Source code for wolfhece.GraphProfile

# Librairies
Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

from cmath import isnan
import numpy as np
import wx
import wx.lib.agw.aui as aui
import copy
from shapely.geometry import LineString,Point
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.axis import Axis
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigureCanvas, NavigationToolbar2WxAgg as NavigationToolbar
from wx.grid import Grid
from PIL import Image
import logging

from .PyVertexvectors import Zones, vector, zone
from .PyCrosssections import profile,crosssections
from .PyVertexvectors import Zones,zone,vector
from .PyTranslate import _
from .PyVertex import getIfromRGB,getRGBfromI, wolfvertex
from .CpGrid import CpGrid
from .wolfresults_2D import Wolfresults_2D
from .PyWMS import getWalonmap

[docs] class ProfilePanel(wx.Panel): """ A wx.panel on which the matplolib figure is displayed. """
[docs] figure: Figure
def __init__(self, parent, id =-1, dpi= None, toolbar = True, **kwargs): # test if wx App is running # if not, wx commands must be discarded self.wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None #Figure if self.wx_exists: self.figure = Figure(dpi = dpi, figsize=(8,4)) else: self.figure = plt.figure(dpi = dpi, figsize=(15,10)) # FIXME not exactly the same than mplfig.Figure, probably rendering machine self.ax_cs_real= None self.ax_img= None self.ax_cs_anam = None self.ax_dis= None self.ax_hsw= None self.add_ax() # self.Layout() if self.wx_exists: # impossible to initialize wx.Panel if wx.App is not running super().__init__(parent,id =id, **kwargs) self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self,1, self.figure) #<-- wx.canvas for the matplolib figure self.canvas.ClearBackground() #Sizers self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.sizerfig = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) self.sizerfig.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.EXPAND) #wx.EXPAND expands the given object proportions in case the windows is resized. self.sizer.Add(self.sizerfig, 7, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(self.sizer)
[docs] def add_ax(self): #Just in case a 3D projection is implemented """ This methods creates the axes of the Matplolib figure either 3d or 2d (defaults = five 2D axes). """ = self.figure.add_gridspec(2,3, wspace =0.35, hspace=0.35) #Utilized to merge the 2 first axes of the figure (next line) self.ax_cs_real = self.figure.add_subplot([0,:2]) self.ax_img = self.figure.add_subplot(233) self.ax_cs_anam = self.figure.add_subplot(234) self.ax_dis = self.figure.add_subplot(235) self.ax_hsw = self.figure.add_subplot(236) self.ax_img.clear() self.ax_cs_anam.clear() self.ax_cs_real.clear() self.ax_dis.clear() self.ax_hsw.clear() return self.ax_cs_real, self.ax_img, self.ax_dis, self.ax_hsw
[docs] def get_fig_ax(self) -> tuple[Figure, Axis, Axis, Axis, Axis, Axis]: """ This method returns the active axes of the matplotlib figure. """ return self.figure, self.ax_cs_real, self.ax_cs_anam, self.ax_img, self.ax_dis, self.ax_hsw
# class for plotting all figures at once
[docs] class PlotCSAll(ProfilePanel): """ A class containing the necessary tools to draw the different graphs of a profile (Cross section). """ def __init__(self, parent:aui.AuiNotebook, id=-1, dpi=None, my_cross_sections:crosssections = None, my_profile:profile=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(parent, id, dpi, **kwargs) = None self.grid_vertices = None self.grid_simulations = None self.parent = parent # aui.AuiNotebook self.my_cross_sections = my_cross_sections self.cs = 1 self.wdepth = 0 self.wlevel = 0 self.minwlevel = 0 self.maxwlevel = 10000000 self.wdis = 0 self.Manning = 0.04 self.Strickler = 1/self.Manning self.slope = 0.001 self.set_cs(my_profile) self.reset_models() self.init_UI() # self.Layout()
[docs] def init_UI(self): """ Init UI if is running Otherwise --> return """ if not self.wx_exists: return #FIXME (Add a tool box for the figure or each specific axis legend) #Intialization of the panel tools --> FIXME (add water depth, level, discharges and slope message options) ##sizers self.sizernextprev = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL, self, label = _('Cross section (Selection)')) self.sizerposbank = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL,self, label = _('Geometric parameters')) self.sizerparam = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL,self, label = _('Hydraulic parameters')) self.sizerparam_box = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL,self, label = _('Parameters')) self.sizersimulations = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL,self, label = _('Additional tools')) ##Buton for changing cross section (FIXME add a Txtcontrol to jump on a specific cross section) self.cs = 1 self.ButPrev = wx.Button(self, label =_('Previous')) self.ButNext = wx.Button(self,label =_('Next')) self.txtselectcs = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(self.cs), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name =_('textselectcs')) self.sizernextprev.Add(self.ButPrev,1, wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND) self.sizernextprev.Add(self.ButNext,1,wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND) self.sizernextprev.Add(self.txtselectcs,1,wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND ) #Tool tips self.ButPrev.SetToolTip(_("Previous profile if the cross sections are sorted.")) self.ButNext.SetToolTip(_("Next profile if the cross sections are sorted.")) self.txtselectcs.SetToolTip(_("Jump to the inserted profile.")) ##General movements curs = 5000 self.slidergenhor = wx.Slider(self, wx.ID_ANY, curs, 0, 1000, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.SL_TOP|wx.SL_VALUE_LABEL, name=_('sliderhor')) self.txthor = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(curs), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name = _('texthor')) self.slidergenver= wx.Slider(self, wx.ID_ANY, curs, 0, 10000, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.SL_LEFT|wx.SL_INVERSE|wx.SL_VALUE_LABEL,name=_('sliderver') ) self.txtver = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(curs), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name = _('textver')) self.sizerslider0= wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL, self, label="V. mvt (mm)") self.sizerslider00= wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL, self, label="H. mvt (mm)") #Tool tips self.slidergenhor.SetToolTip(_('This slider moves horizontally the whole current profile.')) self.slidergenver.SetToolTip(_('This slider moves vertically the whole current profile.')) self.txthor.SetToolTip(_('The input moves horizontally the whole current profile.')) self.txtver.SetToolTip(_('The input moves vertically the whole current profile.')) ###Vertical self.sizerslider0.Add(self.slidergenver,1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.sizerslider0.Add(self.txtver,0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) ###Horizontal