Source code for wolfhece.PyDraw

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

    import numpy as np
    from wx import dataview, TreeCtrl
    import wx
    import wx.propgrid as pg
    # from wxasync import AsyncBind
    from wx.core import VERTICAL, BoxSizer, Height, ListCtrl, StaticText, TextCtrl, Width
    from wx.glcanvas import GLCanvas, GLContext
    from wx.dataview import TreeListCtrl
    import wx.lib.ogl as ogl
    from PIL import Image, ImageOps
    from PIL.PngImagePlugin import PngInfo
    import io
    import json
    import glob
    import traceback
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    from sklearn import linear_model, datasets

except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError("Error importing wxPython, numpy, PIL, json, glob, traceback, sklearn. Please check your installation.")

    from osgeo import gdal
except ModuleNotFoundError:
    raise Exception("I can't find the 'gdal' package. You should get it from")

    from time import sleep
    from datetime import timedelta
    from multiprocessing import Pool
    from pathlib import Path
    from time import sleep
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError("Error importing time, datetime, multiprocessing, pathlib. Please check your installation.")

    from OpenGL.GL import *
    from OpenGL.GLUT import *
except ImportError as e:
[docs] msg=_('Error importing OpenGL library')
msg+=_(' Python version : ' + sys.version) msg+=_(' Please check your version of opengl32.dll -- conflict may exist between different files present on your desktop') raise Exception(msg) try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.widgets import Button as mplButton from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter from os import scandir, listdir from os.path import exists, join, normpath from pptx import Presentation import threading from enum import Enum from typing import Literal, Union import logging except ImportError as e: print(e) raise ImportError("Error importing matplotlib, os, threading, enum, typing, logging. Please check your installation.") try: from .wolf_texture import genericImagetexture,imagetexture,Text_Image_Texture from .xyz_file import xyz_scandir, XYZFile from .mesh2d import wolf2dprev from .PyPalette import wolfpalette from .wolfresults_2D import Wolfresults_2D, views_2D, Extractable_results from .PyTranslate import _ from .PyVertex import cloud_vertices, getIfromRGB from .RatingCurve import SPWMIGaugingStations, SPWDCENNGaugingStations from .wolf_array import WOLF_ARRAY_MB, SelectionData, WolfArray, WolfArrayMB, CropDialog, header_wolf, WolfArrayMNAP, WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_SINGLE, WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER8, WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER16, WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_DOUBLE, WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER from .PyParams import Wolf_Param, key_Param, Type_Param from .mesh2d.bc_manager import BcManager from .PyVertexvectors import * from .Results2DGPU import wolfres2DGPU from .PyCrosssections import crosssections, profile, Interpolator, Interpolators from .GraphNotebook import PlotNotebook from .lazviewer.laz_viewer import myviewer, read_laz, clip_data_xyz, xyz_laz_grids, choices_laz_colormap, Classification_LAZ, Wolf_LAZ_Data, viewer as viewerlaz from . import Lidar2002 from .picc import Picc_data, Cadaster_data from .wolf_zi_db import ZI_Databse_Elt, PlansTerrier from .math_parser.calculator import Calculator from .wintab.wintab import Wintab from .images_tiles import ImagesTiles except ImportError as e: print(e) raise ImportError("Error importing wolf_texture, xyz_file, mesh2d, PyPalette, wolfresults_2D, PyTranslate, PyVertex, RatingCurve, wolf_array, PyParams, mesh2d.bc_manager, PyVertexvectors, Results2DGPU, PyCrosssections, GraphNotebook, lazviewer, picc, wolf_zi_db, math_parser.calculator, wintab. Please check your installation.") try: from .hydrometry.kiwis_wolfgui import hydrometry_wolfgui except ImportError as e: print(e) raise ImportError("Error importing hydrometry.kiwis_wolfgui. Please check your installation.") try: from .pyshields import get_d_cr from .pyviews import WolfViews from .PyConfig import handle_configuration_dialog, WolfConfiguration, ConfigurationKeys from .GraphProfile import ProfileNotebook from .pybridges import Bridges, Bridge, Weirs, Weir from .tools_mpl import * from .wolf_tiles import Tiles from .lagrangian.particle_system_ui import Particle_system_to_draw as Particle_system from .opengl.py3d import Wolf_Viewer3D from .pyGui1D import GuiNotebook1D from .matplotlib_fig import Matplotlib_Figure as MplFig, PRESET_LAYOUTS except ImportError as e: print(e) raise ImportError("Error importing pyshields, pyviews, PyConfig, GraphProfile, pybridges, tools_mpl, wolf_tiles, lagrangian.particle_system_ui, opengl.py3d, pyGui1D. Please check your installation.") try: from .apps.curvedigitizer import Digitizer except ImportError as e: print(e) raise ImportError("Error importing apps.curvedigitizer. Please check your installation.")
[docs] ID_SELECTCS = 1000
[docs] ID_SORTALONG = 1001
[docs] ID_LOCMINMAX = 1002
[docs] ID_PLOTCS = 1003 #Manageactions ID for profile plots
[docs] LIST_1TO9 = [wx.WXK_NUMPAD1, wx.WXK_NUMPAD2, wx.WXK_NUMPAD3, wx.WXK_NUMPAD4, wx.WXK_NUMPAD5, wx.WXK_NUMPAD6, wx.WXK_NUMPAD7, wx.WXK_NUMPAD8, wx.WXK_NUMPAD9 ] + [ord(str(cur)) for cur in range(1,10)]
[docs] PROJECT_ACTION = 'action'
[docs] PROJECT_CS = 'cross_sections'
[docs] PROJECT_VECTOR = 'vector'
[docs] PROJECT_ARRAY = 'array'
[docs] PROJECT_TILES = 'tiles'
[docs] PROJECT_LAZ = 'laz_grid'
[docs] PROJECT_CLOUD = 'cloud'
[docs] PROJECT_WOLF2D = 'wolf2d'
[docs] PROJECT_GPU2D = 'gpu2d'
[docs] PROJECT_PALETTE = 'palette'
[docs] PROJECT_PALETTE_ARRAY = 'palette-array'
[docs] PROJECT_GROUP_KEYS = {PROJECT_ACTION : {'which': 'compare_arrays'}, PROJECT_CS: {'id - file': 'id to use - full or relative path to CS file', 'format': '(mandatory) 2000, 2022, vecz, sxy', 'dirlaz': 'Path to LAZ data (prepro Numpy)'}, PROJECT_VECTOR: {'id - file': 'id to use - full or relative path to vector file (.vec, .vecz, .shp)'}, PROJECT_ARRAY: {'id - file': 'id to use - full or relative path to array file (.bin, .tif, .npy, .npz)'}, PROJECT_TILES : {'id': '(mandatory) id to use', 'tiles_file': '(mandatory) Path to tiles file', 'data_dir': '(mandatory) Path to data directory', 'comp_dir': 'Path to comparison directory'}, PROJECT_LAZ: {'data_dir': '(mandatory) Path to data directory (prepro Numpy)', 'classification': 'Color classification for LAZ data - default SPW-Geofit 2023',}, PROJECT_CLOUD: {'id - file': 'id to use - full or relative path to cloud file (.xyz, .txt)'}, PROJECT_WOLF2D: {'id - dir': 'id to use - full or relative path to wolf2d simulation directory'}, PROJECT_GPU2D: {'id - dir': 'id to use - full or relative path to gpu2d simulation directory'}, PROJECT_PALETTE : {'id - file': 'id to use - full or relative path to palette file (.pal)'}, PROJECT_PALETTE_ARRAY : {'idarray - idpal': 'id of array - id of palette to link'}, PROJECT_LINK_CS : {'linkzones' : '(mandatory) id of vector to link to cross sections', 'sortzone' : '(mandatory) id of the zone to use for sorting', 'sortname' : '(mandatory) id of the polyline to use for sorting', 'downfirst' : 'is the first vertex downstream or upstream? (1 is True, 0 is False - default is False)'}, PROJECT_LINK_VEC_ARRAY : {'id - id vector': 'id of array/wolf2d/gpu2d - id of vector to link (only 1 vector in 1 zone)'}, }
[docs] class MplFigViewer(MplFig): def __init__(self, layout = None, idx:str='', mapviewer:"WolfMapViewer" = None, caption:str = '', size:tuple = (800, 600), style:int = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE ^ wx.RESIZE_BORDER): super().__init__(layout) self._mapviewer = mapviewer self._idx = idx self.SetTitle(caption) self.SetSize(size) dpi = self.fig.get_dpi() size_x = (size[0]-16)/dpi size_y = (size[1]-240)/dpi self.fig.set_size_inches(size_x, size_y) self.SetWindowStyle(style) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose)
[docs] def OnClose(self, event): """ Close the window """ if self.mapviewer is not None: self.mapviewer.destroy_fig_by_id(self.idx) else: self.Destroy()
[docs] def mapviewer(self): return self._mapviewer
[docs] def idx(self): return self._idx
[docs] class Memory_View(): """ Memory view """ def __init__(self, screen_width, screen_height, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax): """ Constructor """ self.screen_width = screen_width self.screen_height = screen_height self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.ymin = ymin self.ymax = ymax @property
[docs] def width(self): """ Width of the view """ return self.xmax - self.xmin
[docs] def height(self): """ Height of the view """ return self.ymax - self.ymin
def __str__(self): """ String representation of the view """ return f"Memory view : {self.screen_width}x{self.screen_height} ({self.xmin},{self.ymin})-({self.xmax},{self.ymax})"
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Serialize the view """ return { "screen_width": self.screen_width, "screen_height": self.screen_height, "xmin": self.xmin, "xmax": self.xmax, "ymin": self.ymin, "ymax": self.ymax }
[docs] def deserialize(data:dict): """ Deserialize the view """ return Memory_View(data["screen_width"], data["screen_height"], data["xmin"], data["xmax"], data["ymin"], data["ymax"])
[docs] class Memory_View_encoder(json.JSONEncoder): """ Memory view encoder """
[docs] def default(self, o): """ Default method """ if isinstance(o, Memory_View): return o.serialize() else: return super().default(o)
[docs] class Memory_View_decoder(json.JSONDecoder): """ Memory view decoder """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Constructor """ super().__init__(object_hook=self.object_hook, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def object_hook(self, obj): """ Decode the object """ if "screen_width" in obj and "screen_height" in obj and "xmin" in obj and "xmax" in obj and "ymin" in obj and "ymax" in obj: return Memory_View.deserialize(obj) else: return obj
[docs] class Memory_Views(): """ Memory views """ def __init__(self): self.views:dict[str,Memory_View] = {} def __len__(self): """ Number of views """ return len(self.views)
[docs] def add_view(self, name:str, screen_width:int, screen_height:int, xmin:float, xmax:float, ymin:float, ymax:float): """ Add a new view to the memory views """ self.views[name] = Memory_View(screen_width, screen_height, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
[docs] def remove_view(self, name:str): """ Remove a view from the memory views """ if name in self.views: self.views.pop(name)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the memory views """ self.views = {}
def __getitem__(self, name:str) -> Memory_View: """ Get a view from the memory views """ if name in self.views: return self.views[name] else: return None
[docs] def zoom_on(self, name:str, mapviewer:"WolfMapViewer"): """ Zoom on a view """ if name not in self.views: return view = self.views[name] mapviewer.zoom_on(width= view.width, height=view.height, xll=view.xmin, yll=view.ymin, canvas_height=view.screen_height)
[docs] def save(self, filename:str): """ Save the memory views """ with open(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.views, f, cls=Memory_View_encoder, indent=4)
[docs] def load(self, filename:str): """ Load the memory views """ with open(filename, 'r') as f: self.views = json.load(f, cls=Memory_View_decoder)
# self.views = {k:Memory_View.deserialize(v) for k,v in tmp_views.items()}
[docs] class Memory_Views_GUI(wx.Frame): """ Memory views GUI """ def __init__(self, parent, title, memory_views:Memory_Views, mapviewer:"WolfMapViewer"): """ Constructor """ super(Memory_Views_GUI, self).__init__(parent, title=title, size=(200, 400), style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & ~ (wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX | wx.MINIMIZE_BOX)) self.mapviewer = mapviewer self._memory_views = memory_views panel = wx.Panel(self) panel.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255)) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self._views = wx.ListBox(panel, choices= list(memory_views.views.keys()), style=wx.LB_SINGLE) self._cmdZoom = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_ANY, _('Zoom on')) self._cmdZoom.SetToolTip(_('Zoom on the selected view')) self._cmdAdd = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_ADD, _('+')) self._cmdAdd.SetToolTip(_('Add a view based on the current zoom and shape of the canvas')) self._cmdDelete = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_DELETE, _('-')) self._cmdDelete.SetToolTip(_('Delete the selected view')) self._cmdReset = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_RESET, _('Reset')) self._cmdReset.SetToolTip(_('Reset the views')) sizer.Add(self._views, 5, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer_but = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer_but.Add(self._cmdAdd, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer_but.Add(self._cmdDelete, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer.Add(self._cmdZoom, 1, wx.EXPAND, 2) sizer.Add(sizer_but, 1, wx.EXPAND, 2) sizer.Add(self._cmdReset, 1, wx.EXPAND , 2) sizer_manual = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer_xmin = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._label_xmin = wx.StaticText(panel, label=_('X min')) self._xmin = wx.TextCtrl(panel, value=str(mapviewer.xmin), style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) sizer_xmin.Add(self._label_xmin, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_xmin.Add(self._xmin, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_xmax = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._label_xmax = wx.StaticText(panel, label=_('X max')) self._xmax = wx.TextCtrl(panel, value=str(mapviewer.xmax), style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) sizer_xmax.Add(self._label_xmax, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_xmax.Add(self._xmax, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_ymin = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._label_ymin = wx.StaticText(panel, label=_('Y min')) self._ymin = wx.TextCtrl(panel, value=str(mapviewer.ymin), style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) sizer_ymin.Add(self._label_ymin, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_ymin.Add(self._ymin, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_ymax = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._label_ymax = wx.StaticText(panel, label=_('Y max')) self._ymax = wx.TextCtrl(panel, value=str(mapviewer.ymax), style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) sizer_ymax.Add(self._label_ymax, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_ymax.Add(self._ymax, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_canvas_height = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._label_canvas_height = wx.StaticText(panel, label=_('Canvas height')) self._canvas_height = wx.TextCtrl(panel, value=str(mapviewer.canvasheight), style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) self._label_canvas_height.SetToolTip(_('Height of the canvas in pixels')) self._canvas_height.SetToolTip(_('Height of the canvas in pixels')) sizer_canvas_height.Add(self._label_canvas_height, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_canvas_height.Add(self._canvas_height, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_manual.Add(sizer_xmin, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_manual.Add(sizer_xmax, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_manual.Add(sizer_ymin, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_manual.Add(sizer_ymax, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_manual.Add(sizer_canvas_height, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_but2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._cmdGet = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_ANY, _('Get')) self._cmdGet.SetToolTip(_('Get the current bounds of the canvas and fill the fields')) self._cmdApply = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_APPLY, _('Apply')) self._cmdApply.SetToolTip(_('Apply the values to the selected view')) self._cmdApply.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnApply) self._cmdGet.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnGet) sizer_but2.Add(self._cmdGet, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_but2.Add(self._cmdApply, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_manual.Add(sizer_but2, 1, wx.EXPAND, 2) sizer.Add(sizer_manual, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_save_load = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._cmdSave = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_SAVE, _('Save')) self._cmdSave.SetToolTip(_('Save the memory views to a json file')) self._cmdLoad = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_OPEN, _('Load')) self._cmdLoad.SetToolTip(_('Load the memory views from a json file')) sizer_save_load.Add(self._cmdSave, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer_save_load.Add(self._cmdLoad, 1, wx.ALL, 2) sizer.Add(sizer_save_load, 1, wx.EXPAND, 2) self._views.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.OnSelectView) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnAdd, self._cmdAdd) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnDelete, self._cmdDelete) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnReset, self._cmdReset) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSave, self._cmdSave) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnLoad, self._cmdLoad) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnZoom, self._cmdZoom) panel.SetSizer(sizer) self.CenterOnScreen() icon = wx.Icon() icon_path = Path(__file__).parent / "apps/wolf_logo2.bmp" icon.CopyFromBitmap(wx.Bitmap(str(icon_path), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) self.SetIcon(icon) self.Show()
[docs] def OnSave(self, event): """ Save the memory views """ with wx.FileDialog(self, _('Save the memory views'), wildcard="JSON files (*.json)|*.json", style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) as fileDialog: if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return
[docs] def OnLoad(self, event): """ Load the memory views """ with wx.FileDialog(self, _('Load the memory views'), wildcard="JSON files (*.json)|*.json", style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) as fileDialog: if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return self._memory_views.load(fileDialog.GetPath()) if self._memory_views is None: logging.error(_('Error while loading the memory views')) return if self._memory_views.views is None: logging.error(_('Error while loading the memory views')) return self._views.Set(list(self._memory_views.views.keys()))
[docs] def OnClose(self, event): """ Close the memory views GUI """ self.mapviewer._memory_views_gui = None self.Destroy()
[docs] def OnSelectView(self, event): """ Select a view """ view = self._views.GetStringSelection() locview = self._memory_views[view] if locview is None: return self._xmax.SetValue(str(self._memory_views[view].xmax)) self._xmin.SetValue(str(self._memory_views[view].xmin)) self._ymax.SetValue(str(self._memory_views[view].ymax)) self._ymin.SetValue(str(self._memory_views[view].ymin)) self._canvas_height.SetValue(str(self._memory_views[view].screen_height))
[docs] def OnZoom(self, event): """ Zoom on the current view """ view = self._views.GetStringSelection() self._memory_views.zoom_on(view, self.mapviewer)
[docs] def OnAdd(self, event): """ Add a view """ name = "View " + str(len(self._memory_views.views) + 1) with wx.TextEntryDialog(self, _('Enter the name of the view'), _('Add a view'), name) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: name = dlg.GetValue() self._memory_views.add_view(name, self.mapviewer.canvaswidth, self.mapviewer.canvasheight, self.mapviewer.xmin, self.mapviewer.xmax, self.mapviewer.ymin, self.mapviewer.ymax) self._views.Set(list(self._memory_views.views.keys()))
[docs] def OnDelete(self, event): """ Delete a view """ view = self._views.GetStringSelection() self._memory_views.remove_view(view) self._views.Set(list(self._memory_views.views.keys()))
[docs] def OnReset(self, event): """ Reset the views """ self._memory_views.reset()
[docs] def OnApply(self, event): """ Apply the changes """ view = self._views.GetStringSelection() try: xmin = float(self._xmin.GetValue()) xmax = float(self._xmax.GetValue()) ymin = float(self._ymin.GetValue()) ymax = float(self._ymax.GetValue()) canvas_height = int(self._canvas_height.GetValue()) self._memory_views.add_view(view, self.mapviewer.canvaswidth, canvas_height, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) except: logging.error(_('Error while applying the changes'))
[docs] def OnGet(self, event): """ Get the values """ self._xmin.SetValue(str(self.mapviewer.xmin)) self._xmax.SetValue(str(self.mapviewer.xmax)) self._ymin.SetValue(str(self.mapviewer.ymin)) self._ymax.SetValue(str(self.mapviewer.ymax)) self._canvas_height.SetValue(str(self.mapviewer.canvasheight))
[docs] class draw_type(Enum): # FIXME: change this to be more robust -> Done ! # Be careful with the enum name, it must be the same than the one used to create the tree list elements, but in lower case # see : self.treelist.AppendItem in __init__
[docs] ARRAYS = 'arrays'
[docs] BRIDGES= 'bridges'
[docs] WEIRS = 'weirs'
[docs] VECTORS = 'vectors'
[docs] CLOUD = 'clouds'
[docs] TRIANGULATION = 'triangulations'
[docs] PARTICLE_SYSTEM = 'particle systems'
[docs] CROSS_SECTIONS = 'cross_sections'
[docs] OTHER = 'others'
[docs] VIEWS = 'views'
[docs] RES2D = 'wolf2d'
[docs] WMSBACK = 'wms-background'
[docs] WMSFORE = 'wms-foreground'
[docs] TILES = 'tiles'
[docs] IMAGESTILES = 'imagestiles'
[docs] LAZ = 'laz'
[docs] class Colors_1to9(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent): self._parent = parent self.colors1to9 = [(0, 0, 255, 255), (0, 255, 0, 255), (0, 128, 255, 255), (255, 255, 0, 255), (255, 165, 0, 255), (128, 0, 128, 255), (255, 192, 203, 255), (165, 42, 42, 255), (128, 128, 128, 255)] if self.file.exists(): self.OnLoad(None) @property
[docs] def directory(self): tmp = Path(__file__).parent / 'data' if not tmp.exists(): tmp.mkdir() return tmp
[docs] def file(self): return / 'colors1to9.json'
def __getitem__(self, i): return self.colors1to9[i]
[docs] def change_colors(self, e): super(Colors_1to9, self).__init__(self._parent, title=_('Colors 1 to 9'), size=(200, 400), style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & ~ (wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX | wx.MINIMIZE_BOX | wx.CLOSE_BOX)) panel = wx.Panel(self) panel.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 255, 255)) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.pickers={} for i in range(9): horsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) horsizer.Add(wx.StaticText(panel, label=_('Color ') + str(i + 1)), 0, wx.ALL, 2) color = self.colors1to9[i] color = wx.Colour(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]) self.pickers[i] = wx.ColourPickerCtrl(panel, colour=color) horsizer.Add(self.pickers[i], 0, wx.ALL, 2) sizer.Add(horsizer, 0, wx.ALL, 2) cmdOK = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_OK, _('OK')) cmdCancel = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_CANCEL, _('Cancel')) cdmSetDefault = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_APPLY, _('Default')) cmdSave = wx.Button(panel, wx.ID_SAVE, _('Save')) horsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) horsizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) horsizer.Add(cmdOK, 0, wx.ALL, 2) horsizer.Add(cmdCancel, 0, wx.ALL, 2) horsizer2.Add(cdmSetDefault, 0, wx.ALL, 2) horsizer2.Add(cmdSave, 0, wx.ALL, 2) sizer.Add(horsizer, 0, wx.ALL, 2) sizer.Add(horsizer2, 0, wx.ALL, 2) panel.SetSizer(sizer) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, cmdOK) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel, cmdCancel) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSetDefault, cdmSetDefault) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnSave, cmdSave) icon = wx.Icon() icon_path = Path(__file__).parent / "apps/wolf_logo2.bmp" icon.CopyFromBitmap(wx.Bitmap(str(icon_path), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) self.SetIcon(icon) self.CenterOnScreen() self.Show()
[docs] def Apply(self): for i in range(9): color = self.pickers[i].GetColour() self.colors1to9[i] = (color.Red(), color.Green(), color.Blue(), color.Alpha())
[docs] def OnOK(self, event): self.Apply() self.Close()
[docs] def OnCancel(self, event): self.Close()
[docs] def OnSetDefault(self, event): self.colors1to9 = [(0, 0, 255, 255), (0, 255, 0, 255), (0, 128, 255, 255), (255, 255, 0, 255), (255, 165, 0, 255), (128, 0, 128, 255), (255, 192, 203, 255), (165, 42, 42, 255), (128, 128, 128, 255)] for i in range(9): color = self.colors1to9[i] color = wx.Colour(color[0], color[1], color[2], color[3]) self.pickers[i].SetColour(color)
[docs] def OnSave(self, event): self.Apply() with open(self.file, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.colors1to9, f)
[docs] def OnLoad(self, event): with open(self.file, 'r') as f: self.colors1to9 = json.load(f)
[docs] class DragdropFileTarget(wx.FileDropTarget): def __init__(self, window:"WolfMapViewer"): wx.FileDropTarget.__init__(self) self.window = window
[docs] def OnDropFiles(self, x, y, filenames): def test_if_array(filename): ext = Path(filename).suffix if ext.lower() in ['.bin', '.npy', '.hbin', '.qxin','.qybin', '.top', '.kbin', '.epsbin', '.tif', '.tiff', '.frot', '.topini_fine']: return True else: return False def test_if_arrayMB(filename): ext = Path(filename).suffix if ext.lower() in ['.hbinb', '.qxbinb','.qybinb', '.kbinb', '.epsbinb', '.topini', '.frotini']: return True else: return False def test_if_vector(filename): ext = Path(filename).suffix if ext.lower() in ['.vec', '.vecz', '.shp', '.dxf']: return True else: return False def test_if_cloud(filename): ext = Path(filename).suffix if ext.lower() in ['.xyz']: return True else: return False pgbar = wx.ProgressDialog(_('Loading files'), _('Loading files'), maximum=len(filenames), parent=self.window, style=wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE) for name in filenames: if Path(name).is_dir(): for file in scandir(name): if file.is_file(): self.OnDropFiles(x, y, [file.path]) continue if test_if_array(name): ids = self.window.get_list_keys(draw_type.ARRAYS, checked_state=None) id = Path(name).stem while id in ids: id = id + '_1' try: newobj = WolfArray(fname=name, mapviewer= self.window) self.window.add_object('array', newobj = newobj, id = id) except: logging.error(_('Error while loading array : ') + name) elif test_if_arrayMB(name): ids = self.window.get_list_keys(draw_type.ARRAYS, checked_state=None) id = Path(name).stem while id in ids: id = id + '_1' try: newobj = WolfArrayMB(fname=name, mapviewer= self.window) self.window.add_object('array', newobj = newobj, id = id) except: logging.error(_('Error while loading array : ') + name) elif test_if_vector(name): ids = self.window.get_list_keys(draw_type.VECTORS, checked_state=None) id = Path(name).stem while id in ids: id = id + '_1' try: newobj = Zones(filename=name, parent=self.window, mapviewer=self.window) self.window.add_object('vector', newobj = newobj, id = id) except: logging.error(_('Error while loading vector : ') + name) elif test_if_cloud(name): ids = self.window.get_list_keys(draw_type.CLOUD, checked_state=None) id = Path(name).stem while id in ids: id = id + '_1' try: newobj = cloud_vertices(fname=name, mapviewer=self.window) self.window.add_object('cloud', newobj = newobj, id = id) except: logging.error(_('Error while loading cloud : ') + name) pgbar.Update(pgbar.GetValue() + 1) pgbar.Destroy() return True
[docs] class Sim_Explorer(wx.Frame): def __init__(self, parent, title, mapviewer:"WolfMapViewer", sim:Wolfresults_2D): super(Sim_Explorer, self).__init__(parent, title=title, size=(150, 250), style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & ~ (wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX | wx.MINIMIZE_BOX)) self._panel = wx.Panel(self) self.mapviewer = mapviewer self.active_res2d:Wolfresults_2D = sim main_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) left_bar = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) right_bar = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self._all_times_steps = self.active_res2d.get_times_steps() # Right bar # --------- # Slider self._slider_steps = wx.Slider(self._panel, minValue=1, maxValue=sim.get_nbresults(), style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL | wx.SL_AUTOTICKS | wx.SL_MIN_MAX_LABELS | wx.SL_LABELS) self._slider_steps.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.OnSliderSteps) right_bar.Add(self._slider_steps, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) # Explore by index self._label_idx = wx.StaticText(self._panel, label=_('Index')) right_bar.Add(self._label_idx, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) self._step_idx = wx.ListBox(self._panel, choices=[str(i) for i in range(1, sim.get_nbresults()+1)], style=wx.LB_SINGLE) self._step_idx.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.OnSelectIdxStep) right_bar.Add(self._step_idx, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Explore by time self._label_time = wx.StaticText(self._panel, label=_('Time [s]')) right_bar.Add(self._label_time, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) _now = self._starting_date = datetime(year=_now.year, month=_now.month,, hour=0, minute=0, second=0) self._texttime = wx.TextCtrl(self._panel, value=self._starting_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) right_bar.Add(self._texttime, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self._texttime.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnTextTime) self._step_time = wx.ListBox(self._panel, choices=['{:.3f} - {}'.format(i, datetime.strftime(self._starting_date + timedelta(seconds=i), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) for i in self._all_times_steps[0]], style=wx.LB_SINGLE) self._step_time.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.OnSelectNumStep) right_bar.Add(self._step_time, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Explore by time step self._label_steps = wx.StaticText(self._panel, label=_('Time step [-]')) right_bar.Add(self._label_steps, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) self._step_num = wx.ListBox(self._panel, choices=[str(i) for i in self._all_times_steps[1]], style=wx.LB_SINGLE) self._step_num.Bind(wx.EVT_LISTBOX, self.OnSelectCurTime) right_bar.Add(self._step_num, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Left bar # -------- # Apply selected step self._cmd_apply = wx.Button(self._panel, wx.ID_APPLY, _('Apply')) self._cmd_apply.SetToolTip(_('Apply the selected parameters to the map')) self._cmd_apply.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnApply) left_bar.Add(self._cmd_apply, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Update listbox from files on disk self._cmd_update = wx.Button(self._panel, wx.ID_REFRESH, _('Update')) self._cmd_update.SetToolTip(_('Update the list of available results based on the files on disk')) self._cmd_update.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnUpdate) left_bar.Add(self._cmd_update, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) #Plot self._cmd_plot = wx.Button(self._panel, wx.ID_PREVIEW, _('Plot simulation informations')) self._cmd_plot.SetToolTip(_('Plot synthesis of the simulation (computation time, time step, clock time, mostly dry mesh...)')) self._cmd_plot.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnPlot) left_bar.Add(self._cmd_plot, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Next step self._cmd_next = wx.Button(self._panel, wx.ID_FORWARD, _('Next')) self._cmd_next.SetToolTip(_('Go to the next step -- using the selected mode')) self._cmd_next.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnNext) left_bar.Add(self._cmd_next, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Previous step self._cmd_prev = wx.Button(self._panel, wx.ID_BACKWARD, _('Previous')) self._cmd_prev.SetToolTip(_('Go to the previous step -- using the selected mode')) self._cmd_prev.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnPrev) left_bar.Add(self._cmd_prev, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) # Check Mode movement self._mode = wx.ListBox(self._panel, choices=['by time [s]', 'by time [hour]', 'by index', 'by time step'], style=wx.LB_SINGLE) self._mode.SetToolTip(_('Select the mode to move through the simulation')) self._mode.SetSelection(2) self._interval = wx.TextCtrl(self._panel, value='1', style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) self._interval.SetToolTip(_('Interval for the mode selected -- unit depends on the mode')) self._interval.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnInterval) left_bar.Add(self._mode, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) left_bar.Add(self._interval, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 5) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) main_sizer.Add(left_bar, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) main_sizer.Add(right_bar, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) self._panel.SetSizer(main_sizer) self._panel.SetAutoLayout(True) self.MinSize = (450, 500) self.Fit() self.Show() self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(str(Path(__file__).parent / "apps/wolf_logo2.bmp"))) self._set_all(0)
[docs] def OnPlot(self, event): """ Create a scatter plot of all steps. Major x_axis is time in seconds, Minor X-axis is time by date. Plots: - Computation time step (Dt) - Computation steps (N) - Clock time (s) - Mostly dry mesh (N) """ main_x = self._all_times_steps[0] second_x = [self._starting_date + timedelta(seconds=i) for i in main_x] if isinstance(self.active_res2d, wolfres2DGPU): ax:list[Axes] fig, ax= plt.subplots(5, 1, figsize=(10, 8)) ax[0].plot(main_x, self._all_times_steps[1], 'o-') ax[0].set_ylabel(_('Computation\ntime step (N)'), fontsize=8) ax[0].ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0)) ax[0].grid(which='both') ax[0].set_xticks(main_x) ax[0].set_xticklabels([]) secax:Axes = ax[0].secondary_xaxis('top') secax.set_xlabel(_('Real date\n[Y-M-D H:M:S]'), fontsize=8) secax.set_xticks(main_x) secax.set_xticklabels([datetime.strftime(i, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') for i in second_x], fontsize=8) secax.tick_params(axis='x', rotation=30) ax[1].plot(main_x, self.active_res2d.all_dt, 'o-') ax[1].set_ylabel(_('$\Delta t$ [s]'), fontsize=8) ax[1].grid(which='both') ax[1].set_xticks(main_x) ax[1].set_xticklabels([]) ax[1].ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0)) ctime = self.active_res2d.all_clock_time ax[2].plot(main_x, self.active_res2d.all_clock_time, 'o-') ax[2].set_ylabel(_('Clock time [s]'), fontsize=8) ax[2].grid(which='both') ax[2].set_xticks([]) ax[2].set_xticks(main_x) ax[2].set_xticklabels([]) ax[2].ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0)) # Fit a line on the (main_x - clock time) plot # This will give a mean acceleration factor # The inverse of the slope of the line is the accelaration factor # The line is y = slope * x + intercept from scipy.stats import linregress slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(main_x, ctime) # Plot the info on the ax[2] msg = _('Acceleration factor:') ax[2].text(0.5, 0.5, f'{msg} {1/slope:.2f}', transform=ax[2].transAxes, fontsize=12, verticalalignment='top') ax[3].plot(main_x, self.active_res2d.all_wet_meshes, 'o-', color='blue') ax[3].plot(main_x, self.active_res2d.all_mostly_dry_mesh, 'o-', color='green') ax[3].set_ylabel(_('Wet and Mostly dry\nmeshes [N]'), fontsize=8) ax[3].grid(which='both') ax[3].set_xticks(main_x) ax[3].set_xlabel([]) ax[3].ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0)) ax[4].plot(main_x, [i/j*100 if j>0 else 0 for i, j in zip(self.active_res2d.all_mostly_dry_mesh, self.active_res2d.all_wet_meshes)], 'o-', color='red') ax[4].set_ylabel(_('Wet/Mostly dry\nmeshes [%]'), fontsize=8) ax[4].grid(which='both') ax[4].set_xticks(main_x) ax[4].set_xlabel(_('Simulated time [s]'), fontsize=8) ax[4].ticklabel_format(axis='y', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0)) fig.suptitle('Simulation {}'.format(self.active_res2d.idx), fontsize=10) fig.tight_layout()
[docs] def OnInterval(self, event): """ Change the interval """ try: interv = float(self._interval.GetValue()) if interv <= 0: interv = 1. self._interval.SetValue('1') except: interv = 1 self._interval.SetValue('1')
[docs] def _find_next(self, idx:int): """ Find the next step based on the mode and interval """ mode = int(self._mode.GetSelection()) if mode == 0: # By time [s] next_time = self._all_times_steps[0][idx] + float(self._interval.GetValue()) diff = [abs(next_time - i) for i in self._all_times_steps[0][idx:]] next_idx = diff.index(min(diff)) + idx return next_idx elif mode == 1: # By time [hour] next_time = self._all_times_steps[0][idx] + float(self._interval.GetValue())*3600 diff = [abs(next_time - i) for i in self._all_times_steps[0][idx:]] next_idx = diff.index(min(diff)) + idx return next_idx elif mode == 2: # By index next_idx = min(idx + int(self._interval.GetValue()), len(self._all_times_steps[0])-1) return next_idx elif mode == 3: # By time step next_idx = self._all_times_steps[1].index(self._all_times_steps[1][idx] + int(self._interval.GetValue())) diff = [abs(next_idx - i) for i in self._all_times_steps[1][idx:]] next_idx = diff.index(min(diff)) + idx return next_idx
[docs] def _find_prev(self, idx:int): """ Find the previous step based on the mode and interval """ mode = int(self._mode.GetSelection()) if mode == 0: # By time [s] prev_time = self._all_times_steps[0][idx] - float(self._interval.GetValue()) diff = [abs(prev_time - i) for i in self._all_times_steps[0][:idx]] prev_idx = diff.index(min(diff)) return prev_idx elif mode == 1: # By time [hour] prev_time = self._all_times_steps[0][idx] - float(self._interval.GetValue())*3600 diff = [abs(prev_time - i) for i in self._all_times_steps[0][:idx]] prev_idx = diff.index(min(diff)) return prev_idx elif mode == 2: # By index prev_idx = max(idx - int(self._interval.GetValue()), 0) return prev_idx elif mode == 3: # By time step prev_idx = self._all_times_steps[1].index(self._all_times_steps[1][idx] - int(self._interval.GetValue())) diff = [abs(prev_idx - i) for i in self._all_times_steps[1][:idx]] prev_idx = diff.index(min(diff)) return prev_idx
[docs] def OnNext(self, event): """ Go to the next step """ selected_step = self._slider_steps.GetValue()-1 next_idx = self._find_next(selected_step) if next_idx != selected_step: self._set_all(next_idx) self.Refresh(next_idx)
[docs] def OnPrev(self, event): """ Go to the previous step """ selected_step = self._slider_steps.GetValue()-1 prev_idx = self._find_prev(selected_step) if prev_idx != selected_step: self._set_all(prev_idx) self.Refresh(prev_idx)
[docs] def OnTextTime(self, event): try: self._starting_date = datetime.strptime(self._texttime.GetValue(), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') self._step_time.Set(['{:.3f} - {}'.format(i, datetime.strftime(self._starting_date + timedelta(seconds=i), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) for i in self._all_times_steps[0]]) except:'Error while parsing the date') pass
[docs] def OnClose(self, event): """ Close the simulation explorer """ self.mapviewer._pop_sim_explorer(self.active_res2d) self.Destroy()
[docs] def OnUpdate(self, event): self._update()
[docs] def OnApply(self, event): selected_step = self._slider_steps.GetValue()-1 self._cmd_apply.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(255, 0, 0)) # Set button color to red self._cmd_apply.Refresh() # Refresh the button to apply the color change self.Refresh(selected_step) self._cmd_apply.SetBackgroundColour(wx.NullColour) # Reset button color to default self._cmd_apply.Refresh() # Refresh the button to apply the color change
[docs] def _set_all(self, idx:int): self._slider_steps.SetValue(idx+1) self._step_idx.SetSelection(idx) self._step_time.SetSelection(idx) self._step_num.SetSelection(idx)
[docs] def Refresh(self, idx:int): self.active_res2d.read_oneresult(idx) self.active_res2d.set_currentview() self.mapviewer.Refresh()
[docs] def OnSliderSteps(self, event): selected_step = self._slider_steps.GetValue() self._set_all(selected_step-1)
[docs] def OnSelectCurTime(self, event): selected_time = self._step_num.GetSelection() self._set_all(selected_time)
[docs] def OnSelectNumStep(self, event): selected_step = self._step_time.GetSelection() self._set_all(selected_step)
[docs] def OnSelectIdxStep(self, event): selected_step = self._step_idx.GetSelection() self._set_all(selected_step)
[docs] def _update(self): nb = self.active_res2d.get_nbresults() self._all_times_steps = self.active_res2d.get_times_steps() self._slider_steps.SetMax(nb) self._step_idx.Set([str(i) for i in range(1,nb+1)]) self._step_time.Set(['{:.3f} - {}'.format(i, datetime.strftime(self._starting_date + timedelta(seconds=i), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) for i in self._all_times_steps[0]]) self._step_num.Set([str(i) for i in self._all_times_steps[1]])
[docs] class Select_Begin_end_interval_step(wx.Dialog): """ wx.frame to select the begin and end of the interval to extract """ def __init__(self, parent, title, sim:Wolfresults_2D, checkbox:bool = False): super(Select_Begin_end_interval_step, self).__init__(parent, title=title, size=(500, 350), style = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE & ~ (wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX | wx.MINIMIZE_BOX)) # ajout d'un slider pour choisir le début et la fin de l'intervalle -> selrange # ajout d'un slider pour choisir le pas de l'intervalle # + les mêmes informations mais sous forme de TextCtrl # ajout d'un bouton pour valider # ajout d'un bouton pour annuler self._panel = wx.Panel(self) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.begin = 1 self.end = sim.get_nbresults(True) self.step = 1 self.check_all = True self.check_violin = False self._slider_begin = wx.Slider(self._panel, minValue=self.begin, maxValue=self.end, style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL | wx.SL_AUTOTICKS | wx.SL_MIN_MAX_LABELS | wx.SL_LABELS) self._slider_begin.SetToolTip(_('Select the first result to export')) self._slider_begin.SetValue(self.begin) self._slider_begin.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.OnSliderBegin) sizer.Add(self._slider_begin, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) self._slider_end = wx.Slider(self._panel, minValue=self.begin, maxValue=self.end, style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL | wx.SL_AUTOTICKS | wx.SL_MIN_MAX_LABELS | wx.SL_LABELS) self._slider_end.SetToolTip(_('Select the last result to export - If step is > 1, this value will be forced if not already captured')) self._slider_end.SetValue(self.end) self._slider_end.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.OnSliderEnd) sizer.Add(self._slider_end, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer_txt1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._label_range = wx.StaticText(self._panel, label=_('Range')) self._text_range = wx.TextCtrl(self._panel, value='1 - {}'.format(sim.get_nbresults(True))) sizer_txt1.Add(self._label_range, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer_txt1.Add(self._text_range, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer.Add(sizer_txt1, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) self._slider_step = wx.Slider(self._panel, minValue=1, maxValue=sim.get_nbresults(True), style=wx.SL_HORIZONTAL | wx.SL_AUTOTICKS | wx.SL_MIN_MAX_LABELS | wx.SL_LABELS) self._slider_step.SetToolTip(_('Export one result every N steps')) self._slider_step.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.OnSliderStep) sizer.Add(self._slider_step, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer_txt2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._label_step = wx.StaticText(self._panel, label=_('Step')) self._text_step = wx.TextCtrl(self._panel, value='1') sizer_txt2.Add(self._label_step, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer_txt2.Add(self._text_step, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer.Add(sizer_txt2, 0, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer_but = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._cmd_apply = wx.Button(self._panel, wx.ID_APPLY, _('Apply')) self._cmd_apply.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnApply) self._cmd_ok = wx.Button(self._panel, wx.ID_OK, _('OK')) self._cmd_ok.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK) self._cmd_cancel = wx.Button(self._panel, wx.ID_CANCEL, _('Cancel')) self._cmd_cancel.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel) sizer_but.Add(self._cmd_apply, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer_but.Add(self._cmd_ok, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer_but.Add(self._cmd_cancel, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer.Add(sizer_but, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) if checkbox: sizer_check = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self._check_all = wx.CheckBox(self._panel, label=_('Statistics and values'), style=wx.CHK_2STATE) self._check_all.SetToolTip(_('If checked, export statistics and all values for each step')) self._check_all.SetValue(True) self._check_all.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCheckAll) sizer_check.Add(self._check_all, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) sizer.Add(sizer_check, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) self._check_violin= wx.CheckBox(self._panel, label=_('Violin plot (experimental)'), style=wx.CHK_2STATE) self._check_violin.SetToolTip(_('If checked, create a violin plot for each step')) self._check_violin.SetValue(False) self._check_violin.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnCheckViolin) sizer_check.Add(self._check_violin, 1, wx.EXPAND | wx.ALL, 2) self._panel.SetSizer(sizer) self.CenterOnScreen() self.SetIcon(wx.Icon(str(Path(__file__).parent / "apps/wolf_logo2.bmp"))) self.Show()
[docs] def OnCheckAll(self, event): self.check_all = self._check_all.IsChecked()
[docs] def OnCheckViolin(self, event): self.check_violin = self._check_violin.IsChecked()
[docs] def OnSliderBegin(self, event): self.begin = min(self._slider_begin.GetValue(), self.end) self._slider_begin.SetValue(self.begin) self._text_range.SetValue('{} - {}'.format(self.begin, self.end))
[docs] def OnSliderEnd(self, event): self.end = max(self._slider_end.GetValue(), self.begin) self._slider_end.SetValue(self.end) self._text_range.SetValue('{} - {}'.format(self.begin, self.end))
[docs] def OnSliderStep(self, event): self.step = self._slider_step.GetValue() self._text_step.SetValue(str(self.step))
[docs] def OnApply(self, event): try: txt_begin, txt_end = self._text_range.GetValue().split('-') except: self._text_range.SetValue('{} - {}'.format(self.begin, self.end)) txt_step = self._text_step.GetValue() try: if self.step != int(txt_step): self._slider_step.SetValue(int(txt_step)) except: logging.error('Error while parsing the step') return try: if int(txt_begin) != self.begin or int(txt_end) != self.end: self._slider_begin.SetRange(int(txt_begin), int(txt_end)) except: logging.error('Error while parsing the range') return
[docs] def OnOK(self, event): self.Hide()
[docs] def OnCancel(self, event): self.begin = -1 self.end = -1 self.step = -1 self.Hide()
[docs] class WolfMapViewer(wx.Frame): """ Fenêtre de visualisation de données WOLF grâce aux WxWidgets """
[docs] TIMER_ID = 100 # délai d'attente avant action
[docs] mybc: list[BcManager] # Gestionnaire de CL
[docs] myarrays: list # matrices ajoutées
[docs] myvectors: list[Zones] # zones vectorielles ajoutées
[docs] myclouds: list[cloud_vertices] # nuages de vertices
[docs] mytri: list[Triangulation] # triangulations
[docs] myothers: list
[docs] myviews:list[views_2D]
[docs] mywmsback: list
[docs] mywmsfore: list
[docs] myres2D: list
[docs] mytiles: list[Tiles]
[docs] myimagestiles: list[ImagesTiles]
[docs] mypartsystems: list[Particle_system]
[docs] myviewers3d:list[Wolf_Viewer3D]
[docs] mylazdata:list[Wolf_LAZ_Data]
[docs] mymplfigs:list[MplFigViewer]
[docs] sim_explorers: dict[Wolfresults_2D:Sim_Explorer]
[docs] canvas: GLCanvas # canvas OpenGL
[docs] context: GLContext # context OpenGL
[docs] mytooltip: Wolf_Param # Objet WOLF permettant l'analyse de ce qui est sous la souris
[docs] treelist: TreeListCtrl # Gestion des éléments sous forme d'arbre
[docs] _lbl_selecteditem: StaticText
[docs] leftbox: BoxSizer
# DEPRECEATED # added: dict # dictionnaire des éléments ajoutés
[docs] active_vector: vector
[docs] active_zone: zone
[docs] active_zones: Zones
[docs] active_array: WolfArray
[docs] active_bc: BcManager
[docs] active_view: WolfViews
[docs] active_vertex: wolfvertex
[docs] active_cs: crosssections
[docs] active_tri: Triangulation
[docs] active_tile: Tiles
[docs] active_imagestiles: ImagesTiles
[docs] active_particle_system: Particle_system
[docs] active_viewer3d: Wolf_Viewer3D
[docs] active_viewerlaz: viewerlaz
[docs] active_bridges: Bridges
[docs] active_bridge: Bridge
[docs] active_weirs : Weirs
[docs] active_weir : Weir
[docs] active_laz : Wolf_LAZ_Data
[docs] active_fig: MplFigViewer
