Author: HECE - University of Liege, Pierre Archambeau, Christophe Dessers
Date: 2024
Copyright (c) 2024 University of Liege. All rights reserved.
This script and its content are protected by copyright law. Unauthorized
copying or distribution of this file, via any medium, is strictly prohibited.
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg import (
FigureCanvasWxAgg as FigureCanvas,
NavigationToolbar2WxAgg as NavigationToolbar,
import shutil
import ctypes as ct
from .PostProcessHydrology import PostProcessHydrology
from .Catchment import *
from .Comparison import *
from .read import *
from ..wolf_array import *
from ..PyGui import GenMapManager,HydrologyModel
from . import cst_exchanges as cste
from . import constant as cst
from ..PyTranslate import _
import traceback
# %% Constants
DLL_FILE = "WolfDll.dll"
DLL_FILE_DEBUG = "WolfDll_debug.dll"
# %% Classes
class CaseOpti(GenMapManager):
# nbParams:int
# optiFactor:ct.c_double
# FIXME : this variable is just there before the seperation between the object optimisation and GUI optimisation
# callBack_proc:dict
# callBack_ptr:dict
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
self.wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None # test if wx App is running
if self.wx_exists:
super().__init__(*args, **kw)
# super().__init__(splash=splash, *args, **kw)
self.launcherDir = ""
def read_param(self, dir, copyDefault=False, callback=None, workingDir=""):
self.launcherDir = dir
if not os.path.exists(self.launcherDir):
shutil.copyfile(workingDir+"launcher.param.default", os.path.join(self.launcherDir,"launcher.param"))
shutil.copyfile(workingDir+"launcher.param.default", os.path.join(self.launcherDir,"launcher.param.default"))
except OSError:
print ("Creation of the directory %s failed" % self.launcherDir)
print ("Successfully created the directory %s" % self.launcherDir)
if copyDefault:
shutil.copyfile(workingDir+"launcher.param.default", os.path.join(self.launcherDir,"launcher.param"))
shutil.copyfile(workingDir+"launcher.param.default", os.path.join(self.launcherDir,"launcher.param.default"))
self.launcherParam = Wolf_Param(to_read=True, filename=os.path.join(self.launcherDir,"launcher.param"),title="launcher", toShow=False)
def show_launcherParam(self, event):
def show_mydro(self, event):
class Optimisation(wx.Frame):
# launcherDir:list
# launcherParam:Wolf_Param
# refCatchment:Catchment
compareFilesDict:dict[str, str]
compareSubBasins:dict[str, SubBasin]
all_intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]
# FIXME : this variable is just there before the seperation between the object optimisation and GUI optimisation
def __init__(self, parent=None, title="", w=500, h=500, init_wx=True, debugDLL=False):
self.wx_exists = wx.App.Get() is not None # test if wx App is running
if self.wx_exists:
super(Optimisation, self).__init__(parent, title=title, size=(w,h))
self.debugDLL = debugDLL
self.workingDir = ""
# self.launcherDir = []
self.myParams = {}
self.myParamsPy = {}
self.nbParams = 0
self.pathDll = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)).parent
self.callBack_proc = {}
self.callBack_ptr = {}
self.myCases = []
self.myStations = []
self.compareFilesDict = {}
self.all_intervals = None
self.curParams_vec_F = None
if self.debugDLL:
self.load_dll(self.pathDll, DLL_FILE_DEBUG)
self.load_dll(self.pathDll, DLL_FILE)
if self.wx_exists:
def initGUI(self):
menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
# Creation of the Menu
fileMenu = wx.Menu()
newClick = fileMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'New')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.new, newClick)
openClick = fileMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Open')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.load, openClick)
resetClick = fileMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Reset')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.reset, resetClick)
destroyClick = fileMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Destroy')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.destroyOpti, destroyClick)
quitClick = wx.MenuItem(fileMenu, wx.ID_EXIT, 'Quit\tCtrl+W')
# quitClick = wx.MenuItem(fileMenu, wx.ID_EXIT, 'Quit\tCtrl+W')
# Creation of the param file Menu
paramMenu = wx.Menu()
testOptiClick = paramMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'test_opti.param')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.show_optiParam, testOptiClick)
compareHowClick = paramMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'compare.how.param')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.show_comparHowParam, compareHowClick)
saClick = paramMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'sa.param')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.show_saParam, saClick)
# add Cases
# Creation of the Tools Menu
toolMenu = wx.Menu()
applyClick = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Apply best parameters')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.apply_optim, applyClick)
visualiseClick = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Visualise best parameters : lumped')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.plot_optim_sub, visualiseClick)
visualiseClick_SD = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Visualise best parameters : Semi-dist')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.plot_optim_jct, visualiseClick_SD)
getRsltClick = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Get all outlets')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.get_all_outlets, getRsltClick)
getInletsClick = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Get all inlets')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.write_all_inlets, getInletsClick)
landuseClick = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Plot all landuses')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.plot_all_landuses, landuseClick)
landuseHydroClick = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Plot all hydro landuses')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.plot_all_landuses_hydro, landuseHydroClick)
internValClick = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Extract internal variables')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.extract_internal_variables, internValClick)
plotParetoClick = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Plot Nash vs Qexcess')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.plot_Nash_vs_Qexcess, plotParetoClick)
testEquiFinClick = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Test equifinality with Nash')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.test_equifinality_with_Nash, testEquiFinClick)
plotEquiFinClick = toolMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Plot equifinality with Nash')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.plot_equifinality, plotEquiFinClick)
# Creation of the Lauch Menu
launchMenu = wx.Menu()
normalLaunchClick = launchMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, '1 Basin')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.launch_lumped_optimisation, normalLaunchClick)
SDLaunch = launchMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Semi-Distributed')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.launch_semiDistributed_optimisation, SDLaunch)
SDCompute = launchMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Semi-Distributed apply')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.generate_semiDist_optim_simul, SDCompute)
# Creation of the Hydro Menu
hydroSimul = wx.Menu()
computeHydroClick = hydroSimul.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'compute')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.compute0_distributed_hydro_model, computeHydroClick)
menuBar.Append(fileMenu, 'File')
menuBar.Append(paramMenu, 'Param files')
menuBar.Append(toolMenu, 'Tools')
menuBar.Append(launchMenu, 'Launch')
menuBar.Append(hydroSimul, 'Hydro')
# Debug menu
toolDebug = wx.Menu()
DebugCompute = toolDebug.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'Debug all params tests')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.generate_semiDist_debug_simul, DebugCompute)
menuBar.Append(toolDebug, 'Debug')
self.SetSize((1700, 900))
# All Menu bars will be unavailable except the File one
myExceptions = ['File', 'Hydro']
def quitGUI(self, event):
def new(self, event):
launcherDir = "simul_1"
# Selection of the working directory
idir=wx.DirDialog(None,"Choose an optimisation directory")
if idir.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
print("Optimisation cancelled!")
self.workingDir = idir.GetPath()+"\\"
launcherDir = os.path.join(self.workingDir,launcherDir)
# Launch the Fortran code a first time to generate the default files
# Copy and reading of the optiParam file
shutil.copyfile(self.workingDir+"test_opti.param.default", os.path.join(self.workingDir,"test_opti.param"))
shutil.copyfile(self.workingDir+"sa.param.default", os.path.join(self.workingDir,"sa.param"))
shutil.copyfile(self.workingDir+"compare.how.param.default", os.path.join(self.workingDir,"compare.how.param"))
if not os.path.exists(launcherDir):
except OSError:
print ("Creation of the directory %s failed" % launcherDir)
print ("Successfully created the directory %s" % launcherDir)
shutil.copyfile(self.workingDir+"launcher.param.default", os.path.join(launcherDir,"launcher.param"))
shutil.copyfile(self.workingDir+"launcher.param.default", os.path.join(launcherDir,"launcher.param.default"))
# Read the main opti file
self.optiParam = Wolf_Param(to_read=True, filename=os.path.join(self.workingDir,"test_opti.param"),title="test_opti",toShow=False)
# # Update all the paths and read all simul
# self.init_dir_in_params()
# Read all the param files and init the Case objects and then read the param files associated
newCase = CaseOpti()
newCase.read_param(launcherDir, copyDefault=True, callback=self.update_parameters_launcher, workingDir=self.workingDir)
# Update all the paths and read all simul
self.comparHowParam = Wolf_Param(to_read=True,filename=os.path.join(self.workingDir,"compare.how.param"),title="compare.how",toShow=False)
self.saParam = Wolf_Param(to_read=True,filename=os.path.join(self.workingDir,"sa.param"), title="sa",toShow=False)
self.saParam._callback = self.update_parameters_SA
# initialise all param files according to the reference characteristics
# Case Tool added
newId = wx.Window.NewControlId()
iMenu = self.MenuBar.FindMenu('Param files')
paramMenu = self.MenuBar.Menus[iMenu][0]
curName = 'Case '+str(1)
caseMenu = wx.Menu()
paramCaseFile = caseMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'launcher.param')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, newCase.show_launcherParam, paramCaseFile)
guiHydroCase = caseMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'GUI Hydro')
curDir = newCase.launcherParam.get_param("Calculs","Répertoire simulation de référence")
isOk, curDir = check_path(curDir, prefix=self.workingDir, applyCWD=True)
if isOk<0:
print("ERROR : in path of launcherDir")
newCase.mydro = HydrologyModel(dir=curDir)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, newCase.show_mydro, guiHydroCase)
curCase = paramMenu.Append(newId, curName, caseMenu)
print("ERROR: launch again the app and apply 'load' files.")
# Let all the menu bars be available in GUI
self.enable_MenuBar("Param files")
def load(self, event, workingDir:str="", fileName:str=""):
# Selection of the main
if workingDir=="":
idir=wx.FileDialog(None,"Choose an optimatimisation file",wildcard='Fichiers param (*.param)|*.param')
if idir.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
print("Post process cancelled!")
# sys.exit()
fileOpti = idir.GetPath()
readDir = idir.GetDirectory() + "\\"
readDir = workingDir
if fileName=="": fileName="test_opti.param"
fileOpti = os.path.join(readDir, fileName)
# Read the main opti file
self.optiParam = Wolf_Param(to_read=True, filename=fileOpti, title="test_opti",toShow=False)
initDir = self.optiParam.get_param("Optimizer","dir")
isOk, initDir = check_path(initDir, prefix=readDir, applyCWD=True)
if os.path.samefile(readDir, initDir):
self.workingDir = initDir
self.workingDir = readDir
self.optiParam.change_param("Optimizer","dir", self.workingDir)
nbcases = int(self.optiParam.get_param("Cases","nb"))
if nbcases>1:
wx.MessageBox(_('So far, there can only have 1 case! This will change soon.'), _('Error'), wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
self.launcherDir = []
for i in range(nbcases):
newCase = CaseOpti()
launcherDir = self.optiParam.get_param("Cases","dir_"+str(i+1))
isOk, launcherDir = check_path(launcherDir, prefix=self.workingDir, applyCWD=True)
if isOk<0:
print("ERROR : in path of launcherDir")
newCase.read_param(launcherDir, copyDefault=False, callback=self.update_parameters_launcher)
# FIXME TO CHANGE when seperation with the GUI
if self.wx_exists:
newId = wx.Window.NewControlId()
iMenu = self.MenuBar.FindMenu('Param files')
paramMenu = self.MenuBar.Menus[iMenu][0]
curName = 'Case '+str(i+1)
iItem = self.MenuBar.FindMenuItem('Param files', curName)
caseMenu = wx.Menu()
paramCaseFile = caseMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'launcher.param')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, newCase.show_launcherParam, paramCaseFile)
guiHydroCase = caseMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'GUI Hydro')
refDir = newCase.launcherParam.get_param("Calculs","Répertoire simulation de référence")
isOk, refDir = check_path(refDir, prefix=launcherDir, applyCWD=True)
if isOk<0:
print("ERROR : in path of launcherDir")
newCase.mydro = HydrologyModel(dir=refDir)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, newCase.show_mydro, guiHydroCase)
curCase = paramMenu.Append(newId, curName, caseMenu)
print("WARNING : this scenario was not implemented yet. This might induce an error!")
