Source code for wolfhece.hydrology.Catchment

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

import numpy  as np
import csv
import time as time_mod
import sys                              # module to stop the program when an error is encountered
import json                             # mudule to use json file
import pandas as pd                     # module to write data in Excel file
import datetime                         # module which contains objects treating dates
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from dbfread import DBF                 # module to treat DBF files

#  libraries to import for graphiz (Here to draw flowcharts)
import graphviz
import os
import copy                             # module to copy objects

from ..PyTranslate import _

if os.path.isdir('C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz/bin'):
    os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Graphviz/bin'    # Without this line the path to graphiz app might not be found
elif os.path.isdir('C:/Program Files/Graphviz/bin'):
    os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + 'C:/Program Files/Graphviz/bin'    # Without this line the path to graphiz app might not be found
    print(_('Note: do not forget to install the graphviz app and add it to the PATH to make it work'))
# --------------------------------

from ..wolf_texture import genericImagetexture
from ..PyDraw import WolfMapViewer
from .SubBasin import *
from .RetentionBasin import *
from .read import *
from ..wolf_array import *
from ..PyParams import *
from ..PyVertex import cloud_vertices, getIfromRGB,wolfvertex
from .PyWatershed import Watershed, Node_Watershed

# %% Classes

[docs] class Catchment: """This object contains all the information about the Catchment. The Catchment is composed of element that can be: - Subbasin - RetentionBasin In the Catchment the following rules are applied: - there is one and only one outlet. - one element """
[docs] time_delays_F:np.ndarray # array pointed to the array time_delays in Fortran and composed the time delays of each subbasin
[docs] _version:float # version of the wolfHydro python code. Useful for identifying the file versions to read and how to interpret them
[docs] charact_watrshd:Watershed # Watershed object containing the most useful properties of the arrays in Characteristics maps
[docs] subBasinCloud:cloud_vertices # cloud of points containing the true coordinates (used in simulation) of all subbasin outlets
[docs] retentionBasinCloud:cloud_vertices # cloud of points containing the true coordinates (used in simulation) of all retention basins
[docs] iP_Cloud:cloud_vertices # cloud of points containing the given coordinates (given in param files) of all subbasin outlets
[docs] catchmentDict:dict[Union[str, int], Union[SubBasin, RetentionBasin]] # dictionnary containing all the elements of the catchment
[docs] subBasinDict:dict[int, SubBasin] # dictionnary containing all the subbasins
def __init__(self, _name, _workingDir, _plotAllSub, _plotNothing, _initWithResults=True, _catchmentFileName="", _rbFileName="", _tz=0, version=cst.VERSION_WOLFHYDRO): "This is the constructor of the class Catchment in which all the caractertics and the network of sub-basins will be created" # Init of all the propperties' object = _name self.workingDir = _workingDir self.plotAllSub = _plotAllSub self.plotNothing = _plotNothing if(self.plotNothing == True): self.plotAllSub = False = _tz # time zone in GMT+0 self.time = None # self.deltaT = 0.0 # Time step of the simulation self.dateBegin = None # Object datetime of the beginning date of the simulation self.dateEnd = None # Object datetime of the end date of the simulation self.myModel = None self.nbCommune = 0 self.nbSubBasin = 0 self.hyeto = {} # Pluie pour chaque "commune" self.catchmentDict = {} self.subBasinDict = {} self.subBasinCloud=cloud_vertices() self.subBasinCloud.myprop.color=getIfromRGB((255,131,250)) self.subBasinCloud.myprop.filled=True self.retentionBasinCloud=cloud_vertices() self.retentionBasinCloud.myprop.color=getIfromRGB((0,131,255)) self.retentionBasinCloud.myprop.filled=True self.iP_Cloud=cloud_vertices() self.iP_Cloud.myprop.color=getIfromRGB((255,131,250)) self.iP_Cloud.myprop.filled=True self.retentionBasinDict = {} self.topologyDict = {} self.dictIdConversion = {} self.hyetoDict = {} self.intersection = {} self.catchmentDict['Elements'] = {} self.catchmentDict['Subbasin'] = self.subBasinDict self.catchmentDict['RB'] = self.retentionBasinDict self.catchmentDict['Topo'] = self.topologyDict self.catchmentDict['Hyeto'] = self.hyeto self.catchmentDict['dictIdConversion'] = self.dictIdConversion self.junctionNamesDict = {} # Dictionnary containing all the names associated with their junction self.myStationsDict = {} self.myEffSortSubBasins = [] # List of effective Subbasins indicated by their sorted number from Fortran (int) self.myEffSubBasins = [] # List of effective Subbasins indicated by their Interior Point number (int) # self.topologyFrame = wx.Frame(None) self.junctionOut = "" self.levelOut = -1 self.time_delays_F = None self.ptr_time_delays = None self._version = version if(_initWithResults==False): return # Creation of the PostProcess directory # It will contain all the the saved results. writingDir = os.path.join(self.workingDir,'PostProcess') if not os.path.exists(writingDir): try: os.mkdir(writingDir) except OSError: print ("Creation of the directory %s failed" % writingDir) else: print ("Successfully created the directory %s" % writingDir) # Read the input files # read the Main File self.paramsInput = Wolf_Param(to_read=False,toShow=False) self.paramsInput.ReadFile(os.path.join(self.workingDir,'Main_model.param')) # Get the version of WOLFHydro self.change_version(self.paramsInput.get_param("General information", "Version WOLFHydo")) # self.paramsInput.Hide() # read the topology file self.paramsTopology = Wolf_Param(to_read=False,toShow=False) if(self.paramsInput is self.paramsTopology): print("Error: the same Wof_Param object was created") sys.exit() if(_catchmentFileName==""): catchmentFileName = 'Catchment.postPro' else: catchmentFileName = _catchmentFileName if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.workingDir,catchmentFileName)): self.paramsTopology.ReadFile(os.path.join(self.workingDir,catchmentFileName)) else: logging.error("The following topology file is not present !") logging.error("File name : "+ os.path.join(self.workingDir,catchmentFileName)) # self.paramsTopology.Hide() if(self.paramsInput.myparams is self.paramsTopology.myparams): print("Error: the same dictionnary was created for the params in the input files") sys.exit() # Read data and characteristics of the RB and its outlet self.paramsRB = Wolf_Param(to_read=False,toShow=False) if(self.paramsRB is self.paramsTopology): print("Error: the same Wof_Param object was created") sys.exit() if(_rbFileName==""): rbFileName = 'RetentionBasins.postPro' else: rbFileName = _rbFileName rbFileName = os.path.join(self.workingDir,rbFileName) if os.path.exists(rbFileName): self.paramsRB.ReadFile(os.path.join(self.workingDir,rbFileName)) else: logging.error("The following RB file is not present !") logging.error("File name : "+ rbFileName) # self.paramsRB.Hide() if(self.paramsRB.myparams is self.paramsTopology.myparams): print("Error: the same dictionnary was created for the params in the input files") sys.exit() # Get the number of subbasins try: self.nbSubBasin = int(self.paramsInput.myparams['Semi distributed model']['How many?'][key_Param.VALUE]) + 1 # +1 because the outlet is also counted except: self.nbSubBasin = int(self.paramsInput.myparams_default['Semi distributed model']['How many?'][key_Param.VALUE]) + 1 # +1 because the outlet is also counted # Fill the dictionary containing the id of the sorted subbasin returned by the Fortran code self.init_dictIdConversion(self.workingDir) # Fill the dictionary containing the id of the hyeto to read when the ordred hyeto is given self.init_hyetoDict() # Get the information on the characteristic maps computed by the Fortran code # self.topo_wolf_array = WolfArray(self.workingDir + "Characteristic_maps/Drainage_basin.b") # self.topo_wolf_array = WolfArray(self.workingDir + "Characteristic_maps/Drainage_basin.b2") self.time_wolf_array = WolfArray(os.path.join(self.workingDir,"Characteristic_maps/Drainage_basin.time")) self.charact_watrshd = Watershed(self.workingDir, dir_mnt_subpixels=self.paramsInput[('Sub-pixeling', 'Directory')]) self.set_eff_outlet_coord() # time array: self.get_time() # self.time, self.rain = self.get_rain(self.workingDir+'Subbasin_1/') # TO DO: Check how the rain is read for the first time # Get the hydrology model used (1-linear reservoir, 2-VHM, 3-Unit Hydrograph) self.myModel = int(self.paramsInput.myparams['Model Type']['Type of hydrological model'][key_Param.VALUE]) # Save the stations SPW characteristics in a dictionnary self.read_measuring_stations_SPW() # Construction of the Catchment # ------------------------------ # 1) 1st Iteration: Object creation # Iterate through the Input params dictionnary self.create_ObjectsInCatchment() self.charact_watrshd.set_names_subbasins([(cur.iDSorted, for cur in self.subBasinDict.values()]) # self.add_hyetoToDict() # 2) 2nd Iteration: Link between objects self.link_objects() # This procedure also creates the first layer of the topo tree by identifying the source ss-basins """ The topo tree is organised by level: - The first level contains should only contain subbasins which don't have any input flows. Therefore, they already contains all the information to build their hydrograph - The second and upper levels can contain either RB or subbasins with input flows. """ # 3) 3rd Iteration: Complete the tree self.complete_topoDict() if(not(self.plotNothing)): flowchart = graphviz.Digraph("Test") flowchart.format = 'png' self.draw_flowChart(flowchart) # flowchart.view() flowchart.render(os.path.join(self.workingDir,"Topology"), view=False) # Hello! To DO !!! the following lines problem # topologyImage ="png"))) # # topologyImage = # # Dir,"Test.png")) # # self.topoMapViewer = WolfMapViewer(None, "Topology", treewidth=0) # ratio = topologyImage.width/topologyImage.height # # self.topoMapViewer = WolfMapViewer(None, "Topology",w=topologyImage.width,h=topologyImage.height,treewidth=0) # self.topoMapViewer = WolfMapViewer(None, "Topology",w=4000*ratio,treewidth=0) # self.topoMapViewer.add_object('Other', newobj=genericImagetexture('Other','Topology',self.topoMapViewer,xmin=0, xmax=topologyImage.width, # ymin=0, ymax=topologyImage.height, width=topologyImage.width, height=topologyImage.height,imageObj=topologyImage), # ToCheck=False, id='Topology') # self.topoMapViewer.Autoscale() # self.topoMapViewer.OnPaint(None) # self.topoMapViewer.Show() pass # isNotCorrect = True # while(isNotCorrect): # print("Is this Flowchart ok?") # print("Y-Yes, N-No") # answer = input("Your answer:") # if(answer=="N" or answer=="No"): # print("The postprocess was stopped by the user!") # sys.exit() # elif(answer=="Y" or answer=="Yes"): # isNotCorrect = False # else: # print("ERROR: Please enter the correct answer!") # r = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Is this Flowchart ok?", "Topology verification", wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION).ShowModal() # if r != wx.ID_YES: # print("The postprocess was stopped by the user!") # sys.exit() # Definition of junctionOut by default the last junction/element in the topology tree self.junctionOut = self.get_lastJunctionKey() # Associate objects linked to timeDelay in all RB objects tmp = self.find_all_timeDelayObj() # =============================== # Computation of the hydrographs self.construct_hydro() # Reading of the rain for each subbasin try: self.add_rainToAllObjects() except: print("ERROR! The rain couldn't be created. This might be induced by the lack of the dbf file!") pass # Contruct the effective subbasins self.get_eff_subBasin() # Construct the surface drained by anthropogenic modules self.construct_surfaceDrainedHydro_RB() # Read the landuses of all subbasins self.read_all_landuses() # ============================== # Save in excel file all the hydrographs # Hello! To uncomment!!!! # self.save_ExcelFile() # self.save_ExcelFile_noLagTime() # self.save_ExcelFile_V2() # self.save_characteristics() # Plot the of the subbasin or RB with level above 1 in the topo tree self.plotNothing = True if(not(self.plotNothing)): self.plot_intersection() # Plot all the subbasin hydrographs and hyetograph if(self.plotAllSub): self.plot_allSub() # self.charact_watrshd.impose_sorted_index_subbasins([cur.iDSorted for cur in self.subBasinDict.values()]) self._fill_cloud_retentionbasin()