def __init__(self, wxparent = None, title:str = _('Default Wolf Map Viewer'), w:int=500, h:int=500, treewidth:int=200, wolfparent=None, wxlogging=None): """ Create a Viewer for WOLF data/simulation :params wxparent: wx parent - set to None if main window :params title: title of the window :params w: width of the window in pixels :params h: height of the window in pixels :params treewidth: width of the tree list in pixels :params wolfparent: WOLF object parent -- see :params wxlogging: wx logging object """ self.treewidth = treewidth super(WolfMapViewer, self).__init__(wxparent, title=title, size=(w + self.treewidth, h)) self._wxlogging = wxlogging self.action = None # Action à entreprendre self.update_absolute_minmax = False # Force la MAJ de la palette self.copyfrom = None # aucun élément pointé par CTRL+C self.wolfparent = wolfparent self.regular = True # Gestion de la taille de fenêtre d'affichage, y compris l'arbre de gestion = 1 # facteur d'échelle selon X = largeur en pixels/largeur réelle = 1 # facteur d'échelle selon Y = hauteur en pixels/hauteur réelle self.samescale = True # force le même facteur d'échelle self.dynapar_dist = 1. # emprise initiale self.xmin = 0. self.ymin = 0. self.xmax = 40. self.ymax = 40. self.width = self.xmax - self.xmin # largeur de la zone d'affichage en coordonnées réelles self.height = self.ymax - self.ymin # hauteur de la zone d'affichage en coordonnées réelles self.canvaswidth = 100 self.canvasheight = 100 # position de la caméra self.mousex = self.width / 2. self.mousey = self.height / 2. self._last_mouse_pos = (0, 0, (0,0)) self.bordersize = 0 # zone réservée au contour self.titlesize = 0 # zone réservée au titre self.treewidth = 200 # largeur de la zone d'arbre "treelist" self.backcolor = wx.Colour(255, 255, 255) # couleur de fond self.mousedown = (0., 0.) # position initiale du bouton position bas self.mouseup = (0., 0.) # position initiale du bouton position haut self.oneclick = True # détection d'un simple click ou d'un double-click self.move = False # la souris est-elle en train de bouger? self.linked = False self.link_shareopsvect = True self.linkedList = None self.link_params = None self.project_pal = None self.forcemimic = True self.currently_readresults = False self.mylazgrid:xyz_laz_grids = None # LAZ grid preprocessed by Numpy self.colors1to9 = Colors_1to9(self) self._dragdrop = DragdropFileTarget(self) self.SetDropTarget(self._dragdrop) # Gestion des menus self.popupmenu = wx.Menu() self.popupmenu.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnPopupItemSelected) for text in [_('Save'), _('Save as'), _('Rename'), _('Duplicate'), _('Delete'), _('Up'), _('Down'), _('Properties')]: item = self.popupmenu.Append(-1, text) self.menubar = wx.MenuBar() self.menuwolf2d = None self.menu_landmap = None self.menu_bridge = None self.menu_weir = None self.menu2d_cache_setup = None self.menuparticlesystem = None self.menu2dGPU = None self.menuwalous = None self.timer_ps = None self.menusim2D = None self.menusim2D_GPU = None self.menulaz = None self.menutiles = None self.menuimagestiles = None self.filemenu = wx.Menu() openitem = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_OPEN, _('Open/Add project'), _('Open a full project from file')) saveproject = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Save project as...'), _('Save the current project to file')) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() saveitem = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVE, _('Save'), _('Save all checked arrays or vectors to files')) saveasitem = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_SAVEAS, _('Save as...'), _('Save all checked arrays or vectors to new files --> one file dialog per data')) savecanvas = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Save to image...'), _('Save the canvas to image file on disk')) copycanvas = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Copy image...'), _('Copy the canvas to image file to the clipboard')) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() # --- GLTF self.menugltf = wx.Menu() self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('Gltf2...'), self.menugltf) exportgltf = self.menugltf.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Export...'), _('Save data to gltf files')) importgltf = self.menugltf.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Import...'), _('Import data from gltf files')) compareitem = self.menugltf.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Compare...'), _('Create new frames to compare sculpting')) updategltf = self.menugltf.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Update...'), _('Update data from gltf files')) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() # SIMULATION 2D self.menu_sim2d = wx.Menu() self.menu_sim2d_cpu = wx.Menu() self.menu_sim2d_gpu = wx.Menu() self.menu_sim1d = wx.Menu() sim2d = self.menu_sim2d_cpu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create/Open multiblock model'), _('Create or open a multiblock model in the viewer --> CPU/Fortran Wolf2D model')) check2D = self.menu_sim2d_cpu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Check headers'), _('Check the header .txt files from an existing 2D CPU simulation')) sim2dgpu = self.menu_sim2d_gpu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create/Open GPU model'), _('Create or open a GPU model in the viewer --> GPU Wolf2D model')) create1Dmodel = self.menu_sim1d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create Wolf1D...'),('Create a 1D model using crossections, vectors and arrays...')) self.menu_sim2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('2D GPU'),self.menu_sim2d_gpu) self.menu_sim2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('2D CPU'),self.menu_sim2d_cpu) self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('2D Model'),self.menu_sim2d) self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('1D Model'),self.menu_sim1d) # self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() # SIMULATION Hydrologique self.menu_hydrology = wx.Menu() hydrol = self.menu_hydrology.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Open Hydrological model'), _('Hydrological simulation')) self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('Hydrology'),self.menu_hydrology) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() # MULTIVIEWER compareitem = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Set comparison'), _('Set comparison')) multiview = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Multiviewer'), _('Multiviewer')) viewer3d = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('3D viewer'), _('3D viewer')) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() # --- self.menucreateobj = wx.Menu() self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('Create...'),self.menucreateobj) createarray = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_FILE6, _('Create array...'), _('New array (binary file - real)')) createarray2002 = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create array from Lidar 2002...'), _('Create array from Lidar 2002 (binary file - real)')) createarrayxyz = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create array from bathymetry file...'), _('Create array from XYZ (ascii file - real)')) createvector = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_FILE7, _('Create vectors...'), _('New vectors')) createview = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create view...'), _('New view')) createcloud = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_FILE8, _('Create cloud...'), _('New cloud')) createmanager2D = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create Wolf2D manager ...'), _('New manager 2D')) createscenario2D = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create scenarios manager ...'), _('New scenarios manager 2D')) createbcmanager2D = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create BC manager Wolf2D...'), _('New BC manager 2D')) createpartsystem = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create particle system...'), _('Create a particle system - Lagrangian view')) create_acceptability = self.menucreateobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create acceptability manager...'), _('Create acceptability manager')) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() # ----- self.menuaddobj = wx.Menu() self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('Add...'),self.menuaddobj) addarray = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_FILE1, _('Add array...'), _('Add array (binary file - real)')) addarraycrop = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add array and crop...'), _('Add array and crop (binary file - real)')) addvector = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_FILE2, _('Add vectors...'), _('Add vectors')) addtiles = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add tiles...'), _('Add tiles')) addimagestiles = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add images tiles...'), _('Add georeferenced images tiles')) addtilescomp = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add tiles comparator...'), _('Add tiles comparator')) addtilesgpu = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add tiles GPU...'), _('Add tiles from 2D GPU model -- 2 arrays will be added')) addcloud = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_FILE3, _('Add cloud...'), _('Add cloud')) addtri = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add triangulation...'), _('Add triangulation')) addprofiles = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_FILE4, _('Add cross sections...'), _('Add cross sections')) addres2D = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add Wolf2D results...'), _('Add Wolf 2D results')) addres2Dgpu = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add Wolf2D GPU results...'), _('Add Wolf 2D GPU results')) addpartsystem = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add particle system...'), _('Add a particle system - Lagrangian view')) addbridges = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add bridges...'), _('Add bridges from directory')) addweirs = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add weirs...'), _('Add bridges from directory')) addview = self.menuaddobj.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add view...'), _('Add view from project file')) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() addscan = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_FILE5, _('Recursive scan...'), _('Add recursively')) # Tools # ---------------- self.tools_menu = wx.Menu() self.menu_contour_from_arrays = self.tools_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Create contour from checked arrays..."), _("Create contour")) self.menu_calculator = self.tools_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Calculator..."), _("Calculator")) self.menu_views = self.tools_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Memory views..."), _("Memory views")) self.menu_digitizer = self.tools_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Image digitizer..."), _("Image Digitizer")) self.calculator = None self.memory_views = None self._memory_views_gui = None # Cross sections # ---------------- self.cs_menu = wx.Menu() self.link_cs_zones = self.cs_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Link cross sections to active zones"), _("Link cross section")) self.sortalong = self.cs_menu.Append(ID_SORTALONG, _("Sort along..."), _("Sort cross sections along support vector")) self.select_cs = self.cs_menu.Append(ID_SELECTCS, _("Pick one cross section"), _("Select cross section"), kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK) self.menumanagebanks = self.cs_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Manage banks..."), _("Manage banks")) self.menucreatenewbanks = self.cs_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Create banks from vertices..."), _("Manage banks")) self.renamecs = self.cs_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Rename cross sections..."), _("Rename")) self.menutrianglecs = self.cs_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Triangulate cross sections..."), _("Triangulate")) self.menuexportgltfonebyone = self.cs_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Export cross sections to gltf..."), _("Export gltf")) self.menupontgltfonebyone = self.cs_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Create bridge and export gltf..."), _("Bridge gltf")) # self.menuimport3dfaces_from_DXF = self.toolsmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Import triangulation..."), _("DXF")) #Profile plots #The action for plotting cross section's profile is initialised. self.plot_cs = self.cs_menu.Append(ID_PLOTCS, _("Plot cross section"),_("Plot cross section"),kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK) self.menuviewerinterpcs = None self.menuinterpcs = None # COLORMAP menu self.minmaxmenu = wx.Menu() self.locminmax = self.minmaxmenu.Append(ID_LOCMINMAX, _("Local minmax"), _("Adapt colormap on current zoom"), kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK) paluniform= self.minmaxmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Compute and apply unique colormap on all..."), _("Unique colormap")) paluniform_fomfile= self.minmaxmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Load and apply unique colormap on all..."), _("Unique colormap")) paluniform_inparts= self.minmaxmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Force uniform in parts on all..."), _("Uniform in parts")) pallinear= self.minmaxmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Force linear interpolation on all..."), _("Linear colormap")) self.analyzemenu = wx.Menu() self.analyzeplot = wx.Menu() self.analyzeexport = wx.Menu() plotvect = self.analyzeplot.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Plot active vector..."), _("Plot the active vector and linked arrays")) plotpoly = self.analyzeplot.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Plot active polygons..."), _("Plot the active polygons and linked arrays")) self.analyzeplot.AppendSeparator() self.analyzemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('Plot...'),self.analyzeplot) self.analyzemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('Export...'),self.analyzeexport) self.analyzemenu.AppendSeparator() masksimul = self.analyzemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Load and apply mask (nap)..."), _("Apply mask from sim2D")) filterinund = self.analyzemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Filter inundation arrays..."), _("Filter arrays")) # Plot hydrographs plotqvect = self.analyzeplot.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Plot integrated Q along active vector..."), _("Integrate Q along the active vector and plot")) plotqvect = self.analyzeplot.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Plot integrated Q along active zone..."), _("Integrate Q along the active zone and plot")) self.analyzeplot.AppendSeparator() exportqvect = self.analyzeexport.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Export integrated Q along active vector..."), _("Integrate Q along the active vector and export")) exportqvect = self.analyzeexport.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Export integrated Q along all vectors in active zone..."), _("Integrate Q along ALL VECTORS of the active zone and export")) self.analyzeexport.AppendSeparator() plothselect = self.analyzeplot.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Plot stats unknown (selected nodes)..."), _("Compute stats and plot on the selected nodes")) plothvector = self.analyzeplot.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Plot stats unknown (inside active vector)..."), _("Compute stats and plot on nodes inside the active vector")) plothzone = self.analyzeplot.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Plot stats unknown (inside active zone)..."), _("Compute stats and plot on nodes inside the active zone")) exporthselect = self.analyzeexport.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Export stats unknown (selected nodes)..."), _("Compute stats and export on the selected nodes")) exporthvector = self.analyzeexport.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Export stats unknown (inside active vector)..."), _("Compute stats and export on nodes inside the active vector")) exporthzone = self.analyzeexport.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Export stats unknown (inside active zone)..."), _("Compute stats and export on nodes inside the active zone")) self.filemenu.AppendSeparator() menuquit = self.filemenu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, _('&Quit\tCTRL+Q'), _('Quit application')) # If one uses the accelerator key then it is tied to the # wx.ID_EXIT. Moreover the accelerator key will be shadowed by # EVT_CHAR_HOOK if one is not careful. Note that using # accelerators on anything else then wx.EVT_MENU is reported # hackish at best on the WWW. accel_tbl = wx.AcceleratorTable([(wx.ACCEL_CTRL, ord('Q'), menuquit.GetId() )]) self.SetAcceleratorTable(accel_tbl) # Gestion des outils --> Utile pour ManageActions = {} curtool =[ID_SELECTCS] = {} curtool['menu'] = self.select_cs curtool['name'] = 'Select nearest profile' curtool =[ID_PLOTCS] = {} curtool['menu'] = self.plot_cs curtool['name'] = 'Plot cross section' self.mybc = [] self.active_vector = None self.active_zone = None self.active_zones = None self.active_vertex = None self.active_array = None self.active_bc = None self.active_tri = None self.active_cloud = None self.active_view = None self.active_cs = None self.active_profile = None self.active_res2d = None self.active_particle_system = None self.active_viewer3d = None self.active_viewerlaz = None self.active_landmap:PlansTerrier = None self.active_tile = None self.selected_treeitem = None self.selected_object = None self.active_bridges = None self.active_bridge = None self.active_weirs = None self.active_weir = None self.active_laz = None self.active_fig = None curtool =[ID_SORTALONG] = {} curtool['menu'] = self.sortalong curtool['name'] = 'Sort along vector' curtool =[ID_LOCMINMAX] = {} curtool['menu'] = self.locminmax curtool['name'] = None self.menubar.Append(self.filemenu, _('&File')) # Help self.helpmenu = wx.Menu() self.helpmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Shortcuts'), _('Shortcuts')) self.helpmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Project .proj'), _('A project file ".proj", what is it?')) self.helpmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Show logs/informations'), _('Logs')) self.helpmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Show values'), _('Data/Values')) self.helpmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('About'), _('About')) self.helpmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Check for updates'), _('Update?')) self.menubar.Append(self.helpmenu, _('&Help')) # ajout du menu pour les données LAZ self.menu_laz() self.menubar.Append(self.tools_menu, _('&Tools')) self.menubar.Append(self.cs_menu, _('&Cross sections')) self.menubar.Append(self.minmaxmenu, _('&Colormap')) self.menubar.Append(self.analyzemenu, _('&Analyze')) self.SetMenuBar(self.menubar) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenubar) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT, self.OnMenuHighlight) # Ajout du conteneur OpenGL self.canvas = GLCanvas(self) self.canvas.SetDropTarget(self._dragdrop) self.context = GLContext(self.canvas) self.mybackisloaded = False self.myfrontisloaded = False # ajout d'une liste en arbre des objets self.treelist = TreeListCtrl(self, style= wx.dataview.TL_CHECKBOX | wx.LC_EDIT_LABELS | wx.TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT) self._lbl_selecteditem = StaticText(self, style=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL) self.root = self.treelist.GetRootItem() self.treelist.AppendColumn(_('Objects to plot')) self.myitemsarray = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("Arrays")) self.myitemsvector = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("Vectors")) self.myitemscloud = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("Clouds")) self.myitemslaz = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("Laz")) self.myitemstri = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("Triangulations")) self.myitemsres2d = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("Wolf2D")) self.myitemsps = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("Particle systems")) self.myitemsothers = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("Others")) self.myitemsviews = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("Views")) self.myitemswmsback = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("WMS-background")) self.myitemswmsfore = self.treelist.AppendItem(self.root, _("WMS-foreground")) width, height = self.GetClientSize() self.bordersize = int((w - width + self.treewidth) / 2) self.titlesize = h - height - self.bordersize self.SetSize(w + 2 * self.bordersize + self.treewidth, h + self.bordersize + self.titlesize) # dimensionnement et positionnement de la fenêtre OpenGL self.canvas.SetSize(width - self.treewidth, height) self.canvas.SetPosition((self.treewidth, 0)) self.setbounds() # dimensionnement et positionnement de l'arbre self.leftbox = BoxSizer(orient=wx.VERTICAL) self.leftbox.Add(self.treelist, 1, wx.LEFT) self.leftbox.Add(self._lbl_selecteditem, 0, wx.LEFT) self.treelist.SetSize(self.treewidth, height) self.CreateStatusBar(1) self.SetSizer(self.leftbox) # self.treelist.SetPosition((0,0)) # fenêtre ToolTip self.mytooltip = Wolf_Param(self, _("Data/Results"), to_read=False, withbuttons=False, toolbar=False, DestroyAtClosing=False) self.mytooltip.SetSize(300, 400) self.mytooltip.prop.SetDescBoxHeight(20) # Hauteur de la zone de description self.mytooltip.Show(True) self._oldpos_tooltip = None #Notebooks self.notebookcs = None self.notebookprof = None self.notebookbanks = None #Axes self.myaxcs = None self.myaxprof = None #Figures self.myfigcs = None self.myfigprof = None self.cloudmenu=None self.trianglesmenu = None self._configuration = None self.compare_results = None self.InitUI() # self._wintab = Wintab(self.GetHandle()) # if self._wintab: # import win32gui # import win32con # # self.oldWndProc = win32gui.SetWindowLong(self.GetHandle(), win32con.GWL_WNDPROC, self.MyWndProc) # def MyWndProc(self, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam): # import win32con # # Intercept a specific Windows message (for example, WM_KEYDOWN) # # if msg == 0x7FF0: # # key_code = wParam # # print(f"Key pressed: {key_code}") # # # Process the message or do something custom # # if key_code == win32con.VK_ESCAPE: # # print("Escape key pressed, intercepting the event.") # # # You can return 0 to indicate the message has been processed # # return 0 # # print(msg) # return 0
[docs] def _check_id_for_fig(self, idx:str): """ Check if an ID is already used for a figure """ ids = [cur.idx for cur in self.mymplfigs] if idx in ids: return True return False
[docs] def _create_id_for_fig(self): idx = 'Figure' while not self._check_id_for_fig(idx): idx += '_' return idx
[docs] def _validate_id_for_fig(self, idx:str): """ Validate an ID for a figure """ if idx is None: return self._create_id_for_fig() while self._check_id_for_fig(idx): idx += '_' return idx
[docs] def new_fig(self, caption:str, idx:str = None, layout = PRESET_LAYOUTS.DEFAULT, size = (800,600), show:bool = True) -> MplFigViewer: """ Create a new figure """ if idx is None: with wx.TextEntryDialog(self, _('Enter an id for the figure'), _('Figure id'), _('Figure')) as dlg: dlg: wx.TextEntryDialog if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return None idx = dlg.GetValue() idx = self._validate_id_for_fig(idx) else: idx = self._validate_id_for_fig(idx)'Figure ID: {idx}') added_fig = MplFigViewer(layout, idx= idx, mapviewer = self, caption = caption, size= size) if show: added_fig.Show() else: added_fig.Hide() self.mymplfigs.append(added_fig) return added_fig
[docs] def destroy_fig_by_id(self, idx:str) -> bool: """ Destroy a figure by its ID """ for id, fig in enumerate(self.mymplfigs): if fig.idx == idx: if self.active_fig is fig: self.active_fig = None fig.Destroy() self.mymplfigs.pop(id) return True return False
[docs] def get_fig(self, idx:str) -> MplFigViewer: """ Get a figure by its ID """ for cur in self.mymplfigs: if cur.idx == idx: return cur return None
[docs] def list_ids_figs(self) -> list[str]: """ List all IDs of figures """ return [cur.idx for cur in self.mymplfigs]
[docs] def viewer_name(self): return self.GetTitle()
@viewer_name.setter def viewer_name(self, value): self.SetTitle(value) @property
[docs] def wxlogging(self): return self._wxlogging
@wxlogging.setter def wxlogging(self, value): self._wxlogging = value
[docs] def check_logging(self): """ Check if logging window is shown """ if self._wxlogging is None:'No logging window')) return self._wxlogging.Show()
[docs] def check_tooltip(self): """ Check if tooltip window is shown """ if self.mytooltip is None:'No tooltip window')) return self.mytooltip.Show()
[docs] def open_hydrological_model(self): """ Open a hydrological model """ from .PyGui import HydrologyModel newview = HydrologyModel(splash = False)
[docs] def create_2D_MB_model(self): """ Create a 2D model """ from .PyGui import Wolf2DModel newview = Wolf2DModel(splash = False)
[docs] def create_2D_GPU_model(self): """ Create a 2D GPU model """ from .PyGui import Wolf2DGPUModel newview = Wolf2DGPUModel(splash = False)
[docs] def check_2D_MB_headers(self): """ Check headers of a 2D simulation without opening viewer""" # Check 2D simulation dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Choose 2D simulation file"), wildcard="all (*.*)|*.*", style=wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return filename = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() from .mesh2d.wolf2dprev import prev_sim2D sim = prev_sim2D(filename) sim.verify_files()
[docs] def get_mapviewer(self): """ Retourne une instance WolfMapViewer """ return self
[docs] def do_quit(self): pass
[docs] def create_triangles_menu(self): """ Menu for triangulations """ if self.trianglesmenu is None: self.trianglesmenu = wx.Menu() self.menubar.Append(self.trianglesmenu, _('&Triangulations')) self._menuinteractptri = self.trianglesmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Interpolate on active triangulation..."), _("InterpolateTri")) self._menucomparetri = self.trianglesmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Compare triangles to array..."), _("Comparison")) self._menumovetri = self.trianglesmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Move triangles..."), _("Move triangles")) self._menurotatetri = self.trianglesmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Rotate triangles..."), _("Rotate triangles"))
[docs] def create_cloud_menu(self): """ Menu for cloud points """ if self.cloudmenu is None: self.cloudmenu = wx.Menu() self.menubar.Append(self.cloudmenu, _('Cloud')) interpcloudonarray = self.cloudmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Interpolate active cloud on active array..."),_("Interpolation")) self._menucomparecloud = self.cloudmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Compare cloud to array..."), _("Comparison")) split_cloud = self.cloudmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Split cloud..."), _("Split cloud"))
[docs] def split_cloud_by_vector(self): """ Split cloud by vector """ inside_cloud, outside_cloud = self.active_vector.split_cloud(self.active_cloud) self.add_object('cloud', newobj = inside_cloud, id = inside_cloud.idx) self.add_object('cloud', newobj = outside_cloud, id = outside_cloud.idx)
[docs] def get_choices_arrays(self): """Boîte de dialogue permettant de choisir une ou plusieurs matrices parmi celles chargées""" dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self,_('Choose one or multiple arrays'), _('Choose'),choices=[cur.idx for cur in self.myarrays]) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: return None mychoices = self.myarrays[dlg.GetSelections()] return mychoices
[docs] def menu_tiles(self): """ Menu for tiles """ if self.menutiles is None: self.menutiles = wx.Menu() self.menubar.Append(self.menutiles, _('&Tiles')) picktiles = self.menutiles.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Pick a tile and load data'), _('Right click to pick a tile')) data_active_polygon_tiles = self.menutiles.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Select data within the active polygonal area'), _('Select data within the bouding box of the active polygonal area')) data_tmpvec_tiles = self.menutiles.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Select data within a temporary polygonal area'), _('Right click to add points + Enter')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.pick_tile, picktiles) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.create_data_from_tiles_activevec, data_active_polygon_tiles) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.create_data_from_tiles_tmpvec, data_tmpvec_tiles)
[docs] def pîck_image_tile(self, event: wx.Event): if self.active_imagestiles is None: logging.warning(_('No active image tile -- Please load data first')) return self.action = 'select active image tile''Select active image tile'))
[docs] def menu_imagestiles(self): """ Menu for image tiles """ if self.menuimagestiles is None: self.menuimagestiles = wx.Menu() self.menubar.Append(self.menuimagestiles, _('&Image tiles')) picktiles = self.menuimagestiles.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Pick a tile and (un)load data'), _('Right click to pick a tile')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.pîck_image_tile, picktiles)
[docs] def pick_tile(self, event: wx.Event): if self.active_tile is None: logging.warning(_('No active tile -- Please load data first')) return self.action = 'select active tile''Select active tile'))
[docs] def create_data_from_tiles_activevec(self, event: wx.Event): if self.active_tile is None: logging.warning(_('No active tile -- Please load data first')) return if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector -- Please activate a vector first')) return self._create_data_from_tiles_common()
[docs] def _create_data_from_tiles_common(self): from .wolf_vrt import create_vrt, crop_vrt dirdata = self.active_tile.linked_data_dir glob_vrt = glob.glob(join(dirdata,'*.vrt')) if len(glob_vrt) == 0: file_vrt = r'tmp.vrt' create_vrt(dirdata, fout=file_vrt) else: glob_vrt = glob_vrt[0] dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose filename'), wildcard='tif (*.tif)|*.tif', defaultDir=dirdata, defaultFile='{}_crop.tif'.format(self.active_vector.myname), style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fout = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() bbox = self.active_vector.get_bounds_xx_yy() crop_vrt(glob_vrt, bbox, fout=fout)'File {} created').format(fout)) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('Do you want to load the created file ?'), _('Load file'), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return elif ret == wx.ID_YES: self.add_object('array', filename=fout, id = self.active_vector.myname)
[docs] def create_data_from_tiles_tmpvec(self, event: wx.Event): if self.active_tile is None: logging.warning(_('No active tile -- Please load data first')) return self.start_action('create polygon - tiles', _('Extract data from tiles inside polygon')) self.active_vector = vector() self.active_vector.myname = 'crop_tiles' self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(0.,0.))
[docs] def menu_laz(self): """ Menu for LAZ Data """ if self.menulaz is None: self.menulaz = wx.Menu() self.menulazdata = wx.Menu() self.menulazgrid = wx.Menu() self.menubar.Append(self.menulaz, _('&LAZ')) self.menulaz.AppendSubMenu(self.menulazdata, _('LAZ data')) self.menulaz.AppendSubMenu(self.menulazgrid, _('LAZ grid')) readlaz = self.menulazdata.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Initialize from laz, las or npz'), _('LAZ data from one specific file (type laz, las or npz)')) readlaz_gridinfo = self.menulazgrid.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Initialize from directory'), _('LAZ GRID stored in a directory - subgridding of LAZ files'), kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK) copylaz_gridinfo = self.menulazgrid.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Copy from current zoom'), _('Make a copy of the used files')) updatecolors_laz = self.menulazgrid.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Change colors - Classification'), _('Change color map associated to the current classification'),) bridgelaz = self.menulazdata.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create cloud points from bridges'), _('Extract bridge from LAZ data as cloud points (class 10)')) buildinglaz = self.menulazdata.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create cloud points from buildings'), _('Extract buildings from LAZ data as cloud points (class 1)')) classlaz = self.menulazdata.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create cloud points from specified classes'), _('Extract cloud points from LAZ data (class to specify)')) croplaz = self.menulaz.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Clip LAZ grid on current zoom'), _('Select LAZ data based on the visible screen extent'),) viewlaz = self.menulaz.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Create LAZ viewer'), _('Create a LAZ Viewer based on loaded data')) filterlaz = self.menulaz.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Filter data based on codes'), _('Filter LAZ data based on codes'),) descimate_laz = self.menulaz.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Descimate LAZ data'), _('Descimate LAZ data'),) aroundlaz = self.menulaz.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Plot LAZ around active vector'), _('Display a Matplotlib plot with the LAZ values around the active vector/polyline'),) pick_aroundlaz = self.menulaz.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Plot LAZ around temporary vector'), _('Display a Matplotlib plot with the LAZ values around a temporary vector/polyline -- Right clicks to add points + Enter'),) fillarray_laz = self.menulaz.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Fill active array from LAZ data'), _('Fill an array from the LAZ data'),) selectarray_laz = self.menulaz.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Select cells in array from LAZ data'), _('Select nodes in active array from the LAZ data'),) countarray_laz = self.menulaz.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Count LAZ data in cells'), _('Count the number of LAZ data in each cell of the matrix'),)
[docs] def menu_wolf2d(self): if self.menuwolf2d is None: self.menuwolf2d = wx.Menu() self.menu2d_explore_results = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Explore time/index results"), _("Open a dialog to explore time/index results")) self.menuwolf2d.AppendSeparator() self.menu2d_curentview = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Change current view"), _("Current view")) self.menu2d_lastres = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Read last result"), _("Current view")) self.menu2d_epsilon = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Set epsilon water depth"), _("Set the epsilon used in the mask")) self.menu_filter_independent = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Filter independent"), _("Filter independent"), kind=wx.ITEM_CHECK) # self.menu2d_bc = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Manage boundary conditions..."), _("BC manager")) self.menu2d_video = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Create video..."), _("Video/Movie")) self.menuwolf2d.AppendSeparator() self.menu2d_dangermap = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Danger map"), _("Compute the danger map")) self.menu2d_dangermaph = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Danger map - only h"), _("Compute the danger map - only waterdepth")) self.menuwolf2d.AppendSeparator() self.menu2d_export_as = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Export results as..."), _("Export results as Geotif, Shapefile or Numpy arrays")) self.menuwolf2d.AppendSeparator() # Possible cache entries will be added after this separator self.menubar.Append(self.menuwolf2d, _('Results 2D')) self.menuwolf2d.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.Onmenuwolf2d)
[docs] def menu_walous(self): if self.menuwalous is None: self.menuwalous = wx.Menu() self.menuwalous_crop = self.menuwalous.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Crop on active array"), _("Crop active array")) self.menuwalous_cropscreen = self.menuwalous.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Crop on screen"), _("Crop screen")) self.menuwalous_map = self.menuwalous.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Map active array"), _("Map active array")) self.menuwalous_legend = self.menuwalous.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Legend"), _("Legend")) self._walous_filepath = None self._walous_layer = None self._walous_map = None self.menubar.Append(self.menuwalous, _('Walous')) self.menuwalous.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.Onmenuwalous)
[docs] def get_canvas_bounds(self, gridsize:float = None): """ Retourne les limites de la zone d'affichage :return: [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax] """ if gridsize is None: return [self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax] else: xmin = float(np.rint(self.xmin / gridsize) * gridsize) ymin = float(np.rint(self.ymin / gridsize) * gridsize) xmax = float(np.rint(self.xmax / gridsize) * gridsize) ymax = float(np.rint(self.ymax / gridsize) * gridsize) return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
[docs] def Onmenuwalous(self, event: wx.MenuEvent): id = event.GetId() item = self.menubar.FindItemById(event.GetId()) if item is None: return itemlabel = item.ItemLabel if itemlabel in [_("Crop on active array"), _("Crop on screen")]: if itemlabel == _("Crop on screen"): bounds = self.get_canvas_bounds(gridsize=1.) def_outdrir = '' spatial_res = 1. if self.active_array is not None: spatial_res = self.active_array.dx dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_("Spatial resolution [m] ?"), value = str(spatial_res)) dlg.ShowModal() try: spatial_res = float(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() except: dlg.Destroy() logging.warning(_("Bad value -- Rety")) return else: if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('No active array -- Please activate data first')) return bounds = self.active_array.get_bounds() def_outdrir = Path(self.active_array.filename).parent spatial_res = self.active_array.dx from .pywalous import Walous_data, WALOUS2MANNING_MAJ_NIV1, WALOUS2MANNING_MAJ_NIV2, update_palette_walous if self._walous_filepath is None: dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Choose the Walous shape file"), wildcard="Shapefile (*.shp)|*.shp|all (*.*)|*.*", style=wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return self._walous_filepath = Path(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _("Choose the output file"), wildcard="Geotif (*.tif)|*.tif|all (*.*)|*.*", style=wx.FD_SAVE, defaultDir=str(def_outdrir)) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return output = Path(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() # choix de la couche entre MAJ_NIV1 et MAJ_NIV2 dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _("Choose a layer"), "Choices", ['MAJ_NIV1', 'MAJ_NIV2']) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return self._walous_layer = dlg.GetStringSelection() locwalous = Walous_data(self._walous_filepath.parent, ret = locwalous.rasterize(bounds=bounds, layer=self._walous_layer, fn_out=output, pixel_size=spatial_res) if isinstance(ret, int): logging.error(_('Error {}').format(ret)) return if Path(output).exists():'File {} created').format(output)) else: logging.error(_('File {} not created').format(output)) return dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('Do you want to load the created file ?'), _('Load file'), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return elif ret == wx.ID_YES: walousarray = WolfArray(fname=output) update_palette_walous(self._walous_layer, walousarray.mypal) self.add_object('array', newobj=walousarray, id = 'walous_crop') dlg.Destroy() elif itemlabel == _("Legend"): from .pywalous import WalousLegend newlegend = WalousLegend(self) newlegend.Show() elif itemlabel == _("Map active array"): from .pywalous import DlgMapWalous, WALOUS2MANNING_MAJ_NIV1, WALOUS2MANNING_MAJ_NIV2 if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('No active array -- Please activate data first')) return vals = self.active_array.get_unique_values() if self._walous_layer is None: if vals[0] > 10: self._walous_layer = 'MAJ_NIV2' else: self._walous_layer = 'MAJ_NIV1' dlg = DlgMapWalous(self, which=self._walous_layer) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return mapvals = dlg.get_mapping() dlg.Destroy() if mapvals == -1: logging.error(_('Bad values -- retry')) return self.active_array.map_values(mapvals) self.active_array.reset_plot()
[docs] def _add_sim_explorer(self, which:Wolfresults_2D): """ Add a step chooser """ if which in self.sim_explorers: logging.warning(_('Step chooser already exists for this result')) self.sim_explorers[which].Show() self.sim_explorers[which].Raise() self.sim_explorers[which].SetFocus() self.sim_explorers[which].Center() return self.sim_explorers[which] = Sim_Explorer(self, which.idx, self, which) self.sim_explorers[which]._set_all(which.current_result)
[docs] def _pop_sim_explorer(self, which:Wolfresults_2D): """ Pop a step chooser """ if which in self.sim_explorers: self.sim_explorers.pop(which) logging.debug(_('Pop step chooser for result {}'.format(which.idx))) else: logging.warning(_('No step chooser for this result'))
[docs] def _update_sim_explorer(self, which:Wolfresults_2D = None): if which is None: if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result -- Please activate a 2D result first')) return which = self.active_res2d if which in self.sim_explorers: self.sim_explorers[which]._set_all(which.current_result)
[docs] def Onmenuwolf2d(self, event: wx.MenuEvent): id = event.GetId() item = self.menubar.FindItemById(event.GetId()) if item is None: return itemlabel = item.ItemLabel if itemlabel == _("Read last result"): self.read_last_result() elif itemlabel == _("Export results as..."): self.export_results_as() elif itemlabel == _("Explore time/index results"): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result ! -- Please activate a 2D result first')) return self._add_sim_explorer(self.active_res2d) elif itemlabel == _("Change current view"): # Change view for results autoscale = False choices = [cur.value for cur in views_2D] dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _("Pick a view"), "Choices", choices) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return method = dlg.GetStringSelection() method = list(views_2D)[choices.index(method)] dlg.Destroy() diamsize = None if method == views_2D.SHIELDS_NUMBER : if self.active_res2d is not None: sediment_diam = self.active_res2d.sediment_diameter sediment_density = self.active_res2d.sediment_density elif self.compare_results is not None: sediment_diam = 0.001 sediment_density = 2.650 else: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result or comparison !')) return dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_("Diameter grain size [m] ?"), value = str(sediment_diam)) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return try: diamsize = float(dlg.GetValue()) except: dlg.Destroy() logging.warning(_("Bad value -- Rety")) return dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_("Density grain [-] ?"), value = str(sediment_density)) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return try: density = float(dlg.GetValue()) except: dlg.Destroy() logging.warning(_("Bad value -- Rety")) return if len(self.myres2D)>1: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Apply to all results?'), style=wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_NO: if diamsize is not None: self.active_res2d.sediment_diameter = diamsize self.active_res2d.sediment_density = density self.active_res2d.load_default_colormap('shields_cst') self.active_res2d.set_currentview(method, force_wx = True, force_updatepal = True) else: for curarray in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D): curarray:Wolfresults_2D if diamsize is not None: curarray.sediment_diameter = diamsize curarray.sediment_density = density curarray.load_default_colormap('shields_cst') curarray.set_currentview(method, force_wx = True, force_updatepal = True) else: if self.active_res2d is not None: if diamsize is not None: self.active_res2d.sediment_diameter = diamsize self.active_res2d.sediment_density = density self.active_res2d.load_default_colormap('shields_cst') self.active_res2d.set_currentview(method, force_wx = True, force_updatepal = True) if self.compare_results is not None: # update compare results if diamsize is not None: self.compare_results.set_shields_param(diamsize, density) self.compare_results.update_type_result(method) elif itemlabel == _("Set epsilon water depth"): dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, _('Enter an epsilon [m]'),value='0.0') ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return try: neweps = float(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() except: logging.error(_('Bad value -- retry !')) dlg.Destroy() return pgbar = wx.ProgressDialog(_('Setting epsilon'), _('Setting epsilon'), maximum = len(self.myres2D), parent=self, style = wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE) for id, curmodel in enumerate(self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D)): curmodel: Wolfresults_2D curmodel.epsilon = neweps curmodel._epsilon_default = neweps curmodel.read_oneresult(curmodel.current_result) curmodel.set_currentview() pgbar.Update(id, _('Setting epsilon for result {}'.format(curmodel.idx))) pgbar.Destroy() elif itemlabel == _("Filter independent"): self.menu_filter_independent.IsChecked = not self.menu_filter_independent.IsChecked pgbar = wx.ProgressDialog(_('Filtering independent zones'), _('Filtering independent zones'), maximum = len(self.myres2D), parent=self, style = wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE) for id, curmodel in enumerate(self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D)): curmodel: Wolfresults_2D curmodel.to_filter_independent = not self.menu_filter_independent.IsChecked pgbar.Update(id, _('Filtering independent zones for result {}'.format(curmodel.idx))) pgbar.Destroy() # elif itemlabel == _("Manage boundary conditions..."): # if self.active_res2d is not None: # self.active_res2d.myparams.editing_bc(self.myres2D) elif itemlabel ==_("Create video..."): if self.active_res2d is not None: self.create_video() elif itemlabel == _("Danger map - only h"): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return with wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Danger map'), _('From step'), _('Danger map'), 1, 1, self.active_res2d.get_nbresults()) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return start_step = dlg.GetValue() with wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Danger map'), _('To step'), _('Danger map'), self.active_res2d.get_nbresults(), start_step, self.active_res2d.get_nbresults()) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return end_step = dlg.GetValue() with wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Danger map'), _('Every'), _('Danger map'), 1, 1, 60) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return every = dlg.GetValue() danger_map = self.active_res2d.danger_map_only_h(start_step-1, end_step-1, every) with wx.DirDialog(None, _('Choose a directory'), style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return outdir = dlg.GetPath() danger_map.write_all(Path(outdir) / 'danger_h.tif') elif itemlabel == _("Danger map"): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return with wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Danger map'), _('From step'), _('Danger map'), 1, 1, self.active_res2d.get_nbresults()) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return start_step = dlg.GetValue() with wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Danger map'), _('To step'), _('Danger map'), self.active_res2d.get_nbresults(), start_step, self.active_res2d.get_nbresults()) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return end_step = dlg.GetValue() with wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Danger map'), _('Every'), _('Danger map'), 1, 1, 60) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return every = dlg.GetValue() pgbar = wx.ProgressDialog(_('Danger map'), _('Danger map'), maximum = end_step-1, parent=self, style = wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE) def _callback(id, msg): pgbar.Update(id+1-start_step, msg) danger_maps = self.active_res2d.danger_map(start_step-1, end_step-1, every, _callback) pgbar.Hide() pgbar.Destroy() with wx.DirDialog(None, _('Choose a directory'), style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return outdir = dlg.GetPath() names = ['danger_h.tif', 'danger_u.tif', 'danger_q.tif', 'danger_Z.tif', 'danger_head.tif'] for name, danger_map in zip(names, danger_maps): danger_map.write_all(Path(outdir) / name) elif itemlabel == _("Setup cache..."): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Cache only water depth results ?'), style=wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_NO: only_h = False else: only_h = True dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Cache all results ?'), style=wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_NO: dlg_start = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choosing the start index'), _('Choices'), [str(cur) for cur in range(1,self.active_res2d.get_nbresults()+1)]) ret = dlg_start.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg_start.Destroy() return start_idx = int(dlg_start.GetStringSelection()) dlg_start.Destroy() dlg_end = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choosing the end index'), _('Choices'), [str(cur) for cur in range(start_idx + 1,self.active_res2d.get_nbresults()+1)]) ret = dlg_end.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg_end.Destroy() return dlg_end.Destroy() end_idx = int(dlg_end.GetStringSelection())'Caching from {} to {} - Be patient !').format(start_idx, end_idx)) self.active_res2d.setup_cache(start_idx = start_idx-1, end_idx = end_idx-1, only_h=only_h)'Caching done !')) else:'Caching all results - Be patient !')) self.active_res2d.setup_cache(only_h=only_h)'Caching done !')) dlg.Destroy() elif itemlabel == _("Clear cache..."): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return self.active_res2d.clear_cache()'Cache cleared !')) elif itemlabel == _("Show tiles..."): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return self.active_res2d.show_tiles()
