Source code for wolfhece.acceptability.cli

Author: University of Liege, HECE, LEMA
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

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The command-line interface for the acceptability
import argparse
from .acceptability import Base_data_creation, Vulnerability, Acceptability, Accept_Manager

[docs] def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="A tool to obtain vulnerability and acceptability for regions in Walloon Region and particularly in Vesdre valley.") parser.add_argument("function", nargs="?", choices=['base_data_creation', 'vulnerability', 'acceptability', 'check'], default='acceptability', ) args:argparse.Namespace args, sub_args = parser.parse_known_args() if args.function == "check": parser.add_argument("dir", type=str, help="Add path to the main directory with all folders. This sets the path of all outputs and inputs", default='Data') parser.add_argument("GDB", type=str, help="Add the name of the main gdb like GT_Resilence_dataRisques202010.gdb", default='GT_Resilence_dataRisques202010.gdb') parser.add_argument("CaPa", type=str, help="Add the name of the Cadaster geopackage, like Cadastre_Walloon.gpkg", default='Cadastre_Walloon.gpkg') parser.add_argument("PICC", type=str, help="Add the name of the PICC gdb, like PICC_vDIFF.gdb", default='PICC_vDIFF.gdb') parser.add_argument("CE", type=str, help="Add the name of the river extent from IGN, like CE_IGN_top10v.shp", default='CE_IGN_TOP10V/CE_IGN_TOP10V.shp') parser.add_argument("scenario", type=str, help="scenario name", default='Scenario1') parser.add_argument("study_area", type=str, help="Add the area of interest, like Theux, Chaufontaine, Eupen, etc.", default='Bassin_Vesdre') args = parser.parse_args() manager = Accept_Manager(main_dir=args.dir, Study_area=args.study_area, scenario=args.scenario, Original_gdb=args.GDB, CaPa_Walloon=args.CaPa, PICC_Walloon=args.PICC, CE_IGN_top10v=args.CE) elif args.function == "base_data_creation": parser.add_argument("dir", type=str, help="Add path to the main directory with all folders. This sets the path of all outputs and inputs", default='Data') parser.add_argument("GDB", type=str, help="Add the name of the main gdb like GT_Resilence_dataRisques202010.gdb", default='GT_Resilence_dataRisques202010.gdb') parser.add_argument("study_area", type=str, help="Add the name of the study area shapefile, Vesdre Valley like Bassin_SA.shp", default='Bassin_Vesdre.shp') parser.add_argument("CaPa", type=str, help="Add the name of the Cadaster geopackage, like Cadastre_Walloon.gpkg", default='Cadastre_Walloon.gpkg') parser.add_argument("PICC", type=str, help="Add the name of the PICC gdb, like PICC_vDIFF.gdb", default='PICC_vDIFF.gdb') parser.add_argument("CE", type=str, help="Add the name of the river extent from IGN, like CE_IGN_top10v.shp", default='CE_IGN_TOP10V/CE_IGN_TOP10V.shp') parser.add_argument("resolution", type=float, help="Add the resolution of water_depth files. If water_depth files have resolution 1 meter, you can put it as 1", default=1.) parser.add_argument("number_procs", type=int, help="Add the number of processors to use", default=1) args = parser.parse_args() Base_data_creation(main_dir=args.dir, Original_gdb=args.GDB, Study_area=args.study_area, CaPa_Walloon=args.CaPa, PICC_Walloon=args.PICC, CE_IGN_top10v=args.CE, resolution=args.resolution, number_procs=args.number_procs) elif args.function == "vulnerability": parser.add_argument("dir", type=str, help="Add path to the main directory with all folders.This sets the path of all outputs and inputs", default='Data') parser.add_argument("scenario", type=str, help="scenario name", default='Scenario1') parser.add_argument("study_area", type=str, help="Add the area of interest, like Theux, Chaufontaine, Eupen, etc.", default='Bassin_Vesdre') args = parser.parse_args() Vulnerability(main_dir=args.dir, scenario=args.scenario, Study_area=args.study_area) elif args.function == "acceptability": parser.add_argument("dir", type=str, help="Add path to the main directory with all folders.This sets the path of all outputs and inputs", default='Data') parser.add_argument("study_area", type=str, help="Add the name of area, like Theux, Chaudfontaine, Eupen, etc.", default='Bassin_Vesdre') parser.add_argument("scenario", type=str, help="Scenario number", default='Scenario1') args = parser.parse_args() Acceptability(main_dir=args.dir, scenario=args.scenario, Study_area=args.study_area)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()