{station_fields.STATION_LATITUDE.value},{station_fields.STATION_LONGITUDE.value},' returnfields += f'{station_fields.RIVER_NAME.value},' returnfields += 'ca_sta' ca_sta_returnfields = 'station_gauge_datum,' ca_sta_returnfields += 'CATCHMENT_SIZE,' ca_sta_returnfields += 'BV_DCE' # returnfields += 'parametertype_name,' # returnfields += 'ts_id,ts_name,' # returnfields += 'ts_unitname,ts_unitsymbol,' if self.dir!='' and self.get_path(self.dir, 'stations.csv').exists(): self.stations = pd.read_csv(self.get_path(self.dir, 'stations.csv'),index_col=0) elif self.url!='': try: if self.url == URL_SPW: json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getStationList) \ +'&metadata=true' \ +'&returnfields='+returnfields \ +'&ca_sta_returnfields='+ca_sta_returnfields \ +'&orderby=station_no', \ verify=True, \ headers=self._header).json() else: json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getStationList, 'json') \ +'&metadata=true' \ +'&returnfields='+returnfields \ +'&orderby=station_no', \ verify=True, \ headers=self._header) json_data = json_data.text.replace('\x1a', ' ') json_data = json.loads(json_data) except Exception as e: self.stations = None return self.stations = pd.DataFrame(json_data[1:], columns = json_data[0]) #Conversion en minuscules self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value]=self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value].str.lower() # # In case of Waterinfo, get part of station_id # if self.url == URL_WATERINFO: # self.stations[station_fields.STATION_ID.value] = self.stations[station_fields.STATION_ID.value].str[2:] if self.url == URL_SPW: # real stations are those with coordinates and not null self.realstations = self.stations[(~pd.isnull(self.stations[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_X.value])) & (self.stations[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_X.value]!='')] # computed stations are those without coordinates or null self.compstations = self.stations[pd.isnull(self.stations[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_X.value]) | self.stations[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_X.value]!=''] else: self.realstations = self.stations self.compstations = None
[docs] def get_names_xy(self, site_no = None): """Obtention des noms et coordonnées des stations pour le site :param site_no: numéro du site """ if site_no is None: stations_r = self.realstations # stations_c = self.compstations else: stations_r = self.realstations[self.realstations[kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value]==site_no] # stations_c = self.compstations[self.stations[kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value]==site_no] if stations_r is None: return ([],[],[]) else: return ([curname + ' - ' + str(curid) for curname, curid in zip(stations_r[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value].values, stations_r[station_fields.STATION_ID.value].values)], stations_r[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_X.value].values, stations_r[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_Y.value].values)
[docs] def get_names_latlon(self, site_no = None): """ Obtention des noms et coordonnées des stations pour le site :param site_no: numéro du site """ if site_no is None: stations_r = self.realstations # stations_c = self.compstations else: stations_r = self.realstations[self.realstations[kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value]==site_no] # stations_c = self.compstations[self.stations[kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value]==site_no] if stations_r is None: return ([],[],[]) else: return ([curname + ' - ' + str(curid) for curname, curid in zip(stations_r[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value].values, stations_r[station_fields.STATION_ID.value].values)], stations_r[station_fields.STATION_LATITUDE.value].values, stations_r[station_fields.STATION_LONGITUDE.value].values)
[docs] def select_inside(self, xll:float, yll:float, xur:float, yur:float, tolist=False): """ Recherche les stations dans une zone rectangulaire :param xll: X lower left - Lambert 72 :param yll: Y lower left - Lambert 72 :param xur: X upper right - Lambert 72 :param yur: Y upper right - Lambert 72 :param tolist: retourne une liste de noms et codes de stations et nom un dataframe :return: liste de noms et codes de stations ou dataframe """ if xll>xur: tmpx=xll xll=xur xur=tmpx if yll>yur: tmpy=yll yll=yur yur=tmpy df = self.realstations[(self.realstations[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_X.value].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)>=xll) & (self.realstations[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_X.value].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)<=xur) & \ (self.realstations[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_Y.value].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)>=yll) & (self.realstations[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_Y.value].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)<=yur)] if tolist: list_name_code = [curname+' --- '+curno for curname,curno in zip(df[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value].values,df[station_fields.STATION_NO.value].values)] return list_name_code else: return df