# iItem =
curCase = paramMenu.Replace(iItem)
refDir = newCase.launcherParam.get_param("Calculs","Répertoire simulation de référence")
isOk, refDir = check_path(refDir, prefix=launcherDir, applyCWD=True)
newCase.mydro = HydrologyModel(dir=refDir)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, newCase.show_launcherParam, curCase)
newCase.idMenuItem = newId
self.comparHowParam = Wolf_Param(to_read=True,filename=os.path.join(self.workingDir,"compare.how.param"),title="compare.how",toShow=False)
self.saParam = Wolf_Param(to_read=True,filename=os.path.join(self.workingDir,"sa.param"), title="sa",toShow=False)
for i in range(nbcases):
# Check if the optimisation intervals are within the simulation interval
# Let all the menu bars be available in GUI
self.enable_MenuBar("Param files")
if self.debugDLL:
def apply_optim(self, event, idLauncher:int=0,
replace_only_if_better:bool=False, optim_params:np.ndarray=None):
Apply optimal parameters based on the results file of the optimisation : ".rpt".
event: The event from the GUI.
idLauncher (optional: int(0)): The ID of the launcher.
replace_only_if_better (optional: bool(False) by default): A boolean indicating whether to replace the current parameters if the new ones are better.
If replace_only_if_better is False, returns the best parameters found.
If replace_only_if_better is True and the new parameters are better, returns the best parameters found.
Otherwise, returns None.
# Get the best parameters
if optim_params is None:
bestParams:np.array = self.collect_optim()
# FIXME : gneralise the -1 for the test for any number of objective function
assert self.nbParams==len(optim_params)-1, "ERROR : the number of parameters to appy are the ones expected!"
bestParams:np.array = optim_params
test_best = bestParams[-1] # FIXME : gneralise the -1 for the test for any number of objective function
if not replace_only_if_better:
self.apply_optim_2_params(bestParams[:-1], idLauncher=idLauncher)
self.bestFactor = test_best
return bestParams
elif test_best>self.bestFactor:
self.apply_optim_2_params(bestParams[:-1], idLauncher=idLauncher)
self.bestFactor = bestParams[-1]
return bestParams
return None
# Initialisation of the Optimizer from Fortran
def init_lumped_hydro(self, event):
def init_with_default_lumped(self, replace:bool=False):
# if replace:
# r = wx.ID_NO
# else:
# r = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Do you want to keep your own parameters files?", "Warning", wx.YES_NO | wx.NO_DEFAULT | wx.ICON_QUESTION).ShowModal()
# if r != wx.ID_YES:
# self.optiParam.change_param("Cases","nb", 1)
# self.optiParam.change_param("Optimizer","tuning_method",2)
# self.optiParam.change_param("Optimizer","max_nb_run",30000)
# self.optiParam.change_param("Comparison factors","nb",1)
# self.optiParam.change_param("Comparison factors","which_factor_1",1)
# self.comparHowParam.change_param("Comparison global characteristics","nb",1)
# self.comparHowParam.change_param("Comparison 1","type",1)
# self.comparHowParam.change_param("Comparison 1","nb factors",1)
# self.comparHowParam.change_param("Comparison 1","nb intervals",1)
# self.comparHowParam.change_param("Comparison 1","factor 1",1)
# self.saParam.change_param("Optimisation parameters","eps",1.0E-03)
# self.saParam.change_param("Optimisation parameters","rt",0.1)
# self.saParam.change_param("Optimisation parameters","ns",10)
# self.saParam.change_param("Optimisation parameters","nt",10)
# self.saParam.change_param("Optimisation parameters","neps",3)
# self.saParam.change_param("Optimisation parameters","Nombre iteration max",500)
# self.saParam.change_param("Optimisation parameters","Initial Temperature",20)
# self.saParam.callback = self.update_parameters_SA
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.change_param("Calculs","Type de modèle",4)
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.change_param("Calculs","Nombre de simulations parallèles",1)
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.change_param("Récupération des résultats","Nombre de bords de convergence",0)
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.change_param("Récupération des résultats","Nombre de noeuds de convergence",1)
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.change_param("Récupération des résultats","extract_exchange_zone",0)
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.change_param("Récupération des résultats","type_of_geom",2)
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.change_param("Récupération des résultats","type_of_exchange",15)
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.change_param("Récupération des résultats","type_of_data",13)
# # if(self.refCatchment.myModel==cst.tom_2layers_linIF):
# # self.init_lumped_model()
# self.init_lumped_model()
# self.init_myParams()
# self.optiParam.SavetoFile(None)
# self.optiParam.Reload(None)
# self.comparHowParam.SavetoFile(None)
# self.comparHowParam.Reload(None)
# self.saParam.SavetoFile(None)
# self.saParam.Reload(None)
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.SavetoFile(None)
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.Reload(None)
# def init_2layers_linIF(self):
def init_lumped_model(self):
curCase = self.myCases[0]
self.saParam.change_param("Initial parameters", "Read initial parameters?", 0)
# Retrieve the dictionnary with the properties of all models (parameters, files, etc)
myModel = curCase.refCatchment.myModel
nbParams = cste.modelParamsDict[myModel]["Nb"]
myModelDict = cste.modelParamsDict[myModel]["Parameters"]
prefix1 = "param_"
for element in myModelDict:
paramName = prefix1 + str(i)
curCase.launcherParam.add_param(groupname=paramName, name="type_of_data", value=element, type="int")
curCase.launcherParam.change_param("Paramètres à varier","Nombre de paramètres à varier",nbParams)
self.nbParams = nbParams
prefix2 = "Parameter "
for i in range(1,self.nbParams+1):
paramName = prefix2 + str(i)
self.saParam.add_param(groupname="Lowest values", name=paramName, value=0.0)
# if not paramName in self.saParam.myparams["Lowest values"]:
# self.saParam.myparams["Lowest values"][paramName] = {}
# self.saParam.myparams["Lowest values"][paramName]["value"] = 0.0
self.saParam.add_param(groupname="Highest values", name=paramName, value=0.0)
# if not paramName in self.saParam.myparams["Highest values"]:
# self.saParam.myparams["Highest values"][paramName] = {}
# self.saParam.myparams["Highest values"][paramName]["value"] = 0.0
if not paramName in self.saParam.myparams["Steps"]:
self.saParam.myparams["Steps"][paramName] = {}
self.saParam.myparams["Steps"][paramName]["value"] = 0.0
self.saParam.add_param(groupname="Initial parameters", name=paramName, value=0.0)
# if not paramName in self.saParam.myparams["Initial parameters"]:
# self.saParam.myparams["Initial parameters"][paramName] = {}
# self.saParam.myparams["Initial parameters"][paramName]["value"] = 0.0
paramName = prefix1 + str(i)
curCase.launcherParam.add_param(groupname=paramName, name="geom_filename", value="my_geom.txt")
curCase.launcherParam.add_param(groupname=paramName, name="type_of_geom", value=0)
curCase.launcherParam.add_param(groupname=paramName, name="type_of_exchange", value=-3)
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["geom_filename"] = {}
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["geom_filename"]["value"] = "my_geom.txt"
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_geom"] = {}
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_geom"]["value"] = 0
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_exchange"] = {}
# self.myCases[0].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_exchange"]["value"] = -3
def init_myParams(self, idLauncher=0):
self.nbParams = int(self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.get_param("Paramètres à varier", "Nombre de paramètres à varier"))
curCatch = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
launcher_param = self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam
for i in range(1,self.nbParams+1):
curParam = "param_" + str(i)
self.myParams[i] = {}
self.myParams[i]["type"] = int(self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.get_param(curParam, "type_of_data"))
self.myParams[i]["value"] = 0.0
# Check cst_echange.py for the values (only consider the param of the Froude model)
if self.myParams[i]["type"]>100 and self.myParams[i]["type"]<106:
self.myParams[i]["update"] = curCatch.update_timeDelays_from_F
sorted_id = int(launcher_param.get_param(curParam, "Subbasin id", default_value=0))
if sorted_id == 0:
self.myParams[i]["junction_name"] = curCatch.junctionOut
cur_id = list(curCatch.dictIdConversion.keys())[list(curCatch.dictIdConversion.values()).index(sorted_id)]
self.myParams[i]["junction_name"] = curCatch.subBasinDict[cur_id].name
self.myParams[i]["update"] = self.update_nothing
self.myParams[i]["junction_name"] = curCatch.junctionOut
typeParam = int(self.myParams[i]["type"])
# If it is a Python parameter to optim
self.myParamsPy[i] = self.myParams[i]
self.myParamsPy[i]["update"] = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.update_timeDelay
self.myParamsPy[i]["junction_name"] = self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.get_param(curParam, "junction_name")
def collect_optim(self, fileName=""):
isOk,fileName = check_path(fileName, self.workingDir)
if fileName=="":
nameTMP = self.optiParam.get_param("Optimizer","fname")
isOk,nameTMP = check_path(fileName, self.workingDir)
optimFileTxt = os.path.join(self.workingDir, nameTMP+".rpt")
optimFileBin = os.path.join(self.workingDir, nameTMP+".rpt.dat")
isOk, optimFileBin = check_path(optimFileBin)
if isOk>0:
optimFile = optimFileBin
allParams = read_bin(self.workingDir, nameTMP+".rpt.dat", uniform_format=8)
matrixData = np.array(allParams[-1]).astype("double")
isOk, optimFileTxt = check_path(optimFileTxt)
if isOk>0:
optimFile = optimFileTxt
with open(optimFile, newline = '') as fileID:
data_reader = csv.reader(fileID, delimiter=' ',skipinitialspace=True)
list_data = []
for raw in data_reader:
if raw[0]+" "+raw[1]=="Best run":
matrixData = np.array(list_data[0]).astype("double")
wx.MessageBox(_('The best parameters file is not found!'), _('Error'), wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
logging.error('The best parameters file is not found!')
return matrixData
def init_with_reference(self, idLauncher=0):
curCase = self.myCases[idLauncher]
refCatch = curCase.refCatchment
# First path opened by the GUI selecting the the working directory
defaultPath = self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.get_param("Calculs","Répertoire simulation de référence")
isOk, defaultPath = check_path(defaultPath, self.workingDir)
if isOk<0:
defaultPath = ""
# Selection of the working directory
idir=wx.FileDialog(None,"Choose a reference file",wildcard='Fichiers post-processing (*.postPro)|*.postPro',defaultDir=defaultPath)
if idir.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
print("Post process cancelled!")
refFileName = idir.GetPath()
refDir = idir.GetDirectory() + "\\"
myPostPro = PostProcessHydrology(postProFile=refFileName)
# Recover the Catchment object
self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment = myPostPro.myCatchments["Catchment 1"]['Object']
curCase.launcherParam.change_param("Calculs", "Répertoire simulation de référence", refCatch.workingDir)
# Create an empty geom.txt file
geomName = self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.get_param("Récupération des résultats","geom_filename")
open(self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherDir[idLauncher]+geomName, mode='a').close()
# Complete the default model parameters
# Complete compare.how file
dateTmp = refCatch.paramsInput.get_param("Temporal Parameters","Start date time")
self.comparHowParam.change_param("Comparison 1","date begin 1",dateTmp)
dateTmp = refCatch.paramsInput.get_param("Temporal Parameters","End date time")
self.comparHowParam.change_param("Comparison 1","date end 1",dateTmp)
# update param files
def get_reference(self, refFileName="", idLauncher=0):
# First path opened by the GUI selecting the the working directory
launcherDir = self.optiParam.get_param("Cases","dir_"+str(idLauncher+1))
isOk, launcherDir = check_path(launcherDir, prefix=self.workingDir, applyCWD=True)
defaultPath = self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.get_param("Calculs","Répertoire simulation de référence")
isOk, defaultPath = check_path(defaultPath, launcherDir)
if isOk<0:
defaultPath = ""
idir=wx.FileDialog(None,"Choose a reference file",wildcard='Fichiers post-processing (*.postPro)|*.postPro',defaultDir=defaultPath)
if idir.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
print("Post process cancelled!")
refFileName = idir.GetPath()
refDir = idir.GetDirectory()
myPostPro = PostProcessHydrology(postProFile=refFileName)
# Recover the Catchment object
self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment = myPostPro.myCatchments["Catchment 1"]['Object']
# Just save the path in the param file if it is different -> to keep it relative if it is given like that
if not os.path.samefile(refDir, defaultPath):
self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.change_param("Calculs", "Répertoire simulation de référence", refDir)
# Create an empty geom.txt file
geomName = self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.get_param("Récupération des résultats","geom_filename")
open(os.path.join(self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherDir,geomName), mode='a').close()
# update param files
# Init the outlet ID
stationOut = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","Station measures 1")
if stationOut is None:
stationOut = self.comparHowParam.get_param("Comparison 1","station measures")
if stationOut is None:
stationOut = " "
compareFileName = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","File reference 1")
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.workingDir,compareFileName), os.path.join(self.workingDir,"compare.txt"))
def init_dir_in_params(self):
self.optiParam.change_param("Optimizer","dir", self.workingDir)
for i in range(len(self.myCases)):
self.optiParam.change_param("Cases","dir_"+str(i+1), os.path.join(self.workingDir,"simul_"+str(i+1)))
self.optiParam.change_param("Predefined parameters","fname", os.path.join(self.workingDir,"param.what"))
def update_dir_in_params(self):
self.optiParam.change_param("Optimizer","dir", self.workingDir)
for i in range(len(self.myCases)):
self.optiParam.change_param("Cases","dir_"+str(i+1), self.myCases[i].launcherDir)
self.optiParam.change_param("Predefined parameters","fname", os.path.join(self.workingDir,"param.what"))
def checkIntervals(self):
print("So far do nothing to check intervals!")