[docs] def menu_2dgpu(self): if self.menuwolf2d is not None: if self.menu2d_cache_setup is None: self.menu2d_cache_setup = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Setup cache..."), _("Set up cache for 2D GPU model")) self.menu2d_cache_reset = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Clear cache..."), _("Clear cache for 2D GPU model")) self.menu2d_show_tiles = self.menuwolf2d.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Show tiles..."), _("Show a grid of tiles for 2D GPU model"))
[docs] def menu_landmaps(self): if self.menu_landmap is None: self.menu_landmap = wx.Menu() self.menubar.Append(self.menu_landmap, _('&Landmap')) self.menupick_landmap_full = self.menu_landmap.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Pick landmap full..."), _("Pick landmap full resolution")) self.menupick_landmap_low = self.menu_landmap.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Pick landmap low..."), _("Pick landmap low resolution")) self.menu_landmap.AppendSeparator() self.menu_colortransparent_landmap = self.menu_landmap.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Transparent color "), _("Change transparent color associated to the landmap")) self.menu_tolerance_landmap = self.menu_landmap.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Set tolerance"), _("Set tolerance for the transparent color landmap")) self.menu_color_landmap = self.menu_landmap.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Change colors"), _("Change color map associated to the landmap")) self.menu_landmap.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.pick_landmap_full, self.menupick_landmap_full) self.menu_landmap.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.pick_landmap_low, self.menupick_landmap_low) self.menu_landmap.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.change_colors_landmap, self.menu_color_landmap) self.menu_landmap.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.change_transparent_color_landmap, self.menu_colortransparent_landmap) self.menu_landmap.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.set_tolerance_landmap, self.menu_tolerance_landmap)
[docs] def change_transparent_color_landmap(self, event: wx.Event): if self.active_landmap is None: logging.warning(_('No active landmap -- Please load data first')) data = wx.ColourData() data.SetColour(self.active_landmap.transparent_color) with wx.ColourDialog(self, data) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: data = dlg.GetColourData() color = data.GetColour() self.active_landmap.set_transparent_color([color.Red(), color.Green(), color.Blue()])
[docs] def set_tolerance_landmap(self, event: wx.Event): if self.active_landmap is None: logging.warning(_('No active landmap -- Please load data first')) dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, _('Set the tolerance for the transparent color'), _('Tolerance'), str(self.active_landmap.tolerance)) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return tol = int(dlg.GetValue()) tol = max(0, tol) dlg.Destroy() self.active_landmap.set_tolerance(tol)
[docs] def change_colors_landmap(self, event: wx.Event): if self.active_landmap is None: logging.warning(_('No active landmap -- Please load data first')) data = wx.ColourData() data.SetColour(self.active_landmap.color) with wx.ColourDialog(self, data) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: data = dlg.GetColourData() color = data.GetColour() self.active_landmap.set_color(color)
[docs] def pick_landmap_full(self, event: wx.Event): self.action = 'pick landmap full''Pick landmap - Full resolution'))
[docs] def pick_landmap_low(self, event: wx.Event): self.action = 'pick landmap low''Pick landmap - Low resolution'))
[docs] def menu_particlesystem(self): if self.menuparticlesystem is None: self.menuparticlesystem = wx.Menu() self.menuparticlesystem_load = wx.Menu() self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Set..."), _("Set arrays as the domain/uv of the particle system -- Must be a 2D array - Mask will be used to separate water and land")) self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Set emitter from selected nodes"), _("Set the selected nodes as emitters of the particle system")) self.menuparticlesystem.AppendSubMenu(self.menuparticlesystem_load, _("Load..."), _('Load data for the particle system in the UI')) self.menuparticlesystem_load.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Load domain..."), _("Loading the domain in the UI")) self.menuparticlesystem_load.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Load ~domain..."), _("Loading the negative of the domain in the UI")) self.menuparticlesystem_load.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Load emitters..."), _("Loading the emitters in the UI")) self.menuparticlesystem_load.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Load uv..."), _("Loading the UV velocity field in the UI")) self.menuparticlesystem_load.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Load uv norm..."), _("Loading the norm of the velocity field in the UI")) # self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Set emitters..."), _("Set active zones as the emitters of the particle system -- Each checked zone will be used as an emitter")) # self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Set emitter..."), _("Set only the active vector as an emitters of the particle system")) # self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Set uv..."), _("Choose U and V arrays for the particle system -- Must be 2D arrays")) self.menuparticlesystem.AppendSeparator() self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Check"), _("Check if the particle system is ready to be computed")) self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Bake"), _("Compute the particle system")) self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Reset"), _("Clear all results but keep the particle system settings")) self.menuparticlesystem.AppendSeparator() # self.menuparticlesystem.AppendSeparator() self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Start"), _("Run all steps")) self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Stop"), _("Stop the current animation")) self.menuparticlesystem.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Resume"), _("Resume animation")) self.timer_ps = wx.Timer(self) self.menuparticlesystem.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.action_menu_particlesystem) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.update_particlesystem, self.timer_ps) self.menubar.Append(self.menuparticlesystem, _('Particle system'))
[docs] def action_menu_particlesystem(self, event: wx.Event): """ Action to perform when the timer is triggered """ if self.active_particle_system is not None: itemlabel = self.menuparticlesystem.FindItemById(event.GetId()).GetItemLabelText() if itemlabel == _("Start"): if self.active_particle_system is not None: self.active_particle_system.current_step = 0 self.active_particle_system.current_step_idx = 0 self.timer_ps.Start(1000. / self.active_particle_system.fps) elif itemlabel == _("Stop"): self.timer_ps.Stop() elif itemlabel == _("Resume"): self.timer_ps.Start(1000. / self.active_particle_system.fps) elif itemlabel == _("Load domain..."): domain = self.active_particle_system.get_domain(output_type='wolf') self.add_object('array', id=domain.idx, newobj=domain, ToCheck=True) self.Refresh() elif itemlabel == _("Load ~domain..."): domain:WolfArray = self.active_particle_system.get_domain(output_type='wolf') domain.idx = domain.idx + '_neg' domain.mask_reset() ones = np.where( == 1) domain.array[:,:] = 1 domain.array[ones] = 0 domain.mask_data(domain.nullvalue) self.add_object('array', id=domain.idx, newobj=domain, ToCheck=True) self.Refresh() elif itemlabel == _("Load emitters..."): emitters = self.active_particle_system.get_emitters(output_type='wolf') self.add_object('vector', id=emitters.idx, newobj=emitters, ToCheck=True) self.Refresh() elif itemlabel == _("Load uv..."): u = self.active_particle_system.get_u(output_type='wolf') v = self.active_particle_system.get_v(output_type='wolf') self.add_object('array', id=u.idx, newobj=u, ToCheck=True) self.add_object('array', id=v.idx, newobj=v, ToCheck=True) self.Refresh() elif itemlabel == _("Load uv norm..."): uvnorm = self.active_particle_system.get_uv_absolute(output_type='wolf') self.add_object('array', id=uvnorm.idx, newobj=uvnorm, ToCheck=True) self.Refresh() elif itemlabel == _("Bake"): check, msg = self.active_particle_system.bake() if not check: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, _('Error'), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return elif itemlabel == _("Reset"): self.active_particle_system.reset() elif itemlabel == _("Set..."): from .ui.wolf_multiselection_collapsiblepane import Wolf_MultipleSelection setter = Wolf_MultipleSelection(self, title=_("Set particle system"), message=_("Choose arrays/emitters for the particle system"), values_dict={'domain': self.get_list_keys(draw_type.ARRAYS), 'u': self.get_list_keys(draw_type.ARRAYS), 'v': self.get_list_keys(draw_type.ARRAYS), 'emitters': self.get_list_keys(draw_type.VECTORS)}, info='Set : \n - domain (1 value)\n - u and v (multiple values)\n - emitters (multiple values)', styles=[wx.LB_SINGLE, wx.LB_EXTENDED, wx.LB_EXTENDED, wx.LB_EXTENDED], max_choices=[1, None, None, None], delete_if_transfer = [True, False, False, True], destroyOK=False) setter.ShowModal() ret_dict = setter.get_values() setter.Destroy() if 'domain' in ret_dict: if len(ret_dict['domain']) == 1: domain = self.getobj_from_id(ret_dict['domain'][0]) self.active_particle_system.set_domain(domain) if 'u' in ret_dict and 'v' in ret_dict: if len(ret_dict['u']) >0: assert len(ret_dict['u']) == len(ret_dict['v']), _('Please select the same number of u and v arrays') time = 0. for u,v in zip(ret_dict['u'], ret_dict['v']): u = self.getobj_from_id(u) v = self.getobj_from_id(v) u:WolfArray v:WolfArray assert u.array.shape == v.array.shape, _('Please select arrays with the same shape') assert u.origx == v.origx and u.origy == v.origy, _('Please select arrays with the same origin') assert u.dx == v.dx and u.dy == v.dy, _('Please select arrays with the same resolution') self.active_particle_system.set_uv((u, v), (u.origx, u.origy, u.dx, u.dy), time = time) time += 1. if 'emitters' in ret_dict: if len(ret_dict['emitters'])>0: emitters = [self.getobj_from_id(cur) for cur in ret_dict['emitters']] self.active_particle_system.set_emitters(emitters) if self.active_particle_system._ui is not None: self.active_particle_system.show_properties() elif itemlabel == _("Set emitter from selected nodes"): if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('No active array -- Please activate an array first')) return if len(self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection) == 0 and len(self.active_array.SelectionData.selections) ==0: logging.warning(_('No selection -- Please select some nodes first')) return from .lagrangian.emitter import Emitter newemitters=[] if len(self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection) > 0: indices = [self.active_array.get_ij_from_xy(cur[0], cur[1]) for cur in self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection] newemitters = [Emitter(indices, header = (self.active_array.origx, self.active_array.origy, self.active_array.dx, self.active_array.dy))] if len(self.active_array.SelectionData.selections) > 0: for cursel in self.active_array.SelectionData.selections.values(): indices = [self.active_array.get_ij_from_xy(cur[0], cur[1]) for cur in cursel['select']] newemitters += [Emitter(indices, header = (self.active_array.origx, self.active_array.origy, self.active_array.dx, self.active_array.dy))] self.active_particle_system.set_emitters(newemitters) if self.active_particle_system._ui is not None: self.active_particle_system.show_properties() # elif itemlabel == _("Set emitters..."): # if self.active_zones is None: # logging.warning(_('No active zones -- Please activate zones first')) # return # self.active_particle_system.set_emitters(self.active_zones) # elif itemlabel == _("Set emitter..."): # if self.active_vector is None: # logging.warning(_('No active vector -- Please activate a vector first')) # return # self.active_particle_system.set_emitter(self.active_vector) # elif itemlabel == _("Set uv..."): # list_arrays = self.multiple_choice_object(draw_type.ARRAYS, message=_('Choose U and V arrays for the particle system -- first == u ; second == v'), titel='UV choice' ) # if len(list_arrays) != 2: # logging.error(_('Please select two arrays and ONLY two arrays')) # return # self.active_particle_system.set_uv(tuple(list_arrays)) elif itemlabel == _("Check"): check, msg = self.active_particle_system.check() if not check: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, _('Error'), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return else: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('All is fine -- You can bake you system !'), _('Chesk particle system'), wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return
[docs] def update_particlesystem(self, event: wx.Event): """ Animation of the particle system """ if self.active_particle_system is not None: nb = self.active_particle_system.nb_steps self.active_particle_system.current_step_idx += 1 self.Paint() self._update_mytooltip() if self.active_particle_system.current_step_idx == nb-1: self.timer_ps.Stop()
[docs] def menu_sim2D(self): """ Menu for 2D simulations """ if self.menusim2D is None: self.menusim2D = wx.Menu() self.menubar.Append(self.menusim2D, _('Tools 2D')) menu2d_options = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Parameters..."), _("Parameters")) menu2d_zbin2hbin = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Convert zbin to hbin"), _("Convert zbin to hbin")) menu2d_hbin2zbin = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Convert hbin to zbin"), _("Convert hbin to zbin")) menu2D_zbinb2hbinb = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Convert zbinb to hbinb"), _("Convert zbinb to hbinb")) menu2d_hbinb2zbinb = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Convert hbinb to zbinb"), _("Convert hbinb to zbinb")) menu2d_forcemask = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Reset mask of all arrays"), _("Reset mask")) # update = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Update model from current mask'), _('Update model')) # updateblocfile = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Update .bloc file'), _('Update bloc')) # updatefreesurface = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Update free surface elevation - IC'), _('Update free surface elevation')) # updaterough = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Update roughness coeff'), _('Update roughness coefficient')) # updateic = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Update IC reading mode'), _('Update IC')) # menu2d_tft_ic = self.menusim2D.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_("Transfer initial conditions..."),_("Transfer IC")) self.menusim2D.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.Onmenusim2D)
[docs] def menu_sim2DGPU(self): """ Menu for 2D GPU simulations """ if self.menusim2D_GPU is None: self.menusim2D_GPU = wx.Menu() self.menubar.Append(self.menusim2D_GPU, _('Tools 2D GPU')) menu2dGPU_options = self.menusim2D_GPU.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Parameters..."), _("Parameters")) self.menusim2D_GPU.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.Onmenusim2DGPU)
[docs] def Onmenusim2DGPU(self, event: wx.MenuEvent): """ Action to perform when menu 2D GPU entry is selected """ id = event.GetId() item = self.menubar.FindItemById(event.GetId()) if item is None: return itemlabel = item.ItemLabel from .PyGui import Wolf2DGPUModel if not isinstance(self.wolfparent, Wolf2DGPUModel): logging.error(_('This is not a 2D GPUmodel')) return self.wolfparent:Wolf2DGPUModel if itemlabel == _("Parameters..."): self.wolfparent.show_properties()
[docs] def Onmenusim2D(self, event: wx.MenuEvent): """ Action to perform when menu 2D entry is selected """ id = event.GetId() item = self.menubar.FindItemById(event.GetId()) if item is None: return itemlabel = item.ItemLabel from .PyGui import Wolf2DModel if not isinstance(self.wolfparent, Wolf2DModel): logging.error(_('This is not a 2D model')) return self.wolfparent:Wolf2DModel if itemlabel == _('Update .bloc file'): msg = _('If you continue the .bloc file will be relpaced !')+'\n' msg += '\n' msg += _('Continue ?')+'\n' dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self,msg,caption = _('Attention'), style = wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_NO: return self.wolfparent.write_bloc_file() elif itemlabel == _('Reset mask of all arrays'): self.wolfparent.sim.force_mask() elif itemlabel == _('Convert zbin to hbin'): if self.wolfparent.sim._zbin is not None: self.wolfparent.sim.zbin2hbin() self.wolfparent.sim.hbin.reset_plot() elif itemlabel == _('Convert hbin to zbin'): if self.wolfparent.sim._hbin is not None: self.wolfparent.sim.hbin2zbin() self.wolfparent.sim.zbin.reset_plot() elif itemlabel == _('Convert zbinb to hbinb'): if self.wolfparent.sim._zbinb is not None: self.wolfparent.sim.zbinb2hbinb() self.wolfparent.sim.hbinb.reset_plot() elif itemlabel == _('Convert hbinb to zbinb'): if self.wolfparent.sim._hbinb is not None: self.wolfparent.sim.hbinb2zbinb() self.wolfparent.sim.zbinb.reset_plot() elif itemlabel == _("Transfer initial conditions..."): if self.active_array is not None: from .PyGui import Wolf2DModel if isinstance(self.wolfparent,Wolf2DModel): self.wolfparent.transfer_ic(self.active_vector) elif itemlabel == _("Parameters..."): self.wolfparent.show_properties() elif itemlabel == _('Update free surface elevation - IC'): if len(self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection)==0: msg = _('There is none selected nodes in the active array !')+'\n' msg += '\n' msg += _('Please select the desired zone and retry !')+'\n' logging.warning(msg) return self.wolfparent.extend_freesurface_elevation(self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection) elif itemlabel== _('Update roughness coeff'): if len(self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection)==0: msg = _('There is none selected nodes in the active array !')+'\n' msg += '\n' msg += _('Please select the desired zone and retry !')+'\n' logging.warning(msg) return self.wolfparent.extend_roughness(self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection) # elif itemlabel == _('Update IC reading mode'): # self.wolfparent.set_type_ic() elif itemlabel == _('Update model from current mask'): if type(self.active_array) not in [WolfArray]: msg = _('Please select a mono-block array !')+'\n' dlg=wx.MessageBox(msg,style=wx.OK) return msg = _('If you continue, the mask of all arrays will be replaced by the current mask !')+'\n' msg += _('The external contour in the .bloc file will also be relpaced.')+'\n' msg += '\n' msg += _('Continue ?')+'\n' dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self,msg,caption = _('Attention'), style = wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_NO: return with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Updating 2D model')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() sux,suy,cont,interior = self.active_array.suxsuy_contour(self.wolfparent.filenamegen,True) self.wolfparent.mimic_mask(self.active_array) self.wolfparent.replace_external_contour(cont,interior) del wait self.wolfparent.extend_bed_elevation()
[docs] def get_configuration(self) -> Union[WolfConfiguration, None]: """ Get global configuration parameters """ # At this point, I'm not too sure about # which window/frame does what. So to be on # the safe side, I make sure that the configuration # menu is active only on the "first" window. # Moreover, I try to go up the frame/window # hierarchy to get the configuration (which will therefore # be treated as a singleton) if self.wolfparent: return self.wolfparent.get_configuration() else: return None
[docs] def bkg_color(self): """ Return the background color from configs """ config = self.get_configuration() if config is None: return [255.,255.,255.,255.] else: return config[ConfigurationKeys.COLOR_BACKGROUND]
[docs] def ticks_size(self) -> float: """ Return the ticks spacing from configs """ config = self.get_configuration() if config is None: return 100. else: return config[ConfigurationKeys.TICKS_SIZE]
[docs] def ticks_xrotation(self) -> float: """ Return the ticks x rotation from configs """ config = self.get_configuration() if config is None: return 30. else: return config[ConfigurationKeys.TICKS_XROTATION]
[docs] def ticks_fontsize(self) -> int: """ Return the ticks font size from configs """ config = self.get_configuration() if config is None: return 14 else: return config[ConfigurationKeys.TICKS_FONTSIZE]
[docs] def assembly_mode(self) -> str: """ Return the assembly mode from configs """ config = self.get_configuration() if config is None: return 'square' else: return config[ConfigurationKeys.ASSEMBLY_IMAGES]
[docs] def ticks_bounds(self) -> bool: """ Return the ticks bounds from configs """ config = self.get_configuration() if config is None: return True else: return config[ConfigurationKeys.TICKS_BOUNDS]
[docs] def palette_for_copy(self) -> wolfpalette: """ Return the palette for copy from configs """ config = self.get_configuration() if config is None: if self.active_array is not None: return self.active_array.palette elif self.active_res2d is not None: return self.active_res2d.palette else: return wolfpalette() else: act_array = config[ConfigurationKeys.ACTIVE_ARRAY_PALETTE_FOR_IMAGE] act_res2d = config[ConfigurationKeys.ACTIVE_RES2D_PALETTE_FOR_IMAGE] if act_array: if self.active_array is not None: return self.active_array.mypal else: return wolfpalette() elif act_res2d: if self.active_res2d is not None: return self.active_res2d.mypal else: return wolfpalette() else: return wolfpalette()
[docs] def GlobalOptionsDialog(self, event): handle_configuration_dialog(self, self.get_configuration())
# def import_3dfaces(self): # dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose filename'), # wildcard='dxf (*.dxf)|*.dxf|gltf (*.gltf)|*.gltf|gltf binary (*.glb)|*.glb|All (*.*)|*.*', style=wx.FD_OPEN) # ret = dlg.ShowModal() # if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: # dlg.Destroy() # return # fn = dlg.GetPath() # dlg.Destroy() # mytri = Triangulation(plotted=True,mapviewer=self) # if fn.endswith('.dxf'): # mytri.import_dxf(fn) # elif fn.endswith('.gltf') or fn.endswith('.glb'): # mytri.import_from_gltf(fn) # self.add_object('triangulation',newobj=mytri,id=fn) # self.active_tri = mytri
[docs] def triangulate_cs(self): """ Triangulate the active cross sections """ msg = '' if self.active_zones is None: msg += _(' The active zones is None. Please activate the desired object !\n') if self.active_cs is None: msg += _(' The is no cross section. Please active the desired object or load file !') if msg != '': logging.warning(msg) dlg = wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Required action') return dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('What is the desired size [cm] ?'), 'ds', 'ds size', 100, 1, 10000) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return ds = float(dlg.GetValue()) / 100. dlg.Destroy() self.set_interp_cs(Interpolators(self.active_zones, self.active_cs, ds))
[docs] def set_interp_cs(self, obj:Interpolators, add_zones:bool = True): """ Set the active cross-sections interpolator """ assert isinstance(obj, Interpolators), _('Please provide an Interpolators object') self.myinterp = obj if add_zones: self.add_object('vector', newobj=self.myinterp.myzones, ToCheck=False, id='Interp_mesh') if self.menuviewerinterpcs is None: self.menuviewerinterpcs = self.cs_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("New cloud Viewer..."), _("Cloud viewer Interpolate")) if self.menuinterpcs is None: self.menuinterpcs = self.cs_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _("Interpolate on active array..."), _("Interpolate")) self.Refresh()
[docs] def interpolate_cloud(self): """ Interpolation d'un nuage de point sur une matrice Il est possible d'utiliser une autre valeur que la coordonnées Z des vertices """ if self.active_cloud is not None and self.active_array is not None: keyvalue='z' if self.active_cloud.header: choices = list(self.active_cloud.myvertices[0].keys()) dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, "Pick the value to interpolate", "Choices", choices) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return keyvalue = dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() choices = ["nearest", "linear", "cubic"] dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, "Pick an interpolate method", "Choices", choices) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return method = dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() self.active_cloud.interp_on_array(self.active_array,keyvalue,method)
[docs] def interpolate_cs(self): """ Interpolate the active cross sections by interpolators """ if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('No active array -- Please activate an array first')) return if self.myinterp is None: logging.warning(_('No active interpolator -- Please create an interpolator first')) return choices = ["nearest", "linear", "cubic"] dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, "Pick an interpolate method", "Choices", choices) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return method = dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() self.myinterp.interp_on_array(self.active_array, method)
[docs] def interpolate_triangulation(self): if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('No active array -- Please activate an array first')) return if self.active_tri is None: logging.warning(_('No active triangulation -- Please activate a triangulation first')) return self.active_array.interpolate_on_triangulation(self.active_tri.pts, self.active_tri.tri, )
[docs] def compare_cloud2array(self): """ Compare the active cloud points to the active array """ if self.active_array is None : logging.warning(_('No active array -- Please activate an array first')) return if self.active_cloud is None: logging.warning(_('No active cloud -- Please activate a cloud first')) return self.active_array.compare_cloud(self.active_cloud)
[docs] def compare_tri2array(self): if self.active_array is not None and self.active_tri is not None: self.active_array.compare_tri(self.active_tri)
[docs] def move_triangles(self): """ Move the active triangles """ if self.active_tri is None: logging.warning(_('No active triangles -- Please activate triangles first')) return self.start_action('move triangles', 'Move the current triangulation -- Please select 2 points to define the translation vector')
[docs] def rotate_triangles(self): """ Rotate the active triangles """ if self.active_tri is None: logging.warning(_('No active triangles -- Please activate triangles first')) return self.start_action('rotate triangles', 'Rotate the current triangulation -- Please select 1 point for the center')
[docs] def display_canvasogl(self, mpl =True, ds=0., fig: Figure = None, ax: Axes = None, clear = True, redraw =True, palette=False, title=''): """ This method takes a matplotlib figure and axe and, returns a clear screenshot of the information displayed in the wolfpy GUI. """ self.Paint() myax = ax if redraw: if clear: myax.clear() if self.SetCurrentContext(): glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) data = glReadPixels(0,0,self.canvaswidth, self.canvasheight, GL_RGBA,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) myimage: Image.Image myimage = Image.frombuffer("RGBA",(self.canvaswidth,self.canvasheight),data) myimage = myimage.transpose(1) if mpl: if ds ==0.: ds = self.ticks_size extent = (self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax) myax.imshow(myimage, origin ='upper', extent=extent) x1 = np.ceil((self.xmin//ds)*ds) if x1 < self.xmin: x1 += ds x2 = int((self.xmax//ds)*ds) if x2 >self.xmax: x2 -= ds y1 = np.ceil((self.ymin//ds)*ds) if y1 < self.ymin: y1 += ds y2 = int((self.ymax // ds) * ds) if y2 > self.ymax: y2 -= ds x_label_list = np.linspace(x1,x2, int((x2-x1)/ds) +1, True) if self.ticks_bounds: x_label_list = np.insert(x_label_list,0,self.xmin) x_label_list = np.insert(x_label_list,-1, self.xmax) x_label_list = np.unique(x_label_list) y_label_list = np.linspace(y1, y2, int((y2 - y1) / ds) + 1, True) if self.ticks_bounds: y_label_list = np.insert(y_label_list, 0, self.ymin) y_label_list = np.insert(y_label_list, -1, self.ymax) y_label_list = np.unique(y_label_list) myax.set_xticks(x_label_list) myax.set_yticks(y_label_list) myax.set_xticklabels(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f').format_ticks(x_label_list), fontsize = self.ticks_fontsize, rotation = self.ticks_xrotation) myax.set_yticklabels(FormatStrFormatter('%.1f').format_ticks(y_label_list), fontsize = self.ticks_fontsize) myax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('top') myax.xaxis.set_label_position('top') myax.set_xlabel('X ($m$)') myax.set_ylabel('Y ($m$)') myax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') myax.xaxis.set_label_position('bottom') if title!='': myax.set_title(title) fig.tight_layout() fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() else: logging.warning( "Can't open the clipboard", "Error")
[docs] def get_mpl_plot(self, center = [0., 0.], width = 500., height = 500., title='', toshow=True) -> tuple[Figure, Axes]: """ Récupère un graphique matplotlib sur base de la fenêtre OpenGL et de la palette de la matrice/résultat actif. """ self.zoom_on(center=center, width=width, height= height, canvas_height=self.canvasheight, forceupdate=True) fig,axes = plt.subplots(1,2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [20, 1]}) self.display_canvasogl(fig=fig,ax=axes[0]) palette = self.palette_for_copy palette.export_image(None, h_or_v='v', figax=(fig,axes[1])) # if self.active_array is not None: # self.active_array.mypal.export_image(None, h_or_v='v', figax=(fig,axes[1])) # elif self.active_res2d is not None: # self.active_res2d.mypal.export_image(None, h_or_v='v', figax=(fig,axes[1])) axes[0].xaxis.set_ticks_position('bottom') axes[0].xaxis.set_label_position('bottom') fig.set_size_inches(12,10) fontsize(axes[0], 12) fontsize(axes[1], 12) if title!='': axes[0].set_title(title) fig.tight_layout() if toshow: return fig, axes
[docs] def create_video(self, fn:str = '', framerate:int = 0, start_step:int = 0, end_step:int = 0, every:int = 0): """ Création d'une vidéo sur base des résultats """ try: import cv2 except: logging.error(_('Please install opencv-python')) return if fn=='': dlg = wx.FileDialog(parent = None, message = _('Choose file name'), wildcard = 'AVI video file (*.avi)|*.avi', style = wx.FD_SAVE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fn = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() if not fn.endswith('.avi'): fn+='.avi' if framerate<1: dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _("Frame rate [nb_images/second]"), _('Frame rate'), _('Frame rate'), 24, 1, 100) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return framerate = int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() times,steps = self.active_res2d.get_times_steps() el_time = str(timedelta(seconds=int(times[self.active_res2d.current_result]))) fig:Figure fig, ax = self.get_mpl_plot([self.mousex, self.mousey], self.width, self.height, title=_('Current time {:0>8} s'.format(el_time)), toshow=False) video = cv2.VideoWriter(fn, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID'), framerate, fig.canvas.get_width_height()) nb = self.active_res2d.get_nbresults() cid = max(self.active_res2d.current_result,1) self.active_res2d.mypal.automatic=False if start_step==0: dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _("First step"), _('From'), _('from'), cid, 1, nb) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return start_step = int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() if end_step==0: dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _("Final step"), _('To'), _('To'), nb, 1, nb) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return end_step = int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() if every==0: dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _("Interval"), _('Interval'), _('Interval'), 1, 1, end_step-start_step) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return interval = int(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() self.read_one_result(start_step) for curmodel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D): curmodel: Wolfresults_2D curmodel.step_interval_results = interval for idx in tqdm(range(start_step, end_step, interval)): image = Image.frombytes('RGB', fig.canvas.get_width_height(),fig.canvas.tostring_rgb()) video.write(cv2.cvtColor(np.asarray(image),cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)) self.simul_next_step() el_time = str(timedelta(seconds=int(times[self.active_res2d.current_result]))) self.display_canvasogl(fig=fig, ax=ax[0], title=_('Current time {:0>8} s'.format(el_time))) for curmodel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D): curmodel: Wolfresults_2D curmodel.step_interval_results = 1
[docs] def get_canvas_as_image(self) -> Image.Image: """ Récupère la fenêtre OpenGL sous forme d'image """ self.Paint() if self.SetCurrentContext(): glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1) data = glReadPixels(0, 0, self.canvaswidth, self.canvasheight, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE) myimage: Image.Image myimage = Image.frombuffer("RGBA", (self.canvaswidth, self.canvasheight), data) myimage = myimage.transpose(1) return myimage
[docs] def copy_canvasogl(self, mpl:bool= True, ds:float= 0., figsizes= [10.,10.], palette:wolfpalette = None): """ Generate image based on UI context and copy to the Clipboard :param mpl: Using Matplolib as renderer. Defaults to True. :type mpl: bool, optional :parem ds: Ticks size. Defaults to 0.. :type ds: float, optional :parem figsizes: fig size in inches :type figsizes: list, optional """ if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): self.Paint() if self.SetCurrentContext(): myimage = self.get_canvas_as_image() metadata = PngInfo() metadata.add_text('xmin', str(self.xmin)) metadata.add_text('ymin', str(self.ymin)) metadata.add_text('xmax', str(self.xmax)) metadata.add_text('ymax', str(self.ymax)) if mpl: if ds == 0.: ds = self.ticks_size # Global parameters if ds == 0.: ds = 100. nb_ticks_x = (self.xmax - self.xmin) // ds nb_ticks_y = (self.ymax - self.ymin) // ds if nb_ticks_x > 10 or nb_ticks_y > 10: logging.error(_('Too many ticks for the image. Please raise the ticks size in the global options.')) return # Création d'un graphique Matplotlib extent = (self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) w, h = [self.width, self.height] neww = figsizes[0] newh = h/w * figsizes[0] fig.set_size_inches(neww, newh) pos = ax.imshow(myimage, origin='upper', extent=extent) x1 = np.ceil((self.xmin // ds) * ds) if x1 < self.xmin: x1 += ds x2 = int((self.xmax // ds) * ds) if x2 > self.xmax: x2 -= ds y1 = np.ceil((self.ymin // ds) * ds) if y1 < self.ymin: y1 += ds y2 = int((self.ymax // ds) * ds) if y2 > self.ymax: y2 -= ds x_label_list = np.linspace(x1, x2, int((x2 - x1) / ds) + 1, True) if self.ticks_bounds: x_label_list = np.insert(x_label_list, 0, self.xmin) x_label_list = np.insert(x_label_list, -1, self.xmax) x_label_list = np.unique(x_label_list) y_label_list = np.linspace(y1, y2, int((y2 - y1) / ds) + 1, True) if self.ticks_bounds: y_label_list = np.insert(y_label_list, 0, self.ymin) y_label_list = np.insert(y_label_list, -1, self.ymax) y_label_list = np.unique(y_label_list) ax.set_xticks(x_label_list) ax.set_yticks(y_label_list) ax.set_xticklabels(plt.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f').format_ticks(x_label_list), fontsize = self.ticks_fontsize, rotation = self.ticks_xrotation) ax.set_yticklabels(plt.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f').format_ticks(y_label_list), fontsize = self.ticks_fontsize) ax.set_xlabel('X ($m$)') ax.set_ylabel('Y ($m$)') fig.tight_layout() #création d'un'buffers buf = io.BytesIO() #sauvegarde de la figure au format png fig.savefig(buf, format='png') #déplacement au début du buffer #lecture du buffer et conversion en image avec PIL im = if palette is None: palette = self.palette_for_copy # if self.active_array is not None: # palette = self.active_array.mypal # elif self.active_res2d is not None: # palette = self.active_res2d.mypal if palette is not None: if palette.values is not None: bufpal = io.BytesIO() palette.export_image(bufpal,'v') #lecture du buffer et conversion en image avec PIL impal = impal = impal.resize((int(impal.size[0]*im.size[1]*.8/impal.size[1]),int(im.size[1]*.8))) imnew ='RGB',(im.size[0]+impal.size[0], im.size[1]), (255,255,255)) # On colle l'image du buffer et la palette pour ne former qu'une seul image à copier dans le clipboard imnew.paste(im.convert('RGB'),(0,0)) imnew.paste(impal.convert('RGB'),(im.size[0]-10, int((im.size[1]-impal.size[1])/3))) im=imnew bufpal.close() else: imnew ='RGB', (im.size[0], im.size[1]), (255,255,255)) # On colle l'image du buffer et la palette pour ne former qu'une seul image à copier dans le clipboard imnew.paste(im.convert('RGB'),(0,0)) im=imnew else: imnew ='RGB', (im.size[0], im.size[1]), (255,255,255)) # On colle l'image du buffer et la palette pour ne former qu'une seul image à copier dans le clipboard imnew.paste(im.convert('RGB'),(0,0)) im=imnew #création d'un objet bitmap wx wxbitmap = wx.Bitmap().FromBuffer(im.width,im.height,im.tobytes()) # objet wx exportable via le clipboard dataobj = wx.BitmapDataObject() dataobj.SetBitmap(wxbitmap) wx.TheClipboard.SetData(dataobj) wx.TheClipboard.Close() fig.set_visible(False) buf.close() return fig, ax, im else: """ Création d'un objet bitmap wx sur base du canvas et copie dans le clipboard """ # wxbitmap = wx.Bitmap().FromBuffer(myimage.width,myimage.height,myimage.tobytes()) wxbitmap = wx.Bitmap().FromBufferRGBA(myimage.width,myimage.height,myimage.tobytes()) # objet wx exportable via le clipboard dataobj = wx.BitmapDataObject() dataobj.SetBitmap(wxbitmap) wx.TheClipboard.SetData(dataobj) wx.TheClipboard.Close() return myimage else: wx.MessageBox("Can't open the clipboard", "Error")
[docs] def save_canvasogl(self, fn:str='', mpl:bool=True, ds:float=0., dpi:int= 300, add_title:bool = False, figsizes= [10.,10.], arrayid_as_title:bool = False): """ Sauvegarde de la fenêtre d'affichage dans un fichier :param fn: File name (.png or .jpg file) :param mpl: Using Matplotlib as renderer :param ds: Ticks interval """ # FIXME : SHOULD BE MERGEd WITH copy_canvasogl fn = str(fn) if fn == '': dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose file name'), wildcard='PNG (*.png)|*.png|JPG (*.jpg)|*.jpg', style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fn = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() elif not fn.endswith('.png'): fn += '.png' if self.SetCurrentContext(): self.Paint() if mpl: if ds == 0.: dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(self, _("xmin : {:.3f} \nxmax : {:.3f} \nymin : {:.3f} \nymax : {:.3f} \n\n dx : {:.3f}\n dy : {:.3f}").format( self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, self.xmax - self.xmin, self.ymax - self.ymin), _("Interval [m]"), _("Ticks interval ?"), 500, 1, 10000) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return ds = float(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() # Création d'un graphique Matplotlib extent = (self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax) fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) w, h = [self.width, self.height] neww = figsizes[0] newh = h/w * figsizes[0] fig.set_size_inches(neww, newh) pot_title = self.viewer_name if arrayid_as_title: pot_title = self.active_array.idx self.display_canvasogl(fig=fig, ax=ax, title=pot_title if add_title else '', ds = ds) #création d'un'buffers buf = io.BytesIO() #sauvegarde de la figure au format png fig.savefig(buf, format='png') #déplacement au début du buffer #lecture du buffer et conversion en image avec PIL im = if self.palette_for_copy.values is not None: bufpal = io.BytesIO() self.palette_for_copy.export_image(bufpal,'v') #lecture du buffer et conversion en image avec PIL impal = impal = impal.resize((int(impal.size[0]*im.size[1]*.8/impal.size[1]),int(im.size[1]*.8))) imnew ='RGB',(im.size[0]+impal.size[0], im.size[1]), (255,255,255)) # On colle l'image du buffer et la palette pour ne former qu'une seul image à copier dans le clipboard imnew.paste(im.convert('RGB'),(0,0)) imnew.paste(impal.convert('RGB'),(im.size[0]-10, int((im.size[1]-impal.size[1])/3))) im=imnew bufpal.close() else: imnew ='RGB', (im.size[0], im.size[1]), (255,255,255)) # On colle l'image du buffer et la palette pour ne former qu'une seul image à copier dans le clipboard imnew.paste(im.convert('RGB'),(0,0)) im=imnew, dpi=(dpi, dpi)) fig.set_visible(False) buf.close() else: metadata = PngInfo() metadata.add_text('xmin', str(self.xmin)) metadata.add_text('ymin', str(self.ymin)) metadata.add_text('xmax', str(self.xmax)) metadata.add_text('ymax', str(self.ymax)) myimage = self.get_canvas_as_image(), pnginfo=metadata) return fn, ds else: raise NameError( 'Opengl setcurrent -- maybe a conflict with an existing opengl32.dll file - please rename the opengl32.dll in the libs directory and retry')
[docs] def reporting(self, dir=''): """ Firsdt attempr to create a reporting. !! Must be improved !! """ if dir == '': dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, "Choose directory to store reporting", style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return dir = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() myppt = Presentation(__file__) slide = myppt.slides.add_slide(0) for curzone in self.myzones: for curvec in curzone.myvectors: curvec: vector if curvec.nbvertices > 1: oldwidth = curvec.myprop.width curvec.myprop.width = 4 myname = curvec.myname self.Activate_vector(curvec) if self.linked: for curview in self.linkedList: title = curview.GetTitle() curview.zoomon_activevector() fn = path.join(dir, title + '_' + myname + '.png') curview.save_canvasogl(fn) else: self.zoomon_activevector() fn = path.join(dir, myname + '.png') self.save_canvasogl(fn) fn = path.join(dir, 'palette_v_' + myname + '.png') self.active_array.mypal.export_image(fn, 'v') fn = path.join(dir, 'palette_h_' + myname + '.png') self.active_array.mypal.export_image(fn, 'h') curvec.myprop.width = oldwidth
[docs] def InitUI(self): """ Initialisation de l'interface utilisateur """ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) # self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, self.OnShowPopup) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_PAINT, self.OnPaint) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK, self.OnHotKey) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnButton) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DCLICK, self.OnRDClick) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DCLICK, self.OnLDClick) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.OnLDown) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN, self.OnLDown) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_DOWN, self.OnRightDown) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_RIGHT_UP, self.OnRightUp) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, self.OnLeave) self.canvas.Bind(wx.EVT_MOUSEWHEEL, self.OnButton) self.treelist.Bind(dataview.EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_CHECKED, self.OnCheckItem) self.treelist.Bind(dataview.EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnActivateTreeElem) self.treelist.Bind(dataview.EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_CONTEXT_MENU, self.OntreeRight) self.treelist.Bind(wx.EVT_CHAR_HOOK, self.OnHotKey) self.treelist.Bind(dataview.EVT_TREELIST_SELECTION_CHANGED,self.OnSelectItem) # dispo dans wxpython 4.1 self.Bind(wx.EVT_GESTURE_ZOOM,self.OnZoomGesture) self.Centre() self.mybc = [] self.myarrays = [] self.mypartsystems = [] self.myvectors = [] self.mytiles = [] self.myimagestiles = [] self.myclouds = [] self.mytri = [] self.myothers = [] self.myviews = [] self.mywmsback = [] self.mywmsfore = [] self.myres2D = [] self.myviewers3d = [] self.myviewerslaz = [] self.mylazdata = [] self.mymplfigs = [] self.sim_explorers = {} # liste des éléments modifiable dans l'arbre self.all_lists = [self.myarrays, self.myvectors, self.myclouds, self.mytri, self.myothers, self.myviews, self.myres2D, self.mytiles, self.myimagestiles, self.mypartsystems, self.myviewers3d, self.myviewerslaz] self.menu_options = wx.Menu() self._change_title = self.menu_options.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Change title'), _('Change title of the window')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnChangeTitle, self._change_title) if self.get_configuration() is not None: # see if necessary self.menubar.Append(self.menu_options, _('Options')) self.option_global = self.menu_options.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_("Global"),_("Modify global options")) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.GlobalOptionsDialog, self.option_global) self.menu_1to9 =self.menu_options.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Colors for selections 1->9'), _('Selections')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.colors1to9.change_colors, self.menu_1to9) self.Show(True)
[docs] def OnChangeTitle(self, e): """ Change the title of the window """ dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, _('Enter the new title'), _('Change title'), self.GetTitle()) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.SetTitle(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def OnSize(self, e): """ Redimensionnement de la fenêtre """ if self.regular: # retrouve la taille de la fenêtre width, height = self.GetClientSize() # enlève la barre d'arbre width -= self.treewidth # définit la taille de la fenêtre graphique OpenGL et sa position (à droite de l'arbre) self.canvas.SetSize(width, height) self.canvas.SetPosition((self.treewidth, 0)) # calcule les limites visibles sur base de la taille de la fenêtre et des coefficients sx sy self.setbounds() # fixe la taille de l'arbre (notamment la hauteur) # self.treelist.SetSize(self.treewidth,height) e.Skip()
[docs] def ManageActions(self, id): """ Gestion des actions via les menus TODO : A généraliser? """ curmenu =[id]['menu'] if curmenu.IsCheckable(): if not curmenu.IsChecked(): curmenu.Check(False) self.action = None if id == ID_LOCMINMAX: self.update_absolute_minmax = True else: curmenu.Check() if not[id]['name'] is None: self.action =[id]['name'] else: if id == ID_SORTALONG: # Tri le long d'un vecteur if not self.active_cs is None and not self.active_vector is None: self.active_cs: crosssections self.active_vector: vector self.active_cs.sort_along(self.active_vector.asshapely_ls(), self.active_vector.myname, False) else: msg = '' if self.active_cs is None: msg += _('Please select the active cross sections \n') if self.active_vector is None: msg += _('Please select the active supprt vector') mydiag = wx.MessageDialog(self, msg, _('Sort along')) mydiag.ShowModal()
[docs] def center_view_on(self, cx, cy): """ Center the view on the point of (map) coordinates (x,y) """ self.mousex, self.mousey = cx, cy # retrouve la taille de la fenêtre OpenGL width, height = self.canvas.GetSize() # calcule la taille selon X et Y en coordonnées réelles width = width / height = height / # retrouve les bornes min et max sur base de la valeur centrale qui est censée ne pas bouger self.xmin = self.mousex - width / 2. self.xmax = self.xmin + width self.ymin = self.mousey - height / 2. self.ymax = self.ymin + height
[docs] def setbounds(self, updatescale=True): """ Calcule les limites visibles de la fenêtrte graphique sur base des facteurs d'échelle courants """ if updatescale: self.updatescalefactors() # retrouve la taille de la fenêtre OpenGL width, height = self.canvas.GetSize() self.canvaswidth = width self.canvasheight = height # calcule la taille selon X et Y en coordonnées réelles width = width / height = height / # retrouve les bornes min et max sur base de la valeur centrale qui est censée ne pas bouger self.xmin = self.mousex - width / 2. self.xmax = self.xmin + width self.ymin = self.mousey - height / 2. self.ymax = self.ymin + height self.width = width self.height = height self.mousex = self.xmin + width / 2. self.mousey = self.ymin + height / 2. self.updatescalefactors() else: # retrouve les bornes min et max sur base de la valeur centrale qui est censée ne pas bouger self.xmin = self.mousex - self.width / 2. self.xmax = self.xmin + self.width self.ymin = self.mousey - self.height / 2. self.ymax = self.ymin + self.height self.mybackisloaded = False self.myfrontisloaded = False self.Refresh() self.mimicme()
[docs] def setsizecanvas(self,width,height): """ Redimensionne la fenêtre graphique """ self.canvas.SetClientSize(width, height)