[docs] def select_inside_latlon(self, lonll:float, latll:float, lonur:float, latur:float, tolist=False): """ Recherche les stations dans une zone rectangulaire :param lonll: Longitude lower left - WGS84 :param latll: Latitude lower left - WGS84 :param lonur: Longitude upper right - WGS84 :param latur: Latitude upper right - WGS84 :param tolist: retourne une liste de noms et codes de stations et nom un dataframe :return: liste de noms et codes de stations ou dataframe """ if lonll>lonur: tmpx=lonll lonll=lonur lonur=tmpx if latll>latur: tmpy=latll latll=latur latur=tmpy df = self.realstations[(self.realstations[station_fields.STATION_LONGITUDE.value].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)>=lonll) & (self.realstations[station_fields.STATION_LONGITUDE.value].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)<=lonur) & \ (self.realstations[station_fields.STATION_LATITUDE.value].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)>=latll) & (self.realstations[station_fields.STATION_LATITUDE.value].to_numpy(dtype=np.float64)<=latur)] if tolist: list_name_code = [curname+' --- '+curno for curname,curno in zip(df[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value].values,df[station_fields.STATION_NO.value].values)] return list_name_code else: return df
[docs] def sort_nearests(self, x:float, y:float): """ Trie les stations en fonction de la distance et retourne un index trié :param x: coordonnée x - Lambert 72 :param y: coordonnée y - Lambert 72 """ dist = np.asarray([(float(cur[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_X.value]) - x)**2 + (float(cur[station_fields.STATION_LOCAL_Y.value]) - y)**2 for idx,cur in self.realstations.iterrows()]) index = np.arange(len(dist))[dist.argsort()] return index
[docs] def sort_nearests_latlon(self, lon:float, lat:float): """ Trie les stations en fonction de la distance et retourne un index trié :param lon: longitude - WGS84 :param lat: latitude - WGS84 """ dist = np.asarray([(float(cur[station_fields.STATION_LATITUDE.value]) - lat)**2 + (float(cur[station_fields.STATION_LONGITUDE.value]) - lon)**2 for idx,cur in self.realstations.iterrows()]) index = np.arange(len(dist))[dist.argsort()] return index
[docs] def find_nearest(self, x:float, y:float, tolist=False): """ Trouve la station la plus proche :param x: coordonnée x - Lambert 72 :param y: coordonnée y - Lambert 72 """ index = self.sort_nearests(x,y) if tolist: return [self.realstations.iloc[index[0]][station_fields.STATION_NAME.value]+' --- '+self.realstations.iloc[index[0]][station_fields.STATION_NO.value]] else: return self.realstations.iloc[index[0]]
[docs] def find_nearest_latlon(self, lon:float, lat:float, tolist=False): """ Trouve la station la plus proche :param lon: longitude - WGS84 :param lat: latitude - WGS84 """ index = self.sort_nearests_latlon(lon,lat) if tolist: return [self.realstations.iloc[index[0]][station_fields.STATION_NAME.value]+' --- '+self.realstations.iloc[index[0]][station_fields.STATION_NO.value]] else: return self.realstations.iloc[index[0]]
[docs] def get_timeseries_group(self, rfw:Literal['rain','waterdepth','flowrate'], time:Literal['highres','5min','5or10min','15min','1h','1d','1m']): """Obtention des stations pour le groupe souhaité. Temps retourné en UTC :param rfw: type de groupe - rain, flowrate, waterdepth :param time: type de série - 5min, 5or10min, 1h, 1d, 1m """ if self.url!='': stations=None if self.url == URL_SPW: locdict = KIWIS_GROUP_TS returnFields = '' elif self.url == URL_WATERINFO: locdict = KIWIS_GROUP_TS_WATERINFO returnFields = '&metadata=true&custattr_returnfields=dataprovider,dataowner&md_returnfields=custom_attributes,station_id,station_no,station_name,ts_id,ts_name,stationparameter_name,ts_unitsymbol,parametertype_name' elif self.url == URL_HICWS: locdict = KIWIS_GROUP_TS_HIC returnFields = '&metadata=true&custattr_returnfields=dataprovider,dataowner&md_returnfields=custom_attributes,station_id,station_no,station_name,ts_id,ts_name,stationparameter_name,ts_unitsymbol,parametertype_name' if rfw in locdict.keys(): if time in locdict[rfw].keys(): group_id = locdict[rfw][time]['id'] json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getTimeseriesList) + '&timeseriesgroup_id='+str(group_id)+ '&orderby=station_no'+ returnFields, verify=True, headers=self._header).json() stations = pd.DataFrame(json_data[1:], columns = json_data[0]) else: logging.error(f'{time} not found in Enum') return stations
