Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024
Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.
This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.
import numpy as np
import sys
from OpenGL.GL import *
msg=_('Error importing OpenGL library')
msg+=_(' Python version : ' + sys.version)
msg+=_(' Please check your version of opengl32.dll -- conflict may exist between different files present on your desktop')
raise Exception(msg)
import math
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString, MultiPoint
from os.path import exists
import wx
import re
import logging
from scipy.spatial import KDTree
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Literal, Union
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from enum import Enum
from .PyParams import Wolf_Param, key_Param, Type_Param, new_json
from .PyTranslate import _
from .drawing_obj import Element_To_Draw
from .textpillow import Text_Image, Text_Infos, Font_Priority
from .wolf_texture import Text_Image_Texture
def getRGBfromI(rgbint:int):
""" Convert integer to RGB """
if isinstance(rgbint, tuple):
return rgbint[0], rgbint[1], rgbint[2]
elif isinstance(rgbint, list):
return rgbint[0], rgbint[1], rgbint[2]
elif isinstance(rgbint, int):
blue = rgbint & 255
green = (rgbint >> 8) & 255
red = (rgbint >> 16) & 255
return red, green, blue
logging.error('Error in getRGBfromI')
return 0, 0, 0
def getIfromRGB(rgb:Union[list, tuple]):
""" Convert RGB to integer """
red = int(rgb[0])
green = int(rgb[1])
blue = int(rgb[2])
RGBint = (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue
return RGBint
def circle(x: float, y: float, r: float, numseg: int = 20):
for ii in range(numseg + 1):
theta = 2.0 * 3.1415926 * float(ii) / float(numseg)
x1 = r * math.cos(theta)
y1 = r * math.sin(theta)
glVertex2f(x + x1, y + y1)
def cross(x: float, y: float, r: float):
glVertex2f(x - r, y)
glVertex2f(x + r, y)
glVertex2f(x, y - r)
glVertex2f(x, y + r)
def quad(x: float, y: float, r: float):
glVertex2f(x - r, y - r)
glVertex2f(x + r, y - r)
glVertex2f(x + r, y + r)
glVertex2f(x - r, y + r)
class Cloud_Styles(Enum):
class wolfvertex:
"""Vertex WOLF - 3 coordonnées + valeurs associées dans un dictionnaire"""
def __init__(self, x:float, y:float, z:float=-99999.) -> None:
self.x = float(x)
self.y = float(y)
self.z = float(z)
self.in_use = True
self.values = None
def rotate(self, angle:float, center:tuple):
""" Rotate the vertex
:param angle: angle in radians (positive for counterclockwise)
:param center: center of the rotation (x, y)
x = self.x - center[0]
y = self.y - center[1]
x1 = x * math.cos(angle) - y * math.sin(angle)
y1 = x * math.sin(angle) + y * math.cos(angle)
self.x = x1 + center[0]
self.y = y1 + center[1]
def as_shapelypoint(self):
""" Return a shapely Point """
return Point(self.getcoords())
def copy(self):
""" Return a copy of the vertex """
return wolfvertex(self.x, self.y, self.z)
def getcoords(self):
Return the coordinates as a numpy array
return np.array([self.x, self.y, self.z])
def dist3D(self, v:"wolfvertex") -> float:
Return the 3D distance to another vertex
:param v: vertex to compare
v = self.getcoords() - v.getcoords()
return np.sqrt(np.inner(v, v))
def dist2D(self, v:"wolfvertex") -> float:
Return the 2D distance to another vertex
:param v: vertex to compare
v = self.getcoords()[0:2] - v.getcoords()[0:2]
return np.sqrt(np.inner(v, v))
def addvalue(self, id, value):
Add a value to the vertex
:param id: key of the value
:param value: value to add
if self.values is None:
self.values = {}
self.values[id] = value
def getvalue(self, id):
Return a value from the vertex
:param id: key of the value
if not self.values is None:
if id in self.values.keys():
return self.values[id]
return None
def limit2bounds(self, bounds=None):
Limit the vertex to a set of bounds
:param bounds: [[xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax]] -- floats
if bounds is None:
self.x = max(self.x, bounds[0][0])
self.x = min(self.x, bounds[0][1])
self.y = max(self.y, bounds[1][0])
self.y = min(self.y, bounds[1][1])
def is_like(self, v:"wolfvertex", tol:float=1.e-6):
Return True if the vertex is close to another one
:param v: vertex to compare
:param tol: tolerance
if abs(self.x - v.x) < tol and abs(self.y - v.y) < tol and abs(self.z - v.z) < tol:
return True
return False
class cloudproperties:
Properties of a cloud of vertices
myprops: Wolf_Param = None
def __init__(self, lines=[], parent:"cloud_vertices"=None) -> None:
self.parent = parent
if len(lines) > 0:
# line1=lines[0].split(',')
# line2=lines[1].split(',')
# self.color=int(line1[0])
# self.width=int(line1[1])
# self.style=int(line1[2])
# self.filled=line1[4]=='#TRUE#'
# self.legendvisible=line1[5]=='#TRUE#'
# self.transparent=line1[6]=='#TRUE#'
# self.alpha=int(line1[7])
# self.flash=line1[8]=='#TRUE#'
# self.legendtext=line2[0]
# self.legendrelpos=int(line2[1])
# self.legendx=float(line2[2])
# self.legendy=float(line2[3])
# self.legendbold=line2[4]=='#TRUE#'
# self.legenditalic=line2[5]=='#TRUE#'
# self.legendfontname=str(line2[6])
# self.legendfontsize=int(line2[7])
# self.legendcolor=int(line2[8])
# self.legendunderlined=line2[9]=='#TRUE#'
# self.used=lines[2]=='#TRUE#'
self.color = 0
self.width = 10
self.style = 0
self.filled = False
self.legendvisible = False
self.transparent = False
self.alpha = 0
self.flash = False
self.legendtext = ''
self.legendrelpos = 5
self.legendx = 0.
self.legendy = 0.
self.legendbold = False
self.legenditalic = False
self.legendfontname = 'Arial'
self.legendfontsize = 10
self.legendcolor = 0
self.legendunderlined = False
self.legendpriority = Font_Priority.FONTSIZE.value
self.legendorientation = 0
self.legendwidth = 100
self.legendheight = 100
self.used = True
def fill_property(self):
self.color = getIfromRGB(self.myprops[('Draw', 'Color')])
self.width = self.myprops[('Draw', 'Width')]
self.style = self.myprops[('Draw', 'Style')]
self.filled = self.myprops[('Draw', 'Filled')]
self.transparent = self.myprops[('Draw', 'Transparent')]
self.alpha = self.myprops[('Draw', 'Alpha')]
self.flash = self.myprops[('Draw', 'Flash')]
self.legendvisible = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Visible')]
self.legendtext = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Text')]
self.legendrelpos = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Relative position')]
self.legendx = self.myprops[('Legend', 'X')]
self.legendy = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Y')]
self.legendbold = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Bold')]
self.legenditalic = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Italic')]
self.legendfontname = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Font name')]
self.legendfontsize = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Font size')]
self.legendcolor = getIfromRGB(self.myprops[('Legend','Color')])
self.legendunderlined = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Underlined')]
self.legendorientation = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Orientation')]
self.legendwidth = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Width')]
self.legendheight = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Height')]
self.legendpriority = self.myprops[('Legend', 'Priority')]
self.parent.forceupdategl = True
# self.parent.initialiazed_textures = False
if self.parent.mapviewer is not None:
def defaultprop(self):
Default properties
if self.myprops is None:
self.myprops = Wolf_Param(title='Cloud Properties', to_read=False, force_even_if_same_default=True)
self.myprops._callbackdestroy = self.destroyprop
self.myprops._callback = self.fill_property
self.myprops.addparam('Draw', 'Color', getRGBfromI(0), Type_Param.Color, 'Drawing color', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Draw', 'Width', 10, Type_Param.Float, 'Drawing width', whichdict='Default')
jsonstr = new_json({_('Point'):Cloud_Styles.POINT.value, _('Circle'):Cloud_Styles.CIRCLE.value, _('Cross'):Cloud_Styles.CROSS.value, _('Quad'):Cloud_Styles.QUAD.value})
self.myprops.addparam('Draw', 'Style', 0, Type_Param.Integer, 'Drawing style', whichdict='Default', jsonstr=jsonstr)
self.myprops.addparam('Draw', 'Filled', False, Type_Param.Logical, '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Draw', 'Transparent', False, Type_Param.Logical, '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Draw', 'Alpha', 0, Type_Param.Integer, 'Transparent intensity', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Draw', 'Flash', False, Type_Param.Logical, '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Visible', False, Type_Param.Logical, '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Text', '', Type_Param.String, '', whichdict='Default')
#| | |
#| | |
jsonstr = new_json({_('Left'): 2, _('Right'):8, _('Top'):4, _('Bottom'):6, _('Center'):5, _('Top left'):1, _('Top right'):7, _('Bottom left'):3, _('Bottom right'):9}, _('Relative position of the legend'))
self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Relative position',5,'Integer','',whichdict='Default', jsonstr=jsonstr)
