Source code for wolfhece.apps.curvedigitizer

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

import ctypes
[docs] myappid = 'wolf_hece_uliege' # arbitrary string
ctypes.windll.shell32.SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID(myappid) from ..PyTranslate import _ import wx import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg
[docs] def main(): """ Main function of curve digitizer """ plt.ion() ex = wx.App() ex.MainLoop() curves=[] # open the dialog file=wx.FileDialog(None,_("Select image to digitize"), wildcard="jpeg image (*.jpg)|*.jpg|png image (*.png)|*.png") if file.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return else: #récuparétaion du nom de fichier avec chemin d'accès filein =file.GetPath() # show the image img = mpimg.imread(filein) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.imshow(img) ax.axis('off') # clear x-axis and y-axis # get reference length in x direction xfactor = getReferenceLength(0) MsgBox = wx.MessageDialog(None,_('Do you want to use the same reference along Y?'),style=wx.YES_NO) result=MsgBox.ShowModal() if result == wx.ID_YES: yfactor=xfactor else: # get the reference length in y direction yfactor = getReferenceLength(1) print(xfactor) print(yfactor) origin = getOrigin() # digitize curves until stoped by the user reply = wx.ID_YES show=True while reply==wx.ID_YES: if show: wx.MessageBox(_("Please digitize the curve.\n" + "Left click: select point\n"+ "Right click: undo\n"+ "Middle click or Return: finish"), _("Digitize curve")) show=False # get the curve points x = plt.ginput( -1, timeout=0, show_clicks=True ) x = np.asarray(x) ax.plot(x[:,0],x[:,1],'g','linewidth',1.5) # convert the curve points from pixels to coordinates x[:,0] = (x[:,0]-origin[0]) * xfactor x[:,1] = (x[:,1]-origin[1]) * yfactor curves.append(x) print(x) MsgBox = wx.MessageDialog(None,_("Digitize another curve?"),style=wx.YES_NO) reply=MsgBox.ShowModal() # write the data to a file # first get the filename validFile = False while not validFile: file=wx.FileDialog(None,_("Select file to save the data"), wildcard=_("Simple text files (.txt)|*.txt")) if file.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: wx.MessageBox(_("Please select a filename to save the data"),_("Filename error")) else: #récuparétaion du nom de fichier avec chemin d'accès fileout =file.GetPath() validFile = True # write the data to file f=open(fileout,'w') i=0 for loccurv in curves: i+=1 f.write('line'+str(i)+'\n') for idx,xy in enumerate(loccurv): f.write('{:14.6f}\t{:14.6f}\n'.format(xy[0],xy[1])) f.close() # clear the figure plt.clf()
[docs] def getReferenceLength(index): """ Get the reference length in the requested direction USAGE: factor = getReferenceLength(index) :param index : 0 for x-direction or 1 for y-direction """ # define a 'direction' string direction = 'x' if index == 0 else 'y' # get the reference length reply = wx.ID_NO while reply==wx.ID_NO: wx.MessageBox(_("Use the mouse to select the reference length\n") + _("Click the start and the end of the reference length"),_("Select reference length")) coord = plt.ginput( 2, timeout=0, show_clicks=True ) # capture only two points # ask for a valid length validLength = False while not validLength: dlg=wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_("Enter the reference length")) dlg.ShowModal() reflength=float(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() if isinstance(reflength, float): validLength = True else: wx.MessageBox(_("Please provide a valid length"),_("Error")) # calculate scaling factor deltaref=coord[1][index]-coord[0][index] factor=reflength/deltaref reply = wx.MessageDialog(None,"{:4.0f} pixels in {:s} direction corresponding to {:4.4f} units. Is this correct?".format(deltaref, direction, reflength),style=wx.YES_NO) return factor
[docs] def getOrigin(): """ Get the Origin """ wx.MessageBox(_("Click one point"),_("Select an origin")) coord = plt.ginput( 1, timeout=0, show_clicks=True ) # capture only one points msg=_('The origin is ')+ '(%d ; %d)' % (coord[0][0],coord[0][1]) wx.MessageBox(msg) return (coord[0][0],coord[0][1])
if __name__ == "__main__": # run the main function main()