Source code for wolfhece.PyParams

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

import wx
import wx.propgrid as pg
import pandas as pd
import os.path
import json
import logging
from typing import Union, Literal
from enum import Enum
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path

    from .PyTranslate import _
    from wolfhece.PyTranslate import _

if not '_' in __builtins__:
    import gettext
[docs] _=gettext.gettext
[docs] PARAM_TRUE = '.True.'
[docs] PARAM_FALSE = '.False.'
[docs] PREFIX_DEFAULT = 'def'
[docs] class Type_Param(Enum): """ Enum to define the type of a parameter Strings are also used by Fortran Code -- modify with care """
[docs] Integer_or_Float = 'Integer_or_Float'
[docs] Integer = 'Integer'
[docs] Logical = 'Logical'
[docs] Float = 'Float'
[docs] File = 'File'
[docs] Directory = 'Directory'
[docs] Color = 'Color'
[docs] Fontname = 'Fontname'
[docs] String = 'String'
[docs] Empty = ''
[docs] Double = 'Double'
[docs] Real = 'Real'
[docs] class key_Param(Enum): """ Enum to define the keys of a parameter """
[docs] NAME = 'name'
[docs] TYPE = 'type'
[docs] VALUE = 'value'
[docs] COMMENT = 'comment'
[docs] ADDED_JSON = 'added_json'
[docs] class Buttons(Enum): """ Enum to define the buttons """
[docs] Load = 'Load'
[docs] Save = 'Save'
[docs] Apply = 'Apply'
[docs] Reload = 'Reload'
[docs] def new_json(values:dict=None, fullcomment:str='') -> dict: """ Create a new JSON string from values and fullcomment :param values : values to store in the JSON string - dict of key:value - value must be integer :param fullcomment : full comment to store in the JSON string - str - can be multiline with \n """ return {"Values":values, "Full_Comment":fullcomment}
[docs] def new_infos_incr(groupname:str= None, paramname:str='nb', min:int=1, max:int=100) -> tuple[str]: """ Create a new string for an incrementable group or parameter :param groupname : name of the reference group (optional) -- if ommitted, the reference group is in the same group as the parameter :param paramname : name of the reference parameter :param min : minimum value :param max : maximum value """ if groupname is None: return paramname, str(min), str(max) else: return groupname, paramname, str(min), str(max)
# FIXME : Généliser avec les dictionnaire avec Enum
[docs] def search_type(chain:str) -> Type_Param: """ recherche du typage dans une chaîne de caractères """ if chain.lower().find(Type_Param.Integer.value.lower())>-1 and chain.find(Type_Param.Double.value.lower())>-1: return Type_Param.Integer_or_Float elif chain.lower().find(Type_Param.Integer.value.lower())>-1: return Type_Param.Integer elif chain.lower().find(Type_Param.Logical.value.lower())>-1: return Type_Param.Logical elif chain.lower().find(Type_Param.Double.value.lower())>-1 or chain.find('dble')>-1 or chain.find(Type_Param.Real.value.lower())>-1: return Type_Param.Float elif chain.lower().find('({})'.format(Type_Param.File.value.lower()))>-1: return Type_Param.File elif chain.lower().find('({})'.format(Type_Param.Directory.value.lower()))>-1 or chain.find('(dir)')>-1: return Type_Param.Directory else: return Type_Param.String
[docs] class Wolf_Param(wx.Frame): """ **FR** Gestion des paramètres au format WOLF. **Fichier texte** Les fichiers '.param' sont des fichiers texte contenant des paramètres de type nom=valeur et compatibles avec les codes Fortran. L'extension '.param.default' est utilisée pour stocker les paramètres par défaut. Une autre extension est possible mais un fichier '.default' sera créé automatiquement si ce fichier n'existe pas. Le séparateur (nom, valeur, commentaire) est la tabulation '\t'. Aucun autre caractère ne doit être utilisé comme séparateur. Les groupes sont définis par un nom suivi de ':'. Cela signifie que ':' ne peut pas être utilisé dans un nom de paramètre. Les lignes débutant par '%' sont des commentaires. Il est possible d'ajouter du code JSON dans un commentaire. Pour cela, il faut ajouter '%json' au début de la ligne suivi d'un dictionnaire (e.g. %json{"Values":{'key1':1, 'key2':2}, "Full_Comment":"fullcomment"} ). **Organisation Python** L'objet Python est basé sur des dictionnaires Python. Un dictionnaire par groupe de paramètres. Les paramètres sont donc stockés dans un dictionnaire de dictionnaires. Le premier niveau est le nom du groupe, le second niveau est le nom du paramètre. Les paramètres disposent des clés suivantes : - name : nom du paramètre (str) - type : type du paramètre (str) -- see Type_Param - value : valeur du paramètre (str) -- peut être converti dynamiquement en int, float, bool, str, ... sur base du type - comment : commentaire du paramètre (str) -- helpful to understand the parameter - added_json : dictionnaire contenant des informations supplémentaires (optionnel) -- permet de stocker des informations supplémentaires sur le paramètre (ex : valeurs possibles, commentaires étendus, ...) **Dictionnaires** Il existe un dictionnaire de valeurs par défaut "myparams_default". Pour l'interaction Python-Fortran, c'est le Fortran qui écrit ces paramètres. Il existe un dictionnaire de paramètres actifs "myparams". Il est utilisé pour stocker les paramètres modifiés par l'utilisateur. Normalement, seuls les paramètres modifiés par l'utilisateur sont stockés dans ce dictionnaire et sont écrits sur disque. **Groupe/Paramètre incrémentable** Il est également possible de définir des groupes ou des paramètres incrémentables. Pour cela, dans le nom du groupe/paramètre, il faut ajouter, à l'emplacement souhaité du **numéro** du groupe/paramètre, des informations entre '$...$' : - groupname : nom du groupe (uniquement pour groupe incrémentable) - paramname : nom du paramètre contenant le nombre de groupe/paramètre - min : valeur minimale - max : valeur maximale Le nombre de groupes est ainsi défini par le couple (key:value) = (groupname:paramname). Le nombre de groupes doit donc être logiquement positionné dans un groupe distinct. Le nombre de paramètres est ainsi défini par le paramètre "paramname" qui est attendu dans le groupe contenant le paramètre incrémentable. Le nombre de groupes/paramètres est un entier compris entre 'min' et 'max'. Les informations génériques sont stockées dans les dictionnaires "myIncGroup" et "myIncParam". **UI** Une interface graphique est disponible pour modifier les paramètres. Elle est basée sur "wxPython" et la classe "wxPropertyGrid". L'attribut wx_exists permet de savoir si wxPython est en cours d'excution ou non. **Accès aux données** Les paramètres sont accessibles via la procédure __getitem__ en fournissant un tuple (groupname, paramname). Il est possible de modifier un paramètre via la procédure __setitem__. Il est possible : - d'ajoutrer un groupe via la procédure add_group. Pour un groupe incrémentabe, le nom doit contenir les infos génériques entre '$...$'. - d'ajouter un paramètre ou un paramètre incrémentable via la procédure addparam : - pour un paramètre classique en choisissant le dictionnaire cible ['All', 'Default', 'Active', 'IncGroup', ''] - '' == 'Active' - 'All' == 'Default' + 'Active' - 'IncGroup' pour ajouter un paramètre au template du groupe incrémentable --> sera dupliqué lors de la MAJ du nompbre réel de groupes - pour un paramètre incrémentable, en fournissant les données nécessaires dans une chaîne $n(refname,min,max)$ ou $n(groupname,refname,min,max)$ - si le groupe visé n'existe pas, il sera créé si toutes les infos sont disponibles. - d'ajouter seulement un paramètre incrémentable via la procédure add_IncParam. **EN** Management of parameters in WOLF format. **Text File** '.param' files are text files containing parameters in the name=value format and compatible with Fortran codes. The '.param.default' extension is used to store default parameters. Another extension is possible, but a '.default' file will be automatically created if this file does not exist. The separator (name, value, comment) is the tab character '\t'. No other character should be used as a separator. Groups are defined by a name followed by ':'. This means that ':' cannot be used in a parameter name. Lines starting with '%' are comments. It is possible to add JSON code in a comment. To do this, add '%json' at the beginning of the line followed by a dictionary (e.g., %json{"Values":{'key1':1, 'key2':2}, "Full_Comment":"fullcomment"}). **Python Organization** The Python object is based on Python dictionaries. One dictionary per parameter group. Therefore, parameters are stored in a dictionary of dictionaries. The first level is the group name, and the second level is the parameter name. Parameters have the following keys: - name: parameter name (str) - type: parameter type (str) -- see Type_Param - value: parameter value (str) -- can be dynamically converted to int, float, bool, str, ... based on the type - comment: parameter comment (str) -- helpful to understand the parameter - added_json: dictionary containing additional information (optional) -- used to store additional information about the parameter (e.g., possible values, extended comments, ...) **Dictionaries** There is a default values dictionary "myparams_default." For Python-Fortran interaction, Fortran writes these parameters. There is an active parameters dictionary "myparams." It is used to store parameters modified by the user. Normally, only parameters modified by the user are stored in this dictionary and written to disk. **Incrementable Group/Parameter** It is also possible to define incrementable groups or parameters. To do this, in the group/parameter name, add information between '$...