self.sizerslider00.Add(self.slidergenhor,1,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.sizerslider00.Add(self.txthor,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) ##sliders and Text controls ### From the left side of the screen (1st box) --> Left bank self.sizerslider1 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL, self, label = _('Left bank (mm)')) curs = 0 self.sliderleft = wx.Slider(self, wx.ID_ANY, curs,0,10000, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.SL_TOP|wx.SL_VALUE_LABEL, name=_('sliderleft')) self.txtleft = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(curs), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name = _('textleft')) self.sizerslider1.Add(self.sliderleft, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.sizerslider1.Add(self.txtleft, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) #Tool tips self.sliderleft.SetToolTip(_('This slider modifies the left bank position on the current profile.')) self.txtleft.SetToolTip(_('The input modifies the left bank position on the current profile.')) ### From left side of the screen (2nd box) --> river bed self.sizerslider2 =wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL, self,label = _('River bed (mm)')) curs = 0 self.sliderbed = wx.Slider(self, wx.ID_ANY, curs,0,10000, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.SL_TOP|wx.SL_VALUE_LABEL, name=_('sliderbed')) self.txtbed = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(curs), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name = _('textbed')) self.sizerslider2.Add(self.sliderbed, 1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.sizerslider2.Add(self.txtbed, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) #Tool tips self.sliderbed.SetToolTip(_('This slider modifies the river bed position on the current profile.')) self.txtbed.SetToolTip(_('The input modifies the river bed position on the current profile.')) ### From left side of the screen (3rd box) --> right bank self.sizerslider3 = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL, self, label =_('Right bank (mm)')) curs = 0 self.sliderright = wx.Slider(self, wx.ID_ANY, curs,0,10000, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.SL_TOP|wx.SL_VALUE_LABEL, name=_('sliderright')) self.txtright = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(curs), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name =_('textright')) self.sizerslider3.Add(self.sliderright,1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.sizerslider3.Add(self.txtright, 0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) #Tool tips self.sliderright.SetToolTip(_('This slider modifies the right bank position on the current profile.')) self.txtright.SetToolTip(_('The input modifies the right bank position on the current profile.')) ##Handling wx events with the class functions #FIXME when done update by adding an underscore to these functions (they should not be callled in other scripts) ###Buttons self.ButPrev.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.plot_up) self.ButNext.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.plot_down) self.txtselectcs.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.jump_to_cs) ###General movement of banks #Sliders self.slidergenhor.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.movegenslider) self.slidergenver.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.movegenslider) ###sliders and text controls ####Sliders self.sliderleft.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.movebanksslider) self.sliderbed.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.movebanksslider) self.sliderright.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.movebanksslider) #### Text controls self.txtleft.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.movebanksslider) self.txtbed.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.movebanksslider) self.txtright.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.movebanksslider) self.txthor.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.movegenslider) self.txtver.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.movegenslider) #### Hydro sliders #font = wx.Font( wx.FontInfo(10).Bold().Underline() ) FIXME (check about font and positions later) self.sizerslider4= wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL, self, label=_("Water depth (m)")) self.sizerslider5= wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL, self, label=_("Water level (m)")) self.sizerslider6= wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL, self, label=_("Discharge (m^3/s)")) #FIXME Notation self.sizergeom = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL, self, label= _("Other parameters")) ##### water depth self.wdepth = 0 #self.wdepth_n= wx.StaticText(self, id = wx.ID_ANY,label="Water depth - h\n(mm)") #self.sizerslider4.Add(self.wdepth_n,0,wx.EXPAND) #box1 = wx.StaticBox(self, wx.ID_ANY, "Water Depth") #self.sizerslider4.Add(box1,0,wx.EXPAND) self.txtwdepth = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(self.wdepth), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name = _('textwdepth')) self.txtwdepth.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.movewaterdepth) self.sliderwdepth = wx.Slider(self, wx.ID_ANY, self.wdepth, 0, 100000, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.SL_LEFT|wx.SL_INVERSE|wx.SL_VALUE_LABEL,name= _('sliderwdepth') ) self.sizerslider4.Add(self.sliderwdepth,0, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.sliderwdepth.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.movewaterdepth) self.sizerslider4.Add(self.txtwdepth,0,wx.CENTER|wx.EXPAND) #Tool tips self.sliderwdepth.SetToolTip(_('This slider adjusts the desired water depth on graphs.')) self.txtwdepth.SetToolTip(_('The input adjusts the desired water depth on graphs.')) ###### water level self.wlevel = 0 self.minwlevel = 0 self.maxwlevel = 10000000 self.txtwlevel = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(self.minwlevel), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name = _('textwlevel')) self.txtwlevel.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.movewaterlevel) self.sliderwlevel = wx.Slider(self, wx.ID_ANY, self.wlevel, self.minwlevel, self.maxwlevel, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.SL_RIGHT|wx.SL_INVERSE|wx.SL_VALUE_LABEL,name=_('sliderwlevel') ) self.sizerslider5.Add(self.sliderwlevel,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.sliderwlevel.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.movewaterlevel) self.sizerslider5.Add(self.txtwlevel,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) #Tool tips self.sliderwlevel.SetToolTip(_('This slider adjusts the desired water level on graphs.')) self.txtwlevel.SetToolTip(_('The input adjusts the desired water level on graphs.')) #####Discharges self.wdis = 0 self.sliderwdis= wx.Slider(self, wx.ID_ANY, self.wdis, 0., 10000, wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, wx.SL_TOP|wx.SL_VALUE_LABEL,name=_('sliderwdis') ) self.txtwdis = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(self.wdis), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name = _('textwdis')) self.txtwdis.