Source code for wolfhece.hydrology.RetentionBasin

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

import sys
import csv
import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.dates import DayLocator, HourLocator, DateFormatter, drange, MicrosecondLocator
from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import os
import ctypes as ct

from .SubBasin import *
from .Outlet import *
from .Dumping import *
from ..PyTranslate import _
from . import constant as cst
from ..PyVertexvectors import getIfromRGB, getRGBfromI

[docs] class RetentionBasin(): ## @var outFlow # Final hydro of the anthropogenic module. Combined with the potentiel upstream hydros and treated. # Version : # - < 2023.0 : "outFlow" is a dictionnary and public variable. # Consider timeDelay so that time is at 0 at the global outlet. Therefore the transfer to the general outlet is applied. # - >= 2023.1 : "_outflow" is now a private dictionnary linked to a property called "outFlow". # It considers the hydro at the local time. To apply the transfer call the property "glob_hydro"
[docs] _outFlow:dict
[docs] surfaceDrainedHydro:float # TO BUILD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[docs] filledVolume:np.ndarray
[docs] intletsObj:dict
[docs] directFluxObj:dict
def __init__(self, _dateBegin=None, _dateEnd=None, _deltaT:int=None, _time=None, _id='J1', _name='Default name', _type='', _dictRB={}, _directDictRB={}, _tz=0, _outletNames=[], withRBDict=True, _workingDir=""): print('Creation of a RetentionBasin!') self.iD = _id = _name self.type = _type self.time = _time self.dictRB = {} self.alreadyUsed = False self.isLeveled = False self.myLevel = 2 self.dateBegin = _dateBegin self.dateEnd = _dateEnd self.deltaT = _deltaT = _tz self.fileNameRead = _workingDir # // self.fileNameWrite = self.fileNameRead if(_time is None): if(_dateBegin is None or _dateEnd is None or _deltaT is None): self.time = None self.filledVolume = None else: tzDelta = datetime.timedelta( ti = datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateBegin-tzDelta) tf = datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateEnd-tzDelta) self.time = np.arange(ti,tf+self.deltaT,self.deltaT) self.filledVolume = np.zeros(len(self.time), dtype=np.float64) self.x = 0.0 self.y = 0.0 self.surfaceDrainedHydro = 0.0 # Dimensions self.hFloor = 0.0 self.hBank = 0.0 self.hStagn = 0.0 self.volume = 0.0 self.surface = 0.0 self.hi = 0.0 = 0.0 # inlets and outlets self.intletsObj = {} self.inlets = None self.inletsRaw = None self.directFluxObj = {} self.directFluxInRB = None self.directFluxInRB_Raw = None self.downstreamObj = {} self._outFlow = {} if(_outletNames != []): for i in range(len(_outletNames)): self._outFlow[_outletNames[i]]={} self._outFlow[_outletNames[i]]["Net"] = [] self._outFlow[_outletNames[i]]["Raw"] = [] self.downstreamObj[_outletNames[i]] = None self.rain = [] self.qLim = None # object to compute "l'ecretage" self.outletObj = None # object to compute the outlet self.zData = [] # height from z-v file stored self.vData = [] # volume from z-v file stored self.zvInterpol = None self.timeDelay = 0.0 # [s]????? -> A vérifier!!! self.timeDelayObj = None self.peakVal = 0.0 # [m³/s] peak value for total outFlow self.peakTime = None # datetime of the peak for total outflow -> time delay is already applied if(_dictRB!={}): # Init of the object allowing to determine the outlet flux tmpCounter = 0 for element in _dictRB: if(_dictRB[element]['from'][key_Param.VALUE] == self.iD): if(tmpCounter>0): logging.error("ERROR: the same RB associated to two different caracteristics. Please check the RetentionBasin.postPro file.") raise ValueError("The same RB associated to two different caracteristics. Please check the RetentionBasin.postPro file.") self.dictRB = _dictRB[element] tmpCounter +=1 if(tmpCounter == 0): logging.error("Error: no RB associated! Please check the RetentionBasin.postPro file.") raise ValueError("No RB associated! Please check the RetentionBasin.postPro file.") elif(_directDictRB!={}): self.dictRB = _directDictRB elif(withRBDict): print("ERROR: Not enough elements, it lacks a least a dictionary!") print("Do you still want to continue [Y-YES] [N-NO]?") myAnswer = input("Enter your answer:") isOk = False while(not isOk): if(myAnswer=="Y" or myAnswer=="y"): isOk = True self.dictRB['type'] = {} self.dictRB['type'][key_Param.VALUE] = "" elif(myAnswer=="N" or myAnswer=="n"): raise ValueError("No answer given!") else: self.dictRB['type'] = {} self.dictRB['type'][key_Param.VALUE] = "" self.type = self.dictRB['type'][key_Param.VALUE] if('stagnant height' in self.dictRB): self.hStagn = float(self.dictRB['stagnant height'][key_Param.VALUE]) if(self.type == 'HighwayRB'): self.surface = float(self.dictRB['surface'][key_Param.VALUE]) self.hBank = float(self.dictRB['height 2'][key_Param.VALUE]) self.volume = self.surface * self.hBank elif(self.type == 'RobiernuRB'): self.volume = float(self.dictRB['volume'][key_Param.VALUE]) elif(self.type == 'OrbaisRB'): self.volume = float(self.dictRB['volume'][key_Param.VALUE]) try: zvFile = self.dictRB['Z-V file'][key_Param.VALUE] except: zvFile = "" if(zvFile!=""): zvFile = zvFile.replace("\\", "/") self.read_zv(zvFile) # self.qLim = float(self.dictRB['ecretage']['value']) # elif(self.type == 'HelleRB'): # self.volume = float(self.dictRB['volume']['value']) # print("ERROR: Not implemented yet!") # sys.exit() elif(self.type == 'ForcedDam'): self.volume = float(self.dictRB['volume'][key_Param.VALUE]) self.hi = float(self.dictRB['initial height'][key_Param.VALUE]) = self.h_to_volume(self.hi) try: zvFile = self.dictRB['Z-V file'][key_Param.VALUE] except: zvFile = "" if(zvFile!=""): zvFile = zvFile.replace("\\", "/") #FIXME : Blinder la gestion des noms relatifs via une fonction if os.path.isabs(zvFile): self.read_zv(zvFile) else: self.read_zv(os.path.join(self.fileNameRead,zvFile)) if("time delay" in self.dictRB): self.timeDelay = float(self.dictRB["time delay"][key_Param.VALUE]) elif(self.type == "HelleRB"): self.volume = float(self.dictRB['volume'][key_Param.VALUE]) try: zvFile = self.dictRB['Z-V file'][key_Param.VALUE] isOk, zvFile = check_path(zvFile, self.fileNameRead, applyCWD=True) if isOk<0: print("ERROR : Problem in the Z-V file!") zvFile = "" except: zvFile = "" if(zvFile!=""): zvFile = zvFile.replace("\\", "/") self.read_zv(zvFile) else: print("WARNING: This type RB was not recognised! Please check the RetentionBasin.postPro file.") if ("initial height" in self.dictRB): self.hi = float(self.dictRB['initial height'][key_Param.VALUE]) = self.h_to_volume(self.hi) if("time delay" in self.dictRB): self.timeDelay = float(self.dictRB["time delay"][key_Param.VALUE]) # Creation of Outlet object self.outletObj = Outlet(self.dictRB, _workingDir=self.fileNameRead, time=self.time) self.qLim = Dumping(self.dictRB) # if('direct inside RB' in self.myCatchment[self.iD]): # if(self.myCatchment[self.iD]['direct inside RB'] != ''): # self.sum_directFluxInRB() # self.sumHydro = # print(self.sumHydro)<
[docs] def increment_level(self): "This procedure increment the level in the Topo dictionary" self.myLevel += 1
[docs] def add_inlet(self, toPoint, name="DEFAULT"): "This procedure link the inlets to the object" self.intletsObj[name] = toPoint if("time delay from module" in self.dictRB): nameModule = self.dictRB["time delay from module"][key_Param.VALUE] if(toPoint.iD == nameModule): self.timeDelay = toPoint.timeDelay self.x = toPoint.x self.y = toPoint.y
[docs] def add_downstreamObj(self, toPoint, name="DEFAULT", deltaTime=0.0, tolerance=0): """This procedure link the downstream element to the object tolerance indicates if the downstream objet should already exist (=0) to continue => to implement """ if toPoint is not None: self.downstreamObj[name] = toPoint if(name in self.downstreamObj): self.downstreamObj[name] = toPoint else: logging.error("ERROR: this outlet name is not recognised!") logging.error("Name = ", name) raise ValueError("This outlet name is not recognised!") self._outFlow[name] = {} self._outFlow[name]["Net"] = [] self._outFlow[name]["Raw"] = [] self._outFlow[name]["delta time"] = deltaTime if("time delay from module" in self.dictRB): nameModule = self.dictRB["time delay from module"][key_Param.VALUE] if(toPoint.iD == nameModule): self.timeDelay = toPoint.timeDelay self.x = toPoint.x self.y = toPoint.y
[docs] def add_directFluxObj(self, toPoint, name="DEFAULT"): "This procedure link the direct inlet elements to the object" self.directFluxObj[name] = toPoint if("time delay from module" in self.dictRB): nameModule = self.dictRB["time delay from module"][key_Param.VALUE] if(toPoint.iD == nameModule): self.timeDelay = toPoint.timeDelay self.x = toPoint.x self.y = toPoint.y
