Source code for wolfhece.scenario.config_manager

Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau
Date: 2024

Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.

This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.

import wx
from wx.dataview import TreeListCtrl, TreeListItem
from wx import dataview, StaticText, TextCtrl
from os.path import exists,join,splitext,dirname
from os import scandir, chdir, getcwd
import numpy as np
import subprocess
import logging
from enum import Enum
import numpy as np
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
from osgeo import gdal
from typing import Union, Literal
import json
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime as dt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import types

from ..PyTranslate import _
from ..wolfresults_2D import Wolfresults_2D
from ..wolf_array import WolfArray, header_wolf, WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER
from .check_scenario import check_file_update, check_file_bc, import_files
from .update_void import create_new_file as update_void
from .imposebc_void import create_new_file as bc_void
from ..wolf_vrt import create_vrt_from_files_first_based, translate_vrt2tif
from ..PyDraw import WolfMapViewer, draw_type
from ..PyHydrographs import Hydrograph
from .update_void import Update_Sim
from ..Results2DGPU import wolfres2DGPU
from ..PyParams import Wolf_Param
from ..PyVertexvectors import Zones, zone, vector, wolfvertex, getIfromRGB, getRGBfromI

    from wolfgpu.simple_simulation import SimpleSimulation, SimulationDuration, SimulationDurationType
    from wolfgpu.results_store import ResultsStore
    logging.error(_('WOLFGPU not installed !'))

[docs] def delete_folder(pth:Path): for sub in pth.iterdir(): if sub.is_dir(): delete_folder(sub) else: sub.unlink() pth.rmdir() # if you just want to delete the dir content but not the dir itself, remove this line
# extension des fichiers à vérifier
[docs] class GPU_2D_file_extensions(Enum):
[docs] TIF = '.tif' # raster
[docs] TIFF = '.tiff' # raster
[docs] PY = '.py' # python script
[docs] NPY = '.npy' # numpy array
[docs] BIN = '.bin' # WOLF binary file
[docs] JSON = '.json' # json file
[docs] TXT = '.txt' # hydrographs
[docs] class IC_scenario(Enum):
[docs] WATERDEPTH = "h.npy"
[docs] DISCHARGE_X = 'qx.npy'
[docs] DISCHARGE_Y = 'qy.npy'
[docs] BATHYMETRY = 'bathymetry.npy'
[docs] ALL_EXTENSIONS = [cur.value for cur in GPU_2D_file_extensions]
# Predefined keys
[docs] WOLF_UPDATE = 'Wolf update'
[docs] WOLF_BC = 'Wolf boundary conditions'
[docs] OTHER_SCRIPTS = 'Other scripts'
[docs] IS_SIMUL = 'is_simul'
[docs] IS_SCENARIO = 'is_scenario'
[docs] IS_RESULTS = 'is_results'
[docs] HAS_RESULTS = 'has_results'
[docs] MISSING = 'missing'
[docs] SUBDIRS = 'subdirs'
[docs] DISCHARGES = 'discharges'
[docs] INITIAL_CONDITIONS = 'initial_conditions'
# Définition d'un namedtuple pour représenter les fichiers d'une simulation GPU
[docs] _gpu_file = namedtuple('gpufile', ['name', 'type', 'extension'])
# Liste des fichiers à vérifier
[docs] class GPU_2D_file(Enum):
[docs] PARAMETERS = _gpu_file('parameters', str , GPU_2D_file_extensions.JSON.value)
[docs] BATHYMETRY = _gpu_file('bathymetry', np.float32, GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value)
[docs] WATER_DEPTH = _gpu_file('h' , np.float32, GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value)
[docs] DISCHARGE_X = _gpu_file('qx' , np.float32, GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value)
[docs] DISCHARGE_Y = _gpu_file('qy' , np.float32, GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value)
[docs] MANNING = _gpu_file('manning' , np.float32, GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value)
[docs] COMPUTATION_MASK = _gpu_file('nap' , np.uint8 , GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value)
[docs] INFILTRATION = _gpu_file('infiltration_zones', np.int32, GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value)
# répertoire de sortie des simulations GPU
[docs] RESULT_DIR = 'simul_gpu_results'
[docs] class Hydrograph_scenario(): """ Hydrograph for a scenario """ def __init__(self, fname:Path, sep:str = '\t', decimal='.') -> None: self._data = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=sep, decimal=decimal, header=0, index_col=0) self._filename = fname self._name = str(fname.with_suffix('').name) @property
[docs] def name(self) -> str: return self._name
[docs] def data(self) -> pd.DataFrame: return self._data
[docs] def plot(self, figax = None): if figax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig,ax = figax self._data.plot(ax=ax, drawstyle="steps-post") return fig,ax
[docs] class InitialConditions_scenario(): """ Initial conditions for a scenario """ def __init__(self, dir:Path) -> None: self.h: np.ndarray = None self.qx: np.ndarray = None self.qy: np.ndarray = None self.bathy: np.ndarray = None if (dir / IC_scenario.WATERDEPTH.value).exists(): self.h = np.load(dir / IC_scenario.WATERDEPTH.value) if (dir / IC_scenario.DISCHARGE_X.value).exists(): self.qx = np.load(dir / IC_scenario.DISCHARGE_X.value) if (dir / IC_scenario.DISCHARGE_Y.value).exists(): self.qy = np.load(dir / IC_scenario.DISCHARGE_Y.value) if (dir /IC_scenario.BATHYMETRY.value).exists(): self.bathy = np.load(dir / IC_scenario.BATHYMETRY.value) @property
[docs] def z_elevation(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return the elevation of the water surface """ return self.bathy + self.h
[docs] def set_h_from_z(self, z: np.ndarray): """ Set the water depth from the elevation of the water surface """ assert z.shape == self.bathy.shape, _('Bad shape for z !') self.h = z - self.bathy self.h[self.h < 0.] = 0. self.qx[self.h < 0.] = 0. self.qy[self.h < 0.] = 0.