[docs] def get_timeseries_group_spw(self, rfw:Literal['rain','waterdepth','flowrate'], time:Literal['5min','5or10min','1h','1d','1m']): """alias for get_timeseries_group""" return self.get_timeseries_group(rfw, time)
[docs] def get_timeseries_group_winfo_hic(self, group:WaterInfo_GroupdID | HICWS_GroupID): """Obtention des stations pour le groupe souhaité. Temps retourné en UTC :param group: type de groupe - see WaterInfo_GroupdID or HICWS_GroupID """ if self.url!='': stations=None group_id = group.value[1] returnFields = '&metadata=true&custattr_returnfields=dataprovider,dataowner&md_returnfields=custom_attributes,station_id,station_no,station_name,ts_id,ts_name,stationparameter_name,ts_unitsymbol,parametertype_name' # json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getTimeseriesValueLayer) + json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getTimeseriesList) + '&timeseriesgroup_id='+str(group_id)+ '&orderby=station_no'+ returnFields, verify=True, headers=self._header).json() stations = pd.DataFrame(json_data[1:], columns = json_data[0]) return stations
[docs] def get_sites(self, forcerequest=False): """Obtention des sites pour le serveur courant :param forcerequest: force la requête même si les données de cache sont déjà présentes""" if self.dir!='' and self.get_path(self.dir, 'sites.csv').exists() and not forcerequest: self.sites = pd.read_csv(self.get_path(self.dir, 'sites.csv'),index_col=0) elif self.url!='' or forcerequest: json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getSiteList),verify=True, headers=self._header).json() self.sites = pd.DataFrame(json_data[1:], columns = json_data[0]) else: self.sites = None
[docs] def get_groups(self, forcerequest=False): """Obtention des groupes pour le serveur courant :param forcerequest: force la requête même si les données de cache sont déjà présentes""" if self.dir!='' and self.get_path(self.dir, 'groups.csv').exists() and not forcerequest: self.groups = pd.read_csv(self.get_path(self.dir, 'groups.csv'),index_col=0) elif self.url!='' or forcerequest: json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getGroupList),verify=True, headers=self._header).json() self.groups = pd.DataFrame(json_data[1:], columns = json_data[0]) else: self.groups = None
# def get_ratingcurves(self): # """Obtention des courbes de tarage pour le serveur courant""" # if self.dir!='': # self.ratingcurves = pd.read_csv(join(self.dir,'ratingcurves.csv'),index_col=0) # elif self.url!='': # json_data = requests.get(self.url+'?request=getRatingCurveList&datasource=0&format=json',verify=True).json() # self.ratingcurves = pd.DataFrame(json_data[1:], columns = json_data[0])
[docs] def get_requests(self, forcerequest=False): """Obtention des requêtes possibles pour le serveur courant :param forcerequest: force la requête même si les données de cache sont déjà présentes""" if self.dir!='' and self.get_path(self.dir, 'requests.csv').exists() and not forcerequest: self.requests = pd.read_csv(self.get_path(self.dir, 'requests.csv'),index_col=0) elif self.url!='' or forcerequest: json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getrequestinfo),verify=True, headers=self._header).json() self.requests = pd.DataFrame(json_data[0]['Requests']) else: self.requests = None
[docs] def print_requestinfo(self, which:kiwis_command): """ Affichage des informations pour une requête donnée :param which: requête à afficher""" if self.requests is None: self.get_requests() if which.value in self.requests.keys(): myrequest = self.requests[which.value] for cur in kiwis_request_info: print(myrequest[cur.value])
[docs] def timeseries_list(self, stationname:str = '', stationcode:str = ''): """Récupération de la liste des TimeSeries pour l'id d'une station soit via le nom de la station, soit via le code de la station. :param stationname: nom de la station :param stationcode: code de la station """ if stationname!='': id=self.get_stationid(stationname) elif stationcode!='': id=self.get_stationid(code=stationcode) json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getTimeseriesList) +'&station_id='+str(id) +'&format=json' ,verify=True, headers=self._header).json() try: if json_data[0] == 'No matches.': return id, None return id, pd.DataFrame(json_data[1:], columns = json_data[0]) except Exception as e: logging.error('Error in timeseries_list :', e) return id, None
