Source code for wolfhece.hydrology.Outlet

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
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from os import times,path
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import csv
import datetime                         # module which contains objects treating dates

from ..PyParams import key_Param

from .read import *
from ..PyTranslate import _

if not '_' in __builtins__:
    import gettext
[docs] _=gettext.gettext
[docs] class Outlet: def __init__(self, _retentionBasinDict, _workingDir="", time=None): print("Run Outlet") self.myType = '' self.myRbDict = _retentionBasinDict self.fileNameRead = _workingDir # // self.fileNameWrite = self.fileNameRead self.nbFlows = 0 self.flows = [] self.times = [] self.time = time self.myType = self.myRbDict['type'][key_Param.VALUE] self.myRef = [] self.myRefInterp = None try: fileRef = self.myRbDict["Reference fileName"][key_Param.VALUE] isOk, fileRef = check_path(fileRef, self.fileNameRead, applyCWD=True) if isOk<0: print("ERROR : Problem in the Reference fileName!") fileRef = "" except: fileRef = "" try: tz = float(self.myRbDict["Time zone"][key_Param.VALUE]) tz = float(self.myRbDict["Time zone"][key_Param.VALUE]) except: tz = 0.0 if(fileRef!=""): self.myRefInterp = self.read_ref(fileRef, tz=tz) if self.time is not None: # FIXME : if dt(reference) < dt(simulation) => utiliser une moyenne sur tout l'intervalle !!!!!! --> TO DO !!!! self.myRef = np.zeros(np.shape(self.time)) # Check the indices useful for simulation and put the other intrsct = np.intersect1d(self.myRefInterp.x, self.time, return_indices=True) # Indices containing all the data in common between the time of the forced outflow data and the simulation time iTime = intrsct[2] imax = np.max(iTime) imin = np.min(iTime) self.myRef[imin:imax+1] = self.myRefInterp(self.time[imin:imax+1]) if("nb flows" in self.myRbDict): self.nbFlows = int(self.myRbDict["nb flows"][key_Param.VALUE]) for i in range(1,self.nbFlows+1): self.flows.append(float(self.myRbDict['flow '+str(i)][key_Param.VALUE])) if(i==1): self.times.append(-1.0) else: tmpDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.myRbDict['time '+str(i)][key_Param.VALUE], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S").replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) tmpTime = datetime.datetime.timestamp(tmpDate) self.times.append(tmpTime)
[docs] def compute(self, h, t=-1.0, index=-1): if(self.myType == 'HighwayRB'): q = self.compute_HighwayRB(h) elif(self.myType == 'RobiernuRB'): q = self.compute_RobiernuRB(h) elif(self.myType == 'OrbaisRB' or self.myType == "HelleRB"): if(self.nbFlows>0): q = self.compute_multistep(h,t) else: q = self.compute_OrbaisRB(h) # elif(self.myType == "HelleRB"): # q = self.compute_HelleRB(h) elif(self.myType == "ForcedDam"): q = self.compute_forcedDam(t, index=index) return q
[docs] def compute_HighwayRB(self, h): "This function compute the " q = 0.0 h0 = float(self.myRbDict['stagnant height'][key_Param.VALUE]) h1 = float(self.myRbDict['height 1'][key_Param.VALUE]) h2 = float(self.myRbDict['height 2'][key_Param.VALUE]) q1 = float(self.myRbDict['flow 1'][key_Param.VALUE]) q2 = float(self.myRbDict['flow 2'][key_Param.VALUE]) if(h<=h1): q = q1 else: q = q2 return q
[docs] def compute_RobiernuRB(self, h): q = float(self.myRbDict['flow 1'][key_Param.VALUE]) return q
[docs] def compute_OrbaisRB(self, h): q = float(self.myRbDict['flow 1'][key_Param.VALUE]) return q
# def compute_HelleRB(self,h): # qRmoved = float(self.myRbDict['flow 1']['value']) # q = 0.0 # return q
[docs] def compute_forcedDam(self, time, index=-1): if self.time is None or index<0: if(time<min(self.myRefInterp.x) or time>max(self.myRefInterp.x)): q=0.0 else: q = self.myRefInterp(time) elif index<len(self.myRef): q = self.myRef[index] else: q = 0.0 return q
[docs] def compute_multistep(self, h, time): q = self.flows[-1] for i in range(self.nbFlows-1): if(time<self.times[i+1]): q = self.flows[i] break return q