[docs] def get_subBasin(self, id_sorted_or_name:int | str) -> SubBasin: """ This method returns the subbasin object associated with the sorted id or name given in argument. The sorted id is the one given by the Fortran code. """ if isinstance(id_sorted_or_name, str): for cursub in self.subBasinDict.values(): if( == id_sorted_or_name.lower()): return cursub elif isinstance(id_sorted_or_name, int): for cursub in self.subBasinDict.values(): if(cursub.iDSorted == id_sorted_or_name): return cursub return None
[docs] def get_time(self): """ This method saves the time characteristics read in the .param file and build a time array. The convention used for the time written in the .param is as follow: YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS It is important to notice that the dateBegin and dateEnd are converted in GMT+0 Internal variables modified : self.deltaT, self.dateBegin, self.dateEnd, self.time. NB : If any change in the convention is mentionned in the comment following the dates the code will return an error Otherwise, no procedure will warn the user that a converntion is modified. """ commentRead1 = self.paramsInput.myparams_default['Temporal Parameters']['Start date time'][key_Param.COMMENT] commentRead2 = self.paramsInput.myparams_default['Temporal Parameters']['End date time'][key_Param.COMMENT] if (commentRead1.replace(' ', '') != 'Startdate[YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS]'): print("ERROR: The convention in the start date is different from the one treated in this code. Please change it or modify the function get_time().") sys.exit() if (commentRead2.replace(' ', '') != 'Enddate[YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS]'): print("ERROR:The convention in the end date is different from the one treated in this code. Please change it or modify the function get_time().") sys.out() try: dateRead1 = self.paramsInput.myparams['Temporal Parameters']['Start date time'][key_Param.VALUE] except: dateRead1 = self.paramsInput.myparams_default['Temporal Parameters']['Start date time'][key_Param.VALUE] try: dateRead2 = self.paramsInput.myparams['Temporal Parameters']['End date time'][key_Param.VALUE] except: dateRead2 = self.paramsInput.myparams_default['Temporal Parameters']['End date time'][key_Param.VALUE] tzDelta = datetime.timedelta( self.deltaT = float(self.paramsInput.myparams['Temporal Parameters']['Time step'][key_Param.VALUE]) self.dateBegin = datetime.datetime(year=int(dateRead1[0:4]), month=int(dateRead1[4:6]), day=int(dateRead1[6:8]), hour=int(dateRead1[9:11]), minute=int(dateRead1[11:13]), second=int(dateRead1[13:15]), microsecond=0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) self.dateBegin -= tzDelta self.dateEnd = datetime.datetime(year=int(dateRead2[0:4]), month=int(dateRead2[4:6]), day=int(dateRead2[6:8]), hour=int(dateRead2[9:11]), minute=int(dateRead2[11:13]), second=int(dateRead2[13:15]), microsecond=0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) self.dateEnd -= tzDelta diffDate = self.dateEnd - self.dateBegin # secondsInDay = 24*60*60 # diffTimeInSeconds = diffDate.days*secondsInDay + diffDate.seconds ti = datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateBegin) tf = datetime.datetime.timestamp(self.dateEnd) # self.time = np.arange(0,diffTimeInSeconds+1,self.deltaT) self.time = np.arange(ti,tf+self.deltaT,self.deltaT)
[docs] def get_rain(self, workingDir): fileName = 'simul_lumped_rain.txt' with open(os.path.join(workingDir,fileName), newline = '') as fileID2: data_reader = csv.reader(fileID2, delimiter='\t') list_data = [] i=0 for raw in data_reader: if i>1: list_data.append(raw) i += 1 matrixData = np.array(list_data).astype("float") rain = np.zeros(len(matrixData)) time = np.zeros(len(matrixData)) for i in range(len(matrixData)): time[i] = matrixData[i][4]*60 + matrixData[i][3]*60**2 + (matrixData[i][0]-matrixData[0][0])*(60**2)*24 + (matrixData[i][1]-matrixData[0][1])*(60**2)*24*31 rain[i] = matrixData[i][6] return time, rain
[docs] def get_hyeto(self, fileName): f = open(fileName, "r") stringTab = [] for line in f: stringTab.append(line.lstrip()) matrixData = np.zeros((len(stringTab)-1,2)) for i in range(len(stringTab)): if(i>0): tmpTxt = stringTab[i].split(" ", 1) tmpTxt[1] = tmpTxt[1].strip() tmpTxt[1] = tmpTxt[1].replace("\n", "") matrixData[i-1][0] = float(tmpTxt[0]) matrixData[i-1][1] = float(tmpTxt[1]) rain = np.zeros(len(matrixData)) time = np.zeros(len(matrixData)) time0 = matrixData[0][0] for i in range(len(matrixData)): time[i] = matrixData[i][0]-time0 rain[i] = matrixData[i][1] return time, rain
[docs] def init_dictIdConversion(self, workingDir): """ Procedure that converts the Id of the intersection points in the input file into the sorted sub-basin ids file read: simul_sorted_interior_points.txt Internal variables modified: self.dictIdConversion The conversion dictionnary has the given form: self.dictIdConversion[Internal Point id] = sorted subbasin from the lowest to the highest """ fileNameInteriorPoints = os.path.join(workingDir,'simul_sorted_interior_points.txt') # !!! Add the case the file is not present. with open(fileNameInteriorPoints) as fileID: data_reader = csv.reader(fileID, delimiter='\t') list_data = [] i=0 for raw in data_reader: if i>0: list_data.append([int(raw[i].replace(' ','')) for i in range(0,len(raw))]) i += 1 nbData = len(list_data) if(self.nbSubBasin != nbData): if(self.nbSubBasin == 0): print("WARNING : The number of subbasins not encoded yet") else: print("ERROR : The number subbasin is not consistent with the number of lines in the file: simul_sorted_interior_points.txt") sys.exit() for num in range(1, nbData+1): for index in range(nbData): if (list_data[index][0]==num): self.dictIdConversion[num] = list_data[index][1] break if(index == nbData-1): print("Not normal:" , num)
[docs] def create_ObjectsInCatchment(self): """ Procedure which creates the objects in the dictionnaries of the subbasins and the RB and each object are pointed in the global catchment dictionnary. This procedre also create the 1st level of the Topo dictionnary. Internal variables modified: subBasinDict, retentionBasinDict, self.catchmentDict, """ # Creates Subbasins counter = 0 for counter in range(1, self.nbSubBasin): tmpNameParam = 'Interior point '+ str(counter) if('X' in self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam] and 'Y' in self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]): x = float(self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]['X'][key_Param.VALUE]) y = float(self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]['Y'][key_Param.VALUE]) elif("Station Code" in self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]): stationCode = self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]["Station Code"][key_Param.VALUE] x = self.myStationsDict[int(stationCode)]["X"] y = self.myStationsDict[int(stationCode)]["Y"] elif("Station Name" in self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]): stationName = self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]["Station Name"][key_Param.VALUE] x = self.myStationsDict[stationName]["X"] y = self.myStationsDict[stationName]["Y"] else: print("ERROR: Impossible to indentify the position of the interior points! Please check your param file!") sys.exit() mysubxy=wolfvertex(x,y) self.iP_Cloud.add_vertex(mysubxy) idSorted = self.catchmentDict['dictIdConversion'][counter] cur_outlet:wolfvertex = self.subBasinCloud.myvertices[idSorted-1]["vertex"] # self.subBasinDict[counter] = SubBasin(counter, self.time, self.workingDir, self.hyeto, x, y, idSorted) self.subBasinDict[counter] = SubBasin(self.dateBegin, self.dateEnd, self.deltaT, self.myModel, self.workingDir, _iD_interiorPoint=counter, _idSorted=idSorted, _hyeto=self.hyeto, _x=cur_outlet.x, _y=cur_outlet.y,, version=self._version) self.catchmentDict['ss'+str(counter)] = self.subBasinDict[counter] mysubxy=wolfvertex(x,y) self.iP_Cloud.add_vertex(mysubxy) counter += 1 tmpNameParam = 'Outlet Coordinates' if('X' in self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam] and 'Y' in self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]): x = float(self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]['X'][key_Param.VALUE]) y = float(self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]['Y'][key_Param.VALUE]) elif("Station Code" in self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]): stationCode = self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]["Station Code"][key_Param.VALUE] x = self.myStationsDict[int(stationCode)]["X"] y = self.myStationsDict[int(stationCode)]["Y"] elif("Station Name" in self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]): stationName = self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]["Station Name"][key_Param.VALUE] x = self.myStationsDict[stationName]["X"] y = self.myStationsDict[stationName]["Y"] else: print("ERROR: Impossible to indentify the position of the interior points! Please check your param file!") sys.exit() # x = float(self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]['X'][key_Param.VALUE]) # y = float(self.paramsInput.myparams[tmpNameParam]['Y'][key_Param.VALUE]) idSorted = self.catchmentDict['dictIdConversion'][counter] cur_outlet:wolfvertex = self.subBasinCloud.myvertices[idSorted-1]["vertex"] # self.subBasinDict[counter] = SubBasin(counter, self.time, self.workingDir, self.hyeto, x, y, idSorted) self.subBasinDict[counter] = SubBasin(self.dateBegin, self.dateEnd, self.deltaT, self.myModel, self.workingDir, _iD_interiorPoint=counter, _idSorted=idSorted, _hyeto=self.hyeto, _x=x, _y=y,, version=self._version) mysubxy=wolfvertex(x,y) self.iP_Cloud.add_vertex(mysubxy) self.catchmentDict['ss'+str(counter)] = self.subBasinDict[counter] # This following line must be present to create the outFlow dictionary of the last element self.subBasinDict[counter].add_downstreamObj(None, name="FINAL OUTLET") # Creates RB and checking if the topo file contains only these types of junction for element in self.paramsTopology.myparams: # If Subbasin: if(self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['type'][key_Param.VALUE] == 'Subbasin'): idBasin = int(self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['number'][key_Param.VALUE].replace('ss', '')) nameBasin = self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['name'][key_Param.VALUE] inletsString = self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['inlets'][key_Param.VALUE].strip() # Save the name of the basin self.subBasinDict[idBasin].add_name(nameBasin) # Check if the subbasin have inlets or not => if not can be on the first layer of the topology tree. if(inletsString!