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'X', 0, 'Float', '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Y', 0, 'Float', '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Bold', False, Type_Param.Logical, '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Italic', False, Type_Param.Logical, '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Font name', 'Arial', Type_Param.String, '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Font size', 10, Type_Param.Integer, '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Color', getRGBfromI(0), Type_Param.Color, '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Underlined', False, Type_Param.Logical, '', whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Width', 100, 'Integer', _('Width of the legend [m]'), whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Height', 100, 'Integer', _('Height of the legend [m]'), whichdict='Default')
self.myprops.addparam('Legend', 'Orientation', 0, 'Integer', _('Orientation of the legend [Degree]'), whichdict='Default')
jsonstr = new_json({_('Width'): 1, _('Height'):2, _('Fontsize'):3}, _('Priority will be respected during the OpenGL plot rendering'))
self.myprops.addparam('Legend','Priority', 3 ,'Integer', whichdict='Default', jsonstr=jsonstr)
def destroyprop(self):
self.myprops = None
def show(self):
self.myprops[('Draw', 'Color')] = getRGBfromI(self.color)
self.myprops[('Draw', 'Width')] = self.width
self.myprops[('Draw', 'Style')] = self.style
self.myprops[('Draw', 'Filled')] = self.filled
self.myprops[('Draw', 'Transparent')] = self.transparent
self.myprops[('Draw', 'Alpha')] = self.alpha
self.myprops[('Draw', 'Flash')] = self.flash
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Visible')] = self.legendvisible
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Text')] = self.legendtext
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Relative position')] = self.legendrelpos
self.myprops[('Legend', 'X')] = self.legendx
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Y')] = self.legendy
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Bold')] = self.legendbold
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Italic')] = self.legenditalic
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Font name')] = self.legendfontname
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Font size')] = self.legendfontsize
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Color')] = getRGBfromI(self.legendcolor)
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Underlined')] = self.legendunderlined
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Width')] = self.legendwidth
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Height')] = self.legendheight
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Orientation')] = self.legendorientation
self.myprops[('Legend', 'Priority')] = self.legendpriority
class cloud_vertices(Element_To_Draw):
Scatter points with associated values
Accepted formats : dxf, ascii
Ascii separator : tabulation '\t', semicolon ';'
'dxf' type is automatically finded based on file extension otherwise, ascii file is supposed.
If header exists in the first line of the file, you have to mention it by header=True in initialization.
Total number of columns (nb) is important :
- if nb >3 : the file must contain a header
- if header[2].lower() == 'z', the file contains XYZ coordinates, otherwise all columns >1 are interpreted as values associated to XY
Number os values = nb - (2 or 3) depending if Z coordinate exists
Data are stored in Python dictionnary :
- 'vertex' : XY or XYZ
Each value is accessible through its headname as key :
- 'headname1' : value with headname1
- 'headname2' : value with headname2
- 'headnamen' : value with headnamen
For more information, see 'readfile' or 'import_from_dxf'
myvertices: dict[int, dict['vertex':wolfvertex, str:float]]
myprop: cloudproperties
def __init__(self,
fname: Union[str, Path] = '',
fromxls: str = '',
header: bool = False,
idx: str = '',
plotted: bool = True,
need_for_wx: bool = False,
bbox:Polygon = None,
dxf_imported_elts = ['MTEXT', 'INSERT']) -> None:
Init cloud of vertices
:param fname: file name
:param fromxls: string read from xls file and to be parsed
:param header: header in file (first line with column names)
:param toload: load file at init
:param idx: identifier -- see Element_To_Draw
:param plotted: plot at init -- see Element_To_Draw
:param mapviewer: mapviewer -- see Element_To_Draw
:param need_for_wx: see Element_To_Draw
super().__init__(idx, plotted, mapviewer, need_for_wx)
self.myvertices = {}
self.filename = str(fname)
self.loaded = False
self.header = header
self.gllist = 0
self.forceupdategl = False
self.ongoing = False
self.xbounds = (0., 0.)