$' at the desired **number** location of the group/parameter: - groupname: group name (only for incrementable group) - paramname: parameter name containing the group/parameter number - min: minimum value - max: maximum value The number of groups is defined by the (key:value) pair (groupname:paramname). The number of groups must logically be positioned in a distinct group. The number of parameters is defined by the "paramname" parameter expected in the group containing the incrementable parameter. The number of groups/parameters is an integer between 'min' and 'max'. Generic information is stored in the "myIncGroup" and "myIncParam" dictionaries. **UI** A graphical interface is available to modify parameters. It is based on "wxPython" and the "wxPropertyGrid" class. The wx_exists attribute indicates whether wxPython is currently running or not. **Data Access** Parameters are accessible via the __getitem__ method by providing a tuple (groupname, paramname). It is possible to modify a parameter via the __setitem__ method. It is possible to: - add a group via the add_group method. For an incrementable group, the name must contain generic information between '$...$'. - add a parameter or an incrementable parameter via the addparam method: - for a regular parameter by choosing the target dictionary ['All', 'Default', 'Active', 'IncGroup', ''] - '' == 'Active' - 'All' == 'Default' + 'Active' - 'IncGroup' to add a parameter to the template of the incrementable group --> will be duplicated when updating the actual number of groups - for an incrementable parameter, by providing the necessary data in a string $n(refname,min,max)$ or $n(groupname,refname,min,max)$ - if the targeted group does not exist, it will be created if all information is available. - only add an incrementable parameter via the add_IncParam method. """ # Définition des propriétés
[docs] filename:str # File name
[docs] myparams:dict[str, dict] # dict for active parameters, see key_Param for keys
[docs] myparams_default:dict[str, dict] # dict for default parameters, see key_Param for keys
[docs] myIncGroup:dict # dict for incrementable groups
[docs] myIncParam:dict # dict for incrementable parameters
[docs] prop:pg.PropertyGridManager # wxPropertyGridManager -- see UI
[docs] wx_exists:bool # True if wxPython is running
def __init__(self, parent:wx.Window = None, title:str = "Default Title", w:int = 500, h:int = 800, ontop:bool = False, to_read:bool = True, filename:str = '', withbuttons: bool = True, DestroyAtClosing:bool = True, toShow:bool = True, init_GUI:bool = True, force_even_if_same_default:bool = False, toolbar:bool = True): """ Initialisation :param parent : parent frame (wx.Window) :param title : title of the frame :param w : width of the frame :param h : height of the frame :param ontop : if True, the frame will be on top of all other windows :param to_read : if True, the file will be read :param filename : filename to read :param withbuttons : if True, buttons will be displayed :param DestroyAtClosing : if True, the frame will be destroyed when closed :param toShow : if True, the frame will be displayed :param force_even_if_same_default : if True, the parameter will be displayed even if the default and active parameters are the same Callbacks (see 'set_callbacks'): - callback : callback function when 'apply' is pressed - callbackdestroy : callback function before destroying the frame """ # Initialisation des propriétés self.filename=filename self.myparams={} self.myparams_default={} self.myIncGroup={} self.myIncParam={} self.update_incr_at_every_change = True self._callback:function = None self._callbackdestroy:function = None self.wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None # test if wx App is running self.show_in_active_if_default = force_even_if_same_default if to_read: self.ReadFile(filename) self.prop = None self.sizer = None if self.wx_exists and init_GUI: self._set_gui(parent, title, w, h, ontop, to_read, withbuttons, DestroyAtClosing, toShow, toolbar=toolbar) @property
[docs] def has_prop(self) -> bool: """ Return True if the property grid is available """ return self.prop is not None
[docs] def has_gui(self) -> bool: """ Return True if the own GUI is available""" return self.sizer is not None
[docs] def ensure_prop(self, wxparent = None, show_in_active_if_default:bool = False, height:int= 600): """ Ensure that the property grid is available """ if self.wx_exists: if not self.has_prop: self._set_only_prop(wxparent) self.show_in_active_if_default = show_in_active_if_default self.prop.SetSizeHints(0,height) self.Populate()
[docs] def ensure_gui(self, title:str = "Default Title", w:int = 500, h:int = 800, ontop:bool = False, to_read:bool = True, withbuttons:bool = True, DestroyAtClosing:bool = True, toShow:bool = True, full_style:bool = False): """ Ensure that the GUI is available """ if not self.has_gui and self.wx_exists: self._set_gui(title=title, w=w, h=h, ontop=ontop, to_read=to_read, withbuttons=withbuttons, DestroyAtClosing=DestroyAtClosing, toShow=toShow, full_style=full_style, )
[docs] def copy(self): """ Return a deep copy of the object """ newparams = Wolf_Param() for group, params in self.myparams.items(): newparams.myparams[group] = deepcopy(params) for group, params in self.myparams_default.items(): newparams.myparams_default[group] = deepcopy(params) newparams.myIncGroup = deepcopy(self.myIncGroup) newparams.myIncParam = deepcopy(self.myIncParam) return newparams
[docs] def is_like(self, other:"Wolf_Param") -> bool: """ Test if the object is like another object """ # if self.filename != other.filename: # return False if self.myparams != other.myparams: return False if self.myparams_default != other.myparams_default: return False if self.myIncGroup != other.myIncGroup: return False if self.myIncParam != other.myIncParam: return False return True
[docs] def diff(self, other:"Wolf_Param", exclude_incremental:bool = False) -> dict: """ Return the differences between two objects """ diff = {} # if self.filename != other.filename: # diff["filename"] = (self.filename, other.filename) if self.myparams != other.myparams: for group in self.myparams.keys(): for param in self.myparams[group].keys(): try: if self.myparams[group][param] != other.myparams[group][param]: diff[(group, param)] = (self.myparams[group][param], other.myparams[group][param]) except: diff[(group, param)] = (self.myparams[group][param], None) if self.myparams_default != other.myparams_default: for group in self.myparams_default.keys(): for param in self.myparams_default[group].keys(): try: if self.myparams_default[group][param] != other.myparams_default[group][param]: diff[(group, param)] = (self.myparams_default[group][param], other.myparams_default[group][param]) except: diff[(group, param)] = (self.myparams_default[group][param], None) if exclude_incremental: return diff if self.myIncGroup != other.myIncGroup: for group in self.myIncGroup.keys(): try: if self.myIncGroup[group] != other.myIncGroup[group]: diff["myIncGroup"] = (self.myIncGroup[group], other.myIncGroup[group]) except: diff["myIncGroup"] = (self.myIncGroup[group], None) if self.myIncParam != other.myIncParam: for group in self.myIncParam.keys(): try: for param in self.myIncParam[group].keys(): if self.myIncParam[group][param] != other.myIncParam[group][param]: diff["myIncParam"] = (self.myIncParam[group][param], other.myIncParam[group][param]) except: diff["myIncParam"] = (self.myIncParam[group][param], None) return diff
[docs] def set_callbacks(self, callback_update, callback_destroy): """ Set the callbacks for the update and destroy events """ self.callback = callback_update self.callbackdestroy = callback_destroy
[docs] def get_nb_groups(self) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Return the number of groups in active and default parameters """ return len(self.myparams.keys()), len(self.myparams_default.keys())
[docs] def get_nb_params(self, group:str) -> tuple[int, int]: """ Return the number of parameters in a group in active and default parameters """ return len(self.myparams[group].keys()) if group in self.myparams.keys() else None, len(self.myparams_default[group].keys()) if group in self.myparams_default.keys() else None
[docs] def get_nb_inc_params(self) -> int: """ Return the number of incrementable parameters """ return len(self.myIncParam.keys())
[docs] def get_nb_inc_groups(self) -> int: """ Return the number of incrementable groups """ return len(self.myIncGroup.keys())
[docs] def get_group_keys(self) -> list[str]: """ Return the keys of the active parameters """ return list(self.myparams.keys())
[docs] def get_default_group_keys(self) -> list[str]: """ Return the keys of the default parameters """ return list(self.myparams_default.keys())
[docs] def get_param_keys(self, group:str) -> list[str]: """ Return the keys of the active parameters """ if group in self.myparams.keys(): return list(self.myparams[group].keys()) else: return []
[docs] def callback(self): """ Return the callback function """ return self._callback
@callback.setter def callback(self, value): """ Set the callback function """ self._callback= value @property
[docs] def callbackdestroy(self): """ Return the callback function """ return self._callbackdestroy
@callbackdestroy.setter def callbackdestroy(self, value): """ Set the callback function """ self._callbackdestroy= value # GUI Events - WxPython # ---------------------