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.movewaterdis) self.sizerslider6.Add(self.sliderwdis,1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.sliderwdis.Bind(wx.EVT_SLIDER, self.movewaterdis) self.sizerslider6.Add(self.txtwdis,0,wx.ALIGN_CENTER) #Tool tips self.sliderwdis.SetToolTip(_('This slider plots the desired discharge and its geometric characteristics on the 2 last graphs.')) self.txtwdis.SetToolTip(_('The input plots the desired discharge and its geometric characteristics on the 2 last graphs.')) ### Manning self.Manning = 0.04 self.labelManning = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, _('Manning Coef.')) self.txtManning = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(self.Manning), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name = 'textManning') self.txtManning.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.compute_relations) self.sizergeom.Add(self.labelManning, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) self.sizergeom.Add(self.txtManning,0,wx.EXPAND) #Tool Tip self.txtManning.SetToolTip(_('The Manning coefficient modifies the friction values, and therefore, the plotted discharges.')) ### Strickler self.Strickler = 1/self.Manning self.labelStrickler = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, _('Strickler Coef.')) self.txtStrickler = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(self.Strickler), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name = 'textStrickler') self.txtStrickler.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.compute_relations) self.sizergeom.Add(self.labelStrickler, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) self.sizergeom.Add(self.txtStrickler,0,wx.EXPAND) #Tool Tip self.txtStrickler.SetToolTip(_('The Strickler coefficient modifies the friction values, and therefore, the plotted discharges.')) ### Slopes self.slope = 0.001 self.labelslope = wx.StaticText(self, wx.ID_ANY, _('slope')) self.txtslope = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(self.slope), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name = _('textslope')) self.txtslope.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.compute_relations) self.sizergeom.Add(self.labelslope, 0, flag=wx.ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL) self.sizergeom.Add(self.txtslope,0,wx.EXPAND) #Tool tip self.txtslope.SetToolTip(_('Modify the profile discharges according to a chosen bed slope.')) #Other options self.Butprofvert = wx.Button(self, label = _('Modify profile')) self.Butsimul = wx.Button(self, label = _('Wolf models data')) self.Butdrawprof = wx.Button(self, label = _('Draw on profile')) self.Butupdateprof = wx.Button(self, label = _('Refresh the drawings')) #self.Butprofvert_sz = wx.Button(self, label = _('Modify profile (SZ)')) self.sizersimulations.Add(self.Butsimul, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.sizersimulations.Add(self.Butprofvert,1,wx.EXPAND) self.sizersimulations.Add(self.Butdrawprof, 1, wx.EXPAND) #self.sizersimulations.Add(self.Butprofvert_sz,1,wx.EXPAND) self.sizersimulations.Add(self.Butupdateprof,1, wx.EXPAND) self.Butsimul.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.simulations) #self.Butprofvert.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.modify_vertex) #FIXME self.Butupdateprof.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self._draw_on_profile) # self.Butprofvert_sz.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.modify_vertex_sz) #FIXME self.Butdrawprof.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.add_zones) #Tool tip self.Butsimul.SetToolTip(_('Display the water level and discharges corresponding to the active wolf simulations.')) self.Butprofvert.SetToolTip(_('Create a new page where the profile displayed on Figure 1 can be modified and compared to itself.\ \n A table containing its vertices and sz coordinate is also displayed)')) #self.Butprofvert_sz.SetToolTip(_('Display a table containing the profile characterisitcs in sz mode (only available in modification mode -> Options).')) self.Butupdateprof.SetToolTip(_('Update all modifications made on the profile')) self.Butdrawprof.SetToolTip(_('Draw additional information on the current profile (structures).')) #Sliders alignement (first added, first display (above)) #Groups self.sizer.Add(self.sizernextprev, 0, wx.EXPAND) self.sizerparam_box.Add(self.sizerparam, 1, wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND) self.sizerparam_box.Add(self.sizerposbank,1,wx.LEFT|wx.EXPAND) #check the meaning of 0 and 1 self.sizer.Add(self.sizerparam_box, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.sizer.Add(self.sizersimulations,0.9, wx.EXPAND) #Geometric self.sizerposbank.Add(self.sizerslider1,1, wx.EXPAND) #FIXME Positions of the boxsizer self.sizerposbank.Add(self.sizerslider2,1, wx.EXPAND) #FIXME Positions of the boxsizer self.sizerposbank.Add(self.sizerslider3,1, wx.EXPAND) #FIXME Positions of the boxsizer self.sizerposbank.Add(self.sizerslider00,1,wx.EXPAND) self.sizerposbank.Add(self.sizerslider0,1,wx.EXPAND) #Hydro self.sizerparam.Add(self.sizerslider5,1,wx.EXPAND) self.sizerparam.Add(self.sizerslider4,1,wx.EXPAND) self.sizerparam.Add(self.sizerslider6,1,wx.EXPAND) self.sizerparam.Add(self.sizergeom,1,wx.EXPAND) #self.disprop = wx.StaticText(self,wx.ID_ANY,_('Critical characteristics: \n Hydraulic radius:%s \n wet area:%s \n Wet perimeter:%s \n Top Width:%s' % (cr_radius, cr_wetarea, cr_wetperimeter, cr_width))) #self.sizerslider6.Add(self.disprop,1, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) #Matplolib toolbar self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas) #Ajout d'une barre d'outils pour la figure courante self.toolbar.Realize() self.sizer.Add(self.toolbar,0.9, wx.ALIGN_CENTER) self.SetAutoLayout(True)
# Functions
[docs] def set_cs(self, my_profile:profile=None, vec: list[vector] = [], Manning=0.04, plot=True) -> None: """ This function sets the cross section (profile of interest in the list of cross sections provided as vectors) and initialise the slider positions as well as the values displayed on the wx panel. """ if my_profile is None: self.mycs = None return # Nothing to do if self.mycs is not None: self.mycs.uncolor_active_profile(plot_opengl= False) my_profile.color_active_profile(plot_opengl= False) #Initialisation and reinitialisation of the plot parameters self.mycs = my_profile self.mycs.prepare() #Précalcule les relations sz... # Computations methods from Pycrossection. self.mycs.relations() if self.mycs.up and self.mycs.down: slup,slope_center,sld = self.mycs.slopes() self.set_Manning(Manning, slope_center) else: self.set_Manning(Manning) self.wlevel = self.mycs.zmin self.wdepth = 0 self.wdis= 0 self.vec:list[vector] = vec self.update_UI() # Modified to take into account the comparison of crossections. if plot: if is None: self.update_plots(True) elif is not None: self.update_plots()