[docs] def save(self, dir:Path): """ Save the initial conditions """ if self.h is not None: / IC_scenario.WATERDEPTH.value, self.h) if self.qx is not None: / IC_scenario.DISCHARGE_X.value, self.qx) if self.qy is not None: / IC_scenario.DISCHARGE_Y.value, self.qy) if self.bathy is not None: / IC_scenario.BATHYMETRY.value, self.bathy)
[docs] class Config_Manager_2D_GPU: """ Gestionnaire de configurations 2D - code GPU """ def __init__(self, workingdir:str = '', mapviewer:WolfMapViewer = None) -> None: """ Recherche de toutes les modélisation dans un répertoire et ses sous-répertoires """ self.wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None self.workingdir = '' self.wolfcli = '' if workingdir == '': if self.wx_exists: dlg = wx.DirDialog(None,_('Choose directory to scan'), style = wx.FD_OPEN) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return workingdir = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() else: logging.error(_('No working directory provided !')) return if not exists(workingdir): logging.error(_('Directory does not exist !')) return self.workingdir = Path(workingdir) self.mapviewer = mapviewer self._txtctrl = None self._ui = None self._epsilon = 0.01 self._filter_independent = True self.load_data()
[docs] def load_data(self): """ Chargement/Rechargement des données """ self.configs = {} self.scan_wdir() self.find_files() if self._ui is not None: # la fenêtre est déjà ouverte self._ui.refill_data(self.configs) else: if self.wx_exists: self._ui = UI_Manager_2D_GPU(self.configs, parent=self)
[docs] def epsilon(self): return self._epsilon
@epsilon.setter def epsilon(self, val:float): self._epsilon = val @property
[docs] def filter_independent(self): return self._filter_independent
@filter_independent.setter def filter_independent(self, val:bool): self._filter_independent = val @property
[docs] def txtctrl(self): if self._ui is None: return None return self._ui._txtctrl
# Scanning directories # --------------------
[docs] def _scan_dir(self, wd:Path, curdict:dict): """ Scan récursif d'un répertoire de base et création de sous-dictionnaires """ for curel in scandir(wd): if curel.is_dir(): newel = curdict[Path(curel)]={} self._scan_dir(curel, newel)
[docs] def scan_wdir(self): """ Récupération de tous les répertoires et sous-répertoires et placement dans le dictionnaire self.configs """ if =='': logging.warning(_('Nothing to do !')) return self._scan_dir(self.workingdir, self.configs)
# Get properties # --------------
[docs] def get_header(self) -> header_wolf: """ Get header from .tif file """ if len(self.configs[GPU_2D_file_extensions.TIF.value])==0: return header_wolf() curtif = self.configs[GPU_2D_file_extensions.TIF.value][0] return self._get_header(curtif)
[docs] def _get_header(self, filearray:Path) -> header_wolf: """ Get header from .tif file """ if not filearray.exists(): return header_wolf() header = header_wolf() if filearray.suffix == GPU_2D_file_extensions.TIF.value: raster:gdal.Dataset raster = gdal.Open(str(filearray)) geotr = raster.GetGeoTransform() # Dimensions nbx = raster.RasterXSize nby = raster.RasterYSize dx = abs(geotr[1]) dy = abs(geotr[5]) origx = geotr[0] if geotr[5]<0.: origy = geotr[3]+geotr[5]*float(nby) else: origy = geotr[3] elif filearray.suffix == GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value: with open(filearray, 'rb') as f: major, minor = np.lib.format.read_magic(f) shape, fortran, dtype = np.lib.format.read_array_header_1_0(f) nbx, nby = shape dx, dy, origx, origy = (1., 1., 0., 0.) # Il y de fortes chances que cette matrice numpy provienne d'une modélisation GPU # et donc que les coordonnées et la résolution soient disponibles dans un fichier parameters.json if (filearray.parent / 'parameters.json').exists(): with open(filearray.parent / 'parameters.json', 'r') as f: params = json.load(f) if 'parameters' in params.keys(): if "dx" in params['parameters'].keys() : dx = float(params['parameters']["dx"]) if "dy" in params['parameters'].keys() : dy = float(params['parameters']["dy"]) if "base_coord_x" in params['parameters'].keys() : origx = float(params['parameters']["base_coord_x"]) if "base_coord_y" in params['parameters'].keys() : origy = float(params['parameters']["base_coord_y"]) elif filearray.suffix == GPU_2D_file_extensions.BIN.value: header.read_txt_header(str(filearray)) return header header.dx = dx header.dy = dy header.origx = origx header.origy = origy header.nbx = nbx header.nby = nby return header
[docs] def get_all_numpy(self) -> list[Path]: """ Get all numpy files """ all_numpy = [] for key, curdict in self._flat_configs: if GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value in curdict.keys(): if len(curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value])>0: if not curdict[IS_RESULTS]: all_numpy += curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value] else: logging.warning(_('Numpy files in simulation directory -- Ignored !')) return all_numpy
[docs] def get_all_tif(self) -> list[Path]: """ Get all tif files """ all_tif = [] for key, curdict in self._flat_configs: if GPU_2D_file_extensions.TIF.value in curdict.keys(): if len(curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.TIF.value])>0: all_tif += curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.TIF.value] return all_tif
[docs] def get_all_sims(self) -> list[Path]: """ Get all simulation files """ all_sims = [] for key, curdict in self._flat_configs: if IS_SIMUL in curdict.keys(): if curdict[IS_SIMUL]: all_sims.append(curdict['path']) return all_sims
[docs] def _flatten_configs(self) -> list[dict]: """ flatten configs """ def _flatten(curdict:dict, ret:list): """ flatten a dict """ for key, val in curdict.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): ret.append((key, val)) _flatten(val, ret) self._flat_configs = [] _flatten(self.configs, self._flat_configs)
[docs] def check_consistency(self) -> str: """ Check consistency of all files All numpy files must have the same shape as the tif file in the root directory All hydrographs must have the same number of columns """'Checking consistency of all files except simulation results...\n'))'NPY files...')) numpyfiles = self.get_all_numpy()'Number of numpy files : {}'.format(len(numpyfiles)))) log = '' for curnpy in numpyfiles: # test if the shape of the numpy file is the same as the tif file # using memmap to avoid loading the whole array in memory -> faster arr = np.lib.format.open_memmap(curnpy, mode='r') if arr.shape != (self._header.nbx, self._header.nby): loclog = _('Bad shape for {} !'.format(curnpy)) log += loclog + '\n' logging.warning(loclog) del(arr)'Hydrographs...')) hydro = self.get_hydrographs() nb = hydro[0].data.shape[1]'Number of hydrographs : {}'.format(len(hydro)))) for curhydro in hydro: if[1] != nb: loclog = _('Bad number of columns for {} !'.format(curhydro[0]._filename)) log += loclog + '\n' logging.warning(loclog) return log
# Analyze files # -------------
[docs] def _find_files_subdirs(self, wd:Path, curdict:dict): """ Recherche des fichiers de simulation/scenario dans un répertoire """ # create list for all extensions self._prefill_dict(curdict) curdict['path'] = wd # scan each file for curel in scandir(wd): if curel.is_file(): if not'__'): parts=splitext(curel) if len(parts)==2: ext = parts[1] if ext in ALL_EXTENSIONS: locpath = Path(curel.path) if ext == GPU_2D_file_extensions.PY.value: # test if it is a WOLF update file if check_file_update(locpath): curdict[ext][WOLF_UPDATE].append(locpath) elif check_file_bc(locpath): curdict[ext][WOLF_BC].append(locpath) else: curdict[ext][OTHER_SCRIPTS].append(locpath) else: # ajout du fichier dans la liste curdict[ext].append(locpath) else: pass elif curel.is_dir(): if'__'): pass elif == RESULT_DIR: curdict[HAS_RESULTS] = True else: curdict[SUBDIRS].append(Path( # test if it is a simulation self._test_is_simul(curdict) # test if it is a scenario self._test_is_scenario(curdict) # test if it is a results directory self._test_is_results(curdict)
[docs] def _recursive_find_files(self, wd:Path, curdict:dict): """ Recherche récursive des fichiers de simulation/scenario dans les répertoires dont la structure a été traduite en dictionnaire """ if len(curdict.keys())>0: for k in curdict.keys(): self._recursive_find_files(k, curdict[k]) if not '__' in self._find_files_subdirs(wd, curdict)
[docs] def _prefill_dict(self, curdict:dict): """ Création des listes pour toutes les extensions """ for ext in ALL_EXTENSIONS: if ext == GPU_2D_file_extensions.PY.value: curdict[ext] = {} curdict[ext][WOLF_UPDATE] = [] curdict[ext][WOLF_BC] = [] curdict[ext][OTHER_SCRIPTS] = [] else: curdict[ext] = [] curdict[IS_SIMUL] = False curdict[IS_SCENARIO] = False curdict[IS_RESULTS] = False curdict[HAS_RESULTS] = False curdict[MISSING] = [] curdict[SUBDIRS] = [] curdict['path'] = None