# self.comparHowParam[]
def update_parameters_launcher(self, idLauncher=0):
self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.change_param("Paramètres à varier","Nombre de paramètres à varier",self.nbParams)
def update_parameters_SA(self):
# Update the parameters numbers in SA file, according to
for curGroup in self.saParam.myIncParam:
for element in self.saParam.myIncParam[curGroup]:
curParam = self.saParam.myIncParam[curGroup][element]
if not "Ref param" in curParam:
savedDict = self.saParam.myIncParam[curGroup]["Saved"][curGroup]
templateDict = self.saParam.myIncParam[curGroup]["Dict"]
for i in range(1,self.nbParams+1):
curGroup = curParam.replace("$n$",str(i))
if(curGroup in self.saParam.myparams):
savedDict[curGroup] = {}
savedDict[curGroup] = self.saParam.myparams[curGroup]
elif(curGroup in savedDict):
self.saParam.myparams[curGroup] = {}
self.saParam.myparams[curGroup] = savedDict[curGroup]
self.saParam.myparams[curGroup] = {}
self.saParam.myparams[curGroup] = templateDict.copy()
# update param files
# self.launcherParam.SavetoFile(None)
# self.launcherParam.Reload(None)
def plot_optim_sub(self, event, idLauncher=0):
# this function will plot the hydrographs with the optimal parameters compared to the objective
figure = Figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100)
self.axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
# self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.plot_allSub(withEvap=False, withCt=False, selection_by_iD=self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.myEffSubBasins, \
# graph_title="My optimal configuration", show=True, writeDir=self.workingDir,figure=figure)
self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.plot_allSub(withEvap=False, withCt=False, selection_by_iD=self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.myEffSubBasins, \
graph_title="My optimal configuration", show=True, writeDir=self.workingDir)
# self.axes.set_xlabel('x axis')
self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self, -1, figure)
self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self.sizer.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.TOP | wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND)
self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas)
# By adding toolbar in sizer, we are able to put it at the bottom
# of the frame - so appearance is closer to GTK version.
self.sizer.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND)
# update the axes menu on the toolbar
def plot_optim_jct(self, event, idLauncher=0):
# this function will plot the hydrographs with the optimal parameters compared to the objective
refCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
# Construction of the Measures, in other words the references
compMeas = []
if self.myStations==[]:
compMeas = list(self.compareSubBasins.values())
# Construction of the wx window for plot
figure = Figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100)
self.axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
r = wx.MessageDialog(
None, "Do you want to add a table?", "Plot question",
if r == wx.ID_YES:
addTable = True
addTable = False
# FIXME To remove !!!!
# ti = datetime.datetime(year=2021, month=7, day=13, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
# tf = datetime.datetime(year=2021, month=7, day=16, hour=6, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
# rangeData = [ti, tf]
# refCatch.plot_allJct(Measures=compMeas, withEvap=False, selection_by_key=self.myStations, \
# graph_title="My optimal configurations", show=True, writeDir=self.workingDir, Measure_unit="mm/h", addTable=addTable, rangeData=rangeData)
refCatch.plot_allJct(Measures=compMeas, withEvap=False, selection_by_key=self.myStations, \
graph_title="My optimal configurations", show=True, writeDir=self.workingDir, Measure_unit="mm/h", addTable=addTable)
# refCatch.plot_allJct(Measures=compMeas, withEvap=False, selection_by_key=self.myStations, \
# graph_title="My optimal configurations", show=True, writeDir=self.workingDir, Measure_unit="mm/h", addTable=addTable, rangeData=rangeData)
# refCatch.plot_allJct(Measures=compMeas, withEvap=False, withCt=False, selection_by_key=self.myStations, \
# graph_title="My optimal configurations", show=True, writeDir=self.workingDir,figure=figure)
# self.axes.set_xlabel('x axis')
self.canvas = FigureCanvas(self, -1, figure)
self.sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
self.sizer.Add(self.canvas, 1, wx.TOP | wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND)
self.toolbar = NavigationToolbar(self.canvas)
# By adding toolbar in sizer, we are able to put it at the bottom
# of the frame - so appearance is closer to GTK version.
self.sizer.Add(self.toolbar, 0, wx.LEFT | wx.EXPAND)
# update the axes menu on the toolbar
def load_dll(self, path, fileName):
libpath = os.path.join(path,'libs',fileName)
self.dllFortran = ct.CDLL(libpath)
print('Erreur de chargement de la librairie WolfDLL.dll')
def default_files(self, event):
pathPtr = self.workingDir.encode('ansi')
fileNamePtr = "test_opti.param".encode('ansi')
self.dllFortran.new_optimizer_files_py.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.new_optimizer_files_py.argtypes = [ct.c_char_p, ct.c_char_p, ct.c_int, ct.c_int]
print("Launch a Fortran procedure")
id = self.dllFortran.new_optimizer_files_py(pathPtr,fileNamePtr,ct.c_int(len(pathPtr)),ct.c_int(len(fileNamePtr)))
print("id optimizer = ", id)
print("End of Fortran procedure")
def compute_optimizer(self, idOpti=1):
self.dllFortran.compute_optimizer_py.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.compute_optimizer_py.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)]
print("Launch a Fortran procedure")
isOk = self.dllFortran.compute_optimizer_py(ct.byref(ct.c_int(idOpti)))
print("End of Fortran procedure")
if isOk!=0:
print("ERROR: in the Fotran routine in the optimizer computation!")
def evaluate_model_optimizer(self, parameters:np.array, idOpti:int=1):
self.dllFortran.evaluate_model_optimizer_py.restype = ct.c_double
self.dllFortran.evaluate_model_optimizer_py.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(ct.c_int),
dims = np.array([len(parameters)], dtype=ct.c_int, order='F')
p = np.array(parameters, dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
pointerDims = dims.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int))
pointer_p = p.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double))
print("Launch a Fortran procedure")
obj_fct = self.dllFortran.evaluate_model_optimizer_py(ct.byref(ct.c_int(idOpti)),
print("End of Fortran procedure")
return obj_fct
def write_mesh_results_optimizer(self, idOpti:int=1):
self.dllFortran.write_mesh_results_optimizer_py.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.write_mesh_results_optimizer_py.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)]
print("Launch a Fortran procedure")
isOk = self.dllFortran.write_mesh_results_optimizer_py(ct.byref(ct.c_int(idOpti)))
print("End of Fortran procedure")
if isOk!=0:
print("ERROR: in the Fotran routine in the optimizer computation!")
def init_optimizer(self, idForced=-1):
pathPtr = self.workingDir.encode('ansi')
fileNamePtr = "test_opti.param".encode('ansi')
self.dllFortran.init_optimizer_py.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.init_optimizer_py.argtypes = [ct.c_char_p, ct.c_char_p, ct.c_int, ct.c_int,ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)]
opt_id = None
opt_id = ct.byref(ct.c_int(idForced))
print("Launch a Fortran procedure")
id = self.dllFortran.init_optimizer_py(pathPtr,fileNamePtr,ct.c_int(len(pathPtr)),ct.c_int(len(fileNamePtr)), opt_id)
print("id optimizer = ", id)
print("End of Fortran procedure")
def init_optimizer_again(self, event, idForced=1):
pathPtr = self.workingDir.encode('ansi')
fileNamePtr = "test_opti.param".encode('ansi')
self.dllFortran.init_optimizer_py.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.init_optimizer_py.argtypes = [ct.c_char_p, ct.c_char_p, ct.c_int, ct.c_int,ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)]
opt_id = None
opt_id = ct.byref(ct.c_int(idForced))
print("Launch a Fortran procedure")
id = self.dllFortran.init_optimizer_py(pathPtr,fileNamePtr,ct.c_int(len(pathPtr)),ct.c_int(len(fileNamePtr)), opt_id)
print("id optimizer = ", id)
print("End of Fortran procedure")
def compute_distributed_hydro_model(self, idLauncher=0):
self.dllFortran.compute_dist_hydro_model_py.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.compute_dist_hydro_model_py.argtypes = [ct.c_char_p, ct.c_int]
pathPtr = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.workingDir.encode('ansi')
print("Compute distributed hydro model ...")
isOk = self.dllFortran.compute_dist_hydro_model_py(pathPtr, ct.c_int(len(pathPtr)))
print("End of distributed hydro model.")
def compute0_distributed_hydro_model(self, event):
self.dllFortran.compute_dist_hydro_model_py.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.compute_dist_hydro_model_py.argtypes = [ct.c_char_p, ct.c_int]
idir=wx.DirDialog(None,"Choose an hydrology directory")
if idir.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL:
print("Hydro computation cancelled!")
pathPtr = idir.GetPath().encode('ansi')
print("Compute distributed hydro model ...")
isOk = self.dllFortran.compute_dist_hydro_model_py(pathPtr, ct.c_int(len(pathPtr)))
print("End of distributed hydro model.")
def associate_ptr(self, event, which="all", idOpti=1, idLauncher=0):
self.dllFortran.associate_ptr_py.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.associate_ptr_py.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.c_int,
ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)]
self.dllFortran.get_cptr_py.restype = ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)
self.dllFortran.get_cptr_py.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.c_int,
self.dllFortran.associate_callback_fct.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.associate_callback_fct.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.c_int,
ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)]
if(self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.myModel == cst.tom_2layers_linIF or \
self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.myModel == cst.tom_2layers_UH):
def associate_callback_fct(self):
def associate_callback_fct_update(self, idOpti=1, idLauncher=0):
# The function proc and ptr should be kept in memory to keep function pointer
self.callBack_proc[cste.fptr_update] = ct.CFUNCTYPE(ct.c_int, ct.c_int)
update_proc = self.callBack_proc[cste.fptr_update]
self.callBack_ptr[cste.fptr_update] = update_proc(self.update_hydro)
update_ptr = self.callBack_ptr[cste.fptr_update]
self.dllFortran.associate_callback_fct.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.associate_callback_fct.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.c_int,
ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), update_proc]
# nb of arguments in the dimensions vector (dims)
ndims = 1
# init of the dimensions vector
dims = np.zeros((ndims,), dtype=ct.c_int, order='F')
pointerDims = dims.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int))
# Launch Fortran function
print("End of update pointer association!")
def associate_callback_fct_getcvg(self, idOpti=1, idLauncher=0):
self.callBack_proc[cste.fptr_get_cvg] = ct.CFUNCTYPE(ct.c_int, ct.POINTER(ct.c_double))
getcvg_proc = self.callBack_proc[cste.fptr_get_cvg]
self.callBack_ptr[cste.fptr_get_cvg] = getcvg_proc(self.get_cvg)
getcvg_ptr = self.callBack_ptr[cste.fptr_get_cvg]
self.dllFortran.associate_callback_fct.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.associate_callback_fct.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.c_int,
ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), getcvg_proc]
# nb of arguments in the dimensions vector (dims)
ndims = 1
# init of the dimensions vector
dims = np.zeros((ndims,), dtype=ct.c_int, order='F')
pointerDims = dims.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int))
# Launch Fortran function
print("End of pointer association!")