[docs] def compute_hydro(self, givenDirectFluxIn=[], givenInlet=[]): """ This function computes the raw and real hydrographs. The volume filled and then the water height in the RB at time $t$ will be evaluated will depend of the flows at time $t-1$ exept if the Internal variables modified : self.inlets, self.inletsRaw, self.directFluxInRB, self.directFluxInRB_Raw, self._outFlowRaw, self._outFlow, self.filledVolume CAUTION: - Discussion about the ceil or the floor for the timeDelay indice!!! - UPDATE 2023.1 now the outFlow are not delayed anymore !!!! -> IMPORTANT UPDATE """ self.sum_inlets(givenInlet) self.sum_directFluxInRB(givenDirectFluxIn) mainNameOut = list(self._outFlow.items())[0][0] # In the Raw hydrograph the first outlet is considered to be the main one. Therefore the exit where the flux would go if the structure were to present self._outFlow[mainNameOut]["Raw"] = self.inletsRaw + self.directFluxInRB_Raw for iOutFlow in range(1,len(list(self._outFlow.items()))): nameOut = list(self._outFlow.items())[iOutFlow][0] self._outFlow[nameOut]["Raw"] = np.zeros(len(self.inletsRaw)) # sizeOfHydro = len(self.time)-1 sizeOfHydro = len(self.time) # Size of hydro is no longer t-1 smaller than time # Volume of the RB filled with water self.filledVolume = np.zeros(sizeOfHydro, dtype=np.float64) for elOutFlow in self._outFlow: self._outFlow[elOutFlow]["Net"] = np.zeros(sizeOfHydro) self.filledVolume[0] = self.h_to_volume(self.hi) outFlowReservoir = np.zeros(sizeOfHydro) for i in range(1,sizeOfHydro): # # To avoid a division by zero and physically correct. # if(self.surface == 0.0): # h = 0.0 # else: # h = self.filledVolume[i-1]/self.surface # 1st evaluation of the outlet of the RB according to Vfilled at the previous time h = self.volume_to_h(self.filledVolume[i-1]) # Qout = self.outletObj.compute(h,self.time[self.convert_index_global_to_local(i)]) Qout = self.outletObj.compute(h,self.time[i], index=i) qLim = self.qLim.compute(h,self.time[i]) Qin = self.directFluxInRB[i-1]+max(self.inlets[i-1]-qLim,0.) rhs = Qin - Qout outFlowReservoir[i-1]=Qout # If the volume increase => the outflow is kept (Maybe to improve!! The height can go to the upper threshold) if rhs>0: self.filledVolume[i] = self.filledVolume[i-1] + rhs*(self.time[i]-self.time[i-1]) # If the volume is decreasing but is not enough to empty it at this time step elif self.filledVolume[i-1]>abs(rhs*(self.time[i]-self.time[i-1])): self.filledVolume[i] = self.filledVolume[i-1] + rhs*(self.time[i]-self.time[i-1]) # if(self.surface == 0.0): # h = 0.0 # else: # h = self.filledVolume[i]/self.surface h = self.volume_to_h(self.filledVolume[i]) # All the values: # -outlet, # -ecretage, # -volume, # will be reevaluated. Because we can go to the lower threshold. # Qout = self.outletObj.compute(h,self.time[self.convert_index_global_to_local(i)]) Qout = self.outletObj.compute(h,self.time[i], index=i) qLim = self.qLim.compute(h,self.time[i]) rhs = self.directFluxInRB[i-1]+max(self.inlets[i-1]-qLim,0.)-Qout outFlowReservoir[i-1] = Qout self.filledVolume[i] = self.filledVolume[i-1] + rhs*(self.time[i]-self.time[i-1]) else: self.filledVolume[i] =0 outFlowReservoir[i-1] = self.filledVolume[i-1]/((self.time[i]-self.time[i-1]))+self.directFluxInRB[i-1]+max(self.inlets[i-1]-qLim,0.) if self.filledVolume[i]>self.volume: outFlowReservoir[i-1] += (self.filledVolume[i]-self.volume)/((self.time[i]-self.time[i-1])) self.filledVolume[i] = self.volume self._outFlow = self.compute_final(outFlowReservoir[i-1],min(self.inlets[i-1],qLim),i-1) # self.outFlow[i-1]+=min(self.inlets[i-1],qLim) return self._outFlow
[docs] def compute_one_step_hydro(self, i, givenDirectFluxIn:float=None, givenInlet:float=None): """ This function computes the raw and real hydrographs for one time step. The volume filled and then the water height in the RB at time $t$ will be evaluated will depend of the flows at time $t-1$ exept if the Internal variables modified : self.inlets, self.inletsRaw, self.directFluxInRB, self.directFluxInRB_Raw, self._outFlowRaw, self._outFlow, self.filledVolume CAUTION: - Discussion about the ceil or the floor for the timeDelay indice!!! - UPDATE 2023.1 now the outFlow are not delayed anymore !!!! -> IMPORTANT UPDATE """ self.sum_one_step_directFluxInRB(i, givenDirectFluxIn) self.sum_one_step_inlets(i, givenInlet) mainNameOut = list(self._outFlow.items())[0][0] # In the Raw hydrograph the first outlet is considered to be the main one. Therefore the exit where the flux would go if the structure were to present self._outFlow[mainNameOut]["Raw"][i] = self.inletsRaw[i] + self.directFluxInRB_Raw[i] for iOutFlow in range(1,len(list(self._outFlow.items()))): nameOut = list(self._outFlow.items())[iOutFlow][0] self._outFlow[nameOut]["Raw"][i] = 0.0 # Compute h = self.volume_to_h(self.filledVolume[i]) # Qout = self.outletObj.compute(h,self.time[self.convert_index_global_to_local(i)]) Qout = self.outletObj.compute(h,self.time[i+1], index=i+1) qLim = self.qLim.compute(h,self.time[i+1]) Qin = self.directFluxInRB[i-1]+max(self.inlets[i]-qLim,0.) rhs = Qin - Qout outFlowReservoir = Qout # If the volume increase => the outflow is kept (Maybe to improve!! The height can go to the upper threshold) if rhs>0: self.filledVolume[i+1] = self.filledVolume[i] + rhs*(self.time[i+1]-self.time[i]) # If the volume is decreasing but is not enough to empty it at this time step elif self.filledVolume[i]>abs(rhs*(self.time[i+1]-self.time[i])): self.filledVolume[i+1] = self.filledVolume[i] + rhs*(self.time[i+1]-self.time[i]) # if(self.surface == 0.0): # h = 0.0 # else: # h = self.filledVolume[i]/self.surface h = self.volume_to_h(self.filledVolume[i+1]) # All the values: # -outlet, # -ecretage, # -volume, # will be reevaluated. Because we can go to the lower threshold. # Qout = self.outletObj.compute(h,self.time[self.convert_index_global_to_local(i)]) Qout = self.outletObj.compute(h,self.time[i+1], index=i+1) qLim = self.qLim.compute(h,self.time[i+1]) rhs = self.directFluxInRB[i]+max(self.inlets[i]-qLim,0.)-Qout outFlowReservoir = Qout self.filledVolume[i+1] = self.filledVolume[i] + rhs*(self.time[i+1]-self.time[i]) else: self.filledVolume[i+1] =0 outFlowReservoir = self.filledVolume[i]/((self.time[i+1]-self.time[i]))+self.directFluxInRB[i]+max(self.inlets[i]-qLim,0.) if self.filledVolume[i+1]>self.volume: outFlowReservoir += (self.filledVolume[i+1]-self.volume)/((self.time[i+1]-self.time[i])) self.filledVolume[i+1] = self.volume self._outFlow = self.compute_final(outFlowReservoir,min(self.inlets[i],qLim),i)
[docs] def init_all_inlets(self): """ This function initializes the inlets and directFluxInRB of the RB Internal variables modified: self.inlets, self.inletsRaw, self.directFluxInRB, self.directFluxInRB_Raw """ self.inlets = np.zeros(len(self.time),dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') self.inletsRaw = np.zeros(len(self.time),dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') self.directFluxInRB = np.zeros(len(self.time),dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') self.directFluxInRB_Raw = np.zeros(len(self.time),dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
[docs] def sum_inlets(self, givenInlet=[]): """ This procedure sum all the inlets of the RB Caution: inlets variable is different from directFluxIn !! Internal variables modified: self.inlets, self.inletsRaw """ if(self.intletsObj != {}): nameOutFlow = list(self.intletsObj.items())[0][0] curObj = self.intletsObj[nameOutFlow] # Compute the transfer time between modules if type(curObj) is SubBasin: timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay deltaTr = timeInlet - self.timeDelay else: # Assumption the transfer time between the 2 RB is ambiguous # Therefore, the transfer time is set to 0.0 deltaTr = 0.0 self.inlets = curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr) self.inletsRaw = curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Raw", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr) for i in range(1,len(list(self.intletsObj.items()))): nameOutFlow = list(self.intletsObj.items())[i][0] curObj = self.intletsObj[nameOutFlow] timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay if type(curObj) is SubBasin: timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay deltaTr = timeInlet - self.timeDelay else: # Assumption the transfer time between the 2 RB is ambiguous # Therefore, the transfer time is set to 0.0 deltaTr = 0.0 self.inlets += curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr) self.inletsRaw += curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Raw", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr) elif(givenInlet != []): if(len(givenInlet)!=len(self.time)): logging.error("The dimension of the time array and the given inlet are not the same!") logging.error(f"Length obtained = {len(givenInlet)}") logging.error(f"Length expected = {len(self.time)}") raise ValueError("The dimension of the time array and the given inlet are not the same!") self.inlets = givenInlet self.inletsRaw = givenInlet else: # self.inlets = np.zeros(len(self.time)-1) # the size of outflow will always be 1 element smaller than time (convention) # self.inletsRaw = np.zeros(len(self.time)-1) # the size of outflow will always be 1 element smaller than time (convention) self.inlets = np.zeros(len(self.time),dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') # the size of outflow is no longer 1 element smaller than time (convention) self.inletsRaw = np.zeros(len(self.time),dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') # the size of outflow is no longer 1 element smaller than time (convention)