[docs] def _test_is_simul(self, curdict:dict): """ Teste si le répertoire contient des fichiers de simulation """ ok = True # présence du fichier de paramètres if GPU_2D_file_extensions.JSON.value in curdict.keys(): ok &= ( in [ for cur in curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.JSON.value]] if ok: json_data = json.load(open(curdict['path'] / (, 'r')) else: curdict['missing'].append(GPU_2D_file_extensions.JSON.value) ok = False if ok: # Présence des fichiers de calcul if GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value in curdict.keys(): path_bath = curdict['path'] / Path(json_data['maps']['bathymetry']) ok &= path_bath.exists() path_mann = curdict['path'] / Path(json_data['maps']['manning']) ok &= path_mann.exists() path_nap = curdict['path'] / Path(json_data['maps']['NAP']) ok &= path_nap.exists() path_h = curdict['path'] / Path(json_data['maps']['h']) ok &= path_h.exists() path_qx = curdict['path'] / Path(json_data['maps']['qx']) ok &= path_qx.exists() path_qy = curdict['path'] / Path(json_data['maps']['qy']) ok &= path_qy.exists() if 'infiltration_zones' in json_data['maps'].keys(): path_infil = curdict['path'] / Path(json_data['maps']['infiltration_zones']) ok &= path_infil.exists() if not ok: curdict['missing'].append(GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value) # for curfile in GPU_2D_file: # if curfile.value.extension == GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value: # ok &= ( + curfile.value.extension).lower() in [ for cur in curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value]] else: curdict['missing'].append(GPU_2D_file_extensions.NPY.value) ok = False else: pass curdict[IS_SIMUL] = ok
[docs] def _test_is_scenario(self, curdict:dict): """ Teste si le répertoire contient des fichiers de scénario """ ok = False ok |= len(curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.TIF.value])>0 ok |= len(curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.TIFF.value])>0 for sublist in curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.PY.value].values(): ok |= len(sublist)>0 curdict[IS_SCENARIO] = ok
[docs] def _test_is_results(self, curdict:dict): """ Teste si le répertoire contient des fichiers de résultats """ ok = False # test du fichier 'metadata.json' if GPU_2D_file_extensions.JSON.value in curdict.keys(): for curfile in curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.JSON.value]: ok = == 'metadata.json' if ok: break curdict[IS_RESULTS] = ok
[docs] def find_files(self): """ Recehrche des fichiers de simulation/scenario dans les répertoires dont la structure a été traduite en dictionnaire """ if =='': logging.warning(_('Nothing to do !')) return self._recursive_find_files(self.workingdir, self.configs) self._flatten_configs() # initialisation du header self._header = self.get_header()
# Assembly # --------
[docs] def get_tree(self, from_path:Path) -> list[Path]: """ Get tree from a path Fnd all directories from the current path to the working directory """ curtree = [from_path] while str(from_path) != str(self.workingdir): from_path = from_path.parent curtree.insert(0, from_path) return curtree
[docs] def get_dicts(self, from_tree:list[Path]) -> list[dict]: """ Get dicts from a tree """ curdict = [self.configs] for curpath in from_tree[1:]: curdict.append(curdict[-1][curpath]) return curdict
[docs] def _select_tif_partname(self, curdict:dict, tifstr:Literal['bath', 'mann']): """ Select tif files with a 'str' in their name """ tif_list = [curtif for curtif in curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.TIF.value] if tifstr in] return tif_list
[docs] def check_nodata(self, from_path:Path): """ Check nodata in a path """ curtree = self.get_tree(from_path) curdicts = self.get_dicts(curtree) # tous les fichiers tif -> list of lists all_tif_bath = [self._select_tif_partname(curdict, 'bath') for curdict in curdicts] all_tif_mann = [self._select_tif_partname(curdict, 'mann') for curdict in curdicts] all_tif_infil = [self._select_tif_partname(curdict, 'infil') for curdict in curdicts] # flatten list of lists all_tif_bath = [curel for curlist in all_tif_bath if len(curlist)>0 for curel in curlist] all_tif_mann = [curel for curlist in all_tif_mann if len(curlist)>0 for curel in curlist] all_tif_infil = [curel for curlist in all_tif_infil if len(curlist)>0 for curel in curlist] for cur_lst in [all_tif_bath, all_tif_mann, all_tif_infil]: for cur_tif in cur_lst: curarray:WolfArray = WolfArray(cur_tif) if curarray.nullvalue != 99999.: curarray.nullvalue = 99999. curarray.set_nullvalue_in_mask() curarray.write_all() logging.warning(_('Bad nodata value for {} !'.format(
[docs] def create_vrt(self, from_path:Path): """ Create a vrt file from a path """'Checking virtual files...'))'Checking nodata values...')) self.check_nodata(from_path) curtree = self.get_tree(from_path) curdicts = self.get_dicts(curtree) # tous les fichiers tif -> list of lists all_tif_bath = [self._select_tif_partname(curdict, 'bath') for curdict in curdicts] all_tif_mann = [self._select_tif_partname(curdict, 'mann') for curdict in curdicts] all_tif_infil = [self._select_tif_partname(curdict, 'infil') for curdict in curdicts] # flatten list of lists all_tif_bath = [curel for curlist in all_tif_bath if len(curlist)>0 for curel in curlist] all_tif_mann = [curel for curlist in all_tif_mann if len(curlist)>0 for curel in curlist] all_tif_infil = [curel for curlist in all_tif_infil if len(curlist)>0 for curel in curlist] # création du fichier vrt create_vrt_from_files_first_based(all_tif_bath, from_path / '__bath_assembly.vrt') create_vrt_from_files_first_based(all_tif_mann, from_path / '__mann_assembly.vrt') if len(all_tif_infil)>0: create_vrt_from_files_first_based(all_tif_infil, from_path / '__infil_assembly.vrt')
[docs] def create_vec(self, from_path:Path, which:Literal['bath', 'mann', 'infil'] = 'bath') -> Zones: """ Create a vec file from a path """ assert which in ['bath', 'mann', 'infil'] curtree = self.get_tree(from_path) curdicts = self.get_dicts(curtree) # tous les fichiers tif -> list of lists all_tif = [self._select_tif_partname(curdict, which) for curdict in curdicts] # création du fichier vect new_zones = Zones(idx =, parent=self) for cur_list in all_tif: if len(cur_list)>0:'Treating {} files...'.format(len(cur_list)))) for curtif in cur_list:'Start : {} file...'.format( new_zone = zone(name =, parent = new_zones) new_zones.add_zone(new_zone) curarray = WolfArray(curtif) curarray.nullify_border(width=1) sux, sux, curvect, interior = curarray.suxsuy_contour() new_zone.add_vector(curvect, forceparent=True) curvect.set_legend_to_centroid( curvect.myprop.color = getIfromRGB((0, 0, 255)) curvect.myprop.width = 3 bounds = curarray.get_bounds() bounds_vec = vector(name='bounds') bounds_vec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0])) bounds_vec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(bounds[0][1], bounds[1][0])) bounds_vec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(bounds[0][1], bounds[1][1])) bounds_vec.add_vertex(wolfvertex(bounds[0][0], bounds[1][1])) bounds_vec.close_force() bounds_vec.myprop.color = getIfromRGB((255, 0, 0)) bounds_vec.myprop.width = 3 new_zone.add_vector(bounds_vec, forceparent=True)'End : {} file...'.format( new_zones.find_minmax(update=True) new_zones.saveas(str(from_path / (which +'_assembly.vecz')))'End of {which}_assembly.vecz creation !')) return new_zones
[docs] def translate_vrt2tif(self, from_path:Path): """ Translate vrt to tif """ vrtin = ['__bath_assembly.vrt', '__mann_assembly.vrt', '__infil_assembly.vrt'] fout = ['__bathymetry.tif' , '__manning.tif', '__infiltration.tif'] for curin, curout in zip(vrtin, fout): if (from_path / curin).exists(): translate_vrt2tif(from_path / curin, from_path / curout)
[docs] def _import_scripts_topo_manning(self, from_path:Path) -> list[types.ModuleType]: """ find all scripts from/up a path """ curtree = self.get_tree(from_path) curdicts = self.get_dicts(curtree) # tous les fichiers .py -> list of lists all_py = [curpy for curdict in curdicts for curpy in curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.PY.value][WOLF_UPDATE]] # import des modules imported_modules = import_files(all_py) return imported_modules
[docs] def _apply_scripts_update_topo_maning_inf(self, modules:list[types.ModuleType], array_bat:WolfArray, array_mann:WolfArray, array_inf:WolfArray): """ Apply all scripts from a list of modules """ for curmod in modules: instmod = curmod.Update_Sim_Scenario() instmod.update_topobathy(array_bat) instmod.update_manning(array_mann) instmod.update_infiltration(array_inf)