[docs] def _set_gui(self, parent:wx.Window = None, title:str = "Default Title", w:int = 500, h:int = 800, ontop:bool = False, to_read:bool = True, withbuttons:bool = True, DestroyAtClosing:bool = True, toShow:bool = True, full_style = False, toolbar:bool = True): """ Set the GUI if wxPython is running Gui is based on wxPropertyGridManager. On the left, there is a group of buttons to load, save, apply or reload the parameters. On the right, there is the wxPropertyGridManager for the default and active parameters. Active parameters are displayed in bold. To activate a parameter, double-click on it in the default tab. It will be copied to the active tab and the value will be modifiable. :param parent : parent frame :param title : title of the frame :param w : width of the frame :param h : height of the frame :param ontop : if True, the frame will be on top of all other windows :param to_read : if True, the file will be read :param withbuttons : if True, buttons will be displayed :param DestroyAtClosing : if True, the frame will be destroyed when closed :param toShow : if True, the frame will be displayed :param full_style : if True, the full style of the PropertyGridManager will be displayed even if ontop is True """ self.wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None # test if wx App is running if not self.wx_exists: logging.error("wxPython is not running - Impossible to set the GUI") return #Appel à l'initialisation d'un frame général if ontop: wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, title=title, size=(w,h),style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE| wx.STAY_ON_TOP) else: wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, title=title, size=(w,h),style=wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE,self.OnClose) self.DestroyAtClosing = DestroyAtClosing #découpage de la fenêtre self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) if withbuttons: self.sizerbut = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) #boutons self.saveme = wx.Button(self,id=10,label="Save to file") self.loadme = wx.Button(self,id=10,label="Load from file") self.applychange = wx.Button(self,id=10,label="Apply change") self.reloadme = wx.Button(self,id=10,label="Reload") #liaison des actions des boutons self.saveme.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.SavetoFile) self.loadme.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.LoadFromFile) self.reloadme.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.Reload) self.applychange.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.ApplytoMemory) #ajout d'un widget de gestion de propriétés if ontop: if full_style: self.prop = pg.PropertyGridManager(self, style = pg.PG_BOLD_MODIFIED|pg.PG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER| # Include toolbar. pg.PG_TOOLBAR if toolbar else 0 | # Include description box. pg.PG_DESCRIPTION | pg.PG_TOOLTIPS | # Plus defaults. pg.PGMAN_DEFAULT_STYLE ) else: self.prop = pg.PropertyGridManager(self, style = pg.PG_BOLD_MODIFIED|pg.PG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER| pg.PG_TOOLTIPS | # Plus defaults. pg.PGMAN_DEFAULT_STYLE ) else: self.prop = pg.PropertyGridManager(self, style = pg.PG_BOLD_MODIFIED|pg.PG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER| # Include description box. pg.PG_DESCRIPTION | pg.PG_TOOLTIPS | # Plus defaults. pg.PGMAN_DEFAULT_STYLE | # Include toolbar. pg.PG_TOOLBAR if toolbar else 0 ) self.prop.Bind(pg.EVT_PG_DOUBLE_CLICK,self.OnDblClick) #ajout au sizer if withbuttons: self.sizerbut.Add(self.loadme,0,wx.EXPAND) self.sizerbut.Add(self.saveme,1,wx.EXPAND) self.sizerbut.Add(self.applychange,1,wx.EXPAND) self.sizerbut.Add(self.reloadme,1,wx.EXPAND) self.sizer.Add(self.sizerbut,0,wx.EXPAND) self.sizer.Add(self.prop,1,wx.EXPAND) if to_read: self.Populate() #ajout du sizert à la page self.SetSizer(self.sizer) # self.SetSize(w,h) self.SetAutoLayout(1) self.sizer.Fit(self) self.SetSize(0,0,w,h) # self.prop.SetDescBoxHeight(80) #affichage de la page self.Show(toShow)
[docs] def _set_only_prop(self, wxparent): """ Set only the property grid """ self.prop = pg.PropertyGridManager(wxparent, style = pg.PG_BOLD_MODIFIED|pg.PG_SPLITTER_AUTO_CENTER| # Include toolbar. pg.PG_TOOLBAR | # Include description box. pg.PG_DESCRIPTION | pg.PG_TOOLTIPS | # Plus defaults. pg.PGMAN_DEFAULT_STYLE ) self.prop.Bind(pg.EVT_PG_DOUBLE_CLICK,self.OnDblClick)
[docs] def hide_selected_buttons(self, to_hide:list[Buttons] = [Buttons.Load, Buttons.Save, Buttons.Reload]): """ Mask selected buttons - Default conserve only 'Apply change' """ for locbutton in to_hide: if locbutton == Buttons.Load: self.sizerbut.Hide(self.loadme) elif locbutton == Buttons.Save: self.sizerbut.Hide(self.saveme) elif locbutton == Buttons.Reload: self.sizerbut.Hide(self.reloadme) elif locbutton == Buttons.Apply: self.sizerbut.Hide(self.applychange) self.Layout()
[docs] def OnDblClick(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Double-click event handler to add a parameter to the active tab or reset to default value. Gestion du double-click pour ajouter des éléments ou remise à valeur par défaut. """ # obtention de la propriété sur laquelle on a cliqué p = event.GetProperty() # nom et valeur du paramètre name = p.GetName() from_default_page = name[0:3]==PREFIX_DEFAULT # val = p.GetValue() # nom du groupe group=p.GetParent() groupname=group.GetName() # on se place sur la page des paramètres actifs page_active:pg.PropertyGridPage page_active = self.prop.GetPage(0) # on récupère le nom du paramètre sans le nom du groupe if from_default_page: paramname = name[3+len(groupname):] else: paramname = name[len(groupname):] if not self.is_in_default(groupname): logging.debug(_('Group {} not found in default parameters -- Maybe an incrementable group'.format(groupname))) return if not self.is_in_default(groupname, paramname): logging.warning(_('Param {} not found in default parameters -- Maybe an incrementable param '.format(paramname))) return #pointage vers le paramètre par défaut param_def = self.myparams_default[groupname][paramname] if from_default_page: #click depuis la page des param par défaut #essai pour voir si le groupe existe ou non dans les params actifs if not self.is_in_active(groupname): page_active.Append(pg.PropertyCategory(groupname)) #teste si param existe activeprop = self.prop.GetPropertyByName(groupname + paramname) if activeprop is None: #si non existant --> on ajoute, si existant --> rien à faire self._insert_elem_to_page(page_active, groupname, param_def) # if not self.is_in_active(groupname, paramname): # #si non existant --> on ajoute, si existant --> rien à faire # self._add_elem_to_page(page_active, groupname, param_def) else: #recopiage de la valeur par défaut defvalue = self.value_as_type(param_def[key_Param.VALUE], param_def[key_Param.TYPE], bool_as_int=True, color_as=str) self.prop.SetPropertyValue(groupname + paramname, defvalue)
[docs] def OnClose(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Close event of the frame """ if not self._callbackdestroy is None: self._callbackdestroy() if self.DestroyAtClosing: self.Destroy() else: self.Hide() pass
[docs] def SavetoFile(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ sauvegarde dans le fichier texte """
[docs] def Save(self, filename:str = ''): """ Save the parameters in a file """ if filename != '': self.filename = filename if self.filename=='': logging.warning(_('No filename given')) return with open(self.filename, 'w') as myfile: for group in self.myparams.keys(): myfile.write(' ' + group +':\n') for param_name in self.myparams[group].keys(): myfile.write(param_name +'\t' + str(self.myparams[group][param_name][key_Param.VALUE])+'\n')
[docs] def Reload(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ relecture du fichier sur base du nom déjà connu """ if self.filename=='': logging.warning(_('No filename given')) return self.Clear() self.ReadFile(self.filename) self.Populate()
[docs] def LoadFromFile(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Load parameters from file """ self.Clear() # read the file self.ReadFile() # populate the property grid self.Populate()
[docs] def _get_prop_names(self, page:pg.PropertyGridPage) -> list[str]: """ Return the names of the properties in a page """ return [prop.GetName() for prop in page.GetPyIterator(pg.PG_ITERATE_ALL)]
[docs] def _is_in_propperty_page(self, page:pg.PropertyGridPage, group:str, param:str="") -> bool: """ Test if a parameter is in a page """ return (group + param) in self._get_prop_names(page)
[docs] def ApplytoMemory(self, event:wx.MouseEvent): """ Transfert des données en mémoire --> remplissage des dictionnaires """ if self.prop.IsPageModified(0): #on boucle sur tous les paramètres pour les ajouter au dictionnaire si non présents for group in self.myparams_default.keys(): for param_name in self.myparams_default[group].keys(): self._Apply1ParamtoMemory(group, param_name) self._update_IncGroup(withGUI=True) self._update_IncParam(withGUI=True) if self._callback is not None: self._callback() else: if self.has_gui: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None,'Nothing to do!') dlg.ShowModal()
[docs] def page_active(self) -> pg.PropertyGridPage: """ Return the active page """ return self.prop.GetPage(0)
[docs] def page_default(self) -> pg.PropertyGridPage: """ Return the default page """ return self.prop.GetPage(1)