[docs] def sum_directFluxInRB(self, givenDirectFluxIn=[]): """This procedure computes the flux going directly inside the RB Internal variables modified: self.directFluxInRB, self.directFluxInRB_Raw """ if(self.directFluxObj != {}): nameOutFlow = list(self.directFluxObj.items())[0][0] curObj = self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow] timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay if type(curObj) is SubBasin: timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay deltaTr = timeInlet - self.timeDelay else: # Assumption the transfer time between the 2 RB is ambiguous # Therefore, the transfer time is set to 0.0 deltaTr = 0.0 deltaTr = timeInlet - self.timeDelay self.directFluxInRB = curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr) self.directFluxInRB_Raw = curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Raw", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr) for i in range(1,len(list(self.directFluxObj.items()))): nameOutFlow = list(self.directFluxObj.items())[i][0] curObj = self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow] timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay if type(curObj) is SubBasin: timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay deltaTr = timeInlet - self.timeDelay else: # Assumption the transfer time between the 2 RB is ambiguous # Therefore, the transfer time is set to 0.0 deltaTr = 0.0 try: self.directFluxInRB += curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr) except: print("Hello!!!! TO CHANGE!!!!") nbElT = len(self.directFluxInRB) nbTMP = len(self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow].outFlow[nameOutFlow]["Net"]) if(nbElT==nbTMP+1): tmpHydro = self.directFluxInRB.copy() self.directFluxInRB = np.zeros(nbTMP) self.directFluxInRB[:] = tmpHydro[:-1] self.directFluxInRB += self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow].outFlow[nameOutFlow]["Net"] elif(nbTMP==nbElT+1): self.directFluxInRB[:] = self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow].outFlow[nameOutFlow]["Net"][:-1] else: print("Hello!!!! ERROR!!!!") # self.directFluxInRB_Raw += self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow].outFlow[nameOutFlow]["Raw"] try: self.directFluxInRB_Raw += curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Raw", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr) except: logging.error("ERROR : Should not be here !!!!!") print("Hello!!!! TO CHANGE!!!!") nbElT = len(self.directFluxInRB_Raw) nbTMP = len(self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow].outFlow[nameOutFlow]["Raw"]) if(nbElT==nbTMP+1): tmpHydro = self.directFluxInRB_Raw.copy() self.directFluxInRB_Raw = np.zeros(nbTMP) self.directFluxInRB_Raw[:] = tmpHydro[:-1] self.directFluxInRB_Raw += self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow].outFlow[nameOutFlow]["Raw"] elif(nbTMP==nbElT+1): self.directFluxInRB_Raw[:] = self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow].outFlow[nameOutFlow]["Raw"][:-1] else: print("Hello!!!! ERROR!!!!") elif(givenDirectFluxIn != []): # FIXME The following line to potentially change !!! if(len(givenDirectFluxIn)!=len(self.time)): logging.error("The dimension of the time array and the given inlet are not the same!") logging.error("Length optained = ", len(givenDirectFluxIn)) logging.error("Length expected = ", len(self.time)) raise ValueError("The dimension of the time array and the given inlet are not the same!") self.directFluxInRB = givenDirectFluxIn self.directFluxInRB_Raw = givenDirectFluxIn else: # self.directFluxInRB = np.zeros(len(self.time)-1) # self.directFluxInRB_Raw = np.zeros(len(self.time)-1) self.directFluxInRB = np.zeros(len(self.time), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') self.directFluxInRB_Raw = np.zeros(len(self.time), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
[docs] def sum_one_step_inlets(self, i, givenInlet:float=None): if self.intletsObj != {}: nameOutFlow = list(self.intletsObj.items())[0][0] curObj = self.intletsObj[nameOutFlow] # Compute the transfer time between modules if type(curObj) is SubBasin: timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay deltaTr = timeInlet - self.timeDelay else: # Assumption the transfer time between the 2 RB is ambiguous # Therefore, the transfer time is set to 0.0 deltaTr = 0.0 self.inlets[i] = curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr)[i] self.inletsRaw[i] = curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Raw", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr)[i] for i in range(1,len(list(self.intletsObj.items()))): nameOutFlow = list(self.intletsObj.items())[i][0] curObj = self.intletsObj[nameOutFlow] timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay if type(curObj) is SubBasin: timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay deltaTr = timeInlet - self.timeDelay else: # Assumption the transfer time between the 2 RB is ambiguous # Therefore, the transfer time is set to 0.0 deltaTr = 0.0 self.inlets[i] += curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr)[i] self.inletsRaw[i] += curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Raw", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr)[i] elif(givenInlet is not None): self.inlets[i] = givenInlet self.inletsRaw[i] = givenInlet else: self.inlets[i] = 0.0 self.inletsRaw[i] = 0.0
[docs] def sum_one_step_directFluxInRB(self, i, givenDirectFluxIn:float=None): """This procedure computes the flux going directly inside the RB Internal variables modified: self.directFluxInRB, self.directFluxInRB_Raw """ if(self.directFluxObj != {}): nameOutFlow = list(self.directFluxObj.items())[0][0] curObj = self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow] timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay if type(curObj) is SubBasin: timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay deltaTr = timeInlet - self.timeDelay else: # Assumption the transfer time between the 2 RB is ambiguous # Therefore, the transfer time is set to 0.0 deltaTr = 0.0 deltaTr = timeInlet - self.timeDelay self.directFluxInRB[i] = curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr)[i] self.directFluxInRB_Raw[i] = curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Raw", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr)[i] for i in range(1,len(list(self.directFluxObj.items()))): nameOutFlow = list(self.directFluxObj.items())[i][0] curObj = self.directFluxObj[nameOutFlow] timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay if type(curObj) is SubBasin: timeInlet = curObj.timeDelay deltaTr = timeInlet - self.timeDelay else: # Assumption the transfer time between the 2 RB is ambiguous # Therefore, the transfer time is set to 0.0 deltaTr = 0.0 self.directFluxInRB[i] += curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr)[i] self.directFluxInRB_Raw[i] += curObj.get_outFlow(typeOutFlow="Raw", whichOutFlow=nameOutFlow, lag=deltaTr)[i]