[docs] def _import_scripts_bc(self, from_path:Path) -> list[types.ModuleType]: """ find all scripts from/up a path """ curtree = self.get_tree(from_path) curdicts = self.get_dicts(curtree) # tous les fichiers .py -> list of lists all_py = [curpy for curdict in curdicts for curpy in curdict[GPU_2D_file_extensions.PY.value][WOLF_BC]] # import des modules imported_modules = import_files(all_py) return imported_modules
[docs] def _apply_scripts_bc(self, modules:list[types.ModuleType], sim:SimpleSimulation): """ Apply all scripts from a list of modules """ for curmod in modules: curmod.Impose_BC_Scenario().impose_bc(sim)
[docs] def load_hydrograph(self, path:Path, toplot=True) -> tuple[Hydrograph_scenario, plt.Figure, plt.Axes]: """ Load hydrograph from a path """ hydro = Hydrograph_scenario(path) fig,ax = None, None if toplot: fig,ax = hydro.plot() return hydro, fig, ax
[docs] def load_ic(self, path:Path) -> InitialConditions_scenario: """ Load initial conditions from a path """ low_keys = [Path(curkey).name.lower() for curkey in self.configs.keys()] if INITIAL_CONDITIONS in low_keys: return InitialConditions_scenario(self.workingdir / INITIAL_CONDITIONS / path) else: return None
[docs] def get_hydrographs(self) -> list[Hydrograph]: """ Get all hydrographs""" all_hydro = [] low_keys = [Path(curkey).name.lower() for curkey in self.configs.keys()] if DISCHARGES in low_keys: curkey = [curkey for curkey in self.configs.keys()][low_keys.index(DISCHARGES)] list_hydro = self.configs[curkey][GPU_2D_file_extensions.TXT.value] for curq in list_hydro: all_hydro.append(self.load_hydrograph(curq, toplot=False)[0]) return all_hydro
[docs] def get_initial_conditions(self) -> list[InitialConditions_scenario]: """ Get all initial conditions """ low_keys = [Path(curkey).name.lower() for curkey in self.configs.keys()] if INITIAL_CONDITIONS in low_keys: return [self.load_ic(curpath) for curpath in self.configs.keys()[low_keys.index(INITIAL_CONDITIONS)]] else: return []
[docs] def get_names_hydrographs(self) -> list[str]: all_hydros = self.get_hydrographs() names = [ for curhydro in all_hydros] return names
[docs] def get_name_initial_conditions(self) -> list[str]: low_keys = [Path(curkey).name.lower() for curkey in self.configs.keys()] names = [] if INITIAL_CONDITIONS in low_keys: dirdict = self.configs[list(self.configs.keys())[low_keys.index(INITIAL_CONDITIONS)]][SUBDIRS] names = [ for curpath in dirdict] return names
[docs] def create_void_infil(self): """ create void infiltration_zones file """ if (self.workingdir / 'bathymetry.tif').exists(): locheader = self.get_header() infilzones = WolfArray(srcheader=locheader, whichtype= WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER)[:,:] = 0 infilzones.nullvalue = -1 infilzones.write_all(str(self.workingdir / 'infiltration.tif')) if (self.workingdir / 'infiltration.tif').exists():'infiltration.tif created and set to -1 ! -- Please edit it !')) else: logging.error(_("infiltration.tif not created ! -- Does 'bathymetry.tif' or any '.tif' file exist in the root directory ?")) else: logging.error(_("No 'bathymetry.tif' file found in the root directory !"))
[docs] def create_simulation(self, dir:Path, idx_hydros:list[int] = [-1], delete_existing:bool = False, preserve_ic:bool=False) -> list[Path]: """ Create a simulation from different hydrographs """ if isinstance(dir, str): dir = Path(dir) # test if dir is in the tree dirs_key = [key for key, curdict in self._flat_configs] dirs_dict = [curdict for key, curdict in self._flat_configs] if not dir in dirs_key: logging.error(_('Directory {} not found ! - Aborting !'.format(dir))) return # dictionnaire associé au scénario du répertoire scen_dict = dirs_dict[dirs_key.index(dir)] # search for hydrographs hydros = self.get_hydrographs() names = self.get_names_hydrographs() if idx_hydros == [-1]: idx_hydros = list(range(len(hydros))) maxhydro = max(idx_hydros) minhydro = min(idx_hydros) if maxhydro >= len(hydros): logging.error(_('Index {} too high ! - Aborting !'.format(maxhydro))) return if minhydro < 0: logging.error(_('Index {} too low ! - Aborting !'.format(minhydro))) return # select hydrographs used_hydros = [hydros[curidx] for curidx in idx_hydros] used_names = [names[curidx] for curidx in idx_hydros] ic_available = self.get_name_initial_conditions() used_ic = [] for curname in used_names: if curname in ic_available: used_ic.append(self.load_ic(curname)) else: used_ic.append(None) if len(used_hydros)==0: logging.error(_('No hydrograph selected ! - Aborting !')) return # create subdirectories for each hydrograph used_dirs = [Path(dir / ('simulations/sim_' + curname)) for curname in used_names] for curdir in used_dirs: if curdir.exists(): if delete_existing:'Directory {} already exists ! -- Deleting it !'.format(curdir))) try: delete_folder(curdir) except: logging.error(_('Directory {} not deleted !'.format(curdir))) else:'Directory {} already exists ! -- Using it'.format(curdir))) else:'Creating directory {} !'.format(curdir))) curdir.mkdir(parents=True) # Assembly of bathymetry, manning and infiltration if exists self.create_vrt(dir) self.translate_vrt2tif(dir) quit = False if not (dir / '__bathymetry.tif').exists(): logging.error(_('No __bathymetry.tif found !')) quit = True if not (dir / '__manning.tif').exists(): logging.error(_('No __manning.tif found !')) quit = True if quit: logging.error(_('Bas assembly operation -- Simulation creation aborted !')) return bat = WolfArray(str(dir / '__bathymetry.tif')) man = WolfArray(str(dir / '__manning.tif')) # check for infiltration if exists(dir / '__infiltration.tif'): infiltration = WolfArray(str(dir / '__infiltration.tif')) if infiltration.wolftype != WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER: logging.error(_('Infiltration .tif must be a full integer array ! -- The array will be ignored !')) infiltration = WolfArray(srcheader=bat.get_header(), whichtype= WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER)[:,:] = 0 else: infiltration = WolfArray(srcheader=bat.get_header(), whichtype= WOLF_ARRAY_FULL_INTEGER)[:,:] = 0 # applying Python scrpitps on ARRAYS self._apply_scripts_update_topo_maning_inf(self._import_scripts_topo_manning(dir), bat, man, infiltration) # save arrays on disk bat.write_all(str(dir / '__bathymetry_after_scripts.tif')) man.write_all(str(dir / '__manning_after_scripts.tif')) infiltration.write_all(str(dir / '__infiltration_after_scripts.tif')) # create simulation allsims = [] for curdir, curhydro, curic in zip(used_dirs, used_hydros, used_ic): # instanciation de la simulation cursim = SimpleSimulation(self._header.nbx, self._header.nby) # paramétrage spatial cursim.param_dx = self._header.dx cursim.param_dy = self._header.dy cursim.param_base_coord_ll_x = self._header.origx cursim.param_base_coord_ll_y = self._header.origy # paramétrage hydraulique/numérique cursim.param_courant = .4 cursim.param_runge_kutta = .5 # associating arrays to simulation cursim.bathymetry = cursim.manning = cursim.nap = np.zeros((self._header.nbx, self._header.nby), dtype=np.uint8) cursim.nap[cursim.bathymetry != 99999.] = 1 if curic is None: if not preserve_ic: cursim.h = np.zeros((self._header.nbx, self._header.nby), dtype=np.float32) cursim.qx = np.zeros((self._header.nbx, self._header.nby), dtype=np.float32) cursim.qy = np.zeros((self._header.nbx, self._header.nby), dtype=np.float32) else: if (curdir / 'h.npy').exists(): cursim.h = np.load(curdir / 'h.npy') else: cursim.h = np.zeros((self._header.nbx, self._header.nby), dtype=np.float32) if (curdir / 'qx.npy').exists(): cursim.qx = np.load(curdir / 'qx.npy') else: cursim.qx = np.zeros((self._header.nbx, self._header.nby), dtype=np.float32) if (curdir / 'qy.npy').exists(): cursim.qy = np.load(curdir / 'qy.npy') else: cursim.qy = np.zeros((self._header.nbx, self._header.nby), dtype=np.float32) else: if curic.h is not None: cursim.h = curic.h else: cursim.h = np.zeros((self._header.nbx, self._header.nby), dtype=np.float32) if curic.qx is not None: cursim.qx = curic.qx else: cursim.qx = np.zeros((self._header.nbx, self._header.nby), dtype=np.float32) if curic.qy is not None: cursim.qy = curic.qy else: cursim.qy = np.zeros((self._header.nbx, self._header.nby), dtype=np.float32) cursim.infiltration_zones = np.asarray(, dtype=np.int32) # add hydrograph for idx, curline in cursim.add_infiltration(float(idx), [float(cur) for cur in curline.values]) if[-1] == 0: cursim.param_duration = SimulationDuration(SimulationDurationType.SECONDS, float(86400)) cursim.add_infiltration(float(86400), [float(cur) for cur in curline.values]) elif[-1]==999999.: cursim.param_duration = SimulationDuration(SimulationDurationType.SECONDS, float(86400)) else: cursim.param_duration = SimulationDuration(SimulationDurationType.SECONDS, float([-1])) # check for infiltration zones vs hydrograph hydro = cursim.infiltrations_chronology nb_zones = len(hydro[0][1]) if infiltration.array.max() != nb_zones: logging.error(_('You must have {} Infiltration zones but {} are defined!'