def associate_ptr_q_all(self, idOpti=1, idLauncher=0):
# nb of arguments in the dimensions vector (dims)
ndims = 3
# init of the dimensions vector
dims = np.zeros((ndims,), dtype=ct.c_int, order='F')
pointerDims = dims.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int))
counter = 1
for iSub in self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.myEffSortSubBasins:
# curSub = self.refCatchment.subBasinDict[iSub]
mydict = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.dictIdConversion
idIP= list(mydict.keys())[list(mydict.values()).index(iSub)]
curSub = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.subBasinDict[idIP]
dims[2] = counter
dims[0] = len(self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.time)
# call of the Fortran function
curSub.ptr_q_all = None
curSub.ptr_q_all = self.dllFortran.get_cptr_py(ct.byref(ct.c_int(idOpti)),ct.byref(ct.c_int(idLauncher+1)),
ct.c_int(cste.ptr_q_all), pointerDims)
curSub.myHydro = None
curSub.myHydro = self.make_nd_array(curSub.ptr_q_all, shape=(dims[0],dims[1]), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F', own_data=False)
# print("output[1,0] = ", curSub.myHydro[1,0])
# print("output[2,0] = ", curSub.myHydro[2,0])
# print("output[3,0] = ", curSub.myHydro[3,0])
# print("output[3,1) = ", curSub.myHydro[3,1])
# print("curSub = ", curSub.myHydro)
counter += 1
def associate_ptr_time_delays(self, idOpti=1, idLauncher=0):
# nb of arguments in the dimensions vector (dims)
ndims = 1
# init of the dimensions vector
dims = np.zeros((ndims,), dtype=ct.c_int, order='F')
pointerDims = dims.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int))
mydict = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.dictIdConversion
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
dims[0] = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.nbSubBasin
# call of the Fortran function
curCatch.time_delays_F = None
curCatch.ptr_time_delays = None
curCatch.ptr_time_delays = self.dllFortran.get_cptr_py(ct.byref(ct.c_int(idOpti)),ct.byref(ct.c_int(idLauncher+1)),
ct.c_int(cste.ptr_time_delays), pointerDims)
curCatch.time_delays_F = self.make_nd_array(curCatch.ptr_time_delays, shape=(dims[0],), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F', own_data=False)
def associate_ptr_params(self, idOpti=1, idLauncher=0):
# nb of arguments in the dimensions vector (dims)
ndims = 1
# init of the dimensions vector
dims = np.empty((ndims,), dtype=ct.c_int, order='F')
# The only dimension is the number of parameters to calibrate
dims[0] = self.nbParams
self.curParams_vec_F = np.empty((self.nbParams,), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
# creation of the c_ptr to give to fortran to reconstruct the tensors
pointerParam = self.curParams_vec_F.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double))
pointerDims = dims.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int))
# call of the Fortran function
isOk = self.dllFortran.associate_ptr_py(ct.byref(ct.c_int(idOpti)),ct.byref(ct.c_int(idLauncher+1)), ct.c_int(cste.ptr_params),
pointerDims, pointerParam)
print("End of param pointer association.")
def associate_ptr_opti_factor(self, idOpti=1, idLauncher=0):
# nb of arguments in the dimensions vector (dims)
ndims = 1
# init of the dimensions vector
dims = np.empty((ndims,), dtype=ct.c_int, order='F')
# The only dimension is the number of parameters to calibrate
dims[0] = 1
self.optiFactor_F = ct.c_double(0.0)
# creation of the c_ptr to give to fortran to reconstruct the tensors
pointerDims = dims.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int))
# call of the Fortran function
isOk = self.dllFortran.associate_ptr_py(ct.byref(ct.c_int(idOpti)),ct.byref(ct.c_int(idLauncher+1)), ct.c_int(cste.ptr_opti_factors),
pointerDims, ct.byref(self.optiFactor_F))
print("End of factor pointer association.")
def init_distributed_hydro_model(self, event):
pathPtr = self.workingDir.encode('ansi')
fileNamePtr = "test_opti.param".encode('ansi')
self.dllFortran.init_dist_hydro_model_py.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.init_dist_hydro_model_py.argtypes = []
print("Launch a Fortran procedure")
id = self.dllFortran.init_dist_hydro_model_py()
print("id distributed_hydro_model = ", id)
print("End of Fortran procedure")
def launch_lumped_optimisation(self, event, idOpti=1):
# Launch Fortran routine to initialise the object
# Associate all the pointers between Python and Fortran
self.associate_ptr(event, which="all",idOpti=idOpti)
# Launch Fortran routine to compute optimisation and write the best results
print("Best parameters : ", self.curParams_vec_F)
print("Best Factor = ", self.optiFactor_F)
# Apply the best parameters
# Simulation with the best parameters
# Possibility to use the optimisation results enabled
def test_update_hydro_py(self, event):
self.dllFortran.test_update_hydro.restype = None
self.dllFortran.test_update_hydro.argtypes = []
# call of the Fortran function
def launch_semiDistributed_optimisation(self, event, idOpti=1, idLauncher=0):
Procedure launching the semi-distributed optimisation process.
event: The event triggering the optimisation.
idOpti (int): The ID of the optimizer in Fortran.
idLauncher (int): The ID of the launcher.
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
# if (self.optiParam.get_group("Semi-Distributed"))is not None:
nbRefs = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","nb")
onlyOwnSub = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed", "Own_SubBasin")
if onlyOwnSub is None:
onlyOwnSub = False
doneList = []
previousLevel = 1
# Collect sort and save the compare stations
sortJct = self.myStations
readDict = self.compareFilesDict
# Get the initial number of intervals
# -> these can evolve according to the measurement available at each station
is_ok = self._save_opti_intervals()
if is_ok<0:
logging.error("Problem in optimisation intervals! Optimisation abort !")
all_intervals = self.all_intervals
simul_intervals = curCatch.simulation_intervals
# FIXME : to potentially remove
nb_comparisons = self.comparHowParam.get_param("Comparison global characteristics","nb")
nb_intervals_init = len(self.all_intervals)
# Get the number of attempts with random initial conditions and from the best parameters for each station
# The total number of iterations per station is the product of these two numbers :
# nb_iter total = nb_iter_from_random * nb_iter_from_best
nb_iter_from_random = self.optiParam.get_param("Optimizer","nb iter from random initial conditions",default_value=1)
nb_iter_from_best = self.optiParam.get_param("Optimizer","nb iter from best",default_value=1)
for iOpti in range(len(sortJct)):
stationOut = sortJct[iOpti]
# Build the current compare.txt file and replace all nan values by 0.0
# Save the name of the station that will be the output
# Activate all the useful subs and write it in the param file
curCatch.activate_usefulSubs(blockJunction=doneList, onlyItself=onlyOwnSub)
# Select correct calibration intervals -> remove the intervals with NaN
cur_intervals = self.select_opti_intervals(all_intervals=all_intervals, stationOut=stationOut, filter_nan=True)
is_ok = self._save_opti_intervals(stationOut=stationOut, intervals=cur_intervals)
# Rename the result file
self.optiParam.change_param("Optimizer", "fname", stationOut)
# Prepare the paramPy dictionnary before calibration
# Prepare the potential discontinuous simulation
# FIXME : to potentially uncomment or removed : probably remove because we want to generate the complete event simulations to progress in the optimisation
# self.prepare_simulation(opti_intervals=cur_intervals, idLauncher=idLauncher)
# Check the initial parameters and if they are forced
init_params = self.get_initial_parameters()
## loop on the number of different optimisation attempt we would like for each station
best_params_overall = None
cur_i = 0
i_best_overal = 0
for i_rand in range(nb_iter_from_random):
best_params = init_params
for i_best in range(nb_iter_from_best):
# Prepare I.C. starting from best configuration
self.prepare_init_params_from_best(best_params=best_params, idLauncher=idLauncher)
# Reload the useful modules
self.reload_hydro(idCompar=0, fromStation=stationOut, lastLevel=previousLevel, updateAll=True)
# Compute
self.associate_ptr(None, idOpti=idOpti)
# Collect the best parameters and their objective function(s)
test_params = self.apply_optim(None, replace_only_if_better=(i_best!=0)) # Always apply the best parameters for the first iteration
# If test_params are not the best or 1st test => We don't save them
if test_params is not None:
best_params = test_params
if best_params_overall is None:
best_params_overall = best_params
elif best_params[-1] > best_params_overall[-1]:
best_params_overall = best_params
i_best_overal = cur_i
# copy the optimisation results to save it on the disk
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.workingDir, stationOut+".rpt.dat"),
os.path.join(self.workingDir, stationOut+"_"+str(cur_i+1)+".rpt.dat"))
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.workingDir, stationOut+".rpt"),
os.path.join(self.workingDir, stationOut+"_"+str(cur_i+1)+".rpt"))
cur_i += 1
# Apply the best parameters overall attemps
# Reset the init parameters
# copy the optimisation results to save it on the disk
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.workingDir, stationOut+"_"+str(i_best_overal+1)+".rpt.dat"),
os.path.join(self.workingDir, stationOut+".rpt.dat"))
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.workingDir, stationOut+"_"+str(i_best_overal+1)+".rpt"),
os.path.join(self.workingDir, stationOut+".rpt"))
# Simulation with the best parameters
cur_p = best_params_overall[:-1]
cur_obj = best_params_overall[-1]
cur_obj2 = self.evaluate_model_optimizer(cur_p, idOpti=idOpti)
print("cur_obj : ", cur_obj, " ; cur_obj2 : ", cur_obj2)
if cur_obj != cur_obj2:
logging.error("The objective function is not the same as the one computed")
# Update myHydro of all effective subbasins to get the best configuration upstream
# Update timeDelays according to time wolf_array
self.apply_timeDelay_dist(idOpti=idOpti, idLauncher=idLauncher, junctionKey=stationOut)
# Update the outflows
# reset the simulation intervals to their initial values
# FIXME : to potentially uncomment or removed : probably remove because we want to generate the complete event simulations to progress in the optimisation
# self.reset_simulation_intervals(simul_intervals, idLauncher=idLauncher)
# All upstream elements of a reference will be fixed
previousLevel = curCatch.levelOut
# Reset the optimisation file
logging.error("A problem occured ! Semi-distributed optimisation abort !")
# Reset the optimisation file
# reset the simulation intervals to their initial values
# FIXME : to potentially uncomment or removed : probably remove because we want to generate the complete event simulations to progress in the optimisation
self.reset_simulation_intervals(simul_intervals, idLauncher=idLauncher)
# Possibility to use the optimisation results enabled
print("End of semi-distributed optimisation!")
# TO DO : Change this function to Case -> to make it compatible with several cases.
def update_hydro(self, idCompar):
t0 = time_mod.process_time()
# Will update all the normal parameters
for element in self.myParams:
junctionName = self.myParams[element]["junction_name"]
paramValue = self.curParams_vec_F[element-1]
if paramValue != self.myParams[element]["value"]:
self.myParams[element]["value"] = paramValue
isOk = self.myParams[element]["update"](junctionName, value=paramValue)
# # Will update all the Python parameters
# for element in self.myParamsPy:
# junctionName = self.myParamsPy[element]["junction_name"]
# timeDelta = self.curParams_vec[element-1]
# if timeDelta != self.myParamsPy[element]["value"]:
# self.myParamsPy[element]["value"] = timeDelta
# # self.myParamsPy[element]["update"](junctionName, value=timeDelta)
# isOk = self.myParamsPy[element]["update"](junctionName, value=timeDelta)
isOk = self.myCases[0].refCatchment.update_hydro(idCompar, fromLevel=False)
tf = time_mod.process_time()
print("Time in update_hydro() : ", tf-t0)
print("curParam = ", self.curParams_vec_F)
print("All timeDelays = ", self.myCases[0].refCatchment.get_all_timeDelay())
tf = time_mod.process_time()
print("Time in update_hydro() : ", tf-t0)
return isOk
def reload_hydro(self, idCompar, firstLevel:int=1, lastLevel:int=-1, fromStation:str="", updateAll:bool=False):
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[0].refCatchment
isOk = curCatch.construct_hydro(firstLevel=firstLevel, lastLevel=lastLevel,
fromStation=fromStation, updateAll=updateAll)