[docs] def updatescalefactors(self): """ Mise à jour des facteurs d'échelle This one updates the scale factors based on the relative sizes of the GLCanvas and the footprint that should fit in it. """ width, height = self.canvas.GetSize() = 1 = 1 if self.width > 0 and width >0 : = float(width) / self.width if self.height > 0 and height > 0 : = float(height) / self.height = min(, =
[docs] def add_grid(self): """ Ajout d'une grille """ mygrid = Grid(1000.) self.add_object('vector', newobj=mygrid, ToCheck=False, id='Grid')
[docs] def add_WMS(self): """ Ajout de couches WMS """ xmin = 0 xmax = 0 ymin = 0 ymax = 0 orthos = {'IMAGERIE': {'1971': 'ORTHO_1971', '1994-2000': 'ORTHO_1994_2000', '2006-2007': 'ORTHO_2006_2007', '2009-2010': 'ORTHO_2009_2010', '2012-2013': 'ORTHO_2012_2013', '2015': 'ORTHO_2015', '2016': 'ORTHO_2016', '2017': 'ORTHO_2017', '2018': 'ORTHO_2018', '2019': 'ORTHO_2019', '2020': 'ORTHO_2020', '2021': 'ORTHO_2021', '2022 printemps': 'ORTHO_2022_PRINTEMPS', '2022 été': 'ORTHO_2022_ETE', '2023 été': 'ORTHO_2023_ETE', 'Last one': 'ORTHO_LAST', }} data_2021 = {'EAU': {'IDW': 'ZONES_INONDEES_IDW', 'Emprise': 'ZONES_INONDEES', 'Emprise wo Alea': 'ZONES_INONDEES_wo_alea'}} for idx, (k, item) in enumerate(orthos.items()): for kdx, (m, subitem) in enumerate(item.items()): self.add_object(which='wmsback', newobj=imagetexture('PPNC', m, k, subitem, self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, -99999, 1024), ToCheck=False, id='PPNC ' + m) for idx, (k, item) in enumerate(data_2021.items()): for kdx, (m, subitem) in enumerate(item.items()): self.add_object(which='wmsback', newobj=imagetexture('PPNC', m, k, subitem, self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, -99999, 1024), ToCheck=False, id='Data 2021 ' + m) self.add_object(which='wmsback', newobj=imagetexture('PPNC', 'Orthos France', 'OI.OrthoimageCoverage.HR', '', self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, -99999, 1024, France=True, epsg='EPSG:27563'), ToCheck=False, id='Orthos France') forelist = {'EAU': {'Aqualim': 'RES_LIMNI_DGARNE', 'Alea': 'ALEA_INOND', 'Lidaxes': 'LIDAXES'}, 'LIMITES': {'Secteurs Statistiques': 'LIMITES_QS_STATBEL', 'Limites administratives': 'LIMITES_ADMINISTRATIVES'}, 'R3C': {'Limites Communes': 'Municipalities'}, # 'INSPIRE': {'Limites administratives': 'AU_wms'}, 'PLAN_REGLEMENT': {'Plan Parcellaire 2021': 'CADMAP_2021_PARCELLES', 'Plan Parcellaire 2022': 'CADMAP_2022_PARCELLES', 'Plan Parcellaire 2023': 'CADMAP_2023_PARCELLES', 'Plan Parcellaire 2024': 'CADMAP_2024_PARCELLES'}} for idx, (k, item) in enumerate(forelist.items()): for kdx, (m, subitem) in enumerate(item.items()): self.add_object(which='wmsfore', newobj=imagetexture('PPNC', m, k, subitem, self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, -99999, 1024), ToCheck=False, id=m)
# self.add_object(which='wmsfore', # newobj=imagetexture('Cadastre Flandres', 'Plan Parcellaire 2024 (Flandres)', 'Adpf', '', # self, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, -99999, 1024, Vlaanderen=True), # ToCheck=False, id='Plan Parcellaire 2024 (Flandres)')
[docs] def set_compare(self, ListArrays:list[WolfArray]=None, share_colormap:bool=True): """ Comparison of 2 arrays :param ListArrays: List of 2 arrays to compare :param share_colormap: Share the colormap between the 2 arrays """ # assert len(ListArrays) == 2, _('List of arrays must contain 2 and only 2 arrays - Here, you have provided {} arrays'.format(len(ListArrays))) # Création de 3 fenêtres de visualisation basées sur la classe "WolfMapViewer" first = self second = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Comparison', w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent = self.wolfparent) third = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Difference', w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent = self.wolfparent) second.add_grid() third.add_grid() second.add_WMS() third.add_WMS() # Création d'une liste contenant les 3 instances d'objet "WolfMapViewer" mylist:list[WolfMapViewer] = [] mylist.append(first) mylist.append(second) mylist.append(third) # On indique que les objets sont liés en activant le Booléen et en pointant la liste précédente for curlist in mylist: curlist.linked = True curlist.linkedList = mylist if ListArrays is not None: if len(ListArrays) == 2: mnt = ListArrays[0] mns = ListArrays[1] if not mnt.is_like(mns): logging.warning(_('The 2 arrays must have the same shape - Here, the 2 arrays have different shapes')) return else: logging.warning(_('List of arrays must contain 2 and only 2 arrays - Here, you have provided {} arrays'.format(len(ListArrays)))) return else: logging.warning(_('You must fill the List of arrays with 2 and only 2 arrays - Here, the list is void')) return mns: WolfArray mnt: WolfArray diff: WolfArray # Recherche d'un masque union des masques partiels mns.mask_union(mnt) # Création du différentiel -- Les opérateurs mathématiques sont surchargés diff = mns - mnt # on attribue une matrice par interface graphique mnt.change_gui(first) mns.change_gui(second) diff.change_gui(third) path = os.path.dirname(__file__) fn = join(path, 'models\\diff16.pal') # on partage la palette de couleurs if share_colormap: mns.add_crosslinked_array(mnt) mns.share_palette() # on dissocie la palette de la différence diff.mypal = wolfpalette() if isinstance(diff, WolfArrayMB): diff.link_palette() diff.mypal.readfile(fn) diff.mypal.automatic = False diff.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) mnt.mypal.automatic = False mnt.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) if not share_colormap: mns.mypal.automatic = False mns.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) mns.mypal.updatefrompalette(mnt.mypal) # Ajout des matrices dans les fenêtres de visualisation first.add_object('array', newobj=mnt, ToCheck=True, id='source') second.add_object('array', newobj=mns, ToCheck=True, id='comp') third.add_object('array', newobj=diff, ToCheck=True, id='diff=comp-source') # Partage des vecteurs de la classe d'opérations mnt.myops.myzones = mns.myops.myzones diff.myops.myzones = mns.myops.myzones first.active_array = mnt second.active_array = mns third.active_array = diff mnt.reset_plot() mns.reset_plot() diff.reset_plot()
[docs] def set_compare_all(self, ListArrays=None, names:list[str] = None): """ Comparison of 2 or 3 arrays """ assert len(ListArrays) == 2 or len(ListArrays) == 3, _('List of arrays must contain 2 or 3 arrays - Here, you have provided {} arrays'.format(len(ListArrays))) if names is not None: assert len(names) == len(ListArrays)-1, _('List of names must contain the number of names as arrays minus one - Here, you have provided {} names for {} arrays'.format(len(names), len(ListArrays))) else: names = ['comp1', 'comp2'] # Création de 3 fenêtres de visualisation basées sur la classe "WolfMapViewer" first = self second = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Comparison {}'.format(names[0]), w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent=self.wolfparent) third = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Difference {}'.format(names[0]), w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent=self.wolfparent) if len(ListArrays) == 3: fourth = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Comparison {}'.format(names[1]), w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent=self.wolfparent) fifth = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Difference {}'.format(names[1]), w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent=self.wolfparent) # Création d'une liste contenant les multiples instances d'objet "WolfMapViewer" list = [] list.append(first) list.append(second) list.append(third) if len(ListArrays) == 3: list.append(fourth) list.append(fifth) for curview in list: if curview is not self: curview.add_grid() curview.add_grid() # On indique que les objets sont liés en actiavt le Booléen et en pointant la liste précédente for curview in list: curview.linked = True curview.linkedList = list comp2 = None if ListArrays is not None: if len(ListArrays) == 2: src = ListArrays[0] comp1 = ListArrays[1] elif len(ListArrays) == 3: src = ListArrays[0] comp1 = ListArrays[1] comp2 = ListArrays[2] else: return else: return src: WolfArray comp1: WolfArray diff1: WolfArray comp2: WolfArray diff2: WolfArray # Création du différentiel -- Les opérateurs mathématiques sont surchargés diff1 = comp1 - src comp1.copy_mask(src, True) diff1.copy_mask(src, True) src.change_gui(first) comp1.change_gui(second) diff1.change_gui(third) src.mypal.automatic = False comp1.mypal.automatic = False src.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) comp1.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) src.mypal.isopop(src.array, src.nbnotnull) comp1.mypal.updatefrompalette(src.mypal) # Ajout des matrices dans les fenêtres de visualisation first.add_object('array', newobj=src, ToCheck=True, id='source') second.add_object('array', newobj=comp1, ToCheck=True, id='comp') third.add_object('array', newobj=diff1, ToCheck=True, id='diff=comp-source') comp1.myops.myzones = src.myops.myzones diff1.myops.myzones = src.myops.myzones first.active_array = src second.active_array = comp1 third.active_array = diff1 if comp2 is not None: diff2 = comp2 - src comp2.copy_mask(src, True) diff2.copy_mask(src, True) comp2.change_gui(fourth) diff2.change_gui(fifth) comp2.mypal.automatic = False comp2.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) comp2.mypal.updatefrompalette(src.mypal) # Ajout des matrices dans les fenêtres de visualisation fourth.add_object('array', newobj=comp2, ToCheck=True, id='comp2') fifth.add_object('array', newobj=diff2, ToCheck=True, id='diff2=comp2-source') comp2.myops.myzones = src.myops.myzones diff2.myops.myzones = src.myops.myzones fourth.active_array = comp2 fifth.active_array = diff2
[docs] def set_blender_sculpting(self): """ Mise en place de la structure nécessaire pour comparer la donnée de base avec la donnée sculptée sous Blender La donnée de base est la matrice contenue dans la fenêtre actuelle Fenêtres additionnelles : - information sur les volumes de déblai/remblai et bilan - matrice sculptée - différentiel entre scultage - source - gradient - laplacien - masque de modification """ myframe = wx.Frame(None, title=_('Excavation and backfill')) sizergen = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer1 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer2 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer3 = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizergen.Add(sizer1) sizergen.Add(sizer2) sizergen.Add(sizer3) labexc = wx.StaticText(myframe, label=_('Excavation : ')) labback = wx.StaticText(myframe, label=_('Backfill : ')) labbal = wx.StaticText(myframe, label=_('Balance : ')) sizer1.Add(labexc) sizer2.Add(labback) sizer3.Add(labbal) font = wx.Font(18, wx.DECORATIVE, wx.NORMAL, wx.NORMAL) Exc = wx.StaticText(myframe, label=' [m³]') Back = wx.StaticText(myframe, label=' [m³]') Bal = wx.StaticText(myframe, label=' [m³]') labexc.SetFont(font) labback.SetFont(font) labbal.SetFont(font) Exc.SetFont(font) Back.SetFont(font) Bal.SetFont(font) sizer1.Add(Exc) sizer2.Add(Back) sizer3.Add(Bal) myframe.SetSizer(sizergen) myframe.Layout() myframe.Centre(wx.BOTH) myframe.Show() if self.link_params is None: self.link_params = {} self.link_params['ExcavationBackfill'] = myframe self.link_params['Excavation'] = Exc self.link_params['Backfill'] = Back self.link_params['Balance'] = Bal # Création de fenêtres de visualisation basées sur la classe "WolfMapViewer" first = self second = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Sculpting', w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent=self.wolfparent) third = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Difference', w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent=self.wolfparent) fourth = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Gradient', w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent=self.wolfparent) fifth = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Laplace', w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent=self.wolfparent) sixth = WolfMapViewer(None, 'Unitary Mask', w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.wxlogging, wolfparent=self.wolfparent) # Création d'une liste contenant les 3 instances d'objet "WolfMapViewer" list = [] list.append(first) list.append(second) list.append(third) list.append(fourth) list.append(fifth) list.append(sixth) for curlist in list: curlist.add_grid() curlist.add_WMS() # On indique que les objets sont liés en actiavt le Booléen et en pointant la liste précédente for curlist in list: curlist.linked = True curlist.linkedList = list source: WolfArray sourcenew: WolfArray diff: WolfArray grad: WolfArray lap: WolfArray unimask: WolfArray source = self.active_array sourcenew = WolfArray(mold=source) # Création du différentiel -- Les opérateurs mathématiques sont surchargés diff = source - source grad = source.get_gradient_norm() lap = source.get_laplace() unimask = WolfArray(mold=diff) np.divide(, abs(,, != 0.) grad.copy_mask(source, True) lap.copy_mask(source, True) diff.copy_mask(source, True) unimask.copy_mask(source, True) sourcenew.change_gui(second) diff.change_gui(third) grad.change_gui(fourth) lap.change_gui(fifth) unimask.change_gui(sixth) path = os.path.dirname(__file__) fn=join(path,'models\\diff16.pal') if exists(fn): diff.mypal.readfile(fn) diff.mypal.automatic=False diff.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) fn=join(path,'models\\diff3.pal') if exists(fn): unimask.mypal.readfile(fn) unimask.mypal.automatic=False unimask.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) # Ajout des matrices dans les fenêtres de visualisation second.add_object('array', newobj=sourcenew, ToCheck=True, id='source_new') third.add_object('array', newobj=diff, ToCheck=True, id='diff=comp-source') fourth.add_object('array', newobj=grad, ToCheck=True, id='gradient') fifth.add_object('array', newobj=lap, ToCheck=True, id='laplace') sixth.add_object('array', newobj=unimask, ToCheck=True, id='unimask') #pointage des vecteurs attachés à chaque matrice dans chaque GUI de façon à c que les modifications se répercutent partout sourcenew.myops.myzones = source.myops.myzones diff.myops.myzones = source.myops.myzones grad.myops.myzones = source.myops.myzones lap.myops.myzones = source.myops.myzones unimask.myops.myzones = source.myops.myzones second.active_array = sourcenew third.active_array = diff fourth.active_array = grad fifth.active_array = lap sixth.active_array = unimask self.mimicme()
[docs] def update_blender_sculpting(self): """ Mise à jour des fenêtres de visualisation pour la comparaison avec Blender """ if not self.linked: return if len(self.linkedList) != 6: return # Création de fenêtres de visualisation basées sur la classe "WolfMapViewer" first = self.linkedList[0] second = self.linkedList[1] third = self.linkedList[2] fourth = self.linkedList[3] fifth = self.linkedList[4] sixth = self.linkedList[5] source = first.active_array sourcenew = second.active_array diff = third.active_array grad = fourth.active_array lap = fifth.active_array unimask = sixth.active_array fn = '' if self.link_params is not None: if 'gltf file' in self.link_params.keys(): fn = self.link_params['gltf file'] fnpos = self.link_params['gltf pos'] if fn == '': for curgui in self.linkedList: if curgui.link_params is not None: if 'gltf file' in curgui.link_params.keys(): fn = self.link_params['gltf file'] fnpos = self.link_params['gltf pos'] break with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing gltf/glb')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() sourcenew.import_from_gltf(fn, fnpos, 'scipy') del wait with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Update plots')): # Création du différentiel -- Les opérateurs mathématiques sont surchargés diff.array = (sourcenew - source).array grad.array = sourcenew.get_gradient_norm().array lap.array = sourcenew.get_laplace().array np.divide(, abs(,, != 0.) diff.copy_mask(sourcenew, True) lap.copy_mask(sourcenew, True) grad.copy_mask(sourcenew, True) unimask.copy_mask(sourcenew, True) first.Paint() second.Paint() third.Paint() fourth.Paint() fifth.Paint() sixth.Paint() Exc: wx.StaticText Back: wx.StaticText Bal: wx.StaticText if not 'ExcavationBackfill' in self.link_params.keys(): for curgui in self.linkedList: if curgui.link_params is not None: if 'ExcavationBackfill' in curgui.link_params.keys(): myframe = curgui.link_params['ExcavationBackfill'] Exc = curgui.link_params['Excavation'] Back = curgui.link_params['Backfill'] Bal = curgui.link_params['Balance'] else: myframe = self.link_params['ExcavationBackfill'] Exc = self.link_params['Excavation'] Back = self.link_params['Backfill'] Bal = self.link_params['Balance'] Exc.SetLabel("{:.2f}".format(np.sum(diff.array[diff.array < 0.])) + ' [m³]') Back.SetLabel("{:.2f}".format(np.sum(diff.array[diff.array > 0.])) + ' [m³]') Bal.SetLabel("{:.2f}".format(np.sum(diff.array)) + ' [m³]')
[docs] def zoomon_activevector(self, size:float=500., forceupdate:bool=True): """ Zoom on active vector :param size: size of the zoomed window :param forceupdate: force the update of the window """ if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector')) return curvec = self.active_vector if curvec.xmin == -99999: curvec.find_minmax() bounds = [curvec.xmin, curvec.xmax, curvec.ymin, curvec.ymax] dx = bounds[1] - bounds[0] dy = bounds[3] - bounds[2] self.mousex = bounds[0] + dx / 2. self.mousey = bounds[2] + dy / 2. self.width = max(size, dx) self.height = max(size, dy) self.updatescalefactors() self.setbounds() self.mimicme() if forceupdate: self.update() if self.linked: for cur in self.linkedList: if cur is not self: cur.update()
[docs] def zoomon_active_vertex(self, size:float = 20, forceupdate:bool = True): """ Zoom on active vertex. :param size: size of the zoomed window :param forceupdate: force the update of the window """ if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector')) return curvec = self.active_vector if curvec.xmin == -99999: curvec.find_minmax() if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector')) return grid = self.active_zones.xls row = grid.GetGridCursorRow() x = float(grid.GetCellValue(row, 0)) y = float(grid.GetCellValue(row, 1)) z = float(grid.GetCellValue(row, 2)) curvert = wolfvertex(x, y, z) self.mousex = curvert.x self.mousey = curvert.y self.width = size self.height = size self.updatescalefactors() self.setbounds() self.mimicme() if forceupdate: self.update() if self.linked: for cur in self.linkedList: if cur is not self: cur.update()
[docs] def zoom_on_id(self, id:str, drawtype:draw_type = draw_type.ARRAYS, forceupdate=True, canvas_height=1024): """ Zoom on id :param id: id of the object to zoom on :param drawtype: type of object to zoom on - Different types elements can have the same id """ if drawtype not in [draw_type.ARRAYS, draw_type.VECTORS]: logging.warning(_('Draw type must be either ARRAYS or VECTORS')) return obj = self.get_obj_from_id(id, drawtype) if obj is None: logging.warning(_('No object found with id {} and drawtype {}'.format(id, drawtype))) return if drawtype == draw_type.ARRAYS: self.zoom_on_array(obj, forceupdate=forceupdate, canvas_height=canvas_height) elif drawtype == draw_type.VECTORS: self.zoom_on_vector(obj, forceupdate=forceupdate, canvas_height=canvas_height)
[docs] def zoom_on_array(self, array:WolfArray, forceupdate=True, canvas_height=1024): """ Zoom on array """ if array.xmin == -99999: array.find_minmax() bounds = array.get_bounds() center = [(bounds[0][1] + bounds[0][0]) / 2., (bounds[1][1] + bounds[1][0]) / 2.] width = bounds[0][1] - bounds[0][0] height = bounds[1][1] - bounds[1][0] self.zoom_on({'center':center, 'width':width, 'height':height}, forceupdate=forceupdate, canvas_height=canvas_height)
[docs] def zoom_on_vector(self, vector:vector, forceupdate=True, canvas_height=1024): """ Zoom on vector """ if vector.xmin == -99999: vector.find_minmax() bounds = vector.get_bounds_xx_yy() center = [(bounds[0][1] + bounds[0][0]) / 2., (bounds[1][1] + bounds[1][0]) / 2.] width = bounds[0][1] - bounds[0][0] height = bounds[1][1] - bounds[1][0] self.zoom_on({'center':center, 'width':width, 'height':height}, forceupdate=forceupdate, canvas_height=canvas_height)
[docs] def create_Zones_from_arrays(self, arrays:list[WolfArray], id:str = None, add_legend:bool=True) -> Zones: """ Create a Zones instance from list of WolfArrays One zone per array. One vector per zone with the masked contour. :param arrays: list of WolfArrays :param id: id of the Zones instance :param add_legend: add legend to the vector -- centroid of the contour """ # création de l'instance de Zones new_zones = Zones(idx = 'contour' if id is None else id.lower(), mapviewer=self) for curarray in arrays: if isinstance(curarray, WolfArray): curarray.nullify_border(1) new_zone = zone(name = curarray.idx) new_zones.add_zone(new_zone, forceparent=True) sux, sux, curvect, interior = curarray.suxsuy_contour() new_zone.add_vector(curvect, forceparent=True) curvect.set_legend_to_centroid(curarray.idx) curvect.myprop.width = 2 rectvect = vector(name = 'rect_boundary') new_zone.add_vector(rectvect, forceparent=True) bounds = curarray.get_bounds() rectvect.add_vertex(wolfvertex(bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0])) rectvect.add_vertex(wolfvertex(bounds[0][1], bounds[1][0])) rectvect.add_vertex(wolfvertex(bounds[0][1], bounds[1][1])) rectvect.add_vertex(wolfvertex(bounds[0][0], bounds[1][1])) rectvect.close_force() rectvect.myprop.color = getIfromRGB([255,0,0]) rectvect.myprop.width = 2'{} treated'.format(curarray.idx))) else: logging.warning(_('All elements in the list must be of type WolfArray')) new_zones.find_minmax(update=True) return new_zones
[docs] def zoom_on(self, zoom_dict = None, width = 500, height = 500, center = None, xll = None, yll = None, forceupdate=True, canvas_height=1024): """ Zoom on a specific area It is possible to zoom on a specific area by providing the zoom parameters in : - a dictionnary - width and height of the zoomed window and the lower left corner coordinates - width and height of the zoomed window and the center coordinates :param zoom_dict: dictionnary containing the zoom parameters - possible keys : 'width', 'height', 'center', 'xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax' :param width: width of the zoomed window [m] :param height: height of the zoomed window [m] :param center: center of the zoomed window [m] - tuple (x,y) :param xll: lower left X coordinate of the zoomed window [m] :param yll: lower left Y coordinate of the zoomed window [m] :param forceupdate: force the update of the window :param canvas_height: height of the canvas [pixels] Examples : - zoom_on(zoom_dict = {'center':(500,500), 'width':1000, 'height':1000}) - zoom_on(width = 1000, height = 1000, xll = 500, yll = 500) - zoom_on(width = 1000, height = 1000, center = (500,500)) """ if zoom_dict is not None: width = 99999 height = 99999 xll = 99999 yll = 99999 xmax = 99999 ymax = 99999 if 'center' in zoom_dict.keys(): center = zoom_dict['center'] if 'width' in zoom_dict.keys(): width = zoom_dict['width'] if 'height' in zoom_dict.keys(): height = zoom_dict['height'] if 'xmin' in zoom_dict.keys(): xll = zoom_dict['xmin'] if 'ymin' in zoom_dict.keys(): yll = zoom_dict['ymin'] if 'xmax' in zoom_dict.keys(): xmax = zoom_dict['xmax'] if 'ymax' in zoom_dict.keys(): ymax = zoom_dict['ymax'] if width == 99999: width = xmax-xll if height == 99999: height = ymax-yll if center is not None and len(center)==2: self.mousex = center[0] self.mousey = center[1] self.width = width self.height = height elif (xll is not None) and (yll is not None): self.mousex = xll + width/2 self.mousey = yll + height/2 self.width = width self.height = height # fixe la taille de la fenêtre v_height = canvas_height v_width = int(v_height*(float(width)/float(height))) self.SetClientSize(v_width + self.treewidth, v_height) self.updatescalefactors() self.mimicme() if forceupdate: self.update() if self.linked: for cur in self.linkedList: if cur is not self: cur.update()
[docs] def zoom_on_active_profile(self, size:float=500., forceupdate:bool=True): """ Zoom on active profile """ curvec = self.active_profile if curvec.xmin == -99999: curvec.find_minmax() bounds = [curvec.xmin, curvec.xmax, curvec.ymin, curvec.ymax] dx = bounds[1] - bounds[0] dy = bounds[3] - bounds[2] self.mousex = bounds[0] + dx / 2. self.mousey = bounds[2] + dy / 2. self.width = max(size, dx) self.height = max(size, dy) self.updatescalefactors() self.setbounds() self.mimicme() if forceupdate: self.update() if self.linked: for cur in self.linkedList: if cur is not self: cur.update()
[docs] def read_project(self, fn): """ Projet WOLF GUI Fichier de paramètres contenant les types et chemins d'accès aux données à ajouter A compléter... """ curdir = Path(os.getcwd()) real_ids = {} myproject = Wolf_Param(None, filename=fn, toShow=False) def check_params(myproject, curgroup) -> bool: check = True pot_keys = list(PROJECT_GROUP_KEYS[curgroup].keys()) for curkey in pot_keys: if 'mandatory' in PROJECT_GROUP_KEYS[curgroup][curkey]: if not myproject.is_in(curgroup, curkey): logging.warning(_('Missing key : ')+ curkey) check = False return check def sanit_id(id:str, drawtype:draw_type) -> str: existing_id = self.get_list_keys(drawtype, None) while id in existing_id: logging.warning(_('ID already exists - Changing it...')) id = id + '_' return id # COMPLEX ACTIONS curgroup = PROJECT_ACTION if myproject.is_in(curgroup): pot_keys = list(PROJECT_GROUP_KEYS[curgroup].keys()) for curkey in pot_keys: which = myproject[(curgroup, curkey)] pot_val = list(PROJECT_GROUP_KEYS[curgroup][curkey].keys()) if which in pot_val: if which == 'compare_arrays': # Comparaison de plusieurs matrices'Compare action - Searching for arrays to compare...')) ListCompare = [] if myproject.is_in('array'): for curval in myproject.get_group('array').values(): curid = curval[key_Param.NAME]'Array to compare : ')+ curid) ListCompare.append(WolfArray(Path(myproject[('array', curid)]))) else: logging.warning(_('No array to compare - Aborting !')) return'Setting compare...')) self.set_compare(ListCompare)'Compare set !')) return else: logging.error(_('Bad parameter in project file - action : ')+ which) # CROSS SECTIONS curgroup = PROJECT_CS if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): for curval in myproject.get_group(curgroup).values(): curid = curval[key_Param.NAME] if curid != 'format' and curid != 'dirlaz': mycs = crosssections(myproject[(curgroup, curid)], format = myproject[(curgroup, 'format')], dirlaz = myproject[(curgroup, 'dirlaz')], mapviewer = self) locid = real_ids[(draw_type.VECTORS, curid)] = sanit_id(curid, draw_type.VECTORS) self.add_object(curgroup, newobj=mycs, id=locid) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - cross_sections')) # TILES curgroup = PROJECT_TILES if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): curid = myproject.get_param(curgroup, 'id') curfile = myproject.get_param(curgroup, 'tiles_file') curdatadir = myproject.get_param(curgroup, 'data_dir') curcompdir = myproject.get_param(curgroup, 'comp_dir') if exists(curfile): try: mytiles = Tiles(filename= curfile, parent=self, linked_data_dir=curdatadir) mytiles.set_comp_dir(curcompdir) locid = real_ids[(draw_type.TILES, curid)] = sanit_id(curid, draw_type.TILES) self.add_object(curgroup, newobj=mytiles, id=locid) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in tiles import : ')+ str(e)) else: logging.warning(_('File does not exist : ')+ str(curfile)) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - tiles')) # LAZ GRID curgroup = PROJECT_LAZ if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): try: self.init_laz_from_gridinfos(curdir / myproject[curgroup, 'data_dir'], myproject[(curgroup, 'classification')]) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in laz_grid import : ')+ str(e)) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - laz_grid')) # VECTOR DATA curgroup = PROJECT_VECTOR if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): for curval in myproject.get_group(curgroup).values(): curid = curval[key_Param.NAME] name = curval[key_Param.VALUE] if exists(name): try: myvec = Zones(name, parent = self, mapviewer = self) locid = real_ids[(draw_type.VECTORS, curid)] = sanit_id(curid, draw_type.VECTORS) self.add_object(curgroup, newobj = myvec, id = locid) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in vector import : ')+ str(e)) else:'File does not exist : ') + str(name)) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - vector')) # ARRAY DATA curgroup = PROJECT_ARRAY if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): for curval in myproject.get_group(curgroup).values(): curid = curval[key_Param.NAME] name = curdir / Path(curval[key_Param.VALUE]) if exists(name): try: curarray = WolfArray(name, mapviewer = self) locid = real_ids[(draw_type.ARRAYS, curid)] = sanit_id(curid, draw_type.ARRAYS) self.add_object('array', newobj=curarray, id = locid) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in array import : ')+ str(e)) else:'File does not exist : ') + str(name)) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - array')) # CLOUD DATA curgroup = PROJECT_CLOUD if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): for curval in myproject.get_group(curgroup).values(): curid = curval[key_Param.NAME] name = curval[key_Param.VALUE] if exists(name): try: mycloud = cloud_vertices(name, mapviewer = self) locid = real_ids[(draw_type.CLOUD, curid)] = sanit_id(curid, draw_type.CLOUD) self.add_object('cloud', newobj = mycloud, id = locid) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in cloud import : ') + str(e)) else:'File does not exist : ') + str(name)) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - cloud')) # 2D RESULTS # CPU code curgroup = PROJECT_WOLF2D if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): for curval in myproject.get_group(curgroup).values(): curid = curval[key_Param.NAME] simdir = Path(curval[key_Param.VALUE]) if simdir.exists(): try: curwolf = Wolfresults_2D(simdir, mapviewer = self) locid = real_ids[(draw_type.RES2D, curid)] = sanit_id(curid, draw_type.RES2D) self.add_object('res2d', newobj = curwolf, id = locid) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in wolf2d import : ')+ str(e)) else:'Directory does not exist ')) + str(simdir) self.menu_wolf2d() else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - wolf2d')) # GPU code curgroup = PROJECT_GPU2D if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): pgbar = wx.ProgressDialog(_('Loading GPU results'), _('Loading GPU results'), maximum=len(myproject.myparams[curgroup].keys()), parent=self, style=wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE) for curval in myproject.get_group(curgroup).values(): curid = curval[key_Param.NAME] simdir = Path(curval[key_Param.VALUE]) if simdir.exists(): try: curwolf = wolfres2DGPU(curdir / simdir, mapviewer = self) locid = real_ids[(draw_type.RES2D, curid)] = sanit_id(curid, draw_type.RES2D) self.add_object('res2d', newobj = curwolf, id = locid) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in gpu2d import : ')+ str(e)) else:'Bad directory : ') + str(simdir)) pgbar.Update(pgbar.GetValue() + 1) pgbar.Destroy() self.menu_wolf2d() self.menu_2dgpu() else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - gpu2d')) # PALETTE/COLORMAP curgroup = PROJECT_PALETTE if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): self.project_pal = {} for curval in myproject.get_group(curgroup).values(): curid = curval[key_Param.NAME] name = Path(curval[key_Param.VALUE]) if name.exists(): if name.suffix == '.pal': mypal = wolfpalette(None, '') mypal.readfile(name) mypal.automatic = False self.project_pal[curid] = mypal else: logging.warning(_('Bad palette file : ')+ str(name)) else:'Bad parameter in project file - palette : ')+ str(name)) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - palette')) # LINKS curgroup = PROJECT_PALETTE_ARRAY if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): curarray: WolfArray if self.project_pal is not None: for curval in myproject.get_group(curgroup).keys(): id_array = curval[key_Param.NAME] id_pal = curval[key_Param.VALUE] if id_pal in self.project_pal.keys(): try: curarray = self.getobj_from_id(real_ids[(draw_type.ARRAYS, id_array)]) if curarray is not None: mypal:wolfpalette mypal = self.project_pal[id_pal] curarray.mypal = mypal if mypal.automatic: curarray.myops.palauto.SetValue(1) else: curarray.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) curarray.updatepalette(0) curarray.reset_plot() else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - palette-array : ')+ str(id_array)) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in palette-array link : ')+ str(e)) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - palette-array : ')+ str(id_pal)) else: logging.warning(_('No palettes found in project file ! -- Add palette group in the .proj')) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - palette-array')) curgroup = PROJECT_LINK_CS if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if self.active_cs is not None: if check_params(myproject, curgroup): idx = real_ids[(draw_type.VECTORS, myproject[(curgroup, 'linkzones')])] curzones = self.get_obj_from_id(idx, draw_type.VECTORS) if curzones is not None: self.active_cs.link_external_zones(curzones) zonename = myproject[(curgroup, 'sortzone')] vecname = myproject[(curgroup, 'sortname')] downfirst = myproject[(curgroup, 'downfirst')] downfirst = False if downfirst == 1 or str(downfirst).lower() == 'true': downfirst = True if zonename != '' and vecname != '': curvec = curzones[(zonename, vecname)] if curvec is not None: try: self.active_cs.sort_along(curvec.asshapely_ls(), curvec.myname, downfirst) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in cross_sections_link sorting : ')+ str(e)) else: logging.warning(_('Bad id for sorting vector in project file - cross_sections_link')) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - cross_sections_link')) else: logging.warning(_('No active cross section to link !')) curgroup = PROJECT_LINK_VEC_ARRAY # Useful to mask data outside of the linked contour if myproject.is_in(curgroup): if check_params(myproject, curgroup): for curval in myproject.get_group(curgroup).keys(): id_array = real_ids[(draw_type.ARRAYS, curval[key_Param.NAME])] id_zones = real_ids[(draw_type.VECTORS, curval[key_Param.VALUE])] locarray:WolfArray locvec:Zones locarray = self.get_obj_from_id(id_array, draw_type.ARRAYS) if locarray is None: locarray = self.get_obj_from_id(id_array, draw_type.RES2D) locvec = self.get_obj_from_id(id_zones, draw_type.VECTORS) if locvec is not None and locarray is not None: try: if locvec.nbzones == 1: if locvec.myzones[0].nbvectors == 1: locarray.linkedvec = locvec.myzones[0].myvectors[0] else: logging.warning(_('In vec-array association, You must have only 1 zone and 1 polyline !')) else: logging.warning(_('In vec-array association, You must have only 1 zone and 1 polyline !')) except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in vector_array_link : ')+ str(e)) else: logging.warning(_('Bad vec-array association in project file !')) else: logging.warning(_('Bad parameter in project file - vector_array_link'))
[docs] def save_project(self, fn, absolute:bool = True): """ Save project file """ dirproj = Path(fn).parent def new_path(drawtype:draw_type, id:str) -> str:'Empty path but I need a path !')) path = '' ext = 'All files (*.*)|*.*' if drawtype == draw_type.ARRAYS: ext += '|Binary files (*.bin)|*.bin|Tiff files (*.tif)|*.tif|Numpy files (*.npy)|*.npy' elif drawtype == draw_type.VECTORS: ext += '|VecZ files (*.vecz)|*.vecz|Vec files (*.vec)|*.vec' elif drawtype == draw_type.CLOUD: ext += '|Cloud files (*.xyz)|*.xyz' dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose a filename for ') + id, str(dirproj), '', ext, wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: path = Path(dlg.GetPath()) return path def sanit_path(path:Path, absolute:bool, drawtype:draw_type) -> str: path = Path(path) if not path.exists():'Path does not exist : ')+ str(path)) if absolute: return str(path) else: try: return os.path.relpath(path, dirproj) except: logging.error(_('Error in relative path : ')+ str(path) + " - " + str(dirproj))'Returning absolute path instead !')) return str(path.absolute()) myproject = Wolf_Param(None, toShow=False, to_read=False, filename=fn, init_GUI=False) # matrices try: curgroup = PROJECT_ARRAY for curel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.ARRAYS): curel:WolfArray if curel.filename == '': newpath = new_path(draw_type.ARRAYS, curel.idx) if newpath == '': logging.warning(_('No path for array : ')+ curel.idx + _(' - Ignoring it !')) continue curel.write_all(newpath) curpath = sanit_path(curel.filename, absolute, draw_type.ARRAYS) myproject.add_param(curgroup, curel.idx, curpath) except: logging.error(_('Error in saving arrays')) # résultats 2D try: curgroup = PROJECT_WOLF2D for curel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D): if type(curel) == Wolfresults_2D: myproject.add_param(curgroup, curel.idx, sanit_path(curel.filename, absolute, draw_type.RES2D)) curgroup = PROJECT_GPU2D for curel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D): if type(curel) == wolfres2DGPU: myproject.add_param(curgroup, curel.idx, sanit_path(curel.filename, absolute, draw_type.RES2D)) except: logging.error(_('Error in saving 2D results')) # vecteurs try: curgroup = PROJECT_VECTOR for curel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.VECTORS): if isinstance(curel, crosssections): continue curel:Zones if curel.filename == '': newpath = new_path(draw_type.VECTORS, curel.idx) if newpath == '': logging.warning(_('No path for vector : ')+ curel.idx + _(' - Ignoring it !')) continue curel.saveas(newpath) myproject.add_param(curgroup, curel.idx, sanit_path(curel.filename, absolute, draw_type.VECTORS)) except: logging.error(_('Error in saving vectors')) # cross sections try: curgroup = PROJECT_CS for curel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.VECTORS): if isinstance(curel, crosssections): myproject.add_param(curgroup, curel.idx, sanit_path(curel.filename, absolute, draw_type.VECTORS)) except: logging.error(_('Error in saving cross sections')) # nuages de points try: curgroup = PROJECT_CLOUD for curel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.CLOUD): myproject.add_param(curgroup, curel.idx, sanit_path(curel.filename, absolute, draw_type.CLOUD)) except: logging.error(_('Error in saving clouds')) # palettes try: if self.project_pal is not None: curgroup = PROJECT_PALETTE for curel in self.project_pal.keys(): myproject.add_param(curgroup, curel, sanit_path(self.project_pal[curel].filename, absolute, draw_type.OTHER)) except: logging.error(_('Error in saving palettes')) # tiles try: curgroup = PROJECT_TILES for curel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.TILES): myproject.add_param(curgroup, curel.idx, sanit_path(curel.filename, absolute, draw_type.OTHER)) myproject.add_param(curgroup, 'data_dir', sanit_path(curel.linked_data_dir, absolute, draw_type.OTHER)) myproject.add_param(curgroup, 'comp_dir', sanit_path(curel.linked_data_dir_comp, absolute, draw_type.OTHER)) except: logging.error(_('Error in saving tiles')) # LAZ GRID try: if self.mylazgrid is not None: curgroup = PROJECT_LAZ myproject.add_param(curgroup, 'data_dir', sanit_path(self.mylazgrid.dir, absolute, draw_type.OTHER)) myproject.add_param(curgroup, 'classification', self.mylazgrid.colors.class_name) except: logging.error(_('Error in saving laz grid')) myproject.Save(fn)
[docs] def help_project(self): """ Help for project file. Define which elements can be saved in a project file. """'Project file help'))'Project file is a file containing some information about the current project.'))'It can contain the following informations :'))' - Arrays :'))' - id'))' - filename in relative or absolute path'))' - Cross sections :'))' - id'))' - filename in relative or absolute path'))' - Vectors :'))' - id'))' - filename in relative or absolute path'))' - Clouds :'))' - id'))' - filename in relative or absolute path'))' - Tiles :'))' - id'))' - filename in relative or absolute path'))' - LAZ grid :'))' - data_dir : directory containing the NUMPY grid'))' - classification : classification of the laz files'))' - Palettes :'))' - id'))' - filename in relative or absolute path'))' - Wolf2D CPU results :'))' - id'))' - filename in relative or absolute path'))' - Wolf2D GPU results :'))' - id'))' - filename in relative or absolute path'))' - Palette-Array links :'))' - id of the array'))' - id of the palette'))' - Vector-Array links :'))' - id of the array'))' - id of the vector (containing only 1 zone and 1 vector)'))' - Cross section links :'))' - id of the cross section'))' - id of the vector to sort along'))' - id of the zone to link'))' - downfirst : True or False'))'')'A tabulation is used to separate the value and the key.'))'')'Exemple :'))'')'array:')'myid1\tmyfilename_array1')'myid2\tmy../filename_array2')'vector:')'myvec1\tmy../../filename_vecz1')'myvec2\tmyfilename_vecz2')'laz_grid:')'data_dir\tD:\\MODREC-Vesdre\\LAZ_Vesdre\\2023\\grids_flt32')'classification\tSPW-Geofit 2023')
[docs] def plot_laz_around_active_vec(self): """ Plot laz data around active vector """ if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('Please activate a vector')) return if self.mylazgrid is None: logging.warning(_('No laz grid')) return dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Enter the size of the window around the active vector [cm]'), _('Window size'),_('Window size'), 500, 0, 2000) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return value = dlg.GetValue()/100. dlg.Destroy() fig = self.mylazgrid.plot_laz_wx(self.active_vector.asshapely_ls(), length_buffer=value, show=True) if self.active_array is not None: copy_vec = vector() copy_vec.myvertices = self.active_vector.myvertices.copy() copy_vec.split(abs(self.active_array.dx)/2., False) copy_vec.get_values_on_vertices(self.active_array) s,z = copy_vec.get_sz() notmasked = np.where(z != -99999.) fig.plot(s[notmasked],z[notmasked], c='black', linewidth=2.0)
[docs] def clip_laz_gridded(self): """ Clip laz grid on current zoom """ if self.mylazgrid is None: logging.warning(_('No laz grid -- Please initialize it !')) return curbounds = [[self.xmin, self.xmin + self.width], [self.ymin, self.ymin + self.height]] if self.active_laz is None: newobj = Wolf_LAZ_Data() newobj.classification = self.mylazgrid.colors newobj.from_grid(self.mylazgrid, curbounds) self.add_object('laz', newobj= newobj) else: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Do you want to keep the current data ?'), _('Keep data ?'), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_YES: newobj = Wolf_LAZ_Data() newobj.classification = self.mylazgrid.colors newobj.from_grid(self.mylazgrid, curbounds) self.add_object('laz', newobj= newobj) else: self.active_laz.from_grid(self.mylazgrid, curbounds)'Clip LAZ grid on current zoom'))'Bounds {}-{} {}-{}').format(curbounds[0][0],curbounds[0][1],curbounds[1][0],curbounds[1][1]))'Nb points : {:_}').format(self.active_laz.num_points))
[docs] def filter_active_laz(self): """ Filter active laz data """ if self.active_laz is None: logging.warning(_('No laz data')) return codes = self.active_laz.codes_unique() names = [self.active_laz.classification.classification[curcode][0] for curcode in codes] with wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the codes to keep'), _('Codes'), names) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: used_codes = dlg.GetSelections() used_codes = [codes[cur] for cur in used_codes] self.active_laz.filter_data(used_codes)'Filter done - Nb points : {:_}').format(self.active_laz.num_points)) else:'Filter cancelled'))
[docs] def descimate_laz_data(self, factor:int = 10): """ Descimate data """ if self.active_laz is None: logging.warning(_('No laz data')) return self.active_laz.descimate(factor)
[docs] def select_active_array_from_laz(self, array:WolfArray = None, used_codes:list = None, chunk_size:float = 500.): """ select some nodes from laz data :param array: array to fill :param used_codes: codes to use """ if self.mylazgrid is None:'No laz grid - Aborting !')) return if array is None: logging.error(_('No array')) return if used_codes is None: keycode = [key for key,val in self.mylazgrid.colors.classification.items()] names = [val[0] for key,val in self.mylazgrid.colors.classification.items()] with wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the codes to use'), _('Codes'), names) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: used_codes = dlg.GetSelections() used_codes = [float(keycode[cur]) for cur in used_codes] else: return curbounds = array.get_bounds() # align bounds on chunk_size curbounds[0][0] = curbounds[0][0] - curbounds[0][0] % chunk_size curbounds[0][1] = curbounds[0][1] + chunk_size - curbounds[0][1] % chunk_size curbounds[1][0] = curbounds[1][0] - curbounds[1][0] % chunk_size curbounds[1][1] = curbounds[1][1] + chunk_size - curbounds[1][1] % chunk_size chunck_x = np.arange(curbounds[0][0], curbounds[0][1], chunk_size) chunck_y = np.arange(curbounds[1][0], curbounds[1][1], chunk_size) for curx in tqdm(chunck_x, 'Chunks'): for cury in chunck_y: curbounds = [[curx, curx + chunk_size], [cury, cury + chunk_size]]'Scan {}-{} {}-{}').format(curbounds[0][0],curbounds[0][1],curbounds[1][0],curbounds[1][1])) mylazdata = self.mylazgrid.scan(curbounds) #'Scan done')) data = {} for curcode in used_codes: data[curcode] = mylazdata[mylazdata[:, 3] == curcode] for curdata in data.values(): if curdata.shape[0] == 0: continue i,j = array.get_ij_from_xy(curdata[:, 0], curdata[:, 1]) keys = np.vstack((i,j)).T # unique keys keys = np.unique(keys, axis=0) array.SelectionData._add_nodes_to_selectionij(keys, verif = False) array.SelectionData.update_nb_nodes_selection() self.Paint()'Selection done'))
[docs] def fill_active_array_from_laz(self, array:WolfArray = None, used_codes:list = [], operator:int = -1, chunk_size:float = 500.): """ Fill active array with laz data :param array: array to fill :param used_codes: codes to use :param operator: operator to use """ if self.mylazgrid is None:'No laz grid - Aborting !')) return if array is None: logging.error(_('No array')) return if len(used_codes) == 0 : keycode = [key for key,val in self.mylazgrid.colors.classification.items()] names = [val[0] for key,val in self.mylazgrid.colors.classification.items()] with wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the codes to use'), _('Codes'), names) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: data = {} used_codes = dlg.GetSelections() used_codes = [float(keycode[cur]) for cur in used_codes] else: return if operator == -1: with wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the operator'), _('Operator'), ['max', 'percentile 95', 'percentile 5', 'min', 'mean', 'median', 'sum']) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: if dlg.GetStringSelection() == 'max': operator = np.max elif dlg.GetStringSelection() == 'min': operator = np.min elif dlg.GetStringSelection() == 'mean': operator = np.mean elif dlg.GetStringSelection() == 'median': operator = np.median elif dlg.GetStringSelection() == 'sum': operator = np.sum elif dlg.GetStringSelection() == 'percentile 95': operator = lambda x: np.percentile(x, 95) elif dlg.GetStringSelection() == 'percentile 5': operator = lambda x: np.percentile(x, 5) else: return with wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Minimum number of points to operate'), _('Minimum'), _('Minimum points'), 1, 1, 20) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: minpoints = dlg.GetValue() else: return'This could take some time for large area...\n Take a coffee and relax!')) bounds = array.get_bounds() # align bounds on chunk_size bounds[0][0] = bounds[0][0] - bounds[0][0] % chunk_size bounds[0][1] = bounds[0][1] + chunk_size - bounds[0][1] % chunk_size bounds[1][0] = bounds[1][0] - bounds[1][0] % chunk_size bounds[1][1] = bounds[1][1] + chunk_size - bounds[1][1] % chunk_size chunks_x = np.arange(bounds[0][0], bounds[0][1], chunk_size) chunks_y = np.arange(bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1], chunk_size) for curx in tqdm(chunks_x, 'Chunks'): for cury in chunks_y: curbounds = [[curx, curx + chunk_size], [cury, cury + chunk_size]]'Scan {}-{} {}-{}').format(curbounds[0][0],curbounds[0][1],curbounds[1][0],curbounds[1][1])) mylazdata = self.mylazgrid.scan(curbounds) #'Scan done')) if len(mylazdata) == 0: continue # Test codes data = {} for curcode in used_codes: data[curcode] = mylazdata[mylazdata[:, 3] == curcode] # Treat data for each code for curdata in data.values(): if curdata.shape[0] == 0: continue else:'Code {} : {} points'.format(curdata[0,3], curdata.shape[0]))) # get i,j from x,y i,j = array.get_ij_from_xy(curdata[:, 0], curdata[:, 1]) # keep only valid points -- inside the array used = np.where((i >=0) & (i < array.nbx) & (j >=0) & (j < array.nby))[0] if len(used) == 0: continue i = i[used] j = j[used] z = curdata[used, 2] # create a key array keys = np.vstack((i,j)).T # find unique keys keys = np.unique(keys, axis=0) # create a ijz array ijz = np.vstack((i, j, z)).T # sort ijz array according to keys # # the most important indice is the last one enumerated in lexsort # see : ijz = ijz[np.lexsort((ijz[:,1], ijz[:,0]))] # find first element of each key idx = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(ijz[:,0])) + np.abs(np.diff(ijz[:,1])) != 0)[0] # add last element idx = np.concatenate((idx, [ijz.shape[0]])) assert len(idx) == keys.shape[0], 'Error in filling''Cells to fill : {}'.format(len(idx)))) # apply operator vals = {} start_ii = 0 for ii, key in enumerate(keys): end_ii = idx[ii]+1 if end_ii - start_ii >= minpoints: vals[(key[0], key[1])] = operator(ijz[start_ii:end_ii,2]) start_ii = end_ii if len(vals) > 0: # create a new ijz array newijz = np.asarray([[key[0], key[1], val] for key, val in vals.items()], dtype = np.float32) array.fillin_from_ijz(newijz) array.reset_plot() self.Paint()'Filling done !'))