.format(nb_zones, infiltration.array.max()))) return # default reporting period cursim._param_report_period = SimulationDuration.from_seconds(3600) # applying Python scrpitps on SIMULATION --> Boundary conditions self._apply_scripts_bc(self._import_scripts_bc(dir), cursim) # cursim.h[cursim.infiltration_zones > 0] = .5 # save simulation'Simulation {} created !'.format(curdir))) with open(curdir / 'quickrun.bat', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(str( + '\n') f.write('cd {}\n'.format(str(curdir.parent))) f.write('wolfgpu -quickrun ' + str( + '\n') # f.write("from pathlib import Path\n") # f.write("from wolfgpu.simple_simulation import SimpleSimulation\n") # f.write("from wolfgpu.SimulationRunner import SimulationRunner\n") # f.write("from wolfgpu.glsimulation import ResultsStore\n\n") # f.write("def main():\n") # f.write("\tsim = SimpleSimulation.load(Path(__file__).parent)\n") # f.write("\tresult_store:ResultsStore = SimulationRunner.quick_run(sim, Path(__file__).parent)") # f.write("\n\nif __name__ == '__main__':\n") # f.write("\tmain()\n") allsims.append(curdir / 'quickrun.bat')'Simulation creation finished !')) logging.warning(_('Do not forget to update/set the boundary conditions if not set by scripts !')) return allsims
[docs] def create_batch(self, path:Path, allsims:list[Path]) -> str: """ Create a batch file """ if len(allsims) == 0: return batch = '' batch += str(allsims[0].drive) + '\n' for cursim in allsims: cursim:Path batch += 'cd {}\n'.format(str(cursim.parent)) batch += str( + '\n' with open(path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(batch) return batch
[docs] def run_batch(self, batch:Path): """ run a batch file in a subprocess """ if not batch.exists(): logging.error(_('Batch file {} does not exist !'.format(batch))) return if not batch.is_file(): logging.error(_('Batch file {} is not a file !'.format(batch))) return if batch.suffix != '.bat': logging.error(_('Batch file {} is not a .bat file !'.format(batch))) return import subprocess # Execute the batch file in a separate process subprocess.Popen(str(batch), shell=True)
[docs] def get_mapviewer(self): """ Get the mapviewer object """ return self.mapviewer
[docs] def transfer_ic(self, dir1: Path, dir2: Path): """ Transfer IC from one sim to another """ ic1 = self.load_ic(dir1) ic2 = self.load_ic(dir2) ic2.qx = ic1.qx ic2.qy = ic1.qy ic2.set_h_from_z(ic1.z_elevation)
[docs] def extract_tif(self, from_path:Path, to_path:Path): """ Extract tif files from IC """ from_path = Path(from_path) to_path = Path(to_path) prefix = + '_' + + '_' + ext = ['h.npy', 'qx.npy', 'qy.npy', 'bathymetry.npy'] for curext in ext: tmp_array = WolfArray(from_path / curext) tmp_array.write_all((to_path / (prefix + '_' + curext)).with_suffix('.tif'))
[docs] class UI_Manager_2D_GPU(): """ User Interface for scenario 2D GPU """ def __init__(self, data:dict, parent:Config_Manager_2D_GPU) -> None: self._parent = parent self._batch = None self.create_UI() # Fill tree with data self._append_configs2tree(data, self._root) self._txtctrl.Clear() self._txtctrl.write(str(self._parent._header)) self._wp:dict[SimpleSimulation, Wolf_Param] = {}
[docs] def refill_data(self, data:dict): """ Fill tree with data """ # la fenêtre est déjà ouverte self._treelist.DeleteAllItems() self._txtctrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self._txtctrl.SetForegroundColour(wx.BLACK) self._txtctrl.Clear() # Fill tree with data self._append_configs2tree(data, self._root)
[docs] def create_UI(self): """ Création de l'interface graphique Partie latérale gauche - arbre des simulations Partie latérale droite - boutons d'actions Partie inférieure - affichage des informations """ # frame creation self._frame = wx.Frame(self._parent.get_mapviewer(), wx.ID_ANY, _('Scenario WOLF2D_GPU'), size=(800,800)) # sizers creation -- frame's structure sizer_updown = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer_horizontal = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) sizer_buttons = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL) sizer_txt_ckd = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL) # # Liste des chemins d'accès aux icônes # icon_paths = [] # icon_path = Path(__file__).parent / '..\\icons' # for curicon in scandir(icon_path): # if curicon.is_file(): # icon_paths.append(Path(curicon)) # # Création de l'objet wx.ImageList # image_list = wx.ImageList() # # Chargement des icônes dans l'image list # for path in icon_paths: # icon = wx.Icon(str(path), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG) # image_list.Add(icon) # tree creation self._treelist = TreeListCtrl(self._frame, style=dataview.TL_CHECKBOX| wx.TR_FULL_ROW_HIGHLIGHT | wx.TR_HAS_BUTTONS) # self._treelist.AssignImageList(image_list) # tree actions self._treelist.Bind(dataview.EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_CHECKED, self.OnCheckItem) # check/uncheck self._treelist.Bind(dataview.EVT_TREELIST_ITEM_ACTIVATED, self.OnActivateTreeElem) # double click # tree root self._root = self._treelist.GetRootItem() self._selected_item = None self._treelist.AppendColumn(_('2D GPU Models')) # multilines text control for information self._txtctrl = TextCtrl(self._frame, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE|wx.TE_BESTWRAP|wx.TE_RICH) # Action buttons # -------------- self._reload = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Reload/Update structure')) self._reload.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onupdate_structure) self._reload.SetToolTip(_('reScan the directory and reload the entire structure')) self._create_void_infil = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Create .tif infiltration zones')) self._create_void_infil.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.oncreate_void_infil) self._create_void_infil.SetToolTip(_('Create a void infiltration zones file based on bathymetry.tif')) self._create_void_scripts = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Create void scripts')) self._create_void_scripts.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.oncreate_void_scripts) self._create_void_scripts.SetToolTip(_('Create void script files for topography, manning and infiltration')) self._create_vrt = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Assembly .vrt to current level')) self._create_vrt.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.oncreatevrt) self._create_vrt.SetToolTip(_('Create a .vrt file from all bathymetry and manning .tif files\nBe sure that all files are right named !\n\n - bathymetry must contain "bath"\n - manning must contain "mann"\n - infiltration must contain "infil"')) self._translate_vrt = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Translate .vrt to .tif')) self._translate_vrt.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.ontranslatevrt2tif) self._translate_vrt.SetToolTip(_('Translate .vrt files to .tif files\n\n - __bath_assembly.vrt -> __bathymetry.tif\n - __mann_assembly.vrt -> __manning.tif\n - __infil_assembly.vrt -> __infiltration.tif')) self._create_vec = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Search spatial coverage from current level')) self._create_vec.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.oncreatevec) self._create_vec.SetToolTip(_('Create a .vecz file (with contour and global bounds) from all bathymetry and manning .tif files\nBe sure that all files are right named !\n\n - bathymetry must contain "bath"\n - manning must contain "mann"\n - infiltration must contain "infil"')) self._checkconsistency = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Check consistency')) self._checkconsistency.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.oncheck_consistency) self._checkconsistency.SetToolTip(_('Check consistency of the scenario\n\n - bathymetry.tif\n - manning.tif\n - infiltration.tif\n - hydrographs\n - initial conditions\n - boundary conditions\n - scripts')) self._createsim = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Create simulation(s)')) self._createsim.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.oncreate_simulation) self._createsim.SetToolTip(_('Create simulation(s) from selected hydrographs')) self._transfer_ic = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Transfer initial conditions')) self._transfer_ic.