[docs] def _Apply1ParamtoMemory(self, group:str, param_name:str, isIncrementable:bool=False, genGroup:str="", genParam:str=""): """ Routine interne de MAJ d'un paramètre :param group : nom du groupe :param param_name : nom du paramètre :param isIncrementable : True si le paramètre est incrémentable :param genGroup : generic name of an incrementable group :param genParam : generic name of an incrementable param """ if not self.wx_exists: logging.error("wxPython is not running - Impossible to apply changes to memory") assert self.wx_exists, "wxPython is not running" if isIncrementable: if(genParam != ""): if(genGroup != ""): dict_param_def = self.myIncParam[genGroup][genParam]["Dict"][genParam] else: dict_param_def = self.myIncParam[group][genParam]["Dict"][genParam] elif(genGroup != ""): dict_param_def = self.myIncGroup[genGroup]["Dict"][param_name] else: dict_param_def = self.myparams_default[group][param_name] if self.is_in_default(group, param_name): # récupératrion de la valeur par défaut val_default = self.prop.GetPropertyByName(PREFIX_DEFAULT + group + param_name).m_value # on tente de récupérer la valeur active mais il ets possible qu'elle n'existe pas si sa valeur est identique à la valeur par défaut if self._is_in_propperty_page(self.page_active, group, param_name): # if self.is_in_active(group, param_name): val_active = self.prop.GetPropertyByName(group + param_name).m_value else: val_active = val_default val_active = self.value_as_type(val_active, dict_param_def[key_Param.TYPE]) val_default = self.value_as_type(val_default, dict_param_def[key_Param.TYPE]) if self.is_in_active(group, param_name): self[(group, param_name)] = val_active # if val_active != val_default: # self[(group, param_name)] = val_active # else: # logging.debug(_('Parameter {} not modified'.format(param_name))) else: # La valeur par défaut n'existe pas --> on prend la valeur active car c'est certainement une valeur incrémentable ou d'un groupe incrémentable # Si la valeur n'est pas présente, on ne fait rien if self._is_in_propperty_page(self.page_active, group, param_name): # if self.is_in_active(group, param_name): val_active = self.prop.GetPropertyByName(group + param_name).m_value val_active = self.value_as_type(val_active, dict_param_def[key_Param.TYPE]) self[(group, param_name)] = val_active else: logging.debug(_('Parameter {} not found in default parameters'.format(param_name)))
[docs] def position(self,position): """ Position the frame """ self.SetPosition(wx.Point(position[0],position[1]+50))
[docs] def Populate(self, sorted_groups:bool = False): """ Filling the property management object based on dictionaries Use default AND active parameters Useful only if wxPython is running """ if self.prop is None: logging.debug("ERROR : wxPython is not running - Impossible to populate the property grid") return self.prop.Clear() page_active:pg.PropertyGridPage page_default:pg.PropertyGridPage page_active = self.prop.AddPage(_("Active Parameters")) page_default = self.prop.AddPage(_("Default Parameters")) #gestion des paramètres actifs for group, params in self.myparams.items(): page_active.Append(pg.PropertyCategory(group)) for param_name, param in params.items(): param:dict if self.is_in_default(group, param_name): param_def = self.myparams_default[group][param_name] if self.show_in_active_if_default: self._add_elem_to_page(page_active, group, param, param_def = param_def) elif param[key_Param.VALUE] != param_def[key_Param.VALUE]: self._add_elem_to_page(page_active, group, param, param_def = param_def) else: logging.debug(_('Parameter {} not found in default parameters'.format(param_name))) param_def = None self._add_elem_to_page(page_active, group, param, param_def = param_def) #gestion des paramètres par défaut for group, params in self.myparams_default.items(): page_default.Append(pg.PropertyCategory(group)) for param_name, param in params.items(): param:dict self._add_elem_to_page(page_default, group, param, prefix = PREFIX_DEFAULT) # Display a header above the grid self.prop.ShowHeader() if sorted_groups: self.prop.Sort() self.prop.Refresh()
[docs] def _insert_elem_to_page(self, page:pg.PropertyGridPage, group:str, param:dict, param_def:dict = None, prefix:str=''): """ Insert an element to a page """ param_name = param[key_Param.NAME] locname = prefix + group + param_name # Get parent item based on group name parent = page.GetPropertyByName(group) assert parent is not None, "Group {} not found in page".format(group) assert isinstance(parent, pg.PropertyCategory), "Parent is not a PropertyCategory" if param_def is not None: # priority to default parameters if key_Param.ADDED_JSON in param_def.keys(): param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON] = param_def[key_Param.ADDED_JSON] param[key_Param.COMMENT] = param_def[key_Param.COMMENT] param[key_Param.TYPE] = param_def[key_Param.TYPE] if key_Param.ADDED_JSON in param.keys() and param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON] is not None: # Ajout des choix via chaîne JSON if param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Values'] is not None: list_keys = [ k for k in param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Values'].keys()] list_values = [ k for k in param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Values'].values()] value_param = self.value_as_type(param[key_Param.VALUE], param[key_Param.TYPE], ) if type(value_param) == str: try: value_param = int(value_param) except: logging.debug("String type will be conserved! -- {}".format(value_param)) if type(value_param) != int: logging.warning("Parameters -- EnumProperty -- Value {} is not an integer".format(value_param)) logging.debug("EnumProperty value must be an integer") page.AppendIn(parent, pg.EnumProperty(param_name, name=locname, labels=list_keys, values=list_values, value=int(value_param))) # force value to 'int' type else: self._insert_with_type_based_on_value(page, group, param, prefix) self.prop.SetPropertyHelpString(locname , param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Full_Comment'] + '\n\n' + param[key_Param.COMMENT]) else: self._insert_with_type_based_on_value(page, group, param, prefix) self.prop.SetPropertyHelpString(locname, param[key_Param.COMMENT])
[docs] def _insert_with_type_based_on_value(self, page:pg.PropertyGridPage, group:str, param:dict, prefix:str=''): param_name = param[key_Param.NAME] locname = prefix + group + param_name locvalue = self[(group, param_name)] # Get parent item based on group name parent = page.GetPropertyByName(group) assert parent is not None, "Group {} not found in page".format(group) assert isinstance(parent, pg.PropertyCategory), "Parent is not a PropertyCategory" if isinstance(locvalue, float): page.AppendIn(parent,pg.FloatProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) elif isinstance(locvalue, int): # bool is also an int if isinstance(locvalue, bool): page.AppendIn(parent,pg.BoolProperty(label=param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) else: page.AppendIn(parent,pg.IntProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) elif param[key_Param.TYPE]==Type_Param.File: page.AppendIn(parent,pg.FileProperty(label=param_name, name = locname, value = param[key_Param.VALUE])) elif param[key_Param.TYPE]==Type_Param.Directory: page.AppendIn(parent,pg.DirProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) # newobj.SetLabel(param_name) # page.Append(newobj) elif param[key_Param.TYPE]==Type_Param.Color: page.AppendIn(parent,pg.ColourProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) elif param[key_Param.TYPE]==Type_Param.Fontname: page.AppendIn(parent,pg.FontProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) else: page.AppendIn(parent,pg.StringProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue))
[docs] def _add_with_type_based_on_value(self, page:pg.PropertyGridPage, group:str, param:dict, prefix:str=''): param_name = param[key_Param.NAME] locname = prefix + group + param_name locvalue = self._get_param_def(group, param_name) if prefix == PREFIX_DEFAULT else self[(group, param_name)] if isinstance(locvalue, float): page.Append(pg.FloatProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) elif isinstance(locvalue, int): # bool is also an int if isinstance(locvalue, bool): page.Append(pg.BoolProperty(label=param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) else: page.Append(pg.IntProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) elif param[key_Param.TYPE]==Type_Param.File: if param[key_Param.VALUE] is None: page.Append(pg.FileProperty(label=param_name, name = locname, value = '')) else: page.Append(pg.FileProperty(label=param_name, name = locname, value = param[key_Param.VALUE])) elif param[key_Param.TYPE]==Type_Param.Directory: if locvalue is None: page.Append(pg.DirProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = '')) else: page.Append(pg.DirProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) elif param[key_Param.TYPE]==Type_Param.Color: page.Append(pg.ColourProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) elif param[key_Param.TYPE]==Type_Param.Fontname: page.Append(pg.FontProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue)) else: if locvalue is None: locvalue = "" page.Append(pg.StringProperty(label = param_name, name = locname, value = locvalue))