self.ybounds = (0., 0.)
self.zbounds = (0., 0.)
self.myprop = cloudproperties(parent=self)
self.mytree = None
# self.initialiazed_textures = False
if self.filename != '':
if toload:
if Path(fname).suffix.lower() == '.dxf':
self.import_from_dxf(self.filename, imported_elts=dxf_imported_elts)
elif Path(fname).suffix.lower() == '.shp':
self.import_shapefile(self.filename, bbox=bbox)
self.readfile(self.filename, header)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.myvertices[key]
def create_kdtree(self):
Set a Scipy KDTree structure based on a copy of the vertices
xyz = self.get_xyz()
self.mytree = KDTree(xyz)
def find_nearest(self, xy:np.ndarray, nb:int =1):
Find nearest neighbors from Scipy KDTree structure based on a copy of the vertices
Return :
- list of distances
- list of "Wolfvertex"
- list of elements stored in self.myvertices
keys = self.myvertices.keys()
if self.mytree is None:
dist, ii = self.mytree.query(xy, k=nb)
return dist, [self.myvertices[keys[curi]]['vertex'] for curi in ii], [self.myvertices[keys[curi]] for curi in ii]
def init_from_nparray(self, array):
Fill-in from nparray -- shape (n,3)
k = 0
for curv in array:
mv = wolfvertex(curv[0], curv[1], curv[2])
self.myvertices[k] = {}
self.myvertices[k]['vertex'] = mv
k += 1
self.xbounds = (np.min(array[:, 0]), np.max(array[:, 0]))
self.ybounds = (np.min(array[:, 1]), np.max(array[:, 1]))
self.loaded = True
def check_plot(self):
""" The cloud is plotted -- useful for mapviewer """
self.plotted = True
if not self.loaded:
self.readfile(self.filename, self.header)
self.loaded = True
def uncheck_plot(self, unload=True):
""" The cloud is not plotted -- useful for mapviewer """
self.plotted = False
def readfile(self, fname:str='', header: bool = False):
Reading an ascii file with or without header
:param fname: (str) file name
:param header: (bool) header in file (first line with column names)
The separator is automatically detected among : tabulation, semicolon, space, comma.
The file must contain at least 2 columns (X, Y) and may contain a third one (Z) and more (values).
If values are present, they are stored in the dictionnary with their header name as key.
if fname != '':
headers = None
nbcols = 0
zpresent = False
nbvals = 0
firstval = 0
xmin = 1.e300
xmax = -1.e300
ymin = 1.e300
ymax = -1.e300
zmin = 1.e300
zmax = -1.e300
f = open(fname, 'r')
content = f.read().splitlines()
if header:
curhead = content[0]
sep = ' '
if '\t' in curhead:
# séparateur tabulation
sep = '\t'
elif ';' in curhead:
# séparateur tabulation
sep = ';'
elif ' ' in curhead:
# séparateur espace
sep = ' '
elif ',' in curhead:
# séparateur espace
sep = ','
headers = curhead.split(sep)
nbcols = len(headers)
curline = content[0]
sep = ' '
if '\t' in curline:
# séparateur tabulation
sep = '\t'
elif ';' in curline:
# séparateur point-virgule
sep = ';'
elif ' ' in curline:
# séparateur espace
sep = ' '
curline = re.sub(' +', ' ', curline)
elif ',' in curline:
# séparateur virgule
sep = ','
curline = re.sub(' +', ' ', curline)
curval = curline.split(sep)
nbcols = len(curval)
if nbcols < 2:
print('Not enough values on one line -- Retry !!')