[docs] def save_all_lists(self, dir:str): """Sauveragde des listes pour toutes les stations :param dir: répertoire de sauvegarde""" for curstation in self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NO.value]: self.save_list(stationcode=curstation, dir=dir)
[docs] def _get_filename_list(self, stationname:str='', stationcode:str=''): """retourne un nom de fichier avec la station et le code Utile car dans certains noms de la BDD KIWIS il y a un caractère '/' qui ne peut être utilisé comme nom de fichier Il est remplacé par '-' """ if stationname=='': stationname = self.get_stationname(stationcode) if stationcode=='': stationcode = self.get_stationcode(stationname) id = self.get_stationid(stationname,stationcode) return stationname.replace('/','-') + '_' + stationcode + '_' + str(id) + '.csv'
[docs] def _get_filename_series(self,stationname:str='',stationcode:str='', which:kiwis_default_q | kiwis_default_h | kiwis_keywords_horq | kiwis_default_rain = kiwis_default_q.Q_FULL): """retourne un nom de fichier avec la station et le code et le type de données Utile car dans certains noms de la BDD KIWIS il y a un caractère '/' qui ne peut être utilisé comme nom de fichier Il est remplacé par '-' """ if stationname=='': stationname = self.get_stationname(stationcode) if stationcode=='': stationcode = self.get_stationcode(stationname) id = self.get_stationid(stationname,stationcode) return stationname.replace('/','-') + '_' + stationcode + '_' + str(id) + '_' + which.value + '.csv'
[docs] def save_list(self, stationname:str = '', stationcode:str = '', dir:str = ''): """Sauvegarde de la liste des des timeseries dans un fichier :param stationname: nom de la station :param stationcode: code de la station :param dir: répertoire de sauvegarde""" dir = Path(dir) if not dir.exists(): dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) id,list=self.timeseries_list(stationname=stationname,stationcode=stationcode) filename = self._get_filename_list(stationname,stationcode) list.to_csv(dir / filename)
[docs] def timeseries(self, stationname:str='', stationcode:str='', stationid:str='', dir:str='',,, ts_name:str='', ts_id:str='', interval:int=3600, timezone:str = 'GMT+0'): """ Récupération des valeurs d'une TimeSerie - sur base des dates - soit en donnant : - le nom de la station ou le code ET le nom de la timeserie --> dans ce cas, la routine commence par retrouver l'id de la ts - directement l'id de la timeserie :param stationname: nom de la station :param stationcode: code de la station :param dir: répertoire de sauvegarde :param fromdate: date de début :param todate: date de fin :param ts_name: nom de la timeserie :param ts_id: id de la timeserie :param interval: intervalle de temps :param timezone: timezone """ ts_name = str(ts_name) if timezone=='Europe/Brussels' or timezone=='local': timezone='' nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24 * (3600/interval) cursec = interval # id = '' if ts_id == '': if str(stationid) !='': id = stationid else: if stationname=='': stationname = self.get_stationname(stationcode) if stationcode=='': stationcode = self.get_stationcode(stationname) id = self.get_stationid(stationname,stationcode) if dir=='': json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getTimeseriesList) +"&"+urllib.parse.urlencode({ "station_id":str(id), "ts_name":ts_name, "timezone":timezone}) ,verify=True).json() if len(json_data)==1: return None elif len(json_data)>2: logging.warning('More than one timeseries found for station {0} with name {1}'.format(stationname,ts_name)) logging.warning('We are using the first one - Please check if it is the right one') ts_id = str(int(pd.DataFrame(json_data[1:], columns = json_data[0])[timeseries_fields.TS_ID.value].iloc[0])) else: filename = self._get_filename_list(stationname,stationcode) curlist=pd.read_csv(join(dir,filename),index_col=0) ts_id = str(int(curlist.loc(curlist[timeseries_fields.TS_NAME.value==ts_name])[timeseries_fields.TS_ID.value])) if "1h" in ts_name or "60" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24 cursec = 3600 elif "5min" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24*12 cursec = 300 elif "15" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24*4 cursec = 300 elif "10min" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24*6 cursec = 600 elif "2min" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24*30 cursec = 120 elif "1min" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24*60 cursec = 120 elif "jour" in ts_name or "day in ts_name": nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24 cursec = 24*3600 elif "mois" in ts_name or "month" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days/30 cursec = 24*30*3600 if nb>250000: curfrom = fromdate curend = curfrom+timedelta(seconds=200000 * cursec) locts=[] while curfrom<todate: print(curfrom, curend) tmpts = self.timeseries(stationname, stationcode, dir, curfrom, curend, ts_name, ts_id, timezone=timezone) if len(tmpts)>0: locts.append(tmpts) curfrom = curend curend = curfrom+timedelta(seconds=200000 * cursec) if curend>todate: curend=todate return pd.concat(locts) else: json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getTimeseriesValues) +"&"+urllib.parse.urlencode({ "ts_id":str(ts_id), "from":fromdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), "to":todate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), # "format":"json", "timezone":timezone}) ,verify=True, headers=self._header).json() df = pd.DataFrame(json_data[0]['data'], columns = json_data[0]['columns'].split(',')) df.set_index('Timestamp', inplace = True) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index,format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z") return df.squeeze()
[docs] def timeseries_qc(self, stationname:str='', stationcode:str='', dir:str='',,, ts_name:str='', ts_id:str='', interval:int=3600, timezone:str = 'GMT+0'): """ Récupération des quality code d'une TimeSerie - sur base des dates - soit en donnant : - le nom de la station ou le code ET le nom de la timeserie --> dans ce cas, la routine commence par retrouver l'id de la ts - directement l'id de la timeserie :param stationname: nom de la station :param stationcode: code de la station :param dir: répertoire de sauvegarde :param fromdate: date de début :param todate: date de fin :param ts_name: nom de la timeserie :param ts_id: id de la timeserie :param interval: intervalle de temps :param timezone: timezone """ if timezone=='Europe/Brussels' or timezone=='local': timezone='' nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24 * (3600/interval) cursec = interval # id = '' if ts_id == '': if stationname=='': stationname = self.get_stationname(stationcode) if stationcode=='': stationcode = self.get_stationcode(stationname) id = self.get_stationid(stationname,stationcode) if dir=='': json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getTimeseriesList) +"&"+urllib.parse.urlencode({ "station_id":str(id), "ts_name":ts_name, "timezone":timezone})+ "&returnfields=Timestamp,Quality%20Code" ,verify=True).json() if len(json_data)==1: return None ts_id = str(int(pd.DataFrame(json_data[1:], columns = json_data[0])[timeseries_fields.TS_ID.value].iloc[0])) else: filename = self._get_filename_list(stationname,stationcode) curlist=pd.read_csv(join(dir,filename),index_col=0) ts_id = str(int(curlist.loc(curlist[timeseries_fields.TS_NAME.value==ts_name])[timeseries_fields.TS_ID.value])) if "1h" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24 cursec = 3600 elif "5min" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24*12 cursec = 300 elif "10min" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24*6 cursec = 600 elif "2min" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24*30 cursec = 120 elif "jour" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days*24 cursec = 24*3600 elif "mois" in ts_name: nb = (todate - fromdate).days/30 cursec = 24*30*3600 if nb>250000: curfrom = fromdate curend = curfrom+timedelta(seconds=200000 * cursec) locts=[] while curfrom<todate: print(curfrom, curend) locts.append(self.timeseries(stationname,stationcode,dir,curfrom,curend,ts_name,ts_id)) curfrom = curend curend = curfrom+timedelta(seconds=200000 * cursec) if curend>todate: curend=todate return pd.concat(locts) else: json_data = requests.get(self._get_commandstr(kiwis_command.getTimeseriesValues) +"&"+urllib.parse.urlencode({ "ts_id":str(ts_id), "from":fromdate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), "to":todate.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"), "timezone":timezone})+ "&returnfields=Timestamp,Quality%20Code" ,verify=True, headers=self._header).json() df = pd.DataFrame(json_data[0]['data'], columns = json_data[0]['columns'].split(',')) df.set_index('Timestamp', inplace = True) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index,format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z") return df.squeeze()
[docs] def fromcsv(self, dir:str='spw', stationname:str='', stationcode:str='', which:kiwis_default_q | kiwis_default_h | kiwis_keywords_horq | kiwis_default_rain = kiwis_default_q.Q_FULL, fromdate:datetime=None, todate:datetime=None): """ Lecture depuis un fichier csv créé depuis un import précédent. Les fichiers doivent être disponibles depuis un sous-répertoire spw. :param dir: répertoire de sauvegarde :param stationname: nom de la station :param stationcode: code de la station :param which: type de données :param fromdate: date de début :param todate: date de fin """ filename=self._get_filename_series(stationname,stationcode,which) dir = Path(dir) filename = dir / filename if filename.exists(): mydata= pd.read_csv(filename,header=0,index_col=0,parse_dates=True,engine='pyarrow').squeeze("columns") else: return if fromdate is None and todate is None: return mydata elif fromdate is None: return mydata[:todate] elif todate is None: return mydata[fromdate:] else: return mydata[fromdate:todate]