[docs] def _add_elem_to_page(self, page:pg.PropertyGridPage, group:str, param:dict, param_def:dict = None, prefix:str=''): """ Add an element to a page """ param_name = param[key_Param.NAME] locname = prefix + group + param_name if param_def is not None: # priority to default parameters if key_Param.ADDED_JSON in param_def.keys(): param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON] = param_def[key_Param.ADDED_JSON] param[key_Param.COMMENT] = param_def[key_Param.COMMENT] param[key_Param.TYPE] = param_def[key_Param.TYPE] if key_Param.ADDED_JSON in param.keys() and param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON] is not None: # Ajout des choix via chaîne JSON if param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Values'] is not None: list_keys = [ k for k in param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Values'].keys()] list_values = [ k for k in param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Values'].values()] # FIXME : TO GENERALIZE!!! value_param = self.value_as_type(param[key_Param.VALUE], param[key_Param.TYPE], ) if type(value_param) == str: try: value_param = int(value_param) except: logging.debug("String type will be conserved! -- {}".format(value_param)) if type(value_param) != int: logging.warning("Parameters -- EnumProperty -- Value {} is not an integer in file : {}".format(value_param, self.filename)) logging.debug("EnumProperty value must be an integer") page.Append(pg.EnumProperty(label= param_name, name= locname, labels= list_keys, values= list_values, value= int(value_param))) else: # Pas de chaîne JSON mais un commentaire complet self._add_with_type_based_on_value(page, group, param, prefix) if "Full_Comment" in param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]: self.prop.SetPropertyHelpString(locname , param[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]["Full_Comment"] + '\n\n' + param[key_Param.COMMENT]) else: self.prop.SetPropertyHelpString(locname , param[key_Param.COMMENT]) else: self._add_with_type_based_on_value(page, group, param, prefix) self.prop.SetPropertyHelpString(locname, param[key_Param.COMMENT])
[docs] def PopulateOnePage(self): """ Filling the property management object based on dictionaries Use ONLY active parameters Useful only if wxPython is running -- e.g. class "PyDraw" """ if self.prop is None: logging.error("ERROR : wxPython is not running - Impossible to populate the property grid") return #gestion des paramètres actifs self.prop.Clear() page:pg.PropertyGridPage page = self.prop.AddPage("Current") for group, params in self.myparams.items(): page.Append(pg.PropertyCategory(group)) for param_name, param in params.items(): param:dict self._add_elem_to_page(page, group, param) # Display a header above the grid self.prop.ShowHeader() self.prop.Refresh()
# File management # ---------------
[docs] def check_default_file(self, filename:str): """ Check if a default file exists """ if os.path.isfile(filename + '.default'): return True else: return False
[docs] def ReadFile(self,*args): """ Lecture d'un fichier .param et remplissage des dictionnaires myparams et myparams_default """ if len(args)>0: #s'il y a un argument on le prend tel quel self.filename = str(args[0]) else: if self.wx_exists: #ouverture d'une boîte de dialogue file=wx.FileDialog(self,"Choose .param file", wildcard="param (*.param)|*.param|all (*.*)|*.*") if file.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return else: #récuparétaion du nom de fichier avec chemin d'accès self.filename =file.GetPath() else: logging.warning("ERROR : no filename given and wxPython is not running") return if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): logging.warning("ERROR : cannot find the following file : {}".format(self.filename)) return myparamsline_default = None if self.check_default_file(self.filename): with open(self.filename+'.default', 'r') as myfile: myparamsline_default = # lecture du contenu with open(self.filename, 'r') as myfile: myparamsline = self.fill_from_strings(myparamsline, myparamsline_default) if not self.check_default_file(self.filename): self._CreateDefaultFile()
[docs] def fill_from_strings(self, chain:str, chaindefault:str = None): """ Fill the dictionaries from a string """ myparamsline = chain.splitlines() self.ParseFile(myparamsline,self.myparams) if chaindefault is not None: myparamsline = chaindefault.splitlines() self.ParseFile(myparamsline,self.myparams_default) # mise à jour des groupes incrémentables et des paramètres incrémentables self._update_IncGroup() self._update_IncParam()
[docs] def ParseFile(self, myparamsline:list[str], todict:dict): """ Parsing the file to find groups and parameters and filling a dictionary Each parameter is stored in a dictionary associated to the upper group. 'add_group' is used to add a group in the dictionary 'todict'. 'groupname' will be there sanitized (strip, decoded if iteratable...) to be used in '_add_param_from_str'. myparamsline format: ['groupname1:', 'param1', 'param2', 'groupname2:', 'param1', ...] """ if isinstance(myparamsline, str): logging.warning("ERROR : myparamsline must be a list of strings -- forcing conversion") myparamsline = myparamsline.splitlines() for param in myparamsline: if param.endswith(':'): # GROUPE # ------ #création d'un dict sur base du nom de groupe, sans le : groupname = param.replace(':','') groupname, groupdict = self.add_group(groupname, todict) elif param.startswith('%'): # COMMENTAIRE # ----------- #c'est du commentaire --> rien à faire sauf si c'est du code json if param.startswith('%json'): #c'est du code json --> on le prend tel quel parsed_json = json.loads(param.replace('%json','')) curparam[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]=parsed_json elif param.strip() == '': # VOID LINE # --------- logging.warning(_('A void line is present where it should not be. Removing the blank line')) myparamsline.remove(param) else: # PARAMETRE # --------- curparam = self._add_param_from_str(param, groupname, groupdict) curparam[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]=None
[docs] def _CreateDefaultFile(self): """ Create a default file """ with open(self.filename+'.default', 'w') as myfile: for group in self.myparams.keys(): myfile.write(' ' + group +':\n') for param_name in self.myparams[group].keys(): myfile.write(param_name +'\t' + str(self.myparams[group][param_name][key_Param.VALUE])+'\n') myfile.close()
[docs] def _Extract_IncrInfo(self, nameStr:str) -> tuple[str, list[str, str, int, int]]: """ Extract the information of an incrementable group or param The name of an incrementable group or param is of the form: $n(group, param, min, max)$ """ iterInfo = [] newName = "" positions = [i for i, char in enumerate(nameStr) if char == "$"] assert np.mod(len(positions),2) == 0, "ERROR : the number of '$' must be even" if len(positions)>0: # indice incrémentable détecté # search for the first '$' posSep1 = positions[0] #nameStr.find("$") # search for the last '$' posSep2 = positions[-1] #nameStr[posSep1+1:].find("$") # select the string between the two '$' iterCode = nameStr[posSep1:posSep1+posSep2+1] positions_left = [i for i, char in enumerate(iterCode) if char == "("] positions_right = [i for i, char in enumerate(iterCode) if char == ")"] if len(positions_left)==0 and len(positions_right)==0: # no '(' and no ')' --> no incrementable information return nameStr, None assert len(positions_left)>0, "ERROR : no '(' found in the name of an incrementable group or param" assert len(positions_right)>0, "ERROR : no ')' found in the name of an incrementable group or param" # search for the first '(' posSep1 = positions_left[0] #iterCode.find("(") # search for the second ')' posSep2 = positions_right[-1] #iterCode[posSep1:].find(")") # select the string between the two '(' iterCode = iterCode[posSep1:posSep2+1] # remove the incrementable code from the name --> conserve $n$ newName = nameStr.replace(iterCode,'') # remove the spaces before and after the name newName = newName.strip() # decode the incrementable information iterInfo = iterCode[1:-1].split(',') # remove the spaces before and after the information iterInfo = [x.strip() for x in iterInfo] if len(iterInfo)==3: # no group name provided --> use the current group iterInfo = [iterInfo[0], int(iterInfo[1]), int(iterInfo[2])] elif len(iterInfo)==4: # group name provided --> use the provided group iterInfo = [iterInfo[0], iterInfo[1], int(iterInfo[2]), int(iterInfo[3])] else: logging.error(_("The incrementable information must be of the form: $n(group, param, min, max)$ or $n(param, min, max)$")) else: newName = nameStr iterInfo = None return newName, iterInfo
# File management without wx # ---------------------------
[docs] def apply_changes_to_memory(self, verbosity:bool = True): """ Transfert des données en mémoire sans wx --> remplissage des dictionnaires """ if self.prop is None: logging.debug("ERROR : wxPython is not running - Impossible to apply changes to memory") return if self.prop.IsPageModified(0): #on boucle sur tous les paramètres pour les ajouter au dictionnaire si non présents for group in self.myparams_default.keys(): for param_name in self.myparams_default[group].keys(): self._Apply1ParamtoMemory(group, param_name) self._update_IncGroup(withGUI=True) self._update_IncParam(withGUI=True) if not self._callback is None: self._callback() else: if verbosity: logging.warning(_('Nothing to do!'))
[docs] def save_automatically_to_file(self): """ Sauvegarde dans le fichier texte sans wx.Event FIXME weird message caused by the dialog box in log messages. """ if self.prop.IsPageModified(0): try: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('Would you like to apply & save the modified parameters?'), style = wx.YES_NO|wx.YES_DEFAULT) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: self.apply_changes_to_memory() if self.wx_exists:"Modifications on parameters applied.")) dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() if self.wx_exists:"The modifications on parameters were not applied.")) return except: if self.wx_exists: raise Exception("An error occured while applying changes to parameters."))) else: raise Exception(_("An error occured while applying changes to parameters.")) with open(self.filename, 'w') as myfile: for group in self.myparams.keys(): myfile.write(' ' + group +':\n') for param_name in self.myparams[group].keys(): myfile.write(param_name +'\t' + str(self.myparams[group][param_name][key_Param.VALUE])+'\n') myfile.close() if self.wx_exists:"Parameters' modification saved."))