elif nbcols > 3:
if headers is None:
print('No headers -- Retry !!')
if headers[2].lower() == 'z':
zpresent = True
nbvals = nbcols - 3
firstval = 3
# on interprète la 3ème colonne comme valeur et non comme Z
zpresent = False
nbvals = nbcols - 2
firstval = 2
elif nbcols == 3:
if headers is None:
zpresent = True
if headers[2].lower() == 'z':
zpresent = True
# on interprète la 3ème colonne comme valeur et non comme Z
zpresent = False
nbvals = 1
firstval = 2
k = 0
for curline in content:
curline = re.sub(' +', ' ', curline)
curval = curline.split(sep)
x = float(curval[0])
y = float(curval[1])
z = 0
if zpresent:
z = float(curval[2])
curvert = wolfvertex(x, y, z)
curdict = self.myvertices[k] = {}
curdict['vertex'] = curvert
xmin = min(x, xmin)
xmax = max(x, xmax)
ymin = min(y, ymin)
ymax = max(y, ymax)
zmin = min(z, zmin)
zmax = max(z, zmax)
if nbvals > 0:
for i in range(firstval, firstval + nbvals):
curdict[headers[i]] = curval[i]
k += 1
self.xbounds = (xmin, xmax)
self.ybounds = (ymin, ymax)
self.loaded = True
def import_from_dxf(self, fn:str='', imported_elts=['MTEXT', 'INSERT']):
Importing DXF file using ezdxf library
:param fn: file name (*.dxf)
if fn == '' or not exists(fn):
logging.error(_('File not found : ')+fn)
import ezdxf
# Lecture du fichier dxf et identification du modelspace
logging.info(_('Reading DXF file : ')+fn)
doc = ezdxf.readfile(fn)
msp = doc.modelspace()
logging.info(_('Number of entities : ')+str(len(msp)))
logging.info(_('Number of layers : ')+str(len(doc.layers)))
logging.info(_('Treating entities... '))
# Bouclage sur les éléments du DXF
for e in msp:
if doc.layers.get(e.dxf.layer).is_on():
if e.dxftype() in imported_elts:
if e.dxftype() == "MTEXT" or e.dxftype()=='INSERT':
x = e.dxf.insert[0]
y = e.dxf.insert[1]
z = e.dxf.insert[2]
if z!=0.:
curvert = wolfvertex(x, y, z)
curdict = self.myvertices[k] = {}
curdict['vertex'] = curvert
k += 1
elif e.dxftype() == "POLYLINE":
# récupération des coordonnées
verts = [cur.dxf.location.xyz for cur in e.vertices]
for cur in verts:
curvert = wolfvertex(cur[0],cur[1],cur[2])
curdict = self.myvertices[k] = {}
curdict['vertex'] = curvert
k += 1
elif e.dxftype() == "LWPOLYLINE":
# récupération des coordonnées
verts = np.array(e.lwpoints.values)
verts = verts.reshape([verts.size // 5,5])[:,:2] # in ezdxf 1.3.5, the lwpoints.values attribute is a np.ndarray [n,5]
verts = np.column_stack([verts,[e.dxf.elevation]*len(verts)])
for cur in verts:
curvert = wolfvertex(cur[0],cur[1],cur[2])
curdict = self.myvertices[k] = {}
curdict['vertex'] = curvert
k += 1
elif e.dxftype() == "LINE":
# récupération des coordonnées
curvert = wolfvertex(e.dxf.start[0],e.dxf.start[1],e.dxf.start[2])
curdict = self.myvertices[k] = {}
curdict['vertex'] = curvert
k += 1
curvert = wolfvertex(e.dxf.end[0],e.dxf.end[1],e.dxf.end[2])
curdict = self.myvertices[k] = {}
curdict['vertex'] = curvert
k += 1
logging.warning(_('DXF element not supported/ignored : ') + e.dxftype())
logging.info(_('Layer {} is off'.format(e.dxf.layer)))
self.loaded = True
logging.info(_('Number of imported points : ')+str(k))
logging.info(_('Importation finished'))
return k
