Source code for wolfhece.hydrology.constant

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
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# Constants defined for the postProcessHydology procedures
from ..PyTranslate import _

# Type of model
[docs] tom_linear_reservoir = 1
[docs] tom_VHM = 2
[docs] tom_UH = 3
[docs] tom_GR4 = 6
[docs] measures = 5
[docs] tom_2layers_linIF = 7
[docs] tom_2layers_UH = 8
[docs] compare_opti = -1
[docs] tom_infil_no = 0
[docs] tom_infil_cst = 1
[docs] tom_infil_Horton = 2
[docs] tom_netRain_no = 0
[docs] tom_netRain_storage = 1
[docs] tom_transf_no = 0 # aucun modèle de transfert -> utilise les temps estimés
[docs] tom_transf_cst = 1 # modèle de transfert avec temps constant
## dictionnay of the default indices for each landuse
DEFAULT_LANDUSE[1] = _("forêt") DEFAULT_LANDUSE[2] = _("prairie") DEFAULT_LANDUSE[3] = _("culture") DEFAULT_LANDUSE[4] = _("pavés/urbain") DEFAULT_LANDUSE[5] = _("rivière") DEFAULT_LANDUSE[6] = _("plan d'eau") ##
[docs] DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO = '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'
## Version of the code
[docs] VERSION_WOLFHYDRO_2023_0 = "2023.0" # First version to include the versioning
[docs] VERSION_WOLFHYDRO_2023_1 = "2023.1" # First version to include the versioning
[docs] VERSION_WOLFHYDRO = "2023.1"