='--'): self.subBasinDict[idBasin].change_haveInlets() # Save the element of the subbasin dictionnary also in the global Cachment dictionnary with 'J' prefix. self.catchmentDict[element] = self.subBasinDict[idBasin] # Save the element of the subbasin dictionnary also in the global Cachment dictionnary with 'ss' prefix # -> First free the object aleady created with the 'ss' prefix # Therefore a subbasin with several inputs can be called in the Catchment dictionnary with prefix 'J' or 'ss' or the name of the station self.catchmentDict[self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['number'][key_Param.VALUE]] = None self.catchmentDict[self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['number'][key_Param.VALUE]] = self.subBasinDict[idBasin] self.junctionNamesDict[self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['name'][key_Param.VALUE]] = element # If RB: elif(self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['type'][key_Param.VALUE] == 'RB'): idBasin = element # Save the name of the RB nameBasin = self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['name'][key_Param.VALUE] # Create the RB object typeOfRB = self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['type of RB'][key_Param.VALUE] # Outlet names if present myOutletsNames = [] self.junctionNamesDict[self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['name'][key_Param.VALUE]] = element try: nbOutlets = int(self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]['nb outlets'][key_Param.VALUE]) except: nbOutlets = 0 myOutletsNames.append(element) for iOutlet in range(nbOutlets): myOutletsNames.append(self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]["outlet "+str(iOutlet+1)][key_Param.VALUE]) self.junctionNamesDict[self.paramsTopology.myparams[element]["outlet "+str(iOutlet+1)][key_Param.VALUE]] = element self.retentionBasinDict[element] = RetentionBasin(self.dateBegin, self.dateEnd, self.deltaT, self.time, idBasin, nameBasin, typeOfRB, self.paramsRB.myparams,, _outletNames=myOutletsNames, _workingDir=self.workingDir) # Save the RB in the RB dictionnary into the global Catchment dictionnary self.catchmentDict[element] = self.retentionBasinDict[element] # If none of the junction above else: print("ERROR: This type of junction is unknown. Please check the topo postprocess file") sys.exit()
[docs] def _fill_cloud_retentionbasin(self): """ This procedure fills the cloud of the retention basin with the vertices of the retention basin and its inlets. """ for curRT in self.retentionBasinDict.values(): curRT:RetentionBasin self.retentionBasinCloud.add_vertex(wolfvertex(curRT.x,curRT.y)) inlet_coords = curRT.get_inletCoords() for cur_inlet in inlet_coords: self.retentionBasinCloud.add_vertex(wolfvertex(cur_inlet[0],cur_inlet[1]))
[docs] def get_retentionbasin_zones(self)-> Zones: """ This method returns a Zones instance of the retention basins. """ zones = Zones() for curRB in self.retentionBasinDict.values(): curRB:RetentionBasin zones.add_zone(curRB.get_zone(), forceparent=True) return zones
# sys.exit()
[docs] def complete_topoDict(self): """ Procedure that finish to complete the topo tree. Before calling this procedure, only the first level were completed in self.link_objects(). Modified internal variables: self.topologyDict Strategy: - We save the element on a certain level if all his inlets have inferior levels. TO DO: Add a test that counts the number of subbasins and check if the number is right or not -> take into account the fact that a subbasin can be the last element in this computation. """ toContinue = True # variable used to stop the while loop # As the first level is already completed, we begin at level 2 if(self.nbSubBasin==1): return level = 2 while(toContinue): levelName = 'Level '+ str(level) print('Complete '+levelName) self.topologyDict[levelName] = {} # element : name to search in the dict topo et catchment for element in self.topologyDict['Level '+str(level-1)]: # If one element in the previous level does not have a downstream # => It's the outlet of the Cachtment (as 1! outlet is possible in a same catchment) # => The level in the dictionnary is removed # => Stop the loop if(self.catchmentDict[element].downstreamObj == {}): toContinue = False # self.catchmentDict[element].increment_level() del self.topologyDict[levelName] break for elDown in self.catchmentDict[element].downstreamObj: dowObj = self.catchmentDict[element].downstreamObj[elDown] if(dowObj.myLevel > level): continue # iInlet : index of the inlet okLevel = True # We loop on the inlets of the downstream element: # if: at least 1 element as the same or higher level as the current one # => increment level of the downstream element # => We go another element on level-1 # else: we save the downstream element in topo tree on the 'level' branch for elInlet in dowObj.intletsObj: if(dowObj.intletsObj[elInlet].myLevel >= level): dowObj.increment_level() okLevel = False break if(dowObj.intletsObj[elInlet].isLeveled == False): dowObj.increment_level() okLevel = False break if(type(dowObj) == RetentionBasin): if(len(dowObj.directFluxObj) != 0): for elInlet in dowObj.directFluxObj: if(dowObj.directFluxObj[elInlet].myLevel >= level): dowObj.increment_level() okLevel = False break if(dowObj.directFluxObj[elInlet].isLeveled == False): dowObj.increment_level() okLevel = False break # Here all the inlets are on inferior level if(okLevel): tmpID = dowObj.iD self.topologyDict[levelName][tmpID] = self.catchmentDict[tmpID] dowObj.myLevel = level self.catchmentDict[tmpID].isLeveled = True level += 1
[docs] def construct_hydro(self, firstLevel=1, lastLevel=-1, fromStation:str="", updateAll:bool=False): """ This procedure will use the topo tree to build the hydrographs of all elements Internal variable changed: self.catchmentDict """ if fromStation == "": if(lastLevel==-1): lastLevel = len(self.topologyDict) elif(lastLevel<firstLevel): print("ERROR : the first level should be greater than the last one!") sys.exit() elif(lastLevel>len(self.topologyDict)): print("ERROR : the last level should be smaller than maximum level indice !") sys.exit() print("Constructing hydros") for i in range(firstLevel, lastLevel+1): tmpLevel = 'Level '+ str(i) for element in self.topologyDict[tmpLevel]: self.catchmentDict[element].compute_hydro() else: junctionKey = self.get_key_catchmentDict(name=fromStation) if junctionKey is None: logging.error("ERROR : Wrong station name to start an upstream update !") return self.catchmentDict[junctionKey].update_hydro(update_upstream=updateAll, level_min=firstLevel)
[docs] def read_Jsonfile(self, fileName): "Function which reads a json file as input" with open(fileName, 'r') as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) print("data = ", data) return data
[docs] def save_ExcelFile(self): "Procedure that saves the data in an Excel file." # Writes subbasins' hydrographs writer = pd.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(self.workingDir,"PostProcess/Data_outflow.xlsx"), engine = 'xlsxwriter') columnNames = ['Time [s]', 'Real hydrograph [m^3/s]', 'Raw hydrograph [m^3/s]'] for element in self.subBasinDict: excelData = np.zeros((len(self.time),3)) sheetName = self.subBasinDict[element].name curSub:SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[element] outFlowNet = curSub.outFlow_global outFlowRaw = curSub.outFlowRaw_global if(len(sheetName)>30): sheetName = sheetName[:30] for i in range(len(self.time)): excelData[i][0] = self.time[i] excelData[i][1] = outFlowNet[i] excelData[i][2] = outFlowRaw[i] df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer , sheet_name= sheetName[0:min(len(sheetName),30)]) curSheet = writer.sheets[sheetName] curSheet.autofit() # Writes the RB hydrographs for element in self.retentionBasinDict: curRB:RetentionBasin = self.retentionBasinDict[element] outFlowNames = curRB.get_outFlow_names() nbOutFlow = len(outFlowNames) excelData = np.zeros((len(self.time),1+nbOutFlow*2)) sheetName = columnNames = ['Time [s]'] iOutFlow = 0 for elOut in outFlowNames: myOutFlowNet = curRB.get_outFlow_global(whichOutFlow=elOut, typeOutFlow="Net") myOutFlowRaw = curRB.get_outFlow_global(whichOutFlow=elOut, typeOutFlow="Raw") columnNames.append(elOut+" Net") columnNames.append(elOut+" Raw") for i in range(len(self.time)): excelData[i][0] = self.time[i] excelData[i][iOutFlow*2+1] = myOutFlowNet[i] excelData[i][iOutFlow*2+2] = myOutFlowRaw[i] df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer , sheet_name= sheetName) curSheet = writer.sheets[sheetName] curSheet.autofit() writer.close()
[docs] def save_ExcelFile_noLagTime(self): "Procedure that saves the data in an Excel file." # Writes subbasins' hydrographs writer = pd.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(self.workingDir,"PostProcess/Data_outflow_noLagTime.xlsx"), engine = 'xlsxwriter') columnNames = ['Time [s]', 'Real hydrograph [m^3/s]', 'Raw hydrograph [m^3/s]'] for element in self.subBasinDict: excelData = np.zeros((len(self.time),3)) sheetName = self.subBasinDict[element].name if(len(sheetName)>30): sheetName = sheetName[:30] tmpOutFlow = self.subBasinDict[element].get_outFlow_noDelay() tmpOutFlowRaw = self.subBasinDict[element].get_outFlowRaw_noDelay() for i in range(len(self.time)-1): excelData[i][0] = self.time[i] excelData[i][1] = tmpOutFlow[i] excelData[i][2] = tmpOutFlowRaw[i] df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer , sheet_name= sheetName[0:min(len(sheetName),30)]) curSheet = writer.sheets[sheetName] curSheet.autofit() # Writes the RB hydrographs for element in self.retentionBasinDict: excelData = np.zeros((len(self.time),3)) sheetName = self.retentionBasinDict[element].name tmpOutFlow = self.retentionBasinDict[element].get_outFlow_noDelay() tmpOutFlowRaw = self.retentionBasinDict[element].get_outFlowRaw_noDelay() for i in range(len(self.time)-1): excelData[i][0] = self.time[i] excelData[i][1] = tmpOutFlow[i] excelData[i][2] = tmpOutFlowRaw[i] df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer , sheet_name= sheetName) curSheet = writer.sheets[sheetName] curSheet.autofit() writer.close() print("File saved : ", os.path.join(self.workingDir,"PostProcess/Data_myHydro.xlsx"))