# Clear/Rest # ----------
[docs] def Clear(self): """ Clear all the parameters """ self.myparams.clear() self.myparams_default.clear() self.myIncGroup.clear() self.myIncParam.clear() if self.prop is not None: self.prop.Clear() self.prop.SetDescription("","")
# Object access # -------------
[docs] def add_group(self, groupname:str, todict:dict = None) -> tuple[str,dict]: """ Add a group in the dictionary 'todict' if provided or in the IncGroup dictionary return sanitized groupname and dictionnary attached to the group """ groupname = groupname.strip() #On verifie si le groupe est incrémentable groupname, iterInfo = self._Extract_IncrInfo(groupname) if iterInfo is None: if todict is None: logging.error(_("You must provide a dictionary to store the group -- Retry")) return None # Groupe classique todict[groupname]={} return groupname, todict[groupname] else: # Le groupe est incrémentable iterGroup = iterInfo[0] # nom du groupe contenant le paramètre de nombre de groupes iterParam = iterInfo[1] # nom du paramètre contenant le nombre de groupes iterMin = iterInfo[2] # valeur minimale iterMax = iterInfo[3] # valeur maximale return groupname, self.add_IncGroup(groupname, iterMin, iterMax, iterGroup, iterParam)
[docs] def _add_param_in_dict(self, group:dict, name:str, value:Union[float, int, str] = '', # la valeur est de toute façon stockée en 'str' type:Type_Param=None, comment:str = '', jsonstr:str = None) -> dict: if not name in group.keys(): group[name]={} curpar=group[name] curpar[key_Param.NAME]=name curpar[key_Param.TYPE]=type curpar[key_Param.VALUE]=value curpar[key_Param.COMMENT]=comment if jsonstr is not None: if isinstance(jsonstr, str): parsed_json = json.loads(jsonstr.replace('%json','')) elif isinstance(jsonstr, dict): parsed_json = jsonstr curpar[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]=parsed_json else: curpar[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]=None return curpar
[docs] def _new_IncParam_dict(self, groupname, refgroupname, refparamname, min_value, max_value) -> dict: """ Create a new dictionary for an incrementable parameter """ newdict = {} newdict["Group"] = groupname newdict["Ref group"] = refgroupname newdict["Ref param"] = refparamname newdict["Min"] = min_value newdict["Max"] = max_value newdict["Dict"] = {} return newdict
[docs] def _add_param_from_str(self, param:str, groupname:str, groupdict:dict, seperator:str = '\t'): """ Add a parameter from a complex string """ #split sur base du sépérateur paramloc=param.split(seperator) #on enlève les espaces avant et après toutes les variables paramloc = [x.strip() for x in paramloc] paramloc[0], iterInfo = self._Extract_IncrInfo(paramloc[0]) if iterInfo is not None: #le parametre courant est incrémentable -> ajout au dictionnaire particulier des paramètres if not groupname in self.myIncParam: self.myIncParam[groupname] = {} if not paramloc[0] in self.myIncParam[groupname]: curdict = self.myIncParam[groupname][paramloc[0]] = self._new_IncParam_dict(groupname, groupname if len(iterInfo)==3 else iterInfo[0], iterInfo[-3], iterInfo[-2], iterInfo[-1]) else: curdict = self.myIncParam[groupname][paramloc[0]] if not "Saved" in curdict: curdict["Saved"] = {} #pointage du param courant dans le dict de référence curparam = curdict["Dict"][paramloc[0]] = {} else: #création d'un dict sur base du nom de paramètre curparam=groupdict[paramloc[0]]={} curparam[key_Param.NAME]=paramloc[0] if len(paramloc)>1: #ajout de la valeur curparam[key_Param.VALUE]=paramloc[1] try: # tentative d'ajout du commentaire --> pas obligatoirement présent curparam[key_Param.COMMENT]=paramloc[2] # recherche du type dans le commentaire curparam[key_Param.TYPE]=search_type(paramloc[2]) if curparam[key_Param.TYPE] == Type_Param.String: # recherche du type dans la chaîne complète type_in_fulchain = search_type(param) if type_in_fulchain != Type_Param.String: curparam[key_Param.TYPE] = type_in_fulchain try: # tentative de recherche du type dans les valeurs par défaut param_def=self.myparams_default[groupname][paramloc[0]] curparam[key_Param.TYPE]=param_def[key_Param.TYPE] except: pass except: curparam[key_Param.COMMENT]='' try: # tentative de recherche du type dans les valeurs par défaut param_def=self.myparams_default[groupname][paramloc[0]] curparam[key_Param.TYPE]=param_def[key_Param.TYPE] except: if not key_Param.TYPE in curparam: curparam[key_Param.TYPE] = None else: curparam[key_Param.VALUE]='' curparam[key_Param.COMMENT]='' curparam[key_Param.TYPE]=None return curparam
[docs] def addparam(self, groupname:str = '', name:str = '', value:Union[float, int, str] = '', # la valeur est de toute façon stockée en 'str' type:Type_Param=None, comment:str = '', jsonstr:str = None, whichdict:Literal['All', 'Default', 'Active', 'IncGroup', '']=''): """ Add or update a parameter :param groupname : groupe in which the new param will be strored - If it does not exist, it will be created :param name : param's name - If it does not exist, it will be created :param value : param'a value :param type : type -> will influence the GUI :param comment : param's comment -- helpful to understand the parameter :param jsonstr : string containing JSON data -- used in GUI param whichdict : where to store the param -- Default, Active or All, or IncGroup if the param is part of an incrementable group jsonstr can be a dict i.e. '{"Values":{choice1:1, choice2:2, choice3:3}, "Full_Comment":'Yeah baby !'}' Return 0 if OK, -1 if the group is incrementable and not created, -2 if the group does not exist """ if isinstance(type, str): if type == 'Integer': type = Type_Param.Integer elif type == 'Float': type = Type_Param.Float elif type == 'Integer_or_Float': type = Type_Param.Integer_or_Float elif type == 'Logical': type = Type_Param.Logical elif type == 'File': type = Type_Param.File elif type == 'Directory': type = Type_Param.Directory elif type == 'Color': type = Type_Param.Color elif type == 'Fontname': type = Type_Param.Fontname elif type == 'String': type = Type_Param.String else: type = None name_wo, iterInfo = self._Extract_IncrInfo(name) if iterInfo is not None: return self.add_IncParam(groupname, name, value, comment, type, added_json=jsonstr) if '$n$' in groupname: if whichdict != 'IncGroup': logging.warning(_("WARNING : group is incrementable. -- You must use 'IncGroup' for whichdict")) whichdict = 'IncGroup' elif '$n(' in groupname: if whichdict != 'IncGroup': logging.warning(_("WARNING : group is incrementable. -- You must use 'IncGroup' for whichdict")) whichdict = 'IncGroup' groupname, iterInfo = self._Extract_IncrInfo(groupname) if iterInfo is None: logging.error(_("ERROR : infos not found in {} -- Retry".format(groupname))) return -1 # Le groupe est incrémentable iterGroup = iterInfo[0] # nom du groupe contenant le paramètre de nombre de groupes iterParam = iterInfo[1] # nom du paramètre contenant le nombre de groupes iterMin = iterInfo[2] # valeur minimale iterMax = iterInfo[3] # valeur maximale if groupname not in self.myIncGroup.keys(): self.add_IncGroup(groupname, iterMin, iterMax, iterGroup, iterParam) if whichdict=='IncGroup': if not groupname in self.myIncGroup.keys(): logging.error(_("ERROR : group {} does not exist. -- You must first create it".format(groupname))) logging.error(_(" or pass infos in the group name : $n(group, param, min, max)$")) return -2 self._add_param_in_dict(self.myIncGroup[groupname]["Dict"], name, value, type, comment, jsonstr) return 0 else: if whichdict=='All' or whichdict=='': locparams=[self.myparams, self.myparams_default] elif whichdict=='Default': locparams=[self.myparams_default] elif whichdict=='Active': locparams=[self.myparams] for curdict in locparams: if not groupname in curdict.keys(): curdict[groupname]={} self._add_param_in_dict(curdict[groupname], name, value, type, comment, jsonstr) return 0
[docs] def add_param(self, groupname:str = '', name:str = '', value:Union[float, int, str] = '', # la valeur est de toute façon stockée en 'str' type:Type_Param=None, comment:str = '', jsonstr:str = None, whichdict:Literal['All', 'Default', 'Active', 'IncGroup', '']=''): """alias of addparam""" return self.addparam(groupname, name, value, type, comment, jsonstr, whichdict)
def __getitem__(self, key:tuple[str, str]): """ Retrieve : - value's parameter from group if key is a tuple or a list (group, param_name) - group dict if key is a string """ if isinstance(key, tuple) or isinstance(key, list): group, name = key return self.get_param(group, name) elif isinstance(key, str): return self.get_group(key) def __setitem__(self, key:str, value:Union[float, int, str, bool]): """set item, key is a tuple or a list (group, param_name)""" if isinstance(key, tuple) or isinstance(key, list): group, name = key if self.get_param(group, name) is not None: self.change_param(group, name, value) else: self.addparam(group, name, value, self._detect_type_from_value(value))
[docs] def is_in_active(self, group:str, name:str = None) -> bool: """ Return True if the parameter is in the active parameters """ return self.is_in(group, name, whichdict='Active')
[docs] def is_in_default(self, group:str, name:str = None) -> bool: """ Return True if the parameter is in the default parameters """ return self.is_in(group, name, whichdict='Default')
[docs] def is_in(self, group:str, name:str = None, whichdict:Literal['All', 'Default', 'Active', 'IncGroup', '']='Active') -> bool: """ Return True if the parameter is in the whichdict parameters """ if whichdict=='All': locparams=[self.myparams, self.myparams_default] elif whichdict=='Default': locparams=[self.myparams_default] elif whichdict=='Active' or whichdict=='': locparams=[self.myparams] for curdict in locparams: if group in curdict.keys(): if name is not None: if name in curdict[group].keys(): ret = True else: return False else: ret = True else: return False return ret