def import_shapefile(self, fn:str='', targetcolumn:str = 'X1_Y1_Z1', bbox:Polygon = None):
Importing Shapefile using geopandas library
:param fn: file name
:param targetcolumn: column name to be used for XYZ coordinates -- 'X1_Y1_Z1' is used by SPW-ARNE-DCENN
if fn == '' or not exists(fn):
logging.error(_('File not found : ')+fn)
import geopandas as gpd
# read data
gdf:gpd.GeoDataFrame = gpd.read_file(fn, bbox=bbox)
# Bouclage sur les éléments du Shapefile
if targetcolumn in gdf.columns:
for index, row in gdf.iterrows():
x, y, z = row[targetcolumn].split(',')
x = float(x)
y = float(y)
z = float(z)
curvert = wolfvertex(x, y, z)
curdict = self.myvertices[k] = {}
curdict['vertex'] = curvert
k += 1
elif 'geometry' in gdf.columns:
for k, (xx,yy) in enumerate(zip(gdf.get_coordinates()['x'], gdf.get_coordinates()['y'])):
curvert = wolfvertex(xx, yy)
curdict = self.myvertices[k] = {}
curdict['vertex'] = curvert
except Exception as e:
logging.error(_('Geometry not found (MultiPoint or Point) -- Please check your shapefile : ')+fn)
if self.wx_exists:
dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the column to be used for XYZ coordinates'), _('Column choice'), gdf.columns)
if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
targetcolumn = dlg.GetStringSelection()
logging.error(_('Column not found : ')+targetcolumn)
for index, row in gdf.iterrows():
x, y, z = row[targetcolumn].split(',')
x = float(x)
y = float(y)
z = float(z)
curvert = wolfvertex(x, y, z)
curdict = self.myvertices[k] = {}
curdict['vertex'] = curvert
k += 1
logging.error(_('Error during import of shapefile : ')+fn)
self.loaded = True
logging.info(_('Number of imported points : ')+str(k))
return k
def add_vertex(self, vertextoadd: wolfvertex = None, id=None, cloud: dict = None):
""" Add a vertex to the cloud
:param vertextoadd: vertex to add
:param id: id of the vertex -- if None, the id is the length of the cloud
:param cloud: cloud of vertices to add -- wolfvertex instances are pointed not copied
if vertextoadd is not None:
curid = id
if curid is None:
curid = len(self.myvertices)
self.myvertices[curid] = {}
self.myvertices[curid]['vertex'] = vertextoadd
if cloud is not None:
for id, item in cloud.items():
self.myvertices[id] = item
def add_vertices(self, vertices:list[wolfvertex]):
""" Add a list of vertices to the cloud """
first_id = len(self.myvertices)
for curid, curvert in enumerate(vertices):
self.myvertices[first_id + curid] = {}
self.myvertices[first_id + curid]['vertex'] = curvert
def get_vertices(self):
""" Return the vertices as a list """
return [self.myvertices[item]['vertex'] for item in self.myvertices]
# def _create_textures(self):
# """ Create textures for the cloud """
# mapviewer = self.get_mapviewer()
# for id, item in enumerate(self.myvertices):
# curvert = self.myvertices[item]['vertex']
# curtxt_infos = Text_Infos(self.myprop.legendpriority,
# (np.cos(self.myprop.legendorientation/180*np.pi),
# np.sin(self.myprop.legendorientation/180*np.pi)),
# self.myprop.legendfontname,
# self.myprop.legendfontsize,
# self.myprop.legendcolor,
# dimsreal=(self.myprop.legendwidth, self.myprop.legendheight)
# )
# self.myvertices[item]['texture'] = Text_Image_Texture(item, mapviewer, curtxt_infos, None, curvert.x, curvert.y)
# self.initialiazed_textures = True
def plot_legend(self, sx=None, sy=None, xmin=None, ymin=None, xmax=None, ymax=None, size=None):