[docs] def count_active_array_from_laz(self, array:WolfArray = None, used_codes:list = [], chunk_size:float = 500.): """ Fill active array with laz data :param array: array to fill :param used_codes: codes to use :param operator: operator to use """ if self.mylazgrid is None:'No laz grid - Aborting !')) return if array is None: logging.error(_('No array')) return if len(used_codes) == 0 : keycode = [key for key,val in self.mylazgrid.colors.classification.items()] names = [val[0] for key,val in self.mylazgrid.colors.classification.items()] with wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the codes to use'), _('Codes'), names) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: data = {} used_codes = dlg.GetSelections() used_codes = [float(keycode[cur]) for cur in used_codes] else: return bounds = array.get_bounds() # align bounds on chunk_size bounds[0][0] = bounds[0][0] - bounds[0][0] % chunk_size bounds[0][1] = bounds[0][1] + chunk_size - bounds[0][1] % chunk_size bounds[1][0] = bounds[1][0] - bounds[1][0] % chunk_size bounds[1][1] = bounds[1][1] + chunk_size - bounds[1][1] % chunk_size chunks_x = np.arange(bounds[0][0], bounds[0][1], chunk_size) chunks_y = np.arange(bounds[1][0], bounds[1][1], chunk_size) for curx in tqdm(chunks_x, 'Chunks'): for cury in chunks_y: curbounds = [[curx, curx + chunk_size], [cury, cury + chunk_size]]'Scan {}-{} {}-{}').format(curbounds[0][0],curbounds[0][1],curbounds[1][0],curbounds[1][1])) mylazdata = self.mylazgrid.scan(curbounds) if len(mylazdata) == 0: continue # Test codes data = {} for curcode in used_codes: data[curcode] = mylazdata[mylazdata[:, 3] == curcode] # Treat data for each code for curdata in data.values(): if curdata.shape[0] == 0: continue else:'Code {} : {} points'.format(curdata[0,3], curdata.shape[0]))) # get i,j from x,y i,j = array.get_ij_from_xy(curdata[:, 0], curdata[:, 1]) # keep only valid points -- inside the array used = np.where((i >=0) & (i < array.nbx) & (j >=0) & (j < array.nby))[0] if len(used) == 0: continue i = i[used] j = j[used] z = curdata[used, 2] # create a key array keys = np.vstack((i,j)).T # find unique keys keys = np.unique(keys, axis=0) # create a ijz array ijz = np.vstack((i, j, z)).T # sort ijz array according to keys # # the most important indice is the last one enumerated in lexsort # see : ijz = ijz[np.lexsort((ijz[:,1], ijz[:,0]))] # find first element of each key idx = np.where(np.abs(np.diff(ijz[:,0])) + np.abs(np.diff(ijz[:,1])) != 0)[0] # add last element idx = np.concatenate((idx, [ijz.shape[0]])) assert len(idx) == keys.shape[0], 'Error in filling''Cells to fill : {}'.format(len(idx)))) # apply operator vals = {} start_ii = 0 for ii, key in enumerate(keys): end_ii = idx[ii]+1 vals[(key[0], key[1])] = end_ii - start_ii start_ii = end_ii if len(vals) > 0: # create a new ijz array newijz = np.asarray([[key[0], key[1], val] for key, val in vals.items()], dtype = np.float32) array.fillin_from_ijz(newijz) array.reset_plot() self.Paint()'Counting done'))
[docs] def init_laz_from_lazlasnpz(self, fn=None): """ Read LAZ data stored in one file :param fn: filename (extension .laz, .las, .npz) """ if fn is None: filternpz = "LAZ (*.laz)|*.laz|LAS (*.las)|*.las|npz (*.npz)|*.npz|all (*.*)|*.*" dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose a file containing LAS data'), wildcard=filternpz) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return fn = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() lazobj = Wolf_LAZ_Data() lazobj.from_file(fn) self.add_object('laz', newobj= lazobj)'LAZ data read from file : ')+ fn)'Stored in internal variable'))'Nb points : {:_}').format(self.active_laz.num_points)) if self.linked: if len(self.linkedList) > 0: for curframe in self.linkedList: if not curframe is self: curframe.mylazdata.append(self.active_laz)
[docs] def _choice_laz_classification(self): dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the classification'), _('Classification'), ['SPW-Geofit 2023', 'SPW 2013-2014'], wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return None classification = dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() return classification
[docs] def init_laz_from_gridinfos(self, dirlaz:str = None, classification:Literal['SPW-Geofit 2023', 'SPW 2013-2014'] = 'SPW-Geofit 2023'): if dirlaz is None: dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, _('Choose directory where LAZ data/gridinfo are stored')) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: return dirlaz = dlg.GetPath() self.mylazgrid = xyz_laz_grids(dirlaz) if classification not in ['SPW-Geofit 2023', 'SPW 2013-2014']: classification = self._choice_laz_classification() if classification is None: logging.warning(_('No classification chosen - Abort !')) return elif classification == 'SPW 2013-2014': self.mylazgrid.colors.init_2013() else: self.mylazgrid.colors.init_2023() if self.linked: if len(self.linkedList) > 0: for curframe in self.linkedList: curframe.mylazgrid = self.mylazgrid
[docs] def managebanks(self): if self.notebookbanks is None: self.notebookbanks = PlotNotebook(self) self.mypagebanks = self.notebookbanks.add(_("Manager banks interpolator"), "ManagerInterp") msg = '' if self.active_cs is None: msg += _(' The is no cross section. Please activate the desired object !') if msg != '': dlg = wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Required action') return if self.active_cs.linked_zones is None: msg += _(' The active zones is None. Please link the desired object to the cross sections !\n') # if self.active_zone is None: # msg+=_(' The active zone is None. Please activate the desired object !\n') if msg != '': dlg = wx.MessageBox(msg, 'Required action') return self.mypagebanks.pointing(self, self.active_cs, self.active_vector) self.notebookbanks.Show(True)
[docs] def _set_fn_fnpos_gltf(self): """ Définition du nom de fichier GLTF/GLB à lire pour réaliser la comparaison Utilisation d'une fenêtre de dialogue WX Cette fonction n'est a priori appelée que depuis set_fn_fnpos_gltf """ dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose filename'), wildcard='glb (*.glb)|*.glb|gltf2 (*.gltf)|*.gltf|All (*.*)|*.*', style=wx.FD_OPEN) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fn = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose pos filename'), wildcard='pos (*.pos)|*.pos|All (*.*)|*.*', style=wx.FD_OPEN) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fnpos = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() if self.link_params is None: self.link_params = {} self.link_params['gltf file'] = fn self.link_params['gltf pos'] = fnpos return fn
[docs] def set_fn_fnpos_gltf(self): """ Définition ou récupération du nom de fichier GLTF/GLB à lire pour réaliser la comparaison Le nom de fichier est stocké dans la liste des paramètres partagés de façon à ce que l'appel de mise à jour puisse s'effectuer dans n'importe quel frame """ fn = '' fnpos = '' if self.linked: for curgui in self.linkedList: if curgui.link_params is not None: if 'gltf file' in curgui.link_params.keys(): fn = curgui.link_params['gltf file'] fnpos = curgui.link_params['gltf pos'] break elif self.link_params is None: self.link_params = {} fn = self._set_fn_fnpos_gltf() if fn == '': self._set_fn_fnpos_gltf()
[docs] def read_last_result(self): """Lecture du dernier résultat pour les modèles ajoutés et plottés""" self.currently_readresults = True pgbar = wx.ProgressDialog(_('Reading results'), _('Reading results'), maximum=len(self.myres2D), parent=self, style=wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE) for id, curmodel in enumerate(self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D)): curmodel: Wolfresults_2D'Updating {} - Last result'.format(curmodel.idx))) curmodel.read_oneresult() curmodel.set_currentview() self._update_sim_explorer(curmodel) pgbar.Update(id + 1, _('Reading results') + ' - ' + curmodel.idx) pgbar.Destroy() self.Refresh() self.currently_readresults = False self._update_mytooltip()
[docs] def read_one_result(self, which:int): """ Lecture d'un résultat spécific pour les modèles ajoutés et plottés """ self.currently_readresults = True for curmodel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D): curmodel: Wolfresults_2D if curmodel.checked:'Updating {} - Specific result {}'.format(curmodel.idx, which))) curmodel.read_oneresult(which) curmodel.set_currentview() self._update_sim_explorer(curmodel) self.Refresh() self.currently_readresults = False self._update_mytooltip()
[docs] def simul_previous_step(self): """ Mise à jour au pas précédent """ self.currently_readresults = True for curmodel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D): curmodel: Wolfresults_2D'Updating {} - Previous result'.format(curmodel.idx))) curmodel.read_previous() curmodel.set_currentview() self._update_sim_explorer(curmodel) self.Refresh() self.currently_readresults = False self._update_mytooltip()
[docs] def particle_next_step(self): """ Mise à jour au pas suivant """ for curps in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.PARTICLE_SYSTEM): curps: Particle_system'Updating {} - Next result'.format(curps.idx))) curps.next_step() self._update_mytooltip() self.Refresh()
[docs] def particle_previous_step(self): """ Mise à jour au pas précédent """ for curps in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.PARTICLE_SYSTEM): curps: Particle_system'Updating {} - Next result'.format(curps.idx))) curps.previous_step() self._update_mytooltip() self.Refresh()
[docs] def simul_next_step(self): """ Mise à jour au pas suivant """ self.currently_readresults = True for curmodel in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D): curmodel: Wolfresults_2D'Updating {} - Next result'.format(curmodel.idx))) curmodel.read_next() curmodel.set_currentview() self._update_sim_explorer(curmodel) self.Refresh() self.currently_readresults = False self._update_mytooltip()
[docs] def OnMenuHighlight(self, event:wx.MenuEvent): id = event.GetId() item:wx.MenuItem item = self.menubar.FindItemById(event.GetId()) if item is not None: self.set_statusbar_text(item.GetHelp())
[docs] def _select_laz_source(self): """ Select laz source """ if self.active_laz is None and self.mylazgrid is None: logging.warning(_('No LAZ data loaded/initialized !')) return None elif self.active_laz is None: # No active laz data laz_source = self.mylazgrid elif self.mylazgrid is None: # No laz grid laz_source = self.active_laz else: # We have both choices = [_('From active LAZ data'), _('From newly extracted data')] keys = self.get_list_keys(draw_type.LAZ, None) if len(keys) > 1: choices.append(_('From multiple LAZ data')) dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _("Pick a data source"), "Choices", choices) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return None source = dlg.GetStringSelection() idx = choices.index(source) dlg.Destroy() if idx == 0: laz_source = self.active_laz elif idx == 1: laz_source = self.mylazgrid else: dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the LAZ data to use\n\nIf multiple, a new one will be created !'), _('LAZ data'), keys) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: used_keys = dlg.GetSelections() used_keys = [keys[cur] for cur in used_keys] laz_source = Wolf_LAZ_Data() for curkey in used_keys: laz_source.merge(self.get_obj_from_id(curkey, draw_type.LAZ)) self.add_object('laz', newobj=laz_source, id = 'Merged LAZ data') dlg.Destroy() else: dlg.Destroy() return None return laz_source
[docs] def _choice_laz_colormap(self) -> int: choices, ass_values = choices_laz_colormap() dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _("Pick a colormap"), "Choices", choices) if self.active_laz is not None: if self.active_laz.associated_color is not None: dlg.SetSelection(ass_values.index(self.active_laz.associated_color)) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return self.active_laz.associated_color colormap = dlg.GetStringSelection() idx = choices.index(colormap) dlg.Destroy() return ass_values[idx]
[docs] def OnMenubar(self, event: wx.MenuEvent): """ Gestion des clicks sur le menu quel que soit le niveau Idée générale : - récupérer le label du menu sur base de l'id de l'event WX passé en argument --> itemlabel - tester le label du menu sur base de la chaîne traduite - a priori appeler une autre routine spécifique au traitement choisi - éviter autant que possible de coder des fonctions directement dans cette routine ce qui la rendrait complexe à lire AUTRE POSSIBILITE: - mettre en place un dictionnaire avec key==label, value==action qui se contenterait de tester la présence du label dans les clés et d'appeler l'action - dans ce dernier cas, il faudrait que les routines possèdent idéalement une interface unique """ id = event.GetId() item = self.menubar.FindItemById(event.GetId()) if item is None: return itemlabel = item.ItemLabel autoscale = False if id == wx.ID_OPEN: autoscale = True filterProject = "proj (*.proj)|*.proj|param (*.param)|*.param|all (*.*)|*.*" file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterProject) ret = file.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: file.Destroy() return else: # récuparétaion du nom de fichier avec chemin d'accès filename = file.GetPath() file.Destroy() old_dir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.dirname(filename)) self.read_project(filename) os.chdir(old_dir) elif itemlabel == _('Shortcuts'): # show shortcuts in log self.print_shortcuts(True) elif itemlabel == _('Project .proj'): # show shortcuts in log self.help_project() elif itemlabel == _('Show logs/informations'): self.check_logging() elif itemlabel == _('Show values'): self.check_tooltip() elif itemlabel == _('About'): #print About Frame self.print_About() elif itemlabel == _('Check for updates'): # check for new version self.check_for_updates() elif itemlabel == _("Plot integrated Q along active vector..."): """ Integrate Q along active vector """ if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector !')) return if self.active_vector.closed: logging.error(_('The active vector is closed ! - You can only plot Q along a cross section not a polygon !')) return if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return fig = self.new_fig(_('Q along active vector'), 'Q_along_active_vector', show=False, size=(800, 600)) self.active_res2d.plot_q_wx(self.active_vector, 'border', toshow=True, fig= fig) elif itemlabel == _("Plot integrated Q along active zone..."): """ Integrate Q along active zone """ if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone !')) return if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return fig = self.new_fig(_('Q along active zone'), 'Q_along_active_zone', show=False, size=(800, 600)) self.active_res2d.plot_q_wx(self.active_zone.myvectors, ['border'] * self.active_zone.nbvectors, toshow=True, fig = fig) elif itemlabel == _("Export integrated Q along active vector..."): if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector !')) return if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return filterArray = ".csv (*.csv)|*.csv|all (*.*)|*.*" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name : ", wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() hydrographCSVPath = None if ret == wx.ID_OK: curfil = fdlg.GetFilterIndex() hydrographCSVPath = fdlg.GetPath() fdlg.Destroy() if hydrographCSVPath is not None: # Create a progress dialog progress_dialog = wx.ProgressDialog( _("Export Progress"), _("Exporting hydrographs..."), maximum=100, parent=self, style= wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE | wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME ) def update_progress(progress): progress_dialog.Update(progress) try: # Call the export function, passing the progress callback status = self.active_res2d.export_hydrographs( vect=self.active_vector, filename=hydrographCSVPath, progress_callback=update_progress ) finally: progress_dialog.Destroy() # Ensure dialog is destroyed even if an error occurs # Inform the user about the result if status: wx.MessageBox(_("Hydrographs exported successfully"), _("Export Hydrographs"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)'Hydrographs exported successfully')) else: wx.MessageBox(_("Error exporting hydrographs"), _("Export Hydrographs"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) logging.error(_('Error exporting hydrographs')) elif itemlabel == _("Export integrated Q along all vectors in active zone..."): if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone !')) return if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return filterArray = ".csv (*.csv)|*.csv|all (*.*)|*.*" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name : ", wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() hydrographCSVPath = None if ret == wx.ID_OK: curfil = fdlg.GetFilterIndex() hydrographCSVPath = fdlg.GetPath() fdlg.Destroy() if hydrographCSVPath is not None: # Create a progress dialog progress_dialog = wx.ProgressDialog( _("Export Progress"), _("Exporting hydrographs..."), maximum=100, parent=self, style= wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE | wx.PD_APP_MODAL | wx.PD_ELAPSED_TIME ) def update_progress(progress): progress_dialog.Update(progress) try: # Call the export function, passing the progress callback status = self.active_res2d.export_hydrographs( vect=self.active_zone, filename=hydrographCSVPath, progress_callback=update_progress ) finally: progress_dialog.Destroy() # Ensure dialog is destroyed even if an error occurs # Inform the user about the result if status: wx.MessageBox(_("Hydrographs exported successfully"), _("Export Hydrographs"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION)'Hydrographs exported successfully')) else: wx.MessageBox(_("Error exporting hydrographs"), _("Export Hydrographs"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR) logging.error(_('Error exporting hydrographs')) elif itemlabel == _("Plot stats unknown (selected nodes)..."): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return all_selected = [] for curblock in self.active_res2d.myblocks.values(): if curblock.SelectionData.nb > 0: all_selected += curblock.SelectionData.myselection if len(all_selected) == 0: logging.warning(_('No selected nodes - Nothing to do !')) return keys = Extractable_results.get_list() dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the unknown/variable to plot'), _('Unknown'), keys) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'No unknown chosen - Aborting !')) dlg.Destroy() return which = Extractable_results.get_from_key(dlg.GetStringSelection()) dlg.Destroy() try: choice_bes = Select_Begin_end_interval_step(self, _('Choose the interval and step'), self.active_res2d, checkbox=True) ret = choice_bes.ShowModal() begin = choice_bes.begin end = choice_bes.end interval = choice_bes.step finally: choice_bes.Destroy() if begin == -1:'No interval chosen - Aborting !')) return newfig = self.new_fig(_('Series of {} - {} (nodes)').format(which.value[0], self.active_res2d.idx), 'series_'+self.active_res2d.idx, show=False, size= (800,600)) figax = self.active_res2d.plot_some_values(all_selected, which, toshow=False, figax=newfig, for_steps= (begin-1, end-1, interval)) newfig.Show() elif itemlabel == _("Export stats unknown (selected nodes)..."): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return all_selected = [] for curblock in self.active_res2d.myblocks.values(): if curblock.SelectionData.nb > 0: all_selected += curblock.SelectionData.myselection if len(all_selected) == 0: logging.warning(_('No selected nodes - Nothing to do !')) return keys = Extractable_results.get_list() dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the unknown/variable to plot'), _('Unknown'), keys) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'No unknown chosen - Aborting !')) dlg.Destroy() return which = Extractable_results.get_from_key(dlg.GetStringSelection()) dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose the file to export'), wildcard='csv (*.csv)|*.csv', style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'No file chosen - Aborting !')) dlg.Destroy() return filename = Path(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() try: choice_bes = Select_Begin_end_interval_step(self, _('Choose the interval and step'), self.active_res2d, checkbox=True) ret = choice_bes.ShowModal() begin = choice_bes.begin end = choice_bes.end interval = choice_bes.step all = choice_bes.check_all finally: choice_bes.Destroy() if begin == -1:'No interval chosen - Aborting !')) return ret = self.active_res2d.export_some_values_to_csv(all_selected, which, filename, for_steps= (begin-1, end-1, interval), all_values=all) if not ret: logging.error(_('Error in exporting values !')) elif itemlabel == _("Plot stats unknown (inside active vector)..."): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector !')) return keys = Extractable_results.get_list() dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the unknown/variable to plot'), _('Unknown'), keys) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'No unknown chosen - Aborting !')) dlg.Destroy() return which = Extractable_results.get_from_key(dlg.GetStringSelection()) dlg.Destroy() try: choice_bes = Select_Begin_end_interval_step(self, _('Choose the interval and step'), self.active_res2d, checkbox=True) ret = choice_bes.ShowModal() begin = choice_bes.begin end = choice_bes.end interval = choice_bes.step violin = choice_bes.check_violin finally: choice_bes.Destroy() if begin == -1:'No interval chosen - Aborting !')) return newfig = self.new_fig(_('Series of {} - {} (polygon)').format(which.value[0], self.active_res2d.idx), 'series_'+self.active_res2d.idx, show=False, size= (800,600)) if violin: figax = self.active_res2d.plot_violin_values(self.active_vector, which, toshow=False, figax=newfig, for_steps= (begin-1, end-1, interval)) else: figax = self.active_res2d.plot_some_values(self.active_vector, which, toshow=False, figax=newfig, for_steps= (begin-1, end-1, interval)) newfig.Show() elif itemlabel == _("Export stats unknown (inside active vector)..."): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector !')) return keys = Extractable_results.get_list() dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the unknown/variable to plot'), _('Unknown'), keys) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'No unknown chosen - Aborting !')) dlg.Destroy() return which = Extractable_results.get_from_key(dlg.GetStringSelection()) dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose the file to export'), wildcard='csv (*.csv)|*.csv', style=wx.FD_SAVE | wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'No file chosen - Aborting !')) dlg.Destroy() return filename = Path(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() try: choice_bes = Select_Begin_end_interval_step(self, _('Choose the interval and step'), self.active_res2d, checkbox=True) ret = choice_bes.ShowModal() begin = choice_bes.begin end = choice_bes.end interval = choice_bes.step finally: choice_bes.Destroy() if begin == -1:'No interval chosen - Aborting !')) return ret = self.active_res2d.export_some_values_to_csv(self.active_vector, which, filename=filename, for_steps= (begin-1, end-1, interval), all_values=all) elif itemlabel == _("Plot stats unknown (inside active zone)..."): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone !')) return keys = Extractable_results.get_list() dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the unknown/variable to plot'), _('Unknown'), keys) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'No unknown chosen - Aborting !')) dlg.Destroy() return which = Extractable_results.get_from_key(dlg.GetStringSelection()) dlg.Destroy() try: choice_bes = Select_Begin_end_interval_step(self, _('Choose the interval and step'), self.active_res2d, checkbox=True) ret = choice_bes.ShowModal() begin = choice_bes.begin end = choice_bes.end interval = choice_bes.step violin = choice_bes.check_violin finally: choice_bes.Destroy() if begin == -1:'No interval chosen - Aborting !')) return for idx, curvect in enumerate(self.active_zone.myvectors):'Plotting {} / {}'.format(idx, self.active_zone.nbvectors))) if idx ==0: newfig = self.new_fig(_('Series of {} - {} (zone)').format(which.value[0], self.active_res2d.idx), 'series_'+self.active_res2d.idx, show=False, size= (800,600)) if violin: figax = self.active_res2d.plot_violin_values(curvect, which, toshow=False, figax=newfig, for_steps= (begin-1, end-1, interval)) else: figax = self.active_res2d.plot_some_values(curvect, which, toshow=False, figax=newfig, for_steps= (begin-1, end-1, interval)) newfig.Show() elif itemlabel == _("Export stats unknown (inside active zone)..."): if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active 2D result !')) return if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone !')) return keys = Extractable_results.get_list() dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the unknown/variable to plot'), _('Unknown'), keys) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'No unknown chosen - Aborting !')) dlg.Destroy() return which = Extractable_results.get_from_key(dlg.GetStringSelection()) dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, _('Choose the directory where to export'), style= wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'No file chosen - Aborting !')) dlg.Destroy() return directory = Path(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() try: choice_bes = Select_Begin_end_interval_step(self, _('Choose the interval and step'), self.active_res2d, checkbox=True) ret = choice_bes.ShowModal() begin = choice_bes.begin end = choice_bes.end interval = choice_bes.step finally: choice_bes.Destroy() if begin == -1:'No interval chosen - Aborting !')) return allnames = [curvect.myname for curvect in self.active_zone.myvectors] if len(set(allnames)) != len(allnames): logging.warning(_('Some vectors have the same name !')) # create new unique names unique_name = [] for curvect in self.active_zone.myvectors: if curvect.myname in unique_name: unique_name.append(curvect.myname + '_' + str(unique_name.count(curvect.myname))) else: unique_name.append(curvect.myname) for idx, (curvect, name) in enumerate(zip(self.active_zone.myvectors, unique_name)): self.active_res2d.export_some_values_to_csv(curvect, which, filename=directory / name, for_steps= (begin-1, end-1, interval), all_values=all) elif itemlabel == _("Plot active vector..."): """ Plot data along active vector """ if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector !')) return add_cloud = False if self.active_cloud is not None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('Do you want to plot the cloud ?'), style=wx.YES_NO) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_YES: add_cloud = True prox = wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_('Proximity [m] ?'), value = '5.0') ret = prox.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: prox.Destroy() return try: proxval = float(prox.GetValue()) except: prox.Destroy() logging.warning(_('Bad value -- Rety')) return tol = wx.TextEntryDialog(None,_('Tolerance [m] ?'), value = '0.5') ret = tol.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: tol.Destroy() return try: tolval = float(tol.GetValue()) except: tol.Destroy() logging.warning(_('Bad value -- Rety')) return else: add_cloud = False dlg.Destroy() # Création d'un graphique matplotlib sous wx lab = _('Plot of active vector') + ' - ' + self.active_vector.myname figmpl = self.new_fig(lab, lab, show=False, size= (800,600)) linkedarrays = self.get_linked_arrays() with wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the arrays to plot'), _('Arrays'), [curarray for curarray in list(linkedarrays.keys())]) as dlg: dlg:wx.MultiChoiceDialog dlg.SetSelections(range(len(linkedarrays))) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return selected = dlg.GetSelections() keys = list(linkedarrays.keys()) selected = [keys[cur] for cur in selected] dlg.Destroy() linkedarrays = {curkey:curval for curkey, curval in linkedarrays.items() if curkey in selected} self.active_vector.plot_linked_wx(figmpl, linkedarrays) if add_cloud: s, z = self.active_cloud.projectontrace(self.active_vector, return_cloud=False, proximity= proxval) figmpl.plot( s, z, c='black', s=1.0, marker='x') for curs, curz in zip(s,z): figmpl.plot([curs, curs], [curz-tolval, curz+tolval], 'k--', linewidth=0.5) figmpl.plot([curs-.1, curs+.1], [curz+tolval, curz+tolval], c='black', linewidth=0.5) figmpl.plot([curs-.1, curs+.1], [curz-tolval, curz-tolval], c='black', linewidth=0.5) figmpl.Show() elif itemlabel == _("Compute and apply unique colormap on all..."): self.uniquecolormap() elif itemlabel == _("Load and apply unique colormap on all..."): self.uniquecolormap(True) elif itemlabel == _("Force uniform in parts on all..."): self.uniforminparts_all(True) elif itemlabel == _("Force linear interpolation on all..."): self.uniforminparts_all(False) elif itemlabel == _("Load and apply mask (nap)..."): self.loadnap_and_apply() elif itemlabel == _("Filter inundation arrays..."): self.filter_inundation() elif itemlabel == _("Plot active polygons..."): if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone ! -- please select a zone containing polygons !')) return try: plotzone:list[zone] plotzone = [] zonename = self.active_zone.myname if '_left_' in zonename or '_right_' in zonename:'Left and Right polygons are detected')) testname = zonename.replace('_left_', '') testname = testname.replace('_right_', '') for curzone in self.active_zones.myzones: if testname == curzone.myname.replace('_left_', '').replace('_right_', ''): plotzone.append(curzone) msg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('Left and Right polygons are detected \nDo you want like to plot left and right polygons on the same plot ?'), style=wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT) ret = msg.ShowModal() msg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_NO: plotzone = [self.active_zone] else:'Sole polygon detected')) plotzone = [self.active_zone] # Création d'un graphique matplotlib sous wx figmpl = self.new_fig(_('Plot of active polygons'), 'plot_active_polygons', show=False, size= (800,600)) linkedarrays = {} # Matrices 2D for curarray in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.ARRAYS): curarray: WolfArray'Plotting array {}').format(curarray.idx)) linkedarrays[curarray.idx] = curarray # Résultats 2D for curarray in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D): curarray: Wolfresults_2D'Plotting results {}').format(curarray.idx)) linkedarrays[curarray.idx] = curarray linkedvecs={} for curvect in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.VECTORS): curvect: Zones'Plotting vector {}').format(curvect.idx)) linkedvecs[curvect.idx] = curvect if len(plotzone) > 1: # left and right polygons for curzone in plotzone: if '_left_' in curzone.myname: locarrays = {} for curkey, curarray in linkedarrays.items(): locarrays[curkey+ '_left'] = curarray curzone.plot_linked_polygons_wx(figmpl, locarrays, linked_vec=linkedvecs, linestyle= '--') elif '_right_' in curzone.myname: locarrays = {} for curkey, curarray in linkedarrays.items(): locarrays[curkey+ '_right'] = curarray curzone.plot_linked_polygons_wx(figmpl, locarrays, linked_vec=linkedvecs, linestyle= '-.') else: # sole polygon plotzone[0].plot_linked_polygons_wx(figmpl, linkedarrays, linked_vec=linkedvecs) figmpl.Show() except Exception as e: logging.error(_('Error in plotting active polygons\n{}'.format(e))) logging.warning(_('Are you sure the active zone contains polygons ?')) elif itemlabel == _("Manage banks..."): if self.active_vector is None: msg = _('Active vector is None\nPlease activate the one desired') msg += _('\n') msg += _('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return self.managebanks() elif itemlabel == _("Create banks from vertices..."): self.active_cs.create_zone_from_banksbed() self.active_cs.linked_zones.showstructure() elif itemlabel == _("Link cross sections to active zones"): if self.active_cs is None: msg = _('Active cross sections is None\nPlease activate the one desired') msg += _('\n') msg += _('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return if self.active_zones is None: msg = _('Active zone is None\nPlease activate the one desired') msg += _('\n') msg += _('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return self.active_cs.link_external_zones(self.active_zones) elif itemlabel == _("Rename cross sections..."): dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, _('Which starting point?')) ret = dlg.ShowModal() idxstart = dlg.GetValue() self.active_cs.rename(int(idxstart)) elif itemlabel == _("Triangulate cross sections..."): self.triangulate_cs() # elif itemlabel == _("Import triangulation..."): # self.import_3dfaces() elif itemlabel == _("Interpolate on active triangulation..."): self.interpolate_triangulation() elif itemlabel==_("Compare cloud to array..."): self.compare_cloud2array() elif itemlabel==_("Split cloud..."): if self.active_cloud is None: logging.warning(_('No active cloud !')) return if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No active vector !')) return self.split_cloud_by_vector() elif itemlabel==_("Compare triangles to array..."): self.compare_tri2array() elif itemlabel == _("Move triangles..."): self.move_triangles() elif itemlabel == _("Rotate triangles..."): self.rotate_triangles() elif itemlabel == _("Create contour from checked arrays..."): # Create contour from checked arrays and add it to the list of objects newzones = self.create_Zones_from_arrays(self.get_list_objects(draw_type.ARRAYS, checked_state=True)) self.add_object('vector', newobj=newzones, ToCheck=True, id='Contours from arrays') elif itemlabel == _("Calculator..."): if self.calculator is None: self.calculator = Calculator(mapviewer = self) else: try: self.calculator.Show() except: self.calculator = Calculator(mapviewer = self) elif itemlabel == _('Image digitizer...'): new_digitizer = Digitizer() elif itemlabel == _("Memory views..."): if self.memory_views is None: self.memory_views = Memory_Views() self._memory_views_gui = Memory_Views_GUI(self, _('Memory view manager'), self.memory_views, mapviewer = self) else: if self._memory_views_gui is None: self._memory_views_gui = Memory_Views_GUI(self, _('Memory view manager'), self.memory_views, mapviewer = self) self._memory_views_gui.Show() elif itemlabel == _("Create bridge and export gltf..."): if self.active_cs is None: msg = _('Active cross sections is None\nPlease activate the one desired') msg += _('\n') msg += _('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return self.start_action('bridge gltf', _('Create bridge and export gltf...')) elif itemlabel == _("Export cross sections to gltf..."): if self.active_cs is None: msg = _('Active cross sections is None\nPlease activate the one desired') msg += _('\n') msg += _('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Z minimum ?', 'Choose an elevation as base') dlg.SetValue('') zmin = 0. if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: zmin = float(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose filename'), wildcard='glb (*.glb)|*.glb|gltf2 (*.gltf)|*.gltf|All (*.*)|*.*', style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fn = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() self.active_cs.export_gltf(zmin, fn) elif itemlabel == _("New cloud Viewer..."): if self.myinterp is not None: self.myinterp.viewer_interpolator() elif itemlabel == _("Interpolate on active array..."): if self.myinterp is not None: self.interpolate_cs() elif itemlabel == _("Interpolate active cloud on active array..."): self.interpolate_cloud() elif itemlabel == _('Save project as...'): filterProject = "proj (*.proj)|*.proj|param (*.param)|*.param|all (*.*)|*.*" file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Name your file", wildcard=filterProject, style=wx.FD_SAVE) if file.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: file.Destroy() return else: # récuparétaion du nom de fichier avec chemin d'accès filename = file.GetPath() file.Destroy() abspath = True dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Do you want to save the paths in absolute mode ?'), _('Relative paths'), style=wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_NO: abspath = False self.save_project(filename, absolute= abspath) elif itemlabel == _('Initialize from laz, las or npz'): self.init_laz_from_lazlasnpz() elif itemlabel == _('Initialize from directory'): self.init_laz_from_gridinfos() elif itemlabel == _('Copy from current zoom'): if self.mylazgrid is None: logging.warning(_('No gridded LAZ data loaded !')) return dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, _('Choose a directory to copy the files'), _('Copy files'), style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() dirout = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() curbounds = [[self.xmin, self.xmin + self.width], [self.ymin, self.ymin + self.height]] self.mylazgrid.copy_files_in_bounds(curbounds, dirout) elif itemlabel == _('Create cloud points from bridges'): if self.active_laz is None: self.init_laz_from_lazlasnpz() mybridges = self.active_laz.get_data_class(10) mycloud = cloud_vertices() mycloud.init_from_nparray(mybridges) = 2 mycloud.myprop.color = getIfromRGB([255, 102, 102]) mycloud.myprop.width = .5 if self.linked: if len(self.linkedList) > 0: for curframe in self.linkedList: curframe.add_object('cloud', newobj=mycloud, ToCheck=True, id='Bridges') else: self.add_object('cloud', newobj=mycloud, ToCheck=True, id='Bridges') elif itemlabel == _('Create cloud points from buildings'): if self.active_laz is None: self.init_laz_from_lazlasnpz() mybuildings = self.active_laz.get_data_class(1) mycloud = cloud_vertices() mycloud.init_from_nparray(mybuildings) = 2 mycloud.myprop.color = getIfromRGB([102, 102, 102]) mycloud.myprop.width = .5 if self.linked: if len(self.linkedList) > 0: for curframe in self.linkedList: curframe.add_object('cloud', newobj=mycloud, ToCheck=True, id='Buildings') else: self.add_object('cloud', newobj=mycloud, ToCheck=True, id='Buildings') elif itemlabel == _('Create cloud points from specified classes'): if self.active_laz is None: self.init_laz_from_lazlasnpz() codes = self.active_laz.codes_unique dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the classes to plot'), _('Classes'), codes) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() selected = dlg.GetSelections() selected = [codes[cur] for cur in selected] dlg.Destroy() for curcode in selected: mycloud = cloud_vertices() mydata = self.active_laz.get_data_class(curcode) mycloud.init_from_nparray(mydata) = 2 mycloud.myprop.color = getIfromRGB([102, 102, 102]) mycloud.myprop.width = .5 if self.linked: if len(self.linkedList) > 0: for curframe in self.linkedList: curframe.add_object('cloud', newobj=mycloud, ToCheck=True, id='Class {}'.format(curcode)) else: self.add_object('cloud', newobj=mycloud, ToCheck=True, id='Class {}'.format(curcode)) elif itemlabel == _('Create LAZ viewer'): laz_source = self._select_laz_source() if laz_source is None: logging.warning(_('No LAZ data loaded !')) return if laz_source is self.mylazgrid: if self.mylazgrid is None: logging.warning(_('No gridded LAZ data loaded !')) return autoscale=False self.clip_laz_gridded() if self.active_laz.nb_points ==0: logging.warning(_('No points in the active LAZ object -- Aborting !')) return self.active_laz.create_viewer(self._choice_laz_colormap(), self.mylazgrid.colors) self.myviewerslaz.append(self.active_laz.viewer) self.active_viewerlaz = self.myviewerslaz[-1] # self.myviewer = myviewer(, ass_values[idx], palette_classif = self.mylazgrid.colors) else: if self.active_laz.nb_points ==0: logging.warning(_('No points in the active LAZ object -- Aborting !')) return self.active_laz.create_viewer() self.myviewerslaz.append(self.active_laz.viewer) self.active_viewerlaz = self.myviewerslaz[-1] # self.myviewer = myviewer(, ass_values[idx], palette_classif= laz_source.classification) elif itemlabel == _('Filter data based on codes'): self.filter_active_laz() elif itemlabel == _('Descimate LAZ data'): if self.active_laz is None: return # Choose a decimation factor - integer dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Your dataset contains {} points.\nWould you like to descimate?').format(self.active_laz.num_points), _('Decaimate factor'), _('Decimation'), 0, 0, 100) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return descimate_fact = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() if descimate_fact > 0: self.active_laz.descimate(descimate_fact)'New count : {}').format(self.active_laz.num_points)) elif itemlabel == _('Clip LAZ grid on current zoom'): if self.mylazgrid is None: logging.warning(_('No gridded LAZ data loaded !')) return self.clip_laz_gridded() if self.active_laz is None: logging.error(_('No data found')) return if[0] > 100_000_000: # Choose a decimation factor - integer dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Your data selection is very large (>100 M)\nWould you like to descimate?\n\n{} points').format([0]), _('Descimate factor'), _('Decimation'), 0, 0, 100) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return descimate_fact = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() if descimate_fact > 0: self.descimate_laz_data(descimate_fact) elif itemlabel == _('Fill active array from LAZ data'): if self.mylazgrid is None: logging.warning('') return if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('No active array -- select an array first and retry!')) return self.fill_active_array_from_laz(self.active_array) elif itemlabel == _('Count LAZ data in cells'): if self.mylazgrid is None: logging.warning('') return if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('No active array -- select an array first and retry!')) return self.count_active_array_from_laz(self.active_array) elif itemlabel == _('Select cells in array from LAZ data'): if self.mylazgrid is None: logging.warning('') return if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('No active array -- select an array first and retry!')) return self.select_active_array_from_laz(self.active_array) elif itemlabel == _('Plot LAZ around active vector'): self.plot_laz_around_active_vec() elif itemlabel == _('Plot LAZ around temporary vector'): self.active_vector = vector() self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(0.,0.)) self.mimicme() self.start_action('laz tmp vector', _('LAZ tmp')) elif itemlabel == _('Change colors - Classification'): if self.mylazgrid is not None: self.mylazgrid.colors.interactive_update_colors() elif itemlabel == _('Multiviewer'): dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(self, _("Additional viewers"), _("How many?"), _("How many additional viewers?"),1, 0, 5) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return nb = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() if nb > 0: # Renaming the current viewer dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, _('New name for the current viewer'), _('Rename'), self.viewer_name, style=wx.OK | wx.CANCEL) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: self.viewer_name = dlg.GetValue() self.SetName(self.viewer_name) dlg.Destroy() for i in range(nb): self.add_viewer_and_link() else: logging.warning(_('No additional viewer !')) elif itemlabel == _('3D viewer'): self.active_viewer3d = Wolf_Viewer3D(self, _("3D Viewer")) self.active_viewer3d.Show() self.myviewers3d.append(self.active_viewer3d) for curarray in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.ARRAYS): curarray:WolfArray if curarray.checked: if curarray._array3d is None: curarray.prepare_3D() if self.active_viewer3d not in curarray.viewers3d: curarray.viewers3d.append(self.active_viewer3d) self.active_viewer3d.add_array(curarray.idx, curarray._array3d) self.active_viewer3d.autoscale() elif itemlabel == _('Create/Open multiblock model'): self.create_2D_MB_model() elif itemlabel == _('Create/Open GPU model'): self.create_2D_GPU_model() elif itemlabel == _('Open Hydrological model'): self.open_hydrological_model() elif itemlabel == _('Check headers'): self.check_2D_MB_headers() elif itemlabel == _('Set comparison'): autoscale = True # Comparaison de deux résultats ou de deux matrices self.compare_results = Compare_Arrays_Results(self, share_cmap_array= True, share_cmap_diff= True) add_elt = True while add_elt: add_elt = self.compare_results.add() if len(self.compare_results.paths) < 2 : logging.warning(_('Not enough elements to compare !')) self.compare_results = None return self.compare_results.bake() elif id == wx.ID_EXIT: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None,_('Do you really want to quit?'), style = wx.YES_NO|wx.NO_DEFAULT) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_YES: wx.Exit() else: dlg.Destroy() elif id == wx.ID_FILE1: self.add_object(which='array', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Add view...'): self.add_object(which='views', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Add tiles GPU...'): self.add_object(which='array_tiles', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Add tiles...'): self.add_object(which='tiles', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel ==_('Add images tiles...'): self.add_object(which='imagestiles', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Add tiles comparator...'): self.add_object(which='tilescomp', ToCheck=True) elif id == wx.ID_FILE2: self.add_object(which='vector', ToCheck=True) elif id == wx.ID_FILE3: self.add_object(which='cloud', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Add triangulation...'): self.add_object(which='triangulation', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Add particle system...'): self.add_object(which = 'particlesystem', ToCheck = True) self.menu_particlesystem() elif itemlabel == _('Create particle system...'): self.active_particle_system = newpart = Particle_system() self.add_object(which='particlesystem', newobj=newpart, ToCheck=True) self.menu_particlesystem() elif id == wx.ID_FILE4: self.add_object(which='cross_sections', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Add Wolf2D results...'): self.add_object(which='res2d', ToCheck=True) self.menu_wolf2d() elif itemlabel == _('Add Wolf2D GPU results...'): self.add_object(which='res2d_gpu', ToCheck=True) self.menu_wolf2d() self.menu_2dgpu() elif itemlabel == _('Add bridges...'): self.add_object(which='bridges', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Add weirs...'): self.add_object(which='weirs', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Add array and crop...'): self.add_object(which='array_crop', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Create array from bathymetry file...'): self.add_object(which='array_xyz', ToCheck=True) elif itemlabel == _('Create array from Lidar 2002...'): dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('What source of data?'), _('Lidar 2002'), [_('First echo'), _('Second echo')]) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: return sel = dlg.GetStringSelection() if sel == _('First echo'): self.add_object(which='array_lidar_first', ToCheck=True) elif sel == _('Second echo'): self.add_object(which='array_lidar_second', ToCheck=True) elif id == wx.ID_FILE5: def addscandir(mydir): for entry in scandir(mydir): if entry.is_dir(): addscandir(entry) elif entry.is_file(): if'.vec') or'.vecz'): msg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _( + ' found in ' + mydir + '\n\n Is it a "cross sections" file?'), style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) ret = msg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_YES: self.add_object(which='vector', filename=join(mydir,, ToCheck=True, id=join(mydir, else: self.add_object(which='cross_sections', filename=join(mydir,, ToCheck=True, id=join(mydir, elif'.bin', '.tif', '.npy')): self.add_object(which='array', filename=join(mydir,, ToCheck=True, id=join(mydir, mydialog = wx.DirDialog(self, _("Choose directory to scan")) if mydialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: mydialog.Destroy() return else: # récupération du nom de fichier avec chemin d'accès mydir = mydialog.GetPath() mydialog.Destroy() if exists(mydir): addscandir(mydir) elif id == wx.ID_FILE6: # Création d'une nouvelle matrice newarray = WolfArray(create=True, mapviewer=self) self.add_object('array', newobj=newarray) elif itemlabel == _('Create view...'): # Création d'une nouvelle vue newview = WolfViews(mapviewer=self) self.add_object('views', newobj=newview) elif itemlabel==_('Create Wolf2D manager ...'): from .mesh2d.config_manager import config_manager_2D newmanager = config_manager_2D(mapviewer=self) elif itemlabel==_('Create scenarios manager ...'): from .scenario.config_manager import Config_Manager_2D_GPU newmanager = Config_Manager_2D_GPU(mapviewer=self, create_ui_if_wx=True) elif itemlabel == _('Create acceptability manager...'): from .acceptability.acceptability_gui import AcceptabilityGui newmanager = AcceptabilityGui() newmanager.mapviewer = self newmanager.Show() elif itemlabel==_('Create BC manager Wolf2D...'): if self.active_array is not None: choices = {'WOLF prev':1, 'WOLF OO':2, 'GPU':3} dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _("Which version of BC Manager"), _("Version"), ['WOLF prev', 'WOLF OO', 'GPU']) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return method = dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() which_version = choices[method] self.mybc.append(BcManager(self, linked_array=self.active_array, version = which_version, DestroyAtClosing=False, Callback=self.pop_boundary_manager, mapviewer=self)) ret = self.mybc[-1].FindBorders() if ret == -1: self.mybc.pop(-1) return self.active_bc = self.mybc[-1] elif itemlabel == _('Create Wolf1D...'): self.frame_create1Dfrom2D = GuiNotebook1D(mapviewer= self)'New window available - Wolf1D.')) elif id == wx.ID_FILE7: # Création de nouveaux vecteurs newzones = Zones(parent=self) self.add_object('vector', newobj=newzones) elif id == wx.ID_FILE8: # Création d'un nouveau nuage de point newcloud = cloud_vertices() self.add_object('cloud', newobj=newcloud) elif id in # gestion des actions self.ManageActions(id) elif id == wx.ID_SAVE: for obj in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.ARRAYS): obj: WolfArray if obj.filename == '': filterArray = "bin (*.bin)|*.bin|Geotif (*.tif)|*.tif|Numpy (*.npy)|*.npy|all (*.*)|*.*" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) fdlg.ShowModal() if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: obj.filename = fdlg.GetPath() obj.write_all() for obj in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.VECTORS): obj:Zones obj.saveas() elif itemlabel == 'Save to image...': fn, ds = self.save_canvasogl(mpl=True) all_images = self.save_linked_canvas(fn[:-4], mpl= True, ds= ds, add_title= True) self.assembly_images(all_images, mode= self.assembly_mode) elif itemlabel == _('Copy image...'): self.copy_canvasogl() elif itemlabel == _('Export...'): curarray: WolfArray curvec: vector msg = '' if self.active_array is None: msg += _('Active array is None\n') if self.active_vector is None: msg += _('Active vector is None\n') if msg != '': msg += _('\n') msg += _('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return curarray = self.active_array curvec = self.active_vector curvec.find_minmax() i1, j1 = curarray.get_ij_from_xy(curvec.xmin, curvec.ymin) x1, y1 = curarray.get_xy_from_ij(i1, j1) x1 -= curarray.dx / 2. y1 -= curarray.dy / 2. i2, j2 = curarray.get_ij_from_xy(curvec.xmax, curvec.ymax) x2, y2 = curarray.get_xy_from_ij(i2, j2) x2 += curarray.dx / 2. y2 += curarray.dy / 2. mybounds = [[x1, x2], [y1, y2]] dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose filename'), wildcard='glb (*.glb)|*.glb|gltf2 (*.gltf)|*.gltf|All (*.*)|*.*', style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fn = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Export to gltf/glb')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() curarray.export_to_gltf(mybounds, fn) del wait elif itemlabel == _('Import...'): curarray: WolfArray msg = '' if self.active_array is None: msg += _('Active array is None\n') if msg != '': msg += _('\n') msg += _('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return curarray = self.active_array dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose filename'), wildcard='glb (*.glb)|*.glb|gltf2 (*.gltf)|*.gltf|All (*.*)|*.*', style=wx.FD_OPEN) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fn = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose pos filename'), wildcard='pos (*.pos)|*.pos|All (*.*)|*.*', style=wx.FD_OPEN) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fnpos = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() choices = ["matplotlib", "scipy"] #, "pyvista"] dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _("Pick an interpolation method"), _("Choices"), choices) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return method = dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing gltf/glb')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() try: curarray.import_from_gltf(fn, fnpos, method) except: pass del wait elif itemlabel == _('Compare...'): msg = '' if self.active_array is None: msg += _('Active array is None\n') if msg != '': msg += _('\n') msg += _('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return self.set_blender_sculpting() autoscale = False self.set_fn_fnpos_gltf() self.update_blender_sculpting() elif itemlabel == _('Update...'): msg = '' if self.active_array is None: msg += _('Active array is None\n') if msg != '': msg += _('\n') msg += _('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return self.set_fn_fnpos_gltf() self.update_blender_sculpting() elif id == wx.ID_SAVEAS: for obj in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.ARRAYS): obj: WolfArray filterArray = "bin (*.bin)|*.bin|Geotif (*.tif)|*.tif|Numpy (*.npy)|*.npy|all (*.*)|*.*" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name for Array : " + obj.idx, wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: obj.filename = fdlg.GetPath() obj.write_all() for obj in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.VECTORS): obj:Zones if obj.idx=='grid': pass else: filterArray = "vec (*.vec)|*.vec|vecz (*.vecz)|*.vecz|Shapefile (*.shp)|*.shp|all (*.*)|*.*" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name for Vector :" + obj.idx, wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: obj.saveas(fdlg.GetPath()) if len(self.myarrays) + len(self.myvectors) + len(self.myclouds) + len(self.mytri) + len(self.myres2D) + len(self.mytiles) + len(self.myimagestiles) + len(self.mypartsystems) == 2 and autoscale: # Trouve les bornzs si un seul élément est présent, sinon on conserve l'état du zoom self.Autoscale()
[docs] def pop_boundary_manager(self, which:BcManager): """ Pop a boundary condition manager after Destroying """ idx = self.mybc.index(which) if self.active_bc is which: self.active_bc = None self.mybc.pop(idx) self.Refresh()
[docs] def get_boundary_manager(self, which:WolfArray): """ Get a boundary manager """ for curbc in self.mybc: if curbc.linked_array is which: return curbc return None
[docs] def uniquecolormap(self, loadfromfile = False): """ Compute unique colormap from all (arrays, 2D results) and apply it to all """ workingarray=[] nbnotnull=0 newpal = wolfpalette(self) if loadfromfile : newpal.readfile() if not newpal.is_valid(): logging.warning(_('Palette not valid !')) return else: nb = len(self.myarrays) + len(self.myres2D) pgbar = wx.ProgressDialog(_('Compute unique colormap'), _('Compute unique colormap from all arrays'), maximum=nb, parent=self, style=wx.PD_APP_MODAL|wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE) curarray:WolfArray curres2d:Wolfresults_2D for curarray in self.myarrays: if curarray.plotted: workingarray.append(curarray.get_working_array()) nbnotnull+=curarray.nbnotnull pgbar.Update(pgbar.GetValue() + 1, _('Compute unique colormap from array : ') + curarray.idx) for curres2d in self.myres2D: if curres2d.plotted: workingarray.append(curres2d.get_working_array()) nbnotnull+=curres2d.nbnotnull pgbar.Update(pgbar.GetValue() + 1, _('Compute unique colormap from 2D result : ') + curres2d.idx) pgbar.Destroy() workingarray = np.concatenate(workingarray) newpal.default16() newpal.isopop(workingarray, nbnotnull) nb = len(self.myarrays) + len(self.myres2D) pgbar = wx.ProgressDialog(_('Applying colormap'), _('Applying colormap to all arrays'), maximum=nb, parent=self, style=wx.PD_APP_MODAL|wx.PD_AUTO_HIDE) for curarray in self.myarrays: if curarray.plotted: curarray.mypal.automatic = False curarray.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) curarray.mypal.values = newpal.values.copy() curarray.mypal.colors = newpal.colors.copy() curarray.mypal.fill_segmentdata() curarray.reset_plot() pgbar.Update(pgbar.GetValue() + 1, _('Applying colormap to array : ') + curarray.idx) for curres2d in self.myres2D: if curres2d.plotted: curres2d.mypal.automatic = False curres2d.mypal.nb = newpal.nb curres2d.mypal.values = newpal.values.copy() curres2d.mypal.colors = newpal.colors.copy() curres2d.mypal.fill_segmentdata() curres2d.reset_plot() pgbar.Update(pgbar.GetValue() + 1, _('Applying colormap to 2D result : ') + curres2d.idx) pgbar.Destroy()
[docs] def loadnap_and_apply(self): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self,_('Load mask for all?'),style=wx.YES_NO|wx.YES_DEFAULT) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_NO: dlg.Destroy() return with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Loading masks')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() curarray:WolfArray for curarray in self.myarrays: if curarray.plotted: curarray.loadnap_and_apply() del wait
[docs] def uniforminparts_all(self, TrueOrFalse:bool): for curarray in self.myarrays: curarray:WolfArray if curarray.plotted: curarray.mypal.interval_cst = TrueOrFalse curarray.reset_plot() for curarray in self.myres2D: curarray:Wolfresults_2D if curarray.plotted: curarray.mypal.interval_cst = TrueOrFalse curarray.link_palette() curarray.reset_plot()
[docs] def filter_inundation(self): dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self,_('Upper bound \n\n All values strictly lower than the bound will not be extracted !'),value='.0005') ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return bound = float(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy()'Filtering results')) curarray:WolfArray for curarray in self.myarrays: if curarray.plotted: curarray.filter_inundation(epsilon = bound) curarray.filter_independent_zones(n_largest = 1) curarray:Wolfresults_2D for curarray in self.myres2D: if curarray.plotted: curarray.filter_inundation(eps = bound) curarray.filter_independent_zones(n_largest = 1)'Filtering done !'))
[docs] def export_results_as(self, which:Literal['geotiff','shape','numpy'] = None, multiband:bool = None): """ Export des résultats WOLF2D vers différents formats. Au moins un résultat doit être chargé pour pouvoir être exporté. """ dlg = wx.DirDialog(self,_('Choose output directory'), style = wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: logging.warning(_('Abort!')) dlg.Destroy() return outdir = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() if which not in ['geotiff','shape','numpy']: dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(self,_('Choose output format'), _('Format'), ['Geotiff','Shape file','Numpy array']) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: logging.warning(_('Abort!')) dlg.Destroy() return sel = dlg.GetSelection() if sel == 0: which = 'geotiff' elif sel == 1: which = 'shape' else: which = 'numpy' dlg.Destroy() if which == 'geotiff': if multiband is None: dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(self,_('Choose output format'), _('Format'), ['Multiband (single file)', 'Single band (multiple files)']) dlg.ShowModal() sel = dlg.GetSelection() if sel == 1: multiband = False else: multiband = True dlg.Destroy()'Exporting results -- Be patient !')) loaded_res = self.get_list_keys(drawing_type= draw_type.RES2D, checked_state=None) dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self,_('Choose results to export'), _('Results'), choices=loaded_res) dlg.SetSelections([idx for idx, res in enumerate(loaded_res) if self.get_obj_from_id(res, drawtype=draw_type.RES2D).plotted]) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: logging.warning(_('Abort!')) dlg.Destroy() return sel = dlg.GetSelections() # Get a list if integers sel_res = [self.get_obj_from_id(loaded_res[cursel], drawtype=draw_type.RES2D) for cursel in sel] # convert to list of objects dlg.Destroy() if len(sel) == 0: logging.warning(_('No results selected for export')) return fields = [(views_2D.TOPOGRAPHY, True), (views_2D.WATERDEPTH, True), (views_2D.QX, True), (views_2D.QY, True), (views_2D.UNORM, True), (views_2D.FROUDE, True), (views_2D.HEAD, True), (views_2D.CRITICAL_DIAMETER_SHIELDS, False), (views_2D.CRITICAL_DIAMETER_IZBACH, False), (views_2D.QNORM, False), (views_2D.WATERLEVEL, False), (views_2D.CRITICAL_DIAMETER_SUSPENSION_50, False), (views_2D.CRITICAL_DIAMETER_SUSPENSION_100, False),] dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(self,_('Choose fields to export'), _('Fields'), choices= [str(field[0]) for field in fields]) dlg.SetSelections([idx for idx, field in enumerate(fields) if field[1]]) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: logging.warning(_('Abort!')) dlg.Destroy() return sel_fields = dlg.GetSelections() # Get a list if integers dlg.Destroy() if len(sel_fields) == 0: logging.warning(_('No fields selected for export')) return # Get the views_2D values associated with the selected field names fields = [fields[cursel][0] for cursel in sel_fields] for cur_res in tqdm(sel_res): cur_res:Wolfresults_2D cur_res.export_as(outdir, fields, which, multiband)'Export done -- Thanks for your patience !'))