[docs] def get_param_dict(self, group:str, name:str) -> dict[str, Union[str, int, float, bool, tuple[int, int, int]]]: """ Returns the parameter dict if found, otherwise None obj """ if self.is_in_active(group, name): return self.myparams[group][name] elif self.is_in_default(group, name): return self.myparams_default[group][name] else: return None
[docs] def get_type(self, group:str, name:str) -> Type_Param: """ Returns the type of the parameter if found, otherwise None obj """ curtype = None if self.is_in_default(group, name): if key_Param.TYPE in self.myparams_default[group][name].keys(): curtype = self.myparams_default[group][name][key_Param.TYPE] if self.is_in_active(group, name) and curtype is None: if key_Param.TYPE in self.myparams[group][name].keys(): curtype = self.myparams[group][name][key_Param.TYPE] return curtype if curtype is not None else Type_Param.String
[docs] def value_as_type(self, value, type, bool_as_int:bool = False, color_as:Union[int,str,float]= int) : """ Convert the value to the right type """ if type == Type_Param.Integer: value = int(value) elif type == Type_Param.Float: value = float(value) elif type == Type_Param.Logical: if isinstance(value,str): if value.lower() in ['.false.', 'false', 'faux']: value = False elif value.lower() in ['.true.', 'true', 'vrai']: value = True else: value = bool(value) if bool_as_int: value = int(value) elif type == Type_Param.Color: if color_as == str: value = str(value) else: if isinstance(value,str): value = value.replace('(','') value = value.replace(')','') value = value.split(',') elif isinstance(value, wx.Colour): value = [value.Red(), value.Green(), value.Blue(), value.Alpha()] if color_as == int: value = tuple([int(x) for x in value]) elif color_as == float: value = tuple([float(x)/255. for x in value]) elif type == Type_Param.Integer_or_Float: value = float(value) elif type == Type_Param.String: value = str(value) elif type == Type_Param.File: value = str(value) elif type == Type_Param.Directory: value = str(value) elif type == Type_Param.Fontname: value = str(value) else: value = str(value) return value
[docs] def get_param(self, group:str, name:str, default_value=None): """ Returns the value of the parameter if found, otherwise None obj used in __getitem__ """ if self.is_in_active(group, name): element = self.myparams[group][name][key_Param.VALUE] elif self.is_in_default(group, name): element = self.myparams_default[group][name][key_Param.VALUE] else: element = default_value return element # String conversion according to its type curType = self.get_type(group, name) return self.value_as_type(element, curType)
[docs] def _get_param_def(self, group:str, name:str, default_value=None): """ Returns the default value of the parameter if found, otherwise None obj """ if self.is_in_default(group, name): element = self.myparams_default[group][name][key_Param.VALUE] else: element = default_value return element # String conversion according to its type curType = self.get_type(group, name) return self.value_as_type(element, curType)
[docs] def get_group(self, group:str) -> dict: """ Return the group dictionnary if found, otherwise None obj Check the active parameters first, then the default parameters Used in __getitem__ """ if self.is_in_active(group): return self.myparams[group] elif self.is_in_default(group): return self.myparams_default[group] else: return None
[docs] def get_help(self, group:str, name:str) -> list[str, str]: """ Return the help string if found, otherwise None obj :return: [comment, full_comment] """ if self.is_in_default(group, name): curdict = self.myparams_default[group][name] ret = [curdict[key_Param.COMMENT]] if key_Param.ADDED_JSON in curdict.keys(): if curdict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON] is not None: if 'Full_Comment' in curdict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON].keys(): ret += [curdict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Full_Comment']] else: ret += [''] else: ret += [''] else: ret += [''] return ret elif self.is_in_active(group, name): curdict = self.myparams[group][name] ret = [curdict[key_Param.COMMENT]] if key_Param.ADDED_JSON in curdict.keys(): if curdict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON] is not None: if 'Full Comment' in curdict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON].keys(): ret += [curdict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Full_Comment']] else: ret += [''] else: ret += [''] else: ret += [''] return ret else: return None
[docs] def get_json_values(self, group:str, name:str) -> dict: """ Return the 'values' in json string if found, otherwise None obj """ if self.is_in_default(group, name): curdict = self.myparams_default[group][name] if key_Param.ADDED_JSON in curdict.keys(): if 'Values' in curdict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON].keys(): return curdict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Values'] elif self.is_in_active(group, name): curdict = self.myparams[group][name] if key_Param.ADDED_JSON in curdict.keys(): if 'Values' in curdict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON].keys(): return curdict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON]['Values'] else: return {}
[docs] def _detect_type_from_value(self, value:Union[float, int, str, bool, tuple[int, int, int]]) -> Type_Param: """ Detect the type from the value """ if isinstance(value, float): return Type_Param.Float # ATTEENTION : les booléens sont des entiers --> il faut les traiter avant elif isinstance(value, bool): return Type_Param.Logical elif isinstance(value, int): return Type_Param.Integer elif isinstance(value, tuple): return Type_Param.Color else: tmp_path = Path(value) if tmp_path.is_file(): return Type_Param.File elif tmp_path.is_dir(): return Type_Param.Directory else: return Type_Param.String
[docs] def change_param(self, group:str, name:str, value:Union[float, int, str, bool]): """ Modify the value of the parameter if found, otherwise None obj """ #essai pour voir si le groupe existe ou non param = self.get_param_dict(group, name) if param is None: # le paramètre n'existe pas --> on l'ajoute if self.wx_exists: wx.MessageBox(_('This parameter is neither in the active group nor in the default group!'), _('Error'), wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) else: logging.error(_('This parameter is neither in the current group nor in the default group!')) self.add_param(group, name, value, self._detect_type_from_value(value), whichdict='All') elif not self.is_in_active(group, name) and self.is_in_default(group, name): # le paramètre est dans les paramètres par défaut mais pas dans les paramètres actifs --> on l'ajoute default_value = self.myparams_default[group][name] self.add_param(group, name, value, default_value[key_Param.TYPE], comment=default_value[key_Param.COMMENT], jsonstr=default_value[key_Param.ADDED_JSON], whichdict='Active') elif self.is_in_active(group, name): param = self.myparams[group][name] param[key_Param.VALUE] = value if self.update_incr_at_every_change: self._update_IncGroup() self._update_IncParam()
# GROUPES/PARAMETRES INCREMENTABLES # ---------------------------------
[docs] def update_incremental_groups_params(self, update_groups=True, update_params=True): """ Update the incremental groups and parameters """ if update_groups: self._update_IncGroup() if update_params: self._update_IncParam()
[docs] def isIncrementable_group(self, group:Union[str, dict]) -> bool: """ Return True if the group is incrementable """ if isinstance(group, str): if group in self.myIncGroup.keys(): return True elif '$n$' in group: return True elif '$n(' in group: return True else: return False elif isinstance(group, dict): if group in self.myIncGroup: return True else: return False
[docs] def isIncrementable_param(self, param:Union[str, dict]) -> bool: """ Return True if the group is incrementable """ if isinstance(param, str): if param in self.myIncGroup.keys(): return True elif '$n$' in param: return True elif '$n(' in param: return True else: return False elif isinstance(param, dict): if param in self.myIncParam: return True else: return False
[docs] def add_IncGroup(self, group:str, min:int, max:int, refGroup:str, refParam:str): if not group in self.myIncGroup: # creation d'un dict sur base du nom de groupe curdict = self.myIncGroup[group] = {} else: curdict = self.myIncGroup[group] curdict["Ref group"] = refGroup curdict["Ref param"] = refParam curdict["Min"] = int(min) curdict["Max"] = int(max) curdict["Dict"] = {} if not "Saved" in curdict: curdict["Saved"] = {} return curdict["Dict"]