[docs] def save_ExcelFile_inlets_noLagTime(self): "Procedure that saves the inlets in an Excel file." # Writes subbasins inlets' hydrographs writer = pd.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(self.workingDir,"PostProcess/Data_inlets_noLagTime.xlsx"), engine = 'xlsxwriter') for element in self.subBasinDict: columnNames = ['Time [s]', 'Real hydrograph [m^3/s]', 'Total inlets [m^3/s]', 'My hydro [m^3/s]'] curSub:SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[element] nbInlets = len(curSub.intletsObj) iIndex = 4 excelData = np.zeros((len(self.time),iIndex+nbInlets)) sheetName = if(len(sheetName)>30): sheetName = sheetName[:30] excelData[:,0] = curSub.time excelData[:,1] = curSub.get_outFlow_noDelay() excelData[:,2] = curSub.get_inlets_noDelay(unit="m3/s") excelData[:,3] = curSub.get_myHydro(unit="m3/s") # Go through all the inlets i = iIndex for iInlet in curSub.intletsObj: curIn = curSub.intletsObj[iInlet] curColumn =" ("+iInlet+") [m^3/s] at "+str(curIn.timeDelay-curSub.timeDelay)+" sec" columnNames.append(curColumn) excelData[:,i] = curIn.get_outFlow_noDelay() i += 1 df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer , sheet_name= sheetName[0:min(len(sheetName),30)]) curSheet = writer.sheets[sheetName] curSheet.autofit() # Writes the RB hydrographs for element in self.retentionBasinDict: columnNames = ['Time [s]', 'Real hydrograph [m^3/s]', 'Total inlets [m^3/s]'] curRB:RetentionBasin = self.retentionBasinDict[element] nbInlets = len(curRB.intletsObj) iIndex = 3 excelData = np.zeros((len(self.time),iIndex+nbInlets)) sheetName = excelData[:,0] = curRB.time excelData[:,1] = curRB.get_outFlow(unit="m3/s") # excelData[:,2] = curRB.get_inlets_noDelay(unit="m3/s") excelData[:,2] = curRB.get_inlets(unit="m3/s") + curRB.get_direct_insideRB_inlets(unit="m3/s") i = iIndex for iInlet in curRB.intletsObj: curIn = curRB.intletsObj[iInlet] curColumn = iInlet+" [m^3/s] at "+str(curIn.timeDelay-curRB.timeDelay)+" sec" columnNames.append(curColumn) excelData[:,i] = curIn.get_outFlow_noDelay() i += 1 df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer , sheet_name= sheetName) curSheet = writer.sheets[sheetName] curSheet.autofit() writer.close() print("File saved : ", os.path.join(self.workingDir,"PostProcess/Data_myHydro.xlsx"))
[docs] def save_ExcelFile_V2(self): "Procedure that saves the data in an Excel file." # Writes subbasins' hydrographs writer = pd.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(self.workingDir,"PostProcess/Data_myHydro.xlsx"), engine = 'xlsxwriter') nbSub = len(self.subBasinDict) excelData = np.zeros((len(self.time),nbSub+1)) columnNames = [] columnNames.append("Times") for element in self.subBasinDict: columnNames.append(self.subBasinDict[element].name) for i in range(len(self.time)-1): excelData[i][0] = self.time[i] excelData[i][element] = self.subBasinDict[element].myHydro[i]*self.subBasinDict[element].surfaceDrained/3.6 df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Hydrographs") excelData = np.zeros((nbSub,2)) coordinateNames = ["x", "y"] columnNames.pop(0) for element in self.subBasinDict: excelData[element-1][0] = self.subBasinDict[element].x excelData[element-1][1] = self.subBasinDict[element].y df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=coordinateNames, index=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Outlet coordinates") writer.close() print("File saved : ", os.path.join(self.workingDir,"PostProcess/Data_myHydro.xlsx"))
[docs] def save_ExcelFile_Vesdre_simul2D(self, fileName="PostProcess/Data_simul2D.xlsx", directory=""): "Procedure that saves the data in an Excel file." # Writes subbasins' hydrographs if(directory==""): directory = os.path.join(self.workingDir,"PostProcess/") writer = pd.ExcelWriter(directory+fileName, engine = 'xlsxwriter') nbSub = len(self.subBasinDict) excelData = np.zeros((len(self.time)-1,19)) columnNames = [] listBasinsToSkip = ["SPIXHE", "Theux", "Eupen aval conf. Helle", "Belleheid", "BV Barrage Vesdre", "BV Barrage Gileppe", "BV Helle", "BV Soor"] basinToApplyAfter = ["Theux", "Eupen aval conf. Helle"] RBToApplyAfter = ["Gileppe", "Barrage Vesdre"] columnNames.append("Times") counter = 1 for element in self.subBasinDict: curSubBasin = self.subBasinDict[element] if( in listBasinsToSkip): continue columnNames.append(self.subBasinDict[element].name) for i in range(len(self.time)-1): excelData[i][0] = self.time[i] excelData[i][counter] = self.subBasinDict[element].myHydro[i]*self.subBasinDict[element].surfaceDrained/3.6 counter += 1 for element in self.subBasinDict: curSubBasin = self.subBasinDict[element] if( == "Theux"): columnNames.append(self.subBasinDict[element].name) excelData[:,counter] = curSubBasin.get_outFlow_noDelay() counter += 1 elif( == "Eupen aval conf. Helle"): columnNames.append(self.subBasinDict[element].name + "& Helle & Soor") currTimeDelay = curSubBasin.timeDelay curHydro = curSubBasin.myHydro*curSubBasin.surfaceDrained/3.6 tmpHydro = np.zeros(len(curHydro)) for iInlet in curSubBasin.intletsObj: curInlet = curSubBasin.intletsObj[iInlet] if("Helle" or"Soor"): tmpHydro += curInlet.get_outFlow(whichOutFlow=iInlet,typeOutFlow="Net") curHydro += curSubBasin.convert_data_global_to_local(tmpHydro) excelData[:,counter] = curHydro counter += 1 for element in self.retentionBasinDict: curRB = self.retentionBasinDict[element] if( in RBToApplyAfter): columnNames.append( excelData[:,counter] = curRB.get_outFlow_noDelay() counter += 1 df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Hydrographs") excelData = np.zeros((19-1,2)) coordinateNames = ["x", "y"] columnNames.pop(0) counter = 0 for element in self.subBasinDict: curSubBasin = self.subBasinDict[element] if( in listBasinsToSkip): continue excelData[counter][0] = curSubBasin.x excelData[counter][1] = curSubBasin.y counter += 1 for element in self.subBasinDict: curSubBasin = self.subBasinDict[element] if( == "Theux"): excelData[counter][0] = curSubBasin.x excelData[counter][1] = curSubBasin.y counter += 1 elif( == "Eupen aval conf. Helle"): excelData[counter][0] = curSubBasin.x excelData[counter][1] = curSubBasin.y counter += 1 for element in self.retentionBasinDict: curRB = self.retentionBasinDict[element] if( in RBToApplyAfter): excelData[counter][0] = curRB.x excelData[counter][1] = curRB.y counter += 1 df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=coordinateNames, index=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Outlet coordinates") writer.close()
[docs] def save_ExcelFile_Vesdre_all(self, fileName="PostProcess/Data_simul2D.xlsx", directory=""): "Procedure that saves the data in an Excel file." # Writes subbasins' hydrographs if(directory==""): directory = self.workingDir + "PostProcess/" writer = pd.ExcelWriter(directory+fileName, engine = 'xlsxwriter') nbSub = len(self.subBasinDict) excelData = np.zeros((len(self.time)-1,27)) columnNames = [] # listBasinsToSkip = ["SPIXHE", "Theux", "Eupen aval conf. Helle", "Belleheid", "BV Barrage Vesdre", "BV Barrage Gileppe", "BV Helle", "BV Soor"] listBasinsToSkip = [] basinToApplyAfter = ["Theux", "Eupen aval conf. Helle"] RBToApplyAfter = ["Gileppe", "Barrage Vesdre"] columnNames.append("Times") counter = 1 for element in self.subBasinDict: curSubBasin = self.subBasinDict[element] if( in listBasinsToSkip): continue columnNames.append(self.subBasinDict[element].name) for i in range(len(self.time)-1): excelData[i][0] = self.time[i] excelData[:,counter] = self.subBasinDict[element].get_outFlow_noDelay() counter += 1 for element in self.retentionBasinDict: curRB = self.retentionBasinDict[element] columnNames.append( excelData[:,counter] = curRB.get_outFlow_noDelay() counter += 1 df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Hydrographs") excelData = np.zeros((27-1,2)) coordinateNames = ["x", "y"] columnNames.pop(0) counter = 0 for element in self.subBasinDict: curSubBasin = self.subBasinDict[element] if( in listBasinsToSkip): continue excelData[counter][0] = curSubBasin.x excelData[counter][1] = curSubBasin.y counter += 1 for element in self.retentionBasinDict: curRB = self.retentionBasinDict[element] if( in RBToApplyAfter): excelData[counter][0] = curRB.x excelData[counter][1] = curRB.y counter += 1 df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=coordinateNames, index=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name="Outlet coordinates") writer.close()
[docs] def save_characteristics(self): "Procedure that saves the data in an Excel file." # Writes subbasins' main characteristics writer = pd.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(self.workingDir,"PostProcess/Basins_Characteristics.xlsx"), engine = 'xlsxwriter') columnNames = ['Characteristic', 'unit'] # excelData = np.zeros((16,self.nbSubBasin+2)) # excelData = [[] for i in range(self.nbSubBasin+2)] excelData = [[] for i in range(100)] iBasin = 1 for level in self.topologyDict: for curBasin in self.topologyDict[level]: if(type(self.topologyDict[level][curBasin])!=SubBasin): continue if(iBasin==1): excelData[0].append("Coord") excelData[0].append("x") excelData[1].append("Coord") excelData[1].append("y") iChar = 2 for name in self.topologyDict[level][curBasin].mainCharactDict: excelData[iChar].append(name) excelData[iChar].append(self.topologyDict[level][curBasin].mainCharactDict[name]["unit"]) iChar += 1 columnNames.append(self.topologyDict[level][curBasin].name) iChar = 2 excelData[0].append(self.topologyDict[level][curBasin].x) excelData[1].append(self.topologyDict[level][curBasin].y) for curChar in self.topologyDict[level][curBasin].mainCharactDict: excelData[iChar].append(self.topologyDict[level][curBasin].mainCharactDict[curChar]["value"]) iChar += 1 iBasin += 1 df = pd.DataFrame(excelData, columns=columnNames) df.to_excel(writer) writer.close()
[docs] def read_dbfFile(self, fileName): dbfDict = DBF(fileName, load=True) return dbfDict
[docs] def init_hyetoDict(self): """ Procedure that saves the all the hyeto data of the Catchment in a dictionnary Internal variables modified: self.hyetoDict Structure du dictionnaire self.hyetoDict: - Ordered To Nb: self.hyetoDict['Ordered To Nb'][nb] = iD - iD = hyeto nb of the file to read in the folder "Whole_basin". E.g.: the file "[iD]evap.hyeto" - nb = hyeto number sorted from 1 to nbHyeto. E.g.: if iD=['2', '5', '7'] => self.hyetoDict['Ordered To Nb'][2] = '5' - Hyetos : self.hyetoDict['Hyetos'][nb] - time: time array read in the .hyeto file - rain: rain array read in the .hyeto file TO DO: Consider a more general way to detect .dbf files. E.G. when the data are read in NetCDF files. """ # Read the DBF file to save all the "Ordered To Nb" in the dictionnary fileName = os.path.join(self.workingDir, "Whole_basin/Rain_basin_geom.vec.dbf") if(os.path.exists(fileName)): dbfDict = self.read_dbfFile(fileName) self.hyetoDict['Ordered To Nb'] = {} self.hyetoDict['Hyetos'] = {} for i in range(len(dbfDict.records)): iDsorted = i + 1 iDHyeto = dbfDict.records[i]['data'] self.hyetoDict['Ordered To Nb'][iDsorted] = iDHyeto # Read all the .hyeto file to save the time and rain arrays beginFileName = os.path.join(self.workingDir,"Whole_basin/") endFileName = "rain.hyeto" for element in self.hyetoDict['Ordered To Nb']: nbToRead = self.hyetoDict['Ordered To Nb'][element] fileName = os.path.join(beginFileName, nbToRead+ endFileName) isOk, fileName = check_path(fileName, applyCWD=True) if isOk<0: # print("WARNING: could not find any dbf file! ") time_mod.sleep(.5) return [time, rain] = self.get_hyeto(fileName) self.hyetoDict['Hyetos'][element] = {} self.hyetoDict['Hyetos'][element]['time'] = time self.hyetoDict['Hyetos'][element]['rain'] = rain else: print("WARNING: could not find any dbf file! ") time_mod.sleep(.5)
[docs] def add_rainToAllObjects(self): "Add rain and hyetographs to all subbasins" # for element in self.subBasinDict: # timeTest, _ = self.subBasinDict[element].add_rain(self.workingDir) # if not(np.array_equal(timeTest,self.time)): # print("ERROR: the time arrays are different!") # self.subBasinDict[element].add_hyeto(self.workingDir, self.hyetoDict) txt = "Level " for i in range(1,len(self.topologyDict)+1): indexName = txt + str(i) for element in self.topologyDict[indexName]: timeTest = self.topologyDict[indexName][element].add_rain(self.workingDir, tzDelta=datetime.timedelta( if not(np.array_equal(timeTest,self.time)): print("ERROR: the time arrays are different!") if type(self.topologyDict[indexName][element]) == SubBasin: try: self.topologyDict[indexName][element].add_hyeto(self.workingDir, self.hyetoDict) except: print("ERROR! The hyeto couldn't be created. This might be induced by the lack of the dbf file!")