[docs] def export_shape(self, outdir:str= '', fn:str = '', myarrays:list[WolfArray]= [], descr:list[str]= [], mask:WolfArray=None): """ Export multiple arrays to shapefile :param outdir: output directory :param fn: filename -- .shp will be added if not present :param myarrays: list of Wolfarrays to export :param descr: list of descriptions :param mask: mask array -- export only where mask > 0 """ if len(myarrays)==0: logging.warning(_('No arrays provided for shapefile export')) return if mask is None: logging.warning(_('No mask provided for shapefile export')) return from osgeo import gdal, osr, gdalconst,ogr # create the spatial reference system, Lambert72 srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(31370) # create the data source driver: ogr.Driver driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") # create the data source filename = join(outdir,fn) if not filename.endswith('.shp'): filename+='.shp' ds = driver.CreateDataSource(filename) # create one layer layer = ds.CreateLayer("results", srs, ogr.wkbPolygon) # Add ID fields idFields=[] for curlab in descr: idFields.append(ogr.FieldDefn(curlab, ogr.OFTReal)) layer.CreateField(idFields[-1]) # Create the feature and set values featureDefn = layer.GetLayerDefn() feature = ogr.Feature(featureDefn) usednodes = np.argwhere(mask.array>0.) for i,j in usednodes: x,y = mask.get_xy_from_ij(i,j) # Creating a line geometry ring = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbLinearRing) ring.AddPoint(x-mask.dx/2,y-mask.dy/2) ring.AddPoint(x+mask.dx/2,y-mask.dy/2) ring.AddPoint(x+mask.dx/2,y+mask.dy/2) ring.AddPoint(x-mask.dx/2,y+mask.dy/2) ring.AddPoint(x-mask.dx/2,y-mask.dy/2) # Create polygon poly = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPolygon) poly.AddGeometry(ring) feature.SetGeometry(poly) for arr, id in zip(myarrays,descr): feature.SetField(id, float(arr.array[i,j])) layer.CreateFeature(feature) feature = None # Save and close DataSource ds = None
[docs] def export_geotif(self, outdir:str= '', fn:str = '', myarrays:list[WolfArray]= [], descr:list[str]= [], multiband:bool= True): """ Export multiple arrays to geotiff :param outdir: output directory :param fn: filename -- .tif will be added if not present :param myarrays: list of Wolfarrays to export :param descr: list of descriptions -- Bands names """ if len(myarrays)==0: logging.warning(_('No arrays provided for geotiff export')) return from osgeo import gdal, osr, gdalconst srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromEPSG(31370) driver: gdal.Driver out_ds: gdal.Dataset band: gdal.Band driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff") if multiband: filename = join(outdir,fn) if not filename.endswith('.tif'): filename+='.tif' arr = myarrays[0] out_ds = driver.Create(filename, arr.shape[0], arr.shape[1], len(myarrays), arr.dtype_gdal, options=['COMPRESS=LZW']) out_ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) out_ds.SetGeoTransform([myarrays[0].origx+myarrays[0].translx, myarrays[0].dx, 0., myarrays[0].origy+myarrays[0].transly, 0., myarrays[0].dy]) k=1 for arr, name in zip(myarrays,descr): band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(k) band.SetNoDataValue(0.) band.SetDescription(name) band.WriteArray(arr.array.transpose()) band.FlushCache() band.ComputeStatistics(True) k+=1 out_ds = None else: for arr, name in zip(myarrays,descr): if filename.endswith('.tif'): filename = filename[:-4] filename = join(outdir,fn+'_'+name) filename += '.tif' out_ds = driver.Create(filename, arr.shape[0], arr.shape[1], 1, arr.dtype_gdal, options=['COMPRESS=LZW']) out_ds.SetProjection(srs.ExportToWkt()) out_ds.SetGeoTransform([myarrays[0].origx+myarrays[0].translx, myarrays[0].dx, 0., myarrays[0].origy+myarrays[0].transly, 0., myarrays[0].dy]) band = out_ds.GetRasterBand(1) band.SetNoDataValue(0.) band.SetDescription(name) band.WriteArray(arr.array.transpose()) band.FlushCache() band.ComputeStatistics(True) out_ds = None
[docs] def get_linked_arrays(self, linked:bool = True) -> dict: """ Get all arrays in the viewer and linked viewers """ linkedarrays = {} if self.linked and linked: all_dicts = [curviewer.get_linked_arrays(linked = False) for curviewer in self.linkedList] for curdict in all_dicts: linkedarrays.update(curdict) else: for locarray in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.ARRAYS): linkedarrays[locarray.idx] = locarray for locarray in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.RES2D): linkedarrays[locarray.idx] = locarray return linkedarrays
[docs] def save_linked_canvas(self, fn:str, mpl:bool= True, ds:float= 0., add_title:bool= True) -> tuple[(str, float), str]: """ Save canvas of all linked viewers :param fn: filename without extension -- '.png' will be added :param mpl: save as matplotlib image :param ds: Ticks size for matplotlib image :return: list of tuple ((filename, ds), viewer_name) """ fn = str(fn) ret = [] if self.linked: for idx, curel in enumerate(self.linkedList): ret.append((curel.save_canvasogl(fn + '_' + str(idx) + '.png', mpl, ds, add_title= add_title), self.viewer_name)) return ret
[docs] def save_arrays_indep(self, fn:str, mpl:bool= True, ds:float= 0., add_title:bool= True) -> tuple[(str, float), str]: """ Save each array in a separate file :param fn: filename without extension -- '.png' will be added :param mpl: save as matplotlib image :param ds: Ticks size for matplotlib image :return: list of tuple ((filename, ds), viewer_name) """ # Get all checked arrays checked_arrays = self.get_list_keys(drawing_type= draw_type.ARRAYS, checked_state= True) old_active = self.active_array if len(checked_arrays) == 0: logging.warning(_('No arrays checked for export')) return def uncheck_all(): # uncheck arrays for curarray in checked_arrays: self.uncheck_id(curarray, unload= False, forceresetOGL= False) fn = str(fn) ret = [] for idx, curel in enumerate(checked_arrays): uncheck_all() self.check_id(curel) self.active_array = self.get_obj_from_id(curel, drawtype= draw_type.ARRAYS) ret.append((self.save_canvasogl(fn + '_' + str(idx) + '.png', mpl, ds, add_title= add_title, arrayid_as_title=True), curel)) self.active_array = old_active for curarray in checked_arrays: self.check_id(curarray) self.Refresh() return ret
[docs] def assembly_images(self, all_images, mode:Literal['horizontal', 'vertical', 'square']= 'square'): """ Assembly images Every image has the same size (width, height) :param all_images: list of tuple (filename, viewer_name) :param mode: 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'square' """ assert mode in ['horizontal', 'vertical', 'square', 0, 1, 2], 'Mode not recognized' from PIL import Image images = [ for (fn, ds), viewername in all_images] if len(images) in [1,2] and (mode == 'square' or mode == 2): mode = 'horizontal' widths, heights = zip(*(i.size for i in images)) if mode == 'horizontal' or mode==0: total_width = sum(widths) max_height = max(heights) new_im ='RGB', (total_width, max_height), color=(255,255,255)) x_offset = 0 for im in images: new_im.paste(im, (x_offset,0)) x_offset += im.size[0][0][0][0][:-4] + '_assembly.png') elif mode == 'vertical' or mode==1: total_height = sum(heights) max_width = max(widths) new_im ='RGB', (max_width, total_height), color=(255,255,255)) y_offset = 0 for im in images: new_im.paste(im, (0, y_offset)) y_offset += im.size[1][0][0][0][:-4] + '_assembly.png') elif mode == 'square' or mode==2: max_width = max(widths) max_height = max(heights) nb_hor = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(images)))) new_im ='RGB', (max_width*nb_hor, max_height*nb_hor), color=(255,255,255)) x_offset = 0 y_offset = 0 for idx, im in enumerate(images): new_im.paste(im, (x_offset, y_offset)) x_offset += im.size[0] if (idx+1) % nb_hor == 0: y_offset += im.size[1] x_offset = 0[0][0][0][:-4] + '_assembly.png') return new_im
[docs] def thread_update_blender(self): print("Update blender") if self.SetCurrentContext(): self.update_blender_sculpting() t = threading.Timer(10.0, self.thread_update_blender) t.start()
[docs] def add_object(self, which:Literal['array','array_lidar_first','array_lidar_second','array_xyz','array_tiles', 'bridges', 'weirs', 'vector', 'tiles', 'tilescomp' 'cloud', 'laz', 'triangulation', 'cross_sections', 'other', 'views', 'res2d', 'res2d_gpu', 'particlesystem', 'wmsback', 'wmsfore', 'imagestiles'] = 'array', filename='', newobj=None, ToCheck=True, id=''): """ Add object to current Frame/Drawing area """ filterArray = "All supported formats|*.bin;*.tif;*.tiff;*.top;*.flt;*.npy;*.npz;*.vrt|bin (*.bin)|*.bin|Elevation WOLF2D (*.top)|*.top|Geotif (*.tif)|*.tif|Float ESRI (*.flt)|*.flt|Numpy (*.npy)|*.npy|Numpy named arrays(*.npz)|*.npz|all (*.*)|*.*" filterjson = "json (*.json)|*.json|all (*.*)|*.*" filterall = "all (*.*)|*.*" filterres2d = "all (*.*)|*.*" filterVector = "All supported formats|*.vec;*.vecz;*.dxf;*.shp|vec (*.vec)|*.vec|vecz (*.vecz)|*.vecz|dxf (*.dxf)|*.dxf|shp (*.shp)|*.shp|all (*.*)|*.*" filterCloud = "xyz (*.xyz)|*.xyz|dxf (*.dxf)|*.dxf|text (*.txt)|*.txt|shp (*.shp)|*.shp|all (*.*)|*.*" filterlaz = "laz (*.laz)|*.laz|las (*.las)|*.las|Numpy (*.npz)|*.npz|all (*.*)|*.*" filtertri = "tri (*.tri)|*.tri|text (*.txt)|*.txt|dxf (*.dxf)|*.dxf|gltf (*.gltf)|*.gltf|gltf binary (*.glb)|*.glb|*.*'all (*.*)|*.*" filterCs = "vecz WOLF (*.vecz)|*.vecz|txt 2022 (*.txt)|*.txt|WOLF (*.sxy)|*.sxy|text 2000 (*.txt)|*.txt|all (*.*)|*.*" filterimage = "Geotif (*.tif)|*.tif|all (*.*)|*.*" if filename == '' and newobj is None: # ouverture d'une boîte de dialogue if which.lower() == 'array' or which.lower() == 'array_crop': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterArray) elif which.lower() == 'imagestiles': file = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory containing images") elif which.lower() == 'particlesystem': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterjson) elif which.lower() == 'array_lidar_first' or which.lower() == 'array_lidar_second': file = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory containing Lidar data") elif which.lower() == 'array_xyz': file = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory containing XYZ files") elif which.lower() == 'array_tiles': file = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory containing GPU results") elif which.lower() == 'bridges': file = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory containing bridges") elif which.lower() == 'weirs': file = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory containing weirs") elif which.lower() in ['vector', 'tiles', 'tilescomp']: file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterVector) elif which.lower() == 'cloud': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterCloud) elif which.lower() == 'laz': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterlaz) elif which.lower() == 'triangulation': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filtertri) elif which.lower() == 'cross_sections': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterCs) elif which.lower() == 'other': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterall) elif which.lower() == 'views': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterall) elif which.lower() == 'res2d': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterres2d) elif which.lower() == 'res2d_gpu': file = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory containging WolfGPU results") # FIXME : particularize filters for wmsback and wmsfore elif which.lower() == 'wmsback': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterimage) elif which.lower() == 'wmsfore': file = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file", wildcard=filterimage) if file.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: file.Destroy() return -1 else: # récuparétaion du nom de fichier avec chemin d'accès filename = file.GetPath() try: curfilter = file.GetFilterIndex() except: pass file.Destroy() if filename != '': if (not (os.path.exists(filename))): logging.warning("Warning : the following file is not present here : " + filename) return -1 all_ids = self.get_list_keys(None, checked_state=None) curtree = None if which.lower() == 'array' or which.lower() == 'array_crop': curdict = self.myarrays curtree = self.myitemsarray if newobj is None: if filename.endswith('.npz'): wait = wx.BusyCursor()'Start of importing arrays from npz file')) with np.load(filename) as data: if 'header' in data.keys(): header = data['header'] if len(header) == 6:'Header found in npz file')) origx, origy, dx, dy, nbx, nby = header'Origin X : ') + str(origx))'Origin Y : ') + str(origy))'dx : ') + str(dx))'dy : ') + str(dy))'nbx : ') + str(nbx))'nby : ') + str(nby)) nbx, nby = int(nbx), int(nby) else: logging.warning(_('Header found in npz file but not complete -- Only {} values found - Must be 6').format(len(header))) for key, curarray in data.items(): if isinstance(curarray, np.ndarray): if curarray.shape == (nby, nbx):"Importing array : " + key) curhead = header_wolf() curhead.origx, curhead.origy, curhead.dx, curhead.dy, curhead.nbx, curhead.nby = origx, origy, dx, dy, nbx, nby newobj = WolfArray(srcheader=curhead, idx = key) newobj.set_array_from_numpy(curarray) self.add_object('array', newobj= newobj, id= key) else: origx, origy, dx, dy, nbx, nby = 0.,0.,1,1.,1,1 for key, curarray in data.items(): if isinstance(curarray, np.ndarray):'No header found in npz file - Using default values for header'))"Importing array : " + key) curhead = header_wolf() curhead.origx, curhead.origy, curhead.dx, curhead.dy, curhead.nbx, curhead.nby = 0., 0., 1., 1., curarray.shape[0], curarray.shape[1] newobj = WolfArray(srcheader=curhead, idx = key) newobj.set_array_from_numpy(curarray) self.add_object('array', newobj= newobj, id= key)'End of importing arrays from npz file')) del wait return -1 else: testobj = WolfArray() testobj.filename = filename testobj.read_txt_header() if testobj.wolftype in WOLF_ARRAY_MB: # with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing array')): # wait = wx.BusyCursor() # newobj = WolfArrayMB(filename, mapviewer=self) # del wait newobj = WolfArrayMB(filename, mapviewer=self) else: if which.lower() == 'array_crop': newobj = WolfArray(filename, mapviewer=self, crop='newcrop') else: # with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing array')): # wait = wx.BusyCursor() # newobj = WolfArray(filename, mapviewer=self) # del wait newobj = WolfArray(filename, mapviewer=self) if newobj is not None: if newobj.dx==0. or newobj.dy==0.: dlg_pos = CropDialog(None) dlg_pos.SetTitle(_('Choose informations')) dlg_pos.ox.SetValue('99999.') dlg_pos.oy.SetValue('99999.') dlg_pos.ex.Hide() dlg_pos.ey.Hide() badvalues = True while badvalues: badvalues = False ret = dlg_pos.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: newcrop.Destroy() return -1 else: cropini = [[float(dlg_pos.ox.Value), float(dlg_pos.ex.Value)], [float(dlg_pos.oy.Value), float(dlg_pos.ey.Value)]] tmpdx = float(dlg_pos.dx.Value) tmpdy = float(dlg_pos.dy.Value) if tmpdx ==0. or tmpdy==0.: badvalues = True dlg_pos.Destroy() newobj.dx = tmpdx newobj.dy = tmpdy # if newobj.SelectionData is not None: # newobj.SelectionData.dx = tmpdx # newobj.SelectionData.dy = tmpdy if cropini[0][0] != 99999. and cropini[1][0]!=99999.: newobj.origx = cropini[0][0] newobj.origy = cropini[1][0] newobj.updatepalette(0) self.myarrays.append(newobj) newobj.change_gui(self) self.active_array = newobj self._set_active_bc() elif which.lower() == 'array_tiles': res = wolfres2DGPU(filename, plotted=False) tilesmap = res._result_store._tile_packer.tile_indirection_map() if tilesmap is None: logging.warning(_('No tile map found in the simulation')) return header = header_wolf() res_header = res[0].get_header() header.origx = res_header.origx header.origy = res_header.origy header.dx = res_header.dx * 16. header.dy = res_header.dy * 16. header.nbx = tilesmap.shape[1] header.nby = tilesmap.shape[0] newobj_i = WolfArray(mapviewer=self, srcheader=header, idx = 'tils_i') newobj_j = WolfArray(mapviewer=self, srcheader=header, idx = 'tils_j') newobj_i.array =[:,:,0].T.astype(np.float32)) newobj_j.array =[:,:,1].T.astype(np.float32)) newobj_i.mask_data(0.) newobj_j.mask_data(0.) self.add_object('array', newobj=newobj_i, id=newobj_i.idx) self.add_object('array', newobj=newobj_j, id=newobj_j.idx) return elif which.lower() == 'imagestiles': curdict = self.myimagestiles curtree = self.myitemsvector if newobj is None: newobj = ImagesTiles('', parent=self, mapviewer=self) newobj.scan_dir(Path(filename)) self.myimagestiles.append(newobj) self.active_imagestiles = newobj self.menu_imagestiles() elif which.lower() == 'bridges': curdict = self.myvectors curtree = self.myitemsvector if newobj is None: with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing files')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() newobj = Bridges(filename, mapviewer=self) del wait self.myvectors.append(newobj) self.active_bridges = newobj self.menu_bridges() elif which.lower() == 'weirs': curdict = self.myvectors curtree = self.myitemsvector if newobj is None: with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing files')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() newobj = Weirs(filename, mapviewer=self) del wait self.myvectors.append(newobj) self.active_weirs = newobj self.menu_weirs() elif which.lower() in ['tiles', 'tilescomp']: curdict = self.mytiles curtree = self.myitemsvector if newobj is None: file = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory containing data") if file.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: file.Destroy() return -1 else: # récuparétaion du nom de fichier avec chemin d'accès dirname = file.GetPath() file.Destroy() if which.lower() == 'tilescomp': file = wx.DirDialog(self, "Choose directory containing comparison data") if file.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: file.Destroy() return -1 else: # récuparétaion du nom de fichier avec chemin d'accès dirname_comp = file.GetPath() file.Destroy() with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing files')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() newobj = Tiles(filename, parent=self, linked_data_dir=dirname, mapviewer=self) del wait if which.lower() == 'tilescomp': newobj.linked_data_dir_comp = dirname_comp self.mytiles.append(newobj) self.active_tile = newobj self.menu_tiles() elif which.lower() == 'array_xyz': curdict = self.myarrays curtree = self.myitemsarray msg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('Do you want to crop the data?'), style=wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT) ret = msg.ShowModal() msg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_YES: newcrop = CropDialog(None) badvalues = True while badvalues: badvalues = False ret = newcrop.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: newcrop.Destroy() return -1 else: cropini = [[float(newcrop.ox.Value), float(newcrop.ex.Value)], [float(newcrop.oy.Value), float(newcrop.ey.Value)]] tmpdx = float(newcrop.dx.Value) tmpdy = float(newcrop.dy.Value) newcrop.Destroy() myxyz = xyz_scandir(filename, cropini) myhead = newcrop.get_header() # if min(myhead.dx, myhead.dy) != 1.: # myhead.nbx = int(myhead.nbx * myhead.dx) # myhead.nby = int(myhead.nby * myhead.dy) # myhead.dx = 1. # myhead.dy = 1. else: dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self,_('Spatial step size (assuming dx == dy) ?'), value='1') ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return -1 tmpdx = float(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() dy = dx myxyz = xyz_scandir(filename, None) myhead = header_wolf() myhead.origx = np.min(myxyz[:, 0]) - dx/2. myhead.origy = np.min(myxyz[:, 1]) - dy/2. myhead.dx = dx myhead.dy = dy myhead.nbx = int(np.max(myxyz[:, 0]) - myhead.origx) + 1 myhead.nby = int(np.max(myxyz[:, 1]) - myhead.origy) + 1 if len(myxyz) == 0: return -1 newobj = WolfArray() newobj.init_from_header(myhead) newobj.nullvalue = -99999.[:, :] = -99999. newobj.fillin_from_xyz(myxyz) newobj.mask_data(newobj.nullvalue) newobj.change_gui(self) newobj.updatepalette(0) self.myarrays.append(newobj) self.active_array = newobj self._set_active_bc() elif which.lower() == 'array_lidar_first' or which.lower() == 'array_lidar_second': curdict = self.myarrays curtree = self.myitemsarray newcrop = CropDialog(None) badvalues = True while badvalues: badvalues = False ret = newcrop.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: newcrop.Destroy() return -1 else: cropini = [[float(newcrop.ox.Value), float(newcrop.ex.Value)], [float(newcrop.oy.Value), float(newcrop.ey.Value)]] tmpdx = float(newcrop.dx.Value) tmpdy = float(newcrop.dy.Value) newcrop.Destroy() first, sec = Lidar2002.lidar_scandir(filename, cropini) if which.lower() == 'array_lidar_first': if len(first) == 0: return -1 newobj = Lidar2002.create_wolfarray(first, bounds=cropini) if min(tmpdx, tmpdy) != 1.: newobj.rebin(min(tmpdx, tmpdy)) newobj.change_gui(self) newobj.updatepalette(0) self.myarrays.append(newobj) self.active_array = newobj self._set_active_bc() id = 'lidar2002_firstecho' else: if len(sec) == 0: return -1 newobj = Lidar2002.create_wolfarray(sec, bounds=cropini) if min(tmpdx, tmpdy) != 1.: newobj.rebin(min(tmpdx, tmpdy)) newobj.change_gui(self) newobj.updatepalette(0) self.myarrays.append(newobj) self.active_array = newobj self._set_active_bc() id = 'lidar2002_secondecho' elif which.lower() == 'res2d': curdict = self.myres2D curtree = self.myitemsres2d if newobj is None: with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing 2D model')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() newobj = Wolfresults_2D(filename, mapviewer=self) del wait newobj.get_nbresults(True) newobj.updatepalette() self.myres2D.append(newobj) self.active_res2d = newobj elif which.lower() == 'res2d_gpu': curdict = self.myres2D curtree = self.myitemsres2d if newobj is None: with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing 2D GPU model')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() newobj = wolfres2DGPU(filename, mapviewer=self) del wait newobj.get_nbresults(True) newobj.read_oneresult(-1) newobj.updatepalette() self.myres2D.append(newobj) self.active_res2d = newobj elif which.lower() == 'vector': curdict = self.myvectors curtree = self.myitemsvector if newobj is None: with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing file')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() newobj = Zones(filename, parent=self) del wait self.myvectors.append(newobj) elif which.lower() == 'cross_sections': curdict = self.myvectors curtree = self.myitemsvector if newobj is None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Load LAZ data?', style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() dirlaz = '' if ret == wx.ID_YES: if self.mylazgrid is not None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Gridded LAZ data exist - use them ?', style=wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_YES: dirlaz = self.mylazgrid else: dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, 'If exist, where are the LAZ data?') ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: dirlaz = dlg.GetPath() else: dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, 'If exist, where are the LAZ data?') ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: dirlaz = dlg.GetPath() with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing cross sections')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() if curfilter == 1: # txt 2022 newobj = crosssections(filename, format='2022', dirlaz=dirlaz, mapviewer=self) if curfilter == 0: # vecz newobj = crosssections(filename, format='vecz', dirlaz=dirlaz, mapviewer=self) elif curfilter == 2: # sxy newobj = crosssections(filename, format='sxy', dirlaz=dirlaz, mapviewer=self) else: # txt 2000 newobj = crosssections(filename, format='2000', dirlaz=dirlaz, mapviewer=self) del wait self.myvectors.append(newobj) newobj.mapviewer = self elif which.lower() =='laz': curdict = self.mylazdata curtree = self.myitemslaz if newobj is None: newobj = Wolf_LAZ_Data(mapviewer=self) newobj.from_file(filename) self.mylazdata.append(newobj) self.active_laz = newobj newobj.set_mapviewer(self) elif which.lower() == 'cloud': curdict = self.myclouds curtree = self.myitemscloud if newobj is None: loadhead = False if not filename.endswith('.dxf') and not filename.endswith('.shp'): with open(filename,'r') as f: tmphead='' for i in range(4): tmphead += text[i].replace('\t','\\t') +'\n' dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None,_('Is there a file header (one upper line containing column names)?') + '\n\n' + tmphead,style=wx.YES_NO|wx.NO_DEFAULT) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_YES: loadhead = True types = None elif filename.endswith('.dxf'): types = ['POLYLINE','LWPOLYLINE','LINE', 'MTEXT', 'INSERT'] dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the types of entities to import'), _('Choose entities'), types) dlg.SetSelections = [3,4] ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return -1 types = [types[i] for i in dlg.GetSelections()] dlg.Destroy() newobj = cloud_vertices(filename, header=loadhead, mapviewer=self, dxf_imported_elts=types) self.myclouds.append(newobj) self.active_cloud = newobj newobj.set_mapviewer(self) self.create_cloud_menu() elif which.lower() == 'triangulation': curdict = self.mytri curtree = self.myitemstri if newobj is None: with wx.lib.busy.BusyInfo(_('Importing triangulation')): wait = wx.BusyCursor() newobj = Triangulation(filename, mapviewer=self) del wait self.mytri.append(newobj) self.active_tri = newobj self.create_triangles_menu() elif which.lower() == 'other': if not newobj is None: curdict = self.myothers curtree = self.myitemsothers self.myothers.append(newobj) newobj.mapviewer = self else: logging.warning('No object to add in "Other" category -- Please provide an object to add or check your code') elif which.lower() == 'views': if newobj is None: newobj = WolfViews(plotted=ToCheck, mapviewer=self) newobj.read_from_file(filename) curdict = self.myviews curtree = self.myitemsviews self.myviews.append(newobj) elif which.lower() == 'wmsback': if not newobj is None: curdict = self.mywmsback curtree = self.myitemswmsback self.mywmsback.append(newobj) else: logging.warning('No object to add in "WMS background" category -- Please provide an object to add or check your code') elif which.lower() == 'wmsfore': if not newobj is None: curdict = self.mywmsfore curtree = self.myitemswmsfore self.mywmsfore.append(newobj) else: logging.warning('No object to add in "WMS foreground" category -- Please provide an object to add or check your code') elif which.lower() == 'particlesystem': curdict = self.mypartsystems curtree = self.myitemsps if newobj is None: newobj = Particle_system(mapviewer=self) newobj.load(filename) self.mypartsystems.append(newobj) self.active_particle_system = newobj # ID chooser if id == '': dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'ID ? (case insensitive)', 'Choose an identifier', '') if filename != '': dlg.SetValue((Path(filename).with_suffix('')).name) else: dlg.SetValue('') endid = 1 # ids = self.get_list_keys(None, checked_state=None) #[cur.idx for cur in curdict] while id.lower() in all_ids or id =='': if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: id = dlg.GetValue() if id =='': id = str(endid).zfill(3) endid += 1 dlg.Destroy() # ids = [cur.idx for cur in curdict] # if id.lower() in ids: # endid = 1 # while (id + str(endid).zfill(3)).lower() in ids: # endid += 1 # id = id + str(endid).zfill(3) # all_ids = self.get_list_keys(None, checked_state=None) if id.lower() in all_ids: endid = 1 while (id + str(endid).zfill(3)).lower() in all_ids: endid += 1 id = id + str(endid).zfill(3) newobj.idx = id.lower() if curtree is not None: myitem = self.treelist.AppendItem(curtree, id, data=newobj) if ToCheck: self.treelist.CheckItem(myitem) self.treelist.CheckItem(self.treelist.GetItemParent(myitem)) newobj.check_plot() else:'No tree item for this object {newobj.idx}') # curdict[id.lower()] = newobj if filename != '': newobj._filename_vector = filename.lower() # FIXME useful ?? newobj.checked = ToCheck if isinstance(newobj,crosssections): self.add_object('cloud', ,id=newobj.idx+'_intersect',ToCheck=False) self.add_object('cloud',newobj=newobj.cloud_all,id=newobj.idx+'_all', ToCheck=False) elif type(newobj) == WolfArray: if self.active_cs is None: self.active_cs = self.get_cross_sections() return 0
[docs] def get_obj_from_treeitem(self, treeitem): """ Find the object associated with treeitem """ return self.treelist.GetItemData(treeitem)
[docs] def getobj_from_id(self, id: str): """ Find the object associated with id """ for curdict in draw_type: keys = self.get_list_keys(curdict, checked_state=None) if id.lower() in keys: try: idx = keys.index(id.lower()) return self.get_list_objects(curdict, checked_state=None)[idx] except: return None
[docs] def get_obj_from_id(self, id: str, drawtype: draw_type): """ Find the object associated with id in a specifid drawtype If you want to search in all drawtypes, use getobj_from_id instead. :param id: str : id of the object :param drawtype: draw_type : type of object to search """ keys = self.get_list_keys(drawtype, checked_state=None) if id.lower() in keys: try: idx = keys.index(id.lower()) return self.get_list_objects(drawtype, checked_state=None)[idx] except: return None
[docs] def _get_list(self, drawing_type:draw_type = None): """ return the list of objects of type drawing_type """ # ARRAYS = 'arrays' # BRIDGES= 'bridges' # WEIRS = 'weirs' # VECTORS = 'vectors' # CLOUD = 'clouds' # TRIANGULATION = 'triangulations' # PARTICLE_SYSTEM = 'particle systems' # CROSS_SECTIONS = 'cross_sections' # OTHER = 'others' # VIEWS = 'views' # RES2D = 'wolf2d' # WMSBACK = 'wms-background' # WMSFORE = 'wms-foreground' if drawing_type is None: # return all_lists return self.myarrays + self.myvectors + self.myclouds + self.mytri + self.mypartsystems + self.myothers + self.myviews + self.myres2D if drawing_type == draw_type.ARRAYS: return self.myarrays elif drawing_type == draw_type.VECTORS or drawing_type == draw_type.BRIDGES or drawing_type == draw_type.WEIRS or drawing_type == draw_type.CROSS_SECTIONS : return self.myvectors elif drawing_type == draw_type.TILES: return self.mytiles elif drawing_type == draw_type.CLOUD: return self.myclouds elif drawing_type == draw_type.TRIANGULATION: return self.mytri elif drawing_type == draw_type.RES2D: return self.myres2D elif drawing_type == draw_type.PARTICLE_SYSTEM: return self.mypartsystems elif drawing_type == draw_type.OTHER: return self.myothers elif drawing_type == draw_type.VIEWS: return self.myviews elif drawing_type == draw_type.WMSBACK: return self.mywmsback elif drawing_type == draw_type.WMSFORE: return self.mywmsfore elif drawing_type == draw_type.IMAGESTILES: return self.myimagestiles elif drawing_type == draw_type.LAZ: return self.mylazdata else: logging.error('Unknown drawing type : ' + drawing_type) return None
[docs] def get_list_keys(self, drawing_type:draw_type = None, checked_state:bool=True): """ Create a list of keys of type draw_type :param drawing_type: type of object to search - If None, return all objects :param checked_state: if True/False, return only keys of objects that are plotted or not. None return all objects. """ if checked_state is None: return [curobj.idx for curobj in self._get_list(drawing_type)] else: return [curobj.idx for curobj in self._get_list(drawing_type) if curobj.plotted == checked_state]
[docs] def get_list_ids(self, drawing_type:draw_type = None, checked_state:bool=True): """ Alias for get_list_keys """ return self.get_list_keys(drawing_type, checked_state)
[docs] def get_list_objects(self, drawing_type:draw_type = None, checked_state:bool=True): """ Create a list of objects of type draw_type :param drawing_type: type of object to search -- If None, return all objects. :param checked_state: if True/False, return only objects that are plotted or not. None return all objects. """ if checked_state is None: return [curobj for curobj in self._get_list(drawing_type)] else: return [curobj for curobj in self._get_list(drawing_type) if curobj.plotted == checked_state]
[docs] def single_choice_key(self, draw_type:draw_type, checked_state:bool=True, message:str=_('Make a choice'), title:str=_('Choice')): """ Create wx dialog to choose a key object of type draw_type """ keys = self.get_list_keys(draw_type, checked_state) dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, message, title, keys, style=wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return None idx = dlg.GetSelection() dlg.Destroy() return keys[idx]
[docs] def single_choice_object(self, draw_type:draw_type, checked_state:bool=True, message:str=_('Make a choice'), title:str=_('Choice')): """ Create wx dialog to choose an object of type draw_type """ keys = self.get_list_keys(draw_type, checked_state) obj = self.get_list_objects dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, message, title, keys, style=wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return None idx = dlg.GetSelection() dlg.Destroy() return obj[idx]
[docs] def multiple_choice_key(self, draw_type:draw_type, checked_state:bool=True, message:str=_('Make a choice'), title:str=_('Choice')): """ Create wx dialog to choose multiple keys object of type draw_type """ keys = self.get_list_keys(draw_type, checked_state) dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, message, title, keys, style=wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return None idx = dlg.GetSelections() dlg.Destroy() return [keys[i] for i in idx]
[docs] def multiple_choice_object(self, draw_type:draw_type, checked_state:bool=True, message:str=_('Make a choice'), title:str=_('Choice')): """ Create wx dialog to choose multiple objects of type draw_type """ keys = self.get_list_keys(draw_type, checked_state) obj = self.get_list_objects dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, message, title, keys, style=wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return None idx = dlg.GetSelections() dlg.Destroy() return [obj[i] for i in idx]
[docs] def iterator_over_objects(self, drawing_type:draw_type, checked_state:bool=True): """ Create iterator over objects of type draw_type """ for obj in self.get_list_objects(drawing_type, checked_state): yield obj
[docs] def gettreeitem(self, obj): """ Find the tree item associated with obj """ up = self.treelist.GetFirstItem() updata = self.treelist.GetItemData(up) while updata is not obj: up = self.treelist.GetNextItem(up) updata = self.treelist.GetItemData(up) return up
[docs] def removeobj(self): """Remove selected item from general tree""" if self.selected_treeitem is None: return id = self.treelist.GetItemText(self.selected_treeitem).lower() self.removeobj_from_id(id)
[docs] def removeobj_from_id(self, id:str): """ Remove object from id """ myobj = self.getobj_from_id(id) if myobj is not None: self.treelist.DeleteItem(self.gettreeitem(myobj)) for curlist in self.all_lists: if myobj in curlist: curlist.pop(curlist.index(myobj)) myobj.hide_properties() if myobj is self.active_array: self.active_array = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_res2d: self.active_res2d = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_tri: self.active_tri = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_particle_system: self.active_particle_system = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_cloud: self.active_cloud = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_cs: self.active_cs = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_tile: self.active_tile = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_bc: self.active_bc = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_vector: self.active_vector = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_view: self.active_view = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_zone: self.active_zone = None self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif myobj is self.active_zones: self.active_zones = None self.set_label_selecteditem('')
[docs] def upobj(self): """Up selected item into general tree""" if self.selected_treeitem is None: return id:str id = self.treelist.GetItemText(self.selected_treeitem).lower() myobj = self.getobj_from_id(id) ischecked = self.treelist.GetCheckedState(self.selected_treeitem) assert self.selected_object is myobj, 'selected_object is not myobj' if myobj is not None: down = self.treelist.GetNextItem(self.selected_treeitem) up = self.treelist.GetFirstItem() up2 = up while self.treelist.GetNextItem(up) != self.selected_treeitem: up2= up up = self.treelist.GetNextItem(up) parent = self.treelist.GetItemParent(self.selected_treeitem) parentup = self.treelist.GetItemParent(up) parentup2 = self.treelist.GetItemParent(up2) if parent == parentup2: # up n'est pas le premier élément de la liste myitem = self.treelist.InsertItem(parent,up2,id,data=myobj) self.treelist.CheckItem(myitem,ischecked) elif parentup == parent: # up est le premier élément de la liste myitem = self.treelist.PrependItem(parent,id,data=myobj) self.treelist.CheckItem(myitem,ischecked) else: # nothing to do return self.treelist.DeleteItem(self.selected_treeitem) self.selected_treeitem = myitem # mouvement dans les listes pour garder l'ordre identique à l'arbre for curlist in self.all_lists: if myobj in curlist: idx = curlist.index(myobj) if idx>0: curlist.pop(idx) curlist.insert(idx-1,myobj)
[docs] def downobj(self): """Down selected item into general tree""" if self.selected_treeitem is None: return id = self.treelist.GetItemText(self.selected_treeitem).lower() myobj = self.getobj_from_id(id) ischecked = self.treelist.GetCheckedState(self.selected_treeitem) if myobj is not None: down = self.treelist.GetNextItem(self.selected_treeitem) down2 = self.treelist.GetNextItem(down) parent = self.treelist.GetItemParent(self.selected_treeitem) parentdown = self.treelist.GetItemParent(down) parentdown2 = self.treelist.GetItemParent(down2) if parent == parentdown: # on n'est pas sur le dernoier élément myitem = self.treelist.InsertItem(parent,down,id,data=myobj) self.treelist.CheckItem(myitem,ischecked) else: # nothing to do return self.treelist.DeleteItem(self.selected_treeitem) self.selected_treeitem = myitem for curlist in self.all_lists: if myobj in curlist: idx = curlist.index(myobj) if idx==len(curlist)-2: curlist.append(myobj) curlist.pop(idx) elif idx<len(curlist)-1: curlist.insert(idx+1,myobj) curlist.pop(idx)
[docs] def OnShowPopup(self, event): pos = event.GetPosition() if pos == (-1, -1): width, height = self.GetSize() pos = (width / 2., height / 2.) # else: # pos = pos - self.GetPosition() self.PopupMenu(self.popupmenu, pos)
[docs] def OnPopupItemSelected(self, event): """ Action to do when an item is selected in the popup menu """ item = self.popupmenu.FindItemById(event.GetId()) text = item.ItemLabel if text == _('Save'): if self.selected_object is not None: if issubclass(type(self.selected_object), WolfArray): self.selected_object.write_all() elif type(self.selected_object) is Zones: self.selected_object.saveas() elif type(self.selected_object) in [Bridge, Weir]: self.selected_object.saveas() elif type(self.selected_object) is Triangulation: self.selected_object.saveas() elif isinstance(self.selected_object, Particle_system): elif text==_('Up'): self.upobj() elif text == _('Down'): self.downobj() elif text == _('Delete'): self.removeobj() elif text == _('Rename'): #Modification du nom de l'objet sélectionné if self.selected_object is not None: #récupération de l'id courant label = self.selected_object.idx dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, message=_('Chose a new label :'), value=label) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: newlab = dlg.GetValue() #MAJ de l'id dans l'objet self.selected_object.idx = newlab #MAJ de l'arbre self.treelist.SetItemText(self.selected_treeitem, newlab) if self.get_label_selecteditem() == _("Active : ") + label: self.set_label_selecteditem(_("Active : ") + newlab) dlg.Destroy() elif text == _('Duplicate'): # Duplication de l'objet sélectionné if self.selected_object is not None: #récupération de l'id courant label = self.selected_object.idx + '_copy' dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, message=_('Chose a label for the copy:'), value=label) ret=dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return newlab = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() if isinstance(self.selected_object, WolfArray) and (not type(self.selected_object) in [WolfArrayMB, WolfArrayMNAP]): curtype = self.selected_object.dtype if curtype == np.float64: curtype = 'float64' elif curtype == np.float32: curtype = 'float32' elif curtype == np.int32: curtype = 'int32' elif curtype == np.int16: curtype = 'int16' elif curtype == np.int8: curtype = 'int8' dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('The type of the data is {}.\nDo you want to change this type?'.format(curtype)), style=wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_YES: dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose a type'), _('Type'), ['float32','float64','int32','int16','int8'], style=wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return idx = dlg.GetSelection() dlg.Destroy() if idx == 0: curtype = WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_SINGLE # np.float32 elif idx == 1: curtype = WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_DOUBLE # np.float64 elif idx == 2: curtype = WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER # np.int32 elif idx == 3: curtype = WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER16 #np.int16 elif idx == 4: curtype = WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER8 #np.int8 newarray = WolfArray(srcheader=self.selected_object.get_header(), whichtype=curtype, nullvalue=self.selected_object.nullvalue) newarray.allocate_ressources() asnewtype =[:,:] = asnewtype[:,:] newarray.copy_mask(self.selected_object, forcenullvalue=True, link=False) else: newarray = WolfArray(mold=self.selected_object) self.add_object('array', newobj=newarray, id=newlab) self.Refresh() else: logging.warning(_('Not yet implemented')) elif text == _('Save as'): # save objet to file, choosing the file name if self.selected_object is not None: if issubclass(type(self.selected_object), WolfArray): filterArray = "bin (*.bin)|*.bin|Geotif (*.tif)|*.tif|Numpy (*.npy)|*.npy|all (*.*)|*.*" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name for Array : " + self.selected_object.idx, wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: curfil = fdlg.GetFilterIndex() self.selected_object.filename = fdlg.GetPath() self.selected_object.write_all() fdlg.Destroy() elif type(self.selected_object) in [Zones, Bridge, Weir]: filterArray = "vec (*.vec)|*.vec|vecz (*.vecz)|*.vecz|Shapefile (*.shp)|*.shp|all (*.*)|*.*" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name for Vector :" + self.selected_object.idx, wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: self.selected_object.saveas(fdlg.GetPath()) fdlg.Destroy() elif type(self.selected_object) is Triangulation: filterArray = "tri (*.tri)|*.tri|all (*.*)|*.*" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name for triangulation :" + self.selected_object.idx, wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: self.selected_object.saveas(fdlg.GetPath()) fdlg.Destroy() elif isinstance(self.selected_object, Particle_system): filterArray = "json (*.json)|*.json|all (*.*)|*.*" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name for particle system :" + self.selected_object.idx, wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: fdlg.Destroy() elif isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): filterArray = "Dump (*.dump)|*.dmp|all (*.*)|*.*" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name for LAZ data :" + self.selected_object.idx, wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: self.selected_object.saveas(fdlg.GetPath()) fdlg.Destroy() elif text == _('Properties'): myobj = self.selected_object if type(myobj) in [WolfArray, WolfArrayMB, WolfArrayMNAP, Zones, Wolfresults_2D, wolfres2DGPU, Particle_system, Picc_data, Cadaster_data, hydrometry_wolfgui, Bridge, Weir, Wolf_LAZ_Data]: myobj.show_properties() elif isinstance(myobj, cloud_vertices): myobj.show_properties() elif text == _('Boundary conditions'): bc = self.get_boundary_manager(self.selected_object) if bc is not None: bc.Show() elif text == _('Contours'): if isinstance(self.selected_object, WolfArray): cont = self.selected_object.contour() cont.prep_listogl() self.add_object('vector', newobj= cont, id= cont.idx) self.Paint() elif text == _('Rebin'): if isinstance(self.selected_object, WolfArray): dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, _('Enter the rebin factor (>1 will decrease the resolution, <1 will increase the resolution) :'), _('Rebin'), '1') if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: res = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() try: res = float(res) ops = ['Mean', 'Sum', 'Max', 'Min', 'Median'] dlg_op = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose the operation'), _('Operation'), ops, style=wx.CHOICEDLG_STYLE) ret = dlg_op.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg_op.Destroy()'Rebin cancelled')) return op = dlg_op.GetSelection() dlg_op.Destroy() self.selected_object.rebin(res, ops[op].lower()) except: logging.warning(_('Invalid value for rebin factor')) return else: dlg.Destroy() else: logging.warning(_('Rebin not yet implemented for this type of object')) elif text == _('Set NullValue'): if isinstance(self.selected_object, WolfArray): dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, _('Enter the new null value :'), _('Set NullValue'), str([0,0])) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: res = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() try: res = float(res) self.selected_object.nullvalue = res self.selected_object.mask_data(res) self.selected_object.reset_plot() self.Refresh() except: logging.warning(_('Invalid value for null value')) return elif _('Convert to mono-block') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, WolfArrayMB): mono = self.selected_object.as_WolfArray() self.add_object('array', newobj=mono, id=self.selected_object.idx + '_mono')'Mono-block created and added to the viewer')) elif isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolfresults_2D): mono = self.selected_object.as_WolfArray() if isinstance(mono, WolfArrayMB): mono = mono.as_WolfArray() self.add_object('array', newobj=mono, id=self.selected_object.idx + '_mono')'Mono-block created and added to the viewer')) else: logging.warning(_('Convert to mono-blocks not yet implemented for this type of object')) elif _('Convert to multi-blocks') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolfresults_2D): mb = self.selected_object.as_WolfArray(force_mb=True) if isinstance(mb, WolfArrayMB):'Multi-blocks created and added to the viewer')) elif isinstance(mb, WolfArray): logging.warning(_('Mono-blocks created and added to the viewer -- Instead of multi-blocks as only one block was found')) self.add_object('array', newobj=mb, id=self.selected_object.idx + '_mb') else: logging.warning(_('Convert to multi-blocks not yet implemented for this type of object')) elif _('Extract current step as IC') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolfresults_2D): if self.selected_object.current_result is None or self.selected_object.current_result < 0 : logging.warning(_('No current step defined')) return import shutil'Extracting current step as IC')) dir = Path(self.selected_object.filename).parent files = ['h.npy', 'qx.npy', 'qy.npy'] for curfile in files: if (dir / curfile).exists(): # prepend the file with __'File {curfile} already exists -- renaming it') shutil.copyfile(dir / curfile, dir / ('__' + curfile))'Extracting current step as IC')) self.selected_object.export_as(Path(self.selected_object.filename).parent, [views_2D.WATERDEPTH, views_2D.QX, views_2D.QY], 'numpy', False)'Done !')) elif _('Export to Shape file') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Zones | Bridge | Weir): filterArray = "Shapefile (*.shp)|*.shp" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name for Zones :" + self.selected_object.idx, wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: self.selected_object.export_to_shapefile(fdlg.GetPath()) fdlg.Destroy() elif _('Export active zone to Shape file') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Zones | Bridge | Weir): filterArray = "Shapefile (*.shp)|*.shp" fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self, "Choose file name for Vector :" + self.selected_object.idx, wildcard=filterArray, style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = fdlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_OK: self.selected_object.export_active_zone_to_shapefile(fdlg.GetPath()) fdlg.Destroy() elif _('Set colormap') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): self.selected_object.associated_color = self._choice_laz_colormap() elif _('Edit colormap') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): self.selected_object.interactive_update_colors() elif _('Set classification') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): self.selected_object.set_classification(self._choice_laz_classification()) elif _('Edit selection') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): self.selected_object._edit_selection() elif _('All to cloud') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): if self.selected_object.num_points > 100000: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('The number of points is high, it could take some time to convert to cloud.\nDo you want to continue ?'), _('Warning'), wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_YES: dlg.Destroy() return newcloud = cloud_vertices() newcloud.init_from_nparray( self.add_object('cloud', newobj=newcloud, id=self.selected_object.idx + '_cloud') elif _('Selection to cloud') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): xyz = self.selected_object.xyz_selected if xyz.shape[0] ==0: logging.warning('No points selected') return if xyz.shape[0] > 100000: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('The number of points is high, it could take some time to convert to cloud.\nDo you want to continue ?'), _('Warning'), wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_YES: dlg.Destroy() return newcloud = cloud_vertices() newcloud.init_from_nparray(xyz) self.add_object('cloud', newobj=newcloud, id=self.selected_object.idx + '_cloud_sel') elif _('Selection to vector') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No active zone selected')) return xyz = self.selected_object.xyz_selected if xyz.shape[0] ==0: logging.warning(_('No points selected')) if self.selected_object._myprops[('Selection', 'Codes')] != '':'You filtered the points with the codes : {}'.format(self.selected_object._myprops[('Selection', 'Codes')]))) return if xyz.shape[0] > 100000: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('The number of points is high, it could take some time to convert to cloud.\nDo you want to continue ?'), _('Warning'), wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_YES: dlg.Destroy() return def approximate_vector(xyz): """ Get a cloud of points and return a vector based on the best approximated segment and points projected on its trace """ # best approximation of the segment # based on the RANSAC algorithm from scikit-learn model = linear_model.RANSACRegressor()[:,0].reshape(-1,1), xyz[:,1]) # get the points projected on the segment proj = model.predict(xyz[:,0].reshape(-1,1)) # get the coordinates of the projected points xyz_proj = np.zeros((xyz.shape[0],3)) xyz_proj[:,0] = xyz[:,0] xyz_proj[:,1] = proj xyz_proj[:,2] = xyz[:,2] #Sort the points idx = np.argsort(xyz_proj[:,0]) xyz_proj = xyz_proj[idx] return xyz_proj newvector = vector(name = self.selected_object.idx + '_vector_sel', fromnumpy= approximate_vector(xyz)) self.active_zone.add_vector(newvector, forceparent=True) self.active_zone.parent.find_minmax(True) self.active_zone.parent.reset_listogl() self.active_zone.parent.fill_structure() self.Refresh() elif _('Play') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): self.selected_object.play_flight() elif _('Add point') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): self.selected_object.add_pose_in_memory() elif _('Record') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): dlg = wx.DirDialog(self, _('Choose a directory to save the video'), style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.selected_object.record_flight(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() elif _('Load flight') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _('Choose a file to load the flight'), wildcard='JSON (*.json)|*.json|All (*.*)|*.*', style=wx.FD_OPEN) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.selected_object.load_flight(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() elif _('Save flight') in text: if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): dlg = wx.FileDialog(self, _('Choose a file to save the flight'), wildcard='JSON (*.json)|*.json|All (*.*)|*.*', style=wx.FD_SAVE) if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: self.selected_object.save_flight(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def OnClose(self, event): """ Close the application """ nb = 0 if self.linked: if self.linkedList is not None: if self in self.linkedList: id = self.linkedList.index(self) self.linkedList.pop(id) nb = len(self.linkedList) if nb == 0: if self.wxlogging is not None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Do you want to quit Wolf ?'), _('Quit Wolf'), wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_YES: self.Destroy() #FIXME : It is not a really proper way to quit the application wx.Exit() return else: return self.Destroy()