[docs] def _update_IncGroup(self, withGUI:bool=False): """ Mise à jour des groupes inctrémmentables: Les groupes existants dans les paramètres courants seront sauvés dans le dicionnaire myIncGroup avec son incrément associé. Tout groupe sauvé avec le même incrément sera écrasé. Si le nombre associé au groupe est plus grand que désiré, tous les groupes en surplus seront sauvés dans dans le dicionnaire myIncGroup mais supprimé du dictionnaire de paramètre courant. S'il n'y a pas assez de groupe dans les paramètres courant, on les ajoute avec les valeurs sauvées, sinon avec des valeurs par défaut. Also check the max and min values """ for curIncGroup in self.myIncGroup: # groupe contenant le paramètre du nombre de groupes incrémentables refGroup = self.myIncGroup[curIncGroup]["Ref group"] # paramètre contenant le nompbre de groupes incrémentables refParam = self.myIncGroup[curIncGroup]["Ref param"] # nombre de groupes min iterMin = int(self.myIncGroup[curIncGroup]["Min"]) # nombre de groupes max iterMax = int(self.myIncGroup[curIncGroup]["Max"]) # nombre de groupes nbElements = int(self.get_param(refGroup,refParam)) # dictionnaire de sauvegarde # savedDict = {} savedDict = self.myIncGroup[curIncGroup]["Saved"] templateDict = self.myIncGroup[curIncGroup]["Dict"] if(nbElements is None): if self.wx_exists: wx.MessageBox(_('The reference of the incrementable group does not exist!'), _('Error'), wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) else: logging.error(_('The reference of the incrementable group does not exist!')) elif(nbElements>iterMax): nbElements = iterMax # elif(nbElements<iterMin): # nbElements = iterMax for i in range(1,nbElements+1): # nom indicé du groupe incrémpentable curGroup = curIncGroup.replace("$n$",str(i)) if(withGUI): # If a graphical interface exists, we need to ensure that the encoded data is transferred to memory/object first. for curParam in templateDict: self._Apply1ParamtoMemory(curGroup, curParam, isIncrementable=True, genGroup=curIncGroup) if(curGroup in self.myparams): # We keep a copy in the 'Saved' dictionary savedDict[curGroup] = deepcopy(self.myparams[curGroup]) # deepcopy is necessary because it is a dict od dict elif(curGroup in savedDict): # Priority to the saved dictionary, rather than the default dictionary self.myparams[curGroup] = deepcopy(savedDict[curGroup]) # deepcopy is necessary because it is a dict od dict else: # nothing found --> we create a new group from the default dictionary self.myparams[curGroup] = deepcopy(templateDict) # deepcopy is necessary because it is a dict od dict for i in range(nbElements+1,iterMax+1): # all potential groups with an index greater than the desired number of elements curGroup = curIncGroup.replace("$n$",str(i)) if(curGroup in self.myparams): savedDict[curGroup] = deepcopy(self.myparams[curGroup]) # deepcopy is necessary because it is a dict od dict, copy is not enough del self.myparams[curGroup] else: break
[docs] def add_IncParam(self, group:str, name:str, value:Union[float, int, str], comment:str, type:Type_Param, min:int = 0, max:int = 0, refParam:str = None, refGroup:str = None, added_json:str = None): """ Ajout d'un paramètre incrémentable :param group: nom du groupe :param name: nom du paramètre :param value: valeur du paramètre :param comment: commentaire du paramètre :param type: type du paramètre :param min: valeur minimale :param max: valeur maximale :param refParam: nom du paramètre contenant le nombre de paramètres - doit être dans le même groupe """ if added_json is not None: if isinstance(added_json, str): added_json = json.loads(added_json.replace('%json','')) elif isinstance(added_json, dict): pass if group not in self.myIncParam: self.myIncParam[group] = {} name, iterInfo = self._Extract_IncrInfo(name) if iterInfo is not None: if len(iterInfo) == 3: refParam, min, max = iterInfo refGroup = None elif len(iterInfo) == 4: refGroup, refParam, min, max = iterInfo else: logging.error("ERROR : wrong number of arguments in the incrementable parameter name {}!".format(name)) refGroup = refGroup if refGroup is not None else group assert min >=0, "ERROR : min must be >= 0" assert max >0, "ERROR : max must be > 0" assert max >= min, "ERROR : max must be >= min" assert refParam is not None, "ERROR : refParam can not be None" assert refGroup is not None, "ERROR : refGroup can not be None" curdict = self.myIncParam[group][name] = {} curdict["Group"] = group curdict["Ref group"] = refGroup curdict["Ref param"] = refParam curdict["Min"] = min curdict["Max"] = max curdict["Dict"] = {} curdict["Dict"][name] = {} curdict["Dict"][name][key_Param.NAME] = name curdict["Dict"][name][key_Param.VALUE] = value curdict["Dict"][name][key_Param.COMMENT] = comment curdict["Dict"][name][key_Param.TYPE] = type if added_json is not None: curdict["Dict"][name][key_Param.ADDED_JSON] = added_json else: curdict["Dict"][name][key_Param.ADDED_JSON] = None curdict["Saved"] = {} curdict["Saved"][group] = {} curdict["Saved"][group][name] = {} curdict["Saved"][group][name][key_Param.NAME] = name curdict["Saved"][group][name][key_Param.VALUE] = value curdict["Saved"][group][name][key_Param.COMMENT] = comment curdict["Saved"][group][name][key_Param.TYPE] = type if added_json is not None: curdict["Saved"][group][name][key_Param.ADDED_JSON] = added_json else: curdict["Saved"][group][name][key_Param.ADDED_JSON] = None return 0
[docs] def _update_IncParam(self, withGUI:bool=False): """ Mise à jour des paramètres inctrémmentables: Les paramètres existants dans les paramètres courants seront sauvés dans le dicionnaire myIncParam avec son incrément associé. Tout groupe sauvé avec le même incrément sera écrasé. Si le nombre associé au groupe est plus grand que désiré, tous les groupe en surplus seront sauvé dans dans le dicionnaire myIncParam mais supprimé du dictionnaire de paramètre courant. S'il n'y a pas assez de groupe dans les paramètres courant, on les ajoute avec les valeurs sauvées, sinon avec des valeurs par défaut. Also check the max and min values """ for refGroup in self.myIncParam: for curIncParam in self.myIncParam[refGroup]: if(refGroup.find("$n$")>-1): nbMax = int(self.myIncGroup[refGroup]["Max"]) i=1 while(i<nbMax+1): curGroup = refGroup.replace("$n$",str(i)) i += 1 if curGroup in self.myparams: self._Update_OneIncParam(curIncParam, curGroup, genGroup=refGroup, withGUI=withGUI) else: break else: if not refGroup in self.myparams: self.myparams[refGroup] = {} self._Update_OneIncParam(curIncParam, refGroup, genGroup=refGroup, withGUI=withGUI)
[docs] def _Update_OneIncParam(self, curIncParam:str, curGroup:str, genGroup:str, withGUI:bool=False): """ Routine interne de mise à jour d'un seul paramétre incrémentable :param curIncParam : nom du paramètre incrémentable - contient $n$ à remplacer par le numéro :param curGroup : nom du groupe de référence - ! peut être un groupe icrémentable ! :param genGroup : nom du groupe générique dans lequel sont stockés les informations sur le paramètre (key, value, min, max, ...) :param withGUI : True si on est en mode GUI """ refGroup = self.myIncParam[genGroup][curIncParam]["Ref group"] # groupe dans lequel est stocké le nombre de paramètres refParam = self.myIncParam[genGroup][curIncParam]["Ref param"] # nom du paramètre contenant le nombre de paramètres iterMin = int(self.myIncParam[genGroup][curIncParam]["Min"]) # nombre minimal de paramètres iterMax = int(self.myIncParam[genGroup][curIncParam]["Max"]) # nombre maximal de paramètres #" / "+refParam) if '$n$' in refGroup: # le groupe de référence est incrémentable --> le paramètre est à trouver dans le groupe courant part_Group = refGroup.replace("$n$","") if part_Group in curGroup: refGroup = curGroup else: logging.error(_("ERROR : the reference group {} does not exist or is not well defined {}!".format(part_Group, curGroup))) nbElements = self[(refGroup, refParam)] #int(self.get_param(refGroup, refParam)) if nbElements is None: logging.error(_("ERROR : the reference of the incrementable parameter does not exist!")) return savedDict = {} savedDict = self.myIncParam[genGroup][curIncParam]["Saved"] if(not(curGroup in savedDict)): savedDict[curGroup] = {} templateDict = self.myIncParam[genGroup][curIncParam]["Dict"] if curIncParam in templateDict.keys(): templateDict = templateDict[curIncParam] else: logging.error(_("ERROR : the template of the incrementable parameter does not exist!")) if(nbElements is None): if self.wx_exists: wx.MessageBox(_('The reference of the incrementable group does not exist!'), _('Error'), wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR) else: logging.error(_('The reference of the incrementable group does not exist!')) elif(nbElements>iterMax): nbElements = iterMax # elif(nbElements<iterMin): # nbElements = iterMax for i in range(1, nbElements+1): curParam = curIncParam.replace("$n$",str(i)) if(withGUI): self._Apply1ParamtoMemory(curGroup, curParam, isIncrementable=True, genGroup=genGroup, genParam=curIncParam) if(curParam in self.myparams[curGroup]): savedDict[curGroup][curParam] = {} savedDict[curGroup][curParam] = self.myparams[curGroup][curParam] elif(curParam in savedDict[curGroup]): self.myparams[curGroup][curParam] = {} self.myparams[curGroup][curParam] = savedDict[curGroup][curParam] else: self.myparams[curGroup][curParam] = {} self.myparams[curGroup][curParam][key_Param.NAME] = curParam self.myparams[curGroup][curParam][key_Param.VALUE] = templateDict[key_Param.VALUE] self.myparams[curGroup][curParam][key_Param.COMMENT] = templateDict[key_Param.COMMENT] self.myparams[curGroup][curParam][key_Param.TYPE] = templateDict[key_Param.TYPE] if key_Param.ADDED_JSON in templateDict: self.myparams[curGroup][curParam][key_Param.ADDED_JSON] = templateDict[key_Param.ADDED_JSON] else: self.myparams[curGroup][curParam][key_Param.ADDED_JSON] = None # transfert des paramètres en surplus dans le dictionnaire savedDict for i in range(nbElements+1, iterMax+1): curParam = curIncParam.replace("$n$",str(i)) if(curParam in self.myparams[curGroup]): savedDict[curGroup][curParam] = {} savedDict[curGroup][curParam] = self.myparams[curGroup][curParam].copy() self.myparams[curGroup].pop(curParam) else: # inutile de continuer, on a atteint le dernier paramètre break
if __name__ =="__main__":
[docs] test = Wolf_Param()
test[('group1','val1')] = "valtest" assert test[('group1','val1')] == "valtest"