[docs] def plot_intersection(self, rangeData=[], plot_raw=True, tzPlot=0, axis:str="Datetime", show:bool=True): "This procedure will plot all the subbasins or RB with level>1 in the topo tree." txt = "Level " # plot_raw = True if(len(self.retentionBasinDict)==0 and not(plot_raw)): plot_raw = False for i in range(2, len(self.topologyDict)+1): indexName = txt + str(i) for element in self.topologyDict[indexName]: self.topologyDict[indexName][element].plot(self.workingDir,plot_raw,axis=axis,rangeData=rangeData,tzPlot=tzPlot) if show:
[docs] def plot_allSub(self, withEvap=False, withCt=False, selection_by_iD=[], graph_title="", show=True, writeDir="", figure=None, Measures=[]): "This procedure plots the hydrographs and hyetographs of all subbasins" if(selection_by_iD==[]): for element in self.subBasinDict: graph_title_basin = graph_title + " " + self.subBasinDict[element].name writeFile = writeDir + "_" + self.subBasinDict[element].name.replace(".","") self.subBasinDict[element].plot_myBasin(withEvap=withEvap, withCt=withCt, graph_title=graph_title_basin, writeFile=writeFile, figure=figure) else: if Measures==[]: Measures = [None]*len(selection_by_iD) else: if(len(Measures)!=len(selection_by_iD)): print("ERROR : cannot plot with Measures as it has not the same dimensions as the selection_by_iD variable.") print("len(Measures) = ", len(Measures)) print("len(selection_by_iD) = ", len(selection_by_iD)) print("Plot without Measure ...") Measures = [None]*len(self.selection_by_iD) index = 0 for element in selection_by_iD: if element in self.subBasinDict: graph_title_basin = graph_title + " " + self.subBasinDict[element].name writeFile = writeDir + "_" + self.subBasinDict[element].name.replace(".","") self.subBasinDict[element].plot_myBasin(Measures=Measures[index],withEvap=withEvap, withCt=withCt, graph_title=graph_title_basin, writeFile=writeFile, figure=figure) index += 1 if(show):
[docs] def plot_allJct(self, withEvap=False, selection_by_key=[], graph_title="", show=True, writeDir="", figure=None, Measures=[], Measure_unit="m3/s", addTable=False, rangeData=[]): "This procedure plots the hydrographs and hyetographs of all junctions" if(writeDir==""): writeDir = os.path.join(self.workingDir, "PostProcess", "Junction") else: writeDir = os.path.join(writeDir, "Junction") if(selection_by_key==[]): for element in self.subBasinDict: graph_title_module = graph_title + " " + self.subBasinDict[element].name writeFile = writeDir + "_" + self.subBasinDict[element].name.replace(".","") self.subBasinDict[element].plot_outlet(withEvap=withEvap, graph_title=graph_title_module, writeFile=writeFile, figure=figure, withDelay=False, Measure_unit=Measure_unit, addTable=addTable, rangeData=rangeData) for element in self.retentionBasinDict: graph_title_module = graph_title + " " + self.retentionBasinDict[element].name writeFile = writeDir + "_" + self.retentionBasinDict[element].name.replace(".","") self.retentionBasinDict[element].plot_outlet(withEvap=withEvap, graph_title=graph_title_module, writeFile=writeFile, figure=figure, withDelay=False, Measure_unit=Measure_unit, addTable=addTable, rangeData=rangeData) else: allKeys = self.get_keys_catchmentDict(selection_by_key) if Measures==[]: Measures = [None]*len(selection_by_key) else: if(len(Measures)!=len(selection_by_key)): print("ERROR : cannot plot with Measures as it has not the same dimensions as the selection_by_iD variable.") print("len(Measures) = ", len(Measures)) print("len(selection_by_iD) = ", len(selection_by_key)) print("Plot without Measure ...") Measures = [None]*len(self.selection_by_iD) index = 0 for element in allKeys: if element in self.catchmentDict: graph_title_module = graph_title + " " + self.catchmentDict[element].name writeFile = writeDir + "_" + self.catchmentDict[element].name.replace(".","") self.catchmentDict[element].plot_outlet(Measures=Measures[index],withEvap=withEvap, graph_title=graph_title_module, writeFile=writeFile, figure=figure, withDelay=False, Measure_unit=Measure_unit, addTable=addTable, rangeData=rangeData) index += 1 if(show):
[docs] def draw_flowChart(self, flowchart): """This procedure save and plot a flowchart representing the topo tree input: - flowchart: graphviz.Digraph Object -> modified at the end """ # Creation of the flowchart nodes -> first iteration of the topo tree. for level in range(1, len(self.topologyDict)+1): nameLevel = 'Level ' + str(level) with flowchart.subgraph() as s: s.attr(rank='same') for element in self.topologyDict[nameLevel]: nodeName = self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].name if(type(self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element])==RetentionBasin): shapeName = 'box' elif(type(self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element])==SubBasin): shapeName = 'ellipse' nodeID = self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].iD sortNodeID = str(self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].iDSorted) if(nodeID != nodeName.replace(' ', '')): nodeName += ' ('+nodeID+')' nodeName += ' [sub'+sortNodeID+']' s.node(nodeName, shape=shapeName) # Creation of the flowchart edges -> second iteration of the topo tree. for level in range(1, len(self.topologyDict)): nameLevel = 'Level ' + str(level) for element in self.topologyDict[nameLevel]: nodeName = self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].name if(type(self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element])==SubBasin): nodeID = self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].iD sortNodeID = str(self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].iDSorted) if(nodeID != nodeName.replace(' ', '')): nodeName += ' ('+nodeID+')' nodeName += ' [sub'+sortNodeID+']' for idownStream in self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].downstreamObj: downName = self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].downstreamObj[idownStream].name if(type(self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].downstreamObj[idownStream])==SubBasin): nodeID = self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].downstreamObj[idownStream].iD sortNodeID = str(self.topologyDict[nameLevel][element].downstreamObj[idownStream].iDSorted) if(nodeID != downName.replace(' ', '')): downName += ' ('+nodeID+')' downName += ' [sub'+sortNodeID+']' flowchart.edge(nodeName, downName)
[docs] def make_stat_distributionOfslope(self): """ This procedure plot the stat distribution of slopes. """ print("Procedure for slope's stat distribution ongoing") slope_wolf_array = WolfArray(os.path.join(self.workingDir,"Characteristic_maps/Drainage_basin.slope")) slope_array = [] for i in range(slope_wolf_array.nbx): for j in range(slope_wolf_array.nby): element = slope_wolf_array.get_value_from_ij(i,j) if element == float('inf'): continue slope_array.append(element) slope_arraySort = np.sort(slope_array, axis = None) maxSlope = slope_arraySort[len(slope_arraySort)-1] myBins = np.arange(0,maxSlope, 0.0001) slopeHisto = np.histogram(slope_arraySort, bins=myBins, density=True) return slopeHisto, slope_arraySort print("Hello!")
[docs] def make_stat_distributionOfTime(self): """ This procedure plot the stat distribution of slopes. """ print("Procedure for slope's stat distribution ongoing") slope_wolf_array = WolfArray(os.path.join(self.workingDir,"Characteristic_maps/Drainage_basin.slope")) slope_array = [] for i in range(slope_wolf_array.nbx): for j in range(slope_wolf_array.nby): element = slope_wolf_array.get_value_from_ij(i,j) if element == float('inf'): continue slope_array.append(element) slope_arraySort = np.sort(slope_array, axis = None) maxSlope = slope_arraySort[len(slope_arraySort)-1] myBins = np.arange(0,maxSlope, 0.0001) slopeHisto = np.histogram(slope_arraySort, bins=myBins, density=True) return slopeHisto, slope_arraySort print("Hello!")
[docs] def check_massConservation(self): """ This procedure check whether the mass conservation is verified ot not. """ print("Checking the mass conservation ...") cumulRain = 0.0 cumulFlow = 0.0 nbLevels = len(self.topologyDict) # CAUTION !!!!!!hardcoded value for the Ourthe Basin !!!!!!!! surface = 1615.02000*(1000.0)**2 ds = 10000.0 not_used_rain = 1.45312406886231*ds tmpCount = 0 nameLastLevel = 'Level '+ str(nbLevels) for element in self.topologyDict[nameLastLevel]: nbElements = len(self.topologyDict[nameLastLevel][element].rain) plotCumulRain = np.zeros(nbElements) plotCumulFlow = np.zeros(nbElements) outFLow = self.topologyDict[nameLastLevel][element].get_outFlow_global(typeOutFlow="Net") cumulRain = np.sum(self.topologyDict[nameLastLevel][element].rain) # [mm/h] cumulFlow = np.sum(outFLow) # [m^3/s] # cumulFlow = np.sum(self.topologyDict[nameLastLevel][element].outFlow) # [m^3/s] plotCumulRain[0] = self.topologyDict[nameLastLevel][element].rain[0]*self.deltaT plotCumulFlow[0] = outFLow[0]*self.deltaT for i in range(1,nbElements): plotCumulRain[i] = plotCumulRain[i-1] + self.topologyDict[nameLastLevel][element].rain[i]*self.deltaT plotCumulFlow[i] = plotCumulFlow[i-1] + outFLow[i]*self.deltaT cumulRain = cumulRain/(1000.0*3600.0)*surface cumulFlow = cumulFlow+not_used_rain plotCumulRain = plotCumulRain/(1000.0*3600.0)*surface # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ x = (self.time/(3600.0*24.0*365.0))+2000.0 font11 = FontProperties() font11.set_family('serif') font11.set_name('Euclid') font11.set_size(11) font14 = FontProperties() font14.set_family('serif') font14.set_name('Euclid') font14.set_size(14) plt.figure(figsize=(11.7,8.3)) plt.grid() plt.xlabel('Temps [h]', fontproperties=font11) plt.ylabel('Volume cumulé [m³]', fontproperties=font11) plt.legend(loc="best") plt.title( + " Conservation du volume", fontproperties=font14) y = plotCumulRain plt.plot(x, y, label = 'pluie') y = plotCumulFlow plt.plot(x, y, label = 'volume écoulé') plt.xlim(2000, 2003) plt.xticks([2000, 2001, 2002, 2003]) plt.legend(prop=font11) plt.savefig(os.path.join(self.workingDir,'PostProcess/Conservation_volume_''.pdf')) print("Is it the correct mass?") print("Hello!")