[docs] def update_UI(self, reset = True ): if not self.wx_exists: return ymax = self.mycs.zmax ymin = self.mycs.zmin self.minwlevel = ymin*10000 self.maxwlevel = ymax*10000 length = self.mycs.length3D self.sliderwlevel.SetMin(self.minwlevel) self.sliderwlevel.SetMax(self.maxwlevel) self.sliderwlevel.SetValue(self.minwlevel) self.sliderwdepth.SetMin(0) self.sliderwdepth.SetMax((ymax-ymin)*100000) self.sliderwdepth.SetValue(0) self.txtwlevel.SetLabel("{0:.3f}".format(self.minwlevel/10000)) self.txtwdepth.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(0)) self.txtwdis.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(0)) self.txtManning.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.Manning)) self.txtStrickler.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(1/self.Manning)) self.sliderwdis.SetValue(self.wdis) self.txtwdis.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.wdis)) self.sliderleft.SetMax(10000*length) self.sliderbed.SetMax(10000*length) self.sliderright.SetMax(10000*length) self.slidergenhor.SetMax(10000*(length/2)) self.slidergenhor.SetMin(-10000*(length/2)) self.slidergenver.SetMax(50000) self.slidergenver.SetMin(-50000) self.slidergenhor.SetValue(0) self.slidergenver.SetValue(0) self.txthor.SetLabel("{0:.3f}".format(0)) self.txtver.SetLabel("{0:.3f}".format(0)) sl,sb,sr,yl,yb,yr = self.mycs.get_sz_banksbed() # Banks (sliders positions and text control values). if self.mycs.bankleft is not None: self.sliderleft.SetValue((sl)*10000) self.txtleft.SetLabelText("{0:.3f}".format(sl)) if self.mycs.bed is not None: self.sliderbed.SetValue((sb)*10000) self.txtbed.SetLabelText("{0:.3f}".format(sb)) if self.mycs.bankright is not None: self.sliderright.SetValue((sr)*10000) self.txtright.SetLabelText("{0:.3f}".format(sr)) self.set_slope(newslope=self.slope, nManning=self.Manning) # FIXME (fixing bugs) self.sliderwdis.SetMax(self.qmax*10000) self.txtselectcs.SetValue(self.mycs.myname) if reset: self.zones = None # self.copy_nbvertices = None self.copy_vertices = None # added self.copy_compare_vertices = None
# self.copy_compare_nbvertices = None
[docs] def update_plots(self, update_image=False): #plots if update_image: self.mapviewer_activector() self.plot_profile() self.plot_discharge() self.plot_hspw() self.plot_cs()
[docs] def mapviewer_activector(self): """ This methods activates and colors the active profile in wolfhece.pydraw ,and therefore, in the wolfpy GUI too. """ if self.mapviewer is not None: from wolfhece.PyDraw import WolfMapViewer self.mapviewer:WolfMapViewer ax3 = self.ax_img fig = self.figure # self.mapviewer.set_active_profile(self.mycs) #We set the active profile in wolfhece.pydraw self.mapviewer.set_active_vector(self.mycs) #To avoid visual confusions, we set the profile as the active vector in wolfhece.pydraw self.mycs.color_active_profile(plot_opengl= True) #we thicken and color the profile in red. size = 200 self.mapviewer.zoom_on_active_profile(size=size) #We zoom on the profile in the gui. self.mapviewer.Paint() #We take the visual information in the GUI necessary for a screen shot. self.mapviewer.display_canvasogl(fig= fig, ax = ax3) #We return a clear screen shot of the wolfpy GUI as a matplolib graph (ax). else: self.mycs.color_active_profile(plot_opengl= False) bounds = self.mycs.get_bounds(100.) """ FIXME find a way to better iterate over the different orthophotos orthos = {'IMAGERIE': {'1971': 'ORTHO_1971', '1994-2000': 'ORTHO_1994_2000', '2006-2007': 'ORTHO_2006_2007', '2009-2010': 'ORTHO_2009_2010', '2012-2013': 'ORTHO_2012_2013', '2015': 'ORTHO_2015', '2016': 'ORTHO_2016', '2017': 'ORTHO_2017', '2018': 'ORTHO_2018', '2019': 'ORTHO_2019', '2020': 'ORTHO_2020', '2021': 'ORTHO_2021', '2022 printemps': 'ORTHO_2022_PRINTEMPS', '2022 été': 'ORTHO_2022_ETE', '2023 été': 'ORTHO_2023_ETE'}} """ try: mybytes = getWalonmap(cat='IMAGERIE/ORTHO_2022_PRINTEMPS',xl = bounds[0][0], yl = bounds[0][1], xr = bounds[1][0], yr = bounds[1][1], w=500, h=500, tofile=False) image = self.ax_img.clear() self.ax_img.imshow(image, origin='upper', extent=(bounds[0][0],bounds[1][0],bounds[0][1],bounds[1][1])) self.ax_img.plot([self.mycs.myvertices[0].x, self.mycs.myvertices[-1].x], [self.mycs.myvertices[0].y, self.mycs.myvertices[-1].y], c='red', linewidth=3) except: pass
[docs] def set_Manning(self, nManning:float, slope:float=-99999): if nManning>0: if slope>0.: self.slope=slope self.Manning = nManning self.Strickler = 1./nManning self.mycs.ManningStrickler_profile(slope= self.slope, nManning= self.Manning) return nManning else: return self.Manning
[docs] def set_Strickler(self, kStrickler:float, slope:float=-99999): if kStrickler>0: if slope>0.: self.slope=slope self.Manning = 1./kStrickler self.Strickler = kStrickler self.mycs.ManningStrickler_profile(slope= self.slope, nManning= self.Manning) return kStrickler else: return self.Strickler
[docs] def set_slope(self, newslope:float, nManning:float=-99999): if newslope>0: if nManning>0.: self.Manning=nManning self.slope = newslope self.qmax = self.mycs.ManningStrickler_profile(slope= self.slope, nManning= self.Manning) return newslope else: return self.slope
[docs] def compute_relations(self, event: wx.Event): """ This method computes the discharges based on a choosen friction coefficient (Manning or Strickler) and a slope. The computations are trigged by wx.Events (user's inputs in txt ctrl). """ id = event.GetEventObject().GetName() if id == 'textManning': val= self.set_Manning(float(self.txtManning.Value)) self.txtManning.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.Manning)) self.txtStrickler.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.Strickler)) elif id == 'textStrickler': val= self.set_Strickler(float(self.txtStrickler.Value)) self.txtStrickler.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.Strickler)) self.txtManning.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.Manning)) elif id == 'textslope': val= self.set_slope(float(self.txtslope.Value)) self.txtslope.SetValue("{0:.4f}".format(self.slope)) self.plot_discharge() self.plot_hspw() self.plot_cs()
[docs] def cs_setter(self, mycross: crosssections = None, active_profile : profile = None, compare : profile = None, mapviewer = None, plot=True): """ This method sets simultaneously the cross section (mycross : parent) and the profile (active vector : child) active in wolf GUI or defined by the user. If no profile is given, the method returns the profile corresponding to the first key(string) in the cross section dictionary. Moreover, if a comparison profile (compare) is given, the methods sets that profile as the reference against which modifications on the active profile are compared. """ #Initializations of the profile self.mapviewer = mapviewer #Pointing to WolfMapViewer (This establishes the communication between the 2 interfaces) self.my_cross_sections = mycross if compare is not None: = compare elif compare is None: = None if active_profile is not None: self.set_cs(active_profile) else: key1 = next(iter(self.my_cross_sections.myprofiles)) self.set_cs(self.my_cross_sections.myprofiles[key1]['cs'])