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.ontransfer_ic) self._transfer_ic.SetToolTip(_('Transfer initial conditions from a simulation to another')) self._extract_tif = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Extract .tif files for all selected scenarios')) self._extract_tif.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onextract_tif) self._extract_tif.SetToolTip(_('Extract .tif files for all selected scenarios')) self._runbatch = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('Run batch file !')) self._runbatch.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onrun_batch) self._runbatch.SetToolTip(_('Run the batch file on local machine\n\n - The batch file must be created before\n - The batch file must be a .bat file')) self.listsims = wx.Button(self._frame,label = _('List simulation(s)')) self.listsims.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON,self.onlist_simulation) self.listsims.SetToolTip(_('List all simulations and print them in the text control')) # Text control # ------------ self.epsilon = wx.TextCtrl(self._frame, value='0.01', style=wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER | wx.TE_CENTER) self.epsilon.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT_ENTER, self.onchange_epsilon) self.epsilon.SetToolTip(_('Epsilon value\nValues below this threshold will be considered as 0.0\n\nPress Enter to validate')) # checkbox control # ---------------- self.filter = wx.CheckBox(self._frame, label=_('Filter independent zones'), style=wx.CHK_2STATE) self.filter.SetValue(True) self.filter.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.onchange_filter) self.filter.SetToolTip(_('Filter independent zones\nFirst a labelling will be applied\nThen only the most important zone is kept\nThe others are set to 0.0')) sizer_txt_ckd.Add(self.filter, 1, wx.EXPAND) sizer_txt_ckd.Add(self.epsilon, 1, wx.EXPAND) # Positions # --------- # buttons -> sizer sizer_buttons.Add(self._reload,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self._create_void_infil,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self._create_void_scripts,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self._create_vrt,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self._translate_vrt,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self._checkconsistency,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self._create_vec,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self.listsims,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self._createsim,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self._runbatch,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self._transfer_ic,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(self._extract_tif,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_buttons.Add(sizer_txt_ckd,1,wx.EXPAND) # tree, buttons -> horizontal sizer sizer_horizontal.Add(self._treelist,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_horizontal.Add(sizer_buttons,1,wx.EXPAND) # txt_ctrl, (tree, buttons) -> updown sizer sizer_updown.Add(sizer_horizontal,1,wx.EXPAND) sizer_updown.Add(self._txtctrl,1,wx.EXPAND) # link sizer to frame self._frame.SetSizer(sizer_updown) if self._parent.get_mapviewer() is not None: self._frame.SetIcon(self._parent.get_mapviewer().GetIcon()) # Layout self._frame.Layout() # Set the position to the center of the screen self._frame.Centre(wx.BOTH) # Show self._frame.Show()
[docs] def onchange_epsilon(self, e:wx.KeyEvent): """ Change epsilon value """ try: epsilon = float(self.epsilon.GetValue()) self._parent.epsilon = epsilon except: logging.error(_('Epsilon value must be a float -- set 0.0 by default !')) self._parent.epsilon = 0.
[docs] def onchange_filter(self, e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Change filter independent zones value """ self._parent.filter_independent = self.filter.GetValue()
[docs] def onupdate_structure(self,e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Mise à jour de la structure """ self._parent.load_data()
[docs] def oncreate_void_infil(self, e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Création d'un fichier d'infiltration vide """ self._parent.create_void_infil() self._parent.load_data()
[docs] def oncreate_void_scripts(self,e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Création d'un script vide """ def_dir = str(self._parent.workingdir) if isinstance(self._selected_item, Path): def_dir = str(self._selected_item.parent) dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, _('Choose a scenario directory'), style = wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST, defaultPath=def_dir) #, wildcard = 'Python script (*.py)|*.py') ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return wdir = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() file_update = Path(wdir) / '' if file_update.exists(): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('File {} already exists ! \n Overwrite ?'.format(file_update)), _('Warning'), wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_YES: dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose a new file name'), style = wx.FD_SAVE, defaultDir=wdir, defaultFile='_'+str(, wildcard = 'Python script (*.py)|*.py') ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return file_update = Path(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() update_void(file_update) file_bc = Path(wdir) / '' if file_bc.exists(): dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('File {} already exists ! \n Overwrite ?'.format(file_bc)), _('Warning'), wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_YES: dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose a new file name'), style = wx.FD_SAVE, defaultDir=wdir, defaultFile='_'+str(, wildcard = 'Python script (*.py)|*.py') ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return file_update = Path(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() bc_void(file_bc) self._parent.load_data()
[docs] def oncreatevrt(self,e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Création d'un fichier vrt """'Creating vrt ...')) mydata = self._treelist.GetItemData(self._selected_item) # création du fichier vrt self._parent.create_vrt(mydata['path'])'... done !'))
[docs] def oncreatevec(self,e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Création d'un fichier vec """'Creating vecz ...')) mydata = self._treelist.GetItemData(self._selected_item) if not 'path' in mydata: logging.error(_('Please select a scenario to analyze !')) return # création du fichier vrt new_zones = self._parent.create_vec(mydata['path'])'... done !')) dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Do you want to add the new zones to the map ?'), _('Warning'), wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret == wx.ID_YES: new_zones.set_mapviewer() cur_ids = self._parent.mapviewer.get_list_keys(drawing_type=draw_type.VECTORS) newid = mydata['path'].name while newid in cur_ids: newid = newid + '_' self._parent.mapviewer.add_object('vector', newobj = new_zones, id=newid) self._parent.mapviewer.Refresh() dlg.Destroy()
[docs] def ontranslatevrt2tif(self,e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Traduction d'un fichier vrt en tif """'Translating vrt to tif ...')) mydata = self._treelist.GetItemData(self._selected_item) # création du fichier vrt self._parent.translate_vrt2tif(mydata['path'])'... done !'))
[docs] def oncheck_consistency(self,e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Vérification de la cohérence des fichiers """ self._txtctrl.Clear() log = self._parent.check_consistency() if log =='': self._txtctrl.WriteText(_("All is fine !")) else: self._txtctrl.WriteText(log)
[docs] def choice_hydrograph(self) -> list[int]: names = self._parent.get_names_hydrographs() dlg = wx.MultiChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose hydrograph'), _('Hydrographs'), names) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return None idx = dlg.GetSelections() dlg.Destroy() return idx
[docs] def onextract_tif(self, e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Extraction des fichiers tif """'Extracting tif files ...')) sims = self.get_sims_only() with wx.DirDialog(None, _('Choose a directory to store tif files'), style = wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST) as dlg: ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: return wdir = dlg.GetPath() for cursim in sims: self._parent.extract_tif(cursim['path'], wdir)'... done !'))