Plot OpenGL
Legend is an image texture
if self.get_mapviewer() is None:
logging.warning(_('No mapviewer available for legend plot'))
if self.myprop.legendvisible:
mapviewer = self.get_mapviewer()
which_legend = self.myprop.legendtext
for id, item in enumerate(self.myvertices):
curvert = self.myvertices[item]['vertex']
if curvert.x > xmin and curvert.x < xmax and curvert.y > ymin and curvert.y < ymax:
if which_legend == '':
text_legend = str(item)
elif which_legend == 'ID':
text_legend = str(id)
elif which_legend == 'X':
text_legend = str(curvert.x)
elif which_legend == 'Y':
text_legend = str(curvert.y)
elif which_legend == 'Z':
text_legend = str(curvert.z)
elif which_legend in self.myvertices[item]:
text_legend = self.myvertices[item][which_legend]
text_legend = which_legend
r,g,b = getRGBfromI(self.myprop.legendcolor)
curtxt_infos = Text_Infos(self.myprop.legendpriority,
dimsreal=(self.myprop.legendwidth, self.myprop.legendheight),
text = Text_Image_Texture(text_legend, mapviewer, curtxt_infos, None, curvert.x, curvert.y)
def plot(self, update:bool=False, *args, **kwargs):
OpenGL plot of the cloud of vertices
FIXME : to be improved
if update or self.gllist == 0 or self.forceupdategl and not self.ongoing:
curvert: wolfvertex
self.ongoing = True
color = self.myprop.color
width = self.myprop.width
style = self.myprop.style
filled = self.myprop.filled
if self.gllist != 0:
glDeleteLists(self.gllist, 1)
self.gllist = glGenLists(1)
glNewList(self.gllist, GL_COMPILE)
if filled:
if style == Cloud_Styles.POINT.value:
rgb = getRGBfromI(color)
for id, item in enumerate(self.myvertices):
curvert = self.myvertices[item]['vertex']
glColor3ub(int(rgb[0]), int(rgb[1]), int(rgb[2]))
glVertex2f(curvert.x, curvert.y)
elif style == Cloud_Styles.CIRCLE.value:
rgb = getRGBfromI(color)
for id, item in enumerate(self.myvertices):
curvert = self.myvertices[item]['vertex']
glColor3ub(int(rgb[0]), int(rgb[1]), int(rgb[2]))
circle(curvert.x, curvert.y, width / 2.)
elif style == Cloud_Styles.CROSS.value:
rgb = getRGBfromI(color)
for id, item in enumerate(self.myvertices):
curvert = self.myvertices[item]['vertex']
glColor3ub(int(rgb[0]), int(rgb[1]), int(rgb[2]))
cross(curvert.x, curvert.y, width / 2)
elif style == Cloud_Styles.QUAD.value:
rgb = getRGBfromI(color)
for id, item in enumerate(self.myvertices):
curvert = self.myvertices[item]['vertex']
glColor3ub(int(rgb[0]), int(rgb[1]), int(rgb[2]))
quad(curvert.x, curvert.y, width / 2)
self.forceupdategl = False
self.ongoing = False
def show_properties(self):
""" Show properties of the cloud """
def _updatebounds(self, newvert: wolfvertex = None, newcloud: dict = None):
Update the bounds of the cloud
:param newvert : (optional) vertex added to the cloud
:param newcloud: (optional) cloud added to the cloud
'newvert' or 'newcloud' can be passed as argument during add_vertex operation.
In this way, the bounds are updated without going through all the vertices -> expected more rapid.
