import wx
import wx.grid
from .PyTranslate import _
class CpGrid(wx.grid.Grid):
A Full Copy and Paste enabled grid class which implements Excel like copy, paste, and delete functionality.
- Ctrl+c : Copy range of selected cells.
- Ctrl+v : Paste copy selection at point of currently selected cell.
- If paste selection is larger than copy selection, copy selection will be replicated to fill paste region if it is a modulo number of copy rows and/or columns, otherwise just the copy selection will be pasted.
- Ctrl+x : Delete current selection.
- Deleted selection can be restored with Ctrl+z, or pasted with Ctrl+v.
- Delete or backspace key will also perform this action.
- Ctrl+z : Undo the last paste or delete action.
def __init__(self, parent, id, style):
wx.grid.Grid.__init__(self, parent, id, wx.DefaultPosition,
wx.DefaultSize, style)
# bind key down events
self.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnKey)
# initialize text string for undo (start row, start col, undo string)
self.data4undo = [0, 0, '']
# initialize copy rows and columns
# catches case of initial Ctrl+v before a Ctrl+c
self.crows = 1
self.ccols = 1
# initialize clipboard to empty string
data = ''
# Create text data object
clipboard = wx.TextDataObject()
# Set data object value
# Put the data in the clipboard
if wx.TheClipboard.Open():
wx.MessageBox("Can't open the clipboard", "Error")
def OnKey(self, event):
"""Handles all key events.
# If Ctrl+c is pressed...
if event.ControlDown() and event.GetKeyCode() == 67:
# If Ctrl+v is pressed...
if event.ControlDown() and event.GetKeyCode() == 86:
# If Ctrl+Z is pressed...
if event.ControlDown() and event.GetKeyCode() == 90:
if self.data4undo[2] != '':
# If del, backspace or Ctrl+x is pressed...
if event.GetKeyCode() == 127 or event.GetKeyCode() == 8 \
or (event.ControlDown() and event.GetKeyCode() == 88):
# Call delete method
# if event.GetKeyCode() == wx.WXK_RETURN:
# self.SetGridCursor(self.GetGridCursorRow()-1,self.GetGridCursorCol()+1)
# Skip other Key events
if event.GetKeyCode():
def copy(self):
"""Copies the current range of select cells to clipboard.
# Get number of copy rows and cols
if len(self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()) == 0:
rowstart = self.GetGridCursorRow()
colstart = self.GetGridCursorCol()
rowend = rowstart
colend = colstart
rowstart = self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0]
colstart = self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1]
rowend = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][0]
colend = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][1]
self.crows = rowend - rowstart + 1
self.ccols = colend - colstart + 1
# data variable contains text that must be set in the clipboard
data = ''
# For each cell in selected range append the cell value
# in the data variable Tabs '\t' for cols and '\n' for rows
for r in range(self.crows):
for c in range(self.ccols):
data += str(self.GetCellValue(rowstart + r, colstart + c))
if c < self.ccols - 1:
data += '\t'
data += '\r\n'
# Create text data object
clipboard = wx.TextDataObject()
# Set data object value
# Put the data in the clipboard
if wx.TheClipboard.Open():
wx.MessageBox("Can't open the clipboard", "Error")
def build_paste_selection(self):
"""This method creates the paste selection, builds it
into a clipboard string, and puts it on the clipboard.
When building the paste selection it fills in replicas
of the copy selection if: number of rows and/or columns
in the paste selection is larger than the copy selection,
and they are multiples of the corresponding copy selection
rows and/or columns, otherwise just the copy selection
will be used.
# Get number of copy rows and cols
if len(self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()) == 0:
rowstart = self.GetGridCursorRow()
colstart = self.GetGridCursorCol()
rowend = rowstart
colend = colstart
rowstart = self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0]
colstart = self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1]
rowend = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][0]
colend = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][1]
self.prows = rowend - rowstart + 1
self.pcols = colend - colstart + 1
# find if paste selection area is a multiple of the copy selection
rows_mod = not(bool(self.prows % self.crows))
cols_mod = not(bool(self.pcols % self.ccols))
# initialize to default case (i.e. paste equals copy)
row_copies = 1
col_copies = 1
# one row multiple column paste selection
if self.prows == 1 and self.pcols > 1 and cols_mod:
col_copies = int(self.pcols / self.ccols) # int division
# one col multiple row paste selection
if self.prows > 1 and rows_mod and self.pcols == 1:
row_copies = int(self.prows / self.crows) # int division
# mulitple row and column paste selection
if self.prows > 1 and rows_mod and self.pcols > 1 and cols_mod:
row_copies = int(self.prows / self.crows) # int division
col_copies = int(self.pcols / self.ccols) # int division
clipboard = wx.TextDataObject()
if wx.TheClipboard.Open():
wx.MessageBox("Can't open the clipboard", "Error")
data = clipboard.GetText()
# column expansion (fill out additional columns)
out_values = []
for row, text in enumerate(data.splitlines()):
string = text
for i in range(col_copies - 1):
string += '\t' + text
# row expansion (fill out additional rows)
out_values *= row_copies
# build output text string for clipboard
self.out_data = '\n'.join(out_values)
def paste(self, mode):
"""Handles paste and undo operations.
# perform paste or undo action
if mode == 'paste':
# create the paste string from the copy string
if len(self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()) == 0:
rowstart = self.GetGridCursorRow()
colstart = self.GetGridCursorCol()
rowstart = self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0]
colstart = self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1]
elif mode == 'undo':
self.out_data = self.data4undo[2]
rowstart = self.data4undo[0]
colstart = self.data4undo[1]
wx.MessageBox("Paste method " + mode + " does not exist", "Error")
# paste current paste selection and build a clipboard string for undo
text4undo = '' # initialize
for y, r in enumerate(self.out_data.splitlines()):
# Convert c in a array of text separated by tab
for x, c in enumerate(r.split('\t')):
if y + rowstart < self.NumberRows and \
x + colstart < self.NumberCols:
text4undo += str(self.GetCellValue(rowstart + y,
colstart + x)) + '\t'
self.SetCellValue(rowstart + y, colstart + x, c)
text4undo = text4undo[:-1] + '\n'
# save current paste selection for undo
if mode == 'paste':
self.data4undo = [rowstart, colstart, text4undo]
self.data4undo = [0, 0, '']
def delete(self):
"""This method deletes text from selected cells, places a
copy of the deleted cells on the clipboard for pasting
(Ctrl+v), and places a copy in the self.data4undo variable
for undoing (Ctrl+z)
# Get number of delete rows and cols
if len(self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()) == 0:
rowstart = self.GetGridCursorRow()
colstart = self.GetGridCursorCol()
rowend = rowstart
colend = colstart
rowstart = self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][0]
colstart = self.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()[0][1]
rowend = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][0]
colend = self.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()[0][1]
rows = rowend - rowstart + 1
cols = colend - colstart + 1
# Save deleted text and clear cells contents
text4undo = ''
for r in range(rows):
for c in range(cols):
text4undo += \
str(self.GetCellValue(rowstart + r, colstart + c)) + '\t'
self.SetCellValue(rowstart + r, colstart + c, '')
text4undo = text4undo[:-1] + '\n'
# Save a copy of deleted text for undo
self.data4undo = [rowstart, colstart, text4undo]
# Save a copy of deleted text to clipboard for Ctrl+v
clipboard = wx.TextDataObject()
if wx.TheClipboard.Open():
wx.MessageBox("Can't open the clipboard", "Error")