[docs] def read_ref(self, fileName, typeOfInterpolation='linear', tz=0): """ tz represents the time zone "GMT+"tz """ if not path.exists(fileName): return if(type(fileName)!=str): print("ERROR: Expecting only 1 file name for measurements!") sys.exit() with open(fileName, newline = '') as fileID: data_reader = csv.reader(fileID, delimiter=' ',skipinitialspace=True) list_data = [] i=0 for raw in data_reader: if i>3: list_data.append(raw) if i==2: nbCl = int(raw[0]) i += 1 matrixData = np.array(list_data).astype("float") # Init of the outflow array timeInterval = len(matrixData) outFlow = np.zeros(timeInterval) timeArray = np.zeros(timeInterval) # From the measurements file, we will only read the desired data and save it in outflow prevDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[0][2]), month=int(matrixData[0][1]), day=int(matrixData[0][0]), hour=int(matrixData[0][3]), tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) index = 0 add1Hour = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) secondsInDay = 24*60*60 if(nbCl==5): # Caution : the index of the loop start at 24 because the timestamp function # does not work until the 2/01/1970 at 03:00:00. => Je ne sais pas pourquoi ?! for i in range(25,len(matrixData)): # The hours are written in the file in [1,24] instead of [0,23]. Conversion below: if(int(matrixData[i][3])==24): currDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i][2]), month=int(matrixData[i][1]), day=int(matrixData[i][0]), hour=23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) + add1Hour else: currDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i][2]), month=int(matrixData[i][1]), day=int(matrixData[i][0]), hour=int(matrixData[i][3]), tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) if(int(matrixData[i-1][3])==24): prevDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i-1][2]), month=int(matrixData[i-1][1]), day=int(matrixData[i-1][0]), hour=23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) + add1Hour else: prevDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i-1][2]), month=int(matrixData[i-1][1]), day=int(matrixData[i-1][0]), hour=int(matrixData[i-1][3]), tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) # Start at dateBegin and go to the element before dateEnd. Because the last date is needed for rain and evap in implicit simulations. if(datetime.datetime.timestamp(currDate)>=datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateBegin) and \ datetime.datetime.timestamp(currDate)<datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateEnd)): outFlow[index] = matrixData[i][4] diffDate = currDate - prevDate diffTimeInSeconds = diffDate.days*secondsInDay + diffDate.seconds timeArray[index] = datetime.datetime.timestamp(currDate) # timeArray[index] = timeArray[index-1] + diffTimeInSeconds index += 1 elif(nbCl==7): for i in range(len(matrixData)): # The hours are written in the file in [1,24] instead of [0,23]. Conversion below: currDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i][2]), month=int(matrixData[i][1]), day=int(matrixData[i][0]), hour=int(matrixData[i][3]), minute=int(matrixData[i][4]), second=int(matrixData[i][5]),tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) prevDate = datetime.datetime(year=int(matrixData[i-1][2]), month=int(matrixData[i-1][1]), day=int(matrixData[i-1][0]), hour=int(matrixData[i-1][3]), minute=int(matrixData[i-1][4]), second=int(matrixData[i-1][5]),tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) # Start at dateBegin and go to the element before dateEnd. Because the last date is needed for rain and evap in implicit simulations. if(matrixData[i][6]<0): outFlow[index] = 0.0 else: outFlow[index] = matrixData[i][6] outFlow[index] = matrixData[i][6] diffDate = currDate - prevDate diffTimeInSeconds = diffDate.days*secondsInDay + diffDate.seconds timeArray[index] = datetime.datetime.timestamp(currDate) # timeArray[index] = timeArray[index-1] + diffTimeInSeconds index += 1 # The last date is not taken into account in hydro as the last date rain and evap is needed for implicit simulations diffDate = currDate - prevDate # Add the last element in the time matrix as its size is 1 element bigger than outlet timeArray[-1] = timeArray[-2] + diffTimeInSeconds timeArray -= tz*3600 interpol = interp1d(timeArray,outFlow,kind=typeOfInterpolation, assume_sorted=True) return interpol