return isOk
# TO DO : Change this function to Case -> to make it compatible with several cases.
def get_cvg(self, pointerData):
isOk = self.myCases[0].refCatchment.get_cvg(pointerData)
return isOk
def update_timeDelay(self, index):
isOk = 0.0
newTimeDelay = self.curParams_vec_F[index-1]
junctionName = self.myParamsPy[index]["junction_name"]
self.myParamsPy[index]["value"] = newTimeDelay
isOk = self.myParamsPy[index]["update"](junctionName, value=newTimeDelay)
# self.refCatchment.reset_timeDelay()
# isOk = self.refCatchment.update_timeDelay(junctionName, value=newTimeDelay)
# self.myParamsPy[index]["value"] = newTimeDelay
return isOk
def prepare_calibration_timeDelay(self, stationOut, idLauncher=0):
# Check whether the timeDelay should be calibrated
readTxt = int(self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed", "Calibrate_times"))
if readTxt == 1:
# myModel = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.myModel
# nbParamsModel = cste.modelParamsDict[myModel]["Nb"]
nbParamsModel = self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.get_param("Paramètres à varier", "Nombre de paramètres à varier")
if calibrate_timeDelay:
# Should delete all the python parameters in both myParams and myParamsPy dictionnaries
# FIXME To generalise that part
oldDim = len(self.myParams)
for i in range(nbParamsModel+1, oldDim+1):
del self.myParams[i]
del self.myParamsPy[i]
inletsNames = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.get_inletsName(stationOut)
nbInlets = len(inletsNames)
nbParams = nbParamsModel + nbInlets
self.nbParams = nbParams
self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.change_param("Paramètres à varier", "Nombre de paramètres à varier", nbParams)
prefix1 = "param_"
prefix2 = "Parameter "
for i in range(nbInlets):
paramName = prefix1 + str(nbParamsModel+i+1)
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]={}
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_data"] = {}
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_data"]["value"] = cste.exchange_parameters_py_timeDelay
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_data"]["type"] = 'Integer'
self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.add_param(paramName, "type_of_data", cste.exchange_parameters_py_timeDelay, Type_Param.Integer)
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["geom_filename"] = {}
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["geom_filename"]["value"] = "my_geom.txt"
self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.add_param(paramName, "geom_filename", "my_geom.txt", Type_Param.File)
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_geom"] = {}
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_geom"]["value"] = 0
self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.add_param(paramName, "type_of_geom", 0, Type_Param.Integer)
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_exchange"] = {}
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["type_of_exchange"]["value"] = -3
self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.add_param(paramName, "type_of_exchange", -3, Type_Param.Integer)
# Particularity of this Python parameter
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["junction_name"] = {}
# self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.myparams[paramName]["junction_name"]["value"] = inletsNames[i]
self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.add_param(paramName, "junction_name", inletsNames[i], Type_Param.String)
self.myParams[nbParamsModel+i+1] = {}
self.myParams[nbParamsModel+i+1]["type"] = self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.get_param(paramName, "type_of_data")
self.myParams[nbParamsModel+i+1]["value"] = 0.0
self.myParamsPy[nbParamsModel+i+1] = self.myParams[nbParamsModel+i+1]
self.myParamsPy[nbParamsModel+i+1]["update"] = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.update_timeDelay
self.myParamsPy[nbParamsModel+i+1]["junction_name"] = inletsNames[i]
# Check and replace the time delay params
paramName = prefix2 + str(nbParamsModel+i+1)
cur_param = self.saParam.get_param("Lowest values",paramName)
if cur_param is None:
self.saParam.change_param("Lowest values", paramName, 0.0)
if float(cur_param) != 0.0:
logging.warning("The parameters applied to timeDelays are different than the ones recommanded!")
logging.warning("This procedure can be dangerous in semi distributed optimisation! Do it at your own risk!")
cur_param = self.saParam.get_param("Highest values",paramName)
if cur_param is None:
self.saParam.change_param("Highest values", paramName, 5.0*24.0*3600.0)
if float(cur_param) != 5.0*24.0*3600.0:
logging.warning("The parameters applied to timeDelays are different than the ones recommanded!")
logging.warning("This procedure can be dangerous in semi distributed optimisation! Do it at your own risk!")
cur_param = self.saParam.get_param("Steps",paramName)
if cur_param is None:
self.saParam.change_param("Steps", paramName, self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.deltaT)
if float(cur_param) != self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.deltaT:
logging.warning("The parameters applied to timeDelays are different than the ones recommanded!")
logging.warning("This procedure can be dangerous in semi distributed optimisation! Do it at your own risk!")
cur_param = self.saParam.get_param("Initial parameters",paramName)
if cur_param is None:
self.saParam.change_param("Initial parameters", paramName, 1.0*3600.0)
if float(cur_param) != 1.0*3600.0:
logging.warning("The parameters applied to timeDelays are different than the ones recommanded!")
logging.warning("This procedure can be dangerous in semi distributed optimisation! Do it at your own risk!")
self.nbParams = nbParamsModel
self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.change_param("Paramètres à varier", "Nombre de paramètres à varier", self.nbParams)
def reset(self, event):
print("TO DO !!!!")
def add_Case(self):
print("TO DO!!!")
# Add the creation of the case object
# Add the Case in the ToolBar item
def launch_optimisation(self, idOpti=1):
# Check if lumped or semi-distriuted
if((self.optiParam.get_group("Semi-Distributed"))is not None):
self.launch_lumped_optimisation(None, idOpti=idOpti)
def show_optiParam(self, event):
def show_saParam(self, event):
def show_comparHowParam(self, event):
def update_nothing(self, whatever, value=0.0):
isOk = 0
return isOk
def apply_timeDelay_dist(self, idOpti:int=1, idLauncher:int=0, junctionKey:str=""):
curRef:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
if curRef.myModel == cst.tom_2layers_linIF or curRef.myModel == cst.tom_2layers_UH:
curRef.set_timeDelays(method="wolf_array", junctionKey=junctionKey, updateAll=True)
# Write all the timeDelays in files
def update_time_delays(self, idOpti:int=1, idLauncher:int=0):
self.dllFortran.update_time_delay_py.restype = ct.c_int
self.dllFortran.update_time_delay_py.argtypes = [ct.POINTER(ct.c_int), ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)]
# call of the Fortran function
isOk = self.dllFortran.update_time_delay_py(ct.byref(ct.c_int(idOpti)),ct.byref(ct.c_int(idLauncher+1)))
return isOk
## Update the dictionnaries of myParams if any changes is identified
# TODO : Generalised for all type of changes and all the necessary tests -> So far just update the junction name
def update_myParams(self, idLauncher=0):
curCatch = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
launcher_param = self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam
for i in range(1,self.nbParams+1):
curParam = "param_" + str(i)
sorted_id = int(launcher_param.get_param(curParam, "Subbasin id", default_value=0))
if sorted_id == 0:
self.myParams[i]["junction_name"] = curCatch.junctionOut
cur_id = list(curCatch.dictIdConversion.keys())[list(curCatch.dictIdConversion.values()).index(sorted_id)]
self.myParams[i]["junction_name"] = curCatch.subBasinDict[cur_id].name
## Function to determine the compare stations, compare files and the compare station SubBasin objects for each station
def set_compare_stations(self, idLauncher):
if (self.optiParam.get_group("Semi-Distributed"))!=None:
refCatch = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
nbRefs = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","nb")
readDict = {}
# Read all ref data
for iRef in range(1, nbRefs+1):
stationOut = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","Station measures "+str(iRef))
compareFileName = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","File reference "+str(iRef))
readDict[stationOut] = compareFileName
self.compareFilesDict = readDict
# Sort all the junctions by level
self.myStations = refCatch.sort_level_given_junctions(list(readDict.keys()), changeNames=False)
# Prepare the SubBasin compare objects for each station.
self.compareSubBasins = {stationOut: SubBasin(name=stationOut, _model=cst.compare_opti, _workingDir=self.workingDir)
for stationOut in self.myStations}
# This loop read all the measure and init the hydro surface of each SubBasin element
for key, cur_obj in self.compareSubBasins.items():
tmp, cur_obj.myHydro = cur_obj.get_hydro(1, workingDir=self.workingDir, fileNames=readDict[key])
keyBasin = refCatch.get_key_catchmentDict(key)
cur_basin = refCatch.catchmentDict[keyBasin]
cur_obj.surfaceDrained = cur_basin.surfaceDrainedHydro
cur_obj.surfaceDrainedHydro = cur_basin.surfaceDrainedHydro
# FIXME : generalise this verification or allow the measurements to adapt or build themselves correctly !!!
# assert cur_obj.dateBegin==refCatch.dateBegin and cur_obj.dateEnd==refCatch.dateEnd, "The measures and simulations does not have compatible intervals!"
def destroyOpti(self, event):
for element in self.myCases:
def get_all_outlets(self, event, idLauncher:int=0):
# this function will save all the hydrographs with the optimal parameters
refCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
def write_all_inlets(self,event, idLauncher:int=0):
# this function will save the hydrographs and the inlets with the optimal parameters
refCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
def plot_all_landuses(self, event, idLauncher:int=0):
# this function plots the landuses of all hydro subbasins
refCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
refCatch.plot_landuses(onlySub=True, show=True)
def plot_all_landuses_hydro(self, event, idLauncher:int=0):
# this function plots the landuses of all hydro subbasins
refCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
refCatch.plot_landuses(onlySub=False, show=True)
## Apply the best parameters of an optimisation which implies that :
# - the ".rpt" file of the results of an optimisation should be present
# - the optimal paramters will be replaced in their respective param files
# - the timeDelays will then be updated either with :
# - Python paramters itself
# - an estimation from the runnof model
# Once all the optimal parameters are applied, a new simulation is launched to generate the "best" hydrograph
def generate_semiDist_optim_simul(self, event, idOpti=1,idLauncher:int=0):
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
if(self.optiParam.get_group("Semi-Distributed"))is not None:
nbRefs = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","nb")
onlyOwnSub = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed", "Own_SubBasin")
if onlyOwnSub is None:
onlyOwnSub = False
doneList = []
sortJct = []
readDict = {}
# Read all ref data
for iRef in range(1, nbRefs+1):
stationOut = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","Station measures "+str(iRef))
compareFileName = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","File reference "+str(iRef))
readDict[stationOut] = compareFileName
self.compareFilesDict = readDict
# Sort all the junctions by level
sortJct = curCatch.sort_level_given_junctions(list(readDict.keys()), changeNames=False)
self.myStations = sortJct
for iOpti in range(len(sortJct)):
stationOut = sortJct[iOpti]
compareFileName = readDict[stationOut]
# Copy the correct compare.txt file
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.workingDir,compareFileName), os.path.join(self.workingDir,"compare.txt"))
# Save the name of the station that will be the output
# Activate all the useful subs and write it in the param file
curCatch.activate_usefulSubs(blockJunction=doneList, onlyItself=onlyOwnSub)
# Rename the result file
self.optiParam.change_param("Optimizer", "fname", stationOut)
# Preparing the dictionnaries of Parameters to be updated -> not just useful for calibration here !
# Fill the param files with their best values
# Simulation with the best parameters
# Update myHydro of all effective subbasins to get the best configuration upstream
# Update timeDelays according to time wolf_array
self.apply_timeDelay_dist(idOpti=idOpti, idLauncher=idLauncher, junctionKey=stationOut)
# Update the outflows
# All upstream elements of a reference will be fixed
def generate_semiDist_debug_simul(self, event, idOpti=1,idLauncher:int=0):
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
if(self.optiParam.get_group("Semi-Distributed"))is not None:
nbRefs = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","nb")
onlyOwnSub = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed", "Own_SubBasin")
if onlyOwnSub is None:
onlyOwnSub = False
doneList = []
sortJct = []
readDict = {}
# Read all ref data
for iRef in range(1, nbRefs+1):
stationOut = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","Station measures "+str(iRef))
compareFileName = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed","File reference "+str(iRef))
readDict[stationOut] = compareFileName
self.compareFilesDict = readDict
# Sort all the junctions by level
sortJct = curCatch.sort_level_given_junctions(list(readDict.keys()), changeNames=False)
self.myStations = sortJct
for iOpti in range(len(sortJct)):
stationOut = sortJct[iOpti]
compareFileName = readDict[stationOut]
# Copy the correct compare.txt file
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.workingDir,compareFileName), os.path.join(self.workingDir,"compare.txt"))
# Save the name of the station that will be the output
# Activate all the useful subs and write it in the param file
curCatch.activate_usefulSubs(blockJunction=doneList, onlyItself=onlyOwnSub)
# Rename the result file
self.optiParam.change_param("Optimizer", "fname", stationOut)
# TO DO -> adapt all the debug_info files
# write it here !!!!
# ====
# Fill the param files and generate all their best configurations
# Check with a reference
# TO DO !!!!!
# All upstream elements of a reference will be fixed
def read_all_attempts_SA(self, format="rpt", all_attempts=False, filter_repetitions=True):
nameTMP = self.optiParam.get_param("Optimizer","fname")
if all_attempts:
nb_iter_from_random = self.optiParam.get_param("Optimizer","nb iter from random initial conditions",
nb_iter_from_best = self.optiParam.get_param("Optimizer","nb iter from best",
nb_attempts = nb_iter_from_random * nb_iter_from_best
all_names = [nameTMP+"_"+str(i+1) for i in range(nb_attempts)]
all_names = [nameTMP]
matrixParam = np.empty((0, self.nbParams), dtype="double")
vectorObjFct = np.empty((0,), dtype="double")
if format=="rpt":
for cur_file in all_names:
optimFile = os.path.join(self.workingDir, cur_file+".rpt")
with open(optimFile, newline = '') as fileID:
data_reader = csv.reader(fileID, delimiter='|',skipinitialspace=True, )
list_param = []
list_ObjFct = []
line = 0
for raw in data_reader:
line += 1
usefulData = raw[2:-2]
line += 1
matrixParam = np.vstack((matrixParam,
vectorObjFct = np.append(vectorObjFct,
wx.MessageBox(_('The best parameters file is not found!'), _('Error'), wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
elif format==".dat":
for cur_file in all_names:
optimFile = os.path.join(self.workingDir, cur_file+".rpt.dat")
isOk, optimFile = check_path(optimFile)
if isOk>0:
allData = read_bin(self.workingDir, cur_file+".rpt.dat", uniform_format=8)
allData = np.array(allData).astype("double")
matrixParam = np.vstack((matrixParam, allData[:-1,:-1]))
vectorObjFct = np.append(vectorObjFct, allData[:-1,-1])
if filter_repetitions:
logging.info("Filtering the repetitions in the attempts!")