[docs] def copy(self): copiedObj = Catchment(, self.workingDir,False, True, _initWithResults=False) copiedObj.time = self.time.copy() copiedObj.deltaT = self.deltaT copiedObj.dateBegin = copy.deepcopy(self.dateBegin) copiedObj.dateEnd = copy.deepcopy(self.dateEnd) copiedObj.myModel = self.myModel copiedObj.nbCommune = self.nbCommune copiedObj.nbSubBasin = self.nbSubBasin copiedObj.hyeto = copy.deepcopy(self.hyeto) copiedObj.catchmentDict = copy.deepcopy(self.catchmentDict) copiedObj.subBasinDict = copy.deepcopy(self.subBasinDict) copiedObj.retentionBasinDict = copy.deepcopy(self.retentionBasinDict) copiedObj.topologyDict = copy.deepcopy(self.topologyDict) copiedObj.dictIdConversion = copy.deepcopy(self.dictIdConversion) copiedObj.hyetoDict = copy.deepcopy(self.hyetoDict) copiedObj.intersection = copy.deepcopy(self.intersection) return copiedObj
[docs] def get_time_btw_ssbasins(self, stationNames=[], unit='h', ref=[]): """ Returns the transfer time between susBasin modules """ deltaTimeMat = [] deltaTime =[] if(stationNames!=[]): nbIntervals = len(stationNames) for iStation in range(nbIntervals): deltaTimeMat.append([-1,-1]) for ii in range(1,len(self.subBasinDict)+1): if(self.subBasinDict[ii].name==stationNames[iStation][0]): index = 0 elif(self.subBasinDict[ii].name==stationNames[iStation][1]): index = 1 else: continue x = self.subBasinDict[ii].x y = self.subBasinDict[ii].y i, j = self.time_wolf_array.get_ij_from_xy(x,y) deltaTimeMat[iStation][index] = self.time_wolf_array.array[i][j] if(unit=="h"): deltaTimeMat[iStation][index] /=3600.0 deltaTime.append(deltaTimeMat[iStation][1]-deltaTimeMat[iStation][0]) for iStation in range(nbIntervals): if(unit=='h'): hours = math.floor(deltaTime[iStation]) minutes = math.floor((deltaTime[iStation]-hours)*60.0) seconds = math.floor((((deltaTime[iStation]-hours)*60.0)-minutes)*60.0) stringTime = str(hours) + "h" + str(minutes) + "m" + str(seconds) + "sec" if(ref!=[]): print(stationNames[iStation][0] + " -> " + stationNames[iStation][1] + " = " + stringTime + " / " + ref[iStation] +" [" + unit + "] ") else: print(stationNames[iStation][0] + " -> " + stationNames[iStation][1] + " = " + stringTime + " [" + unit + "] ") return deltaTime
[docs] def operation_on_param_file(self, fileName, which, operation=None): if(which=="Umax"): for iBasin in range(1,len(self.subBasinDict)+1): myBasin = self.subBasinDict[iBasin] dirID = myBasin.iDSorted fileToModif = os.path.join(self.workingDir, "//Subbasin_" + str(dirID) + "//" + fileName) paramsInput = Wolf_Param(to_read=False,toShow=False) paramsInput.ReadFile(fileToModif) try: myInterval = paramsInput.get_param("Distributed production model parameters", "Time span soil") nbIntervals = math.floor(myInterval/myBasin.deltaT) except: nbIntervals = len(myBasin.myRain)-1 # ['Semi distributed model']['How many?'][key_Param.VALUE] maxRain = 0.0 for iel in range(len(myBasin.myRain)-nbIntervals): mySum = np.sum(myBasin.myRain[iel:iel+nbIntervals])*myBasin.deltaT/3600.0 if maxRain < mySum: maxRain = mySum paramsInput.myparams["Distributed production model parameters"][which][key_Param.VALUE] = maxRain # paramsInput.ApplytoMemory(None) paramsInput.SavetoFile(None)
[docs] def _correct_Umax_from_old_model(self, adapt_with_rain:bool=True): fileName = "simul_soil.param" which="Umax" for iBasin in range(1,len(self.subBasinDict)+1): myBasin = self.subBasinDict[iBasin] dirID = myBasin.iDSorted fileToModif = os.path.join(self.workingDir, "Subbasin_" + str(dirID), fileName) paramsInput = Wolf_Param(to_read=False,toShow=False) paramsInput.ReadFile(fileToModif) if adapt_with_rain: myInterval = paramsInput.get_param("Distributed production model parameters", "Time span soil", default_value=0.0) if myInterval==0.0: nbIntervals = len(myBasin.myRain)-1 else: nbIntervals = math.floor(myInterval/myBasin.deltaT) kernel = np.ones(nbIntervals) volRain = np.convolve(myBasin.myRain, kernel)*myBasin.deltaT/3600.0 maxRain = np.max(volRain) else: maxRain = paramsInput.get_param("Distributed production model parameters", "Umax") if maxRain==0.0: logging.warning("The Umax is not adapted with the rain and its value is 0.0. It might be better to put 'adapt_with_rain' to True.") k = paramsInput.get_param("Horton parameters", "k", default_value=0.0) if k==0.0: continue U_max = maxRain/k paramsInput.change_param("Distributed production model parameters", which, U_max) paramsInput.change_param("Horton parameters", "k", 0.0) # paramsInput.ApplytoMemory(None) paramsInput.SavetoFile(None)
[docs] def plot_all_diff_cumulRain_with_lagtime(self, interval, lagTime, selection_by_iD=[], graph_title="", show=True, writeDir="", lawNetRain=0, netRainParams={}): """ """ if(selection_by_iD==[]): for iBasin in range(1,len(self.subBasinDict)+1): curBasin = self.subBasinDict[iBasin] curBasin.plot_diff_cumulRain_with_lagtime(interval, lagTime, graph_title=graph_title, writeDir=writeDir, lawNetRain=lawNetRain, netRainParams=netRainParams) else: for iBasin in self.subBasinDict: if iBasin in selection_by_iD: curBasin = self.subBasinDict[iBasin] curBasin.plot_diff_cumulRain_with_lagtime(interval, lagTime, graph_title=graph_title, writeDir=writeDir, lawNetRain=lawNetRain, netRainParams=netRainParams) if(show):
[docs] def get_all_cumulRain(self, selection_by_iD=[]) -> tuple[np.array, list[np.array]]: ''' ''' list_rain = [] if(selection_by_iD==[]): for iBasin in range(1,len(self.subBasinDict)+1): curBasin:SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[iBasin] list_rain.append(curBasin.cumul_rain) else: for iBasin in self.subBasinDict: if iBasin in selection_by_iD: curBasin:SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[iBasin] list_rain.append(curBasin.cumul_rain) return self.time, list_rain
[docs] def read_measuring_stations_SPW(self, fileNameIn=""): """ Function that read the stations, their characteristics and locations and store all information in a dictionnary """ # Collect fileName if fileNameIn!="": fileName = fileNameIn else: directory = self.paramsInput.get_param("Measuring stations SPW", "Directory") isOk, directory = check_path(directory, self.workingDir) if isOk<0: logging.error(_("ERROR : measuring station data path not present! ")) fileName = os.path.join(directory, self.paramsInput.get_param("Measuring stations SPW", "Filename")) if os.path.exists(fileName): # Reading the station file with open(fileName, newline = '') as fileID: data_reader = csv.reader(fileID, delimiter='\t') list_data = [] i = 0 for raw in data_reader: list_data.append(raw) else: logging.error(_("ERROR : measuring station data file not present! ")) return # Building dictionnary for line in list_data: key = line[3].replace("'","") if(line[2][-4:]=="1002"): keyCode = int(line[2]) self.myStationsDict[key] = {} self.myStationsDict[key]["Number"] = int(line[0]) self.myStationsDict[key]["Reference"] = line[1].replace("'","") self.myStationsDict[key]["Station Code"] = int(line[2]) self.myStationsDict[key]["Station Name"] = line[3].replace("'","") self.myStationsDict[key]["River Name"] = line[4].replace("'","") self.myStationsDict[key]["Day"] = int(line[5]) self.myStationsDict[key]["Month"] = int(line[6]) self.myStationsDict[key]["Year"] = int(line[7]) self.myStationsDict[key]["X"] = int(line[8]) self.myStationsDict[key]["Y"] = int(line[9]) self.myStationsDict[key]["Z"] = float(line[10]) self.myStationsDict[keyCode] = self.myStationsDict[key]
[docs] def get_eff_subBasin(self): nbIP = int(self.paramsInput.get_param("Semi distributed model", "How many?")) try: allSub = int(self.paramsInput.get_param("Semi distributed model", "Compute all?")) except: allSub = 1 if(allSub==0 or allSub==-1): for i in range(1,nbIP+1): isActive = self.paramsInput.get_param("Interior point "+str(i), "Active") if(isActive=="1"): self.myEffSortSubBasins.append(self.dictIdConversion[i]) self.myEffSubBasins.append(i) else: for i in range(1,nbIP+1): self.myEffSortSubBasins.append(self.dictIdConversion[i]) self.myEffSubBasins.append(i) if(allSub==-1 or allSub==1): self.myEffSortSubBasins.append(self.dictIdConversion[nbIP+1]) self.myEffSubBasins.append(nbIP+1) self.myEffSortSubBasins.sort()
[docs] def get_one_surfaces_proportions(self, whichName): for element in self.subBasinDict: curObj = self.subBasinDict[element] curName = if curName.relace(" ","") == whichName.relace(" ",""): mySurf = curObj.get_surface_proportions(show=True) return mySurf
# def construct_hydro_from_sub(self, subID:int, isSort:bool=False): # if isSort: # myID = self.dictIdConversion[subID] # else: # myID = subID # for ilevel in range(1,len(self.topologyDict)+1):
[docs] def update_hydro(self, idCompar, fromLevel:bool=False, level_min:int=1): print("I'm here!") isOk = 0 if fromLevel: self.construct_hydro(lastLevel=self.levelOut, firstLevel=level_min) else: self.construct_hydro(fromStation=self.junctionOut) return isOk
[docs] def get_cvg(self, pointerData): isOk = 0 nbT = len(self.time) myshape = (nbT,2) myArray = self.make_nd_array(pointerData, myshape, dtype=ct.c_double, order='F', own_data=False) # myData = np.zeros(myshape, dtype=ct.c_double, order='F') # myData[:,0] = self.time if(self.junctionOut == ""): lastLevel = len(self.topologyDict) prefix = "Level " nameSub = list(self.topologyDict[prefix+str(lastLevel)].items())[0][0] myArray[:,1] = self.topologyDict[prefix+str(lastLevel)][nameSub].evaluate_objective_function(unit='mm/h') else: myArray[:,1] = self.catchmentDict[self.junctionOut].evaluate_objective_function(unit='mm/h') # pointerData = myData.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)) return isOk
[docs] def define_station_out(self, stationOut): if(stationOut in self.junctionNamesDict): junctionName = self.junctionNamesDict[stationOut] else: junctionName = stationOut if(junctionName in self.catchmentDict): self.junctionOut = junctionName self.levelOut = self.catchmentDict[junctionName].myLevel return 0 else: logging.error("ERROR : junction not found!") self.junctionOut = self.get_lastJunctionKey() self.levelOut = len(self.topologyDict) return -1
[docs] def sort_level_given_junctions(self, givenJct:list, changeNames=False): sortList = [] levelList = [] nameList = [] sortIndex = [] for element in givenJct: if element in self.junctionNamesDict: junctionName = self.junctionNamesDict[element] else: junctionName = element if(junctionName in self.catchmentDict): nameList.append(junctionName) levelList.append(self.catchmentDict[junctionName].myLevel) # curLevel = self.catchmentDict[junctionName].myLevel else: print("ERROR : junction not found!") return None sortIndex = np.argsort(levelList) for i in range(len(sortIndex)): if(changeNames): sortList.append(nameList[sortIndex[i]]) else: sortList.append(givenJct[sortIndex[i]]) return sortList
[docs] def construct_surfaceDrainedHydro_RB(self): prefix = 'Level ' for level in range(1,len(self.topologyDict)+1): levelName = prefix + str(level) for element in self.topologyDict[levelName]: curObj = self.topologyDict[levelName][element] if type(curObj) == RetentionBasin: curObj.construct_surfaceDrainedHydro()