[docs] def jump_to_cs(self, event: wx.Event): """ Based on the user's input, the method jumps to the selected profile in the cross section. """ id = event.GetEventObject().GetName() if id == 'textselectcs': index= str(self.txtselectcs.Value) keylist = list(self.my_cross_sections.myprofiles.keys()) if index in keylist: val = self.my_cross_sections.myprofiles[index]['cs'] else: index = keylist[0] val = self.my_cross_sections.myprofiles[index]['cs'] self.set_cs(val)
[docs] def movegenslider(self,event: wx.Event): """ Using wx.Event, this methods moves (up or down, left or right) the whole river bed (banks and bed) displayed on the figure. """ if self.mycs is None: return id = event.GetEventObject().GetName() cs:profile =self.mycs length = cs.length3D #Movemments of river bed # Sliders if id == 'sliderhor': sdatum = float(self.slidergenhor.Value)/10000 cs.update_sdatum(sdatum) self.txthor.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(cs.sdatum)) elif id == 'sliderver': zdatum = float(self.slidergenver.Value)/10000. cs.update_zdatum(zdatum) self.txtver.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(cs.zdatum)) #Text controls elif id == 'texthor': curs = float(self.txthor.Value) if curs <= -(length/2): curs= -(length/2) elif curs >= (length/2): curs = (length/2) cs.update_sdatum(curs) self.slidergenhor.SetValue(10000*(curs)) self.txthor.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(curs)) elif id == 'textver': curz = float(self.txtver.Value) if curz <= -5: curz= - 5 elif curz >= 5: curz = 5 cs.update_zdatum(curz) self.slidergenver.SetValue(10000*(curz)) self.txtver.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(curz)) #Update of plots self.plot_profile() self.plot_cs()
[docs] def movebanksslider(self, event: wx.Event): """ This function updates a position of the river bank(left, bed, or right) based on the user's entry(sliding a slider or input of a float value). """ #Intialization if self.mycs is None: return id = event.GetEventObject().GetName() cs:profile =self.mycs length = cs.length3D #Updates from sliders if id == 'sliderleft': curs = float(self.sliderleft.Value)/10000. self.txtleft.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(curs)) cs.update_banksbed_from_s3d('left', curs) elif id=='sliderbed': curs=float(self.sliderbed.Value)/10000. self.txtbed.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(curs)) cs.update_banksbed_from_s3d('bed', curs) elif id =='sliderright': curs = float(self.sliderright.Value)/10000. self.txtright.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(curs)) cs.update_banksbed_from_s3d('right', curs) #Updates from text controls elif id=='textleft': curs=float(self.txtleft.Value) if curs<0.: curs=0. self.txtleft.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(curs)) self.sliderleft.SetValue(curs*10000.) elif curs>length: curs=length self.txtleft.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(curs)) self.sliderleft.SetValue(curs*10000.) curslider = curs*10000. self.sliderleft.SetValue(curslider) cs.update_banksbed_from_s3d('left', curs) elif id=='textbed': curs=float(self.txtbed.Value) if curs<0.: curs=0. self.txtbed.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(curs)) self.sliderbed.SetValue(curs*10000.) elif curs>length: curs=length self.txtbed.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(length)) self.sliderbed.SetValue(curs*10000.) curslider = curs*10000. self.sliderbed.SetValue(curslider) cs.update_banksbed_from_s3d('bed', curs) elif id =='textright': curs = float(self.txtright.Value) #Safelock for negative distance (limits of the cross section) if curs < 0: curs = 0. self.txtright.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(curs)) self.sliderright.SetValue(curs*10000.) #Safelock for a distance beyond the crossection's length elif curs > length: curs = length self.txtright.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(length)) self.sliderright.SetValue(curs*10000.) curslider = curs*10000. self.sliderright.SetValue(curslider) cs.update_banksbed_from_s3d('right', curs) self.plot_profile() self.plot_cs()
[docs] def movewaterdepth(self, event: wx.Event): """ This method increases or decreases the water depth plotted on graphs. """ if self.mycs is None: return id = event.GetEventObject().GetName() ymin = self.mycs.zmin ymax = self.mycs.zmax if id == 'sliderwdepth': val = float(self.sliderwdepth.Value)/100000 if val + ymin > ymax: self.wdepth = ymax-ymin self.wlevel = self.wdepth + ymin else: self.wdepth = val self.wlevel = self.wdepth + ymin elif id== 'textwdepth': val = float(self.txtwdepth.Value) if val + ymin <= ymin: self.wdepth = 0. self.wlevel = self.wdepth + ymin elif val + ymin > ymax: #FIXME (Is this limit realistic for all possible cases?) self.wdepth = ymax-ymin self.wlevel = self.wdepth + ymin else: self.wdepth = val self.wlevel = self.wdepth + ymin self.sliderwdepth.SetValue(self.wdepth*100000) self.txtwdepth.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.wdepth)) self.txtwlevel.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.wlevel)) self.sliderwlevel.SetValue(self.wlevel*10000) #Plots self.update_plots()
[docs] def movewaterlevel(self, event: wx.Event): """ This method increases or decreases the water level plotted on graphs. """ if self.mycs is None: return ymin = self.mycs.zmin ymax = self.mycs.zmax id = event.GetEventObject().GetName() if id == 'sliderwlevel': val = (float(self.sliderwlevel.Value))/10000 self.wlevel =val self.wdepth = (self.wlevel - ymin) elif id == 'textwlevel': val = float(self.txtwlevel.Value) if val <= ymin: self.wlevel = ymin self.wdepth = 0 elif val > ymax: #FIXME (Is this limit realistic for all possible cases?) self.wlevel = ymax self.wdepth = (self.wlevel - ymin) else: self.wlevel = val self.wdepth = self.wlevel - ymin self.sliderwlevel.SetValue(self.wlevel*10000) self.txtwlevel.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.wlevel)) self.txtwdepth.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.wdepth)) self.sliderwdepth.SetValue(self.wdepth*100000) self.update_plots()
[docs] def movewaterdis(self, event: wx.Event): """ This method selects and plots a specific discharges in the GUI based on the user's input. """ if self.mycs is None: return id = event.GetEventObject().GetName() if id == 'sliderwdis': val= float(self.sliderwdis.Value)/10000 self.wdis = val elif id == 'textwdis': val = float(self.txtwdis.Value) if val <= 0: self.wdis = 0 elif val > self.qmax: #FIXME self.wdis = self.qmax else: self.wdis = val self.txtwdis.SetValue("{0:.3f}".format(self.wdis)) self.sliderwdis.SetValue(self.wdis*10000) self.plot_discharge() self.plot_hspw() self.plot_cs()