[docs] def ontransfer_ic(self, e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Transfert des conditions initiales """'Transferring initial conditions ...')) with wx.DirDialog(None, _('Choose the source scenario directory'), style = wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST) as dlg: ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: return wdir = dlg.GetPath() with wx.DirDialog(None, _('Choose the destination scenario directory'), style = wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST) as dlg: ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: return wdir2 = dlg.GetPath() self._parent.transfer_ic(Path(wdir), Path(wdir2))
[docs] def oncreate_simulation(self, e:wx.MouseEvent): """ Creation d'une simulation """'Creating simulation ...')) hydro = self.choice_hydrograph() if hydro is None: return if len(hydro)==0: return # Recherche du répertoire de base à ouvrir # utilisatation du répertoire sélectionné ou du répertoire parent/source # si aucun élément sélectionné ou si l'élément sélectionné n'est pas un dictionnaire if self._selected_item is None or self._selected_item == self._treelist.GetRootItem():'No item selected ! -- using root item')) mydata = self._parent.configs else: mydata = self._treelist.GetItemData(self._selected_item) if isinstance(mydata, dict): pass else:'The current activated item is not a dictionnary ! -- using root item')) mydata = self._parent.configs dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, _('Choose a scenario directory'), style = wx.DD_DIR_MUST_EXIST, defaultPath=str(mydata['path'])) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return path = dlg.GetPath() dlg.Destroy() dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Do you want to delete existing simulations ?'), _('Warning'), wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() destroy_if_exists = ret == wx.ID_YES dlg.Destroy() preserve_ic = False if not destroy_if_exists: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Do you want to preserve initial conditions ?'), _('Warning'), wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() preserve_ic = ret == wx.ID_YES dlg.Destroy() allsims = self._parent.create_simulation(Path(path), hydro, destroy_if_exists, preserve_ic) self._parent.load_data() if allsims is None: logging.error(_('No simulation created !')) return if len(allsims)>0: self._txtctrl.write(_('You have created {} simulations\n\n'.format(len(allsims)))) for cursim in allsims: self._txtctrl.write(str(cursim) + '\n') dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Do you want to create a batch file ?'), _('Warning'), wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() create_batch = ret == wx.ID_YES dlg.Destroy() if create_batch: dlg = wx.FileDialog(None, _('Choose a batch file name'), style = wx.FD_SAVE, defaultDir=str(path), defaultFile='quickruns.bat', wildcard = 'Batch file (*.bat)|*.bat') ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return batch = Path(dlg.GetPath()) dlg.Destroy() self._batch = batch batch = self._parent.create_batch(Path(batch), allsims) self._txtctrl.write('\n\n') self._txtctrl.write(_('You can run the simulations with the following commands / batch file :\n\n')) self._txtctrl.write(batch)'... done !'))
[docs] def onrun_batch(self,e:wx.MouseEvent): """ run batch file """ if self._batch is None: return self._parent.run_batch(self._batch)
[docs] def onlist_simulation(self,e:wx.MouseEvent): """ List all simulations and print infos in text control """ all_sims = self._parent.get_all_sims() self._txtctrl.Clear() self._txtctrl.write(_('You have {} simulations\n\n'.format(len(all_sims)))) self._txtctrl.write(_('List of simulations\n\n')) for cursim in all_sims: self._txtctrl.write(str(cursim) + '\n')
[docs] def get_sims_only(self, force=False): """ Get paths to all or selected simulations """ sims=[] curitem:TreeListItem curitem = self._treelist.GetFirstItem() while curitem.IsOk(): mydata = self._treelist.GetItemData(curitem) checked = self._treelist.GetCheckedState(curitem) == wx.CHK_CHECKED if isinstance(mydata, dict): if IS_SIMUL in mydata: if mydata[IS_SIMUL]: if checked or force: sims += [mydata] curitem = self._treelist.GetNextItem(curitem) # curitem = self._treelist.GetItemParent(curitem) return sims
[docs] def OnCheckItem(self,e): """ All levels under the item are checked/unchecked""" myitem = e.GetItem() ctrl = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) myparent:TreeListItem myparent = self._treelist.GetItemParent(myitem) mydata = self._treelist.GetItemData(myitem) check = self._treelist.GetCheckedState(myitem) self._treelist.CheckItemRecursively(myitem, check)
[docs] def _callbackwp(self): """ Callback for wolfparam """ for cursim in self._wp: curwp = self._wp[cursim] if curwp is not None: try: if curwp.Shown: cursim.from_wolfparam(curwp) cursim.save_json() except Exception as e: self._wp[cursim] = None logging.debug(_('Error while saving parameters for simulation {}'.format( logging.debug(str(e))
[docs] def _callbackwp_destroy(self): """ Callback for wolfparam """ for cursim in self._wp: curwp = self._wp[cursim] if curwp is not None: try: if curwp.Shown: cursim.from_wolfparam(curwp) cursim.save_json() except Exception as e: self._wp[cursim] = None logging.debug(_('Error while saving parameters for simulation {}'.format( logging.debug(str(e))
[docs] def OnActivateTreeElem(self, e): """ If you double click on a tree element """ myitem:TreeListItem myitem = e.GetItem() self._selected_item = myitem # State of the CTRL key # - True if pressed # - False if not pressed ctrl = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_CONTROL) shift = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_SHIFT) alt = wx.GetKeyState(wx.WXK_ALT) # Upstream tree element myparent = self._treelist.GetItemParent(myitem) # State of the item - Checked or not check = self._treelist.GetCheckedState(myitem) # Data associated with the item mydata = self._treelist.GetItemData(myitem) self._txtctrl.Clear() self._txtctrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self._txtctrl.SetForegroundColour(wx.BLACK) if isinstance(mydata, dict): self._txtctrl.write(_('Yous have selected : {}\n\n'.format(str(mydata['path'])))) if mydata[IS_SIMUL]: self._txtctrl.write(_('GPU SIMULATION\n\n')) if ctrl and not shift and not alt: # CTRL pressed # - Open the simulation in the viewer'Opening simulation {}'.format(mydata['path'].name))) ids = self._parent.mapviewer.get_list_keys(draw_type.RES2D) newid = str(mydata['path'].name) while newid.lower() in ids: dlg = wx.TextEntryDialog(None, _('Choose a name for the new object'), _('Name'), str(mydata['path'].name) + '_new') ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return newid = dlg.GetValue() dlg.Destroy()' Reading simulation data')) addedsim = wolfres2DGPU(str(mydata['path'] / 'simul_gpu_results'), eps=1e-5, idx=newid, mapviewer=self._parent.mapviewer) addedsim.epsilon = self._parent.epsilon addedsim._epsilon_default = self._parent.epsilon addedsim.to_filter_independent = self._parent.filter_independent' Adding simulation to the mapviewer')) self._parent.mapviewer.add_object('res2d_gpu', newobj=addedsim, id=newid) # add the related menus to the mapviewer self._parent.mapviewer.menu_wolf2d() self._parent.mapviewer.menu_2dgpu()' Reading last step')) addedsim.read_oneresult()' Coloring the map')) addedsim.set_currentview()'Simulation {} opened and added !'