xmin = self.xbounds[0]
xmax = self.xbounds[1]
ymin = self.ybounds[0]
ymax = self.ybounds[1]
zmin = self.zbounds[0]
zmax = self.zbounds[1]
if not newvert is None:
xmin = min(newvert.x, xmin)
xmax = max(newvert.x, xmax)
ymin = min(newvert.y, ymin)
ymax = max(newvert.y, ymax)
zmin = min(newvert.z, zmin)
zmax = max(newvert.z, zmax)
self.xbounds = (xmin, xmax)
self.ybounds = (ymin, ymax)
self.zbounds = (zmin, zmax)
if not newcloud is None:
for item in newcloud.values():
curvert = item['vertex']
xmin = min(curvert.x, xmin)
xmax = max(curvert.x, xmax)
ymin = min(curvert.y, ymin)
ymax = max(curvert.y, ymax)
zmin = min(curvert.z, zmin)
zmax = max(curvert.z, zmax)
self.xbounds = (xmin, xmax)
self.ybounds = (ymin, ymax)
self.zbounds = (zmin, zmax)
def find_minmax(self, force=False):
Find the bounds of the cloud
:param force: force the computation of the bounds
if force:
self.xmin = 1.e300
self.xmax = -1.e300
self.ymin = 1.e300
self.ymax = -1.e300
self.zmin = 1.e300
self.zmax = -1.e300
# if no vertice or file not present -> return
if len(self.myvertices) == 0 :
xyz = self.get_xyz()
self.xmin = np.min(xyz[:,0])
self.xmax = np.max(xyz[:,0])
self.ymin = np.min(xyz[:,1])
self.ymax = np.max(xyz[:,1])
self.zmin = np.min(xyz[:,2])
self.zmax = np.max(xyz[:,2])
# for item in self.myvertices:
# curvert = self.myvertices[item]['vertex']
# x = curvert.x
# y = curvert.y
# z = curvert.z
# self.xmin = min(x, self.xmin)
# self.xmax = max(x, self.xmax)
# self.ymin = min(y, self.ymin)
# self.ymax = max(y, self.ymax)
# self.zmin = min(z, self.zmin)
# self.zmax = max(z, self.zmax)
self.xbounds = (self.xmin, self.xmax)
self.ybounds = (self.ymin, self.ymax)
self.zbounds = (self.zmin, self.zmax)
def get_xyz(self, key='vertex') -> np.ndarray:
Return the vertices as numpy array
:param key: key to be used for the third column (Z) -- 'vertex' or any key in the dictionnary -- if 'vertex'', [[X,Y,Z]] are returned
if self.header:
if key=='vertex':
xyz = [[curvert['vertex'].x, curvert['vertex'].y, curvert['vertex'].z] for curvert in self.myvertices.values()]
xyz = [[curvert['vertex'].x, curvert['vertex'].y, float(curvert[key])] for curvert in self.myvertices.values()]
xyz = [[curvert['vertex'].x, curvert['vertex'].y, curvert['vertex'].z] for curvert in self.myvertices.values()]
return np.array(xyz)
def interp_on_array(self, myarray, key:str='vertex', method:Literal['linear', 'nearest', 'cubic'] = 'linear'):
Interpolation of the cloud on a 2D array
:param myarray: WolfArray instance
:param key: key to be used for the third column (Z) -- 'vertex' or any key in the dictionnary
:param method: interpolation method -- 'linear', 'nearest', 'cubic'
see interpolate_on_cloud method of WolfArray for more information
xyz = self.get_xyz(key)
myarray.interpolate_on_cloud(xyz[:,:2], xyz[:,2], method)
def iter_on_vertices(self):
""" Iteration on vertices """
for cur in self.myvertices.values():
yield cur['vertex']
def get_multipoint(self):
""" Return the cloud as a Shapely MultiPoint """
return MultiPoint([cur.as_shapelypoint() for cur in self.iter_on_vertices()])
def projectontrace(self, trace, return_cloud:bool = True, proximity:float = 99999.):
Project the cloud onto a trace (type 'vector')
:param trace: vector class
:param return_cloud: return a cloud or the lists [s],[z]
:param proximity: search distance for projection
if return_cloud:
New cloud containing the position information on the trace and altitude (s,z)
s,z: 2 lists of floats
# trace:vector
tracels = trace.asshapely_ls() # conversion en linestring Shapely
if proximity == 99999.:
# on garde tous les points
all_s = [tracels.project(Point(cur['vertex'].x,cur['vertex'].y)) for cur in self.myvertices.values()] # Projection des points sur la trace et récupération de la coordonnées curviligne
all_z = [cur['vertex'].z for cur in self.myvertices.values()]
buffer = tracels.buffer(proximity) # buffer de la trace
multipoints = self.get_multipoint() # conversion en multipoint Shapely
mp = multipoints.intersection(buffer) # intersection avec le buffer
all_s = [tracels.project(Point(cur.x,cur.y)) for cur in mp.geoms] # Projection des points sur la trace et récupération de la coordonnées curviligne
all_z = [cur.z for cur in mp.geoms] # récupération de l'altitude
new_dict = {}
for s,z in zip(all_s,all_z):
new_dict[k] = {'vertex':wolfvertex(s,z)}
if return_cloud:
newcloud = cloud_vertices(idx=_('Projection on ')+trace.myname)
return newcloud
return all_s, all_z