Source code for wolfhece.PyWMS

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

from owslib.wms import WebMapService
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
import pyproj
import urllib.parse as ul
import wx
import logging
from typing import Union, Literal

from .PyTranslate import _

[docs] def to_image(mybytes:BytesIO) -> Image: return
[docs] def getWalonmap(cat:Literal['IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2021', 'ALEA', 'CADMAP', 'LIDAXES', '$IDW', 'EAU/ZONES_INONDEES'], xl:float, yl:float, xr:float, yr:float, w:int = None, h:int = None, tofile=True) -> BytesIO: if cat.find('$')>0: catloc=cat[:cat.find('$')] elif cat.find('_wo_alea')>0: catloc=cat[:cat.find('_wo_alea')] else: catloc=cat try: wms=WebMapService('' + catloc+'/MapServer/WMSServer',version='1.3.0') except: wms=WebMapService('' + catloc+'/MapServer/WMSServer',version='1.3.0') # wms=WebMapService('' # + catloc+'/MapServer/WMSServer',version='1.3.0') ppkm = 300 if w is None and h is None: real_w = (xr-xl)/1000 real_h = (yr-yl)/1000 w = int(real_w * ppkm) h = int(real_h * ppkm) elif w is None: real_w = (xr-xl)/1000 real_h = (yr-yl)/1000 ppkm = h/real_h w = int(real_w * ppkm) # h = int(real_h * ppkm) elif h is None: real_w = (xr-xl)/1000 real_h = (yr-yl)/1000 ppkm = w/real_w # w = int(real_w * ppkm) h = int(real_h * ppkm) if tofile: img=wms.getmap(layers=['0'],styles=['default'],srs='EPSG:31370',bbox=(xl,yl,xr,yr),size=(w,h),format='image/png',transparent=True) out = open('aqualim.png', 'wb') out.write( out.close() return BytesIO(b'1') else: mycontents=list(wms.contents) curcont=['0'] curstyles=['default'] if cat.find('ALEA')>0: ech=(xr-xl)/w if ech>6.5: curcont=['6'] #au-dessus du 1:25000 else: curcont=['5'] #en-dessous du 1:25000 et au-dessus de 1:5000 elif cat.find('CADMAP')>0: curcont=['0,1'] curstyles=['default,default'] elif cat.find('LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES')>0: curcont=['0,1,2,3'] curstyles=['default,default,default,default'] elif cat.find('wms')>0: curcont=['1,2,3,4,5'] curstyles=['default,default,default,default,default'] elif cat.find('LIDAXES')>0: curcont=['4,5,6,7,8,9,11,13'] curstyles=['default,default,default,default,default,default,default,default'] elif cat.find('IDW')>0: curcont=['0'] curstyles=['default'] elif cat.find('ZONES_INONDEES')>0: if 'wo_alea' in cat: curcont = list(wms.contents)[1:] curstyles=['default']*len(curcont) else: curcont = list(wms.contents) curstyles=['default']*len(curcont) try: img=wms.getmap(layers=curcont,styles=curstyles,srs='EPSG:31370',bbox=(xl,yl,xr,yr),size=(w,h),format='image/png',transparent=True) return BytesIO( except: logging.warning(_('Impossible to get data from web services'))
[docs] def getVlaanderen(cat:Literal['Adpf'], xl:float, yl:float, xr:float, yr:float, w:int = None, h:int = None, tofile=True) -> BytesIO: catloc=cat try: wms=WebMapService('' + catloc+'/wms',version='1.3.0') except: logging.warning(_('Impossible to get data from web services')) return ppkm = 300 if w is None and h is None: real_w = (xr-xl)/1000 real_h = (yr-yl)/1000 w = int(real_w * ppkm) h = int(real_h * ppkm) elif w is None: real_w = (xr-xl)/1000 real_h = (yr-yl)/1000 ppkm = h/real_h w = int(real_w * ppkm) # h = int(real_h * ppkm) elif h is None: real_w = (xr-xl)/1000 real_h = (yr-yl)/1000 ppkm = w/real_w # w = int(real_w * ppkm) h = int(real_h * ppkm) if tofile: img=wms.getmap(layers=['0'],styles=['default'],srs='EPSG:31370',bbox=(xl,yl,xr,yr),size=(w,h),format='image/png',transparent=True) out = open('aqualim.png', 'wb') out.write( out.close() return BytesIO(b'1') else: mycontents=list(wms.contents) curcont=['Adpf'] curstyles=['default'] try: img=wms.getmap(layers=curcont,styles=curstyles,srs='EPSG:31370',bbox=(xl,yl,xr,yr),size=(w,h),format='image/png',transparent=True) return BytesIO( except: logging.warning(_('Impossible to get data from web services'))
[docs] def getIGNFrance(cat:str,epsg:str,xl,yl,xr,yr,w,h,tofile=True) -> BytesIO: if epsg!='EPSG:4326': transf=pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(epsg,'EPSG:4326') y1,x1=transf.transform(xl,yl) y2,x2=transf.transform(xr,yr) else: x1=xl x2=xr y1=yl y2=yr wms=WebMapService('',version='1.3.0') img=wms.getmap(layers=[cat],styles=[''],srs='EPSG:4326',bbox=(x1,y1,x2,y2),size=(w,h),format='image/png',transparent=True) if tofile: out = open('ignFrance.png', 'wb') out.write( out.close() return BytesIO(b'1') else: return BytesIO(
if __name__=='__main__':
[docs] me=pyproj.CRS.from_epsg(27573)
t=pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(27573,4326) getIGNFrance('OI.OrthoimageCoverage.HR','EPSG:27563',878000,332300,879000,333300,1000,1000)