filter_matrix, indices, inverse, counts = np.unique(matrixParam, axis=0,
vectorObjFct = vectorObjFct[indices]
matrixParam = filter_matrix
logging.info("The max number of repetitions = "+ str(np.max(counts)))
return matrixParam, vectorObjFct
def apply_optim_2_params(self, params:np.array, idLauncher=0):
refCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
myModel = refCatch.myModel
if self.curParams_vec_F is None \
or len(self.curParams_vec_F) != self.nbParams:
self.curParams_vec_F = np.empty((self.nbParams,), dtype=ct.c_double, order='F')
myModelDict = cste.modelParamsDict[myModel]["Parameters"]
for cur_effsub in range(len(refCatch.myEffSubBasins)):
filePath = os.path.join(refCatch.workingDir, "Subbasin_" + str(refCatch.myEffSortSubBasins[cur_effsub]))
for i in range(self.nbParams):
myType = self.myParams[i+1]["type"]
# If the parameter is not for the current effective subbasin
# then we skip it
if "junction_name" in self.myParams[i+1]:
cur_sub = refCatch.catchmentDict[refCatch.get_key_catchmentDict(self.myParams[i+1]["junction_name"])]
if cur_sub.iDSorted != refCatch.myEffSortSubBasins[cur_effsub]:
self.myParams[i+1]["value"] = params[i]
fileName = myModelDict[int(myType)]["File"]
myGroup = myModelDict[int(myType)]["Group"]
myKey = myModelDict[int(myType)]["Key"]
if "Convertion Factor" in myModelDict[int(myType)]:
convFact = myModelDict[int(myType)]["Convertion Factor"]
convFact = 1.0
tmpWolf = Wolf_Param(to_read=True, filename=os.path.join(filePath,fileName),toShow=False, init_GUI=False)
tmpWolf.change_param(myGroup, myKey, params[i]/convFact)
# tmpWolf.OnClose(None)
tmpWolf = None
self.curParams_vec_F[i] = params[i]
print("TO DO : Complete the python parameter dict!!!!!!!")
def apply_all_tests(self, idLauncher=0):
refCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
# Get all the tested parameters
allParams, objFct = self.read_all_attempts_SA()
for i in range(len(allParams)):
curParams = allParams[i]
self.apply_optim_2_params(curParams, idLauncher=idLauncher)
# Simulation with the best parameters
# Update myHydro of all effective subbasins to get the best configuration upstream
# Update the outflows
def remove_py_params(self, idLauncher:int=0):
Removes the Python parameters from the optimization configuration.
idLauncher (int, optional): The ID of the launcher. Defaults to 0.
cur_opti = self.myCases[idLauncher]
paramDict = cur_opti.launcherParam
nb_params = int(paramDict.get_param("Paramètres à varier", "Nombre de paramètres à varier"))
myModel = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.myModel
nbParamsModel = cste.modelParamsDict[myModel]["Nb"]*len(cur_opti.refCatchment.myEffSubBasins)
for i in range(1,nb_params+1):
curParam = "param_" + str(i)
curType = int(paramDict.get_param(curParam, "type_of_data"))
if curType < 0:
del paramDict.myparams[curParam]
nb_params -= 1
# Test
# assert nb_params > nbParamsModel, "The number of parameters to optimize is not equal to the number of parameters of the model!"
if nb_params > nbParamsModel:
logging.error("The number of to optimise are greater than the number of max parameter of the model!! ")
assert nb_params > nbParamsModel, "The number of parameters to optimize is not equal to the number of parameters of the model!"
self.myCases[idLauncher].launcherParam.change_param("Paramètres à varier", "Nombre de paramètres à varier", nb_params)
def _read_opti_intervals(self, idLauncher:int=0)->list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]:
.. todo::
- Add the measure of the comparison file in properties of the object opti
- Check according to the current Observation, which comparision intervals are posssible -> and sort them
- Save the comparison intervals somewhere
- Save the useful comparison intervals somewhere
- Return the useful intervals.
# file_compare = os.path.join(self.workingDir,"compare.txt")
# isOk, file_compare = check_path(file_compare)
# if isOk<0:
# logging.error("The file compare.txt is not found!")
# return
# Read the comparison file
if self.myStations==[]:
nb_comparison = self.comparHowParam.get_param("Comparison global characteristics", "nb")
str_di = "date begin"
str_df = "date end"
intervals = []
for icomp in range(1, nb_comparison+1):
cur_key = " ".join(["Comparison", str(icomp)])
nb_intervals = self.comparHowParam.get_param(cur_key, "nb intervals")
for i_inter in range(1,nb_intervals+1):
str_read = self.comparHowParam.get_param(cur_key, " ".join([str_di,str(i_inter)]))
di = datetime.datetime.strptime(str_read, cst.DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
str_read = self.comparHowParam.get_param(cur_key," ".join([str_df,str(i_inter)]))
df = datetime.datetime.strptime(str_read, cst.DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO).replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
# Check that di is a timestamp lower than other date #FIXME : to be transfer in a test function !!!!
if di>df:
logging.error("The date end is lower than the date begin!")
return None
return intervals
def _save_opti_intervals(self, idLauncher:int=0, stationOut:str="",
intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]=None)->int:
if stationOut == "":
suffix = "0"
suffix = stationOut
if intervals is None:
self.all_intervals = self._read_opti_intervals(idLauncher=idLauncher)
compare_file = os.path.join(self.workingDir,"compare.how.param")
# In case of a problem, the initial compare file is copied
compare_file_cp = os.path.join(self.workingDir,"compare.how_"+suffix+"_tmp.param")
isOk, compare_file_cp = check_path(compare_file_cp)
if isOk<0 and stationOut=="":
compare_file_cp = os.path.join(self.workingDir,"compare.how_"+suffix+".param")
shutil.copyfile(compare_file, compare_file_cp)
print("The following file has been copied : ", compare_file_cp)
shutil.copyfile(compare_file, compare_file_cp)
print("The following file has been copied : ", compare_file_cp)
if self.all_intervals is None:
return -1
return 0
def select_opti_intervals(self, all_intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]=None,
idLauncher:int=0, stationOut="", filter_nan:bool=True)->list[tuple]:
.. todo::
- Add the measure of the comparison file in properties of the object opti
- Check according to the current Observation, which comparision intervals are posssible -> and sort them
- Save the comparison intervals somewhere
- Save the useful comparison intervals somewhere
- Return the useful intervals.
cur_opti = self.myCases[idLauncher]
cur_ref = cur_opti.refCatchment
if stationOut == "":
stationOut = cur_ref.junctionOut
if all_intervals is None:
if self.all_intervals is None:
logging.error("The intervlas are not defined! Please add them in the function arguments or use the funcion '_save_opti_intervals()' to save them internally (at your own risk!)")
# id_ok= self._save_opti_intervals(idLauncher=idLauncher)
# if id_ok<0:
# return None
all_intervals = self.all_intervals
if self.myStations==[]:
keyBasin = cur_ref.get_key_catchmentDict(stationOut)
cur_basin = cur_ref.catchmentDict[keyBasin]
# Select the optimisation intervals that are relevant according to the available measures
effective_intv = [interv for interv in all_intervals if interv[0]>=cur_basin.dateBegin and interv[1]<=cur_basin.dateEnd]
if filter_nan:
effective_intv = self._define_intervals_with_nan_measures(effective_intv, self.compareSubBasins,
idLauncher=idLauncher, stationOut=stationOut)
return effective_intv
def _define_intervals_with_nan_measures(self, intervals: list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]], measures: dict[str, SubBasin],
idLauncher: int = 0, stationOut: str = ""):
Defines new intervals excluding all NaN measures based on the given intervals and measures dictionary.
For instance, if there is continuous NaN measures within a given interval, the function will split
that interval into smaller that do not contain NaN measures.
intervals (list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]): A list of intervals represented as tuples of start and end datetime objects.
measures (dict[str, SubBasin]): A dictionary of measures where the keys are station names and the values are SubBasin objects.
idLauncher (int, optional): The id of the launcher. Defaults to 0.
stationOut (str, optional): The station name. Defaults to "".
list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]: A list of intervals with NaN measures.
if stationOut not in measures:
logging.error("The stationOut is not in the measures dictionary!")
return None
cur_el = measures[stationOut]
hydro = cur_el.get_myHydro()
time = cur_el.time
# get the indices of the nan values
non_nan_locations = ~np.isnan(hydro)
within_intervals = np.sum(
[(time >= datetime.datetime.timestamp(interv[0])) *
(time <= datetime.datetime.timestamp(interv[1]))
for interv in intervals],
axis=0) > 0
# Both conditions should be satisfied
all_conditions = np.where(non_nan_locations * within_intervals)[0]
# Check all the discontinuities and the indices they start
# i.e. when the index difference is not 1
# +1 as the np.diff is one element sooner than nan_locations: diff[0]=v[1]-v[0]
group_starts = np.where(np.diff(all_conditions) != 1)[0] + 1
# Add 0 as it is the first index of the first group
group_starts = np.insert(group_starts, 0, 0)
# Identify where the groups stop.
group_ends = np.append(group_starts[1:] - 1, len(all_conditions)-1)
# Get the timestamps of the first and last nan element and form groups of discontinuities
iterv_timestamp = [(time[all_conditions[i_i]], time[all_conditions[i_f]]) for i_i, i_f in zip(group_starts, group_ends)]
interv_dates = [(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(iterv[0],tz=datetime.timezone.utc),
datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(iterv[1], tz=datetime.timezone.utc))
for iterv in iterv_timestamp]
return interv_dates
def save_opti_dates_to_file(self, opti_dates:list[tuple[datetime.datetime,datetime.datetime]]):
Here the procedure is saving the intervals of dates for calibration in the compare.how.param
# Verifications
assert len(opti_dates)>0, "The list of dates is empty!"
for i_opti in opti_dates:
assert i_opti[1]>i_opti[0], "The start date is not lower than the end date!"
nb_comparison = self.comparHowParam.get_param("Comparison global characteristics", "nb")
str_di = "date begin"
str_df = "date end"
for icomp in range(1, nb_comparison+1):
cur_key = " ".join(["Comparison", str(icomp)])
nb_intervals = len(opti_dates)
self.comparHowParam.change_param(cur_key, "nb intervals", nb_intervals)
for i_inter in range(1,nb_intervals+1):
di = datetime.datetime.strftime(opti_dates[i_inter-1][0], cst.DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO)
df = datetime.datetime.strftime(opti_dates[i_inter-1][1], cst.DATE_FORMAT_HYDRO)
# FIXME : Change addparam to add_param
self.comparHowParam.addparam(cur_key, " ".join([str_di,str(i_inter)]), di, type="str")
self.comparHowParam.addparam(cur_key, " ".join([str_df,str(i_inter)]), df, type="str")
def prepare_init_params_from_best(self, best_params:np.array, idLauncher:int=0):
# If there are no best params the initial values will be random
if best_params is None:
# Force the initial parameters to be defined randomly
self.saParam.change_param("Initial parameters", "Read initial parameters?", 0)
# In the following code, we apply the best parameters to the initial parameters
self.saParam.change_param("Initial parameters", "Read initial parameters?", 1)
for i in range(self.nbParams):
self.saParam.change_param("Initial parameters", " ".join(["Parameter",str(i+1)]), best_params[i])
def get_initial_parameters(self)-> np.array:
read_IP = self.saParam.get_param("Initial parameters", "Read initial parameters?")
