Source code for wolfhece.hydrology.wolfMap_treatment

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

import sys
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec

from ..PyTranslate import _
from ..wolf_array import *
from ..PyParams import*

[docs] def extract_array(fileName:str): wolfArray_read = WolfArray(fileName) array = wolfArray_read.array arrayMask = return array, arrayMask
[docs] def extract_and_sort_data(fileName:str): wolfArray_read = WolfArray(fileName) wolfArray_mask = arrayRead = [] for i in range(wolfArray_read.nbx): for j in range(wolfArray_read.nby): # element = wolfArray_read.get_value_from_ij(i,j) element = wolfArray_read.array[i][j] elementMask = wolfArray_mask[i][j] if elementMask==True or element == float('inf'): continue arrayRead.append(element) wolfArray_sort = np.sort(arrayRead, axis = None) return wolfArray_sort
[docs] def extract_stat_distribution(fileName, interval=[0,0], steps=None): wolfArray_read = WolfArray(fileName) arrayRead = wolfArray_read.array histo, dataSorted = make_stat_distribution(arrayRead,interval,steps) return histo, dataSorted
[docs] def extract_slopes_from_river_and_basin(slopesFile, riverFile, plotHisto=True, plotWhat="", plotTitle="", plotNow=False, plotLimitsCumul=[], interval=[0,0], steps=None, \ figSize = [10.4,6.25], condition='', condValue=None, subbasinID=1, subbasinFile=""): # Extraction of slopes and river array wolfSlopes = WolfArray(slopesFile) wolfRiver = WolfArray(riverFile) # Extraction of mask array slopesMask = riverMask = if(subbasinFile!=""): wolfSub = WolfArray(subbasinFile) # The slopes array is divided in slopes in river, slopes in basin and slopes out of the domain (masked) nbx = wolfSlopes.nbx nby = wolfSlopes.nby slopesBasin = [] slopesRiver = [] xRiver = [] yRiver = [] iRiver = [] jRiver = [] if(subbasinFile==""): for i in range(nbx): for j in range(nby): element = wolfSlopes.array[i][j] if slopesMask[i][j]: continue if riverMask[i][j]: slopesBasin.append(element) else: slopesRiver.append(element) # i+1 & j+1 car en Fortran les indices commencent à 1 x,y = wolfSlopes.get_xy_from_ij(i+1,j+1) x,y = wolfRiver.get_xy_from_ij(i+1,j+1) xRiver.append(x) yRiver.append(y) iRiver.append(i+1) jRiver.append(j+1) else: for i in range(nbx): for j in range(nby): element = wolfSlopes.array[i][j] if slopesMask[i][j]: continue if wolfSub.array[i][j]==subbasinID: if riverMask[i][j]: slopesBasin.append(element) else: slopesRiver.append(element) # i+1 & j+1 car en Fortran les indices commencent à 1 x,y = wolfSlopes.get_xy_from_ij(i+1,j+1) x,y = wolfRiver.get_xy_from_ij(i+1,j+1) xRiver.append(x) yRiver.append(y) iRiver.append(i+1) jRiver.append(j+1) slopesBasin_sorted = np.sort(slopesBasin, axis = None) slopesRiver_sorted = np.sort(slopesRiver, axis = None) indexModif = np.argsort(slopesRiver) xRiverSort = [None]*len(slopesRiver_sorted) yRiverSort = [None]*len(slopesRiver_sorted) iRiverSort = [None]*len(slopesRiver_sorted) jRiverSort = [None]*len(slopesRiver_sorted) for i in range(len(slopesRiver_sorted)): oldIndex = indexModif[i] xRiverSort[i] = xRiver[oldIndex] yRiverSort[i] = yRiver[oldIndex] iRiverSort[i] = iRiver[oldIndex] jRiverSort[i] = jRiver[oldIndex] if plotHisto: if(plotWhat=="" or plotWhat=="All" or plotWhat=="all" or plotWhat=="ALL"): nbPlot = 2 plotRiver = True plotBasin = True gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nbPlot*4, 5) # Subdivision of the main window in a grid of several subplots gs1 = gs[:4,:] gs2 = gs[4:,:] elif(plotWhat=="River" or plotWhat=="river" or plotWhat=="RIVER"): nbPlot = 1 plotRiver = True plotBasin = False gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nbPlot*4, 5) # Subdivision of the main window in a grid of several subplots gs2 = gs[:4,:] elif(plotWhat=="Basin" or plotWhat=="basin" or plotWhat=="BASIN"): nbPlot = 1 plotRiver = False plotBasin = True gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nbPlot*4, 5) # Subdivision of the main window in a grid of several subplots gs1 = gs[:4,:] else: print("ERROR: invalid argument 'plotWhat' ") sys.exit() minValue = 100 maxValue = -1 if interval==[0,0]: if plotBasin: minValue = slopesBasin_sorted[0] maxValue = slopesBasin_sorted[-1] if plotRiver: if slopesRiver_sorted[0]<minValue: minValue = slopesRiver_sorted[0] if slopesRiver_sorted[-1]>maxValue: maxValue = slopesRiver_sorted[-1] else : minValue = interval[0] maxValue = interval[1] if steps is None: steps = (maxValue-minValue)/10.0 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(figSize[0],figSize[1])) if plotTitle=="": fig.suptitle('Slopes distribution in basin and river') else: fig.suptitle(plotTitle) myBins = np.arange(minValue,maxValue, steps)*100 if plotBasin: ax1 = plt.subplot(gs1) ax1.hist(slopesBasin_sorted*100, bins=myBins, label='Slopes in basin', color='r') ax1.set_xlabel('Slope [%]') ax1.set_ylabel('Number of elements') ax1.set_xlim([minValue*100,maxValue*100]) ax1.grid() ax1_2 = ax1.twinx() ax1_2.set_ylabel('Cumulative distribution [-]',color='k') ax1_2.hist(slopesBasin_sorted*100, len(myBins), color='k',cumulative=True,density=True,histtype='step') if(plotLimitsCumul!=[]): ax1_2.plot(myBins,plotLimitsCumul[0]*np.ones(len(myBins)), 'g--') ax1_2.plot(myBins,plotLimitsCumul[1]*np.ones(len(myBins)), 'r--') # plt.hist(slopesBasin, bins=myBins, label='Slopes in basin', color='r') # ax1.set_legend() plt.legend() if plotRiver: ax2 = plt.subplot(gs2) ax2.hist(slopesRiver_sorted*100, bins=myBins, label='Slopes in river', color='b') ax2.set_xlabel('Slope [%]') ax2.set_ylabel('Number of elements') ax2.set_xlim([minValue*100,maxValue*100]) ax2.grid() ax2_2 = ax2.twinx() ax2_2.set_ylabel('Cumulative distribution [-]',color='k') ax2_2.hist(slopesRiver_sorted*100, len(myBins), color='k',cumulative=True,density=True,histtype='step') if(plotLimitsCumul!=[]): ax2_2.plot(myBins,plotLimitsCumul[0]*np.ones(len(myBins)), 'g--') ax2_2.plot(myBins,plotLimitsCumul[1]*np.ones(len(myBins)), 'r--') # plt.hist(slopesRiver, bins=myBins, label='Slopes in river', color='b') plt.legend() if plotNow: if condition!='' and condValue is not None: tmpRiver = slopesRiver_sorted.copy() # if(condition==">"): # nb = len(tmpRiver) # for i in range(nb): # tmpRiver = return slopesBasin_sorted, slopesRiver_sorted, xRiverSort, yRiverSort, iRiverSort, jRiverSort
[docs] def sort_data(array): arrayMask = dataUseful = [] nbx = len(array) nby = len(array[0]) for i in range(nbx): for j in range(nby): element = array[i][j] elementMask = arrayMask[i][j] if elementMask==True or element == float('inf'): continue dataUseful.append(element) dataSorted = np.sort(dataUseful, axis = None) return dataSorted
[docs] def make_stat_distribution(array, interval=[0,0], steps=None): dataSorted = sort_data(array) if interval==[0,0]: minValue = dataSorted[0] maxValue = dataSorted[-1] else : minValue = interval[0] maxValue = interval[1] if steps is None: steps = (maxValue-minValue)/10.0 myBins = np.arange(minValue,maxValue, steps) histo = np.histogram(dataSorted, bins=myBins, density=True) return histo, dataSorted
[docs] def plot_hist(dataSorted, interval=[0,0], steps=0.0001, label='', color='b', plotNow=False): if interval==[0,0]: minValue = dataSorted[0] maxValue = dataSorted[-1] else : minValue = interval[0] maxValue = interval[1] if steps is None: steps = (maxValue-minValue)/10.0 myBins = np.arange(minValue,maxValue, steps) plt.hist(dataSorted, bins=myBins, label=label, color=color) plt.legend() if plotNow:
# def get_coord_riverSlopes_with_condition(slopesSorted:list, limitValue:float, condSymb:str): # if condSymb=='>': # nb = len(slopesSorted) # for i in range(nb): # if() # elif condSymb=='<': # dd # else: # print("ERROR: the condition symbole is not correct! Please add only '<', '>' or '='!") # sys.exit()