[docs] def plot(self, workingDir, plotRaw=True, axis="Hours",rangeData=[], deltaMajorTicks=24.0*3600.0, deltaMinorTicks=3600.0, tzPlot=0, unitReservoir="[m^3]"): """ This procedure plots: - the inlets: in color chosen randomly by matplotlib - DirectIn : in color chosen randomly by matplotlib and in '-.' lines - the outlet: in black solid line - the raw outlet: in black dashed line """ # x = self.time/3600.0 if(axis=="Hours"): x = (self.time[:-1]-self.time[0])/3600.0 else: tzDelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=tzPlot*3600.0) timeDelayDelta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.timeDelay) beginDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.time[0], tz=datetime.timezone.utc)+tzDelta endDate = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.time[-1], tz=datetime.timezone.utc)+tzDelta dt = self.time[1]-self.time[0] time_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt) if(rangeData==[]): rangeData = [beginDate,endDate] x_date = drange(beginDate, endDate, time_delta) font11 = FontProperties() font11.set_family('serif') font11.set_name('Euclid') font11.set_size(11) font14 = FontProperties() font14.set_family('serif') font14.set_name('Euclid') font14.set_size(14) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.3, 11.7)) ax1 = plt.subplot(2,1,1) # plt.subplot(2,1,1) # ax1.grid() if(axis=="Hours"): ax1.set_xlabel('Temps [h]', fontproperties=font11) else: ax1.set_xlabel('Date (GMT+'+str(tzPlot)+')', fontproperties=font11) ax1.set_ylabel('Débits [m³/s]', fontproperties=font11) fig.legend(loc="upper right") fig.suptitle( + " Hydrogrammes écrêtés", fontproperties=font14) for iInlet in self.intletsObj: y = self.intletsObj[iInlet].get_outFlow_global(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=iInlet) name = self.intletsObj[iInlet].name + " " + iInlet if(axis=="Hours"): ax1.plot(x, y, label = name) else: ax1.plot_date(x_date, y, '-', label = name) for iInlet in self.directFluxObj : y = self.directFluxObj[iInlet].get_outFlow_global(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=iInlet) name = self.directFluxObj[iInlet].name + " " + iInlet if(name=="ss 18" or name=="ss 19"): name = "Qin BV" if(axis=="Hours"): ax1.plot(x, y, '-.', label = name) else: ax1.plot_date(x_date, y, '-.', label = name) for iOutFlow in self._outFlow: y = self.get_outFlow_global(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=iOutFlow) if(axis=="Hours"): ax1.plot(x, y, label =" "+iOutFlow, color='k') else: ax1.plot_date(x_date, y, '-', label =" "+iOutFlow, color='k') if(plotRaw): nameMainOut = list(self.outFlow.items())[0][0] y = self.get_outFlow_global(typeOutFlow="Raw", whichOutFlow=nameMainOut) if(axis=="Hours"): ax1.plot(x, y, '--', label =' Raw', color='k') else: ax1.plot(x_date, y, '--', label =' Raw', color='k') if(axis=="Hours"): ax1.set_xlim(x[0], x[len(x)-1]) ax1.grid() else: ax1.set_xlim(rangeData[0], rangeData[1]) for label in ax1.get_xticklabels(): label.set_rotation(30) label.set_horizontalalignment('right') ax1.tick_params(axis='y',labelcolor='k') if(deltaMajorTicks>0): majorTicks = HourLocator(interval=math.floor(deltaMajorTicks/3600)) # majorTicks = drange(beginDate, endDate, deltaTimeMajorTicks) # ax1.set_xticks(majorTicks) ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorTicks) ax1.grid(which='major', alpha=1.0) if(deltaMinorTicks>0): # deltaTimeMinorTicks = datetime.timedelta(seconds=deltaMinorTicks) # minorTicks = drange(beginDate, endDate, deltaTimeMinorTicks) # ax1.set_xticks(minorTicks, minor=True) # ax1.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) ax1.minorticks_on() minorTicks = MicrosecondLocator(interval=deltaMinorTicks*1E6) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorTicks) # plt.grid(which='minor', linestyle=':', linewidth='0.5', color='black') ax1.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) else: ax1.grid() fig.legend(prop=font11) try: fig.savefig(workingDir+'PostProcess/QT_HydroEcrete_''.pdf') except: fig.savefig(workingDir+'/QT_HydroEcrete_''.pdf') ax2 = plt.subplot(2,1,2) ax2.set_xlabel('Temps [h]', fontproperties=font11) fig.legend(loc="upper right", prop=font11) fig.suptitle("Volume cumulé", fontproperties=font11) if unitReservoir == "[m^3]": ax2.set_ylabel('Volume [m³]', fontproperties=font11) y = self.filledVolume else: ax2.set_ylabel('Height [m]', fontproperties=font11) myH = np.zeros(len(self.filledVolume)) for ii in range(len(self.filledVolume)): myH[ii] = self.volume_to_h(self.filledVolume[ii]) y = myH if(axis=="Hours"): ax2.plot(x, y, label = if unitReservoir == "[m^3]": y = self.volume*np.ones(len(x)) else: y = self.hBank*np.ones(len(x)) else: ax2.plot_date(x_date, y, '-', label = if unitReservoir == "[m^3]": y = self.volume*np.ones(len(x_date)) else: y = self.hBank*np.ones(len(x_date)) if(axis=="Hours"): if unitReservoir == "[m^3]": ax2.plot(x, y, '--', label = "Volume max") else: ax2.plot(x, y, '--', label = "Height max") ax2.set_xlim(x[0], x[len(x)-1]) ax2.grid() else: if unitReservoir == "[m^3]": ax2.plot_date(x_date, y, '--', label = "Volume max") else: ax2.plot_date(x_date, y, '--', label = "Height max") ax2.set_xlim(rangeData[0], rangeData[1]) for label in ax2.get_xticklabels(): label.set_rotation(30) label.set_horizontalalignment('right') ax2.tick_params(axis='y',labelcolor='k') if(deltaMajorTicks>0): majorTicks = HourLocator(interval=math.floor(deltaMajorTicks/3600)) ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(majorTicks) ax2.grid(which='major', alpha=1.0) if(deltaMinorTicks>0): ax2.minorticks_on() minorTicks = MicrosecondLocator(interval=deltaMinorTicks*1E6) ax2.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorTicks) ax2.grid(which='minor', alpha=0.2) else: ax2.grid() fig.legend(prop=font11) fig.savefig(workingDir+'PostProcess''.pdf')
[docs] def plot_outlet(self, Measures=None, rangeData=[], yrangeRain=[], yrangeData=[], ylabel=[],addData=[], dt_addData=[], beginDates_addData=[], endDates_addData=[],\ label_addData=[], color_addData=[],factor=1.5, graph_title='', withEvap=False, writeFile='', withDelay=True, deltaMajorTicks=-1,deltaMinorTicks=-1, tzPlot=0, figure=None): print("plot_outlet() function for RB -> TO DO !!!") return
[docs] def add_rain(self, workingDir, tzDelta=datetime.timedelta(hours=0)): """ This function returns the a time array and a array containing the sum of all the rain in the inlets Value changed : self.rain """ if(self.directFluxObj == {}): nameInit = list(self.intletsObj.items())[0][0] rain = np.zeros(len(self.intletsObj[nameInit].rain)) else: nameInit = list(self.directFluxObj.items())[0][0] rain = np.zeros(len(self.directFluxObj[nameInit].rain)) for iInlet in self.intletsObj: rain += self.intletsObj[iInlet].rain for iInlet in self.directFluxObj: rain += self.directFluxObj[iInlet].rain self.rain = rain return self.time
[docs] def volume_to_h(self, volume): if(volume==0.0): h=0 elif(self.zData!=[]): if(volume>max(self.zvVtoHInterpol.x)): # h = max(self.zvVtoHInterpol.y) slope = (self.zvVtoHInterpol.y[-1]-self.zvVtoHInterpol.y[-2])/(self.zvVtoHInterpol.x[-1]-self.zvVtoHInterpol.x[-2]) h = slope*(volume-self.zvVtoHInterpol.x[-1])+max(self.zvVtoHInterpol.y) else: h = self.zvVtoHInterpol(volume) else: if(self.surface == 0.0): h = 0.0 else: h = volume/self.surface return h
[docs] def h_to_volume(self, h): if(h==0): vol = 0 elif(self.zData!=[]): if(h>max(self.zvHtoVInterpol.x)): # h_tmp=max(self.zvHtoVInterpol.x) # vol = self.zvHtoVInterpol(h_tmp) slope = (self.zvHtoVInterpol.y[-1]-self.zvHtoVInterpol.y[-2])/(self.zvHtoVInterpol.x[-1]-self.zvHtoVInterpol.x[-2]) vol = slope*(h-self.zvHtoVInterpol.x[-1])+max(self.zvHtoVInterpol.y) else: vol = self.zvHtoVInterpol(h) else: vol = h*self.surface return vol
[docs] def read_zv(self, fileName, typeOfInterpolation='linear'): if os.path.exists(fileName): with open(fileName, newline = '') as fileID: data_reader = csv.reader(fileID, delimiter='\t') list_data = list(data_reader) matrixData = np.array(list_data).astype("float") self.zData = matrixData[:,0] self.vData = matrixData[:,1] self.zvVtoHInterpol = interp1d(self.vData,self.zData, kind=typeOfInterpolation, assume_sorted=True, fill_value='extrapolate') # kind is 'linear' by default in interp1d self.zvHtoVInterpol = interp1d(self.zData,self.vData, kind=typeOfInterpolation, assume_sorted=True, fill_value='extrapolate')
[docs] def convert_index_global_to_local(self, i, lagTime=0.0): logging.error("This function is obsolate since version" + str(cst.VERSION_WOLFHYDRO_2023_1)) index = math.floor(self.timeDelay/(self.time[1]-self.time[0])) index = i - index if(index<0): index = 0 return index
[docs] def convert_data_global_to_local(self, dataGlob): logging.error("This function is obsolate since version" + str(cst.VERSION_WOLFHYDRO_2023_1)) dataLoc = np.zeros(len(dataGlob)) myIndex = math.floor(self.timeDelay/(self.time[1]-self.time[0])) if(myIndex==0): dataLoc = dataGlob[:] elif(myIndex<len(dataLoc)): dataLoc[:-myIndex] = dataGlob[myIndex:] else: logging.error("ERROR: the simulation time is not long enough for this subbasin to be taken into account") raise ValueError("The simulation time is not long enough for this subbasin to be taken into account") return dataLoc