[docs] def plot_profile(self, figax:tuple[Figure, Axis] = None): """ This method plots the geometric profiles on the first and third graph. The third graph is anamorphosed to allow comparisons with other graphs using the same scale. """ cs:profile = self.mycs if figax is None: fig = self.figure ax1 = self.ax_cs_real ax4 = self.ax_cs_anam else: fig, ax1=figax ax4=None #The profile sl,sb,sr,yl,yb,yr=cs.plotcs_profile(fig = fig, ax = ax1, vecs = self.vec , compare =, fwd=self.wdepth, fwl=self.wlevel, simuls = self.models, forceaspect = True, plotlaz=True) #The neighbouring profiles (up and down) if cs.up is not None and cs.up is not cs: cs.up._plot_only_cs(fig=fig, ax=ax1, style='dashed', label=cs.up.myname, centerx=sb) if cs.down is not None and cs.down is not cs: cs.down._plot_only_cs(fig=fig, ax=ax1, style='dotted', label=cs.down.myname, centerx=sb) if ax4 is not None: # The anamorphosed view sl,sb,sr,yl,yb,yr=cs.plotcs_profile(fig = fig, ax = ax4, vecs = self.vec , simuls = self.models, fwd =self.wdepth, fwl=self.wlevel, forceaspect = False, plotlaz=True) #Legends leg1 = ax1.legend(bbox_to_anchor = (0.,0.9, 1.1,0.2), ncol= 4, mode = 'expand', fontsize= 'xx-small', markerscale = 0.5, borderaxespad=-1.05) if self.wx_exists: leg1.set_draggable(True) #For legend displacements #FIXME leg4 = ax4.legend(bbox_to_anchor = (0.,0.9, 1.1,0.2), ncol= 4, mode = 'expand', fontsize= 'xx-small', markerscale = 0.5, borderaxespad=-1.05) if self.wx_exists: leg4.set_draggable(True)
[docs] def plot_discharge(self, figax:tuple[Figure, Axis] = None): """ This method plots the discharge relationships of the active profile on the 5th axis of the matplotlib figure. """ if figax is None: fig = self.figure ax5 = self.ax_dis else: fig,ax5 = figax labels = False #graphs self.mycs.plotcs_discharges(fig = fig, ax = ax5, fwl=self.wlevel, fwd = self.wdepth, fwq = self.wdis, labels= labels, simuls=self.models) #Legend leg5 = ax5.legend(bbox_to_anchor = (0.,0.95, 1.1,0.2), ncol= 4, mode = 'expand', fontsize= 'xx-small', markerscale = 0.5, borderaxespad=-1.05) if self.wx_exists: leg5.set_draggable(True)
[docs] def plot_hspw(self, figax:tuple[Figure, Axis] = None): """ The methods plots the hydraulic radius - H, the wetted area - S, the wetted perimeter - P and top width - W on sixth axis and last graph of the figure. """ if figax is None: fig = self.figure ax6 = self.ax_hsw else: fig, ax6 = figax labels = False self.mycs.plotcs_hspw(fig= fig, ax = ax6, fwl=self.wlevel, fwd = self.wdepth, fwq = self.wdis, labels= labels) leg6 = ax6.legend(bbox_to_anchor = (0.,0.95, 1.1,0.2), ncol= 4, mode = 'expand', fontsize= 'xx-small', markerscale = 0.5, borderaxespad=-1.05) if self.wx_exists: leg6.set_draggable(True)
[docs] def plot_cs(self): """ This method plots 6 matplotlib graphs of the active profile. In order to do so, it uses the stored self graphs defined by other plotting methods. Storing the graphs avoid unnecessary repetitions of plots each time the method is called. """ fig = self.figure fig.suptitle('Cross section - %s'%(self.mycs.myname), size=15) #fig.tight_layout() if self.wx_exists: self.canvas.draw() else: fig.canvas.draw()
[docs] def plot_up(self, event: wx.Event): """ This function plots the upstream's cross section by upgrading the current cross section with the next upstream. """ if self.mycs.up is None: return self.mycs.uncolor_active_profile(plot_opengl= False) self.set_cs(self.mycs.up) self.plot_cs()
[docs] def plot_down(self,event: wx.Event): """ This function plots the downstream's cross section by upgrading the current cross section with the next downsrtream. """ if self.mycs.down is None: return self.mycs.uncolor_active_profile(plot_opengl= False) self.set_cs(self.mycs.down) self.plot_cs()
[docs] def add_model(self, newsim): """Add a new sim to the sims dictionnary""" self.models.append(newsim)
[docs] def reset_models(self): """Reset the sims dictionnary""" self.models=[]
[docs] def simulations(self, event: wx.Event): """ This method displays on the profile and on the discharge graphs, the hydraulic characteristics in the numerical simulations. Also, it triggers a new window containing a table (grid) of the displayed values. FIXME add a plot method for 2D and 1D results. """ # Data from numerical simulations # Set 'Model Key','Discharge','Water depth','Water level' if self.grid_simulations is None: self.models=[] for curkey, cursim in self.sims.items(): ds = cursim.get_dxdy_min() pts = self.mycs._refine2D(ds/2.) allz = [cursim.get_value(curpt.x, curpt.y, nullvalue=-99999) for curpt in pts] self.models = np.array([['Q25',250.5, 2,76],['Q50',500,3,77], ['Q100',800,4,78],['Q1000',1500,5,79.2]]) # Calling the grid's class and displaying as well as getting the data from its table (FIXME: Safety for future improvements) self.grid_simulations = windowsgrid(parent=None) self.grid_simulations.set_grid_sims(models = self.models, title = 'C.S.- %s'%(self.mycs.myname)) self.plot_profile() self.plot_discharge() self.plot_cs() else: self.grid_simulations.Show()
[docs] def _update_sims(self): self.models = np.asarray(list(self.grid_simulations.get_vals_sims())) self.grid_simulations = None
[docs] def modify_vertex(self): """ This method displays a new window containing the vertices of the active cross sections for modifications. """ if is not None: if self.grid_vertices is None: self.grid_vertices = windowsgrid(parent=None) self.grid_vertices.set_grid_vert(my_profile =self.mycs, ref =, title= 'C.S.- %s'%(self.mycs.myname), callback= self._update_profile_callback, call1 = self.update_profile, call2 = self.update_profile_from_sz) self.grid_vertices.Show() else: self.grid_vertices.Show()
[docs] def show_vertices(self, event: wx.Event): self.modify_vertex()
[docs] def update_profile(self,event: wx.Event): """ This method allows the update of the profile plot - if the profile vertices are modified or - or if a structure is drawn (projected) on the profile. """ self._reset_profile_vertices() if is not None and self.grid_vertices is not None: self.mycs.updatefromgrid(gridfrom = self.grid_vertices.profile_xls) self._update_drawings()
[docs] def _reset_profile_vertices(self): if self.copy_vertices: # and self.copy_nbvertices: self.mycs.myvertices = self.copy_vertices # added = self.copy_compare_vertices
[docs] def update_profile_from_sz(self, event:wx.Event): """ Mise à jour depuis un CpGrid """ self._reset_profile_vertices() curv:wolfvertex gridfrom = self.grid_vertices.profile_xls nbl=gridfrom.GetNumberRows() k=0 S=[] Z =[] while k<nbl: z=gridfrom.GetCellValue(k,2) s=gridfrom.GetCellValue(k,4) if z=='': z=0. if s!='': S.append(float(s)) Z.append(float(z)) k+=1 elif s=='': break else: raise Exception(_("Recheck your sz data")) break sz = np.array([S,Z]) length_compare = vertices = [] nbv = 0 for i in range(len(sz[0])) : coords = length_compare.interpolate(sz[0][i]) curv = wolfvertex(coords.x, coords.y, sz[1][i]) vertices.append(curv) nbv += 1 self.mycs.reset_prepare() self.mycs.myvertices=vertices self._update_drawings()