if read_IP == 1:
# FIXME : Generalise for more than 1 objctive function
init_params = np.zeros(self.nbParams+1)
for i in range(self.nbParams):
init_params[i] = self.saParam.get_param("Initial parameters", " ".join(["Parameter",str(i+1)]))
init_params[-1] = -sys.float_info.max
init_params = None
return init_params
def reset_init_params(self, init_params:np.array):
if init_params is None:
for i in range(self.nbParams):
self.saParam.change_param("Initial parameters", " ".join(["Parameter",str(i+1)]), init_params[i])
print("Reset init params : ", init_params)
def _check_presence_of_iv(self, idLauncher:int=0):
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
return curCatch.check_presence_of_iv()
def plot_Nash_vs_Qexcess(self, event, idLauncher:int=0):
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
all_params, all_nash = self.read_all_attempts_SA(format=".dat")
nb_tests = np.shape(all_nash)[0]
if self.myStations==[]:
compMeas = []
for iOpti in range(len(self.myStations)):
dateBegin = curCatch.dateBegin
dateEnd = curCatch.dateEnd
deltaT = curCatch.deltaT # [sec]
stationOut = self.myStations[iOpti]
compareFileName = self.compareFilesDict[stationOut]
dir_Meas = self.workingDir
compMeas.append(SubBasin(dateBegin, dateEnd, deltaT, cst.compare_opti, dir_Meas))
_,cur_comp = compMeas[iOpti].get_hydro(1, workingDir=dir_Meas, fileNames=compareFileName)
keyBasin = curCatch.get_key_catchmentDict(stationOut)
cur_basin = curCatch.catchmentDict[keyBasin]
cur_comp = cur_comp*cur_basin.surfaceDrained/3.6
all_qtests = curCatch.get_all_Qtest(nb_atttempts=nb_tests, selection_by_iD=[stationOut])
# FIXME : Check the type of interpolation to use
interp_qcomp = np.interp(curCatch.time, compMeas[iOpti].time, cur_comp)
q_diff = np.array([np.count_nonzero((qtest-interp_qcomp <0.0) & (qtest != 0.0))/np.count_nonzero((qtest != 0.0))
for qtest in all_qtests[0]])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for i in range(nb_tests-1):
ax.scatter(q_diff[i], all_nash[i], s=0.5, c='b', marker='o', alpha=i/nb_tests)
ax.scatter(q_diff[-1], all_nash[-1], s=0.5, c='b', marker='o', label="test", alpha=1)
# ax.scatter(q_diff, all_nash, s=0.5, c='b', marker='o', label="test")
ax.set_xlabel("Non-exceedance fraction. Portion of the observations below the simulated series (Qs>Qo)")
ax.set_ylabel("Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency")
ax.set_ylim(1.0, -1.0)
ax.set_xlim(0.0, 1.0)
i_best = np.argmax(all_nash)
ax.scatter(q_diff[i_best], all_nash[i_best], color='red', s=30, label="Best Nash")
ax.set_title("2000-2011 GR4H "+stationOut)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(curCatch.workingDir, "PostProcess/Nash_vs_Qexcess_"+stationOut+".png"))
def get_all_Nash(self):
return {cur_file: self.collect_optim(cur_file)[-1] for cur_file in self.myStations}
# FIXME this function is not correct -> to be corrected and delete the remove_py_params and updtate_myParams calls
def get_all_params(self, idLauncher:int=0):
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
hydro_model = curCatch.myModel
# Read the comparison file
if self.myStations==[]:
calibrate_timeDelay = bool(int(self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed", "Calibrate_times")))
myModelDict = cste.modelParamsDict[hydro_model]["Parameters"]
all_names = {}
for stationOut in self.myStations:
id_params = [self.myParams[i]["type"] for i in range(1,self.nbParams+1)]
names = [myModelDict[cur_id]["Name"] for cur_id in id_params if cur_id>0]
all_names[stationOut] = names
if calibrate_timeDelay:
# Get_nb inlets
inletsNames = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.get_inletsName(stationOut)
nbInlets = len(inletsNames)
for i in range(nbInlets):
names.append("TimeDelay "+inletsNames[i])
# Complete the names according to the stations concerned
optim = {cur_file: self.collect_optim(cur_file) for cur_file in self.myStations}
# all_params = {}
# for key, value in optim.items():
# all_params[key] = {}
# for i, cur_name in enumerate(all_names):
# all_params[key][cur_name] = value[i]
all_params = {key:
{cur_name : value[i] for i, cur_name in enumerate(all_names)}
for key, value in optim.items()}
return all_params
def save_all_params(self, all_params:dict={}, idLauncher:int=0):
all_keys = list(all_params.keys())
def save_current_compare_file(self, stationOut: str):
Save the current compare file for a given station to prepare optimisation with Fortran.
stationOut (str): The station identifier.
compare_file_name = self.compareFilesDict[stationOut]
cur_sub = self.compareSubBasins[stationOut]
time = cur_sub.time
hydro = cur_sub.get_myHydro()
hydro = np.nan_to_num(hydro, nan=0.0)
data = np.column_stack((time, hydro))
# Define header
header = f"{data.shape[0]:d}\t{data.shape[1]:d}"
# Write to file
os.path.join(self.workingDir, "compare.txt"),
fmt=["%d", "%e"],
def prepare_simulation(self, opti_intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]],
cur_catch = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
# TODO : Create an object hydro intervals with activate property and a method to retrun a list of tuples
simul_intevals = cur_catch.simulation_intervals
# See which simulation intervals should be activated
eff_simul_intervals = []
for simul_intrv in simul_intevals:
to_activate = False
for cur_opti_intrv in opti_intervals:
if cur_opti_intrv[0]>simul_intrv[0] and cur_opti_intrv[1]<simul_intrv[1]:
to_activate = True
if to_activate:
cur_catch.simulation_intervals = eff_simul_intervals
def reset_simulation_intervals(self, default_interval:list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]],
cur_catch = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
cur_catch.simulation_intervals = default_interval
# FIXME : this function has been dashed off -> functionnal but not well written!!
# TODO : to improve !!!!!!
def test_equifinality_with_Nash(self, event, idLauncher:int=0, idOpti:int=1, quantile_Nash:float=0.01, std_Nash:float=0.3, clustering_Nash:bool=True):
Test the equifinality of the model.
idLauncher (int, optional): The id of the launcher. Defaults to 0.
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
onlyOwnSub = self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed", "Own_SubBasin")
if onlyOwnSub is None:
onlyOwnSub = False
doneList = []
previousLevel = 1
# Collect sort and save the compare stations
sortJct = self.myStations
# Get the initial number of intervals
# -> these can evolve according to the measurement available at each station
is_ok = self._save_opti_intervals()
all_intervals = self.all_intervals
# Activate the writing of the internal variables
# Prepare the Excel writer
writer_tot = pd.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(self.workingDir, "all_best_tests.xlsx"), engine = 'xlsxwriter')
for iOpti in range(len(sortJct)):
stationOut = sortJct[iOpti]
logging.info("Station : "+stationOut)
# Build the current compare.txt file and replace all nan values by 0.0
# Save the name of the station that will be the output
# Activate all the useful subs and write it in the param file
curCatch.activate_usefulSubs(blockJunction=doneList, onlyItself=onlyOwnSub)
# Select correct calibration intervals -> remove the intervals with NaN
cur_intervals = self.select_opti_intervals(all_intervals=all_intervals, stationOut=stationOut, filter_nan=True)
# Rename the result file
self.optiParam.change_param("Optimizer", "fname", stationOut)
# Prepare the paramPy dictionnary before calibration
# Reload the useful modules
self.reload_hydro(idCompar=0, fromStation=stationOut, lastLevel=previousLevel, updateAll=True)
## =======
## Init
## =======
self.associate_ptr(None, idOpti=idOpti)
# Get the best parameters to test
all_params = self.get_best_params(stationOut=stationOut, quantile=quantile_Nash, std=std_Nash, apply_clustering=clustering_Nash)
## =======
## Compute
## =======
all_frac = []
for i in range(len(all_params)):
cur_p = all_params[i, :-1]
cur_obj = all_params[i, -1]
cur_obj2 = self.evaluate_model_optimizer(cur_p, idOpti=idOpti)
print("cur_obj : ", cur_obj, " ; cur_obj2 : ", cur_obj2)
if cur_obj != cur_obj2:
logging.error("The objective function is not the same as the one computed by the model!")
logging.error("cur_obj : "+str(cur_obj)+" ; cur_obj2 : "+str(cur_obj2))
# assert cur_obj == cur_obj2, "The objective function is not the same as the one computed by the model!"
# Save all the variables/evaluations desired
frac_dict = self._get_cur_fractions(idLauncher=idLauncher, stationOut=stationOut, intervals=cur_intervals)
cur_all_frac = list(frac_dict.values())
frac_vol_dict = self._get_volume_fractions(idLauncher=idLauncher, stationOut=stationOut, intervals=cur_intervals)
qof_max = self._get_max_runoff(idLauncher=idLauncher, stationOut=stationOut, intervals=cur_intervals)
p_excess = self._get_exceedance(idLauncher=idLauncher, stationOut=stationOut, intervals=cur_intervals)
max_sim_obs = self._get_ratio_max_sim_obs(idLauncher=idLauncher, stationOut=stationOut, intervals=cur_intervals)
# Extract the time delays
all_timeDelays = curCatch.get_timeDelays_inlets(ref=stationOut)
all_timeDelays_str = {key : str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=all_timeDelays[key])) for key in all_timeDelays}
cur_timeDelays = list(all_timeDelays_str.values())
# Concatenate all the informations
cur_all_frac = list(cur_p) + cur_timeDelays + cur_all_frac + list(frac_vol_dict.values()) + [qof_max, p_excess, max_sim_obs, cur_obj]
# Get param names
names = self.get_param_names(idLauncher=idLauncher, stationOut=stationOut)
# Save the evaluations
var_names = names \
+ list(all_timeDelays_str.keys()) \
+ list(frac_dict.keys()) \
+ list(frac_vol_dict.keys()) \
+ ["% max runoff", "P. of exceedance", "Qmax_simul/Q_max_measure", "Nash"]
cur_df = pd.DataFrame(all_frac, columns=var_names)
# write first the tempory results for each station
writer_stat = pd.ExcelWriter(os.path.join(self.workingDir, stationOut+"_tests.xlsx"), engine = 'xlsxwriter')
cur_df.to_excel(writer_stat, sheet_name=stationOut, columns=var_names)
# write now the informations for all the stations in the same excel file
cur_df.to_excel(writer_tot, sheet_name=stationOut, columns=var_names)
## =======
## =======
# Collect the best parameters and their objective function(s)
best_params = self.apply_optim(None)
# Simulation with the best parameters
# Update myHydro of all effective subbasins to get the best configuration upstream
# Update timeDelays according to time wolf_array
self.apply_timeDelay_dist(idOpti=idOpti, idLauncher=idLauncher, junctionKey=stationOut)
# Update the outflows
# All upstream elements of a reference will be fixed
previousLevel = curCatch.levelOut
logging.info("The equifinality test is finished!")
def get_best_params(self, stationOut:str,
criterion:str="Nash", quantile:float=0.99, std:float=0.05, eps:float=0.1,
objective_fct:bool= True, apply_clustering:bool=False):
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
Get the best parameters for a given station.
stationOut (str): The station identifier.
idLauncher (int, optional): The id of the launcher. Defaults to 0.
np.array: The best parameters.