[docs] def convert_index_global_to_other_global(self, i, timeDelayOut=0.0, timeDelta=0.0): logging.error("This function is obsolate since version" + str(cst.VERSION_WOLFHYDRO_2023_1)) index = math.floor((self.timeDelay-timeDelayOut-timeDelta)/(self.time[1]-self.time[0])) index = i - index # if(index<0): # index = 0 return index
[docs] def convert_data_global_to_other_global(self, vector, timeDelayOut=0.0, timeDelta=0.0): myIndex = self.convert_data_global_to_other_global(0, timeDelayOut=timeDelayOut, timeDelta=timeDelta) result = np.zeros(len(vector)) if(myIndex==0): result = vector[:] elif(abs(myIndex)<len(vector)): if(myIndex>0): result[:-myIndex] = vector[myIndex:] else: result[myIndex:] = vector[:-myIndex] else: raise ValueError("The simulation time is not long enough for this subbasin to be taken into account") return result
[docs] def convert_time_global_to_local(self, time): logging.warning("This function is operational but obsolate since version" + str(cst.VERSION_WOLFHYDRO_2023_1)) realTime = time - self.timeDelay return realTime
[docs] def get_outFlow(self, whichOutFlow="", typeOutFlow="Net", unit="m3/s", lag:float=0.0): myOutFlow = np.zeros(len(self.time),dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') if(whichOutFlow==""): nameOutFlow = list(self._outFlow.items())[0][0] else: nameOutFlow = whichOutFlow if lag < 0.0: logging.warning("TimeDelay difference is negative!") logging.warning("Therefore, lag will be imposed to zero!") lag = 0.0 if "delta time" in self._outFlow[nameOutFlow]: timeDelta = self._outFlow[nameOutFlow]["delta time"] lag += timeDelta index = math.floor(lag/(self.time[1]-self.time[0])) curOutFlow = self._outFlow[nameOutFlow][typeOutFlow] if(index==0): myOutFlow = curOutFlow.copy() elif(index<len(myOutFlow)): myOutFlow[index:] = curOutFlow[:-index].copy() else: logging.error("Warning: the simulation time is not long enough for this subbasin to be taken into account") logging.error("Error informations : ") logging.error("Function name : get_outFlow_noDelay()") logging.error("index = " + str(index)) logging.error("len(myOutFlow) = " + str(len(myOutFlow))) logging.error("Lag = " + str(lag)) return myOutFlow if unit=='mm/h': if self.surfaceDrainedHydro==0.0: logging.error("ERROR: the surface drained = 0! Not possible to express the outFlow in mm/s!") raise ValueError("ERROR: the surface drained = 0! Not possible to express the outFlow in mm/s!") myOutFlow *= 3.6/self.surfaceDrainedHydro return myOutFlow
[docs] def get_outFlow_noDelay(self, whichOutFlow="", unit="m3/s"): """ This function returns the total outlet of the basin and considers t0=0 at the outlet of the subbasin without considering timeDelay (the time of the real outlet of the whole potential catchment) """ logging.warning("This function 'get_outFlow_noDelay' is operational but obsolate since version" + str(cst.VERSION_WOLFHYDRO_2023_1)) # if(whichOutFlow==""): # nameOutFlow = list(self.outFlow.items())[0][0] # outFlowOut = self.outFlow[nameOutFlow]["Net"] # else: # outFlowOut = self.outFlow[whichOutFlow]["Net"] # tmpHydro = np.zeros(len(outFlowOut)) # index = math.floor(self.timeDelay/self.deltaT) # if(index==0): # tmpHydro = outFlowOut # elif(index<len(outFlowOut)): # tmpHydro[:-index] = outFlowOut[index:] # else: # print("ERROR: the simulation time is not long enough for this subbasin to be taken into account") # sys.exit() # if unit=='mm/h': # if self.surfaceDrainedHydro==0.0: # print("ERROR: the surface drained = 0! Not possible to express the outFlow in mm/s!") # sys.exit() # tmpHydro *= 3.6/self.surfaceDrainedHydro # return tmpHydro return self.get_outFlow(whichOutFlow=whichOutFlow, typeOutFlow="Net", unit=unit)
[docs] def get_outFlowRaw_noDelay(self, whichOutFlow="", unit="m3/s"): """ This function returns the total raw outlet of the basin and considers t0=0 at the outlet of the subbasin without considering timeDelay (the time of the real outlet of the whole potential catchment) """ logging.warning("This function 'get_outFlowRaw_noDelay' is operational but obsolate since version" + str(cst.VERSION_WOLFHYDRO_2023_1)) # if(whichOutFlow==""): # nameOutFlow = list(self.outFlow.items())[0][0] # outFlowOut = self.outFlow[nameOutFlow]["Raw"] # else: # outFlowOut = self.outFlow[whichOutFlow]["Raw"] # tmpHydro = np.zeros(len(outFlowOut)) # index = math.floor(self.timeDelay/self.deltaT) # if(index==0): # tmpHydro = outFlowOut # elif(index<len(outFlowOut)): # tmpHydro[:-index] = outFlowOut[index:] # else: # print("ERROR: the simulation time is not long enough for this subbasin to be taken into account") # sys.exit() # if unit=='mm/h': # if self.surfaceDrainedHydro==0.0: # print("ERROR: the surface drained = 0! Not possible to express the outFlow in mm/s!") # sys.exit() # tmpHydro *= 3.6/self.surfaceDrainedHydro # return tmpHydro return self.get_outFlow(whichOutFlow=whichOutFlow, typeOutFlow="Raw", unit=unit)
[docs] def get_inlets_noDelay(self, unit='m3/s')->np.ndarray: """ This function returns the total inlets of the basin and considers t0=0 at the outlet of the subbasin without considering timeDelay (the time of the real outlet of the whole potential catchment) """ logging.warning("This function 'get_inlets_noDelay()' is operational but obsolate since version" + str(cst.VERSION_WOLFHYDRO_2023_1)) logging.warning("Please use the function 'get_inlets()' instead") # nameOut = list(self.outFlow.items())[0][0] # myInlets = self.inlets # tmpHydro = np.zeros(len(myInlets)) # index = math.floor(self.timeDelay/self.deltaT) # if(index==0): # tmpHydro = myInlets.copy() # elif(index<len(myInlets)): # tmpHydro[:-index] = myInlets[index:] # else: # print("Warning: the simulation time is not long enough for this subbasin to be taken into account") # print("Error informations : ") # print("Function name : get_inlets_noDelay()") # print("index = ", index) # print("len(myInlets) = ", len(myInlets)) # print("self.timeDelay = ", self.timeDelay) # return # if unit=='mm/h': # tmpHydro *= 3.6/self.surfaceDrainedHydro # return tmpHydro return self.get_inlets(unit=unit)
[docs] def get_inlets(self, unit:str='m3/s', lag:float=0.0): if lag < 0.0: logging.error("TimeDelay difference cannot be negative for a SubBasin!!") logging.warning("Therefore, lag will be imposed to zero! This might create some mistakes!") lag = 0.0 myInlet = np.zeros(len(self.inlets),dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') index = math.floor(lag/(self.time[1]-self.time[0])) if(index==0): myInlet = self.inlets.copy() elif(index<len(myInlet)): myInlet[index:] = self.inlets[:-index].copy() else: logging.error("Warning: the simulation time is not long enough for this subbasin to be taken into account") logging.error("Error informations : ") logging.error("Function name : get_inlets()") logging.error("index = " + str(index)) logging.error("len(myOutFlow) = " + str(len(myInlet))) logging.error("Lag = " + str(lag)) return myInlet if unit=='mm/h': myInlet *= 3.6/self.surfaceDrainedHydro return myInlet
[docs] def get_direct_insideRB_inlets(self, unit:str='m3/s', lag:float=0.0)->np.ndarray: if lag < 0.0: logging.error("TimeDelay difference cannot be negative for a SubBasin!!") logging.warning("Therefore, lag will be imposed to zero! This might create some mistakes!") lag = 0.0 direct_inlets = np.zeros(len(self.directFluxInRB),dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') index = math.floor(lag/(self.time[1]-self.time[0])) if(index==0): direct_inlets = self.directFluxInRB.copy() elif(index<len(direct_inlets)): direct_inlets[index:] = self.directFluxInRB[:-index].copy() else: logging.error("Warning: the simulation time is not long enough for this subbasin to be taken into account") logging.error("Error informations : ") logging.error("Function name : get_inlets()") logging.error("index = " + str(index)) logging.error("len(myOutFlow) = " + str(len(direct_inlets))) logging.error("Lag = " + str(lag)) return direct_inlets if unit=='mm/h': logging.warning("Arguable way to convert in mm/h, there is ambiguity!") direct_inlets *= 3.6/self.surfaceDrainedHydro return direct_inlets