.format(mydata['path'].name))) elif shift and ctrl: # Ctrl + Shift pressed # Extract IC from a specific result and save it the current simulation'Extracting IC from a specific result and save it the current simulation')) res_path = mydata['path'] / 'simul_gpu_results' if res_path.exists(): store = ResultsStore(res_path, mode='r') dlg = wx.SingleChoiceDialog(None, _('Choose a result'), _('Results'), [str(cur) for cur in range(1, store.nb_results+1)]) ret = dlg.ShowModal() if ret != wx.ID_OK: dlg.Destroy() return idx = int(dlg.GetSelection()) dlg.Destroy() sim = SimpleSimulation.load(mydata['path']) sim.write_initial_condition_from_record(res_path, idx, mydata['path']) if self._parent.filter_independent:'Filtering independent zones')) self.filter_independent_zones(1, mydata['path']) else:'No filtering applied'))'IC extracted and saved !')) elif ctrl and alt: # ctrl + alt # Extract last result and save it as IC for the current simulation'Extracting last result and save it as IC for the current simulation')) res_path = mydata['path'] / 'simul_gpu_results' if res_path.exists(): store = ResultsStore(res_path, mode='r') idx = store.nb_results sim = SimpleSimulation.load(mydata['path']) sim.write_initial_condition_from_record(res_path, idx, mydata['path']) if self._parent.filter_independent:'Filtering independent zones')) self.filter_independent_zones(1, mydata['path']) else:'No filtering applied'))'IC extracted and saved !')) elif shift: # shift pressed # show the parameters of the simulation'Opening parameters for simulation {}'.format(mydata['path'].name))) sim = SimpleSimulation.load(mydata['path']) wp = sim.to_wolfparam() self._wp[sim] = wp wp.set_callbacks(self._callbackwp, self._callbackwp_destroy) wp._set_gui(title='Parameters for simulation {}'.format(mydata['path'].name), toShow=False) wp.hide_selected_buttons() wp.Show() elif alt: # alt pressed # Extract last result and save it as General Initial conditions'Extracting last result and save it as General Initial conditions')) res_path = mydata['path'] / 'simul_gpu_results' if res_path.exists(): sim = SimpleSimulation.load(mydata['path']) destpath = self._parent.workingdir / 'initial_conditions' / mydata['path'].name.replace('sim_', '') sim.write_initial_condition_from_record(res_path, None, destpath) if self._parent.filter_independent:'Filtering independent zones')) self.filter_independent_zones(1, destpath) else:'No filtering applied'))'IC extracted and saved !')) else: self._txtctrl.write(_('\n\n CTRL + double click to open the simulation results in the UI')) self._txtctrl.write(_('\n SHIFT + double click to edit simulation parameters in the UI')) self._txtctrl.write(_('\n ALT + double click to extract last result as general initial conditions')) self._txtctrl.write(_('\n CTRL + ALT + double click to extract last result as initial conditions and update the simulation')) self._txtctrl.write(_('\n CTRL + SHIFT + double click to extract a specific result as initial conditions and update the simulation')) elif isinstance(mydata, list): def allfiles(curlist): """ Get all files from a list of files """ allfiles = '\n' for curfile in curlist: allfiles+= +'\n' return allfiles self._txtctrl.write(_('Yous have selected a list : {}'.format(allfiles(mydata)))) elif isinstance(mydata, Path): self._txtctrl.write(_('Yous have selected : {} \n\n'.format(str(mydata)))) if # script Python self._txtctrl.write(_('\n\n CTRL+ double click to open the script in the viewer (not an editor !)')) # Name of the item and its parent nameparent = self._treelist.GetItemText(myparent).lower() nameitem = self._treelist.GetItemText(myitem).lower() if nameparent == WOLF_UPDATE.lower() or nameparent == OTHER_SCRIPTS.lower() or nameparent == WOLF_BC.lower() : # script if ctrl : # CTRL pressed # - Open the script in the editor self._open_script(mydata, nameparent in [WOLF_UPDATE.lower(), WOLF_BC.lower()]) elif # fichier de paramètres if ctrl : # script with open(mydata, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: txt = json.load(file) self._txtctrl.write(str(txt)) else: self._txtctrl.write(_('\n\n CTRL+ double click to open the json file in the viewer (not an editor !)')) elif or or # proposition de chargement dans l'UI (pas de message si CTRL+double click) self._txtctrl.write(str(self._parent._get_header(mydata))) if self._parent.mapviewer is not None: if not ctrl: dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, _('Do you want to load the file in the mapviewer ?'), _('Load file'), wx.YES_NO) ret = dlg.ShowModal() dlg.Destroy() if ret != wx.ID_YES: return myarray = WolfArray(str(mydata), srcheader=self._parent._header, nullvalue=99999., idx=str( ids = self._parent.mapviewer.get_list_keys(draw_type.ARRAYS) newid = str( while newid in ids: newid = newid + '_' self._parent.mapviewer.add_object('array', newobj=myarray, id=newid) elif # Chragement d'un hydrogramme try: hydro, fig, ax = self._parent.load_hydrograph(mydata, ctrl) if hydro._data.empty: with open(mydata, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: txt = self._txtctrl.write(txt) else: self._txtctrl.write(_('There are {} columns\n\n'.format(len(hydro._data.columns)))) for idx, curcol in enumerate(hydro._data.columns): self._txtctrl.write(' - {} has index \t{} \tin the infiltration array'.format(curcol, idx+1) + '\n') self._txtctrl.write('\n\n') self._txtctrl.write(_('Time')) for curcol in hydro._data.columns: self._txtctrl.write('\t'+curcol) self._txtctrl.write('\n') if hydro._data.shape[0]>50: logging.warning(_('Too many lines in the hydrograph -- only the first 50 will be displayed !')) for idx, curline in hydro._data.iloc[:50].iterrows(): self._txtctrl.write(str(idx)) for curval in curline.values: self._txtctrl.write('\t' + str(curval)) self._txtctrl.write('\n') else: for idx, curline in hydro._data.iterrows(): self._txtctrl.write(str(idx)) for curval in curline.values: self._txtctrl.write('\t' + str(curval)) self._txtctrl.write('\n') except: with open(mydata, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: txt = self._txtctrl.write(txt)
[docs] def filter_independent_zones(self, n_largest:int = 1, icpath:Path=None): """ Filtre des zones indépendantes et conservation des n plus grandes """ from scipy.ndimage import label, sum_labels waterdepth = icpath / 'h.npy' waterdepth = np.load(waterdepth) / '_h_backup.npy', waterdepth) # labellisation labeled_array = waterdepth.copy() labeled_array[np.where(waterdepth<self._parent.epsilon)] = 0 labeled_array, num_features = label(labeled_array) longueur = [] longueur = list(sum_labels(np.ones(labeled_array.shape, dtype=np.int32), labeled_array, range(1, num_features+1))) longueur = [[longueur[j], j+1] for j in range(0, num_features)] longueur.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) newh = np.zeros_like(waterdepth) for j in range(0,n_largest): newh[labeled_array == longueur[j][1]] = waterdepth[labeled_array == longueur[j][1]] / 'h.npy', newh) qx = icpath / 'qx.npy' if qx.exists(): qx = np.load(qx) / '_qx_backup.npy', qx) qx[newh==0.]=0. / 'qx.npy', qx) qy = icpath / 'qy.npy' if qy.exists(): qy = np.load(qy) / '_qy_backup.npy', qy) qy[newh==0.]=0. / 'qy.npy', qy)
[docs] def clear_text(self): """ Reset txt control""" self._txtctrl.Clear() self._txtctrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.WHITE) self._txtctrl.SetForegroundColour(wx.BLACK)
[docs] def _open_script(self, mydata:Path, wolf:bool=False): """ Open the script in the editor """ if mydata.exists(): with open(mydata, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: txt = self.clear_text() if wolf: self._txtctrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.Colour(28,142,62)) self._txtctrl.SetForegroundColour(wx.WHITE) self._txtctrl.WriteText('WOLF update or BC file\n------------------\n\n') # self._txtctrl.SetForegroundColour(wx.BLACK) else: self._txtctrl.SetBackgroundColour(wx.RED) self._txtctrl.SetForegroundColour(wx.WHITE) self._txtctrl.WriteText(' **NOT** WOLF update or BC file\n-----------------------------\n\n') # self._txtctrl.SetForegroundColour(wx.BLACK) self._txtctrl.WriteText(txt) self._frame.Layout()
[docs] def _append_configs2tree(self, curdict:dict, root:TreeListItem): """ Ajout des éléments du dictionnaire dans l'arbre sur base de la racine fournie """ for idx, (k,v) in enumerate(curdict.items()): if isinstance(v, dict): if isinstance(k,Path): # on ne garde que le nom du chemin complet kstr = else: kstr = str(k) if kstr != SUBDIRS and '__' not in kstr: create = True if kstr == GPU_2D_file_extensions.PY.value: # Pas d'ajout de noeud à l'arbre si pas de fichiers .py create = len(v[WOLF_UPDATE])>0 or len(v[OTHER_SCRIPTS])>0 or len(v[WOLF_BC])>0 if create: newroot = self._treelist.AppendItem(root, kstr, data = v) self._append_configs2tree(v, newroot) elif isinstance(v, list): if isinstance(k,Path): # on ne garde que le nom du chemin complet else: kstr = str(k) if len(v)>0: if (kstr in ALL_EXTENSIONS or kstr == WOLF_UPDATE or kstr == OTHER_SCRIPTS or kstr == WOLF_BC) and (kstr != SUBDIRS): newroot = self._treelist.AppendItem(root, k, data = v) for curfile in v: self._treelist.AppendItem(newroot,, data = curfile)