[docs] def activate_usefulSubs(self, mask=[], blockJunction=[], onlyItself:bool=False): self.myEffSubBasins = [] self.myEffSortSubBasins = [] if(self.junctionOut==""): lastLevel = len(self.topologyDict) prefix = "Level " junctionName = list(self.topologyDict[prefix+str(lastLevel)].items())[0][0] else: junctionName = self.junctionOut self.catchmentDict[junctionName].unuse() # Block certain junction not to activate all his upstream inlets for element in blockJunction: blockKey = self.get_key_catchmentDict(element) if blockKey is not None: self.catchmentDict[blockKey].alreadyUsed = True self.myEffSubBasins, self.myEffSortSubBasins = self.catchmentDict[junctionName].activate( effSubs=[], effSubsSort=[], mask=mask, onlyItself=onlyItself) self.write_eff_subBasin()
[docs] def get_key_catchmentDict(self, name): if name in self.catchmentDict: junctionKey = name elif name in self.junctionNamesDict: junctionKey = self.junctionNamesDict[name] else: print("ERROR: the name is not a key of catchmentDict!") junctionKey = None return junctionKey
[docs] def get_keys_catchmentDict(self, names:list): junctionKeys:list = [] for curName in names: junctionKeys.append(self.get_key_catchmentDict(curName)) return junctionKeys
[docs] def write_eff_subBasin(self): self.paramsInput.change_param("Semi distributed model", "Compute all?", 0) for iSub in range(1,len(self.subBasinDict)): self.paramsInput.change_param("Interior point "+str(iSub), "Active", 0) for iSub in self.myEffSubBasins: if(iSub!=len(self.subBasinDict)): self.paramsInput.change_param("Interior point "+str(iSub), "Active", 1) else: self.paramsInput.change_param("Semi distributed model", "Compute all?", -1) self.paramsInput.SavetoFile(None) self.paramsInput.Reload(None)
[docs] def read_hydro_eff_subBasin(self): for iSub in self.myEffSubBasins: curSub:SubBasin curSub = self.subBasinDict[iSub] timeTest, curSub.myHydro = curSub.get_hydro(curSub.iDSorted, self.workingDir, tzDelta = datetime.timedelta(
[docs] def update_timeDelay(self, stationName, value=0.0, reset=False): deltaT = value if(self.junctionOut==""): lastLevel = len(self.topologyDict) prefix = "Level " refName = list(self.topologyDict[prefix+str(lastLevel)].items())[0][0] else: refName = self.junctionOut isOk = 0 junctionName = self.get_key_catchmentDict(stationName) curModule = self.catchmentDict[junctionName] refModule = self.catchmentDict[refName] initTime = refModule.timeDelay self.reset_timeDelay(stationOut=stationName) print("All reset timeDelays = ", self.get_all_timeDelay()) curModule.add_timeDelay(initTime+deltaT, reset=reset, resetAll=False) print("All updated timeDelays = ", self.get_all_timeDelay()) return isOk
## Update all timeDelays according to time_delays_F -> then it should be associated with the variable in Fortran
[docs] def update_timeDelays_from_F(self, stationName, value=0.0, reset=False): isOk = 0 junctionName = self.get_key_catchmentDict(stationName) refModule = self.catchmentDict[junctionName] initTime = refModule.timeDelay refID_F = refModule.iDSorted refID = refID_F-1 for element in refModule.intletsObj: curModule = refModule.intletsObj[element] curID_F = curModule.get_iDSorted() curID = curID_F-1 self.reset_timeDelay(stationOut=element) print("All reset timeDelays = ", self.get_all_timeDelay()) deltaT = self.time_delays_F[curID]-self.time_delays_F[refID] curModule.add_timeDelay(initTime+deltaT, reset=reset, resetAll=False) print("All updated timeDelays = ", self.get_all_timeDelay()) print("time_delays_F = ", self.time_delays_F) return isOk
[docs] def reset_timeDelay(self, stationOut=""): if(stationOut!=""): junctionName = self.get_key_catchmentDict(stationOut) upStreamTime = 0.0 elif(self.junctionOut==""): lastLevel = len(self.topologyDict) prefix = "Level " junctionName = list(self.topologyDict[prefix+str(lastLevel)].items())[0][0] upStreamTime = -1.0 else: junctionName = self.junctionOut upStreamTime = -1.0 curModule = self.catchmentDict[junctionName] # The first element should keep its timeDelay (upStreamTime=-1), but for the others the delta should be kept # curModule.reset_timeDelay(keepDelta=False, keepDeltaAll=True, upStreamTime=-1.0) curModule.reset_timeDelay(keepDelta=False, keepDeltaAll=True, upStreamTime=upStreamTime)
[docs] def get_inletsName(self, stationOut): junctionName = self.get_key_catchmentDict(stationOut) curModule = self.catchmentDict[junctionName] allInlets = curModule.get_inletsName() return allInlets
[docs] def get_all_timeDelay(self, ref = ""): if(ref==""): junctionKey = self.junctionOut else: junctionKey = self.get_key_catchmentDict(name=ref) if junctionKey is None: logging.error("ERROR : Wrong reference to extract timeDelay !") return timeDelays = {} refObj = self.catchmentDict[junctionKey] timeDelays["Cur station = "] = refObj.timeDelay for element in refObj.intletsObj: curInlet = refObj.intletsObj[element] timeDelays = curInlet.get_timeDelays(timeDelays=timeDelays) return timeDelays
[docs] def get_timeDelays_inlets(self, ref:str = "") -> dict[str, float]: if(ref==""): junctionKey = self.junctionOut else: junctionKey = self.get_key_catchmentDict(name=ref) if junctionKey is None: logging.error("ERROR : Wrong reference to extract timeDelay !") return junctionKey = self.junctionOut refObj = self.catchmentDict[junctionKey] time_delays_inlets = refObj.get_timeDelays_inlets() return time_delays_inlets
## Procedure that force all SubBasins to write their timeDelays and all upstream elements # @var junctionList
[docs] def save_timeDelays(self, junctionList:list): for element in junctionList: junctionName = self.get_key_catchmentDict(element) if junctionName is None: print("ERROR : abort saving the timeDelays of ", junctionName) self.catchmentDict[junctionName].save_timeDelays()
## Function that returns the last element junction key name
[docs] def get_lastJunctionKey(self): lastLevel = len(self.topologyDict) prefix = "Level " junctionName = list(self.topologyDict[prefix+str(lastLevel)].items())[0][0] return junctionName
## Set all timeDelays for each elements
[docs] def set_timeDelays(self, method="wolf_array", junctionKey="", readWolf:bool=True, updateAll:bool=False): if method.lower() == "wolf_array": # If asked, time wolf_array are read again if readWolf==True: self.time_wolf_array = WolfArray(os.path.join(self.workingDir,"Characteristic_maps/Drainage_basin.time")) self.charact_watrshd.to_update_times = True self.update_charact_watrshd() # Update only 1 element and tranfer it to the upstream elements if updateAll: if junctionKey == "": refName = self.junctionOut else: refName = self.get_key_catchmentDict(junctionKey) refModule = self.catchmentDict[refName] refTime = refModule.get_value_outlet(self.time_wolf_array) for element in refModule.intletsObj: curModule = refModule.intletsObj[element] ti = curModule.get_value_outlet(self.time_wolf_array) deltaTime = ti-refTime self.update_timeDelay(stationName=element, value=deltaTime) # Update all upstream element according the time wolf_array else: print("ERROR : updateAll cannot be False, this situation is not implemented yet! ->") return else: print("ERROR : This method is not implemented yet! ->") # for curLevel in self.topologyDict: # for element in self.topologyDict[curLevel]: # self.topologyDict[curLevel][element].set_timeDelay(method=method, wolfarray=self.time_wolf_array) return
## Find all time delays and save timeDelayObj in all RetentionBasin
[docs] def find_all_timeDelayObj(self): curRB:RetentionBasin timeDelays:list = [] for element in self.retentionBasinDict: curRB = self.retentionBasinDict[element] timeDelays.append(curRB.find_timeDelayObj()) return timeDelays
## plot all the timeDelays whether it is only the subbasin or the hydrological subbasin.
[docs] def plot_landuses(self, selection_by_iD:list=[], graph_title:str="", onlySub:bool=True, show:bool=True, writeDir:str="", figure=None): if(selection_by_iD==[]): for element in self.subBasinDict: curSub:SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[element] curSub.plot_landuses(onlySub=onlySub, figure=figure, toShow=show, writeFile=writeDir) else: for element in selection_by_iD: if element in self.subBasinDict: curSub:SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[element] curSub.plot_landuses(onlySub=onlySub, figure=figure, toShow=show, writeFile=writeDir) if(show):
[docs] def read_all_landuses(self): landuse_file = self.paramsInput.get_param(group="LandUse", name="Directory") isOk, landuse_file = check_path(landuse_file, prefix=self.workingDir) for key in self.subBasinDict: curSub:SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[key] # Read subbasin landuses curSub.read_landuses(onlySub=True, landuse_index_transform=landuse_file, toSave=True) # Read hydro subbasin landuses curSub.read_landuses(onlySub=False, landuse_index_transform=landuse_file, toSave=True)
## Build a compare file compatible for optimisation from a C_hyd file
[docs] def build_compare_file(self, hydroFile:str, unit:str="mm/h", otherSurf:float=0.0, lag:int=0, junction:str="", dateBegin:datetime.datetime=None, dateEnd:datetime.datetime=None, deltaT:datetime.timedelta=None): curDir = os.path.dirname(hydroFile) curFile = os.path.basename(hydroFile) GMTdata = datetime.timedelta(hours=lag) # Init if the time characteristics if dateBegin == None: dateBegin = self.dateBegin if dateEnd == None: dateEnd = self.dateEnd if deltaT == None: deltaT = self.deltaT # Get the disired Subbasin object or create a new one if junction == "": if otherSurf==0.0 and unit=="mm/h": logging.error("If no surface is provided or its value is 0.0, it is impossible to provide hydro to compare in mm/h ! ") return -1 if unit != "mm/h": logging.error("Other unit than mm/h not implemented yet !") curJct = SubBasin(dateBegin, dateEnd, deltaT, constant.measures, curDir) tmp, hydro = curJct.get_hydro(1, workingDir=curDir, fileNames=curFile, tzDelta=GMTdata) surface = otherSurf else: junctionKey = self.get_key_catchmentDict(junction) if junctionKey == None: logging.error("ERROR : The junction name given in 'build_compare_file' is not correct ! " + junctionKey) return -1 curJct = self.catchmentDict[junctionKey] tmp, hydro = curJct.get_hydro(1, workingDir=curDir, fileNames=curFile, tzDelta=GMTdata) surface = curJct.surfaceDrainedHydro # Transform hydro in compatible if unit == "mm/h": cmpHydro = hydro * 3.6/surface else: logging.error("Other units not taken into account yet !") return -1 return 0
[docs] def change_version(self, newVersion=None): if newVersion == None: self._version = float(cst.VERSION_WOLFHYDRO) elif type(newVersion) == str: self._version = float(newVersion) else: self._version = newVersion return
[docs] def get_version(self): return self._version
[docs] def get_sub_Nash(self, measure:SubBasin, selection_by_iD, intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime]]=[]): # for element in selection_by_iD: # junctionKey = self.get_key_catchmentDict(name=element) # if junctionKey in self.subBasinDict: # curSub:SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[junctionKey] # ns = curSub.evaluate_Nash(measure=measure, intervals=intervals) junctionKey = self.get_key_catchmentDict(name=selection_by_iD) if junctionKey in self.catchmentDict: curSub:SubBasin = self.catchmentDict[junctionKey] ns = curSub.evaluate_Nash(measure=measure, intervals=intervals) return ns
[docs] def get_sub_peak(self, selection_by_iD, intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime]]=[]): junctionKey = self.get_key_catchmentDict(name=selection_by_iD) if junctionKey in self.catchmentDict: curSub:SubBasin = self.catchmentDict[junctionKey] ns = curSub.get_peak(intervals=intervals) return ns