[docs] def saveas(self, flow:pd.Series, dir:str, stationname='', stationcode='', which:kiwis_default_q | kiwis_default_h | kiwis_keywords_horq | kiwis_default_rain = kiwis_default_q.Q_FULL): """Sauvegarde d'une series pandas dans un fichier .csv :param flow: série pandas :param dir: répertoire de sauvegarde :param stationname: nom de la station :param stationcode: code de la station :param which: type de données """ filename=self._get_filename_series(stationname,stationcode,which.value) dir = Path(dir) filename = dir / filename flow.to_csv(filename,header=['Data'], date_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
[docs] def get_stationid(self, name:str='', code:str='') -> int: """Récupération de l'id sur base du nom ou du code :param name: nom de la station :param code: code de la station""" if name!='': return int(self.stations.loc[self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value]==name.lower()][station_fields.STATION_ID.value].iloc[0]) elif code!='': return int(self.stations.loc[self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NO.value]==code][station_fields.STATION_ID.value].iloc[0]) else: return None
[docs] def get_gauge_datum(self,name:str='',code:str=''): """Récupération de l'altitude de référence sur base du nom ou du code :param name: nom de la station :param code: code de la station""" try: if name!='': return self.stations.loc[self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value]==name.lower()]['station_gauge_datum'].iloc[0] elif code!='': return self.stations.loc[self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NO.value]==code]['station_gauge_datum'].iloc[0] else: return None except: return None
[docs] def get_catchment_size(self,name:str='',code:str=''): """Récupération de la surface du BV de référence sur base du nom ou du code :param name: nom de la station :param code: code de la station""" try: if name!='': return self.stations.loc[self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value]==name.lower()]['CATCHMENT_SIZE'].iloc[0] elif code!='': return self.stations.loc[self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NO.value]==code]['CATCHMENT_SIZE'].iloc[0] else: return None except: return None
[docs] def get_bv_dce(self,name:str='',code:str=''): """Récupération du nom de BV au sens de la DCE "Directive Cadre Eau" sur base du nom ou du code :param name: nom de la station :param code: code de la station""" try: if name!='': return self.stations.loc[self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value]==name.lower()]['BV_DCE'].iloc[0] elif code!='': return self.stations.loc[self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NO.value]==code]['BV_DCE'].iloc[0] else: return None except: return None
[docs] def get_stationcode(self,name:str=''): """Récupération du code sur base du nom :param name: nom de la station """ if name!='': return self.stations.loc[self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NAME.value]==name.lower()][station_fields.STATION_NO.value].squeeze() else: return None
[docs] def get_stationname(self,code:str=''): """Récupération du nom sur base du code :param code: code de la station""" if code!='': return self.stations.loc[self.stations[station_fields.STATION_NO.value]==code][station_fields.STATION_NAME.value].squeeze() else: return None
[docs] def get_siteid(self,name:str='',code:str=''): """Récupération de l'id sur base du nom ou du code :param name: nom de la station :param code: code de la station""" if name!='': return int(self.sites.loc[self.sites[kiwis_site_fields.site_name.value]==name.lower()][kiwis_site_fields.site_id.value]) elif code!='': return int(self.sites.loc[self.sites[kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value]==code][kiwis_site_fields.site_id.value]) else: return None
[docs] def get_sitecode(self, name:str=''): """Récupération du code sur base du nom :param name: nom de la station""" if name!='': return self.sites.loc[self.sites[kiwis_site_fields.site_name.value]==name.lower()][kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value].squeeze() else: return None
[docs] def get_sitename(self,code:str=''): """Récupération du nom sur base du code :param code: code de la station""" if code!='': return self.sites.loc[self.sites[kiwis_site_fields.site_no.value]==code][kiwis_site_fields.site_name.value].squeeze() else: return None