[docs] def OnSelectItem(self, event): """ Select the item in the tree list """ ctrl = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) alt = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_ALT) myitem = event.GetItem() nameitem = self.treelist.GetItemText(myitem).lower() curobj = self.getobj_from_id(nameitem) myobj = self.treelist.GetItemData(myitem) if curobj is not myobj: logging.error(_('Bad association between object and tree item')) logging.error(_('Do you have 2 objects with the same id ?')) logging.error(_('It could be the case if you have drag/drop an object in the viewer...')) logging.error(_('I will continue but it is not normal...')) self.treelist.SetToolTip(self.treelist.GetItemText(myitem)) myparent = self.treelist.GetItemParent(myitem) check = self.treelist.GetCheckedState(myitem) nameparent = self.treelist.GetItemText(myparent).lower() self.selected_object = curobj self.selected_treeitem = myitem
[docs] def OnCheckItem(self, event:TreeListEvent): """ Check the item in the tree list """ myitem = event.GetItem() myparent = self.treelist.GetItemParent(myitem) check = self.treelist.GetCheckedState(myitem) nameparent = self.treelist.GetItemText(myparent).lower() nameitem = self.treelist.GetItemText(myitem).lower() ctrl = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) # ctrl = event.ControlDown() if nameparent != '': curobj = self.getobj_from_id(nameitem) if curobj is None: return if bool(check): try: curobj.check_plot() if isinstance(curobj, PlansTerrier): if curobj.initialized: self.menu_landmaps()'Landmap initialized')) else: logging.warning(_('Landmap not initialized')) except Exception as ex: wx.LogMessage(str(ex)) wx.MessageBox(str(ex), _("Error"), wx.ICON_ERROR) else: if issubclass(type(curobj), WolfArray): curobj.uncheck_plot(not ctrl,ctrl) else: curobj.uncheck_plot() # if nameparent == 'vectors' or nameparent == 'cross_sections': # if wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL): # curobj.showstructure(self) if curobj.idx == 'grid' and check: dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Size of the Grid ? (float)', 'Choose an size') dlg.SetValue('1000.') size = 1000. if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: size = float(dlg.GetValue()) curobj.creategrid(size, self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax) self.Refresh()
[docs] def getXY(self, pospix): width, height = self.canvas.GetSize() X = float(pospix[0]) / + self.xmin Y = float(height - pospix[1]) / + self.ymin return X, Y
[docs] def OnZoomGesture(self, e): pass
[docs] def OnLeave(self, e): if e.ControlDown(): self.mytooltip.Show(False)
[docs] def get_cross_sections(self): """ Récupération du premier objet crosssections disponible """ for obj in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.VECTORS): if isinstance(obj,crosssections): return obj return None
[docs] def set_active_profile(self, active_profile: profile): """ This method sets the active profile in Pydraw (useful for interfaces communication). """ self.active_profile = active_profile
[docs] def set_active_vector(self, active_vector: vector): """ This method sets the active vector in Pydraw (useful for interfaces communication). """ self.active_vector = active_vector
[docs] def get_active_profile(self): """ This methods returns the active profile in pydraw (useful for interfaces communication). """ return self.active_profile
[docs] def plot_cross(self, x:float, y:float): # Search for cross sections (List of profiles) if self.active_cs is None: self.active_cs = self.get_cross_sections() if self.active_cs is None: logging.warning(_('No cross sections available -- Please load a file or create data !')) return # Initialisation of the notebook where the active profile is plotted. if self.notebookprof is None: self.notebookprof = ProfileNotebook(mapviewer=self) # self.myfigprof = self.notebookprof.add('Figure 1', which= "all") self.myfigprof = self.notebookprof.add('Reference') # FIXME Updated add method else: try: self.notebookprof.Show() except: self.notebookprof = ProfileNotebook(mapviewer=self) # self.myfigprof = self.notebookprof.add('Figure 1', which= "all") self.myfigprof = self.notebookprof.add('Figure 1') # FIXME updated add method # Initialisation of the active profile # 1. We uncolor the active profile in wolf GUI. self.active_profile: profile if self.active_profile is not None: self.active_profile.uncolor_active_profile() # 2. We select the closest profile corresponding to the user's right click in the GUI. self.active_profile = self.active_cs.select_profile(x, y) #Finally, we set the profile and the cross section (list of profiles) in the notebook. #FIXME Iden establishes the communications between pydraw and the notebook (to avoid circular information). self.myfigprof.cs_setter(mycross = self.active_cs, active_profile= self.active_profile, mapviewer = self)
[docs] def OnRightDown(self, e: wx.MouseEvent): """ Event when the right button of the mouse is pressed. We use this event to manage "action" set by others objects. """ pos = e.GetPosition() x, y = self.getXY(pos) alt = e.AltDown() ctrl = e.ControlDown() shiftdown = e.ShiftDown() if self.action is None: if self.active_bc is not None: self.start_action('select bc', _('Select a boundary condition')) tmpvec = vector() self.last_active_vector = self.active_vector self.active_vector = tmpvec tmpvec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x, y)) self.rightdown = (x, y) elif self.action == 'move triangles': if self.active_tri is None: logging.warning(_('No triangles selected -- Please select a triangulation first !')) return if self.active_tri._move_start is None: self.active_tri._move_start = (x, y) return delta_x = x - self.active_tri._move_start[0] delta_y = y - self.active_tri._move_start[1] if shiftdown: delta_y = 0. if alt: delta_x = 0. self.active_tri.move(delta_x, delta_y) self.active_tri.reset_plot() self.active_tri._move_start = None self.active_tri.clear_cache() self.end_action(_('End move triangulation')) elif self.action == 'rotate triangles': if self.active_tri is None: logging.warning(_('No vector selected -- Please select a triangulation first !')) return if self.active_tri._rotation_center is None: self.active_tri._rotation_center = (x,y) return if shiftdown: if ctrl: self.active_tri._rotation_step = None else: # Set the rotation step self.active_tri._rotation_step = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y - self.active_tri._rotation_center[1], x - self.active_tri._rotation_center[0])) self.active_tri.rotate_xy(x, y) self.active_tri._rotation_center = None self.active_tri.clear_cache() self.active_tri.reset_plot() self.end_action(_('End rotate triangulation')) elif 'pick landmap' in self.action: # Pick a landmap if loaded if self.active_landmap is None: logging.warning(_('No landmap available -- Please activate the data and retry !')) return if 'full' in self.action: self.active_landmap.load_texture(x,y, which='full') else: self.active_landmap.load_texture(x,y, which='low') self.Refresh() elif self.action == 'pick bridge': self.pick_bridge(x, y) elif self.action == 'pick weir': self.pick_weir(x, y) elif self.action == 'bridge gltf': # Create a bridge in gltf format self.bridgepar = (x, y) dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(self, 'Z maximum ?', 'Choose an elevation as top') dlg.SetValue('') zmax = 0. if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: zmax = float(dlg.GetValue()) dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose filename'), wildcard='glb (*.glb)|*.glb|gltf2 (*.gltf)|*.gltf|All (*.*)|*.*', style=wx.FD_SAVE) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return fn = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() points, triangles = self.active_vector.triangulation_ponts(self.bridgepar[0], self.bridgepar[1], zmax) self.active_cs.export_gltf_gen(points, triangles, fn) self.start_action('', 'None') elif self.action == 'Plot cross section': # Plot cross section self.plot_cross(x, y) elif self.action == 'Set 1D profile': # Set 1D profile if self.active_cs is None: self.active_cs = self.get_cross_sections() if self.active_cs is None: logging.warning(_('No cross sections available -- Please load a file or create data !')) return if self.notebookcs is None: self.notebookcs = PlotNotebook() self.myfigcs = self.notebookcs.add(_("Cross section"), "CS") else: try: self.notebookcs.Show() except: self.notebookcs = PlotNotebook() self.myfigcs = self.notebookcs.add(_("Cross section"), "CS") self.active_profile: profile #on met l'ancien profil actif en noir if self.active_profile is not None: self.active_profile.uncolor_active_profile() if self.myfigcs.mycs is not None: self.myfigcs.mycs.uncolor_active_profile() # self.active_profile = self.active_cs.select_profile(x, y) self.active_profile = self.frame_create1Dfrom2D.active_profile self.myfigcs.set_linked_arrays(self.get_linked_arrays()) self.myfigcs.set_cs(self.active_profile) #on met le profil en rouge et plus épais self.active_profile.color_active_profile() self.zoom_on_active_profile() self.Paint() elif self.action == 'Select nearest profile': # Select nearest profile if self.active_cs is None: self.active_cs = self.get_cross_sections() if self.active_cs is None: logging.warning(_('No cross sections available -- Please load a file or create data !')) return if self.notebookcs is None: self.notebookcs = PlotNotebook() self.myfigcs = self.notebookcs.add(_("Cross section"), "CS") else: try: self.notebookcs.Show() except: self.notebookcs = PlotNotebook() self.myfigcs = self.notebookcs.add(_("Cross section"), "CS") self.active_profile: profile #on met l'ancien profil actif en noir if self.active_profile is not None: self.active_profile.uncolor_active_profile() if self.myfigcs.mycs is not None: self.myfigcs.mycs.uncolor_active_profile() self.active_profile = self.active_cs.select_profile(x, y) self.myfigcs.set_linked_arrays(self.get_linked_arrays()) self.myfigcs.set_cs(self.active_profile) #on met le profil en rouge et plus épais self.active_profile.color_active_profile() self.Refresh() elif self.action == 'select active tile': # Select active tile from Lidar data self.active_tile.select_vectors_from_point(x, y, True) self.active_vector = self.active_tile.get_selected_vectors() tilearray = self.active_tile.get_array(self.active_vector) if tilearray is not None: if self.active_vector.myname =='': bbox = self.active_vector.get_bounds() id_label = '{}-{}'.format(bbox[0][0], bbox[1][1]) else: id_label = self.active_vector.myname self.add_object('array', newobj = tilearray, ToCheck=True, id=id_label) elif self.action == 'select active image tile': # select active image tile self.active_imagestiles.select_vectors_from_point(x, y, True) active_tile = self.active_imagestiles.get_selected_vectors() active_tile.myprop.imagevisible = not active_tile.myprop.imagevisible elif self.action.find('select active vector') > -1: # Select active vector inside = self.action.find('inside') > -1 # only polygons/closed polyline if 'inside' is in the action name onlyonezone = self.action.find('2') > -1 # only the active zone if '2' is in the action name, all zones otherwise if onlyonezone: self.active_zone.select_vectors_from_point(x, y, inside) self.active_vector = self.active_zone.get_selected_vectors()[0] if self.active_vector is not None: self.active_zone.parent.Activate_vector(self.active_vector) self.active_zone.active_vector = self.active_vector self.active_zones.active_zone = self.active_vector.parentzone else: self.active_zones.select_vectors_from_point(x, y, inside) self.active_vector = self.active_zones.get_selected_vectors() if self.active_vector is not None: self.active_zones.Activate_vector(self.active_vector) self.active_zone = self.active_vector.parentzone self.active_zones.expand_tree(self.active_zone) elif 'select node by node' in self.action: # Select node by node if 'results' in self.action: curobj:Wolfresults_2D curobj = self.active_res2d.SelectionData else: curobj: WolfArray curobj = self.active_array.SelectionData if curobj.myselection == 'all': logging.warning(_('All nodes are selected !!')) logging.warning(_('Selecting node by node will force to reset the selection')) logging.warning(_('and start from scratch')) curobj.add_node_to_selection(x, y) curobj.update_nb_nodes_selection() self.Paint() elif 'select by tmp vector' in self.action or 'select by vector' in self.action: # Select nodes by vector or temporary vector self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x, y)) elif 'laz tmp vector' == self.action: self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x, y)) self.active_vector.find_minmax() elif self.action == 'create polygon - tiles': self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x, y)) self.active_vector.find_minmax() elif self.action == 'capture vertices': if ctrl: if self.active_array is not None: z = self.active_array.get_value(x, y) self.active_vector.myvertices[-1].z = z else: logging.warning(_('No array available and ctrl is pressed -- Please load a file or create data !')) self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x, y)) self.active_vector.find_minmax() self.active_zone.find_minmax() elif self.action == 'move vector': if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No vector selected -- Please select a vector first !')) return if self.active_vector._move_start is None: self.active_vector._move_start = (x, y) return delta_x = x - self.active_vector._move_start[0] delta_y = y - self.active_vector._move_start[1] if shiftdown: delta_y = 0. if alt: delta_x = 0. self.active_vector.move(delta_x, delta_y) self.active_vector.clear_cache() self.active_vector._move_start = None self.end_action(_('End move vector')) elif self.action == 'rotate vector': if self.active_vector is None: logging.warning(_('No vector selected -- Please select a vector first !')) return if self.active_vector._rotation_center is None: self.active_vector._rotation_center = (x,y) return if shiftdown: if ctrl: self.active_vector._rotation_step = None else: # Set the rotation step self.active_vector._rotation_step = np.degrees(np.arctan2(y - self.active_vector._rotation_center[1], x - self.active_vector._rotation_center[0])) self.active_vector.rotate_xy(x, y) self.active_vector.clear_cache() self.active_vector._rotation_center = None self.end_action(_('End rotate vector')) elif self.action == 'move zone': if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No zone selected -- Please select a zone first !')) return if self.active_zone._move_start is None: self.active_zone._move_start = (x, y) return if shiftdown: delta_y = 0. if alt: delta_x = 0. self.active_zone.move(x - self.active_zone._move_start[0], y - self.active_zone._move_start[1]) self.active_zone.clear_cache() self.active_zone._move_start = None self.end_action(_('End move zone')) elif self.action == 'rotate zone': if self.active_zone is None: logging.warning(_('No zone selected -- Please select a zone first !')) return if self.active_zone._rotation_center is None: self.active_zone._rotation_center = (x,y) return self.active_zone.rotate_xy(x, y) self.active_zone.clear_cache() self.active_zone._rotation_center = None self.end_action(_('End rotate zone')) elif self.action == 'dynamic parallel': # Create a dynamic parallel line if ctrl: if self.active_array is not None: z = self.active_array.get_value(x, y) self.active_vector.myvertices[-1].z = z else: logging.warning(_('No array available and ctrl is pressed -- Please load a file or create data !')) self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x, y)) self.active_zone.parallel_active(self.dynapar_dist) elif self.action == 'modify vertices': if self.active_vertex is None: self.active_vertex = self.active_vector.find_nearest_vert(x, y) else: self.active_vertex.limit2bounds(self.active_vector.mylimits) if ctrl: if self.active_array is not None: z = self.active_array.get_value(x, y) self.active_vertex.z = z else: logging.warning(_('No array available and ctrl is pressed -- Please load a file or create data !')) self.active_vertex = None elif self.action == 'insert vertices': if self.active_vertex is None: self.active_vertex = self.active_vector.insert_nearest_vert(x, y) else: if ctrl: if self.active_array is not None: z = self.active_array.get_value(x, y) self.active_vertex.z = z else: logging.warning(_('No array available and ctrl is pressed -- Please load a file or create data !')) self.active_vertex = None else: self.rightdown = (x, y)
[docs] def OnRightUp(self, e): pos = e.GetPosition() x, y = self.getXY(pos) if self.active_bc is not None: if self.action == 'select bc': try: minx = min(self.rightdown[0], x) miny = min(self.rightdown[1], y) maxx = max(self.rightdown[0], x) maxy = max(self.rightdown[1], y) if minx != maxx and maxy != miny: self.active_bc.ray_tracing_numpy([[minx, miny], [maxx, miny], [maxx, maxy], [minx, maxy]], 'X') self.active_bc.ray_tracing_numpy([[minx, miny], [maxx, miny], [maxx, maxy], [minx, maxy]], 'Y') else: self.active_bc.query_kdtree((x, y)) self.active_bc.update_selection() self.Refresh() self.active_vector = self.last_active_vector self.end_action(_('End selection BC')) except: pass
[docs] def OnButton(self, e: wx.MouseEvent): d = e.GetWheelDelta() r = e.GetWheelRotation() a = e.GetWheelAxis() altdown = e.AltDown() ctrldown = e.ControlDown() shiftdown = e.ShiftDown() spacedown = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_SPACE) if self.action == 'dynamic parallel' and shiftdown and not ctrldown: self.dynapar_dist *= (1 - .1 * (r / max(d, 1))) self.dynapar_dist = max(self.dynapar_dist, .01) self.active_zone.parallel_active(self.dynapar_dist) self.Refresh() return elif self.action == 'dynamic parallel' and shiftdown and ctrldown: dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('What is the desired size [cm] ?'), 'ds', 'ds size', int(self.dynapar_dist * 100.), 1, 100000) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return self.dynapar_dist = float(dlg.GetValue()) / 100. self.dynapar_dist = max(self.dynapar_dist, .01) dlg.Destroy() self.active_zone.parallel_active(self.dynapar_dist) self.Refresh() return # Allow the user to zoom onto the pixel where the # mouse cursor is # Step1: move the map so that the pixem under the mouse cursor # ends up right in the middle of the screen (this move is # not visible from the end user point of view, it's just # here to make computation seasier) if spacedown: self.center_view_on( *self.getXY( e.GetPosition())) # Zoom/dezoom, center pf the tranfromation is the center of the screen self.width = self.width * (1 - .1 * (r / max(d, 1))) self.height = self.height * (1 - .1 * (r / max(d, 1))) if spacedown: self.updatescalefactors() # not base on mousex # Translate back the pixel at the center of the screen to where the # mouse cursor is. For that we measure the delta in screen coordinates # and transform it to map space coordinates. x_mid, y_mid = self.canvas.GetSize() x_mid, y_mid = self.getXY((0.5*x_mid, y_mid*0.5)) x, y = self.getXY( e.GetPosition()) dx, dy = x_mid - x, y_mid - y self.mousex += dx self.mousey += dy # will translate and rescale the map view so that it fits the window. self.setbounds()
[docs] def OnRDClick(self, e): self._endactions()
[docs] def OnLDClick(self, e:wx.MouseEvent): pos = e.GetPosition() ctrldown = e.ControlDown() altdown = e.AltDown() shiftdown = e.ShiftDown() x, y = self.getXY(pos) self.mousex = self.mousedown[0] self.mousey = self.mousedown[1] # self.mousedown = (0., 0.) self.oneclick = False self.setbounds() if shiftdown: if self.active_array is not None: if self.active_viewer3d is not None: self.active_viewer3d.force_view(self.mousex, self.mousey, self.active_array.get_value(self.mousex, self.mousey)) self.Refresh() if self.active_laz is not None: if self.active_laz.viewer is not None: self.active_laz.force_view(self.mousex, self.mousey, self.active_array.get_value(self.mousex, self.mousey)) else: if self.active_viewer3d is not None: self.active_viewer3d.force_view(self.mousex, self.mousey) self.Refresh() if self.active_laz is not None: if self.active_laz.viewer is not None: self.active_laz.force_view(self.mousex, self.mousey)
[docs] def OnLDown(self, e): if not self.move: pos = e.GetPosition() x, y = self.getXY(pos) self.mousedown = (x, y) self.move=True
[docs] def _set_active_bc(self): """Search and activate BCManager according to active_array""" if self.active_bc is not None: if self.active_array != self.active_bc.linked_array: # it is not the good one -> Hide self.active_bc.Hide() else: return # searching if bcmanager is attached to active_array self.active_bc = None for curbc in self.mybc: if self.active_array == curbc.linked_array: self.active_bc = curbc self.active_bc.Show() return
[docs] def set_statusbar_text(self, txt:str): """ Set the status bar text """ self.StatusBar.SetStatusText(txt)
[docs] def set_label_selecteditem(self, nameitem:str): """ Set the label of the selected item in the tree list """ self._lbl_selecteditem.SetLabel(nameitem)
[docs] def get_label_selecteditem(self): """ Get the label of the selected item in the tree list """ return self._lbl_selecteditem.GetLabel()
[docs] def OnActivateTreeElem(self, e): #:dataview.TreeListEvent ): """ Activate the selected item in the tree list """ curzones: Zones curzone: zone curvect: vector myitem = e.GetItem() ctrl = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) alt = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_ALT) myparent = self.treelist.GetItemParent(myitem) check = self.treelist.GetCheckedState(myitem) nameparent = self.treelist.GetItemText(myparent).lower() nameitem = self.treelist.GetItemText(myitem).lower() myobj = self.treelist.GetItemData(myitem) self.selected_object = myobj self.set_label_selecteditem(_('Active : ') + nameitem) #FIXME : To generalize using draw_type if type(myobj) == Zones: self.active_zones = myobj if ctrl: myobj.show_properties() elif type(myobj) == Wolf_LAZ_Data: self.active_laz = myobj if ctrl: myobj.show_properties() elif type(myobj) == Bridge: self.active_bridge = myobj if ctrl: myobj.show_properties() elif type(myobj) == Weir: self.active_weir = myobj if ctrl: myobj.show_properties() elif isinstance(myobj, PlansTerrier): self.active_landmap = myobj elif type(myobj) == hydrometry_wolfgui: if ctrl: myobj.show_properties() elif type(myobj) in [Picc_data, Cadaster_data]: if ctrl: myobj.show_properties() elif type(myobj) == Particle_system: if ctrl: myobj.show_properties() elif type(myobj) == Tiles: self.active_tile= myobj elif issubclass(type(myobj), WolfArray): if ctrl: myobj.show_properties() # myobj.myops.SetTitle(_('Operations on array: ')+myobj.idx) # myobj.myops.Show()'Activating array : ' + nameitem)) self.active_array = myobj # If BC maneger is attached to the array, we activate it self._set_active_bc() #Print info in the status bar txt = 'Dx : {:.4f} ; Dy : {:.4f}'.format(self.active_array.dx, self.active_array.dy) txt += ' ; Xmin : {:.4f} ; Ymin : {:.4f}'.format(self.active_array.origx, self.active_array.origy) txt += ' ; Xmax : {:.4f} ; Ymax : {:.4f}'.format(self.active_array.origx + self.active_array.dx * float(self.active_array.nbx), self.active_array.origy + self.active_array.dy * float(self.active_array.nby)) txt += ' ; Nx : {:d} ; Ny : {:d}'.format(self.active_array.nbx, self.active_array.nby) if self.active_array.nb_blocks > 0: txt += ' ; Nb blocks : {:d}'.format(self.active_array.nb_blocks) txt += ' ; Type : ' + self.active_array.dtype_str self.set_statusbar_text(txt) elif type(myobj) in [WolfViews]:'Activating view : ' + nameitem)) self.active_view = myobj elif type(myobj) == cloud_vertices: self.active_cloud = myobj if ctrl: elif type(myobj) == crosssections: if ctrl: myobj.showstructure()'Activating cross sections : ' + nameitem)) self.active_cs = myobj elif type(myobj) == Triangulation: self.active_tri = myobj elif type(myobj) == Wolfresults_2D:'Activating Wolf2d results : ' + nameitem)) self.active_res2d = myobj if ctrl: myobj.show_properties() if alt: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self,_('Do you want to open the 2D model?'),style=wx.YES_NO|wx.NO_DEFAULT) ret=dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_NO: return from .PyGui import Wolf2DModel mywolf = Wolf2DModel(dir=os.path.dirname(self.active_res2d.filenamegen), splash=False) elif type(myobj) == wolfres2DGPU:'Activating Wolf2d results : ' + nameitem)) self.active_res2d = myobj if ctrl: myobj.show_properties()
[docs] def _update_mytooltip(self): """ Update the tooltip with the values of the active arrays and results at position x,y """ x,y,pos = self._last_mouse_pos self.mytooltip.myparams.clear() curgroup = 'Position' self.mytooltip.myparams[curgroup] = {} curpar = _('Pixel (col,row)') self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = '(' + str(pos[0]) + ' ; ' + str(pos[1]) + ')', type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') curpar = _('Coordinate X [m]') self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = '{:3f}'.format(x), type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') curpar = _('Coordinate Y [m]') self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = '{:3f}'.format(y), type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') for locarray in self.myres2D: locarray:Wolfresults_2D curgroup = locarray.idx if locarray.checked: try: vals,labs = locarray.get_values_labels(x,y) i, j, curbloc = locarray.get_blockij_from_xy(x, y) if i != '-' and i != -1: curpar = 'Indices (i;j;bloc) (1-based)' self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = '(' + str(i) + ';' + str(j) + ';' + str(curbloc) + ')', type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') for val,curpar in zip(vals,labs): if val is np.nan: self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = 'Value', value = "Nan", type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = 'Value', value = "Masked", type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif isinstance(val, str): self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = val, type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif isinstance(val, int): self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = int(val), type = Type_Param.Integer, comment = '') else: self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = float(val), type = Type_Param.Float, comment = '') except: pass for locarray in self.myarrays: if locarray.checked: curgroup = locarray.idx try: val = locarray.get_value(x, y) if val != -99999.: if locarray.wolftype in WOLF_ARRAY_MB: i, j, curbloc = locarray.get_blockij_from_xy(x, y) curpar = 'Indices (i;j;bloc) (1-based)' self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = '(' + str(i+1) + ';' + str(j+1) + ';' + str(curbloc) + ')', type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') else: i, j = locarray.get_ij_from_xy(x, y) curpar = 'Indices (i;j) (1-based)' self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = '(' + str(i+1) + ';' + str(j+1) + ')', type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') curpar = 'Value' if val is np.nan: self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = 'Value', value = "Nan", type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = 'Value', value = "Masked", type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif isinstance(val, str): self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = val, type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif isinstance(val, int): self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = int(val), type = Type_Param.Integer, comment = '') else: self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = float(val), type = Type_Param.Float, comment = '') except: pass if self.linked: for curFrame in self.linkedList: if not curFrame is self: title = curFrame.GetTitle() if curFrame.GetTitle() != 'Wolf - main data manager' else 'Main' for locarray in curFrame.myarrays: curgroup = title + ' -' + locarray.idx if locarray.plotted: try: val = locarray.get_value(x, y) if val != -99999.: if locarray.wolftype in WOLF_ARRAY_MB: i, j, curbloc = locarray.get_blockij_from_xy(x, y) curpar = 'Indices (i;j;bloc) (1-based)' self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = '(' + str(i+1) + ';' + str(j+1) + ';' + str(curbloc) + ')', type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') else: i, j = locarray.get_ij_from_xy(x, y) curpar = 'Indices (i;j) (1-based)' self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = '(' + str(i+1) + ';' + str(j+1) + ')', type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') curpar = 'Value' if val is np.nan: self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = 'Value', value = "Nan", type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = 'Value', value = "Masked", type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif isinstance(val, str): self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = val, type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif isinstance(val, int): self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = int(val), type = Type_Param.Integer, comment = '') else: self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = float(val), type = Type_Param.Float, comment = '') except: logging.warning(_('Error in linked frame Arrays -- Please check !')) for locarray in curFrame.myres2D: locarray:Wolfresults_2D curgroup = title + ' - ' + locarray.idx if locarray.checked: try: vals,labs = locarray.get_values_labels(x,y) i, j, curbloc = locarray.get_blockij_from_xy(x, y) if i != '-' and i != -1: curpar = 'Indices (i;j;bloc) (1-based)' self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = '(' + str(i) + ';' + str(j) + ';' + str(curbloc) + ')', type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') for val,curpar in zip(vals,labs): if val is np.nan: self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = 'Value', value = "Nan", type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = 'Value', value = "Masked", type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif isinstance(val, str): self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = val, type = Type_Param.String, comment = '') elif isinstance(val, int): self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = int(val), type = Type_Param.Integer, comment = '') else: self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = curpar, value = float(val), type = Type_Param.Float, comment = '') except: logging.warning(_('Error in linked frame Results2D -- Please check !')) for loc_ps in self.mypartsystems: if loc_ps.checked: curgroup = loc_ps.idx try: self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = _('Step [s]'), value = loc_ps.current_step, type = Type_Param.Float, comment = 'Step in seconds') self.mytooltip.add_param(groupname = curgroup, name = _('Step [-]'), value = loc_ps.current_step_idx, type = Type_Param.Integer, comment = 'Step index') except: pass self.mytooltip.PopulateOnePage()
[docs] def OnMotion(self, e: wx.MouseEvent): """ Mouse move event """ # Déplacement de la souris sur le canvas OpenGL posframe = self.GetPosition() pos = e.GetPosition() x, y = self.getXY(pos) altdown = e.AltDown() shiftdown = e.ShiftDown() if e.LeftIsDown() or e.MiddleIsDown(): self.mousex -= x - self.mousedown[0] self.mousey -= y - self.mousedown[1] self.setbounds(False) return elif e.RightIsDown(): if self.action == 'select bc': if self.active_vector is None: self.end_action(_('None because no active vector')) return self.active_vector.myvertices=[wolfvertex(self.rightdown[0],self.rightdown[1]), wolfvertex(self.rightdown[0],y), wolfvertex(x,y), wolfvertex(x,self.rightdown[1]), wolfvertex(self.rightdown[0],self.rightdown[1])] else: self.move=False if self.action is not None: if 'select by tmp vector' in self.action or \ 'select by vector' in self.action or \ self.action == 'capture vertices' or \ self.action == 'dynamic parallel' or \ self.action == 'laz tmp vector' or \ self.action == 'create polygon - tiles': if self.active_vector.nbvertices > 0: self.active_vector.myvertices[-1].x = x self.active_vector.myvertices[-1].y = y if self.action == 'modify vertices' or \ self.action == 'insert vertices': if self.active_vertex is not None: if shiftdown: ox = self.active_vector.myvertices[0].x oy = self.active_vector.myvertices[0].y dirx = self.active_vector.myvertices[-1].x - ox diry = self.active_vector.myvertices[-1].y - oy normdir = np.sqrt(dirx ** 2. + diry ** 2.) dirx /= normdir diry /= normdir vecx = x - ox vecy = y - oy norm = np.sqrt(vecx ** 2. + vecy ** 2.) self.active_vertex.x = ox + np.inner([dirx, diry], [vecx, vecy]) * dirx self.active_vertex.y = oy + np.inner([dirx, diry], [vecx, vecy]) * diry else: self.active_vertex.x = x self.active_vertex.y = y self.active_vertex.limit2bounds(self.active_vector.mylimits) if self.action == 'dynamic parallel': self.active_zone.parallel_active(self.dynapar_dist) if self.action == 'move vector': if self.active_vector is not None: if self.active_vector._move_start is not None: delta_x = x - self.active_vector._move_start[0] delta_y = y - self.active_vector._move_start[1] if shiftdown: delta_y = 0. if altdown: delta_x = 0. self.active_vector.move(delta_x, delta_y) if self.action == 'move triangles': if self.active_tri is not None: if self.active_tri._move_start is not None: delta_x = x - self.active_tri._move_start[0] delta_y = y - self.active_tri._move_start[1] if shiftdown: delta_y = 0. if altdown: delta_x = 0. self.active_tri.move(delta_x, delta_y) self.active_tri.reset_plot() if self.action == 'rotate vector': if self.active_vector is not None: if self.active_vector._rotation_center is not None: self.active_vector.rotate_xy(x, y) if self.action == 'rotate triangles': if self.active_tri is not None: if self.active_tri._rotation_center is not None: self.active_tri.rotate_xy(x, y) self.active_tri.reset_plot() if self.action == 'move zone': if self.active_zone is not None: if self.active_zone._move_start is not None: delta_x = x - self.active_zone._move_start[0] delta_y = y - self.active_zone._move_start[1] if shiftdown: delta_y = 0. if altdown: delta_x = 0. self.active_zone.move(delta_x, delta_y) if self.action == 'rotate zone': if self.active_zone is not None: if self.active_zone._rotation_center is not None: self.active_zone.rotate_xy(x, y) self.Paint() self._last_mouse_pos = (x,y,pos) self._update_mytooltip() if e.ControlDown(): if self._oldpos_tooltip is None: # Store the position of the tooltip # Useful to restore it after CTRL is released self._oldpos_tooltip = self.mytooltip.GetPosition() try: self.mytooltip.SetWindowStyle(wx.STAY_ON_TOP) # Just on top, without Title bar ttsize = self.mytooltip.GetSize() if ttsize[0] == 0 or ttsize[1] == 0: pass self.mytooltip.position(pos + posframe + (ttsize[0] / 2. + 15, 15)) except Exception as e: logging.warning(_('Error in tooltip positionning : ') + str(e)) self.mytooltip.Show(True) else: width, height = self.GetSize() if self.IsMaximized(): # Frame is maximized -> tooltip must be on the Screen self.mytooltip.SetWindowStyle(wx.STAY_ON_TOP | wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) else: if self._oldpos_tooltip is None: # No old position stored -> tooltip does not move pos_tooltip = self.mytooltip.GetPosition() else: # Restore the position of the tooltip pos_tooltip = self._oldpos_tooltip # Reset the old position, so when CTRL is pressed again, the memory will be updated self._oldpos_tooltip = None if shiftdown or (pos_tooltip[0] == 0 and pos_tooltip[1] == 0): # SHIFT is pressed or tooltip is at the top right corner of the Frame # or it is the first time the tooltip is displayed posframe[0] += width posframe[1] -= 50 self.mytooltip.position(posframe) w, h = self.mytooltip.GetSize() self.mytooltip.SetSize((w, height)) else: # Force the position self.mytooltip.SetPosition(pos_tooltip) # self.mytooltip.SetIcon(self.GetIcon()) # update icon self.mytooltip.SetWindowStyle(wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE) # | wx.STAY_ON_TOP) # on top, with Title bar self.mytooltip.Show(True) e.Skip()
[docs] def Autoscale(self, update_backfore=True): """ Redimensionnement de la fenêtre pour afficher tous les objets """ self.findminmax() self.width = self.xmax - self.xmin self.height = self.ymax - self.ymin centerx = self.xmin + self.width / 2. centery = self.ymin + self.height / 2. iwidth = self.width * iheight = self.height * width, height = self.canvas.GetSize() if iwidth == 0 or iheight == 0: logging.error(_('Width or height of the canvas is null -- Please check the "findminmax" routine in "Autoscale" !')) iwidth = 1 iheight = 1 sx = float(width) / float(iwidth) sy = float(height) / float(iheight) if sx == 0 or sy == 0: logging.error(_('At least one scale factor is null -- Please check the "Autoscale" routine !')) sx = 1. sy = 1. if sx > sy: self.xmax = self.xmin + self.width * sx / sy self.width = self.xmax - self.xmin else: self.ymax = self.ymin + self.height * sy / sx self.height = self.ymax - self.ymin self.mousex = centerx self.mousey = centery if update_backfore: # dessin du background for obj in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.WMSBACK): obj.reload() # dessin du foreground for obj in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.WMSFORE): obj.reload() self.setbounds()
[docs] def _endactions(self): """ End of actions Call when the user double click on the right button of the mouse or press return. Depending on the action, the method will call differnt routines and refresh the figure. Each action must call self.end_action() to nullify the action and print a message. """ if self.action is not None: locaction = self.action if 'select by tmp vector' in self.action or 'select by vector' in self.action: inside_under = 'inside' in self.action self.end_action(_('End of vector selection')) self.active_vector.myvertices.pop(-1) if inside_under: self.active_vector.close_force() self.active_array.SelectionData.select_insidepoly(self.active_vector) else: self.active_array.SelectionData.select_underpoly(self.active_vector) if 'tmp' in locaction: # we must reset the temporary vector self.active_vector.reset() elif self.action == 'pick landmap': self.end_action(_('End of landmap picking')) elif self.action == 'laz tmp vector': self.end_action(_('End of LAZ selection')) self.active_vector.myvertices.pop(-1) self.plot_laz_around_active_vec() self.active_vector.reset() elif self.action == 'create polygon - tiles': self.end_action(_('End of polygon creation')) self.active_vector.myvertices.pop(-1) self.active_vector.close_force() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Do you want to align vertices on magnetic grid ?'), _('Confirm'), wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret == wx.ID_YES: dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None, _('Which is the sptial step size [m] ?'), _('Size'), _('Spatial grid size'), 50, 1, 10000) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return ds = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() vertices = self.active_vector.myvertices.copy() self.active_vector.myvertices.clear() x_aligned = np.asarray([(curvert.x // ds)*ds for curvert in vertices]) y_aligned = np.asarray([(curvert.y // ds)*ds for curvert in vertices]) if (x_aligned.min() == x_aligned.max()) and (y_aligned.min() == y_aligned.max()): logging.error(_('All vertices are aligned on the same point -- Choose another step size')) return self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x_aligned.min(), y_aligned.min())) self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x_aligned.max(), y_aligned.min())) self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x_aligned.max(), y_aligned.max())) self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x_aligned.min(), y_aligned.max())) self.active_vector.add_vertex(wolfvertex(x_aligned.min(), y_aligned.min())) self.active_vector.close_force() self.active_vector.find_minmax() self._create_data_from_tiles_common() elif self.action == 'capture vertices': self.end_action(_('End of points capturing')) self.active_vector.myvertices.pop(-1) r = wx.MessageDialog( None, _('End of points capturing') + '\n' + _('Force to close the vector ?'), _('Confirm'), wx.YES_NO | wx.YES_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION ).ShowModal() if r == wx.ID_YES: self.active_vector.close_force() # force to prepare OpenGL to accelerate the plot # Le test not(self in self.linkedList) permet de ne pas créer le liste OpenGL en cas de multi-viewers # car une liste OpenGL ne sera pas tracée sur les autres fenêtres # C'est donc plus lent mais plus sûr pour que l'affichage dynamique soit correct self.active_vector.parentzone.plot(prep = self.linkedList is None or not(self in self.linkedList)) elif self.action == 'modify vertices': # end of vertices modification self.end_action(_('End of vertices modification')) # force to prepare OpenGL to accelerate the plot # Le test not(self in self.linkedList) permet de ne pas créer le liste OpenGL en cas de multi-viewers # car une liste OpenGL ne sera pas tracée sur les autres fenêtres # C'est donc plus lent mais plus sûr pour que l'affichage dynamique soit correct self.active_vector.parentzone.plot(prep = self.linkedList is None or not(self in self.linkedList)) self.active_zones.find_minmax(True) self.active_vertex = None elif self.action == 'insert vertices': self.end_action(_('End of vertices insertion')) # force to prepare OpenGL to accelerate the plot # Le test not(self in self.linkedList) permet de ne pas créer le liste OpenGL en cas de multi-viewers # car une liste OpenGL ne sera pas tracée sur les autres fenêtres # C'est donc plus lent mais plus sûr pour que l'affichage dynamique soit correct self.active_vector.parentzone.plot(prep = self.linkedList is None or not(self in self.linkedList)) self.active_zones.find_minmax(True) self.active_vertex = None elif self.action == 'dynamic parallel': self.active_vector.myvertices.pop(-1) self.active_zone.parallel_active(self.dynapar_dist) self.active_zones.fill_structure() self.active_zones.find_minmax(True) # force to prepare OpenGL to accelerate the plot # Le test not(self in self.linkedList) permet de ne pas créer le liste OpenGL en cas de multi-viewers # car une liste OpenGL ne sera pas tracée sur les autres fenêtres # C'est donc plus lent mais plus sûr pour que l'affichage dynamique soit correct self.active_vector.parentzone.plot(prep = self.linkedList is None or not(self in self.linkedList)) self.active_vertex = None self.end_action(_('End of dynamic parallel')) elif 'select active vector' in self.action: self.end_action(_('End of vector selection')) elif 'select node by node' in self.action: self.end_action(_('End of node by node selection')) self.copyfrom = None self.Refresh() self.mimicme()
[docs] def print_About(self): """ Print the About window """ from .apps.version import WolfVersion version = WolfVersion() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Wolf - Version {}\n\n'.format(str(version))) + _('Developed by : ') + 'HECE ULiège\n' + _('Contact :'), _('About'), wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def check_for_updates(self): """ Check for updates """ from .apps.version import WolfVersion import requests current_version = str(WolfVersion()) package_name = "wolfhece" try: available_version = requests.get(f"{package_name}/json").json()["info"]["version"] if available_version > current_version: with wx.MessageDialog(None, _("A new version is available: {}\n\nYour version is {}\n\nIf you want to upgrade, 'pip install wolfhece --upgrade' from your Python environment.").format(available_version, current_version), _("Upgrade"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) as dlg: dlg.ShowModal() else: with wx.MessageDialog(None, _("You have the latest version."), _("Upgrade"), wx.OK | wx.ICON_INFORMATION) as dlg: dlg.ShowModal() except Exception as e: logging.error("Package not found on PyPI. -- {}".format(e))
[docs] def print_shortcuts(self, inframe:bool = None): """ Print the list of shortcuts into logging """ # shortcuts = "F1 : mise à jour du dernier pas de résultat\n \ # F2 : mise à jour du résultat pas suivant\n \ # F4 : mise à jour du particle system au pas suivant\n \ # Shift+F2 : mise à jour du résultat pas précédent\n \ # Shift+F4 : mise à jour du particle system au pas précédent\n \ # CTRL+F2 : choix du pas\n \ # CTRL+F4 : choix du pas (particle system)\n \ # CTRL+Shift+F2 : choix du pas sur base du temps\n \ # CTRL+Shift+F4 : choix du pas sur base du temps (particle system)\n \ # F5 : autoscale\n \ # F7 : refresh\n \ # F9 : sélection de toutes les mailles dans la matrice courante\n \ # F11 : sélection sur matrice courante\n \ # F12 : opération sur matrice courante\n \ # \n \ # ESPACE : pause/resume animation\n \ # \n \ # Z : zoom avant\n \ # z : zoom artrière\n \ # Flèches : déplacements latéraux\n \ # P : sélection de profil\n \ # 1,2 : Transfert de la sélection de la amtrice courante vers le dictionnaire\n \ # F, CTRL+F : recherche de la polyligne dans la zone courante ou dans toutes les zones\n \ # i : interpolation2D sur base de la sélection sur la matrice courante\n \ # +,- (numpad) : augmente ou diminue la taille des flèches de resultats 2D\n \ # \n \ # o, O : Gestion de la transparence de la matrice courante\n \ # CTRL+o, CTRL+O : Gestion de la transparence du résultat courant\n \ # \n \ # !! ACTIONs !!\n \ # N : sélection noeud par noeud de la matrice courante\n \ # b, B : sélection par vecteur de la matrice courante - trace du vecteur\n \ # v, V : sélection par vecteur de la matrice courante - zone intérieure\n \ # r : reset de la sélection de la matrice courante\n \ # R : reset de toutes les sélections de la matrice courante\n \ # P : sélection de la section transversale par click souris\n \ # \n \ # RETURN : end current action (cf aussi double clicks droit 'OnRDClick')\n \ # DELETE : remove item\n \ # \n \ # CTRL+Q : Quit application\n \ # CTRL+U : Import GLTF/GLB\n \ # CTRL+C : Set copy source\n \ # CTRL+V : Paste selected values\n \ # CTRL+ALT+V ou ALTGr+V : Paste/Recopy selection\n \ # CTRL+L : chargement d'une matrice sur base du nom de fichier de la tile\n \ # \n \ # ALT+C : Copy image" # ALT+SHIFT+C : Copy images from multiviewers \ # CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+C : Copy images from all arrays as independent image \ groups = ['Results', 'Particle system', 'Drawing', 'Arrays', 'Cross sections', 'Zones', 'Action', 'Tree', 'Tiles', 'GLTF/GLB', 'App'] shortcuts = {'F1': _('Results : read the last step'), 'F2': _('Results : read the next step'), 'Shift+F2': _('Results : read the previous step'), 'CTRL+F2': _('Results : choose the step'), 'CTRL+Shift+F2': _('Results : choose the step based on time'), '+,- (numpad)': _('Results : increase or decrease the size of 2D result arrows'), 'F4': _('Particle system : update to the next step'), 'Shift+F4': _('Particle system : update to the previous step'), 'CTRL+F4': _('Particle system : choose the step'), 'CTRL+Shift+F4': _('Particle system : choose the step based on time'), 'SPACE': _('Particle system : pause/resume animation'), 'LMB double clicks': _('Drawing : center the view on the clicked point -- future zoom will be centered on the point'), 'LMB and move': _('Drawing : translate the view'), 'Mouse wheel click and move': _('Drawing : translate the view'), 'Mouse wheel': _('Drawing : zoom in/out - centered on the middle of the canvas'), 'Mouse wheel + Space Bar': _('Drawing : zoom in/out - centered on the mouse position'), 'z, Z': _('Drawing : zoom out/in - centered on the middle of the canvas'), 'Touchpad 2 fingers': _('Drawing : zoom in/out - centered on the middle of the canvas'), 'CTRL + z': _('Drawing : Autoscale only on active array'), 'CTRL + Z': _('Drawing : Autoscale only on active vector'), 'F5': _('Drawing : autoscale'), 'F7': _('Drawing : refresh'), 'Arrows': _('Drawing : lateral movements'), 'c or C': _('Drawing : copy canvas to Clipboard wo axes'), 'ALT+C': _('Drawing : copy canvas to Clipboard as Matplotlib image'), 'ALT+SHIFT+C': _('Drawing : copy canvas to Clipboard as Matplotlib image with axes - multiviewers'), 'CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+C': _('Drawing : copy canvas to Clipboard as Matplotlib image with axes - all arrays one by one'), 'CTRL+o': _('Results : increase transparency of the current result'), 'CTRL+O': _('Results : decrease transparency of the current result'), 'o': _('Arrays : increase transparency of the current array'), 'O': _('Arrays : decrease transparency of the current array'), 'F9': _('Arrays : select all cells'), 'F11': _('Arrays : select by criteria'), 'F12': _('Arrays : operations'), 'n or N': _('Arrays : node-by-node selection'), 'b or B': _('Arrays : temporary/active vector selection - along polyline'), 'v or V': _('Arrays : temporary/active vector selection - inside polygon'), 'r': _('Arrays : reset the selection'), 'R': _('Arrays : reset the selection and the associated dictionnary'), '1,2...9': _('Arrays : transfer the selection to the associated dictionary - key 1 to 9'), '>, <' : _('Arrays : dilate/erode the selection - cross-shaped neighbours'), 'CTRL+>, CTRL+<': _('Arrays : dilate/erode the selection unselecting the values inside the contour - cross-shaped neighbours'), 'i': _('Arrays : 2D interpolation based on the selection on the current matrix'), 'CTRL+C': _('Arrays : Set copy source and current selection to clipboard as string'), 'CTRL+X': _('Arrays : Crop the active array using the active vector and make a copy'), 'CTRL+V': _('Arrays : paste selected values'), 'CTRL+ALT+C or ALTGr+C': _('Arrays : Set copy source and current selection to clipboard as script'), 'CTRL+ALT+X or ALTGr+X': _('Arrays : Crop the active array using the active vector without masking the values outside the vector'), 'CTRL+ALT+V or ALTGr+V': _('Arrays : paste selection to active array'), 'p or P': _('Cross sections : Pick a profile/cross section'), 'f or F, CTRL+F': _('Zones : search for the polyline in the current zone or in all zones'), 'RETURN': _('Action : End the current action (see also right double-click -- OnRDClick)'), 'Press and Hold CTRL': _('Action : Data Frame follows the mouse cursor'), 'DELETE': _('Tree : Remove item'), 'CTRL+L': _('Tiles: Pick a tile by clicking on it'), 'CTRL+U': _('GLTF/GLB : import/update GLTF/GLB'), 'CTRL+Q': _('App : Quit application'),} def gettxt(): txt = '' for curgroup in groups: txt += curgroup + '\n' for curkey, curval in shortcuts.items(): if curgroup in curval: txt += '\t' + curkey + ' : ' + curval.split(':')[1] + '\n' txt += '\n' return txt if inframe : frame = wx.Frame(None, -1, _('Shortcuts'), size=(500, 800)) # panel = wx.Panel(frame, -1) sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) multiline = wx.TextCtrl(frame, -1, '', style=wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_RICH2) multiline.SetValue(gettxt()) sizer.Add(multiline, 1, wx.EXPAND) frame.SetSizer(sizer) icon = wx.Icon() icon_path = Path(__file__).parent / "apps/wolf_logo2.bmp" icon.CopyFromBitmap(wx.Bitmap(str(icon_path), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)) frame.SetIcon(icon) frame.SetAutoLayout(True) frame.Layout() frame.Show()