[docs] def set_eff_outlet_coord(self): all_nodes = [self.charact_watrshd.find_rivers(whichsub=ii+1)[0][0] for ii in range(self.nbSubBasin)] for el in all_nodes: el:Node_Watershed mysubxy=wolfvertex(el.x,el.y) self.subBasinCloud.add_vertex(mysubxy) return 0
[docs] def update_charact_watrshd(self): if self.charact_watrshd.to_update_times: self.charact_watrshd.update_times(self.time_wolf_array)
[docs] def get_all_x_production(self, selection_by_iD: list = [], to_save:bool=True, to_plot:bool=False) -> dict: """ Retrieves the x production values for all sub-basins or a specific selection of sub-basins. Args: selection_by_iD (list, optional): A list of sub-basin IDs to retrieve x production values for. If empty, retrieves x production values for all sub-basins. Defaults to []. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the sub-basin names or IDs as keys and their corresponding x production values as values. """ all_x = {} if selection_by_iD == []: for iBasin in range(1, len(self.subBasinDict) + 1): curBasin: SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[iBasin] all_x[] = curBasin.collect_x_from_production() else: for curID in selection_by_iD: cur_key = self.get_key_catchmentDict(curID) curBasin: SubBasin = self.catchmentDict[cur_key] all_x[curID] = curBasin.collect_x_from_production() if to_save: rd.write_excel_from_dict(all_x, path=self.workingDir, fileName="PostProcess/all_x.xlsx", time=self.time) return all_x
[docs] def get_all_fractions(self, plt_dict:dict[str:np.array]={},selection_by_iD: list = [], to_save:bool=True, to_plot:bool=False, summary:str=None, summary_interval:list[datetime.datetime]=None, add_info:dict[dict[str,float]]={}) -> dict: """ Retrieves the physical flux fractions values for all sub-basins or a specific selection of sub-basins. Args: selection_by_iD (list, optional): A list of sub-basin IDs to retrieve fractions values for. If empty, retrieves fractions values for all sub-basins. Defaults to []. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the sub-basin names or IDs as keys and their corresponding fractions values as values. """ all_fractions = {} if selection_by_iD == []: all_fractions = { curBasin.collect_fractions() for curBasin in self.subBasinDict.values()} else: for curID in selection_by_iD: cur_key = self.get_key_catchmentDict(curID) curBasin: SubBasin = self.catchmentDict[cur_key] all_fractions[curID] = curBasin.collect_fractions() if summary is not None: summary_fractions = {} summary_dict = {} if selection_by_iD == []: summary_fractions = { curBasin.get_summary_fractions(summary=summary, interval=summary_interval) for curBasin in self.subBasinDict.values()} else: for curID in selection_by_iD: cur_key = self.get_key_catchmentDict(curID) curBasin: SubBasin = self.catchmentDict[cur_key] summary_fractions[curID] = curBasin.get_summary_fractions(summary=summary, interval=summary_interval) summary_dict["Stations"] = [cur_name for cur_name in summary_fractions] # Get columns names and remove all duplicates with set all_columns = list(set(cur_key for cur_dict in summary_fractions.values() for cur_key in cur_dict.keys())) for cur_dict in summary_fractions.values(): for cur_key in all_columns: if cur_key not in summary_dict: summary_dict[cur_key] = [] if not cur_key in cur_dict: summary_dict[cur_key].append(np.nan) else: summary_dict[cur_key].append(cur_dict[cur_key]) if add_info!={}: for key_add, add_dict in add_info.items(): summary_dict[key_add] = [] for key in summary_dict["Stations"]: if key in add_dict: summary_dict[key_add].append(add_dict[key]) else: summary_dict[key_add].append(np.nan) # summary_dict = {cur_key: [cur_dict[cur_key] for cur_dict in summary_fractions.values() if cur_key in cur_dict] # for cur_dict in summary_fractions.values() for cur_key in cur_dict} # all_fractions["Summary"] = summary_dict if to_save: rd.write_excel_from_dict(all_fractions, path=self.workingDir, fileName="PostProcess/all_frac.xlsx", time=self.time, summary=summary_dict) if to_plot: self.plot_all_fractions(all_fractions) return all_fractions
[docs] def plot_all_fractions(self, all_fractions:dict[str:np.array]={}, selection_by_iD:list=[], to_show:bool=False, writeDir:str="", range_data:list[datetime.datetime]=[]): if(writeDir==""): writeDir = os.path.join(self.workingDir, "PostProcess") if selection_by_iD == []: for curBasin in self.subBasinDict.values(): curBasin.plot_all_fractions(all_fractions=all_fractions, to_show=False, writeDir=writeDir, range_data=range_data) else: for curID in selection_by_iD: cur_key = self.get_key_catchmentDict(curID) curBasin: SubBasin = self.catchmentDict[cur_key] curBasin.plot_all_fractions(to_show=False, writeDir=writeDir, range_data=range_data) if to_show: return
[docs] def get_all_iv_production(self, selection_by_iD: list = [], to_save:bool=True) -> dict: """ Retrieves the x production values for all sub-basins or a specific selection of sub-basins. Args: selection_by_iD (list, optional): A list of sub-basin IDs to retrieve x production values for. If empty, retrieves x production values for all sub-basins. Defaults to []. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the sub-basin names or IDs as keys and their corresponding x production values as values. """ all_iv = {} if selection_by_iD == []: for iBasin in range(1, len(self.subBasinDict) + 1): curBasin: SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[iBasin] all_iv[] = curBasin.collect_all_internal_variables() else: for curID in selection_by_iD: cur_key = self.get_key_catchmentDict(curID) curBasin: SubBasin = self.catchmentDict[cur_key] all_iv[curID] = curBasin.collect_all_internal_variables() if to_save: rd.write_excel_from_dict(all_iv, path=self.workingDir, fileName="PostProcess/all_iv.xlsx", time=self.time) return all_iv
[docs] def activate_all_internal_variables(self, selection_by_iD: list = [])->dict: """ Activates all internal variables for all sub-basins or a specific selection of sub-basins. Args: selection_by_iD (list, optional): A list of sub-basin IDs to activate internal variables for. If empty, activates internal variables for all sub-basins. Defaults to []. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the sub-basin names or IDs as keys and their corresponding internal variables as values. """ if selection_by_iD == []: for iBasin in range(1, len(self.subBasinDict) + 1): curBasin: SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[iBasin] curBasin.activate_all_internal_variables() else: for curID in selection_by_iD: cur_key = self.get_key_catchmentDict(curID) curBasin: SubBasin = self.catchmentDict[cur_key] curBasin.activate_all_internal_variables()
[docs] def check_presence_of_iv(self, selection_by_iD: list = []) -> dict: """ Checks the presence of internal variables for all sub-basins or a specific selection of sub-basins. Args: selection_by_iD (list, optional): A list of sub-basin IDs to check the presence of internal variables for. If empty, checks the presence of internal variables for all sub-basins. Defaults to []. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the sub-basin names or IDs as keys and their corresponding internal variables as values. """ all_x = {} if selection_by_iD == []: for iBasin in range(1, len(self.subBasinDict) + 1): curBasin: SubBasin = self.subBasinDict[iBasin] all_x[] = curBasin.check_presence_of_iv() else: for curID in selection_by_iD: cur_key = self.get_key_catchmentDict(curID) curBasin: SubBasin = self.catchmentDict[cur_key] all_x[curID] = curBasin.check_presence_of_iv() return all_x
[docs] def get_all_Qtest(self, selection_by_iD: list = [], nb_atttempts:int=-1) : if selection_by_iD == []: q_test = [curBasin.get_all_Qtest(nb_atttempts) for curBasin in self.subBasinDict.values()] else: # for curID in selection_by_iD: # cur_key = self.get_key_catchmentDict(curID) # curBasin: SubBasin = self.catchmentDict[cur_key] # q_test = curBasin.get_all_Qtest(nb_atttempts) q_test = [ self.catchmentDict[self.get_key_catchmentDict(curID)].get_all_Qtest(nb_atttempts) for curID in selection_by_iD ] return q_test
[docs] def _get_simulation_intervals(self): """ This procedure is getting the simulation intervals of the current module. """ nb_interv = self.paramsInput.get_param("Simulation intervals", "Nb", default_value=0) simulation_intervals = [] for i in range(1, nb_interv+1): str_di = self.paramsInput.get_param("Simulation intervals", "Date begin "+str(i)) di = datetime.datetime.strptime(str_di, cst.DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) str_df = self.paramsInput.get_param("Simulation intervals", "Date end "+str(i)) df = datetime.datetime.strptime(str_df, cst.DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) simulation_intervals.append((di,df)) return simulation_intervals
[docs] def _set_simulation_intervals(self, simulation_intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime,datetime.datetime]]): """ This procedure is setting the simulation intervals of the current module. """ self.paramsInput.change_param("Simulation intervals", "Nb", len(simulation_intervals)) for i, interval in enumerate(simulation_intervals): self.paramsInput.change_param("Simulation intervals", "Date begin "+str(i+1), interval[0].strftime(cst.DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO)) self.paramsInput.change_param("Simulation intervals", "Date end "+str(i+1), interval[1].strftime(cst.DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO)) self.paramsInput.SavetoFile(None) self.paramsInput.Reload(None)
[docs] def simulation_intervals(self) ->list[tuple[datetime.datetime,datetime.datetime]]: return self._get_simulation_intervals()
@simulation_intervals.setter def simulation_intervals(self, value:list[tuple[datetime.datetime,datetime.datetime]]): self._set_simulation_intervals(value)
[docs] def _get_temporal_parameters(self) ->tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]: """ This procedure is getting the temporal parameters of the current module. """ return (self.dateBegin, self.dateEnd)
[docs] def _set_temporal_parameters(self, simulation_intervals:tuple[datetime.datetime,datetime.datetime]): """ This procedure is setting the temporal parameters of the current module. """ self.dateBegin = simulation_intervals[0] self.dateEnd = simulation_intervals[1] self.paramsInput.change_param("Temporal Parameters", "Start date time", self.dateBegin.strftime(cst.DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO)) self.paramsInput.change_param("Temporal Parameters", "End date time", self.dateEnd.strftime(cst.DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO)) self.paramsInput.SavetoFile(None) self.paramsInput.Reload(None)
[docs] def temporal_parameters(self) ->tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]: return self._get_temporal_parameters()
@temporal_parameters.setter def temporal_parameters(self, value:tuple[datetime.datetime,datetime.datetime]): self._set_temporal_parameters(value)
[docs] def make_nd_array(self, c_pointer, shape, dtype=np.float64, order='C', own_data=True,readonly=False): arr_size =[:]) * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize buf_from_mem = ct.pythonapi.PyMemoryView_FromMemory buf_from_mem.restype = ct.py_object buf_from_mem.argtypes = (ct.c_void_p, ct.c_int, ct.c_int) if readonly: buffer = buf_from_mem(c_pointer, arr_size, 0x100) else: buffer = buf_from_mem(c_pointer, arr_size, 0x200) arr = np.ndarray(tuple(shape[:]), dtype, buffer, order=order,) if own_data and not arr.flags.owndata: return arr.copy() else: return arr