[docs] def _update_profile_callback(self): self.mycs.updatefromgrid(gridfrom = self.grid_vertices.profile_xls) self.grid_vertices = None
[docs] def project_zones_on_trace(self, new_zones:Zones = None, reset_vec=True): if new_zones is None: return if reset_vec: self.vec=[] for zone in new_zones.myzones: for vec in zone.myvectors: if vec.myprop.used: self.add_vec(vec= vec)
[docs] def add_vec(self, vec: vector, reset_first=False): """ This method projects a vector on the profile traces and appends the projection to the list utilised to plot the structures. """ if reset_first:self.vec=[] curvec:vector = vec.projectontrace(self.mycs) self.vec.append(curvec)
[docs] def populate_xy_from_sz(self): """ This method populate xy colum based on s and z entries. """ self.Butgetxy_fromsz =wx.Button(self, label = _('Get xy from sz')) self.zones.xls
[docs] def add_zones(self, event: wx.Event): """ This method creates a new zones and displays its structure on the screen. """ # self.zones: Zones if self.zones: for i in range(self.zones.nbzones): for vec in self.zones.myzones[i].myvectors: self.zones.evaluate_s(vec= vec, dialog_box=False) self.zones.showstructure() else: self.zones = Zones(parent = self.mapviewer) self.zones.showstructure()
[docs] def _update_drawings(self): if is not None and self.grid_vertices is not None: self.harmonize_profiles() self.mycs.prepare() #self.zones = Zones(parent = self.mapviewer) # Added to avoid bug in wolfpy if is not None and self.grid_simulations is not None: self.models = np.asarray(list(self.grid_simulations.get_vals_sims())) if self.zones: self.project_zones_on_trace(self.zones) # added self.mycs.prepare() self.mycs.relations() self.set_Manning(nManning=self.Manning) #self.plot_profile() self.update_UI(reset=False) self.update_plots() self.plot_cs()
[docs] def _draw_on_profile(self, event: wx.Event): """ This method display a grid where vertor can be encoded and drawn on the figure. """ if self.zones: self.zones.xls self._update_drawings()
[docs] def get_copy_compare(self): """ This method creates a new panel containing a copy of the active profile. """ page = PlotCSAll(None) copy_cs = self.mycs.deepcopy_profile() page.cs_setter(active_profile = copy_cs, compare = self.mycs, mapviewer=self.mapviewer) page.vec = self.vec # page.plot_profile() # page.plot_cs() return page
[docs] def harmonize_profiles(self): """ This method harmonizes the profiles characteristic (vertices). The method inserts missing vertices on both profiles to allow their comparison. """ if # A copy of vertices is stored in memory to conserve the discretization of the initial profile. self.copy_vertices = copy.deepcopy(self.mycs.myvertices) # self.copy_nbvertices = copy.deepcopy(self.mycs.nbvertices) self.copy_compare_vertices = copy.deepcopy( # self.copy_compare_nbvertices = copy.deepcopy( # Resetting the crossections characteristics after modifications from the table (cpgrid) self.mycs.reset_prepare() # Getting sz data from the 2 profiles (modified and reference) sz1 = self.mycs.get_sz() sz2 = # Creating a buffer with unique values of the sz(s) union mycs = np.array(sz1[0]) reference = np.array(sz2[0]) # test if mycs.shape[0] != reference.shape[0] or np.unique(mycs).shape[0] != np.sort(mycs).shape[0] or np.unique(reference).shape[0] != np.sort(reference).shape[0]: t =0.000001 all = np.concatenate((mycs, reference), axis=None) all_sort = np.sort(all) all_dif = np.diff(all_sort) dif = np.insert(all_dif,0,1) # FIXME find an elegant way. new_sz = all_sort[dif>t] #all_unique = np.unique(all) else: #check = np.allclose(mycs, reference) #if check == False: check_unique = np.isclose(mycs, reference) # Finding all differences between sz data dif_sz1 = mycs[check_unique == False] dif_sz2 = reference[check_unique == False] common_sz = mycs[check_unique == True] new = np.concatenate((common_sz, dif_sz1,dif_sz2), axis=None) new_sz = np.unique(new) # Harmonizing the modified profile length_cs = self.mycs.asshapely_ls() length_compare = # Harmonized properties cs_vertices = [] compare_vertices = [] # process for i in new_sz: # Shapely cordinates coords_cs = length_cs.interpolate(i) coords_compare = length_compare.interpolate(i) # Wolf vertex curvert_cs = wolfvertex(coords_cs.x, coords_cs.y, coords_cs.z) curvert_compare = wolfvertex(coords_compare.x, coords_compare.y, coords_compare.z) cs_vertices.append(curvert_cs) compare_vertices.append(curvert_compare) # Update of the 2 profiles characteristics self.mycs.myvertices= cs_vertices compare_vertices
[docs] class windowsgrid(wx.Frame): """ A class containing the different grids used for plotting the graphs. """ def __init__(self, *args, callback=None, **kwargs): super(windowsgrid, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.Quit)
[docs] def _update_buttons(self): self.But_update = wx.Button(self, label = _('Update profile'))
[docs] def update_grid_vert(self, my_profile: profile, ref: profile = None, title : str = None, callback = None): self.set_grid_vert(my_profile=my_profile, ref= ref, title = title, callback = callback) self.Refresh(True)
[docs] def set_grid_sz(self, my_profile: profile, ref: profile = None, title : str = None, callback = None): self.SetBackgroundColour('white')
[docs] def set_grid_vert( self, my_profile: profile, ref: profile = None, title : str = None, callback = None, call1 = None, call2 = None): """ This method displays a grid containing the active profile vertices. Also,the method contains a grid with the profile of reference for simultaneous insertion of vertices. """ self.SetBackgroundColour('white') self.SetSize(width = 500, height=600) self.callback = callback self.mycs = my_profile self.ref = ref vertices = self.mycs.myvertices nb_rows = self.mycs.nbvertices gridsizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) self.SetSizer(gridsizer) self.profile_xls: CpGrid self.profile_xls = CpGrid(self, 1, wx.WANTS_CHARS) #New grid #self.ref_xls: CpGrid #self.ref_xls(self, 1, wx.WANTS_CHARS) gridsizer.Add(self.profile_xls, 1, wx.EXPAND) #Grid filling self.profile_xls.CreateGrid(nb_rows,5) self.mycs.fillgrid(gridto = self.profile_xls) self._evaluate_s() # Update buttons # Button from xyz But_update_from_xyz = wx.Button(self, label = _('Update profile from xyz')) gridsizer.Add(But_update_from_xyz, 0, wx.EXPAND) But_update_from_xyz.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, call1) # Button from sz But_update_from_sz = wx.Button(self, label = _('Update profile from sz')) gridsizer.Add(But_update_from_sz, 0, wx.EXPAND) But_update_from_sz.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, call2) #self.ref_xls.CreateGrid(nb_rows,5) #self.ref.fillgrid(gridto = self.ref_xls) #FIXME insert vertices on both profile and reference #sizerrows = wx.StaticBoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL, self, label= _("Add rows (vertices)")) #self.txtrows = wx.TextCtrl(self, wx.ID_ANY, str(0), wx.DefaultPosition, wx.DefaultSize, style =wx.TE_CENTER|wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER, name =_('rows')) #gridsizer.Add(sizerrows, 0, wx.EXPAND) #FIXME #sizerrows.Add(self.txtrows,1, wx.EXPAND) #FIXME #self.txtrows.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.update_nbrows) self.SetTitle('Profile vertices - %s'%((title))) self.Center(dir = wx.VERTICAL)