best_objfct = self.collect_optim()[-1]
all_params, all_obj_fct = self.read_all_attempts_SA(format=".dat", all_attempts=True)
quantile_cond = (all_obj_fct > np.quantile(all_obj_fct, quantile))
std_cond = (all_obj_fct > best_objfct*(1-std))
all_cond = np.where(np.logical_and(quantile_cond, std_cond))[0]
eff_params = all_params[all_cond]
eff_obj = all_obj_fct[all_cond]
if objective_fct:
eff_params = np.column_stack((eff_params, eff_obj))
# In this part we filter abd remove the parameters that are almost equivalent
# To do so, we use the DBSCAN clustering algorithm to group the parameters that are close to each other
# and only keep the set of parameter that has the best Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency per group
# The parameters that are not grouped are considered had "particular" and are still kept in the final set
if apply_clustering:
# "Normalise" or scale btw [0;1] the parameter vector to make the clustering more efficient
min_param = np.min(eff_params, axis=0)
max_param = np.max(eff_params, axis=0)
norm_params = (eff_params-min_param)/(max_param-min_param)
db = DBSCAN(eps=eps).fit(norm_params)
labels = db.labels_
# Extraction of the number of groups and particular cases
n_clusters = len(set(labels)) - (1 if -1 in labels else 0)
n_noise = list(labels).count(-1)
noise_ind = np.where(labels==-1)[0]
# First extract all the vectors that are grouped and their indices
grouped_ind = db.core_sample_indices_
grouped_params = eff_params[grouped_ind]
grouped_labels = labels[grouped_ind]
# Init of the filtered parameters vector
filtered_params = np.zeros((n_clusters+n_noise, np.shape(eff_params)[1]))
# Loop to determine the best set of parameter per group
best_indices_per_group = np.zeros(n_clusters, dtype=int)
for i in range(n_clusters):
cur_indices = np.where(grouped_labels==i)[0]
cur_group = grouped_params[cur_indices]
best_indices_per_group[i] = np.argmax(cur_group[:,-1])
# Keep the best set of parameters per group
filtered_params[:n_clusters] = grouped_params[best_indices_per_group]
# Keep all the element that could not be grouped
filtered_params[n_clusters:] = eff_params[noise_ind]
return filtered_params
return eff_params
# FIXME : interp function used -> add the method of interpolation as an argument
def _get_exceedance(self, idLauncher:int=0, stationOut:str="",
intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]=[]) -> float:
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
cur_key = curCatch.get_key_catchmentDict(stationOut)
curBasin: SubBasin = curCatch.catchmentDict[cur_key]
simul = curBasin.outFlow
measure = self.compareSubBasins[stationOut]
compare = np.interp(curCatch.time, measure.time, measure.outFlow)
if intervals != []:
interv = np.zeros(len(curCatch.time), dtype=bool)
for el in intervals:
date_i = datetime.datetime.timestamp(el[0])
date_f = datetime.datetime.timestamp(el[1])
interv += (curCatch.time>=date_i) & (curCatch.time<=date_f)
interv = np.ones(len(curCatch.time), dtype=bool)
eff_simul = simul[interv]
eff_compare = compare[interv]
q_diff = np.count_nonzero((eff_simul-eff_compare <0.0) & (eff_simul != 0.0))/np.count_nonzero((eff_simul != 0.0))
return q_diff
# FIXME : to improve and generalise
def _get_cur_fractions(self, idLauncher:int=0, stationOut:str="",
intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]=[]) -> dict[list[str], list[float]]:
Save the evaluations of the model.
idOpti (int, optional): The id of the optimisation. Defaults to 1.
stationOut (str, optional): The station identifier. Defaults to "".
fct_list (list[str], optional): A list of functions. Defaults to [].
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
cur_key = curCatch.get_key_catchmentDict(stationOut)
curBasin: SubBasin = curCatch.catchmentDict[cur_key]
if type(curBasin) != SubBasin:
logging.warning("The current module is not a SubBasin object!")
return None
cur_fracts = curBasin.get_summary_fractions(summary="mean", interval=intervals)
return cur_fracts
# TODO : to finish this function
def _get_volume_fractions(self, idLauncher:int=0, stationOut:str="",
intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]=[]) -> dict[list[str], list[float]]:
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
cur_key = curCatch.get_key_catchmentDict(stationOut)
curBasin: SubBasin = curCatch.catchmentDict[cur_key]
if type(curBasin) != SubBasin:
logging.warning("The current module is not a SubBasin object!")
return None
cur_fracts = curBasin.get_volume_fractions(interval=intervals)
return cur_fracts
# FIXME : to improve and generalise
def _get_max_runoff(self, idLauncher:int=0, stationOut:str="",
intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]=[]) -> dict[list[str], list[float]]:
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
cur_key = curCatch.get_key_catchmentDict(stationOut)
curBasin: SubBasin = curCatch.catchmentDict[cur_key]
cur_fracts = curBasin.get_summary_fractions(summary="max", interval=intervals)
return cur_fracts["% qof"]
def _get_ratio_max_sim_obs(self, idLauncher:int=0, stationOut:str="",
intervals:list[tuple[datetime.datetime, datetime.datetime]]=[]) -> float:
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
cur_key = curCatch.get_key_catchmentDict(stationOut)
curBasin: SubBasin = curCatch.catchmentDict[cur_key]
measure = self.compareSubBasins[stationOut]
if intervals != []:
interv_simul = np.zeros(len(curCatch.time), dtype=bool)
interv_meas = np.zeros(len(measure.time), dtype=bool)
for el in intervals:
date_i = datetime.datetime.timestamp(el[0])
date_f = datetime.datetime.timestamp(el[1])
interv_simul += (curCatch.time>=date_i) & (curCatch.time<=date_f)
interv_meas += (measure.time>=date_i) & (measure.time<=date_f)
interv_simul = np.ones(len(curCatch.time), dtype=bool)
interv_meas = np.ones(len(measure.time), dtype=bool)
simul = curBasin.outFlow[interv_simul]
compare = measure.outFlow[interv_meas]
ratio = np.nanmax(simul)/np.nanmax(compare)
return ratio
# Here, we condider that the parameters were already sorted, i.e. model parameters first and Python parameters (<0) after
def get_param_names(self, idLauncher:int=0, stationOut:str=""):
curCatch:Catchment = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment
myModelDict = cste.modelParamsDict[curCatch.myModel]["Parameters"]
id_params = [self.myParams[i]["type"] for i in range(1,self.nbParams+1)]
names = [myModelDict[cur_id]["Name"] for cur_id in id_params if cur_id>0]
calibrate_timeDelay = bool(int(self.optiParam.get_param("Semi-Distributed", "Calibrate_times")))
if calibrate_timeDelay:
# Get_nb inlets
inletsNames = self.myCases[idLauncher].refCatchment.get_inletsName(stationOut)
nbInlets = len(inletsNames)
for i in range(nbInlets):
names.append("TimeDelay "+inletsNames[i])
return names
# Plot the equifinalty test for each station
def plot_equifinality(self, event, idLauncher:int=0):
physical_properties = ["%qof", "%qif", "%qbf", "%loss"]
physical_properties_vol = ['% qof volume', '% qif volume', '% qbf volume', '% loss volume']
# physical_properties_vol = [el+" volume" for el in physical_properties]
colors_properties = ["b", "g", "k", "orange"]
y_label = "Nash"
if self.myStations==[]:
sortJct = self.myStations
for iOpti in range(len(sortJct)):
stationOut = sortJct[iOpti]
filename = os.path.join(self.workingDir, stationOut+"_tests.xlsx")
if os.path.isfile(filename):
df = pd.read_excel(filename, sheet_name=stationOut)
# Plot the physical properties
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for cur_prop, cur_color in zip(physical_properties, colors_properties):
cur_columns = [col for col in df.columns if cur_prop in col.replace(" ", "")]
if cur_columns != []:
corr_prop = cur_columns[0]
ax.scatter(df.loc[:,corr_prop], df.loc[:,y_label], s=0.5, c=cur_color,
marker='o', label=cur_prop, alpha=0.4)
ax.set_xlabel("% of the rain [-]")
ax.set_ylabel(y_label+" [-]")
ax.set_title("Proportion of rain : "+stationOut)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.workingDir, "Equifinality_physical_prop_"+stationOut+".png"))
# Plot the physical property volumes
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for cur_prop, cur_color in zip(physical_properties_vol, colors_properties):
cur_columns = [col for col in df.columns if cur_prop.replace(" ", "") in col.replace(" ", "")]
if cur_columns != []:
corr_prop = cur_columns[0]
ax.scatter(df.loc[:,corr_prop], df.loc[:,y_label], s=0.5, c=cur_color,
marker='o', label=cur_prop, alpha=0.4)
ax.set_xlabel("% of the rain volume [-]")
ax.set_ylabel(y_label+" [-]")
ax.set_title("Proportion of rain volume : "+stationOut)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.workingDir, "Equifinality_physical_prop_volumes_"+stationOut+".png"))
# Plot the Probability of exceedance
cur_color = colors_properties[0]
x_label = "P. of exceedance"
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
if x_label in df.columns:
ax.scatter(df.loc[:,x_label], df.loc[:,y_label], s=0.5, c=cur_color, marker='o', label=x_label)
ax.set_xlabel(x_label +" [-]")
ax.set_ylabel(y_label+" [-]")
ax.set_title("Probability of Q_sim > Q_meas : "+stationOut)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.workingDir, "Equifinality_prob_excess_"+stationOut+".png"))
# Plot Q_sim/Q_max
x_label = "Qmax_simul/Q_max_measure"
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
if x_label in df.columns:
ax.scatter(df.loc[:,x_label], df.loc[:,y_label], s=0.5, c=cur_color, marker='o', label=x_label)
ax.set_xlabel(x_label +" [-]")
ax.set_ylabel(y_label+" [-]")
ax.set_title("Peak analysis : "+stationOut)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.workingDir, "Equifinality_peaks_ratio_"+stationOut+".png"))
# Plot % of the max runoff
x_label = "% max runoff"
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
if x_label in df.columns:
ax.scatter(df.loc[:,x_label], df.loc[:,y_label], s=0.5, c=cur_color, marker='o', label=x_label)
ax.set_xlabel(x_label +" [-]")
ax.set_ylabel(y_label+" [-]")
ax.set_title("Max runoff [%] : "+stationOut)
fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.workingDir, "Equifinality_max_runoff_"+stationOut+".png"))
logging.error("The file "+filename+" does not exist!")
def add_Case(self, idLauncher:int=0):
i = idLauncher
newCase = CaseOpti()
launcherDir = self.optiParam.get_param("Cases","dir_"+str(i+1))
isOk, launcherDir = check_path(launcherDir, prefix=self.workingDir, applyCWD=True)
if isOk<0:
print("ERROR : in path of launcherDir")
newCase.read_param(launcherDir, copyDefault=False, callback=self.update_parameters_launcher)
# FIXME TO CHANGE when seperation with the GUI
if self.wx_exists:
newId = wx.Window.NewControlId()
iMenu = self.MenuBar.FindMenu('Param files')
paramMenu = self.MenuBar.Menus[iMenu][0]
curName = 'Case '+str(i+1)
iItem = self.MenuBar.FindMenuItem('Param files', curName)
caseMenu = wx.Menu()
paramCaseFile = caseMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'launcher.param')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, newCase.show_launcherParam, paramCaseFile)
guiHydroCase = caseMenu.Append(wx.ID_ANY, 'GUI Hydro')
refDir = newCase.launcherParam.get_param("Calculs","Répertoire simulation de référence")
isOk, refDir = check_path(refDir, prefix=launcherDir, applyCWD=True)
if isOk<0:
print("ERROR : in path of launcherDir")
newCase.mydro = HydrologyModel(dir=refDir)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, newCase.show_mydro, guiHydroCase)
curCase = paramMenu.Append(newId, curName, caseMenu)
print("WARNING : this scenario was not implemented yet. This might induce an error!")
# iItem =
curCase = paramMenu.Replace(iItem)
refDir = newCase.launcherParam.get_param("Calculs","Répertoire simulation de référence")
isOk, refDir = check_path(refDir, prefix=launcherDir, applyCWD=True)
newCase.mydro = HydrologyModel(dir=refDir)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, newCase.show_launcherParam, curCase)
newCase.idMenuItem = newId
def make_nd_array(self, c_pointer, shape, dtype=np.float64, order='C', own_data=True,readonly=False):
arr_size = np.prod(shape[:]) * np.dtype(dtype).itemsize
buf_from_mem = ct.pythonapi.PyMemoryView_FromMemory
buf_from_mem.restype = ct.py_object
buf_from_mem.argtypes = (ct.c_void_p, ct.c_int, ct.c_int)
if readonly:
buffer = buf_from_mem(c_pointer, arr_size, 0x100)
buffer = buf_from_mem(c_pointer, arr_size, 0x200)
arr = np.ndarray(tuple(shape[:]), dtype, buffer, order=order,)
if own_data and not arr.flags.owndata:
return arr.copy()
return arr