[docs] def write_height_reservoir(self, workingDir): myH = np.zeros(len(self.filledVolume)) for ii in range(len(self.filledVolume)): myH[ii] = self.volume_to_h(self.filledVolume[ii]) DataWrite = [] for ii in range(len(self.filledVolume)): dateData = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.time[ii]-self.timeDelay,tz=datetime.timezone.utc) strDated = dateData.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") DataWrite.append([strDated, myH[ii]]) fname=os.path.join(workingDir,'_H.csv') if os.path.exists(fname): f = open(fname, 'w') writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter="\t") for row in DataWrite: writer.writerow(row)
[docs] def compute_final(self, Qres, Qstream, step): mainNameOut = list(self._outFlow.items())[0][0] if(self.type == "HelleRB"): # Natural exit self._outFlow[mainNameOut]["Net"][step] = Qres # Artificial exit nameArtificialExit = list(self._outFlow.items())[1][0] self._outFlow[nameArtificialExit]["Net"][step] = Qstream # timeDelayNextRB = self.downstreamObj[nameArtificialExit].timeDelay # timeDelta = self._outFlow[nameArtificialExit]["delta time"] # newStep = self.convert_index_global_to_other_global(step,timeDelayOut=timeDelayNextRB,timeDelta=timeDelta) # if(newStep>0 and newStep<len(self._outFlow[nameArtificialExit]["Net"])): # self._outFlow[nameArtificialExit]["Net"][newStep] = Qstream else: self._outFlow[mainNameOut]["Net"][step] = Qstream + Qres return self._outFlow
[docs] def get_surface_proportions(self, show=True): myNames = [] mySurf = [] for element in self.intletsObj: curObj = self.intletsObj[element] curName, curSurf = curObj.get_surface_proportions(show=False) myNames.append(curName) mySurf.append(curSurf) if show==True: print("To DO!!!")()
[docs] def find_outFlow_peak(self, whichOutFlow=""): myOutFlow = self.get_outflow(typeOutFlow="Net", whichOutFlow=whichOutFlow) maxIndex = np.argmax(myOutFlow) maxValue = myOutFlow[maxIndex] maxTime = self.time[maxIndex] maxDatetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(maxTime, tz=datetime.timezone.utc) self.peakVal = maxValue self.peakTime = maxDatetime
[docs] def get_outFlow_peak(self, noDelay=False, whichOutFlow=""): if(self.peakVal==0.0 or self.peakTime is None): self.find_outFlow_peak(whichOutFlow=whichOutFlow) maxValue = self.peakVal maxDatetime = self.peakTime if(noDelay): detlaTimeDelay = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.timeDelay) maxDatetime -= detlaTimeDelay return maxValue, maxDatetime
[docs] def compute_Q_from_V(self, givenDirectFluxIn=[], givenInlet=[], average_steps=1): """ This function computes the raw and real hydrographs. The volume filled and then the water height in the RB at time $t$ will be evaluated will depend of the flows at time $t-1$ exept if the Internal variables modified : self.inlets, self.inletsRaw, self.directFluxInRB, self.directFluxInRB_Raw, self.outFlowRaw, self.outFlow, self.filledVolume """ self.sum_inlets(givenInlet) self.sum_directFluxInRB(givenDirectFluxIn) mainNameOut = list(self._outFlow.items())[0][0] # In the Raw hydrograph the first outlet is considered to be the main one. Therefore the exit where the flux would go if the structure were to present self._outFlow[mainNameOut]["Raw"] = self.inletsRaw + self.directFluxInRB_Raw # relVol useful to reduce the round errors in derivative computation to get dVdt relVol = self.relative_filledVolume for iOutFlow in range(1,len(list(self._outFlow.items()))): nameOut = list(self._outFlow.items())[iOutFlow][0] self._outFlow[nameOut]["Raw"] = np.zeros(len(self.inletsRaw), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') sizeOfHydro = len(self.time) for elOutFlow in self._outFlow: self._outFlow[elOutFlow]["Net"] = np.zeros(sizeOfHydro, dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') outFlowReservoir = np.zeros(sizeOfHydro, dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') for i in range(1,sizeOfHydro): h = self.volume_to_h(self.filledVolume[i-1]) qLim = self.qLim.compute(h,self.time[i]) dVdt = self.compute_derivative(relVol, i, nbStep=average_steps) Qin = self.directFluxInRB[i-1]+max(self.inlets[i-1]-qLim,0.) Qout = -(dVdt-Qin) outFlowReservoir[i-1] = Qout # If the volume is greater than the max capacity of reservoir : # filledVolume is corrected to be max outflow, howerver as dVdt is based on relative Volume difference # => the outFlow computation is not influenced! if self.filledVolume[i]>self.volume: logging.warning("Volume greater than the max capacity of the reservoir!") # outFlowReservoir[i-1] += (self.filledVolume[i]-self.volume)/((self.time[i]-self.time[i-1])) self.filledVolume[i] = self.volume self._outFlow = self.compute_final(outFlowReservoir[i-1],min(self.inlets[i-1],qLim),i-1) return self._outFlow
[docs] def read_volume(self, fileName:str, tzDelta=datetime.timedelta(hours=0)): print("Reading the measurements volume file...") nbCl = 0 with open(fileName, newline = '') as fileID: data_reader = csv.reader(fileID, delimiter=' ',skipinitialspace=True) list_data = [] i=0 for raw in data_reader: if i>3: list_data.append(raw[0:nbCl]) if i==2: nbCl = int(raw[0]) i += 1 matrixData = np.array(list_data).astype("float") # Init of the outflow array timeInterval = self.dateEnd-self.dateBegin height = np.zeros(int(timeInterval.total_seconds()/self.deltaT)) timeArray = np.zeros(int(timeInterval.total_seconds()/self.deltaT)+1) # From the measurements file, we will only read the desired data and save it in outflow prevDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[0][2]), month=int(matrixData[0][1]), day=int(matrixData[0][0]), hour=int(matrixData[0][3]), tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) prevDate -= tzDelta index = 0 add1Hour = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) secondsInDay = 24*60*60 # Verification if(datetime.datetime.timestamp(prevDate)>datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateBegin)): logging.error("ERROR: the first hydro data element is posterior to dateBegin!") raise ValueError("ERROR: the first hydro data element is posterior to dateBegin!") if(nbCl==5): # Caution : the index of the loop start at 24 because the timestamp function # does not work until the 2/01/1970 at 03:00:00. => Je ne sais pas pourquoi ?! for i in range(25,len(matrixData)): # The hours are written in the file in [1,24] instead of [0,23]. Conversion below: if(int(matrixData[i][3])==24): currDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i][2]), month=int(matrixData[i][1]), day=int(matrixData[i][0]), hour=23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) + add1Hour else: currDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i][2]), month=int(matrixData[i][1]), day=int(matrixData[i][0]), hour=int(matrixData[i][3]), tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) currDate -= tzDelta if(int(matrixData[i-1][3])==24): prevDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i-1][2]), month=int(matrixData[i-1][1]), day=int(matrixData[i-1][0]), hour=23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) + add1Hour else: prevDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i-1][2]), month=int(matrixData[i-1][1]), day=int(matrixData[i-1][0]), hour=int(matrixData[i-1][3]), tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) prevDate -= tzDelta # Start at dateBegin and go to the element before dateEnd. Because the last date is needed for rain and evap in implicit simulations. if(datetime.datetime.timestamp(currDate)>=datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateBegin) and \ datetime.datetime.timestamp(currDate)<datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateEnd)): height[index] = matrixData[i][4] diffDate = currDate - prevDate diffTimeInSeconds = diffDate.days*secondsInDay + diffDate.seconds timeArray[index] = datetime.datetime.timestamp(currDate) index += 1 elif(nbCl==7): for i in range(len(matrixData)): # The hours are written in the file in [1,24] instead of [0,23]. Conversion below: currDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i][2]), month=int(matrixData[i][1]), day=int(matrixData[i][0]), hour=int(matrixData[i][3]), minute=int(matrixData[i][4]), second=int(matrixData[i][5]),tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) currDate -= tzDelta prevDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i-1][2]), month=int(matrixData[i-1][1]), day=int(matrixData[i-1][0]), hour=int(matrixData[i-1][3]), minute=int(matrixData[i-1][4]), second=int(matrixData[i-1][5]),tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) prevDate -= tzDelta # Start at dateBegin and go to the element before dateEnd. Because the last date is needed for rain and evap in implicit simulations. if(datetime.datetime.timestamp(currDate)>=datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateBegin) and \ datetime.datetime.timestamp(currDate)<datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateEnd)): if(matrixData[i][6]<0): height[index] = 0.0 else: height[index] = matrixData[i][6] height[index] = matrixData[i][6] diffDate = currDate - prevDate diffTimeInSeconds = diffDate.days*secondsInDay + diffDate.seconds timeArray[index] = datetime.datetime.timestamp(currDate) index += 1 # The last date is not taken into account in hydro as the last date rain and evap is needed for implicit simulations diffDate = currDate - prevDate # Add the last element in the time matrix as its size is 1 element bigger than outlet timeArray[-1] = timeArray[-2] + diffTimeInSeconds if(self.deltaT!