[docs] def _evaluate_s(self): """ Compute and fill the s coordinates in the profile grid. """ curv = self.mycs curv.update_lengths() self.profile_xls.SetCellValue(0,4,'0.0') s=0. for k in range(curv.nbvertices-1): s+=curv._lengthparts2D[k] self.profile_xls.SetCellValue(k+1,4,str(s))
[docs] def set_grid_sims(self, models, title : str = None, callback = None): """ This method displays a wx.grid containing the numerical models data. """ self.callback = callback self.SetBackgroundColour('white') self.SetSize(width = 600, height = 500) panel = wx.Panel(self) gridsizer = wx.BoxSizer() gridsizer.Add(panel, 1, wx.EXPAND) self.SetSizer(gridsizer) menubar = wx.MenuBar() fileButton = wx.Menu() exitItem = fileButton.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, 'Exit', 'Close this window') menubar.Append(fileButton, 'Options') #grid creation self.qgrid: CpGrid = Grid(panel, name='Models',pos=(0,0), size =(1200,900)) self.qgrid.CreateGrid(1,4) self.qgrid.SetColLabelValue(0,_('Model')) self.qgrid.SetColLabelValue(1,_('Discharge')) self.qgrid.SetColLabelValue(2,_('Water depth')) self.qgrid.SetColLabelValue(3,_('Water level')) nb=self.qgrid.GetNumberRows() if len(models) - nb > 0: self.qgrid.AppendRows(len(models) - nb+10) k=0 for curv in models: self.qgrid.SetCellValue(k,0,str(curv[k])) self.qgrid.SetCellValue(k,1,str(curv[k])) self.qgrid.SetCellValue(k,2,str(curv[k])) self.qgrid.SetCellValue(k,3,str(curv[k])) k+=1 self.SetMenuBar(menubar) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.Quit, exitItem) self.SetTitle('Available models - %s'%((title))) self.Center(dir = wx.VERTICAL) self.Show(True)
[docs] def get_vals_sims(self): # data nb_rows = self.qgrid.GetNumberRows() models = [] for row in range(nb_rows): ids = self.qgrid.GetCellValue(row, 0) q = float(self.qgrid.GetCellValue(row, 1)) h = float(self.qgrid.GetCellValue(row,2)) z = float(self.qgrid.GetCellValue(row,3)) if ids != '': models.append([ids,q,h,z]) return models
[docs] def Quit(self, event: wx.Event): """ This method closes the wx.Frame containing the grid. """ if self.callback is not None: self.callback() self.Hide()
[docs] class ProfileNotebook(wx.Frame): """ Fenêtre contenant potentiellement plusieurs graphiques Matplotlib. """ def __init__(self, mapviewer = None, show=True, framesize=(1024,768)): #Notebook (multiple plots) a wx.window should be passed inside (parent or you create your own) """ Initialisation Si un parent est fourni, on l'attache, sinon on crée une fenêtre indépendante. """ super().__init__(None, wx.ID_ANY, 'Wolf - Plotter',size=framesize) #Inheritance self.Maximize(True) #FIXME (Default solution for better visualisation) self.mapviewer = mapviewer #Parent self.notebook = aui.AuiNotebook(self) # ajout du notebook sizers = wx.BoxSizer() #sizer pour servir de contenant au notebook sizers.Add(self.notebook, 1, wx.EXPAND) #ajout du notebook au sizer et demande d'étendre l'objet en cas de redimensionnement self.SetSizer(sizers) #applique le sizer menubar = wx.MenuBar() options_menu = wx.Menu() #modifyButton = options_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('Modify C.S.'), _('Modify the current profile') ) legendButton = options_menu.Append(wx.ID_ANY,_('Legend parameters'), _('Modify the legends aspect')) quitButton = options_menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, _('Quit'),_('Close the whole notebook....')) menubar.Append(options_menu,_('Options')) self.SetMenuBar(menubar) #self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.modify_cs, modifyButton) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnClose, quitButton) if show: #If true self.Show() #show the frame self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE , self.OnClose) #closing the window self.Bind(wx.EVT_WINDOW_DESTROY , self.OnClose) self.page_number = 0
[docs] def OnClose(self,event): """ This method closes the notebook. """ self.notebook.Close()
[docs] def modify_cs( self,event): """ This method creates a new panel containing a copy of the active profile. The copy is used to modify the profile and to compare the modifications with the original profile. """ n = self.notebook.GetPageCount() self.page_number += 1 newpage = self.add("Modified: {}".format(self.page_number)) page_src = self.notebook.GetPage(0) copy_cs = page_src.mycs.deepcopy_profile() if page_src.mapviewer is not None: #Implemented for an utilisation outside of the interface. page_src.mapviewer.display_canvasogl(fig = newpage.figure , ax = newpage.ax_img) #The view is set here to maintain the position of the active profile in the GUI. newpage.cs_setter(active_profile= copy_cs, compare = page_src.mycs) newpage.zones = page_src.zones # To avoid redrawing the vector (structures) newpage.plot_profile() newpage.plot_cs() newpage.modify_vertex() newpage.Show() self.notebook.SetSelection(n)
[docs] def add(self, name="plot"): """ Ajout d'un onglet au notebook L'onglet contient une Figure Matplotlib On retourne la figure du nouvel onglet """ page = PlotCSAll(self.notebook) # PLOTCSALL first page of the notebook self.notebook.AddPage(page, name) #ajout de l'objet Plot au notebook #page.Butprofvert.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.modify_cs) # Uncomment in case a return to the first figure is not needed if self.notebook.GetPageCount() == 1: # Uncomment in case a return to the first figure is needed page.Butprofvert.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.modify_cs) else: page.Butprofvert.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, page.show_vertices) return page
[docs] class ProfileWithoutGUI(): """ This class launches the notebook without passing through the wolfpy GUI. Useful for scripts commands (an example is provide in ) """ def __init__(self, fcrossection ='', fsupport= '', format='') : self.cross = crosssections(fcrossection, format) #Crossection data self.myvec = Zones(fsupport) #Vector data self.curprofile : profile self.plotter = ProfileNotebook() self.plotter.add('Figure 1') # .figure.add_subplot() if fsupport != '': self.cross.sort_along(self.myvec.myzones[0].myvectors[0].asshapely_ls(),'vesdre')
[docs] def plot_prof(self, index ='', cross = None, active_vector = None): """ This method launches the notebook without any wolf GUI. """ if index != '': self.curprofile = self.cross.myprofiles[index]['cs'] self.plotter.notebook.GetPage(0).cs_setter(mycross = self.cross, active_profile = self.curprofile) elif index == '': self.plotter.notebook.GetPage(0).cs_setter(mycross = self.cross)