[docs] def msg_action(self, which:int = 0): """ Message to end action """ if which == 0: self.set_statusbar_text(_('Action in progress... -- To quit, press "RETURN" or "double clicks RIGHT" or press "ESC"')) else: self.set_statusbar_text('')
[docs] def start_action(self, action:str, message:str=''): """ Message to start action """ assert isinstance(action, str), 'action must be a string' if action == '': self.action = None else: self.action = action.lower()'ACTION : ') + _(message) if message != '' else _('ACTION : ') + _(action)) self.msg_action(0)
[docs] def end_action(self, message:str=''): """ Message to end action """ self.action = None'ACTION : ') + _(message) if message != '' else _('ACTION : End of action') ) self.msg_action(1)
[docs] def OnHotKey(self, e: wx.KeyEvent): """ Gestion des touches clavier -- see print_shortcuts for more details """ key = e.GetKeyCode() ctrldown = e.ControlDown() altdown = e.AltDown() shiftdown = e.ShiftDown() myobj = e.EventObject logging.debug(_('You are pressing key code : ') + str(key)) if ctrldown: logging.debug(_('Ctrl is down')) if altdown: logging.debug(_('Alt is down')) if ctrldown or altdown: if key == 60 and shiftdown: #'>' if self.active_array is not None: if self.active_array.SelectionData is not None: self.active_array.SelectionData.dilate_contour_selection(1) self.active_array.reset_plot() elif key == 60 and not shiftdown: #'<' if self.active_array is not None: if self.active_array.SelectionData is not None: self.active_array.SelectionData.erode_contour_selection() self.active_array.reset_plot() elif key == wx.WXK_F2 and ctrldown and altdown and shiftdown: if self.active_res2d is None:'Please activate a simulation before search a specific result')) self._add_sim_explorer(self.active_res2d) elif key == wx.WXK_F2 and not shiftdown: if self.active_res2d is not None: nb = self.active_res2d.get_nbresults() dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('Please choose a step (1 -> {})'.format(nb)),'Step :', _('Select a specific step'), nb, min=1, max=nb) ret = dlg.ShowModal() nb = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() self.active_res2d.read_oneresult(nb-1) self.active_res2d.set_currentview() self.Refresh() self._update_sim_explorer() else:'Please activate a simulation before search a specific result')) elif key == wx.WXK_F2 and shiftdown: if self.active_res2d is not None: nb = self.active_res2d.get_nbresults() choices = ['{:.3f} [s] - {} [h:m:s]'.format(cur, timedelta(seconds=int(cur), milliseconds=int(cur-int(cur))*1000)) for cur in self.active_res2d.times] dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Please choose a time step'), _('Select a specific step'), choices) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return keyvalue = dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() self.active_res2d.read_oneresult(choices.index(keyvalue)) self.active_res2d.set_currentview() self.Refresh() self._update_sim_explorer() else:'Please activate a simulation before searching a specific result')) if key == wx.WXK_F4 and not shiftdown: if self.active_particle_system is not None: nb = self.active_particle_system.nb_steps dlg = wx.NumberEntryDialog(None,_('Please choose a step (1 -> {})'.format(nb)),'Step :', _('Select a specific step'), nb, min=1, max=nb) ret = dlg.ShowModal() nb = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy() self.active_particle_system.current_step = nb-1 self.Refresh() self._update_mytooltip() self._update_sim_explorer() else:'Please activate a particle system before searching a specific result')) elif key == wx.WXK_F4 and shiftdown: if self.active_particle_system is not None: choices = ['{:.3f} [s] - {} [h:m:s]'.format(cur, timedelta(seconds=int(cur), milliseconds=int(cur-int(cur))*1000)) for cur in self.active_particle_system.get_times()] dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Please choose a time step'), _('Select a specific step'), choices) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL: dlg.Destroy() return keyvalue = dlg.GetStringSelection() dlg.Destroy() self.active_particle_system.current_step = choices.index(keyvalue) self.Refresh() self._update_mytooltip() self._update_sim_explorer() else:'Please activate a simulation before search a specific result')) elif key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ADD: #+ from numpad if self.active_res2d is not None: self.active_res2d.update_zoom_2(1.1) self.Refresh() elif key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_SUBTRACT: #- from numpad if self.active_res2d is not None: self.active_res2d.update_zoom_2(1./1.1) self.Refresh() elif key == ord('X'): # Create a new array from the active array and the active vector # Node outside the vector are set to NullValue if self.active_array is not None and self.active_vector is not None: bbox = self.active_vector.get_bounds_xx_yy() newarray = self.active_array.crop_array(bbox) if not altdown: newarray.mask_outsidepoly(self.active_vector) newarray.nullify_border(width=1) #keys for arrays keys = self.get_list_keys(draw_type.ARRAYS, checked_state=None) new_key = self.active_array.idx + '_crop' while new_key in keys: new_key += '_' self.add_object('array', newobj = newarray, id = new_key) self.Refresh() elif key == ord('Q'): # If Ctrl-Q is hit, then we must *not* handle it # because it is tied to the Ctrl-Q accelerator # of the "quit" menu... e.Skip() return if key == ord('U'): # CTRL+U # Mise à jour des données par import du fichier gtlf2 msg = '' if self.active_array is None: msg += _('Active array is None\n') if msg != '': msg += _('\n') msg += _('Retry !\n') wx.MessageBox(msg) return self.set_fn_fnpos_gltf() self.update_blender_sculpting() elif key == ord('F'): if self.active_zones is not None: self.start_action('select active vector all', _('Select active vector all')) elif key == ord('L'): if self.active_tile is not None: self.start_action('select active tile', _('Select active tile')) elif key == wx.WXK_UP: self.upobj() elif key == wx.WXK_DOWN: self.downobj() elif key == ord('C') and altdown and not ctrldown and not shiftdown: # ALT+C #Copie du canvas dans le clipboard pour transfert vers autre application self.copy_canvasogl() elif key == ord('C') and altdown and not ctrldown and shiftdown: # ALT+SHIFT+C # Copie du canvas dans le clipboard pour transfert vers autre application # Copie des canvas liés if not self.linked: logging.error(_('No linked canvas to copy -- calling ALT+C instead')) self.copy_canvasogl() return from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory'Creating images')) with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: all_images = self.save_linked_canvas(Path(tmpdirname) / 'fig', mpl= True, ds= self.ticks_size, add_title= True) if len(all_images) == 0: logging.error(_('No image to combine -- aborting !')) return im_assembly = self.assembly_images(all_images, mode= self.assembly_mode)'Creating images - done')) # Copy image to clipboard if im_assembly is not None: if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): #création d'un objet bitmap wx wxbitmap = wx.Bitmap().FromBuffer(im_assembly.width, im_assembly.height, im_assembly.tobytes()) # objet wx exportable via le clipboard dataobj = wx.BitmapDataObject() dataobj.SetBitmap(wxbitmap) wx.TheClipboard.SetData(dataobj) wx.TheClipboard.Close()'Image copied to clipboard')) else: logging.error(_('Cannot open the clipboard')) else: logging.error(_('No image to copy to clipboard')) elif key == ord('C') and ctrldown and not altdown: # CTRL+C if self.active_array is None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('The active array is None - Please active an array from which to copy the values !'), style=wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return'Start copying values / Current selection to clipboard')) self.copyfrom = self.active_array self.mimicme_copyfrom() # force le recopiage de copyfrom dans les autres matrices liées if len(self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection) > 5000: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('The selection is large, copy to clipboard may be slow ! -- Continue?'), style=wx.OK | wx.CANCEL) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'Copy to clipboard cancelled -- But source array is well defined !')) dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() self.active_array.SelectionData.copy_to_clipboard()'Values copied to clipboard')) elif key == ord('C') and ctrldown and altdown and shiftdown: # CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+C # Copie du canvas dans le clipboard pour transfert vers autre application # Une matrice est associée à chaque canvas from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory'Creating images')) with TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: all_images = self.save_arrays_indep(Path(tmpdirname) / 'fig', mpl= True, ds= self.ticks_size, add_title= True) if len(all_images) == 0: logging.error(_('No image to combine -- aborting !')) return im_assembly = self.assembly_images(all_images, mode= self.assembly_mode)'Creating images - done')) # Copy image to clipboard if im_assembly is not None: if wx.TheClipboard.Open(): #création d'un objet bitmap wx wxbitmap = wx.Bitmap().FromBuffer(im_assembly.width, im_assembly.height, im_assembly.tobytes()) # objet wx exportable via le clipboard dataobj = wx.BitmapDataObject() dataobj.SetBitmap(wxbitmap) wx.TheClipboard.SetData(dataobj) wx.TheClipboard.Close()'Image copied to clipboard')) else: logging.error(_('Cannot open the clipboard')) else: logging.error(_('No image to copy to clipboard')) elif key == ord('C') and ctrldown and altdown and not shiftdown: if self.active_array is None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('The active array is None - Please active an array from which to copy the selection !'), style=wx.OK) dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() return'Start copying selection / Current selection to clipboard as script (Python)')) self.copyfrom = self.active_array self.mimicme_copyfrom() # force le recopiage de copyfrom dans les autres matrices liées if len(self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection) > 5000: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(self, _('The selection is large, copy to clipboard may be slow ! -- Continue?'), style=wx.OK | wx.CANCEL) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_CANCEL:'Copy script to clipboard cancelled -- But source array is well defined !')) dlg.Destroy() return dlg.Destroy() self.active_array.SelectionData.copy_to_clipboard(typestr='script')'Selection copied to clipboard as script (Python)')) elif key == ord('V') and ctrldown: # CTRL+V # CTRL+ALT+V ou Alt Gr + V if self.active_array is None: if e.AltDown(): # CTRL+ALT+V logging.warning(_('The active array is None - Please active an array into which to paste the selection !')) else: logging.warning(_('The active array is None - Please active an array into which to paste the values !')) return fromarray = self.copyfrom if fromarray is None: if self.linked: if not self.linkedList is None: for curFrame in self.linkedList: if curFrame.copyfrom is not None: fromarray = curFrame.copyfrom break if fromarray is None: logging.warning(_('No selection to be pasted !')) return cursel = fromarray.SelectionData.myselection if e.AltDown():'Paste selection position')) if cursel == 'all': self.active_array.SelectionData.OnAllSelect(0) elif len(cursel) > 0: self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection = cursel.copy() self.active_array.SelectionData.update_nb_nodes_selection() else:'Paste selection values')) if cursel == 'all': self.active_array.paste_all(fromarray) elif len(cursel) > 0: z = fromarray.SelectionData.get_values_sel() self.active_array.set_values_sel(cursel, z) self.Refresh()'Selection/Values pasted')) elif key == ord('Z'): if ctrldown: if shiftdown: if self.active_vector is not None: self.zoom_on_vector(self.active_vector, canvas_height= self.canvas.GetSize()[1]) else: logging.warning(_('No active vector to zoom on !')) else: if self.active_array is not None: self.zoom_on_array(self.active_array, canvas_height= self.canvas.GetSize()[1]) else: logging.warning(_('No active array to zoom on !')) else: if key == wx.WXK_DELETE: self.removeobj() elif key == 60 and shiftdown: #'>' if self.active_array is not None: if self.active_array.SelectionData is not None: self.active_array.SelectionData.dilate_selection(1) self.active_array.reset_plot() elif key == 60 and not shiftdown: #'<' if self.active_array is not None: if self.active_array.SelectionData is not None: self.active_array.SelectionData.erode_selection(1) self.active_array.reset_plot() elif key == wx.WXK_ESCAPE:'Escape key pressed -- Set all active objects and "action" to None')) self.action = None self.active_array = None self.active_vector = None self.active_zone = None self.active_zones = None self.active_res2d = None self.active_tile = None self.active_particle_system = None self.active_vertex = None self.active_cloud = None self.active_laz = None self.active_fig = None self.active_bridge = None self.active_bridges = None self.active_bc = None self.active_cs = None self.active_imagestiles = None self.active_landmap = None self.active_profile = None self.active_tri = None self.active_viewer3d = None self.set_statusbar_text(_('Esc pressed - No more action in progress - No more active object')) self.set_label_selecteditem('') elif key == ord('C'): self.copy_canvasogl(mpl = False) elif key == wx.WXK_SPACE: if self.timer_ps is not None and self.active_particle_system is not None : if self.timer_ps.IsRunning(): self.timer_ps.Stop() else: if self.active_particle_system.current_step_idx == self.active_particle_system.nb_steps-1: self.active_particle_system.current_step_idx = 0 self.active_particle_system.current_step = 0 self.timer_ps.Start(1000. / self.active_particle_system.fps) elif key == 388: #+ from numpad if self.active_res2d is not None: self.active_res2d.update_arrowpixelsize_vectorfield(-1) self.Refresh() elif key == 390: #- from numpad if self.active_res2d is not None: self.active_res2d.update_arrowpixelsize_vectorfield(1) self.Refresh() elif key == 13 or key==370 or key == wx.WXK_RETURN or key == wx.WXK_NUMPAD_ENTER: # 13 = RETURN classic keyboard # 370 = RETURN NUMPAD self._endactions() elif key == ord('I'): if self.active_array is not None : self.active_array.interpolation2D() elif key == ord('F'): if self.active_zone is not None: self.start_action('select active vector2 all', _('Select active vector2 all')) elif key in LIST_1TO9: if self.active_array is not None: if self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection == 'all': logging.warning(_('No selection to transfer to the dictionary !'))'Please select some nodes before transfering to the dictionary, not ALL !')) return # colors = [(0, 0, 255, 255), # (0, 255, 0, 255), # (0, 128, 255, 255), # (255, 255, 0, 255), # (255, 165, 0, 255), # (128, 0, 128, 255), # (255, 192, 203, 255), # (165, 42, 42, 255), # (128, 128, 128, 255)] idx = LIST_1TO9.index(key) if idx > 8: idx -= 9 self.active_array.SelectionData.move_selectionto(str(idx+1), self.colors1to9[idx]) elif key == wx.WXK_F1: self.read_last_result() elif key == wx.WXK_F2 and shiftdown: self.simul_previous_step() elif key == wx.WXK_F4 and shiftdown: self.particle_previous_step() elif key == wx.WXK_F4: self.particle_next_step() elif key == wx.WXK_F2: self.simul_next_step() elif key == wx.WXK_F5: # Autoscale self.Autoscale() elif key == wx.WXK_F7: self.update() elif key == wx.WXK_F12 or key == wx.WXK_F11: if self.active_array is not None: self.active_array.myops.SetTitle(_('Operations on array: ')+self.active_array.idx) self.active_array.myops.Show() self.active_array.myops.array_ops.SetSelection(1) self.active_array.myops.Center() elif key == wx.WXK_F9: if self.active_array is not None: if self.active_array.SelectionData is not None: self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection = 'all''Selecting all nodes in the active array !')) else: logging.warning(_('No selection manager for this array !')) if self.active_array.myops is not None: self.active_array.myops.nbselect.SetLabelText('All') else: logging.warning(_('No operations manager for this array !')) elif key == ord('N'): # N if self.active_array is not None: self.active_array.myops.select_node_by_node() if self.active_res2d is not None: if self.active_array is not None: msg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Do you want to select the nodes of the active result ?'), _('Select nodes'), wx.YES_NO | wx.ICON_QUESTION) ret = msg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_YES: else: if self.active_array is None and self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active array or result 2D to select node by node !')) elif key == ord('V'): # V if self.active_array is not None: if shiftdown: self.active_array.myops.select_vector_inside_manager() else: self.active_array.myops.select_vector_inside_tmp() else: logging.warning(_('No active array to select the vector inside !')) elif key == ord('B'): # B if self.active_array is not None: if shiftdown: self.active_array.myops.select_vector_under_manager() else: self.active_array.myops.select_vector_under_tmp() else: logging.warning(_('No active array to select the vector inside !')) elif key == ord('P'): # P if self.active_cs is not None: self.start_action('Select nearest profile', _('Select nearest profile')) else: logging.warning(_('No active cross section to select the nearest profile !')) elif key == ord('Z') and shiftdown: # Z self.width = self.width / 1.1 self.height = self.height / 1.1 self.setbounds() elif key == ord('Z'): # z self.width = self.width * 1.1 self.height = self.height * 1.1 self.setbounds() elif key == ord('R') and shiftdown: # R if self.active_array is not None: self.active_array.myops.reset_all_selection() self.Refresh() if self.active_res2d is not None: self.active_res2d.SelectionData.reset_all() self.Refresh() elif key == ord('R'): # r if self.active_array is not None: self.active_array.myops.reset_selection() self.Refresh() if self.active_res2d is not None: self.active_res2d.SelectionData.reset() self.Refresh() elif key == ord('O'): # Active Opacity for the active array if ctrldown: if self.active_res2d is None: logging.warning(_('No active result 2D to change the opacity !')) return if shiftdown: self.active_res2d.set_opacity(self.active_res2d.alpha + 0.25) else: self.active_res2d.set_opacity(self.active_res2d.alpha - 0.25) else: if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('No active array to change the opacity !')) return if shiftdown: self.active_array.set_opacity(self.active_array.alpha + 0.25) else: self.active_array.set_opacity(self.active_array.alpha - 0.25) elif key == wx.WXK_UP: self.mousey = self.mousey + self.height / 10. self.setbounds() elif key == wx.WXK_DOWN: self.mousey = self.mousey - self.height / 10. self.setbounds() elif key == wx.WXK_LEFT: self.mousex = self.mousex - self.width / 10. self.setbounds() elif key == wx.WXK_RIGHT: self.mousex = self.mousex + self.width / 10. self.setbounds() elif key == ord('A'): if self.active_laz is not None: self.active_laz.add_pose_in_memory()
[docs] def paste_values(self,fromarray:WolfArray): """ Paste selected values from a WolfArray to the active array """ if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('The active array is None - Please active an array into which to paste the values !')) return'Paste selection values')) cursel = fromarray.SelectionData.myselection if cursel == 'all': self.active_array.paste_all(fromarray) elif len(cursel) > 0: z = fromarray.SelectionData.get_values_sel() self.active_array.set_values_sel(cursel, z)
[docs] def paste_selxy(self,fromarray:WolfArray): """ Paste selected nodes from a WolfArray to the active array """ if self.active_array is None: logging.warning(_('The active array is None - Please active an array into which to paste the selection !')) return'Paste selection position')) cursel = fromarray.SelectionData.myselection if cursel == 'all': self.active_array.SelectionData.OnAllSelect(0) elif len(cursel) > 0: self.active_array.SelectionData.myselection = cursel.copy() self.active_array.SelectionData.update_nb_nodes_selection()
[docs] def OntreeRight(self, e: wx.MouseEvent): """ Gestion du menu contextuel sur l'arbre des objets """ if self.selected_object is not None: # On va nettoyer le menu contextuel car certaines entrées ne sont # pas nécessairement pertinentes # Chaînes à supprimer tracks=[] tracks.append(_('Contours')) tracks.append(_('Boundary conditions')) tracks.append(_('Convert to mono-block')) tracks.append(_('Convert to mono-block (result)')) tracks.append(_('Convert to multi-blocks (result)')) tracks.append(_('Extract current step as IC (result)')) tracks.append(_('Export to Shape file')) tracks.append(_('Export active zone to Shape file')) tracks.append(_('Rebin')) tracks.append(_('Set NullValue')) tracks.append(_('Set colormap')) tracks.append(_('Edit colormap')) tracks.append(_('Set classification')) tracks.append(_('Convert to...')) tracks.append(_('Edit selection')) tracks.append(_('All to cloud')) tracks.append(_('Selection to cloud')) tracks.append(_('Colormap')) tracks.append(_('Movie')) tracks.append(_('Play')) tracks.append(_('Record')) tracks.append(_('Load flight')) tracks.append(_('Save flight')) # Récupération des items du menu contextuel menuitems = self.popupmenu.GetMenuItems() text = [cur.GetItemLabelText() for cur in menuitems] # Liste des indices à supprimer # Pas possible de supprimer à la volée car cela modifie la liste to_delete = [] for track in tracks: if track in text: to_delete.append(text.index(track)) # Suppression des items if len(to_delete) > 0: # Suppression en ordre décroissant pour ne pas décaler les indices to_delete.sort(reverse=True) for idx in to_delete: self.popupmenu.Remove(menuitems[idx]) # Add specific menu items for WolfArray if isinstance(self.selected_object, WolfArray): bc = self.get_boundary_manager(self.selected_object) if bc is not None: self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Boundary conditions'), _('Boundary conditions')) self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Contours')) self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Rebin'), _('Change the spatial resolution')) self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Set NullValue'), _('Set NullValue')) # Add specific menu items for WolfArrayMB if isinstance(self.selected_object, WolfArrayMB): self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Convert to mono-block'), _('Convert to mono-block')) # Add specific menu items for Wolfresults_2D if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolfresults_2D): self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Convert to mono-block (result)'), _('Convert to mono-block')) self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Convert to multi-blocks (result)'), _('Convert to multi-blocks')) self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Extract current step as IC (result)'), _('Extract current step as IC')) if isinstance(self.selected_object, Zones | Bridge | Weir): self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Export to Shape file'), _('Export to Shape file')) self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Export active zone to Shape file'), _('Export active zone to Shape file')) if isinstance(self.selected_object, Wolf_LAZ_Data): colrmapmenu = wx.Menu() self.popupmenu.AppendSubMenu(colrmapmenu, _('Colormap')) colrmapmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Set colormap'), _('Change colormap')) colrmapmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Edit colormap'), _('Edit colormap')) colrmapmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Set classification'), _('Change classification')) converttomenu = wx.Menu() self.popupmenu.AppendSubMenu(converttomenu, _('Convert to...')) converttomenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('All to cloud'), _('Convert all to cloud')) converttomenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Selection to cloud'), _('Convert selection to cloud')) converttomenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Selection to vector'), _('Convert selection to vector')) self.popupmenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Edit selection'), _('Edit selection')) moviemenu = wx.Menu() self.popupmenu.AppendSubMenu(moviemenu, _('Movie')) moviemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Add point'), _('Add point passage')) moviemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Play'), _('Play')) # moviemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Record'), _('Record')) moviemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Load flight'), _('Load flight')) moviemenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Save flight'), _('Save flight')) self.treelist.PopupMenu(self.popupmenu)
[docs] def update(self): """ Update backgournd et foreground elements and arrays if local minmax is checked. """ # dessin du background for obj in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.WMSBACK): obj.reload() # dessin du foreground for obj in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.WMSFORE): obj.reload() if self.locminmax.IsChecked() or self.update_absolute_minmax: for curarray in self.iterator_over_objects(draw_type.ARRAYS): curarray: WolfArray if self.update_absolute_minmax: curarray.updatepalette() self.update_absolute_minmax = False else: curarray.updatepalette(onzoom=[self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax]) curarray.delete_lists() self.Paint()
[docs] def _plotting(self, drawing_type: draw_type, checked_state: bool = True): """ Drawing objets on canvas""" try: for curobj in self.iterator_over_objects(drawing_type, checked_state=checked_state): if not curobj.plotting: curobj.plotting = True curobj.plot(sx =,, xmin=self.xmin, ymin=self.ymin, xmax=self.xmax, ymax=self.ymax, size = (self.xmax - self.xmin) / 100.) curobj.plotting = False except Exception as ex: curobj.plotting = False logging.error(_('Error while plotting objects of type {}').format( traceback.print_exc() logging.error(ex)
[docs] def get_MVP_Viewport_matrix(self): """ Get the modelview projection matrix """ if self.SetCurrentContext(): modelview = glGetFloatv(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX) projection = glGetFloatv(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX) viewport = glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT) return modelview, projection, viewport else: return None, None, None
[docs] def SetCurrentContext(self): """ Set the current OGL context if exists otherwise return False """ if self.context is None: return False return self.canvas.SetCurrent(self.context)
[docs] def _set_gl_projection_matrix(self): glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() glOrtho(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ymin, self.ymax, -99999, 99999) glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) glLoadIdentity()
[docs] def Paint(self): """ Dessin des éléments ajoutés au viewer """ if self.currently_readresults: return width, height = self.canvas.GetSize() # C'est bien ici que la zone de dessin utile est calculée sur base du centre et de la zone en coordonnées réelles # Les commandes OpenGL sont donc traitées en coordonnées réelles puisque la commande glOrtho définit le cadre visible self.xmin = self.mousex - self.width / 2. self.ymin = self.mousey - self.height / 2. self.xmax = self.mousex + self.width / 2. self.ymax = self.mousey + self.height / 2. if self.SetCurrentContext(): bkg_color = self.bkg_color glClearColor(bkg_color[0]/255., bkg_color[1]/255., bkg_color[2]/255., bkg_color[3]/255.) # glClearColor(0., 0., 1., 0) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) glViewport(0, 0, int(width), int(height)) self._set_gl_projection_matrix() # dessin du background self._plotting(draw_type.WMSBACK) # Dessin des matrices self._plotting(draw_type.ARRAYS) # Dessin des résultats 2D self._plotting(draw_type.RES2D) # Dessin des vecteurs self._plotting(draw_type.VECTORS) # Dessin des tuiles self._plotting(draw_type.TILES) self._plotting(draw_type.IMAGESTILES) if self.active_vector is not None: if self.active_vector.parentzone is None: # we must plot this vector because it is a temporary vector outside any zone self.active_vector.plot() # Dessin des triangulations self._plotting(draw_type.TRIANGULATION) # Dessin des nuages self._plotting(draw_type.CLOUD) # Dessin des vues self._plotting(draw_type.VIEWS) # Dessin des "particule systems" self._plotting(draw_type.PARTICLE_SYSTEM) # Dessin du reste self._plotting(draw_type.OTHER) # Dessin du Front self._plotting(draw_type.WMSFORE) # Gestion des BC (si actif) if self.active_bc is not None: self.active_bc.plot() # try: # if self.active_bc is not None: # self.active_bc.plot() # except: # pass # glFlush() self.canvas.SwapBuffers() else: raise NameError( 'Opengl setcurrent -- maybe a conflict with an existing opengl32.dll file - please rename the opengl32.dll in the libs directory and retry')
[docs] def OnPaint(self, e): """ event handler for paint event""" self.Paint() if e is not None: e.Skip()
[docs] def findminmax(self, force=False): """ Find min/max of all objects """ # FIXME : use iterator xmin = 1.e30 ymin = 1.e30 xmax = -1.e30 ymax = -1.e30 k = 0 for locarray in self.myarrays: if locarray.plotted or force: xmin = min(locarray.origx + locarray.translx, xmin) xmax = max(locarray.origx + locarray.translx + float(locarray.nbx) * locarray.dx, xmax) ymin = min(locarray.origy + locarray.transly, ymin) ymax = max(locarray.origy + locarray.transly + float(locarray.nby) * locarray.dy, ymax) k += 1 for locvector in self.myvectors: if locvector.plotted or force: if locvector.idx != 'grid': locvector.find_minmax() if isinstance(locvector,Zones): xmin = min(locvector.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locvector.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locvector.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locvector.ymax, ymax) elif isinstance(locvector,Bridges): xmin = min(locvector.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locvector.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locvector.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locvector.ymax, ymax) elif isinstance(locvector,crosssections): xmin = min(locvector.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locvector.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locvector.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locvector.ymax, ymax) k += 1 for locvector in self.myimagestiles: if locvector.plotted or force: locvector.find_minmax() if isinstance(locvector,ImagesTiles): xmin = min(locvector.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locvector.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locvector.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locvector.ymax, ymax) k += 1 for locvector in self.mytiles: if locvector.plotted or force: if locvector.idx != 'grid': locvector.find_minmax() if isinstance(locvector,Zones): xmin = min(locvector.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locvector.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locvector.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locvector.ymax, ymax) elif isinstance(locvector,Bridges): xmin = min(locvector.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locvector.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locvector.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locvector.ymax, ymax) elif isinstance(locvector,crosssections): xmin = min(locvector.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locvector.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locvector.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locvector.ymax, ymax) k += 1 for loccloud in self.myclouds: if loccloud.plotted or force: loccloud.find_minmax(force) xmin = min(loccloud.xbounds[0], xmin) xmax = max(loccloud.xbounds[1], xmax) ymin = min(loccloud.ybounds[0], ymin) ymax = max(loccloud.ybounds[1], ymax) k += 1 for loctri in self.mytri: if loctri.plotted or force: loctri.find_minmax(force) xmin = min(loctri.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(loctri.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(loctri.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(loctri.ymax, ymax) k += 1 for locres2d in self.myres2D: locres2d:Wolfresults_2D if locres2d.plotted or force: locres2d.find_minmax(force) xmin = min(locres2d.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locres2d.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locres2d.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locres2d.ymax, ymax) k += 1 for locps in self.mypartsystems: locps:Particle_system if locps.plotted or force: locps.find_minmax(force) xmin = min(locps.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locps.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locps.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locps.ymax, ymax) k += 1 for locview in self.myviews: locview.find_minmax(force) xmin = min(locview.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locview.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locview.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locview.ymax, ymax) k += 1 for locothers in self.myothers: if type(locothers) in [genericImagetexture]: #, hydrometry_wolfgui]: xmin = min(locothers.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locothers.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locothers.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locothers.ymax, ymax) k += 1 elif type(locothers) in [PlansTerrier]: #, hydrometry_wolfgui]: if locothers.initialized: xmin = min(locothers.xmin, xmin) xmax = max(locothers.xmax, xmax) ymin = min(locothers.ymin, ymin) ymax = max(locothers.ymax, ymax) k += 1 if k > 0: self.xmin = xmin self.xmax = xmax self.ymin = ymin self.ymax = ymax
[docs] def resizeFrame(self, w:int, h:int): """ Resize the frame :param w: width in pixels :param h: height in pixels """ self.SetClientSize(w, h)
[docs] def mimicme(self): """ Report des caractéristiques de la fenêtre sur les autres éléments liés """ if self.linked and self.forcemimic: if not self.linkedList is None: width, height = self.GetClientSize() curFrame: WolfMapViewer for curFrame in self.linkedList: curFrame.forcemimic = False for curFrame in self.linkedList: if curFrame != self: curFrame.resizeFrame(width, height) curFrame.mousex = self.mousex curFrame.mousey = self.mousey = = curFrame.width = self.width curFrame.height = self.height curFrame.setbounds() if curFrame.link_shareopsvect: if curFrame.active_vector is not self.active_vector: curFrame.Active_vector(self.active_vector) if curFrame.active_array.myops.active_vector is not self.active_vector: curFrame.active_array.myops.Active_vector(self.active_vector, False) curFrame.action = self.action for curFrame in self.linkedList: curFrame.forcemimic = True
[docs] def mimicme_copyfrom(self): if self.linked and self.forcemimic: if not self.linkedList is None: width, height = self.GetClientSize() curFrame: WolfMapViewer for curFrame in self.linkedList: curFrame.forcemimic = False for curFrame in self.linkedList: if curFrame != self: curFrame.copyfrom = self.copyfrom for curFrame in self.linkedList: curFrame.forcemimic = True
[docs] def Active_vector(self, vect): """ Active un vecteur et sa zone parent si existante """ self.active_vector = vect if vect is not None:'Activating vector : ' + vect.myname)) if vect.parentzone is not None: self.Active_zone(vect.parentzone) self.mimicme()
[docs] def Active_zone(self, zone: zone): """ Active une zone et son parent si existant """ self.active_zone = zone self.active_zones = zone.parent'Activating zone : ' + zone.myname))
[docs] def list_background(self): return [cur.idx for cur in self.mywmsback]
[docs] def list_foreground(self): return [cur.idx for cur in self.mywmsfore]
[docs] def check_id(self, id=str, gridsize = 100.): """ Check an element from its id """ curobj = self.getobj_from_id(id) if curobj is None: logging.warning('Bad id') return curobj.check_plot() curitem = self.gettreeitem(curobj) self.treelist.CheckItem(curitem, True) if id == 'grid': curobj.creategrid(gridsize, self.xmin, self.ymin, self.xmax, self.ymax)
[docs] def uncheck_id(self, id=str, unload=True, forceresetOGL=True, askquestion=False): """ Uncheck an element from its id """ curobj = self.getobj_from_id(id) if curobj is None: logging.warning('Bad id') return if issubclass(type(curobj), WolfArray): curobj.uncheck_plot(unload, forceresetOGL, askquestion) else: curobj.uncheck_plot() curitem = self.gettreeitem(curobj) self.treelist.UncheckItem(curitem)
[docs] def get_current_zoom(self): """ Get the current zoom :return: dict with keys 'center', 'xmin', 'xmax', 'ymin', 'ymax', 'width', 'height' """ return {'center': (self.mousex, self.mousey), 'xmin' : self.xmin, 'xmax' : self.xmax, 'ymin' : self.ymin, 'ymax' : self.ymax, 'width' : self.xmax-self.xmin, 'height' : self.ymax-self.ymin}
[docs] def save_current_zoom(self, filepath): """ Save the current zoom in a json file """ zoom = self.get_current_zoom() with open(filepath, 'w') as fp: json.dump(zoom, fp)
[docs] def read_current_zoom(self, filepath): """ Read the current zoom from a json file """ if exists(filepath): with open(filepath, 'r') as fp: zoom = json.load(fp) self.zoom_on(zoom)
[docs] def menu_bridges(self): if self.menu_bridge is None: self.menu_bridge = wx.Menu() self.menubar.Append(self.menu_bridge, _('&Bridges')) self._menu_add_bridge = self.menu_bridge.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('New bridge'), _('Add a new bridge to the active collection...')) self._menu_find_bridge = self.menu_bridge.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Pick bridge'), _("Pick the mouse's nearest bridge")) self._menu_edit_bridge = self.menu_bridge.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Edit bridge'), _('Edit the active bridge')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddBridge, self._menu_add_bridge) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnEditBridge, self._menu_edit_bridge) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFindBridge, self._menu_find_bridge)
[docs] def OnAddBridge(self, e): """ Add a bridge """ if self.active_bridges is None: logging.warning(_('No bridge collection !')) return newid = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, _('Enter the new bridge id'), _('New bridge id'), 'bridge') if newid.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: newid = newid.GetValue() while newid in self.get_list_keys(drawing_type=draw_type.VECTORS): newid = newid + '_' newbridge = self.active_bridges.addnew(newid) self.add_object('vector', newobj=newbridge, id=newid)
[docs] def OnEditBridge(self, e): """ Edit a bridge """ if self.active_bridge is None: logging.warning(_('No active bridge to edit !')) return keys = self.get_list_keys(drawing_type=draw_type.VECTORS) newid = self.active_bridge.idx while newid in keys: newid = newid + '_' self.add_object('vector', newobj=self.active_bridge, id= newid)
[docs] def OnFindBridge(self, e): """ Find the nearest bridge """ self.start_action('Pick bridge', _('Right click to pick the nearest bridge'))
[docs] def pick_bridge(self, x:float, y:float): """ Find the nearest bridge """ if self.active_bridges is None: logging.warning(_('No bridges to pick !')) return self.active_bridge = self.active_bridges.find_nearest(x,y)
[docs] def menu_weirs(self): if self.menu_weir is None: self.menu_weir = wx.Menu() self.menubar.Append(self.menu_weir, _('&Weirs')) self._menu_add_weir = self.menu_weir.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('New weir'), _('Add a new weir to the active collection')) self._menu_find_weir = self.menu_weir.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Pick weir'), _("Pick the mouse's nearest weir")) self._menu_edit_weir = self.menu_weir.Append(wx.ID_ANY, _('Edit weir'), _('Edit the active weir')) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAddWeir, self._menu_add_weir) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnEditWeir, self._menu_edit_weir) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnFindWeir, self._menu_find_weir)
[docs] def OnAddWeir(self, e): """ Add a weir """'!! To be implemented !!')) pass
[docs] def OnEditWeir(self, e): """ Edit a weir """ if self.active_weir is None: logging.warning(_('No active weir to edit !')) return keys = self.get_list_keys(drawing_type=draw_type.VECTORS) newid = self.active_weir.idx while newid in keys: newid = newid + '_' self.add_object('vector', newobj=self.active_weir, id= newid)
[docs] def OnFindWeir(self, e): """ Find the nearest weir """ self.start_action('Pick weir', _('Right click to pick the nearest weir'))
[docs] def pick_weir(self, x:float, y:float): """ Find the nearest weir """ if self.active_weirs is None: logging.warning(_('No weirs to pick !')) return self.active_weir = self.active_weirs.find_nearest(x,y)
[docs] class Comp_Type(Enum):
[docs] ARRAYS = 1
[docs] ARRAYS_MB = 2
[docs] RES2D = 3
[docs] RES2D_GPU = 4
[docs] class Compare_Arrays_Results(): def __init__(self, parent:WolfMapViewer = None, share_cmap_array:bool = False, share_cmap_diff:bool = False): self.parent = parent self.paths = [] self.elements = [] self.linked_elts = [] self.diff = [] self.mapviewers = [] self.mapviewers_diff = [] self.times = None self.share_cmap_array = share_cmap_array self.share_cmap_diff = share_cmap_diff self.type = Comp_Type.ARRAYS self._initialized_viewers = False self.independent = True
[docs] def _check_type(self, file:Path): """ Check the type of the file/directory If it is a file and suffix is empty, it is considered as RES2D. If it is a directory and contains a simul_gpu_results, it is considered as RES2D_GPU. If it is a file and suffix is not empty, it is considered as ARRAYS. A check is done to see if it is a multi-block array. """ file = Path(file) if file.suffix == '' and not file.is_dir(): return Comp_Type.RES2D, file elif file.suffix in ('.bin', '.tif', '.tiff', '.npy', '.npz', '.top', '.frott', '.nap', '.hbin', '.hbinb', '.qxbin', '.qxbinb', '.qybin', '.qybinb', '.inf') : if file.suffix in ('.bin', '.top', '.frott', '.nap', '.hbin', '.hbinb', '.qxbin', '.qxbinb', '.qybin', '.qybinb', '.inf'): if file.with_suffix(file.suffix + '.txt').exists(): test = WolfArray(file, preload=False) test.read_txt_header() mb = test.nb_blocks > 0 if mb: return Comp_Type.ARRAYS_MB, file return Comp_Type.ARRAYS, file elif (file.parent / 'simul_gpu_results').exists(): file = file.parent / 'simul_gpu_results' return Comp_Type.RES2D_GPU, file elif (file.parent.parent / 'simul_gpu_results').exists(): file = file.parent.parent / 'simul_gpu_results' return Comp_Type.RES2D_GPU, file else: return None, None
[docs] def add(self, file_or_dir:Union[str, Path] = None): if file_or_dir is None: filterProject = "all (*.*)|*.*" file = wx.FileDialog(None, "Choose array/model", wildcard=filterProject) if file.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: file.Destroy() return False else: filename = Path(file.GetPath()) file.Destroy() self.paths.append(self._check_type(filename)) if self.paths[-1][0] is None: logging.warning(_('File type not recognized -- Retry !')) self.paths.pop() return False return True
[docs] def check(self): """ Check the consystency of the elements to compare """ reftype = self.paths[0][0] for cur in self.paths: if cur[0] != reftype: logging.warning(_('Inconsistency in the type of the elements to compare')) return False return True
[docs] def update_comp(self, idx=list[int]): """ Update Arrays from 2D modellings :param idx: indexes of the time step to update --> steps to read """ assert self.type in (Comp_Type.RES2D, Comp_Type.RES2D_GPU), 'This method is only for 2D results' self.linked_elts = [] for curelt, curstep in zip(self.elements, idx): curelt.read_oneresult(curstep) self.linked_elts.append(curelt.as_WolfArray()) for curelt, curlink in zip(self.elements, self.linked_elts): curlink.idx = curelt.idx + ' ' + curelt.get_currentview().value self.set_diff() if self._initialized_viewers: self.update_viewers()
[docs] def update_type_result(self, newtype): """ Update the result type for each element """ assert newtype in views_2D, 'This type is not a 2D result' assert self.type in (Comp_Type.RES2D, Comp_Type.RES2D_GPU), 'This method is only for 2D results' for curelt in self.elements: curelt.set_currentview(newtype, force_updatepal = True) # remove elements for baselt, curelt, curmap in zip(self.elements, self.linked_elts, self.mapviewers): curmap.removeobj_from_id(curelt.idx) for curdiff, curmap in zip(self.diff, self.mapviewers_diff): curmap.removeobj_from_id(curdiff.idx) self.update_comp(self.times.get_times_idx())
[docs] def set_elements(self): """ Set the elements to compare with the right type """ from .ui.wolf_times_selection_comparison_models import Times_Selection if self.check(): self.type = self.paths[0][0] if self.type == Comp_Type.RES2D_GPU: self.parent.menu_wolf2d() self.elements = [wolfres2DGPU(cur[1], plotted=False, idx = cur[1].name + '_' + str(idx)) for idx, cur in enumerate(self.paths)] times = [curmod.get_times_steps()[0] for curmod in self.elements] self.times = Times_Selection(self, wx.ID_ANY, _("Times"), size=(400,400), times = times, callback = self.update_comp) self.times.Show() elif self.type == Comp_Type.RES2D: self.parent.menu_wolf2d() self.elements = [Wolfresults_2D(cur[1], plotted=False, idx = cur[1].name + '_' + str(idx)) for idx, cur in enumerate(self.paths)] times = [curmod.get_times_steps()[0] for curmod in self.elements] self.times = Times_Selection(self, wx.ID_ANY, _("Times"), size=(400,400), times = times, callback = self.update_comp) self.times.Show() elif self.type == Comp_Type.ARRAYS: self.elements = [WolfArray(cur[1], plotted=False, idx = cur[1].name + '_' + str(idx)) for idx, cur in enumerate(self.paths)] elif self.type == Comp_Type.ARRAYS_MB: self.elements = [WolfArrayMB(cur[1], plotted=False, idx = cur[1].name + '_' + str(idx)) for idx, cur in enumerate(self.paths)]
[docs] def set_diff(self): """ Set the differential between the elements and the first one, which is the reference """ if self.type in (Comp_Type.ARRAYS, Comp_Type.ARRAYS_MB): ref = self.elements[0] # Recherche d'un masque union des masques partiels ref.mask_unions(self.elements[1:]) # Création du différentiel -- Les opérateurs mathématiques sont surchargés self.diff = [cur - ref for cur in self.elements[1:]] for curdiff, cur in zip(self.diff, self.elements[1:]): curdiff.idx = _('Difference') + cur.idx +' - ' + ref.idx elif self.type in (Comp_Type.RES2D, Comp_Type.RES2D_GPU): if len(self.linked_elts) == 0: self.update_comp([-1] * len(self.elements)) elif len(self.linked_elts) == len(self.elements): ref = self.linked_elts[0] self.diff = [cur - ref for cur in self.linked_elts[1:]] for curdiff, cur in zip(self.diff, self.linked_elts[1:]): curdiff.idx = _('Difference') + cur.idx +' - ' + ref.idx
[docs] def set_viewers(self, independent:bool = None): """ Set viewers """ if independent is None: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _("Create a viewer for each element ?"), _("Viewers"), style = wx.YES_NO|wx.YES_DEFAULT) ret = dlg.ShowModal() self.independent = ret == wx.ID_YES else: self.independent = independent if not self.independent: self.mapviewers = [self.parent] * len(self.elements) self.mapviewers_diff = self.mapviewers else: # Création de plusieurs fenêtres de visualisation basées sur la classe "WolfMapViewer" self.mapviewers = [] self.mapviewers.append(self.parent) # parent as viewer for first element for id, file in enumerate(self.elements[1:]): self.mapviewers.append(WolfMapViewer(None, file.idx, w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.parent.wxlogging, wolfparent = self.parent.wolfparent)) self.mapviewers_diff.append(WolfMapViewer(None, 'Difference' + file.idx, w=600, h=600, wxlogging=self.parent.wxlogging, wolfparent = self.parent.wolfparent)) for curviewer in self.mapviewers[1:] + self.mapviewers_diff: curviewer.add_grid() curviewer.add_WMS() for curviewer in self.mapviewers + self.mapviewers_diff: curviewer.linked = True curviewer.linkedList = self.mapviewers + self.mapviewers_diff self._initialized_viewers = True self.update_viewers()
[docs] def set_shields_param(self, diamsize:float = .001, graindensity:float = 2.65): """ Set the parameters for the shields diagram """ for curelt in self.elements: curelt.sediment_diameter = diamsize curelt.sediment_density = graindensity curelt.load_default_colormap('shields_cst')
[docs] def update_viewers(self): """ Update the viewers with the new elements """ if self.type in (Comp_Type.ARRAYS, Comp_Type.ARRAYS_MB): elts = self.elements elif self.type in (Comp_Type.RES2D, Comp_Type.RES2D_GPU): elts = self.linked_elts # on attribue une matrice par interface graphique ref = elts[0] for baselt, curelt, curmap in zip(self.elements, elts, self.mapviewers): # if self.type in (Comp_Type.RES2D, Comp_Type.RES2D_GPU): # curmap.active_res2d = baselt curmap.removeobj_from_id(curelt.idx) curelt.change_gui(curmap) curmap.active_array = curelt curelt.myops.myzones = ref.myops.myzones # diff = self.diff[0] for curdiff, curmap in zip(self.diff, self.mapviewers_diff): curmap.removeobj_from_id(curdiff.idx) curdiff.change_gui(curmap) curmap.active_array = curdiff curdiff.myops.myzones = ref.myops.myzones # on partage la palette de couleurs ref.mypal.automatic = False ref.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) if self.share_cmap_array: for curelt in elts[1:]: curelt.mypal.automatic = False curelt.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) ref.add_crosslinked_array(curelt) ref.share_palette() else: for curelt in elts[1:]: curelt.mypal.automatic = False curelt.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) curelt.mypal.updatefrompalette(ref.mypal) #palette de la différence diff = self.diff[0] diff.mypal = wolfpalette() if isinstance(diff, WolfArrayMB): diff.link_palette() path = os.path.dirname(__file__) fn = join(path, 'models\\diff16.pal') diff.mypal.readfile(fn) diff.mypal.automatic = False diff.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) if self.share_cmap_diff: for curelt in self.diff[1:]: curelt.mypal.automatic = False curelt.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) diff.add_crosslinked_array(curelt) diff.share_palette() else: for curelt in self.diff[1:]: curelt.mypal.automatic = False curelt.myops.palauto.SetValue(0) curelt.mypal.updatefrompalette(diff.mypal) # Ajout des matrices dans les fenêtres de visualisation for curelt, curmap in zip(elts, self.mapviewers): curmap.add_object('array', newobj = curelt, ToCheck = True, id = curelt.idx) for curdiff, curmap in zip(self.diff, self.mapviewers_diff): curmap.add_object('array', newobj = curdiff, ToCheck = True, id = curdiff.idx) if self.independent: for curmap in self.mapviewers + self.mapviewers_diff: curmap.Refresh() else: self.mapviewers[0].Refresh()
[docs] def bake(self): self.set_elements() self.set_diff() self.set_viewers()