=diffDate.seconds): logging.error("ERROR: The last timestep in hydro data does not coincide with the one expected!") raise ValueError("ERROR: The last timestep in hydro data does not coincide with the one expected!") # Save time array if it does not exist yet # Otherwise, check the consistency of the array with the time array of the object if(self.time is None): self.time=timeArray elif(self.time.all()!=timeArray.all()): logging.error("ERROR: the dates read are not consitent with the dates already recored in this subbasin!") raise ValueError("ERROR: the dates read are not consitent with the dates already recored in this subbasin!") volume = np.array([self.h_to_volume(i) for i in height]) return timeArray, volume
# def compute_Qout_from_V(self, refVolume, indexSimul, indexData): # # # To Complete !!!! # if(indexData<3): # vm1 = refVolume[indexData-1] # vi = refVolume[indexData] # else: # vm1 = (refVolume[indexData-3]+refVolume[indexData-2]+refVolume[indexData-1])/3 # vi = (refVolume[indexData-2]+refVolume[indexData-1]+refVolume[indexData])/3 # Qout = (vi-vm1) / (self.time[indexSimul]-self.time[indexSimul-1]) # # Qout = (refVolume[indexData] - refVolume[indexData-1]) / (self.time[indexSimul]-self.time[indexSimul-1]) # return Qout # def compute_Qout_from_V_mean(self, refVolume, indexData ,indexSimul=None, nbStep=1): # if indexSimul is None: # indexSimul # # To Complete !!!! # if(indexData<nbStep): # vim1 = refVolume[indexData-1] # vi = refVolume[indexData] # else: # vim1 = (np.sum(refVolume[indexData-nbStep:indexData]))/nbStep # vi = (np.sum(refVolume[indexData-nbStep+1:indexData+1]))/nbStep # Qout = -(vi-vim1) / (self.time[indexSimul]-self.time[indexSimul-1]) # # Qout = (refVolume[indexData] - refVolume[indexData-1]) / (self.time[indexSimul]-self.time[indexSimul-1]) # return Qout
[docs] def compute_derivative(self, data, indexData ,indexSimul=None, nbStep=1): if indexSimul is None: indexSimul = indexData if indexData<nbStep : dim1 = data[indexData-1] di = data[indexData] else: dim1 = (np.sum(data[indexData-nbStep:indexData]))/nbStep di = (np.sum(data[indexData-nbStep+1:indexData+1]))/nbStep dXdt = (di-dim1) / (self.time[indexSimul]-self.time[indexSimul-1]) return dXdt
[docs] def construct_surfaceDrainedHydro(self): """ Calculates the total surface drained hydrology by summing up the surface drained hydrology values from the directFluxObj and intletsObj modules. Cautions: when there are several outflows in a module, the surfaceDrainedHydro is added only once, towards the natural outlet of the module (by convention the first outflow). Returns: None """ self.surfaceDrainedHydro = 0.0 for key, cur_module in self.directFluxObj.items(): names = cur_module.get_outFlow_names() if len(names)==1: self.surfaceDrainedHydro += cur_module.surfaceDrainedHydro else: if names[0] == key: self.surfaceDrainedHydro += cur_module.surfaceDrainedHydro for key, cur_module in self.intletsObj.items(): names = cur_module.get_outFlow_names() if len(names)==1: self.surfaceDrainedHydro += cur_module.surfaceDrainedHydro else: if names[0] == key: self.surfaceDrainedHydro += cur_module.surfaceDrainedHydro
[docs] def unuse(self, mask=[]): self.alreadyUsed = False for element in self.intletsObj: self.intletsObj[element].unuse(mask=mask) for element in self.directFluxObj: self.directFluxObj[element].unuse(mask=mask)
[docs] def activate(self, effSubs:list=[], effSubsSort:list=[], mask:list=[], onlyItself:bool=False): curSub = effSubs curSubSort = effSubsSort if self.alreadyUsed == False: self.alreadyUsed = True for element in self.intletsObj: curSub, curSubSort = self.intletsObj[element].activate(mask=mask, effSubs=curSub, effSubsSort=curSubSort, onlyItself=onlyItself) for element in self.directFluxObj: curSub, curSubSort = self.directFluxObj[element].activate(mask=mask, effSubs=curSub, effSubsSort=curSubSort, onlyItself=onlyItself) return curSub, curSubSort
[docs] def reset_timeDelay(self, keepDelta=False, keepDeltaAll=False, upStreamTime=0.0): self.timeDelay = 0.0 for element in self.intletsObj: self.intletsObj[element].reset_timeDelay(keepDelta=keepDelta, keepDeltaAll=keepDeltaAll,upStreamTime=upStreamTime) for element in self.directFluxObj: self.directFluxObj[element].reset_timeDelay(keepDelta=keepDelta, keepDeltaAll=keepDeltaAll, upStreamTime=upStreamTime) self.update_timeDelay()
# Associate the Subbasin object to which timeDelay will be applied
[docs] def find_timeDelayObj(self): timeDelay = 0.0 self.timeDelayObj = None if("time delay from module" in self.dictRB): nameModule = self.dictRB["time delay from module"][key_Param.VALUE] else: return timeDelay for element in self.intletsObj: upEl = self.intletsObj[element] if upEl.iD == nameModule or timeDelay = upEl.timeDelay self.timeDelayObj = upEl return timeDelay for element in self.directFluxObj: upEl = self.directFluxObj[element] if upEl.iD == nameModule or timeDelay = upEl.timeDelay self.timeDelayObj = upEl return timeDelay return timeDelay
[docs] def update_timeDelay(self): self.timeDelay = self.timeDelayObj.timeDelay
[docs] def add_timeDelay(self, deltaT=0.0, reset=False, resetAll=False): for element in self.intletsObj: self.intletsObj[element].add_timeDelay(deltaT, reset=resetAll, resetAll=resetAll) for element in self.directFluxObj: self.directFluxObj[element].add_timeDelay(deltaT, reset=resetAll, resetAll=resetAll) # Here we are sure all the upstream subbasins are updated -> timeDelay updated self.update_timeDelay()
[docs] def get_inletsName(self): allInlets = [] for element in self.intletsObj: allInlets.append(str(self.intletsObj[element].name)) for element in self.directFluxObj: allInlets.append(str(self.directFluxObj[element].name)) return allInlets
[docs] def get_inletCoords(self): allCoords = [] for element in self.intletsObj: allCoords.append([self.intletsObj[element].x, self.intletsObj[element].y]) for element in self.directFluxObj: allCoords.append([self.directFluxObj[element].x, self.directFluxObj[element].y]) return allCoords
[docs] def get_zone(self) -> zone: """ Return a zone instance to insert in viewer """ myzone = zone(name = x,y = self.x, self.y xy_inlets = self.get_inletCoords() names = self.get_inletsName() for xy, curname in zip(xy_inlets, names): locx, locy = xy newvec = vector(name = curname) newvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(locx,locy)) newvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x,y)) newvec.myprop.color = getIfromRGB([255,100,0]) newvec.myprop.width = 3 myzone.add_vector(newvec, forceparent=True) return myzone
[docs] def get_timeDelays(self, timeDelays={}): timeDelays[] = self.timeDelay for element in self.intletsObj: timeDelays = self.intletsObj[element].get_timeDelays(timeDelays) for element in self.directFluxObj: timeDelays = self.directFluxObj[element].get_timeDelays(timeDelays) return timeDelays
[docs] def get_timeDelays_inlets(self): all_timeDelays = {el.timeDelay-self.timeDelay for el in self.intletsObj.values()} all_timeDelays.update({el.timeDelay-self.timeDelay for el in self.directFluxObj.values()}) return all_timeDelays
## This procedure save in a "transfer.param" file the timeDelay of the SubBasin and all its upstream elements
[docs] def save_timeDelays(self): for element in self.intletsObj: self.intletsObj[element].save_timeDelays() for element in self.directFluxObj: self.directFluxObj[element].save_timeDelays()
## The value to extract will be applied to the same object we extract timeDelay
[docs] def get_value_outlet(self, wolfarray): value = self.timeDelayObj.get_value_outlet(wolfarray) return value
[docs] def get_iDSorted(self): return self.timeDelayObj.get_iDSorted()
[docs] def get_outFlow_names(self)->list: return list(self._outFlow.keys())
## This procedure is updating all the hydrographs of all upstream elements imposing limits # @var level_min integer that specify the potential level at which the update should be stopped.
