Source code for wolfhece.hydrology.Dumping

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
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import datetime                         # module which contains objects treating dates
from ..PyParams import key_Param

from ..PyTranslate import _

if not '_' in __builtins__:
    import gettext
[docs] _=gettext.gettext
[docs] class Dumping: def __init__(self, _retentionBasinDict): print("Run Dumping") self.myType = '' self.myRbDict = _retentionBasinDict self.nbFlows = 0 self.flows = [] self.times = [] self.myType = self.myRbDict['type'][key_Param.VALUE] if("nb ecretages" in self.myRbDict): self.nbFlows = int(self.myRbDict["nb ecretages"][key_Param.VALUE]) for i in range(1,self.nbFlows+1): self.flows.append(float(self.myRbDict['ecretage '+str(i)][key_Param.VALUE])) if(i==1): self.times.append(-1.0) else: tmpDate = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.myRbDict['time ecr. '+str(i)][key_Param.VALUE], "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S").replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) tmpTime = datetime.datetime.timestamp(tmpDate) self.times.append(tmpTime)
[docs] def compute(self, h, t=-1.0): if(self.myType == 'HighwayRB'): qLim = 0.0 elif(self.myType == 'RobiernuRB'): qLim = 0.0 elif(self.myType == 'OrbaisRB' or self.myType == 'ForcedDam' or self.myType == 'HelleRB'): if(self.nbFlows>0): qLim = self.compute_multistep(h,t) else: qLim = self.compute_constant() else: qLim = 0.0 return qLim
[docs] def compute_constant(self): qLim = float(self.myRbDict['ecretage'][key_Param.VALUE]) return qLim
[docs] def compute_multistep(self, h, time): qlim = self.flows[-1] for i in range(self.nbFlows-1): if(time<self.times[i+1]): qlim = self.flows[i] break return qlim