Source code for wolfhece.apps.wolfcompare2Darrays

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
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import ctypes
[docs] myappid = 'wolf_hece_uliege' # arbitrary string
ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(myappid) #import des modules from os import path import sys import wx from pathlib import Path from typing import Union #Import des modules WOLF from ..PyTranslate import _ from ..PyDraw import WolfMapViewer from ..wolf_array import WolfArray
[docs] def main(mydir:Path=None, ListArrays:list[WolfArray]=None): """ Comparaison de 2 cartes WOLF :param mydir : répertoire contenant 2 matrices WOLF (ref.bin et comp.bin) et leurs fichiers accompagant :param ListArrays : liste de 2 objets WolfArray """ if mydir is not None: assert isinstance(mydir,Path), _('mydir must be a Path object') assert mydir.exists(), _('mydir must exist') fileref = Path(path.join(mydir,'ref.bin')) filecomp = Path(path.join(mydir,'comp.bin')) assert fileref.exists(), _('ref.bin not found in directory') assert filecomp.exists(), _('comp.bin not found in directory') if ListArrays is not None: assert isinstance(ListArrays,list), _('ListArrays must be a list') assert len(ListArrays)==2, _('ListArrays must contain 2 WolfArray objects') assert isinstance(ListArrays[0],WolfArray), _('ListArrays must contain 2 WolfArray objects') assert isinstance(ListArrays[1],WolfArray), _('ListArrays must contain 2 WolfArray objects') #Déclaration de l'App WX ex = wx.App() #Choix de la langue exLocale = wx.Locale() exLocale.Init(wx.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH) #Création de 3 fenêtres de visualisation basées sur la classe "WolfMapViewer" first = WolfMapViewer(None,'First',w=600,h=600) second = WolfMapViewer(None,'Second',w=600,h=600) third = WolfMapViewer(None,'Third',w=600,h=600) #Création d'une liste contenant les 3 instances d'objet "WolfMapViewer" mylist:list[WolfMapViewer]=[] mylist.append(first) mylist.append(second) mylist.append(third) #On indique que les objets sont liés en actiavt le Booléen et en pointant la liste précédente for curlist in mylist: curlist.linked=True curlist.linkedList=mylist if mydir is not None: #Création des matrices WolfArray sur base des fichiers mnt = WolfArray(path.join(mydir,'ref.bin')) mns = WolfArray(path.join(mydir,'comp.bin')) elif ListArrays is not None: mnt = ListArrays[0] mns = ListArrays[1] #Création du différentiel -- Les opérateurs mathématiques sont surchargés diff = mns-mnt #Ajout des matrices dans les fenêtres de visualisation first.add_object('array',newobj=mnt,ToCheck=True,id='reference') second.add_object('array',newobj=mns,ToCheck=True,id='comparison') third.add_object('array',newobj=diff,ToCheck=True,id='DIFF = comp-ref') #boucle infinie pour gérer les événements GUI ex.MainLoop()
if __name__=='__main__': """ Gestion de l'éxécution du module en tant que code principal """ # total arguments
[docs] n = len(sys.argv)
# arguments print("Total arguments passed:", n) assert n in [2,3], _('Usage : wolfcompare <directory> or wolfcompare <file1> <file2>') if n==2: mydir = Path(sys.argv[1]) if mydir.exists(): main(mydir) else: print(_('Directory not found')) elif n==3: file1 = Path(sys.argv[1]) file2 = Path(sys.argv[2]) if file1.exists() and file2.exists(): main('', [WolfArray(file1), WolfArray(file2)]) else: if not file1.exists(): print(_('File {} not found'.format(file1))) if not file2.exists(): print(_('File {} not found'.format(file2)))