[docs] def update_upstream_hydro(self, level_min:int=1, update_upstream:bool=True): for key in self.intletsObj: curObj = self.intletsObj[key] if curObj.myLevel>=level_min: curObj.update_hydro(update_upstream=update_upstream, level_min=level_min) for key in self.directFluxObj: curObj = self.directFluxObj[key] if curObj.myLevel>=level_min: curObj.update_hydro(update_upstream=update_upstream, level_min=level_min)
## This procedure is updating all the hydrographs and possibly all upstream elements imposing limits # @var update_upstream boolean that specify whether the upstream elements should also be updated # @var level_min integer that specify the potential level at which the update should be stopped.
[docs] def update_hydro(self, update_upstream:bool=True, level_min:int=1): # !!! (ALERT) : So far, we consider that a RB object will always need to update its upstream elements # TODO : a potiential future need will require only an optimisation of the RB and fixed upstream elements! # if update_upstream: # self.update_upstream_hydro(level_min=level_min) self.update_upstream_hydro(update_upstream=update_upstream,level_min=level_min) self.compute_hydro()
[docs] def get_outFlow_global(self, whichOutFlow="", typeOutFlow="Net"): """The outFlow global property. Returns the outFlow in the global time, i.e. the hydrograph to which the timeDelay is applied. """ if self.type == "HelleRB" : if whichOutFlow == self._outFlow.keys[0]: tD = self.timeDelay else: tD = self.downstreamObj[whichOutFlow].timeDelay else: tD = self.timeDelay gOutFlow = self.get_outFlow(whichOutFlow=whichOutFlow, typeOutFlow=typeOutFlow, lag=tD) return gOutFlow
[docs] def convert_mmh_2_m3s(self, value): if self.surfaceDrainedHydro>0: return value*self.surfaceDrainedHydro/3.6 else: logging.error("Cannot convert in m³/s if the surface drained is not defined or 0!") return value
[docs] def convert_m3s_2_mmh(self, value): if self.surfaceDrainedHydro>0: return value*3.6/self.surfaceDrainedHydro else: logging.error("Cannot convert in m³/s if the surface drained is not defined or 0!") return value
[docs] def relative_filledVolume(self): """ The relative_fillevolume is computed on the basis of filledvolume and initial volume """ return
@relative_filledVolume.setter def relative_filledVolume(self, value): """ If we set the volume with relative value, the filledVolume is filled """ self.filledVolume = value +
[docs] def set_volume(self, volume:np.ndarray, time:np.ndarray=None): nbT = len(self.time) if time is None: if len(volume)==nbT: self.filledVolume = volume else: logging.error("The dimension of volume is not compatible with the one expected !") return else: if (time[1]-time[0]!=self.deltaT) or (time[0]%self.time[0]!=0): # TODO : code this interpolation ! logging.error("This function is not capable yet to take into account a different timesteps! ") logging.error("Time step expected in time = "+self.deltaT) return self.filledVolume = np.zeros(nbT, type=np.float64) mask = (time>=self.time[0]) & (time<=self.time[-1]) imin = np.argmax(mask) imax = min(np.argmin(mask[imin:]), nbT) self.filledVolume = volume[imin:imax+1] return
[docs] def evaluate_objective_function(self, unit="mm/h")->np.ndarray: # unit = "m3/s" return self.get_direct_insideRB_inlets(unit=unit)
[docs] def update_from_RBdict(self, dict_RB={}): self.type = self.dictRB['type'][key_Param.VALUE] if('stagnant height' in self.dictRB): self.hStagn = float(self.dictRB['stagnant height'][key_Param.VALUE]) if(self.type == 'HighwayRB'): self.surface = float(self.dictRB['surface'][key_Param.VALUE]) self.hBank = float(self.dictRB['height 2'][key_Param.VALUE]) self.volume = self.surface * self.hBank elif(self.type == 'RobiernuRB'): self.volume = float(self.dictRB['volume'][key_Param.VALUE]) elif(self.type == 'OrbaisRB'): self.volume = float(self.dictRB['volume'][key_Param.VALUE]) try: zvFile = self.dictRB['Z-V file'][key_Param.VALUE] except: zvFile = "" if(zvFile!=""): zvFile = zvFile.replace("\\", "/") self.read_zv(zvFile) elif(self.type == 'ForcedDam'): self.volume = float(self.dictRB['volume'][key_Param.VALUE]) self.hi = float(self.dictRB['initial height'][key_Param.VALUE]) = self.h_to_volume(self.hi) try: zvFile = self.dictRB['Z-V file'][key_Param.VALUE] except: zvFile = "" if(zvFile!=""): zvFile = zvFile.replace("\\", "/") #FIXME : Blinder la gestion des noms relatifs via une fonction if os.path.isabs(zvFile): self.read_zv(zvFile) else: self.read_zv(os.path.join(self.fileNameRead,zvFile)) if("time delay" in self.dictRB): self.timeDelay = float(self.dictRB["time delay"][key_Param.VALUE]) elif(self.type == "HelleRB"): self.volume = float(self.dictRB['volume'][key_Param.VALUE]) try: zvFile = self.dictRB['Z-V file'][key_Param.VALUE] isOk, zvFile = check_path(zvFile, self.fileNameRead, applyCWD=True) if isOk<0: print("ERROR : Problem in the Z-V file!") zvFile = "" except: zvFile = "" if(zvFile!=""): zvFile = zvFile.replace("\\", "/") self.read_zv(zvFile) else: print("WARNING: This type RB was not recognised! Please check the RetentionBasin.postPro file.")
[docs] def init_time_simulation(self, dateBegin:datetime.datetime, dateEnd:datetime.datetime, deltaT:float, tz:int=0): tzDelta = datetime.timedelta( self.dateBegin = dateBegin self.dateEnd = dateEnd self.deltaT = deltaT ti = datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateBegin-tzDelta) tf = datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateEnd-tzDelta) self.time = np.arange(ti,tf+self.deltaT,self.deltaT) return self.time
[docs] def init_internal_variable(self): for iOutFlow in range(len(list(self._outFlow.items()))): nameOut = list(self._outFlow.items())[iOutFlow][0] self._outFlow[nameOut]["Net"] = np.zeros(len(self.time), dtype=np.float64) self._outFlow[nameOut]["Raw"] = np.zeros(len(self.time), dtype=np.float64) self.filledVolume = np.zeros(len(self.time), dtype=np.float64)